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fa s h i o n t e c h

„ I N T E R | ACT I O N “ Fo t o s L a u ra K re tt e k

heit, die in Wirklichkeit keine ist. „Die Teile sehen weich aus und fühlen sich beklemmend an“, sagt sie. Laura Krettek liebt es zu täuschen, verstören und zu überraschen. Aber auf eine sympathische, unaufdringliche Art und Weise: Sie provoziert und bleibt dabei stets freundlich. Sie geht neue Pfade, ohne belanglos zu werden, wie sie es ausdrückt. Ihre Pläne? Abgesehen von der anstehenden Accessoire-Kollektion will die Science-Fiction-Liebhaberin im Film- und Theaterbereich Fuß fassen. „Science-Fiction-Filme wie Star Wars oder Das fünfte Element liebe ich nicht zuletzt wegen des Kostümdesigns.“

network  Some would describe her creations as extraterrestrial. Laura K. herself describes them as unconventional with a love for detail and anything but minimalist. Often they consist of materials that are alien to fashion – yet they always make a statement.

Most people tend to have the preconceived notion that the work of a fashion designer plays itself out as follows: You have someone sitting at a table designing clothing from materials that will eventually be worn by people who willingly wear them. No doubt that is often the case, but not in the case of Laura Krettek. The 27-year-old German designer does things differently. Having completed her studies at the College of Applied Arts in Schneeberg in 2016, the fashion she creates is neither meant to be comfortable nor a high turnover consumer product. She describes her pieces as elaborate works of art. Ambitious, avant-garde, amorphous and anything but minimalist! They consist of materials that she herself creates. This tendency towards decadence in times where minimalism has became a precept for many designers, is a small revolution of sorts. However, in the case of Laura Krettek, her tendency towards ex-

20 | summer magazine

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