The Terracian December 2007

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December 2007
10 Immersion, 2007 On the Nymboida River Names on p10

MR CHAPMAN PRESENTS THE HOUSE SHIELD James Howden and Scott McDermott accept the Shield

The House Competition Winners, 2007


At the end of 1990 the last Brother Headmaster Br Magee, announced that from the following year the College would consist of six Houses, named for noted Brothers of the past and two great Terrace families. Few would doubt the wisdom of the move and subsequent Principals have enhanced the whole system.

There are many House Competitions, but the winning House for 2007 was Mahoney House and the Shield was presented by Mr Chapman to the Year 12 Captains for 2008 at the very last School Assembly.

The Terracian

Series III, Vol 14, No 4


ISSN 1320 - 2405

Published by St Joseph’s College, Gregory Terrace, BRISBANE, 4000.

Terrace Website:

Editors: Br Fergus Gagen, Mrs Hilary Mackie (College Registrar)

Phone: (07) 3214 5200


Printer: Clark & Mackay 07 3277 2855

Advertising: Contact Cameron Gibson on (07) 3214 5212

Circulation: 5300

College Principal’s Page

This final Terracian for 2007 comes with our best wishes for all in the Terrace community for an advent time of preparation leading to a Christmas and New Year which will renew us all with the sense of a future full of hope.

This year has been a remarkably busy one for students, staff, families and Old Boys and I would like to thank and congratulate these groups for their energetic commitment and support to the many and varied aspects of this vibrant community.

Dr Wayne Tinsey

This year has also been a significant time for the Christian Brothers who have entrusted their mission in education – inherited from Edmund Rice – to a new body, Edmund Rice Education Australia (EREA). The College Board is an expression of the desire of the Board of Edmund Rice Australia to implement the principles of collaboration, subsidiarity and shared responsibility in the policy making of the College.

The general aim of the College Board is to promote the welfare of the College through the implementation of principles and Gospel values of Catholic education and in particular, through the fostering of the Edmund Rice tradition, especially Edmund’s concern for the poor and marginalised.

The Board’s deliberations and decisionmaking ensure the College’s mission and strategic plans are aligned with the Charter and the directions of Edmund Rice Education Australia. The Board makes recommendations on these matters to the Board of Edmund Rice Education Australia through the Executive Director, Dr Wayne Tinsey.

The College Board acts to ensure that St Joseph’s College Gregory Terrace builds on the legacy of the Christian Brothers and all those who have gone before to continue its proud educational traditions

and remain an authentic Catholic School in the Edmund Rice tradition. With the conclusion of the year almost upon us can I take the opportunity to thank the Board for their support of the College over the course of the year and in particular acknowledge the outstanding contribution of the Chair, Professor Alan Rix. Alan’s leadership, dedication and genuine interest in the College have been greatly appreciated by the community and indeed myself.

During the early part of Term Four, Damien Price – our Dean of Mission – informed the community that he will rejoin the Christian Brothers after a period of leave. Damien communicated to me that he will return to the Congregation and resign from the College at the end of this school year. Br Price will complete his doctoral studies before re-engaging in full time ministry in the new Province of Oceania. Damien has firmly established his position here at the College as an integral role in leading, developing and supporting our campus ministry, services programs, retreats, liturgies and immersion experiences. His weekly column in the newsletter which is read far and wide will indeed be missed. The initiatives Damien has implemented have made a real impact in preserving and enhancing the values which are such an integral part of our faith community. He has brought to life the heart values of the Charter for staff, parents and students and we thank him most sincerely for his dedication and commitment. I do wish to take this opportunity to offer Damien our best wishes and to assure him of our continued prayers at this time.

With the conclusion of the year can I again thank the community for their wonderful support across the myriad of activities that made 2007 the year that it was.

With best wishes,


Among the students below are: Tom Sandilands (8W),Harry Antoniak (9R), Jeremy Lim (9W), Martin Koleczko (10R), Daniel Manathunga (10R), Zac Barclay (9W), James Rogers (10T), Elliott Joseph (10R), Matija Skrbis (10W), Nick Kent (11W), Andrew Tellam (9W)

2 The Terracian - December 2007

The College Board


This photo was taken in the College grounds in November 2007.



A Christian Brothers/Gregory Terrace Family

Jim O’Rourke was a true-blue Christian Brothers College boy from Townsville. His own blood brother opted in 1929 to join the Christian Brothers in Strathfield. Soon he was teaching at Wollongong, but was tragically killed in a car accident at Katoomba in 1932.

Jim had joined the police force and later in Brisbane four of the sons he and his wife Gloria had attended Terrace. He was one of those fathers who worked so hard to build up Tennyson and in his later years did sterling work in the Archives. He would have loved to have been at Gloria’s side recently when a grandson was married in the College Chapel at Terrace

Scholarship Fund Announced

Gregory Terrace Foundation Chairman, Mr Paul Tynan, announced recently the receipt of a bequest from the estate of Mrs Edna Lonergan to establish a scholarship fund in memory of her late husband, Dr Frank Lonergan.

Mrs Lonergan’s niece, Diana Erceg, said of Dr Lonergan after his passing in 2004, ‘Dr Frank Lonergan attended Gregory Terrace in 1939-1940, following his father, Francis James Lonergan, who was at Terrace in 1897. He commenced his medical studies at the University of Queensland in 1950 as a mature-age student.

‘In 1956, he married Edna Erceg, a nursing sister from the Royal Brisbane Hospital and in 1963 travelled to London to commence specialist studies at the Royal College of Surgeons. He returned to Brisbane in 1964 where he commenced his private practice as an anaesthetist on Wickham Terrace and continued until his retirement in 1993.’

Farewell - and thanks so much!


Pictured with the College Principal and the College Dean:


Mr Tynan said he was most grateful to Mrs Lonergan for her testimonial gift to the Foundation which is being held in trust and invested, to provide scholarships in perpetuity from the fund.

In keeping with the tradition of Edmund Rice, the Foundation recently approved the inaugural grant to fund the part tuition fees for a boy entering Year 8 in 2008.

In submitting the request to the Foundation, College Principal, Mr Peter Chapman, said that in his view the payment of full fees would place an unreasonable financial burden on the student’s family.

College Registar, Mrs Hilary Mackie, said that the boy’s mother was overjoyed when informed of the news and was extremely thankful for this wonderful gesture to enable her son to receive a Terrace education. Mrs Mackie said, “ I am sure Mrs Lonergan would have been very pleased to see what a difference she has made for this family with her gift and just a few lines in her Will establishing this scholarship fund in her husband’s memory.”

The Terracian - December 2007 3
MRS EDNA LONERGAN with her niece Diana Erceg Photo 1: THE BRIDAL COUPLE IN THE CHAPEL Tim O’Rourke (12R), Matthew O’Rourke and Kathryn Thorn. Photo 2: Trevor and Mary, Matthew their son and Gloria the grandmother Photo 3: Trevor, Kathryn and Matthew, and Mary From across the photo: Mr Chris Campbell (14 years), Head of Faculty, Language Arts; Mrs Alison Price-Stone (9 years), Head of Faculty of Creative Arts; Mrs Yvonne Carr (16 years), Director of Music; Br Damien Price (6 years), Dean of Mission; Mr Earle Denning (26 years), many positions over the years; Mr Ray Celegato (20 years), Dean of Waterford Place; Br John O’Leary (12 years), Learning Support teacher FRONT ROW: Mr Peter Camphlin, Mr Barry O’Callaghan, Mr Peter Chapman (Principal), Professor Alan Rix (Chair), Mr Mark O’Shea Mrs Marie Allen, Mrs Jo LeMass, Mrs Helen Mahoney, Mr Peter Flynn
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Marty Sanderson, Mr Gerard Keating, Mr Rick Sivyer, Mr Paul Tynan

Father-Son Holidays at Stradbroke!

On the last weekend of the September holidays, more than forty-four Year 5 fathers and their sons gathered on Stradbroke Island. The weekend was very well organised and catered for by Mr Michael Power and Mr Bill Hinz.

The boys had a great time swimming, fishing, surfing and sand-boarding.

At the same time a number of Year 8 and Year 9 families gathered in the same park.

A great time was had by all considering Australia was playing England in the World Cup. You can imagine what was being watched on evening television!

Inter-School Year 5 Readers’ Cup at Nudgee Junior

Year 5 students and their studies in Art in 2007


A scene to delight the heart of all those “experts” who insist on Dads spending prime time with their sons. (But the Rugby score was not so delightful)

GT Year 5 Debaters

4 The Terracian - December 2007
Checking the Rugby Score
WHAT MEMBERS ON THE STAGE Benedict Gattas (M), Geordie McGrath (M), Declan Sela (B), James O’Sullivan (M). Also Oliver Wightman (R). The team came second in the competition. FROM THE SANDHILL TOP Declan Cawley (M), Luke Penberthy (R), Henry Reinhardt (K), William Conry (T) DADS KEEP AN EYE ON THINGS Oliver Wightman (5R), Mr Doug Hackett, Mr Andrei Wightman, Henry Hampson (5M), Fergus O’Donnell (5K), Mr George Galis, Mr Matthew Smethurst (sitting at rear), Mr Michael Power (straw hat) enjoy life. TEAMS ON THE NUDGEE JUNIOR HALL STAGE AT INDOOROOPILLY Five teams across the stage: Gregory Terrace, Nudgee Junior College, St Laurence’s College, Holy Family School, Indooroopilly and St Joseph’s School, Bardon ART GALLERY MAZE LEFT: Declan See K, Max Lawes B, Stephen Hamilton W, Henry Reinhardt K, Chris Runge W PARENTS COME AND SEE! (Top Right) From left: Mrs Julie Holt (Parent), Joseph Holt M, Mrs Deanna Power, George Galis B, Fergus O’Donnell K, Miss Kitty Munro (Staff), Chris Runge W, Max Van Ristell B, Timothy Soong W, Mrs Perri Parnell RIGHT: Charlie Hinz R, Geordie McGrath T, Oscar Price B Matthew Swan (7K), Mr Wayne Swan, and Sam Holt (7M) after meeting some of the students Matthew Swan and his Dad

Year 10 Immersion in Aitape, Papua New Guinea

and students of the Primary School visited. Students: Back - Nick, Charlie, Tom H, Tom M. Front - Tim, Alex and Angus. Others are audience.

Husband and wife prepare the trap.

Notice the tank and the galvanised iron roof. These are highly prized, but not available to many yet. There are not many “mod cons” in the West Sepik Province.

Year 5 enjoying their Art!

The Terrace students wait for the connecting plane to take them to Wewak. After a night there they would return to Port Moresby and then safely back to Brisbane - and memories!

Waterford Place Presentation

2007 saw the first year of operation of Waterford Place - an educational experiment. It is the “home” of the Year 10 cohort of St Joseph’s College, Gregory Terrace.

It was felt that Year 10 students needed more intellectual “challenge” before they entered into Year 11 and then the crucial decisions of post-Senior life. It seems that some parents are satisfied with what is happening at Waterford Place. They presented the Waterford Vasepictured at left with the inscription:

Presented in appreciation from the parents and students of Waterford Place.

Inaugural Class of Year 10. 2007.

The Terracian - December 2007 5
From left across the room: Isaac Betteridge T, Kieran Pang K, George Galis M, Stephen Pozzi K, Andrew McWhinney M, Conor Varnham M, Max Wobeke R, James Wilson W, Timothy Soong W, Thomas Lyons R, Dion Lao B, Miss Kitty Munro (Staff), Campbell Carsley K, William Olsen W, Joseph La Spina K, Joseph Connelly M, Patrick Farrelly B. Photo 1: LEAVING BRISBANE AIRPORT From left across: Mr Anthony Hayward (Staff), Mrs Annie Connolly (Staff), Alex Johnson (W), Tom Humphreys (W), Tim Power (M), Tom Martin (W), Angus Whitton (M), Charlie Donne (M), Nick Craven (T) Photo 2: EVERYONE’S DREAM OF PNG! A family walking along the river bank to work in the garden. The river leads to the Sissano Lagoon - hit by the tsunami some years ago in July 1998. Photo 3: TYPICAL HOUSES IN WEST SEPIK AREA Photo 4: BOATING ON SISSANO LAGOON Students enjoy the calm: From left - Charlie, Angus, Tim, Tom M, Nick, Alex, Tom H. The tsunami came from an undersea earthquake. Photo 5: BOYS ON THE TRACK LEARNING SKILLS Four boys met by the students on a village path - on the hunt for food for the pot! It is part of their learning process. Photo 6: NUPTUAL MASS - PNG STYLE Organising the signing of the Register: Australian Sister, the married couple, the catechist and the parish priest. Photo 7: STUDENTS AT A CULTURAL DAY This was put on by staff Photo 8: SEPIK FISH BASKET Photo 9: AIRPORT WAITING ROOM - PNG STYLE
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HEAD Mr Jim Egoroff, Mrs Therese Kotzas, Mr Hugh Lunn

Over the Top with Jim - again!

It was a great day for the Year Eight students when they were able to meet the Author Hugh Lunn and the “Jim” of the well-known book, “Over the Top with Jim”.

They also found that the two are Old Boys from the same time: Hugh Lunn was 1955-59 and Jim Egoroff was 1955-58.


From left: Christian Arnold R, Mr Tony Egoroff (nephew), Mr Jim Egoroff, Jacob Arnold M, Mr Hugh Lunn, Tom Beazley M, Michael Hobson M

TLG President

We are asked to pray for the repose of the soul of Mrs Cecily Neville, founding President of the Terrace Ladies Guild in 1967. “It was founded in the second term of 1967 with Mesdames C. Neville and B. O’Connell accepting the Presidency and Vice-Presidency. It contained among its ten members mothers of boys from each section of the school and set out to involve as many Terrace mothers and their friends as possible in functions held in aid of projects associated with the College.” This was said in his Annual Report by the Headmaster at the time, the recently deceased (Br) Neal McBrien.

Mrs Neville was the mother of John (GT ‘56), Gerard (GT ‘70) and Richard (GT ‘72) and grandmother of Thomas Toro (GT ‘01), John Toro (GT ‘03) and Michael Neville (8R).

We loved them in life, let us not forget them in death........

Francis William Blanchard (GT 1927-30) on WW2 Honour Board. Born 1918.

Anthony Denis Francis Clancy (GT 1948-50). Born 1935.

John Frederick Dunsdon (GT 1956-59) father of Mark (GT 1994). Born 1942.

Thomas John Edgecombe (GT 1936-37) on WW2 Honour Board. Born 1922.

Mostyn David Morgan (GT 1938) on WW2 Honour Board. Born 1922.

Peter John Murphy (GT 1954-57) father of Patrick (GT ‘86), Damian (GT ‘88) and Kieran (GT ‘90). Born 1939.

Desmond John O’Brien (GT 1953-54) grandfather to Daniel Wharton (9W) and Jack Davies (6W). Born 1938.

Ian Brian O’Connor (GT 1963-64). Born 1947

Timothy Gerard O’Neill (GT 1978-85) killed in a boating accident. Born 1967.

Desmond John O’Regan (GT 1939-42) on WW2 Honour Board. Born 1927.

Michael Joseph O’Shea (GT 1951-52). Born 1937.

James Christopher Paterson (GT 1951-54) brother of Robert (GT ‘57). Born 1936.

David J. Ruthenberg (GT 1967-69). Born 1955.

Michael Paul Sweeney (GT 1944-52) brother of Peter (GT ‘47) and Damien (GT ‘52). Born 1933.

Anthony (Tony) Francis Tomkins (GT 1960-61). Died unexpectedly aged 63.

Dr Peter Joseph White (GT 1959-67) brother of John (GT 1956-64) and brother of Francis (Br David, GT 1957-65). Died suddenly aged 56.

1982 Class - 2007 Reunion Photos


A great get-together at the Bunker Bar at the Story Bridge Hotel in October. The Convenor was Peter Bakker and a great time was had speaking of some of the events of the past quarter of a century! One great talking point was the first ever GT win in the First VIII Championship Race.

It was a day that no one who was there will ever forget - such excitement after waiting so long for that one win!

6 The Terracian - December
Photo 1: Guy Andrew, Pat O’Keefe, Anand Shah (obs), Chris Henry, Peter Bakker, Mark Frawley, John Tyquin Photo 2: Chris Henry, David Arnold, Simon O’Kane, Peter Bakker Photo 3: Mark Ponniah, Dom Jeffers, Damian Trad Photo 4: Andrew Tunney, Mark Frawley, Mark Taylor Photo 5: Dan Johnson, Fr Jim O’Donoghue, Colm Cahill Photo 6: Michael Pollard, Liam Kelly (School Captain 1982) Stephen Partridge Photo 7: Adam Rolfe, Mark Frawley, Jon Leutenegger, John Lincoln. (THAT First VIII, 1982)
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Photo 8: Leofric Hampson, David Sparksman, Pat O’Keefe, David Thomsen, Jon O’Brien

Celebration of Excellence Evening, 2007

Noel Covill, Russell Muir, Nick Gill,Chris Loth, John Hinch, Michael MacDermott, Michael Stewart, Damien Cuddihy, Bill McCulloch, Janette Lightbody, Anthony O’Shea, Luke Gribble. Huby Vink, Luke Robba


Helping Others

Dux and Proxime Accesit

He receives the Laurence Healy Memorial Prize, the Blessed Edmund Rice Award for Dux of the College. The MC is Mr Fullagar and at the rear are Mr Chapman, Professor Rix, Mr Denning and Mrs Carr. Congratulations!


Luke Penberthy R, Declan Sela B, Lachlan Ho W, Campbell Carsley K, Angus Tennant R


Andrew Quinn, Thomas Pyke, Ben Zammit


Rory Manathunga (12R, Geography), Mrs Denise Schellbach, Zachary Cooper (10T, U15 Tennis)


Sam Holt M, Stephen Powell T, Thomas McGann R


This is one of the highlights of the night for so many Senior parents in the audience. A rousing conclusion in full volume to their years of study and work as a family at Terrace.

The Terracian - December 2007 7
Photo 1: STAFF AT THE NATIONAL ANTHEM Across from left: Rod Patch, Mary Cassidy, Joshua Fisher, Peter Whitehouse, Tim Harrington, Adam Read, Ray Celegato, Steven Hohn, Julie Quinn, Margaret Dowling, Peter Fullagar, Gabby Bradford, Kirsten Allingham, Mathew Fairley, Mr Peter Chapman Jake Schmidt (9M), Oliver Collins (9K), Oliver Creagh (9T) Nicholas Gattas, Proxime Accessit Maximilian Stephens, 2007 College Dux Photo 2: STAFF AT THE NATIONAL ANTHEM Across from left: Kirsten Allingham, Mathew Fairley, Mr Peter Chapman, Mason Hellyer, Luke Harvey, Damien Price, Eva Banathy, Patrick Howell, Michael Conley, Brownyn Hine, Therese Kotzas, Ken Hainstock, Barbara Broom,
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Vicki Sargent - Terrace teacher, mentor and friend, 1983-2007

Br Damien Price, who says on these occasions what many of us would like to say, wrote in the “Terrace News” : In the Chapel on Monday, parents and staff, Year 5s and fluffy chinned Year 9s, ‘schoolies weight’ Seniors and idealistic Year 7s all sat quietly and wrote messages of admiration, gratitude and love for Vicki. I was struck with how heart intelligent many of our young men are.....

Vicki truly ‘touched’ lives. Our boys KNEW - not so much with the head - but with the heart - that Vicki loved them and was proud of them. Heart speaks to heart and our boys were proud of and loved Vicki; for them she was the consummate teacher and she - these last few days - taught a “master class”. As they watched her harangue boys lining up for photos with the wrong uniform, as they noted her colour matching outfit and bald-head-covering beanie, as they saw her painfully yet with determination make it to her Year 5 or her Year 12 Art Class, as they listened to her proudly announce yet another cultural group at Assembly - they, each and every

one of them, took HER master class in courage......

Vicki’s death does not make sense and our ‘why’ has no answer. Thousands of Terrace men have grown in heart intelligence because of her; the heart intelligence of passion, of wonder and beauty, of loyalty and love - of courage and conviction that who she was and what she did gave her life meaning and was worth every bit of the struggle that has been her life these last years.

Br White who appointed Vicki in 1983 said recently that in thirty years he had interviewed hundreds of teachers for positions in a variety of schools, but he always remembered the young Vicki Sargent who impressed him with her ease and honesty and her obvious readiness to be involved and at the service of others. He was not surprised as she moved up the professional ladder, becoming Subject Coordinator and then Head of Faculty of Creative Arts and Co-ordinator of Art.

In 2001 she joined the College Leadership Team as Director of Culture - the first woman to reach such a position since Terrace was founded in 1875. I am sure Vicki was very pleased when Mrs Julie Quinn, Dean of Studies, joined the CLT in 2004!

Vicki in an Art

in 1995 with Adrian Diente and Daniel Agnew, both Year 10.

Mr Ray Celegato, Miss Vicki Sargent, Mr Mark Stower, Dr Brendan McManus, Mr Michael Broad,

Vicki’s passion for art led her to develop the Year 5 Mini Immersion based on the work of Brett Arkley. Here she is with the Year 5 Art class she loved to teach: Patrick Goldsworthy, Declan Cawley, Luke Penberthy, George Cox, Dominic

1983 1985 1990 2006 1988 1
Photo 1: The morning news of her death shocked the students; many prayed near this simple memorial in the Chapel of the Holy Family. The College extends its sympathy to Vicki’s mother, Mrs Bernadette Sargent and brothers Bruce (GT 74-80) and Neil (GT 66-73). Photo 2: Vicki and College Leadership Team, 2006 Photo 3: LEADERSHIP TEAM 2001 Mr Tim Young Photo 4: 1999 Head of Faculty of Creative Arts. Back Row: Julie Rocic, Timothy Stephens, Vicki, Sue Henry. Front Row: Huby Vink, Cath Buckley, Alison Price, Yvonne Carr, Mavis Rogers, Sandra Hines, Michael Dezuanni 3 Photo 5: AS WE REMEMBER HER class Photo 6: VICKI - BELOVED TEACHER Fraser, Jacob Fuller, Nick Duffy Photo 7: VICKI AND JULIE AT TENNYSON 2007
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Photo 8: A joyous Vicki is delighted in 2006 to show her support and enthusiasm for the rowers as she christens a boat named in her honour.

Terrace “Veterans” meet in College Hall

Photo 1: John Maguire (45), John Kneeshaw (45), Cec Hargraves (47), Brian Cole (47)

Photo 2: Joe McKenna (49), Ian Venables (49)

Photo 3: Denis Scanlan (45), Br Fergus (“Terracian”)

Photo 4: Jack Nally (40), Paul O’Shea (51), James O’Regan (41)

Photo 5: Paul Howard (President GTOBA, 81). Ted Howard (55), Robert Day (GTOBA 81)

Photo 6: Tim Moroney (55), Jim Russell (56), Br Brian Grenier (51)

Photo 7: John Campbell (54), John Harrington (54), Brian King (54), Brian McGrath (54)

Photo 8: Tom Aspinall (56), Gerry Murphy (54)

Photo 9: Noel Haysom (43), Tony White (Headmaster 82-89), Bill Leighton (52), Jack Cain (51)

Photo 10: Mr Peter Chapman (Principal), Adrian Ponting (52)

Photo 11: Bill Sheehan (47), Br Paul Hannigan (Teacher 40s), Brian Bourke (39), Paul Howard (President GTOBA)

Photo 12: Pat Casey (53), Br Vic Larkin (45)

Photo 13: Brian Egan (45), John Ritson (47), Br Brian Jeffers

Photo 14: John Stitt (49), Stan Ryan (50)

Photo 15: Cedric Hampson (50, Rhodes Scholar 1954), Paul Coghlan (50)

Photo 16: Jim Russell (56), Wilson Ryall (53), Michael Hethorn (52)

Photo 17: Paul Tynan (66, Chair Foundation), Michael Burke (51), John Harrison (52)

Photo 18: Peter Jones (42), Arthur Thomsen (34)

Photo 19: Brother Barry Buckley (52), Mr Peter Chapman (Principal)

Photo 20: Robert Massey (54)

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1977 Seniors return for 2007 30-year Reunion

On Saturday October 13 2007 the Class of ‘77 held their 30 year reunion. Over seventy attended the function held at College Hall which included former teachers, Br Barry Buckley the Headmaster in 1977, and Mr Peter Chapman the current College Principal.

This maintains the terrific turnout achieved in all previous reunions conducted by ‘77 class, and as usual the night did not disappoint. Besides the usual catching up and talk of old times a packed evening of entertainment kicked off with speeches and a rather unusual guest speaker. The (fictitious) Br. Edmund Ignatius Arborio, complete with strap, stormed into the Hall and gave the assembled men a good dressing down. Several uncharitable comparisons were made between the boys of 1977 and the men of 2007. Bulging waist lines, hair loss, smoking, alcohol consumption and non-attendance at Mass were high on the agenda. Several unfortunate men were singled out for particular attention. It was noted however that Br. Arborio, resplendent in his full length black habit, did bear a striking resemblance to a member of the class of 77 who shall remain nameless.

The entertainment kept coming with rare movie footage of the First XV Rugby win over BSHS to clinch the first GPS Football Premiership win for Terrace in 48 years.


Very back row: Peter Harris, Brad Usasz, Julian Leighton, Vince Crisci, Bill Hetherington, John Abbot, Paul Scanlan, Tony Parker, Tony Beer, Michael McCluskey, Brendan Ryan, Bill Kelly, David Toohey, Damian Smith , Mark Cornwell, Michael Meehan

2nd row: Mark Vilgan, David Manteit, John Power, David Kelly, John Marchesi, Brian McKillop, Andrew Oakes, Ian Halligan

3rd row: Matthew Dodson, Tony Kimmins, Grant Forward (partially obscured), Drew Douglas, Peter Webb (former teacher), John Forde, John Quinlan (former teacher), John Fludder, 4th row: Brett Grimley, Ken Long, David Pincus, Brian Sheahan, Craig Parker, Clinton Kempnich, John Greig

5th row: Mark Henley, Jim Galis, Tim Connolly, Luke Fitz-Walter, John McCrossin, Dave Williams, Richard Hogan, Paul Carr, Tony Baker, Brian Hickey, Matthew Mackle (former teacher)

6th row: Peter Chapman (College Principal), Chris Gooch, David Hillman, Barry Quinn, John Rynne, Rob Mrozowski, Bernard Campbell, Quentin Doyle, Mark McBain, John Lamb (former teacher),

Front row: Br Barry Buckley (former Headmaster), Tim Brain, James McNamara, Paul O’Leary, Damian Scholz, Damian Gordon, Andrew See, Mark Reardon, Peter O’Halloran, Ray O’Brien, Phil Langley, Tony Rush

The historic footage was met with applause and cheers as the moment was relived by all present. To see again on film the kicks, the tries, the final score board plus the enormous sea of supporters and spectators was a treat. It was a great day for all who witnessed it and has since been seen as the start of the ‘Golden Age’ of Terrace Rugby.

This was followed by a priceless slide show of photos taken by our resident class photographer, Peter O’Halloran. Peter, who is now a professional photographer, took hundreds of photographs of school life back in 1977. These un-staged and sometimes very candid shots represent a unique time capsule of ‘us’ in 1977. They reveal so much more than the standard issue class or sporting team photo that the audience was glued to the screen and more often than not howling with laughter.

The school song was sung, the war cry was yelled and a group photo was taken. The evening was deemed a great success and ended with a bus (for those with staying power), to the Fox Hotel to watch the Rugby World Cup.

David Toohey (GT Class of 1977)

Names for picture on front cover (From left)

Dermot O’Brien (R)

Mr Matt Fairley (Staff)

Will McGahan (B)

Tom Morahan (K)

Max Clarke (K)

Sam Deery (B))

Ben Splatt (M)

Daniel Cooper (R)

Robbie Nohreiter (T)

Alex Tynan (R)

Dominic Bashford (M)

Dan Rush (Staff)

Scott Venderwolf (R)

Jacob Shields (K)

Tysen Richardson (K)

Thomas O’Halloran (W)

Michael Horrocks (W)

Dominic Howe (R)

Sam Elliott (K)

Tim Chapman (Staff)

David Lewis (B)

Gerard Carroll (T)

Lewis Chambers (W)

Nicholas Rider (M)

a a Board Chair
Capital Markets

Back: Pat Taylor (52-53), Peter Chapman (Principal 2004-), Mark Shaw (96-00), Andrew Maggs (73-77), Peter Phelan (48-54), Paul Flanagan (49-55), Tony Self (70-77), Brendan McManus (56-64, Principal 93-03), Adrian Cervetto (52-55),David Beatty (59-63), Tom Sweeney (44-46)

Middle: Geneva and Joe Lutvey (71-78), Colin Earner (74-81), Valerie and Tom Walpole (53-58), Kerry (50-58) and Liz McManus Front: Debbie and Michael Plastow (68-74), Paul Howard (74-82, President GTOBA), Br Paul Hannigan (teacher GT 44-49), Fr Patrick O’Sullivan SJ (38-43) [Fred Fair Photos]

GTOBA Melbourne Tenth Reunion, 2007

The tenth Melbourne dinner was the first to have afternoon tea; first to be attended by wives; first to have an Old Boy priest present; last on the forty-first floor of the Rialto Tower. Jim Gannon (1944–47), John Barrett (1971–72), and Pat Taylor (1952–53) joined Peter Chapman, Principal, Paul Howard, (74 –81), GTOBA President, and Brendan McManus (1956–64) for afternoon tea at “Time Out”, Federation Square.

Paul Flanagan (1949–55) swapped nametags for subscriptions, and Andrew Maggs (1973–77), master of ceremonies, kept things rolling along with firmness and humour. Br Paul Hannigan, (teacher 1944–49) said Grace. We should be grateful for the opportunity to renew old friendships and make new ones, whilst remembering those less fortunate.

Mark Shaw (1996–00) proposed the toast to the College, and welcomed the opportunity to mix with such a broad range of Old Boys. He noted the broadening outlook of current students and enjoyed his time as a Chaminade exchange student (1999). Now he helps select his successors, and is surprised at how confident and mature they are.

Peter Chapman, Principal since 2004, paid tribute to Brendan McManus’s contribution to the development of Terrace and himself. He spoke this year of the aims of the College. As well as the traditional 3 R’s and sport,

The Windsor College Pool

emphasis is given to the world around us – the environment, the needy, the arts, and other cultures. Students travel to Asia, the US, and the streets of Brisbane.

Paul Howard (1974–81), current GTOBA President, mentioned two new functions. Saint Joseph’s Day lunch (19 March) at the Irish Club, open to all Terrace alumni, attracted over 300 people. Morning tea for Vintage Terracians, who attended prior to 1957, will be held at the College each year in November. The annual dinner, mentoring programme, Chaminade exchange and sport days keep the Committee busy. Paul and primary school friend Colin Earner (1974–81) were delighted to catch up in Melbourne. Paul’s two sons attend the College and he assured us it is in good hands.

Brendan Mc Manus (1956–64, Principal 1993–03) was delighted to be back at the Melbourne dinner. He has spent a third of his life in one place – Terrace, and believes it is going from strength to strength. It is important to promote the College culture through parents, staff and old boys.

Fr Patrick O’Sullivan SJ (1938–43), has close links to the Buchanan Medal and Federal politics. He also welcomed the opportunity to meet fellow old boys, especially his longtime friend Peter Phelan (1948–54). It was unfortunate that Owen Potter (1938–42) could not attend. His grandson is attending Fr. Patrick’s seminary.

This photo was taken in 1933 and shows the pool in its

The photo was first put in the Terracian in June 1998. Those named then were Pat McCarthy, Gerry Windsor, John Reid, Bob Tait, Bryan Howard, Jack Waters , John Tunney and Grantley Lake. It is believed that the Brother is Br O’Donoghue. He spent many years at both Terrace and Nudgee - and taught the Editor’s father at Nudgee in 1919 where he was known as “Sproggy” and at Terrace he very quickly was given the same nickname.


From left: Andrew Maggs (MC), Colin Earner, Paul Howard (President GTOBA), Tony Self OLD BOYS AT THE MELBOURNE CLUB

From left: Fr Patrick O’Sullivan, Adrian Cervetto, Tom Sweeney, Dr Brendan McManus

Peter Phelan (1948 – 54) proposed the vote of thanks to our visitors: Fr Patrick O’Sullivan, Br Paul Hannigan, Liz McManus, Valerie Walpole, Debbie Plastow, Geneva Lutvey, Peter Chapman, Paul Howard and Brendan McManus. He welcomed them, thanked them for attending and mentioned how important they are to our dinner, and the College.

Raffle prizes were donated by Merv Kiley (1969–75) (travel bag and sports bag), and Mark Manteit (1969–75) (family pass to Philip Island penguins, koalas and other native animals). Neither could attend the dinner, but their generosity resulted in a donation of $205 (from 23 people) to Eddie’s Van at Terrace. Several times a week, parents, staff and students take the van into Brisbane streets and distribute food and support to the needy.

Tom Sweeney (1944–46), former Wallaby, was delighted to see the ladies present after years of lobbying, and led the gathering with traditional gusto in a stirring rendition of the school song,”Terrace to the Fore”.

Michael Plastow (1968–74) was delighted to renew contact with the College after 34 years and offered to give some reflections in 2008. Andrew Maggs closed the proceedings, wishing everyone a safe trip home and a prosperous year ahead.

Pat Taylor, Convenor

The Terracian - December 2007 11
THE POOL BESIDE THE BROTHERS’ HOUSE heyday. THE SAME VIEW IN 1999 The floor of the Holy Family Chapel takes shape. The fence shown in the photo (below) would have been against the steps moving up towards the gate in Gregory Terrace. The Pool is now part of the Tunnel under Gregory Terrace.

Experience of a Lifetime

Earlier this year Alexander Look (11M), Mme Thais Morgan-Pertus (Staff) and Patrick Forrest (11K), competed in a nation-wide French competition sponsored by the French Embassy in Canberra. The task was to create a French website for “La Coupe du Monde” (The World Cup) and to promote tourism in Marseille. After many hours of perseverance our hard work finally paid off and we were fortunate enough to win the national prize. This entailed the three of us travelling first to Canberra as a guest of the French Ambassador to celebrate Bastille Day and later to France for the Rugby World Cup.

Celebrating Bastille Day at the French Embassy was a memorable experience as we mingled with dignitaries and embraced some of the fine French culture and cuisine.

On September 21 we flew to Bordeaux where we stayed a week with our host families and enjoyed sightseeing in the Bordeaux region. We loved the local cuisine and the hospitality of the local people. The French were very welcoming and fussed over the Aussies in their midst. Practising our French was no problem with everyone willing to listen and to help us improve. It was certainly a great experience and we were even lucky enough to go to see Australia versus Canada and Ireland versus Argentina. After our time in Bordeaux we travelled to Paris for the remaining three days where we saw the magnificent landmarks like La Tour Eiffel, L’ Arc de Triomphe and Le Louvre.

As a result of this experience it was possible to see France through the eyes of


Only the best seats for Guests!


At one of the best-known sites in Paris.

the French people and speak our school French in the ‘real world’. We are truly grateful for this wonderful opportunity.

Alex and myself would like to say a special thank you to Mme Morgan-Pertus and Mr Chapman for their support and encouragement throughout the competition and for ensuring that we were safe at all times during our travels.

Patrick Forrest

Year Eleven Semi-Formal

Photo 1: Mr Mobbs and Mrs Quinn see how well the night goes. Photo 2: STAFF MEMBERS ENJOY THE EVENING Kirsten Allingham, Amanda Donohue, Anthony O’Shea Photo 3: Nicholas O’Brien and his partner have a nice evening Photo 4: Across from left: Joseph Burke B, Matthew Samuels W, Daniel Knoblanche M, Stephen Power K, Victor Li R Photo 5: Across from left: James Hynes K, Matthew Samuels W, Thomas Malloy B, Damien Mickenbecker B, Andrew Hauser B, James Larkin B, Victor Li R, Peter Roh M, Paul Roh M, Max Blake W Photo 6: Across from left: Matthew Hishon T, Alex Creswick T, James Dean B, Michael Tynan B, Peter Faust B, Joshua McDonald B, Loughlin O’Brien K, Thomas O’Connor M, James Cornish
1 2 3 4 6 5
B, Peter Roh M, Brad Nohreiter T, Kei Miyata K, Max Claxton R, Nicholas Buchanan R, Andrew Splatt M, James Howden M, Thomas Noye B, Mark Legh K.

Future Problem SolvingPerth Finals


Two teams were invited to compete in the Australian finals in Perth. One of these, the Senior Team won fourth place in the Australian Finals.

Michael O’Keeffe (11K), Luke Moloney (11R), Aaron Previte (11M), James Larkin (11B)

Mrs Carolyn Waters (Staff) and Mrs Tracey McIvor (Staff) accompanied the students on their visit to Perth.


Hamish Lonergan (8T), Ben Moloney (8R), Mrs Carolyn Waters (Staff), Damian Maher (8R), Danny Debattista (8W)

Mrs Waters is the Coordinator of the Gifted and Talented Program at Terrace. This year Terrace entered seven teams in the competition Macquarie Bank Future Problem Solving Booklet. Of these, four reached the semi-finals in Queensland - an excellent effort considering the standard of competition.

Meet Team Zero: “We Have Come a Long Way” with Computer Games. From left: Don

History of Computer Games

This competition is annual and the theme for 2007 was “We have come a long way”. The Terrace group considered the theme in terms of the history of computer games. The students competed in a large field and finally won the Senior Division for Years 10 to 12 students. The website the students created is a credit to their research and presentation skills. Now it has become a valuable curriculum research for all Terrace students as well. Good work!

Interested students and parents can find their winning entry at <http://www.terrace. Qcomp/>

Good work, gentlemen!!

A Terrace Tradition: Passing on Ben White’s School Tie


The College Captain for 2007, Andrew Quinn hands over to 2008 Captain’ Aaron Previte the display glass case holding Ben White’s College Tie and icons of the House flags. The College Captains have a great deal to do with the handing on of worthwhile traditions. Ben White was College Captain in 1992 and was awarded the Rhodes Scholarship for 1998. He visited the College in 1998 and gave an inspirational address at an Assembly in his honour. (The Editor regards himself as fortunate to have been there.)

BEN WHITE’S ADDRESS, 1998 fact, this time six years ago, I was standing where I am now - addressing a Terrace assembly on my first day as School Captain. I remember taking from my pocket and holding aloft this (a school tie) - the Red and the Black. I remember how I felt then - the pride that I felt in my school and that I am feeling now....

Inspirational people are around you here now. They are your mates, the people

beside you, in front of you, behind you. These are the people that make this school what it is: inspirational.

That is Terrace: the Red and the Black. That is why our school has produced so many Rhodes Scholars. That is why it is likely that at least one of you, right here, right now, in this room with us, will become yet another Rhodes Scholar who has worn the Red and Black


Daniel Cooney

Dawson (12K), Michael Beaver (12K). This team, “Team Tumbleweeds”, won every round they participated in and eventually won the Grand Final in The Roundhouse, La Boite Theatre.

Theatresport Competition
Your Ad Could Be Here and seen by 5000 Terrace families! For information on advertising in The Terracian contact Cameron Gibson (07) 3214 5210 or Email: Your Ad Could Be Here and seen by 5000 Terrace families! For information on advertising in The Terracian contact Cameron Gibson (07) 3214 5210 or Email:
Vu (12T), Chris Ashworth (12R), Ben Hutchins (12R)
Grand Final Winners
The Terracian - December 2007 13
(12M), Morgan O’Brien (12R), Nicholas Allen-Ducat (10M), Xavier Goffinet (12R), Rory

The 1987 First VIII rows again!

2007 marked the 20th anniversary of the Seniors of 1987 and that year’s First VIII.

After hearing of the row that the 1986 crew (First VIII Premiers) had, we thought it would be a great thing for us to do as well. Several emails later and the seemingly impossible task of tracking everyone down and getting a time and place had been achieved. It was a well anticipated event as some of us had not seen each other in those 20 years. Certain questions sprang to mind. Would we still be able to row? Would we have lost our extreme physical condition that we worked so hard to achieve all those years ago. Would we sink the boat?

Upon arriving at the Tennyson Boatshed speculation was put to rest as we spent

New “Terrow” Boats


The mini-fleet of eleven new boats for Terrow was blessed by Br Damien Price at a recent Assembly. One of the new boats was “Waterford” and it was christened very appropriately by the first Dean of Waterford,


Mr Glenn Brown, the Property Manager, is one of those of whom Mr Fullagar says, “Behind the scenes of such occasions as the Celebration of Excellence Evening is the work of the support staff. Their contribution to making the event such a success was invaluable and without their efforts such a night would have been impossible.” Our sincere thanks to them all - symbolised by Mr Glenn Brown.


a good hour or so reminiscing about the great time we had rowing at Terrace. A short walk through the shed had us in awe of the amazing equipment and facilities that the boys now had at their disposal. One was heard to comment that we might have won if we had had one these boats to row in. It was then pointed out that it wouldn’t have made all that much difference as everyone has the same equipment! It was time to hit the water. The BM Buckley 2 was put in the water and we pushed off. Our coxswain, Dom Walsh, couldn’t make it up from Sydney so Michael Howard (6 Seat 1986 First VIII) managed to squeeze himself in and we rowed out around the creek to Indooroopilly reach. Surprisingly, we still had a great degree of skill and managed several race pace pieces (well it was as fast as we could go anyway). Sitting out on the water reminded us of what a great privilege it was to be able to participate in such a unique sport that very few are given.

Catching our breath opposite Oxley sailing club we decided that the bridge was way too far and headed back with Howie again calling more pieces and stopping for a few starts to finish off with. Fortunately, some foresight in planning had a few refreshments waiting upon our return and whilst going for a row together had been the program for the afternoon, catching up with our crewmates and reminiscing on the times of rowing at Terrace proved then to a be real highlight. Rowing at Terrace in 1987 was a lot different from what it is today but the bonds forged through teamwork and camaraderie 20 years ago are still evident today. We hope to be able catch up again soon.

Thanks to Howie for filling in for Dom and also to Rory Donohue (2nd VIII 1987) who filled in for Michael Carroll (4 seat) who was unable to make it.

Thanks to Damian Wright for giving us a boat to row in and making it possible.

Gary Lynagh.

Rugby Coaches 2008

Following a strategic Review of the Rugby Program, Terrace Rugby is embarking on a new era which will build on its “Brave & Game” tradition.

For 2008 & beyond, we are seeking a range of qualified, experienced and enthusiastic coaches to deliver strong skill development using the best thinking and practices available in rugby coaching.

For more information, please contact Tyron Mandrusiak on (07) 3214 5274 or Email: au

Cricket Coaches 2008

Terrace Cricketers for the upcoming GPS and CIC seasons require enthusiastic and dedicated coaches to assist them improve and enjoy their cricket.

If you are interested in coaching, managing, scoring or umpiring for a team, please contact Mr Blair Copelin.

The cricket season will commence the first week back at school in 2008 so your involvement is essential.

Blair Copelin, Director of Cricket


Mobile: 0412 392 008

Phone: 3214 5200

Level 3 549 Queen Street Brisbane 4000 Tel (07) 3839 9733 Fax (07) 3832 1407
Photo above: Jeremy Walsh, Anthony Cox, Stefan Szycharski, Rory O’Donoghue, Anthony Steinfort, Keith Williams, Gary Lynagh, Anthony Fanning and Michael Howard. Rory sat in for the absent Michael Carroll (No. 4) and Michael Howard (cox) for Dom Walsh. Photo courtesy Gary Lynagh Keith Williams, Anthony Fanning, Gary Lynagh, Anthony Steinfort, Rory O’Donoghue, Stefan Szycharski, Jeremy Walsh (obs), Anthony Cox Mr Ray Celegato.


Tom Placanica (12B), Elliott Stitt (10B), Nick Stitt (12B), Chris Braithwaite (11K), Callum Cairns (11T), James Carr (12W) (WITH THE HISTORIC “T. WELSBY CUP”)

GPS Gymnastics 2007

This was a great occasion which saw the Terrace Division 1 team take out the Division 1 championship in a very close competition. The Division 3 team came third with the Division 2 team coming fourth and so Terrace came third overall.

Gregory Terrace Golf Day, 2007

GPS Basketball First V, 2007


The day was organised by the GTOBA (Michael Wilson) at the Indooroopilly Golf Club and was enjoyed by the many participants.

The photo above shows a group of competitors: Marie Dunsworth, Margie Kilmartin, Julie Lowe, Cathy Legh ORGANISING LUNCHEON

Helping to prepare the refreshments were:

Mrs Cheryl-Ann Wilson, Mr Peter Fullagar (College Dean)

Congratulations to the Senior Gymnasts

Nicholas Stitt (12B, Captain), James Carr (12W), Christopher Braithwaite (11K), Elliott Stitt (10B), Callum Cairns (11T) and Tom Placanica (12B) who won the T. Welsby Cup. It was an outstanding effort.

GPS Track & Field 2007

GPS Tennis Championship, 2007




7 BSHS 289.5 points

8 TGS 287 points

9 TSS 235.5 points

Congratulations to Ipswich Grammar School on their regaining the Goodwin Cup.

The Terrace Cardinals, 2007


Once again the Cardinals have helped Terrace by creating opportunities from non-traditional sources for Terrace funding for educational purposes. Some active members for 2007 are in the photo: Tyron Mandrusiak (Staff), Michael Sexton, Peter Dawson, Peter Hickson, Peter Fullagar (College Dean), Brian Sheahan, Gary Stickley, Ms Cecelia McNamara, Mrs Pauline O’Brien, Mrs Elizabeth Bell.

Others not available at the time: Steve Williams, Bill LeMass, Pat Creagh, Richard Johns, Mrs Judy McGuire (Staff)

Total of All GPS Games Date Versus First V Scores Win Draw Loss 11 August BBC 47-39 Win 12 2 2 18 August BYE 25 August IGS 34-38 Loss 15 - 4 1 September TSS 31-42 Loss 12 - 5 8 September BSHS 38-62 Loss 8 - 9 15 September TGS 54-35 Win 13 - 1 13 October BGS 70-49 Win 12 1 5 20 October ACGS 33-24 Win 13 - 3 27 October NC 56-34 Win 13 1 4
Total of All GPS Games Date Versus First IV Scores Win Draw Loss 11 August BBC 1/6/82 v 7/14/106 Loss 4 - 16 18 August BYE 25 August IGS Washed out 1 September TSS 6/12/111 v 2/8/100 Win 14 - 6 8 September BSHS 6/13/102 v 2/6/70 Win 13 - 4 15 September TGS 3/7/80 v 5/12/100 Loss 12 - 8 13 October BGS 1/2/56 v 7/14/100 Loss 1 - 16 20 October ACGS 5/10/77 v 3/7/67 Win 12 1 7 27 October NC 4/8/64 v 4/6/77 Loss 17 - 3
2006 1 IGS 515 points (Winner of the “Sir John Goodwin Cup”) 2 Nudgee College 413.5 points
ACGS 386 points
BBC 374 points
Final Points
GT 359.5 points
BGS 303
Div 1 Div 2 Div 3 Overall Points BBC 162 165 214 540.35 17 BGS 158 167 211 535.95 16 GT 130 129 215 473.35 14 TSS 119 135 205 459.55 10
The Terracian - December 2007 15

College Patron


Entering the College through the Victoria St entrance, from the foyer you descend to the Campbell Centre. Beside the steps is this cameo of St Joseph, presented by the 1954 Seniors at their twenty-fifth Reunion.

Why St Joseph? Many believe that Br Barrett, whose patron was St Joseph and who was the founding Headmaster, might have had a lot to do with it! Thanks to the 1954 Seniors, too!

1988 Reunion

Date: Saturday, May 17, 2008

Place: College Hall

Contact: Ryan O’Hanlon

Phone: 08 8981 8905

Mob: 0400 260 207


Terracians at the Track and Field Day

Photo 1: SUPPORTERS Tom Scanlan (11T), Victor Li (11R), Conrad Hine (12T), Alex Brinkworth (11R), Kurt Sorensen (11T), Xavier Chadwick (12K), Lachlan Steel (11T), Tom Ziukelis (11M), Tom Cavanagh, Alex Nyst (12W), Luke Moloney (11R), Scott McDermott (11M), Robert Stewart (12K), Ben Russell (11B), Tom Blaszczyk (12R), Kristian Smith (11M), Fraser Morrison (12K)

Photo 2: SPECTATORS Stephen Chapman (12W), Andrew Tam (12M), Rory Manathunga (12R), Jack Coghlan (12B), Jack Landsberg (12R)

Basketball in 2007


From left: Damien Moulton (12K), Matt HamiltonSmith (Coaching staff), Brian Funder (12R, with ball), Jonathan Williams (12T) and Harry Briggs (12R).

Final score: 56-34


Photo Left: The scene from the viewing position behind the western goal. Final score: 70-49

Photo Background: A good view of the “Terradome” spectators against Grammar.

Photo Below: A FLUDDER JUMP SHOT Brian Fludder (12K shoots,) Tom Pyke (12K, waits)

Photo 3: Luke Fitzgerald (8W), Chris Humphreys (Staff), Cliff Mallett, Joe Occhino (Staff), Callum Grady (8W) Photo 4: Patrick Gallagher (8T), Chris Humphreys (Staff) Photo 5: Damien Coman (Staff), Josh Henry-Hicks (12T), Patrick Schmidt (11M) Photo 6: COMPETITORS Adam Smith (12W), David Lewis (10B), Adam Frkovic (8T), Patrick Schmidt (11M)
1 2 3 4 5 6

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