Rochester Engineering Society Magazine November 2016

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The Integrative Design Process: Making an Impact on Energy Efficiency |6 Erdman Anthony Forms SustainabiliTEAM™ to Promote This Effort

Also in this issue: Erdman Anthony's Rachel Stuckey and Hobart and William Smith Colleges' Chris Button

RES Call for Nominations 2016 EOY, YEOY, EODs | 4

The Integrative Design Process: Making an Impact on Energy Efficiency

The Rochester Engineer Published since 1922 by

(cover) Page 6


Founded March 18, 1897

Volume 95, Number 5, NOVEMBER 2016 3,500 to 4,000 Monthly Circulation ISSN 0035-7405

RES Mission Statement: The RES will become the lead organization for improving the image and influence of the engineering community in the greater Rochester area by: Demonstrating a comprehensive knowledge of the region’s engineering and technical capabilities; Providing the best clerical support and public relations assistance to our affiliates; Continually communicating the engineering and technical accomplishments to both the engineering and technical community and the public; Providing regular forums and networking opportunities for the exchange of ideas and discussion of issues; and, Providing programs that identify career opportunities to the region’s youth and develop the skills of the practicing engineer. News items and articles are invited. Materials should be submitted to the executive director at the society’s office, 657 East Avenue, Rochester, New York 14607; Phone number (585) 254-2350, e-mail:

The web site for the Engineers’ Center is at: The deadline is the 10th day of the month prior to the issue. Unless otherwise stated, opinions expressed in this publication are those of contributors, not of the Rochester Engineering Society, Inc. Advertising information may be obtained by contacting the office of the Rochester Engineering Society or going to the website at Published every month but July. Yearly subscription is $20.00, single copies are $2.00. Go to to join the Rochester Engineering Society. Click on the individual membership and you can submit your application on-line. Board of Directors:

OFFICERS: President JON KRIEGEL Retired / First Vice President MICHAEL V. TRIASSI Optimation Technology, Inc. / Second Vice President SCOTT GRASMAN, PhD Rochester Institute of Technology / Email: Acting Treasurer MICHAEL V. TRIASSI Optimation Technology, Inc. / Past President ADAM CUMMINGS, PE Barton & Loguidice, PC / DIRECTORS: CORNELIUS (NEAL) ILLENBERG PE Retired / LEE LOOMIS Retired / RICHARD E. RICE, PE MJ Engineering / JOSEPH DOMBROWSKI, PE M/E Engineering / BARRY QUINN Retired NYSDOT / FAHRETTIN (FAZ) BAY LaBella Associates DPC / DANIELLE WALTERS Harris Corporation/ TBA Rochester Institute of Technology Administrative Director LYNNE M. IRWIN Rochester Engineering Society / e-mail:


4 • RES Call for Nominations for EOY, YEOY, and EOD

6 • The Integrative Design Process: Making an Impact on Energy Efficiency (cover)

8 • The RES Tutoring Team at Dr. Walter Cooper Academy Needs Tutors for This Fall, and the rest of the 2016-17 School Year

9 • How do you arm a STEM Teacher with real-world application examples? Put an Engineer in the classroom! 10 • The Limited Monopoly - Swimming with the (Duly Diligent) Sharks 12-13, 18 • Professional Firms - Employee News 14 • Get IT Done - Ransomware 15 • Get to the Point! - You Will be Judged 16-17, 19, 24-26 • Campus News 18 • Position Openings 20 • Continuing Education Opportunities (PDHs) 21-22 • Engineers’ Calendar 44-46 • Directory of Professional Services 46 • Directory of Business Services 47 • Affiliated Societies and Corporate Members of the RES 40 • RES Membership Application 41 • RES Advertising Rates Membership Application and Advertising Rates are also on the website:

news of the... • ABCD Association for Bridge Construction and Design.....................37 • AFE Association for Facilities Engineering...........................................39 • APWA American Public Works Association...........................................35 • ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers............................................42 • ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers....................................................32 • ASPE American Society of Plumbing Engineers....................................38 • EA Electrical Association.......................................................................43 • GVLSA Genesee Valley Land Surveyors Association.............................34


• IEC Independent Entrepreneurs Council...........................................33 • IES Illuminating Engineering Society....................................................31 • IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.................28-29 • INCOSE International Council of Systems Engineering...........................27 • IS&T Imaging Science and Technology...................................................26 • MPES Monroe Professional Engineers Society......................................36 • RES Rochester Engineering Society............................................3-5, 8-9 • SWE Society of Women Engineers........................................................30


President’s Message Jon Kriegel, ASME Fellow RES President 2016 - 17 In my first letter as the newly elected RES president, I mentioned Outreach as perhaps the most important value-proposition of this Organization. The RES manages the books for the E3 Fair ( (Middle School STEM), runs the co-ed Boy Scout Explorer Troop 801, ( (focused on Local Industry and Career Placement), tutors literacy ( at School #10, and most recently, places Technical Volunteers (predominantly engineers) in K-12 classrooms as STEM Coaches (, supporting teachers in the delivery of technical material and providing realWorld application examples. (Only teachers that have also had an earlier technical career, have any chance of doing that!) This last outreach activity is not limited to engineers; in fact we are trying to recruit anyone with a technical background who is available during school hours. I had the good fortune of working at Kodak when they embarked on the largest Industry-Education collaboration ever. Kodak triggered the placement of 1500 of their own engineers and technicians, (typically in pairs), into more than 700 Rochester City School Classrooms. Our goal was to empower the teacher on technical topics, provide those real-World application examples, and deliver the hardware to make all this technology Hands-on. We visited our classes twice a week, for two hours each visit, and continued this throughout each school year, for ten years. This experience was life-changing for me and many of the

res news - president’s message

volunteers involved. All of this STEM effort pre-dates the STEM acronym.

The recognition, within the RES, was that regardless of the status of Eastman Kodak, many of the volunteers are still in Rochester, are now 25 years older, have either retired or are about to retire, and are therefore even more available to support this daytime STEM effort then they were as Kodak employees. We have but to re-connect with these and other Technical volunteers, to continue this World-Class STEM Initiative. To that end, we now have 44 STEM volunteers and are connecting them to more than a dozen Rochester-area School Districts. During the 2015/16 School Year we had five STEM Classroom Volunteers working at the Nathanial Rochester, RCSD STEM Magnet School #10, two at Edison Tech and four at HFL Primary School. October and November are perhaps our busiest months, working with Teachers and Volunteers, to make 1-on-1 STEM Support connections. If you are interested, (or have a friend, colleague or neighbor who would be), I hope you will join the fray, Please contact me at: cell: 585 281-5216 email:


RES News

Call for Nominations 2016 Engineer of the Year 2016 Kate Gleason Young Engineer of the Year and

2016 Engineers of Distinction A couple of years ago the RES Board of Directors introduced a streamlined nomination form. A simple initial form allows an individual or organization to nominate a candidate. The RES committee will then contact the nominator if the candidate progresses to the next phase. At that point, a final form will be used to gather essential details from the nominator and candidate which will be used to determine our finalists. The RES will select and recognize the finalists for the Engineer of the Year, Young Engineer of the Year, and Engineers of Distinction Awards in a variety of public venues and media during the weeks before the Gala. The Award recipients will be introduced on Saturday April 8, 2017 during the Gala at the Rochester Riverside Convention Center. Visit our website at and click on Call For Nominations, or call 585-254-2350 ( to request a nomination form.

The following information is described:

Eligibility for Nomination Awards Criteria Deadline for Preliminary Nominations - Monday, December 12, 2016 Deadline for Final Nominations - Monday, January 9, 2017 4 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER NOVEMBER 2016

res news - eoy/yeoy/eod call for nominations

Rochester History Continuing with the historical sampling of the earlier writings on behalf of the Rochester Engineering Society, the years following "The Great War," into and through the “Great Depression,” continued to be a time of reaching out for the maturing Society, both locally and nationally. The meeting minutes describe a series of technical discussions and presentations intended to broaden the technical horizons of the membership (especially the CE's, ME's and EE's). The RES affiliated itself with a number of National technical societies, adopted local Affiliated Societies, frequently held joint meetings with them and continued taking action on a growing list of public matters. Certain issues of standardization, some crucial to public safety, became the responsibility of the RES and its affiliates. In the pervasive economic downturn of the “Great Depression,” the magazine offered classified advertising for unemployed engineers, technicians and draftsmen and took other steps to try to deal with the crisis. Still, it continued its effort to shape the function, purpose and infrastructure of the City of Rochester, and beyond. Soon, war would again affect the Society, taking away many of its leaders while providing opportunities for others to step forward to fill these vacancies. In an effort to provide even greater perspective on the happenings and concerns of the day, a synopsis, featuring selected items from "The Rochester Engineer" has become an integral part of this series. The Second World War and the Korean Conflict are now history. These experiences have changed the face and, no doubt, the future of the community. The Rochester municipal leadership and the industrial community have become immersed in the cold-war, growth economy.

“The Rochester Engineer” (September 1964)

This issue provided notice of several recent promotions of RES members including Dr. Edward T. Kirkpatrick to Dean of RIT’s College of Applied Science, Melvin J. (Jack) Corson to RG&E’s Assistant Chief Engineer – Maintenance and James N. Covey to Supt. of Construction in RG&E’s General Maintenance Department. The U of R announced that Dr. Robert H. Perry, editor of Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook, had recently joined the U of R faculty. Coincident with this appointment, the University announced the addition of five new graduate chemical engineering courses. RIT, in cooperation with American Association for Contamination Control, announced a short, five-day course, “An Engineering Approach to the Control of Contamination,” to be presented at Schrafft’s Motor Inn, on West Ridge Road. Editor’s note: This would be the forerunner of presentations on important trends, technologies and events in the air handling, architecture/ construction, consumable, garments and services segments of the contamination control field. Included topics would be air filtration, cleanroom construction, training, garments and supplies. This new technology was said to have begun with the 1957 launch of Sputnik by the Soviet Union, followed by the US Government Sandia Laboratories’ development of the first modern cleanroom.

October 17, 1964 (Executive Committee Meeting, Chamber of Commerce)

There was considerable discussion of The Rochester Engineer and ways to reduce/eliminate its operating deficit; raising the sale price, increasing advertising revenue and formation of an ad hoc Advertising Committee. The Executive Committee decided to continue its discussions at an extension of this meeting, Sunday, October 18th, at Dr. Graham’s home. This continued discussion included educational programs of the RES, and the course(s) to be followed in educational matters. res news - history

A Sampling from the Archives of the Rochester Engineering Society...1897 - 1964 by Lee M. Loomis

“The Rochester Engineer” (October 1964)

In celebration of the 400th birthday of Galileo, the father of modern science, the U of R announced its hosting of the “Galileo Quadricentennial.” Highlighted by a convocation featuring Dr. Gilberto Bernardini, President of the National Research Council of Italy, speaking on, “The Influence of Galileo’s Philosophy on Modern Thinking,” the two-day program included four lectures by distinguished presenters and a panel discussion. For the first time this issue also featured an editorial, “A Challenge for Engineers – An Opportunity for RES.” It spoke of the growing problem of environmental pollution, an unintended consequence of the progress of man. It pointed out that Marion B. Folsom (former treasurer, Eastman Kodak Company and U.S. Secretary of Health, Education & Welfare) had just been appointed Chair of the National Commission on Community Health Services’ Task Force on Environmental Health. It suggested that engineers, and especially the RES, are uniquely qualified to bring an impressive array of talent to bear on this problem. It proposed that the RES, “take the lead toward an effective solution to the problem of environmental pollution.”

November 16, 1964 (Executive Committee Meeting, Chamber of Commerce)

RES Treasurer, Howard Brown, pointed out that the RES had exhausted its borrowing capability under the current agreement with Lincoln-Rochester Trust Company, and that further financing would be needed to meet the Society’s obligations. The Executive Committee approved a motion to increase the RES’ borrowing capability, up to $5,000. Following further discussion of the RES’ finances, the Executive Committee moved to charge the Budget & Finance Committee with consulting an investment counselor regarding the investment and use of the Society’s funds. With the enthusiastic support of the Executive Committee, Dr. Edward Kirkpatrick, Chair of the RES Education Committee, presented the outline for two series of seminars, totaling eight courses, to be given in early 1965. Dominic Masoucci, Chair of the Public Affairs Committee, announced that Dr. Joseph Charyk, President of COMSAT, would be the speaker at the annual Engineers’ Joint Dinner, on February 17, 1965. RES Treasurer Brown reported that a group insurance program, similar to that offered by ASCE, ASME & IEEE, could be offered to members of the RES. The Executive Committee approved a motion to offer this opportunity to the RES membership. Subsequent articles in this series will describe the RES' continuing outreach to other technical societies as it considered its role in this and the larger community, along with more of the activities of the RES as it moved to be of greater service to its membership, especially those suffering from the current economic crisis, and adopted a greater role in shaping the future of the City and its environs. Noted also, will be the contributions made by RES members in the struggle to meet the challenges coming out of World War II, as well as a hoped-for period of post-war growth and prosperity. These articles will also feature an impressive array of RES activities in support of post-war re-emergence of Rochester area industry. We welcome your questions and comments on this series.


The Integrative Design Process: Making an Impact on Energy Efficiency Erdman Anthony Forms SustainabiliTEAM™ to Promote This Effort

Erdman Anthony’s Rachel Stuckey meets with Chris Button, Associate Director for Planning and Construction at Hobart and William Smith Colleges. Top left is a music room at HWS’s new performing arts center

The facts are startling. The built environment is estimated to be responsible for more than 40% of global energy use and as much as one third of global greenhouse gas emissions. Building energy consumption, energy efficiency, and global climate change are 21st-century issues directly related to the building-design profession.

The questions were clear to Erdman Anthony. How can we help our clients be better stewards of energy? How do we ensure that their buildings will be energy-efficient, cost-effective, and easy to maintain? How can we accomplish all this and still give them the attractive and purposeful buildings they envisioned? The firm created a new approach.

The federal government and New York state have set aggressive goals to reduce the energy used by buildings. By executive order, the federal government plans to reduce federal-agency facility energy use intensity (EUI) by 2.5% annually from 2015 to 2026. New York is following suit and plans to reduce state-building EUI 20% by April 2020, based on 2010/2011 building-energy use.

A New Approach

“Clearly, in order to make an impact on energy usage this significant, engineers and everyone involved in construction and renovation needed a change of approach,” said Michael St. John, PE, CEM, LEED AP, core business leader and principal associate at Erdman Anthony. 6 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER NOVEMBER 2016

Erdman Anthony created the SustainabiliTEAM™, which is comprised of engineers, energy analysts, and commissioning professionals, to provide customers with a unique and comprehensive approach to sustainable design and building operation. From improved new cover article


facility design to improving operations through commissioning, energy studies, and audits, the SustainabiliTEAM uses a custom approach to achieve optimal solutions in quality and sustainability.

High-Performance Building Support

The integrative design process is at the forefront of Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) projects, as well as projects supported through New York State Energy Research and Development Authority’s (NYSERDA) New Construction Program. As a technical assistant for NYSERDA’s New Construction Program, Erdman Anthony works with program applicants to analyze energy-efficiency opportunities in new or substantially renovated buildings. In this capacity, our firm plays a lead role in transforming the marketplace by encouraging building owners, architects, and engineers to choose more energy-efficient and sustainable solutions. LEED has also recognized the importance of an integrative design process, which includes the use of building energy simulation beginning in the earliest phase of the design process. The current rating system, LEED v4, provides credit toward certification for utilizing and documenting this integrative design path.

The SustainabiliTEAM at Erdman Anthony works collaboratively with clients to achieve energy-saving goals

Energy Savings at Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva, NY

The SustainabiliTEAM’s Evolution

The integrative design process is proving to be successful. Hobart and William Smith Colleges expect to save more than $105,000 annually in energy costs and also expect to receive nearly $160,000 in NYSERDA awards for the new Gearan Center for the Performing Arts project. The facility is aiming for LEED® Silver, but anticipates achieving LEED Gold. The 62,500-square-foot, three-story building is comprised of three theater spaces, studio and rehearsal spaces, a scene shop, classrooms, and offices.

The team saw barriers to achieving significant energy savings using the traditional design approach, which was developed in an era of much simpler buildings. In the conventional process, the various design disciplines operated largely independently, only coordinating with the entire team at key points during the design process. Each discipline worked to make its part as efficient as possible. However, opportunities for greater innovation were often missed. Significant changes involving the shape or size of the building, how it is used, where it is located, and even system types must be addressed very early in design – and often must have buy-in from users and maintenance personnel to be successful in the long term.

Continued on page 13...

To address these concerns, Erdman Anthony’s SustainabiliTEAM uses a collaborative design process, often called the “integrative design process,” which seeks highperformance and cost-effective solutions by taking an early look at how the building systems might better work together. The SustainabiliTEAM is part of the integrative design process of each project. Architects, owners, users, maintenance personnel, engineers, and commissioning team members come together in the earliest phases of the design process to determine if each recommendation is efficient, easy to implement, and in accordance with the building’s purpose. “Bigger, more effective changes in energy usage require input from everyone involved in the process,” St. John said. “The scale of energy-saving goals is beyond what can be done in the typical design process. Integrative design pushes that further.” cover article

Gearan Center for the Performing Arts at Hobart and William Smith Colleges


RES News The RES Tutoring Team at Dr. Walter Cooper Academy Needs Tutors for this Fall, and the rest of the 2016-17 School Year

Some of the 2016-17 RES Tutors Meet with Principal Clyburn The RES Tutoring Team Orientation Meeting, hosted by Dr. Walter Cooper Academy Principal, Camaron Clyburn, was held in the School #10 Library, on Wednesday, October 12th. It provided an opportunity for our tutors, new and old, to meet with the School Leaders, learn about plans for the Expeditionary Learning Program for our Scholars, this coming year, and discuss their preferences for “tutoring assignments” for the 2016-17 school year. We are lining up our Tutoring Team, for the 2016-17 school year. Please consider requesting an RES Tutoring Team Application, now or…We are currently scheduling “Lunch & Learn” presentations in several Rochester area firms and professional groups, to inform and inspire prospective new tutors. We want to “hit the ground, running” this Fall. We will need your support...Can we schedule a presentation with your firm, work group, church or family? Whether or not you think you have the time to commit to it, right now, please contact us, learn about this successful program and the opportunity it offers us to “make a difference” in Rochester’s City Schools. Let us come and meet with you, your business associates, family members, friends, neighbors. Even just two hours a week of your time can make a big difference in the life of a student. Hear about the training each tutor will receive. Please contact the RES office, and let us know you’re interested in tutoring at Dr. Walter Cooper Academy - School #10, 353 Congress Avenue (in the 19th Ward, one block North of Genesee Park Blvd., between Post Avenue and Virginia Avenue). Questions??? Reach out to RES Past President Lee Loomis and the RES Tutoring Team at… Rochester Engineering Society, (585) 254-2350 via website: or via email: (585) 738-3079 (mobile & text) 8 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER NOVEMBER 2016

res news - tutoring


RES News

res news - STEM volunteering


The Limited Monopoly® Swimming with the (Duly Diligent) Sharks by John Hammond, PE and Robert Gunderman, PE Feeding Frenzy

Most of us are familiar with the network TV show, Shark Tank® – but in case not, here is a brief summary of the premise. Entrepreneurs seeking funding for their start-up business present their pitch to a panel of “Sharks,” apparently accomplished and successful entrepreneurs who have “cashed out,” and are now looking for opportunities as angel investors. The “drama” of this “reality TV” show occurs when the Sharks ask tough questions, and then based on the answers, either pass on the opportunity (“I’m out!”), or make an investment offer. Occasionally, a tech startup is in the Tank, and the start-up entrepreneurs claim that their product is “patent pending.”1 Recently, there was a cable rerun of an episode that originally aired2 in April 2014. Reality TV that involves patents is quite rare, so this episode piqued our interest. The company’s product was a “smart” light bulb that is controllable via wireless communication via a smart phone or tablet. One of the founders of the company, Ilumi Solutions, Inc., made a point to state that their bulb was patent pending, and went on to describe the bulb and the phone app that controlled it. At that point, we began shouting questions at the TV: “Ask them if it’s a provisional! Ask them if they’ve had an Office Action! Ask them if it’s been allowed! Ask about a PCT! Ask them if the company has clear title!” None of these questions were asked, nor any others that would be considered basic patent due diligence, particularly since the “smart light bulb” market is a very crowded space with some Fortune 500 players in the mix. Instead, a bit of a feeding frenzy ensued, with three Sharks offering a $350K investment under various conditions. The episode concluded with the founders' acceptance of an offer in exchange for a 25% stake. We were left wondering, would three supposedly accomplished businessmen toss out those mid-six figure offers, just on the founders’ “We’re patent pending” claim? Probably not. Instead, we suspect that the producers of Shark Tank® think that getting into the weeds of patent prosecution doesn’t interest the average reality TV audience. Maybe so, as TV tends to accomodate limited attention spans quite seamlessly.

What’s Beneath the Surface?

But now back to the real reality, where we can have two “patent pending” scenarios at opposite ends of the value spectrum: In Scenario 1, we have a provisional application that is pending, but is going to expire tomorrow, and we have no intention of filing a non-provisional application to continue to pursue a patent. In Scenario 2, we have a pending application that has been allowed, the issue fee has been paid, and it is going to issue as a patent tomorrow. In both scenarios, today, we can say that we have a “patent pending.” (In fairness though, we note that the Ilumi founders were not blowing smoke. As of press time, a quick patent search shows that the company has seven U.S. patents, all of which issued after the episode first aired.) 10 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER NOVEMBER 2016

“Informed study of a patent application file wrapper is best done by an experienced patent practitioner. But by simply browsing through the list of documents, you can obtain some significant information on the case.” Thus the term “patent pending” encompasses a broad range of possibilities, the worst of which has a value of zero. If you are presented with a business opportunity that depends upon the outcome of “patent pending,” you need to perform due diligence so that you know what the term means for that particular opportunity.

DIY DD… for Pending Apps

Fortunately, plenty of information on pending patent applications is available online, making basic “do-it-yourself due diligence” quite easy with the right training. With some simple searching, you can answer the basic question, where does the patent application stand in prosecution? This answer will allow you to judge the likelihood of the application maturing into a patent, or becoming abandoned. First a caveat: all of the due diligence suggestions here are contingent on the patent application being published so that information on the application is in fact accessible to the public. If the application was filed less than 18 months ago, it will not have been published and will be unavailable for study. For a published U.S. application, the key tool to use is Public PAIR3 at the USPTO website In Public PAIR, entering the application or publication number will take you to the Application Data page. The first thing to check is the “Status” field, which will give you an indication of where the application stands with respect to possible issuance of a patent. There are many different status indicators. Some key indicators, and their significance, are as follows: • Docketed New Case - Ready for Examination: Application is awaiting a first Office Action by the Examiner, or an Office Action following a Request for Continued Examination filed by the Applicant. • Non-Final Action Mailed: Examiner has issued an action on the application, which could be a restriction requirement4 in which a subset of the claims must be selected by the Applicant for examination, OR an Office Action5, in which at least some of the claims have been rejected. • Response to Non-Final Office Action Entered and Forwarded to Examiner: Applicant has filed a response to an Office Action. Awaiting next action by the Examiner. • Final Rejection Mailed: Examiner has issued at least the second Office Action on the application, with another rejection of at least some of the claims. • Notice of Appeal Filed: Applicant is pursuing an Appeal of the Examiner’s rejection of the claims. The Limited Monopoly

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• Notice of Allowance Mailed: Examiner has allowed the claims. Upon payment of the issue fee by the Applicant, the patent will issue in about 4-6 weeks. • Publications -- Issue Fee Payment Verified: Applicant has paid the issue fee. Issuance of the patent is imminent, typically in no more than six weeks. • Abandoned -- Failure to Respond to an Office Action: Applicant has abandoned the application, and no patent will issue directly from it. (However, click the “Continuity Data” tab, and see if a continuation application has been filed. If one is listed, click the link to navigate to it, and repeat the steps described here.) To summarize briefly, in the first five of the above status indicators, the application is either awaiting prosecution, or prosecution is in progress, but with the outcome uncertain with regard to a patent issuing. Under a Notice of Allowance, there is a very high probability that a patent will issue, but sometimes NOA’s are withdrawn and prosecution reopened. Under the Issue Fee Payment Verified status, the patent will almost certainly issue, unless extraordinary circumstances arise. Once you have seen the application status, the next step is to review the prosecution history (aka “file wrapper”) of the patent application. To see the history, click on the “Image File Wrapper" tab, which will open the listing of all documents in the file wrapper, starting with the most recent documents at the top, and ending with the initial application filing documents at the bottom. Each document can be viewed or downloaded individually. Additionally, the entire file wrapper can be downloaded in a single file for off-line study.

circumstances, and the facts are discovered in litigation of the patent, it could be found unenforceable due to inequitable conduct. As a last stop in the PAIR listing, click on the “Assignments” tab. This will produce the “Patent Abstract of Title” page, which lists all documents that have been recorded in the USPTO under the application number. One key listing to check for is the “Assignment of Assignors Interest.” Any such entries would show the initial assignment of rights in the application by the inventors to a third party, such as a corporation or university. If no assignments are present, that could indicate that transfer of ownership of the application by the inventors to the corporation has not been properly executed, and even if so, has certainly not been properly recorded. If the patent application has been sold by the first corporation to another corporation, another “Assignment of Assignors Interest” should be shown. Other transactions can also be recorded, such as a “Security Interest,” where the application is used as collateral. The listing of these documents does not mean that everything is in order with regard to clear title of the patent application. They merely show what has been recorded in the USPTO, and made of public record. For example, the documents themselves could be defective in some way. So again, if you are considering a business opportunity where you need a high degree of confidence in proper title being established, you should consult a qualified patent attorney7 to review the entire chain of title and recorded documents, and provide an opinion.

And Yet There’s More…

Informed study of a file wrapper is best done by an experienced patent practitioner. If you need a high level opinion, including judgments of claim scope, and the likelihood of the application being eventually issued as a patent, you should consult a licensed patent agent or attorney. However, by simply browsing through the list of documents, you can obtain some significant additional information:

As we note above, in this issue, we have covered some simple steps for doing basic DIY Due Diligence for a pending U.S. patent application. There are similar steps that you can do for international and foreign applications using the WIPO and EPO databases. And there is another set of steps that you can perform for basic due diligence related to issued patents. We’ll cover those in a future column. In the meantime, swim cautiously.

• As you scroll down, if you see multiple sequences of “Non-Final Action Mailed,” and “Final Rejection Mailed,” that means that the claims have been repeatedly rejected. The Applicant is likely continuing prosecution by filing a Request for Continued Examination with another response to a Final Rejection. In general, the more iterations of Office Action and Amendment there are in a file wrapper, the narrower the claims will be in any patent that issues, and the more likely that the Applicant will eventually abandon the application. At the very least, you know that prosecution is proceeding with difficulty, and the outcome is uncertain.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

• If the status is “Docketed New Case,” but you see at least one cycle of “Non-Final Action Mailed,” and “Final Rejection Mailed,” the case is not “New.” The claims have been rejected at least twice, and the Applicant has filed a Request for Continued Examination to continue prosecution. Oddly, the USPTO assigns the same “Docketed New Case” status to an application under an RCE as it does to a new, unexamined application. • If you do not see any “Information Disclosure Statement” filed by the Applicant (typically before a first Office Action), that could be cause for concern. There are two possibilities: The Applicant did no searching, and filed the application “blind,” with no ideal of what prior art might exist. In that case, the odds of there being prior art that could “knock out” the claims is more likely, since no effort has been made to craft the claims with the prior art in mind. The other possibility is that the Applicant did a search and is aware of prior art that may be material to patentability, but has not disclosed it to the Patent Office. That is a violation of the “Duty of Disclosure”6 to the Office. If a patent is issued under these The Limited Monopoly

See The Limited Monopoly®, May 2007. Trailer at See The Limited Monopoly®, June 2008, September 2011. See The Limited Monopoly®, March 2009. See The Limited Monopoly®, December 2006. Readers may contact either of the authors if a referral to a qualified attorney is needed.

PHOTO CREDIT: "Patent Shark" by R.D. Gunderman. To browse the entire searchable library of prior issues of The Limited Monopoly® from 2005 to present, visit Authors John M. Hammond P.E. (Patent Innovations, LLC and Robert D. Gunderman P.E. (Patent Technologies, LLC www. are both registered patent agents and licensed professional engineers. Copyright 2016 John Hammond and Robert Gunderman, Jr. Note: This short article is intended only to provide cursory background information, and is not intended to be legal advice. No client relationship with the authors is in any way established by this article. NOVEMBER 2016 The ROCHESTER ENGINEER | 11

Professional Firms Employee News CHA's Richard Rappa Honored by AEE as Energy Engineer of the Year CHA Consulting, Inc. (CHA) announced that Rich Rappa, senior vice president and market leader of manufacturing and energy, has received the Rich Rappa, PE Engineer of the Year award for the Northeast region by the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE). The award recognizes outstanding accomplishment in promoting the practices, principles and procedures of energy engineering. AEE awarded Mr. Rappa in recognition of his work as an innovator, mentor, speaker and industry leader in energy efficiency. His professional pursuits distinguished him as a leader in the field early in his career. When the impact of energy efficiency measures were not yet fully appreciated, Mr. Rappa was the forefront in applying the concepts of energy efficiency to manufacturing

processes. His views reoriented and reshaped organizational thinking about energy efficiency and later led to his career in engineering consulting and public policy involving energy assistance programs for industry. "It is an honor to be recognized as the engineer of the year," said Mr. Rappa. "It is the team that I work with on a dayto-day basis that makes this possible. It is a pleasure to work with professionals who share the same passion of helping companies become more operationally efficient, competitive and long-term viable." Learn more about what Rich and CHA's team of energy engineers are doing to responsibly improve the world we live in: rich-rappa-2016-energy-engineer-ofthe-year/. For over 18 years, Mr. Rappa has led CHA as a prominent technical service provider to utility- and state-based energy efficiency programs. In his drive to serve industrial clients, he was instrumental

in securing the outreach contract for the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) Industrial Process Efficiency Program, acting as program director and advisor to NYSERDA, a nationally recognized energy agency that has become a model for energy program development and execution. His recommendations have led hundreds of companies to implement effective energy projects and increase their competitiveness. Mr. Rappa received his mechanical engineering degree from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He is a licensed professional engineer in New York and a Certified Energy Manager. He is often requested to speak on the benefits of energy efficiency in an industrial setting at national seminars and conferences. The Energy Engineer of the Year award was presented to Mr. Rappa at the World Energy Engineering Congress held September 21-23 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C. q

LaBella Assciates Announces Three New Hires LaBella Associates announced the hiring of three employees. Joseph LaGoy has joined the firm as a junior electrical engineer for the buildings engineering division. He has three years of experience in electrical machines, assembly programming, advanced electronics and circuit theory. Joseph specializes in concepts of systems and signals, data analysis, automated data acquisition, digital signal processing, PEDA, Joseph LaGoy surface mount technology and project management. He also has experience with photovoltaic systems, transformers, transmission lines, control systems, and DC/AC circuit analysis. Thais Howard, PE has joined the firm as a senior electrical engineer for the buildings engineering division and will be 12 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER NOVEMBER 2016

Thais Howard, PE

working out of the Buffalo office. She has over 24 years of experience in electrical engineering design and management of diverse and complex projects. Thais has extensive skills in managing projects for seaport facilities, as well as designing electrical systems for commercial, residential, and light industrial facilities. Other areas of expertise include construction management and capital planning. Karen Monserrate joins the civil division of the firm as an administrative assistant. Karen has 12 years of experience, and was previously a legal assistant at the law office of Thomas Malia. q

Karen Monserrate professional firms employee news


Passero Associates Welcomes Greg Topping, PE as Northeast Aviation Services Director Passero Associates welcomes Gregory T. Topping, PE as Northeast Aviation Services Director. Greg is the former Eastern Region Aviation Manager for C&S Companies, and has over 30 years of experience in aviation engineering and management, including nearly 25 years in the field of consulting. Gregory T. Topping, PE As a program manager for multiple airports, he has been responsible for managing hundreds of millions of dollars in aviation projects from grant programming through airfield construction. He has overseen dozens of large-scale pavement rehabilitation and other significant airfield improvement projects. In his new role as Northeast Aviation Services Director, Greg will work with the Aviation Services group and firm leadership to strengthen the firm's current client relationships and to grow its client base in the Northeast. The experience and expertise he brings to this new role will be of great benefit to the firm and its clients. Included in Greg's varied portfolio of experience are multiple significant projects at the following airports:

* Greater Rochester International Airport * Albany International Airport * State of Vermont Agency of Transportation * Buffalo Niagara International Airport * Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport * T.F. Green Airport, Providence, RI * Ithaca Tompkins Regional Airport * Westchester County Airport * Oneida County Airport * Hernando County Airport, FL

Greg holds a BS in civil and environmental engineering from Clarkson University, and is a US Army Veteran, having completed US Army Engineers, Airborne, Sapper and Ranger training. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in New York. q professional firms employee news | cover article

The Integrative Design Process: Making an Impact on Energy Efficiency; continued from page 7

Erdman Anthony provided technical assistance to the project design team, offering feedback and guidance on several design options under consideration. This process provided essential information to the project team and contributed to the facility’s final design. At the conclusion of the design, the energy analysis was used to gain financial incentives as noted above, as well as to pursue energy credits for the building’s LEED certification. To ensure that the designed systems perform as intended, Erdman Anthony also provided USGBC Fundamental and Enhanced commissioning services for the new performing arts center during the design, construction, acceptance, and warranty phases. “The new Gearan Center is a magnificent state-of-the-art building that not only meets the needs of the performing arts, but will save energy, tell a fantastic story, and put us one step closer to our climate neutrality goals. Erdman Anthony was a huge part of our success,” said Chris Button, Associate Director for Planning and Construction at Hobart and William Smith Colleges. Erdman Anthony Steps toward Sustainability The concept of the SustainabiliTEAM™ was formed when Erdman Anthony engineers studied their own workplace and began in small steps to make the firm’s headquarters on Culver Road in Rochester more efficient. Several employees took a look at the firm’s energy performance and resource utilization and brainstormed ways to bring more sustainability into the workplace. Implementation started with simple actions, like making sure printers were at the most efficient settings and ensuring that the office kitchen was stocked with reusable supplies instead of nothing but paper products. The group worked together to come up with an appropriate name that would encompass its efforts. Michael Gardner, PE, LC, LEED AP BD+C, an Electrical Engineer in Erdman Anthony’s Facilities group, pointed out that “EA,” the abbreviation for Erdman Anthony, is in the center of the word “team,” and sustainability is part of the group’s mission. So the group joined the two words to form SustainabiliTEAM™ and trademarked the name. Erdman Anthony continues to develop ways to be more energy-conscious internally. The firm holds a bike-to-work day each spring, which has had more participants every year. Staff members also care for a community garden near the office. “It’s a great excuse to go outside during the day,” Gardner said. “Tending the garden has been a way for employees from all disciplines to come together and get to know each other.” The company made an impact on the entire complex on Culver Road, where Erdman Anthony is located, when it requested a recycling area for all the tenants. “We’ve developed substantial experience in optimizing our clients’ energy and resource use,” said Michael St. John, PE, CEM, LEED AP, core business leader and principal associate at Erdman Anthony. “It was a natural step to turn that expertise inward to benefit our own working environment.” Rachel Stuckey, PE, LEED AP, BEMP, CEA, EBCP, Building Performance Engineering Department Manager, Senior Associate at Erdman Anthony



IT done

Ransomware - Andrè Godfrey True story. While researching this article my computer was twice attacked by ransomware (unsuccessfully). Caution: apparently the search for ransomware information is a trigger for the malware. Is there anything as odious as ransomware? An industry of criminals, who are likely sitting in front of their computers in another country, are taking aim at your users and devising ways to get them to click on a hyperlink. That hyperlink may be in an email or on another site but when it is ‘clicked’– game over. Your computer’s files are locked from afar and unless you have appropriate backup and preventative safeguards, there may be only one way of getting those files back. Pay the ransom. Why do they do it? Like the bank robber of old, Willie Sutton, once said, ‘because that’s where the money is.' In fact, it’s an incredibly lucrative business with international estimates at $75 billion in losses. As one of our back-up storage vendors pointed out, it is enough money to buy the world a Coke 10 times over. Ransomware is not going away. In fact we are seeing an evident increase in ransomware incidents. Nine out of ten managed services providers report recent attacks among their small business clients. This certainly points out the need to educate our users. The hyperlinks are increasingly well disguised but once clicked, the actions taken by the ransomware malware is fairly predictable. The rules of prevention are simple: Do not open, respond to, download attachments or click on links from unknown emails. Simple perhaps, but difficult to enforce. The malware instructions appear on your computer screen. There is a hidden key code that the criminals says they will provide that will release your files if you pay the ransom. Sometimes there’s a clock that counts down with the threat that at ‘zero’ your release key code will be destroyed. If you pay the ransom the hidden key code will appear and once entered, your files are released. A question often asked is ‘will the criminals release your files if you pay the ransom?' Maybe. It is certainly in the interest of the criminals to do so. If 14 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER NOVEMBER 2016

the reputation of ransomware is one in which you do not get your files back, there is no incentive to pay the ransom. However, in about 10% of cases, you do not get your files back. This may be as much a function of poor administrative skills on the part of the criminals but regardless, if the key is not given or does not work, you are stuck. The ransom itself is usually a reasonable number. Once again it is in the interest of the hacker to ask for an amount you would be willing to pay versus the cost of reconstructing the lost files. Unfortunately paying the ransom doesn’t mean you have some future immunity, the opposite being actually true. Your business now becomes a target for additional attacks. Alternatively to paying ransom many companies are taking a preventive route. There are a number of software companies that are now providing both anti-ransomware protection and recovery. Sophos, WebRoot and Symantec are three of the most prominent but there are many more. Sophos just released its Intercept X product recently that specifically addresses ransomware by making cleartext copies of files that are being encrypted and blocking processes that are encrypting files if it determines those processes are acting like ransomware. It then performs root-cause analysis to determine what actions customers should take to beef up defenses against similar attacks in the future. Many IT directors are currently taking a look at the cost and implementation of a preventive solution rather than facing management with the cost of recovery or the moral difficulty of paying criminals. Think About IT

Andrè Godfrey is President, Entre Computer Services,

get IT done


Get to the Point! You Will be Judged

As most readers of my article know, I am a self-professed “word nerd” and I often suggest that your writing creates an image of you, your firm, and your content. The following is a reprint of a fairly controversial article circulating on the web. I first found it in the Harvard Business Review and although it is four years old, it is still relevant.

can't tell the difference between their, there, and they're.

For the record, I agree with much of what Mr. Wiens says, although surprisingly, he is even more militant about grammar than I am. RGI’s technical communication consulting and training divisions are busier than ever and I suspect it is because owners and managers of professional services organizations have seen enough. We are what we communicate.

On the face of it, my zero tolerance approach to grammar errors might seem a little unfair. After all, grammar has nothing to do with job performance, or creativity, or intelligence, right?

I Won't Hire People Who Use Poor Grammar. Here's Why. by Kyle Wiens July 20, 2012 If you think an apostrophe was one of the 12 disciples of Jesus, you will never work for me. If you think a semicolon is a regular colon with an identity crisis, I will not hire you. If you scatter commas into a sentence with all the discrimination of a shotgun, you might make it to the foyer before we politely escort you from the building. Some might call my approach to grammar extreme, but I prefer Lynne Truss's more cuddly phraseology: I am a grammar "stickler." And, like Truss — author of Eats, Shoots & Leaves — I have a "zero tolerance approach" to grammar mistakes that make people look stupid. Now, Truss and I disagree on what it means to have "zero tolerance." She thinks that people who mix up their itses "deserve to be struck by lightning, hacked up on the spot and buried in an unmarked grave," while I just think they deserve to be passed over for a job — even if they are otherwise qualified for the position.

Good grammar makes good business sense — and not just when it comes to hiring writers. Writing isn't in the official job description of most people in our office. Still, we give our grammar test to everybody, including our salespeople, our operations staff, and our programmers.

Wrong. If it takes someone more than 20 years to notice how to properly use "it's," then that's not a learning curve I'm comfortable with. So, even in this hyper-competitive market, I will pass on a great programmer who cannot write. Grammar signifies more than just a person's ability to remember high school English. I've found that people who make fewer mistakes on a grammar test also make fewer mistakes when they are doing something completely unrelated to writing — like stocking shelves or labeling parts. In the same vein, programmers who pay attention to how they construct written language also tend to pay a lot more attention to how they code. You see, at its core, code is prose. Great programmers are more than just code monkeys; according to Stanford programming legend Donald Knuth they are "essayists who work with traditional aesthetic and literary forms." The point: programming should be easily understood by real human beings — not just computers. And just like good writing and good grammar, when it comes to programming, the devil's in the details. In fact, when it comes to my whole business, details are everything.

Everyone who applies for a position at either of my companies, iFixit or Dozuki, takes a mandatory grammar test. Extenuating circumstances aside (dyslexia, English language learners, etc.), if job hopefuls can't distinguish between "to" and "too," their applications go into the bin.

I hire people who care about those details. Applicants who don't think writing is important are likely to think lots of other (important) things also aren't important. And I guarantee that even if other companies aren't issuing grammar tests, they pay attention to sloppy mistakes on résumés. After all, sloppy is as sloppy does.

Of course, we write for a living. is the world's largest online repair manual, and Dozuki helps companies write their own technical documentation, like paperless work instructions and step-by-step user manuals. So, it makes sense that we've made a preemptive strike against groan-worthy grammar errors.

That's why I grammar test people who walk in the door looking for a job. Grammar is my litmus test. All applicants say they're detailoriented; I just make my employees prove it.

But grammar is relevant for all companies. Yes, language is constantly changing, but that doesn't make grammar unimportant. Good grammar is credibility, especially on the internet. In blog posts, on Facebook statuses, in e-mails, and on company websites, your words are all you have. They are a projection of you in your physical absence. And, for better or worse, people judge you if you get to the point

RGI Learning offers workshops in conflict resolution and communications skills. © 2016, RGI Learning Lisa Moretto is the President of RGI Learning, Inc. For 22 years she has helped engineers improve their oral and written communication skills. Visit or call (866) 744-3032 to learn about RGI’s courses.


Campus News RIT Awarded Nearly $1 Million from NSF to Develop Food Waste Solutions GIS Associate Professor Callie Babbitt to lead interdisciplinary research

Callie Babbitt, an associate professor at Rochester Institute of Technology’s Golisano Institute for Sustainability (GIS), has received a nearly $1 million award from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to research sustainable solutions for minimizing and managing the growing and complex challenges of food waste generated across the food supply chain. The four-year project, titled “Managing Energy, Water, and Information Flows for Sustainability across the Advanced Food Ecosystem,” will launch an interdisciplinary research collaboration with faculty from five RIT colleges. The research team will study how innovative technologies, waste management systems, and policies can reduce the volume and environmental impacts of food waste—while at the same time creating economic growth and maximizing efficient use of energy and water resources. The stakes are huge. Faced with a growing world population and a shrinking pool of natural resources, the world today faces an unprecedented challenge to provide a resilient food supply—made even more complex by vast inefficiencies and resulting food waste generated across the food supply chain. “About 40 percent of food produced in the United States is never eaten,” Babbitt said. “There are huge losses that become apparent when we look at the entire supply chain— from excess crops left in the field, wastes from food processing, imperfect or ‘ugly’ foods discarded by grocery stores and restaurants, not to mention food that is purchased but then spoils, goes past its expiration date, or isn’t ultimately wanted by consumers.” “The social, economic and environmental impacts from food waste really add up,” Babbitt added. “An average American household spends almost $2,000 every year on food that goes straight to a landfill. We’re missing opportunities to feed hungry families, wasting the vast water and energy resources that went into producing the food, and creating new environmental impacts, like greenhouse gas emissions from food waste disposal.”

“Food waste is such an immense and complex challenge that effective solutions will only come from merging the best ideas and insights from many different disciplines,” Babbitt said. “We plan to use ideas and innovations from engineering, policy, ecology, decision science, geospatial optimization and education.” Babbitt added that potential solutions would be evaluated using “nexus thinking,” a new approach to evaluate tradeoffs that may occur between food, energy and water systems, including waste minimization, net energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, pollutant releases to freshwater ecosystems, policy compliance and economic costs. Callie Babbitt

Babbitt noted that technologies exist to convert food waste to biofuels or value-added products, but are not yet optimized to handle large volumes of complex food waste streams. This NSF grant will enable RIT researchers to make technological advances in food waste-to-energy conversion systems that are more efficient, cost-effective, environmentally friendly, and scalable for a wide range of food waste streams. “We know that processes such as anaerobic digestion can convert certain waste streams into bio-methane, which can replace fossil fuel-based natural gas,” Babbitt explained. “But if you want to scale this process up to treat huge volumes of food waste from restaurants, farms and factories, then major technical, economic and environmental improvements are needed.” This project is one of only 17 research awards made as part of NSF’s new program on Innovations at the Nexus of Food, Energy and Water Systems, or INFEWS. This initiative was created to catalyze interdisciplinary research that will transform scientific understanding about interconnections between food production and energy and water resources and lead to solutions for the grand challenges facing the world in the new millennium.


The project will leverage well-established industrial and community partnerships, working with Wegmans Food Markets Inc. and Synergy Biogas to collect data about the volume and composition of food waste streams in the upstate New York region. The planned scientific advances are also expected to spur new industries and jobs in New York, according to Babbitt, as the team plans to share findings with stakeholders and decisionmakers in the food supply chain, waste management and policy sectors. The project also will create new educational programs, with efforts aimed at engaging underrepresented groups—including deaf and hard-of-hearing students at RIT and the National Technical Institute for the Deaf (NTID) as well as high school students in the Rochester City School District. Babbitt is currently teaching a pilot course on sustainable food systems for RIT graduate students and plans to integrate future research findings into this educational model. Babbitt will collaborate on research with GIS colleagues Thomas Trabold and Gabrielle Gaustad, along with Eric Hittinger in RIT’s College of Liberal Arts; Brian Tomaszewski from the B. Thomas Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences; Christy Tyler in the College of Science’s Gosnell School of Life Sciences; and Todd Pagano in NTID’s Department of Science and Mathematics. q

campus news

Professor awarded NSF grant to identify best practices for K-12 computing education Adrienne Decker receives $1.19 million to study long-term effects of pre-college computing activities

Researchers from Rochester Institute of Technology and Bradley University are finding the best ways to get diverse pre-college students interested in computing as a career. Adrienne Decker, an assistant professor of interactive games and media at RIT, and Monica McGill, an associate professor of game design at Bradley University, have received a $1.19 million grant from the National Science Foundation to study the long-term impact of computing activities students have engaged in prior to college. The five-year study will look at the growing number of groups devoted to increasing interest in computing among K-12 students. These governmental, commercial and not-for-profit programs—including, Black Girls Code and university-led summer programs—are fueled by the nation’s critical need for more technology workers with computing skills. “To increase the number of skilled tech workers, we need to have effective practices for engaging students, as well as piquing and holding their interest so that they pursue it as a career,” said McGill. “Seeing the explosion of these organizations, the questions we naturally asked were, ‘Does this work and what parts are working best?’” said Decker. “There is little to no longitudinal data that exists, so we are setting out to find the answers.” Decker and McGill began by collecting pilot data with an online survey at six universities, including RIT and Bradley University. They asked people if they participated in any of these programs, what they remember and how it impacted them. Today, the researchers are diving deeper. They are trying to understand the past and current state of affairs of all activities that focus on teaching computer science prior to college. The NSF project, titled “Collaborative Research: Establishing and Propagating a Model for Evaluating the Long Term Impact of Pre-College Computing Activities,” will show how investments in these pre-college computing activities are paying off. The researchers hope to identify best practices for long-term success with the programs and disseminate that information to other educational researchers. “Best practices could include making sure the program schedules an hour of outdoor activity during the day or perhaps that students have an assignment to complete at home,” said Decker. “We don’t know what we’ll find, but we want those key pieces so that students come away with an appreciation for computing and how it fits into their lives.” Through the project, researchers will also create the tools necessary to track the long-term success of these activities. “One of these tools, for example, will be a repository to aid researchers in reviewing what types activities have been previously implemented and what their outcomes were,” said McGill. “Another tool we aim to create is a repository for researchers and practitioners to enter their own data, so we can track this data collectively.” The pair says that a significant part of the project will focus on the demographics of the learners, because often what works for one set of learners may not work for another. The project will analyze data based on gender and ethnicity, in hopes of better promoting computing among underrepresented groups. “It’s important that young people are not just consumers of technology, but also creators of technology,” said Decker. “We don’t want everyone to become a programmer, but they do need to understand how to use these tools and push technology further in their chosen field.” To learn more about Decker and McGill’s work, go to the NSF abstract website. q

campus news | advertisement


Position Openings

Professional Firms Employee News BME Employment Announcement BME Associates announces the following new hire, Zachary Gregg as a design engineer. Zachary joins the firm as a design engineer with professional experience in the civil engineering and construction fields, and possesses hands-on experience Zachary Gregg through internships and coursework. As a graduate from RIT, his broad range of relative experience mixed with his eagerness to learn fuels his passion for engineering. He finds great satisfaction in solving solutions for complex and technical matters. Each project he is involved with brings new challenges and situations where the opportunity for creative problem solving opens, keeping him focused and driven on delivering value to our clients. q

Innocenti Joins Fisher Associates Lodovico (Vico) Innocenti, P.E., CBSI has joined Fisher Associates’ Transportation Department as a transportation group manager in our Canonsburg office. Vico has more than 16 years of transportation experience in both management and technical/design. Vico Innocenti, PE His design experience includes civil design, structural and bridge design, bridge inspection, construction inspection and construction engineering. He has managed Design-Build projects for over 40 successful contracts in a five-year time frame. Vico’s experience and relationships with contractors, state transportation agencies, municipalities and other consultants gives us a great foundation to build Fisher’s Pennsylvania transportation portfolio. Vico earned a B.S. in civil engineering from the University of Pittsburgh. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in Pennsylvania and a Certified Bridge Safety Inspector. q 18 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER NOVEMBER 2016

proffesional firms employee news | campus news



Campus News

Carestream, University of Rochester Collaborate on New Ultrasound Technologies Carestream Health, a leader in medical and dental imaging, and an interdisciplinary team of researchers at the University of Rochester are collaborating to develop new technologies that would expand the use of ultrasound imaging for medical diagnosis. Headquartered in Rochester, Carestream entered the ultrasound market earlier this year, and is looking to expand its portfolio of products. With funding provided by the company and New York State through the Center for Emerging and Innovative Sciences (CEIS), the collaboration will initially focus on developing ultrasound technologies for:

building the products that make a difference for patients and physicians.” Carestream offers two high-end ultrasound products, Touch Prime and Touch Prime XE, for general ob-gyn, vascular, and abdominal imaging. The company will expand its portfolio to include mid-range and portable devices.

“Through these joint projects, we can innovate in ultrasound technology and applications, and in turn influence Michael Richards, right, a research assistant professor in the Department of Surgery Carestream’s technology at the University of Rochester Medical Center and Doran Mix, vascular surgery roadmap. We seek to resident physician in the Richards lab, are developing a novel ultrasound technology generate a pipeline to characterize the structure of aortic abdominal aneurisms and blockages in carotid of clinically validated arteries, in collaboration with Carestream Health Inc. (University photo / J. Adam ultrasound technologies Fenster) for new products,” said Ajay Anand, PhD, a Carestream system engineer and principal investigator who worked closely with the • Diagnosing tendon damage, led by Stephen McAleavey with Mark University researchers to develop the collaboration. “In addition, Buckley of the Department of Biomedical Engineering. Initially the we have an opportunity to really enhance the medical ultrasound project will focus on insertional Achilles tendinopathy, a painful heel technology ecosystem in the Rochester area.” condition that resists nonsurgical treatments. • Characterizing the structure of aortic abdominal aneurisms and blockages in carotid arteries, to more accurately assess the risk of ruptures, led by Michael Richards of the Department of Surgery with Marvin Doyley of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. • Producing handheld devices, using novel system architectures and relatively inexpensive components, led by Zeljko Ignjatovic, with Michael Huang and Doyley, all of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. “These are three very substantive projects,” said James Burns, CTO of Carestream’s, X-ray and Ultrasound Solutions. “We hope it is the start of a very rich relationship.” Diane Dalecki, director of the University’s Rochester Center for Biomedical Ultrasound and chair of the Department of Biomedical Engineering, said, “this is a dream match between a company in our own backyard and our researchers, who are eager to take the work they’re doing in the laboratory and translate it to people who are campus news

The collaboration is administered by the Center for Emerging and Innovative Sciences, one of 15 Centers for Advanced Technology funded by NYSTAR, a division of the New York State Department of Economic Development. Funding for the first year of the initial twoyear phase of the collaboration totals $270,000. UR Ventures, the University’s technology transfer office, the University’s Center for Business Engagement and its Office of Research and Project Administration, and CEIS worked with Carestream to develop the master research agreement. Since the early 1960s, University of Rochester researchers have produced pioneering clinical and technological advances in diagnostic ultrasound imaging. The Rochester Center for Biomedical Ultrasound, formed in 1986, includes nearly 100 researchers, including visiting scientists from around the country. q


Go to the RES Web Site for Updated Details On All Meetings -

Continuing Monday, November 14

Education Opportunities

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, And Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) p 32 1 PDH Credit Pending

Friday, November 18

Association for Bridge Construction and Design (ABCD) 28 Annual Fall Bridge Conference

p 37


Up to 6 PDH Credits

Air Filtration

Presented by Flanders Place: City Grill, 384 East Avenue, Rochester Time: 12:00 noon with buffet lunch served. Cost: $25 per person Reservations: Contact Tim Duprey by noon, Thursday, Nov. 10 at Website:

Place: Millennium Hotel Buffalo, 2040 Walden Avenue, Buffalo, NY Cost: Details on page 37 and on the RES website registration. Registration: To register, visit the RES website at and click on the ABCD Conference Registration link. Additional questions or information on the conference contact Mark Laistner PE, or 585-364-1610.

Wednesday, November 16

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, And Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)

American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE)

p 38

1 PDH Credit

Value Engineering with CPVC for Domestic Water Piping Systems

Speaker: Mark Lemire (Lubrizol Corporation) Place: Valicia’s Ristorante, 2155 Long Pond Road, Gates Time: 12:00 noon to 1:30 pm Cost: $20 per person, check or cash at the door. Make checks payable to Rochester Chapter ASPE. Reservations: Contact Dave Jereckos by Monday, Nov. 14th, 585-341-3168 or

SAVE THE DATE Engineering Symposium in Rochester April 18, 2017 Hyatt Regency, Rochester, NY Up to 7 PDHs The symposium will feature 37 accredited courses for Professional Engineers. This event has seen continual growth in our area, with last year’s event having more than 450 in attendance. For more information, please visit the event website: http://www.

Monday, December 12 1 PDH Credit Pending

p 32

Impact of new EPA and DOE Regulations on Refrigeration and Cooling

Speaker: Mike Nohle, Meier Supply Place: City Grill, 384 East Avenue, Rochester Time: 12:00 noon with buffet lunch served. Cost: $25 per person Reservations: Contact Tim Duprey by noon, Thursday, Nov. 10 at Website:

Support Your Society Attend a Meeting The RES website ( has a calendar of events for this month's meetings and meetings that are received or updated after print deadline. Please refer to the website for updated information. If you wish to be listed in the calendar please send details to

To post continuing education opportunities on this page please contact the Rochester Engineering Society, 585-254-2350, or email: 20 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER NOVEMBER 2016

continuing education calendar

Th 1 i

Engineers’ Calendar The engineering societies are encouraged to submit their meeting notices for publication in this section. The deadline for submitting copy is the 10th of the month prior to the month of publication. Please email to: The meetings offering PDHs are highlighted in blue. Details about the meeting and affiliate (if in this issue) are on the corresponding page listed next to the affiliate name.

Tuesday, November 15 (Date and time to be confirmed)

Tuesday, November 1

Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Rochester Section Excom Meeting

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) p 29

Place: Hibachi Sushi Buffet, 3333 W. Henrietta Road, Rochester Time: 12:00 – 1:00 pm Cost: $5 for members, $3 for students. Details at

Independent Entrepreneurs Council (IEC) p 29

p 42

Speaker: Thomas Dee, President, Erie Canal Harbor Development Corporation (Tentative) Place: Hilton Garden Inn, 155 East Main Street, Rochester Time: Time to be confirmed at print time.

Tuesday, November 15

Friday, November 4

Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)

Buffalo Waterfront Revitalization: What Can Rochester Learn?

Building Hybrid Cloud Environment

p 33

Place: Louise Slaughter Hall, RIT Time: 10:30 am to 5:00 pm For details visit: org/m/41096

Speaker: Lee Drake, President, OS-Cubed Place: OS-Cubed, 274 N. Goodman Street, Suite A401, Rochester, NY 14607 Time: Registration 7:30 am; Presentation 8:00 to 10:00 am. Reservations: There is NO charge for this presentation. Reservations are required by C.O.B., Friday, Nov. 11. Make reservations via:

Thursday, November 10

Wednesday, November 16

40th IEEE EDS Activities in Western NY Conference

Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)

IEEE Senior Member Elevation Seminar

p 29

Presenter: Jean Kendrick Place: UofR Goergen Hall, Computer Classroom #102, 1st floor Time: 5:30 to 7:00 pm For details visit: Reservations: Contact Jean Kendrick at

1 PDH Credit Pending

Air Filtration

p 26

Speakers: TBD Place: Room 1275 of the Carlson Center for Imaging Science, RIT Campus. Everyone is welcome to attend. Parking is available in the F lot, just north of the building. No meeting reservations are required. Time: 6:00 pm.

Wednesday, November 16

Tour Gonondagan Seneca Art & Culture Center

p 32

Presented by Flanders Place: City Grill, 384 East Avenue, Rochester Time: 12:00 noon with buffet lunch served. Cost: $25 per person Reservations: Contact Tim Duprey by noon, Thursday, Nov. 10 at Website: engineers' calendar


Association for Facilities Engineering (AFE) p 39

Monday, November 14

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)

Society for Imaging Science and Technology (IS&T)

Place: Meet in the lobby of the new Art & Culture Center, 7000 County Road 41, (Boughton Hill Rd.), Victor, NY Time: Tour at 5:30 pm; Dinner following Tour at the Thirsty Turtle (7422 Victor-Pittsford Rd., Victor) Cost: $25 for members, $30 for non-members. Dinner is a buffet. Payment can be accepted on the website: Reservations: Contact Tom Acquilano by Nov. 11th at 585-256-1028, or

Engineers' Calendar continued on page 22...


Engineers’ Calendar, Wednesday, November 16, Continued American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE)

Friday, November 18

Institute of Electrical p 38 and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)

Value Engineering with CPVC for Domestic Water Piping Systems

Speaker: Mark Lemire (Lubrizol Corporation) Place: Valicia’s Ristorante, 2155 Long Pond Road, Gates Time: 12:00 noon to 1:30 pm Cost: $20 per person, check or cash at the door. Make checks payable to Rochester Chapter ASPE. Reservations: Contact Dave Jereckos by Monday, Nov. 14th, 585-341-3168 or

Thursday, November 17

p 27

Agile Systems Engineering

Speaker: Dr. Richard Turner, Research Professor, Stevens Institute of Technology Place: 7 hosts available. See page 27 for details or go to the website at ChapterSites/finger-lakes/chapter-home. Time: Meetings begins at 6:00 pm and ends approximately 7:30 pm. If you need details or have any concerns contacting a host email Kevin Devaney at

Thursday, November 17

Genesee Valley Land Surveyors Association (GVLSA)

Board of Directors and General Membership Meeting Details at

Friday, November 18

Association for Bridge Construction and Design (ABCD)

p 34

Place: Millennium Hotel Buffalo, 2040 Walden Avenue, Buffalo, NY Cost: Members $120; Non-members $150 (does not include membership); Students $35; Late Fee $25 (applied to registrations after 10-30-16). Registration: To register, visit the RES website at and click on the calendar and go to Nov. 18. Additional questions or information on the conference contact Mark Laistner PE, or 585-364-1610. 22 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER NOVEMBER 2016

For details visit: WNYISPW2016.html

Monday, December 12

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, And Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) p 32 1 PDH Credit Pending

Impact of new EPA and DOE Regulations on Refrigeration and Cooling

Speaker: Mike Nohle, Meier Supply Place: City Grill, 384 East Avenue, Rochester Time: 12:00 noon with buffet lunch served. Cost: $25 per person Reservations: Contact Tim Duprey by noon, Thursday, Nov. 10 at Website:

Wednesday, December 14

Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) OLED Lighting Technology Update

p 31

Hosted by OLEDWorks Place: OLEDWorks Facility, 1645 Lyell Avenue, Suite 140, Rochester, NY 14606 Time: Noon to 1:00 pm Cost: $30 per person Reservations: Contact Diane Montrois by Dec. 7th at 585-254-9010. Payment by credit/debit card in advance through the 'Education' page of the website at Cash/check payment at the door.

Thursday, December 15

International Council p 37 on Systems Engineering (INCOSE)

Up to 6 PDH Credits

28th Annual Fall Bridge Conference

p 29

2016 IEEE Western NY Image and Signal Processing Workshop

1 PDH Credit

International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE)


p 27

Design Thinking and Implications for Systems Engineering

Speaker: Dr. Clifford Whitcomb, Professor, Naval Postgraduate School Place: 7 hosts available. See page 28 for details or go to the website at ChapterSites/finger-lakes/chapter-home. Time: Meetings begins at 6:00 pm and ends approximately 7:30 pm. If you need details or have any concerns contacting a host email Kevin Devaney at engineers' calendar

Campus News Reconfigurable Chaos-based Microchips Offer Possible Solution to Moore’s Law Researchers at North Carolina State University have developed new, nonlinear, chaos-based integrated circuits that enable computer chips to perform multiple functions with fewer transistors. These integrated circuits can be manufactured with “off the shelf ” fabrication processes and could lead to novel computer architectures that do more with less circuitry and fewer transistors. Moore’s law states that the number of transistors on an integrated circuit will double every two years in order to keep up with processing demands. Previously this goal has been addressed by shrinking the size of individual transistors so that more could be added to the chip. However, that solution is quickly becoming untenable, and the semiconductor industry is looking for new ways to create better computer chips. “We’re reaching the limits of physics in terms of transistor size, so we need a new way to enhance the performance of microprocessors,” says Behnam Kia, senior research scholar in physics at NC State and lead author of a paper describing the work. “We propose utilizing chaos theory – the system’s own nonlinearity – to enable transistor circuits to be programmed to perform different tasks. A very simple nonlinear transistor circuit contains very rich patterns. Different patterns that represent different functions coexist within the nonlinear dynamics of the system, and they are selectable. We utilize these dynamics-level behaviors to perform different processing tasks using the same circuit. As a result we can get more out of less.” Kia and NC State colleague William Ditto, professor of physics and dean of the College of Sciences, worked on the conception, design, development and fabrication of an integrated circuit chip that contains working nonlinear circuits to perform multiple different digital computations. Traditionally, transistor-based circuits perform one task each. Computer processors operate by routing each instruction and its operands to the appropriate transistor circuit on the integrated circuit that implements that specific instruction. In Kia’s design, the transistor circuit can be programmed to implement different instructions by morphing between different operations and functions. “In current processors you don’t utilize all the circuitry on the processor all the time, which is wasteful,” Kia says. “Our design allows the circuit to be rapidly morphed and reconfigured to perform a desired digital function in each clock cycle. The heart of the design is an analog nonlinear circuit, but the interface is fully digital, enabling the circuit to operate as a fully morphable digital circuit that can be easily connected to the other digital systems.” The researchers have produced an alternative approach for computing that is compatible with existing technology and utilizes the same fabrication process and CAD tools as existing computer chips, which could aid commercial adoption. “We believe that this chip will help solve the challenges of demands for more processing power from fewer transistors,” Kia says. “The potential of 100 morphable nonlinear chaos-based circuits doing work equivalent to 100 thousand circuits, or of 100 million transistors doing work equivalent to three billion transistors holds promise for extending Moore’s law – not through doubling the number of transistors every two years but through increasing what transistors are capable of when combined in nonlinear and chaotic circuits.” “We are nearing commercial size and power and ease of programming in our evolving designs that could well be of significant commercial relevance within a few months with our three month design/fabrication cycle of improvements and implementations,” Ditto says. The work appears in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs. Kenneth Mobley of FirstPass Engineering also contributed to the work. The research was supported by the Office of Naval Research grant number N00014-14-C-0033. q

campus news


Campus News Grant will bring underrepresented engineering students to Rochester for summer research The University of Rochester has received a $380,000 National Science Foundation grant that will allow underrepresented engineering students from other institutions to do summer research at Rochester, in a program that closely mirrors one that has prepared many of the Hajim School's own engineering students for graduate school.

“They will have had a great experience here. They will have lived here for a summer. And they will have met a lot of different people,” Olivares says. For example, the students will have lunch each week with a different Hajim School faculty member, hearing about his or her research and career.

Unlike most REU programs, which Xerox Research Fellow Rebecca Gillie tells Upward Bound students about her research are limited to single project at a poster session this summer. (Photo by J. Adam Fenster/University of Rochester) departments, this Underrepresented one spans multiple minority and women departments within engineering students the Hajim School. And it will be administered by the Kearns from other institutions will be recruited to participate in a Center, not an academic department, which broadens the summer REU (research experience for undergraduates) that scope of the program. mirrors the Kearns Center's Xerox Engineering Research Fellows Program. The program gives rising juniors and “The REU students will participate alongside our own Xerox seniors in the Hajim School a summer hands-on, facultymentored introduction to the kind of research that is integral fellows, doing research in the lab and taking professional development courses, exploring topics ranging from the to graduate work. culture of the academy, to the responsible conduct of research, to entrepreneurship, as well as having access to our The research experience is combined with professional GRE prep program,” says Wendi Heinzelman, dean of the development and GRE exam preparation. Thirty-nine percent of the 184 students have been female and 24 percent Hajim School. have been underrepresented minority students. About 60 “The exciting thing about this program is that we’ll be percent of Xerox fellows have subsequently enrolled in bringing additional students to campus in summer, creating graduate school. a diverse and dynamic student culture that will foster networking, mentoring, and social interactions among the The hope is that many of the students coming from other UR students and the REU students as well as between the institutions through the REU program will choose to apply students and faculty. This will really enhance the summer to Rochester for graduate school. experience for all involved.” q 24 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER NOVEMBER 2016

campus news


Campus News RIT again named among the nation’s leading ‘green colleges’ in Princeton Review Sustainability initiatives help achieve university’s placement on seventh-annual list

Rochester Institute of Technology is one of the most environmentally responsible colleges, according to The Princeton Review. The education services company, known for its test prep and tutoring services, books and college rankings features, RIT in the 2016 edition of its free downloadable book, The Princeton Review Guide to 361 Green Colleges. The Princeton Review chose schools for this seventh-annual edition of its “green guide” based on data from the company’s 2015-2016 survey of hundreds of four-year colleges concerning the schools’ commitments to the environment and sustainability. Enid Cardinal

“I am pleased that RIT has once again been recognized by The Princeton Review for our commitment to sustainability,” said Enid Cardinal, senior sustainability adviser to the president. “We lead through example as shown by sustainability through our research, academics and operations here at RIT.” “We strongly recommend Rochester Institute of Technology and the other fine colleges in this guide to the many environmentally minded students who seeks to study and live at green colleges,” said Robert Franek, senior VP and publisher, The Princeton Review. Franek noted the growing interest the company has seen among collegebound students in green colleges. “Among more than 10,000 teens and parents who participated in our 2016 College Hopes & Worries Survey, 61 percent told us that having information about a school’s commitment to the environment would influence their decision to apply to attend the college.” The profiles in The Princeton Review’s Guide to 361 Green Colleges provide information about each school’s admission requirements, cost and financial aid, and student body stats. They also include “Green Facts” about the schools with details on the availability of transportation alternatives and the percentage of the school food budgets spent on local/organic food. RIT was recognized for the university’s availability of transportation alternatives, including bike storage, shower facilities and lockers for bicycle commuters as well as a telecommuting program for employees and a carpool/vanpool matching program. RIT also received high marks for programs encouraging employees to live close to campus. The Princeton Review first published the guide in 2010. It chose schools based on “Green Rating” scores (from 60 to 99) that the company tallied this summer for 640 colleges using data from its 2015-16 survey of school administrators. The survey asked them to report on their school’s sustainability-related policies, practices and programs. More than 25 data points were weighted in the assessment. Schools with Green Ratings scores of 80 or higher made it into the guide. Most of the schools (350) are in the United States, while 10 are in Canada and one in Egypt. The guide can be downloaded at green-guide.aspx. campus news | advertiser


Rochester Chapter

Society for Imaging Science and Technology Website: Save these Tentative Dates (Venue & Topics/Speakers TBA): Wednesday, November 16, 2016 Wednesday, December 14, 2016 - "W-FIRST," by Bonnie Patterson, Harris Wednesday, January 18, 2017 Wednesday, February 15, 2017 Wednesday, March 8, 2017 Wednesday, April 12, 2017 - RIT Student Presentations Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Our meetings are held at 6:00pm in Room 1275 of the Carlson Center for Imaging Science on the RIT campus. Everyone is welcome to attend. Parking is available in the F lot, just north of the building. No meeting reservations are required. Venue ideas requested – we are soliciting input regarding other possible venues for our meetings.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

TBA Please check website and watch your email for details.

Campus News Women in Engineering Program Hosts 'A buffet of engineering possibilities' Open House Nov. 5 Female engineering students from the Kate Gleason College of Engineering at RIT will host an open house for prospective students with handson activities, demonstrations and experiments. The open house will also feature a variety of resources for parents and teachers, some of the most import influencers for young girls considering engineering careers. The open house takes place from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 5, in James Gleason Hall, RIT's engineering college. It is free and open to girls in grades 5-9, their parents and middle and high school teachers. Registration is recommended and can be done online.

More than 500 participants came to the 2015 event and more are expected this year for a "buffet of engineering possibilities," said Kathy EhrlichScheffer, director of RIT's Women in Engineering Program, host ot the event. "We'll be able to help girls answer questions about what engineers do, what opportunities are available to them, and most importantly, how does engineering impact society?" she said. More than 125 female engineering students are participating in the open house, representing each of the engineering college's discipline areas: biomedical, chemical, computer, mechanical, electrical, microelectronic, microsystems and industrial and systems engineering.


The students will lead discussions and activities about engineering concepts and how these concepts are applied and why they are important. Many of the activities can be recreated in classrooms, and information about engineering careers will be available to help continue the conversations in homes and schools after the event. Parents and teachers are key to daughters' and female students' success. This is a way to demystify STEM and making opportunities and information more accessible," said Ehrlich-Sheffer. More information about the open house can be found at WE@RIT website. q is&t news | campus news




Upcoming Chapter Meeting Events • Thursday, November 17, 2016: November Chapter Meeting  Dr. Richard Turner, Research Professor, Stevens Institute of Technology

Agile Systems Engineering

Dr. Turner performs research in lean and agile methods, and the interface between software and systems engineering. He is a principal investigator at the Systems Engineering Research Center, a university-affiliated research center sponsored by the DoD. He teaches courses in software engineering, systems engineering and systems acquisition. In this talk, he will present the results of his latest research in agile systems engineering methods.

• Thursday, December 15, 2016: December Chapter Meeting  Dr. Clifford Whitcomb, Professor, Naval Postgraduate School

Design Thinking and Implications for Systems Engineering

Dr. Whitcomb is Professor and Chair of the Systems Engineering Department at the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California. He has over thirty years' leadership experience in teaching, research, and implementation of system engineering and product development for government and industry. In this talk, he will give an overview of design thinking and discuss its implications for systems engineering and systems thinking, as well as the education and development of systems engineers.

• Meetings begin at 6:00 pm and run to approximately 7:30 pm

 Please RSVP with your local host – a list of local hosts and their contact information is below; if there are any issues contacting one of them, or there are any other questions or concerns, please contact Kevin Devaney at

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Ithaca Syracuse University Xerox Rome, NY North Syracuse, NY Lockheed Martin MST Rochester, NY

incose news

Wesley Hewett at, Cornell University, Rhodes Hall Dr. Young Moon at, 220 Link Hall Charles Rizzolo at Bruce Rubin at Kevin Devaney at, SRC, 6225 Running Ridge Rd., 13212 Shirley Kupst at, Owego, NY Rick Zinni at, Location TBD


November Newsletter, 2016

Section Chair report:

Executive Committee Chair: Greg Gdowski Vice Chair: Dave Krispinsky Treasurer: Bill Fowlkes Secretary: Ray Ptucha Awards: Jean Kendrick Communications: Greg Gdowski Newsletter: Anh Karam PACE: Alex Loui Univ. of Rochester Chapter: Wendi Heinzelman RIT Chapter: Gill Tsouri Chapters,Council,&Groups COMMSOC/AES: Nirmala Shenoy CS, CIS: Bo Yuan EDS, CSS: Sean Rommel EMBS: Cristian Linte GRSS: Emmett Ientilucci LIFE: Mark Shrader APS, MTTS: Gregory Pettis Photonics: Bruce Smith PES, IAS: Jean Kendrick SPS: Nathan Cahill TEMS: Paul Lee

The 2016 Rochester membership year concluded with a very positive report, according to the IEEE Membership Development (MD) report. The MD Monthly report provides membership statistics, and information about the people and programs of membership development. It is published monthly on behalf of the IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Board, and is distributed to Region and Society MD officers, as well as other interested IEEE volunteers and staff. Here are highlights from this report: • Section recognition for goal achievement: o 36 Sections earned the gold award for meeting both recruitment and retention goals o 117 Sections met their recruitment goals o 79 Sections met their retention goals Region 1 was the highest performing region in both North and South America with respect to recruitment goals. 8 R1 Sections reached their goals including 4 in the Western Area (Rochester, Buffalo, Syracuse, and Binghamton)! The Rochester Section was recognized for meeting both its recruitment and retention goals for the 2016 membership year! We were the only Section within R1 to reach both goals. We were one of only 36 Sections worldwide to reach their goals! Thank you for all of your hard work over the past few years. It really makes a difference. All of your efforts have not gone unnoticed. Are you interested in helping with the Section? The Rochester Section Nominating Committee is looking for candidates for the 2017 elections. The Rochester Section follows the IEEE MGA Operations Manual which states an individual may serve in office for two terms with term lengths of two years. Next year will be the final year of my second term as Chair of the Rochester Section. Candidates are needed for all Section Excom positions. We are also seeking leaders for the AES/COM and PES/IAS Societies. Please contact Paul Lee ( if you are interested in learning more.


ieee news


November Newsletter, 2016

2016 IEEE Day – Rochester Section celebration was held in the Hibachi Restaurant in Henrietta, NY, on October 4, 2016, with this year’s theme “Leveraging Technology for a Better Tomorrow.”

40TH IEEE EDS Activities in Western NY Conference. Nov. 4th, 10:30am – 5:00pm, Louise Slaughter Hall, RIT

The focus of this conference is to bring engineers and researchers together to share information on a wide variety of topics related to microelectronic devices and systems. The conference will be a joint event technically co-sponsored by the Electron Devices Society and the Photonics Society of the IEEE Rochester Chapters. For details visit: Invited Speakers: Michael Shur, RPI, “Physics and limiting mechanisms of ultrafast response of field effect transistors” Yiquan Wu, Alfred University, “Optical and Photonic Transparent Ceramic Materials” Shadi Shahedipour-Sandvik, SUNY Polytechnic Institute Siddharth Rajan, Ohio State University

2016 IEEE Western NY Image and Signal Processing Workshop Nov. 18th, 8:00am – 5:00pm, Louise Slaughter Hall, RIT

The Western New York Image and Signal Processing Workshop (WNYISPW) is a venue for promoting image and signal processing research in our area and for facilitating interaction between academic researchers, industry researchers, and students. The workshop comprises both oral and poster presentations. For details visit: Call for submitting papers, visit: Final Submission Deadline: November 01, 2016 Notification of Acceptance: November 11, 2016

If you have any questions, contact Raymond Ptucha at 585-797-5561 or email to

Other Events!

Member Elevation Seminar: Thursday, Nov. 10, 2016, 5:30-7:00 pm

IEEE Rochester Section will host a Senior. All Members interested in submitting an application for Senior Member Status should attend. (Please register for this event!) Location: UofR Goergen Hall, Computer Classroom #102 on the 1st floor, with Jean Kendrick as presenter. For details, send email to:

Rochester Section Excom Meeting: Tuesday, Nov. 1, 2016, 12:00-1:00 pm

Location: Hibachi Sushi Buffet, OfficeMax South Town Plaza, 3333 W. Henrietta Rd., Rochester, NY If you are looking for a cheap lunch ($5 for members and $3 for students), join us for the next monthly Rochester Section IEEE Executive Committee meeting. All current and prospective IEEE members may attend! Please join us to learn more about the Society and how you may contribute.

ieee news



swe news


ies news


Rochester Chapter

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers Rochester ASHRAE website:

President's Message At last month’s Chapter Meeting we handed out the following awards that were received at the 2016 CRC. • Newsletter – Black Ink Award Honorable Mention Plaque: Scott Edwards • Research Promotion – Full Circle Chevron: Rochester Chapter • Research Promotion – Bronze Treasury Ribbon: Matt Devlin I would like to thank Mr. Mike DeWein of Leidos Engineering for his “Highlights of the New Energy Code” presentation. His insights and knowledge of code development and implementation was very informative. This topic was well received and enjoyed by all. Our November Chapter meeting will be held on November 14th. During this meeting our Chapter Historian, Jake Hall will be presenting along with a feature presentation on Air Filtration. We hope to see you at our November Meeting.


November ASHRAE Meeting (PDH pending) Monday, November 14, 2016 Location: City Grill 384 East Ave, Rochester Time: 12 PM with Buffet Lunch served Cost:



Air Filtration Please RSVP by noon Thursday, November 10th to Tim Duprey,

Please continue to check out our website at for information on upcoming chapter meetings, current officer list and contact information, chapter newsletters, and more! Also take a minute and like us on Facebook at!/ ashraerochester.

Jeffrey Close, P.E. 2016-2017 President, Rochester Chapter 32 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER NOVEMBER 2016

ashrae news


Rochester NY Chapter

Independent Entrepreneurs Council

"The Junction of Technology, Manufacturing & Business Development"

Chairman/Moderator Ralph Kraft R. Kraft, Inc 585-621-6946 Program Director Robert Lewis AdviCoach 585-385-2087

Entrepreneurs Helping Entrepreneurs Succeed Monthly Breakfast Series Date: Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Location: OS-Cubed, 274 N. Goodman St., Suite A401, Rochester, NY 14607 Time: Registration - 7:30 - 8:00 am Presentation: 8:00 - 10:00 am

Treasurer Richard Blazey Business Metamorphosis LLC 585-520-3935 Web Master Richard Blazey Business Metamorphosis LLC 585-520-3935 Community Outreach: Dave Bassett Bassett IP Strategies 585-739-9726 Lee Drake OS Cubed 585-765-2444 Dennis Roote CDE Engineering & Environmental PLCC 585-330-6986

Registration Required: There is NO charge for this presentation. Reservations are required by Friday, C.O.B., November 11, 2016. Make reservations via:


"Building Hybrid Cloud Environments"

Presenter: Lee Drake, President, OS-Cubed Abstract: Frequently placing all your eggs in one basket is not the most efficient way to build a corporate ecosystem. With today’s Microsoft Software as a Service Offerings (like Office365), powerful local offerings (like Windows Server and workstations) and cloud based hosting options (like Azure) your best environment is a blended environment that uses the strengths of each of those platforms, while avoiding each one’s pitfalls. This 2-hour presentation will cover the following topics: • Overview of the current Microsoft cloud and local offerings, and their advantages and disadvantages • How to use the strengths of each platform in designing a solution • How business continuity fits into the picture • Why a strong, manageable network infrastructure is key to fixing these issues • Why you need a systems architect to ask you the right questions and design the proper solution for your business needs. Biography: Lee Drake has extensive speaking experience. Lee has spoken on topics such as computer security, programming best practices, building content-managed websites, building online communities, virus and spyware prevention, social media, and a variety of other computerrelated topics. Lee has built a world-wide following of users who rely on him to get up-to-date computer, security, social media, and information technology news.

Upcoming Events

December 2016 iec news





Genesee Valley Land Surveyors Association Website:

Year 2016 Officers President Roy B. Garfinkel, LS Vice President Jared R. Ransom, LS Secretary Robert J. Avery, LS Treasurer Michael A. Venturo, LS

Board of Directors

November 2016

2014-2016 Clifford J. Rigerman, LS Joseph J. Hefner, LS 2015-2017 Jeffrey A. Tiede, LS Scott E. Measday, LS 2016-2018 Justin M. Roloson, LS Douglas W. Magde, LS

John F. Gillen, LS, ex officio

Tentative 2016-17 Meeting Dates Thursday, November 17 BOD & General Membership Meeting

January 18 through January 20, 2017 28th Annual Surveyors Conference & Exhibition Turning Stone Resort and Casino, Verona, NY REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN. Visit to sign up.

Thursday November 17 Board of Directors Meeting and General Membership Meeting Location and program TBD

Annual Meeting Date and Location Professional Affiliations • • •

New York State Association of Professional Land Surveyors, Inc. National Society of Professional Surveyors Rochester Engineering Society


TBD - Stay tuned.

gvlsa news


Genesee Valley Branch

American Public Works Association Website:

Geoffrey Benway, PE, Genesee Valley Branch President Genesee Valley Branch Serving Genesee, Livingston, Monroe, Ontario, Orleans and Wayne County

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Nelson Mandela

2017 APWA Conference

Have a unique product or interesting project that you would like to present to public works professionals from all over NY State? The 2017 Conference will be held in Rochester, NY in March 22- 24, 2017 and is a perfect venue to educate all kinds of public works personnel. For the rest of our public works community, this is a great opportunity to learn what others are doing to address the same issues as each of you. Education is a powerful tool to expand your knowledge of public works products, services, and legislation. The 2017 Conference will be in downtown Rochester and I encourage our public works agencies and our consultant community to take this opportunity to support the NY Chapter Conference and consider sending several of your employees of all ages to the Conference.

2017 Awards Banquet

The 2017 Annual APW award nominations are out! The GVB Board of Directors would like to have a strong turnout for the awards nominations. Go the GVB website (see above) and download the forms. We would like to see submissions from all six of our branch counties, including the towns and villages as well as our county and state agencies! We have a lot of talent in our area that should be recognized for their contribution to public works. Thanks to our Award Committee for their commitment and dedication.

Public Works & Planning

The public works community includes our brothers and sisters in planning and zoning. Good planning is the keystone of a great community. What makes a great community involves diversity in the residential, commercial, agricultural, and industrial uses that help to balance issues such as traffic, school enrollment, tax base, and utility impacts. Two recent projects in the news have puzzled me and have expanded the meaning of NIMBY! Towns and villages use their local codes to address a diverse collection of uses and services. The NIMBY’s seem to think that once they move into a town/village, the door should be shut to prohibit the dreaded “urban sprawl!” The Town of Penfield is dealing with a Cider Mill east of Route 250. Local residents are “outraged” over the operation because they do not want their view filled with a rustic, 2500 square foot cider house located on 27 acres. The Town of Webster is dealing with a hydroponic greenhouse for tomatoes that covers approximately 80 acres. Agriculture used to be the primary employment in our region’s history. Now it seems as if agriculture is the big bully in rural America. Both of these uses involve new trends in growing our agriculture prosperity and diversity. Both uses have minimal impact on schools, traffic, and utilities. Both provide jobs, tax revenue, and preserve agriculture. Yet both have stirred the emotional stew of each community. Why? Because they are not “traditional” agriculture! Did the gas engine change “traditional agriculture”? Did genetic engineering change “traditional agriculture"? Does agri-tourism deviate from “traditional agriculture”? Like any business, all towns/villages must adjust with the times and embrace “change.” This is the future of the agriculture to provide low cost and abundant products! The American Public Works Association ( is a not-for-profit, international organization of more than 29,000 members involved in the field of public works. APWA serves its members by promoting professional excellence and public awareness through education, advocacy and the exchange of knowledge. APWA is headquartered in Kansas City, Missouri, and has an office in Washington, D.C. with 63 chapters throughout North America. apwa news


Monroe Professional Engineers Society A Chapter of the New York State Society of Professional Engineers 657 East Avenue, Rochestter, New York 14607 Dedicated to Professionalism in Engineering in the Interest of Public Safety and Welfare 2016-17 Officers: President David Roberts, PE, President-elect Chris Kambar, PE, Vice President Arthur Reardon, PE, Secretary Martin Gordon, PE, Treasurer Neal Illenberg, PE, Membership Chair Arthur Reardon, PE

UPCOMING EVENTS FOR 2016 - 2017 The Monroe Professional Engineers Society regularly sponsors and supports programs that promote the engineering profession. Listed below are several related programs that are planned for 2016-2017. If you’d like to participate in these events or support them in some way, please feel free to reach out to the event coordinator listed. You may also contact me directly at or through the MPES website: – David C. Roberts, P.E., President, MPES SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM – Applications due December 23, 2016

For over 30 years, The Monroe Professional Engineers Society has provided scholar awards to high school seniors from high schools within the counties that comprise the Chapter’s region. Students must plan to attend college to pursue a degree in an ABET accredited engineering program. The Scholar Award is based on academic achievement, participation in scholastic and out of school activities, work experience, and volunteer/community service activities. Scholar awards are sponsored by local companies and organizations. All seniors who are interested in engineering are encouraged to review the scholar award application which is available at and apply if they meet the minimum requirements of 600/500 Math/ Critical Reading SAT’s, 29/25 Math/English ACT’s, and 85 or 3.0 GPA. Applications are due December 23, 2016 and selections will be made by the end of February 2017. Contact Bruce Wallmann at 585-738-2670 ( if you have any questions regarding the program.

MATHCOUNTS – February 4, 2017, RIT Main Campus Mathcounts is a national middle school coaching and competitive mathematics program that promotes mathematics achievement through a series of fun and engaging math contests. Held in the CIMS building at RIT, students compete as teams and individually. High scoring participants can move on to the national competition level. Over 100 students registered for the 2016 event. In addition to the students and their teachers, approximately 15-20 MPES members and other volunteers will be on hand to assist with the event. See: or contact Tiphaine Ketch at if you are interested in helping with this event. New volunteers are always welcome.

TEAMS – February 25, 2017, FLCC Victor Campus Tests of Engineering Aptitude, Mathematics, and Science (TEAMS) is an annual competition for middle and high school students designed to help them discover their potential for engineering. During this one day competition, students apply math and science knowledge in practical, creative ways to solve real world engineering challenges. At this time, there is a need for additional teams and coaches. If you are interested in participating or having your child participate in the event, please contact the event coordinator as listed below. For more information please see: or contact Dave Roberts at

ENGINEERING SYMPOSIUM IN ROCHESTER – April 18th, 2017, Hyatt Regency, Rochester, NY The annual Engineering Symposium in Rochester provides an opportunity for Professional Engineers to acquire up to 7 Professional Development Hours (PDH) in just one day. The symposium will feature 37 accredited courses for Professional Engineers. This event has seen continual growth in our area, with last year’s event having more than 450 in attendance. For more information, please visit the event website: or contact Chris Devries at


mpes news


abcd news


President: ALAN SMITH, P.E. IBC Engineering, P.C. 3445 Winton Place, Suite 219 Rochester, NY 14623 585-292-1590

President's Message

Vice President Technical: DAVE JERECKOS IBC Engineering, PC 3445 Winton Place, Suite 219 Rochester, NY 14623 585-292-1590

The 2015 IPC (International Plumbing Code) and 2015 IECC (International Energy Conservation Code) have requirements for the control of hot water recirculation pumps at water heaters. A new requirement is for the detection of flow to a fixture or fitting. Please see Section 607.2.1 in the 2015 IPC for additional information.

Vice President Legislative: JENNIFER WENGENDER, P.E., CPD Clark Patterson Lee 205 St Paul Blvd. Rochester, NY 14604 585-454-7600 Vice President Membership: DOUG MEIER Twin”D” Associates 1577 Ridge Road West Suite 116B Rochester, NY 14615 585-581-2170 Treasurer: TERRY BROWN, CPD M/E Engineering, PC 150 North Chestnut Street Rochester, NY 14604 585-288-5590 Administrative Secretary: ADAM KRAMER IBC Engineering, PC 3445 Winton Place, Suite 219 Rochester, NY 14623 585-292-1590 Education Chairman: JENNIFER WENGENDER, P.E., CPD Clark Patterson Lee 205 St Paul Blvd Rochester, NY 14604 585-454-7600 Newsletter Editor: DAVID MYERS LaBella Associates, PC 300 State Street, Suite 201 Rochester, NY 14614 585-454-6110 Affiliate Liaison: ADAM FRENZEL Empire State Associates. 181 Bay Village Drive Rochester, NY 14609 585-602-0271

News from the 2016 Convention will be listed in the December Rochester Engineer. The November Rochester Engineer publication due date was prior to the Convention.

Did you know . . . • Archived ASPE webinars are available 24/7? Go to for a complete list. Costs may apply to view the webinars. • ASPE Handbooks are available on-line? Log-in to the “Members Only” section of to view and download various chapters from all four Handbooks Alan Smith, P.E. Rochester Chapter President

Meeting Notice – November 16, 2016 – Save the Date Topic:

Value Engineering with CPVC for Domestic Water Piping Systems Speaker: Mark Lemire (Lubrizol Corporation)


Wednesday, November 16, 2016


12:00 noon - 1:30 pm (please arrive by 11:50am)


Valicia's Ristorante, 2155 Long Pond Road, Rochester 14606 (just north of Route 31, Gates

Credits: 1.0 PDH Cost:

$20.00 (member or guest), check or cash at the door.


To Dave Jereckos, 585-341-3168 or by Monday, November 14th.


Future meetings: December 14th., January 18th (Chapters are not authorized to speak for the Society) aspe news


Association for Facilities Engineering ROCHESTER CHAPTER NO. 21 2015/16 BOARD OF DIRECTORS

November 2016 Meeting Notice Date/Time: Wednesday, November 16, 2016 – 5:30 PM

PRESIDENT Frank St. George J.T. Mauro Co. (585) 210-4465 VICE PRESIDENT Craig Avalone CHA Consulting, Inc. (585) 232-5610 ext. 287 SECRETARY Dennis Roote CDE Engineering & Environment, PLLC (585) 330-6986 TREASURER Tom Acquilano Trane Supply (585) 256-1028 ASSISTANT TREASURER Brian Laurer The Gleason Works (585) 256-6784 IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Matthew Knights – Ultrafab Inc. (585) 924-2186 ext. 221 DELEGATE DIRECTORS Jeff Bidell – Erdman Anthony Dan Friday – YMCA Tom Ward - YMCA Mark Ramsdell – Haley & Aldrich CHAPTER HISTORIAN Joe Dioguardi – MicroMod CHAIRMAN, EDUCATION COMMITTEE Matthew Knights – Ultrafab Inc. (585) 924-2186 ext. 221 CHAIRMAN, COMMUNICATION COMMITTEE Thomas Coburn -The Gleason Works (585) 461-8073 CHAIRMAN, MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE Joseph R. Graves – RMSC (585) 697-1900

afe news

Tour: Gonondagan Seneca Art & Culture Center “The Seneca Art & Culture Center takes Ganondagan from a six-month operation to a year-round facility. Our goal is to tell the world that we are not a people in the past tense. We live today. We have adapted to the modern world, but we still maintain our language, ceremonies, land base, government, lineages and culture. When you’re a native person, your story is often told by other people. Here, we tell our own story.” G. Peter Jemison (Heron Clan, Seneca) Historic Site Manager, Ganondagan State Historic Site  Designed to fit into the natural landscape, the 17,300 sq.-ft. center features an interactive, multi-media Exhibit Gallery, Orientation Theater (featuring the Iroquois Creation Story Film), an Auditorium, Catering Kitchen, Gift Shop and Offices.  Our interactive, multi-media exhibit gallery presents the story of Ganondagan with changing exhibits about the Seneca and Haudenosaunee people through five centuries of artistic, cultural, and historical artifacts.  Roll-out theater seating in the auditorium provides flexibility for events, performances, and exhibits, including availability for community use.

Requirements: No special sign-up or safety requirements Address/Directions: Meet in lobby of new Art & Culture Center 7000 County Road 41 (Boughton Hill Road) Victor, NY 14564 From Rochester, take I-490 to the Victor exit, then Route 96 to Victor. At the third traffic light in the center of Victor, turn right onto Maple Avenue, which becomes State Route 444. At the top of the hill (stop sign, caution light), turn right onto Boughton Hill Road. The Seneca Art & Culture Center is just down the hill on your right.

Dinner: Thirsty Turtle

Menu: Buffet

7422 Victor-Pittsford Rd. Victor, NY 14564

Cost: Members - $25

Non Member - $30

Payment can be accepted on our website: Please RSVP by November 11, 2016 to:

Tom Acquilano Trane Supply (585) 256-1028 NOVEMBER 2016 The ROCHESTER ENGINEER | 39


res membership application


res advertising rates



asce news

ea news


Directory of Professional Services John E. Rooney


400 Andrews Street Harro East Building | Suite 710 Rochester, NY 14604 p 585-295-7700 | f 585-263-2869 direct 585-295-7718

Geophysical Services

• Seismic

• Ground Penetrating Radar

• Electromagnetic • Vibration Monitoring

• MASW, Seismic Site Classification, Refraction/Reflection • Concrete Inspection (Voids, Rebar, Thickness, Mapping)

Mark Saunders, Geophysics Division Manager 80 Lawrence Bell Dr. Buffalo, NY 14221 T +1 716-279-3540 M +1 716-270-7856 Email: Manufactures reps: heating, ventilation, and ac products 855-ECO-RENT Newest Rental Fleet in the Industry Exceptional Customer and Technical Service Consistent Quality Rentals • Sales • Service


Ruskin-Louvers, Fire/Smoke Dampers, Loren CookCentrifugal & Prop Roof Fans, Titus - R G & D's, Terminal Boxes, Chilled Beams, Flexible Duct, Access Doors, Ketchen Exhaust Systems t 585-473-5310, f 585-473-9546 768 S. Clinton Avenue • Rochester, NY 14620-1402

directory of professional services


Directory of Professional Services

300 State Street Suite 201 Rochester, NY 14614

Office: 585.454.6110 Fax: 585.454.3066

Solving soils problems for over 30 years. 335 Colfax Street, Rochester, NY 14606 Tel: 585-458-0824 • Fax: 585-458-3323

CLEANROOMSERVICES.COM Certification  Training  Consulting Servicing Cleanroom Facilities Since 1977 ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Accredited

R. KRAFT, Inc.  (585) 621-6946

Michael S. Quagliata, Jr., PE President

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 217 West Commercial Street East Rochester, New York 14445 585/385-1450 585/385-1482 Fax

Electrical & Mechanical Engineering & Design

Industrial Water Treatment Compliance Plans, Permits, and Reports Stormwater Design Management Compliance Auditing Civil/Site Design NPDES/Air/Solid Waste Engineering Environmental Design and Engineering Evaluation

87 South Vendome Drive, Rochester NY 14606 585 330-6986 (Phone) 585 429-6985 (Fax)

directory of professional services

Inc. A sign, of ct Deeld, NY 14526 US u d o r P P. Haltaolt nfi e f P o , e r H Ga ry Halt ridge Lan @ y arr ckb

40 Ro


Design Engineering Services - Concept thru Production Mechanical / Electromechanical - Consumer / Industrial All Plastic and Metal Technologies Tel: 585-388-9000 Fax: 585-388-3839


Directory of Professional Services, continued Advertising details on page 41 or at

Directory of Business Services Philip J. Welch

First Vice President - Investments

Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC


200 Meridian Centre Suite 260 Rochester, NY 14618 Direct: 585-241-7546 Fax: 585-241-3986 Toll Free: 877-237-6201

Save the Date: Saturday, April 8, 2017 115th RES Annual Gala New Membership Application and Advertising Rate Details are at 46 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER NOVEMBER 2016

directory of business services | directory of professional services


Affiliated Societies of the Rochester Engineering Society American Consulting Engineering Companies of New York President, David J. Meyer, 585-218-0730 Email: American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Rochester Section Chairman, Vincenzo G. Marcello, 585-422-0043. American Public Works Association Monroe County/Genesee Valley Branch Past-Chairman, Geoff Benway Email: American Society of Civil Engineers, Rochester Section President, Sam Anthony, PE Email:

Electrical Association Executive Director, Karen Lynch Email: President, Joseph Dombrowski, PE, LC, M/E Engineering, PC Genesee Valley Land Surveyors Association President, John F. Gillen, LS Ex-Officio, Robert Hatch, 585-349-3750. Email: Illuminating Engineering Society of North America Inc., Rochester Section President, Dwight Roth, Zeller Automation Email: Imaging Science & Technology, Rochester Chapter President, David Odgers Email:

New York Water Environment Association Inc., Genesee Valley Chapter ( President, Bill Davis, 585-381-9250 Email: Professional Services Management Association, Upstate New York Chapter President, Margaret Rathmell, SWBR Email: Refrigeration Service Engineers Society Executive Director, Kirstie Steves 585-313-8972, fax 538-6166, Email: President, Jim Allen, email: Sheet Metal & Air-Conditioning Contractor’s National Association-Rochester, Inc. Executive Director, Aaron Hilger 585-586-8030. Email:

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Rochester Chapter President, Christina Walter Email:

Independent Entrepreneurs Council, Rochester NY Chapter Chairman, Ralph Kraft, 585-621-6946

American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Rochester Section Chairman, Steven Ivancic, University of Rochester Email:

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Rochester Section Chairman, Greg T. Gdowski, 585-275-2580 Email:

Society of Plastics Engineers, Rochester Section President, Brett Blaisdell, Bausch & Lomb, 1400 North Gooaman Street, Rochester, NY 14609 585-338-5417, Email:

American Society of Plumbing Engineers, Rochester New York Chapter President, Alan Smith, IBC Engineering 585-292-1590. Email:

Institute of Industrial Engineers, Rochester Chapter President, John Kaemmerlen, 585-475-2767 Email:

Society of Women Engineers President, Jodi Carville, RIT, 585-475-7028 Email:

Association for Bridge Construction and Design President, Kevin H. Miller, PE 716-852-3211 Email:

International Council on Systems Engineering, Finger Lakes Chapter President, Jack Riley Email:

Association For Facilities Engineering, Rochester Chapter President, Matthews Knights, 585-924-2186 x221 Email:

Monroe Professional Engineers Society President, Christopher Devries, PE Email: New York State Association of Transportation Engineers, Section 4 President, Howard R. Ressel, 585-272-3372. Email:

Societ of Manufacturing Engineers, Chapter 16 Chairman, John F. Schmitt, 585-581-1880

Corporate Members of the Rochester Engineering Society Bergmann Associates P.C. (Enterprise)

BME Associates

Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. IBC Engineering, PC (Champion)

LaBella Associates (Enterprise) M/E Engineering, P.C.

CHA Consulting (Champion)

TY-LIN International (Champion) Visron Design, Inc. V.J. Stanley Inc.

MRB Group

Erdman Anthony Associates

Optimation Technology, Inc. (Champion)

Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce (RBA)

Passero Associates

affiliated societies & corporate members of the rochester engineering society

Rochester Institute of Technology, Kate Gleason College of Engineering

IS YOUR COMPANY LISTED HERE? Call 585-254-2350 for information. NOVEMBER 2016 The ROCHESTER ENGINEER | 47


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