Compton Dundon Newslettr November 2015

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Parish Newsletter

Compton Dundon and Littleton November 2015


The Cider Makers of Compton Dundon The Dundon Co-operative’s annual cider pressing day, on Sunday 18th October, was a great success, with 147 gallons of apple juice being prepared, ready to turn into cider. Kathy and Andrew Chiffers, once again, hosted the event at Lollover Mile House.


The Herald

See in the New Year locally at The Castlebrook Inn! You are all invited to our New Year’s Eve Black and Gold Party! Free Buffet & local DJ. All welcome, including families and children. From 7.00 p.m. We will be producing tickets, which are FREE to our local community. Please pop in and see us for more information and to collect your free ticket. Bookings are still being taken for Christmas meals from 1st-24th December and for New Years Day… £19.99 for 3 courses! See Nicki or Wes for more information and to pick up a menu. To submit news items or information for the December newsletter, please contact, or phone 01458 272135 or drop details into Pippins, Hayes Lane, Compton Dundon TA116PB. The deadline for the December newsletter is Thursday 22nd November. There is no January newsletter, so please send your January entries in

October 2015 Winners 1st #28 Mary Badman (WI) £15.00 2nd #1 Tina Napper £10.00 3rd #27 Angela Warren £ 5.00

Village Lunches

The village lunches are at 12.30 p.m. on the final Wednesday of each month. To book a meal, please contact either: Ally Dore 445463 ( or Pauline Atkins 272485 Please note the two following ‘Village Lunch’ dates :

25th November & 16th December


Compton Dundon Cricket Club News The Cricket Club dinner was held at the Wessex Hotel with a very amusing talk on the History of the Club from Pat and Julian Holland. Cups were presented by our shirt sponsors, Wes and Nicki, from the Castlebrook Inn. Batting - Adam Shields (including 146 not out) Bowling - Ed Farrow 6's - Adam Shields

This Month’s Neighbourly Request:

We are fortunate to have recycling centres nearby, in both Street and Somerton. If you do need to have a garden bonfire, please be respectful to your neighbours and check whether they have washing outside drying, or windows and/or doors open. Street Recyling Centre BA16 9PB Open Mon 8 a.m. -7 p.m. Tues, Wed & Sat 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday 8 a.m.—1 p.m. Closed on Thursday and Friday Somerton Recycling Centre TA11 6SB Open Mon 8 a.m. -7 p.m. Thursday, Friday & Sat 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday 8 a.m.—1 p.m. Closed on Tuesday and Wednesday


Compton Dundon & Littleton WI Notes Trish welcomed members and several guests. Janet gave notes from the annual group meeting Compton Dundon has been awarded the bursary of £150 which may be used at the discretion of the committee. In the competition for a Cider Related Item, a barrel stop and tap, provided by Sheila Taylor won first prize. The correspondence included a thank you letter from Kath Franks for flowers received during her recent illness, we hope to see her back with us very soon. Adele sent a resignation letter as, due to personal reasons, she is unable to remain a member. An invitation received from Shapwick W I for their forthcoming 90th birthday party on October 23 was greeted with pleasure and sadness as this is Shapwick's swansong due to their imminent closure, never a good thing to hear. Final names were taken for the visit to Bucklers Mead WI on Tuesday November 10. Donations please for the craft stall at the Big Breakfast November 21, names taken for the Christmas meal at the Castlebrook Inn Wednesday December 2. Three courses £20 two courses £18 and money should be brought to the November meeting, neatly placed in an envelope and carefully labelled with member's name. We took a team to play skittles in the Cup round at the George at Croscombe, opponents Buckland Dinham WI. We really struggled, due to holidays and illness etc, to muster a team and thanks go to two gallant members, Frances and Sandra, who have scarcely played skittles at all but came along and although we lost by 24 pins, it was an enjoyable evening - sociable and followed by a ploughman's supper. Our next match is against Puriton W I on Friday October 23 at the Ring of Bells Ashcott at 7.45 p.m. when we will see if we can do a little better. Scrabble and Ladies who Lunch were arranged, names were taken for those members wishing to take part in the Polden Hills Group ‘Aspects of Christmas Concert.’ Our contribution will be organised by Anthea Bell & Sally Walker. Guest Speaker: Judith Derbyshire, our speaker certainly gave us a lot to think about with her explanatory talk on things one really should do before slipping off this mortal coil. We need to appoint a Power of Attorney, Make a Will and understand the intricacies of Probate. The most important of these is to make a Will, simplifying matters for those left to deal with the estate of the deceased. It is also a very good idea, to leave a list of funeral preferences as this saves much arguing and heartache in the long run. On death, assets in a sole name are frozen and can only be released when probate is granted. Another worrying aspect is that the powers that be will demand any tax due to be paid immediately—no time to sell property to raise much needed funds.


There is, however, no tax to be paid between husband and wife, the day of reckoning comes when the surviving spouse dies. It is even more important for cohabiting couples to make a will as a surviving partner has no claim on the deceased's estate, no matter how long the relationship has been in existence. Judith gave guide lines as to the amount of money on which death duties will be payable. There are several ways to ease the tax burden, including giving away assets during one's lifetime, as long as you live for seven years after bestowing the gift. Estimating whether or not one will be affected by Inheritance Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax, it is easy to forget just how much house values have increased in our lifetimes. Divorce and remarriage throw further spanners into the works and legal advice is recommended. Summing up, Judith said the No 1 priority is to make a will, and it is best to keep this simple and most importantly, fair to all beneficiaries, be careful with the appointment of executors. Keep all paperwork very well organised and make sure your family or friends know exactly where important documents are kept. Mary Burt thanked Judith for her extremely well executed and helpful talk. Judith judged the Flower of the Month competition which was won by Mary Burt with a dahlia The competition for Something Inherited was won by Joan Carbin with a beautiful cup, saucer & tea plate, part of a tea service which was her mother's wedding present. Janet Davies took second place and Wendy Edwards third. With our cup of tea we were offered a surprise slice of cake, thanks to Pat & Royston Maddaford (48 years) and Mary & Harvey Burt (56 years) who are celebrating many years of married bliss. Well done! The Annual General Meeting will not be held next month as this has been moved to May of next year in accordance with new rules. The speaker will be Jennifer Matthew speaking on De-Cluttering - Real People and the competition is for a recycled object.

Trish Cox would like to thank the many people who came to her recent coffee morning. More than ÂŁ300 was raised for Macmillan Cancer Relief. This newsletter and past issues may be found on the village website: For the latest community news and information, follow Compton Dundon on Facebook:


Village Show Photography Competition 2016

The categories for next year’s competition are:  Nature  Portraits  Compton Dundon  Landscapes and  Close Up For children under 16 , the categories are:  Nature  My Family Village Show Art & Handicraft Competitions 2016 Art will include a 3 dimensional category, together with the usual watercolour, oil or acrylic, and the pen or pencil sections. Handicrafts will include a knitted or crochet item, embroidery or cross stitch or tapestry item, a Christmas, Easter or birthday gift, handmade jewellery, a homemade garment, other craft item and a ‘You made it, we want to see it category.’

The Gardening Club The next meeting of the gardening club is on Monday 2nd November with Chris Smith from Pennard Plants speaking on heritage vegetables. Chris runs the walled garden in East Pennard which specialises, among other things, in Agapanthus and heritage vegetables. The club paid a visit to his nursery, which is not open to the public, about 5 years ago. He is an entertaining, down to earth and very knowledgeable speaker. Hopefully he will bring some unusual vegetable seeds to sell. October’s crime alerts include an attempt to steal a van in King Ina Road in Somerton and a suspicious cold caller in Compton Dundon.


Meadway Hall Solar Panels

Visitors to the village hall will have noticed that the proposed solar panels have already been installed on the roof. The good news is that they were installed in record time and so the committee has secured an excellent feed-in tariff. Reports from the hall committee suggest that significant savings are being made already. Robert Knight and the committee did a wonderful job in researching, getting quotes for, ordering and installing these panels so quickly, beating the deadline for the first reduction in the feed-in tariff. Adrian Smith, from Littleton, wrote to the committee, to praise the wise decision in investing in renewable energy. He wrote that, “Even in days when energy is costly, it is not common to find enlightened people who will commit to long-term green energy sources�.

A Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) Nearly two years ago it was proposed that we build a MUGA in the village hall grounds. We have now managed to gather nearly ÂŁ10,000 towards this project and the Parish Council has agreed to pay for a planning application and to manage & maintain a completed MUGA. South Somerset District Council has offered advice and the planners foresee no problems.

The next stage is to gain the grants necessary to install the MUGA.


Tennis Cricket Basketball 5-a-side Football

Compton Dundon Golf Society - October Meeting 2015 The October meeting of the Compton Dundon Golf Society saw 12 of us walking the parklands of Orchardleigh, near Frome, with several of us getting some intimate knowledge about the local trees and the odd deer. The sun shone brightly and the wide fairways were appreciated by the more wayward of us. The top score of the day was by Nina Dillamore, whose round was hampered by a damaged toe and a broken-down golf buggy. Top team was Dave Wisnieski, Jim Searle and Ian Dillamore. The nearest the pin was surprisingly won by Jim Searle (again). It was suggested that next year we don't tell him which hole we are aiming for! The Society is having a break until next March, after this first trial year, and we intend to continue next year. All standards of golfers are welcome to join us. No handicap needed - we create our own to even up the odds. The emphasis is hitting a few balls around a course whilst meeting with villagers you don't otherwise see, and having a good time and nice meals afterwards. If you are interested in coming along, contact Dave Wisnieski 01458 270982 or email or Ian Dillamore for more information.


Compton residents, Ally & Simon Dore, have a vested interest in the results of the BBC programme, ‘Gareth Malone’s The Naked Choir’. Their nephew, Joe Belham, is a member of the a cappella group, Birmingham based, ‘The Sons of Pitches’. On Saturday 26th September in excess of 80 people descended upon Compton Dundon from as far away as Scotland, Yorkshire and London to attend an event entitled ‘Can Wireless Technology Affect Our Health and Fertility? The Inconvenient Reality’. The venue of the Meadway Hall was excellent. helped by the caring attitude from the hall team, the lovely catering from the local WI and glorious sunshine. Organised by Peter Gane supporter of the charity Electro-Sensitivity UK, and Jo Stallard from Foresight Preconception, attendees included medical Doctors and complimentary therapists eager to learn more of the health impact of new technologies from the excellent speakers. Barrie Trower retired military microwave warfare expert started the day, followed by Somerset GP Dr Andrew Tresidder and Brian Stein CBE, retired CEO of a major food manufacturer who is himself electro-sensitive. All speakers agreed that whilst countries around the world are beginning to react positively to the knowledge and latest scientific breakthroughs, sadly the UK authorities appear to be in denial, particularly placing our children and future generations at risk of harm. France, for example, has passed legislation banning Wi-Fi in nurseries, whilst Italy and Israel are now actively encouraging a reduction in electro-smog. The day concluded that the UK needs to wake up and be at the forefront of the development of safer systems and devices, after all, where there is a will there is a way. A DVD of this event, which is already sought from as far away as New Zealand, will be available shortly. Those interested in a copy, or further information, please contact Peter Gane on 01935 423002.


The Parish Council Clerk: Stanislaw Berkieta FCSI, Castlebrook House, Compton Dundon, Somerton, TA11 6PR. Tel 01458 448921 Email Website:

Parish Council Members

Cllr Greg Jones (Chairman) Cllr Hugh Thomas (Vice Chair) Cllr Diane Churches Cllr Tiffany Kearton Cllr Stephen King Cllr Vicki N. Olivier Cllr Geoffrey Walker

272531 274427 442078 440031 274926 441930 446487

Call to action - Broadband The Parish Council organised a very informative presentation by Matt Barrow of Connecting Devon and Somerset about the current and future state of broadband provision in the Parish. The main issue being the provision in Compton to the Street (44) numbers. As this area has not been upgraded by the "commercial" roll out, it will be considered for Phase 2 of the programme. This will be decided in about 6 months time. To keep up the pressure we all need to write (email) our MP and County Councillor - who have influence over these matters. David Warburton MP Cllr Dean Ruddle FixMyStreet Use this site to report, view or discuss local problems such as pot holes, graffiti, fly tipping.


Superfast Broadband Peak Lane, from Decoy Lane to the B3151, will be closed until early in November as a broadband cabinet is being installed. Whilst the cabinet will be in place in the near future, there is no guarantee when superfast broadband will be available to many Dundon residents. It is likely that this will be in place at some point between January and April 2016. Once superfast broadband is live, then it will be necessary for residents to ensure that their internet service provider (ISP) has set them up for superfast broadband. This is unlikely to give you further expense.

District Council Planning Determinations 1. 15/004642/REM: Compton Randle, Castlebrook, Compton Dundon TA116PR Approval of reserved matters following outline application 14/04863/ OUT for the erection of a dwelling. Pending consideration. 2. 15/04443/FUL: Old Tavern, Castlebrook, Compton Dundon TA116PP Extension to existing annex, with internal alterations. Removal of existing rear conservatory to main house. Replaced with timber framed rear lobby linking with existing rear tiled roof. Installation of full height timber fitted cupboard to be formed around existing door and window openings. Pending consideration. 3. 15/03900/FUL: Land at Decoy Farm, Peak Lane, Compton Dundon. TA116NZ Demolition of two agricultural buildings and conversion of remaining buildings to form five dwellings with associated access, turning, parking and gardens. Pending consideration. 4. 15/03888/OUT: Land East of 9 Ham Lane, Compton Dundon. TA116PQ Erection of a pair of semi detached dwellings and formation of associated accesses. Alteration to existing access to number 9 Ham Lane. Pending consideration.

Road Safety In the October meeting, the Parish Councillors discussed the Stock Elm situation and the problem of speeding cars leaving Compton Dundon and speeding until the limit changes at Gerald Doble’s premises on the B3151. The 50 mph speed limit has led to a number of accidents and a request is being made to A Quality Parish Council: Compton Dundon Parish Council is one of only ten councils in Somerset (out of a possible 200) that has achieved the Quality Council Standard. In order to achieve this, the council was judged on its commitment to open government, for its review of processes and for ensuring that the clerk was given full training.


The Herald Newsletter of St Andrew’s Church Compton Dundon Priest in Charge: The Reverend Sharon Walker; Tel: 01458 442297 or However, any enquiries with regard to Baptisms, Weddings or Funerals should be directed to the Administrator, Barry Sutton on 272811;

Church Officers Church Wardens: Martyn Steer 273455 & Helen Thomas 274427 PCC Secretary: Pat King 274926 Treasurer: Margaret Sutton 272811

Services & Events 1st November—6th December 2015 All Sunday services start at 10.00 a.m. unless otherwise stated. Date



1st November

All Saints Day

Celebrating St Cecilia

Revd David Hatrey

2nd November

All Souls Day Monday


Revd Canon Grant Welch

8th November

10.30 a.m.

Remembrance Sunday

Remembrance Service

Revd Preb Stephen Lynas

15th November

2 before Advent

Holy Communion

Revd Brian Gillett

7.00 p.m.

21st November

Saturday—9.oo a.m. — Noon BIG BREAKFAST at Meadway Hall

22nd November

1 before Advent

Holy Communion

Revd Canon Toby Salisbury

29th November

St Andrew’s Day Advent Sunday

Patronal Service

Revd Sharon Walker & Revd David Hatrey

6th December

Second in Advent

Christmas Puddings Baptism of Dexter Dobbin

Revd David Hatrey


Services during November First Sunday of the Month: On Sunday 1st November, we shall be celebrating the patron saint of music, St Cecilia, with a joyful service in which some of the local musicians will be participating - a service suitable for all ages from nought to a hundred! There will be refreshments afterwards and St Andrew’s looks forward to welcoming you all. Remembrance Sunday: This year’s Service of Remembrance will take place on Sunday 8th November. The service will begin at 10.30 a.m. so that we can observe the Two Minute Silence with the Last Post and Reveille. Requiem: A quiet and peaceful service held on All Souls’ Day, Monday 2nd November, at 7.00p.m. to remember our loved ones and friends who have died over the years. 29th November 10.00 a.m. Patronal Service: This service will celebrate not only the First Sunday in Advent but also St Andrew’s Day and will be jointly led by The Revd Sharon Walker & The Revd David Hatrey. Christmas Pudding Service: 6th December Bring the family to help stir up the Christmas Pudding mix and order your puddings for Christmas at this service led by The Revd David Hatrey. Julian Group at St Andrew’s Two years ago Trish Cox and I joined The Revd Grant Welch and one or two other people in church for 'Julian Prayer Group'. We had no idea what to expect but this has now become an essential part of our lives, bringing an oasis of peace, quiet and stillness into the busy world of today. We meet for about 30 minutes. Although we are together we are entirely alone with our thoughts in the stillness of the church. After a short Bible reading we are guided into 10-15 minutes of relaxation, meditation and silence which ends with the Grace, after which in our own time we leave in silence. This may not be for everyone but if you think it may be for you do come along whenever you can. We plan to be in church every Wednesday at 5 p.m. beginning 4th November. Space dictates brevity but I shall be very happy to speak to anyone in confidence. Pauline Atkins (272485 or



THE BIG BREAKFAST The ever-popular Big Breakfast will take place on Saturday the 21st November, from 9 a.m. until 12 noon, so why not come along and enjoy a delicious breakfast and do some of your Christmas shopping at the same time. There will be stalls offering a range of Christmas gifts, including cribs, decorations, paper and cards as well as cakes & preserves. The Revd Sharon Walker in St Andrew’s 5th, 12th, 19th & 26th November, 11-12 noon Sharon, our Vicar, will be in St Andrew’s on a Thursday morning whenever possible from now on. The November dates are given above. All villagers are welcome to join her in prayer. If you can only spare five or ten minutes, do please still come along. In particular, Sharon will be asking God for guidance in growing his Church here in Compton Dundon as well as throughout the benefice, diocese and nation. This will also be an opportunity for parishioners just to pop into the church and have a chat with Sharon if they so wish. MARY’S MEALS A big thank you to all those who gave so generously to the Harvest Thanksgiving collection for Mary's Meals, a charity which ensures schoolchildren in deprived countries get one good meal a day. We raised £400 to send to them.

Westend Pottery At the pottery studio in Littleton ( the old nursery ) David and Anne produce a range of functional stoneware pottery and also accept commissions. They are college trained and have worked in several potteries as production throwers before moving to Somerset to establish their own pottery. Their opening times are Monday, Thursday and Friday 9.00 a.m. until 5.00 p.m.


Back in October Julia Black, CEO of Explorium, attended the Virgin Disruptors event in London which was exploring the question, “Does our current educational model meet the grade?’ It was a full day of interesting discussion and debate, kick started by Richard Branson, and focusing on the changes that need to happen to ensure young people move successfully through education to employment. Building on the success of their first round of collaborations with local schools, Explorium is hosting an Education Changemakers event in November, and asking Head Teachers of these first six collaborating schools to invite other innovative thinkers within the senior management teams of other schools. Attendance is by invitation only so if anyone who works in, or has close connections with a local state school that they feel might be interested in attending this event, please do get in touch with or call 01458 274050 to request an invite.

Dundon Cider Co-operative Taste and Take Away Evening Monday 14th December 7.00 - 10.00 p.m. We made nearly 150 gallons of cider at our recent apple pressing day and some should be ready to drink for Christmas. Everyone who has been involved in the Co-operative, or would like to be, please join us at Kathy and Andrew’s, Lollover Mile House, to taste and take some away. Bring your own container!

Wells Cathedral School present the school edition of ‘Les Misérables’, at the Strode Theatre, in December. Steve King, a Compton Dundon resident, is involved in the production - backstage. He says that it is looking to be a great show. Wednesday 2nd—Friday 4th December at 7.30 p.m. Tickets £15.00 Concessions £13.00 Children £10.00 Saturday 5th December Gala Performance at 7.30 p.m. Tickets £20.00 Concessions £15.00 Children £10.00


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