Heart Beat of the Texas HIll Country Fall 2015

Page 56


BUCK FEVER IN STYLE by Jack Armstrong



2692 HWY 16 SOUTH -- BANDERA, TX 78003

ts that time of year again - deer season - and ask any gardener, the herds need major thinning. This is a good time to prepare for this year’s harvest by going down your checklist before you head out to the ranch. Deer rifle, ammo and tags, check. Food & beverages, check. Hunting knife and deer call, check. Hmm... Am I missing something? Perhaps some comfortable accommodations after hours of freezing your butt off in a deer blind? Simpco Portable Buildings has just the answer. They offer a variety of buildings and square footage options that will have you deer hunting in style. And you won’t have to lift a finger to be ready to go this season. Built from the finest and most durable materials, your Simpco hunting cabin will keep you cozy out on the lease for years to come.

No liftin’ or totin’ involved, Simpco will deliver the building free -right to your location and take care of all the setup. As an option, they can even finish out the interior to your specifications at very reasonable rates. They also offer some great deals on no-credit-check financing so you can be in your new hunting cabin faster than the flick of a white tail’s tail. With the largest cabin inventory in Texas, make them the first stop on your hunting cabin shopping list. You’ll be glad you did. 56 Heart Beat of the Texas Hill Country

FALL 2015

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