Green Gecko Project - Annual Report 2012

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green gecko project

where kids can be kids and dreams can come true

annual report 2012

the green gecko project The Green Gecko Project supports over 70 children and their families who previously lived and begged on the streets of Siem Reap, Cambodia. Green Gecko provides security, education, love and opportunities to these children through their formative years and into their adult lives, empowering them to reach their full potential. Green Gecko’s holistic approach involves working with the children's families to help break the begging cycle by providing long term social and health care as well as education and training initiatives. Green Gecko also supports the broader community by collaborating in not-for-profit social enterprises that offer vocational training and employment opportunities for vulnerable and disadvantaged groups including women and young adults.

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Message from Mum and Co-Founder Like all good pictures, our cover photo is worth a thousand words. It tells the story of Green Gecko’s incredible seven-year journey of courage, love and determination. This story has a cast of many; everyone who has ever walked, laughed, cried and sweated with us. For every part played, every contribution, we are eternally thankful. Our 7th year together was celebrated with immense pride, joy and gratitude as well as a fantastic Gecko gathering of course! This reflection sums it up: There was a moment late in the evening when the music was pumping, the dance floor was heaving and laughter was everywhere. I just stood back in the shadows. As my eyes panned slowly across the scene, it was like at the end of a movie when the camera zooms in to focus on one face at a time, in slow motion so you get to see every expression of joy lighting up their eyes. The voice-over in my head was telling me that these kids had made it; their joy was real and so was their love for one another. Amidst all the revelry, my soul was calm in the comforting knowledge that whatever happens, they have an unbreakable bond... and they have each other. - Tania

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2012 in numbers 586


outreach visits to our families homes

1 art exhibition in a 5 star hotel

micro businesses for families

114 medical services provided to families

17 blood donations to children’s hospital

3 gecko graduations

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6 months temporary care for an abandoned baby

1 social enterprise established



kilos of fresh vegetables eaten

Gecko mums attended family health workshop

30 families enjoyed our family fun day

7914 kilos of rice eaten

121 haircuts from hairdressers without borders

3 young adult health & relationship workshops attended

Annual Report 2012 | 5

2012 goals achieved did we do it? Yes we did!  Reflecting on our goals for the past year is an important part of monitoring and evaluation at Green Gecko, to make sure we are heading in the right direction and achieving what we set out to do. Here is our checklist of major goals (from last year’s annual report) along with an update on where we are at with them and what we have achieved so far…

Second social enterprise—Silk Screen Printing Lab With Grace Gecko Women’s Vocational Centre going strong, we excitedly joined forces with the Silk Screen Printing Lab to support the local community through creative workshops and employment.

Increasing our young adults participation in decision making and responsibility As our Gecko kids grow, it's important to give them opportunities to participate in responsible decision making skills, something they will carry forward into their adult lives. Our Gecko family groups have each elected governors and deputy governors to represent the needs of their constituents, while our first university student, Pita, has taken the next step, becoming Green Gecko’s first ever Prime Minister!

Taking the next step in family outreach As our governors stepped into new responsibilities, so too did our house uncles and aunties. As family supporters; Ma Kem, Sotheavy, Phiech and Wich are now responsible for exploring holistic ways to support our children and families, both inside and outside the Gecko gates.

Family days We had plenty of fun encouraging greater family participation at Gecko by creating opportunities for community education and family engagement and of course in true Gecko style plenty of celebrations! As well as band nights, hooping and dance performances, our families learnt new skills and participated in various workshops, including parenting and health education with our friends at the Women’s Resource Centre

Plotting for our future To secure a sustainable future for the Geckos and future generations, we have purchased a block of land for a community space for arts, activities and bokator that will be open to other organisations and the local community. 6 | Green Gecko Project

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major milestones

Boys to men… Gecko's first ever graduation celebration! The day has come for our boys to spread their wings Even though we may cry, we are grateful and happy for so many things Our biggest boys - we are so proud of you, For everything you have become and everything you will do, We always believed it to be no other way, We always knew you would grow to be great men one day, Good husbands, good fathers, good Cambodians true, Good members of your community, good things you’re destined to do One day you'll make your wives, your children, your country too As proud as us, simply because they are lucky to have you And so it is time for us to set you free, to be the great men you were born to be No matter where you are, you‘re always in our heart, and as a family, just know we will never part If you’d come from our bodies we couldn’t love you more Our children, you are everything to us, it is you who we adore You are our life and the reason that we breathe You take a bit of both of us even though it’s your time to leave

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Davvy, you have always been so friendly, you have always had good style. We thank you for your beautiful voice and your beautiful smile Pita, you were different from the start, you have always been so wise. We thank you for the gentle spirit that shines through your beautiful eyes Thy, you are most like us, gentle like your dad and fiery like your mum. We thank you for being our son; we will miss you more than we can say now this time has come To the three of you we wish you all the best, from the bottom of our hearts But you don’t need luck on your side because there no doubt you’d be great men from the very start. From your Gecko brothers and sisters, uncles, aunts and all. Our love is with you, go forth and walk tall.

Bright future for Kory Kory arrived at Gecko as an eager 12 year old and has been rewiring, building and making things ever since... there's even a photo in the archives of some homemade speakers he rigged up back in 2008! Now, he's incredibly lucky to be one of six young adults chosen to complete vocational training for electricians at Grace House Community Centre. The course runs for 12 months and includes house wiring, electrical safety, woodwork, metalwork, basic plumbing, mathematics, estimating, purchasing and installation. All the kids and crew are so incredibly happy for Kory. Mum is looking forward to free electrical work, while the kids say that now that Kory is going to electrical school, he might not blow the power fuse so much. They joke that whenever the power goes out, they yell out “Kory, what have you done now!?” Annual Report 2012 | 9

proud moments Life changing operation for Khim Our bravest Gecko, Khim, underwent intensive surgery in April this year to replace a (tyre inner-tube) colostomy bag the result of an accident eight years ago where he also lost his right leg and hip - with a fully functioning bowel. Thanks to the brilliant team at Angkor Hospital for Children, his operation was a life-changing success and, as you can imagine, he is over the moon that, in his own words, “I can poo and fart again!” :)

And to top it off, his other dream comes true The Angkor Wat Bike Ride Fundraiser is a national annual event in Siem Reap. This year the kids wanted to join. "If our volunteers are riding their bikes to raise money for us, why can’t we ride for ourselves?" Good point kids, why not indeed! So bicycles were prepared and road rules were studied. As we announced our permission and applauded our newest bicycle licence recipients, there were cheers all-round. But Khim’s smile couldn’t completely conceal his disappointment that he wouldn’t be able to join in with his Gecko brothers and sisters. With only one leg, Khim is the only Gecko teenager without a bicycle. That is... until Captain Bicycle got on the case! As our crazy long term volunteers Clem and Liz danced about at the front of the assembly with their bicycle helmets on, they asked Khim to come up to the front and joked about whose bike he wanted to ride on the back of. Offers to take him were being shouted out left and right... and as usual, Khim was all smiles and happily joined in the fun. Then with a feverish drum roll it was announced: “Or, Khim can ride his own bicycle!", as Lee pushed a brand new three-wheeled bicycle up the path and into the assembly area.

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The cheers turned into a ROAR and the look on Khim’s face was PRICELESS! He was clearly overwhelmed; tears of surprise and joy filled his eyes. It was such a beautiful moment and one that had been 12 months in the making. Every year for the past seven years Lee has spent four months volunteering at Gecko. The rest of the year he makes a living driving English holiday makers around Europe. As part of the fine service he provides for his passengers, he sells tea and coffee during their journey and proudly speaks of the Green Gecko kids. Lee generously donates 100% of the profits from these drink sales to the Geckos. After searching fruitlessly for a suitable bike in Cambodia, Lee made it his mission to find one in the UK and bring it over in his luggage- all 45 kilos of it! If it wasn’t for the heart and determination of special people like Lee and the generosity of his passengers, dreams like this would go unanswered. Thank you Lee! Khim made it 5.5km - a fantastic achievement using a whole new set of arm muscles on his new bike. Teacher Kate stuck with him all the way and watched his bike during numerous toilet and water breaks. The rest of the kids also did an amazing job, crossing the finish line with a fantastic sense of achievement!

Big congratulations to Sophat and Nicky The Green Gecko kids finished their first exams of the new school year with a smile. Report cards came rushing in and we were so proud of all of their results and efforts. Two special girls however deserve an extra round of applause - NICKY AND SOPHAT. Both girls came equal FIRST PLACE in their grade. What makes this result even more amazing is that both girls took a giant leap and went from Grade 2 STRAIGHT to Grade 4, SKIPPING Grade 3 and still they came NUMBER 1! WOO HOO! We are so proud of our two girls, you have both worked so hard.

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special events Cambodians mourn their beloved King-Father As Cambodians paid their respects to their ancestors during the annual Pchum Ben Festival, they also mourned as a nation for the loss of the former King of Cambodia, His Royal Majesty Norodom Sihanouk, who passed away on 15 October 2012, aged 89. The Green Gecko family would like to express our deepest condolences and respect to the Royal Family and to all the people of Cambodia for the loss of this great and deeply loved man.

A life-saving donation of a different kind June 14 was World Blood Donor Day, a day to recognise the millions of people who save lives and improve the health of others by donating blood. Sadly, it was also the day that we were told that a baby very close to our Gecko hearts has a chronic blood disorder that requires her to have regular transfusions for the rest of her life. On hearing the news and without hesitation, one after the other, our beautiful kids put their hand up to offer their own blood to help her. Over 18 and over 45 kilos are the requirements to give blood here, but that didn’t stop nineyear-old Sarm putting his hand up to donate. Trying to let him down gently we said, "OK Sarm, if you jump on these scales and you weigh 45 kilos you can do it; if not, you will have to wait until you're bigger, because she will need your help when she is older too"... he weighed in at 23 kilos. :) Fifteen brave volunteers – kids and crew alike – rolled up their sleeves at the Angkor Hospital for Children to make their contribution, and are looking forward to donating again in the future. Not bad for a country that still has much suspicion and trepidation surrounding giving blood. Gecko kids and crew, you have risen above all of this to selflessly save another. We are so incredibly proud of you!

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Family fun at Green Gecko… in the kids’ words! On the weekend of the 25th February 2012, Green Gecko had a special family day. Family day is when our mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters and grandparents can come and enjoy a fun day with their kids at Green Gecko. We wanted to show our parents what we learn at Green Gecko also we wanted to make them happy with our fun assembly. We performed bokator for them. We practiced on it only half of day before we showed our mothers and fathers but gecko kids always work hard on their work every day. So it was brilliant!! Our families can’t believe that their child could do anything. Not only the big kids can do bokator but the small kids also can do too. I think they were surprised to see the Green Gecko kids can protect themselves when they grow up. After the bokator show, we had fun assembly. We sang many Khmer song to our families and did story and joke telling in front of them. When we were performed I thought it was going to be noisy. But it’s not going to be what I thought. Our parents was very good audience and their look was very proud of us. The gecko kids got many wonderful claps. In the afternoon the Gecko kids had a special lunch together and enjoyed a warm love from their mum and dad. That was the special day for us to spend time with our real family and Gecko family together. There were so many people, so we all were very squashed in our lunch huts but it was really happy and lots of fun. After everything our parents got their rice and some big fresh fish from the Gecko fish farm, they were very happy. We say to them see you soon because kids need to stay back to clean their areas and wash their clothes and get ready then leave to go home at 4 o’clock. That day is the day that we will never forgot. Everyone want to have that day again!!!" Annual Report 2012 | 13

investing in our kids broadening horizons through Gecko activities In addition to Khmer school and English classes, the Gecko kids expand their awareness of the world around them and enrich their educational experiences through our Gecko activities. Activity classes are based around creative and educational themes which create connections between the skills, experience and knowledge of our Khmer teaching staff, our western volunteers and the children. Some of our Gecko activity classes include Khmer Library, English Library, Computers, Me and My Planet, Expressive Arts, Khmer Literacy, Logic and creative Fridays eg: cooking, sewing, Bokator Martial Arts and Music.

‘Me and My Planet’ themes in 2012 included:

Dances of the world

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Drumming Therapy

Health, human body & diseases

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investing in our crew empowering our staff through capacity building


Full time Khmer staff: House parents, aunties and uncles (carers), social workers, nurse’s aid, cooks, accountant, maintenance, manager, security & founding director


Part time Khmer staff: Teachers of bokator, traditional music, art, Khmer history, media, Khmer literacy


Sponsored or self-funded long term volunteers: Education, communications and development coordinator and founding director


Sponsored foreign teachers: English as a second language teachers

Courses our staff attended: First Aid Training - Angkor Hospital for Children Basic first aid training for child care staff (2 staff members) Caring for children in alternative care - Together for Cambodia Nutrition, sanitation, care and prevention, and penalty and punishment (2 staff) Cambodian Labour Law Organisation Development Centre of Cambodia General provisions of labour law, employment contracts, wages, working hours and overtime, holidays, leave and benefits and disciplinary procedures (2 staff) Financial Management - Organisation Development Centre of Cambodia Financial management for NGOs, financial systems organised, financial planning and budgets, understanding accounts, financial reports, safeguarding your assets and managing audits (1 staff) Classroom Management - UWCSEA Singapore Classroom management, reading, writing and work study (2 staff) 16 | Green Gecko Project

Green Gecko is not an institution with employees, it is a home with family members... and you only have to walk through to the gates to feel the difference. We love our staff like our family; some are our family, some are our kids’ family, and some just feel like family. Their dedication and longevity to Gecko is a testament to this. None of what we do would be possible without them. Here they share why working at Gecko is important to them. PA :: House Father, Spiritual Man and Meditation Teacher (joined 2006) “Can help kids have responsibility, do know what is wrong and right, what should do and should not do, to be a good human in the society and can have best future.”

MAI :: Rice Cooker (joined 2005) “I feel good to earn money by myself not just get from son and to help my daughter graduate from university.”

RITHY :: Accountant, Pocket Money Distributor (joined 2005) “One thing, I get really good and fair benefit from Gecko and two thing, Gecko is an honest organisation it mean 100% through to children. I am feel proud to work with honest NGO, it mean I am also an honest person too. Gecko is the best NGO that thinks about children safety.”

PHIECH :: Night Uncle, Family Supporter, Teacher (joined 2008) “I can help kids to have good future, Gecko always support kids and staff to get their goal, parents, siblings and society also and I can have a chance to improve myself.”

WICH :: Kids Advisor, Family Supporter, Operations Manager (joined 2008) “I can work with kids and help them. Gecko offer me health insurance and also help my son’s education.”

MA KHEM:: House Mother, Family Supporter (joined 2006) “That is my morale state of my mind, I want to help kids. I am really proud of Tania that she always try her best to help kids without think herself and also pity of her when parent make her trouble. That also make me want to help kid more to have good behaviour, manner, respect, honest and hold Khmer culture.”

ENNY:: Office Manager, Administrator, Tania’s Sprinkling Mist (joined 2009) “I can be a part of good human resource to help street children to have best safe environment, education, behaviour, manner to get the best future and their dream.” Annual Report 2012 | 17

investing in our families CONGRATULATIONS GECKO CREW! We have reason to be proud and happy, Life for our Gecko kids is so much better than before Trough hard work, dedication, patience and passion we feel confident that we have all achieved wonderful results in meeting the most important needs and rights of every Gecko child. The kids are now doing a incredible job at being Governors and taking care of themselves, our youngest and our home. They are growing into fabulous and responsible members of their community. We need to be proud of them for how far they have come, and proud of ourselves for helping them get there. SO, now that’s done, what’s next?

their needs have been met Through hard work, dedication, patience and passion... We feel confident that we have all done a great job in meeting the most important needs and rights of every Gecko child.





RIGHTS cutural


Gecko kids

Gecko families


to help our Gecko families

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It’s time to broaden our focus

become more balanced

potential benefits

by focusing on... family fun days

siblings at school / vocation

health care & family planning

clean water and sanitation

geckos helping their parents

geckos playing with their siblings

geckos helping their siblings with study

geckos improving home environment

micro-business, vocational training

checking graduated geckos

child safety and protection

nutritional support

it needs to be a team effort if it is to succeed

Parents * Respect from their children * Help from their children * Feeling of family unit * Feeling more included * Feeling more involved



* Safer home * Less drinking / gambling on the weekends * More chance parents will be home

* Positive role models

* Cleaner environment

* Positive attention

* More hygienic

* Homework checked

* Happier and relaxed feeling

* Better hygiene & health

* Sense of family responsibility


* More healthy

* Increased school attendance

each crew has their own families to support Family

Family Family

Gecko Kids



Family Family


family supporters

Gecko families

each weekend, kids will have 3 family focus topics Parents

• What can I do to help my parents?


• What can I do to help my siblings?


• What can I do to improve my family’s environment?

Family Family


Family Family

kids will set their goals in their ‘living values’ class Parents



ask my parents if they need me to go to the market?

Read my sister and brother a story

Build a shelf

Wash my parents clothes

Check their homework

Weed the garden

Cook one meal

Wash their hair with jai shampoo

Pick up rubbish

Annual Report 2012 | 19

gecko financials income Restricted Funds


Unrestricted Funds


Visitor Donations


Gift Shop Sales


Other Income Total Income for 2012


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$4,900.00 $332,672.66


of general donations* directly funded Green Gecko programs


of general donations* funded western salaries

*Unless specifically stated by our donors, ALL contributions are considered general donations.

where it goes NUTRITION (fresh organic food daily, rice, fruit, purified water for children and crew, and 3 kitchen staff who are actual Gecko mums )

EDUCATION (Khmer school, university, vocational training, performance and art,

$94,897.97 $70,622.20

bokator (martial arts), traditional music, modern music, Khmer history, English literacy, Khmer literacy)

CHILDCARE (house parents, uncle and aunties, children’s clothing, shoes and accessories, hygiene products, recreational activities, kids budgeting allowance, identity cards, blankets, mosquito nets and everyday essentials)


OPERATIONS (staff, rent, communications, furniture fittings and equipment, garbage, computer equipment, electricity... all the boring things)


OUTREACH / COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (outreach centre, micro business, social workers, Khmer literacy, nutrition packs for families, rice relief from flood and fire, donations to Women’s Projects, external sponsorship in the community, family vocational training)

SUSTAINABLE PROJECTS (chicken farm, fish farm, visitors hut, fundraising costs and gift shop)

HEALTH (hospital/clinic expenses and medicines, care worker for kids, staff and


$27,219.22 $11,964.88


BUILDING AND MAINTENANCE (new buildings, pathways, reroofing, painting,


fencing, shade areas and maintenance staff and materials)

CAPACITY BUILDING (staff training: working with vulnerable children, sexual health and relationship education, management courses, driving school)

ADMIN (Khmer centre manager, accountant, bank fees, government charges,

$887.83 $6,652.34

stationary and print)

TRANSPORT (fuel and maintenance for car, school truck and motorbikes, purchase and repairs for bicycles, tuk tuk and truck hire (includes purchase of new school truck)


$31,564.80 $335,636.11

Our low admin charges are due to the fact that we pay no westerner from general donations, and all fees and charges are deducted before donations are received into our account here in Cambodia. To find out exactly how much of your dollar gets to us, please check out our donation page at

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gecko classics... Ok... so we all know that gambling is one of the greatest contributors of desperation and poverty in the Gecko families. We all know that for 7 years we have been trying to stamp it out, break the cycle, and educate the kids and families on the imminent downfalls of gambling when you can’t afford it. No playing cards allowed at Gecko, not even memory matching cards. Over the years we’ve even banned marbles, Ben 10 cards and flip-flop kicking as they too magically developed into new and inventive forms of gambling. This particular weekend the shocking news that five of our own Gecko kids were caught gambling on the weekend... an offence so serious that it warranted a BIG TALK in Mummy’s office. Conversation with Suspect 1 (aged 5): Are you going to gamble again? “No.” Why? “Mummy doesn’t like it.” Why doesn’t mummy like it? “Because when I get big, if I gamble and lose my money, my husband will get angry and hit me.” Suspect 2 (also aged 5): Are you going to gamble again? “No.” Why? “Mummy doesn’t like it.” Why doesn’t mummy like it? “Because the police can catch me and I can go to jail. In jail they don’t have any food and you can’t go anywhere... and there are lot of mosquitoes.” Suspect 3 (aged 8): Are you going to gamble again? “No.” Why? “Because it’s not good for the family. When you lose the money, you have a lot of violence and not enough food to eat.” Suspect 4 (aged 4). Was not available for comment (he had gone home for his afternoon nap). Suspect 5 (aged 10): Are you going to gamble again? “No.” Why? “Because I’ve got no money left” (Seriously!!!! We didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.)

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Mong tasted Ni Preab's cooking creation whipped up in 'Creative Fridays' cooking class... 'Spiral Pasta Salad' with three different colours of pasta. As she points to the spiral pasta Mong turns to Liz and says "Liz is this Jelly fish?" Liz: "No". Mong pointing to a different

“Mum, the first week you and dad went away, we all went a little bit out of control. SO we decided we shouldn't give ourselves our good manners award (computer time on the weekend). After that we settled back down to normal.” (got to love the honesty, got to love the self discipline... just got to love them full stop!)

coloured pasta spiral. Is this Jelly fish?" Liz: "No. Does it look like Jelly fish, does it taste like Jelly fish?" Mong: "No" Liz: "Why do you think it's a Jelly fish?" Mong: "I dont know, so what is it"? Liz: "It's pasta" Mong: "Oh" (discussion over)

“Mum, our new teacher is really nice. You know when we show you our hand writing and even if it’s a bit messy or too big or too small, you always say it is beautiful anyway... well she’s like you, she said the same and all the kids felt very positive!” (Excited Gecko aged 12)

This particular day, Tortna decided she wanted a new nick name. When teacher asked her what new nickname she would like to have, she replied 'Steve'. (Huh?)

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recognition & support Paul Harris Fellows for Mum and Dad Gecko! Tania and Rem joined our long-term Gecko friends at the Rotary Club of Frankston for dinner during a visit to Australia in August this year… and were extremely honoured to be surprised with recognition from Rotary International as Paul Harris Fellows! A big thank you to our Frankston friends for your ongoing support… we just couldn’t do what we do without you!

We move closer to a more peaceful world today as Tania and Rem become Paul Harris Fellows. Tania and Rem, you have been selected to receive this recognition because the Rotary Club of Frankston believes your lives exemplify the humanitarian and educational objectives of The Rotary Foundation. We thank you both for demonstrating - in your lives and vocation - a commitment to helping people in need with your work with the children of Green Gecko and their families and the wider community of Siem Reap. Therefore it gives me much pleasure to present to you on behalf of the Trustees of the Rotary Foundation, these three emblems of a Paul Harris Fellow: the certificate, a lapel pin and medallion. The certificate states you have been named a Paul Harris Fellow “IN APPRECIATION OF TANGIBLE AND SIGNIFICANT ASSISTANCE GIVEN IN THE FURTHERANCE OF BETTER UNDERSTANDING AND FRIENDLY RELATIONS BETWEEN PEOPLE OF THE WORLD.” We urge you to wear the Paul Harris Fellow pin to all Rotary events as a symbol of your appreciation for and support of the programs of the Rotary Foundation. Please accept congratulations and sincere appreciation for you commitment to our common goals of world understanding and peace. Bob Tanner Past President and Paul Harris Fellow

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gecko gratitude To all of our Gecko friends… The kids always say that Green Gecko is like one big family, and it’s true. Our Gecko family is global, and it includes all of you! To everyone that has believed in us over the years: from every sponsor and skydiver to every friend, fundraiser and funrunner, every volunteer and photographer to every gift-shopper and gift giver... to every single one of you that has been there for us. Thank you from the bottom of our Gecko hearts!

Naturally we'd love to thank everyone individually but that would take another ten pages of fine print, and we fear we’d leave someone out.  You know who you are and so do we! To view some of our staunchest contributors, please check out our Special Thanks page at Annual Report 2012 | 25

our goals for 2013 Sibling Scholarships Our main goal for 2013 is maximising the role of our new Family Supporters to reach out to the Gecko siblings, focusing on their education and well being. It is our ultimate goal to enrol every school aged Gecko sibling into formal education.

Sibling Club But from our experience, simply enrolling the children into school is not enough. A holistic approach is needed if we are to see lasting results. Encouragement, help with homework, working on their behaviour, fine motor skills, manners and hygiene... just as we have provided for the Geckos. For this reason, in 2013 we would like to embark on the mammoth undertaking of setting up a Sibling Club, an after school centre at the Gecko Outreach Centre that will provide care, social support, education and homework help.

Work Experience As our teenagers grow into young adults, they are starting to think about the type of careers they would like to embark on. Our goal is to open opportunities for them to gain work experience in the real world.

Footprints Food Farm In 2013 we would also like to launch our very own food farm to create a safe and protected environment for the kids to explore, interact and learn about nature and self sufficiency. The Food Farm will also provide food for Green Gecko so we can eat healthier as well as reduce our food bills. Hopefully, it will become a model for the community through example and education on how to become self sufficient and grow chemical free food. 26 | Green Gecko Project

Become a Gecko Guardian Reliable monthly donations give us the stability, security and confidence we need in order to commit to long-term plans. Real change is a process of many years - a process we have embarked upon with amazing results so far. Every dollar given is matched by the effort and determination of Gecko kids and families as they work hard to break the begging cycle and transform their own lives. Whether you think your monthly commitment is big or small, we can assure you it makes a huge difference to the kids and their families.

Organise a Gecko fundraiser Some of our biggest fundraising efforts - from fun runs and skydives to mufti days and Cambodian-themed feasts - have been led by passionate people just like you. Fundraising is easy to do and every effort is appreciated. Visit our website for resources and ideas to inspire, and to set up your own individual fundraising page.

Go shopping Purchase one of our fabulous Cambodian cookbooks or a number of other quality gifts, on display in the Visitors Centre. You can also buy from our online gift store - why not buy a supporter’s pack to give as corporate gifts or to support fundraising? All products are high quality with a groovy Green Gecko twist.

Sponsor a gift for the Geckos - a gift that give twice Sponsor something close to your heart or one that matches your budget from our ‘Sponsor a Gift’ page and you will receive a gift certificate to send to a friend, print out and put in a card.... or stick it on your fridge. These sponsorships gifts not only provide fabulous and novel ideas for the socially conscious gift giver... but also provide our Gecko friends with tangible examples of how far their donated dollar goes in Cambodia.

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(Awkoon tom tom - Thank you big big!)

With much gratitude, Gecko’s founding directors: Rem Poum and Tania Palmer and all the Gecko kids, families and staff.

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