Spring 2014 Issue of Green Child Magazine

Page 7

from our publisher & editor Support. It’s something we talk about and try to provide every day in our online communities. Why?

loss mothers, moms who felt they had failed at nursing, and a young mama who, despite a major lack of support from her family, was breastfeeding, attachment parenting and raising her daughter beautifully.

Because a mother who feels validated and confident will make better choices for herself and her family.

As we went around the group, one expecting mother shared her fears about how she would be able to handle a new baby in addition to her wonderful and time-consuming toddler.

I was recently surrounded by a whole new level of support at a Birth Without Fear event. In one day – and through ongoing connections via social media – a hundred moms (and moms-to-be) were celebrated, inspired, educated, and encouraged to trust their bodies and to believe in themselves as mothers.

Sitting in this circle of support, all we could do was nod our heads and exchange sympathetic smiles… and a few tears. I wanted to hand her a magic wand. I wanted to tell her that it wouldn’t be as isolating or exhausting as she imagined. But the truth is… it is hard. Sometimes the hardest thing you do is the most worthwhile one.

Founder January H. vulnerably shared personal stories about her own births. From a smooth C-section to a traumatic birth to a beautiful unassisted home birth, we cried and laughed along with her. Then we gathered in small groups, getting to know the other women, expressing our own fears and triumphs.

All we could tell her is that it’s worth it. That she’ll never regret it. And that we’re all here for her – in the room that day or just a forum post away.

Our group included first-time mamas, military wives doing it mostly on their own,

That’s exactly what Amanda and I wish for each of you, our readers. A place where you feel safe, empowered, and supported.

-Amity 7

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