Australia China Business Review :: Issue 03

Page 1


2017年十二月· 第3期

China’s thirst Exporters jostle in crowded wine market Page 10 渴骥奔泉

中国出口商并驱争先挤入红 酒市场 第10页

The beautiful game WA and China’s football future Page 24 指日可待

西澳与中国足球的未来 第24页

Deeper ties

Why China is emerging as Mark McGowan’s top priority


这就是中国正成为马克· 麦高文政府战略优先的根本原因。

E-commerce challenge Amazon’s arrival to shake up retail Page 30


亚马逊的登陆极大震荡了传 统零售业 第30页

Mark McGowan Premier of Western Australia Photo: Philip Gostelow 马克·麦高文 西澳大利亚州州长 照片:Philip Gostelow

contents 目录

18 10 Cover story | 封面故事

18 Chinese tourism to underpin WA’s evolving economy

志合者,不以山海为远—中国游客成为西澳 经济救星

From the editor’s desk | 主编的话 5

Diversity the point of difference in tourism push


News | 新闻

24 WA to be part of China’s football phenomenon




24 30 Resources | 能源 6

Global shipping’s push to clean fuel


Agribusiness | 农商

10 China’s near-$1bn thirst for Australian wine


Education | 教育

26 Chinese students opt for tech, liberal arts


Property | 地产

36 Millions of Chinese consumers just a click away


38 China’s new era: how directors should be responding


40 Socially responsible corporates, more buzz than reality?

企业社会责任 空有噱头还是切实有效?

Technology | 科技

42 Tencent flexes muscles on power of WeChat

30 IE-commerce blueprint for Aussie retailers

Opinion | 观点


微信蓬勃发展 腾讯大展宏图

34 China sets pace with green property


2017年十二月 | DECEMBER 2017


Publisher DDK IN THE ZONE PTY LTD trading as Australia China Business Review Editor in chief Dan Wilkie

主编: 丹•威尔基


from the

Managing director Ken Meng

董事总经理: 孟敬亭

E: Graphic design GRAFFIK Printing Daniels Printing Craftsmen AUSTRALIA CHINA BUSINESS REVIEW 澳中商讯

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DAN WILKIE | 丹·威尔基


Diversity the ONCE considered to be a barrier to increasing visitation, Western Australia’s extraordinary distance and diversity are shaping up to be critical factors in efforts to grow the tourism sector into a much more valuable contributor to the economy. Growing WA’s tourism industry has become one of Mark McGowan’s signature commitments since Labor won power in March and, while the state government’s initial strategies were focused on filling hotel rooms, a much wider campaign is in its nascent stages. WA’s tourism sector generates about 109,000 jobs, equating to 8 per cent of WA’s workforce, and injects around $11.9 billion each year into the economy. Efforts to grow tourism by the former state government, which had a lofty goal of doubling visitor spending in WA from $6 billion to $12 billion by 2020, were scrutinised last month, after the release of an auditor-general’s report into the strategy. Auditor-General Colin Murphy said projections indicated there would be a shortfall of about $800 million to achieving that goal, pointing to an underperforming state tourism agency as one of the principal causes. But Tourism WA was largely constrained by a marketing budget dwarfed by other states’, a situation that was addressed in Labor’s first budget, with a record $425 million committed to destination marketing over the next five years.



editor’s desk 主编的话


point of difference in tourism push One of the challenges unearthed in the report was correcting lingering perceptions on the east coast that WA is too far away, too expensive and has a scarcity of hotel rooms. While Perth’s hotel development boom should take care of the perception over rooms, WA’s isolated location is firming as an advantage to grow visitation to the state, but not by people from the east coast, instead by a new generation of big-spending Chinese tourists. As reported last month by Australia China Business Review, and reiterated in this issue’s cover story featuring an exclusive interview with Mark McGowan, the behaviour of Chinese tourists is steadily changing. The common factor among the growing subset of Chinese tourists known as free independent travellers is their desire to seek out new experiences, and then share their stories on social media. And unique experiences are what WA has in spades; whether it’s a selfie with a quokka over on Rottnest, an aerial shot of the Bungle Bungles, diving with whale sharks at Ningaloo or the stunning landscape of the pink lakes, the state is seemingly tailored for the adventurous Chinese tourist looking for bragging points among their peers. The biggest challenge for the state government is letting them know it’s there, but with a new WeChat-based strategy being developed, the early signs are that Mark McGowan’s team is ready to innovate to achieve its goals.

曾几何时,人们认为西澳的遥远距离和特立 独行阻碍了旅游业的发展,但现在这种距离 感和差异性却成为了发展旅游领域,也是为 西澳经济做出更多贡献的关键因素。 自今年三月工党赢得选举以来,发展西 澳的旅游业已成为马克·麦高文(Mark McGowan)州长的重要承诺之一。此前州 政府关注的重点在于增加酒店入住率,而现 在随着新计划初具雏形,更多的元素已被纳 入考量范围。

西澳的旅游业创造了约10.9万个工作岗位, 为西澳8%的劳动力提供了工作机会,更为 西澳经济注入了每年约119亿澳元的资金。 上届州政府曾为西澳旅游业定下远大目标, 即在2020年实现游客消费支出翻番,从过去 的60亿澳元上涨至120亿澳元。随着审计长 发布战略报告,上个月上届政府发展旅游业 的措施受到仔细审视。 审计长科林·墨菲(Colin Murphy)表示,预 计到2020年,西澳的旅游收入与目标尚有8 亿澳元的缺口。同时审计长也指出,主要原 因之一是西澳旅游机构表现欠佳。

但是不可辩驳的是较其他州而言,西澳旅游 局的营销预算相形见绌,这亦是掣肘旅游业 发展的一大因素。针对这一情况,工党为西 澳今后五年的目的地营销拨款4.25亿澳元, 打破了历史最高纪录。 报告还指出,西澳面临的另一个挑战是如何 纠正东海岸对西澳的刻板印象,打破西澳“

太遥远,太昂贵,酒店客房稀缺”的老黄历。 随着珀斯酒店业的繁荣发展,酒店客房稀缺 这一普遍看法将有所改观。而地处遥远,以 及“世界上最孤独的地区”这一称号亦日渐 成为西澳独特的魅力,虽然仍无法吸引东 海岸的游客,但却为西澳带来了新的旅游 人群,那就是乐于支付高额旅游开支的中国 游客。

在上一期的澳中商讯,以及本期独家专访马 克·麦高文州长的封面故事中,反复被提及的 是中国游客的旅游习惯正在逐渐改变。 中国的自由行旅客正在日益增加,他们热衷 于寻求新颖的体验,并在社交媒体上分享自 己的故事。

适以相成,西澳恰恰能为游客提供丰富 多彩且独一无二的体验。在洛特尼斯岛 (Rottnest)与短尾矮袋鼠自拍,乘坐观景 飞机记录班古鲁班古鲁(Bungle Bungles) 山脉的迷人风景,在宁格鲁(Ningaloo)岸 礁与鲸鲨共泳,或者欣赏粉红湖的绝色美 景。这一切仿佛是西澳为具有探险精神的中 国游客量身定制,并为他们在与同龄人交谈 时中提供可以“夸夸其谈”的谈资。 如今州政府面临的最大挑战是如何把西澳 呈现在中国游客的面前。对此马克·麦高文政 府已经做好准备,大胆创新,设计全新的微 信平台战略,以实现雄心壮志。

2017年十二月 | DECEMBER 2017




Global shipping’s push to clea 作者 : Dan Wilkie MOMENTUM is building for liquefied natural gas to be used to power bulk carriers and other large export ships operating between China and Australia, with a cadre of global businesses joining an initiative to not only reduce emissions but also to boost Australia’s energy security. The initiative, known as the Green Corridor, is being advocated by the LNG Marine Fuel Institute, a Perth-based not-forprofit organisation established to promote the use of LNG as a marine fuel. LNG MFI is led by a high-powered board of directors, including Jackson McDonald chairman of partners Richard Sandover, Woodside Energy chief operating officer Mike Utsler, Baker Hughes a GE Company Australia chief executive Mary Hackett, former foreign minister Stephen Smith, Mitsubishi Australia deputy managing director Hero Gohda and Altegra Property Group chief executive Tony Brooks. 6


Participants in the Green Corridor include some of the world’s biggest exporters and shipbuilders, including iron ore miners Fortescue Metals Group, BHP and Rio Tinto, major ship owners MOL and U-Ming, gas exporter Woodside Energy, shipbuilders Mitsui O.S.K Lines and DNV, as well as the Shanghai Merchant Ship Design and Research Institute. The project is focused on developing LNGfuelling infrastructure across the iron ore and coal trade route between northern Australia and ports in China. A design for an LNG-powered 210,000-tonne Newcastlemax bulk carrier was unveiled in June, providing a new fuel option for one of the most widely used vessels worldwide. Design work for another ship to be powered by LNG, known as a Very Large Ore Carrier, is continuing and expected to be completed by around March next year. Following completion of that design, the partners will work together to determine how to commercialise the technology, with

the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and China Merchant Bank invited to participate in the process. The program is designed to leverage a pollution-reducing revolution occurring in the international shipping industry, with all ships globally required to comply with a 0.5 per cent limit on the sulphur content of fuel, down from current regulations, which allow 3.5 per cent. Each year, global shipping operations emit more than 1 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, equating to 2.2 per cent of emissions. LNG MFI chief executive Walter Purio said those emissions, made up of sulphur oxides, nitrogen oxides, carbon dioxide and particulates, were causing significant environmental and health issues around the world. “A recent Chinese study found that at least 24,000 premature deaths per year in East Asia were related to air pollution from ships,” Captain Purio told Australia China Business Review.



CLEANING UP The LNG MFI says establishing an emissions control area over Chinese ports such as Yangshan Port in Zhejiang would have an international impact. Photo: Philip Gostelow 如虎添翼 LNG MFI将要在中国港口建设 一个排放控制区,比如浙江的洋山港 ,而 这一举措将会带来全球性的影响。照片来 源:Philip Gostelow

Right now, one of the best things we can do as our fleet refreshes is to go to gas – Walter Purio

如今随着我们船队的不断 发展,最明智的选择之一 是推行天然气燃料 –沃尔特·普里奥

n fuel 随着全球大型企业纷纷加入一项旨在提 升澳大利亚能源安全的减排倡议,在中国 至澳大利亚航线上运营的散货船与其它 大型出口船只使用液化天然气作为燃料 已成大势所趋。


LNG MFI的董事会由业内重要人物组 成,包括Jackson McDonald公司的总裁 理查德·桑多弗、伍德赛德能源首席运营 官迈克·乌特斯勒、贝克休斯澳洲首席执 行官玛丽·哈克特、澳大利亚前外交部长 斯蒂芬·史密斯、澳大利亚三菱公司副总 裁Hero Gohda 以及Altegra Property 集团首席执行官托尼·布鲁克斯等。

另一艘液化天然气动力的超大型矿石散 货船的设计工作正在进行中,预计可在明 年三月左右完成。

这项名为“绿色走廊”的倡议由液化天然 气船用燃料机构发起。该非营利组织总部 位于珀斯,旨在推动使用液化天然气作为 船用燃料。

绿色走廊倡议的参与方包括世界上最大 的几家出口商和造船商,包括FMG集团、 必和必拓、力拓等矿业公司,MOL、裕民 等船运公司,天然气出口商伍德赛德能源 公司,商船三井、立恩威等造船商,以及上

该项目重在发展澳大利亚北部与中国港 口之间的铁矿与煤矿运输路线中的液化 天然气燃料库设施。

今年6月,一艘液化天然气动力的21万吨 级纽卡斯尔型散货船的设计方案出炉, 成功为全球最普遍的货轮提供了新燃料 选项。

设计工作完成后,各方将共同研究如何将 这项技术商业化。中国工商银行和招商银 行也应邀参与这一进程。 这一项目旨在为国际航运业掀起一轮减 排改革浪潮,包括要求全球范围内的船只 符合燃料中硫含量不超过0.5%的要求( 低于当前不超过3.5%的法定标准)。

全球航运业每年向大气中排放超过10亿 吨的二氧化碳,占各类排放总量的2.2%。

LNG MFI首席执行官沃尔特·普里奥表 示,这些由硫氧化物、氮氧化物、二氧化碳 和颗粒物组成的排放物正在造成非常明 显的全球环境污染和健康问题。 普里奥上尉在接受澳中商讯采访时表 示, “近期中国一项研究表明,东亚每年有 至少2.4万人死于船只排污带来的空气污 染相关疾病。”


“这些疾病不仅会对人类健康和社会福 利等产生恶劣影响,并且会使资源紧缺的 公共医疗系统雪上加霜。” 普里奥上校提出,按照当前3.5%的硫含 量限值,一艘大型重燃料油动力集装箱 货船全速行驶24小时所排放的硫化物比 5800万辆汽车一年的排放量还要多。

除设计新的船型外,绿色走廊倡议还推动 在贸易路线上建造液化天然气燃料库设 施,有效打造一条虚拟液化天然气线路。 普里奥上校已在全球航运业工作超过40 2017年十二月 | DECEMBER 2017



(380 words)

“These deaths were mostly caused by cancers, heart and lung diseases. “These diseases not only impact on health and social welfare, but also limit resources in an already strained public health system.” At the current sulphur content regulations of 3.5 per cent, Captain Purio said just one large container ship operating at full speed burning heavy fuel oil emits more sulphur in a 24-hour period than 58 million cars do in a year. As well as new ship designs, the Green Corridor also advocates the construction of LNG bunkering facilities across the trade routes, effectively establishing a virtual LNG pipeline.

HIGH-POWERED The LNG MFI board with Peter Tinley earlier this year. From left: Stephen Smith, Mike Utsler, Walter Purio, Tony Brooks, Peter Tinley, Richard Sandover and Hero Gohda. 神采飞扬 今年年初,LNG MFI董事会与彼 得·廷利先生。照片左起:斯蒂芬·史密斯, 迈克·乌特斯勒,沃尔特·普里奥,托尼·布鲁 克斯,彼得·廷利,理查德·桑多弗和Hero Gohda。 8


Captain Purio, who has spent more than 40 years working in the global shipping industry, said a virtual pipeline in Australia would help address the country’s energy security issues, which have come to the fore in recent months with supply shortfalls forecast across much of the eastern seaboard. “We are constrained by our security of oil supply, we import over 90 per cent of our transport fuels,” Captain Purio said. “Our reserve over inventory of oil is woeful – the Organisation for Economic CoOperation and Development recommends 90 days’ supply – we have less than 10. “We’re in bad shape as Australia in that regard. “If there is a geopolitical issue that stops supply, that is a problem for us, if there is an environmental event, that would also affect us.” Captain Purio said the push for lower emissions in global shipping had significant precedent, with emission control areas already in place in north and south America, northern Europe, the Baltics and the Caribbean. In those regions, ships are required to burn fuels of less than 0.1 per cent sulphur, meaning vessels need to be powered by dualfuel engines or by LNG. “As a ships guy, the problem with dual fuel

is you have different operating temperatures, you’ve got different operating pressures, different lube oils, more stress on the engine, there’s more things that can go wrong because you’re changing fuels,” Captain Purio said. “You’re changing the complexion of the fuel that you’re burning to get the power that you need.” Studies in the United States show the cost of implementing the emissions control areas on the country’s east coast were around $US3.2 billion ($4.2 billion) per year, however, the savings on treating heart and respiratory ailments in US hospitals were $US111 billion $(145.9 billion) annually. Captain Purio urged Chinese authorities to adopt similar measures, a move which he said would create a catalytic effect. “If they did that, the rest of the world would fall in line and it would drive LNG as a clean fuel,” he said. “We all want to move into renewables, but for the shipping world, we’re probably talking 40 to 50 years before that actually happens. “But right now, one of the best things we can do as our fleet refreshes is to go to gas. “That would make a big difference for China, it would make a big difference for Asia, and it would make a big difference all over the world.”


年,他认为在澳大利亚建造虚拟线路有助 于解决本国的能源安全问题。近几个月, 随着澳大利亚东海岸大部分地区出现原 油供应紧缺预报,能源安全问题正日渐 凸显。

“受原油供应不足的限制,我国超过90% 的交通燃料需依靠进口,”普里奥上校说 道。

“我们的原油库存量十分令人堪忧。经合 组织建议的原油库存量正常可维持90天 的供应,而我们的库存量仅能维持不到 10天。” “澳大利亚在这方面的处境不容乐观。”

“无论因地缘政治问题而切断原油供应, 还是发生环保事件,都会对我们产生不利 影响。” 普里奥上校表示,在全球航运业推动减 排有先例可循,北美、南美、北欧、波罗的 海国家和加勒比海地区已设立了排放管 控区。 在这些区域运行的船只要求使用硫含量 低于0.1%的燃料,这就要求船只采用双 燃料或液化天然气动力发动机。

“从航运从业者的角度看,使用双燃料发 动机的问题在于不同燃料的操作温度不 同,操作压力不同,使用的润滑油也不同,

而且会增大对发动机的压力。不仅如此, 在更换燃料时还有可能发生千奇百怪的 问题,”普里奥上校说。

“我们希望能在改变燃料性质的同时获 得所需的动力。”

美国有关研究表明,在美国东海岸设立排 放管控区的费用约为每年32亿美元(42亿 澳元),但可为美国医院节省每年约1110 亿美元(1459亿澳元)的心脏和呼吸系统 疾病治疗费用。


LEADER Woodside Energy’s commitment to the green corridor also includes the development of LNG-fuelled support vessels, the first initiative of its kind in the southern hemisphere. Photo: Woodside Energy 领导核心 伍德赛德能源集团对于绿色走廊 的承诺包括发展液化天然气燃料成为船只 主动力燃料,这是南半球首个此类提议。照 片来源:伍德赛德能源集团

普里奥上校希望中国监管部门也能采取 类似的措施,他认为这些行动可以产生催 化剂作用。

“如果中国监管部门能采取这些措施,那 么世界其它国家也会纷纷效仿,这有利于 推广液化天然气作为清洁能源使用,”他 说道。 “我们最终都希望能使用可再生能源,但 就航运业而言,谈论这个为时尚早,可能 还要再等四十到五十年才能真正实现。 “但如今随着我们船队的不断发展,最明 智的选择之一是推行液化天然气燃料。

“这将对中国、亚洲乃至是全世界都产生 重大的积极影响。”

2017年十二月 | DECEMBER 2017



一张来自中国近10亿 澳元的葡萄酒订单

China’s near-$1bn thirst for Australian wine 作者 : Dan Wilkie WITH the value of Australian wine exports to China rapidly approaching $1 billion per year, it is no small mystery thousands of Australian businesses are clamouring to capitalise on the exponential growth in demand. Data from Wine Australia showed the total value of Australian wine exports to China, including Hong Kong and Macau, grew by 42 per cent in the 12 months to September 30, to total more than $853 million. It is an enormous slice of the total Australian wine export value of $2.44 billion, nearly doubling the value of exports to the US, which came in at $461 million to be second-ranked among importers of Australian wine. And to put the growth into context, a decade ago Australian wine exports to China were valued at just $27 million. Currently only France exports more wine to China than Australia, making up 45 per cent of the import market, but Australian 10


winemakers have achieved the highest average value per litre. Several factors are driving the growth in demand, not the least of which is the continued growth of China’s middle class. Forecasts by Research group Wine Intelligence project there will be up to 160 million upper-middle-class drinkers of imported wine in China by 2025, up from 19 million in 2010. The export growth experienced in Australia is shared by 2,102 active exporters, Wine Australia said. These range from established large-scale operations like ASX-listed Treasury Wine Estates to individual wineries and wine regions, as well as a wide range of export-focused businesses. TWE reported a net profit of $269 million for the 2016-17 financial year in August, shortly after reaffirming its confidence in the outlook for the imported wine market in China and the company’s opportunities. But while demand is staggering, and growing at a rapid rate, getting into the China

market is not strictly a simple proposition, according to Watershed Premium Wines founder and managing director Geoff Barrett. Mr Barrett has been exporting wine to China since 2004, with Watershed the largest exporter of wine to China based in the Margaret River region. “Firstly, doing business in China is about relationships and not about doing business,” Mr Barrett told Australia China Business Review. “A lot of Australian wine producers don’t get that, they go and sit down with a potential importer and within the first 15 minutes they are asking him how many bottles of wine they want to order. “That’s not how you go about doing business in China – you have to build a relationship and sometimes that can take months.” That process of building relationships, Mr Barrett said, could also be expensive. “It involves going to China, and that therein knocks out all of the small producers which don’t have the fiscal capability to travel up there and come back with nothing.



PRODUCE Watershed near Margaret River is a busy operation at harvest time. Photo: Watershed Premium Wines 热火朝天 临近玛格丽特河产区的分水岭酒 庄在耕耘时分格外忙碌。照片来源:分水岭 酒庄

随着澳大利亚对中国的葡萄酒年出口额 迅速接近10亿澳元,成千上万的澳大利亚 企业强烈要求加入这一呈指数型增长的 需求量。

澳大利亚葡萄酒管理局(Wine Australia)的数据显示,截至9月30日,澳 大利亚对中国(包括香港和澳门)的葡萄 酒总出口额在12个月内增长了42%,总金 额超过了8.53亿澳元。 在此期间,澳大利亚葡萄酒的出口总额为 24.4亿澳元,对美国的出口额则以4.61亿 澳元位列第二。中国无疑占据了澳大利亚 葡萄酒出口的最大份额,出口额几乎达到 了美国的两倍。 从增长速度方面而言,十年前澳大利亚对 中国的葡萄酒出口额仅为2700万澳元。

如今在中国的葡萄酒进口国中,澳大利亚 仅次于占据市场份额45%的法国。而在每 升的平均价格方面,澳大利亚的葡萄酒则 首屈一指。 推动葡萄酒需求上涨的因素众多,其中

一个很重要的原因就是中国中产阶级的 增加。

据葡萄酒研究机构酒智(Wine Intelligence)预测,随着中国上层中产 阶级的崛起,选择饮用进口葡萄酒的人数 将从2010年的1900万增长到2025年的 1.6亿。 澳大利亚葡萄酒管理局的数据表明,葡萄 酒出口的增长对2102家活跃的出口商产 生了积极影响。

这其中囊括的商家不一而足。不仅仅有 在澳交所(ASX)上市的富邑葡萄酒集团 (Treasury Wine Estates)这样的大规 模运营商,还有个体酒商和葡萄酒产区, 更有许多专注于出口领域的企业都受益 匪浅。

富邑葡萄酒集团于8月发布报告称,公司 2016-17财年的净利润达到了2.69亿澳 元。此前不久,该集团重申了在中国葡萄 酒进口市场的绝对自信,以及公司拥有的 诸多机遇。

杰夫·巴雷特(Geoff Barrett)是分水岭 酒庄(Watershed Premium Wines) 的创始人兼董事总经理。他指出,尽管中 国对葡萄酒的需求量惊人,并且仍在快速 增长,但是进入中国市场并不是轻而易举 的事情。

早在2004年巴雷特先生就开始向中国出 口葡萄酒,而位于玛格丽特河(Margaret River)地区的分水岭酒庄亦是对华葡萄 酒出口的最大酒商。

“在中国做生意的首要任务是建立关系, 而不是直接展开商业活动。”巴雷特先生 告诉澳中商讯。

“很多澳大利亚的葡萄酒生产商对这一 点都不甚了解。他们与潜在的进口商讨论 合作事宜时,往往单刀直入,前15分钟就 直接询问中国商家需要多少瓶葡萄酒。” “这远非中国的生意之道。在中国,做生 意首先得建立起关系。这有时可能得花上 几个月的时间。” 建立关系的过程消耗的不仅仅是时间成 2017年十二月 | DECEMBER 2017


AGRIBUSINESS | 农商 ENTREPRENEUR Piers Lewis has applied an online-only approach to entering the China wine market. Photo: Dawine 企业家 皮尔斯·刘易斯运营一个面向中国 市场的线上葡萄酒销售平台。照片来源:大 万久

ALLIANCE 15 of Margaret River’s top wineries have collaborated to launch a series of retail stores in China. Photo: Watershed Premium Wines 指水盟松 15家玛格丽特河顶级酒庄联合将 自家特色产品销往中国的零售店。照片来 源:分水岭酒庄

“They tend to rely on wine associations or Austrade and groups like that, and you don’t achieve anything going down that path, you actually have to go out into the market. “I’ve been there close to 30 times now, to all parts of China. It involves an extensive financial commitment over many years, and it’s only now that all of those hard years of work are starting to pay off.” Mr Barrett said the other big challenge for Australian producers, particularly those from the Margaret River region, was having enough scale to satisfy orders. “There is no point going there if you produce 1,000 cases per year and hope to sell 200 a year for the next 10 years,” he said. “Because if you succeed in selling the 200, next year it’s 400, then the next year it’s 1,000, so all of a sudden you can’t supply “Now in the context of Margaret River, what knocks most Margaret River producers out of the Chinese market is they simply don’t have the scale to enter into it in the first place. “You’ve really only got five or six wineries down here that have the capacity to enter the market. “And you’ve got to be able to offer ranges at a variety of price points, but some wineries down here are not interested in that process, because they don’t have a number of different vineyards and costings from their vineyards to be able to play in that market.” Over the 13 years since 2004, Mr Barrett 12


said Watershed had developed a comprehensive strategy to get its wines into the Middle Kingdom. Part of that strategy was a partnership with Chinese importer Margaret River Wines, which is led by Austin Computers co-founder Li Huang and is opening a series of retail stores in China exclusively stocking Margaret River-produced wines. Alongside Watershed there are 14 other Margaret River wineries which stock products in the retail stores – Cape Grace Wines, Flametree Wines, Wills Domain, Happs Wines, Deep Woods Estate, Churchview Estate, Hay Shed Hill, McHenry Hohnen, Forester Estate, Edwards Wines, Amelia Park Wines, Arlewood Estate, Ashbrook Wines and Woodlands Wines. The first of Margaret River Wines’ stores opened in Beijing in January, followed by another in Zhongshan, Guangdong Province, in March. Margaret River Wines initially planned to have 10 outlets in China opened by the end of this year, but Australia China Business Review understands only six are currently operating. Watershed also recently signed a partnership with another Chinese importer, which plans to open six wine stores, called Oz Rainbow, in Jiangsu Province over the next six months. The first Oz Rainbow store opened recently. Mr Barrett said 100 per cent of the wine on its shelves was produced by Watershed.

“We have a number of other ranges outside of the Watershed range, so they have the opportunity to have quite a diverse-looking range of wines, without having it look like they have all come from the same producer,” he said. “That’s another initiative that we’re involved in, and that’s where our client has seen fit to start opening their own dedicated wine outlets. “It’s interesting, the shopping centre they are in, a million people on a Saturday and a million people on a Sunday go through that shopping complex, which is beyond our comprehension.” But with the vast majority of Chinese consumers purchasing their wine online, either at dedicated marketplaces, or increasingly via social media super-app WeChat, Mr Barrett said the retail stores were not necessarily targeted at individual shoppers. In the case of Oz Rainbow, Mr Barrett said his import partner had a significant presence on WeChat, tapping into the Chinese consumer’s preference to order online and take advantage of low costs of delivery. “The market continues to evolve, the supply chains to consumers are far more diverse than what they are in Australia and in China, when they open a physical outlet, that’s merely a shopfront for their business – that’s where they will bring in wholesale buyers,” Mr Barrett said.


本,也可能带来高昂的经济成本。巴雷特 先生指出。

“要建立良好的关系就得前往中国。正是 这一过程使得小的生产商无缘于中国市 场,因为他们没有前往中国却可能一无所 获的经济实力和魄力。” “因此小规模的生产商往往依赖于葡萄 酒协会或澳洲贸易委员会(Austrade)这 样的机构。但是这种途径效果甚微,事实 上生产商还是应该走出澳洲,真正走进中 国市场。”

“迄今为止,我已经去过中国近30次,到 过中国的各个地方。多年来的中国之行带 来了高昂的财务负担,而直到现在这些付 出的努力才逐渐开始有了回报。” 巴雷特先生表示,澳大利亚的生产商,尤 其是玛格丽特河地区的生产商面临的另 一个挑战就是酒庄规模能否满足中国商 家的需求。

“如果酒庄的年产量是1000箱,并且希望 在接下来的10年内每年销售200箱。那么 与中国商家讨论合作事宜是毫无意义的。” “因为需求会年年上涨,如果第一年成功 销售了200箱,第二年的需求量将会上涨 到400箱,第三年1000箱。这样一来,酒庄 很快就会供不应求。”

“这就是现在大多数玛格丽特河地区的 生产商所面临的问题,他们的规模不足以 支撑酒庄进入中国市场。”

“真正有能力进入市场的葡萄酒庄只有 区区5、6家。”

“此外,酒庄还必须有足够的能力提供不 同价位的葡萄酒。一些酒庄只拥有寥寥无 几的葡萄园,不同成本的葡萄酒种类亦屈 指可数,这些酒庄往往无法进入市场,因 而对此兴味索然。” 据巴雷特先生所言,自2004年至今的13 年间,分水岭酒庄已经发展出一套向中国 出口葡萄酒的全面战略体系。

在这一战略体系框架下,分水岭酒庄与 中国进口商玛格丽特河酒庄(Margaret River Wines)发展了良好的合作关系。 玛格丽特河酒庄由奥斯汀电脑(Austin Computers)的联合创始人黄立(音),目 前正在中国开设一系列零售店,专门出售 玛格丽特河地区的葡萄酒。

目前共有14家玛格丽特河地区的酒庄 与分水岭酒庄并肩作战,将自家的产品 放到玛格丽特河酒庄的零售店出售,其 中包括:格蕾丝角酒庄(Cape Grace Wines),凤凰木酒庄(Flametree Wines),威尔士酒庄(Wills Domain) ,爱葡酒庄(Happs Wines),深林 酒庄(Deep Woods Estate),圣景 酒庄(Churchview Estate),黑舍 山酒庄(Hay Shed Hill),麦赫恩酒 庄(McHenry Hohnen),森木酒庄 (Forester Estate),爱德华兹酒庄 (Edwards Wines),艾米莉亚酒庄 (Amelia Park Wines),阿里伍德酒


庄(Arlewood Estate),阿什布鲁酒庄 (Ashbrook Wines),以及伍德兰斯酒庄 (Woodlands Wines)。 首家玛格丽特河葡萄酒专卖店已于今年 一月入驻北京,两个月后,第二家在广东 省中山市开业。

玛格丽特河酒庄最初计划于今年年底之 前在中国开设10家零售店。但是据澳中商 讯了解,目前尚只有6家在营业中。 近期分水岭酒庄与另一家中国进口商签 署了合作协议,计划在接下来的6个月 内在江苏省开设6家名为澳洲彩虹(Oz Rainbow)的葡萄酒零售店。

近日,首家澳洲彩虹零售店已经开业。巴 雷特先生表示货架上所有葡萄酒均产自 分水岭酒庄。

“货架上的葡萄酒种类繁多,价格不一, 看起来仿佛并非来自同一家生产商。为顾 客提供更加多样化的选择。”

LOCATION The pristine nature of Australia’s vineyards ensures their wine is in high demand in China. Photo: Watershed Premium Wines 天时地利“源自纯天然的澳洲葡萄园”这一 优势确保了来自中国源源不断的订单。照片 来源:分水岭酒庄 2017年十二月 | DECEMBER 2017



It’s a luxury item to a degree, but an affordable luxury. I was pretty surprised by the size of the opportunity, and it’s just grown – Piers Lewis

“在某种程度上,葡萄酒确实是一种奢侈品,但却是 一种入门级奢侈品。我们面临的机遇之广着实让我非 常惊讶,而且这种机遇日新月盛。 ”——皮尔斯·刘易斯 (Piers Lewis)




“They use that bricks and mortar location to demonstrate they are of substance, and as their shopfront for their business, more so than direct sales to consumers off the street. “Because in most cases, those physical locations are not in shopping centre complexes or immediately adjacent to shopping centre complexes. “If we were talking in an Australian context, it’s more a business head office, which becomes a showroom for your products.” A strictly online approach has been the strategy of Perth-based export business Dawine, which listed on the Australian Securities Exchange in March, through a reverse takeover of dormant company Brand New Vintage. Dawine operates a digital platform to sell wine into China, specialising in mid-level French, Australian and Chilean varieties. Co-founder Piers Lewis, a corporate advisory specialist, said he was first made aware of the opportunity when he was approached by his now business partner Norman Lip, who had already been exporting Margaret River wines into China. “The business was going well, and he came to me to write an information memorandum to raise some more funds for what he was doing,” Mr Lewis told Australia China Business Review.

“这正是我们提倡的另一项计划。与此同 时我们的客户亦开始认为开设独家销售 点是顺应时势的。”

“有趣的是,他们所在的购物中心周末每 天都有100万左右的人流量。所以这实在 是超乎我们的想象。”

然而现在,绝大多数中国消费者都倾向于 在网上购买葡萄酒。其中一部分求助于葡 萄酒专卖市场,而同时也有越来越多的消 费者通过微信这一社交媒体超级应用进 行购买。因此巴雷特先生提醒到,零售店 不一定非得以个体消费者为销售目标。

巴雷特先生以澳洲彩虹为例进行了说明。 其进口合作商在微信平台上地位非凡,因 此澳洲彩虹能够了解中国消费者的网购 偏好,并充分利用低廉的配送成本。


“从澳大利亚的视角来看,这些商店更像 是那种体验店和产品展示的企业总部。”

位于珀斯的出口企业大万久(Dawine) 一直采用严格的线上销售渠道。今年3月, 暂停经营的Brand New Vintage公司反 向收购大万久,大万久公司也借此在澳交 所上市。 大万久企业运营着一个面向中国市场的 线上葡萄酒销售平台,主要销售中等的法 国葡萄酒,澳洲葡萄酒和智利葡萄酒。

大万久的联合创始人皮尔斯·刘易斯 (Piers Lewis)是一位企业顾问专家。他 坦诚地表示,与现在的商业伙伴诺曼·利普 (Norman Lip)接触之后,他才第一次 意识到这百年不遇的机会。此前诺曼·利 普早已开始将玛格丽特河地区的葡萄酒 出口至中国。

“中国市场仍在持续进化,产品与消费者 之间的供应链纷繁复杂,远比澳大利亚的 供应链更加多样化。中国的零售店仅仅只 是企业的门脸,更像是批发商展示产品的 地方。”巴雷特先生介绍到。

“诺曼·利普的出口生意进展得十分顺利, 为了筹集更多的资金支持发展,他希望我 为他撰写一份资料备忘录。”刘易斯先生 告诉澳中商讯。

“大多数情况下,这些店面都不会位于或 紧邻购物中心。”

“很快我们就发现,客户获得的利润远远 高于诺曼·利普获得的利润。”

“这些钢筋水泥的建筑是用来证实企业是 真实存在的,增强消费者的信任感,而不仅 是直接向个体消费者出售产品的场所。”

“我们坐下来进行商讨。和平时一样,我 向他了解一些企业信息,包括商业活动的 具体内容,企业未来的契机,以及交易中 企业和客户从中各获得的利润等。”

PREMIER Wines from one of Margaret River’s oldest vineyards, Vasse Felix, are among the selection available on Dawine’s online stores. Photo: Dawine

TOURISM A winery lifestyle is highly sought after by China’s young and wealthy. Photo: Dawine

顶级品牌 法思菲历士酒庄-玛格丽特河产区 经营最久的酒庄之一,在大万久线上销售平 台也可以看到它的身影。照片来源:大万久

旅游业 中国的年轻高净值人群非常向往田 园酒庄式生活。照片:大万久

2017年十二月 | DECEMBER 2017


AGRIBUSINESS | 农商 PREMIUM Australian grapes produced the highest average value per litre for any country exporting wine to China. Photo: Samuel Zeller 奢华享受 全球所有向中国出口的葡萄酒 产地中,澳大利亚葡萄酒的每公升均价是 最高的。照片来源:塞缪尔·泽勒(Samuel Zeller)

“We sat down, as I usually do to understand a business, what they are doing and what the opportunities are, and we got chatting about what he was making out of the deal, who he sold it to and how much they were making. “We quickly found out that who he was selling to was making a lot more money than he was. “That piqued our interest into the business model of wine into China, so we set up Dawine. “It’s actually quite amazing how many people are there and in a pretty reasonable disposable income position, which is probably where wine comes into it. “It’s a luxury item to a degree, but an affordable luxury. I was pretty surprised by the size of the opportunity, and it’s just grown.” Dawine’s online marketplace, its app and its WeChat channel were officially launched in June, with the company also tapping into the world’s biggest shopping spree, the 11.11 Global Shopping Festival (formerly known as Singles’ Day). But Mr Lewis said Dawine’s strategy differed from other operators in that the company advocated a curated approach, stocking between 25 and 50 different wines at any one time. “We only put wines on our site that we recommend strongly, and we do a lot of work on each wine that we sell, there’s quite a bit of information about each winery, the winemaker, the region and the variety,” he said. “We put a bit more care and effort into 16


giving information to our clients about what we’re selling.” Mr Lewis said the extra effort was to provide an educational service alongside the export business, tapping into the growing sophistication of the Chinese consumer. While Wine Australia data showed red wine was the dominant export in 2017, Mr Lewis said Chinese consumers were becoming increasingly adventurous in their choices, branching out beyond traditionally well-known styles and labels to lesser-known products. And Mr Lewis said Australian producers would be well placed to take advantage of that shift in buying behaviour, particularly over the next 12 months. “The next year will be interesting,” Mr Lewis said. “There’s been a tightening of supply across the world with Napa Valley burning down, and France, Italy and Spain, to a degree, had low yields. “With China’s thirst for wine growing, I’m anecdotally hearing around the traps that stock levels are reducing around Australia.” It is not only Australian companies seeking to tap into the growing demand for Australian wine, particularly after the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement was ratified in December 2015. Part of the ChAFTA arrangement was a sharp reduction in tariffs on wine exports, which will drop to zero by 2019, after being around 14 per cent previously. Since ChAFTA was announced, Chinese

entities have been increasingly active in acquiring Australian vineyards, the most notable being the country’s third biggest winemaker, Weilong Grape Wine Company, unveiling a $120 million plan in September last year to purchase vineyards in New South Wales and Victoria. All the wine produced at the vineyards bought by Weilong, which sells wine under the Grand Dragon label, is expected to be exported to China. In Western Australia, an early mover in the wine space was Chinese entrepreneur Xibo Ma, who bought the operations of the collapsed Palandri Wine Group in 2008 in a deal reportedly worth around $30 million. Palandri’s estate near Cowaramup has since been rebranded as 3 Oceans, while a Frankland River estate known as Wilkes Vineyard was also part of the deal. The company now exports more than half of its production to China, as well as servicing the local market. In 2011, Ferngrove Vineyards, also near Frankland River, was purchased by diversified Chinese manufacturing and food company Pegasus, owned by Xingfa Ma. Like Palandri, Ferngrove had been experiencing significant operating losses, until an injection of capital from Hangzhou Wine Group, a subsidiary of Mr Ma’s Pegasus. There are now more than 60 Ferngrove-branded stores operating in China, with the winery 100 per cent owned by Pegasus.



SELECTIVE Grapes are hand sorted before they enter the wine production process. Photo: Watershed Premium Wines 精挑细选 葡萄必须经过人工亲自筛选分 类,才可进入下一步酿酒程序。照片:分水 岭酒庄

“这无疑激发了我们的兴趣,于是我们开 始研究在中国销售葡萄酒的商业模式,大 万久公司便应运而生。” “我们惊讶地发现,在中国很多人都拥有 相当可观的可支配收入。这或许正是葡萄 酒的消费市场。” “在某种程度上,葡萄酒确实是一种奢侈 品,但却是一种入门级奢侈品。我们面临 的机遇之广着实让我非常惊讶,而且这种 机遇日新月盛。。”

示,2017年红葡萄酒仍然占据出口的主导 地位。但刘易斯先生指出,中国消费者在 选择葡萄酒方面已经愈加具有冒险精神。 他们逐渐突破传统的风格和标签,开始逐 渐探索小众产品。 刘易斯先生提醒澳大利亚的生产商在接下 来的12个月内,必须充分利用自身优势, 予以服务消费行为正在转变的中国顾客。

“明年将会是更有趣的一年”刘易斯先生 不无期待。

“美国的纳帕谷(Napa Valley)遭遇山 大万久公司于6月份正式推出了线上市 火肆虐,全球的葡萄酒供应量将随之收 场,软件应用,以及微信渠道,并加入了全 缩。而法国、意大利和西班牙等葡萄酒产 球最大的购物狂欢节“双十一全球购物节” 区的产量也呈现出疲态。” (此前这一天被称为光棍节)。 “另一方面,随着中国对葡萄酒的需求不 刘易斯先生指出,大万久的运营策略不同 断上涨,澳大利亚葡萄酒库存也相应地直 于其他运营商。公司推行一种个性化的销 线下降。对此类消息我已早有耳闻。” 售模式,在任何时候都储备25至50种不同 尤其是在2015年12月中澳自由贸易协定 类别的葡萄酒。 获得正式批准后,澳大利亚的公司都在寻 “我们的网站上只向顾客呈现重点推荐 求机会,充分利用不断上涨的葡萄酒需 的酒款,而每一款出售的葡萄酒背后都凝 求。根据中澳自由贸易协定,到2019年葡 聚着我们孜孜不倦的努力。不仅有酒庄和 萄酒出口关税将从此前的14%急剧减少 酒商的介绍,还有产地和品种等各类详细 至零关税。 信息。” 自从中澳自由贸易协定得以公布,中国企 “我们投入更多的心血,旨在为顾客提供 业日益热衷于收购澳大利亚的葡萄园。其 更详细专业的产品信息。” 中最著名的案例是中国第三大葡萄酒生 产商威龙葡萄酒股份有限公司(Weilong 刘易斯先生表示,这种额外的付出使公司 Grape Wine Company)于去年9月公 在开展出口业务的同时,也向用户提供了 开的收购计划。威龙公司拟在新南威尔 知识普及,进而更好地服务于日益成熟的 士州(New South Wales)和维多利亚州 中国消费者。 (Victoria)投资1.2亿澳元,用于收购葡 尽管澳大利亚葡萄酒管理局的数据显 萄园。

威龙集团完成收购后,其名下所有葡萄园 酿造的“威龙”葡萄酒(Grand Dragon) 都将出口至中国。 在西澳州,葡萄酒领域的先驱者无疑是中 国企业家马西波。据报道,2008年马西波 以约3000万澳元的价格成功收购柏兰爵 酒庄(Palandri Wine Group)。

由于柏兰爵庄园邻近卡威温密 (Cowaramup)地区,酒庄被重命名为 三洋酒业。在此次交易中,另一座被购 买的酒庄是法兰克兰酒庄(Frankland River),也被称为伟尔克斯酒庄(Wilkes Vineyard)。 如今三洋公司不仅为当地市场服务,还将 超过一半产量的葡萄酒出口到中国。

2011年,同样邻近法兰克兰河的芬格富 酒庄(Ferngrove Vineyards)被企业家 马兴发所有的天马公司(Pegasus)收购。 天马公司是一家多元化的中国制造和食 品公司。 与柏兰爵酒庄一样,芬格富酒庄在获得杭 州酒业集团(Hangzhou Wine Group) 的资金注入之前,正处在营业损失的水深 火热之中。杭州酒业集团正是马先生所有 的天马公司旗下的一家子公司。 如今,由天马公司100%控股的芬格富酒 庄旗下共有60余家品牌专卖店,分布在中 国各地。 2017年十二月 | DECEMBER 2017




Chinese tourism to underpin 作者 : Dan Wilkie SOME may think it’s convenient the state government is looking to its biggest trading partner to help diversify the Western Australian economy. Others, more cynical types, may describe it as more of an act of desperation. WA Premier Mark McGowan, however, says it simply makes a lot of sense. Speaking exclusively with Australia China Business Review following his first official overseas delegation, Mr McGowan said deepening the state’s economic relationship with China was emerging as one of his government’s top priorities. For the past three decades, the driving force of the WA economy – the resources sector – has been intertwined with China’s growth story. As China has grown from a poverty-stricken nation just 40 years ago to become the world’s second biggest economy, billions of dollars have been invested in WA. A massive portion of the iron ore-laden Pilbara has been exported to China, while in more recent years there has been the emergence of large-scale opportunities for oil and gas exports. But even in that context, Mr McGowan 18


described the relationship between WA and China as somewhat under done. “It’s always just been talking to them about iron ore and oil and gas, and while they are very important, and I would never downplay them, we can do more,” Mr McGowan said. “The relationship is strong, but I want to make it stronger, and particularly to leverage into areas like higher education and tourism to a greater degree. “I want us to be a strong mining and oil and gas state, but I don’t want us only to be that, I want us to be diversified. “The strongest trading relationship we have is with China, and it’s strange to be honest, that while WA has 60 per cent of Australia’s export relationship with China, we only get a very small proportion of tourists and students. “It doesn’t make any sense, why would a tourist or student look to Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane or the Gold Coast, when 60 per cent of the economic relationship is with Western Australia? “We are the same time zone, we are closer, we have some direct flights, we have a more authentic experience, in my view, if you come to WA to study or as a tourist.” There is likely no stronger illustration of the state government’s commitment to grow the WA economy outside of the resources

space than the fact that Mr McGowan’s delegation to China included more than 40 business leaders in the fields of education, science, research and tourism, but not a single mining executive. In education, WA was represented by university vice-chancellors and senior TAFE officials, with a new digital portal launched to promote Perth as a study destination. The website gives prospective Chinese students information about what courses are on offer at WA universities, while also providing the opportunity to contact institutions of higher learning directly to organise enrolment. Tourism delegates included representatives from the state’s top hotels and the newly named Optus Stadium, as well as individual tourism-sector operators. Mr McGowan said he personally met senior party officials, governors, mayors and top businesspeople on the delegation, which included events in Hangzhou and Shanghai. “We also did some very innovative things,” Mr McGowan said. “I launched a photographic exhibition of Western Australia at a huge art gallery in Shanghai. The photos were taken by Madam Yu, who is the wife of a former deputy premier of China.



EXPAND Mark McGowan wants to make WA’s economic relationship with China stronger in tourism and education. Photo: Philip Gostelow 百尺竿头 马克·麦高文州长意欲在旅游业 和教育业方面与中国建立更加强劲有力 的经济合作关系。照片:菲利普·葛斯特罗 (Philip Gostelow)

SHOWCASE Perth’s new face, Elizabeth Quay, provides a fresh branding opportunity. Photo: Tourism WA. 风貌展现 伊丽莎白码头是珀斯新的地标 性建筑,塑造珀斯全新形象。照片:西澳 旅游局


WA’s evolving economy 西澳州政府期望其最大的贸易伙伴能够 伸出援手,协助西澳实现经济多元化发 展。对此,有人或许认为这不失为终南捷 径。 而其他较为愤世嫉俗者则将这一行动划 分为绝望之举。 但西澳州长马克·麦高文(Mark McGowan)表示,采取这样的举动意义 重大。

结束了首次正式海外出访活动后,麦高文 先生接受了澳中商讯的独家专访。他表 示,加深西澳与中国的经济关系已成为州 政府的头等要务。 在过去的三十年间,资源行业不仅推动了 西澳的经济发展,更造就了中国的突飞 猛进。 四十年前,中国仍是一个深受贫穷困扰的 国家。而如今物换星移,中国早已发展成 为世界第二大经济体,在西澳的投资业也 高达数十亿澳元。

绝大部分皮尔巴拉(Pilbara)矿藏的铁矿 石被运往中国。近年来,石油和天然气的 出口行业更是拥有无限商机。 因此,麦高文先生认为西澳和中国的关系 仍然大有可为。

“西澳与中国之间的话题永远围绕着铁 矿石、石油和天然气。当然这些方面的重 要性是毋庸置疑的,我也并不会对此轻 描淡写。但是,西澳能做的绝不是仅此而 已。”麦高文先生提醒到。

“西澳与中国关系非常紧密,且尚有极大 的发展空间。尤其是在高等教育和旅游行 业等领域,西澳与中国的合作关系必能更 进一步。” “我希望西澳州成为矿产,石油以及天然 气的大州,但我并不希望西澳止步于此, 西澳应该要多元化发展。”

“西澳最强劲有力的贸易伙伴就是中国。 但奇怪的是,尽管西澳占据了整个澳大利 亚对中国出口的百分之六十,在旅游业和 留学生方面,我们却只得一斑半点。”

表。这正是州政府承诺致力于向资源行业 以外拓展,多元化发展西澳经济的最佳 佐证。

在教育方面,西澳派出了数位高校副校长 和技术与继续教育(TAFE)方面的高级官 员作为代表,并在新推出的数字门户网站 上将珀斯打造成一个留学最佳选择。 该门户网站为有意前往西澳的中国学生 提供西澳各高校的课程信息,同时协助他 们与高等教育机构直接联系,安排课程注 册等事宜。

旅游行业的代表分别来自西澳的顶级 酒店,新命名的奥都斯体育馆(Optus Stadium),以及旅游业的个体经营者等。 麦高文先生表示此次在杭州和上海的各 项活动中,他亲自会见了中国的党内官 员,地方官员,市长以及顶尖的商业人士。

“中国与西澳的经济联系占据了整个澳 大利亚的百分之六十,可是中国游客和学 生却更青睐悉尼,墨尔本,布里斯班,或黄 金海岸,这实在令人费解。”

“我们尝试了一些非常新颖,创意十足的 事情。”麦高文先生介绍到。

此次出访中国的西澳代表团共有四十余 位来自教育、科学、研究和旅游领域的领 袖人物,但却并没有来自矿产领域的代

“一走进中国最大的艺术馆,映入眼帘的 就是西澳风光的大型展览区——美丽的 照片中呈现着西澳的自然景色,建筑,海 岸线等等。”

“在我看来,西澳对于中国游客或学生而 言优势众多,例如西澳与中国处于同一个 时区,地理位置也更加接近,两地之间有 直飞航班,提供的经验也更加真实可靠。”

“我在上海的一家大型艺术馆开办了一 次西澳摄影展。展出的照片是中国前副总 理夫人余女士拍摄的。”

2017年十二月 | DECEMBER 2017


COVER STORY | 封面故事 MARKETING The premier’s delegation met with representatives from Ctrip, including destination marketing manager Jenna Qian (second from right). Photo: Ctrip 市场营销 西澳州长代表团会见携程公司 代表,其中包括目的地营销部总经理钱 臻女士(Jenna Qian,右二)。照片:携程 公司

“At the biggest art gallery in China, as soon as you walk in there is a huge exhibition of photographs of Western Australia – landscapes, buildings, beaches, and they are beautiful photographs. “This art gallery has tens of thousands of people going through it every week, if not hundreds of thousands.” Mr McGowan said the state government was looking closely at WA’s branding, and how it would use Tourism WA’s new destination marketing budget of $425 million over the next five years. A new, overarching brand for WA will be launched early next year, Mr McGowan said. “New South Wales and Victoria have single brands that they use to sell tourism, education, agriculture and manufacturing,” he said. “We are trying to change that reputation that WA is China’s quarry, but also to leverage that reputation. “If we’re responsible for the iron ore that’s used to build the bridges and the skyscrapers and the manufacturing facilities in China, there should actually be an interest in coming and seeing this place.” Mr McGowan said Tourism WA’s ongoing campaigns in China would scarcely resemble previous marketing efforts, in a nod to the rapidly evolving way Chinese consumers communicate and use the internet. “The way China works these days, it’s not about television, it’s about your iPhone – everyone gets everything from their iPhone,” he said. “WeChat is very important, we’re doing it, and everyone needs to do it to get access to the Chinese market because that’s where the consumers are at. “Once upon a time, when I was tourism minister 12 years ago, it was about what ads 20


you could get on TV. It’s not like that now, it’s your iPhone. “We put a lot of effort into that area, we met with Ctrip, we met with Alibaba; they are two of the fastest-growing companies in the world, cutting edge internet sales and marketing companies that reach into the minds and hearts of hundreds of millions of Chinese people. “We talked about how we can come up with relationships between the two of them and us, and we signed various agreements with them.” The agreement with Ctrip, which is China’s largest online travel platform with more than 300 million registered users, has been in the works for around three years, according to the company’s head of destination marketing, Jenna Qian. Ms Qian, who visited Perth for the first time in December last year, said Ctrip had been working closely with Tourism WA on branding activities, including the ‘Just another day in WA’ campaign, to help promote the destination. “The partnership has been quite long term,” Ms Qian told Australia China Business Review. “On branding, we’ve also worked with airline companies to co-promote the destination. “Qantas is one of our partners, and we also helped WA to design travel products that are best suited for Chinese consumers. “In the future, under the MOU that was signed, I’m hoping we can deepen our partnership with WA.” Signing an official agreement with WA fits in with Ctrip’s overarching strategy of diversifying outside of China into global markets, headlined by its acquisition of popular flight bookings app Skyscanner about 12 months ago. “We have invested in every continent to

date, but we are China based and we will grow with the Chinese traveller’s needs and follow the Chinese traveller’s footprints to go abroad,” Ms Qian said. “That’s something we are keen to do, we want to offer our users the best experience and we also want to act as a bridge between the west and the east, to help western destinations, the outbound destinations, to understand Chinese travellers better, and at the same time to help Chinese visitors to discover more and more great destinations like Perth and WA.” Ms Qian said adding WA to Ctrip’s list of global destinations would facilitate deeper interaction with China’s rapidly evolving outbound travellers, who are increasingly seeking more adventurous and independent experiences abroad. In that regard, she said WA was gradually becoming a new hotspot for Chinese tourists, offering a unique experience that was difficult to replicate in other Australian cities, while also leveraging off its location in the same time zone. “A lot of the younger consumers, people born in the 80s or the 90s, a lot of them are more athletic and consumer interests are getting very diverse,” Ms Qian said. “I think that actually puts WA in a very good spot – Perth and the west coast definitely have a lot to offer. “One is it is very nature based, the animals, particularly the Quokka, are pretty unique. “And also, there are the Pink Lakes, they are something that attracts quite a lot of Chinese. “It’s quite romantic and they are very picturesque – being able to share beautiful pictures on social media is something that’s quite important to consumers in today’s new media era.

封面故事 UNIQUE Hutt Lagoon near Port Gregory is an emerging destination for Chinese tourists. Photo: Tourism WA 独一无二 紧邻格雷戈里港(Port Gregory)的赫特泻湖(Hutt Lagoon) 备受中国游客青睐。照片:西澳旅游局


The way China works these days, it’s not about television, it’s about your iPhone – everyone gets everything from their iPhone – Mark McGowan

如今中国不再依赖于电 视运营发展,人们往往 通过手机获得所需的信 息。——马克·麦高文

“这所艺术馆每周都能吸引多达数十万 人去参观。”

麦高文先生表示,未来五年内州政府将密 切关注西澳的形象推广,以及如何利用西 澳旅游局4.25亿澳元的目的地营销预算。 明年年初西澳将推出一个焕然一新,包罗 万象的形象推广计划,对此麦高文先生不 无期待。

“新南威尔士州(New South Wales)和 维多利亚州(Victoria)都以旅游、教育、 农业和制造业为营销重点。”麦高文先生 说道。 “而以‘中国采矿场’闻名的西澳则需要 在充分利用这一身份的同时,逐渐改变人 们的刻板印象。” “中国很多桥梁、摩天大楼、还有生产设施 都是由西澳供给的铁矿石建造而成的,因 此中国人应该对西澳充满好奇和兴趣。”

麦高文先生指出,中国消费者的交流方式 和使用网络的方法日新月异,因此西澳旅 游局也会对其营销策略进行改进,以开展 接下来在中国持续进行的活动。”

“如今中国不再依赖于电视运营发展,人 们往往通过手机获得所需的信息。”麦高 文先生提到。

“微信应用无疑是至关重要的。我们正在 进入这一领域,事实上所有人都需要通过 微信进入中国市场,因为这正是中国消费 者的所在之地。” “12年前当我还是旅游部部长的时候,营 销的关键在于播放什么样的电视广告。而 现在时过境迁,电视早已被手机取代。”

“我们在这一领域付出了诸多努力,包括 访问携程公司和阿里巴巴公司。这两家公 司都属于世界上发展最快的公司,处于互

联网销售和市场营销领域的前沿,影响着 数以亿计的中国公众。”

“我们商讨如何建立合作关系,并且签署 了各类协议。”

携程公司是中国最大的线上旅游平台,其 注册用户多达3亿余人。据携程公司目的地 营销部总经理钱臻(Jenna Qian)所言,此 次签订的协议已经酝酿了长达三年之久。 钱臻女士于去年12月份首次到访珀斯,她 表示携程公司一直与西澳旅游局密切合 作,策划营销活动。此前的“西澳就是这么 非同凡响” (Just another day in WA) 即是由携程公司协助推广珀斯旅游的营 销活动。

方与东方的桥梁,我们渴望协助西方及所 有海外的旅游目的地更好地了解中国游 客,我们更渴望帮助中国游客发现愈来愈 多的像珀斯和西澳这样的旅游胜地。” 钱女士胸有成竹地表示,把西澳纳入携程 的全球目的地清单将进一步推进公司与 中国出境游旅客的深度互动。如今,飞速 增长的中国出境游旅客对探险类独立体 验的需求日益增加。

钱女士指出,正是因为这方面的原因,西 澳正逐渐成为中国游客的“新宠”。处于同 一时区无疑是一大优势,而独一无二,不 可复制的体验更增添了西澳的魅力。

“携程与西澳的合作是一个长期的项 目。”钱女士告诉澳中商讯(ACBR)。

“很多年轻的80后或90后消费者都更喜 爱运动,消费者的兴趣也愈加多样化。”钱 女士说。

“澳洲航空(Qantas)即是我们的合作伙 伴之一。除此之外我们还协助西澳设计最 适合中国消费者的旅游产品。”

“一方面西澳非常贴近自然。各种动物, 尤其是短尾矮袋鼠十分独特。”

“在品牌化方面,携程还与一些航空公司 协同合作,共同推广目的地。”

“未来,我希望双方能通过已签署的谅解 备忘录(MOU)加深合作关系。”

携程公司目前的中心战略是走出中国市 场,推动多样化发展,从而进入全球市场。 约在12个月前,携程收购备受欢迎的航班 预定应用天巡(Skyscanner),正突出体 现了这一战略。因此与西澳签署正式协议 对于携程公司而言无疑也是大有裨益的。

“迄今为止我们在各大洲都进行了投资, 但由于我们是中国公司,中国游客的需求 会成为我们的主导因素,公司亦会跟随中 国游客的足迹走向海外。”钱女士说道。 “这正是我们所热衷的事情。我们渴望为 用户提供最佳体验,我们渴望成为连接西

“我认为西澳在这方面具有得天独厚的 优势——珀斯和西海岸无疑能为这类游 客提供丰富的体验。”

“另一方面,西澳还有粉红湖这类对中国 游客具有巨大吸引力的特色景观。”

“粉红湖不仅给人一种浪漫的情怀,还尤 为别致,可谓是‘秋水共长天一色’。在当 今的新媒体时代,能够在社交媒体上分享 美丽的照片也是影响消费者的重要因素 之一。” “而且西澳是一个生活悠闲的地方,非常 适合想要享受悠闲假期的家庭。”

钱女士不无遗憾地表示,想要增加前往西 澳的中国游客,最大的障碍是航班。现在 珀斯,中国和香港之间仅有两趟直飞航 班,分别由中国南方航空公司和国泰航空 公司提供。 2017年十二月 | DECEMBER 2017



ADVENTURE WA’s pristine coast provides opportunities to tap into the changing behaviour of Chinese tourists. Photo: Tourism WA 探险之旅 中国游客的旅游习惯逐渐改变, 西澳的原始海岸风貌适逢其时,展现出独 特魅力。照片:西澳旅游局 “And WA is a very laid-back region; it can be quite good for family getaways.” Ms Qian said the biggest barrier to growing visitation to WA by Chinese tourists was its airline connections, with just two airlines offering direct flights between Perth and China and Hong Kong – China Southern Airlines and Cathay Pacific. Mr McGowan met with officials from China Eastern Airlines on his China visit, securing a commitment from Asia’s second largest airline that it would trial direct flights between Shanghai and Perth by as early as October next year. WA Tourism Minister Paul Papalia also met with China Southern while in China, with meetings focused on increasing the airline’s Perth-Guangzhou service from five days per week to seven. “One thing that is critical for any area’s development is flight routes,” Ms Qian said. “If there are no flight routes, that will naturally put any destination into more of a lessknown spot. “I know WA is working very actively in that space, the Shanghai area is probably the number one source market in China for Australia, and it is also a more mature market in terms of consumer behaviour. “If consumers will be able to get direct flight services to WA, that will generate a huge boost for the region’s development.” Alipay Australia and New Zealand country manager George Lawson said Alibaba Group also saw massive potential in the opportunity to increase Chinese visitation to WA. Mr McGowan met with Alibaba Group’s Australia and New Zealand managing direc22


tor Maggie Zhou on the delegation, to discuss how WA could tap into the 549 million monthly users on the company’s retail marketplaces. “The Chinese tourism market is an incredible opportunity for WA,” Mr Lawson said. “Over the next year we expect to welcome roughly 1.5 million Chinese visitors to Australia, and by 2026, this number is expected to be in excess of 3 million. “However, as it stands, Chinese visitors are opting to visit Sydney, Melbourne and the Gold Coast, and aren’t necessarily thinking about WA as their preferred travel destination. “WA attracts just 3.7 per cent of Chinese visitation to Australia and only 6 per cent of Chinese students studying in Australia choose to attend Western Australian universities. “This should be seen as an opportunity – WA has so much to offer Chinese visitors from its world-class eateries to breathtaking natural scenery and one-of-a-kind beaches.” Mr Lawson said the next step would be to promote that offer better, through partnerships like that which was signed with Alibaba. He said one strategy that would give WA a comparative advantage would be to encourage local businesses to adopt payment platforms preferred by Chinese, including Union Pay, WeChat Pay and Alibaba’s Alipay. “For Australian businesses, particularly airports, tourism operators, hotels and restaurants, accepting Alipay removes friction at the point of sale and opens a sophisticated marketing channel,” Mr Lawson said.

“With Alipay, WA businesses can engage with customers before, during and after their visit through promotions and discounts. “If WA were able to use Alipay to encourage every Chinese visitor to stay for one additional night, the economic impact would be tremendous. “Every time a Chinese person travelling to Australia opens their Alipay app, they should see dozens of WA businesses promoting their offer. “When we get to that point, I have no doubt the state’s visitor numbers will surge.” Mr Lawson said while Mr McGowan’s trip to China was an important platform to sell the state, the government and the tourism sector needed to realise that engagement with China was more about leveraging the opportunities that were there than overcoming challenges. “However, it is very much up to local businesses to embrace the China opportunity and capitalise on it,” he said. “WA should be thinking about how it markets the entire state to ensure every Chinese visitor builds a trip to the west into their itineraries. “A great example of this being done effectively is Christchurch Airport’s promotion of the South Island of New Zealand. “They understand that if they can sell the experience and products on offer from the entire region, they will have more Chinese visitors touching down on their runways every year. “They have helped band together thousands of small businesses and are experiencing tremendous growth on the back of that.”


此次访华过程中,麦高文先生会见了中国 东方航空公司的高层,并得到这家亚洲第 二大航空公司的承诺,上海与珀斯之间 的直飞航班很可能将于明年10月份开始 试航。 西澳旅游部长保罗·帕帕利亚(Paul Papalia)亦同中国南方航空公司进行了 协商,希望将珀斯-广州的航班从每周五 班增加到每周七班。

“航线对任何地区的发展都是至关重要 的,”钱女士指出, “没有航线到达的地 区自然而然会成为一个鲜为人知的目的 地。”

“据我了解,西澳在这一方面采取了十分 积极的措施。对澳大利亚而言,上海地区 可能是中国的第一客源市场,同时也是在 消费者行为方面较为成熟的市场。” “如果消费者能够享受到直飞西澳的航 班,这无疑会是推动西澳地区发展的强劲 驱动力。” 乔治·劳森(George Lawson)是负责澳 大利亚和新西兰地区支付宝业务的总经 理,据他透露,阿里巴巴集团同样看到了 西澳吸引中国游客的巨大潜力。

麦高文先生在此次出访还会见了阿 里巴巴集团澳新公司董事总经理周岚 (Maggie Zhou),共同商讨西澳如何利 用阿里集团在零售市场的5.49亿月用户。

“中国的旅游市场为西澳提供了一个绝 佳的机会。”劳森先生指出。

“明年前往澳大利亚的中国游客数量有 望达到150万,而到2026年,这一数字预 计将超过300万。”

“但是以目前的情况而言,中国游客更偏 爱悉尼,墨尔本和黄金海岸,而并不一定 会选择西澳作为旅游地点。”

“澳大利亚的中国游客中仅有3.7%选择 西澳作为目的地,而在全澳留学的中国学 生只有6%选择了西澳的大学。” “我们应该从中看到机会——西澳其实 拥有丰富的款待之道,从世界一流的餐 厅,到引人入胜的自然美景,还有独一无 二的海滩,无一不是吸引中国游客的优 势 。”

劳森先生充满希冀的表示,下一步就是经 由像阿里巴巴这样的合作伙伴,更好地推 广西澳的佳肴美景。 劳森先生还指出,西澳也可以采取一些措 施来建立相对优势,即鼓励当地企业采用 中国人习惯使用的支付平台,如银联,微 信支付,以及阿里巴巴的支付宝等。

“对于澳洲企业而言,尤其是机场,旅游 业经营者,酒店和餐厅,接纳支付宝平台 不仅能减少销售过程中的摩擦,还能开 启一种久经历练的市场渠道。”劳森先生 说道。


“如果我们能够做到这一点,西澳的游客 数量将突飞猛涨。”

劳森先生还指出,一方面麦高文先生访华 无疑是推广西澳的重要渠道,另一方面政 府和旅游部门也应该意识到,增强与中国 的互动不止关乎于怎样克服挑战,更重要 的是要善于利用现有的机会。

“但是这一切在很大程度上都取决于当 地企业,取决于他们能否抓住并充分利用 中国提供的机会。” “西澳应当考虑的问题是如何对整个西 澳州进行营销,确保每一位中国游客都将 西澳纳入他们的旅行计划中。” “新西兰南岛的克莱斯特彻奇 (Christchurch)机场在这一方面就做 出了良好的示范。”

“他们知道如果能向客户出售整个地区的 体验和产品,就会吸引更多的中国游客。” “因此他们协助数千家小企业联合起来, 从而实现了飞速发展。”

“通过支付宝的促销打折活动,西澳企业 能够在各个阶段与顾客交互,从顾客出发 之前,到抵达西澳,甚至结束旅行离开西 澳之后都能有全方位的交流。” “如果西澳能够通过使用支付宝让每一 位中国游客的旅程延长一晚,这将对西澳 经济带来巨大的影响。” “每当前往澳大利亚的中国游客打开支 付宝,琳琅满目的西澳企业推广信息就应 该出现在他们眼前。”

IN DEMAND Mark McGowan’s delegation was widely reported by Chinese media. 喜闻乐见 马克·麦高文州长代表团访华, 受到中国媒体的广泛报道。 2017年十二月 | DECEMBER 2017


NEWS | 新闻

WA to be part of China’s football phenomenon


It makes sense for WA football to be engaging with the Asian region and particularly with China – James Curtis 与亚洲国家特别是中国携 手并进有利于西澳州足球 的发展—詹姆斯·柯蒂斯 (James Curtis)

EXCHANGE WA’s best under-16 footballers played against China at the Jinshan International Youth Tournament in Shanghai in July. Photo: Football West 活动交流 在今年七月举行的上海金 山国际青少年(16岁以下)足球邀请 赛中,西澳州精英联队与中国队交锋。 照片来源:西部足协



新闻 本刊记者 : Staff reporter

WESTERN Australia’s top football agency is exploring expanding its Asian engagement strategy to include a development academy for Chinese youth players, to tap into a groundswell of Chinese interest and investment in the world game. Over the past two years, top-flight clubs in the Chinese Super League have been collecting some of the world’s best players, with international football superstars Jackson Martinez, Ramires, Oscar and Alex Teixeira among those lured to China. Australian national players Tim Cahill and Trent Sainsbury have also spent time in China’s top league, which is steadily rising not only in popularity, but also in stature. Chinese groups have also invested billions of dollars in European clubs in recent times, with AC Milan and Manchester City among the high-profile organisations with significant levels of Chinese ownership. Increased interest in the sport in China originates from a mandate by President Xi Jinping, who is determined to develop the country into a football superpower – with an ambitious target of winning the 2050 World Cup. Football West chief executive James Curtis said there was a significant opportunity for WA’s football community to participate in China’s football revolution. Mr Curtis said Football West was seeking to establish an exchange program, involving sending players, coaches and referees to China, as well as fostering an environment for Chinese players to develop their skills in Perth. “What we’ve seen, particularly in China, there has been a lot of investment in the top, elite end, but it hasn’t necessarily trickled through to the development programs at a club level,” Mr Curtis told Australia China Business Review. “When you start looking at Australia’s success on the world stage, we’ve got a small population, yet we’ve now qualified for four world cups in a row, so we must be doing something right on our development pathways. “The focus of our strategy would be on the youth component and having that exchange. “There are plenty of places in the world where players can go, this is a place where you could have a long-term exchange program. “Perth makes sense – you’ve got nice weather, good culture, there is a good structure in place, so I think it will be very successful. “Chinese athletes could live in Perth, some of our players could be sent up there and it would be an overall cultural experience.” Mr Curtis said Football West’s plans, which are in the early planning stage and have been developed in collaboration with EY, reflected some of the broader initiatives in place in WA, with businesses from all sectors seeking deeper engagement with China. WA has a long history of football collaboration with China, beginning back in 1927 when the state’s top players played three matches against China’s best. Earlier this year, Football West sent a delegation to Shanghai for the Jinshan International Youth Football Tournament, where the WA under-16 youth team played. Mr Curtis said Football West was considering reducing the amount of funds it used to send teams to tournaments in the eastern states and redistributing towards the Asian region. Each year, Football West sends 21 state sides from junior to senior levels to various tournaments on the east coast. “We will also be looking at corporate partnerships and support from government to be able to really maximise these opportunities,” he said. “Given our time zone and given the economy associated with it, it makes sense for WA football to be engaging with the Asian region and particularly with China. “If we have an exchange where clubs are investing time, their players and their officials, if there is another pathway for them within a growing football economy, then it would make a lot of sense.”


现代足球这项世界性运动早已在中国如火如荼地开展。西澳州顶 尖的足球推广机构正积极探索扩展其亚洲版图,力图通过建立中 国青少年足球发展研究院等举措,在中国足球的发展和投资热潮 中取得一席之地。 在过去两年中,几家中超顶级俱乐部吸引了多名世界顶尖球员加 盟,其中包括杰克逊·马丁内斯、拉米雷斯、奥斯卡、阿莱士·特谢 拉等国际足球巨星。 作为中国顶级足球联赛,中超联赛的影响力和知名度都在不断提 升,澳大利亚国脚蒂姆·卡希尔、特伦特·塞恩斯伯里也曾在中超 效力。 除此之外,中国财团近年来已向欧洲俱乐部投入数十亿美元,包 括成为了AC米兰、曼城等知名俱乐部的大股东。

足球运动在中国的蓬勃发展,与习近平主席的殷切关怀密不可 分,他提出要将中国发展为足球强国,以夺取2050年世界杯冠军 为目标。 西部足球执行总裁詹姆斯·柯蒂斯表示,西澳州足球界应抓住宝 贵的机遇,积极参与中国的足球改革进程。

柯蒂斯先生表示,西部足协正在筹备一项交流计划,内容包括向 中国输送球员、教练和裁判,并在珀斯为中国球员建立训练基地。 柯蒂斯先生向澳中商讯表示: “我们发现现有的投资主要集中在 顶层精英足球,而对俱乐部层面的发展计划则投入不足,这种情 况在中国尤为明显。”

“像澳大利亚这样的人口小国能连续四届打入世界杯决赛阶段, 在世界舞台上取得成功,我们的发展路线一定有值得借鉴的地方。 “我们的发展策略将以青少年足球为重心,包括开展各类交流 活动。

“虽然球员也可以选择去世界很多其它地方交流,但我们提供的 可是一项长期交流计划。

“珀斯气候宜人,文化氛围好,基建设施非常完善,可以为这项计 划的成功提供完美条件。 “中国球员完全可以在珀斯生活,我们也可以把自己的球员送到 中国去,这样可以让球员有不同的文化体验。”

柯蒂斯先生表示,上述计划由西部足协与安永会计师事务所合作 开展,目前仍处在初期筹备阶段,它也是更广层面的西澳州发展 倡议的一部分,该倡议号召西澳州各行业企业与中国建立更为紧 密的联系。 西澳州与中国足球的合作源远流长。早在1927年,该州就曾组织 最优秀的球员与中国顶级球员进行过三场比赛。

今年早些时候,西部足协派出代表团前往上海参加金山国际青少 年(16岁以下)足球邀请赛,西澳州青年队也参加了本次比赛。 柯蒂斯先生透露,西部足协正考虑削减其派队参加澳大利亚东部 各州比赛的经费,同时加大在亚洲地区的经费投入。 西部足协每年派出21支不同级别的州级代表队参加澳大利亚东 海岸地区的各项赛事。 他还表示: “我们还将积极寻求企业合作和政府支持,从而最大 程度地利用这些发展机遇。”

“西澳州与亚洲国家有着时区和经济联系上的天然优势,因此与 亚洲国家特别是中国携手并进有利于西澳州足球的发展。” “如果我们能开展一项交流计划,让俱乐部投入更多的时间精 力、球员以及工作人员,让他们都能参与到中国足球蓬勃发展的 进程中,那它所具有的意义非同凡响。”

2017年十二月 | DECEMBER 2017



Chinese students opt for tech, liberal arts 本刊记者 : Staff reporter

CHINESE students studying at international universities are increasingly enrolling in technology and liberal arts-related pursuits, eschewing traditionally popular courses such as medicine and law. The trend has been observed by consultancy group Crimson Education, which helps to facilitate enrolment at the most prestigious universities for students located around the world. Crimson Education was established in New Zealand in 2013 and operates in 15 countries. The company was initially set up to establish an easier pathway for international students to get into top universities, including Harvard, Yale and Oxford University, but has 26


since expanded to provide academic support services, leadership development and extracurricular training. Crimson Education chief financial officer and academic adviser Fangzhou Jiang said the company had a database of thousands of Chinese students who had enrolled in top universities, as well as a big list of young Chinese professionals and mentors. Ambitions to study abroad continue to grow in China, with the numbers of students seeking an international education showing no signs of abating. According to China’s Ministry of Education, more than 544,000 Chinese studied abroad in 2016, more than triple the 179,800 who were enrolled in foreign schools in 2008. Forecasts have predicted the numbers of Chinese studying abroad to peak at between

700,000 and 800,000 in the next five years. Mr Jiang, who was an international student himself, having obtained his high school qualifications in New Zealand and his tertiary education in Australia, said Chinese students had traditionally sought out blue chip courses like medicine and law, but in 2017, that behaviour was starting to change. “When Chinese students choose their courses, they are hugely influenced by their parents, who are actually in China or they are new immigrants to somewhere like Australia,” Mr Jiang said. “But because of the global rise in dominance of technology, especially firms like Tencent and Alibaba in China, that has made Chinese parents realise that tech is a good skillset to acquire. “It’s relatively easy to get jobs now in the IT


中国留学生的新方向— 科技与人文学科 进入海外高等学府深造的中国留学生逐 渐地进入到科技类或人文学科领域,而非 传统只关注热门的医学和法律学科。 深红教育机构观察到这一趋势,并将更好 地帮助世界各地的学生进入最具声望的 高等学府。

深红教育机构于2013年在新西兰成立,现 于15个国家开展业务。 公司设立的最初目的是为国际学生进入 哈佛、耶鲁和牛津等一流大学建立一条更 加便捷的途径,随着不断扩展,目前提供 包括学术支援服务、领导力拓展培训及课 外培训班等多项业务。 深红教育机构首席财务官兼学术顾问姜 方洲表示,公司数据库包含数千名入读一 流大学的中国学生、以及一大批年轻的中


据中国教育部统计,2016年海外留学人员 超过54.4万人,比2008年被海外高校录取 的17.98万人,增加了三倍以上。 预测未来五年中国留学人数将达到70到 80万之间。

姜先生自己也曾是一名国际学生,他在新 西兰获得高中学历,并在澳大利亚接受高 等教育。他说,中国学生原本一直追寻医 药和法律这样的蓝筹学科,但在2017年, 他们的行为已经有所改变。 姜先生说: “中国学生选择课程的时候,受 父母的影响非常大,而他们的父母实际上 仍在中国,或刚刚移民到澳洲,可以说对 本土教育了解并不全面。”



LEARNING Crimson Education says Chinese students are delving into increasingly diverse university courses. 广师求益 深红教育机构(Crimson Education)表示,中国学生对大学课程的 选择正日益多样化。

提高,特别是有了腾讯和阿里巴巴这样的 中国巨头,使中国的父母意识到(计算机) 科技技能在未来发展中至关重要。

“现在在IT行业找工作比较容易,该行业 对劳动力市场需求极大。

“我们看到许多学生的兴趣从传统的医 学或法律转向计算机科学或信息技术。”

“10年前的中国家长常常对子女说‘你 必须做某职业,实在不行你也得做某某职 业,不然你根本找不到工作,全家人的脸 都被你丢光了’。” “现在时过境迁,越来越多的父母开始允 许并鼓励他们的孩子有更多的选择。” 姜先生说,深红教育机构还观察到目前 人们对美国名校文科专业的了解也日益 加深。 2017年十二月 | DECEMBER 2017


EDUCATION | 教育 EXPLORING Delegates at Crimson Education’s Harvard-Yale model UN tour held earlier this year are an illustration of the high interest from Chinese students to explore US styles of education. Photo: Crimson Education 探渊索珠 今年早些时候举行的深红教 育哈佛 - 耶鲁模拟联合国之旅,显示出 中国学生对体验美式教育的高度兴趣。 照片来源:深红教育

industry, it’s demanding a lot of new labour into the workforce. “We’ve seen a lot of students shifting from traditional pursuits like medicine or law into computer science or IT. “In China, 10 years ago it was ‘you must do x, or you have to do y, otherwise you will bring shame to the family and you won’t be able to get a job’. “Now it has shifted a little bit, more and more parents are starting to allow their children to have more options.” Mr Jiang said the other emerging phenomena Crimson Education had observed was increased understanding about the liberal arts approach to education prevalent at American universities. American universities have long been popular for Chinese students, with data indicating around 40 per cent of the international 28


students enrolled in the United States are from China. In US universities, students are exposed to a broad range of subjects as well as their selected course, to ensure a more rounded and balanced education is achieved and to build core skills and competencies. “This is quite attractive to Chinese students for a few reasons,” Mr Jiang said. “Number one, it gives people more flexibility. More and more students are realising that in high school, they are not really in the best position to make a call on what to do for the rest of their lives. “A lot of law students and medical students now realise two or three years into their study that they actually hate it – they chose to study it before not because they knew everything about it and wanted to pursue it, but rather it was just what their peers were doing.

“Nowadays more people are realising that they want flexibility and they want to know more about that industry and career options before they make a final choice.” Mr Jiang said the other driving factor for the increased take-up of the liberal arts approach by Chinese students was that employers were increasingly seeking more rounded graduates. “Employers are no longer choosing people who just have a certain knowledge or come from a certain area,” he said. “For example, top tier investment banks, or consulting firms or engineering firms, their recruits and graduates come from varied backgrounds, because they want fast learners. “As a result, holistic learning and liberal arts education gives students a good advantage, which is why a lot of Chinese students are seeking it out.”



We’ve seen a lot of students shifting from traditional pursuits like medicine or law into computer science or IT – Fangzhou Jiang

我们看到许多学生的兴趣从传统的医学或法律转 向计算机科学或信息技术 – 姜方洲

美国的名校早已在中国学生群中广受欢 迎,数据显示美国大约有40%的国际留学 生来自中国。 在美国的名校中,学生在他们所选课程之 外还可以充分接触到各类学科,以确保更 全面和平衡的教育模式,更培养了学生们 的核心技能和能力。 姜先生说: “这对中国学生来说太有吸引 力了。

“第一,它给人们更多的灵活性。越来越 多的学生意识到,原来高中并不是做出人 生未来方向的最好时机。” “很多法学院和医学院的学生在入学两 三年后发觉自己实际上很厌恶自己的学 科——他们当初之所以选择该学科,并非 因为有多了解它本身,而是因为他们的同 学都选了它。”

“现在人们逐渐意识到未来更需要高度 灵活性的发展,他们非常希望能在做出最 终抉择之前,更多更全面地了解到所选行 业和职业的背景。” 姜先生说,众多中国学生选择人文学科的 另一个驱动因素是,现在雇主对那些面面 俱到的毕业生的需求也日益增长。 他说: “雇主不再选择只具有某些知识或 来自某个领域的人才。”

ADVANTAGE Fangzhou Jiang says the flexibility and diversity of holistic education has become a strong lure for Chinese students. Photo: Crimson Education 得天独厚 姜方洲表示,整体教育的灵活性 与多样性对中国学生非常有诱惑力。照片 来源:深红教育

“例如,顶级投资银行,咨询公司或工程 公司,他们招聘的实习生和应届生应具备 非常广泛的背景,因为他们迫切需要具有 快速学习能力的人才。” “因此,那些学习深而广和从事人文学科 的学生具有毋庸置疑的优势,这就是为什 么众多中国学生都在寻找和渴望拥有接 受这类教育的机会。”

2017年十二月 | DECEMBER 2017



为澳大利亚零售商量 身定制的电商蓝图 E-commerce blueprint for Aussie retailers 作者 : Dan Wilkie




AUSTRALIAN retailers bracing for the onslaught of Amazon Prime need only look north to discover tactics to overcome digital disruption in the retail sector. Retailers and shopping centre owners across Australia are gearing up to deal with Amazon’s entrance into the local market, which finally occurred in early December after months of anticipation. The entrance of the US-based e-commerce giant drew howls of protest from a wide range of Australian retailers, prompting Australian Competition and Consumer Commission boss Rod Sims to tell delegates at a recent economic conference that complaints would be ignored, because Amazon Australia will be “good for consumers”. Amazon’s Australian launch coincides with the largest retail development boom in Western Australian history, with more than $5 billion being spent by Perth’s largest shopping centre owners to upgrade malls around the city. A common factor in the redevelopments is a focus on experiences and entertainment, highlighted by new food and beverage precincts being created to provide shoppers with something they cannot get online.

澳大利亚零售商正充分准备,以应对亚马 逊金牌服务所带来的冲击,其实它们不如 将目光投向澳洲已北的中国,学习新策略 来面对零售业的数字化颠覆。 澳大利亚各地的零售商和购物中心拥有 者正摩拳擦掌,迎接亚马逊进军当地市 场,而亚马逊的入驻时间已正式确定为今 年12月初。 这家总部位于美国的电商巨头的进驻引 起了澳大利亚零售商的群起攻之,大批本 地零售商的抗议声不绝于耳。在最近一次 经济会议上,澳大利亚竞争与消费者委员 会主席罗德·西姆斯(Rod Sims)向代表 会表示,委员会将不会重点考虑零售商的 抗议,因为亚马逊进军澳大利亚“对消费 者有益”。 亚马逊此次入驻,恰逢澳大利亚西部史上 零售业的发展热潮,珀斯最大的购物中心 业主斥资50亿美元对城市周围的商场升 级改造。


HIGH-TECH Daniel Zhang says Alibaba will continue to push technology-based retail initiatives. Photo: 科技为先 张勇(Daniel Zhang,阿里巴巴首 席执行官)称阿里巴巴将继续以技术推动零 售活动 。照片来源

OPTIONS Consumers such as these Shanghai shoppers have myriad innovative ways to experience China’s online and offline retail sectors. Photo: Hanny Naibaho 选择多样 中国零售行业为顾客提供线上线 下全方位购物体验,购物方式五花八门,新 颖独特。图中为上海顾客。照片来源: Hanny Naibaho

升级改造的重点落在了客户体验和消遣 娱乐方面,重点突出了食品和饮料购物新 区,提供顾客无法在网上获取的商品与 服务。

2017年十二月 | DECEMBER 2017



We believe the future of new retail will be a harmonious integration of online and offline – Daniel Zhang “我们相信,在未来的零售新业态将实现线上、 线下的完美融合。 ”——张勇

The trend of development away from simply providing retailers space to showcase their wares and providing something extra for shoppers has long been prevalent in China, where retail landlords have had to rethink their strategies in the wake of the country’s e-commerce phenomenon. China’s e-commerce market is easily the largest in the world, with the country’s biggest online shopping day, Alibaba Group’s 11.11 Global Shopping Festival, or ‘Singles’ Day’, resulting in more than $US25 billion ($32.9 billion) worth of transactions on November 11. By contrast, American shoppers spent $US5 billion ($6.59) in 24 hours on Black Friday 2017, the largest online shopping event in western markets. The total value of mobile payments in China in 2016 was $US790 billion ($1.04 trillion), 11 times that of the United States, according to research by the McKinsey Global Institute. Against that backdrop, Chinese retailers, as well as global brands, are increasingly embracing online platforms to complement bricks and mortar stores, across all sectors of retail. Fashion retailers Burberry and Zara have landed on Alibaba Group’s Tmall in recent years, while other brands, including US department store giant Macy’s, operate Tmall



stores despite not having a physical presence in China, according to research by commercial real estate group Savills. Retail landlords in China were also increasingly welcoming retailers that could bring fresh elements to their properties, Savills research director James Macdonald said. “Fashion and accessory tenants, historically the largest occupiers and main revenue generators in a mall, are losing store space to other tenants, particularly food and beverage and leisure tenants,” Mr Macdonald said. “Technology has helped, rather than hindered, sales figures from these emerging tenant groups. “F&B retailers have improved their takeout business through convenient online ordering and delivery services, while leisure and entertainment operators have used mobile ticket purchasing apps to increase sales. “Large space entertainment venues have also used online platforms to attract a younger demographic to their sports club, dance studios and handicraft classes.” Alibaba has demonstrated that e-commerce can work hand-in-hand with bricks and mortar retail, most clearly evident through its Hema Xiansheng supermarket brand. At Alibaba’s Hema supermarkets, the company’s Alipay mobile payment system is the only payment method available in the stores, creating a seamless blend of the online and offline shopping experience and removing the need for checkout staff. Shoppers can also order online from Hema supermarkets, instead of visiting one of the 13 outlets which have opened since 2015. In September, Alibaba announced partnerships with Sanjiang Shopping Club and Xingli Department Store to launch new stores in Hangzhou and Guiyuang.

Alibaba also has its Tao Café, a cashier-less café in Hangzhou, while rival e-commerce giant announced in August it would develop its own unmanned convenience stores. Suning Commerce Group, a Fortune Global 500 company, is another that has embraced unmanned or automated stores. Suning opened cashier-less stores in Shanghai and Nanjing this year, while it announced early last month it would open three more outlets in Beijing, Chongqing and Xuzhou. To enter the stores, customers must link their bank details with a Suning Finance app, while they gain entrance to the store by being scanned by facial recognition software. To check out, shoppers walk through a payment pathway with their goods, with the system automatically recognising their purchases with RFID technology, reducing the checkout process to less than 15 seconds. The advantage of integrating a bricks and mortar store with mobile payment systems is that groups like Alibaba and can enhance the user experience through logging purchases and identifying consumers’ preferences. In July, while touring one of the Hema supermarkets, Alibaba Group chief executive Daniel Zhang said the company’s goal was not to gain more market share of the 15 per cent of total Chinese retail that e-commerce makes up, but rather to digitally transform the remaining 85 per cent of the market. “We believe the future of new retail will be a harmonious integration of online and offline, and Hema is a prime example of this evolution that’s taking place,” Mr Zhang said. “Hema is a showcase of the new business opportunities that emerge from online-offline integration.”



EASY Suning Commerce Group’s payment pathways facilitate checkout within 15 seconds. 支付便捷 苏宁集团的付款方式让顾客在 15秒内完成结帐。

只是简单地为零售商提供展示商品的场 地,零售商也只是毫无技术含量地提供额 外的商品或服务,这种模式在中国早已是 过时黄花了。电商在中国兴起以后,所有 零售业主必须重新考虑未来发展战略。 毫无疑问,中国拥有世界上最大的电商市 场。11月11日俗称“光棍节”,也是阿里巴 巴集团的全球双十一购物节,当日成交量 便超过250亿美元(329亿澳元)。

相比之下,在黑色星期五当日,美国消费者 贡献的销售额只有50亿美元(65.9亿澳元)。

据麦肯锡全球研究院的研究显示,2016 年中国移动支付交易额高达7900亿美元 (1.04万亿澳元),是美国的11倍。 大势所趋,于是在零售业各项业务中,中 国零售商和全球品牌逐渐使用电商平台 配合实体店的经营。

据第一太平戴维斯集团(Savills)的研究 表明,时装零售商巴宝莉(Burberry)和 Zara早在前几年便入驻阿里集团的天猫 平台,而包括梅西百货(Macy’s)在内的 其他品牌即便尚未在中国开设实体店,也 迅速在运营天猫店铺。 第一太平戴维斯集团研究部主管詹姆斯· 麦克唐纳(James Macdonald)称,中国 的零售业主也越发青睐能为其地产注入 新活力的零售商。

麦克唐纳表示: “时装和配饰类租户以前 是商场的主要收入来源,占据商场最多的 面积,而现在,其他租户,特别是餐饮和休 闲业的租户开始大面积租用商场。”

“技术并没有阻碍发展,相反还促进了这 批新兴租户的销售业绩。”

“餐饮零售商通过便捷的网上下单和配 送服务提升外卖业务,而休闲娱乐业的运 营商则用手机购票软件提高销量。” “大型娱乐场所也利用网络平台吸引更 为年轻的群体加入旗下的体育俱乐部、舞 蹈工作室和手工艺培训班。” 电子商务可与实体零售携手并进,阿里巴 巴通过“盒马鲜生”超市很好地证明了这 一点。

在盒马鲜生超市,唯一可用的支付方式是 阿里巴巴的支付宝手机支付平台,顾客可 享受线上线下无缝融合的购物体验,无需 收银员在场。 自2015年以来,阿里集团共开设13家盒 马超市。顾客可在线下单,无需到实体店 购买。

今年9月,阿里巴巴宣布与三江购物俱乐 部和星力百货合作,在杭州和贵阳设立新 的门店。 阿里巴巴在杭州还设有无人零售概念店

淘咖啡,而其竞争对手京东宣布在8月着 手开设无人便利店。

全球财富500强企业苏宁集团是另一家拥 有无人或自动化商店的公司。 今年,苏宁集团在上海和南京开设了无人 商店。上个月初,苏宁宣布将在北京、重庆 和徐州开设三家分店。 顾客必须用苏宁金融软件绑定银行卡,通 过面部识别软件扫描后才能进店。

结账时,顾客需带着商品通过支付通道, 此时系统通过射频识别(RFID)技术自动 识别所购商品,结账时间不到15秒。

将实体店和移动支付系统相结合的好处 是,通过记录购买信息,了解消费者偏好, 阿里巴巴和京东等集团可提升用户体验。 今年7月份,阿里巴巴集团首席执行官张 勇在逛盒马生鲜超市时表示,中国电商的 市场份额已达整个零售业的15%,阿里的 目的不是从中获取更多市场份额,而是在 剩下85%的市场进行数字转型。 张勇表示: “我们相信,在未来的零售新业 态将实现线上、线下的完美融合,业态演 变早已发生,盒马超市将成为这一演变中 最佳的运营模式。”

“盒马超市展现了线上线下完美结合所 带来的商业新契机。”

2017年十二月 | DECEMBER 2017




China sets pace with green property 作者 : Dan Wilkie CHINA has become a global leader in the development of environmentally sustainable buildings, trailing only the United States in the number of buildings certified to be green projects under the planet’s most widely used rating system. China’s 13th Five-Year Plan included a mandate for green building development, requiring at least 50 per cent of all newly constructed buildings between 2016 and 2020 to be green building certified. The plan also set a target of 2 billion square metres of new green space to be built between 2016 and 2020. At the end of 2016, there were more than 520 million square metres of building space in China considered to be green, across 336 cities. A research report by global commercial real estate agency CBRE showed landlords in China have increasingly embraced the Leadership in Energy and Environment Design (LEED) standard, which was developed by the US Green Building Council. The LEED certification assesses a building 34


on its energy and water use, the materials it is constructed out of and its waste management facilities. Since 2015, the total amount of LEED certified space in China had increased by 135 per cent, CBRE said, making it the largest market outside of the United States. More than 80 per cent of LEED certified space in China is commercial space, comprising office buildings or retail developments. The increase in LEED-certified space is highly correlated to the influx of new office supply in tier one and tier two cities. CBRE data shows that more than 17 million sqm of new commercial space was developed across 17 major Chinese cities between 2015 and 2017, 1.6 times more than the new supply that was developed from 2010 to 2014. “Highly competitive market conditions, along with an increased sense of corporate responsibility, has led to the LEED certification becoming a competitive differentiator to attract tenants,” the CBRE report said. Beijing, Shanghai and Chongqing lead China in LEED certification, with Beijing the first Chinese city to accumulate more than 10 million square metres of certified space.

根据全球顶级评级体系,中国在绿色建筑 开发领域已走在世界前列,其绿色建筑数 量仅次于美国。 中国在“十三五”规划中对绿色建筑开发 做出规定,要求2016年至2020年新建建 筑中绿色建筑面积比重超过50%。 规划同时设定目标,计划从2016年至 2020年新建绿色建筑20亿平方米。

截至2016年底,中国336座城市中绿色建 筑总面积已超过5.2亿平方米。

根据全球商业地产服务机构世邦魏理仕 的报告显示,中国房地产开发商已日渐接 受由美国绿色建筑协会制定的领先能源 与环境设计(LEED)标准。 LEED认证的评估指标包括建筑节能、水 资源利用、建筑材料以及废物管理设施 等。

世邦魏理仕称,自2015年至今,中国通过 LEED认证的建筑总面积增长了135%, 跻身美国之外最大的绿色建筑市场。

中国的LEED认证建筑中八成以上为商业 建筑,如办公楼和零售开发项目等。



GOING UP The amount of certified green building space in Chongqing has increased by 10 per cent since 2014. Photo: Dominik Vanyi 自2014年至今,在重庆经认证的绿色建筑 面积增长了10%。照片来源:多米尼克·范伊 (Dominik Vanyi)

Major developers which have become leaders in sustainable development in recent years include SOHO China, Excellence Group, Sino Ocean Group and Ping An. CBRE’s research showed landlords in China that achieved LEED certification attracted a 25 per cent rental premium compared with general buildings, while also achieving higher occupancy rates. Average occupancy rates over the past four quarters of buildings with LEED certification was 81.7 per cent, CBRE said, 1.5 per cent higher than that of traditional offices. Occupancy of LEED platinum developments – the highest level of certification – was 10 per cent higher than traditional offices. The sustainable development trend also has marked effects on employee well-being, with 92 per cent of respondents to a CBRE survey reporting their new space created a positive effect on health, and 94 per cent reporting increased business performance. Further growth in sustainable development in China is expected in coming years, driven largely by ‘green finance’ principles, part of the country’s economic restructuring strategy. Last year, China issued its first green bonds, with that market rapidly growing to $US36.2 billion by the end of 2016, according to the China Green Bond Market Report. However, most of those green bonds have been invested in renewable energy and transport, leaving considerable upside for the real estate sector. Chinese domestic developer Longfor Properties is seeking to alter that trend, after issuing two batches of green bonds in the first quarter of 2017 to finance green building projects in Chonqing and Shanghai. “As the government continues to de-leverage and tighten regulations on the real estate market, green finance has become an innovative form of finance for developers,” CBRE said.

Green finance has become an innovative form of finance for developers – CBRE 世邦魏理仕称,开发商日益看重绿色金融这 一创新融资方式。

LEED认证建筑面积的增长与中国一二线 城市办公楼供应量的激增密切相关。 据世邦魏理仕统计,2015年至2017年,中 国17座主要城市新开发商业建筑面积为 1,700万平方米,是2010年至2014年新供 应量的1.6倍。 世邦魏理仕报告称: “高度竞争的市场环 境,和日益提高的企业责任意识,已使 LEED认证成为吸引客户的竞争王牌。”

北京、上海和重庆的LEED认证建筑数量 领先全国,其中北京是第一座认证建筑面 积超过1,000万平方米的中国城市。 近年来在可持续发展领域领跑的主要开 发商包括SOHO中国、卓越集团、远洋集 团和平安集团等。

世邦魏理仕研究表明,在中国,具有 LEED认证资格的建筑相较一般建筑的租 金溢价高出25%,租用率也水涨船高。 世邦魏理仕称,过去四季度中国LEED认 证建筑的平均租用率为81.7%,比传统办 公建筑高出1.5%。

可持续发展的趋势对员工幸福感的影响 也立竿见影。世邦魏理仕调查报告显示, 92%的受访者认为新的办公场所对自己 的健康有益,94%的受访者认为提升了公 司业绩。 作为中国经济转型策略的重要内容, “绿 色金融”理念预计将在未来几年进一步推 动中国可持续发展。

根据《中国绿色债券市场报告》,去年中国 首次发行绿色债券,截至2016年底,发行 规模已跃升至362亿美元。 但这些绿色债券目前主要投入可再生能 源和交通领域,对房地产行业的重视度则 远远不够。

为扭转这一局面,中国本土开发商龙湖地 产于2017年一季度发行了两批绿色债券, 用于重庆和上海绿色建筑项目的融资。 世邦魏理仕称: “随着政府不断加快房地 产市场去杠杆化和政策收紧的步伐,开发 商已日益看重绿色金融这一创新融资方 式。”

而LEED铂金级(最高等级)认证开发项目 的租用率比传统办公项目高出10%。

2017年十二月 | DECEMBER 2017



700 words

Rania Awad is Azoya’s managing director for Australia and New Zealand. Based in Melbourne, Ms Awad delivers the value proposition of Azoya’s cross-border e-commerce solutions to retail customers and prospects in Australia, as well as strengthening the company’s local partner network. For more information, visit: Rania Awad, Azoya澳大利亚与新西兰执行总监。Awad女士办公 地位于墨尔本,重视跨境电商解决方案对Azoya零售端客户、在澳大 利亚的未来发展以及加强公司本地合作网络的作用。更多信息请访问



Millions of Chinese consumers just a c CHINA’s e-commerce landscape is evolving rapidly, offering Australian brands and retailers a huge opportunity. Deterred by safety and quality issues with domestic products, Chinese consumers are increasingly looking to Australia to buy directly through cross-border e-commerce. According to the Ministry of Commerce, China’s cross-border e-commerce market reached 6.5 trillion yuan ($1.35 trillion) in 2016, accounting for 20 per cent of China’s foreign trade. It’s anticipated it will continue to grow annually at more than 30 per cent over the next few years. By 2020, a quarter of China’s population, amounting to more than half of all digital buyers, will be shopping either directly on foreign-based sites or through third parties. If your business is going to survive in such a competitive market, you need to be aware of, and adopt, the latest marketing trends influencing Chinese consumers to promote customer engagement and acquire new customers at a lower cost. As traditional marketing channels continue to lose their influence in securing consumers, new channels have emerged to solve this problem. Live-streaming and online celebrity marketing are the latest channels employed by the Chinese e-commerce market to reinvigorate the sagging online marketing industry. While the marketing influence of celebrities in the Western world is useful, online celebrities in China – known as key opinion leaders (KOLs) – have a very powerful effect on consumers. The success of social media platforms such as WeChat and Weibo, has given rise to a number of influential bloggers and social 36


commentators, as well as the usual suspects including national celebrities and politicians. These celebrities mainly attract followers by being an authority on a particular subject and gain credibility through a long history of interacting with them. Traditionally, online advertising works as a funnel model. As the communication curve extends, the number of receivers decreases, forming a funnel-like model. However, online celebrity marketing can generate a ripple effect – the brand communication works like a ripple, which transmits the brand information without being weakened. Not only are online celebrities experts in a particular field, their reputations are based on the accuracy of the information they provide. They are often regarded as more trustworthy and influential than advertising. This makes followers less likely to be deterred by ads, which means online celebrities can subtly persuade them to make a purchase. Using high-profile celebrities boasting millions of followers is a very effective strategy to reach target audiences. Your retail business has the potential to directly influence a large community and reach thousands or even millions of potential customers. It’s crucially important you learn how to build relationships with these vital sources of advertising to succeed. The growing popularity of live streaming rides on tech-savvy Chinese consumers craving a real-time connection with online personalities. User-generated video streams are broadcast on various live-streaming apps such as the popular Inke and Huajiao. These services

in China differ from others worldwide as most offer a way to profit. Combined with celebrities, live streaming means a traffic gold mine waiting to be tapped for e-commerce. Viewers can engage with the host at any moment while they are watching, increasing the chances of them placing orders. This offers a high conversion rate for retailers and brands advertising using this channel. To demonstrate how retailers can benefit from these online marketing channels, a 12-person delegation of Chinese online celebrities and editors toured Australia and New Zealand last year to understand the authenticity and reliability of local, ethical products. The delegation visited stores and warehouses of five retail businesses that have established e-commerce businesses in China – Pharmacy Online, Pharmacy 4 Less, Amcal, Kiwi Discovery and Pharmacy Direct. The celebrities shared their experiences online and the tour was broadcast on live-streaming channels. This gave Chinese consumers a glimpse into how their favourite products from Australia and New Zealand are packaged and distributed, showcasing the quality of the products they plan to purchase. During the live streaming, purchase links were pushed to viewers to place orders immediately. This campaign helped these retailers develop more effective and rewarding channels, as well as better understand what Chinese consumers needed and wanted. It demonstrates how Australian retailers can drive awareness of their brands and products in China to take their e-commerce businesses to the next level.



Using high-profile celebrities boasting millions of followers is a very effective strategy to reach target audiences. 通过拥有数百万粉丝的名 人进行宣传,才是接近目标 消费者群体的有效策略。

lick away 中国电子商务的迅猛发展为澳大利亚品牌 和零售商提供了巨大机遇。

出于对国产商品安全与质量问题的担忧,越 来越多的中国消费者选择通过跨境电商直 接从澳大利亚购买商品。

据商务部统计,2016年中国跨境电商市场总 额达到6500亿人民币(1350亿澳元),占中 国全年外贸总额的20%。 预计在今后的几年中,中国跨境电商市场还 将以每年超过30%的速度继续增长。 到2020年,中国将有四分之一的人口(相当 于超过半数的网购人群)通过境外网站或第 三方平台直接进行购物。

为了能够在激烈的市场竞争中生存,经营者 必须了解并接受中国消费市场的最新趋势, 以此促进客户关系的建立并以更低的价格 赢得新客户。 随着传统营销渠道对客户维护的作用正日 渐减弱,出现了一些新的渠道来解决这一 问题。

中国电商市场已开始通过视频直播和名人网 络营销等渠道来重振低迷的网络营销行业。 在西方国家,名人对营销有很强的影响力, 而在中国,网络名人(即关键意见领袖)也对 消费者有着举足轻重的影响。 微信、微博等社交媒体平台的兴起,催生了 众多有影响力的博主和时事评论名嘴。这些 名人通过在某一领域内的权威地位来吸引 粉丝,并通过与粉丝的长期互动来提高公 信力。

传统的网络广告营销模式符合“漏斗模型” ,即从购物开始到结束的各个环节都有可能 产生用户流失,形成一个漏斗型模型。

而网络名人营销模式则可产生所谓“涟漪效 应”,即品牌传播以类似涟漪的方式展开,不 会在传播过程中弱化产品信息。 网络名人不仅是某一特定领域的专家,而且 其声誉取决于其所提供信息的准确性。

相比于广告营销,网络名人营销通常被认为 更加值得信任且更有影响力,这使得粉丝对 广告的反感程度下降,也就是说网络名人可 以用隐晦的方式来说服粉丝产生购买行为。 通过拥有数百万粉丝的名人进行宣传,才是 接近目标消费者群体的有效策略。 通过这种方式,零售商便可直接对那些人数 众多的群体产生影响,并收获数以万计甚至 百万计的潜在客户。 经营者若想有所作为,就必须学习如何与这 些重要营销资源建立关系。 由于崇尚高科技的中国消费者对与网络人 物进行实时互动有很强的兴趣,网络视频直 播正日趋流行。

用户可以在众多APP应用程序(例如较为流 行的映客直播和花椒直播)上中发布自己制 作的视频。与世界其它地区的类似服务商不 同,在中国,绝大多数此类服务商都有盈利 方式。

种网络影响渠道直接获利,另一方面也了解 了当地消费产品的真实与可靠性。

该代表团访问了进驻Pharmacy Online 、Pharmacy 4 Less、Amcal、Kiwi Discovery 和Pharmacy Direct平台中国 站的五家零售商的店面及库房。 代表们分享了他们的经验,并对整个过程进 行了网络直播。 通过这次活动,中国消费者得以了解他们 钟爱的澳大利亚和新西兰商品从包装到销 售的全过程,也了解到他们所青睐产品的 质量。

在直播的同时向观众推送了购买链接,观众 可以通过链接直接下单。

此次活动有助于零售商开发更为高效且回 报率更高的营销渠道,也有助于他们加深对 中国消费者需求的了解。 这一活动向澳大利亚零售商展示了,通过合 理提高其品牌和产品在中国的知名度,以此 来使其电商业务更上一层楼。

名人效应加上网络直播是有待电商来挖掘 的一个“流量金矿”。

直播用户可以在观看表演的同时随时与主 播互动,这样就可以提高用户下单的几率。 通过使用这一渠道,零售商和品牌营销商可 以获得较高的转化率。

去年,一组由中国网络名人和编辑组成的十 二人代表团特地寻访了澳大利亚和新西兰, 一方面为当地零售商展示它们如何通过这

PROLIFIC E-commerce transactions accounted for 20 per cent of China’s foreign trade in 2016. 增长迅猛 电商交易占中国2016年外贸总 量的20%。 2017年十二月 | DECEMBER 2017


OPINION | 观点 Martyn Huckerby is an International Partner in the Corporate Group of the Shanghai office of King & Wood Mallesons, where he specialises in corporate, regulatory, competition/antitrust and telecommunications law. Intan Eow is a senior associate in King & Wood Mallesons Corporate Group in Sydney. 贺墨亭先生是金杜律师事务所上海办事处的国际合伙人,他的主要专 业领域是公司法、企业监管、反垄断及反不正当竞争、电信法。 因坦·易欧是金杜律师事务所悉尼办事处的高级经理。



China’s new era: how directors should be responding FOREIGN directors and investors face fresh opportunities and challenges as China’s economic and social reform drive gathers momentum under a new leadership team led by President Xi Jinping. The 19th National Congress marks the start of President Xi’s second term in office. His unanimous re-election as the Secretary-General of the Central Committee, and leader of the Politburo Standing Committee was never in question. Premier Li Keqiang was also returned to the committee, where he and President Xi are joined by five new members. The newly elected party officials’ government positions will be confirmed by the National People’s Congress at its annual meeting in March 2018. President Xi delivered a report outlining his vision for China as it enters what he calls “a new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics”. First, China will continue to target a steady rate of economic growth to achieve modernisation by 2035, and to become a “great modern socialist country” by 2050. Central to this strategy is China’s ability to manage key risks, including financial instability and pollution. Second, China will develop robust drivers of high-quality economic growth. China will deepen supply-side structural reform in the real economy, by creating a modern manufacturing powerhouse operating at the high end of the global value chain, developing high-end consumption, innovation, and increasing the use of green technologies. Finally, China will address issues of unbal38


anced growth and development to provide a “better life” to all individuals. The Communist Party of China recognised that this would require material and cultural growth, as well as improvements in democracy, the rule of law, justice, security and the quality of the environment. More important than the deals announced during the meeting between President Xi and US President Donald Trump in November were assurances from President Xi that China would become increasingly open and transparent in dealing with foreign companies and China’s Belt and Road project. Specifically, the Chinese Foreign Ministry confirmed China would substantially reduce barriers, including in the banking, insurance and finance sectors, and the automobile sector. This builds on the announcement of a “negative list” approach earlier this year. Under this framework, foreign direct investment into any industry not listed in the negative list only requires an online record filing, as opposed to prior approval on a case-by-case basis. Directors should expect further announcements about the timetable for reforms, actively consider the opportunities deregulation may bring and identify prospective Chinese partners who they wish to pursue relationships with. The 19th National Congress recognised the need for reform to address risks prevalent in Chinese financial markets. Stability has been threatened primarily by weak lending standards, which have resulted in China’s overall level of debt rising to more than 250 per cent of GDP by the end of 2016. Policymakers created the Financial Stability and Development Committee in July and,

more recently, the Chairman of the China Banking Regulatory Commission committed to curb off-balance sheet government debt and over-lending to property developers. Another contentious issue for investors has been currency restrictions and challenges remitting profits from China businesses offshore. Following the end of the National Congress the restrictions are likely to be relaxed gradually. Indeed, Zhou Xiaochuan, the governor of the People’s Bank of China, indicated during the congress that market intervention would be reduced. Investors will rightly ask where they can find the greatest returns on their capital. In the following three areas investors are likely to experience the greatest opportunities: 1. Leveraging Western technology and expertise. China’s transformation into a “great modern socialist country” will require a modernised economy. While the promotion of domestic innovation will undoubtedly be a focus, increased deregulation will provide a great opportunity for the uptake of Western technologies and expertise, including in industries such as advanced manufacturing, clean energy and other green technologies. 2. Satisfying the demand of Chinese consumers. Essential to President Xi’s “Chinese dream” of bringing benefits to the people is the availability of high-quality consumer goods and services in the domestic market. As the Chinese middle class grows and incomes increase, demand for the high-quality products that Australian businesses can offer will remain strong.



革信号,他们可以借此抓住放松监管所带 来的机遇,并确定想要建立合作关系的中 国合伙人。 十九大也注意到要深化金融市场改革,着 力解决金融市场普遍存在的风险。

松懈的贷款标准对金融市场的稳定形势造 成了巨大冲击,在2016年末,中国债务总额 占全国生产总值的比例高达250%。 今年七月份,中国设立了国务院金融稳定 发展委员。近期,中国银行业监督管理委员 会主席表示,将控制表外政府债务,收紧对 房地产开发商的超贷政策。 另一个投资者普遍关注的问题来源于外汇 限制对于中国离岸贸易收益的影响。

E-commerce may be an attractive method of entry for Australian businesses, in light of the 12 new cross-border e-commerce specific Free Trade Zones (FTZs) in 2016. The FTZs will enable access to more flexible investment and financing structures, but investors also need to be aware the investment environments of the FTZs can change rapidly. 3. Emerging trends and needs. The rise in the size of the Chinese middle class is continuing to result in significant demand for tourism, education, healthcare and aged care services – industries which are the subject of reform, and where there are significant opportunities for foreign investors. The conclusion of the 19th National Congress and President Trump’s visit in no way marks an end to China’s economic reform program. China’s 13th Five-Year Plan outlined the necessary changes to transform China into a highend manufacturing economy and to encourage investment into service industries. In the future, China is likely to implement more reform to nurture innovation and entrepreneurship, and to allow market forces to play a greater role in efficiently allocating resources within the economy. Directors of companies with expertise in relation to technology, digital innovation, services, investments, and in the financial and capital market sectors in particular should assess what opportunities the reform program will mean for them. With sufficient fact-based preparation, patience and the right relationships, doing business with China is likely to become even more rewarding.

STRENGTH China’s new leadership team is deeply committed to maintaining high-quality economic growth. Photo: Xinhua News Agency 主旨 中国新领导集体致力于保持高质量的 经济增长。图片:新华社

当前,在以习近平主席为首的新一届中国 政府领导下,中国的经济和社会改革方兴 未艾,外国企业管理者和投资者正面临着 全新的机遇和挑战。

第十九届全国代表大会标志着习主席第二 个任期的全面开始。 十九大会议上,习近平以全票当选中共中 央总书记和中央政治局常委。

李克强总理也成功当选政治局常委,此外, 还有五名新任常委当选。 此次当选的新一届中央政府领导班子将于 2018年3月全国人民代表大会召开期间正 式就职。

十九大会议上,习主席向大会作报告。报告 描绘了他关于中国进入“中国特色社会主 义新时代”的愿景。 首先,中国将继续致力于保持稳定的经济 增长,到2035年实现现代化,2050年建设 成为一个“社会主义现代化强国”。

实现这一战略的关键在于中国对主要风险 的防控,包括金融的不稳定性和污染问题。 其次,中国将着力发展高质量经济增长的 动力变革。通过打造一个处于全球价值链 高端水平的制造业生产大国,发展高端消 费,推动创新以及提高绿色技术的应用,中 国将深化实体经济的供给侧结构性改革。 最后,中国将着力解决增长和发展不平衡 的问题,为人民提供更美好的生活。

中国共产党认识到,物质和文化富足是实 现这些目标的前提,同时,民主进步、法治、 公正、安全和环境改善也是必不可少的条 件。 今年11月,习主席和美国总统唐纳德·特朗 普进行会晤,期间签订了多项商业合作协 议,但比这些订单更为重要的是,中方承 诺,在对外贸易和“一带一路”战略中,将更 加开放和透明。 值得注意的是,中国外交部证实,中国将大 幅减少包括银行业、保险和金融业、汽车业 的行业贸易壁垒。

这一声明是针对今年初宣布的“负面清单” 监管制度所做的。在这一框架下,只需进行 网上备案,任意行业的外商直接投资就可 不被列入“负面清单”中,这与此前要求逐 笔审批通过的做法截然不同。 企业管理者应该展望中国进一步释放的改

据悉,十九大结束后,相关政策可能会逐渐 开放。诚然,中央人民银行行长周小川在会 议期间也表示,将会减少相关的市场干预。 此时投资者便要询问,在哪些领域他们能 获得最大的资本收益。对投资者而言,以下 三个领域商机无限: 增强引进西方先进技术与人才。

要实现“社会主义现代化强国”,中国需要 建立现代化经济。促进国内创新固然重要, 但随着监管政策的放松,在先进制造业、清 洁能源和其他绿色技术等行业中,西方的 先进技术也迎来了一个绝佳的机遇。 迎合中国消费者的需求。

习主席的“中国梦”概念提出要为人民谋福 祉,其核心在于要满足人民对于国内市场 高质量消费品和服务的需求。 随着中国中产阶级数量增多、荷包渐鼓,中 国市场对澳洲企业提供的高质量产品的需 求将保持强劲势头。

2016年,共有12个新的跨境电子商务特别 自由贸易区成立,由此可见,对于澳洲企业 而言,电子商务可能是一种更具优势的进 入方式。 这些自由贸易区将促进更多的灵活资本 和融资结构进入中国市场,但是自由贸易 区的投资环境风云变幻,这一点值得投资 者注意。 新兴趋势和需求。

随着中国中产阶级规模日益壮大,旅游、教 育、健康、老年护理服务等产业的需求将大 幅增加—这些行业都是中国改革的主体, 也为外国投资者提供了重大机遇。 十九大的闭幕和特朗普总统结束访华绝不 会是中国经济改革的终点。 中国的第十三个五年计划描绘了一个美 好蓝图,致力于将中国打造成一个高端制 造型经济体,同时也鼓励对服务行业的大 力投资。

未来,中国可能会进一步深化改革,鼓励创 新创业精神,允许市场在资源的有效配置 中扮演更重要的角色。 对科技、数码创新、服务、投资、金融和资 本市场领域的技术企业而言,它们的管理 者理应评估中国的改革将为它们带来种 种机会。

有了充足的事实基础准备、足够的耐心和 正确的合作关系,进入中国市场做生意才 可以越来越顺利。 2017年十二月 | DECEMBER 2017


OPINION | 观点 Dr Tricia Ong, PhD Lecturer School of Business and Law Edith Cowan University Associate Professor Hadrian G. Djajadikerta Associate Dean Research School of Business and Law Edith Cowan University

Tricia Ong 博士, 讲师 商业与法律学 埃迪斯科文大学

Hadrian G. Djajadikerta 副教授 研究副院长 商业与法律学 埃迪斯科文大学

企业社会责任 空有 噱头还是切实有效?

Socially responsible corporates, more buzz than reality?

CORPORATE social responsibility (CSR) has been a buzzword for long time and is now part of everyday life in business. The common rationale for business to be proactive in demonstrating CSR relies on its relationship with society. For companies to remain sustainable in an increasingly competitive economic environment, they have to live up to society’s expectation of them. They have to be socially and environmentally responsible in their business decisions and operations, in addition to pursuing higher economic performance. Some have argued companies that have adopted this strategy have yielded many competitive advantages over their competitors, such as an increase in market share, enhancement in reputation and brand value, reduced operating costs, improvement in financial performance, increased sales and customer loyalty. Growing affluence has given consumers the power to make purchasing decisions based on preferences for companies. With increasing awareness about global warming and the importance of protecting the environment, consumers’ selection criteria for purchases have expanded beyond price and quality of products to factors such as compa40


nies’ corporate image and their social responsibility policies. Companies are now especially cautious about the type of image they project to consumers as the internet has made information readily available and easily accessible globally. The increasing power of the media, environmentalists and other activist groups is also a driving force for companies to demonstrate good social responsibility. Accordingly, it is important for companies to be more transparent about their business activities and operating policies, through provision of non-financial information, such as social and environmental disclosures in their annual and/or other reports. A survey conducted by Pricewaterhouse-Coopers in 2014 shows that investors considered issues such as CSR and climate when they made decisions about their investment strategies. According to the survey, mitigating risk is a major factor behind investors considering corporate responsibility issues in their investment decisions. Other significant drivers include enhancing investment returns and avoiding business corporations which demonstrate unethical conduct.

With increasing demand from stakeholders, such as investors and consumers, for information on CSR, companies have found themselves obliged to provide the details. Companies with business activities that involve possible significant impacts on the environment are especially subjected to higher public scrutiny and to provide environmental disclosures. In Australia, companies operating in the environmentally sensitive industries, such as the resources industry, are required by legislation to provide mandatory environmental disclosures in their annual reports. Other companies that do not fall under this jurisdiction may disclose this information voluntarily. Hence, CSR reporting in Australia remains predominantly voluntary, especially in relation to social issues, since mandatory reporting only applies to environmental disclosures, and is confined to companies bound by environmental regulations. We recently conducted a study to evaluate the quality of CSR reporting in the Australian resources industry. We collected a sample from the top companies based on market capitalisation, which are listed on the resources index of the Australian Securities Exchange. Data was collected from the annual financial reports and the standalone sustainability reports of 133 companies. We developed a scoring index to evaluate these companies’ disclosures in three aspects of CSR – economic, environmental and social. Companies were given higher scores for disclosing verifiable disclosure items that could be identified as making a genuine contribution towards good CSR performance. Interestingly, our study found that companies in the Australian resources industry generally made minimal CSR disclosures. The reported items were also mostly generic disclosures that were difficult to verify. This suggested most companies tended to take a tokenistic gesture towards mandatory requirements for CSR. Companies were also producing vastly different disclosure items that hindered comparability. While a range of stakeholders want to see companies improve their CSR reporting and performances, a lack of a standardised reporting framework, ambiguity in legislation requirements, and additional costs for CSR reporting and initiatives remain as huge challenges for companies. When companies do not disclose their CSR performances adequately, it is difficult to confirm whether their CSR practices have actually occurred. There is still a need to increase awareness of the importance of CSR disclosure and to establish clearer guidelines on CSR reporting. Otherwise, CSR may remain a buzzword rather than reality.



EQUALITY Alibaba Group founder Jack Ma speaks at the company’s Global Conference on Women and Entrepreneurship, a key part of the e-commerce giant’s corporate social responsibility program. Photo:

There is still a need to increase awareness of the importance of CSR disclosure

如今,我们仍然需要提高 企业在社会责任信息披 露方面的意识

责无旁贷 阿里巴巴集团创始人马云在 全球女性创业者大会上发言,企业社会 责任对电商巨头至关重要。照片来源:

企业社会责任(CSR)在很长一段时间内堪 称热点词汇,而现在亦日趋成为商业界的 日常话题.

通常而言,企业通过与社会建立良好关系来 履行其社会责任。 为了在竞争日趋激烈的经济环境中保持可 持续发展,企业必须达到社会的期望。

在做任何商业决策或采取措施之时,不仅要 追求更好的经济效果,更要考虑到企业的社 会和环境责任。 有观点称相较于其他竞争者,采取此类战略 的企业往往能获得更具竞争力的优势,例如 市场份额日增月益,企业声誉更上层楼,品 牌价值突飞猛涨,运营成本不断降低,财政 状况日臻良好,销售业绩愈加优秀,顾客忠 诚度持续攀升等。 随着财富的积累,消费者足以根据自身对企 业的偏好做出购买决策。

而如今,人们更加关注全球变暖的问题,亦 更加重视环境保护,因此影响消费者决策的 因素不再仅限于价格和质量,更包含了企业 形象和企业在社会责任方面的相关制度等。 网络的普及让人们能够更加方便地获取信 息。正是因此,企业在面向消费者塑造形象 时变得愈加谨慎。

促使企业更好地履行社会责任的其他因素 还包括媒体,环境保护者,以及其他活动团 体日益增长的影响力。

因此,企业应在年度报告中提供诸如社会和 环境责任方面的非财政信息,将自身商业活 动和运营政策透明化。这一点对企业而言是 至关重要的。

2014年普华永道公司曾进行一项调查,表 明投资者在做出投资战略决策时,往往会考 虑到企业社会责任和气候影响方面的问题。 该调查发现,降低风险是促使投资者认真考 虑企业责任的主要因素。同时,其他驱动因 子还包括提高投资回报率,避免公司的不道 德行为等。 现在,投资者和消费者等利益相关方要求了 解更多企业社会责任方面的信息,因此企业 亦不得不提供相关的详细信息。 而在环境领域进行商业活动,可能对环境带

来重大影响的企业受到的公众监督尤为严 格,亦更需要提供环境信息披露。

在澳大利亚,法律要求涉及环境敏感的企 业,尤其是资源行业,必须在其年度报告中 重点说明环境信息披露。 其他不属于该管辖范围的企业可自主决定 是否提供相关信息。

因此,澳大利亚的企业社会责任报告主要是 自愿性的,尤其是从中自主地反映一些社会 问题。而只有那些受环境法重点约束的企业 才须强制提交环境信息披露报告。 我们最近进行了一项研究,专门用以评估 澳大利亚资源行业的社会责任感报告书的 质量。

我们从全澳市场总值前百强的公司中随机 取样。这些公司在澳大利亚证券交易所中都 有相对应的资源指数。

最终的数据来自于133家企业的年度财报 和独立可持续发展报告。我们制定了一系列 评分标准,从企业社会责任信息披露的三大 方面对企业进行评估——经济责任,环境责 任,以及社会责任。 若提供对企业社会责任体系有突出贡献, 且能获得证实的项目信息,该企业将获得更 高的分数。

我们通过研究发现有趣的一点是,澳大利亚 资源行业的公司通常只进行最低程度的企 业社会责任信息披露。 而披露的项目往往是难以进行核实的普通 项目。 这就意味着绝大多数企业在进行企业社会 责任信息披露时更倾向于敷衍了事。

一些公司还会提交五花八门的项目阐述,这 会对整体可比性产生严重干扰。

尽管一系列的利益相关者都希望能看到企 业尽快改进其企业社会责任报告并在这一 方面采取更有效的行动,但是这类报告缺乏 具体标准,法律仍没有明文规定,企业不得 不投入成本去执行等问题逐渐浮出水面,这 对企业来讲是非常巨大的挑战。 当企业并未主动充分地曝光它们在社会责 任方面的所作所为,那会很难确定它们过去 的企业社会责任报告中所述内容是否是真 实有效的。 如今,我们仍然需要提高企业在社会责任信 息披露方面的意识,更要制定更加精确的企 业社会责任报告指导方针。 否则,所谓的企业社会责任将只是是一个摆 设,而不起任何实际作用。 2017年十二月 | DECEMBER 2017



902 million – average daily users



STATEMENT Global architecture firm NBBJ has created a striking headquarters for the rapidly growing Tencent. Photo: NBBJ/ Terrance Zhang 全球知名建筑公司NBBJ为高速发展的腾讯公 司构建了全新总部。照片来源:NBBJ/张虔希

38 billion – messages sent daily 380亿 -日消息发送次数

205 million – calls connected daily 2.05亿 -日成功通话次数

*Data accurate as of September 2017. Source: WeChat 据《2017微信数据报告》统计。来源:微信

微信蓬勃发展 腾讯大展宏图

Tencent flexes muscles on power of WeChat 本刊记者 : Staff reporter

NOVEMBER 2017 was a big month for Chinese technology giant Tencent, which became one of the five largest corporations in the world by market capitalisation and began moving into its new $US599 million ($789.8 million) headquarters in Shenzhen. Tencent’s rapid growth, illustrated by its gleaming new headquarters designed by global architecture firm NBBJ, has been driven in no small part by the rising popularity of its super-app, WeChat. Since being established as Weixin in Guangzhou in 2011, Tencent’s flagship social media application has achieved phenomenal growth, with the latest data showing there were 902 million average daily users of WeChat in September. Delegates at Tencent’s Global Partners Conference, held in Chengdu in early November, were told there were 38 billion messages sent and 205 million connected calls each day in September on WeChat. But it’s not only a communications app – WeChat is known as a super-app because it combines the same social media functions of Facebook or Twitter with powerful search engines and a comprehensive e-commerce offering. And it’s that e-commerce offering that business should be tuned into, with the total number of monthly offline commercial transac42


tions up 280 per cent, year on year, according to WeChat’s presentation. Last month, WeChat’s growth was a large contributing factor in Tencent knocking off Facebook to become the fifth-largest company worldwide in terms of market value, which peaked on November 21 at $US529.9 billion ($696.5 billion). Shares of Tencent have grown in value by more than 120 per cent in 2017, while analysts at Morgan Stanley predicted further upside, partly on the back of its strength in its mobile games business. Tencent’s Honour of Kings mobile game had more than 200 million registered users in 2016, with its popularity contributing to revenue of ¥14.8 billion ($2.95 billion) in the first half of the 2017-18 financial year, according to the company’s latest financial report. While WeChat dominates China, it is also seeking to bolster its presence in global markets, demonstrated by its significant investments in Elon Musk’s Tesla, US-based chat app Snap and mapmaker HERE Technologies. In late November, Tencent also announced a move into Canada’s cloud computing sector, in partnership with Toronto’s OTT Financial Group. In Australia, Tencent partnered with property buying portal to launch global real estate website in January.

2017年12月对于中国科技巨头腾讯公司是 非同寻常的一个月,它一举成为全球市值排 行前五的企业。其正式开放造价高达5.99亿 美元(7.898亿澳元)的深圳新总部。

腾讯公司发展迅猛,它的全新总部由全球知 名建筑公司NBBJ亲手打造,之所以发展如 此迅速,腾讯旗下的超级应用-微信的日益普 及居功至伟。 2011年微信作为腾讯公司的旗舰社交媒体 应用在广州面世,自此便拉开了突飞猛涨的 序幕。最新数据表明,九月期间,微信的平均 日登录用户达到9.02亿。

腾讯全球合作伙伴大会于今年11月初在成 都召开,与会代表得知9月期间,微信消息日 发送次数多达380亿条,而日成功通话次数 亦高达2.05亿次。 但是微信并未止步于普通的通讯软件。作为 一款“超级应用”,微信不仅结合了脸书和 Twitter的社交媒体功能,更融合了各大搜 索引擎和全面的电子商务功能。 该电子商务板块正是商家需要拓展的业务 范畴。根据微信的数据报告,其月线下支付 次数较去年同比增长了280%。

11月21日,腾讯公司市值达到5299亿美元 (6965亿澳元),超越Facebook,成为全球 市值第五大公司。这样的成果无疑与微信业 务的增长密不可分。

2017年腾讯公司的市值增长超过120%。而 摩根士丹利公司(Morgan Stanley)的分析 师预测,手机游戏领域的强劲发展将带领腾 讯公司的市值进一步上涨。

腾讯公司最新的财政报告显示,2016年“王 者荣耀”手机游戏的注册用户多达2亿余人, 在2017-18财年上半年为公司带来了148亿 人民币(29.5亿澳元)的收入。 微信称霸中国市场之余,亦在积极拓展全球 市场。为此腾讯陆续对埃隆•马斯克(Elon Musk)的特斯拉公司(Tesla),美国的聊天 应用Snap,以及地图服务商Here进行重大 投资。

11月底,腾讯公司宣布与多伦多的方圆国际 集团(OTT Financial Group)达成合作伙 伴关系,登陆加拿大的云计算领域。 而在澳大利亚方面,腾讯公司与房产购买网 站居外网(合作,于1月份推出 了全球房产网站:腾讯房产·海外(Haiwai.。

Mt Toolbrunup, Stirling Ranges Western Australia Photo: Gareth Nealon

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