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Extended Practice Module Brief Cover Sheet Module Code: OUGD603

Module Title: Extended Practice

LEEDS COLLEGE OF ART Student Name: Gregory Ball

Studio Brief Title

Brief 11 - COP Research Book Synopsis Undertake a period of focused, in-depth and sustained research into an area of graphic design appropriate to your design strategy. You should apply a range of research methods in the investigation of issues, practices, practitioners and companies relating to your own particular area of study. This should culminate in the design and production of a Case Study in the form of a book (or print based delivery), interactive DVD or web site. Design a publication into my interests, influences and design motives. Give synthesis and context to the practical work and briefs i have undertaken on the course during 3rd year, through investigation and evidencing of my interests, passions and values both in and outside of Graphic Design. The focus will primarily be on menswear, lifestyle and design.

List of Deliverables


- Publication

- Publication ~ evidenced by the submission of two copies of the publication entitled, ‘Menswear, Lifestyle & Design’.

Evaluation Doing my design context research book has really helped me in defining who i am as a designer and it has brought together all the design context research from throughout the year into one coherent publication. The publication brings in all my major influences outside and inside of graphic design, it primarily focuses on menswear fashion, something which i have a massive interest outside of the course and something i just love talking, reading, writing and looking into. After a tutorial with Simon and Amber it was of some concern that i was not making it explicit what my influences where and how these where influencing my design process, something which i was somewhat taken a back by. But it was made clear that i wasn’t realising what outside influences where affecting my design process, as most of the those influences where things i where just doing naturally because of interest in them and i was not making the connection between those and the subconscious influence they have on my work. Which when i sat down and reflected it was so obvious that these things where having massive influence on my work. So i think the publication i have produced for this brief answers this problem and makes clear links between my interests and influence and my design process. This has actually been one of the most enjoyable briefs for me to do throughout the whole year as it involved talking and writing about my favourite things, and it has also really helped me define who i am as a person and a designer, and also has cemented and given me even more direction into the clients and work that i want to be doing post degree. Overall, i believe that the outcome is a success in demonstrating the in-depth, sustained research and interest appropriate to my design process.

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