The villager october 2013 upload

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sessions do not need to last longer than 30-45 minutes but should be scheduled on a regular basis.

The Sedentary Problem The percentage of overweight and obese kids and teens has more than doubled in the past 30 years. Although many factors contribute to this epidemic, children are becoming more sedentary. In other words, they're sitting around a lot more than they used to. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, 8 to 18-year-olds watch about 4½ hours of television a day; the average kid spends 7 hours on all screen media combined: TV, videos, and DVDs, computer time outside of schoolwork, and video games. One of the best ways to get kids to be more active is to limit the amount of time spent in sedentary activities, especially watching TV or playing video games. Making Fitness Fun Children need to learn at a young age that fitness can be fun! They have a short attention span (20 minutes) when it comes to fitness, yet an unlimited capacity to watch the monitor or TV. They also get tired more quickly, and become both over-heated and dehydrated in a shorter time than adults. Fitness has to be fun and diverse to peak a child's interest and turn physical activity into a "looked forward to" time of the day. One of the best ways to increase the overall fitness of a family is by exercising together. Variety of activity is the key to keeping all family members enjoying exercise. The older the children, the more important it becomes for exercise to be "fun". Motivation must come from Mum and Dad through example, creative activities, and persistence. Physical activity

Everyone should enjoy the sessions, and they should not be rigid or competitive in nature, especially where young children are involved. Family physical activity time results in family bonding. As each family member enjoys the activities, it should become easier to schedule the sessions. One of the most important results is the teaching of good health habits that can continue for a lifetime. Raising Fit Kids Combining regular physical activity with a healthy diet is the key to a healthy lifestyle. Here are some tips for raising fit kids: • Help your kids participate in a variety of age-appropriate activities. • Establish a regular schedule for physical activity, that all the family can take part in. • Incorporate activity into daily routines, such as taking the stairs instead of the lift. • Embrace a healthier lifestyle yourself, so you'll be a positive role model for your family. • Keep it fun, so you can count on your kids to come back for more.

ALM Fitness offers Fitness Sessions for Kids throughout all of the School Holidays. Zumba sessions and Circuits Sessions for children aged 4-11. Does your child want to get fit and have fun at the same time? For more information about the children’s sessions or any other services ALM Fitness has to offer, visit www. or call Amy 07740 366419 or email

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