Longwood Magazine 2012 Fall

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End of the Trail

Photographic series on voting locations shows campaigns sometimes wind up in the strangest places

longwood A M A G A Z I N E F O R A L U M N I A N D F R I E N D S O F L O N G W O O D U N I V E R S I T Y FA L L 2 0 1 2 I n t e r i m P r e s i d e n t M a r g e C o n n e l l y R e v e a l i n g A r c h a e o l o g y F i e l d S c h o o l D e s i g n e d f o r S u c c e s s

This out-of-business frozen yogurt store in Southern California is just one of the offbeat polling places Longwood photography professor Michael Mergen documented in his series Vote Story on Page 12

Getting into the Vote

Professor ’s photographic series explores offbeat polling places

Fearless Leader

Interim President Marge Connelly is putting her love of a challenge to work for Longwood

Design Challenge

Alums turn fabric, ink, paper, wood, passion and talent into successful businesses

The Big Reveal

Archaeology Field School students dig deep to uncover clues about past ci vilizations

39 43
D E P A R T M E N T S 3 O n P o i n t 35 I n P r i n t 36 L o n g w o o d C a l e n d a r 38 L a n c e r U p d a t e 42 A l u m n i N e w s 48 E n d P a p e r
18 12 22 30 ON THE COVER 22

P u b l i s h e r

Longwood University Foundation Inc

Robert Burger Jr , President

E d i t o r

Sabrina Brown

C r e a t i v e D i r e c t o r

David Whaley

A s s o c i a t e E d i t o r

Kent Booty

P h o t o g r a p h e r

Andrea Dailey

C o n t r i b u t o r s

Troy Austin, Kevin Bryant ’05, Dyann Busse, Gina Caldwell, David Driver, Diane Easter, Patrick Folliard, Richard Foster, Lauren Gabor, Jeff Halliday, Michael Mergen, Greg Prouty, Gary Robertson

A d v i s o r y B o a r d

Larissa Fergeson, Franklin Grant ’80, Suzy Palmer, Kenneth Perkins, Bryan Rowland, Nancy Shelton ’68, Bennie Waller 90, Elizabeth Power-deFur

B o a r d o f V i s i t o r s

Marianne M Radcliff 92, Rector, Richmond

John W Daniel II, Richmond

Edward I Gordon, Farmv lle

Eric Hansen, Lynchburg

Rita B Hughes ’74, V rg nia Beach

Thomas A Johnson, Lynchburg

Judi M Lynch ’87, Vice Rector Richmond

Jane S Maddux, Charlottesvi le

Stephen Mobley 93, McLean

Brad E Schwartz 84, Chesapeake

Shelby J Walker M S ’93, Charlotte Courthouse

Lacy Ward Jr , Farmville

Ronald Olswyn White, Midlothian

Hello alumni, parents and friends! I am so honored to have the opportunity to serve as interim president during this time of transition for Longwood Uni ver sity Summer has been a whirlwind of acti vity, and we are well-positioned to accomplish a great deal in the coming year We have something special here, and I want to continue to build on our past success

Strategic Planning

Over the next year, I plan to work with our campus leader ship to lay the foundation for an enhanced strategic planning process that will serve as a framework for many year s to come. This is crucial not only for our 2014 reaccreditation with the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools but also for effecti ve internal decision making We have strong leader s with interesting and creati ve ideas, ready to come together for a common goal and vision.

Financial Bandwidth

With state funding continuing to be unreliable, it is more important than ever for us to focus on financial bandwidth. We are committed to ensuring that the cost of education is within reach of our students To accomplish that while maintaining our high standards is challenging but I believe we are up to the task From increased efficiencies to finding new revenue streams, we will be reviewing our processes to determine the most effecti ve means of managing the institution


I am so pleased to have the opportunity to communicate with you through Longwood magazine I also encourage you to visit our websites www longwood edu, www why longwood com, www longwoodlink com and www longwoodlancer s com for current news and activities. I believe communication is crucial to a productive and engaging campus environment, and it is my goal to improve communication from my office with all constituencies I want you to be proud of Longwood University and the successes of our faculty, staff and students, and I am looking forward to sharing our good news with you


Longwood Uni ver sity and all that we have to offer should not be a well-k ept secret! We’ve made some progress in building our brand and reputation, but there’s more to do I am committed to meeting with donor s, legislator s, parents, board member s, alumni, prospecti ve students and other friends of Longwood to mak e sure they know what mak es our uni ver sity special From our increasingly global per specti ve to our focus on citizen leader ship, from a commitment to honor that has spanned more than 10 0 year s to a dedicated and nurturing faculty, the good news is plentiful, and I need your help spreading the word that Longwood should be a fir st choice for prospecti ve students Our alumni know Longwood provided opportunities that enabled them to grow as leader s and as citizens of the world. We all need to show our Lancer pride!

I am looking forward to what the next year will bring, and I appreciate the support I have already recei ved during my fir st few months in the President’s Office I am excited about the possibilities and the opportunity to mak e a difference. Go Lancer s!

L L 2 0 1 2 F R O M T H E P R E S I D E N T
longwood A
Editorial offices for Longwood magazine are maintained at the Office of Public Relations, Longwood University, 201 High Street, Farmville, VA 23909 Telephone: 434-395-2020; email: pr@longwood edu Comments, letters and contributions are encouraged Printed on recycled stocks No state funds were used to print this publication To request this magazine in alternate format (large print, braille, audio, etc ), please contact the Longwood Learning Center, 434-395-2391; TRS: 711 P u b l i s h e d S e p t e m b e r 2 0 1 2 2 I L O N G W O O D M A G A Z I N E

Page Turner

First Year Reading Experience selects book with powerful messages about race, social justice and medical ethics

Longwood’s new students are on the same page literally

The First Year Reading Experience (FYRE) bonds new students by having them read a selected text that provides food for thought before they start the fall

semester This year ’ s book, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot, is giving students a new perspective on a wide range of issues, including medical and business ethics, race and social justice, and privacy.

“I’ve been over whelmed with the excitement of the faculty and staff regarding this selection,” said Sarah Whitley ’02, director of First Year Experience and Family Programs. I am regularly stopped on the side walk by someone who wants to share their experi-

ences in reading the book. Discussion groups are popping up around campus, and we are seeing cross-divisional interactions that typically wouldn’t happen ”

The New York Times best-seller is bout a poor African-American oman whose amazing cells, taken thout her knowledge shortly before r death from cer vical cancer in 51, became one of the most important tools in medicine, paving the way for numerous breakthroughs including cloning, gene mapping and in vitro fertilization. The fact that Lacks grew up only about an hour from Longwood on a tobacco farm in the Clover area of Halifax County was a factor in the book’s selection

As the FYRE book for 2012-14, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks is being incorporated into a wide range of campus activities,

including the Longwood Seminar, a required course for freshmen; other academic courses; New Lancer Days; and presentations involving Lacks family members

“This is a story that is a huge piece of scientific histor y, and it happened right down the road,” said Dr. Chris McGee, director of the Longwood Seminar and a member of the committee that chooses the First Year Reading Experience books This is a thought-provoking book that should spark a conversation and kindle debate ”

Someone connected to the FYRE book is always invited to New Lancer Days, a four-day orientation for freshmen and transfer students just before the fall semester begins Lacks’ son, David “Sonny” Lacks Jr , and his daughter, Kim Lacks, both of Baltimore (where Henrietta Lacks lived after getting married), spoke Aug. 17 at a New Lancer Days panel discussion and question-and-answer session. About 10 members of the Lacks family from Clover, including another granddaughter of Henrietta ’ s and two of her great-grandchildren, also were in the audience that evening

“The book asks us to confront issues we normally don’t think about,” said Dr. David Magill, assistant professor of English, who moderated the panel discussion. “It has all the markings of a great American story: a woman and her family detrimentally affected by race and poverty, and a dedicated writer who uncovered the tale and built a friendship with the family across those racial lines.”

The book was used last spring semester in the biology capstone course taught by Dr Mark Fink, head of the Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences

The students were fascinated by the book and were ver y engaged,” he said. “A lot of them came away thinking it was the best part of the class.” The book also will be part of this year ’ s capstone, which will be taught both semesters by Dr Amorette Barber

The growth of Henrietta Lacks’ cells allowed for the development of the current techniques we need for cell culture,” said Barber, who as an undergraduate was told by a biology professor that the cells came from a Caucasian woman named Helen Lane “Millions of researchers have used her cells I’ve used them in my cancer research and HIV research The cells have even gone up into space. ”

A community blog (http://blogs.longwood. edu/onewall/) is facilitating discussion of the book, which also is being used in Longwood nursing and English classes Kent Booty

Kim Lacks and David ‘Sonny’ Lacks Jr (both seated), granddaughter and son of Henrietta Lacks, sign books after their Fir st Year Reading Experience presentation
FA L L 2 0 1 2 I 3
A n d r e a D a i l e y “ “ “

Forbes, Princeton Review praise Longwood as one of nation’s best

Longwood Uni ver sity is for the third consecuti ve year included as one of the best colleges in the United States in the annual survey published by Forbes magazine Longwood also was selected by The Princeton Review as one of 136 “Best in the Southeast” colleges and uni ver sities

Forbes ’ list of 650 undergraduate institutions, compiled with research from the Center for College Affordability and Producti vity, is based on factor s that measure the quality of the education each school provides, the experiences of its students and the achievements of its graduates.

The rankings are based on the general categories of post-graduate success, student satisfaction, debt, four-year graduation rate and competiti ve awards

“The rankings focus on the things that matter the most to students: quality of teaching, great career prospects, high graduation rates and low levels of debt,” said Forbes staff writer Michael Noer T h e Pr i n c e t o n Re v i e w s t a ff i d e n t i f i e d s ch o o l s t h e y c o n s i d e r e d t h e “ r e g i o n a l b e s t s ” i n t h e N o rt h e a s t , So u t h e a s t , M i d w e s t a n d

We s t A t o t a l o f 6 3 3 s ch o o l s r e c e i v e d t h i s

d e s i g n a t i o n .

“From hundreds of institutions we reviewed in each region, we selected these colleges and uni ver sities primarily for their excellent academic programs,” said Robert Franek, senior vice president and publisher of The Princeton Review, in his letter notifying Longwood of its inclusion “We also took into account what students attending the schools reported to us about their campus experiences Our ‘regional best’ colleges constitute only 25 percent of the nation’s four-year colleges a select group, indeed ”

From Zero to Belly Laugh in 10 Minutes

Professor wows audiences around the globe with mini comedies

In the zany world of Dr Brett Hursey’s plays, the characters really are characters

One, convinced he has a disease called “rabbititis,” wears large rabbit ears, a pink nose and long whiskers. Another dresses as a ninja ever y time his mother-in-law comes to visit and tries to ambush her

The Longwood English professor’s 10minute comedies, however, are more than sketches or a series of cheap laughs Despite their quirky characters and absurdist plots, they are portrayals of human nature and they are making a name for Hursey in the increasingly popular genre of 10-minute plays

Hursey’s shows have been produced in five foreign countries and in more than 100 theaters across the United States including more than 50 off/off-off-Broadway productions. The venues have ranged from Longwood’s black box theater to festivals in Australia, Luxembourg and Belgium His plays also have been produced in cities including Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Boston and Detroit, and one play was recently made into a short film.

“Brett Hursey is nationally known for his short, humorous plays; however, he is not just writing sketch comedy,” said Dr Rhonda Brock-Ser vais, chair of the Department of English and Modern Languages. “Each play has, at its heart, a ver y genuine person who finds him/herself in a deeply weird situation.”

Hursey has written about 20 short plays, all of which have been staged, usually as part of a festival of 10-minute shows

“I want my plays to be more than cheap laughs. Anyone can write cheap laughs,” said Hursey, an associate professor of English who teaches creative writing. “ What is tougher is to write character-driven comedy so the audience is not laughing at the slapstick but at the characters I want the audience to identify with the characters and find them funny because of their own trials ”

Before joining the Longwood faculty in 2004, Hursey had written full-length plays and

published three books of poetry and two shorter books of poetry called chapbooks Writing drama came naturally for the former child actor

“I wanted to get back into playwriting, but it takes a long time to write a full-length play,” he said. “Not long after coming here, I saw an ad, a call, for 10-minute plays at a regional theater I had no idea what a 10-minute play was I started doing research on the Internet, and, what I saw, I really liked I thought, What the heck. I’ll tr y this.’”

Hursey’s first effort, Scrambled, was accepted by a festival, which he says is rare Maybe it was the weirdness that caught the festival judge’s eye Scrambled is about a young husband who buys a box of tampons for a woman and how his wife reacts when she finds out. The husband isn’t having an affair, but it still annoys his wife, Hursey said.

“I don’t know where I come up with my ideas,” Hursey said “I’m just writing what I see in the real world, and I just push it a little further I always tr y to have at least a moment when the play stops being absurd and moves closer to reality, because the best absurdity is simply twisted reality.” Kent Booty

4 I L O N G W O O D M A G A Z I N E O N P O I N T
Brett Hur sey

Lucky Draw

Special program allows student teachers to complete practicum

Student-teaching assignments aren ’ t known for their exotic locations Maybe that’s why several aspiring teachers from Longwood have such big smiles on their faces.

In May, they spent three weeks in Limerick, Ireland, completing a teaching practicum that placed them in five elementar y schools After the last bell on Friday, it was the student teachers’ turn to learn, with the Irish countr yside and its world-famous attractions ser ving as the classroom.

“It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience,” said Leighan Worden, a junior from Chesapeake who had never before traveled outside the United States “ When we had to come back, we didn’t want to leave ”

Longwood student teachers have had the oppor tunity to take the Ireland Practicum II course for more than a decade thanks to a special relationship between Longwood and Mar y Immaculate College in Limerick Typically taken after a student’s sophomore year, the 3-credit Practicum II (Education 370) course is required of all students in Longwood’s teacher-preparation program. The version offered in Ireland is offered each May and is overseen by Dr Nancy Powers, assis-

tant professor of education and elementar y education coordinator.

“It’s three weeks of teaching and touring,” said Powers, who has accompanied the students the last three years “ They teach all day Monday through Friday, then tour the countr y on the weekend ”



Jesslyn Woodson, a senior from Farmville, also taught a fourth-grade class at CBS Sexton Street. “I had students from all over the world: Afghanistan, Iraq, Poland and Scotland. It was a wonderful experience and an eye-opener as to what the world is like,” said Woodson, who also traveled outside the U S for the first time to take the course.

Emily Miller, a junior from Fredericksburg, taught a sixth-grade class at St. Patrick’s Girls

It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience.’

Worden, who taught a fourth-grade class at the Christian Brothers School (CBS) Sexton Street, was one of 10 Longwood students (one is a special education major; the rest are liberal studies majors) who traveled to Ireland for the course in 2012

The students in my classroom came from diverse backgrounds,” said Worden, a member of the Cormier Honors College. “I had some ESL kids from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Egypt, and I had a severe ADHD child who was a challenge but in a good way It was tough, but it will help me in the future because I know I won ’ t have a perfect classroom.”

Leighan Worden ’13

National School, and the last two weeks she helped one hour a day with “junior infants” 4- and 5-year-olds For physical education, she taught a lesson on kickball, which her students had never played “ That’s an American game, so they were excited,” said Miller, a member of the Cormier Honors College.

To be eligible for the Ireland Practicum II course, students must have been accepted into the teacher education program and have a grade-point average of at least 2 5 and two recommendations Kent Booty

FA L L 2 0 1 2 I 5 O N P O I N T
Leighan Worden ’13 tak es a break from introducing kickball to students in Limerick, Ireland ‘

Slowing the Race to Extinction

Biology students work with professor to study risks to the endangered wood turtle

On e o f n a t u re ’ s s l owe s t m ov i n g c re at u re s i s q u i c k l y d e c l i n i n g i n p o p ul a t i o n , a n d a s t u d e n t / f a c u l t y re s e a rc h t e a m f ro m L o n g w o o d i s w o rk i n g t o f i n d o u t w h y

Dr Tom Akre, associate professor of biology, and three senior biology students spent part of the summer tracking the movements and reproduction habits of the endangered wood turtle

Working deep in the George Washington National Forest near the border of Virginia and West Virginia, the group tracked the movements of wood turtles through radiofrequency tags attached to the turtles’ shells. They spent most of the day and sometimes late into the night in the woods tracking the turtles and strategically placing remote cameras to capture predators’ attacks on nests

The work this summer was the third year of a five-year study to examine the nesting habits of the tur tle Working with Akre were senior biology students Elliot Lassiter from Locust Grove, Br yan Johnson from Fredericksburg and Alan Nowlin from Richmond This was Lassiter’s second summer working on the project. In 2011, the group found 33 tur tle nests.

“ This year we were looking at the influence of predators on turtle nests, ” said Akre, whose article “ Troubled Times for Turtles” was published in the spring 2012 issue of The Piedmont Virginian.

“Some of the reasons that wood turtles are disappearing include that the nests don’t survive, the adult turtles are getting hit [by cars], and the hatchlings are being eaten by predators such as raccoons or skunks,” said Akre

T h e re s e a rc h g ro u p i s a l s o f o c u s i n g o n n e s t p a t c h s e l e c t i o n , w h i c h i s a n o t h e r

s i g n i f i c a n t p ro b l e m i m p a c t i n g t h e p o p u l at i o n o f w o o d t u r t l e s A s l owe r e l e va t i o n s i t e s w i t h s a n d y b e a c h e s d i s a p p e a r d u e t o d e ve lo p m e n t , t h e re m a i n i n g p o p u l a t i o n s a t h i g h e r e l e va t i o n s w i t h i n t h e Ge o r g e Wa s hi n g t o n Na t i o n a l Fo re s t n e s t o n ro a d c u t b a n k s , w h i c h m a y n o t b e t h e b e s t f o r

re c r u i t m e n t

The goals of our research study are to find out where wood tur tles are nesting in the George Washington National Forest and to find out where wood tur tles can still be found in nor thern Virginia,” said Akre. We also want to educate landowners about how they can safeguard their habitats in order to protect and preser ve the wood tur tle in Virginia ” Gina Caldwell

6 I L O N G W O O D M A G A Z I N E
Working deep in the George Washington National Forest, Elliot Lassiter ’13 inspects a wood turtle

Painful Lessons

Expert says torture didn’ t work in the Middle Ages and it won’ t work today

Though water-boarding and sleep deprivation have replaced the rack and hot irons, a Longwood University professor who is an expert on the Middle Ages doesn’t think much has changed when it comes to the use of torture by people in power

Centuries before the Abu Ghraib prison scandal and the controversial use of torture in the war on terror, the same debate on the morality and effectiveness of torture was taking place, said Dr. Larissa “Kat” Tracy, a spe-

cialist in medieval literature who has studied, lectured and written about torture and brutality in the Middle Ages. She is the author of Torture and Brutality in Medieval Literature: Negotiations of National Identity and one of two co-editors of Heads Will Roll: Decapitation in the Medieval and Early Modern Imagination, both published recently.

“ We’re having the same debates today as people had in the 13th and 14th centuries,” said Tracy, associate professor of medieval literature “Our debates about who we Americans are as a people who use torture in foreign policy are nothing new. Human beings haven’t changed an awful lot.”

Tracy said many authorities in the Middle Ages stopped using torture because they realized it was unreliable and ineffective “ They didn’t want their national identity wrapped up in torture, ” she said “It didn’t work for them, and it won ’ t work for us. Thanks to the luxur y of histor y, we don’t need to make the same mistakes.”

The use of torture isn’t the only mistake that Tracy discusses with passion She also

delights in setting the record straight on the medieval period

“A lot of my work is debunking or challenging modern misconceptions about the Middle Ages,” she said “Many people have bought into the misconception that there was a lot of torture and that it was endemically violent The word ‘medieval’ has come to be associated with violence.”

In truth, torture was not practiced as widely in the Middle Ages as is thought, Tracy said.

Our debates about who we Americans are as a people who use tor ture in foreign policy are nothing new. Human beings haven’t changed an awful lot.’
Professor Larissa Tracy

“It was used by tyrants and by people who abused their position. What is often called torture wasn ’ t torture but punishment like being hanged, drawn and quartered Torture wasn ’ t common in the Middle Ages and was illegal in England ”

Tracy is quick to dispel any inferences that may be drawn from the gruesome nature of her subject matter.

“People assume you must be twisted to revel in torture I don’t revel in it,” she said with a laugh “I’m a complete pacifist, the biggest peacenik you’ll ever meet ”

Tracy is busy with papers and presentations on torture. She gave a paper at the International Congress of Medieval Studies at Western Michigan University in the spring and gave a paper in July at the International Medieval Congress in Leeds, England This fall, she will give another paper at Duke University and speak at Catholic University. She cofounded and co-directs Longwood’s Undergraduate Research Conference in Medieval and Renaissance Studies, held ever y spring since 2007 Kent Booty

You all are incredibly blessed to li ve in the Commonwealth of Virginia the mother of presidents, the cradle of democracy. [For] 236 year s, your state, Virginia, has contributed perhaps more than any other state to the ideas of liberty and freedom and free enterprise and ci vility and business ”

B o b M c D o n n e l l governor of Virginia, to the attendees of the 66th Virginia Girls State in June

You need to answer three questions while you are here. Who are you? Where are you going? How will you get there?”

T i m P i e r s o n vice president for student affair s, to new students and their families at orientation in June

The best decision I made in my life was to forgi ve the guy who shot me Had I not forgi ven him, I would not be an educational consultant or a husband or a father”

H a s h i m G a r r e t t partially paralyzed in a gang shooting at age 15 and now a moti vational speak er, at the Youth Alcohol & Drug Abuse Prevention Project conference in July

I think the way they took the cells wasn’ t right, but without research we wouldn’ t find cures So I wouldn’ t go against the taking of the cells ”

D a v i d “ S o n n y ” L a c k s J r. about the contribution his mother ’s cells have made to science, at a Fir st Year Reading Experience presentation in August (see related story on Page 3)

I think schools are killing reader s Schools often value the development of test-tak er s more than they value the development of reader s. We’re raising multiple-choice think er s in an essay world ”

K e l l y G a l l a g h e r high-school English teacher and author of Readicide and Deeper Reading, at the Longwood Summer Literacy Institute in July

FA L L 2 0 1 2 I 7 “ S m a l l T a l k ” O N P O I N T
“ “ “
overheard on the Longwood campus

Oh, Happy Day

Longwood awards more than 1,0 0 0 degrees at 2012 commencement

More than 1,000 degrees were awarded in May to Longwood graduates who were urged to “be fearless in fighting for the America we want to build.”

Former Virginia Supreme Court Justice John Charles Thomas, who received an honorar y doctor of laws degree, told the graduates that they have “the collective strength to grab America by the scruff of the neck and set it on the right course. ” Under sunny skies, Longwood awarded 875 bachelor’s degrees and 152 master ’ s degrees.

The Sally Barksdale Hargrett Prize for Academic Excellence, for the student with the highest grade-point average, was shared by Jessica Renee Alley, Jillian Michelle Chesson, Mar y Catherine Hoyt, Stephanie Lauren Roddenberr y, Cr ystal Elaine Peoples and Megan Ashley Hendrick Each had a perfect 4 0 GPA Hoyt also received Longwood’s other award for graduating seniors, the Dan Award for Scholarship and Cit

Jeff Halliday, assistant profes nication studies, received the Student-Faculty Recognition Award, which honors a faculty member for professional excelle and devoted ser vice to students liday, who joined the faculty in teaches in the mass media conc tion and is an adviser to campu station WMLU, The Rotunda ( newspaper) and “ The Longwoo

In his remarks, Thomas, the fi African American appointed to highest court, said today’s colleg ates including those at Longw the key to solving many of the problems

“I know the solution for wha America and around the world in front of us, ” he said “You ca able to change the world for th

Thomas compared the graduates to a trapeze artist “ That trapeze artist has something that you guys have today that trapeze artist has momentum You leave here with momentum and at the top of your game We believe you have what it takes to grab that next ring. If all of you work with fairness and honor and fortitude and determination to do the best job that you can ever do anywhere that you find yourself, the world will feel the presence of the Longwood Class of 2012 because together you can

8 I L O N G W O O D M A G A Z I N E O N P O I N T
1 2. 3 4

1 Mack enzie Anne King of Stafford is all smiles after recei ving her kinesiology degree 2 The color guard’s helmets reflect the buildings surrounding Wheeler Mall 3 Professor Jeff Halliday recei ves the Student-Faculty Recognition Award 4 MBA graduate W Bret Lewis of South Boston carries the banner for the College of Graduate and Professional Studies 5 Former Virginia Supreme Court Justice John Charles Thomas tells graduates they can ’change the world for the better ’ 6 Sammy Elsarrag of Bluefield, a biology graduate, and his family celebrate after the ceremony 7 Soon-to-be graduates get ready in the Willett Hall gym

8 Biology graduate Angela Williams of Meherrin inspires future Lancer s

FA L L 2 0 1 2 I 9 O N P O I N T
5. 6 7 8

I n s t r u c t o r

Dr Michelle Parry, associate professor of physics and chair of the Department of Chemistry and Physics

W h a t S t u d e n t s L e a r n

How is a rainbow formed? How is electricity produced from wind turbines and electric generator s?

Interacti ve animated simulations and educational videos many of them on YouTube cience major s learn basic cs principles in this general ucation cour se that is required of liberal studies major s. Many of the lab experiments were converted this summer to interacti ve simulations, which are more userfriendly than traditional experiments and enable students to focus on the concepts without the technical difficulties of setting up b equipment

addition to using videos with ations that she has found, Parry made some videos of her own for some of the more challenging lessons “The students are acti vely engaged in learning, not just reading from a textbook,” said Parry, who has taught the 4-credit cour se during the summer and inter session since initiating it in 20 08. “It’s been a lot of work to develop but fun to teach It’s great to see that light bulb go off ‘Oh, I get it ’”


In the Trenches

Nursing students travel to remote villages in Honduras for hands-on course

The classroom for Longwood’s newest course consists of remote, mountainous villages in Honduras with no electricity or running water Horses and mules provide transportation, and health care is a visit every six months to a basic health clinic.

It is at these clinics that Longwood nursing students take Special Topics in Nursing 495

The 1-credit course, offered for the first time in early June, was developed through the nursing program ’ s involvement in a medical mission trip to what is the second-poorest countr y in the Western Hemisphere.

The course was initiated by Hadley Sporbert, instructor in the nursing program, who is the lead instructor, and Patti Wagner, a clinical nurse in Longwood’s Student Health and Wellness Center who for more than a decade has participated in a medical mission coordinated by the Richmond-based Friends of Barnabas Foundation (FOBF) Sporbert first became interested in this annual mission after accompanying Wagner in June 2011 When Sporbert and Wagner returned to Honduras this year, they were joined by two rising seniors in the nursing program, Kelli Baker of Keysville and Melissa Nagle of Fredericksburg, who were the first students in the course Neither had previously been outside the United States The 15-member volunteer team also included one of Sporbert’s colleagues on the nursing faculty, April Shular.

In the mission, volunteer teams provide basic medical care in five remote mountain villages in central Honduras over a five-day period From a base camp maintained by the

FOBF in a town called Peña Blanca, the teams travel in an old school bus to each of the sites, which are set up in elementar y schools. At each site, where they spend about six hours, the volunteers set up various clinics, including a medical clinic, a de-worming clinic, a visual screening clinic and a clinic in which they paint fluoride on children’s teeth

“It was important for the students to see community health in action,” said Wagner, who, like Sporbert and Shular, is a registered nurse “ The focus of these trips is increasingly on health education and basic health maintenance things like clean water and garbage control We’re more interested now in education and in villages being more involved in their health, as opposed to a band-aid approach. We’ve seen a big improvement in the villages we visit ”

The Longwood team saw a total of 1,099 patients this year, including more than 800 at the medical clinics

“For these students, it’s impor tant to connect the dots from diagnosis to treatment, ” said Sporber t. This experience adds a wealth of knowledge to what they may never get other wise ”

The course may be expanded to include similar experiences in the Dominican Republic and Costa Rica.

“ We hope to develop a course that can be applied to all three sites,” said Dr Melody Eaton, director of the nursing program This is a great oppor tunity for our students to really experience different cultures and communities.” Kent Booty

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C o n c e p t u a l P h y s i c s 1 0
O n l i n e
u g g e s t e d R e a d i n g C o n c e p t u a l P h y s i c s F u n d a m e n t a l s ( 1 s t e d i t i o n ) , P a u l G H e w i t t
Melissa Nagle ’13 had never been outside the United States before traveling to Honduras to tak e a nur sing cour se and provide care to villager s “

Hanging Up the Whistle

Research shows it’s not the physical abuse they suffer but their own personal issues that make soccer refs quit

Nearly 90 percent of soccer referees have been physically abused on the field, but that’s not what’s making them hang up their whistles, according to the findings of a research study by a Longwood sociologist, himself a former ref

“I wasn ’ t surprised at all by the level of physical abuse. It’s more common than you would expect, ” said Dr Jason “Jake” Milne, assistant professor of sociology, who defined physical abuse in the study as any form of physical contact between a player and a referee, such as a putting his finger on the ref ’ s chest. “I was hit twice in my reffing career. Once I was pushed. The other time I was slugged in the shoulder— he missed my face and hit my shoulder I’ve also been spat at “ Howe ve r, q u i t t i n g d o e s n ’ t h a ve a t h i n g t o d o w i t h a b u s e , ” h e s a i d “ It h a s t o d o w i t h i d e n t i t y h ow c o m m i t t e d a re yo u t o t h e ro l e . ”

About half of all soccer referees in Virginia quit within two years According to Milne’s findings, they leave mostly because of issues having to do with family and work His results were published in the fall/winter 2011 issue of Sociation Today, the online journal of the North Carolina Sociological Association. The article grew out of Milne’s dissertation,

An Identity Theor y of Role Exit among Soccer Referees.”

“Ironically, I am my own statistic,” said Milne, who reffed for 20 years before hanging up his whistle last year “I would leave Sunday for Richmond at 6 a m , ref all day and not return until 5 or 6 p.m. That cut into my family time. As an assistant professor, I have to worry about getting tenure, and rising gas prices were eating up my budget It just wasn ’ t worth it anymore Many refs quit when they start a family or for work reasons It’s called ‘role conflict ’ Something has to give. For me, reffing had to give.”

In recent years, much of Milne’s refereeing was in Richmond on Sundays, when he would typically work three games “It took a huge time commitment Each game took about two hours, and I had to be there 45 minutes before the first game ”

Does he miss refereeing? “ There are days I miss it. But when I watch the Redskins’ games with my son, who is 2-1/2, I don’t miss it,” he said “For years my license plate said DR REF,’ so you can see it was a big part of my life But then it became not as important as my family or my job. A lot of soccer refs return to it when their kids are grown, and I anticipate I will probably go back. I enjoy being on the field ” Kent Booty

Quality internships help 2011 business grads succeed in finding jobs

A recent survey of 2011 graduates of Longwood’s College of Business and Economics shows that 83 percent are employed Half of these students indicated that their internships helped them secure their current positions, adding that their internships also gave them an advantage in landing jobs in businessrelated fields.

Working with Longwood Uni ver sity for our internship program is a great collaboration. The uni ver sity’s McGaughy Internship Program does an excellent job with developing students to be an effecti ve part of a team ’

Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond ‘

Students in the College of Business and Economics, lik e all undergraduate students at Longwood, are required to complete an internship, research or other hands-on learning experience, which sets Longwood apart from most uni ver sities

CBE students scored top-notch internships that turned into full-time positions at organizations including the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Gantt Insurance Agency and Norfolk Southern Their supervisors at these organizations have high praise for the students and the internship program

“Working with Longwood Uni ver sity for our internship program is a great collaboration. The uni ver sity’s McGaughy Internship Program does an excellent job with developing students to be an effecti ve part of a team,” said a representati ve of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond “And, with our important work for America’s economy, we need those highcaliber students who are well-prepared and able to exceed expectations in the workplace ”

A spok esper son for Gantt Insurance Agency said the agency’s intern from Longwood was impressi ve “From day one, he has shown up with a go-get-it attitude I have put him through some difficult and challenging situations, and every time he has come through with no problems It is very evident that Longwood has done a great job teaching their students and preparing them for the real world ”

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Sociology professor Jak e Milne ’97 gave up soccer refereeing to spend more time with his family ‘Ironically, I am my own statistic,’ he says
“ ‘

the Democracy

doesn’t just happen in the halls of Congress or the General Assembly It also happens in funeral homes, skating rinks, diners and a lot of other unlikely places where many Americans go to cast their votes.

When Longwood photography professor Michael Mergen discovered that schools and churches are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to polling places, he couldn’t resist the idea of documenting the more offbeat locations. He has taken photographs of voting booths in private homes, auto repair shops,

“ There was a barbershop that was ser ving as a polling place, and it made an OK picture. In the back of my mind, I was thinking, ‘ There’s something more to this.’ On the same day, I was on the way home and saw a polling place in a private home.”

The idea of the public/private collision taking place when voting is carried out in private businesses and homes was of particular interest, and Mergen carefully filed it away for future reference. When the 2008 presidential election rolled around, Mergen had applied to graduate

VOTE Getting into

XAll works are archi val pigment prints, 16 x 36 inches, courtesy of the artist

Professor’s photographic series explores offbeat polling places

convenience stores, restaurants and barber shops across the countr y, capturing a slice of Americana and providing an intriguing glimpse of democracy in action. With the upcoming presidential election, the series, titled Vote, has caught the attention of Harper’s magazine, which ran a stor y featuring 12 of the photos in Februar y, and several art galleries

The inspiration for Vote came to Mergen, assistant professor of art/photography, during the 2004 presidential election, when he was working as a photojournalist for Bloomberg News in Philadelphia.

school at the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), and the time was right to kick the idea into high gear.

“I got a list of all the polling places in Philadelphia there were about 1,100,” he said. He narrowed the list down to those that seemed most interesting, then got up at 5:30 a m on election day and hit the trail By the time the polls closed at 8 p.m., he had photographed more than 25 voting locations

Mergen continued to work on the series after he entered graduate school, receiving a small grant from America: Now and Here and RISD.

The complete series, photographed over a twoyear period, includes polling places in Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, California, Nevada, Oklahoma, Michigan and Tennessee, and is a major part of his master ’ s thesis

All the photos are horizontal, taken with a panoramic camera using a single lens The format “proved to be a welcome limitation, allowing me to focus more intensely on the scene, ” Mergen wrote in his thesis.

A n o t h e r l i m i t a t i o n h e f a c e d w a s f re q u e n t l y h a v i n g t o c o n v i n c e p o l l w o rk e r s t h a t h e h a d t h e r i g h t t o t a k e p h o t o s o f t h e vo t i n g p ro c e s s . “At o n e l o c a t i o n [ i n Ph i l a d e l p h i a ] , a Jo h n Mc C a i n c a m p a i g n w o rk e r f o rc i b l y p re ve n t e d m e f ro m e n t e r i n g s o m e o n e ’ s h o m e t h a t w a s s e r v i n g a s a p o l l i n g p l a c e , ” Me r g e n w ro t e i n h i s t h e s i s . Fro m t h a t p o i n t o n , h e m a d e s u re t o c a r r y d o c u m e n t a t i o n o f p h ot o g r a p h e r s ’ l e g a l r i g h t s o n El e c t i o n Da y.

One of several projects Mergen has undertaken that deal with civic themes (others include jur y deliberation rooms and structures across the countr y with a “1600 Pennsylvania Avenue” address), Vote contributes to the conversation about how democracy works outside the halls of government, he said.


Vote: Photographs by Michael Mergen

Longwood Center for the Visual Arts

Sept 28 - Nov 24, 2012

Opening reception: Sept 28, 5 - 7 p m


Locks Gallery, Philadelphia

Nov 2 - Dec 8, 2012

Peripheral Views: States of America

(15 works from the 160 0 Pennsylvania Avenue series)

Museum of Contemporary Photography, Chicago

July 13 - Sept 30, 2012


(three works from Vote)

PhotoIreland Festi val, Dublin

July 19 - Aug 4, 2012

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Michael Mergen
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Precinct 28080, Providence, RI, 2010 In a greenhouse run by the city of Providence, Mergen was capti vated by the early morning light, which resembled the light of the machines, and the fragile legs of the booths that seemed to mirror the fragile plants in the rear. Early Voting No.2, Hender son, NV, 2010 Early elections in Nevada allow residents to vote at a number of early voting sites not just their assigned precincts the majority of which are located in supermark ets
1 4 I L O N G W O O D M A G A Z I N E Precinct
love the
E a r l y Vo t i n g N o . 10 , L a s Ve ga s , N V, 2 010 M e r g e n wa s d r a w n t o t h e r e p e t i t i o n o f t h e v o t i n g m a ch i n e s a n d t h e s i m i l a r r e p e t i t i o n o f t h e s l o t m a ch i n e s a t t h i s s u p e r m a r k e t . P l u s , t h e r e’s s o m e t h i n g v e r y o d d t o m e a b o u t v o t i n g i n s u ch c l o s e p r o x i m i t y t o a s m a l l c a s i n o l i k e t h i s , ’ h e s a i d . ‘
32904, Gilman Hot Springs, CA, 2010 The international headquarter s of the Church of Scientology opened this golf
se building to
s ‘I
light fixtures and the mounted animals above,’ said Mergen
F A L L 2 0 1 2 I 1 5
Precinct 308, Stillwater, OK, 2010 ‘I almost always go to the pri vate residences you just never know what you’ll find,’ said Mergen, who found the light in this home’s garage ‘eerie.’ Precinct 22016, Corona, CA, 2010 Mergen says this shot, reminiscent of Edward Hopper ’s iconic painting Nighthawks, may be his favorite in the series. ‘The iconic images of Norman Rockwell on the walls, well, I think they were a photographic gift,’ he said
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Pr e c i n c t 9 0 0 2 1 3 9 A , Va l l e y V i l l a g e , C A , 2 010 ‘ I r e a l l y l i k e t h e m i x o f d i ff e r e n t l i g h t i n h e r e a n d , o f c o u r s e , t h e l a n g u a g e o n t h e w i n d o w A l o t o f t h e w o r d s e ch o t h e r h e to r i c o f c a m p a i g n l a n g u a g e , ’ s a i d M e r g e n
Ward 64, Precinct 11, Philadelphia, PA, 20 08 Mergen was thrilled when he walk ed into this funeral home in Northeast Philadelphia. ‘Sometimes you just walk right into a photograph. The way the tarp over the car matches the curtains of the machines is really nice, and the car itself reminds me of a well-known photograph from Robert Frank’s The Americans ’ Ward 40, Precinct 32, Philadelphia, PA, 20 08
F A L L 2 0 1 2 I 1 7
A roller rink close to the Philadelphia airport attracted Mergen with its color combinations: ‘the way the cool blue of the machine pops against all of the warm yellow of the lock er s, seats and floor s.’ Precinct 22020, Corona, CA, 2010 This garage is part of a pri vate home ‘I just love how it’s filled with classic symbols of Americana: a surfboard, cowboy hat and football helmet,’ said Mergen, adding that the homeowner, also the poll work er, was not pleased he was taking photos
1 8 I L O N G W O O D M A G A Z I N E Interim President Marge
says she has fallen in love with
She’s swum with sharks—both in the water and in the corporate world and now Interim President Marge Connelly is putting her love of a challenge to work for Longwood

When you ’ ve swum with sharks, ever ything else is easy.

Back in early 2010, Longwood Interim President Marge Connelly, an inveterate world traveler, was working in South Africa in her capacity as global chief operating officer for Londonbased Barclaycard. While traveling through Cape Town, she decided to embark on a cagediving photo safari among great white sharks

“Basically you ’ re in a cage, and you have to keep your fingers in because [the sharks] bump the cage You are two inches from them,” Connelly said. From the tour boat above, her guides chummed the water with bloody fish bits, trolling a large hunk of tuna on a giant hook for good measure Packs of great whites converged on the area like an arsenal of heatseeking torpedoes, frenzying around the shark cage as they attacked the fish meat

“So that was intense,” she said, without a whiff of hyperbole.

Connelly, who became Longwood University’s interim president July 1 and served as acting president in June, is a woman unafraid of challenges; she excitedly greets new experiences

“It’s easy to have energy when you ’ re doing something that’s truly exciting and fulfilling—

and that’s what I believe this job is going to be for me, ” said Connelly. She replaces Patrick Finnegan, who stepped down from the presidency for health reasons in May

Formerly rector of Longwood’s Board of Visitors and a longtime member of that body, Connelly brings to her new role an impressive histor y of international business leadership and financial expertise In a little more than a decade, she worked her way from a customerser vice job to one of the highest-ranking executive positions at Fortune 500 credit card company Capital One. She then ser ved as chief operating officer at Wachovia Securities before moving to London to work for Barclaycard.

She and her partner of nearly 20 years, Julie Christopher, live in Keswick, Va , and have two grown children: Carolyn West, 24, who works in operations risk management for Capital One; and Ryan West, 32, a high-school history teacher in Tucson, Ariz. Connelly and Christopher, the retired former commissioner of the Virginia Department for the Aging, are ardent travelers They’ve trekked through more than 20 countries in just the last few years, snorkeling with whale sharks off the Philippines coastline and witnessing the annual Great

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F E A R L E S S L E A D E R A n d r e a D a i l e y

Travel and photography, two of President Connelly’s passions, have combined to tak e her on adventures in East Africa, Indonesia, Alask a, the Arctic Circle and other exotic locations

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Wildlife photos by Marge Connelly

Migration in East Africa, with Connelly recording their adventures through her camera lens along the way (It’s “ a totally astounding thing to be with literally millions of animals gathering to cross the river and follow the rains and grasses, ” she said of the migration )

In fact, a couple of years ago, Connelly’s mentor and onetime boss, former Capital One CEO Nigel W Morris, bumped into her while vacationing on a remote Indonesian island “I’m walking on the beach with my son, and all of a sudden ... there’s Marge,” Morris said with astonishment. “How can that possibly be? The odds of that would be one in a hundred million!”

However, both Morris and Radcliff note that Connelly is also known for her approachability and her sense of fun In her youth, she sang and played keyboards in an all-girl rock band that was a mix “between Heart and the Go-Go’s ” (“She has invited some of us who play to join her on the porch at Longwood

She is one of the most productive and efficient people I’ve ever come across. She seriously gets stuff done. Marge Connelly is the engine that gets stuff to happen.

Longwood is fortunate to have landed Connelly, Morris said “She is one of the most productive and efficient people I’ve ever come across, ” he said. “She seriously gets stuff done. Marge Connelly is the engine that gets stuff to happen ”

“She’s ver y much a roll-up-her-sleeves-andget-involved kind of leader,” agreed Longwood Board of Visitors Rector Marianne Radcliff ’92. “She has tremendous understanding of the issues she speaks about. And if there’s something she feels she needs to know more about, she really digs in and learns It makes her a pleasure to work with ”

House for some informal jams I’m looking for ward to it!” said Charles Ross, dean of Longwood’s Cook-Cole College of Arts and Sciences.)

Connelly hopes to become a familiar face on campus, maybe sitting in on a few classes, such as photography, for fun She’s also “ not disappointed that there’s a golf course directly in front of Longwood House [the president’s residence], and I’ve already got my membership to the fitness center, ” said the athletically m i n d e d C o n n e l l y, w h o s e h o b b i e s h a ve i nc l u d e d s c u b a d i v i n g , k a y a k i n g a n d S E A L t e a m f i t n e s s t r a i n i n g

A s p re s i d e n t , C o n n e l l y ’ s p r i o r i t i e s i n c l u d e m ov i n g f o r w a rd o n c a p i t a l p ro j e c t s s u c h a s t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n o f a n e w a l u m n i c e n t e r, a s t u d e n t s u c c e s s c e n t e r a n d a u n i ve r s i t y c e nt e r T h e l a t t e r “ n e e d s t o b e a c e n t e r p i e c e f o r t h e e n t i re c a m p u s We re a l l y d o n ’ t h a ve t h a t n ow, ” C o n n e l l y s a i d . “ It w i l l b e a n i mp o r t a n t a d d i t i o n t o t h e ove ra l l s t u d e n t e x p e r i e n c e a n d s t u d e n t s u c c e s s A l o t o f l e a r ni n g i s g o i n g t o g o o n i n s i d e t h o s e w a l l s ” Ad d i t i o n a l l y s h e w a n t s t o f o c u s o n s t re a m l i n i n g i n t e r n a l p ro c e s s e s a n d i d e n t i f y i n g a n d e l i m i n a t i n g g a p s i n f a c u l t y a n d s t a f f c o m p e n s a t i o n C o n n e l l y a l s o i s e xc i t e d a b o u t u s h e r i n g i n L o n g w o o d’s f i r s t ye a r a s a Bi g So u t h C o n f e re n c e u n i ve rs i t y a n d w a n t s t o g e t t h e u n i ve r s i t y c o m m un i t y f o c u s e d o n w o rk i n g t o g e t h e r a n d w i t h p a r t n e r s i n t h e Fa r m v i l l e a re a .

“I want to create an environment where folks feel re-energized and re-engaged,” said Connelly “I have really fallen in love with the school over the eight years I’ve been involved with it, and I do believe that some of the skills and abilities I’ve developed in the private sector can be of value here I really believe they can help the strengthen the school as it continues to evolve ”

FA L L 2 0 1 2 I 2 1
N I G E L W M O R R I S , Fo r m e r C E O, C a p i t a l O n e ’ ’
A n d r e a D a i l e y
(left) Connelly’s family: Ryan West; partner, Julie Christopher; and Carolyn West (right) Connelly with participants in the 2012 Digispired ii Summer Academy, a program for high-school students interested in game design and program coding

BUILDING an independent design career isn’t easy. It requires limitless creativity, resourcefulness and energy to spare, along with a first-rate business mind. The hours are long, money is typically tight, and uncertainties abound. (Not to mention, the competition is fierce.) Still, if the passion and talent are there, it’s an attainable goal and the rewards are great In the following pages, you’ll meet three Longwood University graduates who are successfully pursuing design careers despite these formidable challenges. Robert

Chapman, Jennifer Carpenter and Jason St. Peter— a furniture designer, fashion designer and graphic designer, respectively all readily agree that having your own design business is tough, but the satisfaction derived from the venture is huge whether it comes from the creative triumphs or acquiring the day-to-day skills involved in keeping things afloat. And, as their professional futures unfold, these exceptional alumni are learning to use both unbridled artistr y and grounded good sense in making their design dreams a reality.

Design Challenge

Alums turn fabric, ink, paper, wood, passion and talent into successful businesses


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The Furniture Designer Rober t Cha pman ’02

Rober t Chapman ’02 loves a well-made modern chair. A graduate of the College of Business and Economics with a major in economics, Chapman is working to make his passion pay As the owner of Archer, a midcentur y-inspired design line and store of the same name in D C ’ s tony Georgetown neighborhood, he is slowly but surely establishing himself as the go-to guy for those seeking

has indeed changed: Chapman is exceptionally knowledgeable yet reser ved— and honest.

Not long after graduating from Longwood, Chapman’s grandmother died, leaving an estate that included a cache of antique furnishings He volunteered to sell what the family didn’t want on eBay, and, during the process, discovered a love for the funky mid-century decorative items that other vendors were selling.

For me, hunting for beautiful things is exciting. I like finding things that other people don’t want and selling them to other s w ho value them.’ — Rober t Chapman ’02 ‘

modern furniture and fine art. (Mid-centur y refers mainly to the 1950s and ’60s ) His open, white-walled showroom features groupings of sleek low couches, simple tables and oversized lighting features Think sets from television’s “Mad Men” but more sophisticated. His limited stock comprises both reproductions (including his own designs) and vintage items, as well a selection of museum-quality paintings by artists like Gene Davis from Washington’s important Color Field movement

“For me, hunting for beautiful things is exciting. I like finding things that other people don’t want and selling them to others who value them; or, in many cases, keeping them for myself,” said Chapman

Growing up in Alexandria, Va , Chapman already enjoyed the hunt He and a pal regularly spent Saturday mornings riding their bicycles to yard sales in search of treasures, frequently making small purchases with a profitable resale in mind To this day, Chapman ’ s mother admonishes him for selling a length of garden hose to a neighbor boy for $5 after convincing him it was a rare musical instrument. Over the years, his sales approach

He quickly established a niche business handling eBay sales for antiques dealers in the Northern Virginia area Eventually, he opened Modernicus, a mid-century showroom in a funky antiques mall in Alexandria Four years later, he was ready to relocate and focus exclusively on designing and selling high-end, beautiful pieces. Just months prior to opening Archer in Georgetown in the fall of 2011, Chapman had begun manufacturing his own designs Inspired by the work of mid-centur y industrial designer Dieter Rams and architect Mies van der Rohe, he developed his own aesthetic: simple and elegant. Chapman’s design work gives him an opportunity to be creative, but it’s a business, too, he said And, as much as Chapman loves being his own boss, the pressures of owning a business are great

“In the early days of my career, there was just the camera, computer and the eBay fees. When I went brick and mortar, there was rent. In my current location, costs have gone way up, ” he said “I’ll be honest, some nights I lie awake thinking about the overhead here in Georgetown You have to manage your money ver y carefully.”

Robert Chapman’s furniture store, Archer, is located in Georgetown and features his own mid-centuryinspired design line

During his four years at Longwood, Chapman more or less put his more creative impulses on hold, but it wasn ’ t time wasted far from it “As a business owner, I’ve dusted off the tools I acquired in business classes and put them to ver y good use Lessons in supply and demand have been especially helpful in terms of pricing vintage furniture and fine art. And Dr. Frank Bacon’s finance class has also proved particularly useful He covered things like working capital and lines of credit ver y

In a dramatically lit show, lithe models walked the runway in Carpenter’s soignée but never stuffy creations, including chic little cocktail dresses, sparkly short skirts, silky slim-fitting and flared trousers, and a show-stopping mermaid evening gown all in a palette of red, white and black

The fashion show was a ver y satisfying experience, she says, and she’s eager for more. As a matter of fact, added Carpenter (not one to miss an opportunity), she is slated to show her

I’ve been wor king since I was 12 year s old. I don’t know how to slow down.’ — Jennifer Car penter ’02

practical concepts that didn’t have any meaning to me then but are ver y important for me to understand now. ”

Longtime D.C.-based interior designer Nestor Santa-Cruz said Chapman displays an uncommon passion for mid-centur y design, both vintage and contemporar y editions of classic mid-centur y design “And ver y importantly,” he added, “Robert understands what interior designers are looking for. In the year or so that I’ve worked with him, he’s been willing to listen and offer his point of view He does his homework and finds what we need “His shop is appealing to both interior designers and customers without feeling contrived,” said Santa-Cruz. “Through discipline and hard work, he’s carving out a niche for sure. In his quiet way, Robert is steadily become a resource in the D C design community ”

For fashion designer Jennifer Car penter 02, also a graduate of the College of Business and Economics, 2012 is turning out to be a banner year. In April, she debuted her new fall collection at the RVA Fashion Week’s finale at Richmond’s historic Hippodrome Theatre

spring/summer collection at VAFW (Virginia Fashion Week) in Virginia Beach in October While her label, J. Carpentier (a nod to how her family name was once spelled), is geared toward professional women who are strong, independent and not afraid to look sexy, she promises a slightly more feminine, romantic feel for the upcoming show

After graduating from Longwood with a major in marketing, Carpenter began a career in government contracting. She did well but wasn ’ t professionally satisfied, so she headed west to study fashion design at Los Angeles’ Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising (FIDM) After graduating in 2008, she began to work in the industr y, designing for Scala Eveningwear, BG Haute and Ludus Athletics, where she also ser ved as vice president.

Currently, the Richmond-based designer is again proposing government contracts for an IT company by day Her nights are exclusively devoted to clothes From sketching to construction, fashion design is time-consuming, but, fortunately for the self-described overachiever, hard work has never been issue “I’ve been working since I was 12 years old I don’t know

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Jennifer Carpenter ’s designs hit the runway during RVA Fashion Week ’

The Fashion Designer

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Jennifer Car penter ’02

Jason St. Peter ’03

The Graphic Designer

how to slow down. Every hour of the day is scheduled in my daily planner.”

She learned the basics of sewing in 4-H.

As a young girl growing up in rural central Virginia, she restyled her one piece swimsuits as bikinis and turned out scrunchies by the dozen She also sketched imaginary wardrobes for herself and her sisters. Still, she doesn’t consider herself a seamstress: “I know construction and sew well enough to make a sample, but when it’s something for a customer I contract out the sewing to a manufacturer It needs to be perfect ”

By combining her total professional experiences, she is hoping to grow the J. Carpentier brand. One idea involves securing contracts to

design activewear apparel for government employees. She’d also like to open a boutique within the next several years.

Carpenter credits one of her Longwood professors, the late Dr G Dean Palmer, with urging her to think positively and set motivational goals. He reached out to Carpenter and her two sisters, all of whom were enrolled in the business school at the same time.

And because the fashion industr y is ver y much about the bottom line, she values the lessons she learned in business school: “ What I learned at Longwood is allowing me to be a successful business person in whatever field I decide to pursue. ”

2 8 I L O N G W O O D M A G A Z I N E
(above) T-shirts with Jason St Peter ’s King Pin design were sold at GAP stores nationwide (right) The graphic designer has done work for a wide range of clients

When pressed to describe his work, graphic designer Jason St. Peter ’03 says, “It’s minimalistic.” Then he adds, “It’s about the concept not the brushwork. I like taking ideas and ever yday things and putting an unexpected and often whimsical twist on them ”

There was nowhere to go but up, and that’s what he did.

“Ever y year there I was promoted,” he said. By my final year I was a visual merchandiser super visor developing 80-page manuals on how to build the interior of a store from a

I don’t want to be a designer tr a pped inside his own cr eative box.’
Jason St. Peter ’03

His most widely known work to date a GAP T-shirt fits the description well

Earlier this year, St. Peter’s artwork was selected to emblazon T-shirts selling in GAP stores nationwide. The clever design is both boldly simple and whimsical: a safety pin topped with a crown (a king pin)

The selection of St Peter’s design by GAP was the result of a joint project between the retail giant and Threadless, an online community of artists and an e-commerce website. Each week a handful of designs are printed on clothing and other products, and sold worldwide through the online store and at the Threadless retail store in Chicago

St Peter, who runs Think804, a Richmondbased graphic and web design studio, submits design ideas to Threadless regularly “It’s a way to keep creative and make some extra income ” but the bulk of his work involves making websites look good and developing business identities and packaging He also does a lot of print advertising.

As Think804’s owner and sole employee though he does contract some work out to copywriters and programmers), St Peter recognizes that his primar y purpose is not to create art, but to meet the needs of his clients

“ There’s a big difference between art and design. One is personal and the other is commercial,” he says. “I don’t want to be a designer trapped inside his own creative box. I need to be able to work with clients whose brand and company creative needs don’t necessarily fit my style ”

Prior to going out on his own almost four years ago, St. Peter spent a year working for a small marketing agency (now his biggest account) Before that he was employed at Circuit City’s corporate office for four years He started out in a basic position working on projects that included designing instruction booklets on how to install signs in stores.

visual perspective It was frustrating as the company neared bankruptcy, but I learned a lot about business.”

After graduating from Longwood, St. Peter who earned a BFA in visual arts with a concentration in graphic design) joined the Army Reser ve He ser ved three months in Iraq, and then switched to the Air National Guard, where he helped design their monthly magazine, Vanguard.

St. Peter is also the current creative chair of the Richmond Ad Club, a professional organization ser ving the local advertising community since 1960 His primar y responsibility is directing the club’s annual big awards ceremony, The Richmond Show He establishes the show’s theme and makes sure it runs consistently through all event-related materials. For the April 2012 show (dubbed the RAD Show!), St Peter’s theme included fluorescent colors; slang terms and phrases from the late 80s /early ’90s; and a handful of technology icons and pop culture references.

“Associative ability is definitely a mark of a conceptually creative person, ” said Edward Baldwin, a past president and current board member of the Richmond Ad Club “As a skilled graphic designer, [St Peter] is able to put aside his own aesthetic to please his client. He took many pieces and made them all work together.”

St. Peter gives his Longwood education much of the credit for his success

“In my profession, the competition is stiff,” said St Peter “I feel Longwood prepared me well. Professor Christopher Register was my graphic ar ts instr uctor. He never accepted thrown-together, easy work. He gave his approval rarely, and that inspired me to work harder We were taught the fundamentals of ar t before we got into the flashy digital stuff Understanding why good ar t is good makes it better.”

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Archaeology Field School students

dig deep to uncover clues about past civilizations

Big Reveal The

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Lynsie Russ ’12 (left), Kaitlin Fleming ‘13, Stephanie Neeley ‘11 and Justin Golden ’12 sift through dirt from the excavation site to find artifacts
The day is hot and humid, but the students under the shade of the striped awning are so intent on their work that they barely seem to notice.

With the focus of a surgeon, one young woman on her knees in the bare patch of earth bends close to her work, brushing and scraping away layer after wafer-thin layer of soil She knows just one sure thing about the items she’s hoping to uncover: They are nearly 1,000 years old.

For the students working at Longwood’s Archaeology Field School (AFS) site in Charlotte County each summer, this is the reality of their daily work And they love it They are digging at the site of an American Indian village occupied from about 950 A D to 1425 A D that is located within the Staunton River Battlefield State Park in Charlotte County. Known as the Randy K. Wade Site (named for a local resident and former Longwood student), it has been receiving attention from the Field School since 1997

Dr Brian Bates ’92, AFS director and associate professor of anthropology, leads the team of students as they explore new areas at the site. A large map shows the areas that have previously been uncovered and sections that have yet to be explored This summer, the group worked on an area measuring 3 meters wide by 8 meters long After marking the site to be excavated, the top 18 inches of soil (the plow zone) was removed. Next, contexts (distinguishing features of the site) were identified

and the digging began with each trowel pass removing less than one centimeter of dirt.

“ This is almost like working a crime scene, ” said Bates “ We work to maintain control over the artifacts from the field to the lab Pieced together, the artifacts help reveal what life was like in the southern Piedmont of Virginia over the course of several centuries.”

Lynsie Russ ’12, an anthropology/histor y major from Bedford, completed her third summer at the Wade Site this year She ser ved as site super visor, a job that requires managing all of the documentation associated with the excavation.

“I am surprised at the amount of documentation that is required,” said Russ. “It’s ver y tedious work involving a fair amount of math ”

The documentation for each day included recording the depth of digging and properly cataloging, labeling and bagging the items that were found. Russ also assisted Bates with setting daily goals and developing a plan to excavate the site, a process that is carried out layer

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1 Tools of the trade 2 Stephanie Neeley ’11 examines items in the sifter 3 Artifacts bagged and labeled 4 Anna Richmond (left), Jenny Bryant and Brandon Tomnay ’12 carefully remove layer s of soil to reveal buried artifacts and contexts 5 Dr Brian Bates (right) and Lynsie Russ ’12 discuss the daily goals for the site excavation as work continues around them

by layer so that each strata of earth that is uncovered reveals artifacts from roughly the same time period.

Russ recognized that the documentation is important but missed being involved in the actual digging “ The artifact you find may not be important, but its relationship to all the other artifacts is what helps to convey the big picture of the place and the people of a particular time.”

sor of anthropology who established the AFS in 1980 (see related story on Page 34). “It’s meaningful, it’s the real world, and it’s an actual difference we ’ re making There’s a fundamental satisfaction in the whole thing ”

“The whole experience has been fascinating,” said Morgan Cloud ’14, an anthropology major from Washington. “While the archaeology classes teach the process, the field work provides invaluable hands-on learning experience.”

When I think about the fact that we are the first people to touch these artifacts in 1,000 years, it’s amazing.’ – Stephanie Neeley ’11

Stephanie Neeley ’11, a graduate student in the anthropology program at Ball State University who worked with the AFS for the summer, agreed with Russ.

“ When I think about the fact that we are the first people to touch these artifacts in 1,000 years, it’s amazing Overall, this experience has been invaluable to me I have had better opportunities than most of my peers in the graduate program. ”

Some of the items found during this year ’ s dig were a worked shell (a shell modified to be a scraper for cleaning fish or working the inside of potter y), a conch shell fragment, a deer bone (modified as a tool for working leather), an arrowhead and a grindstone (the first of its kind found on the site).

“ We all had a part in uncovering the grindstone, ” said Shaun Callaghan ’13, an anthropology major from Dillwyn who plans to pursue a master ’ s in archaeology “I was just lucky to be the one to get the final piece. I love histor y and being outdoors this experience puts it all together.”

While participating in an AFS course, students live and work on site in the field The specific tasks they undertake var y from traditional digging to using modern technology such as the “total station,” a camera and laptop computer with specialized software. When the workday is done, students stay close to the site, often cooking together and gathering around a campfire

“Being in the field is a different bond than what you can develop in the classroom, the archives or the library. You sit on the ground together, sweat together and take an afternoon off and float on inner tubes down the Staunton River together,” said Dr James Jordan, profes-

That experience is open to students in all fields of study.

“ We don’t expect students to have any prior knowledge of archaeology or even the specific culture being studied,” said Bates “ We’ve had students from ever y major participate The experiences they have are valuable to a person ’ s academic and intellectual development regardless of their area of study.”

The AFS provides opportunities for classroom learning throughout the year. Each spring, students develop a research plan for a site; during the summer, students execute the plan In the fall, classes complete post-excavation processes to analyze and find meaning in the artifacts and data collected. Students get the opportunity to participate in each level of the experience and develop a deeper understanding of the process

In addition to the Wade Site, the AFS has engaged in research projects at the Anna’s Ridge Site in Cumberland State Forest (the location of the first excavation in 1980), the British Virgin Islands and Longwood’s Hull Springs Farm in Westmoreland County

“I was told recently by a professional archaeologist that Longwood is producing more career-ready archaeologists than any school in the state, ” said Bates. “Our graduates are wellprepared, and their training is on a par with any institution in the Commonwealth.

“ We live in a time of instant gratification— if I want to know something, I Google it, and it’s there Longwood students have the opportunity to experience true academic learning through the AFS. It’s a deliberative process that requires patience, skill, thought and planning Having that perspective will ser ve any student well in life ”

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Field School to

be named in honor of

Longwood Legend

eacher. Scholar. Mentor. Friend. Legend. These are just some of the words used to describe Dr. James W. Jordan, professor of anthropology, whose contributions to Longwood and generations of students will be celebrated with the naming of Longwood’s Archaeology Field School (AFS) in his honor. A campaign to raise $500,000 to endow the Archaeology Field School and rename it the Dr. James W. Jordan Archaeology Field School at Longwood University has been initiated, and a resolution in support of the renaming was expected to be adopted by the Longwood Board of Visitors at its meeting on September 14-15.

“Dr. James W. Jordan is a legend at Longwood,” said Dr Brian Bates ’92, who studied under Jordan and is now chair of the Department of Anthropology and director of the AFS “In his 34 years at Longwood, he has taught nearly 11,000 students in his various courses, and I wouldn’t be at all surprised if he remembers each and ever y person ’ s name— he is that good Jim embodies what we believe are the best attributes of Longwood He is a scholar of the first order His love of learning and the concomitant love of teaching that he exudes have impacted untold lives in ways that he could never imagine. He is truly a living legend as his career continues well into its fourth decade The Archaeology Field School is surely one of his signature accomplishments as a faculty member here at Longwood ”

On June 2, 1980, Jordan led the first group of Longwood students to the Anna’s Ridge Site in Cumberland State Forest for the first official

excavation by the Archaeology Field School. More than 30 years later, the program is thriving, providing year-round opportunities for students to participate in ongoing research projects from Civil War battlefields in Char-

‘ ’

The Senate and House of Delegates of the Virginia General Assembly honored Jordan in 1992 for “outstanding ser vices to the citizens of Virginia and to the discipline of archaeology in his teaching and research

In his 34 years at Longwood, he has taught nearly 11,000 students in his various courses, and I wouldn’t be at all surprised if he remembers each and every person’s name he is that good.

lotte County to the island of Tortola in the British Virgin Islands. Since its beginning, the goal of the program has been to offer students hands-on, practical training in archaeological field methods and techniques

Jordan joined the Longwood faculty in 1978. He earned his Master of Arts in both anthropology and sociology from the University of Connecticut and his Ph.D. in anthropology from the University of Georgia Since founding the AFS at Longwood in 1980, he has taught thousands of students in the classroom; carried out an extensive program of field research at prehistoric and historic archaeological sites in central Virginia and the Potomac River Valley; conducted a study of an English village; and visited and studied archaeological collections in Syria and the Kingdom of Jordan Since 2005, he has taken Longwood students to England to study prehistoric and medieval archaeological sites such as Stonehenge and Bath.

on t h e e a r l i e s t i n h a b i t a n t s o f t h e C o m m o nwe a l t h . ” In 1 9 9 5 , h e w a s re c o g n i ze d by t h e C a r n e g i e Fo u n d a t i o n f o r t h e Ad va n c e m e n t o f Te a c h i n g a s t h e Vi r g i n i a Pro f e s s o r o f t h e Ye a r

He also ser ves as a technical consultant for the Fox Television Network program “Bones.”

When asked about the most memorable artifact that he had discovered over the years, Jordan recalled an item that was found during an excavation under the Rotunda in 2002

“In the early days of Longwood’s histor y, young ladies in Virginia collected porcelain dolls. We found dozens of fragments under the Rotunda,” he said. “After finding one with blonde hair, pink cheeks and an ear, a student turned to me and said, ‘I wonder how many secrets that little ear has heard ’ I’d give anything to know those secrets The beauty is that, while artifacts themselves are mute, they offer us clues to the people who owned them, buried them or lost them.” Gina Caldwell

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Dr Jim Jordan, professor of anthropology, and his students explore a rock shelter in Willis Mountain

books by alumni, faculty, staff and friends

The Viewer and the Printed Image in Late Medieval Europe

The Viewer and the Printed Image in Late Medieval Europe is described as a “synthetic historical narrative of early prints that stresses their unusual material nature, as well as their accessibility to a variety of viewers, both lay and monastic ” Critics have called it a “splendid book, copiously illustrated,” a “powerful and abundantly illustrated book” and “original, compelling, accessible and thought-provoking ”Areford, who has a Ph D in art histor y from Northwestern University, is associate professor of art histor y at the University of Massachusetts Boston. He is coauthor of Origins of European Printmaking: Fifteenth-Centur y Woodcuts and Their Public. Published by Ashgate Publishing, hardcover, 312 pages.

Historical Dictionary of Mesoamerica

The author calls this a “helpful introductor y companion and quick reference guide for a beginner or advanced beginner or student ” The book contains 1,000 entries, 650 bibliographic references and 30 photographs Dr Walter Witschey has studied the ancient cultures of Middle America for more than 30 years and has collaborated with the book’s coauthor, Dr. Clifford T. Brown, since 1987, when both were graduate students at Tulane University. He and Brown, now an associate professor of anthropology at Florida Atlantic University, have worked together since 1996 on an electronic atlas of ancient Maya archaeological sites, which now includes about 6,000 sites

Published by Scarecrow Press, hardcover, 466 pages

Chosen Ones

Tiffany Truitt’s debut novel is a science fiction tale for young adults about a world in which a mysterious illness has made it impossible for women to breed,” she said. “As a result of wars, population has decreased and geneticists decide to create life, and there’s a natural divide between the Chosen Ones, who are artificially created, and the Naturals, who no longer have a purpose in life ” The Chosen Ones are described as “extraordinarily beautiful, unbelievably strong and unabashedly deadly ” Truitt, who is under contract to write two more books in the Chosen Ones series, lives in Chesapeake and teaches eighth-grade English at John F Kennedy Middle School in Suffolk. Published by Entangled Teen, softcover, 258 pages.

Sampson and the Gang from Hound Holler

This children’s stor y is about a foxhound who lives with his friends in a kennel called Hound Holler and “desperately wants to find his grand purpose ” Bishop and her husband have raised foxhounds (they currently have 12) for eight years, which she describes as “ a hobby that replaced the kids when they left home ” Both children, Coy Bishop ’02 and Kelly Bishop ’03, are Longwood graduates Marilyn Bishop, who lives in Rockville in Hanover County, has worked at the Federal Reser ve Bank of Richmond for 20 years. Published by Mirror Publishing, softcover, 48 pages.

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22 Men’s Soccer: vs Gardner-Webb 7 p m , Athletics Complex Reser ved seating: $12; general: $7; youth: $4; Longwood students, faculty and staff: free with ID; children 3 years and under: free Full schedule: longwoodlancers com

24 Chamber Music Series: Galler y Trio. 7:30 p m , Wygal Hall Auditorium Information: 434-395-2504

27 - 30, Oct. 4-7 Longwood Theatre: Blood Wedding by Federico Garcia Lorca Sept 27-29 and Oct. 4-6: 7 p.m.; Sept. 30 and Oct. 7: 3 p.m.; Mainstage Theater, Center for Communication Studies and Theatre Students: $5; faculty and staff: $6; general public: $8 Information: 434-395-2474

28 -Nov. 24 Art Exhibit and Reception:

Vote: Photographs by Michael Mergen and Photography: Highlights from the LCVA’s Permanent Collection Opening reception: 5-7 p.m. Sept. 28. Longwood Center for the Visual Arts Information: 434-395-2206

3 Speaker: College of Business and Economics Executive-in-Residence Tonya Mallor y, president and CEO, Health Diagnostic Laborator y, Inc 7 p m , 207 Hiner Hall Information: 434-395-2045

3 Men’s Soccer: vs. Radford. 7 p.m. Athletics Complex. Reser ved seating: $12; general: $7; youth: $4; Longwood students, faculty and staff: free with ID; children 3 years and under: free Full schedule: longwoodlancers com

3 Presentation: Jessica Pettitt, nominated twice by Campus Activities magazine as Best Diversity Artist. 9 p.m., Jarman Hall Auditorium. Information: 434-395-2106

4 Women’s Soccer: vs Winthrop 7 p m , Athletics Complex Reser ved seating: $10; general: $5; youth: $4; Longwood students, faculty and staff: free with ID; children 3 years and under: free. Full schedule: longwoodlancers.com.

5-6 Oktoberfest: Music, food and other activities Longwood campus

6 Faculty Recital: Roland Karnatz & quux collective 7:30 p m , Wygal Hall Auditorium Information: 434-395-2504


9 Men’s Soccer: vs. Virginia Tech. 7 p.m. Athletics Complex. Reser ved seating: $12; general: $7; youth: $4; Longwood students, faculty and staff: free with ID; children 3 years and under: free Full schedule: longwoodlancers com

19-21 Black Alumni Weekend: Longwood campus Information: 434-395-2394; registration: longwoodlink com

20 Workshop: “Dia de los Muertos: A Mexican Celebration of Life.” 10 a.m.-noon, lower level, Longwood Center for the Visual Arts Information: 434-395-2206

20 Women’s Soccer: vs VMI 6 p m , Athletics Complex Reser ved seating: $10; general: $5; youth: $4; Longwood students, faculty and staff: free with ID; children 3 years and under: free. Full schedule: longwoodlancers com

21 Concert: The Camerata Singers 3 p m , First Baptist Church, Petersburg Information: 434-395-2504

23-26 Community Art Workshop: Ursula Burgess Watercolor Workshop, with Central Virginia Arts Longwood Center for the Visual Arts Advance registration and fee required Information and RSVP: 434-395-2206

24 Field Hockey: vs. Radford. 6 p.m., Athletics Complex Full schedule: longwoodlancers com

30 Faculty Recital: Elizabeth Brightbill, flute, with guest pianist and cellist 3 p m , Wygal Hall Auditorium. Information: 434-395-2504.

30 Alumni Event: Field Hockey Alumni

Reunion Longwood campus Information: 434-395-2044

11 Concert: Richmond Symphony Orchestra 7:30 p.m., Jarman Hall Auditorium. Admission is free, but tickets are required and available from the Longwood Box Office, 434-395-2474 Information: 434-395-2504

19 Longwood Athletics Benefit: Live and silent auction, great food and dancing 7-11 p m , The Omni Hotel, Richmond. Tickets: $75 each or $125 for two. Presented by the Lancer Club. Information: 434-395-2081 or lancerclub@longwood edu

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SEPT. 30



OCT. 3

25 Concert: Longwood Wind Symphony 7:30 p.m., Jarman Hall Auditorium. Information: 434-395-2504.

25 Art for Lunch Lecture: Longwood assistant professor Michael Mergen speaks on his LCVA exhibition, Vote: Photographs by Michael Mergen 12:30 p m , Thomas Sully Galler y, Longwood Center for the Visual Arts. Information: 434-395-2206.

26-27 Alumni Event: Reunion Weekend

For the Class of 1967 (45th reunion) and the Class of 1972 (40th reunion) Longwood campus Information: 434-395-2044

4 Senior Recital: Luke Talian, percussion 4 p m , Wygal Hall Auditorium Information: 434-395-2504

8 Speaker: College of Business and Economics Executive-in-Residence Rhonda Vetere, senior vice president for global infrastructure technology at AIG. 7 p.m., Blackwell Ballroom. Information: 434-395-2045.

8 -11, 15-18 Longwood Theatre: The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee by William Finn and Rachel Sheinkin Oct 8-10 and 15-17, 7 p m ; Oct 11 and 18, 3 p m Mainstage Theatre, Center for Communication Studies and Theatre Students: $5; faculty and staff: $6; general public: $8 Information: 434-395-2474.

9-10 Concert: L’Orfeo (voice) 7:30 p m , Wygal Hall Auditorium Information: 434-395-2504

10 Senior Recital: Caren Lecos and Dustin Shuman, voice. 2 p.m., Wygal Hall Auditorium. Information: 434-395-2504

10 Comedy Performance: Will Malfori 9 p m , Lankford Ballroom

11 Senior Recital: Nicholas Snead, saxophone 4 p m , Wygal Hall Auditorium Information: 434-395-2504


OCT. 29

28-October 2013 Art Exhibit and Reception: Highlights from the 2012 Annual Area Youth Art Exhibition Throughout the Hull Education Center Opening reception: 2-4 p m Sept 28, 132 Hull Education Center Information: 434-395-2206

29 Chamber Music Series: Amernet String Quartet 7:30 p m , Wygal Hall Auditorium Information: 434-395-2504

30 Concert: The Camerata Singers 7:30 p m , Farmville United Methodist Church. Information: 434-395-2504.

30 Speaker: Zach Wahls, a proponent of full marriage equality 8 p m , Jarman Hall Auditorium Information: 434-395-2106 N

19 Concert: Men’s and Women’s Concert 7:30 p m , Jarman Hall Auditorium Information: 434-395-2504.

29 Reception: For August and December graduates Information: 434-395-2044

30 Concert: The Camerata Singers. 11 a.m., Ruffner Hall Rotunda. Information: 434-395-2504.

30 -Dec 1 Annual Holiday Dinner and Concert. 6:30 p m , Dorrill Dining Hall Tickets


DEC . 1


1 Family Workshop: “ Winter Wonderland ” 10 a m -noon, lower level, Longwood Center for the Visual Arts Information: 434-395-2206

7-March 24 Art Exhibit and Reception: Works by Thornton Dial: New in the LCVA Permanent Collection from James E and Barbara B Sellman Opening reception: 5-7 p m Dec 7 Longwood Center for the Visual Arts Information: 434-395-2206

15 Concert: Roy Clark. 2 p.m., Jarman Hall Auditorium Tickets required Information: 434-395-2504 or 434-395-2474

1-3 Field Hockey: Northern Pacific Field Hockey Conference (NorPac) Athletics Complex Full schedule: longwoodlancers com

3 Senior Recital: Sarah Cave, voice. 7:30 p.m., Wygal Hall Auditorium Information: 434-395-2504

12 Women’s Basketball: vs Air Force 7 p m , Willett Hall Reser ved seating: $10; general: $5; youth: $4; Longwood students, faculty and staff: free with ID (general admission); children 3 years and under: free Full schedule: longwoodlancers com

13 Concert: Longwood Jazz Ensembles 7:30 p m , Jarman Hall Auditorium Information: 434-395-2504.

15 Men’s Basketball: vs Norfolk State 7 p m , Willett Hall Reser ved seating: $12; general: $7; youth: $4; Longwood students, faculty and staff: free with ID (general admission); children 3 years and under: free Full schedule: longwoodlancers com

J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 3

3 Women’s Basketball: vs Gardner-Webb

7 p m , Willett Hall Reser ved seating: $10; general: $5; youth: $4; Longwood students, faculty and staff: free with ID (general admission); children 3 years and under: free Full schedule: longwoodlancers com

5 Men’s Basketball: vs. Coastal Carolina. 2 p m , Willett Hall Reser ved seating: $12; general: $7; youth: $4; Longwood students, faculty and staff: free with ID (general admission); children 3 years and under: free Full schedule: longwoodlancers com

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A Big Moment for Lancers

Longwood celebrates its official entry into the Big South Conference

Longwood celebrated the start of its membership in the Big South Conference at a gathering that counted down the minutes to 12:01 a m July 1, the official day the university joined the conference

Attended by more than 100 Longwood faculty, staff, coaches, alumni and other Lancer fans, the event, which began on the evening of June 30, was held at Charley’s Waterfront Café in Farmville

“Congratulations to ever yone whose hard work led to Longwood’s entrance into the Big South Conference, especially our outstanding student-athletes, dedicated coaches and athletics staff, and incredible fans,” said Longwood Interim President Marge Connelly. “Our formal conference affiliation gives us the opportunity to enhance Longwood’s visibility on a national scale This is truly an exciting time to be a Lancer!”

In June, the Big South released new scheduling formats for men ’ s and women ’ s basketball beginning in 2012-13, as well as divisional play on the men ’ s side Longwood men ’ s basketball will be in a division with Liberty, Radford, VMI, Campbell and High Point; women ’ s basketball will not play in divisions

In addition, the conference announced that VisitMyr tleBeach com would be the ne w title sponsor of the Big South men ’ s and women ’ s basketball tournament championships for the next three years, which will take place at Coastal Carolina University’s ne w 3,200-seat on-campus Student Recreation and Convocation Center. The 2013 VisitMyr tleBeach com Big South Basketball Championships are scheduled for March 510, 2013

Longwood is eligible for all Big South championships during 2012-13

The Lancers have competed as a NCAA Division I Independent since 2007 Longwood was invited to join the Big South in January 2012, becoming the fourth member school in Virginia Longwood sponsors 14 intercollegiate Division I sports, 13 of which are sponsored by the Big South: baseball, men ’ s and women ’ s basketball, men ’ s and women ’ s cross country, men ’ s and women ’ s golf, women ’ s lacrosse, men ’ s and women ’ s soccer, softball, and men ’ s and women ’ s tennis. The Lancers’ field hockey program will continue to compete in the Northern Pacific Field Hockey Conference (NorPac), as it has since 2005

“A new era of Longwood Athletics has begun!” said Longwood Director of Athletics Troy Austin “My great thanks go to the Longwood family for making this goal a reality.

I am excited about the opportunity for all Lancers to earn conference achievements and represent Longwood on a bigger stage ”

Men’s basketball head coach Mike Gillian said joining the league is a seminal moment in Longwood Athletics.

“ There has been such a tremendous amount of energy, enthusiasm and commitment put into developing our athletic programs over the past nine years that we all feel deser ving of this fantastic opportunity joining the Big South presents to us, ” he said “Being part of a league means ever ything It gives us tangible championships and post-season opportunities to play for, and it validates all of the work that has gone into getting us to this point. Now the challenge is to honor the privilege of being a Big South member by competing and succeeding in the league the right way: with sportsmanship and integrity ” Greg Prouty

Radford University Radford, Va

University of North Carolina-Asheville Asheville, N C

Gardner-Webb University

Boiling Springs, N C

Virginia Military Institute Lexington, Va

Longwood University

Liberty University

Lynchburg, Va

High Point University

High Point, N C

Winthrop University

Rock Hill, S C

Presbyterian College Clinton, S C

Charleston Southern University Charleston, S C

Campbell University

Buies Creek, N C

Coastal Carolina University Conway, S C

E 3 8 I L O N G W O O D M A G A Z I N E

Blueprint for Success

Former VCU AD takes in-depth look at athletics

Membership in the Big South Conference presents a “tremendous opportunity to maximize the value of athletics as a critical and important piece of the university’s] overall branding effort,” according to a consultant who is providing guidance as Longwood moves into its inaugural year with the Big South

Dr. Richard Sander, former director of athletics at Virginia Commonwealth University VCU), has taken an in-depth look at Longwood Athletics and come away from that analysis with high hopes for the athletics program and what it can do for the university.

Longwood Director of Athletics Troy Austin said Longwood’s joining the Big South raised some important questions, so he decided to ask an expert to help the university find the answers.

“Dr Sander set the foundation for VCU athletics success, building the Stuart C Siegel Center and overseeing many championship teams, ” Austin said in explaining his choice of Sander as a consultant. “He also began the sports leadership graduate program at VCU, where several Longwood staff members, including myself, have earned degrees.

“ The Department of Athletics needed to assess its resources and strategically prioritize its operations for the future,” Austin added “ The Big South Conference establishes a structure that provides many exciting prospects, but is still ver y new ”

The assessment process was extensive.

Sander conducted an online sur vey of the entire athletics department staff. He then met with ever y head coach and area director individually, and conducted focus group interviews with the department assistants, student-athletes and external constituents of Longwood Athletics. Sander talked to Big South personnel and conference administrators in the Virginia region In addition, he thoroughly examined Longwood’s athletics budget, as well as those at peer institutions

Austin said Sander’s assessment yielded 11 recommendations These recommendations form the basis of an action plan called “Winning Edge 365,” which Sander said “clearly challenges every student-athlete, coach and administrator to be the best they can be while also being a great representative of the university ”

Three of the most significant recommendations are to

• Shift the culture at Longwood toward the commitment it takes to be successful in Division I

• Better engage faculty and staff as supporters of the athletics program

• Establish a presence for Longwood athletics in Richmond to benefit athletics and the university

“ The Big South will greatly enhance the experience of being a Division I student-athlete and provide a larger platform for the athletics department to better fulfill its mission,” said Sander, adding that a cultural shift needs to take place toward recognizing what participation in Division I athletics really means There are responsibilities that accompany membership Student-athletes, coaches and administrators need to realize that conference competition will bring with it not only responsibility, but also accountability and expectation ”

Engaging faculty and staff more in the support of athletics might mean creating other events like The G A M E , the annual march to the opening women ’ s soccer game.

“ The development of relationships beyond the Athletics Department will foster moments of inspiration and excitement,” said Austin The women ’ s soccer program and the Office of First Year Experience worked together to create one of Longwood’s newest and more popular traditions with The Greatest Athletics March Ever (The G A M E ) The goal is to replicate this initiative to produce results that ultimately benefit Longwood ”

Also key is using athletics to raise Longwood’s profile in the Richmond area, where more than 30 percent of Longwood alumni live, said Austin The increased exposure for the university will lead to more interest from prospective students, more opportunities for Longwood to touch base with a majority of its constituents and more support for coaches’ recruiting efforts ”

Sander’s recommendations were presented to Athletics Department staff in May and to the Board of Visitors in June.

The plan, moving for ward, is to utilize the majority of the concepts of ‘ Winning Edge 365’ to construct a blueprint for Big South success ” Sabrina Brown

March Madness

Longwood’s third annual G A M E (Greatest Athletics March Ever) rock ed the campus Aug. 19 with (1) a spirit carni val, where students painted faces Lancer blue and white; (2) a pep rally, where this year ’s scarf and the new fight song were officially introduced; and (3) the march to the soccer field for (4) the women’s game against VCU

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Going Pro

Basketball, softball standouts earn top awards for student-athletes

Male Athlete of the Year Antwan

Lancer fans in the eighth grade and younger have a new way to show their support for Longwood athletics and get some special benefits

Little Lancer s Kids Club, presented by Raymond Insurance Agency of Farmville, was created to emphasize a greater family atmosphere at Longwood athletics events and instill a sense of Lancer Pride in the community’s youth.

“The Little Lancer s will allow kids in the surrounding areas the chance to be a part of the Longwood family at a young age and learn what it means to be a Lancer,” said Assistant Athletics Director for Mark eting Eric Stoller

Member s of the Little Lancer s will recei ve free general admission to all Longwood athletic events In addition, they will enjoy several other benefits including a member s-only Tshirt, ID card, birthday card from Elwood and invitations to participate in clinics and autograph sessions conducted by student-athletes

Per NCAA regulations, all youth in grades eight and under are eligible to participate in the Little Lancer s The yearly member ship fee is $25 For more information, please contact Mark eting Assistant Whitney Curtis at 434-395-2378 or curtiswl@longwood edu Little Lancers Kids Club launched for young fans

Carter of St Petersburg, Fla , and Female Athlete of the Year Ashley Kramer of Ashburn were among the students recognized with Student-Athlete Awards for 2011-12. Carter, a men ’ s basketball standout, won for the second-straight year; Kramer was recognized for her outstanding play in softball Both were seniors.

Senior lacrosse team member Samantha Stifler of Jarrettsville, Md., was presented with the school's Jimmy Yarbrough Inspiration Award In addition, 117 student-athletes were recognized with the Scholar-Athlete Award, an honor given to student-athletes, cheerleaders and athletic training students who earn a 3.0 grade-point average for the previous two semesters

Carter, a communication studies major, started all 31 games during the year and averaged 19 4 points and 9 2 rebounds while being named CollegeInsider.com, College Sports Madness, CollegeHoops net and

Roundball Daily.com Independent Player of the Year

Playing shortstop, Kramer started all 55 games during the season and batted .327 with two home runs, eight doubles, 24 runs scored, 18 RBI and eight stolen bases. Kramer received her Bachelor of Science degree in kinesiology with a concentration in exercise science in May.

Stifler demonstrated great strength of character and an unwavering commitment to her academics and teammates while dealing with the death of her father, Mark, in November 2011 following his two-year battle with brain cancer In addition to being unanimously elected a team captain this year, she is a member of the Cormier Honors College and a Dean’s List student. A midfielder, she star ted 16 matches this spring with 10 goals and one assist for 11 points, adding 29 ground balls, 24 draw controls and 10 caused turnovers Greg Prouty

Additional 2011-12 Awards

Henry I Willett Scholar-Athlete Awards

Kameron Carter of Bassett

Austin Gray of Midlothian

Freshman Athlete of the Year Awards

Megan Baltzell of Stafford

Brandon Vick of Newport News

Academic PRIDE Awards

Lindsey Ottavio of Fairfax

Dominique Bickham of Spotsylvania

Lancer Outstanding Service Awards

Amy Lewis of Lewisville, N C

Zack Mahon of San Antonio, Texas

Cormier Award for Academic Excellence

Spring 2011: Men’s Golf, Women’s Tennis

Fall 2011: Men’s Tennis, Women’s Soccer

Student-Athlete Advisory Committee

ACES Award

Tuck er Dowdy, Lancer Lunatics president

Student-Athlete Advisory Committee

Coach of the Year Award

Ali Wright, women’s golf head coach

Special Recognition Award

Skip Spain, public address announcer

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Award winner s Kameron Carter ’11 (left) , Megan Baltzell ’15, Brandon Vick ’15, Ashley Kramer ’12, Antwan Carter ’12, Austin Gray ’12 and Samantha Stifler ’12 Former men’s bask etball standout Antwan Carter of St Peter sburg, Fla , has signed to play professionally in Holland’s Dutch League for Stepco BS Weert in The Netherlands Carter ’12 was Longwood’s all-time leading scorer with 1,886 career points.

Fighting Words and Music

Longwood unveils first official fight song

The Department of Athletics unveiled Longwood’s fir st official fight song on Aug 19 during a pep rally prior to The GAME 3.0. Written by Rob Blank enship ’0 0, “Hail to Longwood U!” has an easy-to-sing and memorable melody and spirited lyrics

A video for the song can be seen on the Longwood YouTube channel (www.you tube com/user/LongwoodULancer s) and features member s of the Lancer family, including student-athletes, coaches, faculty and staff The video was produced by Stephen Hudson ’13, a communication studies major from Richmond and an intern in the Office of Public Relations.

The GAME 3 0 is the third installment of the school’s march from Willett Hall to the Athletics Complex for the women’s soccer home opener

Hail to Longwood U!

by Rob Blank enship ’0 0

Hail to Longwood U

Hail to Longwood U

Oh, we are Lancers proud and Lancers true, We fight for the white and blue.

Hail to Longwood U.

Fight for white and blue

For glory, honor, victory

Go! Lancers! Lancers! Longwood U

Go! LU

Fight! LU

Win! LU

Let’s go, fight, win LU

Hail to Longwood U

Hail to Longwood U

Oh, we are Lancers proud and Lancers true, We fight for the white and blue

Hail to Longwood U

Fight for white and blue.

For glory, honor, victory

Go! Lancers! Lancers! Longwood U

Give and Take October athletics benefit to feature live auction

The first-ever Longwood Athletics Benefit Celebration, presented by the Lancer Club, will be held Friday, Oct 19, from 7-11 p m at The Omni Richmond Hotel.

“ We want to use athletics to spread the Lancer and Longwood brand,” said Scott Bacon, the point person for the October event “ With the Lancers joining the Big South, this is the most exciting time in the histor y of Longwood Athletics We want to utilize athletics to gain notoriety and tell the stor y of Longwood University It is a whole new ballgame [in the Big South] We want to make it a top-notch event across the board.”

The event will feature a live and silent auction, music, dancing, heavy hors d’oeuvres and an open bar Auction items will include 2013 ESPY Awards tickets, a seven-night Caribbean cruise, a round of golf and tour at the Atlanta Athletic Club and a Napa Valley Wine Countr y experience.

“We were at a critical point after Division I,” said Chad Knowles ’94, one of the organizers of the event “We needed to make a change for the program, and being part of the Big South is a big fit. It will be a huge benefit for the athletics department and the school I am excited ”

The benefit comes on the heels of Longwood’s officiall induction into the Big South Conference on July 1 Richmond was a logical choice for the venue because the Virginia capital region is home to the largest number of Longwood alumni.

“Thirty percent of our alumni population is in the Richmond area, ” said Austin, who hopes to attract at least 200 people. “And 75 percent of our alumni are in Virginia Richmond is a great central point for our alumni base.”

This is the right time for a high-profile event supporting athletics, said women ’ s soccer head coach Todd Dyer ’93.

“Some of us have been here a long time,” said the former men ’ s soccer player, who is in his 19th season as coach “We have seen the evolution of Longwood athletics. It has continued to get bigger and stronger We added the missing part of the puzzle [by joining the Big South]. I think more than anything we are stepping up to the next level Being able to do this event in the state capital is a terrific location.”

Tickets are $75 each or $125 for two

For ticket or sponsorship information, please contact Bacon at 434-395-2081 or lancer club@longwood edu David Driver

2011-12 successes come on the field and in the classroom

On the eve of Longwood’s entry into the Big South Conference, athletics teams posted a series of successes both on the playing field and in the classroom in 2011-12

Men’s soccer w h ASC Ch i hi with a final recor ber of wins since Rapids selected k Helmick in the 20 League Soccer (M plemental Draft, fender Shane Joh earned a roster s starting position

Richmond Kick er United Soccer Le (USL) Pro Di visio

Men’s bask etb out Antwan Carte the school’s all-ti leader (1,886 poi only player in the gram with at leas 1,0 0 0 career rebo

Longwood baseball completed its 31st winning season at 27-21, also the 31st overall 20win campaign and 24th season with at least 25 wins

The Lancer s ’ softball team completed its 15th consecuti ve 20-win season and 12th 25win campaign at 29-26

Longwood graduated 46 current and former student-athletes this year, including women’s cross country standout Jessica Alley who shared the school’s prestigious Sally Barksdale Hargrett Prize for Academic Excellence awarded to the graduating senior with the highest grade-point average (4 0 0)

Finally, Longwood women’s cross country and women’s golf each posted a perfect score of 1,0 0 0 in the latest release of the multiyear NCAA Di vision I Academic Progress Rate (APR). This is the fifth-straight year that women’s golf has been perfect in posting a multiyear APR score within the top 10 percent of all Di vision I women’s golf teams, and the second consecuti ve year that women’s cross country has attained this distinct achievement

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Liberty Mutual to sponsor online registration for all alumni events

Liberty Mutual is now the online registration sponsor for all alumni events

We’re proud that they’re our line registration sponsor,” said Nancy Shelton, associate vice president for alumni relations. Longwood’s Office of Alumni Relations has for several year s had a vendor partner ship with Liberty Muual, which provides umni with a special disted rate on auto insurance and home insurance

Forever Lancer Days to give graduating seniors a proper sendoff

The orientation program for all new Longwood students, New Lancer Days, is called the fir st four days of the best four year s of your life ” A new program for graduating senior s, Forever Lancer Days, is being billed as the last four days of the best four year s of your life ”

The program, which is being developed by Alumni Relations with assistance from a student intern and senior class officer s, will ensure that graduates leave on a high note Ideas for these four days include a fun event for senior s, a banquet to welcome Longwood’s newest alumni into the Alumni Association and a garden reception for graduates and their families

As part of Forever Lancer Days, a booklet containing information about transitioning from college student to young professional will be developed and distributed to new graduates One feature being considered for the booklet is a section where alumni could advertise their businesses. The section could be di vided into geographic regions so graduates could easily see the alumni-owned businesses in the area to which they’re moving. Alumni interested in learning more about advertisement opportunities in the Forever Lancer Days booklet should contact the Office of Alumni Affair s at alumni@longwood edu or 434-395-2044

Longwood trivia game played at retreat for boards

Members of Longwood’s boards (Board of Visitors, Alumni Association and Foundation) and other constituents gathered June 14 with faculty and staff to discuss the university’s future Not ever ything that day was serious, though A friendly competition among teams made up of representatives from each board, plus one team of faculty members, tested each

Longwood Brain Game

group ’ s knowledge of Longwood The “Longwood Brain Game” was hosted by Interim President Marge Connelly and contained some surprising trivia (judging by some of the answers).

The winner of the competition was the Board of Visitors team You can see how you would have done by answering a sampling of the trivia questions below Good luck!

1. In academic year 2012-13, what percentage of the school’s funding will come from the state?

2. What is the expected enrollment of incoming freshmen for the 2012-13 academic year?

3. What is the approximate amount of debt that Longwood students have at graduation?

4. What percentage of our students are minorities?

5. How many full-time faculty do we employ?

6. How much have we booked in new gifts and pledges during fiscal year 2012?


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Alumni Colleen McCrink Margiloff ’97, Nancy Eubank Scruggs ’80 and Kendall Lee ’01 play the Longwood Brain Game during a retreat held June 14

No Way Out

Demonic house is central character in alum’s feature film directorial debut

Filmmaker Eric Hurt’s “House Hunting” is sure to make more than one wannabe homeowner stick to renting

Set in the Virginia countr yside, Hurt’s spine-tingling feature film debut is about two

As director, bringing all the elements of the film together was ver y satisfying. The 23-day shoot schedule was stressful, but I had a lot of fun.’ Eric Hurt ’00

families who attend the same open house and soon learn that unseen evil forces are bent on keeping them on the remote proper ty w h i l e p i t t i n g t h e m a g a i n s t e a c h o t h e r Hu r t ’ 0 0 d e s c r i b e s h i s n e w i n d i e f l i c k a s “ a s u p e r n a t ur a l t h r i l l e r ”

“I’ve worked in the horror genre before,” he said. “It’s a good entrée into the film business. But for my first film, I wanted to do something that was suspenseful ven without a lot of gore a are often a crutch for horr bringing all the elements o was ver y satisfying. The 23 was stressful, but I had a lo “House Hunting” was p and Plunder Pictures, Hu based production compan lage and Plunder’s work is projects for example, “B duced by Kim Hinkle of “ Massacre” fame.

“I make a living as a dir phy and Steadicam operat directing a film for my ow especially memorable expe Hopefully these are steppi projects.”

While he never studied fi B A is in history with a mi ogy), he says his educationa at Longwood has proved en helpful in his career. “Ther of narrative inherent in his he said. “It taught me a lot about storytelling ”

Following graduation, Hurt worked in production while running a catering business in his hometown of Charlottesville Three years later, he made the plunge and moved to Los Angeles During his five years on the West Coast, he worked in many aspects of the film business and became increasingly interested in writing and cinematography. In 2007, he returned to Charlottesville, seeking inclusion in the town ’ s small but vibrant film community.

Slated to open in October 2012, Hurt’s new indie boasts a solid, 10-person cast with some familiar faces, including Marc Singer (“Beastmaster”) and Art LeFleur (“Field of Dreams”) Word on the street is that the film delivers what a thriller should: “ The scares are through the roof,” according to Ain’t It Cool News, an online website focused on entertainment.

Next up, Hurt says he’s doing

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‘ P e r s o n of I n t e r e s t
The poster promoting ‘House Hunting,‘ the debut feature film for director Eric Hurt ’0 0 (below)

Living to Tell the Stor y

Longwood alums working at state park preserve the memory of the last major Civil War battle

At Sailor’s Creek Battlefield Historical State Park, the stor y of the Blue and the Gray is told by people loyal to the blue and white.

Four staff members at the site of the last major Civil War battle are Longwood alumni, including the park manager, Chris Calkins ’81;

the National Park Ser vice for nearly 35 years, all of it at Civil War battlefields in Virginia. Most of Sailor’s Creek’s 350 acres are located in Amelia County.

We who work here treat this place with reverence this is blood-soaked, hallowed ground.’ Sam Wilson Jr., M.S. ’00

the chief of interpretation, Sam Wilson Jr , M S ’00; administrative assistant Kandace McCabe ’10; and Caitlin Johnson ’12, a May graduate who interned at the park in spring 2012 and is now an AmeriCorps member working there.

Calkins, an authority on the last year of the Civil War, became the first full-time manager at Sailor’s Creek in July 2008 after working for

“Our mission here,” said Calkins, “is to tell how this battle contributed to the end of the war 72 hours later; to restore the battlefield to its original condition— in the spring we planted 1,200 trees because this area was more heavily wooded in 1865; and to tell how the war affected the people of Southside Virginia ”

The battle of Sailor’s Creek (sometimes referred to as Saylers Creek) actually consisted of three separate battles Hillsman’s farm, Lockett’s farm and Marshall’s Crossroads— all fought on April 6, 1865, just three days before Robert E Lee surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia at Appomattox Court House During the battle, Lee lost 7,700 men nearly one-fourth of his army most of whom were captured when

Union cavalry and infantry attacked the rear guard of his forces near Little Sailor’s Creek.

The stiffest Confederate resistance and the most vicious fighting took place around the Hillsman House, which is our icon,” said Calkins “After the battle, the house became a field hospital: 358 Union and 161 Confederate casualties were treated in the house and on the lawn, mostly on the lawn.”

Blood stains, confirmed by recent analysis, are still visible on the floor of the house, which was restored and reopened in 2009 as a house museum “ Two-thirds of the house is now set up as a field hospital, as it was used after the battle, and the rest is set up as domestic quarters, ” Calkins said.

The park, with its new visitor center, is a growing attraction Just fewer than 7,000 people visited during the first six months of 2012, compared with 3,000 visitors in all of 2011

“Coming to work here ever y day is like a homecoming for me, since my roots are in this area, ” said Wilson, who is responsible for creating interpretive programs at the park. “ We who work here treat this place with reverence— this is blood-soaked, hallowed ground We have a duty, honor and responsibility to speak for those who fought here ” Kent Booty

Chris Calkins ’81 (left), Kandace McCabe ’10, Sam Wilson Jr , M S ’0 0, and Caitlin Johnson ’12 work at Sailor ’s Creek Battlefield Historical State Park, the site of the last major Ci vil War battle The most vicious fighting took place around the Hillsman House (seen in back ground), which served as a field hospital and now is a restored house museum
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P e r s o n s of I n t e r e s t


Peggy Dee Hoover Newhall 51 received a national certification as teacher of music (piano) This certification is from the Music Teachers National Association She is also the Fairfax County coordinator for MusicLink


Glenda Chamberlain Boswell 62 retired from her position as executive assistant to the president of Danville Community College after 50 years of ser vice to the Commonwealth of Virginia.


Joyce “Joy” Morene ’74, a licensed professional counselor, opened a private practice office in the Car ytown area of Richmond

Debra Doss ’75 is the new principal of Creek View Elementar y School in Alpharetta, Ga She previously was a principal with Roanoke (Va ) City Schools and has nearly 10 years of principal leadership experience She also has experience as an elementar y school assistant principal and teacher.

Gayle Shoulars Graham ’77 received Georgia Master Teacher Certification in 2012

Robyn Swartzwelder Hilton ’79 earned national board certification as a CTE teacher


Nancy Willard Greer ’82, owner of Jing Ying Institute of Kung Fu & Tai Chi in Arnold, Md , was honored as the Women in Business Champion of the Year at the 28th Annual Mar yland Small Business Week Awards Greer will join 10 other outstanding small business owners and supporting champions

Ramona Lanier DeWitt ’84, a veteran of nearly three decades of teaching, was honored as the 2012 Teacher of the Year in the Waynesboro schools

Steven Holmquist ’84 was appointed senior vice president of sales at Vitera Healthcare Solutions, one of the nation’s largest providers of electronic health records and practice-management software

Dave Pool ’85 was appointed senior vice president of engineering at Red Lambda, Inc , a global provider of grid-based, security analytics solutions for big data

Douglas Cooke III ’86 was promoted to senior vice president for institutional sales at Ohio National Financial Ser vices in Montgomer y

Carl A. Manis ’88 was promoted to warden at Green Rock Correctional Center Manis began his Department of Corrections career in July 1988 as an institutional rehabilitation counselor at Nottoway Correctional Center


Kimberly Mooney Bradshaw 95 was named principal of Oak Grove Elementar y by the Roanoke County School Board

William Fiege ’95 joined John Tyler Community College as vice president of academic affairs

Jamie Soltis ’96 was named the new principal at Glenvar Middle School by the Roanoke County School Board

Jan Lee Coletrane Harrell ’97 was appointed economic development manager for the city of Emporia

Heather Bousman ’98 is a new assistant principal for South County Middle School in Lorton

Henry I Tragle II ’98 is a global account executive at Aruba Networks

Michael Lawston ’99 of First Investors was nominated presidentelect of the Virginia Association of Colleges and Employers


Crystal Ricks Colohan ’0 0 was named Teacher of the Year for Holland Elementar y School in Virginia Beach for 2011-12.

Greg Garrison ’0 0 became deputy chief for the Washington, D C , public schools in Januar y 2012

Vince Walden ’01 was named assistant coach of the Liberty Flames men ’ s basketball team.

Theresa Thoms Annis ’02 is a school counselor at Matoaca

Rebecca Jordan ’02 is a sales representative for Clear Channel Richmond Integrated Media Solutions

Terence Metz ’02 joined First Community Bank as vice president/business lender for the Richmond area Most recently, Metz worked for Wells Fargo Advisors as a financial adviser

Sarah Whitley ’02, director of first-year experience and family programs at Longwood University, was quoted in two articles that appeared in the online newsletter Higher Ed Impact published by Academic Impressions Whitley was the primary source for “Training Peer Mentors for First-Year Students: What’s Missing” and was also quoted in “3 Ways to Help Peer Educators ”

Lindsey Cabell Dennier Collins 05, graduated summa cum laude from Virginia Commonwealth University in May 2012 with a Master of Education in counselor education with a concentration in school counseling PK-12 She also achieved National Certified Counselor (NCC) status in April 2012. Collins is the 2012-13 president of the Richmond Area Counselors Association (RACA) and was the association’s membership chair in 2011-12

Base Hit

More than 60 Longwood alumni and friends turned out to watch the Richmond Flying Squirrels tak e on the Altoona Curve July 18 The event included a pre-game social in the Morgan Stanley Smith-Barney suite courtesy of former Lancer Bill Edwards ’02 (top) Longwood’s mascot, Elwood, mixes it up with participants (middle) Janie Wall Evans ’67 second from left, bottom row), her husband, Ron Evans (left), John Murray ’03 and Bryan Figura ’03 enjoy the game (bottom) Chris Davis ’09 (right) finds a play much more exciting than Jonathan Woodcock ’09

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C l a s s N o t e s Continued on Page 46
’ ’ ’ ’ (

Where in the World Is the Longwood Scarf? At the Olympics!

Scott Bacon, Longwood assistant athletics director for development and the radio ‘Voice of the Lancer s,’ stretches out his Lancer scarf at Olympic Stadium inside Olympic Park in London during the summer games Track and field events (known as ‘athletics ’ events at the Olympics) were held at the stadium. Send your high-resolution (at least 1 5 MB) scarf photos to alumni@longwood edu

1967 and 1972 grads invited to fall reunion on campus

A fir st-time reunion of the 45th and 40th reunion classes the Classes of 1967 and 1972 will be held Oct 26-27

“This kind of reunion is being offered on a trial basis at the suggestion of alumni, and we’re going to see if people lik e it,” said Nancy Shelton ’68, associate vice president for alumni relations

Shelton describes the event as “more of a casual” reunion It will begin with a reception Friday evening, followed by a “Reconnecting over Coffee” program and a “Getting to Know Longwood Again” presentation and luncheon on Saturday All of the acti vities will be together except separate class meetings on Saturday afternoon.

Member s of the Classes of 1967 and 1972 should soon be recei ving information in the mail about the reunion and registration.

Online registration is available at www longwoodlink com

Continued from Page 45

Bryan Lee ’06 of Huntersville, N C , works in customer ser vice for Wurth Wood Group and was recognized as Employee of the Year He is married to Allison Smith Lee ’07

John Michael Joyce ’07 received his M D from MCV in May

Allison Smith Lee ’07 of Huntersville, N C , is a product data analyst for Newell Rubbermaid She is married to Bryan Lee ’06.

Liz Long ’07 wrote her first fantasy/fiction book, Gifted, A Donovan Circus Novel, which rose to No 23 on the free Kindle books page

Christopher Shuford ’07 received a Ph D in analytical chemistr y from North Carolina State University.

Joy Walsh M S Ed ’07, a special education teacher at Pocahontas Elementar y School in Powhatan, Va , was named the school’s Teacher of the Year

Heather Atkinson’08 is a student ser vices specialist at John Tyler Community College’s Chester campus

Barbara Lenhardt MBA ’08 is director of retail operations at the John F Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts

Hunter Swanson ’08, was selected as an Institute Scholar for the Institute at the Institute conference in Indianapolis

Erica (Ludeke) Hutchinson ’09 opened Black Creek Flowers & Sweets in Mechanicsville

Katie McQuain Lane ’09 and her husband were selected to be on the Newlywed Edition of “ Wheel of Fortune” in June 2012


Stephanie McDonald ’10 of Chester, an associate training specialist for Dominion Power, was selected by Dominion as one of 12 “ Volunteers of the Year” for 2011

Tanja Atkins Nelson M S ’10 is the principal at Flat Rock Elementar y School in Powhatan

Catherine Swandby Shuford ’10 graduated from Duke University with her B S in Nursing and is now employed as a registered nurse at Duke University Hospital

Jeff Boyle ’11 is a marketing coordinator at Lessard Design, an international architecture and urban design firm with offices in Washington, D C , New York and India

Paige Tucker M S ’11 teaches first grade at Elizabeth Scott Elementary School in Chesterfield County

Tara Carr ’11, a Longwood admissions counselor, was interviewed on Atlanta radio station V103 during the “Frank & Wanda Morning Show,” the No 1 morning show in Atlanta Carr discussed an article that she wrote for Examiner com about the book Fifty Shades of Grey (http://www examiner com/ review/ 50-shades-of-grey-book-review) Carr has been writing for Examiner.com

Send in your news for class notes

for more than a year and has published more than 100 articles

Leary Davis ’12 of Jarratt participated in a public art campaign sponsored by the Halifax, N.C., Convention and Visitors Bureau. Davis and other artists created oneof-a-kind designs and then painted large fiberglass rockfish to be displayed in the community

Shane Johnson ’12 is a starting defender for the Richmond Kickers of the United Soccer Leagues (USL) Pro Division.

Avery McMahon ’12 is the manager of The Velvet Shoestring, a furniture consignment shop in Wayne, Pa


Kinley Hope Colohan and Keegan Faith Colohan, daughters of Crystal Ricks Colohan ’0 0 on July 5, 2011


Sara Stanley ’10 was married on June 2, 2012

Patrick Crute ’10 and Ashley Jarrett ’10 were married on June 30, 2012 Patrick is deputy manager, field operations, at DDC Advocacy Ashley is the assistant director of career ser vices at George Mason University

We hope you’re enjoying the Class Notes section in this issue of the magazine, which appear s for the fir st time in many year s To k eep it going, we need your help Have you recently gotten a new job or a promotion? Had a baby or adopted a child? Gotten married? Recei ved an award? If so, email all the details to alumni@longwood.edu. Don’ t forget to provide complete information For all submissions, tell us your full name, the year you graduated and the degree you received, and send us a contact phone number or email address in case we have questions

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C l a s s N o

The Good Life

Darryl and Jeris Johnson of Raleigh, N.C., are enjoying careers in science and technology

When they were deciding where to go to college, Darryl Johnson ’89 and Jeris Hill Johnson ’88 were charmed by Longwood’s small campus and the close-knit relationships between professors and students

They fell in love with the university, and, along the way, they fell in love with each other

Today they live in Raleigh, N.C., pursuing careers in science and technology.

Darr yl, who majored in business administration at Longwood, works in software design for eCast Corp , a company involved in the fusion of medicine with technology

He is focused on developing software that makes it easier for records to follow patients from doctor to doctor, from doctor to specialist, and from doctor to hospital.

Jeris is team leader for the Molecular-Oncology Department of the Center for Molecular Biology and Pathology, a division of the Laborator y Corporation of America

Her work helps physicians tailor chemotherapy treatments for cancer patients by looking for mutations in DNA samples

Jeris, a biology major with a minor in English, says her teachers at Longwood inspired her to take her interest and aptitude in science and math as far as she could.

Former Longwood professor Wayne Tinnell’s microbiology class was one of her biggest chal-

lenges, and it had an intimidating reputation

“Ever yone was quaking in their boots when they talked about his class,” Jeris said. “A lot of people failed. In my class, there were 15 students, and six were taking the class [for the second time] ”

For more than a decade, Darr yl has been involved in Pop Warner Football in Raleigh, both as a coach and as a league leader. His message to players is to compete in the classroom as hard as they compete on the football field

Darr yl says he’s kept a close eye on Longwood’s rapidly progressing athletics programs but is proud that his alma mater always puts academics first and foremost.

Jeris and Darr yl were introduced to each other because Darr yl’s mother— Clara Johnson— was Jeris’ suitemate’s super visor at her part-time job in Longwood’s athletics department Mrs Johnson was the long-ser ving executive assistant to the university’s director of athletics. Both Jeris and Darr yl said their mothers inspired them to do well in school

Jane Brown, Jeris’ mother, was a social worker in Richmond and a single mom Jeris knew how much her mother was sacrificing to send her to college.

Darr yl said he also knew the financial sacrifices his mother was making to provide him with a good education

The couple, who have three children, were determined to earn degrees and make a successful life

W h e n t h e y v i s i t f a m i l y i n t h e Fa r m v i l l eR i c h m o n d a re a , Je r i s a n d Da r r y l a l w a y s d ro p i n o n L o n g w o o d t o c a t c h u p o n i t s d e ve l o p m e n t

Darr yl works in software design for eCast Corp., a company involved in the fusion of medicine with technology. Jeris is team leader for the MolecularOncology Department of the Center for Molecular Biology and Pathology.

She excelled in the class, and Jeris said that Tinnell inspired her to have confidence in herself.

Jeris now tries to instill that same confidence in other young people

She is the volunteer science cluster leader for the Garner Road YMCA in Raleigh, leading the Teen Scholars program She encourages young people to embrace their abilities in math and science, and to work hard to achieve their dreams.

During their college years they knew how special Longwood was although its smalltown location gave it a low profile and made it a “best-kept secret. ”

“Now, it’s one of the most desirable schools in the state, ” Darr yl said

Jeris adds that, despite the university’s growth, she feels that Longwood remains a close-knit community where people care about each other. Gar y Robertson

FA L L 2 0 1 2 I 4 7 A L U M N I N E W S
Darryl Johnson ’89 and Jeris Hill Johnson ’88 chose Longwood and then chose each other
L o n g w o o d C o u p l e s ❤
C o u r t e s y o f D a r r y l a n d J e r i s J o h n s o n

Going, Going, Gone

Local TV sports is on the chopping block at many stations — and with it a conduit for building community

Thick skin is required to succeed in any field, but to sur vive in the media industr y you need an armor-plated carapace In what has quickly become a multiplatform-focused marketplace, media professionals cut their video/audio/digital

Local sports programming often stands in a long line behind breaking news, weather (three reports in 30 minutes), traffic, entertainment and maybe even a cat playing the keyboard Most of the time, placing sports last is the right decision after all, it is a newscast.

and a whopping 81 percent said they were experiencing increased professional anxiety

Imagine coming to work ever y day knowing you’ll have to fight for respect, hoping your contributions aren ’ t marginalized or your position eliminated based on the latest ratings book Thirty-nine percent of the respondents were considering leaving television altogether because of that environment

I can ’ t blame them After being a part of a valued and respected sports department that received five state broadcasting awards while I was there, I left to chase “dream job No. 2” and found a cherished life in Farmville I now teach dozens of students who share my first dream, and this may surprise you I don’t discourage them That’s because the job itself is both important and incredible.

Though the hours and pay are tough, sports journalists are embedded in their local communities If a news station is truly committed to providing exclusive, hyperlocal coverage for its market audience, sports reporters can play a vital role in developing viewer loyalty that lasts a lifetime Sitting in my office are two awards from the West Virginia District 5 Little League and the WV Northern Board Umpire Association. Our dedication to covering local sports the daily activities of the public we ser ved did not go unrecognized

teeth early in hopes of climbing the ladder

For those who dream of working in television sports journalism, that ascent is getting steeper and more treacherous.

I left my undergraduate days with two dream jobs” in mind: sports broadcasting and teaching at the college level In hopes of achieving both, I sought a terminal degree in broadcast journalism On the first day of my master ’ s degree program, I was summarily told I was “ too fat” to ever actually live my first dream. Armor-plated carapace, indeed. Upon entering the local television world, however, I learned a far more accurate and harsher truth My position and the content of my work were rarely going to be seen as a priority

Unfortunately, in tough times, stations are looking at the end of the newscast for ways to cut costs

For my paper “Dinosaurs Approaching Extinction: Local Television Spor ts Threatened by Job Losses, Cuts in Time and Changes in Newsroom Philosophy,” published in March 2012 in the Journal of Sports Media, I surveyed local TV sports personnel across the countr y to get their perspectives on the future of the occupation.

It was bleak.

More than half of those sur veyed reported job cuts in their departments between 200709, 32 percent reported cuts in the amount of time they received for nightly sports coverage,

T h e b u s i n e s s c a rd m a y s a y a n c h o r / re p o r t e r, ” b u t t h a t i s o n l y p a r t o f t h e j o b d e s c r i p t i o n . Fo r a f e w p re c i o u s m i n u t e s e a c h d a y, t h a t j o u r n a l i s t ’ s j o b i s t o c o n n e c t m e m b e r s o f t h e a u d ie n c e t o t h e s t a t i o n , t h e m e s s a g e a n d , m o s t i m p o r t a n t l y, e a c h o t h e r

Sports can bring an often divided or isolated population together. Local TV stations need to recognize the power in that shared cultural identity and invest in those who can best help tell its stor y

Jeff Halliday is an assistant professor of communication studies Before joining the Longwood faculty in 20 07, he work ed four year s as a weekend sports anchor/reporter for WDTV, a CBS affiliate in Bridgeport, W.Va.

E n d P a p e r
4 8 I L O N G W O O D M A G A Z I N E P h o t o i l l u s t r a t i o n b y K e v i n B r y a n t “



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O N A S S I G N M E N T A g r o u p o f L o n g w o o d s t u d e n t s t r a v e l e d t o I r e l a n d t o f u l f i l l t h e i r s t u d e n t t e a c h i n g r e q u i r e m e n t s . S t o r y o n P a g e 5 No state funds were used to print this publication. Longwood Uni ver sity Foundation Inc. 201 High Street Farmville, VA 23909 A D D R E S S S E R V I C E R E Q U E S T E D Nonprofit Organization U S P O S TA G E PA I D Lynchburg, VA 24506 Permit No 215

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