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Against Eco-Fascism hUmAnS aRe ThE vIrUs!!1! The memes might be funny, but there’s a darker side to them – something called eco-fascism. Eco-fascism is a fairly recent ideology that rejects the nonviolent methods of mainstream environmentalism, instead favouring the extremist view that the reduction of human populations (and therefore, negative human impact) is the only viable way to save the planet from climate change and environmental destruction. Humans are the virus, and should therefore be eliminated, etc. etc. It’s very easy to fall into the trap of eco-fascism. After all, wouldn’t the easiest way to save the earth from humans would be to reduce the number of humans? To eco-fascists, I would ask the following question: which humans do you propose we ‘reduce’? The burden, I predict, will almost always fall on the poor, the workers, the disadvantaged, and the underprivileged.


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