Giving Guide 2018

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Investing in equality How helping charities focused on women is healthy for the bottom line PLUS Celebrating Ottawa’s philanthropic leaders Where to give: Leading local charities

in partnership with the Association of Fundraising Professionals Ottawa Chapter

The opportunity for Ottawa businesses W

hat is corporate giving? It’s a timely question for charities and businesses alike as new research – which is explored on page 16 – shows a significant shift in local individual and corporate giving. Many businesses make charitable donations. But these acts of generosity typically come less frequently than major gifts from individuals. Similarly, the monetary amount donated by corporations lags behind the amount given by individuals in the National Capital Region. Despite this reality, many charities are putting an increased emphasis on developing corporate fundraising efforts. So why the attention on corporate giving? In a word: opportunity – for both businesses, as well as charities. Many Ottawa businesses are experiencing pain points that can be addressed with a charitable partnership. Employee engagement, recruitment and retention are all top-of-mind for business owners and managers, particularly in this city’s tight labour market. Charitable events or corporate fundraising efforts can provide businesses with the opportunity to engage in community facing team-building experiences where employees, managers and their friends and family can all come together in support of a cause. And charitable galas can offer some of the best networking available in the city. The public reach of Ottawa-area charities frequently exceeds that of many local businesses. Partnering with a charity on a outbound campaign can create benefits beyond a CSR boost. Leveraging a charity’s existing media sponsorships is a tactic that is being increasingly employed by companies interested in furthering their brand awareness and generating a positive association.

What’s inside In this year’s Giving Guide, we explore the professionalization of philanthropy – a movement supported in part by groups such as our local chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals. More and more professional fundraisers are adopting business practices, and in so doing are exploring and unpacking the value that they deliver to our communities and the value they’re able to bring to businesses invested in those communities. They’re developing new tools to engage with businesses to develop win-win sponsorship packages and partnership plans. Read more on page 21. The charities in Ottawa bring tremendous value to our city, and so do its businesses. In this publication, we’re hoping to shine a spotlight on cross-sector engagement between business and charitable organizations – and bolster further support for some of the outstanding charities featured in this guide.

Victoria Stewart Associate publisher, Ottawa Giving Guide

Contents 4 9



21 73


Cover story: Investing in equality Sociable giving: Highlights from Ottawa’s galas and fundraising events Declining individual donations puts spotlight on corporate partnerships Venture philanthropy: Private-sector strategies for charities The missing middle: Fresh thinking to address Ottawa’s affordable housing shortage The professionalization of philanthropy

2 9 16 18 19 21

CHARITY PROFILES Shepherds of Good Hope


Dave Smith Youth Treatment Centre


Cuso International


University of Ottawa Heart Institute Foundation


Canadian Blood Services


Youth Services Bureau


The Dementia Society of Ottawa and County Renfrew


Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ottawa


The Ottawa Mission


Diefenbunker Museum


The Salvation Army


CNIB Foundation of Ontario East


Ottawa Children's Aid Foundation of Ottawa


Queensway Carleton Hospital Foundation


Fondation Bruyère Foundation


Ottawa Network for Education


Monfort Hospital Foundation


Royal Ottawa Foundation for Mental Health


Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society


Cornerstone Housing for Women


Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation


Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health


United Way Ottawa


Foundation for the Study of Processes of Government in Canada

Early lessons in fundraising lead to a lifelong commitment Phils recipients: Ottawa’s philanthropic leaders Ottawa’s fundraising community: AFP Ottawa members David Johnson, on trust and philanthropy Major donations and fundraising achievements


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LEFT: Located in Westboro, the 374 Princeton Avenue Project, the latest affordable housing complex at Cornerstone, is set to open its doors this fall. It has emerged as the model for incorporating affordable housing solutions into mainstream civic life. BELOW: Cornerstone’s women-only approach provides a safe and more secure atmosphere for residents to emerge from a crisis and re-enter society. It is estimated that 2,000 new women become homeless in Ottawa each year. PHOTOS COURTESY OF CORNERSTONE

Investing in

equality As Canada and the world place a spotlight on gender equality, leaders across all industries agree that an investment in charities focused on women is not just a moral imperative, but healthy for the bottom line

Without a home, you have nothing. While that might seem obvious to say, a safe and secure place to rest our head is perhaps the biggest comfort many of us take for granted. And it might come as a shock that, in our nation’s capital alone, more than 2,000 women and girls become homeless each and every year. It is this statistic that keeps Sue Garvey going. For the executive director of Cornerstone Housing for Women, a network of housing services for women that includes emergency shelter, supportive and more recently affordable housing, there is no better way to improve the society we live in than an investment in women. “If women have good homes, it has a ripple effect for everyone in the community, including children. It starts there,” says Garvey, who has worked with Cornerstone for more than two decades. “We will change the society we live in – and I have seen it. I have seen peoples’ lives change from when we met them to when they walked out of our doors. If you don’t know where you will sleep, you can’t go to school. You can’t raise your children. You can’t get a job, because you are always in crisis mode. The more I have been with Cornerstone, the more I am convinced of the power of home and community.”

Thriving communities Although providing women with shelter, purpose and the means to re-enter society is the most grassroot example of women and philanthropy at work, it is by no means the only charitable endeavour with a gender lens. In Canada, and indeed across the world, issues of gender equality and the treatment of women and girls have never been more in the spotlight. In late 2017, and now into 2018, the #MeToo Movement has sent shockwaves across both the political and corporate landscapes. Meanwhile, many advocates for

LEFT: Solange Tuyishime, the president and founder of Elevate International, has traveled around the world with a mandate to unite and empower more women to leadership positions. A refugee from Rwanda, she decided from an early age that she would fight to provide a platform for those that need it most. PHOTO COURTESY OF ELEVATE INTERNATIONAL


PARTNER CONTENT GIVING GUIDE 2018 Ottawa Business Journal

“We need more female leaders, and that includes the boardrooms for foundations and non-profits.” – Solange Tuyishime, founder, Elevate International

social change have been driven not just by morality or a thirst for human rights, but by the business case for equality. In other words, investing in women and supporting philanthropic causes geared towards them, are also good for the bottom line. “When we address the needs of girls and women, communities thrive,” explains Evelyne Guindon, the managing director of Women Deliver in Canada, a leading global charity and advocate for the health, rights and wellbeing of girls and women. Major women’s organizations, such as Women Deliver, sense that western society is swiftly reaching a tipping point, or a new level of awareness that true gender equality could be on the horizon. And Canada is very much taking centre stage. Earlier this summer, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that Vancouver will play host to the Women Deliver 2019 Conference from June 3-6, bringing together more than 6,000 world leaders, influencers, academics, activists and journalists from more than 150 countries. “There will be thousands of people engaging in this drum beat,” Guindon says. “It is working with others on how to get that highest return on investment. And by investing in girls and women, we will do that. I always tell people: follow the evidence. Everything we have seen shows us that supporting philanthropic causes for women powers progress for all.”

Common denominator In a global sense, every two minutes a woman dies from complications from pregnancy or child birth, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), and the vast majority of these deaths are preventable. Every time this happens, Guindon explains, she is leaving behind a family, creating orphans, and thus perpetuating a cycle of poverty and dysfunction. She argues a simple philanthropic investment in healthcare would be simple, cost effective and have a “tremendous impact.” Locally and throughout Canada, we might not have such extreme issues with healthcare and poverty. That said, Guindon is quick to point out that many Indigenous girls and women, our fellow Canadians, continue to fall victim to these pregnancy complications, along with high incidents of suicide and violence. Sadly, violence is often the common denominator. The WHO estimates that 35 per cent of all women have experienced physical and/or sexual violence, often at the hands of an intimate partner, representing a major public health problem and violation of human rights. “These are facts. These are known,” Guindon adds. “These things have an impact on our communities. These women do not live to their full potential. It impacts children. It means that women may be missing work, or not working at all, and missing out on being a contributor to society.” It’s a reality Cornerstone knows better than most. It all began more than 30 years ago, when Cornerstone set

Senator Marilou McPhedran, centre, listens to attendees at a civil society consultation at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights in Winnipeg. Originally from Manitoba, Sen. McPhedran teaches a course based at the museum each summer, which reminds her of those early, influential days when she was in school. PHOTO COURTESY OF OFFICE OF SENATOR MCPHEDRAN

How it works:





Buy flow-through shares issued by a Canadian mining company. Every dollar invested in these shares is 100% tax deductible.

Immediately sell these shares to a pre-arranged buyer (liquidity provider) at a pre-arranged contractual price for cash. This step eliminates any stock market risk to the donor.

Donate the cash proceeds to your favourite charity. Receive a charitable tax receipt based on the cash value.

By combining two tax policies (flow-through shares and donations), the Foundation (WCPD) can help reduce your taxes and allow you to usually give three times more at no additional cost.

up three cots in the basement of a church in Sandy Hill. They filled up immediately. So they added a few more – and they filled up. Decades later, it is a trend that has never ceased. When Cornerstone opened its current shelter in 1994, it had 36 beds. Today, it has 62 beds. And they turn people away every night, having to find other places for them. This shelter is just one of five buildings now operated by Cornerstone, with the other four serving as permanent, supportive and affordable housing for women that charges them only a modest percentage of their income. Apart from providing affordable living conditions and direct support for the residents to “move beyond homelessness” (other skilled support is provided such as mental health case management, life-skill development or assistance in learning English), Cornerstone’s most distinctive feature is the clientele and its deep experience offering services tailored to a diversity of women. Continued on page 5

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2018 PARTNER CONTENT


The Entre-Nous Networking Series, first launched in May 2018, has grown to become a strong movement for gender equality in Ottawa. Attracting leaders in business, philanthropy, politics and other disciplines, the ongoing series is led by Elevate International and sponsored by The Foundation (WCPD). PHOTO COURTESY OF PATRICIA SANTOS

Entre-Nous creates ‘lightning rod’ for collaboration Networking series at the Rideau Club, led by Elevate International and sponsored by The Foundation (WCPD), offers rare opportunity for non-profits, the political world and the corporate arena to unite


very once in a while, an event in this city touches a nerve. It often feels different than the average cocktail party, or the typical fundraiser. Rather than falling into the standard social circuit, an annual blur of appearances, you walk away with a sense that just being there was important. It could be the beginning of something special. That was the feeling this year, as women from all industries – leaders in business, non-profits, technology, financial services and politics – gathered at the historic Rideau Club for a new networking series known as EntreNous. Led by Elevate International, a local non-profit dedicated to female leadership and empowerment, and sponsored by The Foundation (WCPD), the intent is to provide a forum for leaders and influencers to come


together during the week, enjoy a cocktail, network and feel inspired. “The response has been tremendous. And it’s growing,” says Solange Tuyishime, the president and founder of Elevate International. “I think this city is ready to up its game in the area of gender equality. What this series does is simply provide a lightning rod. It fills a gap for professionals, both men and women, to come together at a beautiful venue to spark these conversations.” After a successful first event in May, Entre-Nous exploded on a Tuesday night this past September, forcing staff at the Rideau Club to continuously bring in more chairs as people streamed in and the featured panel kicked off. On the docket was Katja Iversen, president and CEO of Women Deliver, a global advocate and charity for the

health, rights and well-being of girls and women. In May of this year, she was placed on Apolitical’s Top 100 Most Influential People in Global Policy. In fact, she made the top 20, alongside Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Melinda Gates, co-founder of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and Amina Mohammed, the deputy secretary-general of the UN. Joining her on the panel was Kenneth Fredeen, general counsel and secretary to the board at Deloitte LLP. In addition to being recognized as one of Canada’s most influenced lawyers and judges, he is a well-known champion for gender diversity in the corporate world. While the consensus is that Canadian society has never been better positioned to tackle these issues, greater unity is required to take the momentum of recent years and translate that into long-term change. Evelyne Guindon, managing director of Women Deliver for Canada, summed it up this way: “The philanthropic (sector) has a government in Canada that is looking at policy from a gender lens. But we need business doing the same, along with philanthropists. These donors are needed with the incredible work they do and the assets they bring, which includes money but so much more.” The Foundation (WCPD), sponsor of the EntreNous series, is one such organization looking to step up. Headquartered in Ottawa for decades, this boutique financial services company has specialized in philanthropic tax planning since 2006. In essence, it educates and assists Canada’s largest donors to give many times more than they normally would, with donations going towards the donors’ charities of choice.

GIVING GUIDE 2018 PARTNER CONTENT Ottawa Business Journal

Katja Iversen, left, president and CEO of Women Deliver, served as a panelist at the second installment of Entre-Nous last September at the Rideau Club. Iversen was recently named one of the world’s most influential people in gender equality and global policy. PHOTO COURTESY OF PATRICIA SANTOS

The structure combines and supports two longestablished government tax policies: flow-through shares, which support Canada’s mining industry, and a standard charitable tax receipt when you give a donation. The latter was instituted with the tax code in 1917 to help pay for the First World War, whereas flowthrough shares were introduced in 1954 – three years older than the RRSP. When a donor purchases resource flow-through shares, they are immediately sold to a liquidity provider, or institutional buyer of these shares, for cash. This eliminates any stock market risk to the donor. The cash is then donated to the charity. The result: the donor has achieved two tax deductions, both encouraged by the government, so he or she can then use it to laser donations to any charity they wish. And while The Foundation (WCPD) has always worked with female donors, the company decided to focus more squarely on the needs of these philanthropists and their unique causes. “Our donors are scattered across Canada,” explains Peter Nicholson, the president and founder of The Foundation (WCPD). “We help our clients give more to their favourite charities, which really could be anything, from causes related to health, education, religious works or the environment. One area that we feel

could use more attention is women and their specific philanthropic interests. We believe philanthropy can spark tremendous societal change, so we are here to support these causes and give them more of a voice.” As well as the Entre-Nous series, The Foundation (WCPD) also launched a Philanthropic Council for Women, an advisory council of varied female leaders to support this message. It joins a list of other philanthropic councils, such as those focused on culture, the National Hockey League and mining. The WCPD’s primary Philanthropic Advisory Council is composed of leaders in government tax policy, accounting and the charitable world, including Hilary Pearson, the president of Philanthropic Foundations Canada, David Laidley, chairman emeritus of Deloitte & Touche LLP (Canada) and Leonard Farber, formerly a senior tax advisor with Norton Rose. Tuyishime credits The Foundation (WCPD) as a catalyst to the success of the Entre-Nous series. “WCPD saw the potential and I could not be more grateful. This collaboration between the non-profit and private sectors is the only way we will truly achieve our goals,” says Tuyishime, who moderated the discussion with Iversen and Fredeen. Following the panel, Kamal Khera, parliamentary secretary to the minister of international development, offered closing remarks the crowd. Perhaps most inspiring was an announcement of a new fund aiming to leverage government funding for partnerships with the private sector and philanthropic community. Targeted at women and girls in the global south, the fund could reach up to $300 million in aid, with the government matching funds put forth by foundations and philanthropists. In a way, it is the true intersection of government policy and private sector action. The message was heard loud and clear by the audience. As the crowd filed out of the Rideau Club, there was a buzz in the air, an excitement. Most importantly, there was one question on everybody’s minds – when is the next Entre-Nous? To schedule a free consultation with the Foundation (WCPD), you can contact Michel Tilsley, Director of Financial Services, Tax Planning and Philanthropy, at 613-596-3277, or email him at Michel.Tilsley@wcpd. com. You can also learn more about the company by visiting its website at

Peter Nicholson, centre, the president and founder of The Foundation (WCPD), recently launched a new council at the firm focused specifically on women and philanthropy. The concept, he says, is to encourage more women to get involved in philanthropy and help direct more donations to causes that are important to them. PHOTO COURTESY OF PATRICIA SANTOS

Continued from page 3 “Most women who have come through homelessness have come through a myriad of other issues as well,” Garvey explains. “Almost always there is trauma or abuse. Especially when it is trauma that led to their homelessness, and it involves abuse, women feel safer in a place that serves women only, geared to their specific needs. Sometimes, due to their past experience of abuse, women don’t readily feel safe. What do women housed in insecure spaces face every day? “Danger. Danger on the street. Danger in horrible housing.” Although no organization can remove danger altogether, Cornerstone goes an awfully long way to creating a stable atmosphere for women in crisis. This is women and philanthropy at work. Charity with a gender lens. And it seems to be working.

Supportive housing This fall, Cornerstone is poised to unveil a new development, known as the 373 Princeton Avenue Project. Located in Westboro, this new affordable housing complex for women has emerged as a model for incorporating affordable housing solutions into an existing, residential neighborhood. Formerly the residence of the Sister’s of Jeanne d’Arc, the new Westboro site will house 42 women when it opens its doors, a move that has been welcomed by the local community. “We have been very intentional in our work with the community. We want to be good neighbours, and we are,” Garvey says. She credits the Sisters of Jeanne d’Arc not only for donating the site, but also their work to show others the power of the vision for the development and who Cornerstone is as an organization. Cornerstone worked hard to be proactive in meetings with those around the site, hosting community meetings and even welcome barbecues so they could answer “the hard questions.” In May 2017, award-winning Chef Patrick Garland from Absinthe Café, along with Thyme & Again owner Sheila Whyte, put on a special soiree with 300 guests to introduce the new property. The Whalesbone, Savoy Brasserie, The Albion Rooms and Beau’s Brewery have been just a few of the local businesses showing their support. This high-level engagement, Garvey says, is a defining feature of this women’s organization. “When people get involved, they actually get involved,” she explains. “They don’t write a cheque and walk away. They are very engaged, and they want to know what is going on. Our donors see a place for themselves here, to help. Maybe they can teach a little course in financial management, for a woman starting from scratch. There is a connection.” To renovate the new Westboro facility, Cornerstone needed to raise about $2 million, so they embarked in a capital campaign in April 2017. Today, Cornerstone has raised $1.7 million and expects to reach and exceed the $2 million goal soon, an impressive figure in a relatively short period of time. For Garvey, it is a reminder of how far they have come from those cots in a church basement, and how society is increasingly noticing women-focused initiatives that achieve results. That said, Garvey acknowledges within Canada, and our city, the need is great. Tight government budgets are straining to keep up with essential affordable and supportive housing needs outlined in the recent 10-year federal strategy to fight homelessness. This need has galvanized Cornerstone to develop housing solutions that work. Continues on page 7

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2018 PARTNER CONTENT


Philanthropic Advisory Council for Women The Philanthropic Advisory Council for Women is focused on elevating women across Canada and promoting their distinct humanitarian priorities. It seeks to enhance leadership, engagement and a greater sense of community surrounding women’s needs. Members of this national council are eclectic leaders and influencers across a variety of industries and disciplines, but all united in their commitment to raising more funds and awareness for charities.

Evelyne Guindon is the managing director of Women Deliver Canada. She also oversees Women Deliver’s engagement to enhance the relationships and resources that power the organization’s work for girls and women around the world. With more than 25 years of experience, Guindon served as CEO of Cuso International and on the leadership teams of leading NGOs overseeing programs and operations including humanitarian efforts. Guindon has helped several organizations navigate through significant change and growth over the past 25 years. She is a steadfast champion of the potential that partnerships hold especially across sectors. Guindon launched her career in sexual and reproductive health and rights in Canada and subsequently for several years in Southern Africa.

Bita Cattelan has been an advocate of women’s rights and equality for many years, attending and participating in the United Nations’ Millennium Goal project 2005, Women of the World Summit 2014, as well as the UNHCR Syrian Refugee Summit 2014. Cattelan is a member of the Board of Directors of UNICEF Canada as well as a member of UNICEF Canada’s "The 25th Team," a National Women's Giving Circle, which will mobilize their resources and their network and work alongside UNICEF Canada, the Canadian Women's Soccer Team and the Ministry of International Development to create a movement for Maternal, Newborn and Child (MNCH) health issues. Passionate about philanthropy, she serves on many boards and committees, including the Board of Directors at the McCord Museum Foundation, Les Grand Ballets Canadiens, Jewish General Hospital and Ensemble Caprice. Cattelan is vice-president of philanthropy at The Foundation (WCPD).

Solange Tuyishime, the founder of Elevate Women, was born and raised in East Africa before escaping war and genocide at the age of 13. Since then, she has dedicated her life to unifying women across Canada and the world, while shining a spotlight on issues affecting women and children. Tuyishime is currently the UNICEF Canada Ambassador, advocating for children’s right to quality education and clean water. She is a the founder of Naylah’s Legacy, a nonprofit organization in memory of her daughter to help premature babies and their mothers. More


recently, Tuyishime founded Elevate Women, which promotes female empowerment through elevation of leadership, economic growth and community building. She was crowned Miss Canada International in 2006, Miss Galaxy Canada in 2011 and Mrs. Canada in 2017.

Noella Milne is a senior partner with Borden Ladner Gervais LLP where she practices in the corporate real estate area. Noella is recognized in the 2017 edition of Chamber’s Global – The World’s Leading Lawyers for Business, and the Guide to World’s Leading Women in Business Law. Milne is the recent past-chair of the board of UNICEF Canada, a director of St. Michael’s Hospital, a director of the George Brown College Foundation, an honourary life director of the Canadian Club of Toronto and a member of the Order of Ontario Advisory Council. Milne was appointed to the Order of Ontario and has been honoured by the Women’s Executive Network as one of Canada’s Top 100 Most Powerful Women, has received the YWCA Women of Distinction Award, a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Children’s Aid Foundation, the Arbor Award from the University of Toronto, the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal in 2012 and Canada’s Top 25 RBC Immigrant Award, 2017. Born in Mumbai, India, Milne is the mother of three children. She holds an LLB from the University of Toronto.

Sami Jo Small is a three-time Olympian and has won two gold medals and one silver medal as a goaltender representing Canada. She is also a five-time World Champion and has twice been named Championship MVP. Small is the co-founder and vice-chair of the Canadian Women’s Hockey League, where she is presently the goaltender for the Toronto Furies. A graduate of Stanford University in Mechanical Engineering, she works full-time as a professional speaker delivering a message on how to build successful teams as well as successful teammates. Small is an athlete ambassador for Right To Play, a charitable organization that teaches children in need with educational games. Originally from Winnipeg, she now lives in Mississauga with her husband, Billy Bridges, fivetime Paralympic sledge hockey player and their two-year-old daughter.


By the numbers:


Advanced CRA tax rulings on this exact structure, with flow-through shares.

1954 The year CRA introduced flowthrough shares as a 100% tax deduction – three years older than RRSPs.

1,600 Number of personal tax return filings since 2006 using a flow-through tax receipt and a charity tax receipt.

$100M+ Amount of charitable giving facilitated by the Foundation (WCPD).

4,500 Number of cheques issued by the Foundation (WCPD) to more than 600 charities in Canada, as directed by clients.


Years the Foundation (WCPD) has specialized in philanthropic tax planning. Ottawa Business Journal

Continued from page 5 With this new 373 Princeton development, Cornerstone received the push it needed to really engage with the business community and other partners in the fight against homelessness. They are actively involved in a P3 partnership, plus cultivating new business relationships for the future. Today, they have never been more involved with the private sector: it made them a better charity.

Vulnerable population Garvey says the reasons why a woman becomes homeless are incredibly varied, such as loss of employment, physical or sexual abuse, or even the breakdown of a marriage. One of the largest and growing segments of the homeless population are senior women with no funds to fall back on, in addition to new Canadian women, fleeing war or persecution in their country of origin. McPhail House, a facility with only six beds, operates specifically for the latter: a vulnerable population of women that have just arrived in Ottawa, seeking a better life. Arriving from all over the world, from countries such as Morocco, Uganda, Nigeria, Burundi and Iran, this multicultural house helps the residents learn English, build skills and integrate themselves into Canadian life. In the past year, Cornerstone says three of its six residents moved out of McPhail House and into their own apartment, a development that Garvey finds particularly gratifying. “We have one resident, she has experienced war, torture and terrible atrocities. She lost half her family, made it here, and gradually built herself up to where she learned English, went to school, got a job and now she is sponsoring her own family to come here and be with her,” she says. “And we are helping her to do that.” The trauma of fleeing your war-torn homeland is all too familiar for Solange Tuyishime. Living in Rwanda in the 1990s, she remembers the first whispers of war and fighting among friends and family members. Tuyishime was only nine years old at the time, and up until this point, she had a very positive upbringing. She went to a good school, had a loving and supportive family and “was never deprived of anything.” Little did she know that this life would soon be taken away by war and genocide. Soon, those whispers of fighting became screams, as members of the family were beaten or lost their lives. By the time Tuyishime was 11, all of her extended family members piled into her house. Nobody could go outside anymore, because it wasn’t safe. “I remember that moment when we made the decision to leave,” she recalls. “That’s when it hit home. And when we left … it was chaos. Thousands of thousands of people moving in one direction. I found myself living in a refugee camp, in a tent, going from an 11-year-old girl with a beautiful home to taking a 10-kilometre walk to find water.” Fortunately, it wasn’t long before Tuyishime immigrated to Canada as a refugee, leaving behind a bloody civil war and one of the worst genocides in history. Although she never had to rely on McPhail House, Tuyishime can certainly relate to the challenges of starting a new life. She would learn a new language, a new culture, and build herself up to become a champion for the disenfranchised. She would go on to become Miss Canada International in 2006, Miss Galaxy Canada in 2011 and Mrs. Canada in 2017. Tuyishime has used these platforms to create a tireless campaign to help empower others. “I had the chance to start a life here in Canada, but there are so many others that lost their lives, others in that camp that were not so lucky,” explains Tuyishime, who lives in Ottawa with her husband and daughters. “So I want to do something for people, because part of you feels guilty for leaving. There are so many people,

Donor shares how philanthropic tax planning has become a ‘win-win-win’ for charities, the economy and themselves


atricia Saputo is no stranger to the charity fundraiser. As a decorated tax specialist and chief financial officer of Placements Italcan Inc., one of the largest family offices in Canada, she is acutely aware of the needs, demands and routines of the charitable fundraising circuit. Saputo has attended countless galas, purchased untold number of tables and sponsored a steady stream of philanthropic endeavours in her professional career. And while she understands these events will always have their place, her time is precious. She wants to make the biggest impact possible. For Saputo, there is no better way to make this impact than with philanthropic tax planning. “I really see it as a win-win-win for you as an individual, for your charities, and for one of Canada’s largest industries,” Saputo explains, referring to the mineral industry, which contributed $72 billion to Canada’s GDP last year and creates thousands of jobs. “My advice would be to start small and see how it works. Take it to your accountant. It has dramatically increased how much we are giving because it is costing us a lot less. Then you start to be more intentional in the way you give.” As a tax specialist, flow-through shares was a concept she first recognized while at Deloitte. Since 1954, the government has encouraged Canadians to purchase resource flow-through shares, which help support junior mining companies in the north. Buyers of these shares receive a 100 per cent tax deduction, plus additional mining credits that vary by province. After buying the shares, they are immediately sold to a pre-arranged liquidity provider, or institutional investor of these shares that is willing to take the risk. With this cash, donors then make a donation to the charity of their choice, whereby receiving a second tax receipt. In basic terms, it is the combination of the two government tax policies that allows donors to give typically three times more than they normally would, at no additional cost.

both in Africa but also here in Canada, that don’t have a meal. They don’t know where they will live.”

Elevate International Tuyishime started working with UNICEF, the United Nations organization dedicated to humanitarian and developmental assistance to children and mothers in developing countries. She went on to become a UNICEF Canada Ambassador, traveling to many of the organization’s early childhood programs in some of the world’s poorest countries.

Patricia Saputo, decorated tax specialist and chief financial officer of Placements Italcan Inc., one of the largest family offices in Canada, believes more women need to take control of their finances and boost their financial literacy. Philanthropic tax planning, she says, is one area where large donors can learn to give more and make more meaningful gifts to charity. PHOTO COURTESY OF DOMINIC FUIZZOTTO

Following her time at Deloitte, Saputo heard about these philanthropic tax planning strategies at various wealth events and seminars, particularly in her hometown of Montreal. But it would not be until 2014, when she met Peter Nicholson, the president of The Foundation (WCPD), that she would begin using the structure herself. Saputo has used the structure to give more to a variety of causes, particularly focused on health and education. “I find some people think there is a catch, or that mining is too risky as an investment,” Saputo adds. “But the investment is irrelevant, as it is just a conduit to making the donation. On one hand you are helping the resource industry, and on the other you are helping the charity. For me, this is a no-brainer. Why isn’t everyone doing this?” One topic that Saputo is passionate about is financial literacy, particularly as it relates to women. She encourages all women to become less dependent on men when understanding their finances and setting financial goals. “So I want to empower more women, especially women that have been left with their husband’s wealth and they are unsure what to do with it. They have to understand how to be owners of assets rather than worrying about being the managers of assets," she explains.

But it would not be long before Tuyishime discovered her greatest calling: female empowerment. In 2016, on International Women’s Day, she was delivering a speech at a women’s conference when she was approached by someone with a very simple question: What are you going to with then next generation of women? It wasn’t the first time she had been asked about becoming a leader for others, but something clicked that day. A few months later, she finally registered her new non-profit organization, Elevate International. Continued on next page

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2018 PARTNER CONTENT


“Follow the evidence. Everything we have seen shows us that supporting philanthropic causes for women powers progress for all.” – Evelyne Guindon, managing director, Women Deliver in Canada

Continued from previous page At its core, Elevate International seeks to unite women, and men, with the ultimate goal of balancing the scales of leadership. It seeks to inspire, empower and elevate women and girls locally and globally. “We need more women to lead with their hearts and at the same time they are at the table where decisions are made,” Tuyishime says. “Elevate was my answer to how to make the world better, by uplifting women, but also men and our children. I think once we start including more women at the decision-making table, we will begin to look at the world differently, and we will make different decisions on the economy and the society we live in.” Over the last two years, her organization’s membership has grown rapidly. She held her Elevate Women National Conference on Parliament Hill on Oct. 18, featuring hundreds of women (and men) and well-known speakers. Tuyishime continues to take her message overseas as well. In September, she hosted an Elevate International event in Zimbabwe, bringing together female leaders, entrepreneurs and human rights activists along with members of the highest levels of government. But in the end, Tuyishime is keen to point out that the message can only go so far. While her non-profit will continue to inspire, unite and motivate, her hope is to serve a practical purpose. “I want Elevate to be service-oriented,” she adds. “I want to work with organizations on best practices on diversity, and assist with implementation. I want to build a mentorship program where we match people with companies, and then follow up. How did it go? Did you learn something? Did this build your career? I would like to focus on actionable changes, not just ideas.” Guindon, from Women Deliver, acknowledges that the push for gender equality is nothing new. However, there is a general feeling throughout the movement that the timing is right for politicians, corporations and individuals to come together over this particular issue, with foundations and non-profits leading the charge. There is still an awful long way to go. Guindon points out that even women on Ottawa City Council are “woefully underrepresented,” as are the corporate boardrooms throughout Canada. Women are still paid less for the same job. As for charitable side, “organizations that focus on girls and women receive nowhere near the funding they need,” she says. “We don’t see that level of engagement from Canadian philanthropists. It has been a real challenging situation. Everything that I have seen over the years has shown me that these causes are among the most under-funded in Canada,” Guindon explains.

Leadership For Garvey’s part, at Cornerstone Housing for Women, they solved the issue of under-funding by rolling up their sleeves and reaching out to the local community. But they still have much more work to do and a ways to go, with lots of exciting solution-focused projects on the horizon


Sue Garvey, left, executive director of Cornerstone Housing for Women, and Dr. Judy Rois, of the Anglican Foundation of Canada, celebrate the ongoing construction of the new women’s housing project at 373 Princeton Ave. in Westboro. PHOTO COURTESY OF CORNERSTONE

with the aim of eliminating homelessness for women in Ottawa. Tuyishime takes it one step further. “No, we don’t give enough to women’s causes,” she says. “But secondly, in many cases, we have structured philanthropic organizations here in Canada like a normal company, and like those companies, we are facing a gender diversity problem. At the end of the day, we need more female leaders, and that includes the boardrooms for foundations and non-profits.” Senator Marilou McPhedran is certainly one of those leaders. A lawyer by trade, this Order of Canada recipient has had her fingerprints all over gender equality and human rights issues for decades, with major contributions both in Canada and abroad. She was a driving force behind the Ad Hoc Committee of Canadian Women on the Constitution, a grassroots movement for strengthening equality rights during the drafting of the Constitution of Canada. Sen. McPhedran has also co-founded many influential non-profit organizations, such as the Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund (LEAF) and the Metropolitan Action Committee on Violence Against Women and Children (METRAC). What excites her the most? The opportunity to not just send a message, but disrupt, shift and bring about systematic change. Sen. McPhedran agrees with her peers that there is

much work to be done in relation to gender equality and the philanthropic entities that support it. However, she also believes Canada has come an awful long way, and is truly a world leader for all human rights, not just for women. Looking back to even the 1970s, when she was in law school, Sen. McPhedran remembers there “wasn’t a single human rights course, and the term humanitarian was only used in a very small section of international law.” Referring to the “Charter babies,” or children born from 1982 onwards, when the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms was signed into law, Sen. McPhedran points out that young generations of Canadians have an “intuitive sense” of justice and human rights. The problem, she says, is not the vision, but rather implementation. Canadians, like all humans, tend to congregate in “silos,” where sometimes the big picture can be lost. “Philanthropy can break down these silos, these barriers,” Sen. McPhedran says. “I don’t think it is anywhere close to reaching its potential. The ability for both government funding sources and donors to reform how people work together is massive.” As it stands, one issue in the philanthropic world, she says, is a highly competitive model, or a “one-up model,” as fundraisers and non-profit organizations are continuing to also function in these silos. Sen. McPhedran sees more opportunities to collaborate and share resources to tackle these issues related to gender equality. It is a long road, and issues of gender equality and human rights are not easily solved, but rather they are improved over many years. What Sen. McPhedran enjoys most is teaching the next generation. This Independent Senator from Manitoba is also a full professor, and each summer she teaches a course based at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights in Winnipeg that reminds her of those early, influential days when she was in school. As a young law student, she recalls being a quiet and anxious student – but sitting at the front row. “When we got to the first criminal law segment, they taught cases on rape, all about disbelieving women,” she remembers. “All of a sudden, my poor little criminal law professor had this big woman blowing up like a balloon in class. I hadn’t said a word before that and he was completely terrified.” But he also saw something in her. “He decided to introduce me to some third-year law students setting up a rape crisis centre. As it turned out, I became part of that founding group.” In fact, that non-profit became the first rape crisis centre in Canada. Now, there are centres nationwide. Sen. McPhedran started the night shift: she and her dog, at midnight. On her first evening, she got a call from a woman in crisis, and ultimately went to court to help support her. So for the next generation of leaders, what would be her advice? Two things, Sen. McPhedran says. First, make sure you have a proper life balance, and you only take on what you feel you can handle, both professionally and personally. Secondly, and most importantly, Sen. McPhedran asks: what worries you? That is the question she often asks her aspiring students at the University of Winnipeg. If you are able to answer that question, odds are you will find the right path. No matter what the cause, or how much you can commit to, Guindon, from Women Deliver, urges all Canadians to not simply sit on the sidelines any longer. “Be engaged and be aware,” Guindon says. “And follow the evidence. It will lead you to seeing this is where your money and time will get the best return on investment.”

PARTNER CONTENT GIVING GUIDE 2018 Ottawa Business Journal

Sociable giving in Ottawa An insider’s look at some of the city’s top fundraising galas and charitable events, by OBJ.Social columnist and photographer Caroline Phillips

Fight for the Cure rings up win for cancer research By unanimous decision, the 2018 Fight for the Cure clinched this year's title of most thrilling charity event. Twelve men and women swapped business suits for boxing gloves and – following eight months of intense training – squared off Saturday night in a boxing ring that was on conspicuous display inside the ballroom of the Hilton Lac Leamy. Surrounding the first-time fighters were bright lights, big screens and the screaming voices of 1,000 excited spectators. Their motivation for participating had less to do with improving their fitness or learning a new sport and more to do with raising money to fight a devastating disease – cancer – that has touched them all. The exhilarating evening was chiefly organized by Scott Whitteker, director of FFTC. He's also a co-founder of the event with his older brother, Matt Whitteker. The siblings have watched their boxing event grow from a small benefit that raised just $500 in its first year to a must-attend evening that sells out months in advance. This year’s FFTC raised $238,500 for the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation and its efforts to improve cancer care

in the region through cancer coaching, local research and clinical trials. Returning as presenting sponsor was the Heart & Crown Irish Pubs. Also back was former five-time white-collar boxer Walter Robinson as emcee. The gala began with cocktails and dinner followed by six action-packed, white-collar matches that often ended with – not handshakes nor manly back pats – but genuine hugs.

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2018


OSEG Foundation scores big with Redblacks Women's Training Camp Anybody and everybody involved in the first major fundraiser for the new OSEG Foundation deserves a round of high fives and fist bumps for pulling off a tremendously successful event. The $125-a-ticket Redblacks Women's Training Camp at TD Place Stadium sold out lickety-split and raised more than $100,000 toward sports programming that will help keep girls active and healthy. By the age of 14, they tend to drop out of sports at twice the rate as boys, according to the Women's Sports Foundation. The OSEG Foundation was launched in 2017 by the Ottawa Sports and Entertainment Group to give more children and youth the opportunity to play, learn and develop through sports. OSEG owns the Ottawa Redblacks football team, the Ottawa 67's hockey team and the Ottawa Fury soccer club. It also operates the stadium and the commercial district of Lansdowne, which is a booming destination for nightlife and entertainment in Ottawa. More than 360 women of all ages and athletic abilities donned running shoes and workout clothes as they gathered together on the football field, scoring perfect weather conditions. There, they were led through a series of warm ups by a fit and toned Maria Bassi. Bassi was part of the event’s 24-member female leadership team and is also a founding donor of the OSEG Foundation.


GIVING GUIDE 2018 Ottawa Business Journal

Stuntman Stu’s Pool Party makes giant splash for charity It’s an incredible story of hope and inspiration filled with a mixed bag of emotions for popular Ottawa personality Stu Schwartz, whose life was saved two years ago by a bone marrow transplant. While still in hospital, Schwartz, publicly known as “Stuntman Stu,” had told his best friend Josh Zaret – a real "mensch" of a man – how he wanted to pay it forward at some point, somehow, somewhere. Schwartz is both a radio host on Majic 100 and public address announcer for the Ottawa Senators' home games. “Josh said, ‘Leave it to me, I’ll take care of everything’, and sure enough he did,” Schwartz told the large crowd of friends and supporters who attended a benefit held in June at the headquarters of Zaret’s family-owned real estate development company, Gemstone. Stu's 'Pool' Party had nothing to do with swimming pools and cannonball contests and everything to do with building a donor pool in Schwartz's name in order to continue saving lives. The evening far exceeded its original goal by raising $65,000-plus for the Ezer Mizion bone marrow donor registry. It's the non-profit organization that found the transplant match for Schwartz. He had required the medical procedure, which replaced damaged bone marrow with healthy bone marrow, after being diagnosed and treated for leukemia. The funds raised from the benefit will cover the costs for 1,000 DNA tests. Established 20 years ago, Ezer Mizion is the world’s largest Jewish bone marrow donor registry. Most of the Israeli soldiers voluntarily join, by means of a simple cheek swab sample. That’s how Schwartz, a father of two, was able to find his donor, David Levi, whom he met in person back in March. The athletes spent the next few hours instructing the women on such skills as how to throw and catch a football, tackle players and kick a field goal. Observed were versions of the wobbly-leg, ball-spiking football dance – normally reserved for such special occasions as a touchdown – but also appropriate that day to celebrate the women's smaller victories, like the catching of a pass. The signature fundraiser for the OSEG Foundation was presented by St. Laurent Shopping Centre. “I think it’s amazing to look out at the field and see so many women,” said leadership committee member Krista Kealey, vice-president of communications and public affairs at the Ottawa International Airport Authority. “Just listening to the hooting and hollering, you know everybody is having so much fun.” Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2018


Wellington West culinary benefit raises thousands for Parkdale Food Centre An Ottawa food bank, known for thinking outside the box, selected the Innovation Centre at Bayview Yards — which is also about exploring new ideas — as the venue to hold its fifth annual Parkdale Food Centre Gala. This year’s fundraiser was a sell out, with 300 guests filling the entrepreneurial hub to enjoy a night of eating, drinking and catching up with their Wellington West and Hintonburg neighbours. The tickets were $125 per person, or $100 each for those who were on the ball and bought early. Returning favourites from the culinary community included: Absinthe, Allium, Bar Laurel, Dish Catering, Supply and Demand, The Urban Element, Thyme & Again Creative Catering, and Stella Luna Gelato, along with Beyond the Pale Brewery and two new joiners: Stofa Restaurant and The Table vegetarian restaurant. Among the dishes showcased that night were smoked salmon, goat cheese and apple éclairs; mushrooms and escargot on toast; pig cheek tapas with rhubarb; lobster velouté; asparagus, radish and white anchovy bibb lettuce wraps; and poached pineapple, sour cream cake with salty meringue and nitro-frozen apricot. The net total of roughly $22,000 raised will help the Parkdale Food Centre cover its summer grocery bills for the roughly 750 residents who visit the centre each month. The PFC also runs grassroots programs and activities to help community members gain better cooking skills and learn more about nutrition. “We’re all about community,” Parkdale Food Centre board chair Len Fardella told at the gala. “Tonight is a good chance for people to get together. This is where everyone who works with the centre, supports the centre and volunteers at the centre has some fun. “The centre is about bringing people together, around food, so the gala is the same idea.”


GIVING GUIDE 2018 Ottawa Business Journal

Ottawa Riverkeeper Gala rides wave of success to raise record high of $270K If you're looking for a party that's really going to float your boat, try the annual Ottawa Riverkeeper Gala. It was back for its sixth sensational year in May, bringing along a fun crew of 500 for the ride, under dry skies and ideal weather conditions. And just like a river’s water – always moving and never the same – the gala popped up in a beautiful new location along the Ottawa River. It was held at 50 Sussex Dr., right next to Rideau Falls at the home of The Royal Canadian Geographical Society. Guests, dressed in “river chic,” soaked up the stunning views of the waters on which rowers and boaters could be seen navigating, silhouetted by a setting sun. By the end of the night, the gala had reached an all-time fundraising high of nearly $270,000, gross. Everyone was free to roam among the different areas, from the clear-topped elegant party tents with hanging chandeliers and lights to The RCGS building and its riverside terraces. There were chillout lounge areas, creative food and drink stations and such activities as ping pong, fuzzball and Pac Man.

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2018


Elmwood Gala raises recordbreaking $325K for all-girls private school in Rockcliffe The school gymnasium at Elmwood was transformed into a dazzling delight as parents and supporters came together in April for the 29th annual "Dare to Dream" Elmwood Gala. Strands of Edison bulbs and fairy lights covered the walls and hung from the ceiling, illuminating the venue like brilliant stars. While it took two days to put them all up, as well as the use of a vertical-moving scissor lift, the end result was beyond stunning. It was in this dreamy atmosphere that a black-tie crowd of nearly 300 guests dined, and later danced, in support of the 365-student school, founded in 1915 and located in upscale Rockcliffe Park. The $300-a-ticket event raised funds for the school’s scholarship and bursary program and for the refurbishment of the school’s science labs. The gala netted $325,000, which is the most it's ever raised. This year’s gala was co-chaired by Elmwood parents Aileen Conway, angel investor Denise Carruthers and Whitney Fox, who lauded the "amazing talent" of volunteers who helped out on the organizing committee. It was tasked with soliciting auction items, securing sponsors and handling the planning of the key fundraiser. "I know that I speak for both Aileen and Denise when I say it's been both humbling and an honour to serve with the high caliber of women on this committee," said Fox, who listed a university professor, a molecular biologist, small-business entrepreneurs, and a professional event designer as being among the committee members. Fox and her husband, Telesat CEO Dan Goldberg, along with HGT Sports Services founder and CEO Peter Hudson and his wife, Kelly, offered to match all $500 donations made by guests, who pledged their support that night by raising their bid paddles in the air. The pledges added up to $54,500 – which was then matched.


Food Sort Challenge packs plenty of fun into food bank fundraiser A team that sorts together, comports together. Local businesses and organizations looking to give back to their community while creating morale-boosting moments of bonding among staff were quick to participate in Friday’s fun Food Sort Challenge for the Ottawa Food Bank, presented by Escape Manor. It was the biggest and best year yet for the sold-out fundraiser, which filled the spacious Aberdeen Pavilion at Lansdowne Park. Inside, some 48 teams of up to 10 members raced to sort and pack 1,000 pounds of food the fastest. With music blaring, the teams hustled to organize dried pasta, jars of peanut butter, cans of beans and other non-perishable items commonly donated to the Ottawa Food Bank. Organizers threw in extra challenges, like having participants don oven mitts to complete their task. As well, rule-breaking contestants were punished by the refs with a mandatory timeout that involved wearing a silly hat. "I feel shame, I really do," Brian Murray, director of leasing and business development for Sakto Corp., said, tongue-in-cheek, while serving his penalty for putting a food item in the incorrect box.

GIVING GUIDE 2018 Ottawa Business Journal

Ottawa physicians step up fundraising efforts at Dancing with the Docs Elvis may have left the building but stepping up in his absence was Dr. Ralf Buhrmann, the swing-dancing doctor who took home this year’s magnificent Medicine Ball trophy at the Dancing with the Docs gala for patient care and research at The Ottawa Hospital. The eye physician/surgeon was one of eight local doctors to participate in an exhilarating and entertaining ballroom dance competition at the Hilton Lac-Leamy in April. He was also the first male doctor to win in the event's four-year history. The brave physicians tore up the dance floor with their respective partners from Arthur Murray Dance Ottawa while judges marked them on performance, technique, choreography and audience reaction. Cheering the dancers on was a sold-out audience of more than 800 hospital staff, physicians, patients, friends and family, and sponsors. The $195-a-ticket gala – which has grown wildly popular on the social

scene – hit a fundraising high of more than $433,000. Not only did the doctors learn over the past few months how to move with rhythm and style, but they also raised significant sums of money for causes near and dear to their hearts. Dr. Buhrmann surpassed his lofty goal by raising more than $126,000 toward vision research and a new glaucoma clinic at the hospital’s Eye Institute. He and his dance partner, Kaja Urbanova, knocked everyone’s bobby socks off with their rock and roll swing tribute to Elvis. The votes and donations from audience members continued through the course of the evening. The good doc had originally aimed for $100,000. That's the amount still required to complete a $1.6 million-campaign for a new clinic, he told When patients learned about Buhrmann's creative efforts to raise money, they responded generously.

“We’re so privileged and touched,” he added. “This has been the culmination of a three-year process that began with a very generous donor encouraging us to dream about building a new clinic," said Buhrmann. "Over the last three years, that dream has taken shape. This clinic is going to be built very soon.” Funds were also raised for cancer research, cancer clinical trials, breast cancer radiation research, targeted immuno-therapies cancer research, personalized cancer care, equipment at the Skills and Simulation Centre and for a research chair in gay men’s health.


Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2018


“It’s a real alignment of values for some of our staff.” – Steve Creighton, senior vice-president, Dymon

Steve Creighton, senior vice-president at Dymon, says it’s important that staff feel connected with the organizations Dymon contributes to.

Declining pool of individual donors puts focus on creative corporate partnerships

Nancy Crain and Jade Lam preparing swatches for the team’s quilt at Victoria’s Quilts.

The team hard at work in sewing their quilt for Victoria’s Quilts.

Number of individuals making donations falls 4%, or roughly 7,000 people By Rosa Saba


ew research shows that donations made by individuals in the National Capital Region to charitable and nonprofit organizations are on the decline, creating opportunities for fresh partnerships between local businesses and the causes they seek to support, observers say. Though the taxfiler population in Ottawa has grown by 7.8 per cent since 2012, taxfilers claiming benefits from charitable giving declined four per cent in the same time period, according to research by John Heckbert, senior director of planning and program development at United Way Ottawa. That’s more than 7,000 donors, according to Heckbert, though he adds that the average individual donation has risen somewhat. An analysis of 10 per cent of the approximately 2,400 Ottawa-based charities showed that revenues at organizations that receive the majority of their funding from governments were relatively stable. However, those that rely on private donations such as religious


organizations and other charities suffered a loss of about eight per cent. If that sampling represents the entire population of traditional charities, Heckbert says that works out to a loss of about $160 million in charitable revenue. There are many factors that could contribute to this decline. Heckbert says charitable giving began declining during the 2008 financial crisis and hasn’t recovered since. As well, “charitable giving is a very cultural practice,” he says, and many younger donors don’t use the same channels their parents did, such as the subscription-style mail donations many charities had come to rely on.

CORPORATE PARTNERSHIPS In response to this decline, Heckbert says many charities are shifting their focus to a few key places. One is in the pursuit of larger individual gifts, the average size of which Heckbert says is rising. Another is the corporate sector, where many organizations are increasingly looking for partnerships with local or national companies, building relationships

that benefit not only the charity, but also the company with which it partners. One such organization is the Ottawa Mission, which in recent years has developed partnerships with several Ottawa companies that are about more than just monetary giving.

GIVING GUIDE 2018 Ottawa Business Journal

Lindee David at Joule HQ working with the rest of the team to compile items to add to shoeboxes for I Love First Peoples.

The Joule team with their gift-filled shoeboxes after preparing 76 to give to I Love First Peoples.

Sean Wong, executive director of the Mission, says the organization sees opportunity in the corporate space. The Mission is stepping up its corporate partnerships with initiatives such as a gala, Giving Tuesday partnerships and opportunities for companies to help out at the Mission. Wong says there’s a team-building aspect to his kind of partnership, one that companies are increasingly valuing as part of their workplace culture. “When employees see their corporation engaged in this way, it adds more meaning to their day-to-day work,” says Wong, adding that giving employees the chance to engage in the Mission’s work helps them understand the impact of what they do. “It’s about being transparent … and giving people the opportunity to have input into how you do things,” he says. One of the Mission’s partners is storage company Dymon. The local firm first worked with the Mission for last year’s Giving Tuesday, contributing $15,000 and matching Dymon staff donations. Senior vice-president Steve Creighton says that for Dymon, which gives 50 per cent of its operating profits and value creation to charity, it’s important that staff feel connected with the organizations

“People felt really inspired.” – Nancy Crain, chief social innovation officer, Joule

Dymon contributes to. “I think it’s a real alignment of values for some of our staff,” says Creighton, adding that he believes businesses have the power to help in their communities, and the more aligned staff feel with that help, the better it is for all parties involved. For CMA subsidiary Joule, getting involved with the Ottawa Mission was a chance for staff to feel like they could contribute in a hands-on way. For the company’s annual Day of Giving, Joule staff spent a day volunteering at one of four charities. Employees who visited the Mission helped prepare for Thanksgiving, clean facilities and serve meals. Joule’s chief social innovation officer Nancy Crain says the feedback from employees was overwhelmingly positive. “People felt really inspired,” she says. “We can easily get

Diane Kelsall, Katherine Ambler-Popowich and Tony Silvaroli in the kitchen at the Ottawa Mission, ready to serve a meal to their clients.

so caught up in our day-to-day lives that we forget about the little things that make a difference.” Crain says people are driven to work for organizations and businesses with a sense of community impact and value, adding that companies have the ability and responsibility to not only give back themselves, but to help their staff have a greater impact on the issues that matter to them. “We want to ensure that we collaborate with our staff and our team to ensure that they're part of these decisions,” she says. “It drives our culture. It really defines who we are.”

The Joule team with Jake Harding from The Ottawa Mission after preparing and serving two meals for their clients. Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2018


‘Venture philanthropy’ unlocks new revenue streams for charities Ottawa’s CPAWS eyes rental income through purchase of downtown office building By Rosa Saba


ith its recent purchase of a downtown office building, local nonprofit Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) is tapping into a new – albeit unconventional – source of revenue. Investing in real estate is a somewhat nontraditional approach for charities and nonprofits that carries an unfamiliar amount of risk and requires

the support of donors. But the reward is a steady and reliable source of funding, which is attracting a handful of organizations such as CPAWS to explore tools more commonly used in the private sector to raise money to support their cause. The idea had been forming at the back of former national executive director Éric Hébert-Daly’s mind for a while, ever since his success with a similar project during his time working in politics. When a donor looking to make a large endowment-style contribution approached CPAWS, Hébert-Daly told him about the idea. “His eyes lit up,” says Hébert-Daly. With the groundwork laid, he set about trying to fundraise to

complete the project, which proved an interesting challenge. “We didn’t actually have a building to point to,” he explains, adding that the city’s strong real estate market led their real estate broker to look for buildings that weren’t actively up for sale. Hébert-Daly was nearing his last three months at CPAWS and had raised $1.3 million for the project when the broker came to him with the perfect opportunity – a downtown office building at the corner of Gloucester and O’Connor streets. Over the next three months, CPAWS raised that total to $3.5 million – just over half of the building’s purchase price. CPAWS celebrated the purchase a few months later, in October 2018. “The building is going to turn almost a quartermillion-dollar profit each year that is going to go into conservation work,” says Hébert-Daly, who left CPAWS in May with this project as his parting gift. With a property manager and board to take care of the dayto-day, that profit is essentially worry-free for CPAWS, a reliable source of income in an often competitive sector.

“It’s a stability that you just can’t measure.” – Éric Hébert-Daly, past executive director, CPAWS

CPAWS secretary Rodney Wilts, left, and former executive director Éric Hébert-Daly outside the nonprofit’s recently purchased Centretown office building. PHOTO BY MARTINE FOUBERT


“That level of confidence in a stable revenue source is a rare thing indeed for most charities,” he says. “It’s a stability that you just can’t measure.” Hébert-Daly admits it’s not a common move for a charity, but says he sees it as a creative way to use the tools of business for charitable benefit. “It puts the economic model into a much more creative space,” he says, adding that the term “venture philanthropy” is one increasingly being used as charitable organizations look for new ways to guarantee funds. He says that when it comes to such ventures, it’s important for organizations to get experts involved, such as a real estate broker and property manager. As well, when fundraising for the purchase, he learned that he needed to be creative and find ways to help potential donors connect to the project’s potential impact. “It really was a question of knowing your audience,” says Hébert-Daly, adding that for many donors, the model made a lot of sense. “People who have the capability of making sizable contributions are people who understand the business world,” he says. “There's a real understanding on the part of the economic sector of what venture philanthropy means ... the question is, can we get the philanthropic sector to understand what venture philanthropy means?”

GIVING GUIDE 2018 Ottawa Business Journal

Affordable housing spectrum

Tackling ‘the missing middle’ in Ottawa’s affordable housing shortage Private sector and nonprofits collaborate to address entry-level affordable housing stock By Rosa Saba


t’s a growing and increasingly visible phenomenon: A lack of entry-level market housing that’s squeezing the social housing sector. According to research by consultant Steve Pomeroy, the number of rental units in Ottawa priced at less than $750 per month fell by around 7,000 between 2011 and 2016. These units were either demolished, repurposed, or had their rent increased above $750. In the same time period, only around 1,033 new units were created under the city’s affordable housing program,

according to the City of Ottawa. “For every one new unit we created, we lost seven,” says Pomeroy. Many experts propose a two-fold solution: make it easier for the private sector to build market rental housing, and provide more assistance to people who have trouble affording that housing. It’s not that new houses and apartments aren’t being constructed in Ottawa. There are many under development, especially condos. But as Pomeroy explains, it’s difficult to build brand-new rental housing that can be priced affordably. “You don’t build affordable housing,” he says. “You build housing at cost, and then you figure out a way to subsidize it.” There are two parties that can be subsidized: the people creating and managing the housing, or the people using it. “You can subsidize the developer or you can subsidize the occupant,” says Pomeroy. “(But) the scale of the programming that’s available to provide those subsidies … (is) simply far, far less than the number of needs.”

COLLABORATION Pomeroy presented his research at a discussion organized by the Ottawa Community Foundation, a forum between some of the stakeholders in the affordable housing issue, including advocates, developers and representatives from the city’s planning and housing services. Rebecca Aird, OCF’s director of grants and knowledge, says the topic at hand was entry-level affordable housing, giving as an example young professionals within the $35,000-$70,000 income bracket, many of whom are either renting or looking to buy a first home. Pomeroy calls this the “missing middle.” Continued on next page

While the term “affordable housing” gets thrown around a lot, it’s often used to mean different things. Affordable housing is on a spectrum. On one end is social housing. This includes partially subsidized affordable housing, usually for people transitioning from social housing. There is also market rental housing, which is rental housing on the lower end of the cost spectrum but without subsidy. Moving up through the rental levels, at some point people enter the home ownership market and start looking for their first house. For the purposes of this article, “affordable housing” refers to lower-level market rental and for-sale housing, while “social housing” refers to heavily subsidized community housing.


Decrease in the number of Ottawa rental units priced at $750/month or less between 2011 and 2016.


New units created under the city’s affordable housing program during the same period.

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2018


Centretown Citizens Ottawa Corp.’s Arlington Avenue project will feature 16 rental housing units.

Housing strategy

ABOVE: Leveraging Ottawa’s light-rail line to build additional homes around transit stations is seen as one strategy to increasing the city’s stock of affordable homes. PHOTO BY TED SIMPSON LEFT: The developers behind Zibi voluntarily committed to including a certain number of affordable units within the Ottawa River project.

Continued from previous page There’s a lot of concern for social and community housing, or affordable housing for the lower-income end of the spectrum, Aird says – and that’s absolutely deserved. However, there’s little focus on the bracket right above, many of whom are occupying housing that, if freed up, could better serve the lower-income market. “We have to think along the whole spectrum, and we have to think longer-term as well,” says Aird. “If you don’t have enough housing that is affordable to people in this income bracket, you’re squeezing the housing that’s available to people who are really in deep need, and you’re also risking the slide that a lot of cities are seeing towards becoming a city where only the economically privileged can live. And that’s not in anybody’s interest.” According to the CMHC 2017 Rental Market Report, Ottawa’s vacancy rate fell in 2017 to 1.7 per cent, with an average rent of $1,113. This drop was attributed to a stronger demand for purpose-built rental housing, while the vacancy rates for condos increased. However, as Aird points out, a low vacancy rate means that the average price of available units is often higher than the overall average. She says the high-profile Heron Gate eviction – in which some 105 families were forced out of their south Ottawa homes in mid-2018 after their landlord determined their units were beyond repair – put the issue on the Community Foundation’s radar, and Pomeroy’s research solidified their feeling of responsibility to try and address some of the problems and possible solutions to the decline. “I think everybody had been at least peripherally aware that we are losing affordable market housing at a pretty fast clip,” says Aird.


INCENTIVIZING DEVELOPMENT One buzzword when it comes to affordable housing is inclusionary zoning, which allows municipalities to require affordable units for low- and middle-income families in new developments. Ontario implemented inclusionary zoning in April 2018, but most municipalities have yet to take advantage of the legislation. Pomeroy says he sees considerable pressure from Ottawa's community and poverty sectors to address this, with many looking to the municipal elections as a turning point. Indeed, returning Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson has promised to work with the province on implementing inclusionary zoning requirements, including asking for provincial funding to help subsidize new developments. Rodney Wilts of Theia Partners, one of the developers spearheading the mixed-use Zibi project on the Ottawa River, says the OCF-organized forum covered many different possible approaches to the issue, with the consensus that there’s no silver bullet. Instead, he says there’s a toolkit of solutions that, together, could help alleviate the stresses on Ottawa’s market. One of these tools could be to decrease the red tape around new developments, and to take advantage of the province’s new inclusionary zoning legislation. Another is to leverage the LRT expansion to target developments around transit stations, and yet another is to turn unused public land into opportunities for developers. The latter is one of the measures under the National Housing Strategy, set to have begun in the summer of 2018. The Federal Lands Initiative is a $200-million fund meant to facilitate the transfer of surplus federal government land

The Canadian National Housing Strategy, which promises $40 billion in federal and provincial funding over 10 years to facilitate the maintenance of existing social and affordable housing as well as the creation of new stock, is largely delivered by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp. Vivian Chih, a CMHC affordable housing consultant, says there’s a focus on building relationships with the public and private sector with programs such as the Rental Construction Financing Initiative, a loan program intended to create 14,000 new units across the country. Chih says recent development trends mean there are a lot of new condo developments, but not enough rental units. The national strategy looks to stimulate the development of rental housing, with a priority on mixed-income developments. Locally, Claridge Homes and the Centretown Citizens Ottawa Corporation are receiving $70.8 million and $3.9 million, respectively, to facilitate new apartment buildings, of which most of the units will be affordable (defined as a rental rate that’s less than 30 per cent of the median household income in the area).

to be redeveloped into affordable housing. “This is a really interesting opportunity for the private sector because we know that gaining access to land is sometimes challenging,” says Vivian Chih, a CMHC affordable housing consultant. The developers behind Zibi voluntarily committed to including a certain number of affordable units, says Wilts, adding that he hopes the city will work with the developers, alongside their affordable housing providers, to make the commitment work. However, for many developers, the incentives to build affordable housing aren’t enough to make the red tape worthwhile. Take for example the National Housing Co-Investment Fund, part of the National Housing Strategy (see sidebar), which requires a minimum of 20 per cent accessible units, as well as a 25 per cent decrease in energy consumption and emissions in relation to the latest national energy code. “It’s a good start,” says Pomeroy, but for many developers, he says the bar is too high – especially if they’re building low-cost housing. John Dickie, chair of the Eastern Ontario Landlords’ Association and president of the Canadian Federation of Apartment Associations, agrees, adding that red tape delays the development process. Bring down the requirements – and the cost – of developing, and he says prices will go down naturally. “The development community is a very competitive market,” says Dickie. “If their costs will go down, just like in any other free market, the prices that they charge people will come down.”

GIVING GUIDE 2018 Ottawa Business Journal

“It’s a sector in which education is an important credential.” – Susan Phillips, graduate supervisor, Carleton University’s Master of Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership (left)

BELOW: Donors want to make informed decisions on where their charitable dollars go, says Heather Norris, the CEO of Northumberland United Way.

increase, we also had to become more professional.” This is especially true of corporate givers, says LaPrade, whose knowledge of good business practice makes them aware of these standards in the nonprofit sector as well. “When a foundation or corporation gives you money, they want an accountability report,” says LaPrade.


ABOVE: Consultant Sam LaPrade says the need for accountability to donors is increasing. PHOTO BY MARK HOLLERON

The professionalization of philanthropy Measuring impact, return on investment, grows in importance as part of a call for transparency and accountability in the nonprofit sector. By Rosa Saba


rganizations and charities are looking to the skills and standards of the private sector to respond to an increasing need for accountability and business acumen in the nonprofit sector. Research shows an increasing call for professionalization and training in the nonprofit sector, in part due to political and public pressures regarding accountability. As well, increased competition can result in sharper business practices as organizations vie for both individual and corporate donors. Sam LaPrade, who works as a consultant for nonprofit organizations and people or corporations looking to make charitable donations, says the need for accountability to donors is increasing.

“Nobody wants to give money to a big black hole,” she says. “Donors are becoming more savvy – they want to know the impact.” She says business skills such as data analytics, board organization, finance and marketing are becoming important tools in the kit for those who work in the nonprofit sector – increasingly, a career as opposed to a volunteer position or side job. “There’s a lot of learning opportunities for professional development in our sector,” says LaPrade. For example, analytics, or “the science of fundraising,” can help organizations determine which demographics to target for donations – and how. “(Organizations) want to know how many people went from $25 to becoming a monthly donor, they want to know what the return on is in terms of investment for things like their events,” explains LaPrade. Terms like conversion and return on investment, commonly used in the business world, are used to describe new donors who become regular donors and the impact that fundraising events have. “Our donors are much more aware of the costs of fundraising. So we need to be very accountable to that money,” she says. “Because our accountability had to

The Carleton University Master of Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership was first offered in 2013 to address some of these growing trends and needs. The program’s graduate supervisor, Susan Phillips, says the growing sophistication and professionalization of the philanthropic sector made clear the need for a specialized set of skills. “It’s a sector in which education is an important credential,” says Phillips, adding that with an increase in professionals from other sectors joining the nonprofit sector, a graduate degree may be necessary to help them gain the skills needed. The key areas covered by the program are public policy, governance and strategic management, financing, and the demonstration or communication of impact. Phillips says the program reflects the growing complexity of the philanthropic sector, especially with changing approaches to governance and fundraising. “There’s much greater need for collaboration,” she says, adding that the program attracts a mix of people, some of them with no nonprofit experience and some of them with decades in the field. “People are just going to find career paths in other ways. And we need to encourage those career and leadership paths into the sector.” Some of the skills taught in the program relate directly to the relationships between corporations and the charities they give to. Phillips says the focus on communicating impact is something corporate donors and millennial givers both value highly. For Heather Norris, who graduated from the program in 2015, learning to prove and communicate impact was one of the most important things she gained. Though she had 10 years of experience in the nonprofit sector, the program helped her accrue the skills she needed to accelerate her career path; she’s now the CEO at Northumberland United Way. Norris says measuring impact is increasingly important for nonprofit organizations as part of a growing call for transparency and accountability in the nonprofit sector. “With this rapidly changing sector, there's this growing expectation for charities to be leaders of best practice when it comes to transparency and accountability, and there's also more focus than ever before on creating longer-term social change,” she says. “Donors want to make informed decisions on where their charitable dollars go.” Norris says the philanthropic sector needs to utilize the tools of business and good governance to succeed in today’s industry. “It’s now the business of philanthropy,” she says. “Our organizations work with the same robustness as a forprofit business.”

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2018


An Hour to Give with Sam Laprade Saturdays 7-8am Sundays 8-9am


Contact Us At: (613) 736-2001 Thank you to those who have joined us on ‘An Hour To Give’. Join them. Join us. Ottawa Hospital University of Ottawa Heart Institute Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation Right Honourable David Johnston Sophie Gregoire Trudeau Tina Boileau Ryan Straschnitzki of the Humboldt Broncos Rick Hansen Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson Perley & Rideau Veteran’s Health Centre Helene Campbell

Senator Vern White Senator Jim Munson Almonte General Hospital Foundation Carleton Place & District Memorial Hospital Foundation RBC Bluesfest CityFolk Metcalfe Fair Capital Fair Hillel Lodge Long Term Care HealthPartners Children’s Aid Foundation of Ottawa Ottawa Motorcycle Ride for Dad

Foundation WCPD Ottawa Senators Foundation CNIB Algonquin College Foundation LiveWorkPlay Habitat for Humanity Serenity Renewal for Families Youville Centre Hospice Care Ottawa Shepherds of Good Hope Bruyere Continuing Care Salvation Army Women Deliver

1 221310NEWS_Hour_To_Give_Ad_REVISED.indd GIVING GUIDE 2018

11:28 AM Ottawa 2018-10-10 Business Journal

Charity profiles Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ottawa Canadian Blood Services Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society Children's Aid Foundation of Ottawa CNIB Foundation of Ontario East Cornerstone Housing for Women Cuso International Dave Smith Youth Treatment Centre The Dementia Society of Ottawa and County Renfrew Diefenbunker Museum Fondation Bruyère Foundation Foundation for the Study of Processes of Government in Canada Monfort Hospital Foundation The Ottawa Mission Queensway Carleton Hospital Foundation Ottawa Network for Education Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation Royal Ottawa Foundation for Mental Health The Salvation Army Shepherds of Good Hope United Way Ottawa University of Ottawa Heart Institute Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health Youth Services Bureau




GIVING GUIDE 2018 Ottawa Business Journal


What we do 233 Murray Street Ottawa, Ontario K1N 5M9 613-789-8210 Year founded: 1983 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $12,381,435 Twitter: @sghottawa Facebook: /sghottawa

Shepherds of Good Hope is one of the largest notfor-profit organizations dedicated to meeting the needs of homeless and vulnerably-housed people of all genders in the city of Ottawa. Our vision is to provide homes for all, community for all, hope for all. We foster hope and reduce harm in Ottawa by providing around-the-clock specialized services, programs and partnerships. Many of the people who access Shepherds of Good Hope’s programs and services face challenges with mental health, addictions and trauma. Founded in 1983 as a soup kitchen and emergency shelter, today Shepherds of Good Hope is beyond a soup kitchen. Shepherds of Good Hope operates five

– soon to be six – supportive housing facilities, a soup kitchen, health and wellness programming, clothing and grocery program, a transitional shelter and a social enterprise day program. Shepherds of Good Hope Foundation is dedicated to ethical fundraising and sustainable financial management. We support the work of Shepherds of Good Hope through ethical, donor-centred fundraising, and to ensure sustainable financial management of the organization. The Foundation is responsible for all of Shepherds’ fundraising activities, including direct mail appeals, online donations, events and grant submissions.


Margaret Tansey Ryan Kilger Chair of the Board Chair of the board Shepherds of Good Hope Shepherds of Good Hope Foundation

> BOARD MEMBERS + EXECUTIVES Shepherds of Good Hope John Peters Robin Sellar Murray Knowles Maureen McKeown Susanne Laperle Laurel Johnson Terry Blake

Shepherds of Good Hope Foundation Mark Roundell Brynn McMahon John Peters Melissa Shabinsky Angèle Mènard Dr. Alykhan Abdulla

Tom Burrow Catherine Danbrook Stephen Ball

City of Ottawa: 49% Rent: 14% Donations Vis Foundation: 9% Champlain LHIN: 9% Volunteer hours: 9% Donated items: 5% Ontario Trillium Foundation: 2% Grants and other donations: 2% Other 1%

How you can help GIVE By supporting Shepherds of Good Hope, you are making an investment in our community by helping Ottawa’s homeless and vulnerably-housed access much-needed programs and services. In helping fund Shepherds of Good Hope’s innovative and internationally renowned programming, such as our Transitional Emergency Shelter Program or our Managed Alcohol Program, you are helping to reduce emergency room wait times, free up emergency response personnel, provide shelter and feed our city’s most vulnerable adult women and men. Many of the people served by Shepherds of Good Hope suffer from mental health challenges, trauma and addiction issues. By helping to support these individuals, you are making a difference in our community.

VOLUNTEER More than 400 volunteers contribute their time and expertise, and are an integral part of the community at Shepherds of Good Hope. There are a wide variety of volunteer opportunities available and we strive to find the best fit to your skillset. From cooking in the soup kitchen, to cutting hair, to playing music to gardening – there is something for everyone. With eight locations across the city of Ottawa, from downtown to Kanata, there are volunteer opportunities available to best suit your geographic location.



Supportive housing Harm-reduction

Holidays for Hope

Holidays for Hope is a festive holiday concert featuring DALA on Dec. 1, 2018. Amanda Walther and Sheila Carabine of DALA will entertain with a folk-pop musical set to celebrate the season at the Algonquin Commons Theatre. A one-hour VIP meet-and-greet event with the artists will prelude the concert. Funds raised will go to our Hope Living elevator campaign, a supportive housing facility in Kanata home to 93 formerly homeless seniors.

Taste for Hope

Taste for Hope gathers guests for an evening of exquisite delicacies prepared by 18 renowned Ottawa chefs as well as a selection of fine wines, local beers and specialty cocktails. The seventh annual Taste for Hope is Shepherds of Good Hope’s signature fundraising event of the year and will take place Wednesday, March 6, 2019 in the Horticulture Building at Lansdowne Park.

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2018

25 Help give youth a second chance at life at

A safe place for a fresh start.

A safe place for a fresh start. A safe place for a fresh start. Help give youth a second chance at life at Help give youth a second chance at life at 26

GIVING GUIDE 2018 Ottawa Business Journal


What we do The Dave Smith Youth Treatment Centre (DSYTC) is a non-profit, community-based agency that is dedicated to helping youth (aged 13-21) and families across Ontario overcome substance use and related issues. DSYTC programs and services include: comprehensive assessment, residential treatment, academic programming, pro-social recreation,

112 Willowlea Rd. Ottawa, Ont. K0A 1L0

psychiatric support, nurse practitioner primary care, post-residential continuing care and family services. Our mission is to provide youth and families in need with integrated, evidence-based addiction and mental health treatment, delivered by competent professionals within a caring and compassionate environment. Our vision: Healthy, resilient youth and families who have hope and life skills for creating a positive future.


Year founded: 1993 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $3,388,180


Twitter: @DaveSmithYouth Facebook: Dave Smith Youth Treatment Centre and Foundation

How you can help

From left, Ryan Spooner from the Boston Bruins, Cody Ceci from the Ottawa Senators — one of the event founders — Cindy Manor, and Alan Quine from the Calgary Flames at the Drop the Shame Golf Tournament for the Dave Smith Youth Treatment Centre.


Mike Beauchesne Executive Director

David Kinsman Chair

Our critical funding needs fall into two main categories: capital and operational. Our capital requirements pertain to our ongoing campaign to build a new 30-bed treatment facility and merge our current and aging facilities into a single-campus model. Doing so would increase access to muchneeded treatment, reduce wait times and provide sustainable long-term infrastructure for our health sector. Operational funding needs include resources that support day-to-day programming such as recreation/sports equipment, art supplies, smoking cessation medication, staff training, IT equipment (e.g., laptops) and scholarship funds for graduating students.


> BOARD MEMBERS + EXECUTIVES Dave Smith Founder and Honorary Chair* David Kinsman Chair* Derek Johnston Vice Chair* Tricia Goulbourne Treasurer* Mike Beauchesne Executive Director*

Rene Bibaud Member Dr. Mary Brown Member Cameron Hopgood Member Dorothy Laflamme Member Marilyn Reddigan Member Michael Smith Member *Part of the Executive Committee

> GEOGRAPHIC REGION OF FOCUS Ottawa and broader Champlain region and provincial resource for all of Ontario

Given our vulnerable population and the sensitive issues they are dealing with, we must restrict ourselves to the recruitment, selection and incorporation of volunteers who bring specific skills to help meet client needs (as opposed to those who have a general interest in helping). Examples of current or past volunteers include: yoga/fitness instructors, financial management coaches, career counsellors, hair stylists, photography teachers, support animal guides, grounds maintenance, and educational tutors. All interested parties are welcome to call or email the centre to discuss volunteer needs and potential fit.

4th Annual Wild Wild West Event held at the Horticulture Building to raise funds for a new youth residential treatment facility for the Lives in the Balance campaign.


Wild Wild West Wild Wild West was a western-themed evening that brought donors, staff, board members and volunteers together to raise awareness about youth addiction. All proceeds from ticket sales as well as silent and live auctions went towards the construction of our new youth treatment facility.

Drop The Shame Golf Tournament The Drop The Shame Golf Tournament was founded by one of our graduated clients and his mother. Sharing one like-minded goal, they created this annual tournament to drop the shame around addiction and mental health. All funds go towards building a new youth treatment facility.

Lives in the Balance Lives in the Balance is a fundraising campaign to support the construction of an all-new, 30-bed youth treatment facility in Ottawa. Current facilities are inefficient and costly to operate. The new facility would provide a home-like atmosphere for youth and their families, enhance operational efficiency, expand treatment capacity and reduce wait times to access lifesaving treatment.

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2018


Send the best of Canada Send Canadian volunteers

Donate today, and you can save the lives of moms and babies | 613.829.7445 x 205 28

GIVING GUIDE 2018 Ottawa Business Journal


What we do Our work is based on a simple but powerful vision: a world where all people can realize their potential, develop their skills and participate fully in society. For close to 60 years, we’ve advanced that vision by transforming and strengthening the ability of individuals and organizations to deliver effective and 200-44 Eccles St. Ottawa, Ont. K1R 6S4



Year founded: 1961 Total revenue in last fiscal year: $44,632,793 Twitter: @cusointl Facebook: /cusointernational

How you can help GIVE Your donation helps Cuso International send skilled Canadian volunteers around the world, where they are needed most. Working together with local partners and communities we create change in areas most affected by poverty, exclusion and inequality. In addition, every dollar donated will make an even bigger difference as it is being matched by our funders to have 10 times the impact.

C. Glenn Mifflin CEO

innovative solutions for people in communities around the world. Together, we’re advancing our mission in 21 countries across Africa, Southeast Asia, Central America, Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as Canada. Key to our success has been the commitment of thousands of highly skilled Canadian volunteers who have dedicated countless hours to drive forward innovative programs that are creating positive lasting change.

VOLUNTEER Our volunteers work with local partners around the world to build skills and transfer knowledge. Cuso International recruits volunteers for placements that range from six months to 24 months. Skills sought may include communications, health policy, education, food security and gender specialization, to name a few. We also place hundreds of e-volunteers, who connect with our program partners virtually. Anyone interested in volunteering can visit our online Volunteer Placement board.

Frank O'Dea Chair, Board of Directors

> BOARD MEMBERS Bruce A. McKean Vice-chair (Ottawa)

Patricia Perez-Coutts (Mississauga)

François R. Roy Treasurer (Montreal)

Kole Ahmed Shettima (Abuja, Nigeria)

Lloyd Axworthy Immediate past-chair (Winnipeg)

Chris Snyder (Toronto)

Susana Galdos (Lima, Peru) Lynn Graham (Ottawa) Dan M. Martin (Washington, D.C.)

Jeff Cates (Toronto) Wayne Robertson (Vancouver) Volunteers Chelsey Berendse and Christina Tellez help harvest and market Bolivia’s botanicals. In Bolivia, Cuso International is improving the lives of the country’s most vulnerable citizens, who are mostly women and girls. Our work spans several decades and our relationships with our Bolivian partners are built on a firm foundation of cooperation and trust.

Justin Winchiu (Ottawa)

Nora Murdock (Winnipeg)

> GEOGRAPHIC REGION OF FOCUS We operate in 21 countries around the world across Africa, Southeast Asia, Central America, the Andean region of South America and the Caribbean, as well as Canada.

> FUNDING PRIORITIES Donating to Cuso International provides support to our projects within our three focus areas of health, livelihood and community. HEALTH: Cuso International volunteers and partners work together to improve access to basic health care, with an emphasis on maternal, newborn and childcare, especially for those living in poverty, in remote areas, or who are excluded because of race, gender or class. Your generosity is helping to provide mothers with the care they need to deliver their babies safely and raise them to be healthy, happy children.

LIVELIHOOD: Through skilled volunteers and collaborative partnerships, your donations help people and the communities in which they live become more self-sufficient and resilient. Your generosity supports programs that offer education and skills training to help women and youth find jobs or build businesses. COMMUNITY: Communities thrive when citizens are safe and included. Your donations help break down barriers so that children are protected, and women and men can enjoy the same human rights and be given the same opportunities to participate in decisions that affect their lives.


Voice for Change campaign Funds raised will support the economic and social well-being of poor and marginalized women, men and children around the world. Our goal is to lift more than 27 million people out of poverty by funding initiatives that provide better universal healthcare, increase the economic power of 19 million people and advance gender equality and social inclusion in 19 countries, as well as work with Indigenous Peoples in Canada.

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2018


Even before the Heart Institute opened more than 40 years ago, I saw the commitment and generosity of this community as we joined together to build a world class facility. I could not be more proud as I see the Critical Care Tower open, knowing that the legacy of excellence in cardiac care we began together is ready for the future. The Hybrid Operating Room in the new Clinical Care Tower at the Heart Institute

Dr. Wilbert Keon, Founder

Thank you! With your support, the University of Ottawa Heart Institute has opened a new state-of-the-art Critical Care Tower, enhancing world-class, patient-focused cardiac care, right here in your community. Thank you for joining us on this exciting journey. We are almost there. The Critical Care Tower is open and our clinical staff is excited to work in this amazing space knowing that they now have greater capacity to deliver the best care and treatment possible for their patients.

A state-of-the art electrophysiology suite in the new tower

The new Clinical Care Tower

Fundraising continues as we are in the process of installing thousands of pieces of specialized life saving equipment that cannot be purchased with public healthcare funding. Some of this equipment, like the da Vinci® Surgical Robot, is already in place as we continue our campaign. Renovations to the original building are ongoing and will be completed in late 2019, providing better access and improved navigation for our patients and their loved ones. All of this is happening because of loyal donors like you. Thank you.

A sun-filled patient room in the new tower

The da Vinci® Robot Surgical System

Jim Orban, President & CEO, University of Ottawa Heart Institute Foundation


Welcome to the Heart Institute. The new Central Registration Desk will be located conveniently in the bright and spacious new main lobby.

Renovations mean multiple levels undergoing significant change. The installation of escalators will make a big difference for both patients and their families.

The Heart Institute performs over 56,609 diagnostic exams per year. The highly specialized tools such as the CT scanners and the cardiac MRI will have a new home in Central Imaging.

Installation of specialized equipment in the Hybrid Operating Room creates one setting for interventional cardiologists, cardiac surgeons and electrophysiologists to work side by side treating complex cases.

Completing the purchase of the da Vinci® Surgical Robot, will allow the Heart Institute surgeons to perform less invasive procedures with faster recovery time.

Support cardiac card in your community today. Contact us at 613-696-7030 or to make a donation.  40 Ruskin Street Ottawa, Ontario, K1Y 4W7 #GiveWithHeart


GIVING GUIDE 2018 Ottawa Business Journal


What we do The University of Ottawa Heart Institute Foundation is the bridge between the generous donors of this community and the exceptional work being done at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute. We create opportunities for fundraising and philanthropic support, engage with volunteers throughout the community 40 Ruskin St., Room H2408 Ottawa, Ont. K1Y 4W7

and celebrate the accomplishments and advancements made by the Heart Institute’s clinicians, research teams, support staff and volunteers. The Foundation plays a vital role in ensuring that the many critical components of world-class cardiovascular care are available to patients in our community and across the country.



Year founded: 1994 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $16 million Twitter: @HeartFDN Facebook: /HeartInstituteFoundation


How you can help GIVE

Jim Orban President and CEO

Barbara Farber Chair, Board of Directors

> BOARD MEMBERS + EXECUTIVES Mark Shabinsky Secretary

Matthew Kenny Treasurer

Dr. Donald Beanlands Jean Bilodeau Ronald Caza Rose Gage Steve Gallant Joanne Livingston

In April 2018, the University of Ottawa Heart Institute opened the new Critical Care Tower and fundraising continues to purchase specialized life-saving equipment that is 100-per-cent donor-funded. Renovations continue to the existing Heart Institute building, adding escalators and a central registration area to significantly enhance the experience for patients and families with better access and navigation tools. Donors also have the opportunity to invest in research, innovation, and equipment such as the da Vinci® Surgical Robot. The Canadian Women’s Heart Health Centre offers advocacy,

education, peer support and clinical care to women across the country.

VOLUNTEER Volunteer opportunities exist through a variety of fundraising and support activities, which are led by individuals whose lives have been touched by the Heart Institute. You can also volunteer with the Heart Institute Auxiliary and share your Heart Institute story in our Foundation Connection newsletter.

Ed Lumley Dr. Thierry Mesana Lisa Mierins Smith Mike Murphy Nick Pantieras David Rattray Fayez Thawer Matt Davies Elizabeth Roscoe Catarina Silva

> GEOGRAPHIC REGION OF FOCUS The University of Ottawa Heart Institute is the primary cardiac referral centre for hospitals (and other health care facilities) throughout the Champlain LHIN. In addition, patients from across Canada receive specialized care at the Heart Institute and we are home to the Canadian Women’s Heart Health Centre, the first of its kind in Canada.

> EVENTS + FUNDRAISING Foundation-hosted events include the Fuller Keon Golf Tournament, Jeanne Fuller Red Dress Charity Golf Classic, Capital Oktoberfest, TeamHeart and February is Heart Month; community-led initiatives (third-party events) generously hosted by volunteers and supporters.

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2018


“It’s simple – without people like you, I would not be here today.” – Everad, Organ recipient

Four years ago, on a warm day in May, a selfless 46-year-old man who had registered to donate his organs saved Everad’s life with the gift of a heart transplant. The impact that donors like you can have for people like Everad is immeasurable. Whether it is a financial gift, or a donation of blood, plasma, stem cells, or organs and tissues, you can be the reason – the connection – that keeps Canadians living.

Be part of the connection at


GIVING GUIDE 2018 Ottawa Business Journal


What we do Canadian Blood Services is Canada’s biological lifeline. We are the connection between the sincere generosity of donors and the heartfelt appreciation of recipients, between the profound discoveries of science and the joyful restoration of health. We are nationally responsible for a secure, reliable, accessible and sustainable system of life essentials

1800 Alta Vista Dr. Ottawa, Ont. K1G 4J5

for transfusion or transplantation including blood, plasma, stem cells as well as organs and tissues. By making your financial gift to Canadian Blood Services, you play an integral role in helping connect patients with the lifesaving products and services they need most. You are part of the infinite connections that keep Canadians living. Together, we help every patient, match every need, and serve every Canadian. Thank you for helping us save lives.

> TOP FUNDING SOURCES 613-739-2339 Year founded: 1998 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $1,209,317,995 Twitter: @CanadasLifeline Facebook: /CanadasLifeline


How you can help GIVE No matter how you and your corporation chooses to give – as a philanthropic supporter, blood, plasma, stem cell or organ and tissues donor – you are making a lifesaving difference for Canadian patients. We seek funding from individuals and corporations for strategic projects that align with your core values.

To give thanks for Canada’s warm welcome, members of Ottawa’s Syrian community presented a cheque in the amount $2,500, as well as made a group blood donation, as part of Syrian Canadian Donation Day on April 14. Their donation helped fund programs aimed at recruiting the next generation of blood donors.

ENGAGE Dr. Graham D. Sher CEO

Mel Cappe Chair

> BOARD MEMBERS + EXECUTIVE Glenda Yeates Vice-chair

Dunbar Russel Regional nominee (Ontario)

Dr. Kevin Glasgow Consumer nominee, co-chair, national liaison committee

Craig Knight Regional nominee (British Columbia and Yukon)

David Lehberg Consumer nominee, cochair, national liaison committee

Mike Shaw Regional nominee (Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Northwest Territories and Nunavut)

Wayne Gladstone General nominee, medical, scientific, technical, business and public health Kelly Butt General nominee

Dr. Jeff Scott Regional nominee (Atlantic Canada) Anne McFarlane General nominee Judy Steele General nominee

Suromitra Sanatani General nominee, medical, scientific, technical, business and public health

> GEOGRAPHIC REGION OF FOCUS National. In the domain of blood, plasma and stem cells, we provide services for patients on behalf of all provincial and territorial governments except Quebec. The national transplant registry for interprovincial organ sharing and related programs reaches into all provinces and territories.

The first annual #DonateForDustin Memorial Golf Tournament, held at the Mississippi Golf Club in Almonte, raised $17,000 for Canadian Blood Services. Their donation helped grow and expand our lifesaving programs.

A single donation can make a lifesaving difference to someone in need. Imagine the impact your entire organization can have when you work as a team. Many organizations, institutions and communities across Canada have volunteered to be a part of the reason — the connection that keeps Canadians living. Through our corporate #PartnersForLife program, you and your employees have the opportunity to give meaningfully and accomplish team goals, while seeing firsthand the integral role you play as part of Canada’s lifeline.


Blood for Life

Cancer patients, transplant recipients, accident victims – for these people and so many more, a timely transfusion of blood and/or blood products can be the lifesaving difference. Your charitable support funds programs aimed at recruiting the next generation of blood donors and helps to modernize our collection centres.

Stem Cells for Life

Stem cells are used to treat more than 80 diseases and disorders such as leukemia, lymphoma and aplastic anemia. The majority of successful stem cell transplant matches take place between donors and patients of the same ethnic background. That is why it is imperative to build a stem cell registry that reflects Canada’s ethnic diversity. Your financial gifts support recruitment and education efforts to help build a stem cell registry that can provide more matches to patients waiting for a life-saving transplant.

Organs and Tissues for Life

At any given moment approximately 4,500 Canadians are waiting for organ transplants. A single organ donor can save up to eight lives, but each year, hundreds will die waiting for the right match. Financial donors support Canadian Blood Services in leading national collaborative work aimed at strengthening the organ and tissue donation and transplantation system in Canada. In 2018, the 1,000th kidney transplant was made possible through our pan-Canadian Kidney Paired Donation and Highly Sensitized Patient programs.

Research and Innovation

Canadian Blood Services drives world-class innovation in blood transfusion, cellular therapy and transplantation research. Our research team and network of partners engage in exploratory and applied research to create new knowledge, enhance best practices, contribute to the development of new services and technologies as well as provide opportunities for training and education. Be among the first to learn about opportunities to help build our research capacity. Join our email list at give.

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2018


OTTAWA’S YOUNG PEOPLE THEIR FUTURE IS EVERYBODY’S BUSINESS. When we all invest in Ottawa’s youth, our community faces a brighter future. The Youth Services Bureau (YSB) is one of Ottawa’s largest non-profit agencies serving more than 3,000 young people and families every month. We connect youth to options, opportunities, and hope for the future. We get results. YSB sets high standards for its programs, using proven models and measuring the results. But we can’t do it on our own.


613-729-1000 INFO@YSB.CA YSB.CA


GIVING GUIDE 2018 Ottawa Business Journal


What we do The Youth Services Bureau (YSB) is a multi-service agency providing life-changing programs and services to youth across Ottawa. Each month, we serve more than 3,000 young people and their families in the areas of housing, community services,

2675 Queensview Dr. Ottawa, ON K2B 8K2

> TOP FUNDING SOURCES 613-729-1000 Year founded: 1960 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $28,995,924 Twitter: @ysb_bsj Facebook: /ysb.bsj Instagram: @ysb.bsj

Patti Murphy Executive Director, YSB Charitable Foundation


Scott Lawrence Chair, YSB Foundation Board of Directors

Charles Bordeleau Past Chair Chief, Ottawa Police Services

Christopher Rheaume Director Inspector, Ottawa Police Services

Bruce Millar Secretary-Treasurer CPA

Julie Taggart Director Vice President, Leasing and Operations, Taggart Realty

Michael Weider Director CEO, Clearwater Clinical Limited Isabelle Perreault Director President and Founder, Differly Andrew Arnott Director Regional Vice President, Business Financial Services, Ontario North and East, RBC Dr. Neda Amani Director Medical Director and Program Founder, The Real You Kirpa Grewal Director Student, Community Organizer, Carleton University

Adrian Sciarra Director Senior Vice President, Sports Business Operations Ottawa Sports and Entertainment Group Tanya Woods Director Founder, Kind Village Isabelle Perreault Director President and Founder, Differly Alan J. Tippett Director Partner, Director of US Tax Advisory Services, Welch LLP Raylene Lang-Dion, Director Community Activist and Feminist Kerry Patterson-Baker Director Consultant



How you can help


Kevin Cinq-Mars Director President, Tomlinson Group of Companies

mental health, employment and youth justice. With the support of our community, we have helped change the lives of tens of thousands of young people so they may lead independent, healthy, and stable lives.

The future of our community begins with our young people. Providing youth with support, resources, and opportunities ensures that they not only are able to meet their needs today, it means they are able to achieve their goals tomorrow. The support from our corporate partners, individuals and foundations means that YSB is able to provide critical services to youth that helps them meet their physical, emotional, and psychological needs.

YSB offers a range of mental health services for young people in crisis and their families.

VOLUNTEER YSB offers individuals, corporations and groups meaningful volunteer opportunities that help us continue to improve the lives of young people in Ottawa.

YSB’s SleepOUT for Youth event held each year at The Stadium at TD Place.

> FUNDING PRIORITIES Our fundraising priorities are focused on two major challenges for youth in our community: affordable housing and mental health. We are raising funds to support vital services such as our emergency youth shelters, our Youth Mental Health Walk-In Clinic, our 24/7 Crisis Line, and our downtown Youth Drop-In

Centre, among others. YSB is also working with the community with construction now underway on our new Youth Housing Hub at 2887 Riverside Drive. It will provide supportive housing and a complete range of support services for at-risk and once-homeless youth in Ottawa.


SleepOUT for Youth

Mind Matters

Taking place on Dec. 6, 2018 at The Stadium at TD Place, community members, families and corporate teams will spend a night sleeping out on the stadium field to raise funds and awareness for housing and support programs for homeless youth that are offered by YSB. This will be the seventh Annual SleepOUT event, which last year welcomed close to 675 participants and raised $251,000.

The Mind Matters event series provides practical youth mental health information and guidance to parents, family members, educators and the community. The goal of the series is to share experiences and learnings, and to understand strategies to foster healthy resilient young people. Mind Matters highlights and supports youth mental health services offered by YSB.

Youth Housing Hub To address the need for additional affordable housing for at-risk youth in Ottawa, YSB – together with the community – is currently constructing a new Youth Housing Hub at 2887 Riverside Drive. Scheduled to open in the fall of 2019, this new 39-unit building will not only provide some of Ottawa’s most vulnerable youth with stable housing, it will also offer a complete range of support services including mental health counselling, employment services, health care, support for substance abuse and more. These services will be provided by YSB and other community partners.

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2018


Nearly 20,000 people are living with dementia in Ottawa and Renfrew County. This number is only growing.

We are here to help...

No one should face dementia alone. Reach out to us to learn more about our programs and services. For now,call callor orvisit visitus usat: at: Forinformation informationand and to to donate donate now Ottawa: 613-523-4004 Renfrew County: 888-411-2067 Charitable Registration No. 11878 5013 RR0001


GIVING GUIDE 2018 Ottawa Business Journal


What we do The Dementia Society helps people with dementia, their caregivers and families so no one faces dementia alone. We provide guidance and support, social programs and peer engagement, education, information and resources. Dementia Link connects people to Dementia Care Coaches who help navigate the journey of dementia from diagnosis to late stages. Dementia Basics education provides an overview

1750 Russell Rd., Suite 1742 Ottawa, Ont. K1G 5Z6 Year founded: 1980 as Alzheimer Society of OttawaCarleton; 2007 name change to Alzheimer Society of Ottawa and Renfrew County; 2017 name change to The Dementia Society of Ottawa and Renfrew County Total revenue for last fiscal year: $2,309,319 Twitter: @TheDementiaSoc Facebook: /TheDementiaSociety

of dementia, associated behaviours and response strategies. Music and recreation programs provide a welcoming environment for people with dementia and their caregivers to enjoy activities together. As a founding member of the Champlain Dementia Network, we work collaboratively with partners to ensure dementia care is available in our communities.


How you can help GIVE

Sheila Bauer CEO

Lynda Colley Chair, Board of Directors

> BOARD MEMBERS Mike Lupiano Vice-chair Paul Morton Treasurer Eric Williams Secretary Zaineb Al-Kutoby Linda Assad-Butcher Margaret Egan

Dementia affects nearly 20,000 people in Ottawa and Renfrew County. This number is only growing. People are increasingly turning to The Dementia Society for support. In order to meet the needs of the ever-growing number of caregivers and people diagnosed with dementia, The Dementia Society relies on donor support. Financial donations cover 48% of operating costs. Along with maintaining and expanding existing programs, The Dementia Society looks to develop new programs to meet newly-identified dementia care needs.

The Dementia Society offers various music programs. Music is fun, stimulates memory recall, brings people out of isolation and creates community.

VOLUNTEER Volunteers are essential to The Dementia Society’s ability to help caregivers and people living with dementia. Annually, more than 300 volunteers contribute their time and expertise. Volunteer opportunities include delivering education sessions, co-leading support groups, assisting in the delivery of recreation programs and supporting the Walk for Dementia.

People with dementia and their caregivers participate in the exercise program Let’s Get Moving. With the help of volunteers, fitness instructors adapt the classes to meet participants’ needs.

Cynthia MacKay Francis (Fred) Gariepy Louise Laramée

> GEOGRAPHIC REGION OF FOCUS Ottawa and Renfrew County

> FUNDING PRIORITIES: • Expanding support programs to meet the needs of the growing number of caregivers and people living with dementia


Walk for Dementia The Walk for Dementia is an annual community event that brings people together to raise funds for muchneeded programs and services for those impacted by dementia. Please join us on Saturday, May 11, 2019 at Tunney’s Pasture.

• Expanding programs for and increasing outreach to Francophone clients • Enhancing our technology to better connect to rural communities and to further develop our website

The Walk for Dementia is The Dementia Society’s annual fundraising event held at Tunney’s Pasture in May. Participants fundraise and walk to support caregivers and people diagnosed with dementia.

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2018



GIVING GUIDE 2018 Ottawa Business Journal


What we do Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ottawa (BBBSO) has been serving the Ottawa community for 48 years. We began creating Big Brother friendships in 1970 and Big Sister friendships in 1973. Our programs have grown from the traditional 1:1 matches to include a variety of different programs that serve youth ages 6-24 in both the community and schools; including programs specific to newcomer youth to Canada, youth in care, Indigenous youth, youth on the Autism Spectrum and the Police Recreational Youth Mentoring Experience (PRYME) in partnership with the Ottawa Police Service.

1645 Woodroffe Ave., Suite 12 Ottawa, Ontario K2G 1W2 613-247-4776 Year founded: 1970 Total revenue in 2016: $1,072,499 Twitter: @BBBSO Facebook: Instagram: @bbbsottawa

Changing the course of young lives changes the future of communities. By every measure, Big Brothers Big Sisters returns positive results in the mental health, employment and civic engagement of the mentees. A 2013 study by Boston Consulting Group found that for every $1 invested in mentoring by BBBS, there is an $18 to $23 social return on investment to the community. The study also determined that of those mentored through BBBS programs: 63% completed post-secondary education, 47% hold senior leadership positions and 50% are more likely to volunteer themselves.


How you can help GIVE

Susan Ingram Executive Director

Emily Villeneuve Chair of the Board of Directors

> BOARD MEMBERS + EXECUTIVES Tina Hill Past-President, Greenspon Granger Hill Lawyers Jamie Puddicombe Vice-President, St. Lawrence College Cindy Melville Treasurer, Private Sector Timon Ledain Co-Secretary, Macadamian Technologies Cindy McGann Co-Secretary, ProntoForms

James Sliter RBC Royal Bank Michael R. Foster Canadian Blood Services Carl Cartwright Ottawa Police Service Mitchell Kutney Bruyère Paul Willets Vey Willetts LLP Mitchell Carkner IBM Canada Dr. Rana Pishva Ottawa Centre for Resilience

Jason Neubauer Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General

> GEOGRAPHIC REGION OF FOCUS Ottawa and Renfrew County


Thanks to the generous support from our community, BBBSO has been able to give tens of thousands of youth the gift of a mentor - providing them with friendship, trust and support in their lives. There are currently 500 children in need of mentors across Ottawa. Your gift of $1,500 or $83.34/month will match a child with a caring mentor and provide them with support from a trained staff member with a background in social work, plus give them access to community and group events for one full year.


Big Brothers Big Sisters Breakfast Fundraiser SEPTEMBER 18, 2019

Join local community leaders and supporters, along with our Bigs and Littles for breakfast on Big Brothers Big Sisters Day in support of lifechanging mentoring programs for children and youth in Ottawa. Together, you will positively alter the future of young lives in the community by giving them the gift of a mentor. We invite you to join us in hosting a table. To learn more, please contact Monique Flocco at

Social Enterprise Clothes For Kids’ Sake successfully launched in 2016 with the placement of clothing donation bins across the city. This initiative turns unwanted clothing and items into dollars that fund our mentoring programs and help us become more sustainable. There are currently 21 BBBSO clothing donation bins across the city and we also offer free pick-ups of your unwanted clothing and small household items. Corporate offices are encouraged to host clothing drives on our behalf. For more information, please visit:

Proud recipient of United Way Ottawa's 'All That Kids Can Be' Community Builder of the Year Award in 2018.

VOLUNTEER BBBSO relies on the support of community volunteers to ensure that our programs are successful. We have many opportunities for individuals or groups to become involved in our organization. We offer a variety of mentoring programs ranging in commitment from one to four hours a week. We also offer opportunities to support our fundraising events and to participate on our Board of Directors and on various committees.


Bowl For Kids’ Sake FEBRUARY 2019 Our signature bowl-a-thon has a fun

new theme each year. Participants collect pledges for BBBSO and enjoy a fun evening of bowling at West Park Lanes. Corporate teams can enjoy teambuilding while supporting the community. There are three dates to choose from, food and drinks available, prizes and a 50/50 draw.

Henry Burris All-Star Weekend MAY 2019 Henry Burris and his All-Star friends kick off

the weekend by coaching an All-Star kids camp at TD Place for over 200 youth. The following day, a Celebrity Golf Tournament takes place. Golfers have an All-Star or local celebrity join them for a fun round of golf and then for a hearty dinner at the Clubhouse, complete with silent and live auctions.

Group Events for our Mentors & Mentees Our community-based Big Brothers and Sisters spend 2-4 hours each week with their Little. Group events allow our matches to participate in a fun, free activity together while feeling supported by the community.

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2018



Be a part of something life changing.


Go and spend an afternoon with the people and the programs of The Mission, and you will be convinced. Andrew Norgaard / NAV CANADA Ottawa Mission supporter

Employee engagement

Brand awareness

Community building

Corporate social responsibility

We can customize employee team building and sponsorship packages to fit any company and budget. To get started or to request a copy of our Corporate Engagement Guide contact Erin Helmer at 613-234-1155 or 40

GIVING GUIDE 2018 Ottawa Business Journal


What we do The Ottawa Mission has been helping people who are homeless and hungry in our community since 1906. Even back then – 112 years ago – our community saw people on the margins – some in temporary crisis and others with lifelong struggles. Today, with the

help of a small, trained staff and a dedicated army of volunteers, The Ottawa Mission prepares and serves an average of 1,312 meals a day, shelters an average of 236 men and women (women are within the hospice) every night, and provides a wide range of life-changing programs.


35 Waller St. Ottawa, Ont. K1N 7G4 613-234-1144


Year founded: 1906 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $9,264,096

How you can help GIVE

Twitter: @OttawaMission Facebook: OttawaMission

A corporate donation to The Ottawa Mission is an investment in the lives of people in need. We value our corporate partners and the critical role they play, and work with them to direct their gift toward an area of need that aligns with their values and/or mandate. Through corporate donations we are able to expand our programs to impact more

individuals, and increase opportunities for those who use our services to improve their situation. As a corporate partner of The Ottawa Mission, you can give back to your community and also provide engaging and meaningful opportunities for your employees. Our funding priorities change from year to year depending on the operational needs of the shelter and the needs of those staying with us. The operation and maintenance of the buildings that house an average of 236 people every night present some challenging costs. As well, funds are sometimes needed to expand programs offered at The Ottawa Mission — like addiction treatment programs — as often there are waiting lists to access these programs.


Peter Tilley Executive director

Matt Triemstra President, board of directors

> BOARD MEMBERS Matt Triemstra Director with Ensight Canada Garth Steele Chartered professional accountant and partner at Welch LLP Margaret Alexander Chartered Professional Accountant at McKechnie & Co. Scott Hannant Carleton University Professor / Director of communications, Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction Michael Pallett Portfolio manager & investment advisor with RBC Dominion Securities Inc. Rev. Dr. Anthony Bailey Lead Minister at Parkdale United Church Dr. Robert Cushman Director general of Biologics & Genetic Therapies Directorate, Health Products and Food Branch, Health Canada

Gord Lorimer Architect, partner at Hobin Architecture Inc. Jack Murta Former Member of Parliament, Coordinator of the National Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast Lynn Plunkett Owner of Lynn Plunkett & Associates Marketing Carl DeJong Detective, Ottawa Police Service Katie Burkholder-Harris Project manager, Community Planning Canadian Observatory on Homelessness Peter Saunders Associate director, National Operations at Canadian Blood Services Alan McCafferty Founder, The Strategic Consulting Group


The front door of The Ottawa Mission at 35 Waller Street is open 24/7 for people who are homeless or hungry. Thanks to generous donors, our services are available 365 days a year.

Our dedicated volunteers provide essential support to the services and programs offered to people in need at The Ottawa Mission. An average of 250 volunteers a week come through our doors to help out.

A great way to help make a difference in the lives of people in need is to volunteer at The Ottawa Mission. The Mission not only supports volunteer opportunities for groups, but we also have many dedicated individuals who support us on a regular basis. There are many volunteer opportunities, such as helping with food prep for meals in our kitchen; organizing clothing donations; or tutoring someone at The Mission’s Stepping Stones Learning Centre. On average, 250 individuals a week volunteer at the shelter and together, they have a huge impact on the quality of services offered to people who are homeless and hungry. We are always seeking volunteers to join our team. If you are interested in having your place of work involved with The Ottawa Mission, please contact Erin Helmer at


Coldest Night of the Year February 23, 2019 CNOY is a fun, family-friendly walk-fundraiser that helps you raise funds for charities that serve hungry and homeless across Canada, including Ottawa. Participants will experience challenges faced by those who are homeless, while raising funds to support The Ottawa Mission.

Holiday and summer fundraising campaigns The Ottawa Mission offers three holiday meal campaigns a year, with the focus on raising funds to provide people in the community who are hungry and homeless with a holiday dinner at a special event in our dinning room. These campaigns run during

the Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter seasons. Additional funds raised through these seasonal campaigns are used to support the thousands of meals served throughout the year, as well as support for lifechanging programs and services we offer to people in need. In addition, we also hold a fundraising campaign just before the summer to allow us to continue to offer support and programs to people in need during the summer months.

Young Professionals Network (YPN) YPN is a volunteer-led collective of young professionals and philanthropists who want to network, volunteer, advocate and raise money to help people who are homeless and in need at The Mission. To learn more contact Erin Helmer at

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2018



GIVING GUIDE 2018 Ottawa Business Journal


What we do The Diefenbunker is Canada’s – if not the world’s – only Cold War Bunker that is open year-round to the public and operated as a National Historic Site and museum. The Diefenbunker offers award-winning events and programming for youth and adults, including conflict resolution projects, corporate team 3929 Carp Rd. Ottawa (Carp), Ont.. K0A 1L0

> TOP FUNDING SOURCES Year founded: 1998 (as museum) Total revenue for last fiscal year: $1,400,000


How you can help

Twitter: @Diefenbunker Facebook: /Diefenbunker

Christine McGuire Executive Director

building and the world’s largest escape room. We also offer a unique space to host events, meetings and celebrations. Despite our national story, we are not a federal museum. The Diefenbunker is a private, not-for-profit charity started by a group of dedicated volunteers. It now has 11 full-time staff.



Funds go toward: A safe building that meets modern building code requirements, including electrical and air distribution upgrades that take place alongside other physical accessibility upgrades; an expanded youth engagement and education program where people of all ages and abilities can have a first-hand experience of Canada’s Cold War Museum; and a world-class discovery centre with leading interactive exhibitions.

As we were founded by volunteers, volunteers remain an important part of our day-to-day operations. We have volunteer guides, board members, social media ambassadors, event volunteers and collections volunteers as well as a volunteer-run HAM radio station (staffed by individuals who are actively involved in teaching children and youth Morse code) and special event volunteers (including zombies). The possibilities are endless.

Bernard Proulx President of Board of Directors

> BOARD MEMBERS Bernard Proulx President Maj (Ret’d) - RCAF Susan McLeod Vice President Consultant - Susan McLeod Solutions Paul Leduc Treasurer CFO - National Gallery of Canada (Ret’d) David Loye Director COO - Canadian Museum of History

David Peters Director Emeritus and Founding Member LCol (Ret’d) - RCAF Inderbir Singh Riar Director Associate Professor - Azrieli School of Architecture & Urbanism at Carleton University Michael Robb Director - Maintenance Engineer, University of Ottawa

Linda Nixon Director Strategic HR Consultant - Linda Nixon Consulting

> GEOGRAPHIC REGION OF FOCUS Ottawa (national tourist destination)

> EVENTS + FUNDRAISING Valentine's Day Touring Wine and Cheese is held Saturday before or after Valentine's Day. This is one of the most unique ways to tour the museum, learning about its history while also learning about wine. Escape The Diefenbunker is held year-round on Thursday-Sunday evenings. This is our triple-awardwinning partnership that is also the World's Largest Escape room. Your goal is to save the world from

a nuclear attack. It helps the museum reach a new younger generation of visitors who wouldn't otherwise come to the museum. The Whisky Tasting Fundraiser is held annually in November to raise funds for the museum, with a specific project chosen to support each year. It takes place in the museum, 75 feet underground.

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2018



GIVING GUIDE 2018 Ottawa Business Journal


What we do

820 Woodroffe Ave. Ottawa, Ont. K2A 3V7 613-233-8428 x226 Year founded: 1865 Total Revenue in 2017: $807,700,000

With one in seven Canadians living in poverty, we continue to face significant challenges around eliminating poverty in our country. There is hope for a better future because of the generosity of donors, volunteers and community partners who continue to support The Salvation Army’s programs and services. The Salvation Army offers practical assistance for individuals and families often tending to the basic necessities of life, provides shelter for homeless people and rehabilitation for people who have lost control of their lives to an addiction. The Salvation Army gives hope and support to vulnerable people today and every day in 400

communities across Canada and in 131 countries around the world. The Salvation Army’s diverse programs focus on the individual needs and strengths of the 1.7 million people we help each year. We are making huge impacts by changing lives and building communities. Stats: • 1 in 7 Canadians Live in Poverty • 1 in 5 Canadians will skip a meal to make ends meet • 1 in 6 people who use food banks have jobs • 1 in 4 households pay more than they can afford for housing


How you can help Commissioner Susan McMillan, Territorial Commander

Andrew Lennox, National Advisory Board Chair

> BOARD MEMBERS + EXECUTIVES Janice Barton, President - Radical Simplicity Inc. Daniel Burns, Retired Deputy Minister Government of Ontario Calvin Buss, Partner, Audit and Advisory - Deloitte Andrew Grenville, Chief Research Officer Vision Critical

Pina Sciarra, Managing Director, Consulting and Deals PwC Canada LLP Marnie A. Spears, President & Chief Executive Officer Ketchum Canada Inc. Bruce V. Walter, Chairman - Nunavut Iron Ore, Inc.

Robert G. McFarlane, Vice-Chair RSA Canada, Retired EVP & CFO TELUS


> FUNDING PRIORITIES • Emergency and Disaster Services • Community and Family Services (emergency food, clothing and furniture) • Supportive Young Parent Programs • Young Entrepreneurship and Employment Training Program

GIVE As the largest non-governmental direct provider of social services in Canada, The Salvation Army offers unprecedented support to society’s most vulnerable. When you give to The Salvation Army, you are giving hope today by investing in the future of marginalized and overlooked people. We provide several methods for making an online donation at

Photo: Brittany Gauley

VOLUNTEER Consider joining our team! Last year over 130,000 volunteers dedicated 1.1 million hours to our mission. Their dedication and effort have a huge impact on the amount of support and hope we are able to give to communities across Canada. Volunteers are integral to the work we do and help The Salvation Army to continue making a difference.


Christmas Kettle Campaign

Santa Shuffle

Hope in the City

Festival of Carols

November 16 – December 24, 2018 The Salvation Army Christmas Kettle Campaign is a fundraising effort that occurs each year during the Christmas season. Kettles are found in 2000 locations across Canada and donations support local Salvation Army programs and services. To volunteer visit or donate at

November 21, 2018 The Salvation Army Hope in the City Leadership Luncheon kicks off our Christmas fundraising season in Ottawa. Our guest speaker Jay Barnard, also known as Chef Recovery, will share his inspirational story of hope and transformation after receiving help from The Salvation Army.

December 1, 2018 The Salvation Army and Running Room annual Santa Shuffle is a 5 km Fun Run and 1 km Elf Walk held in 38 communities across Canada. Teams and individuals collect pledges to support local families through our programs at The Bethany Hope Centre. Register at

December 9, 2018 This Salvation Army Festival of Carols is a celebration of the Christmas season and of this very generous community through song and music. This free concert includes a sing along and the sounds of choir and brass. Two performances will be held at Centrepointe Theatre. Contact the Centrepointe Theatre box office for tickets and information.

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2018


Donate a smartphone.

Change the life of someone who’s blind.

Donate your used smartphone.

We’ll wipe and refurbish it.

We’ll give it to a person with sight loss who needs it.

Every eligible smartphone donation receives a tax receipt Phone It Forward is a program from the CNIB Foundation, supporting Canadians with sight loss for more than 100 years.

Visit or call 1-833-554-5020 to donate your phone. 46

GIVING GUIDE 2018 Ottawa Business Journal


What we do The CNIB Foundation Ontario East is a non-profit organization driven to change what it is to be blind today. We deliver innovative programs and powerful advocacy that empower people affected Ottawa Community Hub, Lansdowne Park 104-425 Marché Way Ottawa, ON K1S 5H6 Year founded: 1918 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $1,653,109 Twitter: @CNIB_Ontario Facebook: /CNIBOntario


How you can help GIVE Donate a smartphone. Change the life of someone who is blind. Many people don’t realize the tremendous impact smartphones have on the lives of individuals who are blind. Smartphones allow someone with sight loss to read prescription labels and take medication safely, recognize the faces of loved ones, access emergency assistance from

Duane Morgan Executive Director

by blindness to live their dreams while tearing down barriers to inclusion. Our work as a blind foundation is powered by a network of volunteers, donors and partners in communities across Ontario East.

sighted volunteers, travel safely alone using GPS and do hundreds of other day-to-day tasks most of us take for granted. For some people, it’s hard enough to make ends meet. That’s why we need you. Visit to change a life.

VOLUNTEER Active at every level of our organization, volunteers are key agents in moving CNIB’s mission forward. From exciting community programs to national initiatives and leadership roles, there are so many ways to help change what it is to be blind. Volunteers can support the Phone It Forward program as one-on-one tech trainers, for which we will provide training. They can also promote the program to their networks.

Jeffrey Todd Board Chair WCPD Foundation

> BOARD MEMBERS Dave Brown Accessible Media Inc. Fran Cutler Retired journalist Dr. Louise Hale Optometrist Dr. Kirsten North Optometrist Mistalyn Seguin Carleton University Neville Ward Retired public servant

> EVENTS + FUNDRAISING > FUNDING PRIORITIES The CNIB Foundation Ontario East Community Hub is the key funding priority. Capital needs and renovations include: an accessible kitchen, guide dog bar, creativity corner, flexible workspace and Regional Centre of Excellence for Accessible Technology. Another funding priority is CNIB Guide Dogs, a new program to raise and train guide dogs exclusively for people with sight loss.

> GEOGRAPHIC REGION OF FOCUS Eastern Ontario: Belleville, Cornwall, Kingston, Ottawa, Peterborough and surrounding areas.

While the calendar varies from year to year, CNIB Night Steps, a walk under the stars, and Dining in the Dark, a blindfolded dining experience, are popular events. Plus, we’ll be hosting a wide range of fundraising activities at the CNIB Foundation Ontario East Community Hub in Ottawa.

CNIB’s Second Century of Change campaign is celebrating 100 years of helping community members with sight loss build the necessary skills to lead independent lives. The goal for this campaign is $100 million. To make a gift, contact:

We often have fundraising teams in Ottawa, soliciting monthly donors. The canvassers sporting CNIB vests are positioned at main intersections. Funds raised will support CNIB’s tech programs. Our programs give participants the tools they need to unleash the power of technology through hands-on training and one-onone support.

Eyre Purkin Bien CFRE Senior Advisor, Philanthropy CNIB Foundation Ontario East 613-217-8236 |

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2018



GIVING GUIDE 2018 Ottawa Business Journal


What we do The Children’s Aid Foundation of Ottawa (CAFO), a fundraising arm of The Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa (CASO), funds programs that inspire and empower children, youth and their families by helping create lifelong memories. CAFO’s goal is to provide all children and youth an equal chance at growing into healthy and successful adults. The most tangible influence the Foundation makes is with the Dare to Dream Bursary Program.

1602 Telesat Court Ottawa Ont. K1B 1B1 613-745-1893


Year founded: 1988 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $579,836 Twitter: @CAFOttawa Facebook: CAFOttawa


How you can help GIVE

Walter Noble Executive director

Marion Bailey-Canham Chair of board of directors

The Foundation provides financial support to children, youth and families to increase their chances for the best possible outcome through various programs and funding models. • Dare to Dream Bursary Program (for tuition fees to attend college, university, vocational/trade school)

> BOARD MEMBERS + EXECUTIVES Robert De Toni (Vice-chair) Partner, Merovitz Potechin LLP

Shelley Jones Vice-president (Canada), National Inventors Hall of Fame

John Haralovich (Treasurer) Partner and senior vice-president, MNP

Alan Kearns Head coach and founder, Career Joy

Anna Lynch (Secretary) Vice-president, engineering, TITUS Jacqueline Bushell Residential mortgage specialist, Oriana Financial Jayna Carter Manager, QA and organizational development, Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa (ex-officio) Paula Clancy Managing attorney, Clancy P.C. + Brion Raffoul

Youth in care do not have any financial assistance, and obtaining support from other resources proves to be difficult. These funds assist youth in pursuing their dream of obtaining a post-secondary education and becoming contributing citizens, not only for themselves, but for the future of our community. Over the last 20 years, more than $1 million has been raised, providing more than 850 youth with bursaries.


Ryan Kelahear Business development manager, Colliers Project Leaders Al Mackey Project director, major projects, Brookfield Global Integrated Solutions Mairi Miller Senior manager, corporate marketing, Nanometrics Shail Paliwal CEO, Paliwal Leadership Group Susan Rohac Vice-president, cleantech, Business Development Bank of Canada


> ANNUAL FUNDING PRIORITIES • Dare to Dream Bursary Program (40-50 youth supported annually) • CASO Camp for Kids (250-300 children annually) • Cookie Jar Fund (300 kids annually)

• Cookie Jar Fund (for extra-curricular sports activities and basic essential needs) • Scotia Capital Leap to Learn Fund (for tutoring in math and reading) • Camp for Kids (for March Break and Summer Camp experiences) • Ted and Loretta Foster Care Transition Program (a “comfort kit” for children and youth when they first come into care) • Foster Care Diversity Fund (ensuring that all children and youth in care are supported based on their cultural and religious needs)

Lual, a formal youth in care who published his first book entitled "From Foster Care to Entrepreneurship" with the help of CAFO donors.

Volunteers at The Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa play an important role in the care and development of our communities most vulnerable. Individuals over the age of 18 can contribute to a wide range of services: • Assist at Foundation fundraising events • Tutor or mentor children and youth in care • Child and youth counsellors assistance during family visits • Preschool staff assistant with children in the Headstart Program • Drivers ensure children arrive safely and on time for appointments • Clerical and administrative help

A thank-you drawing from Kaleb, who attended summer camp and learned how to swim.

> PROGRAMMING AND COMMUNITY OUTREACH Contact us at (613) 745-1893 to learn more about sponsorship opportunities for all our fundraising initiatives.

SALUT! Each May, CAFO hosts a wine-paired gourmet dinner at Algonquin College’s Restaurant International that is attended by senior business executives to raise funds for bursaries, camps, etc.

CAFO Charity Golf Tournament Presented by Pinchin Inc. and partnered with the Business Development Bank of Canada each September, our golf tournament raises funds to help create lifelong memories for children and youth.

World Trivia Night Each November, more than 1,500 people come together in teams of ten at the EY Centre to play live trivia and raise essential funds for children and youth in care. Full details are at:

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2018



GIVING GUIDE 2018 Ottawa Business Journal


What we do

3045 Baseline Rd. Ottawa, Ont. K2H 8P4 Year founded: 1986 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $5.3 million Twitter: @QCHFoundation Facebook: @QueenswayCarletonHospitalFoundation

People tell us all the time that if they need to be in hospital, they want to be at Queensway Carleton Hospital. That’s because we are focused on healing people. We’ve built our reputation as one of the region’s leading acute care hospitals by seeing the person in each of the nearly 500,000 patients who come to us each year. Our agility and collaborative culture allow us to respond quickly to today’s pressing healthcare challenges by investing in advanced programs and services that put the person at the center of patient care. Queensway Carleton Hospital is home to


How you can help GIVE Judith Scott Interim President and CEO

Jeff Darwin Chair, Board of Directors

> BOARD MEMBERS Jennifer Spallin

Dr. Kathi Kovacs

Karen Sparks

Jagdeep Perhar

Deborah Bourchier

Fred Seller

Ronald Richardson

Art Slaughter

Barbara Lippett

Wynand Stassen

Ed Herweyer

Shaina Watt

Doug Hewson

Andy Macdonald

Ryan Kelahear

Tom Schonberg

Cal Kirkpatrick

> GEOGRAPHIC REGION OF FOCUS Western Ottawa and the Ottawa Valley

Ottawa’s busiest emergency department with more than 80,000 visits per year, the Myers Automotive Acute Care of the Elderly (ACE) Unit for seniors – one of only two in Ontario that are transforming geriatric care – and is a leader in people-centered advances in orthopedic surgery. Located in fast-growing west Ottawa, Queensway Carleton Hospital helps to create vibrant and healthy communities that we can be proud to call home. By supporting Queensway Carleton Hospital Foundation, you are investing in advanced patient care and healthcare excellence for our community.

Advancing Care for All Ages is a $30-million campaign to enhance the delivery of care for patients at Queensway Carleton Hospital. Your generosity is an investment in continuing healthcare excellence at our hospital. Currently our focus is to transform our mental health unit to provide enhanced care through the Hopes Rising Campaign. Queensway Carleton Hospital has seen a 46 per cent increase in

admissions to our 40-year-old unit. Our community goal of $5 million will allow our planned 7,000-square-foot expansion and renovation to provide a welcoming, tranquil and healing atmosphere and improved emergency care for people in the midst of a mental health crisis.

VOLUNTEER Volunteers play a key role in helping Queensway Carleton Hospital Foundation achieve its mission, and we are grateful to receive support from volunteers throughout the year in a variety of different ways. There are a number of volunteer opportunities available, including board, committee and advisory group roles, as well as fundraising event support, hospital volunteer roles and opportunities to act as ambassadors in the community on behalf of the Foundation.


Hopes Rising

Mammography Campaign

HOPES RISING is a $5-million campaign to enhance and improve mental healthcare for a rapidly growing number of adults and families in our region. It is a campaign inspired by the hopes of families throughout our community to enhance acute mental health services for adults of all ages at Queensway Carleton Hospital.

The Queensway Carleton Hospital MAMMOGRAPHY CAMPAIGN is raising $800,000 to purchase a new mammography unit for the hospital. The new 3D technology will allow for more accurate breast cancer screenings and earlier diagnosis. Queensway Carleton Hospital plays a key role in the Ontario Breast Screening Program, running 7,500 mammograms per year.

Queensway Carleton Hospital Foundation is the only accredited hospital foundation in the Ottawa region under Imagine Canada’s National Standards Program. This accreditation demonstrates to our community that our Foundation is a leader in best practice governance and donor accountability.

Mayor Jim Watson, showing his support of Mental Health at Queensway Carleton Hospital at the Hope Blooms at the Farm Gala in May 2018. Funds raised will enhance acute mental health services for adults of all ages at Queensway Carleton Hospital as part of the Hopes Rising Campaign.

Queensway Carleton Hospital Foundation is currently raising funds to purchase a new 3D mammography unit to allow for more accurate breast cancer screenings and earlier diagnosis.

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2018



GIVING GUIDE 2018 Ottawa Business Journal


What we do Our acute hospital partners save your life, Bruyère gives you back your quality of life. As one of the largest health care centres of its kind in Canada, Bruyère plays a key role in addressing the health care needs of the aging population in the Champlain region, offering complex continuing care, geriatric rehabilitation, stroke rehabilitation, palliative care, long-term care and affordable housing for seniors.

43 Bruyère St. Ottawa, Ont. K1N 5C8

> TOP FUNDING SOURCES Year founded: 1995 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $3,260,000 Twitter: @BruyereCare Facebook: /BruyereCare


How you can help GIVE

Peggy Taillon President

We complement the care provided in acute care facilities by facilitating the transition between health care settings, and eventually, helping the diverse population we serve return to the community. Care is provided through our three sites, Élisabeth Bruyère Hospital in the Byward Market, Saint-Vincent Hospital in Centretown, and Bruyère Village in Orleans. We strive for excellence and innovation through teaching, education and research aligned with our clinical priorities.

Daniel C. Fernandes Chair


John French

Vaive and Associates Professional Corp.

Dustbane Group of Cos.

Alain Desmarais

Ottawa Tourism

Cushman & Wakefield Ottawa

Mark Jackson

Dr. Alykhan Abdulla

Mark White

The Kingsway Health Centre

Colonnade BridgePort

Amy Porteous

Mirabel Management

Bruyère Continuing Care

Ralph Neumann

Anthonette Jacob

Excel Private Wealth


Guy Chartrand

Barbara Perrin

Bruyère Continuing Care

George E. Perrin Insurance Agency

Heidi Sveistrup PhD, Bruyère Research

Clifford T. Lebarron


Lesley Mackay

Welch LLP

Nik Lemieux

Laurentian Bank of Canada

> GEOGRAPHIC REGION OF FOCUS Ottawa, Eastern Ontario and the Outaouais region

The Life Changing Campaign will support our efforts in these three pillars: Brain Health & Memory: By investing $10 million in research, innovation and patient care, Bruyère will reduce the incidence of dementia by 50 per cent within the next 20 years. Care of the Elderly: Bruyère will redefine the experience of aging through a $10-million investment that will improve quality of life and allow seniors to stay independent and in their homes as long as possible. Rehabilitation: An investment of $10 million in research, technology and expanded patient care programs will help even more people who require stroke and geriatric rehabilitation.

in helping us fulfill our mission of improving the quality of life of those we serve. Volunteers truly make a difference in their lives. To apply, please call us at 613- 562-6262, ext. 8250 or email volunteer@

VOLUNTEER More than 600 volunteers are part of the Bruyère family. Each one is valued and plays a vital role in providing exemplary and deeply compassionate care and services to our patients, residents, clients, tenants and their families. As essential members of our health care team, volunteers share their energy, skills and expertise

> EVENTS + FUNDRAISING The Life Changing campaign for Bruyère is a transformative, $30-million fundraising campaign by Bruyère Foundation to re-imagine and reinvent how and where healthcare is delivered across our community and our country.

Bruyère's Life Changing Day is scheduled for Thursday, May 23, 2019 at Saint-Vincent Hospital. Join us for a day of learning, sharing and storytelling as we inspire our community with how we change lives at Bruyère.

Life Changing is the largest fundraising campaign in Bruyère’s long history of caring. Its goal is ambitious: to enhance hundreds of thousands of lives by transforming care for a rapidly aging population as well as people of all ages with complex medical conditions.

Broadway for Bruyère presents Come From Away - A New Musical, Thursday, Aug. 29, 2019 at the National Arts Centre. Bruyère's electrifying signature event brings out Ottawa's movers, shakers and live music aficionados for the highly anticipated fifth edition of Broadway for Bruyère!

Bruyere's Life Changing Breakfast allows guests to hear personal stories from members of our community that illustrate how their lives have been given back, thanks to the caring teams at Bruyère.

For more information on Bruyère events visit

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2018


Join ONFE's Neighbourhood! Our monthly donors build up the Ottawa community, one student at a time.

Help us reach over 76% of Ottawa schools each year. 2.5 million breakfasts 3200 trained volunteers 1200 students learning to grow their own food 14000 students receiving free substance abuse counselling and prevention education 5600 students learning entrepreneurship and financial literacy skills 1700 students exploring possible jobs and work readiness skills

Every year. To learn more please visit or contact Ashley Richer at 613-366-3085 ext. 264 54

GIVING GUIDE 2018 Ottawa Business Journal


What we do The Ottawa Network for Education (ONFE) is a nonprofit charitable organization that collaborates with community partners and works side-by-side with educators to bring innovative and essential programs into K-12 schools. ONFE strives to remove barriers to 205-900 Morrison Dr. Ottawa, Ont. K2H 8K7

learning and provide solutions to critical issues such as student hunger, early literacy, numeracy deficits and substance abuse. ONFE also provides students with the opportunity to develop financial literacy, entrepreneurial thinking and work-readiness skills.

> TOP FUNDING SOURCES 613-366-3085 Year founded: 1985 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $4,124,320


Twitter: @ONFE_ROPE Facebook: /onfe.rope

Kathy McKinlay President and CEO

Rob White Chair

> BOARD MEMBERS AND EXECUTIVES Jennifer Adams Director of education, Ottawa-Carleton District School Board Denise Andre Director of education, Ottawa Catholic School Board Mike Belliveau Regional vice-president for eastern Ontario, Royal Bank of Canada Carole Chouinard Partner, Gowling WLG Margo Crawford President and CEO, Business Sherpa Group

Cheryl Jensen President and CEO, Algonquin College François Julien Dean, Telfer School of Management Chris O'Gorman Principal, organizational development, Payments Canada David Ritonja Vice-president, fixed asset product unit North America, Nokia Ian Shabinsky Vice-president, leasing and operations, Glenview Management Ltd.

Édith Dumont Director of education, Conseil des écoles publiques de l’Est de l’Ontario

Réjean Sirois Director, Conseil des écoles catholiques du Centre-Est

Paul Gardner Entrepreneur, angel investor and growth company advisor

Rob White Chartered professional accountant and growth company advisor

How you can help GIVE Your donation today will set the stage for student success tomorrow. Your gift will address critical issues facing children and youth, remove barriers to learning and prepare local students for postsecondary success. Our donors and partners play a significant role in ensuring our financial sustainability. They also share our vision for the future and want to invest in programs that will equip today’s students with the skills, experience and knowledge they’ll need to succeed in postsecondary education and fulfilling careers. Connect with us to discover the opportunity that is right for you. Align your business with ONFE and give local students the chance to soar! The Ottawa Network for Education helps students succeed by tackling

issues that create barriers to learning and have a negative impact on student well-being. Your donation will fund programs that remove barriers such as hunger, inadequate nutrition, skill deficits and substance abuse; and support students’ learning, skill development and career preparation.

VOLUNTEER During the 2017-18 school year, we placed 3,240 volunteers in Ottawa schools. These volunteers provide vital support to students to help meet their complex needs. Together with teachers, our volunteers help students build core skills, grasp new concepts, close learning gaps and develop greater self-confidence. Volunteers tell us that helping a student is one of the most fulfilling things they’ve done. Teachers tell us that caring volunteers make an immense difference to children in need of extra support.


Robert Gillett Past-president and CEO, Algonquin College

Spark Soirée


Our annual gala, the Spark Soirée, hosted in October, will engage you and your company in an evening of entertainment and networking with other community-minded individuals and business professionals, as well as executives from Ottawa’s four school boards. You will be recognized as a company that cares about student nutrition and a company that invests so every child in Ottawa starts the school day ready to learn, and on equal footing with his or her peers.


Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2018


WITH YOU, FOR YOU Montfort is your hospital of reference for outstanding services, designed with you and for you. | 56

A gift to the Montfort Hospital Foundation is an investment in the well-being of your loved ones.


GIVING GUIDE 2018 Ottawa Business Journal


What we do An Academic Hospital sets itself apart through the exemplary care it offers to patients, through the practical training it provides to the next generation of healthcare professionals and through the research it undertakes to advance the boundaries of knowledge in health and medicine. Montfort is designed With You and For You, offering exemplary person-centred

713 Montreal Rd. Ottawa, Ont. K1K 0T2

> TOP FUNDING SOURCES Year founded: 1986 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $1,262,024 Twitter: @FondationHM Facebook: /fondationmontfort

Christine Sigouin President and CEO

care. Every person who walks through the door – to receive care, to visit a loved one, or to do their job – can expect to enter an exceptional environment that offers the highest standard of care and services, underpinned by an unfailing commitment to continuous improvement. At Montfort, each patient is the most important.

Ronald F. Caza Board Chair Partner at Caza Saikaley


How you can help

for them to meet with all their specialists in a single visit. Supporting the Montfort Hospital Foundation is investing in the well-being of our loved ones before they need help.



Pathological effects, whether they be physical or mental, are susceptible to multiplying. Too many patients suffer from multiple illnesses at the same time. Anyone who has experienced this, or seen it amongst close ones, can testify the impact it has on your life: appointments at different specialists, different referrals. The Centre for Clinical Excellence in multimorbidity, a flagship project for Montfort and l’Institut du Savoir Montfort – A Knowledge Institute, will improve the lives of our patients by arranging

At Montfort, more than 250 volunteers work closely with staff, day in and day out, to greatly enhance the quality of patient services and significantly improve daily life in our institution. If you or anyone in your family has received care from Montfort within the past two years, you can become a patient partner. You will represent the voice of our patients by sharing your impressions of your experiences to improve the quality of care and services offered at Montfort.

> BOARD MEMBERS AND EXECUTIVES Charles Bordeleau Chief, Ottawa Police Service

Marie-Josée Martel Federal Public Service of Canada (retired)

Denis Bouchard Radio monitoring senior advisor, CRTC

Dr. Bernard Leduc President and CEO, Hôpital Montfort

Sylvain Brisebois Senior vice-president and managing director, BMO

Lisa McDermott Senior client relationship manager, commercial banking, Scotiabank

Richard J. Évraire Lieutenant General (ret.) Philippe Grandmaitre Partner, Dust Evans Grandmaitre Christiane Huneault General counsel, Ottawa Police Service Madeleine Joanisse Past Board Chair Kevin Kolliniatis Managing director, KPMG LLP Albert Labelle Partner, PearTree Financial Services

Dr. Guy Moreau Chief of staff, Hôpital Montfort Lise Parent Collision center manager, Orléans Toyota

Architectural rendering of the Orléans Health Hub, which will be located at the corner of Mer Bleue Road and Brian-Coburn Boulevard. Source: HDR


Annual Charitable Golf Tournament

Michel Quenneville Vice-president, Coughlin & Associates

Since its inception in 1994, the event raised more than $2 million in support of Montfort. Mark your calendar. Next year’s charity golf tournament will be held on Friday, June 7, 2019 at the GreyHawk Golf Club.

Robert Rhéaume Partner, BDO Ottawa

Orléans Health Hub

Guy Souligny Founder, Heritage Funeral Complex and Capital Cremation Services

The construction of the new Orléans Health Hub will be the focus of the Foundation’s next $12 - million major fundraising campaign. This project involves the construction of a unique and innovative health centre at the intersection of Mer Bleue Road and Brian Coburn Boulevard in Orléans.

> GEOGRAPHIC REGION OF FOCUS Ottawa and Eastern Ontario

This prototype project is the first of its kind in Ontario and is part of the government's

commitment to support community hubs and help Ontarians in their daily lives by facilitating access to multiple services offered under the same roof. The Hub will provide services to patients, from newborns to the seniors, with complex or multiple interrelated conditions by bringing together a number of health care and community service partners to address the needs of clients through a comprehensive service delivery model.

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2018


4,000 Canadians will die by suicide

500,000 employed Canadians are unable to work

1 in 5 Canadians are suffering

is the time to make a difference

Mental illness affects everyone. Help us stop the suffering. Please donate to The Royal today.


613.722.6521 ext. 6527

GIVING GUIDE 2018 Ottawa Business Journal


What we do The Royal is eastern Ontario’s largest and one of Canada’s foremost mental health care and academic health sciences centres. Our mandate is simple: to get more people living with mental illness into recovery faster. The Royal combines the delivery of specialized mental health care, advocacy, research and education to transform the lives of people with complex and treatment-resistant mental illness. At The Royal, care informs research and research informs care. We use cutting-edge research platforms – including brain imaging and translational neuroscience – all of which promise to improve both

1145 Carling Ave. Ottawa, Ont. K1Z 7K4 613-722-6521 x6527 Year founded: 1979 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $4,494,651 Twitter: @theroyalfdn Instagram: @theroyalfdn Facebook: Royal Ottawa Foundation for Mental Health

our understanding and treatment of mental illness. Our reputation as an innovative and effective mental health leader, along with the establishment of our Brain Imaging Centre, has enabled us to attract some of the brightest research minds from around the world. The field of mental health is the most complicated health challenge our society faces today. With every affected individual displaying symptoms that are unique to them, successful diagnosis and treatment rates are just too low. By supporting The Royal, you are a part of a revolution in mental health research and patient care. Together, we can shift the landscape of mental health in our community and in Canada. Better research means better care.


How you can help GIVE

Mitchell Bellman President and CEO

Gord Cudney Chair, board of directors

> BOARD MEMBERS + EXECUTIVES Iwona Albrecht Partner, Soloway Wright LLP Mitchell Bellman President and Chief Executive Officer, Royal Ottawa Foundation for Mental Health Joanne Bezzubetz President and Chief Executive Officer, Royal Ottawa Health Care Group Marie Boivin Owner, Barres and Wheels Harpreet Chhabra Area Sales Manager, CIBC Susannah Crabtree Partner and Head of Office, Odgers Berndtson Gordon Cudney (Chair) Partner, Gowling WLG (Canada) LLP Keith Desjardins Partner, Gowling WLG (Canada) LLP Jane Duchscher Executive Director, Ottawa Community Loan Fund Jeff Gallant Portfolio Manager, CIBC Private Wealth Management Richard Getz VP Retail, Real Estate Sales Representative, Colonnade Bridgeport Realty Inc., Brokerage Leigh Harris President and Executive Consultant, Halo Management Consulting Inc.

Ernie Laporte Regional Vice-President, Group Benefits, Great West Life Joanne Lefebvre Independent Corporate Director Youcef Lekadir Consultant Allan Malcomson Vice-President, United Malwood Merchants and Senior Manager, Canadian Tire Kanata Andrew Milne McIntyre & Associates Professional Corporation Deanna Monaghan Managing Partner, Ernst & Young LLP Geoff Moore Regional Director Eastern Canada, Scotia Wealth Management/The Bank of Nova Scotia Brian J. Murray Director, Leasing and Business Development, Sakto Corporation Colleen O’Connell-Campbell Wealth Advisor, RBC Dominion Securities David Prime Partner, BDO Canada LLP Douglas A. S. Rankin Chief Financial Officer, Modern Niagara Group Inc. Bruce Thomas President, Ron Eastern Construction Ltd.


Champlain Local Health Integration Network (LHIN)

This week, 500,000 employed Canadians are unable to work due to a mental illness. Mental illness causes more lost work days than any other chronic condition. The estimated annual cost of mental health disorders to the Canadian economy is a staggering $51 billion. Mental health treatment currently stands where we were with cancer or heart disease treatment decades ago. There is still so much that we don’t know about the brain and its connections to the mind. We know that mental illness develops when there are “malfunctioning” circuits in the brain, but we still need to understand why, when and how this is happening, in order to offer more personalized and effective care. This is where research comes in. At The Royal’s Institute of Mental Health Research (IMHR), our scientists are hard at work making innovative discoveries that are helping to close existing knowledge gaps, and are contributing to improved, evidence-based mental health care for individuals in our community and beyond.

Left to Right: Dr. Georg Northoff; Dr. Zul Merali, president & CEO of The Royal’s IMHR and Dr. Pierre Blier.

Work led by Dr. Pierre Blier, director of our Mood Disorders Research Unit, for instance, offers hope to patients via a cutting-edge treatment that uses ketamine to effectively treat those who have been highly resistant to typical antidepressants. Together with Dr. Georg Northoff, director of Mind, Brain Imaging and Neuroethics Research at the IMHR, Dr. Blier is also using the cutting-edge technology at our state-of-the-art Brain Imaging Centre to monitor and map patients’ responses to ketamine in order to understand the underpinnings of suicide ideation and effectively optimize treatment. Just like we can forecast heart disease through cholesterol tests, or cancer through mammograms, our scientists are working to develop the capacity to help prevent mental illness from developing in the first place. Gifts to The Royal can be directed to patient care, research, education or the most urgent priorities of the hospital. Become a leader for mental health. Now is the time to help make a difference.


The Inspiration Awards Gala, March 1, 2019 The Royal’s Gala is one of Ottawa’s premier social events, with more than 550 leaders in the corporate, political and non-profit sectors. As a corporate sponsor you will receive prominent logo visibility in advertisements, newsletters and social media, reaching thousands of businesses and individuals. If your company is interested in becoming a sponsor for our 2019 Inspiration Awards Gala, please contact us at 613-722-5261 x 6707 to learn about our sponsorship levels.

In 2010, former NHL hockey player Luke Richardson and Stephanie Richardson lost their 14 year-old daughter, Daron, to suicide. The family decided to turn their very private pain into a public call to action. DIFD was created at The Royal to support youth mental health awareness, education and research. Thanks to community donations to DIFD, The Royal recently welcomed Dr. Zachary Kaminsky as the newly appointed DIFD Mach-Gaensslen Chair in Suicide Prevention Research at The Royal’s Institute of Mental Health Research. Dr. Kaminsky is developing an algorithm that uses artificial intelligence to predict suicide risk based on Twitter messages. The algorithm is still in its early days, however Dr. Kaminsky’s hope is that identifying risk will help lead to early intervention and fewer suicides, particularly in youth.

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2018



GIVING GUIDE 2018 Ottawa Business Journal


What we do

506-250 City Centre Ave. Ottawa, Ont. K1R 6K7 Tel: 1-800-333-9453 Year founded: 1963 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $5,131,234

Photo by Caitlin Robinson

Twitter: @cpaws Facebook: /cpaws

Iris Almeida-Côté CEO

Mike Robinson President, Board of Trustees

> BOARD MEMBERS Michael Robinson (B.C.) President Alex Abboud (Alberta) Vice-President Vincent Castellucci (Quebec) Laura Colella (Ontario) Chair, Litigation Committee Elmer Ghostkeeper (Alberta) John Grandy (Ontario) Bob Halfyard (Newfoundland) Kwiaahwah Jones (B.C.) Pippa Lawson (Yukon) Chair, Governance Committee Nikita Lopoukhine (Ontario) Chair, Conservation Committee Don McMurtry (Ontario) Lavinia Mohr (Ontario) Treasurer Amber Nicol (Nova Scotia) Chair, Engagement Committee Richard Paisley (B.C.) Erik Val (Yukon)

> GEOGRAPHIC REGION OF FOCUS Nationwide through our national office in Ottawa and 13 regional chapters across Canada.

CPAWS is Canada’s only nationwide charity dedicated solely to the protection of our public land and water, and ensuring our parks are managed to protect the nature within them. We work collaboratively with all levels of governments, Indigenous peoples, industry and other environmental groups to develop innovative, sciencebased conservation solutions. We work alongside communities to engage Canadians in speaking up for nature conservation through outreach, advocacy and education. We are working closely with all levels of governments and partners to almost double the protection of our public lands and waters by 2020 to help preserve the world’s biological diversity for generations to come.

CPAWS has helped protect more than 50 million hectares, including the Nahanni National Park Reserve, and Hecate Strait and Queen Charlotte Sound Glass Sponge Reefs Marine Protected Area. Photos by Bill Mason Production and K Conway


How you can help GIVE With your help, we are able to be the voice for wilderness when decisions are being made regarding the use and management of our public lands and waters. Help us protect the places and animals you love. We are poised to nearly double Canada's protected areas in the next two years. Our biggest priority is to leverage this once-in-a-lifetime conservation opportunity by building our chapters'

capacity to do work on the ground in the regions and implementing a nationwide communications strategy to engage and inspire Canadians.

VOLUNTEER Help make a difference in your community by connecting with your local CPAWS chapter. With 13 regional offices across Canada and a national office in Ottawa, we are working nationwide to protect more of our iconic land and seascapes.


Weekend for the Wild

Giving Tuesday

NOV. 16-18

NOV. 27

There are 521 plant and animal species in Canada that are at risk of extinction – some are in danger of disappearing altogether. Do your part to help save our iconic species by donating to our 48-hour fundraiser for species at risk.

Giving Tuesday is a day dedicated to giving back. There’s no better way to give back to your community than to help protect Canada’s iconic landscapes and wildlife for our collective health and enjoyment, and for generations to come.

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2018


There is no home-cooked meal without a home

HELP US BUILD A HOME AND A BRIGHTER FUTURE FOR WOMEN IN OTTAWA Your gift will help women move beyond homelessness, and into a caring community. With your help, we offer emergency shelter, supportive and affordable housing.

For more information and to donate now call or visit us at

613-254-6584 x 503 | 60



GIVING GUIDE 2018 Ottawa Business Journal Ottawa Business Journal


What we do Every year, almost 1,000 women become homeless in Ottawa. Cornerstone provides emergency shelter and safe, permanent housing for a diversity of women. We offer emergency shelter to women, as well as four supportive and affordable housing residences. Our goal is for every woman to have a safe, affordable place to call home so she may reach her full potential in a caring community. We have 314 Booth St. Ottawa, Ont. K1R 7K2 Year founded: 1984 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $3,300,000 613-254-6584 Twitter: @HopeCornerstone Facebook: CornerstoneHousing/ instagram: @hopecornerstone


How you can help Sue Garvey, Executive director

Wilda Phillips, Board chair

> BOARD MEMBERS + EXECUTIVES Margaret Bloodworth Barb Belohoubek Marilyn Box Patricia Hassard Arpad Abonyi

Margaret Pachanos Lamaire Sanjay Grover Trudy Sutton Joyce Potter

more than 65 full and part-time staff and almost 300 volunteers. Every year, we provide more than 140,000 nourishing meals. Cornerstone provides basic needs and a variety of support programs, such as spiritual support, safety planning, mental health and addictions support, age in place supports for senior women, life-long learning centre, employment counseling, crisis counseling and housing search.

GIVE This year, thanks to the extraordinary support of our community, we opened our new 373 Princeton Ave. project. This building is now home to 42 women moving beyond homelessness into hope, healing and home. Our work is far from over. With an emergency shelter, in addition to four residences, we look for the help and generosity of the community to truly make Cornerstone a warm and loving home for almost 500 women each year. If you feel inspired, please give at

VOLUNTEER As a Cornerstone volunteer, you can be a vital piece of the puzzle that helps women break the cycle of poverty and homelessness and build a new life of hope and stability. Here are a few of the ways you might like to volunteer at Cornerstone: • Sorting food donations and helping prepare the nutritious meals that fuel Cornerstone women. • Providing transportation and accompaniment for appointments, housing search and moving. • Organizing activities like arts and crafts or games nights, off-site adventures and exercise programming that keeps every day joyful and new. • Providing haircuts, tailoring a dress or a pair of pants, and sorting through donations, so residents can feel like their best selves and live with dignity. We welcome new ideas and projects to accommodate your special skill sets! We welcome everyone to start the conversation about volunteering at Cornerstone.

Mark Holzman


> FUNDING PRIORITIES • Ongoing critical and urgent needs for our emergency shelter and four supportive and affordable housing communities. • Life-long learning centre • Affordable and fully accessible van

Annual Party & Fashion Show

Young Professionals Advisory Board (YPAB)

The Annual Garden Party & Fashion Show, hosted by Sukoo Sukhoo, has become our signature event. Held every June, this fundraiser contributes $25,000 annually, all of which goes towards providing shelter, meals and counseling for the women who come to Cornerstone. Whether it is a garden party, fashion show, a Celtic Kitchen Party, or a foodie event, Cornerstone offers signature special events throughout the year. To learn more, please visit for updates.

Cornerstone’s Young Professionals Advisory Board members contribute to the success of Cornerstone Housing for Women through volunteering, advocacy and fundraising efforts. YPAB members deepen their understanding of the roles of non-profit board members, plus learn the value of fundraising. Members come from a range of industries and backgrounds but are driven by their common goal of bettering their community and educating others about women experiencing homelessness in Ottawa. YPAB members expand their social circle while doing good.

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2018


One in two people in our community will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. Will you give them hope for the future?

Donate today at


GIVING GUIDE 2018 Ottawa Business Journal


What We Do Almost every hour, someone in our community is diagnosed with cancer. These are our friends, neighbours and family members, and we want to make sure they receive the best cancer care and treatment right here at home. The Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation is exclusively

1500 Alta Vista Dr. Ottawa, Ont. K1G 3Y9

> HOW YOU HELP 613-247-3527 Year founded: 1995 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $5,025,902 Twitter: @ottawacancer Facebook: ottawacancer

Linda Eagen President and CEO

Cory Ready Chair Portfolio Manager, TTR & Associates – BMO Nesbitt Burns

> BOARD MEMBERS + EXECUTIVES Past-Chair Gregory Sanders Head of Tax Law Group, Perley-Robertson, Hill & McDougall LLP First vice-chair Francis Mannarino Retired, Finance & Accounting Second vice-chair Carl Marcotte Vice President, Operations & Head of Defence Sector Treasurer Candace Enman President, Welch Group Consulting Director Robert Doucet Retired, information management and technology Director Brian McIntomny Counsel, Mann Lawyers Director Mark Thaw Director, Government Sales Global Knowledge

dedicated to improving and saving the lives of people touched by cancer in our community. We are constantly supporting advances in local cancer care, research, and clinical trials to change the lives of families facing cancer in the Ottawa region.

Director Dee Davidson President, Complete Care Coordination, RN Director Patrick Dusabimana Surgical recovery coordinator, The Ottawa Hospital Director Julia Knox Senior vice president, strategy and customer experience, Giant Tiger Director Aly Abdulla Medical director, The Kingsway Health Centre Director Keelan Green Partner, Prospectus Associates Director Kevin Fitzgerald Retired, past-president and CEO of MDS Aero Support Corp. Director Heidi Hauver Vice-president, human resources, Invest Ottawa

> GEOGRAPHIC REGION OF FOCUS Eastern Ontario with every dollar raised staying in our community.

Top funding sources

100 per cent of money raised in this community stays in this community. When you donate to the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation, you are putting your trust in us, and we take that responsibility seriously. We are committed to the most important issues in the field of cancer care and will always direct funds to the areas where they will have the greatest impact for families facing cancer in our region.

LEADERSHIP GIVING: 41% GIFTS AND BEQUESTS: 31% CORPORATE DONORS AND EVENTS: 25% OTHER: 3% Ramona is here today because of a clinical trial.

Giving to Cancer Coaching improves lives: More than 7,000 visits to the Cancer Foundation to occur each year, where cancer patients and their families are able to receive the guidance, tools, resources and support they need to better manage the stress and challenges associated with a cancer diagnosis. Giving to clinical trials saves lives. Clinical trials not only help researchers better understand cancer and the many approaches to treating it, they help to save lives. The Cancer Foundation has supported every single clinical trial opened in Ottawa for the past eight years, ensuring our community has access to the newest and best treatment options right here at home. Giving to local research gives hope: Helping local scientists bring their discoveries from bench to bedside helps patients get the treatment they need sooner. A strong community of scientists and the funding of local fellowship programs brings some of the world’s best researchers here to our community.

The Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation funded Dr. John Sinclair’s first-in-Canada approach to brain cancer surgery.

> WAYS TO GIVE Cancer Champions Breakfast: Over 500 business leaders gather at one of Ottawa’s most anticipated networking and social events. Join Ottawa’s elite and become a table captain. Contact: Paula Muldoon at Monthly giving: For just $83.33/month, you can give the gift of Cancer Coaching to a family throughout their entire experience with Cancer. Contact: Crush it for Cancer: On March 30, 2019 join us for a high-energy fitness and wellness event where you can crush it for cancer. Contact Tara Beechey:

Estate planning: What do you want your legacy to be? We will work with you to create a plan that is meaningful to you. Contact: Corporate giving: Set up a payroll deduction campaign at your business or sign up a corporate team for Crush it for Cancer (March 30th). Contact: Leadership Giving: Stand out. You can become a leader in your community and make an extraordinary gift through our Cancer Champions Campaign. Contact Josée Quenneville:

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2018


A place to call home

A place of caring Wabano Centre A space that holds promise.

A place of belonging.

A place for rejoicing

A place for healing

Celebrating 20 years in service to Ottawa’s Indigenous population Help us continue to make a difference in the lives of First Nations, Inuit and MÊtis people in your community.


Please go to and donate today!

GIVING GUIDE 2018 Ottawa Business Journal


What we do The Wabano Centre is a leader in community-based holistic care that incorporates the teachings, culture and traditions of Indigenous people. From our beautiful building designed by renowned architect Douglas Cardinal, we serve more than 15,000 Indigenous clients each year. Our mission is to provide quality holistic, culturally-relevant health services to First Nations, Inuit and Métis in Ottawa; engage in clinical, social, economic and cultural initiatives that promote the health of Indigenous

299 Montreal Rd. Ottawa, Ont. K1L 6B8 Telephone: 613.748.0657 Year founded: 1998 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $3.1 million Twitter: @WabanoHealth Facebook: /WabanoCentre

people; promote community-building through education and advocacy; and serve as a centre of excellence for urban Indigenous health. We provide a wide range of medical clinics, mental wellness support, social services, advocacy, housing support and a variety of programs for all ages. Forty per cent of our clients are under the age of 29 – a large portion of whom are young moms and dads with small children. Wabano offers much needed support to this cohort to ensure a strong and vibrant start in life by creating an environment to promote healthy growth for future generations.


How you can help GIVE

Allison Fisher Executive Director

Brian Pelletier President, Board of Directors

> BOARD MEMBERS AND EXECUTIVES Brian Pelletier President

Valorie Whetung (Past President)

Lynn Chabot Vice-president

Jennifer Francis

John Francis Treasurer Colleen Whiteduck Secretary

Paul Skanks Alfred Linklater Louise Profeit-Leblanc


> DONATION WISH LIST Donations to our Early Years Capital Campaign will help support the purchase of a home for our Early Years program. Funding support for art-based therapy and creative arts programs. Monies for children/youth summer camps and other land-based activities.

You can help better the lives of Indigenous children, youth, men, women and seniors living in Ottawa. Your donation can change the cycle of poverty and unemployment among Indigenous people, make possibilities into probabilities for the whole community and sustain our work as a centre of excellence. Your generous donations make an impact. Wabano is able to provide innovative health, social and cultural programs such as maternal wellness, after-school support, youth in crisis, homeless outreach and land-based activities. All online donations go through PayPal. Tax receipts are available for donations over $50.

VOLUNTEER Do you have a few hours a week or month? Would you like to learn about Indigenous culture? If so, we welcome you to join the Wabano team as a volunteer! Wabano Fine Chocolate is a volunteer-run Social Enterprise and professional chocolate training program that makes premium handcrafted chocolate. All proceeds help to support Wabano programs. The Nanabush Studio Project is for volunteers who may experience barriers to volunteering. We create an opportunity for them to develop their self-esteem,

feel purpose, explore their artistic side and give back to the community through artistic creation. The Wabano Co-op Program provides a place for high school students to gain a semester of work experience in various programs. Placements are arranged through participating co-op teachers and the Wabano Volunteer Coordinator.

> EVENTS + FUNDRAISING Our annual Igniting the Spirit Gala is held each year at the Ottawa Conference & Event Centre. Next year’s theme is The Trees of Peace. Mark your calendars for Thursday, June 20, 2019. Corporate packages are available now – be sure to book early to avoid disappointment as this event sells out very quickly. Wabano’s annual Culture as Treatment Symposium takes place in April and is an essential event for health-care professionals, law enforcement, mental health workers and others who work with Indigenous communities.

Our very popular Wine Tasting event with Master Sommelière Véronique Rivest, offers up an opportunity to experience a guided tasting of selected Canadian wines paired with Indigenous flavours – all for a good cause. Spring 2019. Every year we have a Christmas giving campaign and the generosity of Ottawa’s community warms our hearts. This year’s Christmas campaign is supporting our Early Years Capital Campaign.

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2018


You care about our city. We’ve got that in common— a local love that inspires us, and fuels us to tackle Ottawa’s most pressing challenges.

With your support, we can make our city great for everyone.

Watch Catherine’s story and learn how you can get involved. 68

GIVING GUIDE 2018 Ottawa Business Journal


What we do 363 Coventry Rd. Ottawa, Ont. K1K 2C5 (613) 228-6700 Year founded: 1938 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $25,436,470 Twitter: @UnitedWayOttawa Facebook: UnitedWayOttawa

Year after year, day in and day out, Ottawa depends on United Way to improve lives, break down barriers and create opportunities for people across our city. This change starts when you show your local love and take action to lift up our most vulnerable people and communities, resulting in prosperity for all of us. 100% local is not just our slogan – it’s our guarantee that we invest every dollar right here in Ottawa where it is needed most and will have the greatest impact. We focus on achieving long-term solutions while ensuring local services and initiatives are deployed effectively to meet immediate and ongoing needs.

Together, we tackle tough problems. By supporting us, you can: - Make sure every kid has the support they need to achieve success. - End youth homelessness. - Ensure no senior is lonely and can maintain their independence. - Provide newcomers and people with disabilities with opportunities to find employment. - Ensure everyone facing a mental health, addictions or personal crisis gets the help they need, when they need it.


Michael Allen President and CEO

Karen Williams Chair of the board


Kathleen Kemp

Ian Sherman

Helen McIntosh

George Brown

Sean McKenney

Denis Vaillancourt,

Debbie Miller

Abdulkadir Abdi

Pierre Pagé

Frank Bilodeau

Shelley Rolland-Poruks

Charles Bordeleau

Dr. Paul Roumeliotis

Simon Brascoupé

Laurie Sanderson

Bryce Conrad

Mark Taylor

Laurent Ducom

Douglas Tennant

Richard Gibbons

Danya Vered

Kim Haliburton

Senator Vernon White

Altaf Jadavji

Marc Pharand

Pamela Kelly

How you can help By joining forces with United Way Ottawa, you can make a real, measureable impact on the lives of those who need it most. Our partners love Ottawa – and they support their communities in creative ways, all while meeting their business objectives. Whether you want to improve employee engagement, demonstrate accountability to customers, increase your profile with stakeholders or simply make your neighbourhood a better place for all – United Way is here to help.

CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY United Way is the local leader in helping organizations achieve their corporate social responsibility objectives. Our team will work closely with you and your colleagues to create customized community investment, employee giving, volunteering and employee engagement initiatives that help your business grow and make our city a better place for everyone.

DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION With workshops, training, networking and events, United Way Ottawa's Hire Immigrants Ottawa (HIO)

> GEOGRAPHIC REGION OF FOCUS 100% local. All of your donation stays in Ottawa.

> NEW PROGRAMS AND FUNDING PRIORITIES • • • post-tornado recovery efforts Project Step - youth addiction support Vulnerable seniors

Every spring, United Way Ottawa celebrates change-makers in our city at the Community Builder of the Year Awards Gala. Pictured: Ottawa Coalition of Community Houses, 2018 Community Builder of the Year Award winner.

and Employment Accessibility Resource Network (EARN) initiatives can increase your organization's capacity to attract, hire and retain skilled immigrants and people with disabilities in your workplace.

VOLUNTEER Throughout the year, volunteers of all backgrounds and ages provide their time in a variety of ways to help United Way Ottawa achieve its mission. We welcome volunteers for sports tournaments, parade marching and other community events. Additionally, our Speakers' Bureau invites those impacted by United Way Ottawa to share their story for others. Businesses can participate in Community Action Days — our signature volunteer events. At these events, teams of volunteers work with United Way Ottawa and community partners to create tangible improvements in underserved neighbourhoods where they are needed most.


GenNext's Schmoozefest


Schmoozefest is Ottawa’s social event of the year. This annual October event brings together the next generation of philanthropists and change makers in support of GenNext Giving Circles that drive local change for youth mental health, LGBTQ+ and social enterprise initiatives.

Each spring, United Way Ottawa’s annual Community Builder of the Year Awards Gala celebrates the people and organizations that work tirelessly, passionately and collectively to help make change happen in our community.

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2018


ENGAGE Canada’s diverse and dynamic youth

EMPOWER youth towards impactful civic engagement

LEAD our next generation to new opportunities

a programme of



GIVING GUIDE 2018 Ottawa Business Journal


What we do The Foundation's mission is to offer innovative programming that engages youth in Canada's democratic process and its institutions, empowering youth for a lifelong and meaningful civic engagement. While fostering their leadership skills, program participants have the opportunity to learn about government, democracy and citizenship, to meet various

800-81 Metcalfe St. Ottawa, Ont. K1P 6K7

actors in the Canadian public sphere, and to connect with other young people whose interests are similar to their own. They benefit greatly from the educational aspects of the programming, which is the primary objective of the Foundation. They become better-informed, more involved citizens, which in turn serves the Canadian public good.

> TOP FUNDING SOURCES Year founded: 1975 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $1,182,888 Twitter: @Forum4YC Facebook: /ForumCanada


How you can help GIVE

Marie-Michèle Laferrière Justine Hendricks Executive director Chair

> BOARD MEMBERS Marlene Floyd Vice-chair (Microsoft)

Andy Gibbons Ontario director (WestJet)

Mike Abbott Secretary-treasurer (Deloitte)

John McLean Nunavut director (Government of Nunavut)

David Adams Ontario director (Global Automakers of Canada)

Desiree McGraw B.C. director (Pearson College)

David Coletto Ontario director (Abacus Data)

Jillian Stirk B.C. director (Trudeau Foundation, IC-Impacts)

Irene D'Entremont Nova Scotia director (Business professional)

Cynthia Wallace New Brunswick director (Government of New Brunswick)

Helaina Gaspard Ontario director (Institute of Fiscal Studies and Democracy )

Corey Willard Ontario director (Gowling WLG Canada)

Through the Opportunity Fund, last year 91 students received bursaries totaling $60,000. Your donation removes barriers to participation and supports students from marginalized communities. The participation fee is currently $995, yet the program now costs more than $2,350 per student to run. Your donation to the Forum Experience Fund helps subsidize student fees by 57 per cent. Investments in infrastructure and technology are also needed to produce quality programming that engages today’s digitally-innate youth to maximize their Forum experience. Additionally, investments in administrative staff costs, communications outreach and training helps staff and volunteers succeed.

VOLUNTEER Participate by joining our volunteer board or become a member and sit on a committee. You can volunteer during the forum sessions or in the office year-round. Office volunteers and logistics assistants work behind the scenes and are essential for the functioning of the Foundation and its programs! Group leaders support participants during Forum by facilitating group meetings, creating an atmosphere conducive to learning, stimulating curiosity and encouraging participation by all students.


Forum for Young Canadians:

Great Canadian Giving Challenge:

Non-partisan, bilingual and inclusive, Forum’s weeklong program (three per year) allows more than 320 young people (aged 15-19) to experience Canada’s government in action in the nation’s capital. Young people travel to Ottawa to get a behind-the-scenes look at the workings of their democratic institutions. They gain a sense of belonging to Canada and a sense of connection to each other.

This year’s June campaign, Growing our Forum Community One Leaf at a Time, raised more than $8,000. We shared inspiring stories of Forum’s youth leaders and all funds were valuable donations to our Forum Experience Fund.

Forum Alumni Events: > GEOGRAPHIC REGION OF FOCUS National

Giving Tuesday: A day dedicated to giving involving all of our programs. This year’s Giving Tuesday is on Nov. 27.

Over 24,000 Forum alumni hold leadership positions in every realm of public life as politicians, public servants, diplomats, lobbyists and policy analysts. The Foundation reconnects with Forum alumni through a variety of networking events.

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2018


Fundraisers are compassionate, professional and donor-centered because AFP is there to support them, writes Jennifer Van Noort.

A hard first lesson in fundraising leads to lifelong commitment By Jennifer Van Noort


ERRIFIED! I was so terrified in fact that I recall cry-

ing and fleeing the scene. I could not have been more scared. Sadly, this was my first fundraising experience. I was six years old. Armed with a crisp Brownies uniform, a box of chocolate and vanilla Girl Guide cookies and not an ounce of confidence, I went door to door, meekly asking strangers to support me. Some said yes, most said no and each front door was more intimidating than the last. Forty years later, I've translated that early experience into my professional career. But instead of selling cookies, for the last 15 years I have had the privilege of helping to inspire support for medical miracles at The Ottawa Hospital in my role as vice-president of philanthropy and leadership giving at The Ottawa Hospital Foundation. Joyful! Grateful! Proud! These are now the words I use to describe my fundraising experiences. I see each new front door, each visit and each meeting as a new opportunity to be a part of something really special. While it is a challenging job, I am certain that all of my colleagues in the charitable sector would agree that it remains one of the very best jobs and best sectors in the world. Regardless of our professional role in philanthropy, it is OK to admit that we all need a helping hand in our careers. And my helping hand over the years has come in the form of AFP – the Association of Fundraising Professionals – and specifically our hard-working Ottawa Chapter. When I think back to the many AFP workshops I have


attended, the chats over coffee with other AFP members, my time in the AFP mentorship program and my time at AFP Fundraising Days and Philanthropy Awards Dinners, it is no exaggeration to say that AFP has touched almost every aspect of my career as a fundraiser. AFP provides tools, tactics and tips to help us look through the eyes of our donors, our volunteers and the very people we support in our many worthy charities.

I see each new front door, each visit and each meeting as a new opportunity to be a part of something really special. AFP SUPPORT I was recently struck by the following quote from Henry David Thoreau: “Could a greater miracle take place than for us to look through each other’s eyes for an instant?” Our Hospital CEO, Dr. Jack Kitts, shared this powerful quote at a donor event for the hospital. In many ways, I think this quote epitomizes so much of what AFP is

trying to help its members achieve. Fundraisers are compassionate, professional and donor-centered because AFP is there to support them. I often encourage people to attend any number of the informative AFP education sessions that AFP hosts throughout the year, attend the inspirational Philanthropy Awards Dinner or AFP Ottawa Fundraising Day. I am certain people will be moved by meeting others who are equally committed to our community and our many great causes. I took my own involvement a step further two years ago and joined the board of AFP Ottawa so that I may continue to grow and give back to the organization that has helped me. I believe we learn so much of what we need to know in life from our donors and volunteers. We learn the power of giving back, the beauty of being grateful and the joy of being selfless. The gifts we receive in the charitable sector are endless. I am speaking not about donations, but rather of the lessons we learn every day from meeting with those who simply want to make our community better. It is absolutely humbling! Over the years, I have sold and eaten more than my share of Girl Guide cookies, but I remain grateful for that first lesson in fundraising. Thankfully, along the way, AFP has provided me with resources that have allowed me to enjoy the journey, dream a little bigger and achieve great personal and professional success. Jennifer Van Noort, CFRE, is vice-president of philanthropy and leadership giving at The Ottawa Hospital Foundation.

GIVING GUIDE 2018 Ottawa Business Journal

Leaders in philanthropy: AFP Ottawa’s 2018 Philanthropy Awards recipients CLV Group president Mike McGahan named Outstanding Individual Philanthropist By Margot Lefebvre


or more than 20 years, The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Ottawa Chapter has had the honour of paying tribute to those who make our city, and our country, a better place though acts for the common good. The annual Philanthropy Awards dinner provides the opportunity to come together and recognize the individuals and organizations who, in the midst of busy lives, have stepped forward to make our community a better place to work and live. From event organization and leadership to transformational giving, the 2018 award recipients demonstrate ongoing commitment to the advancement of philanthropy. As one example, CLV Group president Mike McGahan – AFP Ottawa’s 2018 Outstanding Individual Philanthropist – was selected for his dedication and generosity to the Boys and Girls Club of Ottawa. In 2015, McGahan announced a $1.5-million donation to the Boys and Girls Club of Ottawa, the largest single donation in its history. These funds were part of the $3 million raised to complete the renovations of the organization’s aging Vanier Clubhouse, now named the Don McGahan Clubhouse after McGahan’s father, a long-time school principal. “Mike McGahan sets an important example of genuine community builder leadership. He is committed to helping those who help others, and is passionate about providing community support and giving back whenever, and however, he can,” says Colleen Mooney, the executive director of the Boys and Girls Club of Ottawa. “The Club has been very fortunate to have benefited from his generous support for many years. His transformational gift for the Don McGahan Clubhouse rejuvenation project has created an inspiring modern space that is welcoming to the community and to our Members, where at-risk children and youth will continue to be inspired and where they all can belong, believe and achieve,” she adds. This generous donation allowed the Boys and Girls Club of Ottawa to take an aging building that greatly limited the programs they could offer, and turn it into a space that is modern, welcoming, and suits the needs of the community. McGahan's support was a transformational gift in every sense of the word. He has helped to ensure that hundreds of children and youth in the Vanier community have a safe and supportive place to go. McGahan’s support extends far past the Boys and Girls Club of Ottawa, including the Youth Services Bureau, the Snowsuit Fund, The Ottawa Hospital and Christie Lake Kids, to name a few.

2018 Philanthropy Award recipients include: (from top to bottom) Keshav Goel as Outstanding Individual Youth; Canadian Tire Kanata as Outstanding Small Business Philanthropist; The CLV Group and the McGahan Family Trust - including Mike McGahan, the Outstanding Individual Philanthropist - present their donation to Boys & Girls Club of Ottawa; Jayne Watson as Outstanding Fundraising Professional; Kelly Funeral Homes as Outstanding Corporate Philanthropist; Gregory Sanders as Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser; Ottawa Dragon Boat Foundation as Outstanding Philanthropic Group. Jonathan Pitre will be recognized with a special Inspiration Award

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2018


Fundraising Day, held in the spring each year, brings together professional fundraisers and individuals associated with the industry for a day of networking, learning and development. Fundraising Day 2019 will occur on May 9 at the National Arts Centre.

The AFP Ottawa community AFP Ottawa is a diverse community that make a life bringing people together to support efforts to create a better community, country and world. The organization actively seeks and achieves a broad representation of experiences, perspectives, opinions and cultures. The advantages of joining, getting involved, and providing support to your professional association are many. Most importantly, it helps your career and your charity to advance! Fundraisers operate in a world of urgent needs, changing public opinions and evolutions in legislation and demographics. AFP Ottawa has the tools that you need to help your community find the joy in giving, to advance your charity’s mission and to propel your career. Educational and networking opportunities, our Fundraising Day Conference and the Philanthropy Awards are popular draws. The mentorship program for those new to the profession, CFRE study groups for those advancing to the next level and information updates meet the needs of fundraisers at all levels. Watch for details on these exciting events by visiting Want to learn more? Contact us at 613-590-1412, or email

2018-19 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Kelly Lachance, CFRE (Fundraising strategist, Blakely) President-elect Teresa Marques


(President and CEO, Rideau Hall Foundation) Treasurer Andrea Olsen-Black (Fundraising campaign coordinator, Canadian Wildlife Federation)

With a mandate to educate and drive career advancement, AFP offers a series of educational workshops for members throughout the year.

Secretary Kylie Patrick, CFRE (Senior development officer, major gifts, Carleton University)

Engagement Melanie Fulop (researcher and writer, Kidney Foundation of Canada)

Past-president Derek RumboldtdeLouchĂŠ, CFRE (Director of resource development and member services, Humane Canada)

External relations Jennifer Van Noort, CFRE (Vice-president of philanthropyandleadership giving, The Ottawa Hospital Foundation)

I.D.E.A. Anna Silverman (strategic fundraising and event consultant, Anna Silverman Consulting)

Fundraising Day Ashley Richer (Advancement officer, Ottawa Network for Education)

Membership Amy Ramnarine (Marketing and communications coordinator, Carleton University) Professional development Ruby Misra (Annual giving officer, Carleton University Partnerships Jeff Todd (Director of business communications, WCPD Foundation)


Philanthropy Awards Margot Lefebvre (Development officer, philanthropy, The Ottawa Hospital Foundation) Government relations Rob Gottschalk (Senior director, philanthropy, The Ottawa Hospital Foundation) Young Professionals Network Christian Robillard (CCAE TD Insurance Fellow in advancement, Carleton University) Ottawa Business Journal

AFP MEMBERSHIP AFP Ottawa’s membership is comprised of professionals across a wide spectrum of industries and disciplines: Melanie Adams Hala Al-Madi Monique Archambault Erin Armstrong Andrew Bales Emma Barr André Beaudry Julie Beckett Mitchell Bellman Jacqueline Belsito Jennifer Benedict Marie-Eve Bertrand Laura Blair Laura Bonnett Kim Boucher Mary Boucher Nicole Boucher Ronda Boutz John Bouza Karalee Bowles Amber Brannan Kailee Brennan Jessica Brodribb Paul Brousseau Leanne Brown Benoit Brunet Daniel Brunette Nicole Burgess Pierre-Luc Byham Rhonda Cameron Kristen Casselman Ruth Mary Catana Lindsay Charland Diane Chea Daniel Clapin Lynne Clark Karen Colby-Stothart Jennifer Conley Rosalie Courage Shelley Crawford Marissa Croteau Nancy Crump Lisa Davey Bronwen Dearlove Jan Delman Karen Delorme David Dern Amy Desjardins Paul Dickson, CFRE Vicki DiMillo Soula Dimitrey Beth Dimsdale Tracy Donahue Eileen Dooley Kristin Douglas Megan Doyle Ray Tamara Emery Leah Eustace Hilary Evans Laura Evans Ellen Ewert Kelly Eyamie Megan Feltham Ashley Ferguson Charlotte Field Peter Flegel Monique Flocco Paul Forgues Mona Forrest

Melissa Forster Lynda Franc Sara Francis Connie Franklin Gabrielle Frédette Fortin Melanie Fulop Melodie Gabriel Teresa Garavito Benjamin Gardiner Victoria Gauthier Mark Gencher Mary-Ann Gilchrist Amy Gillespie Ingrid Gingras Jaime Girard Robert Gottschalk Kelly Goulet Lois Graveline Fraser Green Dave Greiner David Griffiths Paola Guillen Kim Haliburton Louise Hanlon Catherine Harwood Delphine Hasle Julia Hassunah Jennifer Heale John Heckbert Tara Henderson Geoff Hendry Emily Hiemstra Chloe Hillier Corrie Hobin Jay Hollister Wendy Hough Andrew Inderwick Susan Ingram Jonelle Istead Emily Jamieson Fatou Jammeh Christine Joannette Tricia Johnson Karen Joynt Amina Kane Mary Kange Angie Kelly Katherine Kelly Graeme Kembel Alison Keys Christine Kinyanjui Timothy Kluke Kelly Lachance Toni Lavigne-Conway Stephanie Leclair Margot Lefebvre Deborah Lehmann Jennifer Lerus-Roulez Neil Leslie Michel Leveille Jocelyne Parent Lewis Holly Lielkalns Tia Loftsgard Joanna Luciano Jennifer Luedey Ruth Mackenzie Lori Marcantonio Teresa Marques Sharon Martin

Upcoming charitable events in Canada’s capital Highlights of the 2018-19 calendar, submitted by AFP Ottawa members AFTERNOON TEA AT THE CHÂTEAU


Sunday, December 2, 2018 In support of the Queensway Carleton Hospital Foundation Women In Philanthropy This special event at the Château Laurier will mark the inaugural launch of the Queensway Carleton Hospital Foundation’s Women In Philanthropy program. Join women from across Ottawa to learn how our collective support can advance patient care and healthcare excellence for our community.

Saturday, May 11, 2019 In support of The Dementia Society of Ottawa and Renfrew County The Walk for Dementia has been The Dementia Society’s signature fundraising event for more than 20 years. Teams and individuals raise funds through pledges to support caregivers and people diagnosed with dementia so no one faces dementia alone. Features include a special memory tribute, a family zone and an accessible walking route.

LUCK! Thursday December 6, 2018 In support of The Ottawa Arts Council The Ottawa Arts Council’s annual Luck! Art Draw is a special event showcasing local artists of all backgrounds and styles. Invited artists donate a piece of artwork and guests purchase a ticket to win a creation. oac-events/luck

Diane Matichak Christiane Matte Boyd McBride Jason McCartney Michael McClintock Rob McCulloch Chris McGarvey Hannah McGechie Stephen McGill Alain McKinlay Tilgner Sarah McKinnon Heather McLean Shelley McLean Lyndsi McMillan Margaret Miedema Pamela Miles Margaret Miller Yasmine Mingay Ruby Misra Jenny Mitchell Teilo Moore Marie Claire Morin Patti Murphy Peter Nicholson

Walter Noble Andrea Olsen-Black Bianca Oran Kendra Pare Kylie Patrick Anne Patterson Holly Paulin Heather Penney Andrea Peponoulas Erin Pickering Kellie Pickett Lee Pigeau Jean Pigeon Aisha Poitevien Danielle Porteous Marlene Quinton Megan Racicot Amy Ramnarine Maria Reilander Ashley Richer Christine Rieck Buckley Christian Robillard Sarah Robinson Juliana Rodger

THE OTTAWA ARTS COUNCIL AWARDS May 2019 In support of The Ottawa Arts Council Since 1988 the Ottawa Arts Council has awarded over $279,000 to exceptional artists and to those who have shown outstanding commitment to the arts in our area. awards

Elizabeth Rodgers Brenda Rothwell Derek RumboldtdeLouche Allison Sadowski Sandra Sawers Bill Schaper Melanie Scholz Betsy Schuurman Judith Scott Caitlin Sears Christine Sigouin Anna Silverman Jack Silverstein Lise Smith Amelia Sproule Natalie St Amour Nancy Stanton Victoria Stewart France St-Pierre Catini St. Pierre Maureen Sullivan-Bentz Erin Tabakman Margaret Tannahill Wade

Mike Tarr Marty Thomas Graham Thompson Serena Thomson Jeff Todd Andrea Timlin Alison Turmelle Krystal Valencia Josephine Van Herpt Jennifer Van Noort Joanne Villemaire Holly Wagg Jessie-Lee Wallace Jayne Watson Cindy Wheeler Alexandra Williams Julia Wilson Laurie Wilson Jennifer Wolters Sean Wong Danielle Woodhouse Fiona Worley Jacquelyn Wright

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2018


A strong fundraising profession in Canada, and the people who practice it, play a fundamental role in our society in strengthening trust, says David Johnston. PHOTO BY MCPL VINCENT CARBONNEAU, RIDEAU HALL © OSGG, 2017.

Strong charities are everybody’s business. But what’s trust got to do with it? By David Johnston


t’s time to talk about the state of trust in Canada, and how it impacts the charitable sector. Edelman – the international communications group – produces what it calls the Edelman Trust Barometer, its annual report on the state of trust in the world. The company has been surveying trust in countries throughout the world for the past two decades, and it has noted that the trust held by citizens in democracies has dropped dramatically in recent years. This trend is noticeable across the board. Our trust in our governments, public institutions and elected leaders has dropped. Our trust in the media – new and old – has dropped. Our trust in charities and non-governmental organizations has dropped. Our trust in businesses and business leaders has dropped. Even Canada – good old trusting and trustworthy Canada – has slipped into what Edelman calls the “distruster nations.” Trust is fundamental because it is the bedrock of democracy and the rule of law – trust in each other as citizens, and a trust between citizens and the institutions that stand for and serve them. If the rule of law cannot work, then our democracy and its institutions are doomed. If Canadians cannot trust that their donations to charities will go to help others, they will give less. These are the stakes. I raise them not merely to cause alarm, but so all Canadians can give trust the careful attention it demands.

INVEST IN TRUST We tend to think little about trust because it is a curious quality that is almost always more noticeable in its absence



than its presence – as something much more likely to be lost than gained. It is a vital quality that grows stronger as it is acknowledged and then cultivated attentively – this holds true for the relationship between a donor and a charity. For those 170,000 charities and not-for-profit organizations in Canada, I invite you to think about what you are doing to earn the trust of your stakeholders and donors, and to engender trust in your organization.

Charities must raise donation rates among younger and new Canadians. Key to raising donation rates will be the ability to nurture trust. A study released earlier this year found that donations are dropping in Canada across all age categories, and donors aged 50 and over account for 74 per cent of donations. Produced by Imagine Canada and the Rideau Hall Foundation, the report – Thirty Years of Giving in Canada – also found that total donations continue to rise, but only because those who are giving are giving more. Which means charities are chasing an ever-decreasing pool of aging, affluent donors. The conclusion is inescapable. Charities must raise

donation rates among younger and new Canadians. Key to raising donation rates will be the ability to nurture trust. Honesty and integrity are essential in all our relationships and should never be compromised, and this applies as much to the not-for-profit sector as to the private sector. Invest in trust, and use that trust to innovate and collaborate. Charities must innovate to drive efficiencies and advance service quality. Greater transparency is needed to win trust. A strong fundraising profession in Canada, and the people who practice it, play a fundamental role in our society in strengthening trust by adhering to the moral imperative (doing the right thing) ahead of the operational imperative (doing the thing right). If the profession or individual professionals fail in some way, public trust in the profession weakens or erodes. This applies equally to professions in law, medicine and teaching. The charitable and not-for-profit sector in Canada plays a vital role in our society and economy. According to Imagine Canada, the sector represents 8.1 per cent of Canada’s GDP, or approximately $151 billion, and it employs about two million people, or 11 per cent of the workforce. As such, strong charities are everybody’s business. Any diminishment of the sector’s capacity to serve impoverishes us all. All of us have a stake in the future of philanthropy because all of us have a stake in the future of Canada. We need to find ways to renew trust in our public institutions in Canada, including the charitable sector. The future of the sector, and our democracy, depends on it. The Rt Hon. David Johnston was the 28th Governor General of Canada and is the chair of the Rideau Hall Foundation. Ottawa Business Journal

Amount raised at the Red Dress charity golf tournament for the Canadian Women’s Heart Health Centre.



Donation by Scotiabank to the Montfort Hospital Foundation in support of its mental health program.

Amount estimated to be raised at Light Up The Night for the Bruyère Foundation.


Raised at Soirée Salus, a fundraiser for Ottawa Salus.

Raised at the Ottawa Humane Society Garden Party.

$83,229 Raised at Spark Soirée for the Ottawa Network for Education.

$1.125 M

Donation by Brit Smith, through his family foundation and Homestead Land Holdings, to the CNIB.


$50,000 Anonymous donation to the Dave Smith Youth Treatment Centre to support clinical programming and operations.

Raised for the Writers’ Trust of Canada at the Politics and the Pen literary gala.


$25,000 Amount raised at Tunes and Spoons, a fundraising event hosted at the Klotz family farm, to support local farmers grow and supply fresh produce to the RideauRockcliffe Community Resource Centre.

Major donations and fundraising achievements in our community $380,000

donated by members of Ottawa’s Syrian community, which also made a group $2,500 Amount blood donation, to Canadian Blood Services as part of Syrian Canadian Donation Day.

Amount raised at the first annual #DonateForDustin Memorial Golf Tournament for Canadian Blood Services.




Raised through two major donations to the Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health at the launch of its Early Years Capital Campaign.

$45,000 Amount estimated to be raised for The Ottawa Hospital at a $1,000-per-plate benefit dinner, cohosted by Gusto Worldwide Media CEO Chris Knight and Charlebois Trépanier president Michel Drouin.

Donation by Shopify chief operating officer Harley Finkelstein and his wife, Sundae School owner Lindsay Taub, to help open a Chabad centre for Jewish students and young professionals.

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