Rotunda vol 77, no 12 march 18, 1998

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Help Wanted: The English And History Dept. Seeks New Professors






And The Winner Is: Academy Award Predictions Are In.

Towing Enforced: | Campus Police Is Enforcing Parking Regulations

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MARCH 18, 1998

Longwood Awarded ABC Grant

From (L-R> Ellen Matters, Shannon Beasley, Mary Chris Goodail, Nicole SetliH, Renne Risinger, Steve Johnson, Jill Sandlin, Kyle Scaggs, Emily Brown, Celeste Smith, Steven Jacobson, and Chielo Zimmerman.

Students Brave Freezing Temperatures And Hard Work During Ireik %KA!SmyNBlUlXiES

While many students were soaking up rays aod golden beverages this Spring Break, a group of 11 Longwood students spent their vacation braving snow and ten degree temperatures completing restoration work in southern West Virginia. "We all eamc together from our various majors: Social Work, Special Education, Sociology, Psychology, Therapeutic Recreation, English and Physics, to help others in need. We learned about ourselves and the culture of the Appalachian people," said Ellen Masters, GIVE Office Coordinator and trip participant. The group participated in a construction, deconstruction and

remodeling project at the Appalachian South Folkjife Center in Pjpestream, West Virginia ■ They also participated in the renovation of the Lincoln School in Hiaton, West Vjrginia. During the day Students did worksite renovations. Evenings wet* dedicated to cultural programs. They listened to a poetry reading, folk songs, and speaker Robin Crawford talked of his personal experiences with discrimination. "It was an eye-opening experience for many people, especially for those going into social work and counseling education," said student Steven Jacobson. "It was an interesting experience," said Emily Brown, another group participant. "It was interesting to learn about each other. Overall, I had a good time."

Longwood'. team behind the alcohol education program MM Art ****** Drink, awarded a SOW grant by the ABC - U-r> Keli Faria, Khn Bradley, Dr. Ken Rockenaie., Dr. Wayne O'Brien, UM Cheyne and Patricia Cormier with a nrplka or the grant check

ByMlLANIEBARpR Editor-in-Chief

rhe Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control awarded Longwood a $4,000 grant for its program, You Are What Your Drink. Judged on creativity and feasibility of implementation, Longwood's grant was the largest grant awarded. Other awards were to Emory & Henry ($3,000); Hampton University ($2,000); Mary Washington College ($2,500); OM Dominion University ($1,000); Patrick Henry Community College ($500); Shenandoah University ($500); UVA ($3,000); VCU ($2^00); Virginia Tech ($2,000); and Washington & Lee ($2,500). As alcohol related accidents seem to increase on college campuses, Longwood has taken many steps to examine the habits of its students in order to decrease underage and binge

drinking. Lisa Cheyne, Director of die Wellness Center, believes that You Are What You Drink is an important supplement to Longwood's already intensive alcohol awareness programs. She hopes that it will help students think about their attitudes toward alcohol consumption. "There are a lot of good things going on already. We know that we're not going to change the school overnight, but winning the grant was a big step in changing the culture," said Cheyne. The You Are What You Drink program consists of five smaller programs: The Alcohol Trivia Coolest, held March 16; Alcohol Poisoning Program, March 18 from 7-8 p.m. Students Talk About Alcohol, March 24 from 7-8 pjn. How to Help a Friend, March 26 from 8-9 pjn. in Curry; and Beers, Fears, and Careers, March 30 from 7-9 p.m. All programs are held in Curry. Although geared toward Freshmen, the programs are open to all students and should prove to be thought-provoking and informative.



MARCH 18, 1998




Drops .

We re not T1/1/ X Tesurecan'1iffindhe MatL returned from V V Spring Break or not. We definitely didn't want to. Because he didn't leave us his column, we're doing an impromptu "Props and Drops."

Thanks, Management Props: 1. 48 more days of school. Woohoo! 2. Macado's Saint Patrick's Day Party 3. To the Derby, England exchange students arriving Sunday.

4. To the new issue of The Usurper. Drops: 1. To President Cormier who was not at groundbreaking for the new dining hall, and Phyllis Mable, who did not start the front end loader. 2. To the groundbreaking ceremony, which was held during classes. 3. To all the professors that think we only have one class—theirs, which results in the due date for EVERY paper and test falling the week we return from Spring Break. 4. 48 more days of school (from the sad senior editor-in-chief)-

moLM KCoRpoWCTC aw? KfeoftL

The Rotunda, a student newspaper at Longwood College, is published biweekly during the school year (except holidays and exam periods) and is printed in the offices of the Farmville Herald, Farmville, Virginia. All stories, advertisements, and pictures must be submitted by five o'clock Sunday in order to run in Wednesday's paper. The Rotunda will not accept any late stories. If you wish to have a story covered, please contact the office and allow a week for most assignments to be given to a staff writer. In case of extenuating circumstances, accommodations may be made. The offices of 77M Rotunda are located in the Lankford Student Union, Room 142. The office phone number is 804-3952120. Office hours are as posted at the office Letters to the Editor are welcomed and are to be mailed to Box 2901 and should be addressed as such. They must be typed and received by five p.m. Sunday in order to be published in the Wednesday edition. All letters are subject to editing, and signatures are required. Any person wishing to have his/her name not appear on the letter, may request in writing to withhold the name at press. Letters may be printed at any time and some will be responded to by the Editor. The Rotunda does not discriminate based on religion, sex, sexual orientation, ethnic background or handicap. All inquiries should be directed to Melanie Barker, Editor-in-Chief.

The Rotunda Newspaper Executive Staff Melanie Barker Editor-in-Chief Deitra N. Nance Assistant Editor Courtney J. Kappel Chief Copy Editor Gregory McCarney Entertainment and Features Editor Michael Huey Layout and Page Design C. Brandi Frasier General Manager Sylvia Odell Business Manager Shelly Perutelli Copy Editor Amber Giles Copy Editor Michael FH. Young. Advertising Manager/Sports Editor Jeff Dingeldein Advisor Staff Writers/Columnists Jaclyn O'Laughlin • Jessica McCaughey • Saryna Somerville Matt Rinker • Michael Gaines • Cali Adams • Kathryn Lynn Bridges

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MARCH 18, 1998



NEWS English And History Department Interviewing Candidates For New Positions By SHERRY WILLIAMS Suff Writer

Many are not aware of how meticulous the process of hiring a new professor can be. It is not simply a matter of reviewing resumes. Here at Longwood, each department takes great care in assuring that the best possible people are hired for all positions. Currently, the History Department and English Department are seeking qualified candidates for the positions of Historic Preservations Professor and Assistant Professor of Journalism/Communications. Both departments are seeking those with specific areas of expertise and experience. Dr. Ellery Sedgwick, Chair of the English Department, noted, "At this time several candidates have been interviewed, but no one has been hired for the position of Assistant Professor of Journalism." Prospective candidates are selected by the department committee, after which they are invited to campus for a

tour and interview. Sedgwick mentioned that the qualifications and desired skills for the Journalism/Communications position were having a Ph.D. and having specific expertise in professional writing. One of the major responsibilities for the position would be to advise and assist with the college newspaper, The Rotunda. Along with these qualifications and experience, Sedgwick mentioned that the candidate should be strongly committed to general education, including freshmen composition. Sedgwick commented that the review of applications began December 1 and will continue until the position is filled. Much like the English Department, the History Department is busy interviewing candidates for the position of Professor of Historic Preservation. The qualified candidates must have a Ph.D. in American History, with college teaching experience. Dr. Robert Pace stated that the department committee had finally narrowed down the possible candidates to five people. "The chosen candidate will teach

both halves of American History Survey and Western Civilization. The faculty member's job will entail more public history rather than simply historic preservation. Public history is an expanding field where people work with the public in interpreting history. It includes other areas such as publishing and editing, museum and historic park interpretation, and local history development." Pace concluded that it is important that the candidate puts students first, and devotes time to teaching and mentoring students. Longwood takes great pride in assuring that students receive quality educations. Along with this comes the desire of each individual department to choose persons who will be equipped with the best skills and experience. The English and History department's strict adherence to the qualifications of prospective professors is indicative of the seriousness with which Longwood, as a whole, maintains its high standards of education.

Compensation For Student Leaders Not An Issue For Many By MELAME BARKER

A survey released by Student Leader on compensation for Student GovermneBt leaders have many Longwood Undents oa and off the SGA thinking. The "Student Government Salary Survey" conducted by Student Leader reported that 70 percent of the public and private institutions surveyed offer compensation ranging from salaries, and tuition waivers to course credit, reserved parking, and apartments. With Longwood students sometimes devoting over 20 hours to their leadership positions, these

perks seem like appropriate compensation. However, students admit that compensation for their time and effort would be nice, but-many do not believe it to be important. Although not opposed to monetary compensation for student leaders, Steve Stratton, SGA President, is against using student activity fees to pay campus leaders, a method that is used to compensate student leaders on other campuses. Instead of figuring new avenues to raise money, Stratton would rather see students rewarded through course credit if a method of compensation was considered in the future. Though believing that course credit could be beneficial for student leaders, Phyllis Mable, Vice President of Student Affairs, believes that com-

pensation for students' leadership work goes against Longwood's philosophy of community service and citizen leadership. "Students are going to get a fair amount of credit from future employers who see their contributions to Longwood," said Mable. Strictly opposed to monetary compensation, Mable would rather institute Independent Studies on a larger scale so students could receive credit for their work. "If we did that more extensively, it would be more community service oriented." said Mable. Complete survey results can be found at the Student Leader web site at bttp://www.studentleader. com.

Lack Of Funds Lead To Student Layoffs By KATHRYN BRIDGES Staff Writer

"W\ ecent layoffs of college fy work study students have JL V left some angry and others with hurt feelings. "We know they are frustrated and angry," said Nadine Garrett, Work Experience Program Manager. "They're scared because they have payments to make. We are trying to place them in other positions on and off campus. It is not like we are saying 'Too bad, you're done for.'" Administration is bewildered as the need for student employees intensifies. Many federally aided students decline or just simply don't show up for the jobs, leaving positions open. "With Chick-fil-A, the new meal plan and boxed lunches, our service needs are increasing," said Margaret Dawson, Operations Manager for the dining services. "Due to the decreasing number of federal work study employees, we hired college work study students to compensate." The federal government, however, did not give Longwood more money to fund the college work study positions. "Longwood does not control the availability of funds," said Garrett. "The cost of living has risen, the number of students is increasing, and minimum wage went up...and the funding still didn't increase." "I'd love to be able to put all of them to work. We realize how important our students are to the college work force; we value their contribution," said Garrett. "I just wish we had more funds to provide them with work experience." .



3rd Annual Freshman Leadership Dinner Hosted By Princeps By PRINCEPS 1998

Princeps sponsored its 3rd Annual Freshman Leadership Dinner February 5, 1998. The secret society that promotes leadership at Longwood held the banquet for a group of freshmen students that were nominated by faculty, staff, administrators, Princeps, and by their peers for this honor. The students were selected based upon their potential or existing leadership skills. Senior class president, Steve Turner, was the keynote speaker for this event. In his speech, Steve commented on how much he had grown because of leadership roles that he decided to undertake at Longwood. Each student attending the dinner was given a certificate of recognition along with a red, black, and gold ribbon to wear the following week. We, the current members of Princeps, would once again like to encourage those freshmen in attendance and the entire student body to continue their leadership roles on campus.

MARCH 18, 1998

Report Finalized By Commission Talks About College Costs And Prices information about costs •Congress continues existing federal student aid programs and simplifies and improves the financial aid delivery system •Government develops new approaches to academic regulation that emphasize performance instead of compliance, and differentiation in place of standardization ♦The academic community develops well-coordinated, efficient accrediting

Press, lie lease Q1 traight Talk About College Costs X and Prices details the findings and *<J recommendations proposed by the National Commission on the Cost of Higher Education, an 11-member team appointed by Congress to make proposals aimed at controlling the cost of higher education. In addition to the Commission's report, the publication also includes supplemental research and materials that would otherwise be unavailable. "We understand the public concern about rising costs, and our report speaks clearly to American families about the changes that are necessary—both institutionally and governmentally—to help reduce these costs," explained Commission Chairman, William E. TroutL Published by the American Council on Education at the request of the Commission and distributed by the Oryx Press, the report calls for action by Congress, higher education institutions, state and local governments, and American families. The report recommended that: * Academic institutions intensify their efforts to control costs and increase institutional productivity * Institutions improve accountability to the general public and provide the leadership necessary to develop better consumer

processes that relate institutional productivity measurements to effectiveness in improving student learning. Straight Talk About College Costs and Prices, ISBN 1-57356-2254, has a prepublication price of $19.95 in North America. To order, contact The Oryx Press at PO Box 33889, Phoenix, AZ 850673889. Call Oryx at 800-279-6799, or fax 800-279-4663.

Sara Fritz Names Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellow By MELANIE BARKER Editor-in-Chief

Sara Fritz, the current managing editor of Congressional Quarterly, will be visiting campus April 5-10 as the Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellow for this academic year. While Fritz is on campus, she will visit classes, lead a workshop for the SGA, conduct a career fair, as well as meet with students and administration on an informal level. Topics of interest for Fritz include government and politics, foreign policy, Whitewater and Clinton's fund raising scandals, management issues, international management issues, journalism,

women and career, and culture and international business. In addition to Congressional Quarterly^ Fritz has been the Washington Investigative Editor for the Los Angeles Times, Chief White House Correspondent for US News and World Report, and the National Labor Reported for United Press International, just to name a few. The purpose of the Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellowship is to bring professionals to campus like journalists, public servants, diplomats, artists, and business executives to campus to interact with students and administration. The visiting fellow, with his or her expertise, is able to show students what lies beyond the walls of Longwood.






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MARCH 18, 1998


Campus Police Buckling Down On Illegal Parking By JESSICA McCAUGHEY Staff Writer rhe Longwood Police Department is cracking down on illegal parking. Although none of the actual parking regulations will be changing, cars which have been illegally parked will now be under stricter enforcement One of the biggest reasons for the change in enforcement is an accumulating number of students with outstanding unpaid parking tickets. The rule is after three unpaid parking tickets, a vehicle can be towed. However, according to Laura Rice in the campus police station, they have been lenient up until now.

A major concern of the Parking Advisory Committee is illegal parking in Jarman Lot, which is reserved for faculty and staff parking only. "Students flock into the lot like it's a swimming pool," said Rice. In order to keep it available for faculty and staff, from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday, the lot has become a "tow on site" zone, added Rice. Other areas in which drivers run the risk of being towed include roads near construction sites and unauthorized parking in the Redford Street zone. For complete parking regulations and a map of legal and illegal parking on campus, students should consult the Longwood Parking Regulations pamphlet.

Breaking The Silence About HPV And Genital Warts Is The Goal Of National STD Awareness Month In April April is National STD Awareness Month and this year, the American Social Health Association (ASHA) is urging people to break the silence about one of the most common, yet least discussed sexually transmitted diseases—human papillomavirus (HPV). During April, ASHA will be offering a free brochure, "A Practical Guide for the Tongue-Tied: How to Talk with Your Health Care Provider About HPV and Other STDs" to help open the lines of communication about HPV—a disease that infects an estimated 24 to 40 million people. The free brochure can be requested April 1-30 through a tollfree number, (800)677-4100. Genital HPV is considered by health experts to be one of the two most common STDs, along with genital herpes. Some types of HPV can cause genital warts and others can cause cervical cancer. "Because HPV is extremely common and often symptomless, education is essential for early detection and treatment," said Linda Alexander, ASHA president and chief executive officer. "That is why we are dedicating this year's National STD Awareness Month to enhancing awareness of HPV" The free brochure is designed to encourage people to talk with their health care providers about their risk for HPV and other STDs, and to help them feel more comfortable initiating this discussion. "Many people find it embarrassing to talk about STDs, even with a health care professional, and many health

care providers don't broach the subject," Alexander said. "We want to help remove the barrier." The brochure will give suggestions including how to start a conversation about STDs with a health professional, what information to provide and what questions to ask. ASHA surveys highlight the issue of poor communication about STDs between patients and health professionals. According to a 1995 study of women college students, more than half of sexually active women surveyed said they were somewhat embarrassed about asking a health professional about STDs. In a 1995 Gallup Organization study commissioned by ASHA, 54 percent of adults and 35 percent of teens said health care providers spend "no time at all" discussing STDs with them. Raising awareness about HPV and other STDs is especially important for young adults and teenagers. Alexander said, "People under 25 acquire two-thirds of the new STD infections in the U.S. annually, and those ages 18 to 28 have the highest estimated rates of HPV." Founded in 1914, ASHA is a nonprofit organization dedicated to stopping STDs. The organization has sponsored National STD Awareness Month since 1992 to focus public attention on STDs and encourage open discussion about these infections. For free information about STDs, call the CDC National STD Hotline at (800)227-8922. To purchase HPV publications, call the ASHA Resource Center at (800)230-6039.



Technology Hall Debuts Fall 98 By MELANIE BARKER

Adding to the growing number of special interest halls will be the Technology Hall in the fall. Possibly located in Frazer. the hall already had tea committed residents and others who have expressed interest in living on the hall. Jeremy French, originator of the idea for the Technology Hall, believes thai the hands-on experience and lab-like atmosphere will be beneficial to residents. He also emphasizes that


the benefits would extend beyond the walls of the hall. French hopes to implement resident-taught workshops pertaining to various computer issues. Open to all interested students, the workshops would benefit students beyond those living on the Technology Hall. French also stresses that all students are eligible to apply to live on the ball. "Personally I would like to see a good mix of talent from computer illiterate to UNIX specialist:- living together so that knowledge and different perspectives could be exchanged," said French.

Learn German This Summer At URI June 28 - August 7,1998






The University of Rhode Island, in cooperation with the Goethe Institute Boston, is hosting the 18th Annual German Summer School of the Atlantic. German will be the sole language of communication, and German life and culture the heart of this six-week residency program of intensive language study Earn up to nine undergraduate or graduate credits while living in the beautiful surroundings of our country campus, just minutes away from Rhode Island's magnificent beaches and historic Newport. This program is ideally suited for anyone wishing to enroll in beginning through master's-level German. Take advantage of this rare opportunity to participate in this totai German language experience. Contact: Dr. John Grandin or Dr. Norbert H«dd»rich, Co-Directors, Dept. of Languages, URI, Kingston, Rl 02881 Phone;401-874-5911 E-mail:

or hedde r i c#ur iacc. u ri. edu Hearing impaired: 401-277-5020

University of Rhode blend

80 Washington Street Providence, Rl

VRI/CCE is • Fmnsfin Enriching Amtrica Program Mmmbm

MARCH 18, 1998



S-LATE To Hold Spring Conference

From The Rafters: Paid Your Deposit Yet? By ED BELL GuestWriler

~W ~W elloooooo Longwood. r-m Spring Break is generally a A. A. good time to reflect and get some perspective on the last run to May graduation and the summer— potentially, to even get caught up on a few things. For some, it is a wake-up call. Like most, I have not used it to its fullest, but it was nice to catch my breath a bit. The Housing Office did crank out a number of letter over the break. If you have been approved to move off campus, getting a single next year, going to live in ARC or, not, you should have received a letter explaining your next step. Letters renewing four Special Interest floors for next year are out as well. ISH, GLOBE, SATISFACTION, and SHARE provide various opportunities for student involvement. A new Special Interest, the Technology Hall, has also been added to the group pro-

viding a "bleeding edge" opportunity for students with an interest in technology and how it can be applied to all academic fields. One of these floors could buy your new home next year. With room selection right around the corner, take a good look at what each might offer you. Speaking of Room Selection, to steal a line from Bob Dylan, "the times they are a changing." Things with room selection are changing. You will receive a complete explanation in the mail this week. We made the changes based in part on student input. The key to the process will be payment of the deposit by the deadline—March 23. If students do not pay it, they will not get a room nor will they be able to register for classes. Timing is everything—meet the deadline. First Floor Security Up-Date: Phase I—Wheeler and South Cunningham are now secure and will be able to open their windows completely. Kudos to Facility Management for their hard work.

Thanks also to the TKEs, Phi Beta Sigma, and Stacey Moutsatsos for their assistance and patience. Phase II is in the bid process and moving forward. Due to the graciousness of several departments on campus who have donated federal work study money they will not be able to use by the end of this fiscal year, we will be able to extend the front desk hours to at least 75 hours a week. Look for the new hours to be posted at your desk. We are working to address the concerns you have articulated so well. Thank you for your patience and flexibility in addressing this issue. The "new" Housing web page (version 1.0) should be up and running by March 25. Look for new improvements over the rest of the semester. Remember: if you have any questions or good ideas, feel free to contact me in the Housing Office at x2080 or by e-mail at ebell. The racquetball challenge stands at Ed - 10 ; Challengers - 0.

Vwss Release S-LATE, Students of Longwood Association of Teachers of English, will be holding the annual Spring Conference Saturday, March 28, 1998 in the Grainger building. Registration will begin at 9:30 am., and the conference will begin at 10 am The focus of the conference is to help English and Language Arts teachers refine their leaching skills. There will be many preitations and speakers to achieve this <s. This year's keynote speaker will be Chris Crutcher, author of Running Lose, Athletic Shorts, and Iron Man, and several cither young adult novels. All Longwood education majors are invited to attend There will be no registration fee for Longwood students. A registration fee of five doUars for other students and a fee of ten dollars for non-students can be paid at the door or in advance.. To register in advance please see the S-LATE Conference registration form on the internet at the VAIE web site (http://web.lwc.ecWstaflyjcope/ VATEhtml).


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MARCH 18, 1998



jAtts & £ntettAintnent Academy Awards: Who Will Win, Who Should Win By SAYRNA SOMERVTLLE Staff Columnists

tUbtta *BMM «Mt Rot%

> **«! compete tt the K«W«JyCt»ttr April 1!H»

Recipient Of Regional Acting Scholarship To Compete Nationally At Kennedy Center Press Release

Rebecca Smouse, a Longwood theatre major, received the pre*!*gious Irene Ryan Scholarship is regional American College Theatre Festival (ACTF) acting competition recently and will compete nationally at the Kennedy Center. Smouse, a non-traditional student, was one of two students from among approximately 200 two-person teams who won the $500 scholarship Feb. 4-8 at Clemson University. The competition was for Region IV, which encompasses 10 states, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. The twr winners from each of the eight regions will compete April 18-19 at the Kennedy Center, with the winner receiving a $2,500 scholarship. Each candidate competes with a partner; she was teamed with Robby Fuhrman, also a sophomore theatre major. They performed selections from Timber, a musical comedy by Tom Simonds, and Burn This, a "straight drama" by Lanford Wilson. They will perform together again at the Kennedy Center, doing the same material. "You get to choose your partner,


and you have to choose two contrasting pieces of material to perform. You compete as a team," said Smouse. She first had to be selected for regional competition by two ACTF adjudicators who viewed her performance last fall in Nunsense, in which she played Reverend Mother. Furhman was assistant stage manager and dance captain for that production. A 32-year-old native of Ann Arbor, Mich., Smouse transferred to Longwood last fall from Eastern Michigan University when she and her companion, Tim McGraw, moved to Farmville shortly after McGraw received a master's degree from Wayne State University. McGraw, technical director for the Speech and Theatre Department, has been coaching her and Fuhrman. Smouse, who plans to teach, has performed for several years in New York and with the USO. Three other Longwood students qualified for the regional ACTF competition but were unable to compete. Nancy Frowert and Kristen Harrell were also nominated for the Irene Ryan Scholarship, and Jessica Morris was nominated to compete for the Barbizon Scholarship, which covers several design categories; her nomination was for costume design.

Hollywood's big day is upon us once again. The 70th annual Academy Awards will air March 23 on ABC. Every year I attempt to see the majority of the films nominated. This year I managed to see all of the big nominee's except L.A. Confidential. Since no one believes that LA. Confidential is going to win any of the important awards, I do not feel that I missed much. What I am glad I did not miss was The Apostle starring Robert Duvall. Titanic fans please do not send me death threats, but I feel that The Apostle is truly the best picture of the year. Actually, it is one of the best movies that I have ever seen. Unfortunately, the Academy made up for this oversight by nominating Robert Duvall for Best Actor. A nomination he deserves but will not win. Needless to say the Academy

voters and I stand on opposing sides this year. Here is a list of those I feel the Academy will give the Oscar to, and who I feel the Academy should give the Oscar to. And the winners are... Best Picture will win: Titanic should win: The Apostle Best Actor will win: Jack Nicholson or Peter Fonda should win: Robert Duvall Best Actress: will win: Helen Bonham Carter or Helen Hunt should win: Helen Hunt Best Supporting Actress will win: Gloria Stuart should win: Gloria Stuart Best Supporting Actor will win: Burl Reynolds should win: Robin Williams

Greeks Sponsor Variety Show Air Jam By KATHRYN BRIDGES Staff Writer

Alpha Gamma Delta captured first place in the Greek Lip Sync Thursday, March 5 at 8 p.m. in the Lancer Gym. Second place went to Kappa Delta and third to Alpha Sigma Tau. Phi Kappa Tau won first place in the fraternity division, with Alpha Sigma Phi claiming second. Other participants included: Alpha Delta Pi; Zeta Tau Alpha; Alpha Sigma Alpha; Delta Zeta; Sigma Sigma Sigma and Sigma Kappa. The Phi Taus and Alpha Sigs were the only two fraternities represented at the event. New members of the fraternities and sororities designed their own costumes and sets and did their own choreography for the skits. It was a walk down memory lane for most audience members, with lip syncs to everything from Vanilla Ice to ABBA.

Admission was $2 at the door or $ I plus a canned good or non-perishable item. "Longwood's Greek community has made this a tradition that serves as a benefit for someone else," said Gina Lee, Director of Greek Affairs. "Last semester we raised $700."

Sigma Alpha lota and Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Musicale Thursday, March 19 7:30 pm in the Wygal Recital Hall Fellow students performing a plethora of works from classical to Jazz to funk


/Itts & £ntetta.inment

MARCH 18, 1908

Jaclyn's Web The Cheesy, Entertaining, And Sometimes Informative 'Ask Carolyn' Page Review Dear Carolyn, I'm in a relationship that makes me more depressed than happy. If I leave iim, though, I will be alone for the rest >f my life, because I would never be ible to tell another man that I have genial herpes. I got the virus because the nan I love was fooling around with at east two other women. Should I break jp with him and be miserable, or stay with him and be miserable? Tough hum-, isn't it? -C.

' >

Nope. Try No. 3. Dump him and have a >arty. They won't announce it at the door, nil your guests will likely include some )f the 50 million Americans with herpes or 30 million or 80 million or 16 bazilion, depending on,whom you ask). I cruised some herpes Web sites (a rip I recommend for anyone single and earching, considering that a half-milion new herpes cases are diagnosed year) and I found not only herpes s very manageable through medication md proper diet, but there are several 'accine trials underway as I type. I also learned that people with the ■ mis are being accepted and loved on in epidemic scale. One woman's testinonial was particularly encouraging: »he hadn't told her new boyfriend yet ibout her affliction, but he suspected .he had some terrible secret. His imagilation did such a number on him AIDS! Cancer! Prostitution arrests!) hat when she said it was herpes, he was elieved. So even if they aren't infected, he men you meet will probably be nore open-minded than you think— n-1 every single one of them is likely to * an improvement over the flea bait ■ou're dating. As would eternal solitude or that matter. Get informed, get help, get rid of lomco. You won't be alone. You'll be ree. )ear Carolyn, What is the technique today's gals ise? She sits down next to me; we talk; he seems to be sending clear signals of merest. I ask her to dance, she says, Maybe later." I ask later: "I can't just ow." To me this says she's not interestd, but whenever I look in her direction, he's watching me. My mature female friends explain lat (his is a tease, to show me she's iterested and wants to be pursued. In i> instruction manual, two refusals quals "no means no." So what ARE the jles and methods in these modrin' mes?



—Bewitched Yet Bewildered Might I have a copy of these instructions? I can sell it to women who wonder what the hell men are thinking (Particularly men who refer to women as "gals") That's because these modrin' times are utterly devoid of dating rules and methods, courtesy of the free love freaks of a certain generation that I won't name except to say that it rhymes with "maybe tumors." Now we're supposedly unfettered by stiff social rituals, and therefore free to mix and match with people based purely on character and chemistry. Thanks guys! Except you forgot those rituals helped people meet in the first place, which strikes me as a rather crucial step, and they came in very handy when it was time to send men home to their own beds. But it's a little late now, right? So, we have to figure out dating on a case-by-case basis. Yours raised three questions: 1) Did she like yoi but refuse your invitation because she dances like a rutting cow? 2) Did she dislike you, but stare because you had spinach in your teeth? 3) Did she like you, but feel unsure of herself and her instincts that she played hard-to-get on the advice of a brain-

dead dating manual that I won't name except to say that it rhymes with "the fools." Fortunately, your next move is the same regardless. Forget dancing and try another track, like getting her home phone number or inviting her for drinks. Her response should tell you the true scenario—unless you get another coy refusal, at which point No. 3 becomes another question entirely: Why bother? Write to Tell Me About It, Style Plus, 1150 15th St NW, Washington D.C. 20071 or e-mail


Many of ywa feave heard about the RMS Titanic, There is a great web page that gives a lot of information about the "unsinkabie ship," such as information and pictures on the crew and passengers that were aboard the ship. It also has a pictorial history of the construction of the ship* pictures of what the ship looked like i&sjde, dimensions of the ship,

and theories on way it sank. If you want to check out this site, the address is all/~dalgarry/maiB.ntmL This site can also connect yon to other interesting sites about the Titanic. If you liked the movie Titanic, there is a web site for that also. It give behind-thescenes interviews with the cast from the movie, even Leonardo DiCaprio. There are some hot pictures and clips from the movie of Leo also. If you would ■like 't*> browse, the address W;

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SPORTS Tennis Team Battles Elements Longwood GolfRqjort: on Hilton Head Trip Golf Teams Open Spring Schedules Down South With Tournaments In North Carolina and Florida



FEBRUARY 11, 1098

The Longwood College men's and women's tennis teams left Famiville early last Friday for South Carolina expecting to play nine matches between them by the end of the day on Wednesday. What they didn't expect was to have six matches rained out—only to re-schedule two—and then have one of them suspended due to darkness when the automatic timers shutoff the lights at conference opponent Coker (SC.) Tuesday. Coach Dave Wolden's two Lancer squads were hoping to complete their 'spring break' week in Hilton Head with three matches Thursday, rain and automatic timers — notwithstanding. Each Longwood team has managed to play two matches this week, the Lancer men defeating CVAC opponent Coker 5-4 before the lights went out Tuesday, and then falling 61 to Wisoonsin-LaCrosse Wednesday in Hilton Head. The blue and white women lost their first two matches of the spring to Gettysburg (Pa) 7-2 Monday, and then 8-1 -to UW-

LaCrosse Wednesday in Hilton Head. Winning matches for the LC men at Coker were senior Brian Davis/New Kent HS at #2 (64,6-1), sophomore Andrew Prickett/ Catholic HS at #3 (6-3, 64), senior David Tolbert/Annandale HS at #5 (7-6, 6-3), and :iophomoreJamesPettjnelli/Rc)binsonHSat#6 (7-6,6-1). Davis and Tolbert also won at #2 doubles (8-4). Tolbert also won against UW-L (6-3,7-5), and also won in doubles with Davis (8-4). The LC women got wins against Gettysburg from freshmen Whitney Shaw/ Prince George HS at #3 (7-6, 64) and Jen Morton/Clover Hill HS at #5 (6-3,6-3), while Morton also won against UW-L(6-1,64). The Lancer women were leading Coker 4-3 with two matches to complete before the unexpected black-out Following the week-long adventure in South Carolina the Longwood men (2-3,2-1 CVAQ—and women (2-2,2-OCVAQ played conference opponent Belmont Abbey.

F> Ft I IM Gi F* FUEl_/\ K,









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PINEHURST, N.C.-The Longwood College women's golf team, ranked number one nationally among NCAA Division II institutions, opened its spring season with participation in the College of Charleston (S.C.) Invitational played in North Carolina at Pinehurst #8. Coach Cindy Ho's squad shot a 36-hole total of 326-331-657 to place 10th among 23 mostly Division I teams Monday and Tuesday. At Pinehurst #8, senior Karla Roberson/Great Bridge HS led LC with her 36-hole 82-80-162 to place in a tie for 26th among 120 collegiate golfers. Roberson was followed by sophomore Jessica Fernandez/ Patapsco (Md.) HS (83-80163), classmate Becky Mailloux/Scituate (R.I.) HS (83-84-167) and area freshman Mandy Beamer/Nottoway HS (80-87167), along with junior Rachel Abbott/ Boyerstown (Pa.) HS (81-90-171). Campbell (N.C.) won the event with its 301-307-608 team total at the par-72, 5,859-yard layout in the heart of storied Carolina golf country. Longwood will play its two tournaments in Florida next at the Windermere Golf Club, and the Pebble Creek Country Club, respectively. The Lancers entered the spring campaign ranked first in the first-ever NCAA Division II MasterCard Collegiate Golf Rankings as voted upon by a panel of collegiate coaches. The College Golf Foundation, which has administered the rankings for Division I since 1995, has expanded the MasterCard Rankings to include Division II for the first time this year. The next ranking will be available in April during mid-season of the 1998 spring campaign. Longwood and its 317.36 team scoring average through the fall season was ranked ahead of second-place Lynn (Fla), followed by Florida Southern, Rollins (Fla.), and North Dakota rounding out the top five. WINDERMERE, Fla. — The Longwood College women's golf team shot a 36-hole team score of 327-341-668 while placing 13th among 17 schools during the annual Peggy Kirk Bell Invitational hosted by Rollins College in Florida Monday and Tuesday (3/9-10). NCAA Division I Campbell (N.C.) University won the PKB with its 306-298-604. Coach Cindy

Ho's squad remained in Florida where it is participating in the Snowbird Invitational hosted by Northern Illinois near Tampa Thursday and Friday, March 12-13. During the PKB, the Lancers had three golfers each finish the two-day event with scores of 166 — senior Karla Roberson/Great Bridge HS (83-83), along with sophomores Becky Mailloux/Scituate (R.I.) HS (82-84) and Jessica Fernandez/ Patapsco (Md.) HS (77-89). Junior Rachel Abbott/Boyerstown (Pa.) HS (86-85-171) and local freshman Mandy Beamer/CreweNottoway HS (85-98-183) also competed for the College during the tournament near Orlando. Following the Snowbird, Longwood will return to Farmville and remain idle until March 28-29 when the Lancers compete in state at the William & Mary Invitational in Williamsburg at Ford's Colony Golf Club. BURLINGTON, N.C.-The Longwood College men's golf team opened its spring season with participation in the Max Ward Intercollegiate tournament hosted by Elon (N.C.) at the Alamance Country Club in Burlington, N.C. Coach Kevin Fillman's squad shot a 36-hole total of 315-333-648 to place 14th among 18 teams overall Monday and Tuesday, including sixth among the 10 non-Division I programs. The Lancers will returned to the fairways the next weekend, March 14-15, during its participation in the Catawba (N.C.) Challenge. At the Max Ward, junior Jack Shick/ Tallwood HS led LC with his two-day 7582-157 to place in a tie for 25th among 100 collegiate golfers. Shick was followed by a pair of local team members: senior Keith Martin/ Appomattox County HS and sophomore Toby Towler/Fuqua School, each with scores of 79-83-162 while tying for 50th in the field. Freshman Mike Jenkins/New Kent HS (82-87-169) and senior Chris Frook/Ontario, Canada (8585-170) rounded out the Lancer squad in North Carolina. UNC Greensboro won the event with its 295-311-606 team total at the par-71, 6,706-yard layout. Longwood will get to experience a 'links' course next weekend as the Cheerwine/Alan Holden Realty Challenge will be played at the Lockwood Folly Links over two days consisting of 36 holes of folf.





MARCH 18, 1998

Baseball Team Continues Strong Season; Defeat Belmont Abbey and St. Andrews in Recent Action The Longwood College baseball Longwood 9. St. Andrews 4 while Sullivan allowed four hits and one winner. Stoots finished the opener 3-3 team won its fourth consecutive game last with a solo home run and three RBI. SeAgainst St. Andrews in the series fi- run with three strikeouts. Saturday (3/7) in North Carolina, nior Todd Barker/Menchville HS defeating Carolinas- Virginia Ath(1-0) got the pitching win in reletic Conference (CVAC) oppolief for LC. lUatnGtonai Last Week: Defeated Belmont acnt Belmont Abbey (N.C.) 2-0. _ ^jtat&Si^f^6-5 Lost to St, Andrew* 10rw r The Lancers were scheduled to 4, Defeated St. Andrews 9-4, *fj elfnifrt Abbey and at HamfdenSydney (results not amilable St. Andrews 10. Longwood play two more games against the at press time) Crusaders but the wet weather tr (d&tileheader), 3/22 at Pfeijfe\ would not cooperate. The Lancers tfilioe . ys.S\m-H*u>Paltz,dl264 In the second game, the also won two of three games \aier\ 3/29 vs. Mount Olive, 3/31 vs. St. Pi Knights broke open a 2-2 contest against Carolinas-Virginia AthjLUAd^^:TnrougH%ga^ hitting with eight runs during the fourth, letic Conference (CVAC) oppo.523 with two home runs, six doubles, and 15 RBI fifth, and sixth innings en route to nent St. Andrews (N.C.) at Lancer (.417,6H&13 RBI), Brad Simpson (MS,.3 HR, 8 RBI); cr-302. the win. Stoots again led the Stadium over the weekend, win5 doubles, 3 RBI), and Frtd SMots (.270,3 HR; 10 RBK Lancers with a 2-3 effort, includning game one, 6-5, and game l(noeredhvERAtoatem4>e9t2:p5ih^h22mA^^ ing a two-run homer, and another iiree, 9-4, around a 10-4 loss in fbllowedon the mound by juniorGreg Edmonds (i^.OitKA, 172 innings, 20 strikeouts), three RBI. Classmate Brad game two. The Lancers are now andMicn*elLei»ua-l,3MERffi£mnmgs,llst^ Simpson/Clover Hill HS, also 21-3 overall, 6-1 in the CVAC, and 3, added a solo blast in the sixth were scheduled to play at Belmont inning for LC, while junior Mike Lewis/ Abbey (N.C.) Monday, and then at nale Sunday, LC got four RBI from freshHalifax County HS (1-1) took the pitchHampden-Sydney Tuesday. Results from man Travis Pfitzner/Gar-Field HS, and Longwood 6. St. Andrews 5 ing loss, allowing six runs in four innings. mose contests were not available at press junior captain Shawn Torian/Halifax Following Tuesday's scheduled time. County HS hit his sixth home run this In the first game of the series, LC game at nearby H-SC, Longwood travels spring, to lead the Lancers to the 9-4 tri- rallied to score three runs during their last to North Carolina to play another threeLonfwood 2. Belmont Abbey 0 umph. The Lancers went ahead 2-1 in the at-bat for the come-from-behind victory game conference series at Pfeiffer (N.C.) first inning and never looked back as jun- as junior Fred Stoots/Clover Hill HS March 21-22. At the Abbey, LC got all the offense ior Robey Caldwell/Cave Spring HS (2- pingled with two outs to score the gameit would need in the first inning as fresh- 1) pitched the first five innings with eight man Travis Pfitzner/Gar-Field HS strikeouts to gain the pitching win, while flammed a solo home run with one out. freshman Mike Sullivan/Gar-Field HS got Classmate and former high school team- his second save on the season with the fi- continued from page 11 mate Mike Sullivan/Gar-Field HS made nal four innings in relief for the Lancers. half of the game. and senior defender Ali Brandenburger/ lie run count with an outstanding one-hit, Pfitzner finished the contest 2-3 at the '1 have never seen more assistance Charlottesville, Va-Albemarle HS (one ive strikeout performance on the mound. plate with two runs and four RBI, includamong the players," said Grubbs. "We shut goal) each had several goals throughout the Sophomore Doug Kenney/Cave Spring ing a big three-run double in the bottom down Pfeiffer's offensive system comgame against Pfeiffer. HS scored the other Lancer run in the sec- of the eighth inning to secure the victory pletery." Nevertheless, what was even more md inning following a walk and some cre- over a squad picked second, ahead of LC In particular, big thanks to junior atoutstanding than the outcome, was the way ative baserunning — scoring from third (third), in the preseason CVAC coaches tack Susie Gilbert/Warrenton, Va-Fauquier each Lancer set herself out for the team to be •hen classmate Anthony Pennix/William poll. Classmate Ryan Costa/Buffalo Gap HS (one goal), sophomore defender Heather victorious. In particular, Duboski, Miranda, Campbell HS got into a rundown between HS was also 2-3 with two runs for the WentzeWirginia Beach, \k.-Kempsville Hogan, Smith, Brandenburger, and Whhaker fast and second base. The Crusaders only Lancers. Caldwell scattered six hits and HS, and freshmen keeper Rachel Bunn/ Balwere breaking-up the Pfeiffer defensive field kit came during their last at-bat. three runs along with his eight strikeouts, timore, Md-NortheastHS. Gilbert not only early in the contest by making impeccable added one goal near the end of the match, passes and aids to each other, meanwhile, but also made a great link between the de- senior defender Maria Tri voulides/Fairfax, fensive and offensive ends of the field Ac- W-West Springfield HS and sophomore cording to Grubbs, Gilbert was excellent at defender Heather Branson/Virginia Beach, intercepting and setting the offense. Wentzel, Va.-Salem HS were scrupulously making continued from page 11 who had the highest ground ball assistance, low descends to guard the midfield, which covered almost all the lost ground balls and allowed for a solid beginning and a 3-0 lead while classmate Jennifer Bragg/ Longwood 12-4. PfejfferO-2 agilely passed onto the offensive system. As for the Lancers. lyilliamsport Area (Pa.) HS (6-1) got the At Pfeiffer, Gough was 4-4 with two for Bunn, her consistency in having a high Remarkably, coach Grubbs pointed aound win with a complete-game, three- runs and two RBI, including a double in percentage in saving goals during each match out the fact that Whitaker, precise at taking kit effort. In the nightcap, freshman Casey the opening-game 12-0 win. Freshman has already led the Lancers to two victories. control of the center draw, was efficient at Alexander/Madison County HS was 3-5 Courtney O' Konek/Frank W. Cox HS was Besides Gilbert, Wentzel, and Bunn's getting the balls near to the Pfeiffer cage. with three runs and two RBI, including two 3-4 with two runs and two RBI, including effort in defending and scoring, junior Also, Whitaker's classmate and midfielder tiples, to lead the way during an exciting a doube as well, while Bragg pitched the rnidfielders Dawn Duboski/ Marhon, NJ.- Jennifer Davis/Clifton, Va-Robinson HS ■ght-inning contest (12-10). The Lanc- distance allowing just three hits with two Cherokee HS (two goals) and Melissa was another speedy player who impressively ■s scored three runs in their extra at-bat, strikeouts. The second game (4-2) saw Miranda/Virginia Beach, Va.-Kempsville used her acceleration during the game. In while the Knights could only muster one Gough and Alexander each go 3-4, with HS (three goals, one assist), junior attack addition, the two substitutes, freshmen tally. Gough was 2-5 with two Alexander scoring a run and Gough addLaurie Hogan/Charlottesville, Va.- fenders Beth Whoriey/Chesterfield, \&■ms and three RBI, including a double, ing another double. Freshman Bobbi Alhemarle HS (five goals), freshman attack Thomas Dale HS and Sarah Barnett/Richvhile Bragg (7-1) picked up another tri- Wharton/FIorence Township Memorial Natalie SnuthOiariottesville. Va.- Albemarle mond, Va-Douglas Freeman HS both at■nph with the final 3.2 innings in relief (N.J.) HS earned the pitching win with a HS (three goals, three assists), sophomore tributed to the game by actively playing and with three strikeouts. complete-game effort. midfielder Tina Wrutaker/Virginia Beach, supporting the morales of the Lancers. Va-Kempsvilk HS (one goal, one assist),

Lacrosse Team Goes 2-1

Softball Team Continues Amazing Run

»-»~w •!-»«—%..

MARCH 18, 1998

PAGE 1 1


SPORTS Softball Team Continues Record Run; Now 13-1-1 The Longwood College softball team took a win and a tie against Carolinas-Virginia Athletic Conference (CVAC) opponent Lees-McRae (N.C.) Saturday (3/ 7), defeating the Bobcats 6-5 in the opener before settling for a 3-3 tie in the nightcap during a game suspended due to darkness. The Lancers continued with its schoolrecord start with a pair of Carolinas-Virginia Athletic Conference (CVAC) doubleheader sweeps over the weekend in North Carolina. The Lancers swept St. Andrews (N.C.) 8-0 and 12-10 March 14 after taking two at Pfeiffer (N.C.) March 13 by scores of 12-0 and 4-2. Coach Kathy Riley's squad is now 13-1-1 overall, 5-0-1 in the CVAC) as the blue and white are enjoying their finest beginning to a season in the 18-year history of the program at the College. Longwood 6. Lees-McRae 5 Against Lees-McRae, LC rallied for the first-game victory during their last atbat as freshman Casey Alexander/Madison County HS drove in the winning run with a one-out single in the bottom of the seventh inning. Winning pitcher and classmate Jamie Mertz/Langley HS scored the game-winner following a one-out single of her own to tie the contest at 5-5. First-

ing two hits and striking out nine Bobcats. "Ashley came in there in a very difficult situation and got a hit," explained Riley. "It was a clutch situation for her and that will help her growth as far as some later times at-bat this season." The suspended game will only be completed if the outcome affects the CVAC Tournament seedings at the con$qf^baliatq. glance clusion of the regular season. ; Ues-McRae 3-3, Defeated Pfeiffer

year player Theresa McKibben/Osbourn HS scored the game-tying run after leading off the seventh inning with a single. Alexander finished 3-4 with the game-winning RBI, while Mertz was 2-4 with a run and an RBI as well — scattering six hits and striking out nine Bobcat batters. "Comebacks have been something we've done real well," commented Riley. "If there is one quality that our team has that is really exceptional, it is the fact that in the late innings we've done a real good job of getting hits when we needed them."

late, this time at 3-1 entering its final at bat. Freshman Ashley Fowler/ South Lakes HS provided the big hit — a twoout single to score sophomore Mary Walton/Powhatan HS with the game-tying run. McKibben had scored earlier in the inning on a single from sophomore Emily Brown/Fluvanna County HS. Brown fin-

der)~ March 18 at 2 p.m.,

March 19,;*tt p.m.. at i p.m.. MJbae. ihemttratttionQf

Longwood 8-

IZ. St. Andrews

At St. Andrews, junior Libby Gough/ leads the lancer attack, Amelia County HS fojbttowei by Courtney was 3-4 with a run and two RBI to 1 save) sportsa 1.41 ERA through spark the firstthe mound by classmate Jamie game attack (8-0). Freshman Camilie Hansen/Midlothian HS was 2-4 with ished 2-3 with a triple, one run, and the two runs and an RBI, including a double, RBI, while Alexander was 2-4. Freshman Jennifer Bragg/Williamsport Area (Pa.) HS went the distance on the mound, scattersee SOF1 BALL, page IV

Longwood 3. Lees-McRae 3 In the second game, LC again trailed

Lacrosse Team Loses Opener To Mary Washington; Rebounds For Victories Over Pfeiffer, Kenyon (Ohio) The Longwood College women's lacrosse team opened its 1998 season at Mary Washington last Thursday (3/5), falling 13-7 to the homestanding Eagles in Fredericksburg. The women's lacrosse team came back and won two matches last week on First Avenue Field, defeating Pfeiffer (N.C.) 16-5 March 14 following a 10-7 triumph past Kenyon (Ohio) March 12. The Lancers carried a record of 2-1 into a scheduled match at home with Oneonta State (N.Y.) on Monday, March 16. LC will play Albany (N.Y.) this Saturday, March 21, in a match to be contested at Limestone (S.C.) in Gaffney, S.C..

fourth during the early stages of the final period. Freshman attack Natalie Smith/ Albemarle HS earned her first collegiate

final period as each team scored four goals. Junior attack Laurie Hogan/Albemarle HS led the blue and white with a game-high

- / .•< /'(Ns(' ,1/ i/ ti/i/li.

/ nsl Week: I.'-' lo Mini Wii^liin^loii I >--"- Pt'tcili-il kcmn>n

(Ohio) IU-. nctititcii /'/; ••

;■- • Miltli ,- < hicoiihi s/,,/,-(.\ .) )

- IIN////S not iii'iiiliibli' ill />»v-s time.

\lbtiin/i\.) i - Mmh 21. w/ / IIIII,"U>IIC

This week; Iin Qit'fncu, S.C •

Upcoming Mutches: 5 26 vs. lirii1$euuUcr at 1st \venue !iehi S///I"


■ I ' •■■' I ' '«!



M. Washington 73, LonrwQQd 7 At Mary Washington, LC fell behind 9-3 at the intermission and could not recover during the season-opener. The Lancers did battle the hosts evenly during the

goal with 16:01 left in the match, adding her first collegiate assist as well against the Eagles. Junior midfielder Dawn Duboski/

four goals, the first four goals of the year for Longwood. Hogan got her first three goals in the opening period, then added her



Cherokee (N.J.) HS also scored a goal, as did sophomore defender Heather Wentzel/ KempsvilleHS. Freshman keeper Rachel Bunn/Northeast (Md.) HS made 22 saves in front of the net during her collegiate debut.

Longwood 16. Pfeiffer 5 "I am extremely pleased with the Pfeiffer victory," commented head coach Janet Grubbs. "Our teamwork was picture perfect throughout the entire game." Indeed, the Lancers defeated the Falcons with passing patterns and defensive systems that were not only powerful, but also seamless. The Lancer offensive and defensive players communicated with each other so well that the Lancers took complete offensive dominance in the first

see DRUB! page 10




MARCH 18, 1998

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