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Next VVA Board Meeting:

Sunday, February 13, 2022 @ 6:30PM at the clubhouse.

All members in good standing are welcome and encouraged to attend. If you want on the agenda, you must notify the office on or before the Monday prior to the board meeting.

Lake Viking News

©Viking Valley Association | 144 East Main, Gallatin, Missouri 64640

VVA Board of Directors Monthly Meeting Call to Order Tony Gronniger, lot 2281, called the meeting to order, held in the upper level of the clubhouse at 6:30pm. Board Members present were: Troy Lesan, lot 576; Allan Slavin, lot 181; Marvin McNabb, lot 28; Mike Booth, lot 2380. Tony Gronniger led in prayer. Cathy Poindexter led the Pledge of Allegiance. Prior to the regular business of today’s meeting, Conservation Agents Jason Braunecker and Jaycob O’Hara were present to introduce themselves. Jaycob is the new Conservation Agent of Daviess County. Tony Gronniger read the Vision/Mission Statement and a Parameter of the Viking Valley Association. Approval of Minutes Allan Slavin moved to approve the minutes of the December Board meeting. Marvin McNabb seconded; motion passed. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Handbook Committee – no report Finance Committee Troy Lesan reported the meeting was held via Teams Microsoft virtual format, and called to order by John Kmetz (Chair) on Jan. 6 th @ at 5:00pm with 8 attendees present. • New committee member: The Committee voted to recommend adding Terry Nibarger. Terry has a strong 32-year background in the financial sector as a Personal Financial Planner and Manager of the Chillicothe office of Raymond James. Motion was made to add Terry Nibarger to the Finance Committee; motion passed. • 2021 year-end Financial Statements: Despite a large projected budget deficit of over $300,000, VVA finished in the black. This is because several large expenses (silt basin and special lake) were considerably under-budget, and income from Building Permit fees, Community Area sales and even special assessments were up. So after a year in which VVA paid over $100,000 expense for capital gains tax, $350,000 in silt basin expense, and $78,000 expense for a new Safety Boat, to show ANY income is remarkable! • 2022 proposed budget: Meanwhile, 2022 becomes the year we are sure to have a year-end deficit projected at a $210,000 deficit. This is due to capital gains taxes again (on sale of Community Areas in ’21 w/ taxes on it due April ‘22)--this time without the offsetting benefit of additional Community Area sales in the tax year (’22). Plus, we will also be incurring more large expenses in the final Phase 2 construction of the silt basin. This projected deficit

TOWN HALL MEETING The Dredge and Finance Committees will be having an online Town Hall Meeting on Saturday, February 19, at 2 PM. The meeting will be held on ZOOM. Watch for more details on the log-in process.

January 2022

Volume 34, No. 9

January 9, 2022

is the reason that we built up our funds with a record income year in 2020. Even after these expenses in 2022 and the resulting deficit, we will still project a strong balance in our funds summary. The 2022 budget has been included in the Board packets. Motion was made for the Board to present this proposed 2022 budget @ the Annual Meeting; motion passed. • Town Hall meeting is scheduled for Sat., Feb 19 @ 2:00pm, to be held on-line via Zoom. • Suggested change on late fees: In order to reduce VVA’s unusually high # of late-payments on dues and assessments—some late by many months—the Finance Committee recommends that the Board consider the following potential change to Handbook pg. 8 under “Non-Payment Penalties”: change the current $20 late fee at 10 days to $25 at 15 days; add at 45 days late an additional $80 late fee, then after 60 days late the current 1.0% interest would change to 1.5% interest per month to begin accruing. The rest of the rule would remain the same. This is the Finance Committee’s recommendation, to start the process of pre-approval. Then since this is a By-Law, any approved change would be proposed for vote at the Annual Meeting in March. So this is not for the Board to act on or vote on tonight, as all By-Law changes must be voted on by the membership @ Annual Meeting in March. Strategic Planning Committee – no report Continued on page 5


ANNUAL MEETING March 6, 2022 The Viking Valley Association Annual Meeting will be held March 6, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. in the upper level of the clubhouse.

In order to attend the meeting, each person must be an Active Member in good standing. EACH PERSON MUST have their 2021 Membership Card with them to be admitted to the meeting. This is the only verification we have during registration that you are a paid member in good standing. A valid driver's license may also be required to validate identification. As stated in the Viking Valley Association By-laws, Article I and Article II, Renters and Associate Members are not entitled to receive notice of any meeting, to vote, or to participate therein. Only “Active Members in Good Standing” (record owner of a lot or tract of land located in Valkyrie Valley Subdivision) are eligible to attend and participate in the meeting.


January 2022


Viking Valley Association Ph: 660-322-9001

Lake Viking News

Meet the candidates for VVA Board Tony Gronniger Lot 2281

George Eshnaur Lot 505

Current career setting: Retired Number of years an Association Member: 40 plus Previous VVA Board or committee service: Currently serving on the Board of Directors as Board President. I serve also as the Long-range planning committee liaison, and the Volunteer Fire Department, currently serving as Fire Chief. Additional personal or family data you would like to share with membership: Family purchased in 1968, I have been an owner for approximately 30 years, and have been a full-time resident for 17 plus years. What qualities of Lake Viking led you to become a property owner? Lake Life close to my former area (K.C. metro) yet quiet rural lake setting. Affordable living. Good place to retire. Describe aspects of your background that uniquely prepare you for board service. Retired after 30 plus years at the Independence, MO Fire Department serving as a fire service mechanic. Served for 15 years on local private school boards both local and K.C. area. Served in many offices in fraternal organizations in K.C. metro. Recently retired from MODOT. Currently serving on the Board of Directors at Lake Viking. What do you feel is the greatest challenge facing our association? Continuing our recently introduced upgrades to our office and administration in the area of communication and IT. Continuing our infrastructure upgrades in dredge and road improvements while maintaining a strong financial position to carry the lake into the future. What are the top two issues you want the board to focus on? 1. Financial stability while maintaining affordability for our membership. 2. Continuing to deliver outstanding services to the membership by maintaining a quality staff. Describe your vision for Lake Viking. Maintain and encourage a vibrant and diverse lake community by solid financial planning coupled with a living and vibrant long-range plan.

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805 Lake Viking Terrace, Altamont, MO : There is an existing septic on the property, electric, and water to the property. Water is not metered and at this time, and a small storage shed. $35,000


998 Lake Viking Terrace, Altamont, MO: 3 Bedrooms - 2 1/2 bath. Price improved! $709,999


1494 Lake Viking Terrace, Gallatin, MO 64640: Lake Front Lots 2461 & 2462 can be sold together Property - New build - 3 Bedrooms - 2 1/2 for $20,000 or separate for $10,000 Bath. $890,000

s, Have Buyer d Listings! N

Call Nadine 816-390-7938

Current career setting: Assistant Professor of Finance Number of years an Association member: 2 years Previous VVA board or committee service: VVA Finance Committee Additional personal or family data you would like to share with membership: Married to Nicole. We have two daughters (Emma and Mary). What qualities of Lake Viking led you to become a property owner? Lake Viking is a quiet and relaxing place where our family can enjoy themselves. My father had a lot here in the 1990s, so I remember spending quality time here as a kid. Now I get to enjoy the lake with my family and friends. Describe aspects of your background that uniquely prepare you for board service. I have a business background emphasizing finance: budgeting, capital expenditure allocation, and long-term strategic financial planning. I have also worked in settings with people of diverse backgrounds, leading to a solid understanding of how to engage and work with people of varying opinions and perspectives. What do you feel is the greatest challenge facing our association? I think sustainable growth (especially as the tier lots continue to develop) is paramount to maintaining our lake experience. Ensuring our infrastructure is ready to meet that challenge is equally important. What are the top two issues you want the board to focus on? Establish a balanced and equitable long-term strategic plan that meets 5, 10, and 20-year metrics. Within that long-term planning, the board must pay special attention to the financial efficiency of its decisions. Those are the two most important as everything falls into those processes. Describe your vision for Lake Viking. Lake Viking is unique in its setting, constituents, and obligations to the community. The Lake Viking community comprises people from varied backgrounds and communal expectations. I feel comfortable in knowing and understanding a one size fits all approach does not work at the lake. I see a collective value of a bold long-term vision, solid planning, a strong team, hard work, determination, and the ability to identify, implement, and operationalize strategic priorities. For me, PENDING this statement captures the essence of my calling to seek election and speaks directly to the alignment I feel with this leadership opportunity. I am at my best as a leader and a servant when I am fully engaged in creating this future, working with energy and conviction toward an inspiring long-term vision. A long-term vision that satisfies all members of Lake Viking.

Doug Winter When it comes to leading teams, implementing strategy and balancing the challenges of day-to-day operations, Doug is an expert. He understands how to motivate, develop and lead team members to exceed industry standards. His strong leadership skills and positive energy deliver results and increase business potential. He’s also skilled in problem solving, growing revenue and client databases. Doug has served as COO, Executive Vice President and NEW LISTING Vice president at several successful high volume bar and restaurant concepts, He has also served on 4 different board of directors including Red Rocks Country Club, Smash Burger and Consumer Concept Croup. He is currently Vice President of Hospitality Operations for Meriwether Companies. A private equity corporation that has projects in Colorado, Missouri, Oklahoma and California. Among his additional areas of expertise: financial and project management, budgeting, training and development, profitability, staff retention and setting and meeting strategic goals. Doug is a newer resident to the lake moving to Lake Viking in the spring of 2019. He lives at the lake full time.

January 2022

Viking Valley Association Ph: 660-322-9001

Lake Viking News

VIKING VALLEY ASSOCIATION, INC. ANNUAL MEETING OF MEMBERS MARCH 6, 2022 AGENDA Call to Order At 2:00 p.m.: Tony Gronniger Prayer: Troy Lesan Pledge to Flag: Shad Mort Moment of Silence for members we have lost Introduction of Board Members President: 1st Vice President: 2nd Vice President: Secretary:

Tony Gronniger Mark Leggett Mike Booth Celeste Armanees

Asst. Secretary: Allan Slavin Treasurer: Troy Lesan Asst. Treasurer: Marvin McNabb

President Report: Tony Gronniger Ask for a motion to accept the orders of the day. Approval of Minutes:

March 7, 2021 Annual Meeting

Recognition of Committees – Committee Reports available for review and submitted in writing Recognize Award Winners Loa Parkhurst Volunteer of the Year Nevin Burns Safety Awareness Award Julia Shank Board Member Award of Excellence Dredge Report – Shawn Hepinstall Finance Committee (John Kmetz) motions and discussion – 2 minute discussion periods Voting Instructions: Instructions in your handout. Floor Counters: Introduce voting officers: Vote on Assessments (includes the 5 year plan 4 % increase) • Special Assessments = $548.00 • Special Lake Assessments = $155.00 • Special Road Assessments = $34.00 • Capital Project Assessment = $43.00 • Total Assessments for 1 lot, including $75.00 Dues = $855.00 (a $28.00 increase from last year) Introduction of Candidates: Tony Gronniger, George Eshnaur, and Doug Winter Nominations from the floor. If none, ask that nominations be accepted as read. Each candidate will have 5 minutes to introduce + Q & A Cast Ballots, Vote for new Board of Directors; 2 positions. The election closed when the counters take the ballot box Presentation on By-Law changes -Celeste Armanees

Motions from the floor (need to be submitted and reviewed two weeks prior to the Annual Meeting) . Lake Manager Report- Shad Mort Announcements: Adjourn After adjournment, 2022 Board Members will meet for Committee Assignments. The next regular Board Meeting will be April 10, 2022, at 6:30 p.m.

**Alternative Annual Meeting date has been set for March 13, 2022, at 2 p.m. in the event of a cancelation due to inclement weather. The Annual Meeting agenda will remain the same**

Requests for Guest Time and/or additional Motions from the floor for the 2022 Annual Meeting need to be submitted to the VVA office for approval by February 20, in order to be accepted for the Agenda.

PWSD #3 Sign up for Auto Pay and eBill

PWSD#3 offers Auto Pay for anyone that wishes to have their bill automatically paid. The two Auto Pay options are bank draft and recurring credit card. Auto Pay by bank draft is a free service provided by the district. If using a recurring credit card for payment, a transaction fee will apply. We also offer eBill for customers who would like to receive their bill by email.Sign up for either of these services by calling the office at 660-663-2771 or accessing the web portal at https://pwsd3daviess.azurewebsites. net


Fishing at Lake Viking While the middle of winter may seem strange to be talking about fishing, it can get a person out of the winter blues by planning for warmer days and the activities which come along with them. If people plan to fish on any “Waters of the State,” they are required to purchase a Missouri Fishing Permit. The topic of “Waters of the State” can be confusing so here is a simple breakdown. Waters of the State is defined as, any water within or forming the boundary of the state, which is not wholly enclosed by a single property owned by a single person or jointly by two or more people. Waters of the State also include any waterbody stocked by the State of Missouri. This means if John Doe owns a property with a pond fully enclosed by the property line it is not waters of the state if it has not been stocked by the state. If John Doe and John Smith both have shares on a property which completely encloses a pond it is not a water of the state. If John Doe, John Smith, Jane Doe, and Jane Smith own separate properties around a water body, this would be considered a Water of the State and they would be required to possess fishing permits to legally fish the water body. Lake Viking falls under the last example. Even though it is a Private Lake Community, there is more than one property owner surrounding the lake. Lake Viking has also been stocked with fish by the Department of Conservation in the past. These two characteristics mean Lake Viking is a Water of the State and therefore anyone fishing on the lake is required to possess a fishing permit. These permits can be obtained at Nature Centers, some retail establishments, online, and on the MO Hunting phone application. The Daviess County Conservation Agent, Jaycob O’Hara, will be attending the April Lake Viking Board Meeting to discuss this topic. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out by phone or email at (660) 605-2893 or Jaycob.O’Hara@mdc.


January 2022

Viking Valley Association Ph: 660-322-9001

Lake Viking News

PWSD #3 of Daviess County: Open Meeting December 21, 2021

CALL TO ORDER Kyle Parkhurst, President (2023), called the meeting to order at 4:00pm. Members in attendance were Harlan Horst (2023), Jeffrey Speaker (2022), and Heather Lund (2024). Troy Lesan (2024) was unable to attend. Also in attendance were Roger Barker, Water Superintendent, Gary King, Operator, and Diane Hulett, Clerk.

Price (GMP) figures will hopefully be presented to the board at the next meeting. A motion was made by Harlan Horst and seconded by Heather Lund to draft a letter to Bartlett & West expressing the board's dissatisfaction with the overall progress on the new water plant and request a meeting to discuss the changes and delays. All members voted in favor; motion carried.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES Harlan Horst moved to approve the minutes of the November 16, 2021 Board of Directors Meeting. Heather Lund seconded. All members were in favor; motion carried.


PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. OLD BUSINESS Roger reported that Bartlett & West has not yet submitted the engineering plan to the Department of Natural Resources for approval with the expected timeline to be sometime next week. The next Guaranteed Maximum

Financial Report: The financial reports and bills were reviewed and discussed. Jeffrey Speaker moved to approve the November financial reports as submitted and approve the bills and transfers. Harlan Horst seconded. All members voted to approve; motion carried. The 2022 Budget was reviewed. Jeffrey Speaker made a motion to accept the budget as presented. Harlan Horst seconded. All members were in favor; motion carried. Quotes on health insurance were submitted. In order to review further, the item was tabled until next meeting.

DISCUSSION Superintendent Report: Roger reported test results on manganese were finally received from the lab. Samples were taken after two customers reported black residue appearing on faucets. Only trace amounts of manganese were detected in all the samples sent to the lab. The district will continue to monitor the issue and have lab reports available for review at the office. Per RsMO 610.021, a motion was made by Harlan Horst and seconded by Heather Lund for the board to enter executive session to discuss personnel. Roll call votes were: Kyle Parkhurst-yes, Jeffrey Speaker-yes, Harlan Horst-yes, Heather Lund-yes. The motion was approved and the board entered closed session at 5:10p.m. At 6:15p.m., the board returned to regular session. Kyle Parkhurst, President, announced the next meeting would be January 18, 2022 at the water plant. Harlan Horst moved to adjourn at 6:20 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Jeffrey Speaker

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January 2022

Viking Valley Association Ph: 660-322-9001

Lake Viking News

VVA Board of Directors Meeting Activities Committee – no report Tony Gronniger said the Activities Committee has generated their 2022 Calendar of Events, which is posted on our Lake Viking website. Building Committee Marvin McNabb reported the Committee had 7 building permits in the month of December, one being a house. Tony Gronniger asked if there is a way to find out how many active permits we have right now? Marvin McNabb said it is hard right now to answer that question due to extensions given because of lack of supplies, lack of workers, and bad weather but he will attempt to get that answer. Fire Department – no report Campground Committee Mike Booth reported the 2022 Campground Fee statements have been mailed, with payment due February 1 st . Lake Committee – no report Infraction Committee – no report Dredge Committee – no report Tony Gronniger said silt basin construction is on track. Troy Lesan said bills are coming in for the pipes and tubes as Phase 2 of silt basin construction. Tony Gronniger said they have dropped and installed the tubes and are down to the stoplog structure. Managing Director/Lake Manager Report Cathy Poindexter (Managing Director as of Jan.1) reported a tentative plan for the Spring chip and seal: Baywatch will be completed, along with Lake Viking Terrace from the Lake Office to the west side of the dam. Those areas were scheduled to have been completed in Fall 2021, but chip and seal operations were stopped due to cold temperatures. So while Vance Brothers are here completing that, she would like to proceed with this year’s 2022 chip

Continued from page 1

and seal. This year’s plan is to finish chip and seal on Lake Viking Terrace and the short-cut roads, totaling approx 6 miles. Cathy reported that she and Shad have a timeline established for January and February to transition duties. January will be: preparing for the Annual Meeting, working on DNR lagoon reporting, DNR safety process for dam, water district and road district contracts, cemetery process, Dept of Agriculture license renewal, taxes and insurance, handbooks and personnel, campground, budgeting, finance, and employee reviews. February will be: reviewing process for dredging, roads, special lake projects, pool process, Maintenance and Safety personnel and roles, inventory and equipment, mowing process, contractors, and VVA-owned property. Financials Troy Lesan moved to approve the Financial Reports. Marvin McNabb seconded; motion passed. Guest Time No guests were present for guest time. Board Discussions Troy Lesan reported he has 1 person interested in running for the Board. If you are interested in running for the Board, please call the Office at 660322-9001 for more information. Marvin McNabb reported he is working on our IT tech needs, and is moving forward. Marvin McNabb proposed a change to the Handbook page 38, paragraph titled “9-1-1 Addresses and Lot Numbers to be displayed”. The proposed change is so that emergency personnel can quickly locate and arrive wherever the emergency is, even during construction phase. Add “All new home Building Permits are required to obtain the 9-1-1 address for their property prior to the start of the build process. The 9-1-1 address must be posted on the property and provided to the VVA Office. The 9-1-1 address can be obtained by call-

Lake Viking

CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Part-time Flexible hours Monday – Friday 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM 16-24 hours per week

Duties include: Assisting the Managing Director in answering phones, accepting customer payments, monthly billing, answering building permit and handbook questions, manage clubhouse reservations, data entry, and duties as assigned. Please submit resume and application no later than February 15, 2022. Viking Valley Association 144 E. Main Gallatin, MO 64640


ing the 9-1-1 Address Geo Comm @ 888436-2666.” Marvin McNabb moved to approve this change. Troy Lesan seconded; motion passed. Peggy in Safety vocalized her support for this change, so lot owners will post their 9-1-1 address along w/ lot # at the beginning of construction. Mike Booth would like to look into assigning 9-1-1 addresses to all of the 1st and 2nd tier lots. Board discussed adding Cathy Poindexter to the BTC Bank, Morgan Stanley, and Commerce Bank accounts as authorized individual. Troy Lesan moved to approve this change. Allan Slavin seconded; motion passed. The Board discussed reinstating the infraction ticket issued to All About Fences for work completed at lot #1116. Marvin McNabb made a motion to reinstate the infraction ticket and reduce the fine to $200. Troy Lesan seconded. Allan Slavin opposed; motion passed. Adjourn: Troy Lesan moved to adjourn to Executive Session. Marvin McNabb, seconded; motion passed. Attendance: Mark and Stephanie Closterman, lot 1900; Peggy Lankford, lot 2591; Mary Aschbrenner, lot 306; Sue Morris, lot 332; Levi McClure, lot 1741; Cathy Poindexter, lot 1127. Respectfully submitted, Celeste Armanees, secretary VVA Board of Directors

PLEASE NOTE: Requests for Guest Time and/or additional Motions from the floor for the 2022 Annual Meeting need to be submitted to the VVA office for approval by February 20, in order to be accepted for the Agenda.

January 2022


Lake Viking News

Income 4000 4100 4150 4200 4201 4202 4203 4250 4300 4350 4400 4401 4500 4550 4600 4650 4660 4700 4701 4800 4850 4860 4870 4910 4950 4960 4970

Membership Dues $ 86,851.86 Special Assessments 923,716.77 Ramp Gate Assessment 4,842.73 Special Lake Assessments 162,759.66 Dredge Assessment 1,615.50 Additional Dredge Employee 32,145.63 Special Dredge Accrual 48,217.50 Collections-Delinquent Accts. 23,295.09 Special Road Assessments 53,089.97 Deferred Maint./Capital Projects Assmts. 47,158.84 Service Charge 6,155.60 Credit Card Convenience Fee 4,824.34 Campground Income 81,529.13 Mowing Receipts 4,084.60 Building Permit Fee 98,350.00 Clubhouse Income 8,160.00 LV News income 26,665.60 Sales Income 4,554.00 Community Area Sales 252,893.00 Cemetery Income {Reimb} 6,012.00 Special Road Dist. #1 13,933.70 Fire Department Income 2,480.00 Activities Income 19,287.00 Contract Income-P.W.S.D. #3 5,626.50 Misc. Income 50,812.05 Investment Income 33,213.90 Interest Income 1,471.11 -------------------Total Income 2,003,746.08 -------------------Operating Expenses 6000 Gross Wages-Administrative 143,617.07 6001 Gross Wages-Maintenance 152,360.81 6002 Gross Wages-Dredge {Sp. Lake} 20,487.25 6003 Gross Wages-Safety 118,285.21 6004 Gross Wages-Housekeeping 3,708.38 6005 Gross Wages - Lifeguard 6,712.09 Contract Labor 6006 Credit Card Merchant Fees 5,448.09 6010 Employer FICA Tax Expense 38,925.31 6049 Employee Retirement 6,500.35 6050 Administrative Expense 20,432.32 6051 Employee Insurance 23,377.30 6052 Insurance & Bonds 96,529.45 6053 Taxes, Licenses & Permits 117,661.88 6054 Legal & Professional 2,511.25 6056 Promotional & Advertisement 10,860.00 6059 LV News expense 22,764.26 6100 Office Expense 10,626.79 6103 Postage 5,862.82 6200 Maintenance Expense 61,002.86 6210 Mowing-Contract Expense 0.00 6250 Roads 264,122.52 6251 Roads {Special Rd. District} 173.43 6300 Ramp Gate Expense 2,704.55 6400 Safety Expense 15,240.37 6450 Fire Department Expense 6,022.47 6500 Special Lake Expense 18,028.51 6501 Silt Basin Construction 433,565.98 6600 Electricity 12,492.07 6700 Phones 7,594.70 6750 Water 6,099.24 6800 Heat {Propane} 3,052.12 6900 Fuel {Gas/Diesel} 25,386.23 6901 Dredge Fuel 4,589.31 7000 Trash Expense 18,279.28 7100 Campground Expense 27,726.73 7101 Campground Utilities 53,191.27 7300 Deed / Lien Expense 624.61 7600 Cemetery Expense {Reimb} 1,530.02 7795 Activities Expense 12,252.38 1590 Capital Exp 148,629.87 7800 Misc. Expense 3,939.32 7810 Investment Expenses 16,470.52 7900 Fish Stocking 2,000.00 -------------------Total Operating Expenses 1,951,388.99 -------------------Net Income (Loss) $ 52,357.09 ===========



146,000.00 150,000.00 40,000.00 116,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00

(2,382.93) 2,360.81 (19,512.75) 2,285.21 (1,291.62) 1,712.09

5,000.00 34,000.00 9,500.00 6,000.00 38,000.00 82,000.00 140,000.00 6,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 45,000.00 1,500.00 190,000.00 1,000.00 3,500.00 10,000.00 7,500.00 100,000.00 535,000.00 56,000.00 7,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 25,000.00 20,000.00 19,000.00 8,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 500.00 8,000.00 240,270.00 5,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 ----------------------2,107,770.00 ----------------------($ 318,704.00) =============

448.09 4,925.31 (2,999.65) 14,432.32 (14,622.70) 14,529.45 (22,338.12) (3,488.75) 860.00 22,764.26 626.79 862.82 16,002.86 (1,500.00) 74,122.52 (826.57) (795.45) 5,240.37 (1,477.53) (81,971.49) (101,434.02) (43,507.93) 594.70 (3,900.76) (1,947.88) 386.23 (15,410.69) (720.72) 19,726.73 53,191.27 (375.39) 1,030.02 4,252.38 (91,640.13) (1,060.68) 16,470.52 0.00 ------------------(156,381.01) ------------------$ 371,061.09 ===========


Furnace/AC for Office


IS 3200


$ 7,000.00 Doors @ Maintenance $ 40,000.00 Dock & Lift $ 25,000.00 Fire Department SCBA cylinders $ 10,000.00 Dump Truck $ 20,000.00 Mini Excavator trade $ 10,000.00 Safety Boat $ 20,000.00 Security Cameras $ 25,000.00 Zero Turn Mowers - (2) IS 3200 $ 73,270.00 Computer & Software for Westbrook & Co. Hoe, Skid Steer Mini


$ $





7,000.00 40,000.00 25,000.00


20,000.00 10,000.00



















$ $





Danko Emergency Equipment er HO 11' Jet Ski


$ PURCHASED $ 11,700.00 $

$ Certified Cylinders from Danko Emergency Equipment or Westbrook & Co. $ 2020 Yamaha VX cRuiser HO 11' Jet Ski $


98.37% 101.57% 51.22% 101.97% 74.17% 134.24%

101,000.00 $101,000.00 213,800.00 $213,800.00 51,000.00 $51,000.00 141,500.00 $141,500.00 4,000.00 $4,000.00 7,300.00 $7,300.00 48,000.00 $48,000.00 108.96% 6,000.00 $6,000.00 114.49% 40,000.00 $40,000.00 68.42% 4,500.00 $4,500.00 340.54% 39,000.00 $39,000.00 61.52% 38,000.00 $38,000.00 117.72% 89,000.00 $89,000.00 84.04% 121,800.00 $121,800.00 41.85% 5,000.00 $5,000.00 108.60% 12,000.00 $12,000.00 0.00% 39,000.00 $39,000.00 106.27% 10,500.00 $10,500.00 117.26% 6,000.00 $6,000.00 135.56% 45,000.00 $45,000.00 0.00% 0.00 $0.00 139.01% 190,000.00 $190,000.00 17.34% 1,000.00 $1,000.00 77.27% 1,500.00 $1,500.00 152.40% 12,000.00 $12,000.00 80.30% 7,500.00 $7,500.00 18.03% 125,000.00 $125,000.00 81.04% 214,000.00 22.31% 15,000.00 $15,000.00 108.50% 5,500.00 $5,500.00 60.99% 7,000.00 $7,000.00 61.04% 5,000.00 $5,000.00 101.54% 25,000.00 $25,000.00 22.95% 30,000.00 $30,000.00 96.21% 22,000.00 $22,000.00 346.58% 26,500.00 $26,500.00 0.00% 48,800.00 $48,800.00 62.46% 1,000.00 $1,000.00 306.00% 3,000.00 $3,000.00 153.15% 10,000.00 $10,000.00 61.86% 149,000.00 $149,000.00 78.79% 5,000.00 $5,000.00 0.00% 14,000.00 $14,000.00 100.00% 2,000.00 $2,000.00 ------------------------------------------------------------92.58% 1,942,200.00 1,728,200.00 ------------------------------------------------------------(16.43%) ($ 210,000.00) ## ######## ====================== ===========


Maintenance Pickup

14,871.50 1,145.39 $

2022 Operating Budget

94,000.00 ($ 7,148.14) 92.40% $ 90,000.00 $90,000.00 864,000.00 59,716.77 106.91% 955,000.00 $955,000.00 5,100.00 (257.27) 94.96% 4,000.00 $4,000.00 163,000.00 (240.34) 99.85% 168,500.00 $168,500.00 0.00 1,615.50 0.00% 0.00 $0.00 32,500.00 (354.37) 98.91% 32,500.00 $32,500.00 48,500.00 (282.50) 99.42% 49,500.00 $0.00 20,000.00 3,295.09 116.48% 20,000.00 $20,000.00 54,500.00 (1,410.03) 97.41% 55,000.00 $55,000.00 49,300.00 (2,141.16) 95.66% 48,500.00 $0.00 8,000.00 (1,844.40) 76.95% 6,000.00 $6,000.00 5,000.00 (175.66) 96.49% 6,000.00 $6,000.00 83,000.00 (1,470.87) 98.23% 95,200.00 $95,200.00 12,000.00 (7,915.40) 34.04% 8,000.00 $8,000.00 50,000.00 48,350.00 196.70% 50,000.00 $50,000.00 5,000.00 3,160.00 163.20% 5,000.00 $5,000.00 0.00 26,665.60 0.00% 54,000.00 $54,000.00 4,000.00 554.00 113.85% 4,000.00 $4,000.00 238,666.00 14,227.00 105.96% 0.00 $0.00 500.00 5,512.00 1,202.40% 2,500.00 $2,500.00 5,000.00 8,933.70 278.67% 5,000.00 $5,000.00 1,000.00 1,480.00 248.00% 1,000.00 $1,000.00 10,000.00 9,287.00 192.87% 10,000.00 $10,000.00 3,000.00 2,626.50 187.55% 3,000.00 $3,000.00 23,000.00 27,812.05 220.92% 23,000.00 $23,000.00 0.00 33,213.90 0.00% 35,000.00 $35,000.00 10,000.00 (8,528.89) 14.71% 1,500.00 $1,500.00 ----------------------- ------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------1,789,066.00 214,680.08 112.00% 1,732,200.00 1,634,200.00 ----------------------- ------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------




Revised 2022 Proposed Budget



Track skid loader



Road tubes

Viking Valley Association Ph: 660-322-9001

6,400.00 240,270.00 3,862.34 8,500.00


$ $ $ $ $ $ $

By-Law: Proposed Changes to VVA Handbook at Annual Meeting These By Law changes will be voted on by membership Pg. 8: under Article IV, Section 8 “NonPayment Penalties & Interest”: Bottom line of this change: To the current $20.00 late fee at 10 days late, this change will ADD at 45 days late an additional $80.00 late fee. Then after 60 days late, the current 1.0% interest would change to 1.5% interest per month to begin accruing. The rest of the rule remains the same. Details of the verbiage are below. CURRENT: “Any payment of dues, assessments or other charges received more than ten (10) days after the due date will be deemed a late payment, and a penalty will be assessed … in the amount of Twenty Dollars ($20.00), and lake and community privileges are immediately suspended …. … In addition to the late payment penalty, any payment … not received within sixty (60) days of the due date, the account shall bear interest at the rate of one percent (1.0%) per month, until paid. PROPOSED: To the above, before last sentence “In addition to” will add: “At 45 days late, an additional Eighty Dollars ($80.00) late fee will be assessed.” Also, change the current “one percent (1.0%)” to “one-and-a-half percent (1.5%)”. Reason: Currently, VVA’s penalties for late-payments are weak, hence, a high number of dues & annual fees as late-pays. With late-pay penalties more in line with industry standards, VVA will minimize hours of labor currently lost to “chasing money” of late payments. Pg. 10: under Article VII “Board of Directors”, add as last paragraph under Section 6 “Manner of Acting”: CURRENT: (not in VVA Handbook anywhere) PROPOSED: “Conflict of Interest on a vote: Board members are expected to vote according to what, in their best judgment, is in the best interest of VVA as a whole--NOT what will personally benefit himself/herself, or business partners, or friends, etc. Hence, a Board member who stands to personally benefit from any given vote, in a way obviously disproportional to how VVA members as a whole would benefit, must recuse himself/herself from said vote. f he/she did not recuse, then a revote must occur.” Reason: Why add this to our Handbook? Because it is standard on any Board everywhere. And because if a future Board either inadvertently or on purpose forgets to sign our current hard-copy Code of Ethics, or, whether signed or not, a person is on the Board for personal gain reasons, there’s currently no official means (such as a Rule printed in Handbook) for VVA members to “call the Board out” on any unethical voting for personal gain. So adding this ethics clause to the VVA Handbook gives you, the VVA member, this “check & balance” power if any future Board members are all friends & decide to “go rogue” by NOT calling each other out if there’s a conflict of interest on a certain vote. For example, a Board member who is an electrician, or homebuilder, or trash hauler, or realtor, or publisher, etc…. should recuse from a vote that would benefit his/her personal finances.


Capital Expenditures Budgeted Amount 11,700.00 Capital Expenditures Budgeted Amount Safety Radio's & Equipment $8,000.00

Safety Radio's & Equipment $8,000.00 Furnace/AC for Office 12,109.65 Furnace/AC for Office $7,000.00 Road Tubes Road Tubes $25,000.00 Doors @ Maintenance Doors @ Maintenance $10,000.00 Track Skid Loader Track Skid Loader Tractor for Maintenance $40,000.00 10,500.00 Tractor42,649.34 for Maintenance $25,000.00 Sign's/Safety Equipment Maintenance Sign's/Safety Equipment Maintenance $3,000.00 IT & Security Camera's 76,832.09 IT & Security Camera's $10,000.00 Dredge Pipe Floats 1,934.16 Dredge14,871.50 Pipe Floats Maintenance Pontoon Boats $30,000.00 1,145.39 Maintenance Pontoon Boats $6,000.00 Speed Bumps 6,400.00 Speed Bumps $7,000.00 Boat Motors 3,862.34 Boat Motors $6,000.00 Dredge Pipe 8,500.00 Dredge Pipe $30,000.00 Total Budgeted Capital Expenditures 190,504.47 Total Budgeted Capital Expenditures $207,000.00

$7,000.00 $25,000.00 $10,000.00 $40,000.00 $25,000.00 $3,000.00 $10,000.00 $30,000.00 $6,000.00 $7,000.00 $6,000.00 $30,000.00 $207,000.00

January 2022

Viking Valley Association Ph: 660-322-9001




ASSETS: 1052 · BTC Bank Gen Checking 1056 · BTC Bank CD #2 1057 · BTC ICS 1058.1 · Edward Jones CD#1 1058.2 · Edward Jones CD Interest 1061 · State Farm Bank MM 1062 · Ed Jones CD#2 Capital Projects 1064 · Edward Jones CD#4 1066 · Edward Jones Cap. Projects-Cash 1067 · Edward Jones Money Market 1068 · Morgan Stanley Bucket 1-2, at cost 1069 · Morgan Stanley Bucket 3, at cost 1113 · Farmers Bank Cemetery 1500 · Petty Cash 1510 · Activties Petty Cash


Total Assets

173,116.26 33,265.03 210,953.95 16,402.72 1,164,315.40 517,590.23 500.00 500.00

$ 2,116,643.59

2020 $


217,454.41 31,876.73 1,209,237.58 225,000.00 16,646.22 29,492.70 67,000.00 110,000.00 50,000.00 127,000.00 19,896.63 500.00 -


(44,338.15) 1,388.30 (1,209,237.58) (14,046.05) (243.50) (29,492.70) (67,000.00) (110,000.00) (50,000.00) (127,000.00) 1,164,315.40 517,590.23 (19,896.63) 500.00

$ 2,104,104.27





(324.24) 269.34 104.39 (1,288.89)


CURRENT LIABILITIES: 2000 · SIT Payables 2030 · FUTA Payables 2040 · SUTA Payables 2089 · Simple IRA


Total Current Liabilities NET ASSETS: Unrestricted Change in Net Assets Total Net Assets TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS

1,148.70 313.39 223.69 2,001.87

1,472.94 44.05 119.30 3,290.76




2,050,184.76 62,771.18

1,092,969.80 1,006,207.42

957,214.96 (943,436.24)




$ 2,116,643.59

$ 2,104,104.27



VIKING ASSOCIATION No assurance is providedVALLEY on these modified cash basis financial statements. Substantially all disclosures omitted. - MODIFIED CASH BASIS STATEMENTS OF REVENUES AND EXPENSES FOR THE TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2021 AND 2020 2021 61,114.23 270,052.51 173.43 3,319.50 15,300.32 6,022.47 20,508.51 377,223.75 12,920.05 2,400.50 7,896.59 6,099.24 4,196.66 30,577.61 4,589.31 18,279.28 28,086.51 55,842.18 885.61 1,530.02 12,252.38 3,450.73 19,630.31 2,000.00

2020 44,469.45 1,400.00 137,303.60 62.12 7,891.05 11,413.15 5,233.22 146,658.78 7,540.00 1,768.20 52,802.19 7,057.53 10,094.11 3,220.72 22,250.79 1,965.63 17,253.51 13,576.40 734.75 123.99 11,355.05 7,741.56 2,000.00



6200 · Maintenance Expense 6210 · Mowing-Contract Expense 6250 · Roads 6251 · Roads {Special Rd. District} 6300 · Ramp Gate Expense 6400 · Safety Expense 6450 · Fire Department Expense 6500 · Special Lake Expense - Dredge 6501 · Silt Basin Construction 6550 · Interest Expense 6600 · Electricity 66000 · Payroll Expenses 6700 · Phones 6750 · Water 6800 · Heat {Propane} 6900 · Fuel {Gas/Diesel} 6901 · Dredge Fuel 7000 · Trash Expense 7100 · Campground Expense 7101 · Campground Utilities 7300 · Deed / Lien Expense 7600 · Cemetery Expense 7795 · Activities Expense 7800 · Misc. Expense 7810 · Investment Expenses 7900 · Fish Stocking Total Expenses Revenues Over Expenses

Change in Net Assets


ACTUAL 6800 · Heat {Propane} 6900 · Fuel {Gas/Diesel} 6901 · Dredge Fuel 7000 · Trash Expense 7100 · Campground Expense 7101 · Campground Utilities 7300 · Deed / Lien Expense 7600 · Cemetery Expense 7795 · Activities Expense 7800 · Misc. Expense 7810 · Investment Expense 7900 · Fish Stocking


Change in Net Assets before Capital Expenses


Change in Net Assets


110,000.00 50,000.00 127,000.00 1,164,315.40 EXPENSES: 517,590.23 6000 · Gross Wages-Administrative 19,896.63 6001 · Gross-Wages-Maintenance 6002 · Gross Wages-Dredge {Sp. Lake} 500.00 500.00 6003 · Gross Wages-Safety 500.00 -


LIABILITIES AND NET 0.84 1.22 0.23 0.96 3.51 0.89 3.06 1.53 0.69 1.00 0.98


Total(78,434.00) Net Assets








4401 · Credit Card Convenience Fee 4500 · Campground Income 4550 · Mowing Receipts 4600 · Building Permit Fee 4650 · Clubhouse Income 2021 2020 4660 · LV News Income 4700 · Sales Income 173,116.26 4701 · Community Area$Sales217,454.41 480033,265.03 · Cemetery Income {Reimb} 31,876.73 4850 · Special - Road Dist. #1 1,209,237.58 4860 · Fire Department Income 210,953.95 225,000.00 4870 · Activities Income 16,646.22 491016,402.72 · Contract Income-P.W.S.D. #3 4950 · Misc.- Income 29,492.70 4960 · Investment Income 67,000.00 4970 · Interest Income

86,851.86 927,167.32 4,887.73 162,759.66 1,615.50 32,145.63 48,217.50 25,108.96 53,089.97 47,158.84 6,289.56 4,831.62 84,556.13 4,444.60 98,550.00 7,660.00 28,406.26 4,554.00 252,893.00 6,012.00 14,918.70 2,480.00 19,287.00 5,626.50 51,072.06 48,384.67 1,471.11


92,990.27 859,000.45 5,632.00 162,375.30 243,072.00 32,333.40 48,520.00 14,615.84 54,170.70 48,216.75 25,153.28 4,379.11 80,961.62 8,434.84 74,175.00 4,975.00 1,000.00 4,500.00 307,565.00 4,158.00 6,933.34 100.00 11,959.57 2,430.00 45,306.22 23,734.44 -



(6,138.41) 68,166.87 (744.27) 384.36 (241,456.50) (187.77) (302.50) 10,493.12 (1,080.73) (1,057.91) (18,863.72) 452.51 3,594.51 (3,990.24) 24,375.00 2,685.00 27,406.26 54.00 (54,672.00) 1,854.00 7,985.36 2,380.00 7,327.43 3,196.50 5,765.84 24,650.23 1,471.11

0.93 1.08 0.87 1.00 0.01 0.99 0.99 1.72 0.98 0.98 0.25 1.10 1.04 0.53 1.33 1.54 28.41 1.01 0.82 1.45 2.15 24.80 1.61 2.32 1.13 2.04 -





146,667.64 149,421.98 158,664.98 20,487.25 122,832.41 3,472.63 6,712.09 5,704.38 44,260.72 6,746.91 22,988.32 24,113.34 97,692.45 139,645.88 2,542.75 10,860.00 23,522.28 10,871.48 6,109.81

53,974.60 143,913.04 148,382.79 23,302.60 108,073.84 3,195.07 4,822.92 6,358.48 35,040.49 8,756.24 10,387.85 28,437.63 83,904.20 33,506.65 11,433.43 9,690.00 10,575.76 4,622.32

92,693.04 5,508.94 10,282.19 (2,815.35) 14,758.57 277.56 1,889.17 (654.10) 9,220.23 (2,009.33) 12,600.47 (4,324.29) 13,788.25 106,139.23 (8,890.68) 1,170.00 23,522.28 295.72 1,487.49

2.72 1.04 1.07 0.88 1.14 1.09 1.39 0.90 1.26 0.77 2.21 0.85 1.16 4.17 0.22 1.12 1.03 1.32

4,831.62 84,556.13 4,444.60 98,550.00 7,660.00 CHANGE 28,406.26 4,554.00 $ (44,338.15) 252,893.00 1,388.306,012.00 14,918.70 (1,209,237.58) 2,480.00 (14,046.05) 19,287.00 (243.50)5,626.50 51,072.06 (29,492.70) 48,384.67 (67,000.00) 1,471.11

(110,000.00) (50,000.00) 2,030,440.18 (127,000.00) 1,164,315.40 517,590.23 149,421.98 (19,896.63) 158,664.98 - 20,487.25 122,832.41 500.00

Total Revenues


$ (318,704.00)





EXPENSES: 1590 · Capital Expense 6000 · Gross Wages-Administrative 6001 · Gross Wages-Maintenance 6002 · Gross Wages-Dredge {Sp. Lake} 6003 · Gross Wages-Safety 6004 · Gross Wages-Housekeeping 6005 · Gross Wages - Lifeguard 6006 · Credit Card Merchant Fees 6010 · Employer FICA Tax Expense 6049 · Employee Retirement 6050 · Administrative Expense 6051 · Employee Insurance 6052 · Insurance & Bonds 6053 · Taxes, Licenses & Permits 6054 · Legal & Professional 6056 · Promotional & Advertisement 6059 · LV News Expense 6100 · Office Expense 6103 · Postage


(803.34) 30,577.61 25,000.00 5,577.61 2000 · SIT Payables 4,589.31 2030 · FUTA 20,000.00 (15,410.69) Payables 18,279.28 19,000.00 (720.72) 2040 · SUTA Payables 28,086.51 8,000.00 20,086.51 2089 · Simple-IRA 55,842.18 55,842.18 885.61 1,000.00 (114.39) 1,530.02 500.00 Total Current Liabilities 1,030.02 12,252.38 8,000.00 4,252.38 3,450.73 5,000.00 (1,549.27) 19,630.31NET ASSETS: 19,630.31 2,000.00 2,000.00 Unrestricted

1590 · Capital Expenses Change in Net Assets


No assurance is provided on these modified cash basis financial statements. CURRENT LIABILITIES: 5,000.00 Substantially4,196.66 all disclosures omitted.

Total Expenses

Total Revenues





No assurance is provided on these modified cash basis financial statements. Substantially all disclosures omitted.

924,398.42 (861,627.24) ASSETS: 1052 · BTC Bank Gen Checking 81,809.00 1056 · BTC Bank CD #2 (81,809.00) 1057 · BTC ICS · Edward Jones CD#1 $ 1,006,207.42 $ (943,436.24) 62,771.18 1058.1 1058.2 · Edward Jones CD Interest 1061 · State Farm Bank MM 1062 · Ed Jones CD#2 Capital Projects 1064 · Edward Jones CD#4 1066 · Edward Jones Cap. Projects-Cash 1067 · Edward Jones Money Market 1068 · Morgan Stanley Bucket 1-2, at cost 1069 · Morgan Stanley Bucket 3, at cost 1113 · Farmers Bank Cemetery 1500 · Petty Cash 1510 · Activties Petty Cash


REVENUES: 4000 · Membership Dues 4100 · Special Assessments 4150 · Ramp Gate Assessment 4200 · Special Lake Assessments 4201 · Dredge Assessment 4202 · Additional Dredge Employee 4203 · Special Lake Accrual 4250 · Collections-Delinquent Accts. 4300 · Special Road Assessments 4350 · Defer. Maint./Cap. Proj. Assmts 4400 · Service Charge 4401 · Credit Card Convenience Fee 4500 · Campground Income 4550 · Mowing Receipts 4600 · Building Permit Fee 4650 · Clubhouse Income 4660 · LV News Income 4700 · Sales Income 4701 · Community Area Sales 4800 · Cemetery Income 4850 · Special Road Dist. #1 4860 · Fire Department Income 4870 · Activities Income 4910 · Contract Income-P.W.S.D. #3 4950 · Misc. Income 4960 · Investment Income 4970 · Interest Income

CHANGE PERCENT 16,644.78 1.37 (1,400.00) 132,748.91 1.97 111.31 2.79 (4,571.55) 0.42 3,887.17 1.34 789.25 1.15 (126,150.27) 0.14 369,683.75 50.03 (1,768.20) VIKING VALLEY ASSOCIATION (39,882.14) 0.24 ACTUAL VS ANNUAL BUDGET - MODIFIED CASH BASIS 2,400.50 FOR THE TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2021 839.06 1.12 (3,994.87) 0.60 ANNUAL 975.94 1.30 BUDGET ACTUAL 8,326.82 1.37 REVENUES: 2,623.68 2.33 4000 · Membership Dues $ 86,851.86 $ 94,000.00 1,025.77 1.06 4100 · Special Assessments 927,167.32 864,000.00 14,510.11 2.07 4150 · Ramp Gate Assessment 4,887.73 5,100.00 55,842.18 4200 · Special Lake Assessments 162,759.66 163,000.00 4201 · Dredge Assessment 1,615.50 150.86 1.21 4202 · Additional Dredge Employee 32,145.63 32,500.00 1,406.03 VIKING12.34 VALLEY ASSOCIATION 4203 · Special Lake Accrual 48,217.50 48,500.00 897.33 4250 · Collections-Delinquent Accts. 25,108.96 20,000.00 STATEMENTS 1.08 OF ASSETS, LIABILITIES AND (4,290.83)NET ASSETS 0.45 4300BASIS · Special Road Assessments 53,089.97 54,500.00 - MODIFIED CASH · Defer. Maint./Cap. Proj. Assmts 47,158.84 49,300.00 19,630.31 DECEMBER 31, 2021 AND4350 2020 4400 · Service Charge 6,289.56 8,000.00 1.00


OTHER REVENUES (EXPENSES): 8470 · PPP Loan Forgiveness Income


Lake Viking News



6004 · Gross Wages-Housekeeping 6005 · Gross Wages - Lifeguard 6006 · Credit Card Merchant Fees $ 2,116,643.59 $ 2,104,104.27 6010 · Employer FICA Tax Expense 6049 · Employee Retirement 6050 · Administrative Expense 6051 · Employee Insurance ASSETS 6052 · Insurance & Bonds 6053 · Taxes, Licenses & Permits $ 6054 ·1,148.70 $ 1,472.94 Legal & Professional 313.39 & Advertisement44.05 6056 · Promotional 6059 · LV News Expense 223.69 119.30 6100 ·2,001.87 Office Expense 3,290.76 6103 · Postage 6200 · Maintenance Expense 6210 ·3,687.65 Mowing-Contract Expense 4,927.05 6250 · Roads 6251 · Roads {Special Rd. District} 6300 · Ramp Gate Expense 2,050,184.76 1,092,969.80 6400 · Safety Expense 645062,771.18 · Fire Department Expense 1,006,207.42 6500 · Special Lake Expense - Dredge 6501 · Silt Basin Construction 2,112,955.94 6550 · Interest Expense 2,099,177.22 6600 · Electricity 66000 · Payroll Expense $ 6700 2,116,643.59 $ 2,104,104.27 · Phones 6750 · Water




3,472.63 6,712.09 12,539.325,704.38 44,260.72 6,746.91 22,988.32 24,113.34 97,692.45 139,645.88 (324.24)2,542.75 269.34 10,860.00 23,522.28 104.39 10,871.48 (1,288.89) 6,109.81 61,114.23 (1,239.40) 270,052.51 173.43 3,319.50 957,214.96 15,300.32 (943,436.24)6,022.47 20,508.51 377,223.75 13,778.72 12,920.05 2,400.50 12,539.327,896.59 6,099.24

5,000.00 83,000.00 12,000.00 50,000.00 5,000.00 4,000.00 238,666.00 500.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 10,000.00 3,000.00 23,000.00 10,000.00


146,000.00 150,000.00 40,000.00 116,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 34,000.00 9,500.00 6,000.00 38,000.00 82,000.00 140,000.00 6,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 45,000.00 1,500.00 190,000.00 1,000.00 3,500.00 10,000.00 7,500.00 100,000.00 535,000.00 56,000.00 7,000.00 10,000.00

No assurance is provided on these modified cash basis financial statements. Substantially all disclosures omitted.

No assurance is provided on these modified cash basis financial statements. Substantially all disclosures omitted.


(7,148.14) 63,167.32 (212.27) (240.34) 1,615.50 (354.37) (282.50) 5,108.96 (1,410.03) (2,141.16) (1,710.44) (168.38) 1,556.13 (7,555.40) 48,550.00 2,660.00 28,406.26 554.00 14,227.00 5,512.00 9,918.70 1,480.00 9,287.00 2,626.50 28,072.06 48,384.67 (8,528.89)

PERCENT 0.92 1.07 0.96 1.00 0.99 0.99 1.26 0.97 0.96 0.79 0.97 1.02 0.37 1.97 1.53 1.14 1.06 12.02 2.98 2.48 1.93 1.88 2.22 0.15



3,421.98 8,664.98 (19,512.75) 6,832.41 (1,527.37) 1,712.09 704.38 10,260.72 (2,753.09) 16,988.32 (13,886.66) 15,692.45 (354.12) (3,457.25) 860.00 23,522.28 871.48 1,109.81 16,114.23 (1,500.00) 80,052.51 (826.57) (180.50) 5,300.32 (1,477.53) (79,491.49) (157,776.25) (43,079.95) 2,400.50 896.59 (3,900.76)

1.02 1.06 0.51 1.06 0.69 1.34 1.14 1.30 0.71 3.83 0.63 1.19 1.00 0.42 1.09 1.09 1.22 1.36 1.42 0.17 0.95 1.53 0.80 0.21 0.71 0.23 1.13 0.61


January 2022

Lake Viking News

Viking Valley Association Ph: 660-322-9001

2021 in Review and 2022 on the Horizon: Progress continues By Troy Lesan



1/4 mile west of Jamesport 31301 State Hwy. 6 Jamesport MO 64648 660-684-6650 Monday-Saturday 9AM-5PM

Y herita R T



thy that the VVA still operated in black in 2021. Hence, in 2022, we are projecting the budget deficit that was anticipated for 2021, but by the end of 2022, we expect to have a totally new silt basin with a price-tag of over a half million dollars – debt free! By the way, with the ratification of the final year of our five-year plan, the Association will also have an accumulation of around $250,000 in Deferred Capital Projects Fund which is a very important asset to be used in the event of emergency expenditures. During the past several years, presentations from the Dredge Committee and Finance Committee have gone hand in hand at Town Halls and Annual Meetings. Both are undeniably linked in terms of importance to the strategic future of the VVA. The quality of the lake is the centerpiece of our universe. Dredging is a very big deal. Costs are huge. For the VVA to have contracted dredging, costs would have exceeded a million dollars . . . and we would still have to construct a silt basin. We have a sound strategy in place and the financial plan required to keep the lake maintained which is an essential component of our success. To put this in perspective, let’s compare. In 2016, when our old dredge was falling apart and we were hemorrhaging mon-


As we prepare for the upcoming Viking Valley Association Annual Meeting, the pages of the Lake Viking News will feature Financial Documents for Year End 2021, the Budget for 2022, and other relevant information. As the Finance Committee Report in the January Board Minutes reflects, the numbers for year-end 2021 tell a story of surprising resiliency. After 2020, a year of unprecedented income, it was expected that in 2021 we would start to experience the anticipated big expenses which were the reason we built up our war-chest in the first place. And as expected, those expenses started rolling in for 2021: over $100,000 for capital gains taxes on the sale of community areas, over $350,000 in expenses for the construction of Silt Basin, a $76,000 plus upgrade of our terribly outdated fleet of Safety watercraft. Add to this the extra expense of transitioning our office software to accommodate a change-over in which a CPA firm is now handling our financials. And, oh yes, the realignment of office and Lake Manager structure, and the totally unexpected and necessary move in which the Association took over ownership and publication of the Lake Viking News. After all of the above mentioned expenses, it is notewor-



ey in costs of upkeep, membership voted, by an overwhelming margin at the annual meeting to purchase a new dredge. Several months later, after we were fortunate enough to find and purchase a dredge, at $300,000 our Funds Summary showed just a little over $500,000 in cash assets with over $100,000 owed on the loan for the new dredge. As of December 31, 2021, even after more large expenditures for Silt Basin Construction, a new Safety Boat, computers and software for a new office package and many other additional expenses, our cash assets are at $2,116,643 . . . with no debt! The difference is the sound strategic planning by Dredge Committee and Finance Committee that

began in 2018 with the introduction of our 5 year plan as well as a structured plan for financing major dredging expenses. The VVA has been fortunate. We have benefitted greatly from the efforts and hard work of our volunteers in what has been a major period of growth in our history. Each year, ratification of the Five Year PIan is voted on by membership, and I would encourage a yes vote again for 2022. We want to continue the good progress made. For more information there will be a virtual Town Hall on Saturday February 19 at 2 PM. Look for more information that will be forthcoming on Lake Viking Facebook, the Lake Viking Mo Website, and on Lake Viking Community Emails.

Viking Valley Association Ph: 660-322-9001

January 2022


Lake Viking News

Now is the tim treatment pro Evenings at Lake Viking feature beautiful sunsets. As these 2 photos byupcom •Landscaping •New Septic System Installations •Patios

Robert Noel convey, each one is a little different.

Happy New Year!

Spring is here ... and we are looking to add more mowing, spraying and maintenance clients for the 2020 mowing season.

from the staff and advisory board members!

SEATED: Denise Everman, Renee Hood & Keri Youtsey. STANDING: LuEllen Engel, Ted Sloan, caping Amy Burns, Jeff Speaker, Cody Bird, Allison Lockridge, Dennis Brammer, John Whitfield, Mitzie Wiley, help you Robin Wood, Kelvina Hobbs, & Norma Curtis. NOT PICTURED: Emily Lollar.


• Mowing • Lawn Applications • Shrubs • Irrigation • Seeding- New and Renovation

Septic System Installations Driveway Installations Dirt Work Rock Walls



Available for bulk purchase:

• Black Dirt • River Rock • Mulch

• Gravel • Erosion Matting • Straw Waddles


January 2022

Lake Viking News

Viking Valley Association Ph: 660-322-9001

Notes from a world traveler: Association Member Sue Wolfe has literally been all around the world, and she offers proof of her travels on her website, where she has thousands of extraordinary pictures in an assortment of galleries from numerous countries. Here’s a few of them. Above. On the run: Namibia is the driest country in sub-Saharan Africa, yet despite the lack of rain, there is an abundance of wildlife. Water holes, fed by either natural springs or man-made wells, provide much needed water and it is common to see zebras and antelopes drinking together. As you can imagine, predators frequent the area. Even the slightest perceived threat can clear a watering hole in seconds. These guys must have seen a lion! Top Right. Fancy Dancers: Bhutan is located amidst the dramatic landscapes of the eastern Himalayas and is consistently ranked as one of the world’s happiest nations. In April, the Ura Yakchu Festival is celebrated by locals in an effort to bring a better crop yield, prosperity and yes happiness to the village. The local government requires all men to learn the dance ensuring their ancient tradition will not be forgotten. Below. A kiss for the good shepherd: A kiss for the good shepherd: Always on the look-out for a good photo-op, Sue Wolfe captured this picture in an open field in Macedonia. A sign of true affection for the goat-keeper.

USE OF DUMPSTERS The Association p r o v i d e s dumpsters for the Beaches, Campgrounds and some Community Areas, for the purpose of accumulated trash in these areas, not day to day household trash. Please DO NOT dump building materials of ANY kind, such as lumber, sheetrock, shingles, etc. in these dumpsters. Mattresses, furniture, and appliances WILL NOT be picked up. Violators are subject to fines up to $500.00

March (date TBD) March 12 April 16 April 23 May 6 June 11 June 25 July 2 July (date TBD) August 6 August 27 September (date TBD) September 10 September 24 October 8 October 29 November 5

Fishing Tournament Wine & Cheese Tasting Easter Egg Hunt Spring Garage Sale Cinco de Mayo @ 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Poker Run (time TBD) “Now & Then” Band @ 8:00 - 11:00 pm Fireworks Display Local Bands Jam-Off @ 8:00 - 11:00 pm

“Here for the Beer” Band @ 8:00 - 11:00 pm

Scavenger Hunt @ 11:00 am - 1:00 pm Fishing Tournament Fall Garage Sale Fall Wine Festival @ 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm Beer & Brats w/ Levi Garrison @ 5:00 - 9:00 pm Halloween Trunk-or-Treat @ 2:00 pm Firefighters’ Chili Cook-Off

@ 5:00 pm

January 2022

Viking Valley Association Ph: 660-322-9001


Lake Viking News

Grand River Heating and Cooling LLC Jay Hart • 660.663.3409



We offer new construction installs, replacements, service calls, whole house ductwork and tune ups.

An authorized Ruud Dealer

Grand River Heating and Cooling LLC

Jay Hart • 660.663.3409 Bird Backhoe Service & Dirt Hauling HVAC REPAIR



Aeration Systems RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Drip Irrigation Systems 30 Years System Design We offer new construction System Replacement Water & Sewer Lines installs, replacements, Rock & Top Soil Delivered Experience

c i r t c e l E



Matt Adkison •

Mo Licensed Installer

service calls, whole house ductwork and tune ups. Maysville, MO 64469 • 816.449.2316 • BILL


TOLL FREE: 877-283-6715


P.O. BOX 613 • CAMERON, MO. 64429 • PH:816-632-1090 • CELL: 816-649-8202

Technician: Rob Flinn

YOUR AD HERE! Contact us at: 660-322-9001 or lakevikingnews@

Willing Workers LLP Roofing, Siding, Lean-tos


John Kramer 17594 St. Hwy 190 Jamesport, MO 64648




Willing Workers LLP Septic System & Water Line Installation Trenching - Excavation | Soil Testing Willing Workers LLP 660-605-0255 Willing Workers LLP Gallatin Lumber Company • 10 Year Labor Warranty Willing• Limited Workers Lifetime Shingles LLP • CertainTeed ShingleMaster Contractor

Yetter Pest Control P.O. Box 369, Cameron, MO 64429 Craig Griffin, Owner/Cert. Commercial Applicator

Come see us for all your construction needs!

116 South Market, Gallatin, Mo.

Phone: 660-663-2522

800/530-5944 or 816/632-6766

A Complete Service Company for Your Residential and Commercial Pest Control Needs Specializing in Termite Control

Serving Your Area Since 1972 -Yetter

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JESSE A. WHITE - OWNER Phone (816) 449-2912 Phone (816) 649-5078

JOHN A. WHITE Phone (816) 449-2334 Fax (816) 449-5692


General Contractors Commercial & Residential Building Licensed - Bonded - Insured 250A East Hwy. 6, Maysville, MO 64469

Building custom homes since 1947 Next VVA Board Meeting:

Sunday, February 13, 2022 @ 6:30PM at the clubhouse.

All members in good standing are welcome and encouraged to attend. If you want on the agenda, you must notify the office on or before the Monday prior to the board meeting.

Fol on F

January 2022


Viking Valley Association Ph: 660-322-9001

Lake Viking News

MIDWEST MINI BARNS Quality Storage Buildings

3008 US Highway 69, Winston, MO 64689 Office (660) 749-5310 • We now offer Log Cabins!

660-367-4407 888-669-5765

The Way Out

Rob’s Cycle


Open: 7:30 - 5:30 Mon - Fri 7:30 - 12:30 Sat AUTO PARTS


#1 Polaris Drive Pattonsburg, MO 64670




Quality Storage Buildings

onditioners, Wagons, Trampolines, Semi Rollovers, nd Box Covers, Upholstery, Disc Mowers & More!

. Hwy 190 Jamesport, 3008 MO US Highway 69, Winston, MO 64689 es south of Jamesport Office (660) 749-5310 • on Hwy 190 We now offer Log Cabins!

Your Tarp Needs

Auto — Truck —DISPLAY Tractor Parts ADDITIONAL LOCATION: We Stock: Complete of CARQUEST St. Joseph, Beacon RVlinePark, 822 S.batteries Belt Hwy (including Marine) at competitive prices.

Overnight delivery on most parts not in stock.

Owners: Johnnie & Sally Black

660-663-2152 or 660-663-2455

Midwest Mini Barns

Rob & Tricia Bozarth, Sales

Come See Us for ALL Your Parts Needs!

110 West Grand • Gallatin, MO 64640

Got Debt?

Don’t leave it behind for your Family!

Don’t delay! Call me for a Life Quote today!

660•973•4872 CUSTOM MADE TARPS Boats, Trucks, Grills, Air Conditioners, Wagons, Trampolines, Semi Rollovers, Travel Trailer Skirting. Sand Box Covers, Upholstery, Disc Mowers & More!

24968 St. Hwy 190 Jamesport, MO 4 miles south of Jamesport on Hwy 190

Dallas Lockridge Insurance LLC Dallas Lockridge, Agent • 660-663-5414 •

For All Your Tarp Needs

ADDITIONAL DISPLAY LOCATION: St. Joseph, Beacon RV Park, 822 S. Belt Hwy



Keep your Rv and Boats out of the weather!

At Exit 61 on I-35 - Winston, MO

• Chicken Coops • Dog Kennels • Portable Buildings • Garden Sheds • Horse Sheds • Custom Builds


Roberson Funeral Homes King City (660)535-4321 Bethany (660)425-3315 Eagleville (660)867-3112 Pattonsburg (660)367-2117 Princeton (660)748-3325 Stanberry (660)783-2869 Jamesport (660)684-6999 Lineville, IA. (641)876-5171

January 2022

Viking Valley Association Ph: 660-322-9001


Lake Viking News

CLASSIFIEDS For Sale BASE ROCK, BLACK DIRT AND fill dirt. CRP clean-up, brush removal, & have a bucket truck for trimming trees (insured). Huston Trucking & Construction, 660-663-3234 or 660-334-0997.

Services KELLY B’S Trees, prompt professional pruning, reasonably priced removals, complicated/ technical removal done regularly. Please call 816-632-7077 or 816-288-2002. SEAMLESS GUTTERING, A-1 Leaf Guard, CHI Overhead Door, LiftMasterChamberlain Operator Sales, Installation & Service. Call for free estimate. Serving you since 2006! Miller Construction, Jamesport, MO 660-684-6950.


MAINTENANCE WORKER TO FILL IMMEDIATE FULL TIME POSITION Lake Viking is looking for a self-motivated, driven individual, physically capable of performing various responsibilities in a lake maintenance environment. Experience in operating a variety of equipment including tractors, skid loader, backhoe, mowers, chainsaws and weed eaters preferred. Salary range based on experience. Valid drivers license needed. Drug screen required before first day of employment. Applications may be picked up at the Association Office between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. If you have questions, please call, 660-322-9001.

These guys, photographed by Troy Lesan, were hanging out on the lake a few weeks ago before moving on. They are a little prettier than their infamous cousins who are currently massing in coves around ice, making noise all hours of the day and night, and making general nuisances of themselves. Ah yes, it’s that time of year again.

Active Aging Resource Center February 2022 Active Aging Resource Center - serving times 11-12 Monday-Friday 109 S Main, P O Box 272, Gallatin, MO 660-663-2828

February 2022 MONDAY

Swiss Steak w/ Cabbage Buttered Peas Carrots, Hot Roll Stewed Apples

Hot Beef Sandwich with Mashed Potatoes Green Beans Mandarin Oranges, Cookie

Pork Steak Mashed Potatoes Green Beans, Pears Blueberry Muffin

Closed for President's Day




1 Baked Chicken Pork Chop Tater Tots Baked Sweet Potatoes Vegetable Mix Cauliflower w/ Cheese Diced Peaches Cornbread, Pineapple Blood Pressures-Comfort Care Hospice BINGO 10 a.m. 7 8 Vegetable Beef Soup Turkey Pot Pie Cole Slaw Lettuce Salad Fruit Juice Hot Roll Mixed Fruit, Crackers Grapes



BINGO 10 a.m. Ham & Beans Cornbread, Cole Slaw Tomatoes Cherry Crisp Blood Pressures-3 Rivers Hospice BINGO 10 a.m. Chicken Fillet Mashed Potatoes & Gravy Buttered Mixed Vegetables Hot Roll, Oranges BINGO 10 a.m.

= total meal has over 1 gram of sodium



Beef & Peppers over Rice Spinach Winter Mix Veggies Apple Salad

Goulash Peas, Garlic Bread Lettuce Salad Strawberries & Pineapple






Chicken & Noodles Green Beans Corn, Biscuit Cinnamon Pears Game Night 4-7 Shrimp Alfredo w/ Pasta Peas & Carrots Tomato Juice 5 Cup Salad Game Night 4-7 Oven Fried Chicken Mashed Potatoes & Gravy Mixed Vegetables Diced Peaches Board Meeting 10 a.m. Game Night 4-7 Meatloaf Hash Brown Casserole Breaded Tomatoes Peach Crisp






Chili & Crackers Broccoli & Cauliflower Pickles & Onions Mixed Fruit Gelatin

Chicken Fried Chicken Potato Casserole Mixed Vegetables Applesauce

Meatballs w/ Brown Gravy Scalloped Potatoes Carrots Fruit Mix Blood Pressures DCHD Ham Baked Sweet Potato California Blend Fruit Cocktail

Game Night 4-7

Bread, milk, and one whole grain serving available with all meals. Menus subject to change.





January 2022

Lake Viking News 14 Almost everything...

Viking Valley Association Ph: 660-322-9001

you need to know about Lake Viking

Property Owners

Lake Viking 2022 Boards and Committees Activities Committee Mary Hibler (Chairperson), Dustin Hibler, David Hibler, Gail Bush, Resa Wiltse, Janet Hillman, Leanne Lee, Janet Yuratovich, Celeste Armanees (Board Contact), Dan and Connie Weidmaier

Board of Directors

President, Tony Gronniger; 1st Vice President, Mark Leggett; 2nd Vice President, Mike Booth; Secretary, Celeste Armanees; Assistant Secretary, Allan Slavin; Treasurer, Troy Lesan; Assistant Treasurer, Marvin McNabb. Viking Valley Association Board of Directors Meetings are held the second Sunday of each month, at 6:30 p.m. at the clubhouse. All members in good standing are welcome to attend.

Building Committee

Marvin McNabb (Board Contact), Doug Wiltse, Jim Miller, Flint Hibler, Matt Hibler, Al Christifano, Mary Aschbrenner, Bo Steed, Gregory Hall Building Committee Meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at the clubhouse. Building permits are required to be approved by the Building Committee prior to the start of any construction as stated in the Covenants, Restrictions, By-Laws, Rules and Regulations of the Viking Valley Association.

Campground Committee

Mary Hibler (Chairperson), Mike Wolfe, Kathy Price, Charles Sudduth, James Funk, Mike Booth (Board Contact)

Strategic Planning Committee

Kenny Southwick (Chairman), Tony Gronniger (Board Contact), Dennis Schlaiss, Lana Southwick, Kim Spidle, Carolyn Leeper, Terry Nibarger, Sue Wolf, Brad Trenkle, Don Leeper, Anthony Dirks

Dredge Committee

Paula Hepinstall, Robert Hayes, Brett Bush, Shad Mort, Dave Daniel, Jim Miller, Shawn Hepinstall (Chairman), Mark Leggett (Board Contact)

Employee Board Contact Mark Leggett

Finance Committee Donna Archibald, Shad Mort, John Kmetz (Chairman), Lyle Alexander, Terry Nibarger, George Eshnauer, Flint Hibler, Marvin McNabb, Celeste Armanees, Paula Hepinstall, Troy Lesan (Board Contact)

Handbook Committee

Donna Archibald (Chair), Mary Miller, Kyle Parkhurst, Kim Spidle, Terri Schlaiss, Celeste Armanees (Board Contact)


James Funk (Chairman), Allan Slavin (Board Contact), Carl Butcher, Bob Clemens, Jim Gibbany, Kyle Loehnig, Ed White, Bob Shinogle

Lake Committee

Shirley Leakey, Don Leeper, Carolyn Leeper, Bo Steed, Mike Krehbiel, Sherry Krehbiel, Eric Odette, Robert Walton, Troy Lesan (Board Contact) Email:

Special Road District

Mark Leggett, Ron Spidle, Troy Knight

Volunteer Fire Department

Rusty Hendricks, Gary King, Tony Gronniger, Dennis Schlaiss, DJ Schlaiss, Tanner Hunter, Luke Threlkeld, Mark Closterman, Anthony Dirks. Mike Booth (Board Contact). Fire Department meetings are held the 2nd Saturday of each month at 9 a.m. at the firehouse in the association main parking lot. If you have the interest and the time to serve your community, be sure to attend the next meeting.

Public Water Supply Dist. #3 Kyle W. Parkhurst, President, term expires 4/2023 - Sub-District #3; Troy Lesan, Vice President, term expires 4/2024 - Sub-District #2; Jeffrey Speaker, secretary, term expires 4/2022 - Sub-District #4; Heather Lund, Director, term expires 4/2024 Sub-District #1; Harlan Horst, Director, term expires 4/2023 - Sub-District #5; Roger Barker, Superintendent; Gary King, Water Operator; Diane Hulett, Clerk. Board meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 4 pm at PWSD No 3 office. Office Hours: 8am-4pm • Monday thru Friday. All payments for metered water bills are to be made payable to Public Water Supply District No. 3 of Daviess County, Missouri. You may abbreviate as PWSD #3. If you have any questions, contact the PWSD No. 3 office, 116 Waterworks Dr., Gallatin, Mo. 64640 (located at the water plant). Phone 660-663-2771. Online payments can be made at For the convenience of customers of Public Water Supply District No. 3, a drop box is available at the front door of the office located at the water plant for the payment of water bills. Payments received after 4 p.m. in the drop box will post the following day. For the convenience of Association members, a drop box is available in the front door of the association office for the payment of association bills.

Viking Valley Association Office Address: 144 E. Main, Gallatin, MO 64640 660-322-9001 | Office Hours: April 1 - Labor Day Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday: 8 a.m.-12 p.m. Day after Labor Day - March 31 Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-4 p.m.

You are responsible for your guests and their actions. It is your responsibility to educate them on the rules and regulations of Lake Viking. Lake Viking is private property, but all lots are owned by some other individual. Please do not drive or ride ATV vehicles or bicycles on neighboring lots, or walk across lots to fish or use others’ property without first getting the property owner’s permission.

Fishery Guidelines Bass: Release all bass 12” to 19”. Fishermen can keep one bass per day of 19” or longer. Crappie: Keep all crappie caught, within the state limit, which is 30 per day. Walleye: Fisherman can keep Walleye at least 21” in length, release all catches under 21”.

Mowing Regulations You are required to have your lot mowed by May 1st, June 1st and September 1st of each year. If you do not keep your lot mowed, or hire a contract mower, the Association will mow it, and bill you $90.00 for each mowing.

The Association does not want to be in the mowing business. Please self-mow your lot or hire a contract mower to do it for you. All contract mowers are required to submit a customer list to the Association office. If you are not on their initial list, you may be accidentally billed by the Association, so please contact your mower early. The below listed mowers have registered with the Association office and can usually be reached in the evening. There may be other mowers who advertise in the Lake Viking News.

Contract Mowers Can Save You Money

Eric Critten............................................................. 660-663-9122 Randy Gatton ......................................................... 660-663-9348 Mark Hoig.................................... 816-716-1896 or 660-663-4244 Jim Miller .............................................................. 816-520-3280 Gary Salmon ......................................................... 660-663-9363 Lyle Hoover .......................................................... 816-244-0752 The Lawn Rangers ............................................... 214-577-7223 Jeff Hoppenthaler ............................................... 660-663-7951 Rick Roberts ......................................................... 816-55-2825 Mow Betta Lawn Care .......................................... 816-465-0178

Please Keep Control of Your Dogs Dogs are not allowed off the member’s property and shall be contained by a fenced enclosure or controlled by a leash. Guests’ dogs are included. Violation of this rule may be subject to an Infraction Ticket issued to the property owner.

Building Permit Notice Building Permits are required, but not limited to the following projects: fences, storage shed, shelters, decks, boat docks, boat houses, room additions, porches and any alteration of the roof line; and any other * DAVIESS COUNTY EMERGENCY . . . . . . . . . . . 911 construction that requires large earth moving equipment, conAmbulance - Fire - Rescue crete trucks and other equipment that requires multiple * Fire - Lake Viking Fire Dept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 911 axle trailers. Failure to comply with building regulations could To Report Fire Only result in a minimum fine of * Lake Viking Safety Patrol . . . . . . . . . . 660-663-2204 $500 and loss of lake privileges. Any construction not in * Sheriff, Daviess Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660-663-2031 compliance with these regulations could result in forced Sheriff Larry Adams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . or 663-2149 relocation of the structure.

Emergency Phone Numbers

Watch When and Where You Burn!

* Highway Patrol (Emergencies) . . . 1-800-525-5555

Anytime you are burning brush, etc., on your lot, make certain you are burning on your lot and not someone else’s property. Unattended burning is prohibited and burning is not allowed when winds are in excess of 15 mph and shall be subject to an Infraction Ticket and fine.

Important Phone Numbers

Member Reminders • Helmets are required to be worn when operating a motorcycle within the Lake Viking Subdivision. • Goose population control is hard to manage... The first step in this process is DO NOT FEED THE GEESE!

***************** * Association Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660-322-9001 * Public Water Supply District #3 of Daviess County (Water Plant) . . . . 660-663-2771 Roger Barker (Emergency after hours) 660-334-0100 * Lake Viking Marine, Inc., Lot #1000 . . 660-663-3722 * Farmers Electric Co-op., Inc. During business hours . . . . . . . . . 1-800-279-0496 After Hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-800-927-5334 Affordable Disposal LLC . . . . . . . . . . . 816-238-8933 * Windstream Telephone Company Customer Service (Residential) . . 1-800-347-1991 Repair Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-800-782-6206

Viking Valley Association Ph: 660-322-9001

January 2022

Lake Viking News



Virginia Lee Tague 1928-2022

Ronald Edward King 1967-2022

Virginia Lee Tague - age 93 of Gallatin, MO passed away Wednesday morning, January 12, 2022, at Hillcrest Manor Nursing Home in Hamilton. Virginia was born on September 30, 1928, the daughter of Leslie Lee and Lena Pearl (Binney) Gilreath in Gallatin, MO. She grew up around Gallatin and graduated from Gallatin High School. Virginia married Jimmy Dean Tague on June 10th, 1973, in St. Joseph, MO. She worked as a bookkeeper for Davis Drug in Gallatin for many years before going over the road with Jimmy. Virginia and Jimmy enjoyed traveling in their RV and spending time in Arizona. She enjoyed yard sales, playing her keyboard and dobro guitar. Virginia also enjoyed playing Mexican Train and dominoes. She will be dearly missed. She is preceded in death by her parents; husband, Jimmy; brother, LB Gilreath; and her nephew, Ronnie Gilreath. She is survived by children, Larry Tague (Sherry) of Gallatin, MO, Barbara Jackson (Bob) of San Jose, CA, and Gary Tague of Maysville, MO; eight grandchildren; eighteen great-grandchildren; seven great-great-grandchild; her niece, LuAnn Rainey (Homer) of Gallatin, nephew JL Gilreath (Marjorie McKee) of Springfield, MO, and niece-in- law, Valerie Gilreath of St. Joseph, MO. Other extended family members also survive. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions are suggested to the Active Aging Resource Center in care of the funeral home. Burial at Hillcrest Cemetery, Gallatin, MO. Arrangements entrusted to the care and direction of Stith Funeral Home in Gallatin (660) 663-2117. Online guestbook at

Ronald Edward King, 55 of Pratt, Kansas passed away Monday, January 3, 2022, after a long battle with colon cancer. Funeral Service at Downing & Lahey East Mortuary in Wichita, Kansas. Graveside Service at Lake Viking Cemetery, Gallatin, MO. Ron was a dedicated hardworking 28-year employee of Case New Holland in Wichita, Kansas. Ron was an incredible provider for his family driving 2 hours a day to work and working long days many times with overtime --no one could out work him. He was a great mechanic who could fix, figure out or improvise any situation. Ron loved anything outdoors, including guns, hunting, and fishing. He and his wife enjoyed growing and harvesting a large vegetable garden, as well as working together building and maintaining flower gardens. He was happiest hunting for good turkey roosts, buck scraps/sheadings/ trails/wild mushrooms, a sweet fishing hole, running chainsaws (preferably Stihl 2 strokes) and spending time cooking out on the grill with his friends and family and a good dog. He will forever be missed, and we all eagerly await to be reunited together and know he will have the best hunting and fishing spots mapped out for us in the next life. Ron was preceded in death by his parents, Dorland and Mary King. He is survived by his wife, Cara King of Pratt; four sons, John (Chrissy) King, Joshua (fiancée, Jessi Mitchell) King, Brian (Crystal) King, Kevin King; stepdaughter, Logan Warren; grandchildren, Brody King, Hadley King, Natalie Mitchell; brothers, Gary (Shellie) King, Donald King; 4 nephews Derrick, Brendan, Tanner and Dawson. A memorial has been established with: American Cancer Society, P.O. Box 22718, Oklahoma City, OK 73123-1718.



January 2022

MARK YOURViking CALENDAR! Valley Association Ph: 660-322-9001

Lake Viking News


Sunday March 6

Mark Your Calendars Now!

The Viking V

alley Assoc

Annual Mee of Member



s will be

March 6, 2022 at 2 p.m . at the Clu


RULES FOR COMMITTEES AND THEIR MEMBERS The Board of Directors may appoint Special Committees as they feel necessary. All members must be active members current in dues, assessments and other fees. The board of directors will appoint the following standing committees: finance, building, cemetery, infraction, lake, nominating, handbook, strategic, and campground. • All committees shall have a minimum of three active members and include at least one board member.



MARCH 1, units 2020to the lake with managers We are the closest storage that live on site and 24 hour surveillance.


The Viking Valley Association Annual Meeting will be held March 1, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. in the upper level of thePROPERTY clubhouse. FENCED-IN

Hwy. 6, Altamont, MO


Motor Homes Trailers, Boats



Wilson Family

• No action may be taken by any committee member that has not been approved by the chairperson, board contact and the board. • New committee members shall be presented to the board for approval.

We have a brand new building

As stated in the Viking Valley Association By-laws, 10II,11x26 units perfect Article I and with Article Renters and... Associate Members are not entitled notice of any for Boats, RVstoorreceive Car Storage! meeting, to vote, or to participate therein. Only “Active Members in Good Standing” (record owner of a lot or tract of land located in Valkyrie Valley Subdivision) are eligible to attend and participate in the meeting.




(660) 535-4337

Garages Shops Storage

• No committee or subcommittee may be formed without board approval. • All recommendations from committees shall be presented to the board prior to any actions taken by said committees.

In order to attend the meeting, each person must be an Active Member in good standing. Large Medium SmallEACH PERSON MUST have their 2019 Membership Units Units Units Card with them to be admitted to the meeting. This is the only 12x30 10x20 6x10 verification we have during registration that you are a 11x26 10x10 8x10 paid member in good standing. A valid driver's license may also be required to validate identification.

Garage, shops, and storage buildings available in wood frame and all steel structures

: hea

Do Kin 208 Kin 660 Cu loc 017

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