Banking on Climate Change

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In 2017, the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial

recommends that all companies disclose not just their own

shown leadership in piloting and legitimizing climate-related

Disclosures (TCFD) published recommendations on how

operational emissions but also “if appropriate, Scope 3 GHG

disclosures among their peers.

companies should report on the risks that climate change

emissions and the related risks.”91 Scope 3 refers to emissions

poses to their businesses.87 The TCFD was a finance-industry

indirectly generated by company activities.92 For banks, this

That said, accurate disclosure of climate risk exposure still

initiative chaired by Michael Bloomberg. It recommends four

means financed emissions, and would include emissions

has a long way to go. While reporting is still in its early stages,

areas of disclosure — governance, strategy, risk management,

caused by all fossil fuel energy-related projects and companies

so far no bank has fully reported its financed emissions — an

and metrics and targets — with additional guidance for how

they finance. If the $1.9 trillion in fossil fuel funding revealed in

indication that banks remain wary of associating themselves

the financial sector can lay out the transition and physical

this fossil fuel finance report card indicates anything, it’s that

with these emissions.97

risks they face from climate change. Transition risks are

banks are responsible for an enormous amount of greenhouse

those that financiers face from loans and investments in fossil

gas emissions through their financing.


fuel-intensive sectors that will need to be rapidly phased out

And, of course, disclosure is just the first step. The next and more important step is alignment with the goals of the Paris

to mitigate climate change; physical risks are those from the

In order to limit global warming to 1.5°C, emissions must be cut

Agreement. At the end of the day, if the TCFD is to be a

impacts of climate change to infrastructure and supply chains.

to effectively zero by 2050 (see page 21) — which means that

tool to not just measure but mitigate the climate crisis, then

disclosure of these financed emissions indicates how far a bank

companies must reflect on their lessons learned and use them

is from aligning its business with the Paris Agreement.

to adapt their business strategies — and their shareholders

The TCFD’s specific guidance for banks notes: “Banks that provide loans or trade the securities of companies with direct

must pressure them to do so. Upon full disclosure of its financed

exposure to climate-related risks (e.g., fossil fuel producers,

Sixteen banks have joined with the United Nations Environment

emissions, it would be difficult for a bank to justify letting the

intensive fossil fuel consumers, real property owners, or

Programme (UNEP) Finance Initiative to begin to pilot

fossil-heavy part of its business carry on unrestrained. After all,

agricultural/food companies) may accumulate climate-related

implementation of the TCFD’s recommendations, including

the ultimate risk at play is not whether the financial sector will

risks via their credit and equity holdings.” The disclosure

Barclays, BBVA, BNP Paribas, Citi, RBC, Santander, Société

survive the climate crisis with padded pockets — it’s whether

exercise is primarily framed as a way for banks to understand

Générale, Standard Chartered, TD, and UBS.93

our shared planet and humanity itself will survive.


how climate change will impact their bottom line — and for shareholders in banks to understand the relative exposure of

Citi, Standard Chartered, BBVA, RBS, UBS, and ANZ were some

their investments to climate change, with the implication that

of the first banks to publish disclosures aligned with some of

the shareholders will use this information to pressure the banks

the TCFD recommendations.94 For instance, Citi used scenario

to reduce their climate exposure.

analysis — including, specifically, a scenario in which global warming is limited to 1.5°C — to understand how climate

The TCFD recommends that banks report on their credit

change will affect its credit exposure to certain groupings

exposure, equity and debt holdings, or trading positions in

of high-carbon clients.95 ANZ, in its reporting, disclosed its

“carbon-related assets,” which TCFD suggests to be narrowly

exposure to oil and gas, coal mining, and electric utilities.96

defined as “assets tied to the energy and utilities sectors.”

TCFD is an important initiative echoing a broad upsurge in

Additionally, in the “metrics and targets” area, the TCFD

discussion of climate change, and these companies have






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