Rochester Engineering Society Magazine February 2017

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FEBRUARY 2017 Engineering faculty awarded $1.8 million NIH grant to develop ultrathin membranes for tissue engineering

RIT team builds transparent glass membranes as a tool to advance cell and tissue engineering

also in this issue...

Save the Date: 115th RES Annual Gala - Saturday, April 8, 2017 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES | 12

Engineering faculty awarded $1.8 million NIH grant to develop ultrathin membranes for tissue engineering

The Rochester Engineer Published since 1922 by


Founded March 18, 1897

Volume 95, Number 8, FEBRUARY 2017 is ELECTRONIC COPY ONLY 2,500 Monthly Circulation (Quarterly Hard Copies, 11 issues electronically) ISSN 0035-7405

RES Mission Statement: The RES will become the lead organization for improving the image and influence of the engineering community in the greater Rochester area by: Demonstrating a comprehensive knowledge of the region’s engineering and technical capabilities; Providing the best clerical support and public relations assistance to our affiliates; Continually communicating the engineering and technical accomplishments to both the engineering and technical community and the public; Providing regular forums and networking opportunities for the exchange of ideas and discussion of issues; and, Providing programs that identify career opportunities to the region’s youth and develop the skills of the practicing engineer. News items and articles are invited. Materials should be submitted to the administrative director at the society’s office, 657 East Avenue, Rochester, New York 14607; Phone number (585) 254-2350, e-mail:

The web site for the Engineers’ Center is at: The deadline is the 10th day of the month prior to the issue. Unless otherwise stated, opinions expressed in this publication are those of contributors, not of the Rochester Engineering Society, Inc. Advertising information may be obtained by contacting the office of the Rochester Engineering Society or going to the website at Published every month but July. Yearly subscription is $20.00, (4 hard copies, 11 digital). You can sign up on the website for the subscription for digital copies only (free) and receive an email notice when posted. Go to to join the Rochester Engineering Society. Click on the individual membership and you can submit your application on-line. Board of Directors: OFFICERS: President JON KRIEGEL Retired / First Vice President MICHAEL V. TRIASSI Optimation Technology, Inc. / Second Vice President SCOTT GRASMAN, PhD Rochester Institute of Technology / Email: Treasurer FAHRETTIN (FAZ) BAY LaBella Associates DPC / Past President ADAM CUMMINGS, PE Barton & Loguidice, PC / EIGHT DIRECTORS: CORNELIUS (NEAL) ILLENBERG PE Retired / LEE LOOMIS Retired / RICHARD E. RICE, PE MJ Engineering / JOSEPH DOMBROWSKI, PE M/E Engineering / BARRY QUINN Retired NYSDOT / DANIELLE WALTERS Harris Corporation/ DOREEN EDWARDS Rochester Institute of Technology TBD Administrative Director LYNNE M. IRWIN Rochester Engineering Society / e-mail:

(cover) Page 6


5 • The RES Tutoring Team at Dr. Walter Cooper Academy Still Needs More Tutors For The 2016-17 School Year 6 • Engineering faculty awarded $1.8 million NIH grant to develop ultrathin membranes for tissue engineering (cover).

8 • How do you arm a STEM Teacher with real-world application examples? Put an Engineer in the classroom!

9 • Get IT Done - #1 Computer Complaint? It's slow... 10 • Get to the Point! - Oh No, Not Another Meeting 12-13 • Save the Date - April 8, 2017 RES Gala and Sponsorship Opportunities 14-15, 23 • Campus News 16 • What's News 16-18 • Position Openings 18-19, 27 • Professional Firms - Employee News 20 • Continuing Education Opportunities (PDHs) 21-22 • Engineers’ Calendar 24-26 • News from Professional Firms 41 • RES Advertising Rates 44-46 • Directory of Professional Services 46 • Directory of Business Services 47 • Affiliated Societies and Corporate Members of the RES Membership Application and Advertising Rates are also on the website:

news of the...

• ABCD Association for Bridge Construction and Design.....................42 • AFE Association for Facilities Engineering...........................................35 • APWA American Public Works Association...........................................40 • ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers............................................43 • ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers....................................................32 • ASPE American Society of Plumbing Engineers....................................38 • EA Electrical Association.......................................................................37 • GVLSA Genesee Valley Land Surveyors Association.............................34


• IES Illuminating Engineering Society....................................................39 • IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.................30-31 • INCOSE International Council of Systems Engineering...........................29 • IS&T Imaging Science and Technology...................................................28 • MPES Monroe Professional Engineers Society......................................33 • RES Rochester Engineering Society...................................3-5, 8, 12-13 • SWE Society of Women Engineers........................................................36


President’s Message Jon Kriegel, ASME Fellow RES President 2016 - 17 We heard back from members regarding the digital Rochester Engineer magazine. The specific request we heard was to send an e-mail notice when the magazine went live on-line. Past President and Web Editor, Adam Cummings made that happen (go to magazine subscription form under the magazine tab to sign up for this). We have Board of Director and Committee seats that I hope you will consider filling. We need one new Board member, which is a two year commitment and means attending 12 monthly Board Meetings each year. (Nobody makes every meeting so not-to-worry.) Please take a look at the RES web page to see who is currently on our Board of Directors. We also need a Chairperson to work with Committee Members on The Rochester Engineer magazine. Over our 119 year history, we have hosted a lot of technical presentations and conducted our share of plant tours. In pursuit of an enhanced valueproposition, we also need a Chair for continuing such meetings. Please consider helping the RES by Chairing a committee (you do not need to be a board member). If your RES Affiliate Organization is offering a SpeakerEngagement or Plant Tour, please consider having the RES as a Co-sponsor and using the Rochester Engineer magazine to reach nearly three thousand engineers in our Upstate area. Based on our affiliation with the Rochester Museum and Science Center, you may want to use one of res news - president’s message

the many conference rooms or even the Planetarium, here at the Museum. Lee Loomis has more than 20 volunteers tutoring Literacy for Middle School RCSD Students and the RES STEM Bridges Initiative is recruiting volunteer technical people for K-12 classroom-visitations in seven area school districts. Rich Repka is the lead advisor for the RES Explorer Troop #801 and is taking 22 high school students on a series of 12 Lectures/Plant Tours as an excellent engineering-as-a-career introduction. Details on the Explorer Post schedule is also on the RES website. The RES 115th Gala is coming on Saturday April 8th and we hope you will attend and sponsor this annual event. Details on sponsorship are on page 12 and 13 of this issue and additional details are on the RES website. Please join us as we award the 2016 Engineer of the Year, Young Engineer of the Year, Engineers of Distinction, Finalists, and many high school and college scholarships. Given these volunteer openings and outreach opportunities, and important professional community contributions, I hope you are proud to be part of the RES, and moved to get even more involved.


Rochester History Continuing with the historical sampling of the earlier writings on behalf of the Rochester Engineering Society, the years following "The Great War," into and through the “Great Depression,” continued to be a time of reaching out for the maturing Society, both locally and nationally. The meeting minutes describe a series of technical discussions and presentations intended to broaden the technical horizons of the membership (especially the CE's, ME's and EE's). The RES affiliated itself with a number of National technical societies, adopted local Affiliated Societies, frequently held joint meetings with them and continued taking action on a growing list of public matters. Certain issues of standardization, some crucial to public safety, became the responsibility of the RES and its affiliates. In the pervasive economic downturn of the “Great Depression,” the magazine offered classified advertising for unemployed engineers, technicians and draftsmen and took other steps to try to deal with the crisis. Still, it continued its effort to shape the function, purpose and infrastructure of the City of Rochester, and beyond. Soon, war would again affect the Society, taking away many of its leaders while providing opportunities for others to step forward to fill these vacancies. In an effort to provide even greater perspective on the happenings and concerns of the day, a synopsis, featuring selected items from "The Rochester Engineer" has become an integral part of this series. The Second World War and the Korean Conflict are now history. These experiences have changed the face and, no doubt, the future of the community. The Rochester municipal leadership and the industrial community have become immersed in the cold-war, growth economy.

April 8, 1965 (Board of Directors Meeting, Faculty Club, University of Rochester)

The Board approved a motion, instructing the Executive Secretary to give high priority to putting “The Rochester Engineer” on a paying basis. (In 1965, the magazine’s subscription price was $2 per year, and $.20 per month.) Editor’s note: With the January 2017 issue, the RES Board has, once again, embarked on a path to make the magazine a self-paying feature of the RES. (In 2017, the magazine’s subscription price is $10 per year, $2.50 per quarterly printed issue and no charge for the eleven monthly electronic issues.) In an effort to promote an initial low-cost pathway to RES membership, the Board approved the re-defining of “Junior Member” as one between the ages of 18 years and 28 years. Education Committee Chair, Dr. Edward Kirkpatrick, reported that 196 people had attended the recent science, engineering, technology and math “refresher course” seminar series, offered by the RES. By unanimous vote, the Board rejected a request to place a recruiting advertisement in the magazine.

“The Rochester Engineer” (April 1965)

This issue announced the establishment of a group insurance program for RES members and their families, through the Engineering Associations Insurance Trust. Features of this program included Life Insurance, a Loss-of-Time Plan, High-Limit Accidental Death & Dismemberment Plan and a Major HospitalNurse-Surgical Plan. It was also announced that the ultimate success of this program would depend upon the interest and subscription by the RES membership. The two RES luncheon presentations for this month included “What’s Happening in Process Control?” by Dr. Paul Pagery, VP Engineering & Research, Taylor Instrument Company and “Progress at Rochester Telephone” by George S. Beinetti, President. The Board of Directors of the Rochester Section of the ASCE announced its unanimous support for the establishment of a “Joint Engineering Center,” located in the central business district, to serve as the focal point of engineering in the Rochester metropolitan area. This action reinforced the 1964 RES 4 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER FEBRUARY 2017

A Sampling from the Archives of the Rochester Engineering Society...1897 - 1965 by Lee M. Loomis

Policy Statement toward exploring the possibility of establishing such a facility. This issue also presented the slate of RES officers for 1965-66, including President – Dr. John W. Graham, Jr. (U of R), 1st Vice President – Robert R., Dobbin (Peck Associates), 2nd Vice President – Evan A. Edwards (Eastman Kodak Company), Secretary – John L. Wheeler (Xerox Corporation), Treasurer – Howard A. Brown (RG&E Corporation), Director – Richard D. Boutros (Mixing Equipment Company) and Dr. Edward T. Kirkpatrick (RIT). As a new, regular feature, this issue provided information on 25 different engineering meetings, events and activities of the RES and its Affiliates, for this month.

May 14, 1965 (Executive Committee Meeting, Chamber of Commerce)

The Board received and approved seven new applications for Regular Membership, and four for Junior Membership. It was decided that the RES Annual Meeting would be held at the U of R Faculty Club and that Rochester architect James Johnson would describe the new “Liberty Pole” project. The Board approved an increase in the annual maintenance contract for the IBM typewriter to $42.50. Related to the search for a suitable location for an “Engineers Center,” the House Committee reported that they had visited the Gleason Homestead and found it unsuitable for the RES’ purposes. The question of RES Affiliate representation on the Board was referred to the Policy Committee for further study and recommendation. A report on solvency for the RES revealed that, at current dues rates, the membership would have to be increased by 375 in order to balance the RES budget.

“The Rochester Engineer” (May 1965)

A project involving the lighting of the ski slopes at Bristol Mountain, by E. David Subar of the Rochester firm of Bettinger and Subar, had won the applied lighting contest of the Rochester Chapter of the Illuminating Engineering Society, bringing this facility’s main slope (4,200’) into prominence as the longest lighted ski slope in the US. The final RES luncheon of the season “Changing Scenes in Urban Transportation” by Thompson A. Nooner, General Railway Signal Company was announced. Twentythree upcoming science, technology, engineering & mathematics events were announced in the magazine’s schedule of engineering organizations’ April meetings.

June 16, 1965 (Executive Committee Meeting, Faculty Club, University of Rochester)

The Executive Committee approved seven new applications for Regular Membership to the RES.

Subsequent articles in this series will describe the RES' continuing outreach to other technical societies as it considered its role in this and the larger community, along with more of the activities of the RES as it moved to be of greater service to its membership, especially those suffering from current economic crises, and adopted a greater role in shaping the future of the City and its environs. Noted also, will be the contributions made by RES members in the struggle to meet the challenges coming out of World War II, as well as a hoped-for period of post-war growth and prosperity. These articles will also feature an impressive array of RES activities in support of post-war re-emergence of Rochester area industry. We welcome your questions and comments on this series. res news - history

RES News The RES Tutoring Team at Dr. Walter Cooper Academy still needs more tutors for the 2016-17 School Year

One of our newest RES Tutors, James Koon, plays “Oh Snap,” a word identification game, with one of Mrs. O’Hara’s 2nd Graders The RES Tutoring Team has begun its school year 2016-17 at Dr. Walter Cooper Academy. Twentyone RES Tutors have begun working with our learners at #10 School. Eighteen of these tutors are from Bergmann Associates. Assembled into three teams (X, Y & Z), each of these tutors volunteers once a month for a two-hour assignment. The result is an equivalent three regular tutors, working every week with our students. Three full-time tutors have also begun their assignments. Prior to this, they met with the school leaders, learned about plans for the Expeditionary Learning Program for our scholars this year, and discussed their preferences for “tutoring assignments” for the 2016-17 school year We are continuing to build our Tutoring Team, for the 2016-17 school year. Please consider requesting an RES Tutoring Team Application, now or…We are currently scheduling “Lunch & Learn” presentations in several Rochester area firms and professional groups, to inform and inspire prospective new tutors. We have “hit the ground, running,” for this school year, but we still need your support...Can we schedule a presentation with your firm, work group, church or family? Whether or not you think you have the time to commit to it, right now, please contact us, learn about this successful program and the opportunity it offers us to “make a difference” in Rochester’s City Schools. Let us come and meet with you, your business associates, family members, friends, neighbors. Even just two hours a week of your time can make a big difference in the life of a student. Hear about the training each tutor will receive. Please contact the RES office, and let us know you’re interested in tutoring at Dr. Walter Cooper Academy - School #10, 353 Congress Avenue (in the 19th Ward, one block North of Genesee Park Blvd., between Post Avenue and Virginia Avenue). Questions??? Reach out to RES Past President Lee Loomis and the RES Tutoring Team at… Rochester Engineering Society, (585) 254-2350 via website: or via email: (585) 738-3079 (mobile & text) res news - tutoring


A closer look at the nano-membrane being developed for in vitro tissue engineering. Graphic by Noah Greene and Joe Olmsted

Engineering faculty awarded $1.8 million NIH grant to develop ultrathin membranes for tissue engineering

RIT team builds transparent glass membranes, advancing the development of in vitro tissue models


esearchers at Rochester Institute of Technology are advancing tissue engineering through new work in developing improved porous membranes that will be the “scaffolds,” or foundational structures, for in vitro tissue models. “We are building membranes that will not only solve the needs of researchers studying the basic biology of barriers, but also scientists and engineers investigating drug discovery and stem cell differentiation,” said Thomas Gaborski, assistant professor of biomedical engineering in RIT’s Kate Gleason College of Engineering. “Half of this work is about the development of membrane technology, and the other half is about developing better in vitro barrier model systems.” Gaborski was awarded a five-year, $1.8 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to develop “Transparent ultrathin nano-membranes for barrier cell models and novel co-cultures systems.” This is a new investigator award given to early-career faculty-researchers who propose innovative approaches to high-impact projects. His work is in developing nano-membranes, including new, ultrathin, transparent glass membranes, and performing collaborative work with other researchers in the fields of physiological barrier models and stem cell differentiation. One of the technologies he and his team are working on are “glass” membranes that are optically transparent allowing researchers the ability to visualize cellular processes in real-time and in high resolution. Conventional membranes currently used in research labs to build engineered tissues are


cover article


often thick and usually opaque, making it difficult to see details at the cellular level. Gaborski’s new design will be an advance in the technique. “Current membranes are limiting because they don’t allow easy physical and biochemical communication between cells that are on opposite sides of the membranes,” he explained. “Most barriers in your body are not made up of a single layer of cells but multiple layers, and this membrane must support the cells, while also preventing them from mixing with one another. “We want to create stratified layers of tissue in the laboratory, but current membranes are thick and not as porous, so that limits cell-tocell communication. We want something that provides a scaffold for growth, but does not hinder natural processes.”

Members of Thomas Gaborski’s research team are (left to right): undergraduate biomedical engineering students Melissa Mendoza, Ana Peredo and Spencer Perry; Gaborski; post-doctoral researchers Henry Chung and Marcela Mireles; undergraduate biomedical engineering student Stephanie Casillo; and microsystems engineering doctoral student Aslan Dehghani. Photo by Michelle Horan

In addition to developing new membranes, Gaborski’s research team will continue to focus on cell-substrate interactions and vascular barrier models. In 2014, he was presented the Young Innovator Award in Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering given by the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) for his work in developing porous membranes and co-culture systems using vascular endothelial and adipose-derived stem cells. His team is developing ways to use ultra-thin nano-membranes to differentiate stem cells into the cells necessary to create vascular networks. These cells could ultimately be used to create blood vessels within engineered tissues and organs. Gaborski and his team are also using transparent membranes to investigate fundamental cellular interactions. His team recently returned from the annual BMES conference where they presented results showing that membrane properties could be optimized to reduce cell-substrate interactions and instead promote cell-to-cell interactions. In the future, membrane pore properties could be engineered to create more physiologically relevant culture substrates to enhance barrier formation in these micro-physiological systems. More realistic in vitro barrier models would benefit drug delivery research as well as a better understanding of tissue formation, he explained. A video of the work in the lab is available at watch?v=p6SvEuQNc0k. Tom Gaborski is assistant professor of biomedical engineering at RIT's KGCOE.

cover article


RES News How do you arm a STEM Teacher with real-world application examples? Put an Engineer in the classroom!

In the 1990’s, Eastman Kodak Company jumped the gun, starting a family of STEM initiatives, years before the Government coined the STEM acronym. The name of these programs was the 21st Century Learning Challenge (TCLC), and at our peek, we were 1500 engineers and technicians, visiting Rochester City School Classrooms, twice a week for two-hour visits, during the entire School Year. This effort continued for nearly ten years, and not only pre-dates our recent STEM excitement level, but delivered support on a scale we have yet to match. Many of the volunteers in these programs were, and still are, members of the Rochester Engineering Society (RES). In the intervening twenty-five years, many have retired, or are about to retire. That makes them even more available as STEM Coaches, than they were as Kodak employees. The RES is working to put technical people in K-12 Classrooms, throughout the Greater Rochester area, as STEM Coaches. Their presence will: • • •

Help the Teacher stay current with our ever-changing technology. Provide real-World Application Examples, making whatever is being taught, real enough to be worth remembering. Support the teachers with not only the delivery of STEM concepts, but perhaps more importantly, the design and delivery of STEM related hardware.

Last year we had six STEM Coach, doing Classroom Visitation at School #3. That was so successful that RCSD is interested in expanding this program to involve nine STEM Coaches this year.

The RES is specifically seeking Retired, Technical people, (Engineers, Technicians, Machinists, Entrepreneurs or anyone whose work would allow them to visit during School hours), as STEM Coaches. We currently have more than 30 Coaches, and are connecting them with 13 Rochester-area Schools. “This is a life-changing experience!” For more information contact: Jon Kriegel   585-281-5216 Volunteer Coordinator - Rochester Engineering Society Volunteer STEM Coach or visit: 8 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER FEBRUARY 2017

res news - STEM volunteering


IT done

#1 Computer Complaint? It's Slow... — Andrè Godfrey

So what remains the most common complaint by the end pc using community? “My computer is running slow.” It may not be your computer, it may very well be the network and if so, your IT department assuredly is diligently working towards resolution. But if it is your PC take solace that you are not alone. Everyone’s PC becomes slower eventually. That is the reason that the exact same computer that was so very fast the day you got it, six months later is a forty pound weight around the ankles in your race to get your work done. You could wait for your technology support person to come help you but in the event that you want to remove the ankle weight yourself, here are some quick tips. Check your Desktop Is your desktop cluttered with icons? Clean it up. Put those icons into folders. Name the folders and put the folders into your hard drive or a network drive. You will have accomplished two postive things. First, your computer will load faster because it doesn’t have to load those items. Perhaps more importantly, those items will be backed up by your network. Empty the Trash

expensive and requires its own battery to back up data if power is lost, so SSDs are not for everyone. Yet SSDs may give you the biggest speed boost of anything you do, short of getting a new computer. It also might resolve the next issue. Running Out of Disk Space When your hard drive approaches capacity your computer becomes slower. The reason is because when your computer is using temporary (virtual) memory for applications it ‘swaps it out’ on your hard drive. But if there isn’t enough space available or if it has to ‘look’ for space, everything slows down. Solutions are to begin to get rid of data on your hard drive, upload the data on your drive to the network or to acquire a new hard drive. Delete your Browsing History Your browsing history is basically caching files you frequently use. That speeds things up, until it doesn’t. Once you’re browsing history becomes too large and cumbersome, it works against you. Easy fix. Open up “Internet Options” on your toolbar, open ‘Browsing History” and click delete in the “Browsing History” section.

Taking out the trash on your PC is a two-step process. Sure, you put it in your trash but did you empty it? It can catch up on you. I just checked mine and I had 138 items still in it. Apparently I’m good at putting items into the trash. I’m just not particularly good at emptying the trash. My wife says this comes as no surprise to her.

These are four easy things to consider when you are concerned about your computer’s speed. There are a number of other things you could do such as reduce processes, defrag drives or delete unneeded programs that came with the computer. But it’s a good list to start with and one unlikely to get you and I in trouble with your IT department. At least I hope so.

Do Yourself a Solid

Think About IT.

If your PC is a couple of years old you may still have a mechanical hard drive. If speed and performance is what you’re after then take a look at getting a SSD (Solid State Drive). An SSD drive will boot in less than a minute, and often in just seconds. A mechanical hard drive requires time to speed up to operating specs and is generally slower than an SSD. But an SSD boots faster, launches and runs apps faster, and transfers files faster. It is slightly more get IT done

Andrè Godfrey is President, Entrè Computer Services,


Get to the Point!

Oh No, Not Another Meeting We’ve all done it. We’ve all sat through meetings that were a complete waste of time, and we’ve sat through meetings that were productive and engaging. What’s the difference? What bothers you about meetings? What makes a meeting great? Most people point to the Chairperson as having the most influence on the outcome of the meeting. We see the meeting participant as having the greatest impact. Do the math: there is only one chairperson and several participants. If each participant learned how to be effective and practiced the techniques, meetings wouldn’t be so painful.

Even Participants Need to Prepare Participants’ behaviors in meetings can mean the difference between a productive and a poor meeting. One critical action that helps ensure a meeting runs well, from the participant’s perspective, is to prepare for the meeting. This means making sure you know when and where the meeting is, reading the agenda before you get there, and identifying what information you have to contribute. If you are not presenting, then seek out the people who are, and provide them with any information you feel they might need before the meeting. This will cut down the discussion time during the meeting and allow the people responsible for meeting topics to gather and present all relevant information. If you are a presenter, remember two things: prepare before you speak and remember that you may not be the only person speaking. To prepare for presenting at a meeting, 1. Divide your information into two compartments: A. Need-to-Know B. Nice-to-Know 10 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER FEBRUARY 2017

Your “Need to Know” compartment contains essential information that people in the meeting must use to act, react or decide. The information your audience might be interested in but that is not essential to act, react, or decide is the nice-to-know information. 2. From these compartments, determine what your main message is. This will be the most important information. Formulate a main message that you will deliver to the participants at the meeting. We suggest you begin with the words “I want to tell you that” and then complete the sentence. This forces the main point to be delivered right away. 3. Finally, and this is very important, delete the niceto-know information. Most meetings steer off course or carry on far too long because too many people are including this type of information. 4. After you present the main message, see if the audience has questions about it. This technique alone, will tighten up the meetings. It eliminates the extra “tidbits” that add nothing to the conversation. It does take planning and preparation on your part as the participant, but it creates a confident image and shows you are organized. Remember, you might not be the only person speaking. Ask the chairperson or review the agenda before the meeting. See how much time you’ve been allotted to speak and stick to it. Everyone’s time is valuable; Great participants recognize this and allow ample time for all of the agenda items to be addressed. If you don’t know how much time you should speak, ask the chairperson before the meeting.

get to the point

Here are seven more tips for good participation: 1. Focus your message by using only visuals or handouts that add value and are needed to comprehend a topic. If you have too many, it will take too long and your audience will be overwhelmed. If they are not relevant, (like the entire 12-months sales records when you are only reporting on the 2nd Quarter) your audience will be distracted. 2. Be aware of your body language and the intentional and unintentional messages you are sending. Use eye contact and hand gestures to bond with the audience. Sit up straight. Project your voice and smile. It creates rapport, warms up the interaction, and relaxes you as a speaker. 3. Offer opinions, when appropriate. If you are the expert on a subject, the others will expect your opinion. If you are not an expert, consider how much you need to say. 4. As a matter of respect, address the Chair, even when others are not. This will help the chair maintain or regain control. There is no reason why you can’t encourage a topic to be tabled by saying “That’s interesting and I want to hear more, but can we save that for another meeting so we can continue with the agenda?” 5. Keep the meeting productive. Don’t carry on side conversation--ever. They are a distraction for everyone in the meeting and they are rude. 6. Don’t use your cell phone. If you’re expecting an important call (and it better be really important to interrupt a meeting), then glance at it. If it requires action, quietly excuse yourself and leave the meeting. 7. Don’t text in a meeting at all. This shows disrespect and it also shows you are not giving the meeting your full attention.

get to the point

As a participant, if you want to contribute to a successful meeting, adhere to the Three Ps:

Prepare Read the agenda before the meeting so you are informed. Jot down ideas and questions ahead of meeting. If you are a contributor, be well prepared to speak. Arrive early or at the very least, never be late. Participate Ask only questions that are related to the current topic. Take notes so you can recall important points. Share only relevant knowledge, ideas, and experiences. Productive Avoid carrying on side conversations. Remove distractions such as cell phones. If you are on the agenda, always keep to your allotted time. RGI Learning offers workshops in conflict resolution and communications skills. © 2017, RGI Learning Lisa Moretto is the President of RGI Learning, Inc. For 23 years she has helped engineers improve their oral and written communication skills. Visit or call (866) 744-3032 to learn about RGI’s courses. FEBRUARY 2017 The ROCHESTER ENGINEER | 11


res annual gala - sponsorship opportunities


res annual gala - save the date


Campus News Study reviews consumer electronics materials sold into the U.S. for past 25 years RIT’s Golisano Institute for Sustainability reveals findings at Consumer Electronics Show

The initial results of a

most common consumer

comprehensive materials

technologies during this

baseline study for all

time, including TVs, phones,

consumer electronics sold

computers, monitors and

into the U.S. market for the

entertainment devices.

past 25 years were unveiled at the Consumer Electronics

“We studied the number and

Show in Las Vegas on Jan. 7.

type of products being sold, how many were in an average

The study found that while

household, and the ultimate

the number and types

flow into the waste stream,”

of consumer technology

said Babbitt.

products sold have increased, the net material consumption

The team also looked at

has declined to levels not seen

how product weight and

since the early 1990s. The research findings were presented by Callie Babbitt, associate professor

Callie Babbitt (right) with Walter Alcorn, vice president for environmental affairs and industry sustainability at the Consumer Technology Association, at CES Jan. 7 presents initial results of a comprehensive materials baseline study for all consumer electronics sold into the U.S. market for the past 25 years.

material content changed over the same time period. Data came from a wide variety of sources, including the Consumer

in the Golisano Institute

Technology Association,

for Sustainability (GIS)

the U.S. Environmental

at Rochester Institute

Protection Agency, scientific

of Technology. In collaboration with the Staples

literature, and laboratory studies of material content

Sustainable Innovation Lab (housed at GIS) and

in electronics. More than 100 different products

the Consumer Technology Association, Babbitt and

were disassembled to find out what materials they

a team of researchers carried out a comprehensive


analysis of the “material footprint” of consumer technology being used in U.S. households from

“Most of this material reduction since the early 1990s

1990 to 2015. The team focused on about 20 of the

is due to phasing out of large, bulky products like


campus news


cathode ray tube televisions and

environmental affairs and industry

use the model to analyze material

substitution with lightweight flat

sustainability at the Consumer

used in emerging products. “Like

panel displays,” said Babbitt. “In

Technology Association called the

some of the new gadgets that we

addition, many products are being

research “groundbreaking” for the

are seeing at CES,” she said.

designed with lighter materials,

industry. “This will give us the

like aluminum instead of plastic or

framework that we can start to,

Also at CES, Nabil Nasr, associate


in an intelligent and macro way,

provost and director of GIS

identify what materials are going

participated in a panel discussion

The researchers also observed a

into our products, where there

addressing emerging sustainability

greater “device convergence” in

may be issues in terms of material

issues in light of the new

recent years, where multifunctional scarcity and issues of toxicity.”

administration and Congress.

mobile devices, such as smart phones, are taking the place of

Mark Buckley, vice president

Panelists debated such questions as

many products consumers would

of environmental affairs at

whether the sharing economy will

have owned separately before, like

Staples, said the data in the study

lead to sustainable consumption

MP3 players or digital cameras.

will set the tone for a stronger

in an economy powered by

circular economy, which refers

consumer technology, and

“When we looked at specific

to an industrial economy that

whether innovation will lead the

materials, a key finding was that

is restorative by intention

global economy towards growth

major materials of concern used

and eliminates waste through

while still reducing humanity’s

historically to enable consumer

thoughtful design.

environmental footprint.

mercury, have declined, either

“In the future it’s going to

The panel was moderated by

due to technological progress or

be really important to start to

Barnes Johnson, director of the

success of policy initiatives,” said

predict where those materials are

Office of Resource Conservation

Babbitt. “However, there are new

going,” he said. “The converging

and Recovery in the U.S.

opportunities for study and green

technologies in new products pose

Environmental Protection Agency’s

innovation. For example, more

new challenges. Looking in the

Office of Land and Emergency

mobile products mean a greater

rear-view mirror, this data is going


demand for lithium-ion batteries,

to help inform us and help predict

and there is a clear opportunity

how the model should look going

In addition to Nasr and Alcorn,

to proactively develop recycling


the panel included executives

technology products, like lead and

from Google, Samsung and other

systems to target these emerging waste streams.”

Babbitt said the baseline provides

governmental officials. q

the foundation for the next phase Walter Alcorn, vice president for campus news

of research, where the team will FEBRUARY 2017 The ROCHESTER ENGINEER | 15

Position Openings

ROCHESTER INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Mechanical Engineering Description RIT is a national leader in professional and career-oriented education. Talented, ambitious, and creative students of all cultures and backgrounds from all 50 states and more than 100 countries have chosen to attend RIT. Founded in 1829, Rochester Institute of Technology is a privately endowed, coeducational university with nine colleges emphasizing career education and experiential learning. With approximately 15,000 undergraduates and 2,900 graduate students, RIT is one of the largest private universities in the nation. RIT offers a rich array of degree programs in engineering, science, business, and the arts, and is home to the National Technical Institute for the Deaf. RIT has been honored by The Chronicle of Higher Education as one of the “Great Colleges to Work For” for four years. RIT is a National Science Foundation ADVANCE Institutional Transformation site. RIT is responsive to the needs of dual-career couples by our membership in the Upstate NY HERC. Rochester, situated between Lake Ontario and the Finger Lakes region, is the 51st largest metro area in the United States and the third largest city New York State. The Greater Rochester region, which is home to nearly 1.1 million people, is rich in cultural and ethnic diversity, with a population comprised of approximately 18% African and Latin Americans and another 3% of international origin. It is also home to one of the largest deaf communities per capita in the U.S. Rochester ranks 4th for “Most Affordable City" by Forbes Magazine ,and MSN selected Rochester as the “#1 Most Livable Bargain Market” (for real-estate). Kiplinger named Rochester one of the top five “Best City for Families.”

*Detailed Job Description

The successful candidate will teach courses, supervise student design teams, advise students, and participate in other departmental and college duties such as serving on committees. The successful candidate will be expected to teach and develop core mechanical engineering courses and laboratories in accordance with their area of expertise. Applicants should have the ability to support department laboratories, core courses, and automotive option courses. Lab courses include: Engineering Mechanics Laboratory, Engineering Design Tools, Engineering Measurements Laboratory, Engineering Applications Laboratory, Materials Science Laboratory, and Strength of Materials Laboratory. Representative core courses include: Statics, Strength of Materials, Dynamics, Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, and Heat Transfer. Representative automotive option courses include Internal Combustion Engines, Powertrain, Vehicle Dynamics, Fuel Cells, Composites, and Contemporary Issues in Automotive Engineering. Faculty members are expected to engage in continuous personal professional development. We seek applicants with a strong commitment to engineering education, student mentoring, and who are focused on the success of students both inside and outside of the classroom.

Qualifications & Education: Required Minimum Qualifications • • •

Strong commitment to working with students, teaching excellence and hands-on laboratory-based instruction Excellent communication skills Demonstrated aptitude for instruction and development of instructional materials

Preferred Qualifications

• Strong background in automotive engineering and design • Classroom teaching experience • Laboratory course development

Required Minimum Education Level

• Masters-Other

How To Apply Apply online at , search openings, then Keyword Search: 2920BR Please submit: your curriculum vitae, cover letter addressing the listed qualifications and upload the following attachment:

• The names, addresses and phone numbers for three references Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until a suitable candidate is found.

Required Application Documents

• Curriculum Vitae or Resume • Cover Letter • List of References

Additional Details

The hiring process for this position may require a criminal background check and/or motor vehicle records check. Any verbal or written offer made is contingent on satisfactory results, as determined by Human Resources. RIT does not discriminate. RIT promotes and values diversity, pluralism and inclusion in the work place. RIT provides equal opportunity to all qualified individuals and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, age, marital status, sex, gender, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, veteran status or disability in its hiring, admissions, educational programs and activities. RIT provides reasonable accommodations to applicants with disabilities under the Rehabilitation Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the New York Human Rights Law, or similar applicable law. If you need reasonable accommodation for any part of the application and hiring process, and you wish to discuss potential accommodations related to your application for employment at RIT, please contact the Human Resources office at 585-475-2424 or email your request to


Licensed P.E. or R.A. Warren Engineering, Rochester’s leader in building/home inspection services for over 40 years, is seeking a motivated, energetic individual to join our team of inspectors. General construction knowledge is advantageous. Must be a licensed Professional Engineer (P.E.) or Registered Architect (R.A.).

• Set your own work schedule • Escape the traditional office setting • Work locally in the Greater Rochester area • Income is proportional to how much work you do • No sales quotas • Consult with new clients every day • Perform non-competing design work for your own clients • Opportunity to become a partner within 5 years

Company information is available at our web site Please submit your resume via e-mail to:

What's News Rochester Section American Society for Quality Has Up To Four Scholarships Available for 2017-18 Academic Year Once again, the Rochester Section of the American Society for Quality has up to four scholarships available for the 2017-2018 academic year. These scholarships are at least $1000 each. Deadline for submission is February 25, 2017. For details, please go to the following website where guidelines are provided and the application is available as a download.

position openings | what's news

Position Openings

Visit our website for more information at To apply to this position, please email your resume to

Patent Search Analyst – Electrical Engineering Specialist Job Opening is an intellectual property solutions provider that helps organizations make complex business decisions around their innovations. Our industryleading portfolio of services enables businesses to increase revenue, optimize operations, and manage IP risk through insightful data analytics and publishing. We are currently seeking a Patent Search Analyst with an Electrical Engineering background to work out of our Fairport office. A brief overview of responsibilities is listed below – please visit our website at for the complete job description, and to apply to this position. • Performs patent searches: mainly patentability, freedom to operate, with some validity, and landscape searching using patent databases provided. • Assists sales team as a subject matter expert when called to assist in the sales process • Communicate effectively with customers in determining the scope of searches and draft informative reports that clarify and summarize search results. Requirements • A minimum of a Bachelor’s degree is required in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering • 3-5 years of Prior Art searching experience • Compliance with ITAR/Export Control regulations, which can be demonstrated by US citizenship. • Knowledge of patent law, regulations and the MPEP • Expert in key term searching and constructing structured Boolean search queries

SAVE THE DATE Engineering Symposium in Rochester April 18, 2017 Hyatt Regency, Rochester, NY Up to 7 PDHs This event has seen continual growth in our area, with last year’s event having more than 450 in attendance. For more information, please visit the event website:

position openings


Position Openings

Professional Firms Employee News LaBella Associates, DPC Announces New Hires

LaBella Associates announced the hiring Michael H. Stringer and Gerald A. Leone, Jr. Mike joined the firm as a senior electrical designer for the Buildings Engineering Division and will be working out of Syracuse office. He has over 16 years of experience in Michael H. Stringer project management, power, lighting and special system for commercial, education, industrial, retail, hospitality and healthcare clients. Mike also has experience in organizing project meetings, workload allocation meetings, project scheduling, budget tracking and billing. Gerald A. Leone Jr. joined the firm as a permitting and compliance program manager in the Planning Division. Jerry has over 25 years of professional experience in permitting, environmental compliance, remediation, solid and hazardous waste management, regulatory affairs and renewable energy development and implementation. Gerald A. Leone, Jr.

Jerry is a graduate from the State University of New York at Buffalo with a bachelor of science degree in civil and environmental engineering. He serves as a member of the conservation board for the Town of Perinton with 15-year tenure. Jerry is also a sustainable merit badge councilor for the cub scouts. q

Erdman Anthony Announces New Hire Erdman Anthony announced the hiring of Nick Dalton. Nick Dalton joined the firm as a mechanical engineer for the building performance group in the facilities engineering and design services core business in the Rochester office. Dalton has several years of experience as a mechanical and application engineer and project manager.

Nick Dalton


Nick holds a bachelor of science degree in mechanical engineering from Rochester Institute of Technology. q

position openings | professional firms employee news


Professional Firms Employee News Clark Patterson Lee Welcomes Five New Hires Clark Patterson Lee, a full-service design firm that has served public and private-sector clients for 40 years, announced five hires to its Rochester office: Joshua Sauve as junior electrical engineer, Raymond Langill as structural engineer, Eric Matzan as senior mechanical engineer, Jessica Wade as architectural designer and Amanda Koneski as marketing coordinator.

Joshua Suave

As junior electrical engineer, Sauve is responsible for drafting and designing electrical systems for a variety of clients. He comes to the firm from Erdman Anthony, where he served as an electrical engineer responsible for drafting, designing and performing commissioning work. Sauve earned his bachelor of science from Clarkson University.

As structural engineer, Langill is responsible for assisting the structural design team. He joins the team from Torchia Structural Engineering, where he worked directly with architectural staff in the design and renovations processes in both residential and commercial design projects. Langill earned his bachelor of Raymond Langill science in civil engineering from the University at Buffalo. As senior mechanical engineer, Matzan is responsible for the mechanical design supporting buildings, facilities and industrial projects, including hydronic, steam, chilled water, HVAC, process piping, purified water, chemical process and controls. He brings to the team more than 30 years of experience in the engineering professional firms employee news

Eric Matzan

Jessica Wade

industry, most recently serving as senior mechanical engineer for HUNT Engineers, Architects & Surveyors. Matzan earned his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from Clarkson University and completed graduated studies in chemical engineering at Syracuse University. As architectural designer, Wade is responsible for modeling, drafting and coordinating for health care services projects. She joins the team from SWBR Architects, where she worked in the K-12 and life services studios. Wade earned her bachelor of science in architecture from the University at Buffalo and her masters in architecture from Illinois Institute of Technology.

As marketing coordinator, Koneski is responsible for proposal coordination, as well as managing the firm's public relations efforts and social media pages. She brings to the team an expertise in content creation, digital and print advertising, and event planning. Koneski earned her master of arts in integrated marketing communications and Amanda Koneski bachelor of arts in journalism and mass communication from St. Bonaventure University. q


Go to the RES Web Site for Updated Details On All Meetings -

Continuing Monday, February 13

Education Opportunities

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) p 32 1 PDH Credit Pending

Data Center and Critical Space Cooling Technology Advancements

Speaker: Mike DeGaetano, RL Kistler, Inc. Place: City Grill, 384 East Avenue, Rochester Time: 12:00 noon with buffet lunch served. Cost: $25 per person Reservations: Contact Tim Duprey by noon, Thursday, Feb. 9th to Website:

Tuesday, February 28

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 1 PDH Credit Pending

Robotic Construction: Semi-Automated Mason Place: Hilton Garden Inn – Downtown Rochester Time: 11:30 am to 1:00 pm (Tentative) To sign up for details on upcoming events, e-mail

Monday, March 13

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) 1 PDH Credit Pending

p 32

ASHRAE Building Energy Quotient (bEQ)

Wednesday, February 15 American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE)

p 43

p 38

1 PDH Credit Pending (call or email for confirmation after Feb. 10)

Code Revisions, NFPA – Medical Gas Systems

Speaker: Russ Kopylczyk (Upstate Analytical Services) Place: Valicia’s Ristorante, 2155 Long Pond Road, Gates Time: 12:00 noon to 1:30 pm Cost: $20 per person, check or cash at the door. Make checks payable to Rochester Chapter ASPE. Reservations: Contact Dave Jereckos by Monday, Feb. 13th, 585-341-3168 or

SAVE THE DATE Engineering Symposium in Rochester April 18, 2017 Hyatt Regency, Rochester, NY Up to 7 PDHs The symposium will feature 37 accredited courses for Professional Engineers. This event has seen continual growth in our area, with last year’s event having more than 450 in attendance. For more information, please visit the event website: http://www.

Speaker: Hoy Bohanon, PE, President, Hoy Bohanon Engineering, PLLC Place: City Grill, 384 East Avenue, Rochester Time: 12:00 noon with buffet lunch served. Cost: $25 per person Reservations: Contact Tim Duprey by noon, Thursday, March 9th to Website:

Friday, March 31

Association for Bridge Construction and Design (ABCD) Up to 6 PDH Credits

p 42

ABCD Spring Seminar Scheduled presentations include: Figg Engineers, Changes in Public Works Policies, and Design Build Place: Batavia Downs Gaming Center, 8315 Park Road, Batavia Time: 7:15 am Check-in registration; Program begins at 8:00 am. Cost: Before March 17th: Members $100, Non-Members $125, Full Time Students $35. After March 17th, $125 for members, $150 for non-members, $60 for Full Time Students. Registration by Friday, March 24th (no refunds after March 24th). Sign up through Signup Genius at go/10c044aafaf23a4f94-2017 . Questions? Contact Laura McShane or Curt Krempa at Nussbaumer & Clarke, 716-827-8000 or or

Support Your Society Attend a Meeting

To post continuing education opportunities on this page please contact the Rochester Engineering Society, 585-254-2350, or email: 20 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER FEBRUARY 2017

continuing education calendar

Th 1 i

Engineers’ Calendar The engineering societies are encouraged to submit their meeting notices for publication in this section. The deadline for submitting copy is the 10th of the month prior to the month of publication. Please email to: The meetings offering PDHs are highlighted in blue. Details about the meeting and affiliate (if in this issue) are on the corresponding page listed next to the affiliate name.

Saturday, February 4

Wednesday, February 15

RIT ASCE Student Chapter Ski Day

Tour of Asbury First United Methodist Church

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) p 43 To sign up for details on upcoming events, e-mail

Tuesday, February 7

Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Rochester Section Excom Meeting

p 31

Association for Facilities Engineering (AFE)

p 35

Place: Asbury First United Methodist Church, 1040 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14607 Time: 5:30 pm Cost: $25 for members; $30 for non-members. Dinner to be determined. Reservations: Contact Tom Acquilano by Friday, Feb. 3rd at Trane Supply, 585-256-1028 or Payment can be accepted on our website at

Place: Jade Garden Buffet, South Town Plaza, 3333 W. Henrietta Road, Rochester Time: 12:00 – 1:00 pm Cost: $5 for members, $3 for students. Details at

Wednesday, February 15

Thursday, February 9

Speaker: Roger Easton, RIT Place: Room 1275 of the Carlson Center for Imaging Science, RIT Campus. Everyone is welcome to attend. Parking is available in the F lot, just north of the building. No meeting reservations are required. Time: 6:00 pm.

Genesee Valley Land Surveyors Association (GVLSA) Board of Directors Meeting

p 34

Place: 40 & 8 Club, 933 University Avenue, Rochester Time: 6:00 pm Details at

1 PDH Credit Pending

Data Center and Critical Space Cooling Technology Advancements

Speaker: Mike DeGaetano, RL Kistler, Inc. Place: City Grill, 384 East Avenue, Rochester Time: 12:00 noon with buffet lunch served. Cost: $25 per person Reservations: Contact Tim Duprey by noon, Thursday, Feb. 9th to Website:

2016 Annual Lighting Awards

Place: Rick’s Prime Rib, 898 Buffalo Road, Gates, NY Cost: $30 (includes lunch). Reservations: Conation Diane Montrois by February 9th at 585-254-8010.

Spectral Imaging of Manuscripts: Recovering the Future of the Past

American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE)

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) p 32

Illuminating Engineering Society (IES)

p 28

Wednesday, February 15

Monday, February 13

Tuesday, February 14

Society for Imaging Science and Technology (IS&T)

p 39

p 38

1 PDH Credit (call or email for confirmation after Feb. 10)

Code Revisions, NFPA – Medical Gas Systems

Speaker: Russ Kopylczyk (Upstate Analytical Services) Place: Valicia’s Ristorante, 2155 Long Pond Road, Gates Time: 12:00 noon to 1:30 pm Cost: $20 per person, check or cash at the door. Make checks payable to Rochester Chapter ASPE. Reservations: Contact Dave Jereckos by Monday, Feb. 13th, 585-341-3168 or

Thursday, February 16

International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE)

p 29

Practice Lessons Learned from the Application of MBSE to Space Project Design Reviews Speaker: Dr. Jerry Sellers, Partner, Teaching Science and Technology Place: 7 hosts available. See page 28 for details or go to the website at Time: Meetings begins at 6:00 pm and ends approximately 7:30 pm. If you need details or have any concerns contacting a host email Kevin Devaney at

Engineers' Calendar continuedon page 22... engineers' calendar


Engineers’ Calendar,


Tuesday, February 28

Thursday & Friday, March 23 & 24

Robotic Construction: Semi-Automated Mason

NY Chapter Conference and Awards Banquet

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) p 43 American Public Works Association (APWA) p 40 1 PDH Pending

PDH Credits Available

Place: Hilton Garden Inn – Downtown Rochester Time: 11:30 am to 1:00 pm (Tentative) To sign up for details on upcoming events, e-mail

Place: Strathallen Hotel, Rochester, NY Details and egistration can be completed by going to http://newyork. These programs include many with PDH Credits.

Thursday, March 9

Genesee Valley Land Surveyors Association (GVLSA) Board of Directors Meeting & Webinar

Place: Erdman Anthony Associates Time: Board Meeting at 6:00; Webinar at 7:00 pm Details at

Friday, March 31

p 34 Association for Bridge Construction and Design (ABCD)

Monday, March 13

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) p 32

p 42

Up to 6 PDH Credits

ABCD Spring Seminar Scheduled presentations include: Figg Engineers, Changes in Public Works Policies, and Design Build Place: Batavia Downs Gaming Center, 8315 Park Road, Batavia

1 PDH Credit Pending

Time: 7:15 am Check-in registration; Program begins at 8:00 am.

ASHRAE Building Energy Quotient (bEQ)

Cost: Before March 17th: Members $100, Non-Members $125, Full

Speaker: Hoy Bohanon, PE, President, Hoy Bohanon Engineering, PLLC Place: City Grill, 384 East Avenue, Rochester Time: 12:00 noon with buffet lunch served. Cost: $25 per person Reservations: Contact Tim Duprey by noon, Thursday, March 9th to Website:

Time Students $35. After March 17th, $125 for members, $150 for

The RES website ( has a calendar of events for this month's meetings and meetings that are received or updated after print deadline. Please refer to the website for updated information. f you wish to be listed in the calendar please send details to 22 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER FEBRUARY 2017

non-members, $60 for Full Time Students. Registration by Friday, March 24th (no refunds after March 24th). Sign up through Signup Genius at go/10c044aafaf23a4f94-2017 . Questions? Contact Laura McShane or Curt Krempa at Nussbaumer & Clarke, 716-827-8000 or or

Support Your Society Attend a Meeting engineers' calendar | campus news

Campus News RIT engineer researches the impact of shear stress on cell circulation and the spread of disease

Work by Jiandi in microfluidics advances understanding of complex cellular functions to treat diseases How do cells and protein molecules respond to stress as they travel through blood vessels? Could resulting changes to these biological components impact how diseases are spread? Researchers at Rochester Institute of Technology are answering those questions using fluid dynamics and mechanobiology strategies to better understand blood flow and how cells moving through blood vessels are affected by shear stress—pressure and friction on objects. Understanding the biomechanics of blood flow and the role shear stress plays on cell and protein behavior could help lessen the incidence of cancer metastasis and heart failure, or improve the process of engineering replacement tissues and organs, said Jiandi Wan, an assistant professor of microsystems engineering in RIT’s Kate Gleason College of Engineering, who recently received a $476,505 award from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation for this work. “This helps us understand how cells and protein respond to shear stress exerted by blood flow. That is the fundamental question because then you can regulate the blood flow to control cellular and molecular behaviors and by understanding the mechanism of what controls that flow,” said Wan. “We can use this information to determine how the blood can bring diseases to other parts of the body, and can we control it? This could have a huge clinical impact—once you have this fundamental understanding.” Wan’s research focuses on how biological cells “know” and respond to externally-applied mechanical forces. It is part of a growing field of research, and his research team has developed state-of-art experimental models and devices to explore the mechano-sensing dynamics of red blood cells, circulating cancer cells and primary erythroid cells—red blood cells or their developmental precursors. The work could advance the understanding of biological mechanics and enhance the ability to treat diseases with effective therapeutic strategies. There is friction, or shear stress, on large serum proteins as they move through blood vessels resulting, in some instances, in the protein being stretched and changed, Wan explained. Using nanophotonics—the study of the interaction of nanocampus news

scale objects using light technologies—Wan has been able to determine some distinct changes to cell proteins and structures. “The broad application for this is, we are able to detect how mechanical force changes proteins structures without any additional labeling of the protein,” he explained. “This conformational change plays a role in blood clotting and other important biological processes, too. But, we are trying to directly observe this phenomenon using opto-fluidics, where the refractive index change of protein due to flow-induced conformational change can be recorded.” Mechano-biology is an emerging area of science and engineering that focuses on mechanical processes and their effect on cells and protein molecules, on the influence of mechanical process on biological functions and the study of these functions at cellular and molecular levels. This research builds on previous studies by Wan on the in vitro microfluidic circulatory system for circulating cancer cells. He and his research team developed protocols and a microfluidic device and system to mimic the transportation of circulating tumor cells to explore shear stress effects, particularly interested in how tumor cells move from primary to secondary locations in the body. Wan is also an adjunct, assistant professor in the Center for Translational Neuromedicine at the University of Rochester, involved in similar studies determining how the blood circulation system in the brain “knows” it must strategically increase or decrease flow to deliver oxygen for nerve cells and structures of the brain. Research in these areas could be used in the development of novel materials and strategies for brain and cancer research. “This fundamental understanding applies to a wide range of applications, that’s why I am so excited about this work, and how it can impact diseases,” Wan said. “Think about our body, your blood vessels are like a supplying pipe, and blood flow delivers nutrients and oxygen, it carries out waste. If you do not have the proper blood flow or distribution in place, your organs die; you cannot live. It is that simple.” q


News from Professional


SWBR Architects Celebrate Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony for DePaul Trolley Station, $14.4 Million Affordable Housing Project in Canandaigua DePaul's new $14.4 million Trolley Station Apartments recently celebrated its grand opening in Canandaigua. Trolley Station is a 48-unit apartment community on County Road 28 featuring one- and two-bedroom apartments for income-eligible tenants. Community leaders and Trolley Station supporters had the opportunity to tour the new building on Sept. 15. The name Trolley Station pays homage to the site's former

DePaul Trolley Station Apartments in Canandaigua

use as a stop on a trolley line designed to transport employees to a large orphnage build in Canandaigua after the Civil War. The units are a mix of affordable and supportive housing that offers residential services for low-income individuals and residents with behavioral health issues. Designed by SWBR, each one- and two-

DePaul Trolley Station Solar Array

bedroom apartment features a fully equipped kitchen with a range, refrigerator and microwave, a wall-mounted flat-screen TV including basic cable service, and a private storage area. Tenants have access to the computer lab, a laundry room on each floor with free use of a washer and dryer, a lounge on each floor and a community room. q SWBR's Joe Gibbons, AIA and DePaul President Mark Fuller 24 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER FEBRUARY 2017

news from professional firms


News from

Professional Firms

DePaul Ebenezer Square Apartments, Designed by SWBR Architects, Receives LEED Platinum Certification

DePaul Ebenezer Square Apartments in West Seneca, New York, has received Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design for Homes Platinum Certification, the highest rating a project can receive. The LEED rating system, developed by the U.S. Green Building Council, is the foremost program for buildings, homes and communities that are designed, constructed, maintained and operated for improved environmental and human health performance. “SWBR is proud to have partnered with DePaul on this amazing project,” SWBR Principal Joe Gibbons, AIA, said. “Ebenezer Square will truly provide a positive impact for many residents in the West Seneca and south Buffalo areas. This project demonstrates DePaul’s tremendous continued commitment to sustainability in affordable housing as it was recently certified by the USGBC as a LEED for Homes Platinum project. Solar technology supported by the state supplies three-quarters of the development’s electrical use.” Gov. Andrew Cuomo attended the Nov. 17 grand opening of the $24.4 million mixed-use development. The three-story, 124,000-square-foot building at 2400 Seneca Street features oneand two-bedroom apartments for income-eligible tenants, including low-income families and people with behavioral health needs. “These strategic investments help support some of our most vulnerable New Yorkers by ensuring they have access to a safe and decent place to call home,” Cuomo said. “This project brings together affordable housing alongside supportive residential programs, creating a truly integrated community that will foster recovery and independence.” SWBR Architects, headquartered in Rochester, served as the architect of record for this project and was responsible for its architecture, interior design, landscape architecture, and planning and structural engineering. Additional community partners included M/E Engineering, Parrone and Calamar Construction. For more information on Ebenezer Square, visit locations/ebenezer-square-apartments. To learn more about the architect of record for this project, visit SWBR at q news from professional firms | advertiser


News from Professional


SWBR Architects Honored at 23rd Annual NAIOP Upstate Chapter Awards Ceremony – Firms’ Affordable Housing Project Receives 2016 Award of Excellence –

SWBR Architects, a Rochester, New York-based firm, was recently honored at the 2016 NAIOP Upstate New York Chapter Awards of Excellence ceremony. The firm was recognized for its architectural design work on DePaul Rochester View Apartments, located in Henrietta, New York. The NAIOP awards celebrate the high-quality and innovative achievements of regional commercial real estate projects from the upstate New York area, covering the Buffalo, Rochester

and Syracuse regions. There are several award categories, and each winning project represents a challenge that was overcome and realized results that were economically, environmentally and/ or aesthetically achieved. Rochester View Apartments is the first of its kind in New York state, designed to better accommodate income-eligible tenants who are deaf, hard of hearing or use American Sign Language. The community consists of 61 affordable one- and two-bedroom apartments

offering enhanced supports. Each apartment is equipped with specific technology to help tenants, including open floor plans with high levels of visibility, strategic lighting, safety lights on appliances, vibrating-alarm beds in case of a fire, hard-wired strobe lights for CO2 and fire alarms. The NAIOP awards ceremony took place Nov. 10 at The Strathallan in Rochester. For more information on SWBR projects and recognitions, visit To learn more about NAIOP, visit q

CHA Consulting Acquires an Interest in American Fire Protection CHA Consulting, Inc. (CHA) recently announced that they acquired an interest in American Fire Protection, Inc. (AFP), a leader in custom design, engineering, installation, and maintenance of fire protection systems. Based in Birmingham, Alabama, AFP provides turnkey solutions to the automotive, government/ military, manufacturing, and distribution/warehouse markets in the US and internationally. CHA’s CEO & President Mike Carroll states, “The expected growth in the fire protection systems market provides exciting opportunities for the CHA and AFP teams. The demand for global fire protection services and the synergies that exist between our companies and the markets we serve will significantly enhance our ability to provide our clients with innovative, state-of the-art fire protection and engineering services. This partnership is extremely positive for both companies, and I am confident in our future as a leading firm in this very important market. AFP President Randy Treglown says, “The American 26 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER FEBRUARY 2017

Fire Protection team is excited about the future with such a great company. The CHA partnership will provide tremendous growth opportunities that will enable us to better serve our clients. Together we will continue to provide exceptional customer service and expertise in the fire protection industry.” The nature of this transaction allows for CHA to actively support AFP’s growth strategies while allowing AFP to manage their daily operations. CHA and AFP will work together to maximize the expertise of both firms to focus on expanding CHA’s Life Safety & Securities service line and providing world-class engineering and fire protection system services to CHA’s and AFP’s clients. Harpeth Capital, LLC, served as American Fire Protection’s financial advisor during this transaction. A video about our announcement can be viewed here: q

news from professional firms


Professional Firms Employee News Erdman Anthony Announces Promotion in Rochester Office Erdman Anthony’s board of directors announced that Bret Fryover, PE, has been promoted to senior associate. Fryover is a member of the facilities engineering and design services core business in the firm's Rochester office. “Bret is an outstanding contributor to our firm,” said Curt Helman, PE, Erdman Anthony president and CEO. “He exemplifies what moves the firm forward: talented employees who are dedicated to both their profession and making our company better.”

Bret Fryover, PE

Erdman Anthony is an employee-owned firm and gives staff members who achieve milestones of professional standing, such as promotions of this type, the opportunity for increased ownership. “We value our staff of dedicated, highly skilled professionals who take pride in a company that they have an opportunity to actually own,” Helman said. Fryover is a mechanical engineer and has a bachelor of science degree in mechanical engineering from the University at Buffalo. Bret is a registered professional engineer in New York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. q

Barton & Loguidice Announces Leadership Transition Barton & Loguidice, D.P.C. (B&L), a northeast regional engineering, planning, environmental, and landscape architecture firm with nine offices across New York, Pennsylvania and Maryland, announces new leaders, effective January 1, 2017. This leadership transition was precipitated by the firm’s longstanding ownership transition plan. John F. Brusa, Jr., P.E. was elected President and CEO of Barton & Loguidice, D.P.C., replacing Nicholas J. Pinto, P.E., who retired at the end of 2016. Brusa, a resident of Solvay, NY, was elected following his years as leader of the firm’s Solid Waste Management Group. As a licensed Professional Engineer in six states, Brusa has lead engineering teams on many permitting, John F. Brusa, Jr., PE design and construction projects throughout the eastern United States and he plans to stay engaged with the firm’s solid waste practice in his new role. He is a graduate of Clarkson University as well as the American Council of Engineering Companies’ (ACEC) New York Leadership Institute. “Having contributed to the firm’s success for more than 20 years, I’m humbled to be elected to this position,” said Brusa. “I’m grateful to lead a company that is built upon integrity, a solid financial foundation and operated by a committed group of professionals that go above and beyond every day for our clients and our community.” The recent transition in firm leadership is part of Barton & Loguidice’s long-term strategic plan. “Our ownership transition approach has been in place since 2006, and provides for the scheduled transfer of ownership and leadership. This plan professional firms employee news

has been very effective in transitioning our retiring owners and providing leadership opportunities for our long-term key employees,” according to Paul R. Czerwinski, P.E., Principal with the firm who will serve as Chairman of the Board of Directors. Czerwinski has over 35 years of experience leading the firm’s Facilities Group and Construction Services, and has been part of the solid waste management engineering team. Czerwinski will also take on the Solid Waste Management Group leadership role going forward. Paul is a graduate of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Joining Brusa and Czerwinski on the firm’s Board of Directors will be Richard A. Straut, P.E. and Matthew J. Schooley, P.E. As Principal and member of the Board of Directors since 2012, Straut has been named Principal in Charge of Marketing and Business Development. He has over 30 years of experience in water and wastewater engineering and will continue his leadership role in delivering water and wastewater engineering services. In addition, Straut leads the firm’s Albany, Newburgh and New Paltz, NY offices. Straut is a graduate of Clarkson University as well as the ACEC New York Leadership Institute. Schooley is a newly appointed board member and a Principal with the firm. He has over 30 years of experience with the firm’s Transportation and Construction Services Groups, serving as the discipline leader for the last 7 years. Schooley is a graduate of Syracuse University. “Together our experienced board of directors, along with all of our owners and managers, make up what we believe to be a strong and dynamic management team to lead Barton & Loguidice well into the future,” said President and CEO John Brusa. q FEBRUARY 2017 The ROCHESTER ENGINEER | 27

Rochester Chapter

Society for Imaging Science and Technology Website: Save these Tentative Dates (Venue & Topics/Speakers TBA): Wednesday, March 8, 2017 - Program from Carestream Health Wednesday, April 12, 2017 - RIT Student Presentations Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Our meetings are held at 6:00pm in Room 1275 of the Carlson Center for Imaging Science on the RIT campus. Everyone is welcome to attend. Parking is available in the F lot, just north of the building. No meeting reservations are required. Venue ideas requested – we are soliciting input regarding other possible venues for our meetings.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017 Spectral Imaging of Manuscripts: Recovering the Future of the Past by Roger Easton, Rochester Institute of Technology Abstract:


The convergence of new imaging technologies and the urgent need to preserve historical texts will stimulate the study of many historical manuscripts in the very near future. The recent application of sophisticated imaging technologies to ancient manuscripts is providing scholars with new windows into the past. At the same time, the detailed images of these unique historical documents will capture and preserve information for future historians to glean additional findings. The importance of image archives that provide worldwide access to these images is crucial to the preservation of this very important facet of the world's cultural heritage.

Roger Easton has been on the faculty of the Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science at RIT since 1986. He has been working on the application of modern imaging technologies in the study of historical manuscripts since 1995. He headed the imaging team for the Archimedes Palimpsest project from 2000 - 2011 and participated in the imaging the palimpsests at St. Catherine's Monastery, the Syriac-Galen palimpsest, the c. 1491 world map by Henricus Martellus Germanus, and the "Jubilees" palimpsest at the Ambrosiana Library in Milan in January 2017.


is&t news




Upcoming Chapter Meeting Events • Thursday, February 16, 2017 February Chapter Meeting  Dr. Jerry Sellers, Partner, Teaching Science and Technology

Practice Lessons Learned from the Application of MBSE to Space Project Design Reviews

Dr. Sellers is a senior space engineer with extensive experience in satellite design, integration, testing and

operations. He is skilled in managing large space system research programs. He has extensive experience

in working with the European and former Soviet Union industries and government agencies involved in

space research. He is a renowned educator in the field of astronautics, the author of the book

Understanding Space: An Introduction to Astronautics, and the editor of Applied Space Systems Engineering. He has served as the director of the Space Systems Research Center at the US Air Force

Academy, and the Chief of Astronautics at the USAF European Office of Aerospace Research and


• Thursday, March 16, 2017 March Chapter Meeting TBD • Meetings begin at 6:00 pm and run to approximately 7:30 pm

 Please RSVP with your local host – a list of local hosts and their contact information is below; if there are any issues contacting one of them, or there are any other questions or concerns, please contact Kevin Devaney at

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Ithaca Syracuse University Xerox Rome, NY North Syracuse, NY Lockheed Martin MST Rochester, NY

incose news

Wesley Hewett at, Cornell University, Rhodes Hall Dr. Young Moon at, 220 Link Hall Charles Rizzolo at Bruce Rubin at Kevin Devaney at, SRC, 6225 Running Ridge Rd., 13212 Shirley Kupst at, Owego, NY Rick Zinni at, Location TBD



ieee news


ieee news


Rochester Chapter

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers Rochester ASHRAE website:

President's Message

Our meeting in January was on “Cleanroom Design Considerations from a Certifiers Perspective” presented by Ralph Kraft. The turnout was great. Thank you to everyone who attended. Last month I had the privilege of attending my first ASHRAE Winter Conference and AHR Expo in Las Vegas. To say this was an experience is an understatement. The AHR Expo had over 2,000 exhibitors showing off their latest and greatest technology. If you have never been to the ASHRAE show I highly recommend you put it on your calendar for next year. On Friday, February 10th, 2017 the Rochester ASHRAE Chapter will be hosting is 60th Annual Valentine Dinner Dance. Jody and Matthew McGarry put on a fantastic event. Please consider contributing to this event and joining us. It is a terrific time with fantastic food, music and fun. In February our Chapter Meeting will be on “Data Center and Critical Space Cooling Technology Advancements” present by Mike DeGaetano, R.L. Kistler, Inc.


February ASHRAE Meeting (PDH approved) Monday, February 13, 2017 Location: City Grill 384 East Ave., Rochester Time: 12 PM with Buffet Lunch served Cost:


Topic: Data Center and Critical Space Cooling

Technology Advancements Presented by: Mike DeGaetano, RL Kistler, Inc. Please RSVP by noon Thursday, February 9th to Tim Duprey,

Please continue to check out our website at for information on upcoming chapter meetings, current officer list and contact information, chapter newsletters, and more! Also take a minute and like us on Facebook at www.!/ ashraerochester. Jeffrey Close, P.E. 2016-2017 President, Rochester Chapter 32 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER FEBRUARY 2017

ashrae news



Monroe Professional Engineers Society A Chapter of the New York State Society of Professional Engineers 657 East Avenue, Rochestter, New York 14607 Dedicated to Professionalism in Engineering in the Interest of Public Safety and Welfare 2016-17 Officers: President David Roberts, PE, President-elect Chris Kambar, PE, Vice President Arthur Reardon, PE, Secretary Martin Gordon, PE, Treasurer Neal Illenberg, PE, Membership Chair Arthur Reardon, PE

Governor Cuomo Vetoes Bill Requiring Inspection for Structural Integrity of Parking Garages and Ramps In July of 2015, a two level parking garage in Johnson City (located near Binghamton, NY) collapsed leaving nearly two dozen vehicles trapped in the rubble. Fortunately, no deaths resulted from the incident. Later that same year, the fivelevel Collier Street garage in downtown Binghamton had to be closed due to severe deterioration. Other parts of the country have seen similar catastrophic failures on parking garage and ramp structures, including the collapse of the Renaissance Towers garage in Dallas (October 2015), The Watergate Apartments garage in Washington, D.C. (May 2015), a parking garage in Boone, NC (September 2015), and another parking structure in Lexington, KY (September 2015).1 Those of us in Western NY no doubt recall the partial collapse of the South Avenue Parking Garage in Downtown Rochester in 2006. Current NY State building codes require an inspection of parking garages every three years. However, these inspections only include general fire safety and upkeep.2 They do not require a structural evaluation by a qualified individual, i.e. professional engineer.3 The current standard is obviously lacking, considering the effect that typical NY State weather conditions can have on the concrete and steel structures of parking garages and ramps. Considering the serious danger to public welfare apparent from these occurrences, NYS Assemblywoman Donna A. Lupardo of the123rd Assembly District sponsored a bill to require a structural evaluation by a qualified, licensed engineer to occur every five years on parking structures. This bill, A9614A, was passed by the State Assembly and Senate, however Governor Cuomo choose to veto the bill. The text of the bill can be viewed at: bills/2015/A9614A. The governor indicated that his primary reason for the veto was that the bill did not address the special circumstances in NY City. NYSSPE encouraged the governor to sign this bill into law, indicating that additional legislation could be proposed to address any special circumstances in NYC at a later time. This is common practice in NY State. The bill’s sponsors felt that trying to incorporate special circumstances into the bill would overcomplicate it, thus making it more difficult to get through legislation. NYSSPE continues to support Ms. Lupardo and the State Legislature in order to ensure public safety in our parking garages and ramps, either through regulatory means or additional legislation. A brief summary discussion of this topic can be viewed on The New York State Society of Professional Engineers’ YouTube channel at As always, we encourage active membership in the Monroe Professional Engineers Society. We are constantly striving to improve your membership but we always need more help. If you are interested in becoming an active member or have any questions, please email me at or contact MPES through our website at

David C. Roberts, P.E., President, MPES 3 1 2

mpes news


Genesee Valley Land Surveyors Association Website:

Year 2017 Officers President Roy B. Garfinkel, LS Vice President Jared R. Ransom, LS Secretary Robert J. Avery, LS Treasurer Michael A. Venturo, LS

February 2017

John F. Gillen, LS, ex officio

Upcoming Events 2017: March 9, 2017 – Board of Directors meeting at 6:00, Webinar at 7:00 at Erdman Anthony March 19-25 – National Surveyors Week March 25, 2017 – National GPS Day April 11, 2017 – 26th Annual GIS/SIG Conference at the Burgundy Basin Inn April 20, 2017 – Board of Directors and General Membership meeting at the 40 & 8 933 University Avenue May 18, 2017 - Board of Directors and General Membership Finger Lakes Dinner time and location T.B.D. June 16, 2017 - Board of Directors 3pm and Sporting Clays time and locations T.B.D. July 15, 2017 – Second annual GVLSA Picnic time and location T.B.D. August – NO MEETINGS September 14, 2017 -Board of Directors meeting at 6:00, Webinar at 7:00 at Erdman Anthony October 19, 2017 -General Membership meeting Livingston County Dinner time and location T.B.D. November 16, 2017 - Board of Directors and General Membership meeting at the 40 & 8 933 University Avenue December 9, 2017 – Annual Dinner Meeting time and location T.B.D.

Professional Affiliations •

New York State Association of Professional Land Surveyors, Inc.

National Society of Professional Surveyors

Rochester Engineering Society

Board of Directors


2015-2017 Jeffrey A. Tiede, LS Scott E. Measday, LS 2016-2018 Justin M. Roloson, LS Douglas W. Magde, LS 2017-2019 David R. Standinger, LS Daniel T. Hickok, LS Jonathan Navagh - Associates Representative

Next Meeting:

Board of Directors Meeting February 9, 2017 6:00 pm at the 40 & 8 Club 933 University Avenue, Rochester News: The proposed changes to the G.V.L.S.A. Constitution were approved by a ballot vote that was included in the annual election mailing. On a motion made and seconded at the annual meeting the new/revised minimum standards for an instrument Survey Map were approved.

gvlsa news



Association for Facilities Engineering


February 2017 Meeting Notice

2016/17 BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT Craig Avalone CHA Consulting, Inc. (585) 232-5610 ext. 287 VICE PRESIDENT/SECRETARY Dennis Roote CDE Engineering & Environment, PLLC (585) 330-6986

Date/Time: Wednesday, February 15, 2017 – 5:30 p.m. Asbury First United Methodist Church Asbury First United Methodist Church, one of the largest United Methodist churches in upstate New York, is a three building campus located in the East

TREASURER Tom Acquilano Trane Supply (585) 256-1028

Avenue Historic District. It includes building 1010, a Tudor style building

ASSISTANT TREASURER Brian Laurer The Gleason Works (585) 256-6784

Building 1050, (the Wilson Soule house) that George Eastman lived in while his

IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Matthew Knights – Ultrafab Inc. (585) 924-2186 ext. 221 DELEGATE DIRECTORS Jeff Bidell – Erdman Anthony Dan Friday – YMCA Tom Ward - YMCA Mark Ramsdell – Haley & Aldrich CHAPTER HISTORIAN Joe Dioguardi – MicroMod CHAIRMAN, EDUCATION COMMITTEE Matthew Knights – Ultrafab Inc. (585) 924-2186 ext. 221 CHAIRMAN, COMMUNICATION COMMITTEE Thomas Coburn -The Gleason Works (585) 461-8073 CHAIRMAN, MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE Joseph R. Graves – RMSC (585) 697-1900

afe news

constructed in 1907 that holds meeting rooms and the Asbury Dining and Caring Center; Building 1040, the main church building constructed in 1955; and house at 997 East Avenue was under construction and is presently used for church offices.

Directions: 1040 East Ave, Rochester NY 14607

• • • • •

From Rochester, take I-490 to Culver Rd. Exit (19). Turn left onto Culver (coming from the west) or right (from the east). Follow Culver to East Ave, Turn left onto East Ave. Turn right onto Grainger Place. Turn left into the driveway, follow the driveway to the main lot.

Dinner: To Be Determined Cost: Members - $25

Non Member - $30

Payment can be accepted on our website: Please RSVP by Friday, February 3rd, 2017 to: Tom Acquilano Trane Supply (585) 256-1028



swe news


ea news


President: ALAN SMITH, P.E. IBC Engineering, P.C. 3445 Winton Place, Suite 219 Rochester, NY 14623 585-292-1590 Vice President Technical: DAVE JERECKOS IBC Engineering, PC 3445 Winton Place, Suite 219 Rochester, NY 14623 585-292-1590 Vice President Legislative: JENNIFER WENGENDER, P.E., CPD Clark Patterson Lee 205 St. Paul Blvd. Rochester, NY 14604 585-454-7600 Vice President Membership: DOUG MEIER Twin”D” Associates 1577 Ridge Road West Suite 116B Rochester, NY 14615 585-581-2170 Treasurer: TERRY BROWN, CPD M/E Engineering, PC 150 North Chestnut Street Rochester, NY 14604 585-288-5590 Administrative Secretary: ADAM KRAMER IBC Engineering, PC 3445 Winton Place, Suite 219 Rochester, NY 14623 585-292-1590 Education Chairman: JENNIFER WENGENDER, P.E., CPD Clark Patterson Lee 205 St. Paul Blvd Rochester, NY 14604 585-454-7600 Newsletter Editor: DAVID MYERS LaBella Associates, PC 300 State Street, Suite 201 Rochester, NY 14614 585-454-6110 Affiliate Liaison: ADAM FRENZEL Empire State Associates. 181 Bay Village Drive Rochester, NY 14609 585-602-0271

President's Message Registration for the 2017 CPD Exam is now open. Exam dates are April 6th & 7th. To learn more about the CPD and eligibility, go to Chapter officer elections will be held in April. Nominations for 2017-2019 officers can be sent to Al Smith, Jennifer Wengender, or Dave Jereckos. Any member in good standing is eligible to hold a Chapter officer position. Responsibilities for a position can be obtained by contacting me via e-mail ( The annual Golf Outing will be held in June, date to be determined. The golf outing will be held at the Victor Golf Club. Additional details will be forthcoming. The golf committee will be seeking hole sponsors and prize sponsors to support the outing. Alan Smith, P.E. Rochester Chapter President

Meeting Notice – Save the Date Topic:

Code Revisions, NFPA – Medical Gas Systems Speaker: Russ Kopylczyk (Upstate Analytical Services)


Wednesday, February 15, 2017


12:00 noon - 1:30 pm (please arrive by 11:50am)


Valicia's Ristorante, 2155 Long Pond Road, Rochester 14606 (just north of Route 31, Gates

Credits: PDH Approval Pending (call or email for confirmation after Feb. 10) Cost:

$20.00 (member or guest), check or cash at the door.


To Dave Jereckos, 585-341-3168 or by Monday, February 13th.


Future meetings: March 15th , April 19th (Chapters are not authorized to speak for the Society) aspe news


Rochester, NY Section P.O. Box 23795 Rochester, NY 14692

IES Rochester Lighting Awards The 2016 submissions for our annual lighting awards will be presented and a winner announced in each of the categories below on Tuesday, February 14th Rick’s Prime Rib - 898 Buffalo Road - $30 (includes lunch) Payment by credit/debit card in advance through the ‘Education’ page of our website at - cash/check payment at the door Please RSVP no later than February 9th to Diane Montrois at 585.254.8010

Award Information Each year, the IES - Rochester Section recognizes excellence in design for local lighting projects. We invite Rochester area Engineers, Architects, Designers, Contractors, Lighting Reps and anyone else to submit your best projects. We want to see your best work so show us your lighting projects in three different categories: The Harley Hill Excellence in Lighting Award
 Harley Hill was well know member of the Rochester area professional lighting community and was very active in the local IES. These awards have been named in tribute to him and signify the best lighting projects as submitted by local firms and as judged by members of the local lighting community. There are two Harley Hill Awards - one for interior lighting projects and one for exterior lighting projects. These awards place particular emphasis on design. The Unitrac Energy Excellence in Green Lighting Award The Unitrac Energy award was created to recognize submissions where emphasis is placed on efficiencies towards a better environment [Interior or Exterior].


ies news


Genesee Valley Branch

America Public Works Association Website:

Geoffrey Benway, PE, Genesee Valley Branch President Serving Genesee, Livingston, Monroe, Ontario, Orleans and Wayne County

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” APWA Genesee Valley Branch Awards

The Awards Committee has reviewed several great submissions from all over our 6 counties and has selected the following award winners from 2016: Douglas C. Zefting Memorial Award; Ray Tourt, City of Batavia Michael Frederes, Town of Walworth Ernie Fattore, Monroe County DOT Young Leader of the Year Award: Steve Wanamaker & Doug Johnson, NYSDOT Richard Mack Memorial Award: Craig Stevens, Crane Hogan Structural Systems Charles Walter Nichols Award: Marty Aman, Wayne Co. Water & Sewer Authority Distinguished Service Award: Peter Vars, P.E., BME Associates Elected Official Award: Tom Reed, Congressman 23rd District Public Works Leader of the Year: Bill Wright, P.E., Ontario County Projects of the Year Transportation; <$5 million: Brighton Brickyard Trail, Town of Brighton Transportation; $5 to $@5 million: Port of Rochester Marina; City of Rochester Environmental; <$5 million: Canal Pipe Crossing; Monroe County Water Authority Small Cities/Rural Communities: Oakfield Town Government Center; Town of Oakfield Small Cities/Rural Communities: Streambank Erosion Remediation; Livingston County Structures; <$5 million: North Greece Road over Larkin Creek; MCDOT Structures; $5 to $25 million: Henrietta Recreation Center; Town of Henrietta

The awards were given to these outstanding individuals and projects at the Annual Genesee Valley Branch Awards Dinner at the RIT Inn & Conference Center. My thanks to our Awards Committee and the Chairman, Peter Vars, for another great job of selecting these deserving award winners. These award winners will be automatically submitted for a NY Chapter APWA award to be presented March 23 at the Strathallen Hotel. It is worth noting that one of very own projects, the new RTS Bus Terminal, received a national APWA Award for the Project of the Year. Congratulation to the Rochester Transit Service and the project designer, Bergmann Associates, for receiving this prestigious award.

Mahatma Gandhi

NY Chapter Conference and Awards Banquet

The 2017 Conference will be held March 23 & 24 in Rochester, NY at the Strathallen Hotel. Registration can be easily completed by going to EventDetails/6429 to fill out the registration form. This event provides valuable training programs for engineers and public works individuals. The 2017 programs include many with PDH credits. The tentative program includes:

• ADA & Highways, What You Need To Know! • Sewer Rehabilitation Strategies • Ethical Dilemma: The Flint Water Crisis • International Joint Commission and the Great Lakes Plan • Irondequoit Bay Water Quality Study • Flood Plain Management Regulations • Flood Plain Map Revisions • Grant Opportunities • Planning & Zoning for Solar Energy • Center for Government Research • Blue Book Revisions for Erosion & Sedimentation • MS4 Permit Revisions; Are You Ready? • Benefits of Salt Management • Highway Safety Programs • Rochester Museum Green Infrastructure Initiative • Buffalo Sewer Authority & Real Time Controls • Rochester Garden Aerial Project

The event will include an opportunity to speak with vendors of new and innovative public works products as well an opportunity to network with public works staff from all over New York State. I encourage everyone to attend the NY Chapter Awards will be presented on Thursday evening. A pre-conference reception has been scheduled to tour the RTS Station (National APWA Award Winner) including a RTS bus ride to a networking event at the Genesee Brew House on Wednesday night!

The American Public Works Association ( is a not-for-profit, international organization of more than 29,000 members involved in the field of public works. APWA serves its members by promoting professional excellence and public awareness through education, advocacy and the exchange of knowledge. APWA is headquartered in Kansas City, Missouri, and has an office in Washington, D.C. with 63 chapters throughout North America. 40 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER FEBRUARY 2017

apwa news

res advertising rates



abcd news

asce news


Directory of Professional Services John E. Rooney


400 Andrews Street Harro East Building | Suite 710 Rochester, NY 14604 p 585-295-7700 | f 585-263-2869 direct 585-295-7718

Geophysical Services

• Seismic

• Ground Penetrating Radar

• Electromagnetic • Vibration Monitoring

• MASW, Seismic Site Classification, Refraction/Reflection • Concrete Inspection (Voids, Rebar, Thickness, Mapping)

Mark Saunders, Geophysics Division Manager 80 Lawrence Bell Dr. Buffalo, NY 14221 T +1 716-279-3540 M +1 716-270-7856 Email: Manufactures reps: heating, ventilation, and ac products 855-ECO-RENT Newest Rental Fleet in the Industry Exceptional Customer and Technical Service Consistent Quality Rentals • Sales • Service


Ruskin-Louvers, Fire/Smoke Dampers, Loren CookCentrifugal & Prop Roof Fans, Titus - R G & D's, Terminal Boxes, Chilled Beams, Flexible Duct, Access Doors, Ketchen Exhaust Systems t 585-473-5310, f 585-473-9546 768 S. Clinton Avenue • Rochester, NY 14620-1402

directory of professional services


Directory of Professional Services

300 State Street Suite 201 Rochester, NY 14614

Office: 585.454.6110 Fax: 585.454.3066

Solving soils problems for over 30 years. 46A Sager Drive, Rochester, NY 14607 Tel: 585-458-0824 • Fax: 585-458-3323

CLEANROOMSERVICES.COM Certification  Training  Consulting Servicing Cleanroom Facilities Since 1977 ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Accredited

R. KRAFT, Inc.  (585) 621-6946

Michael S. Quagliata, Jr., PE President

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 217 West Commercial Street East Rochester, New York 14445 585/385-1450 585/385-1482 Fax

Electrical & Mechanical Engineering & Design

Industrial Water Treatment Compliance Plans, Permits, and Reports Stormwater Design Management Compliance Auditing Civil/Site Design NPDES/Air/Solid Waste Engineering Environmental Design and Engineering Evaluation

87 South Vendome Drive, Rochester NY 14606 585 330-6986 (Phone) 585 429-6985 (Fax)

directory of professional services

Inc. A sign, of ct Deeld, NY 14526 US u d o r P P. Haltaolt nfi e f P o , e r H Ga ry Halt ridge Lan @ y arr ckb

40 Ro


Design Engineering Services - Concept thru Production Mechanical / Electromechanical - Consumer / Industrial All Plastic and Metal Technologies Tel: 585-388-9000 Fax: 585-388-3839


Directory of Professional Services, continued



585-831-9640 Mobile 866-835-6651 Fax

Directory of Business Services Philip J. Welch

First Vice President - Investments

Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC


200 Meridian Centre Suite 260 Rochester, NY 14618 Direct: 585-241-7546 Fax: 585-241-3986 Toll Free: 877-237-6201

SAVE THE DATE Engineering Symposium in Rochester April 18, 2017 Hyatt Regency, Rochester, NY Up to 7 PDHs The symposium will feature 37 accredited courses for Professional Engineers. This event has seen continual growth in our area, with last year’s event having more than 450 in attendance. For more information, please visit the event website:

New Membership Application and Advertising Rate Details are at 46 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER FEBRUARY 2017 directory of professional and business services

news from professional firms


Affiliated Societies of the Rochester Engineering Society American Consulting Engineering Companies of New York President, David J. Meyer, 585-218-0730 Email: American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Rochester Section Chairman, Vincenzo G. Marcello, 585-422-0043. American Public Works Association Monroe County/Genesee Valley Branch Past-Chairman, Geoff Benway Email: American Society of Civil Engineers, Rochester Section President, Sam Anthony, PE Email:

Electrical Association Executive Director, Karen Lynch Email: President, Joseph Dombrowski, PE, LC, M/E Engineering, PC Genesee Valley Land Surveyors Association President, John F. Gillen, LS Ex-Officio, Robert Hatch, 585-349-3750. Email: Illuminating Engineering Society of North America Inc., Rochester Section President, Dwight Roth, Zeller Automation Email: Imaging Science & Technology, Rochester Chapter President, David Odgers Email:

New York Water Environment Association Inc., Genesee Valley Chapter ( President, Bill Davis, 585-381-9250 Email: Professional Services Management Association, Upstate New York Chapter President, Margaret Rathmell, SWBR Email: Refrigeration Service Engineers Society Executive Director, Kirstie Steves 585-313-8972, fax 538-6166, Email: President, Jim Allen, email: Sheet Metal & Air-Conditioning Contractor’s National Association-Rochester, Inc. Executive Director, Aaron Hilger 585-586-8030. Email:

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Rochester Chapter President, Christina Walter Email:

Independent Entrepreneurs Council, Rochester NY Chapter Chairman, Ralph Kraft, 585-621-6946

American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Rochester Section Chairman, Steven Ivancic, University of Rochester Email:

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Rochester Section Chairman, Greg T. Gdowski, 585-275-2580 Email:

Society of Plastics Engineers, Rochester Section President, Brett Blaisdell, Bausch & Lomb, 1400 North Gooaman Street, Rochester, NY 14609 585-338-5417, Email:

American Society of Plumbing Engineers, Rochester New York Chapter President, Alan Smith, IBC Engineering 585-292-1590. Email:

Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers, Rochester Chapter President, John Kaemmerlen, 585-475-2767 Email:

Society of Women Engineers President, Marca J. Lam, RIT Email:

Association for Bridge Construction and Design President, Kevin H. Miller, PE 716-852-3211 Email:

International Council on Systems Engineering, Finger Lakes Chapter President, Jack Riley Email:

Association For Facilities Engineering, Rochester Chapter President, Matthews Knights, 585-924-2186 x221 Email:

Monroe Professional Engineers Society President, Christopher Devries, PE Email:

Societ of Manufacturing Engineers, Chapter 16 Chairman, John F. Schmitt, 585-581-1880

New York State Association of Transportation Engineers, Section 4 President, Howard R. Ressel, 585-272-3372. Email:

Corporate Members of the Rochester Engineering Society Bergmann Associates P.C. (Enterprise)

BME Associates

Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. IBC Engineering, PC (Champion)

LaBella Associates (Enterprise) M/E Engineering, P.C.

CHA Consulting (Champion)

TY-LIN International (Champion) Visron Design, Inc. V.J. Stanley Inc.

MRB Group

Erdman Anthony Associates

Optimation Technology, Inc. (Champion)

Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce (RBA)

Passero Associates

affiliated societies & corporate members of the rochester engineering society

Rochester Institute of Technology, Kate Gleason College of Engineering

IS YOUR COMPANY LISTED HERE? Call 585-254-2350 for information. FEBRUARY 2017 The ROCHESTER ENGINEER | 47


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Seeking Cover & Feature Articles The RES is seeking articles for our monthly (except July) publication. We have four (quarterly) hard copies and 11 electronic issues. We would love to hear from you. Contact the RES for information -

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