Rochester Engineering Society Magazine March 2021

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March 2021

Retail Technology, 2021 MEP & HVAC Concepts Get Reimagined as E-Commerce Surges Bricks & Mortar Stores Become A "New Channel" as On-line Outlets Become the "Point of Purchase"

| 14

Also in this issue: Feature Article: The Development of Parcel 2: Site Location Driving Building Design

| 20

Campus Feature Article: Sometimes you Have to Sweat the "Small" Stuff: Phonon Transport Modeling Campus Feature Article: Harvesting Polarization for Optical Signal-Processing Applications

| 30

| 28

Retail Technology, 2021 MEP & HVAC Concepts Get Reimagined as E-Commerce Surges Bricks & Mortar Stores Become a "New Channel" as On-Line Outlets Become the "Point of Purchase"

The Rochester Engineer Published since 1922 by

ROCHESTER ENGINEERING SOCIETY, INC. Founded March 18, 1897 Volume 99, Number 9, MARCH 2021 (Electronic Copies Only) You can purchase individual printed copies directly from ISSUU.

2,500+ Monthly Circulation (11 issues electronically) ISSN 0035-7405

RES Mission Statement: The RES will become the lead organization for improving the image and influence of the engineering community in the greater Rochester area by: Demonstrating a comprehensive knowledge of the region’s engineering and technical capabilities; Providing the best clerical support and public relations assistance to our affiliates; Continually communicating the engineering and technical accomplishments to both the engineering and technical community and the public; Providing regular forums and networking opportunities for the exchange of ideas and discussion of issues; and, Providing programs that identify career opportunities to the region’s youth and develop the skills of the practicing engineer. News items and articles are invited. Materials should be submitted to the administrative director at the society’s office, 657 East Avenue, Rochester, New York 14607; Phone number (585) 254-2350, e-mail:

The web site for the RES is: The deadline is the 10th day of the month prior to the issue. Unless otherwise stated, opinions expressed in this publication are those of contributors, not of the Rochester Engineering Society, Inc. Advertising information may be obtained by contacting the office of the Rochester Engineering Society or going to the website at Published every month but July. You can purchase individual copies directly from ISSUU. Go to to join the Rochester Engineering Society. Click on the individual membership and you can submit your application on-line. Board of Directors:

OFFICERS: President GREG GDOWSKI, PhD University of Rochsester / First Vice President MICHELLE SOMMERMAN, PE Bergmann Associates / Second Vice President DENNIS ROOTE, PE CDE Engineering & Environment, PLLC / Treasurer ANDREW C. HIRSCH Retired / Past President JOSEPH DOMBROWSKI, PE Retired from M/E Engineering / EIGHT DIRECTORS: CORNELIUS (NEAL) ILLENBERG PE Rail Safety Consulting / RICHARD E. RICE Erdman Anthony / BRETT ELIASZ, PE Bergmann Associates / KENTON G. HINES Merrill Lynch / MIKE KURDZIEL, PhD (Director on Executive Committee) Harris Corporation / STEVEN W. DAY, PhD Rochester Institute of Technology / NANCY CRAWFORD Optimation Technology, Inc. / DANIEL WEAVER Optimation Technology, Inc. / Administrative Director LYNNE M. IRWIN Rochester Engineering Society / e-mail: or

(cover) 14-19


4 • RES History - June - September 1973 5 • Education at Dr. Walter Cooper Academy, during the Pandemic... 6-7 • RES Technical Corner by Brett Eliasz (written by Joshua Doores) 8 • 2020-21 Scholarship Recipients 9 • 2021 Virtual Engineering Symposium - Save the Dates!

10 • We continue to thank those who stayed commited to being a sponsor of the 118th RES Annual Gala which was cancelled because of COVID19 11 • 2022 Engineering Symposium in Rochester 12-13 • Get To The Point - Oh No, Not Another Meeting 14-19 • Retail Technology, 2021 (cover) 20 • The Development of Parcel 2: Site Location Driving Building Design (Feature) 22-24 • Professional Firms - Employee News 23, 25 • Campus News 26 • News From Professional Firms 26-27 • Position Openings 28 • Sometimes you have to Sweat the "Small" Stuff (campus feature) 30 • Harvesting Polarization for Optical Signal-Processing Applications (campus feature) 32 • Continuing Education Opportunities (PDHs) 32-33 • Engineers’ Calendar 47-48 • Directory of Professional Services 48 • Directory of Business Services 49 • Affiliated Societies and Corporate Members of the RES

news of the...

• ABCD Association for Bridge Construction and Design...............36-37 • ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers.....................................................46 • ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers............................................35 • ASPE American Society of Plumbing Engineers....................................45 • EA Electrical Association.......................................................................40 • IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers..................38-39


• IES Illuminating Engineering Society....................................................42 • INCOSE International Council on Systems Engineering..........................44 • MPES Monroe Professional Engineers Society......................................34 • RES Rochester Engineering Society..................................................2-10 • SWE Society of Women Engineers.........................................................41 • TERRA TERRA Science & Engineering Fair...............................................43


President’s Message Greg Gdowski, PhD University of Rochester RES President June 1, 2020 - May 31, 2022 Dear Fellow Engineers, You may have noticed that we have now started to create mini-stories from the articles within the main RES magazine. Both the magazine and mini-stories are easily shared on social media sites (Facebook, Linkedin, etc.). Last month I did a social media experiment with the RES Board of Directors and asked them to randomly share the stories and magazine on their social media accounts. While I expected our readership to rise, I was flabbergasted to see that the number of reads nearly doubled last month! If you are reading this message, please help us spread the word and share a story on your social media account. Our events and those of our affiliates bring enormous value to the community! Help us spread the word! This is an incredibly exciting month for the RES. We have released the names of 18 scholarship recipients (pg 8) managed by the Rochester Engineering Society, CHA, SWE, IEEE, MPES, and NYSATE. These awards recognize some the top young engineers, and prospective engineers within our community. Stay tuned as we release photos of the recipients in the next issue of the Rochester Engineer. We will also celebrate the recipients at the RES Annual meeting in May. I would like to thank the RES Scholarship Selection Committee for all of their help in identifying these remarkable recipients. In addition, the RES is developing a Virtual Engineering Symposium to provide up to 18 PDHs. The symposium will be carried out over six sessions including three in May (18-20) and three in June (8-10). You will be able to earn 3PDHs per day at each of these sessions. All of these sessions can be attended remotely, in the comfort of your office or home! Registration for the sessions will be open in March. Please check our website for registration information! res news - president’s message

There are a number of great articles in the Rochester Engineer this month! The cover story, Bricks and Mortar Retail: New Demands on Engineers and Designers by Tom Bailey and Sean Phelan (pg 14) provides a nice overview of how local retailers are fighting back to retain their customers in the backdrop of rising internet competition. This is placing new and greater challenges on the engineers that develop those spaces. Don’t miss this great article by the folks at Hunt-EAS. If you are also wondering who is behind a lot of the creative designs driving the resurgence of Downtown Rochester – check out the article on pg 20 by an engineering group at Bergmann. The latest renovation is the Parcel 2 Building at 260 East Broad Street, on the corner of South Clinton Avenue and East Broad Street. Check out this article! I completely agree, the completion of the Parcel 2 Building is a clearly a point of pride for all of those involved! Congratulations! Last but certainly not least are two fantastic Campus Feature Articles from RIT PhD students and their mentors (pg 28-30). Each of these articles will give you an overview of some of the work being done in phonon transport, and optical-signal processing. Greg Gdowski, PhD President, RES P.S. Don’t forget – the first person to email the page number of the 1920s artwork will receive a gift from the RES. This 1920s artwork is a cartoon depicting a meeting with outgoing RES President, Henry Howe Jr. and the incoming RES President, Harold Stewart. You may recall that Harold Stewart was my neighbor’s grandfather!


Rochester History Continuing with the historical sampling of the earlier writings on behalf of the Rochester Engineering Society, the years following "The Great War", into and through the “Great Depression”, continued to be a time of reaching out for the maturing Society, both locally and nationally. The meeting minutes describe a series of technical discussions and presentations intended to broaden the technical horizons of the membership (especially the CE's, ME's and EE's). The RES affiliated itself with a number of National technical societies, adopted local Affiliated Societies, frequently held joint meetings with them and continued taking action on a growing list of public matters. Certain issues of standardization, some crucial to public safety, became the responsibility of the RES and its affiliates. In the pervasive economic downturn of the “Great Depression”, the magazine offered classified advertising for unemployed engineers, technicians and draftsmen and took other steps to try to deal with the crisis. Still, it continued its effort to shape the function, focus and infrastructure of the City of Rochester, and beyond. World War, again affected the Society, taking away many of its leaders while providing opportunities for others to step forward to fill these vacancies. In an effort to provide even greater perspective on the happenings and concerns of the day, a synopsis, featuring selected items from "The Rochester Engineer" has become an integral part of this series. The Second World War and the Korean Conflict are now history, and the Vietnam War has recently become a focal point. These experiences have changed the face and, no doubt, the future of the community. The Rochester municipal leadership and the industrial community have become immersed in the cold-war, growth economy.

June 6, 1973 (Annual Meeting, Island Valley Golf Club, attendance – 41 members and their guests) Following a round of afternoon golf and an excellent dinner, Richard D. Boutros, Executive VP of Mixing Equipment Company, delivered an enlightening presentation, “Ancient Engineer and Art”. Born, raised and educated in Egypt, Dick’s personal background allowed him to weave Egyptian architecture, history and art into a detailed description of how Egypt’s history, art and culture have influenced its impact on the Near East. June 27, 1973 (Board Meeting, Chamber of Commerce) The Board approved the applications of four Regular Members and three Junior Members. A budget of $31,000 was approved, including a $3,000 deficit. Dr. Richard A. Kenyon introduced Dr. Paul Wojciechowski and Donald Bergmann, Co-Chairs of the RES Transportation Committee. He then announced that the Transportation Committee would be needing fund from the RES during the coming year. He was assured, by a consensus of those present that, when funding for a transportation study was required, the RES Board would provide it. Gordon Keenan of RG&E was introduced and, as the new chair of the Engineers' Week Committee, announced that fourteen RES Affiliated Societies had been represented at the first meeting of this committee. It was announced that Peter DiPasquale had accepted chairmanship of this committee, and that Richard E. Rice of Midtown Holdings had agreed to chair a committee to review a proposed new City of Rochester zoning ordinance, but that it does not expect to engage in any advocacy of specific provisions of this ordinance. “The Rochester Engineer” (June 1973) Hundreds of prospective future engineers attended “Science Seminar Days”, sponsored by the NY State Science Teachers Assn., at St. John Fisher College. The RES booth at this event was manned by Dr. Richard Kenyon, and others from local Rochester industry and academia. The RES display also included a slide presentation of “Operation RESOURCE”. This issue included an introductory article by James L. King, President of the Rochester Section of the American Society for Quality Control, the 30th RES Affiliate Society. The U of


A Sampling from the Archives of the Rochester Engineering Society...1897 - 1973 by Lee M. Loomis

R announced the establishment of a new course of study, Geomechanics. According to U of R Assoc. Prof. Alfred Clark, Chair of the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Sciences, “This course, leading to a bachelor of science degree, will emphasize a qualitative approach to the natural sciences, and it will be especially valuable to students who want training that will enable them to attack environmental problems.” August 8, 1973 (Board Meeting, University Club) The Board approved the applications of two new Regular Members. Dr. Richard A. Kenyon, Chair of the RES Transportation Study Task Force, reported that several meetings had been held, in preparation for a Transportation Symposium, in the Spring of 1974. This event would be comprised of 40 – 50 technical papers, presented over a fourday symposium program. It was reported that, in conversations with US Congressman Barber B. Conable, the RES had been encouraged to apply for a National Science Foundation Grant to study issues in the control of Great Lakes levels. RES Director, John Robertson, reported that RES Member Daniel Turner of General Railway Signal Corporation had agreed to chair the RES Membership Committee, and that a plan was under development to expand RES membership. John Robertson then reported that progress had been by the RES Public Information Committee in expanding presentations of the “Operation RESOURCE” report toward implementing recommendations for solid waste management in Rochester and Monroe County. Mr. James L. King, President of the Rochester Chapter of the American Society for Quality Control, introduced his group to the Board and expressed their pleasure at having become the 30th RES Affiliate Society. September 12, 1973 (Board Meeting, Chamber of Commerce)

The Board approved two applications for Regular Membership. A proposal by Elias Tonias of the Rochester Section of ASCE, that the RES endorse a proposed Monroe County ordinance regarding drainage was referred to the RES Civic Affairs Committee for study and a recommendation. Dr. Kenyon reported that the Transportation Task Force had begun its work and would be seeking financial support from outside sources. The RES luncheon Committee reported that there would be fourteen luncheons held at the Chamber of Commerce, during the 1973-74 year. It was reported that the RES Program Coordination Committee had received a request for assistance from the Society of Logistics Engineers (SLE); its membership had dropped recently to less than 30 members. The consensus of the Board was that, while they were sympathetic, it would be the responsibility of the SLE Chapter to develop and present specific points on which such assistance could be given. Subsequent articles in this series will describe the RES' continuing outreach to other technical societies as it considered its role in this and the larger community, along with more of the activities of the RES as it moved to be of greater service to its membership, especially those suffering from current economic crises, and adopted a greater role in shaping the future of the City and its environs. Noted also, will be the contributions made by RES members in the struggle to meet the challenges coming out of World War II and the Korean Conflict, as well as a hoped-for period of post-war growth and prosperity. These articles will also feature an impressive array of RES activities in support of post-war re-emergence of Rochester area industry, and the ensuing prosperity of the second-half of the 20th Century. We welcome your questions and comments on this series.

res news - history



RES News - Tutoring Team Education at Dr. Walter Cooper Academy, during the Pandemic… On February 8th, “hybrid learning” began at the RCSD’s pre-K-6 schools, including at our school. Approximately 50% of our students returned for in-person classes, two days a week (Monday & Tuesday), with remote learning on the other two days (Thursday & Friday). Remote learning continues to present challenges, but the faculty continues to problem solve with individual students and families, as they work to keep them connected.

RES Tutors Rob Gleason, James Koon & Lee Loomis were recently guided around the “new” school by Community Site Coordinator, Dr. Lia Festenstein

While the “No Visitors” policy at all Rochester City Schools continues to prevent the RES Tutoring Team from resuming its work at Dr. Walter Cooper Academy (RCSD School #10) (DWCA), we have been allowed to schedule tours of the newly-renovated facility. More tours will be offered, as time permits. (Contact Lee Loomis if you’re interested.) Dr. Walter Cooper Academy – Food Pantry A “Food Pantry” has been established at our School to help meet the needs of our students and their families. The School has created a “wish list” registry on Amazon: The list includes shelf-stable groceries, cleaning supplies and personal hygiene items, such as deodorant, feminine products, toothpaste and toothbrushes, toilet paper, etc. Or, if you would prefer, food donations can be delivered to the 353 Congress Ave. building (Post Avenue entrance), or by mailing a grocery gift card, in $25 denominations (no $$$ please) to “DWCA Food Bank” Attn: Camaron Clyburn, 353 Congress Ave., Rochester, NY 14619. Please call first @ (585) 324-2010 Dr. Walter Cooper Academy – Clothing Cupboard The DWCA Clothing Cupboard has been very successful. Much has been donated. Some clothing has already been distributed to families. Now that students have returned to in-person learning, additional needs are being brought to our attention. New (or gently-used) clothing, especially children’s winter garments, can be delivered to the school (Mon – Fri, 9:00AM – 2:00PM). Please call first @ (585) 324-2010. Meanwhile, if you have questions, please reach out to RES Past-President, Lee Loomis ( or (585) 738-3079 (mobile & text). res news - tutoring team


Technical Corner

(written by Joshua Doores this month)

For the article this month we will take a look at overhead conductors, why one would decide to go overhead, and what conductor / cable to select. First, lets discuss why one would decide to go overhead in the first place. Depending on your area of expertise and the industry that you are in, designing a feeder or branch to be overhead may not be something that you do very often. As things often are, the cost is a major deciding factor, and running cables overhead vs underground is no different. Running your conductors and/or cables underground can very often cost 5x or more than going overhead. There are many factors that contribute to underground installations being expensive, but definitely not least among them are material costs. For reference, see the photo below which compares an underground conductor to that of an overhead conductor. Another important factor, however, is reliability. Reliability can also be looked at as the cost of maintenance and the cost of a failure to the infrastructure and how easily it can be repaired. The battle between material cost and reliability often boils down to length of run. At a certain distance, the added cost of an underground feed is too much for the added benefit of reliability. AAC?, AAAC?, ACSR?, Trapezoidal or round?, insulated or not?, triplex? Quadplex? Messenger? What does it all mean?

Figure 1: Photo taken from online PDF, 'Xcel Energy', 'Overhead vs Underground', Information Fact Sheet

When selecting an overhead conductor, it’s important to consider the following: the weight of the conductor / cable, diameter of conductor/cable, strength of conductor / cable as it relates to maximum span, clearances required, and the environment the overhead line will be located.

The weight, diameter, and strength all relate in a very mathematical way to determine the forces experienced by the utility poles and wires themselves. These calculations, along with clearance requirements determine utility pole class, height, and span. The environment can add safety factors from ice and wind in the region. These safety factors increase the overall load of the overhead conductors on the poles, winds can cause an effect known as ‘galloping’, ice can cover the lines adding additional stress, and rain / sleet / snow / sun can lead to corrosion and loss of mechanical strength overtime. Click this link for video demonstrating the galloping effect. The National Electric Safety Code (NESC), Sections 25-27 is a great resource for understanding how to safely select utility poles and conductors for the environment. Aluminum is the common material used for overhead lines, granted every situation can call for a different product. ‘AAC’ stands for ‘All Aluminum Conductor’ and is considered to be the most economical solution for overhead distribution due to its low cost and high resistance to corrosion. However, its lower tensile strength does not make it suitable for large transmission or rural distribution. When it comes to shorter distribution, its hard to beat AAC. ‘ACSR’ stands for ‘Aluminum Conductor, Steel Reinforced’ and is considered the standard in most transmission lines. ACSR provides similar conductivity as AAC and similar cost, but with the mechanical strength of a steel core. ACSR can be selected with a wide range of steel content, ranging from 6% - 40%. The more steel the stronger the conductor and the longer it can be spanned across utility poles. The main downsides of ACSR is that its heavier than AAC and also susceptible to corrosion due to the steel component. ‘AAAC’ stands for ‘All Aluminum Alloy Conductor’ and this is one of the higher performing and costing overhead conductors available. AAAC is made from aluminum alloy 6201 which gives it good conductivity, good corrosion resistance, and good strength / weight ratio. And even though AAAC is more expensive than ACSR, trends continue to move in the direction of AAAC and in areas of higher corrosion, such as coastal areas, AAAC is the standard. ‘ACAR’ is another type of overhead conductor that stands for ‘Aluminum Conductor, Alloy 6 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER MARCH 2021

res - technical corner


Reinforced’, so this is very similar to ACSR, but instead of steel reinforcement, it’s aluminum alloy. This change does provide some improvement to the electrical and mechanical characteristics of this conductor, making it the more improved technology to ACSR. Another technology out there is trapezoidal stranded conductors, see figure 2. Trapezoidal strands, as you Figure 2: Photo taken from website can see, fill up the space left by the normal cylindrical strands. This configuration provides a resistance reduction of 15%-20% which gives quite a few benefits such as improved performance in high temperatures, greater conductor strength, and a higher current density for cylindrical conductors of same diameter. So depending on your specific application, trapezoidal stranding may be the right product for you. Why are some overhead conductors insulated and why are some non-insulated? Insulation is required on conductors as a means of protecting people from shock and also as a way of reducing the risk of line faults. Overhead conductors are often un-insulated because the risks of shock have been mitigated by placing the wires high in the air where people can’t touch them and also by separating them on the utility poles, which is why phases are run individually as opposed to wrapped around each other in a bundle. That would obviously create a line fault situation. Non-insulated conductors offer the benefit of reduced cost, reduced weight, and reduced diameter as insulation, of course, which adds weight and thickness to the line. As I mentioned above, the weight and diameter of your conductors can affect the utility pole class, size, and span.

Figure 3: Photo taken from cutsheet found on website

This brings us to the final type of overhead conductor that I’m going to discuss here, and they are actually overhead cables; they are duplex, triplex, and quadplex overhead cables. See photo to left of a triplex cable. These cables are used between the secondary of a utility transformer and the customers switchboard. In other words, this is the cable that connects your home / business / building to the utility grid. The duplex brings single phase power, 1-Hot & 1-Neutral, and a quadplex carries 3-ph power, 3-hots & 1-neutral. The triplex cable shown above is what the USA uses to connect residential homes to the utility grid; there are 2-hots & 1-neutral which provides 120V, 1ph as well as 240V, 1ph. The neutral is bare because it’s cheaper; and where possible and safe, bare conductors are preferred to insulated for all the reasons above; cost and added weight and diameter. But why is it safe?

NEC 2017 Section 230.22 states as an exception “The grounded conductor of a multiconductor cable shall be permitted to be bare”. Therefore, the fact that it is run overhead, normally away from people, and also directly grounded to earth is what allows it to be bare. Finally, it is important to note that service drop cables generally cannot support themselves across the span from transformer to building and so messenger wires are used to physically support the cable. Next time you get a chance to look at a residential or commercial overhead service, you should note that one wire is taught and connected directly to the utility pole and building while the cable is wrapped around that wire. The taught wire is the messenger and it’s very important for reducing the risk that the triplex cable snaps and creates a very hazardous situation. In some cases, the bare neutral can double as the messenger for the cable. But be sure to confirm your specific situation with the NEC and local and state codes prior to specifying the neutral as a messenger. Hopefully this article finds you well and can be used as a reference for your project needs. If anyone would like to contribute to the Rochester Engineer and add an article or would like to request information on a specific topic (not limited to electrical) just email me at As always, any comments Written by: Joshua Doores, RIT Alum, are appreciated…! Thank you for reading. EIT, Electrical Engineer working at Brett Eliasz, P.E., LEED AP BD+C , RES Director res - technical corner

Bergmann in downtown Rochester, NY


2020-21 Scholarship Recipients Photos Included Next Month

Rochester Engineering Society Awards The Scholarship Selection Committee consists of Michelle Sommerman PE (Chair), Wendy Smith, Diane Trentini, Donald Nims Jr., PE, Mike Walker, and Mark Schrader PE.

Joseph W. Campbell Memorial Scholarship Rochester Engineering Society

Robert Kovach Rochester Institute of Technology Science Tech. & Public Policy/Chemical Engineering

Susan L. Costa Memorial Scholarship Rochester Engineering Society Linh Hoang University of Rochester Biomedical Engineering

David Fergusson Memorial Scholarship Rochester Engineering Society Andrew Rozvora Rochester Institute of Technology Mechanical Engineering Technology

Keith Amish Memorial Scholarship Rochester Engineering Society

Monroe Professional Engineers Awards The Scholarship Selection Committee consists of Victor Genberg, P.E., Mark Butcher, P.E., Robert Marshall, P.E. , Joe Dombrowski, P.E. Andrew Straub P.E., and Bruce Wallmann, P.E.

Paul & Claire Raynor Scholarship Monroe Professional Engineers Society Keeler Thomas McQuaid Jesuit High School Major: Biomedical Engineering

Vastola Scholarship Monroe Professional Engineers Society Kennedy Knopf Canandaigua Academy Major: Biomedical Engineering

Tyler Williams Webster Thomas High School Major: Civil Engineering

The CHA, IEEE, and SWE Awards are screened through the RES selection committee.

Alstom Foundation Scholarship

Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Scholarship Giovanna Baris Rochester Institute of Technology Electrical Engineering w/Energy Option

Society of Women Engineers Scholarship Hillary Minh Le Rochester Institute of Technology Chemical Engineering


Frederick E. Bragg Scholarship NYS Association of Transportation Engineers

Robert I. Loftus Memorial Scholarship NYS Association of Transportation Engineers

Erdman Anthony Scholarship

Jay K. Lewis Rochester Institute of Technology Mechanical Engineering Technology

The Scholarship Selection Committee consists of Chris Reed (Chairperson), Brian Sherman, Vitaliy Vysochanskyy, and Phil Klingler.

Emily Spitzer

Bergmann Scholarship

Jack L. Worthington Rochester Institute of Technology Mechanical Engineering

Adam W. Lawas Memorial Scholarship (CHA) Rochester Engineering Society

The New York State Association of Transportation Engineers, Section 4 (Rochester)

Ryan Frazer Dansville High School Major: Agricultural Engineering

Katherine Jarvis Penfield High School Major: Mechanical Engineering

Optimation Technology Scholarship Dylan Tompkins Greece Arcadia High School Major: Software Engineering

Natalie O'Hern

Thomas C. Lehmkuhl Memorial Scholarship NYS Association of Transportation Engineers Leah Samson

Edward J. Ries Memorial Scholarship Sean Borkholder Canandaigua Academy Major: Electrical Engineering

American Council of Engineering Companies Scholarship Ellen Henry Pittsford Mendon High School Major: Environmental Engineering

res and affiliate scholarship recipients


Save the Dates for the





T H E D A T E S !

Dates and Times: Tuesday - Thursday, May 18, 19, 20 1:00 PM -5:00 PM Tuesday - Thursday, June 8, 9,10 1:00 PM -5:00 PM An Opportunity to Earn up to 18 PDHs:

3 PDHs per day in May and June

Can't spare 18 hours? Register for 6, 12 or 18 PDHs

Registration opens in March 2021

Check the RES website ( in March for registration information.

res - 2021 virtual engineering symposium

S A V E T H E D A T E S !


We continue to thank those who stayed committed to being a sponsor of the 118th RES Annual Gala which was cancelled because of COVID19! DIAMOND







res - thank you gala sponsors


Due to the continuation of COVID19 the Convention Center will not be available to host the Symposium in April 2021. The committee has re-scheduled the Symposium again for everyone's safety. If you are registered and paid, we will forward it to the 2022 Symposium. If you would like a refund contact Lynne at RES ( or or 585-254-2350). She will do refunds on a monthly basis. We hope to see everyone in person next year! Please continue to stay safe and hopefully the vaccines will allow us to do so soon! Chris Devries, Symposium Chairman

Save the NEW Date for the:

2022 Engineering

Symposium in Rochester

Earn up to 7 PDHs

Sponsored by Rochester's Technical and Engineering Societies and RIT

Thursday, April 21, 2022 Courses available in: Civil, Electrical, Lighting, Mechanical, HVAC, and Plumbing.

Joseph A. Floreano Rochester Riverside Convention Center 123 East Main Street, Rochester, NY Time: 7:30 am to 6:30 pm $140 Advance Registration (Plan to go back online ~February 1st 2022) $20 Student Registration; $170 AFTER April 1, 2022 and at the Door Registration will re-open online at about ~February 1st 2022

The Monroe Chapter of NYSSPE, in accordance with ADA compliance, will make every attempt to provide reasonable accommodations for those requiring additional services to participate in our educational programs. If you should require such services, please contact Lynne Irwin at the Rochester Engineering Society ( or 585-254-2350) to request support by April 1, 2022.

symposium in rochester 2022


Get to the Point! Oh No, Not Another Meeting

We’ve all done it. We’ve all sat through meetings that were a complete waste of time, and we’ve sat through meetings that were productive and engaging. What’s the difference? What bothers you about meetings? What makes a meeting great? In a previous article we addressed being an effective participant. This article discusses how to be a prepared chairperson. When I sit in a well-run meeting, I feel like I’m part of an orchestra led by Leonard Bernstein. I feel like the great Lombardi is coaching me. We’re all in sync. We know our parts. We know why we’re there and what needs to be done to create something wonderful. Sound a little over the top? It’s not. Meetings are often one of the least planned, over scheduled elements of wasted productivity in organizations. Why? In part because few people who lead a meeting have been taught the skills and knowledge behind leading a good meeting. If you want to run a successful meeting, take note and then practice these principles.

To Meet or Not To Meet

That should be the question of every chairperson. Many people call a meeting when a meeting is really not the appropriate medium for the information they seek. Meetings are expensive. Add up the hourly cost of everyone sitting in a meeting. The purpose should warrant that amount of time and money investment. List all the ways in which you could achieve your goal or attain the decisions or information you need. Review them. Is there a faster, cheaper, or easier way to get it? You should be conducting a mini cost-benefit analysis every time you think about calling a meeting.

The PAT Approach

Once a chairperson decides a meeting is appropriate, he or she should use the PAT approach: • Determine the Purpose • Prepare the Agenda • Coordinate the Time (and Place) Purpose As chair, you must have a razor-sharp focus on why (the purpose of) you call a meeting. And, you must 12 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER MARCH 2021

clearly articulate that to participants. Do this both when you send out a meeting notice and when you begin the meeting. It sets the expectations that participants must stay on topic. Here’s a process for you to plan a successful meeting: 1. Determine meeting purpose 2. List names of the participants you wish to attend 3. Determine what each participant will contribute 4. If a participant is deemed a non-contributor, remove from list Agenda Always prepare an agenda. Yes, I said always. Even for quick, short meetings, agendas focus everyone. When you write down items on an agenda, you commit yourself and your participants to focus on those items, not on their own agenda items. A good agenda • states the meeting objectives, • outlines the meeting in increments of time, • provides a checklist of items to accomplish and who will present each, • allows the attendees to see a “road map”. Time Put some thought into your meeting time and place, and tie that closely to your purpose and your attendees. For example, don’t call an 8:00 AM meeting the Monday after the Super bowl. You will lose out because everyone is tired. Schedule high energy or level of participation meetings between 8 and 9 a.m. Meetings at 3 p.m. allow participants time to recuperate from lunch. Also, schedule your meeting in a well-lit and spacious room. People think better and work better that way.

Run/Facilitate the Meeting

During the meeting, it’s the chairperson’s responsibility to guide the meeting to a successful finish. As you oversee the meeting, keep these important factors in mind and ensure you do them: • • •

Be aware of the rules of the meeting (ex: Robert’s Rules) Keep to the aim or objective of the meeting Remain fair with all participants get to the point


• • • • • •

Start the meeting on time End the meeting on time Transition from one agenda topic to the next Introduce the next topic or presenter Handle disruptions Sum up topics

The most important part of a meeting is its start. Here are some things you can do as the chair to get things started well:

• Greet your participants • Introduce who you are • Introduce special guests • Explain housekeeping items • Present Agenda • Open with “rules of the meeting”

Keeping It On Track We’ve all been in meetings that get derailed either by hidden agendas, confusion, lengthy discussions, or a whole host of other disruptive situations. As the chair, it is your responsibility to get and keep a meeting on track so that it achieves its purpose. Here are some ways to do it: • • • •

Set expectations with all participants about focus versus disruption Time each presenter Overcome fear of interrupting Politely warn people time is nearing

Using your agenda can also help keep a meeting on track. Make sure your agenda, • divides topics into Decision/Discussion items, • stick to only topics listed on the Agenda, and • uses a “Parking Lot” for topics that require follow-up after the meeting.

Impolite Behavior Don’t allow impolite behavior such as people running in and out of the meeting, taking calls, texting or having side conversations. State right up front before the meeting starts that these behaviors are not accepted. And if someone still does this, you now have latitude to ask him or her to stop. Overtime On rare occasions, your meeting may require overtime. If so, follow these rules to determine how to deal with it: • Determine your participants’ constraints • Warn attendees in advance that the meeting will over run get to the point

• Determine how much more time will be needed • Communicate the extra time to the attendees • Gain consensus to go into overtime • Give choices

If overtime is not an option, determine what agenda items will be missed and plan an alternative way of getting the information to the attendees.

Personality Conflicts Sometimes when people come together in a meeting, there can be contentious conflict. This is never acceptable, but it does happen. If so, we suggest you try the Stop, Drop, and Roll method of eliminating conflict in your meeting: • Stop: Stop the conflict by intervening and making a statement that acknowledges the conflict. Do not become frustrated yourself. Avoid taking sides. Never yell. • Drop: Instruct parties to drop the discussion for now and regain their composure. • Roll: Roll into a break. Even if you just got back from one, take a break and send the participants away for a moment.

Finishing Whether finishing an agenda item or the whole meeting, a good chair will clearly draw things to a close. Here’s what you should do to successfully end a topic or a meeting:

• Recap all issues • Call to vote • Sum up resulting decisions, actions, policies • Answer any questions from the Note-Taker or scribe

Meetings are often the most effective communication tool we have but if they are not run well, it is a waste of time and money. RGI and CTEL offer group workshops on Effective Meeting Skills. See or call 866-744-3032. © 2020, RGI Learning Lisa Moretto, President, RGI International, Inc. For 25 years she has helped engineers improve their oral and written communication skills. Visit or call 866-744-3032 to learn about RGI's courses. MARCH 2021 The ROCHESTER ENGINEER | 13

Bricks and Mortar Retail: New Demands on Engineers and Designers To complement the burgeoning on-line retail market, bricks and mortar stores will be putting new demands on their technology and MEP infrastructure By Tom Bailey, AIA and Sean Phelan, Associate AIA In a recent article in the New York Towns Magazine, we explored the effects of online shopping and COVID on the future of Bricks and Mortar retail. In particular, our HUNT engineers, architects, and economic developers sought to develop a primer for town officials, property owners, and retailers seeking to create vibrant Main Streets that will appeal to both their current residents and those they would like to attract. This article, like the NY Towns’ snapshot is modest in scope, attempting to flesh out and identify the various technological, physical, and engineering elements that comprise a “typical retail store” and how an engineer and architectural designer might help a town official or property owner prepare that physical space for the future of retail. Although we start with what will sound like a doomsday statistical scenario of trends, store closings, and deep challenges to the traditional retail model, we believe there is enormous opportunity in the near and long term for retailers and engineer designers if they accept the inevitability of on-line shopping and create spaces that answer the “continued” need for a customer-centric “experience”, however different than the one of even several years ago. First, we look at the smart phone’s role in this sea of change, layout the current economic statistics, and suggest several likely scenarios. For the purposes of this audience, we disassemble the basic elements of a prototypical retail store and attempt to illuminate even a few of the changes already in place and others likely to come…. for example, “Why have a cash register when I can go to Amazon Go, open my Prime app, put my food in my cart, and walk out the door without talking to soul!?” (30 stores now open and coming to your neighborhood soon....) Identifying and attracting ‘just the right mix” of retailers to New York’s Main Streets has always been topic number one at community planning, business, and economic development meetings. Shy about being too prescriptive, many of those conversations use to turn more on which “retailers were not wanted”, with adult bookstores, cell phone stores, strip clubs, and rowdy nightclubs, for example, being told they were unwelcome or pushed to the edge of towns. At the same


2021 Infrastructure - Setting the Stage time, even before the tsunami known as on-line shopping, competition from malls and big-box retailers camped on the edge of town had already left vacant storefronts or windows covered by the shades of professional services – accounting, legal, and non-goods tenants. Accelerant not the root cause of Bricks & Mortar Stores’ troubles

In early 2021, with virtually all of us carrying smart phones, we forget that the smart-phone culture and the economy that has grown up around it is for all intents and purposes barely 15 years old. While the phrase “smart phone” was coined in 1995, the addictive power of the Blackberry (‘crackberry’) did not take hold until around 2005, with the first iPhone being introduced in 2007 and Android systems in 2008. Between 2011-2014, the sophisticated touchscreens and camera software we now take for granted started to appear as standard phone features, and with them the battle truly commenced for the approximately $27 Trillion worldwide, retail consumer market.

Retail Snapshot: By the Numbers

Fast forward to 2020, and it is easy to blame the COVID-19 pandemic and the quarantining of America for the rapid downsizing and bankrupting of famed retailers like GNC Nutrition Center, Pier I Imports, Men’s Wearhouse, Stein Mart, JC Penney, Bed, Bath & Beyond, etc… And, in fact, according to the US Census Department, US retail sales were cover article


anticipated to have fallen in 2020 by 10.5% (from $5.47T to $4.89T), with over 8,000 stores reported to have closed in 2020 and more than 10,000 more at risk in 2021. (Counterbalancing those losses, more than 3,000 stores are expected to open in 2021, and the retail industry continues to be the largest private-sector employer. Amazon’s 'lastmile' delivery service alone employs over 500,000 contractors). The on-line competition is daunting for Bricks and Mortar stores that cannot adapt to the changing landscape. A reported 66% of consumers go first to Amazon alone when considering a purchase, and in early February 2021, the New York Times reported that propelled by its “Prime fast-shipping program, which has more than 150 million members…Amazon had posted a record $125.6 billion in sales for the fourth quarter (2020), while profits more than doubled to $7.2 billion from a year earlier. It was the first time the company had exceeded $100 billion in sales in a single quarter…. Amazon shows no sign of pulling back from its ambition to push into more corners of the economy”. Furthermore, the number of consumers now “preferring” on-line shopping crested 50% for the first time in 2020 (51%). A stunning 97% percent of consumers who had utilized on-line grocery store channels reported that they would do it again, and 73% of survey respondents prefer “multiple purchasing channels”. At the same time, Bricks and Mortar sales continued to account for 90% of all purchases in 2019. A “personalized service experience” continues to be preferred by 75% of consumers, and another 49% report that not being able to “try on” – to touch a product -- before buying is their “least favorite” aspect of the on-line shopping experience. Moreover, with US retail sales expected to grow to nearly $5.9 trillion in 2024, the incentive and opportunity for agile Bricks and Mortar retailers remains enormous. Their inherent advantage in creating a shopping “experience” is still formidable, with senior brand managers of all stripes acknowledging that “customer experience” remains the key ingredient in realizing a sale. cover article

An Answer to COVID - East Avenue Rochester

“The retail and consumer goods industries will change more in the next 10 years than they have over the past 40," says Oliver Wright, managing director, global consumer goods lead, Accenture Strategy. "As expectations around cost, choice, convenience and experience continue to increase, consumers will challenge the industry to evolve and innovate which will drive huge growth in digital commerce." Specifically, we see the transformation described by Oliver Wright as occurring in two phases, the near term, wherein there is still desire, wealth, and commerce to be gained from the existing retail models, and the longer term, when ubiquitous and powerful broadband capacity drives a completely different consumer modelled one by the continued ease of on-line shopping and delivery (think drones) and an experiential, in-store sales model driven by virtual reality, retina scanning, personalized 3-D avatars, etc….. With Apple store and Amazon Go in-store experiences the new standard, fixed cash-register sites are already being phased out by many retailers in lieu of iPad-carrying sales representatives. Similarly, Bricks and Mortar designers and retailers are only beginning to capitalize on

the promise of Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED) luminaires, displays, and “window treatments’, and their ability to personalize a store for an individual consumer, event, or time-of-day. In a recent RetailDive interview, retail futurist Doug Stephens asserted that Bricks and Mortar stores, have become “powerful media channels”, not the final “purchase channel”, with on-line media being the actual “ultimate store”. What is the Main-Street property owner, retailer, and town official who lacks sheer population density, neighboring college, or a dramatic physical tourist location to do? With remote-working-models allowing for flight from expensive major cities, how do town managers create compelling Main Streets to service their existing residents and attract new ones? In Outside Magazine’s most recent Best Towns listing, each city or town roughly shared the following attributes: at least one vibrant retail district comprised by art galleries; multi-use gathering spots (think lawn games, pop-up retail kiosks, craft beer and food); gyms and yoga studios; “maker spaces”; and, not surprisingly, bike and gear shops, walkability, and ready access to outdoor activities.


“Customer Experience” Tops All

The point of this article is to help our municipal, property owner, and developer clients make the most of the next several years, not to rehash history or shy from viewing on-line retail as asset. We hope this primer will help you imagine, plan, and spark deeper conversations about what Main Street Bricks and Mortar spaces will look like in five-to-ten years, and then again in ten-to-fifteen years as robust broadband, software improvements, and virtual and artificial reality truly takes hold. Written from the perspective of HUNT’s engineers, technologists, and architects, our goal is to directly address the physical design issues that they are currently confronting, e.g… • What do we include in the design and development of a new building or space for potential retailers? • How do we renovate an existing building for on-demand retailers not needing copious storage, but needing robust broadband and a personalized customer experience that complements if not surpasses the on-line shopping experience? • How do municipalities continue to offer their residents and visitors a vibrant street-level experience that supports their tax bases and attracts more growth and development? To keep our focus, when we refer to retail in this article, we are generally not including restaurants, bars, and coffee shops. In addition, our emphasis is on the smaller retail strip plazas and standalone stores where our audience can act quickly, make changes today, and/or create a checklist of goals.

What Constitutes a “Store”: The Basics Remain the Same but Social Media and E-Commerce Changes Everything

Understanding your building and your client – a brief primer into what costs confront your retailer, and in doing so, where can you help them improve their customers’ experience.

Customer Service tops Bricks and Mortar Priorities

Whether an established retailer or startup, the costs associated with opening a store are generally as follows: 1) business plan development and market research; 2) rent; 3) signage; 4) website; 5) utilities; 6) insurance; 7) social media; and 8) staffing. Below we break out the particulars of signage and utilities -- energy management. These are the areas where the readers of this article can immediately and directly assist their clients. At the same time, we would like to linger a bit more with the website and social media costs. No longer static “advertising flyers on steroids”, websites and social media tools are integral parts of the retail experience and consequently demanding of IT infrastructure, energy, and physical space both for personnel to execute and within the store proper. With websites becoming the “actual store” and the Bricks and Mortar space more a “showroom and part of the experiential package”, retailers must include associated energy and salaries into their cost structure. Meanwhile, social media no longer simply means photos of a ribbon-cutting and event announcement (although it does still mean that….).


Social media is an ongoing relationship with the customer as they begin their search for a product, when visiting your store (you will need to “know” them before they come in and customize their visit), and after the purchase, they become your sales force. Who doesn’t like being called an “influencer” when singing the praises of your favorite jeans? Ninety percent of retailers, both Bricks and Mortar and e-commerce sites, use social media for customer service interactions. This is yet another expression of consumer’s demands for a 24/7 experience and purchasing opportunity. This shift is propelled by a millennial audience who shop online 67% of the time (versus their baby boomer counterparts, who continue to frequent Bricks and Mortar locations for 72% of their purchases). Not surprisingly, as the boomers’ shopping interest wanes, so too does the popularity of malls, where sales hit a 20-year low in 2019. Sophisticated mall owners are attempting to counter those declines with pop-up retail kiosks, seasonal and holiday stores, and the transformation of big boxes into experience centers like go-karts, wallclimbing centers, sports and games venues, etc – each of which creates another level of MEP and technology design complexity.

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Energy Management: MEP Engineers Help Reduce Costs and Save Monies Needed Elsewhere

Approximately 657,000 retail buildings (stand-alone facilities, strip malls, and enclosed malls) in the US consume more than $20 billion of energy each year. A huge potential exists to reduce this energy consumption and save on operational costs. According to National Grid, “Retail buildings in the U.S. spend an annual average of $1.21 per square foot on electricity and .14cents per square foot on natural gas. In a typical retail building, lighting, cooling, and heating represent between 69 and 84 percent of total use depending on climate, making those systems the best targets for energy savings”. Savings from energy management initiatives can be as low as 1% for occupant sensors and as high as 30% or more for comprehensive lighting upgrades. Actual savings available vary by site and depend upon the characteristics of the building and the retailer’s level of buildings operational control. A study by the US Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory estimates that a reasonable range of energy savings potential in existing commercial buildings is between 10 and 20%. A United States Environmental Protection Agency report, Sector Collaborative on Energy Efficiency Accomplishments and Next Steps, has identified energy savings potential up to 21% for supermarkets and up to 41% for retail stores. Based on the retail industry’s $20 billion spending on energy a year, a 15% potential energy reduction represents a $3 billion dollar opportunity to reduce costs. Energy is the second highest retailer operating expense. Food and non-food retailers have different energy consumption profiles, mainly due to the use of refrigeration. Of their total energy consumption, food retailers consume 82% electricity and 18% natural gas/other fuels; their average consumption per square foot is 51.3 kWh ft². Because of the refrigeration and HVAC needs, food retailers consume three times as much energy per square foot as non-food retailers.

Whether updating existing buildings or designing new retail spaces, there are several straightforward recommendations for cutting energy costs and moving those found monies to newer cost centers: 1) “turn things off”; 2) “lower the temperature” and don’t waste energy in off hours; 3) don’t heat or cool extraneous spaces; 4) check and clean regularly - these aren’t difficult or complex tasks and employees of all experience can be brought into the process; and, 5) make wise and long term lighting, HVAC, and building exterior maintenance decisions – roofs, windows, and exterior lighting. Additional measures include optimization of HVAC system controls, installation of variable speed drives, deployment of floating high-pressure controls for refrigeration applications, and measurement, monitoring, and benchmarking of site energy consumption. Benchmarking and commissioning allow property owners and retailers to identify equipment and personnel training shortfalls, as well keep a conversation alive regarding improvements in these store procedures. In addition to protecting the investment in your “shell” – however it is ultimately configured – these practices will enhance the customer experience at just the time that experience is not only a differentiator, but a determinant of whether the businesses survive or not.

Retail Technology: A Shift in Emphasis as Tech Services Grow in Importance to Bricks and Mortar, Customer Experiences

Retail Technology is those tech tools employed by all retailers – Bricks and Mortar or online that manage and optimize operations. According to the Gartner Group, retail technology spending is expected to continue growing at approximately four percent a year to more than $200 Billion as retailers’ spending on tech outpaces the majority of other industries.

Cutting & Realigning Cost Centers: Shrinking Margins in a Marketplace Where Your Competitor Doesn’t Pay Rent - Why Energy Management Now Really Matters Of the 650,000 retail buildings in the U.S, approximately 110,000 are shopping malls or strip malls. In these small format stores, control of energy consumption can be more challenging. These stores typically control the store’s lighting and have some limited HVAC control, but the landlord often controls the main HVAC system. Due to limited control, the potential energy reduction of small format stores is 3-10%. Large format stores can control most of their energy consumption (sometimes chillers and transformer rooms are excluded and controlled by a landlord). Because of this high level of control, they have an energy reduction potential of 20-30%.

Shipping - Curbside Pickup design takes on new urgency in Penfield cover article


A far cry from the launch of the first cash register in 1883, the bulk of the spending is expected to be on artificial and virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things (IoT). The physical Bricks and Mortar expression can be seen most clearly in cashier-less stores, ubiquitous cameras (a full-service Wegmans may have as many as 150 cameras), shelve-screen interfaces, and personalized artificial intelligence and crowd-sourced in-store tracking. For example, freed from the cash register and armed with an IPAD, sales associates can read credit cards anywhere in the store or at the curb, interactions with customers can be as personalized as desired, and loyalty programs and promotions can be created for specific customers. Recent New York Times’ articles detailing travel patterns of cell phone users as it related to COVID-19 infection and political protesters underlined the enormous amount of data available to retailers and marketing groups as they target potential consumers and the in-store activities of existing clients. “…At every other moment, the location data is reviewed by hedge funds, financial institutions, and marketers, in an attempt to learn more about where we shop and how we live… this new data included a remarkable piece of information: a unique ID for each user that is tied to a smartphone. This made it even easier to find people, since the supposedly anonymous ID could be matched with other databases containing the same ID, allowing us to add real names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses and other information about smartphone owners in seconds. The IDs, called mobile advertising identifiers, allow companies to track people across the internet and on apps. ……there’s little appetite to meaningfully dismantle this advertising infrastructure that undergirds unchecked corporate data collection. This collection will only grow more sophisticated.” Less “ominously”, intelligent-shelf-monitoring allows retailers to streamline inventory and improve customer’s in-store experiences by freeing sales associates from unnecessary stocking. Moreover, the more sophisticated packages can track the effectiveness of visual displays and in-store, realtime promotions. Once again, this underlines the importance for engineers and architects of designing flexible display settings, providing ubiquitous broadband, and electric services – “Promotion not working? Product not selling? Immediate reconfiguration of the store!”

The New MEP Backbone One of the unintended effects of multi-channel customer interactivity with retailers is a much more complicated inventory tracking and subsequent “product return’ process. As noted elsewhere, consumers demand and desire for “convenience” has become a much more tangible retail component than ever before. POS systems help retailers manage inventory and supply-chain operations - a necessity as other digital commerce services exacerbate product-return issues, forcing both online and Bricks and Mortar retailers to handle far more returns than previously.

Bricks & Mortar, Practical MEP Design Applications: Freed of Ambiguity, Engineers Can Now Team with Architects and Interior Designers

First, the amount of square footage needed per retailer has been dramatically reduced, with traditional storage and display space needs dropping as the result of improved inventory control, real-time manufacturing capacity, and the consumer’s desire for the personalization of products before purchasing.

Bricks and Mortar retailers of 2021 continue to have many of the same costs as previous generations: rent, utilities, salaries, inventory, marketing, interior design and display “case” décor, etc… However, technology consultants and staff now play a far greater role in assisting owners in coordination of on-line purchases, curbside pick-ups, local deliveries, drive-through windows, and digitally enhanced, safe-in-store interactions.

This begs the question of both what to do with store spaces configured for twenty years ago and how to divide square footage under existing rooftops. Among the answers are flex spaces and portable furniture; pop-up and easily transformed kiosks; and staged expansions wherein start-up retailers can expand their footprint as they grow and avoid unnecessary initial costs for unusable space. Curbside and store pickups of on-line purchases, locker systems, and self-service checkout counters will propel “front-of-store” designs and reconfiguration of storefronts, window treatments, sidewalks, and curb cuts. Already students of store design are reporting that the efficiency demands of “to-go-fulfillment-solutions” are driving a movement toward distinct spaces rather than inner-store department overlap.

Such design includes guaranteeing robust broadband and WiFi interactions, setting up and maintaining cloud-based POS systems, and potentially carving out office space for social media managers.

Interior signage and design -- back to the experience -- must share the same attributes, with choices in lighting, color, and furniture becoming even more important. Do your customers prefer a utilitarian Walmart concrete and metal shelving-model


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that suggests aggressive pricing, or do they want a feeling of exclusivity and aspirational shopping -- art on the walls? A Nordstrom shopper will expect quite different amenities and customer service, propelling the location of cash registers and customer service centers. These are not new concerns, but the need the get it right has never been more urgent. Luckily, the advent of 3-D modeling tools – REVIT and other platforms in that ecosystem, for example, have in the last decade made “getting it right” that much easier. The gap between the architectural and engineering teams have measurably shrunk as the latter – previously driven by their means and methods approach -- can now collaborate in a much more meaningful way. Such design efficiencies can also be seen in the output of laser/3-D scanners. With precise measurement of existing conditions, designers need to make far fewer site visits. The gap between “renderings” and reality continues to shrink, and with that design errors. Where formerly simple ductwork and plumbing line connections needed to suffice, engineers are now encouraged to participate in the aesthetic design of a retail space…. Where previously architects set aside tremendous amounts of vertical “volume” for the engineers to fill with the hope that “clash detection” would be reduced by default, 3-D modeling allows engineers to respond with heightened precision.

Getting them to Main Street and Fulfilling their Orders……

So, you have made the physical changes to allow your stores and districts to compete, now how do we get them to leave the comforting “click-ability of their own sofa-storefront” and visit the Bricks and Mortar outlets? While the desire for human interaction, the traditional “touchand-feel” of an item, and the dopamine reward of impulseshopping retains their allure, retailers have no choice but to acknowledge and compete with the web’s pricing and increasingly sophisticated and rapid-delivery capacity. “Discounts and coupons, cooperative branding with adjacent stores and product suppliers, pre-sale social media engagement (invitations to a product event or opening), and then post-sale engagement and empowerment of consumers as your allied marketing team…. These are just a few of the tools left in the traditional retailer’s toolbox”, according to HUNT’s Tom Bailey, AIA, an architect and former Florida community planner. “Business and community leaders would also be wise to lobby for their government services offices to locate on Main Street and consequently bring consumers to town; to program events; and, to build secure and friendly public spaces. The WeWork remote-worker office rentals are great examples of attracting street-life and consumers.” How does this express itself in the configuration of stores? For their part, national retailers have recognized their customers’ desire for downtown living and street-level experiences, with Target, Wegmans, and Dollar General (DGX) among others having designed urban-store models. At cover article

Order Ahead and Pick up the same time, local retailers and restauranteurs are calling on engineers and architects to design an entirely new hybrid space. Buoyed by their successes in home and business deliveries, worried about withstanding future e-commerce inroads, and acknowledging the potential for future shutdowns, they are creating locally sited, “dark” stores and kitchens – thus, capitalizing on their local connectivity and completely bypassing the storefront retail experience. q About the authors: Tom Bailey, AIA is a HUNT Architect and former Florida City Planner with 48 years of experience in the design of retail and commercial office spaces. Sean Phelan, Associate AIA spent twelve years in downtown economic development at Rochester Downtown Development Corporation (RDDC) before joining HUNT’s Business Services division, where most recently he has played a role in a Genesee Valley economic development initiative. Hunt Engineers, Architects, Land Surveyors & Landscape Architect, DPC (dba HUNT) has offices in Rochester and Horseheads, NY, as well as Towanda PA. There are currently 10 licensed professionals, our Director of Finance, and our Director of Technology as stockholders. Celebrating over 45 years in business, our full-service firm specializes in consulting and design for the following clients: educational, institutional, and private sector facilities (architecture and building systems, interior design, campus amenities, and athletic fields); municipal infrastructure (water and wastewater systems, storm water management); state and county transportation facilities; and technology consulting and design. We have tried to “stay in our lane” with this article — aiming our analysis specifically at the Rochester Engineering Society’s readers. We have also tried to pack as much as possible in each sentence. We also know that at a click of Google you’ll find a much deeper perspective about any one of the topics we’ve even lightly attempt to shed light on. We hope you’ll share the best of those writings and your opinions. Join the conversation with us at BaileyT@HUNT-EAS.COM and PhelanS@HUNT-EAS.COM. MARCH 2021 The ROCHESTER ENGINEER | 19

The Development of Parcel 2: Site Location Driving Building Design Co-written by: Daniel J. Rusnack, PE, LC, LEED BD+C, CLEP, Sr. Project Engineer – Electrical, Bergmann Cody A. Messier, PE, SE, Project Engineer – Structural, Bergmann Steven J. Kushner, AIA, NCARB, LEED AP, Sr. Project Manager, Bergmann The resurgence of Downtown Rochester continues despite the COVID-19 pandemic, with projects like the development of the Parcel 2 Building at 260 East Broad Street, on the corner of South Clinton Avenue and East Broad Street, serving as a reminder of the demand for a thriving downtown community. Construction of the core and shell portion of the Parcel 2 Building is progressing nicely and is scheduled for completion Summer 2021, with tenant move-in scheduled to start Fall 2021. Bergmann is providing the complete range of design services, working in partnership with Buckingham Properties and LeFrois Builders to bring this new development to life. Parcel 2’s location at the former Midtown Plaza played an important role in the building design, something Bergmann’s multi-disciplinary team gave careful consideration throughout the design process.

Mixed-Use Development

The new, five-story, mixed-use Parcel 2 Building is approximately 107,000 square feet and will include residential, commercial and retail spaces. The building program consists of a ground floor shared lobby that will lead into multiple retail spaces, a loading dock area and dedicated commercial space that will be developed for a primary anchor tenant on both levels two and three. The second floor will feature a dedicated rooftop patio. The fourth and fifth floors consist of 28 total residential units, each with a balcony for individual tenant use, as well as shared access to a fourth-floor roof deck.

Location-driven Design

Bergmann’s designers recognized the importance of the site, both in its scale along the vehicular entrance into the city and as an integral component to the city’s fabric. In response to this, the team created several design elements that are intended to provide the users of this building and the adjacent sites with varying experiences. The massing of the Parcel 2 Building is in juxtaposition of three main elements to vertically divide a large horizontal building. Along the west façade (South Clinton) a brick veneer is used to correspond to the traditions of Rochester construction and the surrounding buildings, and incorporates a dark gray color with reflective tones. The brick wraps to the north and south façade, where it is separated by a full-height curtainwall. Wrapping around the east façade is a tan-colored stone veneer that uses the same stone as Tower 280, another Buckingham Property, meant to act together as a family of buildings along Broad


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Street. Above the stone and highlighting the residential units, the exterior walls are clad in large-format cementitious panels in a blue color. The three main elements also reference the three primary functions of retail, commercial and residential space. The space between the Parcel 2 Building and Tower 280 was developed intentionally to act as a corridor connecting Broad Street to activities happening in Parcel 5, such as food trucks and outdoor events, ultimately serving as an easy access passage to the main streets of Downtown. This will be emphasized with the development of Innovation Square at the former Xerox Tower, which will result in additional pedestrian traffic and demand for easy access to thoroughfares.

Developing atop an Existing Structure

The new structure required Bergmann engineers to overcome unique challenges stemming from the original site construction related to the former Midtown Mall and existing three-story underground parking garage. The building itself comprises two five-story, steel framed, interconnected buildings separated by isolation joints that are built atop the existing parking garage. The parking garage consists of a twelve-inch-thick, two-way concrete slab with 10’x10’x10” drop panels atop concrete columns at the street level, and nineinch-thick, two-way concrete slab with 10’x10’x6” drop panels atop concrete columns at Levels A (1st story below street level) & B (2nd story below street level). Unique to this project is that the column grid was pre-determined prior to building design, as the existing parking garage columns are used to support the new steel framed building columns above. The edges of the overall floor plate, however, were constrained by property line limits to the east and required street setbacks on the north, west and south. This led to the building’s exterior footprint landing between existing garage column locations underneath. Since the new structure is two-stories taller than the original mall structure, steel sizes, concrete weight and concrete thickness were selected to optimize building performance while not overstressing the existing parking garage columns and foundations. In total, approximately 703 tons of steel were used to shape the new Parcel 2 Building.

Illuminating Electrical Design

Parcel 2’s location in the heart of downtown Rochester provided a unique scenario related to the building’s electrical design. The main electrical power source for the building is located underground in an RG&E vault that served the Midtown plaza decades ago. Bergmann’s electrical team was excited to see the history of the RG&E electrical distribution downtown and to see the system being used again for a modern building. The parking garage directly underneath the site was used to route both power and telecommunications services to the building. The main electrical power distribution serving the upper floors is routed via vertical busduct through the core of the building in centrally located electrical rooms, allowing for ease of power distribution on each floor. This helped maximize usable and leasable floor space throughout the building and helped with locating a backup power generator on the roof. The exterior lighting design incorporates pedestrian-level lighting, as well as commercial-focused lighting at the ground level, which will give the building a great illuminated presence. The illumination of the various residential spaces on the upper floors and roof decks, as well as compliments from the lighting in the commercial areas, will bring this building to life at night.

A Point of Pride for Downtown

Construction teams are currently focused on enclosing the building and making it weather-tight, targeting completion of this portion of work by June 2021. The building’s initial tenants and residents will be welcomed starting Fall 2021. The completion of the Parcel 2 Building at 260 Broad Street is a point of pride for the City of Rochester, Buckingham Properties, Bergmann, LeFrois Builders and all who have been involved in bringing this vision to life. The pandemic has led to pent-up demand for interaction, entertainment and community, and Parcel 2 will play an important role in facilitating this and more in the coming years. q feature article


Professional Firms Employee News SWBR News Rochester Architect David Beinetti Wins New York State AIA Honor SWBR announced that Principal and CMO David Beinetti, AIA, has been awarded the Frederic Schwartz Community Development Award by The New York State American Institute of Architects.

Beinetti is also deeply committed to making a positive impact on the community, both in the City of Rochester and throughout the State of New York. He has participated in multiple professional and community organizations during his The Community Development Award career, providing a substantial impact on recognizes projects and individuals who the built environment. He is a member of have had a significant and positive impact the American Institute of Architects, and to the built environment in New York State. a previous Board Chair for the Rochester Throughout his more than 40-year career, Downtown Development Corporation, Beinetti has been dedicated to positively where he worked to promote the city’s impacting the built environment, whether urban redevelopment. As a Board Member it be through his impressive design for the Monroe Community College David Beinetti, AIA portfolio or his dedication to community Foundation, Beinetti is committed to development and service. raising scholarship money for students that otherwise might not have the opportunity to attend “Dave has been a leader in community impacts for his college. Other professional and charitable organizations entire professional career,” Tom Gears, AIA, president of he is involved with include the City of Rochester Project SWBR said. “This is a fitting recognition of his efforts to Review Committee, the Greater Rochester Chamber positively impact lives.” of Commerce, NAIOP Commercial Real Estate Development Association Upstate NY Chapter, Design Beinetti’s contribution to New York State’s architectural Build Institute of America Upstate NY Chapter, the landscape extends beyond his design portfolio of Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and Refuge Rochester high-profile projects for higher education, corporate, Refugee Resettlement Program. and industrial clients. He is a passionate advocate for sustainable design and has helped lead SWBR Beinetti earned his bachelor of architecture and bachelor to embrace sustainability within its design work and of arts in psychology from Syracuse University and culture and is a founding member of the Rochester the Architectural Association, School of Architecture, Sustainability Collaborative. For more than 20 London, England. Outside of his professional and years, Beinetti has worked to raise awareness of community work, he is a devoted family man that enjoys the importance of environmental stewardship and coaching sports and spending time with his nine children sustainability - with a specific focus on businesses and and more than 20 grandchildren. He and his wife Joan individuals and the decisions they make daily that affect reside in Honeoye Falls. q our environment.

SWBR Interior Designer Earns NCIDQ Certification SWBR announced that Interior Designer Amanda Loomis has completed all the required exams to receive her National Council for Interior Design Qualification (NCIDQ) certification. NCIDQ Certification is the industry's recognized standard of an interior designer’s proficiency and responsibility to protect public health, safety, and welfare, as well as exhibit mastery of aesthetic considerations and commitment to the profession.

Amanda Loomis

As part of the Interior Design team, Loomis creates functional, impactful, and aesthetically pleasing interiors for all project types throughout the firm. Loomis will have an increaased focus on project management, including client presentations, budgets, and material installation supervision. She received her bachelors of arts in interior design from the University of Kentucky and has been with the firm since 2018. q


professional firms employee news

SWBR News, continued SWBR Designer Earns CDT Certification SWBR announced that Project Designer Matthew Buchholz recently earned his certification in Construction Documents Technology (CDT). A CDT provides a comprehensive overview for professionals who write, interpret, enforce or manage construction documents, specifically project architects, contractors, contract administrators, material suppliers and manufacturers’ representatives. Once one completes and passes the CDT exam, they’re able to perform their jobs more effectively and improve communications between all members of a construction team.

Matthew Buchholz

Employees who go through the CDT program are among the highly respected group of construction professionals and are known in the industry for their expertise, especially in the writing and management of construction documents.

Buchholz is a versatile designer that assists with educational assessment reports, master planning, pre-referendum planning, renderings, and project documentation on many of the firm’s education projects. He earned his associates in architectural design from Finger Lakes Community College and his bachelor of science in architectural engineering technology from Alfred State College. Buchholz has been with he firm since 2017. q

SWBR Announces New Registered Landscape Architect SWBR announced that Shirah Kasongo Cahill has completed her four-part licensing exam and is now a Registered Landscape Architect in the State of New York. As part of the Landscape Architecture team, Kasongo Cahill specializes in urban design and planning, neighborhood design, affordable housing, assisted living, and neighborhood design projects. Her responsibilities include refinement, design exploration and construction documentation, approvals, construction administration, and community outreach.

Shirah Kasongo Cahill

Kasongo Cahill earned a bachelor of fine arts from York University of Toronto, Ontario, and a master of landscape architecture from SUNY Environmental College of Science and Forestry in Syracuse. She earned her LEED Green Associate accreditation in 2017. q

Campus News RIT Engineering Leadership Program Informational Webinar takes place on March 3

Online programs in product development and operations available to participants seeking to advance into senior level management positions

Rochester Institute of Technology’s Kate Gleason College of Engineering is holding a webinar on March 3 from noon to 1:00 p.m. Learn more about the graduate degree programs and professional certificates, specifically the master’s degrees in Product Development and Manufacturing Leadership, as well as certificate programs in Systems Engineering, Supply Chain Management, and Project Management. The programs integrate technical and business management courses and are designed for experienced engineers, technical managers, and other professionals professional firms employee news | campis news

looking to advance into senior positions. Available parttime and online, students can take one or two courses each semester to customize their pace of learning. Register by contacting Lou Fantozzi, Business Development Manager, at A link to the webinar will be sent with confirmation of registration. For more information, contact Michelle Cometa at 585-475-4954, or on Twitter: @MichelleCometa. q MARCH 2021 The ROCHESTER ENGINEER | 23

Professional Firms Employee News Optimation Technology News OTI Hires Four New Trades Apprentices Optimation Technology has 4 new trades apprentices. Cierra Collins from Rochester, Matthew Wise from Ontario, Jake Ingalls from Cuba, and Morgan Spurr from Rochester started the beginning of their new careers on January 25th, 2021. Out of more than 50 applicants, these 4 rose to the top of our desired list, and we are ecstatic to have them be a part of the team. “We are thrilled with our new apprentices. Every year we advertise the positions and are surprised by the quantity and quality of the applicants. 2021 was no exception. We had over 50 candidates and in the end, it was difficult to make a final selection. These young women and men have exceptional educational backgrounds and experience and will hit the ground running. We know the future of Optimation will be assured with them as trades workers.” – President and CEO of Optimation Technology, Bill Pollock. One of the most exciting pieces of our 2021 apprentice group is that 50% are women. Women in trades positions tends to be a difficult card to fill, but we are seeing more and more of this. We had several extremely qualified female applicants this year coming from trade schools, industry, the military, and those looking to change professions. It is definitely a positive trend and will only make our team stronger! Collins comes to us with a degree in business management from the United States Coast Guard Academy and an HVAC Associates in applied science from Monroe Community College. Collins is excited to learn more about electricity. In her free time, she enjoys reading and traveling. Wise comes from a background from Wayne Technical and Career Center in Williamson, NY where he concentrated on electrical trades. He is looking forward to learning more about the theory behind electrical work. When he isn’t working, he enjoys riding ATV’s or snowmobiles with friends. Ingalls graduated from Alfred State College in 2017 with a degree in welding and has been working as a pipeline laborer and welder since. Jake is excited to learn more about pipefitting to add to his skill set. In his spare time he likes to go hiking with his dog. Spurr comes to us with multiple degrees from Nazareth College and Monroe Community College. She has a vast variety of experience and was most recently a shop laborer with Residential Railing and Fence Company. Spurr is exciting about hands on work with welding as well as working for a company who looks out for each other. Outside of work she is an artist! She also likes longboarding. q 24 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER MARCH 2021

professional firms employee news


Campus News RIT News

Alumna helps ramp up rapid test manufacturing for national company Work by Dimple Joseph will provide more options for healthcare providers dealing with the pandemic

Dimple Joseph’s short-term assignment last year turned out to be a “really big start up.”

Health Center, she met the center’s director, Dr. Wendy Gelbard, who would become both a mentor that fostered her interest in the medical field and a friend she remains in touch with today.

As part of the healthcare company Abbott, Joseph contributed to the main manufacturing site’s readiness to produce the company’s new BinaxNOW Rapid Test, which meets the growing demand for testing options as pandemic cases rise. Although the rapid test is only the size of a credit card, it is a big breakthrough because it can determine an individual’s COVID-19 status in nearly 15 minutes. “My life pretty much changed in August,” said Joseph ’18 (industrial engineering), ’18 ME (engineering management), describing her reaction to the assignment to be part of the team that would ramp up production of the important tests.

Industrial engineering alumna Dimple Joseph has been working with the healthcare company Abbott, coordinating the manufacturing process for new COVID-19 rapid tests. Credit: Provided by Abbott

Originally based at the company’s site in Plano, Texas, she joined a rapid response team that headed to Gurnee, Ill., over the summer to scale-up the overall manufacturing process and train employees at the site. They are on target to produce their goal of 50 million rapid tests per month. “As industrial engineers, we look at people and processes and how they interact. We look at identifying where we can do things better,” she said. “Any project is a group project. The company has always been proactive when things are needed. This is ‘our element’—a request came in and our company responded.”

“Out of the blue, my phone will ring, and it will be Dimple,” said Gelbard, who is part of RIT’s COVID-19 task force. “Recently, she called to say that she was working on the types of tests we are looking into for campus. Crazy small world, but that is the veil that overlies everything we do today. It is not just leading this test project—that is big enough. But doing it in a pandemic and having to live by safety rules and regulations that make it possible to even work, that is pretty amazing.” Gelbard credits Joseph’s education, experience and an ability to connect well with people as key to her ability to produce at a high level.

“The responsibility she has now, so early in her profession, is just remarkable,” said Gelbard. “She took advantage of all RIT had to offer. She received a lot of academic knowledge and put this to use in her on-campus employment, during co-op, during her senior design project with us. She did not wait for people to spoon feed her. She immediately took her skills and put them in to action.” Joseph’s continued connections to RIT mentors and previous leadership practice are being put through the paces at Abbott, where she is a Front Line Leader who supervises workers on the manufacturing team.

Coordinating projects and working with a variety of people is not new to Joseph, who mixed coursework with quite a few campus activities and community service projects. She held leadership positions with RIT’s student chapter of the Institute of Industrial & Systems Engineers as well a member of DIVAS (Determined Individuals Victoriously Achieving Success, a former leadership program through RIT’s Multicultural Center). As director of the College Activities Board, she managed a staff of 30, and together the group delivered more than 100 large events and small gatherings per year for RIT’s students.

“I’m not a medical professional, but my work can still help somebody get better, to get back to their families. That is the sort of mission I wanted to be a part of. I’ve had many important conversations with people like Wendy Gelbard about work, but also what I wanted to do as an adult,” she said, “and how do I continue to give back to the school that has given me so much?”

“Planning other people’s social life was MY social life,” she said laughing.

For more information, contact Michelle Cometa at 585-475-4954, or on Twitter: @MichelleCometa. q

While working on a senior design project for the Student campus news

Each Abbott test produced to help people may provide that answer.


Position Openings...Pages 27-27

JOIN A TOP 100 TEAM! MRB Group Engineering, Architecture & Surveying, D.P.C., a Greater Rochester Chamber Top 100 Firm, is currently recruiting for several positions to join our growing firm in Rochester New York including: Civil Engineers: to plan, design, direct, oversee and execute civil engineering projects in our water/ wastewater group. Planner/Civil Engineer: to provide support on subdivision and site plan reviews, planning board activities, general planning services, and SWPPP/Site Inspections. Construction Observers: to oversee construction of various projects in Western and Central New York. Visit our website ( for additional information. Resumes can be sent directly to: or mailed to: MRB Group, The Culver Road Armory, 145 Culver Road, Suite 160, Rochester, NY 14620

News From Professional Firms CHA Consulting News

SCHA Consulting Acquires Florida-based Reiss Engineering Acquisition expands market position as a water/wastewater leader and extends geographic footprint into Florida

CHA Consulting, Inc. (CHA), an innovative, full-service engineering consulting and construction management firm, announced that it has acquired Reiss Engineering, an engineering and consulting firm specializing in water and wastewater solutions with 40 employees and four offices in central Florida. “The joining of CHA and Reiss Engineering expands our water/wastewater capabilities into the growing Florida infrastructure market while providing both teams greater resources and reach into the Southeast. The combined capabilities of our two firms will bring tremendous value to both CHA and Reiss water clients,” said Jim Stephenson, CEO of CHA Holdings. “This is a great complementary fit for both companies, and we look forward to coming together as one firm in the coming months.” Reiss Engineering President, C. Robert Reiss, PhD, PE, said, “Our combined teams will bring some of the highest caliber talent in water and wastewater together to


expand our services throughout Florida. Working as one integrated team will open up meaningful opportunities for our staff and provides our clients with the added value of the many resources and specialized services offered by CHA.” “The need for clean water and innovative wastewater and reuse solutions is accelerating with the growing Florida demographics. This union deepens our combined water resources capability, furthering CHA’s reach as a leading full-service water/wastewater provider to serve the essential water infrastructure needs of our clients,” said John Hensley, CHA Infrastructure Sector President. CHA and Reiss have a shared commitment to client service and will ensure that continues as our two firms come together. Reiss will be rebranded effective immediately as Reiss Engineering, a CHA Company. Stambaugh Ness initiated this transaction and served as Reiss Engineering’s advisor. q position openings | news from professional firms

A Look at the Past...

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Sometimes you have to Sweat the “Small” Stuff Phonon Transport Modeling by: Michael P. Medlar, RIT PhD Student

We often hear that phrase, “Don’t sweat the small stuff”, in our everyday lives. However, sometimes the small stuff is the most important. I’m referring to phenomena that occur on very small length and very short time scales. Happenings on these scales can have a large effect on the performance of devices we use every day. One of the best examples of this is the computer. Virtually all of the devices we incorporate into work and play are computers of a sort. From phones to laptops and TV’s to gaming. At the heart of these devices is the Central Processing Unit (CPU) which acts like the brain of the computer. In operation, the CPU can generate a lot of heat. So much so that the surface can be hot enough to boil water. The heat is mostly generated by the basic Image by <a href=" component of the CPU, which is the transistor. In source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_ fact, billions of them. A transistor is a very small campaign=image&utm_content=4393383">Bruno /Germany</a> from <a href=" electrical switch. The footprint of the transistor is medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_ on the order of 100 nm in width. That is 0.0000001 content=4393383">Pixabay</a> meters. A human hair is about 100,000 nm in diameter. Thus, you could fit about 1000 transistors side to side over this same width (now that’s splitting hairs). Modern transistors are known as FinFET’s (Fin Field Effect Transistor) because they make use of long thin fins within the device. The silicon fins are built upon a lower region called the BOX (buried oxide) and surrounded by the gate. When the transistor is switched on (the switching effect is produced by the gate region), electrical current flows through the fins from the inlet to the exit. When it is off, no current is flowing. The “on” state is represented with a “1” and the “off” state is a “0”. That is why you will often hear people say that computers just deal with a bunch of 1’s and 0’s. And to an extent, they are correct. The switching operation occurs very quickly. On the order of 100’s of picoseconds. A picosecond is 0.000000000001 seconds. During the switching operation, these transistors can get hot because the current (moving electrons or holes) transfers some energy to the material (silicon mostly). The transistors can get so hot, that device designers don’t let them switch on and off quite as fast as they could go and devices don’t last as long as designers would like. To aid in the thermal design of transistors, engineers need to know the local thermodynamic conditions. Methods to predict heat transfer in 28 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER MARCH 2021

campus feature article

solids (heat conduction) are well established and the basic equations have been known for hundreds of years. In fact, the basic rules about conduction heat transfer were established by Jean-Baptist Joseph Fourier in his book Théorie analytique de la chaleur (The Analytical Theory of Heat) which was published in 1822. There are numerous commercially available software programs that implement these equations on any geometry that engineers specify. The problem lies in the fact that these methods don’t give an accurate prediction of heat transfer when length scales are in the nanometer dimension and timescales are picoseconds in length. This is right in the domain of the operational characteristics of the transistor. So, different methods have to be developed. These methods need to account for the underlying movement and interaction of the carriers of thermal energy. The dominant energy carriers associated with the movement of thermal energy in materials like silicon are called phonons. Phonons are related to the energy that is transported as a result of the presence of atomic lattice vibrational waves. The atoms of solids are arranged in a regular repeating way within a material and this is referred to as the lattice. The atoms vibrate about the equilibrium positions and with this vibration they effect neighboring atoms. The vibrational energy is transmitted between different regions of the material in the form of a wave. These vibrational waves are similar in nature to waves on a string (transverse waves) or sound waves (longitudinal or compression). However, the quantum nature of matter dictates that everything is both a wave and a particle. Thus, the energy (and momentum) of the lattice vibrational waves can be pictured as the movement of particle. It is this particle that we call the phonon. Phonons are to solids as photons (packets of energy) are to light. As phonons move through the material, they can interact with other phonons, boundaries, impurities, interfaces, photons, and (of most importance for heat generation) moving electrons. The relative ease with which they can be transported from one region to the other will dictate “how hot” any particular spot becomes. In addition, the nature of the phonons in any given region can affect the overall performance of the transistor. This detailed information is important to know and useful to designers. This is where I come in (enter stage left). I develop computer programs to predict phonon transport in transistors (funny right, using a computer to predict what is happening in a computer). Methods to model phonon transport do exist, however they lack in the right combination of accuracy, flexibility, and efficiency. I am working toward the goal of developing a program that meets all of the above criteria. Device based design models have to strike the right balance between the above factors in order to both provide useful insight into phonon transport phenomena and be able to be used to perform parametric studies or sensitivities to design parameters. It is the hope that designers will use the information and insight gained to change key design characteristics for thermal considerations. This could be the geometric layout (like fin dimensions and spacing), operating characteristics (current and voltage), or the use of enhanced heat transfer materials that lead to reduced hot spots, faster performance, and increased reliability. With a little luck, the future might not be quite as hot for transistors and CPU’s with the aid of phonon transport modeling. So, the next time you pick up your phone, start up your laptop, or put on your smart watch remember the phenomena that occur on the smallest length scales and shortest time scales can be very important. q Michael P. Medlar is a PhD student in Engineering and a Senior Lecturer at RIT. Prior to his work at RIT, he spent 7 ½ years at Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory in Niskayuna, NY. Medlar graduated with a BS/MS in Mechanical Engineering from RIT in 2003. campus feature article


H s p r r i

Harvesting Polarization for Optical Signal-Processing Applications Saif A. Al Graiti & Drew N. Maywar, Rochester Institute of Technology The global market demand for higher-bandwidth communication networks is increasing exponentially. While opticalfiber networks provide low-loss, high-bandwidth transmission, the processing of optical signals often requires bottleneck-inducing conversion to & from the electrical domain, where the processing is performed on electronic signals. This bottleneck may be alleviated by expanding signal-processing capabilities directly in the optical domain itself. To this end, research performed around the globe has demonstrated optical-signal processing gates such as optical flip-flops for optical memory, optical AND gates, optical XOR gates, optical half-adders, and optical datawavelength converters. We have improved the performance of many of these gates by harvesting the dynamics of optical polarization, while also demonstrating a new kind of memory behavior that expands the fundamental understanding of a bistable optical signal produced by a nonlinear photonic resonator.

T o s b

T w t u o

M o e a s

Demonstrated new concept for optical memory, whereby the state of polarization exhibits hysteresis.

The common concept of optical memory produced by a nonliear photonic resonator is that the optical power exhibits a hysteresis curve, as shown in the left-most graph of Figure 1. For example, points "A" and "B" in the hysteresis curve exhibit different output optical powers for the same input power, with their occurance depending on the history (memory) of the input optical power. The power ratio between points A and B is quantified as the contrast C, where C is only 3.4 dB for the optical-power hysteresis curve shown Figure 1. Our research reveals that, under the correct conditions, the optical signal may also exhibit hysteresis curves in its state of polarization (SOP). Such action is shown in the right-most graphs of Figure 1, using the Poincare sphere (bottom) and the three individual Stoke parameters (top). The Stokes-parameter graphs clearly reveal the bistable SOP. Each point along the optical signal has a specific SOP; for example, SOPA of the blue branch is different than SOPB of the red branch. This bistable action is a significant departure from the traditional optical-power hysteresis curves and we refer to the associated behavior as bistable polarization rotation. An optimized 30% rotation between SOPA and SOPB is measured in the lab using an optical polarimeter. To obtain this new memory behavior, the nonlinear photonic resonator is selected that exhibits gain anisotropy & birefringence, and the input optical power is injected into both polarization modes of the resonator (which are aligned along the x an y axes shown in Figure 1). This memory behavior is made possible by the simultaneous occurrence of two underlying physical processes — dispersive optical bistability & nonlinear polarization rotation. The ability to generate a bistable polarization-rotating signal opens up new capabilities for optical-signal processing. 30 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER MARCH 2021

campus feature article

T o i c a c r m p p




Here, we focus on the use of simple, linear-polarization components to convert the bistable polarization-rotating signal into a variety of optical-power hysteresis shapes. This conversion is depicted in Figure 2, where the bistable polarization-rotating signal is passed through a polarization controller and linear polarizer in series. By varying the rotation angle of the three waveplates of the polarization controller, the variety of hysteresis shapes shown at the right of the figure are achieved. The diversity of hysteresis shapes includes a high-contrast S-shape, a high-contrast inverted S-shape, and two butterfly shapes. The high contrast S-shape is formed by adjusting the waveplates of the polarization controller to align the SOPA of the blue hysteresis branch to the block axis of the linear polarizer. Doing so increases the contrast to 20 dB, a substantial improvement from the 3.4-dB contrast shown in Figure 1. Such a hysteresis curve can serve as the basis of a combinational or sequential gate, such as an optical AND gate or an optical D-flip-flop. The very shape of the hysteresis curve can be transformed by proper alignment of the polarization controller waveplates. For example, a high-contrast inverted-S-shape can be formed by adjusting the waveplates to align the SOPB of the red hysteresis branch to the block axis of the linear polarizer. Doing so "flips" the hysteresis curve upside down, with a measured contrast of 21 dB. The inverted nature of this hysteresis can serve as the basis of an optical XOR gate or inverted D-flip-flop. More exotic hysteresis behaviors are seen in the two butterfly-shaped hysteresis curves in Figure 2. The formation of butterfly shapes is achieved by adjusting the polarization-controller waveplates in a way that results in an equivalent optical power exiting the linear polarizer at the center of each hysteresis branch. This condition is achieved with several waveplate configurations, yielding either an upward-switching or downward-switching butterfly shape.

Simple, linear polarization components are used to transform the polarization bistable signal into a variety of optical-power hysteresis shapes.

There are several features of this hysteresis-shape selection mechanism that promise to enhance the performance of combinational & sequential optical-signal processing. First, all hysteresis shapes exhibit the same switching input powers, allowing optical-logic gates based on these hysteresis curves to all be driven using the same optical control-signal power (i.e., shape-agnostic control power). Second, enhanced contrast is achieved for the S-shape and inverted S-shape hysteresis curves; such contrasts are at least 10 dB larger than previously demonstrated contrasts from photonic resonators. Third, all shapes are created using the transmission port of the photonic resonator; the transmission port lends itself to the concatenation of photonic logic gates. Fourth, the shape-selection mechanism occurs downstream of the nonlinear photonic resonator and without sending a control signal to the photonic resonator; this downstream control allows for the broadcast and site-dependent selection of the signalprocessing behavior. q Mr. Saif A. Al Graiti is PhD candidate in the Engineering PhD program at the Kate Gleason College of Engineering, Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) Drew N. Maywar is Professor of Communication Networks at the College of Engineering Technology, RIT campus feature article


Go to the RES Website for Updated Details On All Meetings -


Education Opportunities


Monday, March 8

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)

Wednesday, March 24 American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

p 35 p 46 Understanding the Final Lead and Copper Rule

The Current and Future State: The Impact from COVID19

1 PDH Credit Approval Pending Speaker: Michelle Schleher, Rochester Regional Health Place: Virtual Time: 12:00 Noon Registration: Visit our web page at for registration information and more speaker/topic details this fiscal year.

Safety First! Specifying Emergency Showers & Eyewashes 1 PDH Credit Pending

Presenter: Rebecca Slabaugh (Arcadis) Location: Teleconference (Microsoft Teams) Time: Lunch hour – Noon to 1:00 pm Cost: ASCE members and non-members: Please consider a donation of $15-20 towards our scholarship fund. Students: Free Reservations: Reservations by Friday, March 19 and you will receive an invitation to the meeting vi email. ASCE general email:

Friday, April 16

Association for Bridge Construction and Design (ABCD)

Wednesday, March 17

American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE)

Revisions – 1 PDH Approved

p 45 ABCD Spring Seminar Earn up to 6 PDH Credits

p 36

Location: Virtual Cost: $50 per person; students attend free! Sponsorship and advertisement opportunities available. Visit the Speaker: Troy Monteith, Guardian GE Safety ABCDWNY website, from March 1st or Time: 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm (check in 11:50 am) contact Rob Fleming or Jonathan Herman for details. Place: Wherever you can access the internet! Registration: Registration begins March 15th and is Cost: Free open until the day of the seminar. To register, visit the ABCD website, If you need additional Reservations: Reservations to Dave Jereckos information contact Rob Fleming, PE at 585-498-7817 or (585-341-3168), or which is important for tracking attendance and issuing certificates.; or Jonathan Herman, PE at 716-989-3318 or

To post continuing education opportunities on this page please contact the Rochester Engineering Society, 585-254-2350, or email:

Engineers’ Calendar

The engineering societies are encouraged to submit their meeting notices for publication in this section. The deadline for submitting copy is the 10th of the month prior to the month of publication. Please email to: The meetings offering PDHs are highlighted in blue. Details about the meeting and affiliate (if in this issue) are on the corresponding page listed next to the affiliate name.

Tuesday, March 2

Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) EXCOM Meeting


p 39

Place: On-line: via webex conferencing. Time: 11:50 am to 1:00 pm Registration links for our events are at: continuing education calendar | engineers' calendar


Wednesday, March 24

Monday, March 8

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)

Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) p 42 p 46

The Current and Future State: The Impact from COVID19 1 PDH Credit Approval Pending Details on page 32 & 46

Wednesday, March 17

American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE)

Safety First! Specifying Emergency Showers & Eyewashes 1 PDH Credit Pending

p 45

p 44

Integration Principles for Complex Systems

Speaker: Logan Grumbach, Boeing Time: 6:00 to approximately 7:30 pm Reservations. All meetings are held virtually until further notice. We use Globalmeet11 for the monthly meetings. GlobalMeet Join Details – Join as a GUEST Meeting Details . Web Address: Access number: 1-646-307-1479 Guest Passcode: 825 772 4705

Saturday, March 20 Judges Needed!

p 43

Share your expertise with an eager student who’s seeking feedback on the work they have done! Judges can register online at Have questions: Contact Harold Clark at

Wednesday, March 24 American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

Support Your Affiliate Attend A Meeting engineers' calendar

Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)

p 39

Thursday, April 15

International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE)

Towards an Ontology for Collaboration in System of Systems Context

p 44

Speaker: Robert Nilsson, Volvo Time: 6:00 to approximately 7:30 pm Reservations. All meetings are held virtually until further notice. We use Globalmeet11 for the monthly meetings. GlobalMeet Join Details – Join as a GUEST Meeting Details. Web Address: Access number: 1-646-307-1479 Guest Passcode: 825 772 4705

Friday, April 16

Association for Bridge Construction and Design (ABCD) ABCD Spring Seminar Earn up to 6 PDH Credits

p 36

Details on page 32 & 36

The RES website ( has

p 35

Understanding the Final Lead and Copper Rule Revisions – 1 PDH Approved Details on page 32 and 35

Tuesday, April 6

Place: On-line: via webex conferencing. Time: 11:50 am to 1:00 pm Registration links for our events are at:

Thursday, March 18

TERRA Science & Engineering Fair (TERRA)

Join us for a fun (and FREE) night of trivia. There will be some lighting related questions as well as topics related to current events or pop culture. Grab a favorite beverage and come have some fun. There will be prizes for the top 3 winners! Registration is open. See page 42 for details and the link to register or go to the website at

EXCOM Meeting

Details on page 32 & 45

International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE)

Virtual Trivia Night

a calendar of events for this month's meetings and meetings that are received or updated after print deadline. Please refer to the website for updated information. If you wish to be listed in the calendar please send details to res@ MARCH 2021 The ROCHESTER ENGINEER | 33

657 East Avenue, Rochestter, New York 14607 Dedicated to Professionalism in Engineering in the Interest of Public Safety and Welfare 2020-21 Officers: President Michael O. Ritchie, PE, President-elect Vacant, Vice-President Bill Grove, PE, Secretary Martin E. Gordon, PE, Treasurer Christopher R. Devries, PE, Membership Chair Vacant Past Presidents: Christopher V. Kambar, PE , David C. Roberts, PE, Directors: Barry J. Dumbauld, PE, Robert K. Winans, PE, Joseph Dombrowski, PE, Jim Drago, PE, Neal Illenberg, PE, Douglas R. Strang Jr., PE


NSPE is tracking and identifying executive orders and legislation related to Covid-19 and has created one-page printable reports for the majority of the states. Click here for NEW YORK: These are all dynamic resources that NSPE continues to update on a daily basis, so please check back regularly for new/ additional information. Access the information for Licensure ( Access the information for Small Business Legislative Click here for more Resources: Continuing Education/Examination/Regulations:


MPES sponsors two annual scholarships for local college students to study Engineering. To ensure that this organization can continue to provide scholarships to deserving students for years to come, we are seeking donations from local engineering firms, RES and MPES members. For more information on how to make a donation please email


Professional engineers land surveyors licensed in New York will gain more flexibility in fulfilling continuing education hours after Governor Andrew Cuomo signed a bill that revises requirements. The changes will become effective on January 1, 2022. The law was enacted due to the transformative growth of online educational opportunities since 2002, when continuing education became required for PEs and land surveyors. Currently, PEs in New York must complete 36 continuing education hours every three years to renew their license. Eighteen of the 36 hours must be obtained by live lecture, in-person classes, or live webinar. Land surveyors must complete 24 continuing education hours every three years. The new law eliminates the restriction on educational activity format, defines the courses and activities that are acceptable, and allows licensees to carry over six hours of continuing education into the next three-year renewal period. All online courses still must be approved for New York. As always, we encourage active membership in the Monroe Professional Engineers Society. We are constantly striving to improve your membership but we always need more help. If you are interested in becoming an active member or have any questions, please email me at or contact MPES through our website at Mike Ritchie, PE, President, MPES


mpes news

Rochester Section

American Society of Civil Engineers


EPA recently published the final Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) to the National Primary Drinking Water Regulation (NPDWR) for lead and copper. Under the authority of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), these revised requirements provide greater and more effective protection of public health by reducing exposure to lead and copper in drinking water. This webinar will discuss the LCRR objectives, requirements, and suggested actions for water system compliance. PRESENTER: Rebecca Slabaugh (Arcadis) DATE: March 24, 2021 – details to follow by email/ on website under “Events” LOCATION: Teleconference (Microsoft Teams) TIME: Lunch Hour 12:00pm – 1:00pm COST: ASCE Members & Non-Members: Please consider a donation of $15-20 toward our scholarship fund Students: FREE Please RSVP by Friday 3/19 and you will receive an invitation to the meeting via email. Check out the new Career Opportunities section of our website under “Resources” for local job postings. Rochester firms are encouraged to send civil engineering openings to ASCE Rochester Board members or our general email at asce news


ABCD Spring Seminar Friday, April 16, 2021

Due to COVID-19, the 2021 Spring Seminar will be held virtually Presentation Topics Include: • • • • •

Peace Bridge Rehabilitation – Tim Coyle, P.E. (GPI) Shotcrete Today – Chip Stephenson, P.E. (BVR) & Charles Hanskat, P.E. (American Shotcrete Association) Cofferdams for Construction of Bridge Piers – Richard Hartman, Ph.D., P.E. (Hartman Engineering) Bridge Bearing Case Study – Ron Watson (RJ Watson) Concrete Box Beam Testing – Andreas Stavridis Ph.D. (SUNY Buffalo)

EARN UP TO 6 PDH CREDITS! Attendee Cost: • $50 • Students Attend Free! Sponsorship and Advertisement opportunities available! Visit the ABCD WNY website,, from March 1 or contact Rob Fleming or Jonathan Herman for details Registration: Registration begins March 15th and is open until the day of the event. To register, visit the ABCD WNY website, For additional information contact: Rob Fleming, P.E. Bergmann (585) 498-7817

Jonathan Herman, P.E. GPI (716) 989-3318

Association for Bridge Construction and Design Western New York Chapter


abcd news

Association for Bridge Construction and Design Western New York Chapter

2020-2021 Officers President

MICHAEL DAVIDSON, PE J.M. Davidson Engineering, D.P.C. 716-289-5976

Vice President

DAVID JENKINSON, PE Popli Design Group 585-364-1634

2020-2021 DIRECTORS

WILLIAM RUGG, PE Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. 716-989-3334

2020-2021 CORPORATE SPONSORS Acrow Corporation of America Inc. Barron & Associates, P.C. Barton & Loguidice D.P.C. Bergmann Associates BVR Construction Co. Inc. C & S Engineers Inc. CHA Consulting, Inc. Clark Patterson Lee Cold Spring Construction Company DiDonato Associates, P.E., P.C. Erdman Anthony Fisher Associates, P.E., L.S., L.A., D.P.C. Foit-Albert Associates Frandina Engineering and Land Surveying, P.C. Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. Hanes Supply Herbert F. Darling, Inc. Hohl Industrial Services Hunt Engineers Architects & Land Surveyors JLK Engeneuring, P.C. JM Davidson Engineering, D.P.C. Kistner Concrete Products Inc. KPFF Consulting Engineers LaBella Associates, D.P.C. Lu Engineers McMahon & Mann Consulting Engineers Nussbaumer & Clarke, Inc. Oakgrove Construction, Inc. Popli Design Group Precast Concrete Association of New York Inc. Prudent Engineering Ravi Engineering & Land Surveying, P.C. R.J. Watson, Inc. Safespan Platforms Systems Inc. SJB Services Inc Stantec Consulting Services Inc. T.Y. Lin International Terracon Upstate Rebar LLC Urban Engineers of New York P.C. Watts Architecture & Engineering, D.P.C. Wendel

ASHLEY FREEMAN, PE LaBella Associates 585-295-6629


JASON MESSENGER, PE Lu Engineers 585-385-7417

NOMINATION FORM for 2021-2022 Officers and Directors


Immediate Past President


In accordance with the Association for Bridge Construction and Design – Western New York Chapter Bylaws, ABCD-WNY is seeking nominations for Officers and the Board of Directors. ABCD-WNY Bylaws dictate that the current Vice President will accede to the office of President and the current Secretary will accede to the office of Vice President for the 2021-2022 Term. The election of a new Secretary occurs yearly for a term of one (1) year, after which the Secretary will ascend to Vice President and then President. Directors serve for a term of three years, unless they are completing the term of a departing Director, in which case, the new Director will serve the remaining years of the departing Director’s term. Nominations are being accepted for Secretary for the 2021-2022 Term, and 2 directors for the 20212024 Term. If an existing Director is elected to an Officer, their Director position will be filled by the next highest vote receiver from the Director ballots. Nominees must be current members of the Chapter and be in Good Standing.

Nominations: Secretary: Name:








Nominated by: Name:




Please return nominations by completing this form and emailing it to: William Rugg, PE Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. Email:

Nominations will close on Friday, April 2, 2021. Mailing Address: ABCD WNY Chapter, c/o Rochester Engineering Society, Inc., 657 East Avenue, Rochester NY 14607

abcd news


March 2021 Newsletter Section Officers Chair Eric Brown Vice Chair Treasurer Secretary Paul Lee

Chapters & Groups AES & COMSOC Cristiano Tapparello CS & CIS Bo Yuan EDS & CSS Sean Rommel EMBS Cristian Linte GRSS Emmett Ientilucci LIFE Mark Schrader APS & MTTS Danielle Walters Photonics Bruce Smith Parsian K. Mohseni PES & IAS Jean Kendrick SPS Alex Byrley Eric Zeise TEMS Paul Lee Young Professionals Eric Brown

Student Groups Univ. of Rochester Ming-Lun Lee RIT Jamison Heard

Committees Awards Jean Kendrick Communications Christine Frayda Howard Bussey Newsletter Howard Bussey PACE Bruce Rubin

Liaisons RES Harold Paschal RCSS William Brewer

Message from the Chair Dear Colleagues, The IEEE was happy to report an improvement in membership renewal at the end of 2020 to start 2021 on a positive note. The Rochester Section remains dedicated to our membership with many events in the works for 2021. We are also increasing our outreach efforts to gain and support students with the resources that come with IEEE membership. Congratulations to Rajeev Balasubramonian PhD, a Rochester Section alumnus who is part of the IEEE Fellows Class of 2021. Rajeev’s connections to the Rochester Section go back to his PhD work in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Rochester. He was recognized as an IEEE Fellow for his contributions to in-memory computation and memory interface design. The next IEEE Rochester Section virtual ExCom meeting will be on April 6th from noon until 1pm via WebEx (vTools# 255223). Stay healthy, and best regards,

Signal Processing Society Talk On 1/18 the Signal Processing Society held an event entitled "Function space data representation of temporal signals for machine learning". The corresponding talk focuses on how to apply Gaussian processes to model interactions between inputs and outputs of a system, when we only have access to those two signals, in order to predict the system's properties. Applications included predicting material properties by applying these models to experimental input and output curves. This event, conducted online, had participants ranging at least from GMT5:00 to GMT+5:30 – highlighting an unexpected aspect virtual meetings. .


ieee news

IEEE Member Benefits Encourage Electrical Engineering colleagues and students to join IEEE so they can take advantage of the many benefits that IEEE offers. In February, for instance, IEEE-USA offered members a free e-book, authored by Dr. Robert Danielle, that provides sage advice on career transitioning to professionals. IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization for the advancement of technology. There are many membership benefits for both student and professional members, including discounts on IEEE society membership, conferences, and publications. Commercial discount programs include Dell Technologies, UPS, and Wolfram. Liability, travel, auto, and home insurance programs are available.

Terra Science and Engineering Fair News The Rochester IEEE Section supports pre-college student actitivities including the Terra Rochester Finger Lakes Science and Engineering Fair. The Fair is seeking judges, and IEEE members are urged to consider judging for the fair this year. With your enthusiasm and a sincere desire to encourage middle and high school students, you help them to learn about the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics fields, and perhaps help launch them into Electrical Engineering careers. For more information, visit This year only, the Terra Rochester Finger Lakes Science and Engineering Fair is also accepting registration from students in the Western New York Regional Science and Engineering Fair region, comprising these counties: Erie, Genesee, Niagara, Orleans, and Wyoming. For more information, visit

STRATUS 2021 Pre-registration for this exciting conference is open. Visit the site at to find out more about topics such as remote sensing, 3d and multi-view imaging, environmental monitoring and modelling, platforms, calibration, sensor, and imaging systems, technologies and applications, algorithm and image processing, photogrammetry, geohazards and extreme events, and single unit and swarm missions.

IEEE Rochester Section Events Please check the events to ensure they are as scheduled below. Visit for details about any of these events. Event EXCOM Meeting Terra Rochester Finger Lakes Science and Engineering Fair EXCOM Meeting EXCOM Meeting STRATUS – GeoHazards and Extreme Events

ieee news

Vtools # 255221

When March 2nd, 11:50 – 13:00 March 20th

Via Webex On-line


255223 255224

April 6th, 11:50 – 13:00

Via Webex Via Webex

May 17th – May 19th

Hybrid: on-line and at the Center for Tomorrow, University at Buffalo NY (New York state COVID-19 opening permitting)


Presented by the Electrical Association of Western New York

to benefit the Kessler Burn Center at URMC Friday, May 7, 2021 from 6-10PM The Strathallan 550 East Avenue ~ Rochester, New York

AWESOME PRIZES AND 50/50 Receive $500 in Betting Chips to Play Craps, Texas Hold’em, Blackjack, Three Card Poker, Intersect Poker & Let It Ride Hors D’Oeuvres, Food Stations, Dessert & Coffee



ea news

The Society of Women Engineers stimulates women to achieve full potential in careers as engineers and leaders, expands the image of the engineering profession as a positive force in improving the quality of life, and demonstrates the value of diversity. Find us on Facebook at SWE Rochester c/o Rochester Engineering Society at RMSC 657 EastAve Rochester, NY 14607

The New Normal

PROFESSIONAL AND COLLEGIATE SECTIONS WORK TOGETHER Adapting to COVID-related distancing has made for some great innovations to programs. RIT-SWE has always relied on SWE Rochester to help with the professional panel for their yearly SWE Overnight Program. SWE Overnight traditionally hosts around 50 junior-level high school girls in person to show them the different engineering disciplines, what it is like to be a student, and how SWE can help support you. With COVID and all the restrictions due to social distancing, the RIT-SWE Overnight Coordinator and E-Board reimagined the program into a virtual event. Registration sky-rocketed to over 300 participants, which led to further changes to be able to include everyone. There were still student panels, labs for the different disciplines with items easily found in the home, and the opportunity to Stephanie White interact with current RIT students and professionals.


The final event was the professional panel. SWE Rochester members (Audrey Clignett, Stephanie White, Dani Walters, and Justine Converse) and SWE member Karen Roth talked about their careers and how SWE has been an important part of their careers. The support of professional sections of student sections occurs across the country and world, and helps grow the number of girls choosing Amy Blackmon engineering and other technical fields.


As with everything, it will be interesting to see how this will affect the event once social distancing requirements are eliminated. Will virtual be the new way to run the program to include more participants? Or will it be better to revert to the old program? Or will we end up with some hybrid? Time will tell… WE NEED YOUR HELP What would you like from SWE Roc? Do you have any new ideas? We’d love for you to join us, so join us at our upcoming planning meeting! CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE AND JOIN OUR MEETINGS Executive Meetings are open!

Join or Renew with SWE Roc Today Benefit from a network of women engineers, get involved in outreach activities, and gain access to professional and personal development resources!

If you haven’t done so already, be sure to renew your membership today at If you don’t have a membership yet, please join us! swe news


Rochester, NY Section P.O. Box 23795 Rochester, NY 14692


Join us for a fun (and FREE !) night of trivia. There will be some lighting related questions as well as topics related to current events or pop culture. Grab a favorite beverage and come have some fun. There will be prizes for the top 3 winners !!! Registration is open !! Click HERE to register !!


Our 2020 joint golf outing with the Buffalo IES was a success so we are doing it again this year… Stafford C.C. is the place. Save the date. Details to follow!!

DON’T FORGET THE 2021 IES ILLUMINATION AWARDS Our local lighting awards have returned but the rules have changed. Submit your most innovative and compelling lighting design installations. The 2021 submissions began on January 2, 2021

This year your IES Rochester Section would also like to see your best work at our local level ! All submissions should follow the same guidelines as set at the national level but your local submission will be FREE. Submissions will be reviewed at the local level by your IES Rochester Board and shared with the Rochester Section. Locally selected submissions then have the option of being submitted for a National Award. The IES Rochester Board will assist in filing and will pay the entry fee for the applicant. Click HERE for more details our website. Please remember to visit our website at 42 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER MARCH 2021

ies news

Fair Day, Saturday, March 20th, Is Coming Soon! Judges Needed!

Harold Clark TRFSEF Director

Share your expertise with an eager student who’s seeking feedback on the work they have done! Science & Engineering Fairs can be lifechanging and can encourage pursuit of STEM careers. Judges can register online TODAY!

Have questions? Contact us at (315) 422-2902 Terra Rochester Finger Lakes Science and Engineering Fair hosted by the RMSC

terra news

Don’t miss the chance to judge at the GENIUS Olympiad.



Upcoming Chapter Meeting Events • Thursday, March 18, 2021: March Chapter Meeting Speaker – Logan Grumbach, Boeing Topic – Integration Principles for Complex Systems Logan Grumbach is a manager with the National Defense National Team at Boeing in Huntsville, Alabama. Logan has a PhD in Aerospace Systems Engineering from the University of Alabama at Huntsville. The integration of complex systems is an important aspect of systems engineering. This presentation defines six integration principles to consider when planning and executing system development and integration processes. The presentation describes these integration principles and validates them through a historical system survey. The 14 systems studied represent both integration successes and integration failures to show the universal applicability of the principles. • Thursday, April 15, 2021: April Chapter Meeting Speaker – Robert Nilsson, Volvo Topic – Towards an Ontology for Collaboration in System of Systems Context Robert Nilsson is a Global Product Manager for Intelligent Systems for Volvo. His presentation explores possibilities for collaboration between two companies that share interest in a System of Systems (SoS). As a response to harmonize use of words for an SoS in relationship to standardized set of definitions an INCOSE Work Group project developed a proposal for an ontology that could support collaboration in the context of directed SoS and acknowledged SoS. Note that this meeting will be held at noon, to accommodate the speaker’s schedule. • Meetings begin at 6:00 pm and run to approximately 7:30 pm • All meetings are being held virtually until further notice. We use Globalmeet11 for our monthly meetings. • GlobalMeet Join Details - Join as GUEST Meeting Details Web Address: Access Number: 1-646-307-1479 Guest Passcode: 825 772 4705


incose news

President/Education Chair: JENNIFER WENGENDER, P.E., CPD CPL 205 St Paul Blvd Rochester, NY 14604 585-454-7600 Vice President Technical: DAVE JERECKOS IBC Engineering, PC 3445 Winton Place Suite 219 Rochester, NY 14623 585-292-1590 Vice President Legislative: DAVID MYERS LaBella Associates, PC 300 State Street Suite 201 Rochester, NY 14614 585-454-6110 Vice President Membership/AYP: TRAVIS JESSICK Dave Gooding Inc 173 Spark Street Brockton MA 02302 585-794-8845 Treasurer: ALAN SMITH, P.E. IBC Engineering, PC 3445 Winton Place Suite 219 Rochester, NY 14623 585-292-1590 Administrative Secretary: ADAM KRAMER IBC Engineering, PC 3445 Winton Place Suite 219 Rochester, NY 14623 585-292-1590 Newsletter Editor: CHRIS WOLAK Victaulic Fairport, NY 14450 484-350-1954 Affiliate Liaison: REBECCA KOLSTAD Kolstad Associates

President's Message Happy New Year 2021!!! We have some open slots for speakers for our spring and fall lunchtime meetings. At this point we are planning to continue with Web type virtual meetings through May. Please contact one of our board members if you would like to volunteer. Our Rochester Chapter will have elections for Board members this coming May. Any current ASPE members that are interested in joining our board, please give me a call. We have a tentative date for our golf outing: Thursday, June 10, 2021 at 10:00am, Victor Hills. We hope to see people in person for that event. Stay safe but stay in touch! �

Jennifer Wengender, P.E., CPD Rochester Chapter President

Meeting Notice – Save the Date Topic:

Safety First! Specifying Emergency Showers & Eyewashes


Troy Monteith, Guardian GE Safety


Wednesday, March 17, 2021


12:00 noon – 1:00 p.m. (check in 11:50 am)


Wherever you can access the internet!!


1 PDH – Pending approval


Free. �


To Dave Jereckos (341-3168), or which is important for tracking attendance and issuing certificates.

(Chapters are not authorized to speak for the Society)

aspe news


Rochester Chapter

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers Rochester ASHRAE website:


ASHRAE 2020-2021 Meeting Schedule Date Monday, 3/08/2021



The Current and Future State: The Impact from COVID19

Resource Promotion

Presented by: Michelle Schleher, Rochester Regional Health

(PDH Pending) Refrigeration Night

Monday, 4/12/2021 Refrigeration Tour (Location TBD) Monday, 5/17/2021

Annual ASHRAE Golf Outing and Picnic (Ravenwood Golf Course)

Location Virtual


(PDH Pending)


9:30 AM Golf 4:30 - 8:00 Picnic

President's Message

As we all recall from February 2nd, Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow predicting 6 more weeks of winter. Obviously everyone reading this, having an interest in some form of engineering or another, agrees that this highly scientific method of meteorology is fool-proof. This means that winter is officially over and we can usher in Spring! As COVID vaccines continue to be administered through the general population, I think we all feel the essence of the spring season which is optimism and newness of life. Here at ASHRAE we continue to use caution with our virtual monthly meetings but do anticipate sharing in fellowship soon with our golf outing in May, as the facility and local guidelines allow. The situation is ever-changing so our website is your best resource to stay up-to-date: How the Internet of Things is Changing BMS, presented by Joe Klotz of Johnson Controls was our February meeting. For March we will host Michelle Schleher from Rochester Regional Health to discuss The Current and Future State: The Impact from COVID19. We hope to see the regular names/faces in addition to some new ones at our meetings. All are welcome! Michael Benedict 2020-2021 President ASHRAE Rochester


ashrae news

Updated 2/10/2021



Directory of Professional Services

Advertising Rates and Membership Application is Available at directory of professional services


Directory of Professional Services

Full-Service Engineering, Architecture + Code Compliance 255 East Avenue Rochester, NY 14604

Solving soils problems for over 40 years. 46A Sager Drive, Rochester, NY 14607 Tel: 585-458-0824 • Fax: 585-458-3323

(585) 512-2000

Advertising Rates and Membership Application is Available at

Save the Date: 118th RES Annual Gala Saturday, April 17, 2021

Rochester Riverside Convention Center Additional details will be posted on the RES website:

Directory of Business Services Advisors

Philip J. Welch

First Vice President - Investments

Wells Fargo Advisors

Wells Fargo Advisors is a trade name used by Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC

Member SIPC


400 Meridian Centre Blvd. Suite 210 Rochester, NY 14618 Direct: 585-241-7546 Fax: 585-241-3986 Toll Free: 877-237-6201

directory of professional services | director of business services


Affiliated Societies of the Rochester Engineering Society American Consulting Engineering Companies of New York President, David J. Meyer, 585-218-0730 Email: American Public Works Association Monroe County/Genesee Valley Branch Chairman, Peter Vars, PE Email: American Society of Civil Engineers, Rochester Section President, Joshua T. Rodems, PE, Bergmann, Rochester, NY. 585-498-7944. Email: American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Rochester Chapter President, Mike Benedict, Email: Website: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Rochester Section Chairman, Joseph Lawson, American Society of Plumbing Engineers, Rochester New York Chapter President, Jennifer Wengender, PE, CPD, Clark Patterson Lee, 205 St. Paul Blvd., Rochester, NY 14604. 585-454-7600. Email: Website:

Association for Bridge Construction and Design President, Michael D. Davidson, PE JM Davidson Engineering, DPC Email:

Association For Facilities Engineering, Rochester Chapter President, Matt Knights, Constellation Brands, Inc. Email: Electrical Association Executive Director, Karen Lynch Email: President, Russ Corcoran, Landmark Electric, 585-359-0800. Email:

Monroe Professional Engineers Society President, Mike Ritchie, PE Email:

Genesee Valley Land Surveyors Association President, Jared R. Ransom, LS 585-737-6881 Email:

New York Water Environment Association Inc., Genesee Valley Chapter ( President, Bill Davis, 585-381-9250 Email:

Illuminating Engineering Society of North America Inc., Rochester Section President, Rob Gleason Email:

New York State Association of Transportation Engineers, Section 4 President, Paul J. Spitzer, PE, NYS DOT Region 4, Genesee Valley, 1530 Jefferson Road, Rochester, NY 14623. 585-272-4890. Email: Website:

Rochester Makerspace President, David M. Duckles 585-467-5565, Website:

Imaging Science & Technology, Rochester Chapter President, Bruce Pillman, 585-748-6006 Email:

Sheet Metal & Air-Conditioning Contractor’s National Association-Rochester, Inc. Executive Director, Aaron Hilger 585-586-8030. Email:

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Rochester Section Chairman, Eric Brown Email: Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers, Rochester Chapter President, Poojith Kalluru, Alstom Email: International Council on Systems Engineering, Finger Lakes Chapter President, Teresa Fronk Email:

Society of Plastics Engineers, Rochester Section President, Brett Blaisdell Email: Society of Women Engineers. Rochester Section President, Marca J. Lam, RIT Email: Terra Rochester Finger Lakes Science & Engineering Fair Director, Harold R. Clark, PhD Email: Website:

Corporate Members of the Rochester Engineering Society Bergmann (Enterprise) BME Associates

Hunt Engineers, Architects & Land Surveyors, Inc.

Passero Associates

CHA Companies

IBC Engineering, PC (Champion) Kistner Concrete Products Inc.

Clark Patterson Lee

L3 Harris (Enterprise)

Erdman Anthony Associates

M/E Engineering, PC (Enterprise)

Fisher Associates, PE, LS, LA, DPC

MRB Group (Champion)

Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce (RBA) Champion)


Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.

Optimation Technology, Inc.

affiliated societies & corporate members of the rochester engineering society

Pathfinder Engineers & Architects (Champion) Rochester Institute of Technology, Kate Gleason College of Engineering Stantec TY-LIN International (Champion) IS YOUR COMPANY LISTED HERE? Call 585-254-2350 for information.




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