Longwood Magazine 2016 Fall

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Willett Hallwas transformed into a television studio for the Oct. 4Vice Presidential Debate between candidates Sen.Tim Kaine and Gov. Mike Pence. Story on Page18. Photo by Mike Kropf '14.


� What a Difference

� a Debate Makes

Longwood's reputation and Lancer pride surge in wake ofhistory-makingevent


IIOI StoryTime

Virginia Children's Book Festival attracts top authors, 6,000children

I 12I Winners Circle

Participation in sports gives former athletes an advantage inthe 'game of life' I

32I All for 1 Family sends all 8 children to Longwood DEPARTMENTS 3 OnPoint 36 LongwoodCalendar 38 lnPrint 39 LancerUpdate 43 AlumniNews 48 EndPaper

University FoundationInc.

Michael Ellis'84, President Editor

Sabrina Brown Creative Director

DavidWhaley Associate Editors

Kent Booty, Matthew McWilliams Sports Editor

Chris Cook Photographers

Andrea Dailey, Mike Kropf'14,JoelCruz'16


TroyAustin, DanCawley, DIA,Richard Foster, Benjamin Gibbs'17, BrandynJohnson'18,Ryan Korsgard, Danielle Houston Karst'05, Todd Lindenmuth,JasonSnyder,TimVaughn, KeithWitmer

Advisory Board

RyanCatherwood, Larissa Fergeson,Courtney Hodges, Victoria Kindon, David Locascio,Justin Pope, BennieWaller'90

Board of Visitors

RobertS.WertzJr. '85, Rector Leesburg

Eileen MathesAnderson'83, GlenAllen

Katharine McKeown Bond '98, Mechanicsville

Katherine Elam Busser, Goochland

MichaelA. Evans, Mechanicsville

Steven P. Gould, Danville

David H. HallockJr., Richmond

Eric Hansen, Lynchburg

Colleen McCrink Margiloff '97, Rye,N.Y.

Stephen Mobley'93, Mclean

Marianne MoffatRadcliff '92,Richmond

Nettie L.Simon-Owens, SouthBoston

LuciaAnna "Pia"Trigiani,Alexandria

Editorialofficesfor Longwoodmagazinearemaintained attheOfficeof University MarketingandCommunications, LongwoodUniversity,201 HighStreet, Farmville,VA 23909.

Telephone:434.395.2020;email: browncs2@longwood.edu.


Pride inthe success ofhosting the Oct. 4vice presidential debate continues to glow across Longwood. Visiting media,the campaigns and the Commission on Presidential Debates were unanimous in their verdict:With our campus, our teamand our hospitality, Longwood hit it out of the park,

It wastremendous fun,of course,towatchthe wall-to-wall international news coverage broadcast live from around Longwood,That coverage sharednotjust our name but also ourstory-ourstunningcampus,ourwonderfullyproud and energetic students and our distinctive focus on citizen leadership,Tensofmillions encountered Longwood for the first time via pieces in nationalmedia such as PBS NewsHour, TheAtlantic, The Wall Street Journal and The NewYorker that dove deeply into ourmission and its connection to democracy,as well as the entire Farmville community's efforts to draw strength fromour history, Preliminary calculations of the media and marketing value alone run in excess of $80million,though, of course,there is no price tag on the pride and energy the event has inspired, Best of all-as captured in many of the photos you'll see in this issue of the magazine-our students had an experience they will never forget, More than1,000 took a classthat somehow incorporatedthe debate, More than 700served as volunteers,andwe were able to getmorethan 150students in as partof the small live audience of several hundred inWillett Hall.

To my mind, Longwood rewrote the book on how a campus can make the most of hosting a debate, And we did so without compromising the other things that make Longwoodspecial,including our autumn traditions.Thanks to incredibly hard work by our staff,Rockthe Blockwent off as normaljust a few days before the event, as did a ChiWalk,ColorWars and Oktoberfesta few days later. Andjust10days afte� the debate,the third annualVirginia Children's Book Festival drew more than 6,000schoolchildrento campus,

What excites me most is thatwe hosted the debate in a fashion that ensures it will be more thanjust a greatmemory, It has given uspowerfulmomentumand a newfound sense of potential for the future,

The genuine pride and confidence of the staff and faculty who led this effort are now a reservoir of energy for our work acrossthe university, As we prepared for the event,we focused on campus improvements,like a new gateway to Brock Commons on High Street,thatwill live on as a permanent legacy, Similarly,the remarkable array of academicprogramming Longwood introduced around the debate will help jumpstart a new general education curriculum,which will begin in earnest over the coming years,With its distinctive focus on citizen leadership,that curriculum will strengthen ourmission and further set us apart,

This has been an inspiring time in Longwood's178-year history,and it is exhilarating to begin building on our momentum,

Thank you andmy best,

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Jim Lehrer's debate-themed cap evokes a smile from President Reveley at Convocation.

A Seasoned Perspective

1 Dean of Presidential Debate moderators' addresses seniors at Convocation

llTheso-calleddeanofAmerican �presidentialdebatemoderatorsexpressedhishopeatConvocation thatAmericanswouldworktohealpolitical divisionsafterthepresidentialelection.

"Nomatterwhowinsandwholoses,please, let'severybodydowhatwecantomake slightlybetterourdiscourse,slightlybetter ourfunctioningofgovernment,andmakethis trulyachangedtime,"saidJimLehrer,who hasmoderated12presidentialandvicepresidentialdebates.Histalkmarkedtheofficial openingoftheacademicyearandwasaddressedtotheseniorsandotherswhogathered forConvocationSept.8onWheelerMall.

"Wehaveadivisionamongusascitizens andasvotersthatishorrendous,orifnot horrendous,atleastlarge,"saidLehrer. "Thiselectioncould-might,hopefully, maybe,prayerfully-changethingsandhelp healsomeofthebreachesinourcountryright now.Italsocouldmakethedivisionsandthe hostilityworse.Butthereisthepossibilitythat itcouldmakethingsalittlebetter."

Thelegendary PBSNewsHour host,who retiredin2011,praisedLongwoodforhosting theVicePresidentialDebate."Thisisahuge, hugehappening.Participantsandvolunteers willbepartofsomethingthattrulymatters," hesaid.Convocationwasheldthreedays beforethe15thanniversaryoftheterrorist attacksof9/l1,whoseenduringlegacy Lehrercited.

"Onthatday,everythingchanged,"hesaid. "Whathappenedtoourcountryandtousas Americansandtoeverybodythroughoutthe worldisstillhappening.Itchangedourtransportationsystemandthewaywedosecurity, themilitary,governmentandpolitics.

Lehrer,alifelongbusaficionado,saidthis washisfirsttriptoFarmville,whichhehad alwayswantedtovisit.Asaboy,heregularly readamonthlymagazinecalled Bus Transportation, inwhichthelargestoftheclassified adswasforBrickertOilCompanyin Farmville,which"alwayshadhundreds ofbusesforsale."

"Ifinallygothere,andthebusesareall gone,"jokedLehrer.

WhileattendingVictoriaCollegeinTexas, heworkedeveningsasaticketagentatthe localContinentalTrailwaysbusdepot.Oneof hisdutieswastocallthebusesonthePAsystem,andhisre-creationofoneofthosecalls drewaroundofapplause.

"ThatwasthefirsttimeIwaspaidmoney tospeakintoamicrophone,andI'vebeen doingiteversince,"hesaid.

Followingtradition,theseniorclasspresident,DrewPelkey,acommunicationsstudies majorfromRichmond,wascappedonstage byLongwood'stopacademicofficer,Dr.Joan Neff,provostandvicepresidentforacademic affairs.Afewminuteslater,Lehrerwascapped byPresidentReveley.Hismortarboardwas debate-themed.-KentBooty



recognized for excellence in scholarship, teaching,service



Dr.LeighLunsford, professorofmathematics


Dr.TimHolmstrom, associateprofessor ofphysics



Dr.BrettMartz, assistantprofessor ofGerman


Dr.SeanRuday, assistantprofessor ofEnglisheducation


Dr.CharlesWhite, assistantdeaninthe CollegeofBusiness andEconomics


Dr.JoEllenPederson, assistantprofessor ofsociology


Dr.StevenIsaac, professorofmedievalhistory

Jim Lehrer, journalist and former presidential debate moderator, expressed hope for political healing in his talk at Convocation, which culminated with seniors receiving the personalized and often colorfully decorated mortarboards for which the ceremony is known.
FALL 2016 I 3


Political Science 350: The American Presidency


PresidentW.Taylor Reveley IV and Dr.WilliamHarbour, associateprofessor of politicalscience

Presidential expertise

Reveley previouslywasmanagingdirector of the University ofVirginia's Miller Center, a nonpartisan institute devotedtothe study of thepresidency.Thisis thethirdsemester that he has co-taughtthe course, offered everyfall; Harbour hastaught thecoursefor decades.

Making the material come alive

"President Reveley is a student ofpresidential biographies, and, due to his work atthe Miller Center, he knowssome of thepeoplewhowrotethetextbooksweuseinclass;' saidHarbour."Asthe coordinatingattorneyfor the NationalWar PowersCommission,whichis part ofthe course, he hasinterviewedsome ofthe people whoworkedwithrecentpresidents, likeJim Baker:'

Teamwork paying off

The co-instructors' growingability to play to each other's strengths inthe classroom has yielded dividends, said Harbour. "We'rebetter able totossthe discussionbackand forth, so thecourse gets better every timeweteachtogether.We havedifferentstyles.He's morereserved, morethoughtful,morecautiousin his commentary, while I tendtobe outlandish, to overdramatize:'

Trivia buff

Reveley also brings to classhis"unbelievable" memoryfor presidential trivia, said Harbour. "Henamedthecollegefromwhichevery president graduated, whichamazedthe students:'

Suggested reading

The ContemporaryAmerican President (first edition), Robert E. Diclerico

Understanding the Presidency (seventh edition), JamesPfiffner and Roger H. Davidson

TheAmerican Presidency (seventh edition), Sidney M. Milkis and Michael Nelson

No Room for Error

100 percent of 2016 nursing grads pass national exam

It's literally impossible to do any better: 100 percent ofLongwood's2016 nursing graduates passed the national licensure examination for registered nurses on their first attempt.

Just under 89 percent ofBSN nurses around the country who took the test in the first halfof2016 passed-puttingLongwood's27 alumswho sat for the test early chis summer significantly above the competition.

The 100percent passrate was a 6rscfor Longwood'sBSN program,whichgraduatedits inauguralclass in2013.The pass rateis one of the major ways in whichthe quality ofnursing programs is measured, said Dr. Deborah Ulmer,chairofthe DepartmentofNursing.

"One hundred percent is incredibly difficult to achieve, and to get to l 00percent in only four years is stunning," saidUlmer. "This is a ',compliment to our faculty but even more so to our students. They made it their missionthey made a promise to each ocher-that they were all going to pass."

The benchmark for nursing programs is a consistent pass rate ofabout 80percent, said

Ulmer, adding that 93 percent was her goal this year and will remain so in the future. The first-time pass rate for theClass of2015 was 89 percent; in20l 4, 84 percent ofLongwood graduates passed.

"Until my faculty colleagues and I get the results for each graduate, we're a nervous wreck. It's nail-biting time," said Ulmer with a laugh. "When each person passes, it shows up on a website, which we check every day, and then we celebrate along with the graduates.We stay in close email contact and watch over the results very carefully. We try not to obsess,but it is a very important milestone for our new nurses and for our program."

BSN students typically take the exam the summer after graduating. Most have their first jobs by thattime,thoughtheyusually don't start work until after taking the exam.

Longwood's four-yearBSN program, which beganin2009, currently enrolls about200students. Another 25 are enrolled in the RN-to-BSN program, which started inJanuary2015.

Onlineformat helps boostenrollmentin MBA programs

Enrollment inLongwood's MBAprogramshas nearlydoubled since ittransitionedto an online format six yearsago.

Currently27 students are enrolled in the online MBA programs, which startedwith 15 students in fall2010. The programs have been nationally ranked for the last three years by US. News&WorldReportandGecEducaced.com, a watchdog site for online degree programs.

"The national rankingshaveincreasedour visibility and send a signal thatwe're a quality program," said Abbey O'Connor, MBA directorandassistant dean in theCollege ofBusiness and Economics.

Longwood, which has offered anMBA since 2006, adopted anexclusively online format to provide flexibility for students, many ofwhom are working adults with families.Courses are offered in seven-week blocks, and the programs include an extendedweekend residency every summer.

MostLongwood MBA students take classes part time andcomplete their degrees in an average oftwo years.The program offers a general business track anda real estate track thattakes advantage ofLongwood's strong real estate faculty andprepares students for thereal estate industry's increasingly technical demands.

All 2016 nursing graduates, shown here at their pinning ceremony in May, passed the national licensure exam for RNs on their first try this summer.

Fighting Firewith Courage

Two Longwoodofficersrecognizedfor bravery in evacuating students from burning building

llIt was a warm latesummer Monday evening with thunderstorms rolling in.Sgt.WalterWhitt andOfficer Billy Shular were checking on severalalarmsin theLongwoodLandings apartments offMain Street, a few daysbeforemoststudentswere scheduled to return.

Suddenlythey noticedthe faint smellof smoke, andthe two officers wereoffand running.The alarmsweretripped after a lightning strike hit and ignited an HVAC unit on the top ofthe building chat'shometo theLongwood bookstore, and above it, three AoorsofLongwoodstudent apartments.

Flames soon were spreading along the roof. Whitt andShular headed straight into the building and up the stairs towardthe smoke, pounding on doors to make sure every laststudentwasom safely.

OnNov. 9,Whitt andShular officially were recognized for their bravery in a ceremony where they were awardedthe Medal ofValor fromtheLongwood Police Department. Also recognized were four Farmville police officerswho assisted in responding to the fire.

"OfficerShular andSgt.Whitt putthe students' safety aheadoftheir own, running upstairstoward the fire to evacuate thebuilding before firecrewsarrived," saidLongwood Police ChiefCol. BobBeach. "Their actions took an incredible amount ofcourage."

TheMedal ofValor is given toLongwood Police Department members who perform "an

act ofgallantry andvalor above and beyondthe call ofduty,at imminent personal hazardto life and with knowledge ofthe risk."

Area firefightersconvergedalmost immediatelyandpouredwateron the flames, confining the fire to an attic area andtop floor, though therewaswaterdamagethroughoutthebuilding.

Within minutes, theLongwoodcommunity was rallying, with residence life staffimmediatelyworking to �ndtemporary housing for displacedstudents. President W Taylor Reveley IV came to the scene to offer support, andLongwoodfaculty and staffwho heard the sirens and news came as well, to reassure students and even offer guest beds andcouches.

"Longwooddid, really, whatLongwood alwaysdoes," said Dr. Tim Pierson, vice president for student affairs, "and chat's pull together in a crunch. It was so gratifying to see the outpouring ofsupport from faculty, staffand other students who showed up the night ofthe fire offering to help."

Somequick-thinkingtarp action helped protectmany ofthe textbooks waiting for pick-up in the bookstore below, andthebookstore itself re-opened in time to serve returning students for the semester.

All 30 apartments in the Northeast building in the Landingsweredamaged, temporarily displacing 101students, who were provided alternateLongwoodhousing.Studentswere scheduled to stare moving back into their apartments Nov. 11.

"Small Talk"

overheard on the Longwood campus

//Ninety-five percent ofthe world's customers live outsidethe United States, and 81 percent ofthe economic growth over thenextfive years will occur outside America:'

Gov. Terry McAuliffe Virginia Girls State, June 2016

11Writershaveaconstantbattlebetweenwhat theyshouldbewriting andtheInternet. Andthe Internetiswinning'.'

Steve Watkins young adult author, Longwood Summer Literacy Institute, July 2016

JWe have never before in history known a mosquito biteto cause birth defect. Zika is unprecedented:'

Dr. Marissa Levine Virginia health commissioner, Summer Institute for School Nursing, July 2016

11Thefact that everything we typeis digitized is a fundamentalshift in howwe relatewith each other We'll struggle forthe nextfive or 10 yearsinhow we handle this environment:'

James Cartwright former vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Longwood Cyber Security Summit, September 2016

Ill I 1·k ' 1 ta ways seems I ewere 1v1ng

inthecraziest times:'

Dr. Edward Ayers historian and University of Richmond president emeritus, Student Citizenship Summit, September 2016


Ifyou asked my teenager to look ata photographfor30 seconds, she would consider it aneternity:'

Santiago Lyon Associated Press vice president for photography, LCVA panel discussion on presidential campaign photojournalism, October 2016

LUPO Sgt. WalterWhitt, who was the first to smell smoke in the Landings building and helped evacuate the building, talks with fire crews the night of the fire.
FALL 2016 I 5

Giving, participation buck nationaltrends

Bucking anationaltrendforpublic institutions, giftsto the Longwood annual fund were higher in 2016than in the previous eight years.The percentage of alumni donors significantly increased,as well.

Annual giving-which excludes bequests and encompasses activities such as telephone and online campaigns designedto encourage

5703 total , donors


24°/o IN 2016



regular giving-totaled $1,219,689 forthe fiscal year thatendedJune 30, 2016.The alumni participation rate over the same periodrose from 10.9 to11.2 percent.

"Nationally,public institutions have seen thosenumbers decline orremainstagnantin recent years;' saidAmy Harris '14, director of university engagement.

"It's very difficult to move thatnumber,butthat's somethingwe're strongly focusing on."

The recently formed Citizen Leader Society, which recognizes those who make annual giftsof $1,500or greater, has 267members.

"Citizen Leader Society members have a strong philanthropic investmentin Longwood and are committed to our mission to develop citizen leaders;' said Kristina Easter,director of developmentfor annual programs. "Their support is an outward display of their civic leadershipin livingthe valuesthatdefine a citizen leader:'

The number of total donors, 5,703, represented a 24 percent increase over 2015 and isthe most since 2007. Total giving for fiscal 2016-including corporations and foundations-was $4.18million.


10.90/o in 201 5

I > 11 .2%in2016

Reality Check

Actionsof Moton High School studentsin 1951 resonate with scholarship recipient

llWhenAmberLitchford'17firstsaw theintroductoryvideoplayedat "' MotonMuseumduringtours,she felttransportedbackto1951,whenBarbara Johnsledthestudentstrikethathelpedtransformthecountry.

"Iwasintheauditoriumtheywereinand lookingatthedeskstheysatin,anditstruck methattheywereonlyafewyearsyounger thanIwaswhentheydecidedtotakeaction," shesaidofthatmomentthreeyearsagoon atourwithagroupofherLongwoodclassmates."Itwasabigrealitycheck."

Litchford,ofAppomattox,isthe2016recipientoftheMotonLegacyScholarship, whichwillcoverhertuitionforhersenioryear andpropelhertograduateschool,whereshe planstoearnamaster'sinhighereducation. Shehadtowipeawayafewtearsbeforeshe calledhermotherwiththegoodnewspriorto thestartofthefallsemester.

''I'vebeenbackcoMotonseveraltimessince thatfirstvisitbecausethestoryreallyresonatedwithmeastheadopteddaughterofan interracialcouple.Itmakesmethinkabout whatmylifewouldhavebeenlikeiflhad beenborn60yearsago."

TheLongwoodBoardofVisitorscreated theMotonLegacyScholarshipin2015tosupportanexceptionalLongwoodstudentwith ademonstratedcommitmenttothecauseof equalityofopportunityineducation.


psychologyminorwhoalsoworksasadesk supervisoroncampus.Inadditiontotaking onanoutsizedacademicload,sheisalsoan activememberofthelocalcommunity,volunteeringhertimewithseveralorganizationsto makeadifferenceinboththeFarmvillearea andherhometown.

"LastyearIvolunteeredatPiedmontGeriatricHospitalandwasabitnervousatfirstbecauseIdidn'tknowwhattoexpect,"said Litchford."ButwhenIgotthere,thepeople wereamazing,andweendedupreadingpoetrytoeachotherandlaughingalot.Itfeels goodtobeabletomakeadifference."

MakingadifferenceismorethanacatchphraseforLitchford-it'sthewayshelivesher lifeandwhatsheplanstodoaftergraduation. Herplan:becomearesidentialeducationcoordinator,workingatacollegecohelpstudentsjustlikeher

LitchfordwasnominatedfortheMoton scholarshipbyMeganCarney,theArcquad residenceeducationcoordinator

"WhathasalwaysstruckmeaboutAmber isthatsheispassionateaboutmakingapositivechangeintheworldandeducatingothers,"saidCarney."Incredibly,shejugglesalot ofdifferentrolesoncampus,fromworkwith ResidenceLifetobeingaleaderinhersorority,ZetaPhiBetaSororityInc.,andserving asaLongwoodAmbassador.It'sclearshe hasgrowndeeprootshereandinspiredher classmatesalongtheway."

Amber Litchford '17 is passionate about making a difference in people's lives.


New tenure-track faculty bring excitement to classrooms

Eachfallbringsnotonlyacropofnewstudentstocampusbutalsoanewgroupoftenure-trackfaculty excitedabouthelpingthosestudentslearnandgrow.Here'sthe2016cohort.


Dr. Darrell Carpenter assistant professor ofinformation systems and cyber security; director, Center for Cyber Security

Department: Accounting, Economics, Finance, Real Estate and ISCS

What he'll beteaching: Networksecurity, security incident response, security assessments and penetration testing, and malware analysis

Education: Ph.D., information technology, University ofTexas-SanAntonio

Areas ofexpertise: Behavioral and organizationalaspectsofcybersecurity, biometrics, information privacy, online deception, malware analysis

Dr. Justin Contat assistant professor ofeconomics

Department: Accounting, Economics, Finance, RealEstate and ISCS

What he'll be teaching: Microeconomics and econometrics

Education: Ph.D., economics, University ofNorth Carolina

Areas of expertise:Realestate economics, the economics ofpolitical lobbying, mediamarkets

Dr. Hua "Meg" Meng

assistant professor ofmarketing

Department: Management and Marketing

What she'll beteaching: International business and consumerbehavior

Education: Ph.D., marketing, Kent State University

Areas of expertise: Consumer behavior, sensory marketing, brand personality, newproduct development and promotion


assistantprofessor ofmarketing

Department: Management and Marketing

What she'll beteaching: Principles of

marketing and marketing research

Education: Ph.D., marketing, Old Dominion University

Areas of expertise: Social media influence, promotion effectiveness, brand-consumer relationship


Dr. Kyle Levers

assistant professor ofexercise science

Department: Health, AthleticTraining, Recreation and Kinesiology

What he'll beteaching: Strength and conditioning

Education: Ph.D., exercise physiology, TexasA&M University

Areas of expertise: Strength and conditioning, sports performance

Troy Purdom

assistant professor ofexercise science (titlependingcompletionofdoctorate)

Department: Health, AthleticTraining, Kinesiologyand Recreation

What he'll be\eaching: Exercise physiology and sports nutrition

Education: Ph.D., exercise physiology, University ofNew Mexico (ABD11)

Areas of expertise: Sports performance, sports nutrition



assistant professor ofscience education (titlependingcompletionofdoctorate)

Department: Biological and Environmental Sciences

What he'll beteaching: Biology and science education forfutureteachers

Education: Ph.D., science education, UniversityofGeorgia (ABD*)

Areas of expertise: Earlycareer teachers

Dr. RebeccaCoffin assistantprofessorofnursing

Department: Nursing

What she'll be teaching: Medical-surgical nursing

Education: Ph.D., nursing, University ofVirginia

Areasofexpertise: Historyofnursing

Dr. Kris Paal assistant professor ofcommunication studies

Department: Communication Studies

What he'll beteaching: Public relations

Education: Ph.D., communication studies, Wayne State University

Areas of expertise: Socially supportive messages, spirituality in communication

Dr. Jacqueline Secoy assistant professor ofmusic education

Department: Music

What she'll be teaching: Musiceducation and world music

Education: Ph.D., music education, UniversityofNorth Carolina-Greensboro

Areas ofexpertise: Howukuleles are used in music education and music making, informal music learning, musician identity formation, ethnomusicology

Dr. Erin Shanie assistantprofessor ofbiology

Department: Biological and Environmental Sciences

What she'll be teaching: Toxicology, genetics and cell biology

Education: Ph.D., molecular and environmental toxicology, University ofWisconsin

Areas ofexpertise: Cancer, toxicology *


LoveYour Longwood day set to return on Feb. 21

Ifyou LoveYour Longwood, save the date of Feb. 21, 2017.

The second LoveYour Longwood day is expected to be even better than the inaugural 24-hour philanthropy campaign held last March, when 533 donors gave more than $65,000. Alumni, students, faculty/staff and friends tookto social media to share their

MeantTo Be

New library dean firstfellforVirginia, then Longwood

Greenwood Library's new dean, Brent Roberts, traded the Big Sky Countryfor Southside Virginia as a result ofa visit that he and his historyloving family made to Appomattox Court Brent Roberts House in June 2015.

an event like that must be an up-and-coming place, and I wanted to be part ofthat," said Roberts, who started his new job Aug. 25.

Roberts had worked at the libraries of MSU-Billings since 2000, startingas a librarian and becoming associate director in 2005 and director in 2010 Healso taughtJapanese, a longtime interest.

Social media helps spread themessageon Love Your Longwoodday. photos and memories ofwhythey love Longwood, using the hashtag #LoveYourLongwood.

For 24 percent of last year's giving day donors, this was theirfirst gift to Longwood.

"It's importantfor alumni to believe in the institution and give back;' said Kristina Easter, directorofdevelopmentfor annual programs, noting that the percentage of alumni who giveto their alma maters is one metric used in national rankings ofcolleges and universities.

"Alumni participation is a difficult number to move, as the denominator increases each yearwith your graduating class. It's important for all alumni to knowthat gifts ofall sizes have the powerto make a significant impact. Whether they're just beginning their career, are still paying offstudent loans or have more established careers, even a $5 gift, when combined with others, adds up quickly:'

LoveYour Longwood day also is the kickoff to the faculty/staffcampaign, called the Campus Community Campaign, so a gift that day countsfor both.

The first LoveYour Longwood day exceeded the donor goal of 500 and secured a generous $10,000 match from the Longwood Alumni Association.

"Posting messages on LoveYour Longwood day generates a widespread and immeasurable amount of pride and camaraderie for Longwood;' said Easter.

"We thought, 'Wouldn't it be nice ifwe lived down here,"' Roberts recalled thinking on that trip, when he was director oflibraries at Montana State University in Billings. "Aroundeverybend in the road, there is history. Virginia is the cradle ofAmerican history. Then this job opened up. We fell in love with the area beforewe fell in love with Longwood."

Roberts also was attracted to Longwood by theVice Presidential Debate. "I thought that any institution with enough gumption to host

"A library should be an active, vibrant part ofthe campus, and GreenwoodLibrary alreadyis vibrant," he said.

A native ofMoses Lake, Washington, Roberts is a graduate ofBrighamYoung Universityand has master's degrees from the University ofWashington (library science) and MSU-Billings (public relations) He is working onhisdissertation for a Ph.D. in American studies from MSU-Bozeman.

Roberts and his wife, Lynde, a school librarian, havea daughter, Abigail, a freshman at BYU, and a son, Benjamin, a sophomore at Prince Edward County High School.


Nationalrankingscontinuetoreflect the qualityeducation Longwoodoffers

Thanks to increasing graduation and retention rates, as well as a demonstrated commitment to keepingCosts in check, Longwood for the second straight year is ranked among the top IO regional public universities in the South. A slate ofannual rankings-from US News &WorldReportto Princeton Review-places

Longwood in increasingly good stature comparedwith other universities.

"Longwood's recognition as one ofthe best regional universities reflects the groundwork we have laid over the last several years to pair astrongliberalarts and sciences corewith the resources 21st centurystudents needto thrive," said Dr. Jennifer Green, associate vice president for enrollment management and student success. "Longwood students graduate with not only the skills they need to thrive in the workplace, but with a deep understanding of how to be active citizens and leaders in their owncommunities."

Rankings are a reflection ofthe quality education Longwood offers, but they don't tell the whole story, said PresidentW.Taylor Reveley IV

"Our campus culture is much richer than anyranking can reflect, especially our history, camaraderie and mission ofcitizen leadership. While no ranking can paint a complete picture ofa campus, our continued strong showing reflects the importantwork that has been done to increase retention, strengthen student success and keep higher education affordable in the last threeyears. We continue to be a place with forward momentum."

In US. News&WorldReport's "Best Colleges" 20I6 report, released in September, Longwood ranked No. 10 among public regional universities in the South and No. 33 overall among both publicandprivate colleges and universities in the region. Longwood's Online MBA program was ranked in the top 80 programs in the country in the same US News &WorldReportlist.

The Princeton Review, anotherpopular ranking, named Longwood to its "Best in the Southeast" list. A newer ranking system, published by The WallStreetjournal, also includes Longwood-noting strength in student engagement.



Student's love of music finds a homeat Longwood thanks toscholarship

I]Growing up in Crewe, Cody Nachaniel Leonard '17 didn'c have ,. far to go when he lefc to scudy music ac Longwood-bur icwas pare ofa longjourney to find direccion in life.

Afcer dealingwich bullies in gradeschool, icwas in che band, surrounded by ocher music lovers, where Leonard found accepcance and friendship.

"Music was my escape fromall char scuff," said Leonard. "The band kids were really nice, and I was happywhenever I was wich chem. My uncle played che saxophone so chac's whac I cried, and I ended up beingpretcy good ac ic."

Sax in hand, Leonard has found a home in Longwood's music deparcmenc, chanks to che Waverly M. Cole Music Scholarships. Dr. Colewas an aneschesiologisc and a major supporcerofchearcs ac Longwood, his mocher's alma macer. Scholarship recipiencs are selecced chrough an audicion process.

"Codyhad a nacural affiniry and greac pocencial, which was recognized by che faculry who heard him audicion," said Charlie Kinzer, professor ofmusic, who reaches saxophone. "Cody has really blossomed as a musician and has discovered acravingfor learning in all areas."

Now Leonard dedicaceshisefforcs in college to his family-ofwhom he is reminded almosc every day as hewalks pasc brickworklaid byhisfacherac one ofche entrances to campus.

"My father worked hard labor all his life and taught me che importance ofworking

hard," said Leonard, who spenc the summer as a Longwood facilities department employee to save money for college expenses.

"For some people things just come easy, but I have to work hard to keep my grades up andstay in school. Ificweren'c forthescholarship, I wouldn't be able to attend college."

As a student at Longwood, Leonard is making the most ofhis opportunity and learning more about music than just howto play notes on a page.

'Tm discovering applicacions for music I neverthought of.There are ways to make a difference like rµusic therapythat help people deal with stress," he said. Afterclasses, you can often find Leonard putting his lessons to work performing wich fellow members ofPhi Mu Alpha Sinfonia at local senior communities.

"I don't think theyget a lot ofvisitors, and ic seems to makepeople cherehappy," he said. "Music is about emotions-a universal languagechar everyone seems to understand atsome level-and I love tobeable toplay for people happy to hear ic."

Ifyou ask him, Leonardwill tellyou that classical music is powerful and moving, bur whatmakes him happiest is playingjazz. Fans ofNew Orleans-scyle jazz in Farmville mayhave sported Leonard and some friends at local venues playing under che nameAudaciry Brass band. The group's firsc album, AIOI, can be heardonSpocify, and members are saving money to pay for another studio session one day soon.

"Small Talk"

overheard onthe Longwood campus

Ifyou are interested in helping a deservingscudenr, please concacc Insticucional Advancemenc ac gifts@longwood.edu.

JJNever underestimate the power of the American worker ifthey have the rightattitude and are led properly:'

John Bassett Ill chairman ofVaughan-Bassett Furniture and subject of the book Factory Man, Longwood MBA summer residency, July 2016

11It makes no sense tosuspend kids fornotcoming toschool'.'

Jo Ann Burkholder director of theVirginia Department of Education's Office of Student Services, Summer Institute for School Nursing, July 2016

JYou cannot stop someonefrom typing a dumb email. Onceyou think you're safe, it's too late. There's always a paper trail:'

Rhonda Vetere chief technology officer, Estee Lauder Companies, Longwood Cyber Security Summit, September 2016

"Youth is a time for daring, for making mistakes. Nobody should start life as an obedientyoung fogeywearing sensible shoes:'

Michael Dirda Washington PostBook World columnist and editor, Obligations of Citizens Lecture, September 2016

JJNine vice presidents have become president because of the president's death, assassination or resignation.Thatworksoutto 20 percent, or one-fifth, ofall of our presidents who have come into the presidency initiallyfrom the vice presidency:'

Dr. Barbara Perry director of presidential studies at the University ofVirginia's Miller Center, panel discussion on the vice presidency, October 2016

Cody Leonard '17 is inspired by the hard work of his father, who laid bricks at one campus entrance.
FALL 2016 I 9


Virginia Children's Book Festival attracts big-name authors, 6,000 students

Ithadallthetrappings ofared-carpetevent: award-winningcelebrities, paparazzi,adoringfans.

Thebigdifferencewasthatthefansarrived onaschoolbusorintheirdad'sminivan,and thecelebritieswerefamousnotfortheirOscars orEmmysbutfortheirNewberysandNational BookAwards.

Theeventinquestionwasthethirdannual VirginiaChildren'sBookFestival,heldagain atLongwoodinOctoberandboastingthe winnersofsomeofchildren'sliterature's biggestawardsthisyear,includingthe

NationalBookAward,theNewberyMedal andtheCorettaScottKingAward.

Ten-year-oldMackenzieGregoryandher mother,SarahGregory'02,ofChaseCity, werethrilledtoattendasessionfeaturingRita Williams-Garcia,oneofMackenzie'sfavorite authorsandathree-timewinneroftheCoretta ScottKingAward.

"Youfeellikeyou'remeetingcelebrities whenyoumeettheseauthors,"saidGregory. "IthinkI'vehadasmuchfunasmydaughter atthisfestival."

Mackenziewasamongmorethan6,000 childrenfrommorethan70schooldivisions, privateschoolsandhomeschools-somefrom asfarawayasManassasandVirginiaBeachwhoattendedthethirdannualfestival,held Oct.13-15.Attendanceandsupportforthe

eventhavegrownlikeJack'sbeanstalk overthelastthreeyears.Thisyear'scrowd was10timeslargerthanthefirstyear'sattendanceof500-700,andchisyear'sbudget of$120,000hadquadrupledsincethefirst festivalin2014.

NealShusterman,whose ChaLLengerDeep wonthisyear'sNationalBookAwardfor YoungPeople'sLiterature,wasexcitedtobe partofthefestival."Igotoalotoffestivals, andthisoneisrightonparwiththemore establishedones.Becauseit'ssowell-organized andsowell-attended,I'msurprisedit'sonly thethirdyear."

MaryroseWood,best-knownforherseries TheIncorrigible Children ofAshtonPlace, was equallyasimpressed."Thisisagreatexperience," shesaid."It'simportantforkidstoseethatthe


(opposite page, top) Buses wait their turn to drop offchildren from70school divisions headed fortheVirginia Children's Book Festival held at Longwood in October.The festival offered more than 100sessionsand workshops. (opposite page, bonom)

Author and illustrator Marc Brown, creatorofthe Arthurseries, charms his audience. (this page, top) NewYorkTimes best-selling author/illustrator Jeffrey Brown demonstrates drawing technique tofansof his JediAcademy series. (thispage, below left) Monty Montgomery '98, a San Diego-based artist, invited festivalgoers to help paint a mural that is bound for Children's Hospital of Richmond. (this page, below right) 2016 National BookAwardwinner Neal Shusterman, author of ChallengerDeep, praised the festival's success.

authorsofthebooksthey'rereadingarejust people.Toconnectthebookwiththeauthor isthrillingforthem."

ShustermanandWoodwereamongthose wholedmorethan100sessionsandworkshops overthethree-dayfestival.Alsoontheprogram wasMattdelaPena,Newberywinnerfor LastStop onMarketStreet.

Onenewtwistatthisyear'sfestivalwasthe collaborativecreationofamuralpaintedonsite byMontyMontgomery'98,aSanDiego-based artistknownforhismurals,andauthor-illustratorToddParr.Childrenandadultswereinvited topickupabrushandpaintonthe6-by-16footmural,whichwillbeinstalledpermanently attheChildren'sHospitalofRichmondat VCUinJanuary.


theauthorsandthekids,"saidJuanitaGiles, thefestival'sexecutivedirector."Itwasamazing thatwelandedauthorswhoaresopopular,so lauded,butwhenIinviteauthors,Itellthem themissionofthefestival,andtheygetit. They'reexcitedaboutcominghere."

MackenzieGregory,the10-year-oldfrom ChaseCity,wasallsmileswhenshehadher picturetakenwithWilliams-Garcia,whoautographedherfavoritebook, One CrazySummer. Mackenzie'snewloveofreadingwassparked bythefestival-exactlytheoutcomeorganizers hopefor.

"Mackenziewasn'tabigreaderuntilshe heardaboutthefestivalinAugust,"saidher mother,"butsincethenshehasreadmorethan shedidinherentireelementaryeducation. Thishasbeenverynurturing."

TheVirginiaChildren'sBookFestival isfree,enablingstudentsfromdiverse backgroundstoattend.Thefocusison underservedchildren.

Thefestivalreliesonvolunteerlabor(152 volunteersthisyear,including47Longwood studentsand21Longwoodfaculty/staffmembers)andprivatedonations.

SarahGregorythinksalloftheplanning isworththeeffort.

"Ican'twaittotellmyteacherfriendsabout this.Idon'tknowwhyalloftheschoolsdon't come,"theformerelementaryteachersaid whileherdaughteraddedherbrushworkto themural."Therearesomanygoodsessions thatit'shardtochoosewhichonestogoto. NextyearI'mdefinitelycomingatleasttwo daysandmaybeallthreedays."®

FALL 2016 11 1

Former Longwood athletes say participation in sports gives them a distinct advantage in the 'game of life'

It was the last game of the regular season, and the Longwood men's soccer team was down 1-0 at halftime. A quick goal from Lynchburg College had passed right by team captain and goalie David Goerke '88.

"You feel like you lee the team down. ... We were playing poorly, and we didn't look good. We had to win the game to makethe playoffs," remembers Goerke, who held the school single-season shutout record for many years. "Youcan either snap out ofit quickly and regain your focus, or you're going to get blown out." He snapped out ofit, and Longwoodrallied to win the game 2-1.

Resilience. Teamwork. Focus on long-term goals. Participation in college athletics means learning discipline in preparation, dignity in defeat andgrace in victory. Those are just some ofthe demonstrated educational values ofathletics participation, and the lessons Longwood student-athletes take with them into theirpersonal and professional lives years, and even decades, after the cries ofthe crowd and the thrills ofcompetition have faded.

For Director ofAthleticsTroyAustin, chat means leadtng an athletics program whose mission is no different from chat ofthe universityas a whole - to cultivate students into citizenleaders. As a defensive lineman and captain ofDuke University's football team in the lace 1990s and early 2000s, Austin recalls coaches teaching him athletics are "about being successful in life, so put your energyinto being the best you can be." Ir's a pivotal sentimentAustin shares with Longwood's athletes today.

Longwood's coaches, Austin said, place a high value on academicperformance, career preparation and citizen leadership in addition to athletic success. "I reallywant student-athletes to be mindful chat there aregreatvalues that can be learned fom athletics," he said, placing beinga person ofhigh character, workinghard,

beingaccountableforone's actions andhaving apositivemind-set at the top ofthe list.

Nanette Fisher '74, a formerbasketball MVP and Virginia Player ofthe Year, agrees the full experience ofcollege athleticscan be a powerful complement to classroom learning.

"It's lifetime skills such as integrityand character chat you're trying to develop," said Fisher,who alsowasan assistant women's basketball coach at Longwood and holds the distinction not only ofbeing Longwood's first African-American athlete andcoach, but also the university's first head coach for both softball and women's volleyball.

That combination ofclassroom learning and life lessons through athletics haveproved exceptionallyvaluable for many former Longwood student-athletes. Theyhaveexcelled in avarietyofcareers- medicine, finance, government, higher education and information technology, to name a few- and many credit their time as Longwood athletes with instilling in chem a continuing desire to achieve. And perhaps also not surprisingly, a love ofsports continues as a common thread in many oftheir lives.

FALL 2016 11 3
'I think you rememljer the losses, you remember the learning and you remember the great coaching moments.'

Goerkeworkednearly20yearsinglobal marketingforCoca-Cola,handlingthesoda manufacturer'spromotionsandbrandingfor rheOlympicsandrheFIFAWorldCup. Nowheisvicepresidentofmarketingat Tampa,Fla.-basedMajesticArhlecic,che officialmanufacturerofuniformsandlicensed jerseysforMajorLeagueBaseball,wherehis responsibilitiesincludeoverseeingbranding andmarketingforMajesric'suniformsand fanwearforall30MLBclubs.

Healsovolunteersasamemberofthe boardofdirectorsforSpecialOlympics Florida,apositionofspecial importancecohim

becausetheoldestofhisthreeadultchildren, sonJackson,23,hasautism.(GoerkeismarriedcoKendraSpringer'88.)

Athletics,Goerkesaid,"reachesyoucobe agoal-oriented,higher-achievingperson. Ilikechatquote-'Successismoving fromfailurecofailurewithenthusiasm andlearning'-becauseeverybody loses.Thehighachieverscancakethe loss,moveforward,growfromitand getbettereveryday."

Ir'sacuriousfact,burmanyformerstudent-athletesreportsharp memoriesnorjustofgreatmomentsburalsodisappointments -aturnover,amissedscoring opportunity,acoughloss.Thar's becausechosemistakesmarked importantlessonstheylearned -theexperiencescharshaped chemintonorjuststrongerathletesburbetterpeople.

ForChrisLeBel'88,vicepresidentofsharedservicesforFannieMae, thatmomentwasasoftballgamecharended bitterly.Shecan!trememberthescoreoreven theopponent.Whatshedoesrememberis then-LancersheadsoftballcoachLoretta Coughlin'sdisappointment.

"Ithinkyourememberthelosses,you rememberthelearningandyouremember thegreatcoachingmoments.Ijustremembercharwehadacoughgame. Weshouldhavewon,andwedidn't executewell,"saidLeBel,aformer catcherandteamco-MVPwho stillholdsthethird-bestsingleseasonbattingaveragemark (.468)inschoolhistory.

Thenextdayatpractice, Coughlinmadeitclearshe wasn'thappywiththeloss, butshealsoexplainedin astraightforwardwaywhy theteamhadcomeupshort andhowtheycouldimprove.''AndIwasOKwith

thatbecauseIfeltlikewedeservedit,"LeBel said,"andIchinkwecameoutstrongerbecauseofit."


BuddyBolding,retiredlongtimeLongwoodbaseballcoach,believesathleticscan beaninstrumentalcomponentofayoung person'seducation.

''Athleticscan'tmakeaperson,burit cansurehelproundapersonour,"hesaid. "Imissthebeautifuldramathatoccurs asayoungpersondevelopsintoatrue, fullhumanbeing."

Athleticscompressesawiderangeoflifelessonsintoafewyears,Boldingadded,giving youngpeopletheopportunityco"falland learncogetbackupandscareagain."


OneofBolding'splayerswasDennisHaleII '91,apitcherandcaptainofthereamchar


stillincollege,Halewasavolunteerfirefighter inDinwiddie.

went3-2intheNCAADivisionIICollege WorldSeries.InductedintotheLongwood AthleticsHallofFamein2007,Halewas SouthAtlanticRegionPitcheroftheYear in1991andsetseveralschoolrecords.

ThesedaysHaleworksaschiefofpublic safetyandEMSforDinwiddieCounty. Heisresponsibleforthecounty'sfire,emergencymedicalservices,911communications andanimalcontroldepartments,nottomentionoverseeing70employeesandmorethan 250fireandrescuevolunteers.Whilehewas

Halesaidwhathelearnedonthediamond asaLongwoodLancerserveshimwellasthe leaderofhisnew"ream,"especiallyBolding's emphasisonbeingaleaderandputting teambeforeself.

Boldingempoweredhimtotakeonresponsibilitiesnormallyperformedbycoaches,Hale said,suchasmakingdecisionsabouthowthe teamtraveledandnegotiatingfieldruleswith coachesofopposingteams.Andhe"allowed metomakedecisionsforthebettermentof theteam,notjustmyself."

Thosetypesofexperiencesthat athletescarryfromtheplayingfield totheworkforcemakechembetter employeesandmanagers,saidJohn ToddJr.'83,whowasthetop-ranked playeronLongwood'sfirstmen's tennisteam.

"I'verecruitedliterallyhundreds ofemployees,andathletesarevery highonmylistofteammembers torecruit,"saidTodd,president andCEOoftheSanDiegobasedprivateequityinvestment firmToddAdvisoryServices. "Itteachesyoudiscipline. Tobecomeacollegeathlete, youhavetobeextremelydriven tomasteryoursport."

Formerathletesalsoare morewillingtotakerisks andmaketoughcalls,he said."It'sbettertomakeadecisionandfail thannottomakeadecisionatall.Sports givesyoutheconfidencetodothat."


Dr.MadisonStevensHumerick'09, afamilyphysicianatHarpersFerry FamilyMedicineandchiefresident forWestVirginiaUniversity'sRural FamilyMedicineResidencyProgram,alsoseesthebenefitsof

'Athletics can't make a person, but it can sure help round a person out.
I miss the beautiful drama that occurs as a young person develops into a true, full human being.'
- Buddy Bolding Retired longtime Longwood baseball coach

athleticsexperienceforherselfand herco-workers.

ServingascaptainoftheLongwood women'ssoccerteamfortwoyearswas"almost identicaltobeingchiefresidentrightnow," saidHumerick."It'sreallyfunny.I'mbasically managingateamofphysicians-their schedules,theirpersonalities,theirconcerns. Youcantellthatsomeoftheyoungerdoctors haveneverplayedonasportsteamandexperiencedthatcamaraderie.Youcanimmediately pickouttheformer[sports]teamplayers: They'rethepeoplewhojumpintohelpout whenothersneedthem,puttingtheteam beforethemselves."

Dr.UmarBowers'01,medicaldirectorof Whiteville,N.C.-basedG&GHealthcare, alsocametounderstandtheimportanceof "espritdecorpsandthecamaraderieofworking withcolleagues"-inhiscase,onthebasketballcourt.TeamisstillNo.1forBowers.

"Ican'tdoitallmyself.Irelyonmysocial worker;Irelyonmyaccountant;Irelyonmy assistantandtheotherprovidersIworkwith," hesaid.

,. �,'\Y' <c :: :,:.:-: ' ', FALL 2016 I 15

"Wealwayscallit'lovingthegrind,' whichmeansyougeeupeverydayand doyourverybest,andyou'resatisfied withtheresults,"saidRiley.Norsurprisingly,athleticsrendstoarrracrpeoplewho thriveunderpressureandrise tomeetchallenges.

"Themoreyouhavetodoandmanage,rhemoreyoureallylearnrogee thingsdone,"saidHumerick,who,in additiontoleadingthewomen'ssoccer team,maintainedadauntingacademicworkloadasabiologymajor withachemistryminorandwas aleaderinseveralstudentorganizations.AmemberoftheCormier HonorsCollege,shegraduated witha3.92GPA.

HumerickisjustoneexampleofaLancerathletewho excelledintheclassroom

Additionally,Bowersandocherssaychar theylearnedcruciallessonsabouttimemanagementasaresultofhavingtobalancetheir responsibilitiesasstudent-athleteswithacademicsandextracurricularactivities.

"Isaychisnowtoallmypatients:Weall have115wakinghoursintheweek.Ir'show andwhereyouspendthattimethatmakesthe difference,"saidBowers,whowasaninauguralGatesMillenniumScholaratLongwood andvolunteeredhistimetomentoraPrince EdwardCountyMiddleSchoolstudent.


1 %�% jobswhenyoulookatthetimedemands," :ii •,,'-�W,1,_,;:,i;�f�/ C II/;''i� j «1 1/�'/✓/,%" // saidcurrentLongwoodheadsortballcoach.,;t;I/J//j/1,\"{::f{� KathyRiley,notingthatherplayerspractice·:Yl!//1 0' andtrain20to30hoursperweekinaddition ;;/!J/ .,.- f:.'·-'_'c__if!J:·,,.,,,,/toplayingandtravelingtocompetitions.,/.�"2j',' It'snosmallfeattojugglesportswiththe 7 / :'1,� // commitmentofattendingclasses, keepingupwiththeiracademic workandparticipatinginthe extracurricularactivitieschatallow forwell-balanceddevelopment, shesaid.

aswellasinhisorhersport.Overthelasesix years,Longwood'sstudent-athleteshaveearned acollective3.0GPAorhigher,and,onaverage, theygraduateatahigherratethannonathletes. Infact,someofLongwood'shighachievers foundparticipatinginsportsarespitefrom theirhecticacademicandextracurricular responsibilities.

"Forme,itwasasourceofjoyandhappiness andastressreliever,"saidJudyMilby'90, whowasanMVPandcaptainofhersenior lacrosseteam.

Nowdirectorofmarketingandcustomer experienceatFramingham,Mass.-based BostonHeartDiagnostics,Milbyearned severalscholarshipsandreceivedadditional fundingthroughwork-study.Shewasheavily involvedinGreekleadershiproles,including servingaspresidentoftheLongwoodPanhellenicCouncil.(Sheandherhusband,Bill Milby'88,aformerLongwoodtennisplayer, remainbigsportsfans,andtheirtwosonsare bothinvolvedinathletics.)

Formanyformercollege athletes,thepersonalimpactof participatinginsportslastsfar beyondgraduation.

'You can immediately pick out the former [sports] team players: They're the people who jump in to help out when others need them, putting the team before themselves.'

- Dr. Madison Stevens Humerick '09, soccer Chief resident for West Virginia University's Rural Family Medicine Residency Program

Thiskindofindividualattention andrelationshipbuildingbyLongwoodcoacheshasinspiredsmdents suchasrecord-breakingcrosscountryrunnerAlishaRoyal'13to considercareerandlifeopportunitiestheymightnothaveotherwisepursued.


"Itwasalmostlikeanextendedfamily Myoverallwell-beinganddevelopmentwere thefocusofthecoach,asopposedtojustathleticskill,"saidFisher,theformerwomen's basketballplayerwhoalsocoachedatLongwoodfrom1980to1985afterworkingas agraduateassistanttolegendaryUniversity ofTennesseeLadyVolsbasketballcoachPat Summitt,whodiedthissummer.

Fisher,whonowheadsupafive-person informationtechnologydepartmentforsystemsanalysisatFreddieMac,remembersthat herownbasketballcoach,thelateJeanSmith, "expectedeverythingonthecourtandthen some,"butthatwasonlypartoftheexperience."Wewereexpectedtorepresentthe universiry,butmoreimportantlytoexemplify therypeofpersonshewantedustobe," Fisheradded.

Asacoachherself,Fishersoughttoleadby exampleasSmithhaddone."Ithinkmost athletesneedthatguidance,particularlyin theirfirstcoupleofyears.Ialwaystriedto facilitateanenvironmentwheretheycould getsupportorencouragementorjustadvice."

Afterafewyearsworking asaninternalstaffauditorfor theciryofRoanokeandVirginiaTech,Royalhasreturned toschooltoobtainhermaster's inhighereducationadministrationfromVirginiaTechsoshe canbecomeanathleticsacademicadviserandhavethe samekindofimpactonstudents'livesashermentor,formerLongwoodAssistant AthleticDirectorforAcademic andLeadershipMayaOzery.

"Shereallyworkedwith metohelpmeunderstandhowIcould bealeader,usingtheskillsIhadlearned notonlyintheclassroombutasan athlete,"RoyalsaidofOzery,whoisnow theUniversiryofRichmond's directorofstudent-athleteleadership anddevelopment.

Themostdecoratedwomen'srunnerinLongwoodhistory,Royal holdseightoftheschool's10 fastest5Ktimes,includingthe topthreespots.Asastudent, shevolunteeredforaraftof extracurricularorganizationsincludingtheStudent GovernmentAssociation andLongwoodAmbassadors.ShereceivedthePrincepsDistinguished LeadershipAwardinher sen10ryear.

Royalcreditsthesupport networkshefoundinthe athleticsdepartment,

aswellastheperseverance,toughnessand enduranceshedevelopedasalong-distance runner,wirhpushinghertoshineasan athleteandinlife.

Whenshewasrecentlyconsideringacareer change,"itwaslikethelighcbulbwentoff," Royalsaid."Mymindwentbacktothisgroup thatgavesomuchtome.Tobeabletohelp someoneelseunderstandwhattheycould dowiththeirexperienceasasmdent-athlete wouldbe,Ichink,anamazingopportuniry."®

,"t� - �•. i-(( , '} FALL 2016 11 7


Lancer pride, respect for Longwood surge as the university shines in the international spotlight

henthefirstcameraswentlivethemorning of0cc.4,DebateDay,itwasstilldark.

BehindCNNanchorJohnBerman,Wheeler andChichesterhallswereilluminatedwith red,whiteandbluelights.

"AndI'mJohnBerman,liveinFarmville, Virginia,"camethevoicefromthestage."ThisisLongwood University,whereinafewshorehours,itwillhosttheone andonlyVicePresidentialDebate."

Bysunrise,thecrowdsparseforthat4a.m. broadcast-hadswelledto thousandsasstudents,faculty andstaff,alumniandvisitors playedgames,registeredto vote,designedT-shirtsand showedLancerspiritinthe backgroundshotsofthefour cablenetworkssetupto broadcastlivefromcampus.

Lacerchatevening,Sen. TimKaineandGovMike PencemetonstageinWillett

Hall,withmorethan150Longwoodstudentswatchinginperson.PresidentWTaylorReveleyIVjoinedthousandsmore whowatchedonagiantTVscreenonStubbsMall.

Itwastheculminationoftwoyearsofworkchatbeganina RuffnerHallclassroom,whereReveleywasteachingaclasson theAmericanpresidency.Oneday,astudentaskedifLongwood mighteverhostadebate.

"Itcametogetheraswedreamed,"saidReveley,describing howchatsimplequestionsparkedhisimaginationandquickly thereafterthedeterminationofmanyochers."Longwood steppedontothenationalstageandshonewhenthelights werebrightest.Debatenightwasspecial,butmoreimpressive wastheengagementofthestudentbodyoverthelastyearand thewayourcampusembracedtheresponsibilityofhostingan

eventlikechis.Fromtheworkdoneintheclassroomtothe volunteers-someofwhomarrivedoncampusat2:30a.m. toworkwithmorningnewscrews-Iamsoproudchatwe showedLongwood'struecolorstotheworld."

Bochinandoutoftheclassroom,Longwoodfaculcy, staffandstudentsraisedthebarforhostingageneralelection debate,showingwhatitreallymeanstomakethemostof theopportunity.

Intheclassroom,morethan30courseschatintegrateddebate themes-fromarttopoliticalscience-servedasdefactopilots foranewgeneraleducationcurriculumchatwillbefocusedon engagedcitizenship.Outsidetheclassroom,nearly700students volunteeredtoworkthedebateandweremarchedwithroleschat complementedtheirstudies-atestamenttoLongwood'sfamouslyengagedstudents.Another350peopleswelledthevolunteerrankstomorethan1,000.

UnderscoringthecivilityoftheLongwoodcampuscommunityandtheintensepreparationchatwentintothedebate,even inapoliticallychargedelectionyearandwiththousandsofvisitorsoncampus,therewerenoarrestsorserioussecurityissues.

Allinall,theexperiencewasoverwhelminglypositivefor Longwood-withmanypeople,includingjournalists,declaring theuniversitythetruewinnerofthedebate.

Longwoodwillbenefitfromthesignificantjoltofname recognitionchatcomeswithhostingadebate,butthefullimpactgoesfarbeyondchar.Amongthethousandsofnewsitems mentioningLongwoodwerenumerouspiecesinmajorinternationaloucletsincludingthe Washington Post, WallStreetjournal, TheAtlantic andtheNew York Timesthatfocusedindepthon Longwood,itseffortstodrawstrengthfromhistoryanditsmissionofcitizenleadership.

"Whentoday'sstudentscomebackfortheir25threunion, theywilltalkaboutthedebateasahighlightoftheirrimeon campus,"Reveleypredicted."They'llpointcothespotsoncampuswherenetworkssetupstagesonWheelerMall,BealePlaza andBrockCommons.AndIchink,mostofall,theywillremembertheimmensepridetheyfelt."

Sen.Tim Kaine (left) and Gov. Mike Pence before the debate.


FALL 2016 I 19
PresidentW.Taylor Reveley IV's pre-debate comments to the audience inside the debate hall are viewed by thousands of journalists watching in the Media Filing Center. Reveley said Longwood has 'always believed that tonight is an opportunity our students will cherish always, maybe even more in time to come than they know now.' The filing center was located in the Health and Fitness Center, which was transformed to create a temporary workspace for journalists.

0 Activities on campus during the month-long run-upto the debate included a student mock presidential debate that pitted the College Democrats against the College Republicans.

@ An audience of650 packs Blackwell Ballroom for a talk on literature and citizenship by Pulitzer Prize-winning critic Michael Dirda, of the Washington Post Book World.

@)The College of Business and Economics hosted some of the top minds in cyber security at a campus summit. Among the panelists were Rodney Blevins, senior vice president and CIO for Dominion Resources, and Rhonda Vetere, the chief technology officer for Estee Lauder Companies.

0 Board of Visitors member Eric Hansen

snaps a copy of a Ronald Reagan image that was part of Citizens & Leaders: A Century ofIconic Presidential Campaign

Photography by theAssociated Press at the Longwood Center for the Visual Arts. The word-premiere exhibition was the focus of a debate-day panel discussion that drew an audience of more than 200.

'In campaign photography, you're trying to find intimate andunscriptedmoments, which are hard to find.'



On campus for the Student Citizenship Summit, Kendasia Hensley (second from left), a student at Prince Edward County High School, preserves a slice of history with a selfie during a pre-debate tour of the Media Filing Center. Also from Prince Edward are Azure Johnson (left),Tyshaunda Green (third from left), JamaicaWoodford and Breanna Bailey-Lee. More than 600 students from area middle and high schools attended the event.
FALL 2016 I 21
Former PBS NewsHourhost Jim Lehrer shares his experiences in moderating 12 presidential debates with students during a campus visit a few weeks before the debate.

1,000+ students, faculty,staff,alumni andcommunity members workedas volunteers

0 Steve Robertson, director ofmarketing and fan engagement, emcees the student ticket lottery drawing, where 100 students won seats in the debate hall.

@Volunteer Emily Davis '20, an athletic training major from Gloucester, is interviewed by the Associated Press about her role as a volunteer for the Commission on Presidential Debates in the Media Filing Center.

@) Volunteer Kira Davis '19 (seated), a communication studies major from Newport News, greets a member of the news media at the welcome desk in the Media Filing Center.

0 Malcolm Kelley and Tony Oller, otherwise known as MKTO, rev up a crowd of Longwood students who turned out for the pre-debate concert. Also performing during debate festivities were The Church Sisters, "TheVoice" winner Javier Colon and Second City: Improv All Stars.


0 Working with CNN were volunteers Kayla Moss '20 (left), a communication studies major from Stafford; Megan Garrett '17, a political science and business major from Farmville; Ally Werner '17, a communication studies major from Morris Plains, New Jersey; and Jhonni Phillips '17, a political science major from Annapolis, Maryland.

© In the hours-long sound and lighting check on the debate set Oct. 3, Barrett Nicks '17 (left), an integrated environmental sciences major fromYorktown, stands in for Sen.Tim Kaine; Lily Black '18 (back to camera), a business administration major from Gloucester County, substitutes for moderator Elaine Quijano; and Joey Siverd '15, a master's student in counselor education from South Hill, plays Gov. Mike Pence.The students had to keep up a steady stream of simulated debate questions and answers, enabling the technicians to ensure everything would be seen and heard during the actual event.

FALL 2016 I 23


Four majortelevision networks-Bloomberg, CNN, Fox News and MSNBC-set up elaborate stages throughoutthe Longwood campus, broadcasting before, during and after the debate, and giving students, faculty, staffand visitors the opportunity get in front ofthe cameras. The CNN stage, seen here, wasset up onWheeler Mall.

@The Longwood cheerleaders, dance team and field hockey team mixed it up with members ofthe'Fox& Friends' cast in the early morning hours of debate day.The Fox News stage was located on Brock Commons in front of Lankford Student Union.

@) 'Fox & Friends' hostAinsley Earhardt and former Sen. Scott Brown, a Fox contributor, snap a selfie with Hannah Prem '19, a business major from Baltimore, during a commercial break on the debate day broadcast. Prem organized the Lancer Lunatics and other groups to hold an earlyTuesday morning party outside Fox's stage.


CNN host Carol Costello interviews President Reveley live from the network's campus set onWheeler Mall. Costello complimented Reveley on giving his seat in the debate hall to a student. 'I really do hope whatstudentstake awayis 90 minutes of a real exchange of ideas, a real measure ofcivility, some real substance,' he said.


President Reveley joins MSNBC hostJoy Reid and students William Bartle '18 (left), a political science major from Charles City, and Michael Carpenter '18, a political science major fromYorktown, on the MSNBC stage overlooking Beale Plaza. Asked whether Longwood students are excited about participating in the election, Reveley said students on campus are 'paying rapt attention.'

FALL 2016 I 25
0 MSNBC's Craig Melvin scored a rareone-on-one interview with Elwoodwho maintained his characteristic silence and answered with hoof gestures.


Longwood students were in the audience insideWillett Hall

0 In preparation for its starring role as the debate hall, Willett Hall received a facelift as well as special lighting and oversized banners designed to play to the cameras. Members of the media were aiming those cameras from 72 standup locations contained in three multilevel structures built on the lawn facing the building's entrance.

@ Among the students in the debate hall were Madison Bird '19 (left), a nursing major from Richmond; Allyson Stone '18, a communication studies major from Chesapeake; and Laurie Shapiro '17, a libera studies major from McLean. Including volunteers and ticket winners, more than 150 Longwood students witnessed the debate in person from insideWillett Hall, accounting for about half of the audience, which also included guests of the campaigns and the Commission on Presidential Debates.

@)Willie Miles '16 (left), a master's student in education fromNew Kent, and Praise Nyambiya '19, a biology major from Frederick, Maryland, were among the lucky students to hear their names called for debate tickets during the lottery drawing on Sunday night before the MKTO concert on Stubbs Mall.

@The debate hall is electric with excitement as ticketed students and guests pose for photos and find their seats.

0 Malik Long '18, a business major from Portsmouth, poses with the Rev. Jesse Jackson before the debate begins. Long, who worked as a debate hall usher and in the Media Filing Center, was one of nearly 700 students who volunteered to help with debate activities.


An enormous production area at the rear of the hall beamed out the debate feed to nearly 40 million homes in the United States and many millions more around the globe.


Commission on Presidential Debates believes deeply in the connection between education and democracy [and that] holding these debates on college campuses teaches the habits of democracy.'



Membersofthe Longwood and Farmville communities gather on Stubbs Mall towatch the debateon the Jumbotron installed for theoccasion. @Thedebatecaptures the attentionof Samuel McClain '17 (left), a biology majorfrom Newport News, and Cameron Potter '19, a theatre major from New Kent, a debate volunteer who worked as a gate monitor for the Stubbs Mall watch party.
@) After giving his seat in the debate hall to a student, President Reveleyjoins the outdoorwatchparty.

2,500+ members of the media, including 400from other countries, traveled to Farmville tocoverthe debate

0Thousandsofjournalists representing print, online, radioand television media outlets watch the debatefrom inside the Media Filing Center, preparing to quickly file their stories.

0 Gov.Terry McAuliffe addresses Longwood donors, alumni and friends who enjoyed debate day in Blackwell Ballroom, telling them,'You did it.Thankyou.You madeVirginia proud today.'

debate-themed supplies provided by Longwood and the chance to reminisce about their college days.

© Guests view the debate in Blackwell Ballroom, where a capacity crowd gathered to spend the day.
FALL 2016 I 29
@ Danielle Houston Karst '05 (left) and Matt Karst '99 (second from left) were among the 150 alumni and friends of the university who planned to host debate watch parties. Joining them at their home in Burke were friends and fellow alums Carey Seery '99, Meghan Fox McPherson'04 and LorieSpears'01, who enjoyed the debate, the

'Longwood University starred in the vice presidential debate itsponsored.The coverageappearedalmostuniversally favorable.The campus looked lovely. It alsopresented numerous opportunities for students and the greater community toparticipate in the proceedings.The entire school and its neighbors became involved. ... Longwood University won our vote.'

LONGWOOD U ' I \' I· R I I T Y VIRGINIA * EST.* 1839 * 11111
Above: Spin Alley-where campaign surrogates offered journalists their takes on what Pence and Kaine said on stage-was packed with some of the best-knownjournalistsandpublic figures in the country. SpinAlleywas located in the Health and FitnessCenter.

Debate-themed classes focus on democracy at work

Kelly Nelson's printmaking students are studying the role ofletterpress printing in political art and propaganda, while Spanish and French classes taught by Dr. Lily Goetz and Dr. Heather Edwards are examining foreign language in the broader political discussion.

These arejust two examplesofthe more than 30 debate-themedcourses offered chis falleach focusing students on the democratic process at work. The courses span 15 disciplines, some with an unusual take on the topic, and manywill serveas de facto pilots for a bold new general education curriculum focused on citizenship that will roll out at Longwood over the next few years.

At no other debate host institution have faculty members gone so far to incorporate the debate into the student academic experience.

"The faculty have risen to the challenge and put their minds to work on exploring the themes ofdemocracy, citizenship and elections from every conceivable angle," said Dr. PamTracy, associate professor ofcommunication studies and director ofthe Center for Faculty Enrichment, who coordinated the new course offerings with Dr. DerekTaylor, professor ofEnglish and director ofthe Committee on General Education.

$80 MILLION+ is what you'd have to spend on advertising toequal the amount of debate-related news coverage of Longwood

The $81 million estimate ofwhat is commonly referred to as "earned media" was derived using a formula similar to those employed byprevioushost sites, includingCentre College, host ofthe 2012Vice Presidential Debate.

The formulacalculates thevalue ofthe tens ofthousands ofhigh-level print articles, televisionreports and online stories focusing on or mentioning Longwood, including the almostpricelessvalue ofa day's worth ofliveprogramming from campus by all three major cable networks. Longwood topped many ofthe previous debate hostsnot only in the number ofquality storieswrittenbut also in the number ofnetworks that set up stages on campusgiving Longwood a significantlyhigherearnedmedia figure than previous Vice Presidential Debate hosts.



The 11 photography students in the class traveled to the first Presidential Debate and toTrump, Clinton and Obama rallies, among other activities, employing their

Above: Autumn Childress '18 (left) andTia Dillahunt '18 serve as stand-ins on the CNN set built on campus. Childress, of Midlothian, and Dillahunt, of Leesburg, both communication studies majors, were covering debate activity as part of the debate-related classes they are taking this fall.
FALL 2016 I 31
photos Hillary Clinton and DonaldTrump were taken by students in Professor Mike Mergen's Art 495: OnThe Campaign Trail, perhaps the most distinctive of this fall's debate-related offerings. photojournalistic skills to interpret the political process through the lenses of their cameras. 'Having media credentials felt kind of surreal. It was like we were actually part of the press for a big company. I never expected this kind of opportunity from a college class: said Brandyn Johnson '18, an art major from Newport News.




Mary Goodwyn '68 (deceased)

Major: Elementary education

Her education at work: 36 years as a teacher, Mecklenburg County schools. The next generations:Three children, including Christine "Pam" Ferrell '96 and Margaret "Kim" Goodwyn '96; and two grandchildren

Betty Ballard '70

Major: Mathematics

Graduate degree: M.S.,Virginia State University

Residence: Chesterfield

Hereducation atwork: 34 years as a teacher and high-school principal and assistant principal, Chesterfield County schools

The next generations:Two children, and one grandchild

Reminiscing over their Longwood yearbooks atthe Estes family home areVelva Kindley '80, M.S. '81 (left); Sarah Jane Calhoun '73; Linda Shelton '77, M.S. '78; Betty Ballard '70; Sandra Nemeth '77; MarilynWright '75, M.S.'78; and ShirleyWatts '71.

alwll a11d Ch rist i n<' Esl<'S ll<'\ <'I' allendcd col leg<', IHtl Ilic, \\ <'I'<' dctcrrnir)('d that their· cliildrc11 all girls eigl11 of' t li<'lll, \\ Ot1ld uct a b college cd ucaliot1.

"Daddy and Mama wanted us to get an education and not be dependent onanyone," said LindaShelton '77 "They instilledin us strength and independence. They said if we stayed focused, we coulddo anything we wanted to do."

Mr. and Mrs. Esteswere convinced that Longwood was the perfect placefor their daughters to get a college education. And a teaching career, they also thought, wouldprovide the self-sufficiency they passionately hoped their daughters would achieve.

"Our parents felt a college close to home [South Hill] wouldworkbest, because we're a close-knit family, and Longwoodwashighly regarded for preparing teachers," saidSandra Nemeth '77

All eight graduated from Longwood, became teachers and have been successful in their professional and personal lives.

"Daddy was proud to call us the 'Eight LongwoodLadies,"' saidBettyBallard '70 "He was proud that all ofhis girls were educated and were teachers."

From 1964 until 1980, there was at least one Estes sister on theLongwood campus. Often there were two and sometimes three. When the youngest, Velva Kindley, graduated in 1980, President Henry WillettJr. called

her parents upon the stage andpresented them with eight engravedJefferson cups, one cup representing each daughter, which they cherished.

"Putting eight children through college wasn't easy on my parents," saidBallard. "But mama and daddy knew what their girls needed and that teaching would be a goodjob."

Thegirls helped by attending Longwood on teacher scholarships (for every year they committed to teach in a Virginiapublic

campus that afternoon. We were taught a strong ethic," said Ballard. "Working at Burlington Mills was rough-no air conditioning, and the lint was flying all around. It was just like the movie NormaRae."

Their Longwood days were decidedly more enjoyable.

"I remember the monthly birthday dinners-you had to dress up-and the familystyle dining," saidBallard. "Those were the days ofno airconditioningin your dorm room andhaving to wear dresses. You could

� Daddy was proud to ca ll us the 'Eigh t Longw ood La di e s.'
He wa s proud that all of his gir ls ' were ed u cated and were tea chers.


school, a year oftuition was waived), graduating early and working weekends and summers back home in South Hill.

At age 14, each ofthe sisters, in turn, got a job: seven went to work at the Leggett department store; one broke the mold andworked at two ocher area department stores.Theycontinued to work summers as well as weekends during che school year after they enrolled at Longwood. The three oldest also worked summers atBurlington Mills, rolling Christmas ribbons onto spools.

"We came home every weekend andwent to work Friday night and Saturday, went to church Sunday morning and went back to

Shirley Watts '71

Major: Elementary education Residence: Chesterfield

Her education atwork: 37 years

wear slacks only ifthe college let you-for example, ifit was cold outside. Most girls had a tan trench coat. Ifyou overslept, you wore it over your night clothes."

"I lovedLongwood, and I hated leaving. I cried when I left," said MarilynWright '75, who got her master's degree three years after her bachelor's Two ofher sisters, Kindley andShelton,also earned master's degrees fromLongwood.

Shelton was living on the ninth floor of Frazer whenLongwood went coed in 1976. Somemalestudents chatyear lived on Frazer's second floor. Did she like having guys in the same residence hall?

Sarah Jane Calhoun '73

Major: Elementary education

Residence: South Hill

Her education atwork: 32 years as as a teacher, Chesterfield County schools and Colonial Heights schools

The next generations:Two children, including KatherineWatts '07, and two grandchildren

a teacher, Mecklenburg County schools

The next generations:Three children and six grandchildren

FALL 2016 I 33

"Oh,yes.Iwasyoung,"Sheltonsaidwith alaugh."Irememberchatsometimeswhen Iwassunbathingwithmyclassmatesonthe roofofCurryandFrazer,theguysfromFore PickettwouldAyby.Wehadagoodrime, andImadesomelifelongfriends.Welivein differentpartsofthestate,butweallkeep intouch."

Professorstheyrememberfondlyinclude thelateDr.RosemarySprague(English)and thelateR.BeatriceBland'39(education).

"Dr.Spraguerookaspecialinterestinall ofus,"saidCalhoun."Sheinstilledinus aloveofliteratureandwriting."

NemethandKindleyhadBlandforseveral educationclasses."Partofthefinalexamfor herclasswasgoingtoherhomeforatea parry,"saidKindley."Shecollectedhatsand talkedaboutchemanyhatswewouldwear asareacher.Welearnedsomuchfromher, includingetiquette."


Marilyn Wright '75, M.S. '78

Major: Elementary education

Residence: South Hill

Her education at work: 30 years as a teacher, Mecklenburg County,Warren County and Hanover County schools

The next generation:Three children

ofdisciplinarianwashelpedbytheirfather's ferventbeliefintheimportanceoffirmclassroommanagement."Daddysaidifyoudidn't havediscipline,youdidn'thaveanything," saidKindley.

CabellEstesusedanunorthodoxmethod tocheckonhisdaughters'effectivenessinthe classroom."Whensomeofusscarredreaching,"saidShirleyWares'71,"Daddycame unannouncedtoourclassroomandsacin chebackfor15or20minutes.Laterhesaid,

Sandra Nemeth '77

Major: Elementary education

Residence: South Hill

Her education at work: Currently data technology / instructional coordinator, RegionVIII Educational Center, and adjunct instructor, computer information systems, SouthsideVirginia Community College; 23 years as a teacher, Mecklenburg County schools

The next generations:Three children, including Crystal Crutchfield '02 and Amy Fredette '04; and four grandchildren

Christine Estes (inset, far left) and Cabell Estes (far right) instilled old-school values in their daughters, who grew up in the former South Hill Inn, which remained a boardinghouse for partoftheir childhoods (boarders lived upstairs, the family downstairs). Photographed in about 1960 are future LancersVelva (left) Marilyn, Linda, Sandra, Sarah Jane, Shirley, Mary and Betty.

'You'regoingtobeagoodreacherbecauserhe kidsrespectyou."'

Longwoodalsodeservessomeofrhecredit, Wartsadded."Ineversentastudenttorhe office,whichIattributetothegoodplanning IlearnedarLongwood.Goodplanningis gooddiscipline."

Sixofthewomentaughtatleastpartof theircareersinMecklenburgCounty.ThreeShelton,WrightandMaryGoodwyn'68,the oldest,whodiedin2011-oncetaughtatthe sametimeatSouthHillElementary,whichall eightattended.Alllovetheirprofession.

"Youmakealastingimpressioninteaching,"saidShelton."AreachercaninAuence someoneandnotevenknowit.Youcanbring outthebestinachild;youcanbringoutwhat theydidn'tevenknowtheyhad."

Thefamily'sLongwoodlegacyhascontinuedinasecondgenerationofgraduates, whichincludesWatts'daughter;bothof Goodwyn'sdaughters,whoaretwins;and bothdaughtersofSandraNemeth'77. Nemeth'shusband,KennyNemeth'78,

alsograduatedfromLongwoodafter transferringfromVirginiaTechafterthe couplemarriedin1977.

Thesistersspeakoftenoftheirparents, whobothgrewuponatobaccofarmin MecklenburgCounty.Theirparentstaught themold-schoolvalues:doyourbestin school,workhard,beindependent,respect yourselfandothers.

CabellElwoodEstes,whodiedin1995, dreamedofbeingaveterinarianwhenhewas youngbutbecameasawmillowner-operator. Laterhebecameatimbercruiser(someone whoestimatesthevalueofstandingtimber inaforest),andeventuallyhestartedahousemovingbusiness,oneofonlythreeinthestate.

ChristineElliottEsteswasahousewifewho kepthisbooks,rookcareofthehousehold casks,andfrozeandcannedvegetablesrofeed thefamily."Shenurturedherchildrenrobe compassionateandrespecttheuniquenessof oneanother,"saidNemeth.


livedonthesecondAooroftheirhomeduring mostofthesisters'childhoods.Theresidence wasaboardinghousebeforethefamilymoved therein1957,andthe"SouthHillInn"sign stillhangsfromalamppostoutfront.TheEstes familyliveddownstairs.

Surroundedbyninewomen,didCabell Estesfeeloutnumbered?"Hesaidheneeded toownahosieryfactoryandhavehairspray pipedintohishouse,"Ballardsaidwith aheartylaugh."Hewasoutnumbered,but helovedit.Hewaskingofthehouse,and Motherwasthequeen."

Thatloveenduresintheirchildhoodhome, wheretheirmother,now93,stilllives. Thesistersvisitregularly,helpingwiththe around-the-dockcaretheirmotherhasrequiredsincesufferingastrokeinApril2015 "Shegaveusunconditionalloveandwanted thebestforus,"saidWatts,addingthather motherreceivedwell-deservedrecognition whenshewasnamedMeritMotherofthe YearforVirginiain1978."Shecooked, cleaned,mendedourclochesandrookus everySundayrochurch,whereshewasaSundayschoolteacherfor46years.Shewasone

. h . e were r1c 1n man y ways
grow in g up . We had love, an d we had so much fu n.
But mo st of all , we had ea ch ot her. '

Consideringthenumberofwomeninresidence,thathousewasnotideallyequippedby today'sstandards."Wesurvivedwithone bathroomandonetelephone,"saidCalhoun. "Butwehadeachother,andwehadalotof camaraderie.We'restillaclosefamily."

"Wewererichinmanywaysgrowingup," saidWright."Wehadlove,andwehadso muchfun.Therewasplentytoeat,andwe alwayshadcleanclothes.Butmostofall, wehadeachother."

Linda Shelton '77, M.S. '78

Major: Elementaryeducation

Residence: Bracey

Her education at work: 35yearsandcounting asateacher,currentlyatVanceCharterSchool, Henderson,N.C.;previouslyMecklenburgCounty, YorkCountyandChesterfieldCountyschools

The next generations:Three childrenand andfivegrandchildren


Morethanahalf-centuryafterthefirst EstessisterenrolledatLongwood,the women'saffectionfortheiralmamateris undiminished."God,ourparentsandLongwoodhavebeengoodrous,"saidWright. Andtheyremaindeeplygratefulforthesacrifices-financialandotherwise-theirparents madesoalleightgirlscouldattendcollege.

"TheyoughttonameadormatLongwood afrermyparents,"Wrightaddedwithasmile.@

Velva Kindley '80, M.S. '81

Major: Elementaryeducation

Residence: BuffaloJunction

Her education at work: 37yearsandcounting asateacherandassistantprincipal,currently atBluestoneHighSchool,MecklenburgCounty; adjunctinstructor,adulteducation, SouthsideVirginiaCommunityCollege

The next generation:Two children


Art Exhibitions: SuperNatural:SusanJamison; Testimony:Amber Groome; ViableContext:John Risseeuw, PoliticsandPrintmaking. LongwoodCenter forrheVisualArts.Information:434-395-2206.



Senior Recital: RoxanneCook,voice.4p.m., WygalAuditorium.Information:434-395-2504.


Concert: Men'sandWomen'sChoirs.7:30p.m., JarmanAuditorium.Information:434-395-2504.


Theatre: TheShapea/ThingsbyNeilLabure.7p.111., CenterforCommunicationSmdiesandTheatre. Generaladmission,$5.Information:434-395-2643.



Career Chats Live: WebinarwithJ.T.O'Donnell, Mastering YourAlumniNetwork:AskingYourNetwork far Help. Noon.Registeratlongwood.edu/alumni. Information:434-395-2445.

2 -3

Holiday Dinner and Concert: 6:30p.111., DorrillDiningHall.Tickerinformation:434-395-2504.


Free FamilyWorkshop: WinterWonderland. 10:30a.m.-12:30p.m.,LongwoodCenterfor theVisualArts.Information:434-395-2206.


Pre-game Party: Men'sbasketballvs.GeorgeMason. 5p.m.,GreenTurrie,3950UniversityDrive No.209,Fairfax.Registeratlongwood.edu/alumni. Information:434-395-2044oralumni@longwood.edu.

2 9

Men's Basketball: vs.Campbell.7p.111., WillertHall.Completescheduleandinformation: longwoodlancers.co111



Men's Basketball: vs.Presbyterian.7p.111., WillenHall.Completescheduleandinformation: longwoodlancers.co111


Women's Basketball: vs.UNCAsheville.2p.111., WillenHall.Completescheduleandinformation: longwoodlancers.com.

SusanJamison, Power Bear, 2014,eggtemperaonpanel,36x48inches.Imagecourtesyjfergesongallery.



Women'sBasketball:vs.Gardner-Webb.11:15a.111., WillenHall.Completescheduleandinformation: longwoodlancers.com.

13 ', Concert: LongwoodHonorsBand.7:30p.111., JarmanAuditoriL1m.Information:434-395-2504.


Men's Basketball: vs.Gardner-Webb.2p.111., WillertHall.Completescheduleandinformation: longwoodlancers.com.


Alumni Family Game Day. BrunchwirhElwood: 9:30a.111.,DorrillDiningHall;separatefeerequired. Gamesandactivities:11a.111.-2p.111.,Healrl1and FitnessCenter.Registeratlongwood.edu/alumni (includesad111issiontomen'sbasketballga111ear2p.111. inWillenHall).Information:434-395-2671 oralu111ni@longwood.edu.


Men's Basketball: vs.Radford.7p.111.,WillenHall. Completescheduleandinformation: longwoodlancers.com.


Career Chats Live: WebinatwirhJ.T.O'Donnell, Howto WriteResumes That Get YouJob Tnterviews. Noon.Registeratlongwood.edu/alumni. Information:434-395-2445.


Exhibition: Memory &thePoliticsofPlace: MichaelMergen. LongwoodCenterforrheVisualAm. Openingreception:Jan.20,5-8p.m.Information: 434-395-2206.


Women's Basketball: vs.Campbell.2p.111., WillettHall.Completescheduleandinformation:longwoodlancers.com.


Men's Basketball: vs.Liberty.7p.111.,WillertHall. Completescheduleandinformation: longwoodlancers.com.


DEC. 2 - 3


Concert: JamesStringQuartetfeaturingLi;aKinzer, piano.7:30p.m.,JarmanAudirorium.Information: 434-395-2504.


Women's Basketball: vs.CharlesronSouthern. 2p.m.,WillettHall.Completescheduleand information:longwoodlancers.com.


Mathematics and Computer Science Colloquium. 4p.m.,Ruffner356 lnformarion:434-395-2193.


Women's Basketball: vs.HighPoinr.7p.m., WillettHall.Completescheduleandinformation: longwoodlancers.com.



Men's Basketball: vs.HighPoinr.7p.m., WillettHall.Completescheduleand information:longwoodlancers.com.


Career Chats Live: WebinarwithJ.TO'Donnell, HowtoWi-iteDisruptiveCoverLettersThatAllowYou toStt1ndOut.Noon.Registeratlongwood.edu/alumni. Information:434-395-2445.


Free FamilyWorkshop: ArccoYourHeart'sContent. 10:30a.m.-12:30p.m.,LongwoodCenterforthe VisualArcs.Information:434-395-2206.


Women's Basketball: vs.Winthrop.2p.m., WillettHall.Completescheduleandinformation: longwoodlancers.com.


Men's Basketball: vs.UNCAsheville.5p.m., WillettHall.Completescheduleandinformation: longwoodlancers.com.


Women's Basketball: vs.Radford.7p.m., WillettHall.Completescheduleandinformation: longwoodlancers.com.



FEB. 22-26


Men's Basketball: vs.CharlesronSouthern.5p.m., WillettHall.Completescheduleandinformation: longwoodlancers.com.


Concert: ChamberMusicSeriesfeamringCaladhNau. 7:30p.m.,JarmanAuditorium.Information: 434-395-2504.


Concert: WindSymphonyfeaturingspecialguest Randolph-HenryHighSchool.7:30p.m., JarmanAuditorium.Information:434-395-2504.


Women's Basketball: vs.Presbyterian.2p.m., WillettHall.Completescheduleandinformation: longwoodlancers.com.


Men's Basketball: vs.Winthrop.7p.m., WillenHall.Completescheduleandinformation: longwoodlancers.com.


Pre-game Party: Men'sbasketballvs.Radford. 5p.m.,Sharkey'sWing&RibJoint,1202EastMainSr., Radford.Registeratlongwood.edu/alumni.



AreaYouth Art Exhibition: StartwithArt, LearnforLife.LongwoodCenterfortheVisualArcs.

Openingreception:Feb.19,2-4p.m.Information: 434-395-2206.


Registration Opens for Mega Reunion Weekend: Atlongwood.edu/alumni.

Eventdates:June2-4.Information:434-395-2671 orreunion@longwood.edu.


Longwood Authors Series: TereseSvoboda, recipientof2013GuggenheimFellowshipinfiction andauthoroffivecollectionsofpoetry,fivenovels andocherworks.8p.m.,WygalAudirorium. Information:434-395-2159.


Faculty Recital: DavidNiethamer,clarinet, andLisaKinzer,piano.7:30p.m.,WygalAuditorium. Information:434-395-2504.


Virginia Beach Family Day VirginiaBeach Sporrsplex.Registerarlongwood.edu/alumni. Informarion:434-395-2044oralumni@longwood.edu.


Exhibition: PointofDeparture,Departmentof Theatre,Arr,andGraphicandAnimationDesign 2016SeniorExhibition.Openingreception:April8, 5-8p.m.Information:434-395-2206.


10 - 13

Big South SoftballTournament. LancerField. Information:longwoodlancers.com



Mega Reunion Weekend Registrationopens Feb.20atlongwood.edu/alumni.Information: 434-395-2671orreunion@longwood.edu.


Women's Basketball: vs.Liberty.7p.m., WillettHall.Completescheduleandinformation: longwoodlancers.com.

22 -26

Theatre: ClarkGesner'sYou'reAGoodMan,Charlie Brown.7p.m.WednesdaythroughSarurday,3p.m. SaturdayandSunday;CenterforCommunication SmdiesandTheatre.Generaladmission,$1O;senior citizens,Longwoodfoculry/sraffandstudentsfrom othercolleges/schools,$8;Longwoodstudentswith ID,$6.Informationandrickets:434-395-2474 orboxoffice@longwood.edu.

Plmscrc111r'111hl'I'1hr11,illevent.<are.<11hjecttocr111ccl/,rtiuu andch1111gc.Visil11,11,udcmgwoorf.erluji,r11prf111ccl i11fi)lm,rti011.l'ersow1/'ithtfisahi/mcswhowzshto r11-r1n1gci/Cl'omnwdtuionsormaterial,n11ntdternati11e fi1rmm1JW)'otll43.;-3952,91(1'11ic1•)or 0Jf (Tl).

FALL 2016 I 37

books by alumni, faculty, statrand friends

Out Flew the Sabres: The Battle of Brandy Station, June 9, 1863

This book in the EmergingCivilWar Series examines the largest cavalry engagementever fought on the North American continent. The battle, in which both armies suffered heavy casualties, may well have impacted theoutcomeofthe subsequent Gettysburg campaign, say the authors. Davis, who lives in Fredericksburg, is the author ofseveral other Civil War books. PublishedbySavas Beatie, softcover, 168pages.

Tapping into the Skills of 21 st-Century School Librarians: A Concise Handbook for Administrators

by Dr. Audrey Church, M.S. '93, professor and coordinator of the School Librarianship Program

This is the third book byChurch, a former school librarian who is the current president of theAmerican Association ofSchool Librarians. "Eventhough research shows that school librarians positively impact student achievement," she said, "principals, while doing their coursework, typically do not have an opportunity to learn what librarians do. This book gives them an overview ofwhat to expect from 21st-century librarians."PublishedRowman &Littlefield, softcover, IIIpages

Welcome to Sortilege Falls

This young adult magical thriller "explores the themes ofbeauty worship and celebrity," said Heily, a full-time writer wholives in Raleigh, NorthCarolina. Heily also is the authorof anothernovel, Tough Girl, as well as plays, screenplays, shortstories and flash fiction.

PublishedbyFireandIce YoungAdult Publishing, softcover, 248pages.

Teaching Fundamental Motor Skills (Third Edition)

by Dr. Allison "Vonnie" Colvin, professor of physical education; Nancy Egner Markos; and Pamela Walker '75

Colvin and her co-authors were asked by the Society ofHealth and Physical Educators (SHAPE America), a national accrediting agency, to write this textbook, which shows teachers how toteach essencial motor skills to children in elemencaryschool Colvin coordinates the Health and Physical Education Teacher Education Program at Longwood. PublishedbyHumanKinetics, softcover, JI2pages.

Trailer Park Oracle

One reviewer describedthe poems in chis chapbook as "unafraid to see us as the aching creatureswe are, to ask the hard questions oflanguage andloss." Carroll-Hackett, who teaches creative writing, has publishedseveral other poetry books and a collection ofstories, WhatthePotterSaid. Her poetry and fiction have appeared in more than 100journals. PublishedbyAldrich Press, softcover, 42pages.

Lri..: I Wiin.•nht•r�,1nd D.,nidT l);wi� ��fy'frvMtf6ai4d Thel\attleofl\r;mdySr;1rion, June'jt&h{ TAPPINGINTOTHE SKILLSOF21ST-CENTURY SCHOOLLIBRARIANS � I < > A! , > TEACHING FUNDAMENTAL MOTOR SKILLS :i�urcewllll 49JtNICl,ec.tJ, 2't�cll.,,ts. ,,.,.._1cons.a1111 2'cue-

In MemoryofJerome Kersey

Longwood names basketball court for legendary Lancer

llWhen former LancerJerome Kersey died on Feb. 19, 2015, national " media ouclets were quick ro laud him as a legend. Thar ridewasanything bur hyperbole for an athletic, gritty forward who rose from a litcle-known Division II school in cencral Virginia to becomeoneofthemost beloved players in PorclandTrail Blazers' history.

Across l7 seasons in the NBA, Kersey played in more than 1,100 games, 831 of which were as a member ofsome ofthe best reams in PorclandTrail Blazers history. He won an NBA Championship with the San Antonio Spurs in 1999 and took part in two NBA Dunk Contests, finishingas runner-up in the 1987 edition to the great MichaelJordan.

Bue before the Clarksville native became the charismatic, high-Aying"No Mercy" Kersey ofNBA fame, hewas a Lancer.

In the latest chapter ofthe legend ofJerome Kersey, the universitywill immortalize its most prominent athletics alumnus by making him the namesake ofLongwood basketball's playing surface on Dec. 3, 2016 The dedication of"Kersey Court" will cake place in a formal ceremony prior to the men's basketball team'sshowdown against commonwealth rival James Madison in Willert Hall. The dedication will be the culmination ofa day's worth ofcelebratory programming honoring the former Longwood scar.

"There is no person more deserving ofhaving his name emblazoned on our court than

Jerome," said LongwoodAthleticsDirecror TroyAustin. "Fordecades,Jeromewasan ambassador not just for Longwood basketball bur for Longwood University. He gained his initial fame for his spectacularplayon the court, but, more importancly, he used his platform as an athlete to affect his community in an exceptional manner."

directresultofthe personJerome was and the commitment he had ro bettering the world around him. He is a shining example ofthe impactwe strive for athletics to have on our achleces and community here at Longwood."

Kersey's community involvement was just one oftheways he demonstrated his personal

'There is no person more deserving of having his name emblazoned on our courtthan Jerome.'

Throughout his 11 seasons in Portland, Kerseybecame not only a fan favorite but also a pillar ofche community. He became involved in numerousPorclandcharities during his playingcareerand continued that involvement long after his retirement in 2001, when he returned to serve as aTrail Blazers communityambassador.

His service ranged from work with the Children's CancerAssociation to the Boys and Girls Club, and a piece ofhislegacyremains in theJeromeKersey Foundation, which aims ro provide affordable dental care and education to underprivileged children in the Portland community.

"We visited Portland to meetwith theTrail Blazers, and I was blown away by how they admireJerome just as much there as we do here in Farmville," Austin said. "That's a

depth beyond the game that made him famous. After playing for six different NBA franchises from 1984-2001 and earning a spot in Longwood's inauguralAthletics Hall ofFame class, Kerseyreturned to his almamaterin 2006 to completethe degree requirements that he fell just shy ofmeeting when Portland drafted him as a senior in che 1984 NBA Draft.

He came backas the keynote speaker at Longwood's 2009 commencement, sharing with chat crop ofLongwoodgraduates a message ofhardwork, listening and adapting, and relying on familyand friends along theway. That message still resonates today, and it's one that Longwood's basketball playerswill forever be reminded ofwhen they seep foot on the court thatKerseyonce dominated and where he will forever be honored.

Jerome Kersey was a standout player for the SanAntonio Spurs and the PortlandTrail Blazers during his 17-year NBA career. He came back to Longwood in 2006tocomplete his degree and served as commencement speaker in 2009.
FALL 2016 I 39


Field hockey team blossoms as captain learns a more effective style of leadership

llOver the past fouryears, Ellen Ross '17, a kinesiology maJ·or from Vir.,. ginia Beach, has been on the field nearly as much as the ball itself,

The senior midfielder has been a fixture of the Longwood field hockey program since 2013, starringevery game ofher career while playing more than 3,000 minutes as Longwood's chiefcenter midfielder,

more season. The Lancers strung together consecutive wins just once, and they ended the yearwith three consecutive shutout losses. Andwhile Ross' self-admitted ineffective brand ofleadership was not solely to blame, it played enough ofa role to put her in an unwantedand unfamiliar spot amongherpeers.

"Itwasweird," she said. "I'dneverbeen told I was intimidating or scary. As a captain, you

'As a captain, you have to be approachable and be closewith yourteammates.'

However, while Ross has provided the same reliable, selfless, connective presence over the past four years in a"nonglory position," as labeled byhead coach Iain Byers, her prominent in-game role hasforcedher to learn much about how to lead a team. And it wasn't always an easy lesson.

"I think everyone believes being a leader means workinghard, scoring lots ofgoalsand just performingreallywellall the time," Byers said. "But it's really a lot more to do with bringing the team with you. You can't force the team and drag them along."

Ross, a three-year team captain, had to learn that the hardway.

"Mysophomore year I was ayeller, or, ifwe lost a game, I'd be so angry I wouldn't talk to anyone. I wouldn't say anything," she said. "Comingintomyjunioryear, I hadpeople scared ofme. I'd neverhad thatreactionfrom anybody before."

Existing on polar opposites ofthe motivation spectrum earlyin her careerwas highly ineffective for Ross and for the Lancers, who struggled to a 6-12 record during her sopho-

have to be approachable and be close with your teammates."

Sports, howev!';r, has a unique wayofteaching lessons when everythingseems to be go111gwrong.

Ifa team is areflection ofits leaders, then Longwood field hockey turned a cornerwith Ross in 2015. After opening that season with a three-game losing streak, none ofRoss' triedand-nor-true motivation tactics was effective. Co-captainJennifer Burris '16, then a senior, offered Ross adviceon how to lead in different ways, and Ross, long uncomfortable reaping the dictatorial fear she sowed as a sophomore, changedher approach.

Instead ofin-game scoldings and post-game silent treatments, Ross began peppering her criticisms with encouragement and praise. When Byers identifiedwhere the team failed, Ross encouragingly told them what else they needed to improve on. She got to know her teammates better and molded her messages to them individually, all while continuing to hold them to the lofty standards she knew theywere capable of.

Longwood responded, winning three ofthe next four games after that three-game losing streak and finishing an even 7-7 the restofthe way. Theywent 3-3 and tied for third place in the MAC, and they concluded theyear with back-to-back shutout wins.

More importantly, Ross discovered how to lead.

"Every playerhas those epiphany moments at some point in their careers," Byers said. "And everycoachwouldobviouslylove to claim a role in a captain's development, but youcanonlypoint them in therightdirection. We just showed Ellen the path. With every leader, chat's whatwe do. Weshowthem the path, andit's up to them whether theywant to walkit."

Notonly is Ross nowwalkingthepath Byers and his stafflaid out for her, she also is bringing her entire teamwith her,As Longwood's lonecaptain this season, Rossled the Lancers to a third-place MAC finish and the program's first berth in the MACTournament.

"Ellen reallydrives the group from the middle," Byers said. "She doesn't push it from behind; shedoesn'twhip them into shape or do it through fear. She doesn't pull from the front where she's expected to do everything by herself She reallydoes lead from the center."

ForRoss, it's been awelcomeshiftin strategy.

"After the JMU game, for example," she said, "I broughteveryonein and said, 'Look guys, I still thinkwe couldhavewon this game, butwe played reallywell at some points. We knowwhatmistakeswe made, and we knowwhatwe need to work on. Wejust have to move on andget better from this.'

"I definitely couldn't have done that two years ago."

Neither could Longwood. Butnow their captain is showing themhow. -ChrisCook

Ellen Ross '17 has served as field hockey team captain for three years.

At theTop oftheir Games

Longwoodcontributes 2 athletes toTeam USA in worldchampionships

Just one month beforeLongwood took a prominent position in the national spotlight during the 2016 Vice Presidential Debate, twoLancers were already busy representing the university and their country on an international stage.

This past September, former Longwood All-American softball player Megan Baltzell '15 and current cross country coach Catherine Hanson each had the opportunity to compete internationally forTeam USA in world championship competition.

Baltzell was a key member ofthe USABaseballWomen's National Team that recently posted a 6-1 record in the 2016World Baseball Softball Confederation (WBSC) Women's BaseballWorld Cup in Gijang, South Korea. Meanwhile, Hanson finished 20th in the world for her 45-49 age group at the 2016 lnternationalTriathlon Union World Championships in Cozumel, Mexico.

BothLancers competed in Team USA jerseys against some ofthe world's best athletes and rose to the top.

Hanson, who is now in her 10th year leading theLongwood cross country program, capitalized on her first trip to the ITUWorld SprintTriathlon Championship by placing 20th out of60 international competitors in her age group. That performance, which took place in temperatures chat peaked at 109 degrees during the final leg ofher run-bike-swim race, marked thepinnacleofher competitive

career after she qualified forTeam USA just over a yearago at theUSASprintTriathlon National Championship.

"I want to thank thegoodLord, my family members and my friends who helped fund the opportunity for me to comehere andcompete, andLongwoodUniversity-especially my team andthe athletics department-for being so supportive and allowing me to leave chem and come all the way here to fulfill my dream," said Hanson, who five years ago began her journey from cancer survivor to world-class criathlete.

Baltzell, meanwhile, continued the hardhitting exploits she was known for as aLancer, doing so on a baseball field with herTeam USA counterparts at theWBSC Women's BaseballWorld Cup. TheBig South's all-time home run and RBI leader, Baltzell hie in the middle ofthe batting order, pitchedand played right fieldforTeam USA, helping che Americans outscore their opponents 77-13 in the seven-game competition.

Baltzell went l l-for-25 (.440) with three doubles and one home run to go along with eight runs scored and 14 RBI at the international tournament.

"It's a tremendous honor to wearTeam USA's uniform," Baltzell said. "Acthe same time, it's a great thing forLongwoodas well I'm so appreciative ofall the support, and I love comingback to campus."


Men's basketball team included in ESPNTip-Off Marathon lineup

At press time, Longwood men's basketballwas scheduledto makea national televisionappearancefor the second straight year, appearing on ESPN's ninth annual College Hoops Tip-Off Marathonevent on Nov. 15

The Lancers, entering theirfourth year under head coach Jayson Gee, were set to square off on ESPN2 against reigning Southland Conferencechampion Stephen F. Austin at 11 a.m. ESTthatday, oneof 13 games the national sports network was scheduled to airduring 24 consecutive hours of basketball programming.

The Longwood Lancers are set to appear on ESPN's ninth annual College HoopsTip-Off Marathon event on Nov. 15

Longwood was part of aTip-Off Marathon lineup thatalsofeatured No. 1 Duke, No. 3 Kentucky, No. 4 Kansas, No. 10 Oregon and No. 13 Michigan State. Scheduled women's games featured No.4Universityof Connecticut, No. 6 Texas, No. 10 Stanford and No. 15 Florida State.

The ESPNTip-Off Marathonfeaturednonstopcoverageon ESPN and ESPN2 spanning Nov. 14-15, markingthe start of college basketballseason. LongwoodandWinthrop were the only BigSouth Conferenceteamsselectedto play in this year'sTip-Off Marathon.

The ESPNTip-Off Marathon is one offour television appearancesfor Longwood men's basketball in 2016-17.The Lancerswillalso playinfrontof a nationalaudienceagainst Creighton on Fox Sports 1 on Dec. 9, as well as regionalbroadcastappearances against TexasTech on Fox Sports Southwest Dec. 21 and at Gardner-Webbon American Sports Network Feb.4.

Softball alum Megan Baltzell '15 (left) and cross country coach Catherine Hanson
FALL 2016 I 41

Lancer Roundup

Former Lancer pitcher wins Triple-AWorld Series

FormerLongwoodpitcherMarkMontgomery '11cappedhissixthseasonofprofessional baseballinchampionshipfashion,winning theTriple-ANationalChampionshipwith theScranton-WilkesBarreRailRiders,Triple-A affiliateoftheNewYorkYankees.Montgomery splitthe2016seasonbetweenScrantonWilkesBarreandDouble-ATrenton,and rejoinedtheTriple-AclubinSeptemberjust intimetohelptheRailRiderscapturethe InternationalLeaguetideandtopPacific CoastLeaguechampElPasoinasingle-game, winner-take-allchampionshipmatchup. Montgomery,an11th-rounddraftpickby theYankeesoutofLongwoodin2011,posted a2.56ERA,a2-0record,sevensavesand 63strikeoutsin2016,includinga2.92ERA anda.184opponentbattingaveragein24.2 inningswiththeRailRiders.

Alum slides into Greenville Drive honors with 16 homers

FormerLongwoodsluggerKyriWashington '15wasnamedtheSingle-AGreenvilleDrive's 2016PlayeroftheYear.A23rd-rounddraft pickbytheBostonRedSoxin2015,Washingtonmadequitetheimpactinhissecond yearintheBostonRedSoxorganization, earningtop-30prospectstatusintheRedSox organizationbyMLB.cominhissecondprofessionalseason.Washingtonhit.262with 16homeruns,20doubles,73RBIand16 stolenbases,rankingamongtheSouth AtlanticLeague'stop10inhomers,total basesandRBI.

CourtneyTolton '17

Golf standout wins second careertournament

CourtneyTolton'17,abusinessmajorfrom Mitchell,Ontario,capturedhersecondcareer tournamentwininSeptember,surgingtothe topoftheleaderboardacrosstwodaysofcompetitionattheTignanelliTowsonInvitational atEaglesNestCountryClubinPhoenix, Maryland.ToltonbecametheBigSouth'sfirst playerthisseasontowinatournamentandthe firstunderthird-yearheadcoachShannonBriggs towinmultipletournaments.Toitonwonat theMimosaHillsIntercollegiatelastseason.

Men's golf pulls in GCAA award

TheLongwoodmen'sgolfprogramwashonoredbytheGolfCoachesAssociationof America(GCAA)witha2015-16GCAA President'sSpecialRecognitionhonor,given toDivisionIprogramsthatmaintainacollectivegrade-pointaverageof3.50orhigher throughouttheacademicyear.Headcoach KevinFillman'ssquadwasamong24Division Iprogramstohitthatmark,earningthe awardforthefirsttimeinprogramhistory


New 'voice ofthe

Lancers' named DariusThigpen,Longwood'sassistantdirector ofathleticscommunicationsfornewmedia, wasnamedthenewvoiceofLongwoodmen's andwomen'sbasketball,baseballandsoftball. Thigpen,inhissecondyearasafull-rime memberoftheathleticsdepartment,willprovideallplay-by-playforthefoursports'games broadcastonWVHL92.9FMKickin'CountryinFarmville,aswellasselectedbroadcasts ontheBigSouthNetworkstreamingplatform.AgraduateofOhioStateUniversity, Thigpenprovidedplay-by-playandanalysis fornumerousLongwoodsportslastseason, includingmen'sbasketball.Hetakesoverfor ScottBacon,whoservedasthevoiceofthe Lancersforeightyearsbeforemovingto JacksonvilleUniversityinFloridathispast Julytoacceptthepositionofdeputyathletics directorforexternalrelations.

Former Lancers sign pro basketball contracts

FourformerLongwoodmen'sbasketballstandoutshavesignedprofessionalcontractstoplay internationally,includingrecentgraduates ShaquilleJohnson'16andLotannaNwogbo'16.

JohnsonsignedwiththeCanadian-based HalifaxHurricanesoftheNationalBasketball League,whileNwogboinkedhisfirstprodeal withtheArgentine-basedGECRIndalointhe LigaNacionaldeBasquet.Thosetwowere amongthefirstLongwoodsigneesforfourthyearheadcoachJaysonGeeandgivetheprogramfourformerLancerswhohavesignedpro contractsinGee'stenure.

Nwogbo'ssigningcomesafterthe6-foot-8, 260-poundbigmanearnedAll-BigSouthfirst teamhonorslastseason,becomingthefirst Longwoodplayertoreceivethatfirst-team honor.Johnson,meanwhile,earnedBigSouth All-TournamentTeamhonorsinbothofhis seasonsinFarmville.

NwogboandJohnsonjoinQuincyTaylor'15 andTristanCarey'14asGeeproductswhoare currentlyplayingprofessionally.Taylor,anAllBigSouthsecondteamselection,signedwith theSurreyScorchersoftheUnitedKingdom, whileCareyisnowwiththeLuganoTigersof Switzerland.Additionally,formerLancers AaronMitchell'I1(DSG,Tunisia),Janvander Kooij'12(Leeuwarden,Holland)andKirk Williams(Windsor,Canada)arealsocontinuingtheirprocareersin2016

Mark Montgomery '11
Lotanna Nwogbo '16

Re-envisioning Reunions

Fireworks, entertainment and a full dose of nostalgia are on the itinerary for new events

llIfyou haven't been back to campus in a while, this isthe time.

I'. Longwood reunions are getting a big makeover this year.

The Office ofAlumni andCareer Services is planning entertainment, lectures, minireunions for campus organizations and decade-specific dinners for the revamped reunions, which willkick offwith an allalumni event scheduled for theweekend ofJune2-4, 2017

"This will be a transformative event forLongwood," said RyanCatherwood, assistant vice president for alumni relations and career services.

The Mega Reunion Weekend is open to all alumni but geared specifically to alumni celebrating their "major" fifth through 50th reunions (marked at five-year intervals). The first Mega ReunionWeekend will be anchored by reunions for 10classes whose graduation years end in "2" or "7," from 1967 to2012, aswell astheclasses of1971and 1976, who missed celebrating their 40th and 45th reunions this fall.

Ifyou'd like to help with planning, please contact theOffice ofAlumni andCareer Services at reunion@longwood.edu.

"Thisapproachwillenable us to engage more alumni in a celebratory weekend that will include fireworks, bands, alumni color wars and facultytalks," said Nicole Perkins, associate director ofcampus events.


"There are so many wonderful things that springfromLongwood alumni staying connected with one another and with the campus," said PresidentW Taylor Reveley IV "A great reunions experience is an important part ofthat, and the goal with these changes is to upgrade that experience. What I really

'What I really want to see happen is for it to become deeply embedded in the culture here for alumni of all ages to return regularly to campus-every five years at the least, and as often as they can in between.'

In addition to the Mega Reunion Weekend, Longwood is planning two fall reunions targeting specificgroupsofalumni, beginning in2017:

•TheJoan ofArcCelebration is for all alumswho havealreadycelebrated their 50th reunion.

• Recent alumni will be invited back during

want to see happen is for it to become deeply embedded in the culcure here for alumni of all ages to return regularly to campus-every five years at the least, and as often as they can in between."

Registration forMega Reunion Weekend will begin Feb.20,201 7. For more information, visitwww.longwood.edu/alumni.

An all-new, all-alumni reunion weekend is set for June 2-4, 2017. Several other new reunion formats will premiere in the coming year, as well.
FALL 2016 I 43

Alumni create scholarship to honor staff member

Alumniandfriendshavecreatedascholarship honoringJoyceTrent,whoworkedatLongwoodfor46yearsbeforeretiringinJune2016.

Onceendowed,theJoyceM.TrentScholarshipwillbethefirstendowedscholarshipinthe DepartmentofPsychology,whereTrentworked asanadministrativeassistantforthelast20 yearsofhercareerAtlastcount,morethan $14,000hadbeenraisedorpledgedfromabout 100donors.

"Thescholarshipisadeservedlegacyfor someonewhomadesuchanimpactoneach andeverystudentsheencountered;'saidChristy MeadowsConnolly'91,whoannouncedthe scholarshipataretirementpartyforTrentinApril.

OtherswhoalsohelpedestablishthescholarshipincludeRileyRoss'93;SteveDealph, Greekaffairscoordinatorfrom1990-93;and KathleenManningHolroyd'96.

"Joyceprovidedthemotherlylove,care, guidanceandadvicethatIneededtogrow fromaboylivingawayfromhomeforthefirst timetoayoungmangraduatingfromcollege andlookingtotakeontheworld;'saidRoss."I hopeandpraythatwhenmysonanddaughter goofftocollegetherewillbea'MamaJoyce' lookingoutforthem, too:'

DealphgottoknowTrentwhensheworked inthestudentactivitiesoffice(1984-96),where herjobincludedGreekaffairs."Joycealways wentaboveandbeyondinhersupportofher colleagues.That'sjustwhosheis;'hesaid. "Shecaredforeveryonesheinteractedwithnotjuststudents:'

Trentisrememberedfondlybymanyalumni forherroleaschapteradvisertoKappaDelta sororityfrom1978-99.

Forinformationonhowtomakeagift, contactChrisNeal'05,leadershipgiftofficer, at434-395-2816ornealca@longwood.edu.



Eleanor PayneSinghas '76 retiredinJuneafterreaching atJohnson-WilliamsMiddle SchoolinBerryvillefor40years. Shebeganhercareerasahome economicsteacherandlater taughtEnglish,healthand familylife.Mostrecently,she taughtseventh-grademathar rheschool,partoftheClarke Countyschooldivision.

Susan SpiveyCohen '77 retired inMayaftera35-yearreachingcareer.Forrhelast22years,she taughtatGreenAcresPreschoolin PortsmouthandforthelastI0 yearsalsowasthepreschool'sadministrator.Beforethat,shetaught firstandsecondgradeforatotalof 13yearsinrhePortsmouthschools.


Cindy Smith '80 wasinducted posthumouslyintorheAppomattoxScholasticSportsHallofFame inSeptember.Smithwasavolleyball,basketballandsoftballstandoutatAppomattoxCountyHigh School,fomwhichshegraduated withhonorsin1976.Shewasa magnacumlaudegraduateof Longwood,wheresheplayedvolleyball.

Toni Smith Clark '82 inJune becameexecutivedirectorofthe BatterseaFoundation,anonprofit organizationthatoperateshistoric BarrerseaPla,harioninPetersburg. Shewasinitiallyemployedbyrhe foundationasmanagerofoutreach andspecialevents.Clarkrecently obtainedcertificationinNonprofit FundraisingandDevelopment andNonprofitMarketingfom theUniversityofRichmond's InstituteonPhilanthropy.

Mike Rowe '85 joinedCCB BanksharesInc.asseniorvice president-residentialmarker executiveforClarksvilleand SouthBostoninAugust.Heis treasurerofrheClarksvilleCommunityPlayersandaformer presidentoftheClarksville ChamberofCommerce.

Deborah Marshall '86 co-presentedattheTech&Learning Live@BostonconferenceinApril. Hertopicwas"JoiningForces: TheLibraryandCareerandTechnicalEducationDepartment:I0 YearsofCollaborations."InJune

shewasaguestbloggerforTech andLearningLiveon"WhatStory DoesyourDaraTell?"Marshallis departmentchairofcareerand technicaleducarionatGranby HighSchoolinNorfolk.


Kristina SmallAlcorn '90 isrhe authorofinHisOwn Words: Stories From TheExtraordinary life ofReston's Fo11nde1; RobertE. SimonJr., publishedinApril.Thebook,fearnredinrhe WashingtonPost, chroniclesSimon,whoestablished oneofAmerica'sfirstandmostsuccessfulplannedcommunitiesinthe 1960s.Alcornisadocentatthe RestonMuseumandaformerenvironmentalconsultant.

FayeBruce '94 wasnamed supervisorofalternativeeducation attheHalifaxCountyschools' STEMAcademyinJune.Shehad beenprincipalofHalifaxCounty MiddleSchoolsince2012and previouslywasprincipalof ParkViewMiddleSchoolin MecklenburgCounty.

Dr. Nancy Betler '95 isrhe201516presidentofrheNorthCarolina AssociationofElementaryEducators.

Alumna serves as U.S. Attorney

Nancy Stallard Harr '74 was sworninasU.S.attorneyforthe EasternDistrictofTennessee,effectiveJuly2,afterbeingappointedto thepositionbyU.S.AttorneyGeneralLorettaLynchShehadserved asactingU.S.attorneysinceDecember2015.Sheisrhefirst womantoholdeitherpositionin thedistrict.AgraduateoftheUniversityofTennesseeSchoolofLaw, shebeganhercareerinprivate practicein1984inBlounrville, Tennessee,andhasworkedsince 1995fortheU.S.attorney'soffice fortheEasternDistrictofTennessee,withofficesinKnoxville, GreenevilleandChattanooga.

BederisrheralenrdevelopmentfacilitatoratEastoverElementaryin Charlotte,NorthCarolina,partof theCharlotte-Mecklenburgschool division.

Joe Hoffer '97 ischiefoperating officerandvicepresidentforUrban HideawayResortandSpa,a250unir,villa-style"boutique"resort specializinginfamilyvacationsin Orlando.

StuartBowen '98 becameSouth Hill'spolicechiefinJuly.Hehad beenalieutenantwithrheLynchburgPoliceDeparrmenr,which hejoinedin2001.Hewasnamed OfficerofrheYearattheendofhis rookieyearin2002.

Jennifer Friend '98 wasnamed the2014-15HalifaxCounty(North Carolina)TeacheroftheYear.

Shawn Carr '98 and CarrieWessell '00 celebratedtheir15thweddinganniversaryJune23.


Alumnus achieves highest civilian rank

Troy Littles '84waspromotedin November2015intotheSenior ExecutiveService-thehighest rankagovernmentciviliancan achieve-andcurrentlyservesas chiefofstaffofrheDefenseSernrityService(DSS).Littleshas workedsince2011fortheDSS, parroftheDepartmentofDefense, whichoverseestheprotectionof classifiedinformationinrhehands ofindustry.TheformerLongwood ROTCcadetservedasanArmy militaryintelligenceofficerfom 1984untilretiringattherankof lieutenantcolonelin2009.Hewas deployedtocombatinDesert Storm/ShieldandOperatingEnduringFreedom.Hewasawarded aBronzeStarintheFirstGulfWar. Littlesandhiswife,KarenWarson Littles'85,haverwosons.

JoyceTrentretiredinJune2016after46years atLongwood.

Fun forAll

Jan. 14Alumni Family Game Daygoesfrom brunchto basketball

llThe second annual Alumni Family Game Daypromises to be even bigger and better than the first.

Inflatables, indoor putt-putt, rockwall climbing, scienceexperiments and toddler activities will be part ofthe event, set for Saturday, Jan. 14. The day begins with Brunch with Elwood at 9:30 a.m. in Dorrill Dining Hall and moves from there to the Health and Fitness Center at 11 a.m. At 2 p.m., it's on to Willett Hall forthemen's basketball game against Gardner-Webb (admission is included in FamilyDay registration)

There also will be food and music, appearances by the Longwood cheerleaders and Elwood, and campus tours by Longwood Ambassadors. Staff from the Office ofAdmissions will be on hand to answer questions.

The indoor game day parry is an opportunity for alumni to bring children or grandchildren of allagesback to campus to enjoy adayofactivities.

"This is a day offun for alums and their children," said Nicole Perkins '05, associatedirectorof campus events.

To registeror for more information, go to www.longwood.edu/alumni. The event is free for children; the cost for adults is $20.

Newstaff member to help movestudents forward

Bryan Rose '1 1 is the new assistant director for campus careerengagement in University Career Services.

The focus ofRose's position is to increase the number ofstudent appointments and career presentations for students, to enhance the career readiness ofstudents and to expand the office's presence on campus.

"Bryan's job is to get to the heart ofthe student experience and communicate the importance ofcareer development and planning during college," said Ryan Catherwood, assistant vice president for alumni and careerservices. "Thanks ro his background, he understands how to engage students and also understands the needs oftoday's employers."

Rose worked in residential life at VirginiaTech for two years and as an IT recruiter at Apex Systems for a year. He has an M.A. in college student development from Appalachian State University. He is married to Rachel Formey Rose '12.


The 9:30 a.m. Brunch with Elwood is optional and requires a separate fee.

The Office ofAlumniand Career Services is again partnering with the Department ofAthletics, the Health and Fimess Center, and the Office ofAdmissions to present the event. More than 500 people attended the first Alumni Family Day in January 2016.

Career expert offersadvice in three upcoming webinars

Threefr�ewebinars will be conducted this winter by career guruJ.T. O'Donnell, describedby Paige Rollins '15, assistant director oflive digital events, as a "good friend ofthe university."

Anyone can sign up atwww.longwood.edu/alumni for thewebinars-Dec. 2, Jan. 20 and Feb. 3which feature career advice for "different levels of your career path," said Rollins. The webinars kick offwhat will be a recurring monthlywebinar series.

The Dec. 2 webinar is "MasteringYourAlumni Network:AskingYour Network For Help," the Jan. 20 webinar is "HowToWriteResumesThat GetYouJob Interviews" and the Feb. 3 webinar is "HowTo Write Disruptive Cover LettersTharAllow YouTo Stand Our."

Eachwebinarwill include 30 minutes ofquestions andanswerswith theviewers, adownloadable"cheat sheer" on the webinar for attendees and a homework assignment at the end ofthe webinar.

O'Donnell is a Linkedin Influencer and founder ofWork It Daily.



Mary Chris Escobar '99 isthe authoroftwonovels,thesecondof which, Howto beAlive, wonthe 2015NextGenerationlndieBook AwardintheChickLitcategory. Herdebutnovel,whichshealso called"lightheartedwomen'sfiction,"was NeverendingBeginnings. SheisaboardmemberofJames RiverWritersandisassociatedirecwrofacademicadvisingarVirginia CommonwealthUniversiry.


Seth Ewing '00 becamethedirectorofmembershipandbusiness developmentfortheAssociationof Pool&SpaProfessionalsinJuly. Hehadbeenassisranrvicepresidentofbusinessdevelopmentand strategicpartnershipsfortheNationalAssociationoflnsurance& FinancialAdvisors.


Alumna honored for community service

Dr. RebeccaWhite Adams '67 receivedtheannualFirstCitizenof Chesapeakeawardfromrhatcity's RotaryClubonSept.15.

Adamshas"devotedcountless hourstocharitablecausesandcommunityserviceprojectsinChesapeake...[nmanyways,Rebecca Adamshascontributedgreatlyto makingherhometownabenerplace toliveandwork,"readthecitation tharaccompaniedtheawardfor communityservice.

Shehaschairedorservedonthe boardofnumerousorganizations, includingtheChesapeakeGeneral HospitalFoundationandregional boardsforHabitatforHumanity,the SalvationArmy,theMarchofDimes andtheBoyScoutsofAmerica.


FALL 2016 I 45

Mary Robeson Pendleton '36 June23,2016

Katherine Stieffen Shaw '38 Aug.8,2016

Mary Elizabeth Stone '39 Aug.17,2016

VirginiaTuck Burnette '40 June23,2016

Judith Gathright Cooke '40 June30,2016

Sarah O'Farrell Burruss '41 Aug.30,2016

Edith Nunnally Hall '41 Aug.16,2016

Louise Ewell Pugh '41 Aug.8,2016

Louise Hall Zirkle '41 July16,2016

Shirley Callahan Bergren '42 July29,2016

Ann Cobb Forster '42 June22,2016

Letha BarnesWarren '42 July28,2016

Ruth Shumate Martin '43 Aug.5,2016

GreyWalden Ritchie '43 June20,2016

Anna Parker Hampton '44 Aug.4,2016

Kathryne Baker Ellett '45 Aug.20,2016

Lillian Goddin Hamilton '45 June12,2016

Elizabeth ButznerTankard '45 June19,2016

Aline BossWimbrow '45 July3,2016

Clara Evelyn Clements '46 Aug.10,2016

Dorothy Overstreet DeShazo '46 Aug.12,2016

Frances Bell Pritchett '46 June27,2016

Katherine MaddoxThomas '46 July11,2016

Betty Johnson Anthony '47 Aug.24,2016

Sue Hundley Chandler '47 July8,2016

Anne Barksdale Forehand '49 July5,2016

Mildred Rountree Umphlettte '49 July14,2016

Mary Miller Bradley '50 June24,2016

Joan Cunningham Newman '51 July8,2016

HazelWilkins Dawson '53 Sept.6,2016

Laura ScottTownsend '53 Aug.8,2016

MarthaTomlinson Ashby '54 June24,2016

ShirleyWard Patteson '55 June6,2016

PhoebeWarner Pitzer '55 Aug.8,2016

Frances Motley Spencer '55 June8,2016

Barbara Andrews Morgan '56 June13,2016

Bettie Jane Stegall '61 Aug.12,2016

Betty Joe Sims '63 June8,2016

Elizabeth Flournoy Hamner '65 Aug.4,2016

Jane Sandra Erdman '69 June10,2016

Gwen Corker Bennett '70 June10,2016

Emily Jane Holcombe '74 Sept.l,2016

Edley Mobley Porter '75 June26,2016

Frances Simmons Atkins '78July12,2016

WilliamTravis Stanley '79 July11,2016

Jettaka McGregor Gammon '81 Aug.27,2016

Stephen West Holden '81 Aug.16,2016

Still Learning

Career in health care provides daily dose of new knowledge, opportunity to serve community

It's more than ajob to Michael Rose '89it's a mission ofservice. That is how the recently named CEO ofSouthern New Hampshire Health System describes hiswork.

Person ofInterest

"I have spent the majorityofmycareer in nonprofit health care with a mission of serving the community," said Rose, who took command ofthe integrated healthsystem in July ofthis year. "Thatmissionhas always been a major motivation. It's what drives me in my career."

After leaving Longwood 27 years ago with a degree in'accounting, Rose went to work as an auditor for the commonwealth ofVirginia. Itwas there, whileworkingon audits ofthe VCU Health System and the state's Medicaid program, that he discovered a passion for health care.

''A hospital is like 100separatelines of business-all heavily regulated," he said. "It's a never-endinglearningopportunity, so complicated andvaried;you're nevergoing to gee boredbecauseyouwill neverknow everything."

Stanley Cieplinski Jr. July20,2016

Robert Lehman July 1, 2016

Pauline Marshall Sept.11,2016

CynthiaWilson Aug.12,2016

EdwardWomack June26,2016

Rosemay notknoweverything, but he definitely knows something. He has worked his way up from an auditor to leadership positions in healthcaresystems in Virginia and NewJersey, earning an MBA along the way. He started work in New Hampshire as CFO abouta decade ago andtoday runsthesystem that includes a 188-bed, state-of-the-art hospital and a physicians groupwith 300 providers. His memories ofLongwood are more than

academic.Whilebothheandhiswifearenatives ofHampton, Virginia, they didn't meet until hewas a freshman at Longwood. Shewould follow him to Farmville ayearlater. Rosewas a member ofSigma Phi Epsilon while his future wife, Shannon Christensen, a member of the Class of 1990, was a Kappa Delta.

"My four years at Longwoodwerea tremendous learningexperience academically and socially," he said. "Shannon and I still maintain close connections withdozensoffriendswe made there."

Shannon Rosewent on to earn a master's degree and serves as a social worker in Nashua, New Hampshire. Her husband says the mission ofservice and citizen leadership emphasizedatLongwoodapplies as much, ifnot more, to her.

'Tm in the background making sure our front line ofhealth careworkers have what they need to take care ofpatients," he said. "Shannon is on the front lineseverydayhelping people copewith life-altering crises."

After more than a decade, the Roses seem to have settledwell into life in New Hampshire. The couple's three children arevery active. Allison is ahigh-schooljunior and cheerleader. Taylor, a senior, plays hockey and snowboards. The oldest, Mitchell, is an all-state wrestler studying business in college. When the weather turns cold they all hit the slopes together.

"Everyone in the family either skis or snowboards," said Mike Rose. "Living up here, ifyou don'tfind awayto get out and play in the snow, it becomes a verylongwinter."

-D{!n Ctlluley

In Memoriam LISTED
Michael Rose '89, CEO of Southern New Hampshire Health System, with his wife, Shannon Rose '90, and theirthree children



Greg Preston, M.S. '00, became executivedirectorofPiedmont CommunityServicesinJuly.He hadbeendirectorofcommunity supportservicesfortheMartinsville-basedagency,wherehehas workedsince2000.

Julia Young '00, afifth-grade teacheratDeepCreekElementary inChesapeake,isoneofsixstatefinalists(fromamongmorethan80 nominees)forthe2016PresidentialAwardforExcellenceinMathematicsandScienceTeaching, consideredthetopnationalhonor forscienceandmathteachers.The presidentnextyearwillannounce thewinners,whowillreceive $10,000andatriptoWashington, D.C.,forrecognitionandprofessionaldevelopment.Theawardis administeredbytheNationalScienceFoundation.

Derrick Ellison '01 wasinducted intoLoudounCountyHigh School'sAthleticHallofFamein SeptemberEllison,whoplayed professionalbaseballfor11yearsin theminorleagues,isthearearepresentativefortheFellowshipofChristianAthletesinLoudounCounty.

Matt Graham '03 hasbeenthe headtennisprofessionalatGreenbrierCountryClubinChesapeake sinceNovember2015Hehas coachedtennisatthreehigh schoolsinChesapeakeandisa technologyintegrationspecialise fortheChesapeakeschools.

Janell Stinnett, M.S. '03, becameinterimprincipalofNelson CountyHighSchoolinAugust. Shehadbeenassistantprincipal sinceJanuary2013.

StephanieTotty '04 becameassistantprincipalofAppomattox MiddleSchoolinJuly.Shehad beenaninstructionaldatacoach fortheAppomatroxCounty schools.Shecompletedamaster's degreefromOldDominionUniversityinAugust.

Maureen Hains '07 joinedKinsaleInsuranceasamarketingspecialistinJune.

GingerTinsley '09 waspromoted inJunetodirectorofmembership andcommunicationswithMedChi,TheMarylandStateMedical Society.ShehasbeenwithMedChi since2013


Kristen Gaines Kavakava '10 isthefirstcontractsadminiscraror forABSTechnology.Shemanages governmentalandprivate-sector leadsfortheVirginiaBeach-based company,whichshejoinedin2012 asamarketingandcommunicationsassociate.

Lauren Gabor '11, MBA '12, andRogersDeyCatheyIIIwere marriedJune25.Laurenwas shortlythereafterpromoted fromaccountexecutiverosenior accountexecutiveatNexus Direct,aNorfolk-based internationalmarketingfirm.

MagieWilkerson, M.S. '11, waspromotedtoprincipalof HalifaxCountyMiddleSchool inJune.Shepreviouslywas associateprincipal.

Leah Easley Bindewald '13 joinedtheDanvillePimylvania CountyChamberofCommerce staffasthemembershipaccount executiveinJune.Shealsoserves

Alumnus leads biomedical research

Oscar Gonzalez '07, aHampton native,isamedicalresearchscientistandlaboratorymanagerof KaryopharmTherapeuticsin Boston,aclinical-stagepharmaceuticalcompanythatisfocusedon developingnoveldrugsfortreating cancer.Hejoinedthecompanyin MayafterworkingasalaboperationsmanageronBostonUniversity'smedica.campus,wherehe earnedamaster'sinbioimaging in2015Gonzalezistheprincipal authorofapaperpublishedin ThejournalofInfectiousDiseasesin August.Thepaperisbasedonhis workatBU,whichfocusedon usingantibodiestoneutralize HIV-1.Healsohasdoneresearch onglioblastoma,thetypeofbrain cancerchatin2014tookthelifeof Dr.DonMerkle,oneofhisfavorite Longwoodbiologyprofessors.

astheclientcarecoordinatorfor MountHermonAnimalClinic.

Ellen Burnett, M.S. '13, was namedanassistantprincipalof SmithfieldHighSchoolinAugust. BeforejoiningtheIsleofWight Countyschooldivision,shewas instructionalcoordinatorfor

Veteran's widow gets backyard makeover thanksto alumnus

Bobby Earley '04 spearheaded aprojectintheHamptonRoads areathissummerrhatprovided afreebackyardmakeoverfora serv1cewo1nan.

Earley,ofVirginiaBeach,isthe Virginiafieldsalesmanagerfor Mike'sHardLemonade,which partneredwiththeBootCampaign andlocalradiostationFM99foe "Mike'sGiveAHero'sWelcome." TheBootCampaign,whosesponsorsincludeMike'sHardLemonade,isanationalnonprofitmilitary charitythatprovidedsixbackyard makeoversthisyeartoactive/retired servicel?ersonnelorGoldScarfamiliesacrossthecountry.

BecauseofHamptonRoads' largemilitarypopulation,Earley decidedtoreplicatetheeffortlocallyandawardabackyardmakeovertooneserviceperson,which willbeanannualproject.Unlike thenationalproject,inwhichcontractorsarepaidtoperformwork, allofthematerialsandlaborwere donatedbylocalsponsors.

Onesponsorwas Scott Prunty '04, ownerofSolidStructures DecksandFences,whichprovided a400-square-footsronepaverpatio andoutdoorkitchen.

Afterreceivingmorethan150 nominations,apanelselected LeannaShippsofHampton,a Navycommunicationsspecialist whosehusband,Jess,wasanAir Forceveteranwhocommittedsuicidein2015,attributedtoPTSD. Therenovation-whichincluded anewirrigationsystem,flowersand grading-isvaluedatmorethan $60,000.TherevealwasJuly30.

mathematics,art,scienceand musicfortheMecklenburg Countyschools.

Dan Hughes '13 joinedche SiegfriedGroupasasenior associateintheWashington,D.C., metroareainJune.TheSiegfried GroupisanationalCPAfirm. Hugheshadbeenasenior associatewirhRSM.

Rebecca Swanson '13 and JustinGilkersonweremarried Oct.1.Swansonisanelementary reacherinAugustaCounty.

Amber Ragsdale '14, M.Ed. '15, and Mark Stephen Barham Jr '16 weremarriedJuly9. Sheisafirst-gradeteacherat A.PHillElementaryinPetersburg. HeenteredRegentUniversity lawschoolinAugust.

Emily Duke '15, M.Ed. '16, isafourth-gradeteacheratKraft ElementaryinHampton.

Jessica Billings '16 joined theWendtAgencyasagraphic designerinJulyTheWendt Agencyisafull-serviceadvertising agencyinGreatFalls,Montana.

Jennifer Cole, M.Ed. '16, wasnamedanassistantprincipal ofHalifaxCountyHighSchool inJulyShepreviouslytaught worldhistoryattheschool foreightyears.

Kaylee Crawford '16 isasixthgradeEnglishteacheratLaurel ParkMiddleSchoolin Martinsville.

Alum leads Marine warfightingexperiment

Maj. Jason Dempsey '05 oversawanexperimentthissummerin whichtheMarineCorpstestednew equipmentthatcouldbethefuture ofwarfighting.

TheMarineCorpsWarfighcing Laboratory,towhichheiscurrently assigned,testedandevaluatedmore than40newtypesoftechnologyin JulyandearlyAugustatTwentyninePalms,aMarinebaseinsouthernCalifornia.

Thetechnologiesincludedunmannedgroundvehiclesandaerial systems,aself-conrainedwaterpurificationsystemandenergy-generatingbackpacks.Alsotestedwere improvementstobattlefield-related medicalcare.

"ThetechnologiesweexperimentedwithwillmaketheMarine Corpsmoreefficient,morelethal andmoresurvivable,"said Dempsey,wholikenedthetesting toa"scienceexperiment."

TheFredericksburgnative hasservedinAfghanistan,Djibouti,SouthKoreaandBelize. Heandhiswife,Emily,have twochildren.

Keep those

class notes coming

We appreciate everyone who sent us submissions for the Class Notes section inthis and the last issue of Longwoodmagazine. Please keep them coming.

Ifthere is anything new in your life, personally or professionally,emailthe detailstoalumni@longwood.edu.

Don'tforgetto give us your full name,the year you graduated and the degree you received. Please also send us a contactphone number or email address in case we have questions.

FALL 2016 I 47

MoreThan a Game

Athletics teachesresilience, tenacity and flexibility

In the springof2010, whenLongwood was still in the process ofseeking to join a Division I conference, I lefttheoffice of afellow athletics directorwithsome blunt and discouraging feedback. Essentially, chis AD cold meLongwoodwasn'tgood enough to join the BigSouthConference and would not endorse us for membership.

allowing me to grow from chat failureand eventually turn it into the win chat followed thenext year.

le has been nearly two decades since I played mylast down, and I stilldraw on the life lessons I learned asa student-athlete at Duke. The things football caught me about myself, about being part ofa team and about life changed how I thought andoperatedas a person. Those lessonshelped me throughcollege, they helpedme after chat regrettable meeting with the AD, and they help me today.

At chis point, I had spent fiveyearsas a Division I independent. le wasn't the first time I hadbeen turneddownby anotherAD, butit wasby farthe most criticaland honest rejection. I wasangry,frustratedand disheartened-all emotions chatgo hand-in-handwith failure.This also wasnot the first time I had experienced failure. I credit myownexperience asastudent-athleteat DukeUniversitywith

Done right, sports can shape ayoung person in ways she or hecan'teven imagine at the time.

Asan athlete, 1 encounteredadversity and failure every single day. I am not alone in chat experience. Now in my 12th yearas athletics director atLongwood, I seefirsthandthe influence college athletics has on young people and how they carry chose lessons with chem long after their lase game. One ofLongwood's own,Brian McCullough, is one ofthegreatest failure-turned-success stories I have encounteredhere. Brian was recruited to pitch atLongwoodunderlegendary head baseball coachBuddyBolding in 2004. However,like many freshmen,he found out quickly chat it cakes more than talent to succeed at the college level.

Brian's freshman season was disappointing, to saythe lease.Buddyblundy explained in his poscseason evaluation chatBrian'splaying time

wouldbe severely diminished ifhis performance didn't improve.As is characteristic ofgreat competitors, Brian did not give up. Instead, he cookBuddy's advice to overhaul his delivery.

Completely changing the way he threw abaseballwas no small caskfora talented player like Brian, who had spent his entire career throwing overhand.The summer after his freshman season,Brianadopteda sidearm delivery.Through his hard work and commitment,he became a reliablereliefpitcheras a sophomore.The more Brian bought into his reinvention as a pitcher, thebetter he became. Asajunior and senior, he earned Division I Independent Pitcher oftheYear honors.

Brian'sstory is an allegory forLongwood's early Division I experience, andI drew inspiration from it after my disappointing meeting in the spring of2010 Despite my emotionalresponse to such blunt criticism aboutLongwood, I wascertain our teamswere more than worthy ofcompeting in theBigSouth-I just didn'tknow how to gee chat message across.

LikeBrian,Longwoodhadall the cools to succeedbutneededto reinventits delivery.

With the help ofsome great mentors, I overhauled my approach and spent the next 18 months visiting with leaders at peer institutions and invariousconferences.That investment paidoffin the summer of2011, when I returnedto meet with chat scraighc-shoocing AD armedwith a new delivery. "Longwoodhas done a 180in my books," said the AD, who remainsa current conferencepeer. "Youguys have done a terrific job building a program chat cancompete in our conference."

Now in our fifth year asa member ofthe Big South, Longwood haswon three conference championships in softball while also earning mulciple top-three finishes in several ocher spores, including baseball. Much like the high-school star who receiveda dose ofcriticism amid a disappointing freshman season, weLancers have grown from adversity to reinvent ourselves.

TroyAustin has been Longwood's directorof athletics since 2006. He is the 2016-17 presidentofthe DivisionI-AAA Athletics Director Association.

Email easterkj@longwood.edu
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