Lake Viking_April 2019

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Lake Viking News

VVA Board of Directors Call to Order Troy Lesan, Lot 576, called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. in the lower level of the clubhouse. Members in attendance were Susan Zalenski, Lot 364; Flint Hibler, Lot 183; Mike Booth, Lot 1259; Eric Odette, Lot 220; Mark Leggett, Lot 72; Tony Gronniger, Lot 2281. Shad Mort led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mark Leggett led in prayer. Approval of Minutes Flint Hibler moved to approve the minutes of the Feb. 10, 2019, board meeting. Tony Gronniger seconded; motion passed. Committee Reports Handbook Committee: No report . Finance Committee: Eric Odette moved to add Tom Johanson, Flint Hibler and Troy Lesan to the Finance Committee. Mike Booth seconded; motion carried. Eric reported that Shad has an agreement with some local farmers to mow and take hay off of some areas of the lake as they did last year. The Finance Committee will be seriously looking into the financing options for the dredging project that was presented at the Annual Meeting. At this time, income and expenses are both up. We will be starting

April 14, 2019

the paperwork for Sales Tax Exemption. Strategic Planning Committee: Susan Zalenski moved to add Kim Spidle to the Strategic Planning Committee. Tony Gronniger seconded; motion passed. The new railing on the Clubhouse is complete. A pledge sheet was passed around at the Annual Meeting that Susan will be following up on soon. Susan also reported that Lake Viking Marine had donated a new sound system to the Clubhouse. Don Leeper and Len Zalenski have hooked it up and secured a storage place for it. The Committee is still working on a new Strategic Plan for the lake. Activities Committee: Mary Hibler gave a report on recent activities. The Wine and Cheese tasting gathered about 85 people on March 9 and the Sip and Paint was held on March 23. The Spring Garage Sales were this weekend and there were 40 plus sales. The next events will be the Easter egg hunt on April 20 and Cinco De Mayo on May 4. Building Committee: Flint Hibler moved to add Tom Johanson to the Building Committee. Tony Gronniger seconded; motion passed. The committee had 13 permits which included 2 houses. Flint submitted building changes and Jim Miller read

2019 Annual Meeting is one for the book By Troy Lesan Finally! The Viking Valley Association of Lake Viking held their annual meeting on March 24 and with April flying by at a breakneck pace, it already seems like ancient history. The meeting was in the newly remodeled clubhouse with 150 Association Members in attendance. The originally scheduled meeting was cancelled on March 3 when the Department of Transportation issued a travel advisory. The board of directors opted for the postponement rather than in endangering many Association Members who would have been required to drive to the meeting on highways affected by adverse weather conditions. The meeting was chaired by Board Secretary Mike Booth, who filled in when Board President Phil Stockard became unavailable. Booth’s position as substitute chair then fell into immediate jeopardy when his job as a regional co-coordinator with the State Emergency Management Agency required his around the clock presence in the flood ravaged areas of Northwest Missouri. Booth eventually called the annual meeting to order at 2 p.m., and the agenda commenced. Recognition was given to Norma McCaulla who, along with Lake Viking Church ladies, served cookies. It was pointed out that Norma, 92, has lived at the lake since its earliest days and has been on hand to help serve cookies every year (except two) since the annual meetings began. Recognition was also given to Don and Carolyn Leeper who donated extensive work on the clubhouse renovation. At the beginning of the meeting thoughts and prayers were extended to the people who have suffered massive property damage because of flooding. Then, in the closest voting in recent memory, new members of the Board of Directors were voted on. Vote totals were Mark Leggett 59, Tony Gronniger 57, Eric Odette 52, and James Funk 51. Leggett and Gronniger will take the two open positions for three-year terms, while Odette will fill the one year remaining on Phil Stockard’s vacated position. They join current Board Members Susan


APRIL 2019

Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154

Zalenski, Flint Hibler, Mike Booth, and new president, Troy Lesan. Of note was the UNANIMOUS vote of approval for both the annual budget and the second year of a five-year Capital Improvement Fund. Finance Committee Member Glenn Miller, who made the presentation on both initiatives, asked Norma McCaulla if she had ever seen a substantial financial motion unanimously passed in all her years at Lake Viking annual meetings. Her answer was a resounding “NO!” It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. In this case, senior member Norma McCaulla’s one word reply, stated loudly and clearly for everyone to hear, spoke volumes. Before adjournment, it was announced that the two week annual meeting postponement would result in the Lake Viking business office being closed for a week in order to generate the annual billing made late by the postponed meeting. Once again, the Viking Valley Association Board of Directors would like to extend a HUGE thank you to Gallatin Publishing for going above and beyond the call of duty with the early publication of the Lake Viking News in order to provide notice of the rescheduled meeting in a timely manner. Also, because of the belated billing and getting the updates in for the 2019 Viking Valley Handbook, the official minutes of the annual meeting will appear in the May edition of the Lake Viking News. Post-script: “Cookies Cookies Cookies!” Thanks to everyone who contributed to the great abundance of cookies at the annual meeting. It has been brought to my attention that I forgot to acknowledge that the Homemakers Club brought cookies to the meeting in addition to significant cookie contributions from Lake Viking Church. The Homemakers Club has been around Lake Viking for a long time and they are always seeking new members for their monthly meetings on the second Thursday of each month. See the “Almost Everything” page of this newspaper for more updated info.

2019 Change of Mowing Requirements The dates for having your lots mowed have changed for 2019. Members are required to have your lots mowed by June 1, July 1 and September 1. Additionally, lots with homes should be mowed twice a month during the growing season (except during times of drought). Should the member fail to meet the listed criteria, the Association has the right to mow the lot, issue an Infraction Violation as well as recover expenses incurred by the Association. The Association recommends that property owners contact a contract mower if they are unable to do self-mowing. them to the Board for approval. The changes are: 1. Page 19 of the 2018 Handbook: All permanent structures require a legal survey, if one is not on file. The change is striking the word “permanent” from the sentence. 2. Page 22 of the 2018 Handbook: Insert the following in the paragraph on “Shelters”. Roof pitches shall be a minimum of 4/12, not to exceed 6/12. Total height of the structure shall not exceed 14 feet as measured from the top of roof ridge to the lowest point of its foundation or footing. Flint Hibler moved to accept the changes. Mark Leggett seconded; motion passed. Flint also presented the Board with a question concerning living quarters in garages and thought there needed to be a rule stating garages are for storage only and not intended for living quarters. After some discussion the Board felt like Restriction #3 of our Handbook covered this issue. The restriction in our Handbook states, “Not more than one single-family dwelling house may be erected or constructed on any one lot.” Fire Department: Tony Gronniger informed the Board of a training session put on by Farmer’s Electric Coop will be held on April 30 and we will have several members attending. The Fire Department met on their usual Saturday this weekend and their focus is on recruitment, retention and training. Campground: Mary Hibler announced there would be a campground meeting in the next month. The water heaters in both campgrounds are being replaced. Lake Committee: Bo Steed has been working on roadside inspections. Lake side inspections will be starting in the coming month. Flint Hibler moved to add Tom Johanson to the Lake Committee. SuContinued on Page 4

Next VVA Board Meeting

May 19, 2019 6:30 p.m. in the lower level of the clubhouse All Members in Good Standing are Welcome & Encouraged to Attend.


APRIL 2019

Lake Viking News

Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154


APRIL 2019

Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154

Lake Viking News

Parting shots from winter Yes, even winter has its good qualities at Lake Viking ... like the spectacular views of wildlife. We enjoyed an extended 3-week stay by a large flock of pelicans, and as always, the presence of eagles. (Photos by Jeff Hower)

Animal Rules & Regulations Allowing dogs to roam/animal bite: Dogs are not allowed off the member’s property and shall be contained by a fenced enclosure or controlled by a leash. Guests’ dogs are included. Any animal whether leashed or unleashed that attacks or bites a person, and after review of the circumstances, is deemed to be a vicious animal and must be removed from the lake. The owner of the animal is subject to a minimum $500.00 infraction ticket.

Cemetery Decorum

Flower bouquets are permitted any time of the year. For the spring and summer seasons beginning March 1st and extending to December 1st of each year, no wreaths or sprays, or other decorative materials shall be used on any lot, except such decorative materials as can be contained in vases mounted to the marker base. Exceptions will be made for a period of one week following an interment service, Easter Sunday, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Independence Day, Memorial Day and Veterans Day. Wreaths, flowers, and other materials left on graves, which have withered or become unsightly, will be removed by the cemetery without notice. Wreaths and other decorative materials must be removed from shipping boxes and containers before placing said materials on any grave.

ATTENTION CAMPERS Just a reminder, camp spaces are NOT transferrable with the sale of your lot or camper. The campground agreement that each of you have signed states: Section Eight: Privilege Not Assignable Licensee’s privileges under this Agreement shall not be assignable by Licensee in whole or in part.


Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154

APRIL 2019

Lake Viking News

VVA April Board Minutes san Zalenski seconded; motion passed. Infraction Committee: Mark Leggett reported the next Infraction meeting will be April 26 with 21 infractions to be reviewed. Mark Leggett moved to add James Funk to this committee. Eric Odette seconded; motion passed. Lake Manager Report (Shad Mort) 1. Dredge: The dredge is scheduled to be set in the water on Wednesday, April 17 and will be headed to 3 tubes cove. There is still docks to move and pipe to run before we can begin dredging. There are about 15-16 docks to be moved and Shad has asked the owners to get their electricity unhooked and their boats moved out. 2. Fireworks: Shad discussed the cost of our fireworks going up substantially each year. This year we will have a $700 increase and will cost $9365. Shad would like the Board to think about this and maybe either discontinue the fireworks or go a different direction. Last year’s show lasted about 12 minutes. 3. Water Quality & DNR Reports: Troy Lesan and Shad Mort are on a committee called the “Source Water Protection Committer.” People frequently ask about chemicals in our water and our (continued from page 1)

water quality. Some chemicals are checked often and some are not. At the last meeting, it was reported the atrazine levels are high in our water. Atrazine is associated with farming. There is no danger at this time, but this committee and DNR are watching these things closely. Roger Barker checks these chemical levels weekly through PWSD#3. 4. Zebra mussels: Troy Lesan asked the crowd how many residents still had zebra mussel monitors. The Association will be putting out some new ones this year. If you have a monitor and need someone to check it, call the office and the Lake Manager will take a look. 5. Dock repair: We are re-decking and repairing some of the community area docks and staining others. 6. Road work: We have been doing some patching of pot holes and will do more, but it will probably be in June before we get back to patching. Financials: Mark Leggett asked about 2 invoices and if they were dredge related. Shad Mort confirmed one was a bill to haul the pump to Kansas City and the other was for parts. Flint Hibler moved to approve the financial statements. Mark Leggett seconded; motion passed.

Discussion Mike Booth brought up a members concern about pesticides going into the lake. His concern was about people spraying the weeds on their shoreline and how much of that gets into the water. Mike has researched this and wrote up his findings and will send to the Board for review. Troy Lesan suggested putting it on our website for the members to see. Brett Bush asked the Board when the last time we had stocked fish in the lake. Troy Lesan thought it had been about 3 years. Jim Miller asked if our Safety personnel had any first aid/CPR training? Shad Mort responded that we were going to have a training class in a couple of months. Jim commented, he knew we had AED’s available and asked who was trained to operate them. Susan Zalenski asked that an e-mail be sent to let members know about the availability of this class. Jim Miller proposed that another AED be purchased, to be left in the clubhouse. Tony Gronniger commented that we have 2 working AED’s right now. Mark Leggett moved to use up to $3000 of the 50th Anniversary money to pur[Continued on next page]

Viking Valley Association

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NOTICE Runway for Aircraft Only Now that spring is here, not only is there an increase in boat traffic, but also more aircraft using the LV airport. While we do not have a great deal of air traffic, remember that our runway is for aircraft use only. For your protection, and that of others, please keep all vehicles and pedestrians clear of the airport runway at all times.

REMINDERS!! 6 Exceed Maximum

Posted Speed Limit: The maximum speed limit for the operation of any vehicle or conveyance upon the roads, ways, streets, and thoroughfares of the subdivision shall be thirty (30) miles per hour except in those areas where additionally restricted speed limits may be posted, whether temporary or permanent.


Improper Parking: The parking of motor vehicles on the traveled portion of any street, road, or way within the subdivision is prohibited except for an emergency which does not allow immediate removal.

Comparative Balance Sheet March 31, 2019

APRIL 2019

Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154

Lake Viking News

VVA Board Minutes chase another AED. Eric Odette seconded; motion passed. Eric Odette moved to use the balance of the 50th Anniversary money on the clubhouse renovation. Flint Hibler seconded; motion passed. Mark Leggett did say he would like a plaque made with the sponsors names on it and the Board agreed. Board Action Susan Zalenski moved to add the following items to the Handbook as Procedural Rules: 1. Roberts Rules of Order shall apply to procedures of order in regular and special meetings. 2. Executive sessions may be used to handle confidential and sensitive matters such as, but not limited to, legal personnel, contracts, property ne-


(continued from previous page)

gotiations and “Board” organizational issues. 3. Executive sessions may include the Board of Directors, Lake Manager and subject matter experts as deemed necessary. 4. Votes cannot be taken in Executive session. Tony Gronniger seconded. After open discussion, Susan amended her motion to add the word “Board” in the 2nd item before organizational issues. Mark Leggett seconded; motion passed. Mike Booth moved to add the following to the Handbook: “At Annual Meetings, early voting is not allowed. Voting for Board Candidates, budget and all other initiatives will be at the time these items are

Viking Valley Association

Income Vs. Budget For the Three Months Ending March 31, 2019

presented in agenda.” There was discussion on changing the verbiage so Mike withdrew his motion and changed his motion to the following: “At Annual Meetings, members have to be present at the time of respective votes for Board Candidates, budget and all other initiatives.” Mark Leggett seconded; motion passed. Discussion of Fish Stocking Shad Mort explained the fish stocking process. We have conservation shock the lake and let us know how our fish are doing and what fish surfaced during the shock. Shad would like to stock more red ear sunfish. Brett Bush would like to help with this process. There is budget of $2000 for fish stocking. Brett knows a state biologist he would like to bring in and tell us what we need to stock. After discussion, the Board told Brett to get with Shad and get it stocked. Adjourn: Tony Gronniger moved to adjourn into Executive Session to discuss legal issues and personnel at 7:55 p.m. Flint Hibler seconded; motion passed. Attendance: Mike & Sherry Krehbiel, Lot 559; Resa & Doug Wiltse, Lot 494; Len Zalenski, Lot 364; Jim & Ramona Miller, Lot 455; Don & Carolyn Leeper, Lot 22; Mary Hibler, Lot 183; Dennis Schlaiss, Lot 1080/1081; Robert Walton, Lot 217; Missy Leggett, Lot 72; Jody Odette, Lot 220; Kim Spidle, Lot 341; Shirley Leakey, Lot 576; Bo & Kitty Steed, Lot 444; Lana & Tony Southwick, Lot 1595; Shad Mort, Lake Manager; Sally Zerbe, Lot 2528/Office. Let the record show that these Minutes are a record of the business transacted at this meeting and a sampling of the discussions. Comments and discussions are not reflected in whole or as actual quotations in the minutes, nor do they reflect all comments by members. Respectfully Submitted, Mark Leggett, Secretary Board of Directors Viking Valley Association See the 2019 Fee Structure for Dues & Assessments on Page 21.

Rule Changes February 2018

Dumpsters (Building Regulations) - page 19 of handbook: Dumpsters and/or a portable receptacle capable of containing construction debris will be required for onsite construction, at the property owner’s expense, but is not limited to: New home construction, garages, hangers and home additions. Other projects that may require the use of a dumpster or receptacle will be determined at the time a permit is approved. Both the permit and the job site placard will identify the container requirement. A dumpster or receptacle on new home, garage, hanger or home addition construction is not required until the foundation is completed. Only scrap lumber may be piled outside of the container and burned on the job site in accordance with burning rules and guidelines. Material waste where no permit or dumpster/receptacle was required may be placed in the appropriate receptacle in the maintenance yard in accordance with refuse disposal restrictions and yard disposal rules. Failure to secure and maintain a debris receptacle will result in a minimum $250.00 fine. (2/2018) Smoking in Clubhouse - page 38 of handbook: Smoking in the Clubhouse is prohibited at any time. (2/2018)


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APRIL 2019

Lake Viking News Around the Lake

Spring into full swing with a busy slate of activities By Troy Lesan

May 4 .............................................................. Cinco De Mayo June 15 .................................................................. Poker Run July 6 .............. July 4 Celebration, Craft Fair in Clubhouse Fireworks in evening

Thanks again to Gallatin Publishing for printing last month’s Lake Viking News a full two weeks early so that membership could receive timely notice of the rescheduled annual meeting. As it turns out, the early printing meant a one and a half month lapse in reportage of all of the Activity Committee sponsored events that have been happening around the Lake. And there were a bunch! March 9: The long winter is winding down, folks are ready for the new season at Lake Viking, and first up on the activities agenda was the wine tasting event. Folks were more than ready for the event, not only as a signal of the end of winter, but also as a reason to enjoy the beauty of the newly renovated clubhouse. Grindstone Valley Winery, Osborn, MO, was the host vintner and 85 people showed up to taste their product. Of course there was the usual: music, food, drawings for prizes, and a lot of socializing. After the long cold winter, it felt good to get out and see people at the clubhouse again.

July 27 ................................................ Patio Party with band August 10 ............................................... Kids games in park September 7 ................................................. Scavenger Hunt September 14 ............................................ Fall Garage Sales October 5 ...... Beer and Brats with Levi Garrison and Sons October 26 ....................... Halloween activities in afternoon & Halloween Party in evening November 2 ................................. FireďŹ ghters Chili Cook-off

Dennis Schlaiss and Eric Odette How could anyone resist buying raffle tickets from these guys?

Welcome New Members! March 2019

Lot 2340. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Phil Cozart Lot 2473. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Carysfort Reef, LLC Lot 703. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kenneth & Kerry Braithwait Lot 2901. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kyle & Cari Evans Lot 1188-B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sue Wolfe Lot MH076 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jon Brown

Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154

APRIL 2019

Lake Viking News


Seat belts save lives

Enjoying the ambiance at the wine tasting event.

Wearing a seat belt is your best defense in a traffic crash. Give yourself a chance to live. Always buckle up, everyone, every trip, every time. The Missouri Coalition for Roadway Safety wants to remind teens how dangerous a car ride can be if they don’t take wearing their seat belt seriously. “The national average for seat belt usage is 90 percent. Missouri is a bit below that average at 87 percent, but our teens in Missouri come in even lower at 74 percent,” said Jon Nelson, MoDOT assistant to the state highway safety and traffic engineer. “We want to see those numbers go up as we know it’s our best bet for reducing teen fatalities in traffic crashes.” Consider some of the reasons you should choose to wear your seat belt: • Under Missouri’s Graduated License Law, permit drivers and all passengers must wear seat belts. • Of the 88 teenagers killed in Missouri traffic crashes in 2017, 77 were vehicle occupants and 54 of them (70 percent) were not buckled up. • When properly used, seat belts reduce the risk of fatal injuries to frontseat passenger vehicle occupants by 45 percent and reduce the risk of moderate-to-critical injuries by 50 percent. With no primary seat belt law or all-driver texting ban in Missouri, teens and all motorists are asked to personally take the challenge to Buckle Up Phone Down. Put your cell phone down while driving and always make sure you and your passengers are buckled up. For more information on teen seat belt safety and Buckle Up Phone Down, visit, or find us on social media at Save MO Lives. ARRIVE ALIVE.

This Space Reserved ... For YOU! Gail Bush stirring up enthusiasm.

Call 660-663-2154 or email to inquire.

Gallatin Active Aging Resource Center • May Menu Serving 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Monday-Friday • 109 S Main, PO Box 272, Gallatin, MO 660-663-2828


Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154

APRIL 2019

Lake Viking News

NOTICE TO LANDLORDS If you have a rental property at Lake Viking, please read the following. ARTICLE XI - DWELLING RENTALS Section 1. A member can only rent one house at a time. Only a house is an eligible rental property. Garages, unimproved lots, shelters, private docks, private shorelines, beaches and campground spaces are not eligible for renting to non-members. Individual rooms in a house cannot be rented separately. Rental is for the entire property. Section 2. Non-member renters will pay Viking Valley Association a Renter’s fee for every whole or part of every 12 month period equal to the current year dues and Assessments. This Fee does not constitute any kind of membership. This Renter’s Fee is due on or before first day of occupancy. Member is responsible for ensuring Renter’s Fee is paid on or before first day of occupancy and upon any extension or renewal of lease. This fee is not refundable or subject to proration under any circumstances. We are grandfathering in the 10 current renters as of March 6, 2016 for the term of the current lessee. Section 3. Non-member Renters must show the Member’s guest pass for access to the pool, clubhouse facilities, beaches and community areas. If a Member is not in good standing, the Member’s guest passes are invalid. Section 4. No non-member renters are allowed to have watercraft titled in their name on the lake. All watercraft must be titled to a property owner. Renters with a valid guest pass may only use watercraft of a member in good standing. All watercraft are stickered according to the lot number of the Member. No guest and/or non-member watercraft allowed. Section 5. It is the Member’s responsibility to deliver a copy of their lease in its entirety to the Association office prior to the start of renter occupancy. Member shall have 10 days to notify the Association office of any changes or amendments to that lease pertaining to occupancy extensions or renewals. Section 6. Every non-member renter must attend a Zebra Mussel information session at the Association office within 10 days of the first day of occupancy. Section 7. All non-member renters must abide by the By-Laws, Covenants and Restrictions. Members shall be responsible for compliance of such Rules and Regulations by renters.

Lake Viking 50th Anniversary Book is now on Click the large green print announcement on the homepage directly below the picture. Then click Lake Viking 2017 (in green print) and read the book in its entirety.


APRIL 2019

Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154

Lake Viking News

Northwest Basketball brings home the hardware once again! By Jana Hanson If you aren’t aware, we have some die hard Northwest Bearcat fans around the lake and even though the weather was brutal this winter, Bearcat Basketball was on FIRE! Do you ever wonder what is it that makes some teams so special? There are lots of winning teams out there, but sometimes a team comes along that just has “it.” More than just talent, more than a vision, something that goes beyond the sport. Why is it some schools seem to have winning programs both on the court or field and in the classroom? At Northwest Missouri State University it is the culture. It is becoming harder and harder not to notice my little alma mater. It seems that every time you turn around there is a new program, new buildings, upgrades to technology used on campus, environmental friendly advancements, students and alumni being recognized for outstanding achievements … and winning sports teams! If you have not heard, Northwest Men’s Basketball just won the D2 National Championship for the second time in two years. When I was first asked to write this article I immediately agreed, but then suddenly was overcome by writer’s block, mainly because there is so much more that goes into this winning basketball season than what happened on the court. This team not only won the D2 National Championship, they did it undefeated with a 38-0 season! They were the only undefeated college basketball team in the nation. There have been only five undefeated national champions and this team did it while starting two freshmen and a sophomore! This year marked Northwest’s 19th tournament appearance, and seventh under Coach McCollum. The team also collected prestigious individual awards — Joey Witthus (Sr.) -MIAA Player of the Year and NABC All-American, Ryan Hawkins (Soph.) - MIAA Defensive Player of the Year, Trevor Hudgins (Fr.) MIAA Freshman of the Year, Diego Bernard (Fr.) - MIAA All-Defensive Team, and Ben McCollum, MIAA Coach of the Year were just some of the awards received thus far. Headed into the Elite 8 tournament in Evansville, Indiana, one of the team’s star players, Diego Bernard, was benched due to a calf strain and it was uncertain whether he would return to the court. Then in game one Witthus was injured in the second half leaving it up to the rest of the young team to prevail and advance to the next round without two of their star players. But the Bearcats had grit and endurance on their side. Bernard and Witthus rallied, the team stepped up and they ended up winning it all! I asked some Bearcat fans around Lake Viking what they thought made this team so special and what keeps Northwest cranking out successful teams and students. Brent Young said, “I feel the key to Northwest’s success is the family-like atmosphere and true moral values that are instilled within the athletic de-

2019 National NCAA Division 1 Men’s BB champions NWMSU Bearcats holding their trophy.

partment and on campus.“ There is a culture at Northwest; there is something special that extends beyond the campus and the Maryville community that makes people rally around this little school. Everywhere you go you run into Bearcats, you can almost bet when you see someone wearing Northwest gear it is because they attended, graduated or have a family member who bleeds green. There is an unspoken connection that runs deep. A few years back after the loss of Head Football Coach, Scott Bostwick, the team sported the word “Family” across their jerseys at the D2 National Football Championship to not only honor Bostwick, but also to embrace that their individual names did not matter … they were all one family. That same theme has spread across campus from athletics to the classroom and into communities everywhere. “It’s all about the ‘family’ philosophy that leadership at Northwest fosters. D2 championships are only part of the benefit of this attitude,” Mark Leggett said. “Coach Ben practices what he preaches and his players believe.” The best part about this team is nearly every one of them will be back next year. They have definitely made their mark in the college basketball world and made the cold winter days sizzle. They will play their first game next year at Duke against Duke in an exhibition game. The next time you are cruising the lake and see a green flag flying with a white paw on it, know that a Bearcat fan lives there and you will be welcomed and treated like family.

Planning to visit bear country?…be aware they’re there An estimated 350 black bears call southern Missouri home, and as the spring season gets underway, these magnificent mammals leave their winter dens in search of food. The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) is reminding Missourians to be proactive and “Be Bear Aware.” MDC Resource Scientist and Furbearer Biologist Laura Conlee said it is imperative that residents remove bear attractants from their property, such as bird feeders, trash, barbeque grills, pet food, and food waste. “As black bears become active in the spring, they are on a mission to find food,” said Conlee. “Keeping areas free of attractants and letting bears find natural foods is in everyone’s best interest. If you see a bear, let the animal be and enjoy the sighting, but be sure to not offer it any food.” Conlee noted that intentionally feeding bears can be dangerous as it makes the bears comfortable around people. It can also lead bears to cause significant damage to property while searching for a meal. Don’t feed the bears “When bears lose their fear of humans, they could approach people in search of food or may defend the food sources or territory they associate with people, which can make them dangerous,” Conlee said. “When this happens, the bear cannot be relocated and has to be destroyed. A fed bear is a dead bear.” Food is usually a bear’s main motivator, but that also means it can be a main source of conflict. MDC offers the following tips to avoid attracting black bears to possible food sources: Store garbage, recyclables, and compost inside a secure building or in a bear-proof container until trash pick-up day. Keep grills and smokers clean and store them inside. Don’t leave pet food outside. Feed pets a portion at each meal and remove the empty containers. Refrain from using bird feeders in bear coun-

try from April through November. If in use, hang them at least 10 feet high and 4 feet away from any structure. Keep in mind that even if a bear cannot get to the birdseed, the scent could still attract them to the area. Use electric fencing to keep bears away from beehives, chicken coops, vegetable gardens, orchards, and other potential food sources. Keep campsites clean and store all food, toiletries and trash in a secure vehicle or strung high between two trees. Do not keep food or toiletries in a tent, and do not burn or bury garbage or food waste.

Be big about it While black bears are generally a shy, non-aggressive species and bear attacks are rare, follow these tips when outdoors in bear country: Make noise, such as clapping, singing or talking loudly, while hiking to prevent surprising a bear. Travel in a group if possible. Keep dogs leashed. Be aware of the surroundings. If there is evidence of a bear, such as tracks or scat, avoid the area. Leave bears alone! Do not approach them, and make sure they have an escape route.




We are the closest storage units to the lake with managers that live on site and 24 hour surveillance.

WILSON FAMILY STORAGE FENCED-IN PROPERTY Hwy. 6, Altamont, MO Large Units 12x30 11x26

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Wilson Family


We have a brand new building with 10 11x26 units ... perfect for Boats, RVs or Car Storage!



Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154

APRIL 2019

Lake Viking News

! p i S & t n i a P Voila. The finished products.

Around the Lake .... continued! Next on the agenda – Paint & Sip on March 23. When the Activities Committee announced this event to be held at the clubhouse, I’m thinking hmmm. Painting mixed with wine drinking – I can imagine the finished product. Wild abstract creations looking like those weird expressionist works by Salvador Dali, Picasso, or Jackson Pollock. Canvases full of splotches and splatters. Nope. Painting instructor Marj Locker had everything under control with her aspiring artists working in perfect unison toward their ultimate masterpieces as these pictures will verify.

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When these brothers and their friends were riding through North Missouri, they might have read the Gallatin North Missourian... we don't know for sure, but we do know the Gallatin North Missourian was founded in 1864 and continues today as your weekly source for local news!

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Lake Viking APRIL News2019 • April 2019 • Page 11

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APRIL 2019

Lake Viking News

Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154

Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154

APRIL 2019

Lake Viking News



Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154

APRIL 2019

Lake Viking News 208 E. Putnam, King City, MO 64463

(660) 535-4337

Garages Shops Storage Garage, shops, and storage buildings available in wood frame and all steel structures : lets try to crop these and change the 911 Addresses headers to Garages and and Shops Lot and Storage Numbers to be displayed Doug Waugh

a) All King Citydwelling Lumberowners (houses, mobile homes and dwellings of a similar construc208 E. Putnam tion) will have their lot number prominentKing City, MO 64463 ly 660-535-4337 displayed so that it is clearly visible from theCurrent roadway. Notes: July 2016: Four New Pix b) Lettering and numbering needs to3716, located h/customers/king city lumber/ be0174, at least 3 inches 3808, 4466 high and sign colors need to be contrasting colors so the sign is easily read. c) Owners having multiple adjoining lots may include on the sign at the principle residence. d) Lots with structures (shelters, sheds, boat or swimming docks, decks, etc.) will have their lot number(s) prominently displayed so that it is clearly visible from the water (on lake front lots) and from the road way. e) As of August 1, 2014, all docks must have their lot numbers displayed on the lower right side of the dock, facing the water. All lake front dwellings will have lot numbers clearly visible from the water. This rule is in place for your safety in case of an emergency! Safety, Fire Department, First Responders and Ambulance personnel need to be able to see your address and lot numbers to respond!!


APRIL 2019

Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154

Lake Viking News

Almost everything...

Emergency Phone Numbers

you need to know about Lake Viking

* DAVIESS COUNTY EMERGENCY ...................911

Lake Viking 2019 Boards & Committees

* Fire - Lake Viking Fire Dept ..............................911

Activities Committee Ramona Miller, Mary Hibler (Chairperson), Dustin Hibler, David Hibler, Eric and Jody Odette, Gail Bush, Resa Wiltse, Janet Hillman, Eric Odette (Board Contact) Board of Directors Board of Directors: President, Troy Lesan; 1st Vice President, Susan Zalenski; 2nd Vice President, Mike Booth; Secretary, Mark Leggett; Assistant Secretary, Tony Gronniger; Treasurer, Flint Hibler; Assistant Treasurer, Eric Odette. Viking Valley Association Board of Directors Meetings are held the second Sunday of each month, at 6:30 p.m. in the lower level of the clubhouse. All members in good standing are welcome to attend. Building Committee Flint Hibler (Board Contact), Doug Wiltse, Jim Miller and Tom Johanson. Building Committee Meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month at the Association office. Building permits are required to be approved by the Building Committee prior to the start of any construction as stated in the Covenants, Restrictions, By-Laws, Rules and Regulations of the Viking Valley Association. Campground Committee Mary Hibler (Chairperson), Flint Hibler, Marion Crawford, Mike Wolfe, Charles Sudduth, James Funk, Mike Booth (Board Contact). Community Strategic Planning Tony Gronniger, Missy Leggett, Shawn Hepinstall, Paula Hepinstall, Dennis Schlaiss, Lana Southwick, Kim Spidle, Carolyn Leeper, Don Leeper, Kenny Southwick, Susan Zalenski (Chair/Board Contact) Dredge Committee Shawn Hepinstall (chairman), Paula Hepinstall, Robert Hayes, Brett Bush, Shad Mort, Mark Leggett (Board Contact) Employee Board Contact Flint Hibler Finance Committee Mike Kemna (Chairman), Donna Archibald, Shad Mort, Sally Zerbe, Glenn Miller, Len Zalenski, Missy Leggett, Troy Lesan, Flint Hibler, Tom Johanson, Eric Odette (Board Contact) Handbook Committee Donna Archibald (Chair), Kyle Parkhurst, Kim Spidle, Terri Schlaiss, Tony Gronniger (Board Contact). Infraction Committee Roger Lankford (Chairman), Carl Butcher, Bob Clemens, Jim Gibbany, James Funk, Mark Leggett (Board Contact) Infraction Committee meetings are held on the second Saturday of each month, 9 a.m., Lower Level Clubhouse. Lake Committee Shirley Leakey, Don Leeper, Carolyn Leeper, Bo Steed, Sherry Krehbiel, Ramona Miller, Tom Johanson, Troy Lesan (Board Contact) Special Road District Mark Leggett, Ron Spidle, Troy Knight Volunteer Fire Department Rusty Hendricks, Gary King, Tony Gronniger, Dennis Schlaiss, Riley Blades, Luke Threlkeld, Len Zalenski, Mark White, Mark Closterman, Anthony Dirks. Mike Booth (Board Contact). Fire Department meetings are held the 2nd Saturday of each month at 9 a.m. at the firehouse in the association main parking lot. If you have the interest and the time to serve your community, be sure to attend the next meeting.

Public Water Supply Dist. #3

Kyle W. Parkhurst, President, term expires 4/2020 - SubDistrict #3; Troy Lesan, Vice President, term expires 4/2021 - Sub-District #2; Jeffrey Speaker, secretary, term expires 4/2022 - Sub-District #4; Randy Tague term expires 4/2021 - Sub-District #1; Arlo Aschbrenner, term expires 4/2020 Sub-District #5; Roger Barker, Superintendent; Gary King, Water Operator; Diane Hulett, Clerk. Board meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at 4 p.m. at the PWSD No. 3 office. Office Hours: 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday thru Friday. All payments for metered water bills are to be made payable to Public Water Supply District No. 3 of Daviess County, Missouri. You may abbreviate as PWSD #3. If you have any questions, contact the PWSD No. 3 office, 116 Waterworks Dr., Gallatin, Mo. 64640 (located at the water plant). Phone 660-663-2771. For the convenience of customers of Public Water Supply District No. 3, a drop box is available at the front door of the office located at the water plant for the payment of water bills. Payments received after 4 p.m. in the drop box will post the following day. For the convenience of Association members, a drop box is available in the front door of the association office for the payment of association bills.

Viking Valley Association Office Address: 144 E. Main, Gallatin, MO 64640 Office Hours: April 1 - Labor Day Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday: 8 a.m.-12 p.m. Day after Labor Day - March 31 Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-4 p.m.

Property Owners

Ambulance - Fire - Rescue To Report Fire Only * Lake Viking Safety Patrol ................660-663-2204 * Sheriff, Daviess Co. .........................660-663-2031 or 663-2149 * Highway Patrol (Emergencies) ...1-800-525-5555

***************** Important Phone Numbers * Association Office ............................660-663-2131

You are responsible for your guests and their actions. It is your responsibility to educate them on the rules and regulations of Lake Viking. Lake Viking is private property, but all lots are owned by some other individual. Please do not drive or ride ATV vehicles or bicycles on neighboring lots, or walk across lots to fish or use others’ property without first getting the property owner’s permission.

* Maintenance Barn ............................660-663-2777

Fishery Guidelines

* Lake Viking Sales Office, Lot #Z-9..660-663-2134

Bass: Release all bass 12” to 19”. Fishermen can keep one bass per day of 19” or longer. Crappie: Keep all crappie caught, within the state limit, which is 30 per day. Walleye: Fisherman can keep Walleye at least 21” in length, release all catches under 21”.

Mowing Regulations

You are required to have your lot mowed by May 1st, June 1st and September 1st of each year. If you do not keep your lot mowed, or hire a contract mower, the Association will mow it, and bill you $80.00 for each mowing.

The Association does not want to be in the mowing business.

Please self-mow your lot or hire a contract mower to do it for you. All contract mowers are required to submit a customer list to the Association office. If you are not on their initial list, you may be accidentally billed by the Association, so please contact your mower early. The below listed mowers have registered with the Association office and can usually be reached in the evening. There may be other mowers who advertise in the Lake Viking News.

Contract Mowers Can Save You Money

Jason Burns ........................................ 660-605-2151 Mike Cline ............................................ 816-465-0092 Eric Critten ......................................... 660-663-9122 Randy Gatton ...................................... 660-663-9348 Mark Hoig ................ 816-716-1896 or 660-663-4244 Ron Huston .............660-663-3234 or 816-390-5161 Jeff Johnson ....................................... 660-334-0604 Jim Miller .............................................816-520-3280

Please Keep Control of Your Dogs

Dogs are not allowed off the member’s property and shall be contained by a fenced enclosure or controlled by a leash. Guests’ dogs are included. Violation of this rule may be subject to an Infraction Ticket issued to the property owner.

Building Permit Notice

Building Permits are required, but not limited to the following projects: fences, storage shed, shelters, decks, boat docks, boat houses, room additions, porches and any alteration of the roof line; and any other construction that requires large earth moving equipment, concrete trucks and other equipment that requires multiple axle trailers. Failure to comply with building regulations could result in a minimum fine of $500 and loss of lake privileges. Any construction not in compliance with these regulations could result in forced relocation of the structure.



30 MPH

Watch When & Where You Burn!

Anytime you are burning brush, etc., on your lot, make certain you are burning on your lot and not someone else’s property. Unattended burning is prohibited and burning is not allowed when winds are in excess of 15 mph and shall be subject to an Infraction Ticket and fine.

Member Reminders

• Helmets are required to be worn when operating a motorcycle within the Lake Viking Subdivision. • Goose population control is hard to manage... The first step in this process is DO NOT FEED THE GEESE!

* Public Water Supply District #3 of Daviess County (Water Plant) ....660-663-2771 Roger Barker - (Emergency after hours)....660-334-0100

* Lake Viking Marine, Inc., Lot #1000 660-663-3722 * Farmers Electric Co-op., Inc. * During business hours ...........1-800-279-0496 * After Hours ..............................1-800-927-5334 * Advanced Disposal Services, Inc 1-800-346-6844 or 1-800-778-7652 * Windstream Telephone Company * Customer Service (Residential) 1-800-501-1754 * Repair Service ............................1-800-782-6206


Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154

APRIL 2019

Lake Viking News

Avoiding diseases transmitted by ticks and mosquitoes With warmer weather on the way, the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) wants to remind those living in and visiting the state to take precautions against tick and mosquito bites. Both can transmit serious, and potentially deadly, illnesses and these insects can be active anytime the ground is not frozen. “As spring arrives, we are reminded what a beautiful state Missouri is,” said Dr. Randall Williams, DHSS Director. “For all of us who enjoy the outdoors, it creates more opportunities to enjoy the state’s natural splendor. I especially enjoy running in our state’s parks and conservation areas. For those of us in public health, this time of year serves as a transition from flu season to the most prevalent time for diseases carried by ticks and mosquitoes.” Missouri is home to a variety of tick species, meaning the state experiences a variety of tickborne illnesses. In 2018, Missouri reported 587 cases of Rocky Mountain spotted fever and 369 cases of ehrlichiosis. In the United States, 60 percent of cases of Rocky Mountain spotted fever are in five states, with Missouri being one. At least six different types of tick-borne diseases in humans have been reported in Missouri, including Rocky

Mountain spotted fever, ehrlichiosis, tularemia, Lyme disease, Heartland virus and Bourbon virus. West Nile virus is the most common virus spread by mosquitoes in the United States. In 2018, 23 cases were reported in Missouri. Many of these illnesses can be effectively treated if they are caught early, however, on occasion they can be deadly. Ticks can be found throughout Missouri, primarily in wooded and brushy areas, tall grasses, and close to the ground in leaf litter. Objects that collect water are the primary breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Objects such as buckets, old tires, flower pots or clogged gutters are all items that can attract mosquitoes. Flooding events can produce large amounts of mosquitoes. Historically, flooding events have not resulted in an increase in mosquito-borne disease illness reports. This is because the mosquitoes that emerge after flooding are not the same kinds of mosquitoes that transmit West Nile virus. Mosquitoes that emerge after flooding events are strong fliers and aggressive biters, but they are nuisance species that do not pose a significant disease risk. Despite the presence of ticks and mosquitoes,

everyone can safely enjoy the outdoors by taking a few safety precautions. “We encourage everyone to defend themselves by using insect repellent and performing careful body checks after being outdoors to prevent these diseases whenever and wherever you are in Missouri,” said Williams. “While the incidence of these diseases is low throughout the state, the severity of illness can be high in some patients. So as always, prevention remains our best advice.” DHSS recommends the following precautions to prevent tick and mosquito bites: • Use an insect repellent with DEET, picaridin or IR3535 as the active ingredient. For ticks, look for a product with at least 20 percent concentration of one of these active ingredients. • Apply repellent to exposed skin for protection that lasts several hours whenever you spend time outdoors. DEET products should not be used on infants under two months of age. Always apply repellent products according to package instructions. • When possible, wear protective clothing (light colored, long sleeved shirts and pants) when outdoors to keep ticks off skin and make it easier to see ticks that are crawling on clothing. • Avoid areas including brushy areas, tall grasses, wood piles, and leaf litter. When hiking, stay near the center of trails to avoid ticks. • Reduce ticks around your home by keeping lawns mowed short, shrubs and trees trimmed, and remove leaf litter, wood piles, fallen branches, Continued on page 22

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Attention Members

The Viking Valley Fire Department will be meeting the 2nd Saturday of every month @ 9 a.m. at the Fire Station. The Sirens will be tested at this time.

Private Ramp Recommendation The Board of Directors would like to recommend that all private ramps be chained and locked when not in use by property owner.

JUST A REMINDER SPEED CREATING EXCESSIVE WAKE: Trolling speed will be used when approaching within seventy-five (75) feet of boat docks, marina, and coves marked with Association buoys, or other areas marked with permanent or temporary Association buoys.


APRIL 2019

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Lake Viking News


Serving the Lake Viking Area 8


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APRIL 2019

Lake Viking News

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Building custom homes since 1947 Attention Dock Owners!! Boat dock wiring must be protected by a ground fault interrupter (GFI). If your dock wiring is not GFI protected an electric accident can occur. You can purchase a GFI electrical tester at any hardware store to see if you are already protected or contact a qualified electrician to install a GFI to protect your dock.


for Committees and Their Members

From the Assessor’s Office

Taxpayers responsible to report changes, additions The assessor and office staff are at the lake doing field review and picking up new construction for the tax year 2019. This year is a reassessment year and as we have been doing our review we have, unfortunately, found numerous buildings around the lake as well as carports, decks and campers in the campgrounds, that for unknown reasons have not been assessed. In order to be fair and equitable to every taxpayer, these items have to be added to the assessment roll and this task falls upon the assessor’s office. This is an enormous undertaking for two people, but it can be accomplished, and if not in this reassessment year, then it can be finished in the next one. Here are some things that should be reported to your local assessor’s office: • New homes and buildings • Buildings removed, tom down, or damaged by fire or natural disaster • Additions to a house or buildings • Complete remodel of a home • Mobile homes • Finishing a basement or attic area (adding living space to your home) • Adding a deck, patio, garage, gazebo, carports (attached or portable), large stone retaining walls, etc. • Change of address (mailing and residential) • If you are new to the county (so you can be assessed if you have personal property) If a new structure does not get reported to the

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~ No committee or subcommittee may be formed without board approval.


~ New committee members shall be presented to the board for approval.

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e ferenc eal Dif ledgeable S o m • Know Ther

the ofessional r ience Expesrt • Friendly • P

~ All committees shall have a minimum of three active members and include at least one board member.

~ No action may be taken by any committee member that has not been approved by the chairperson, board contact and the board.

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The Board of Directors may appoint Special Committees as they feel necessary. All members must be active members current in dues, assessments and other fees. The board of directors will appoint the following standing committees: finance, building, cemetery, infraction, lake, nominating, handbook, strategic, and campground.

~ All recommendations from committees shall be presented to the board prior to any actions taken by said committees.

assessor, and we miss finding it, that value will not be added to the assessment roll when we roll over the values to the county clerk. Those structures not being on the assessment roll will make every taxpayer pay more than his/her fair share in taxes because the taxing entities will not be getting accurate valuations. It also needs to be reported to the Assessor’s office if you tear something down because we need to remove it from the assessment roll and if a structure is sold or moved to a different lot or piece of property that needs to be reported to our office so that the structure can be taxed to the correct owner and taxing district. The assessor DOES NOT get copies of building permits, so please notify the office when you get a permit, or if you know of someone building or tearing something down. Let’s all work together so the system works the way it should. Call 660-663-3300 ext. 1 to report information. The assessor’s office is focused on accuracy and fairness, bringing clarity to the assessment process. Please call your assessor’s office to report any changes to your property or if you are new to the county to report your address so that you can be sent a personal property assessment sheet. Your cooperation and help will be greatly appreciated!

Check Out Our Lawn Furniture!

USE OF DUMPSTERS The Association provides dumpsters for the Beaches, Campgrounds and some Community Areas, for the purpose of accumulated trash in these areas, not day to day household trash. Please DO NOT dump building materials of ANY kind, such as lumber, sheetrock, shingles, etc. in these dumpsters. Print & Online

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North Missourian Gallatin

609B S. Main • P.O. Box 37 • Gallatin, Missouri 64640 660-663-2154 • • fax: 660-663-2498

APRIL 2019

Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154

Lake Viking News


Around the Lake ... the final installment!

Spring Garage Sale Finally, on April 13, the famous Lake Viking spring garage sale occurred. This event is sort of the unofficial announcement that spring at Lake Viking is for real. Unfortunately, for the last few years, the event has been marked by cold weather. This year’s forecast promised more of the same, but the sun came through and gave the day an unexpected boost of early morning warmth and it turned out to be a nice day. Forty two lots signed up for garage sale – which was a slightly smaller number than previous years but the crowded roads around the lake and at the clubhouse parking lot confirmed the strong interest among eager bargain seekers. Items for sale included everything from furniture, clothing, boats, tools, fishing gear, a motorcycle or two and even a large Tahiti Island water floaty. All of the Association member vendors that I talked to reported a satisfying day with brisk sales. So now that the 2019 Lake Viking garage sale is in the books, next on the agenda is the Easter egg hunt and Cinco de Mayo. It just keeps getting better.

Ah, the ultimate garage-sale treasure: Chris Wilson standing next to his Wooden Indian.

Martin Houses and many other treasures for sale at the clubhouse parking lot.


Published monthly by the Gallatin Publishing Company, 609B S. Main, Gallatin MO 64640 All rights reserved. For Advertising information, call 660-663-2154 or FAX 660-663-2498

Opinions expressed in letters to the editor and submitted columns published in the Lake Viking News do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publishers. Letters are welcome from any association member; letters are subject to editor’s discretion.

Travel in your plans? Harlan Horst will be happy to sell you some luggage.

This young man rolled into garage sale sites (with his dad) on a one-wheel with his dad. Note the stylish attire: sports gear, helmet . . . and binky.


Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154

APRIL 2019

Lake Viking News

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About ... ... your Trash Service Just a reminder to all members with dwellings or commercial buildings, you must pay for trash service to the trash removal company providing the service. Full time residents will pay for 12 months of trash service and weekend or part-time residents will pay for 6 months of trash service (April 1 thru September 30.) If you need the phone number for our trash service, please contact the association office, Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. for more information @ 660-663-2131. Anyone setting trash out prior to pickup day must have trash in a container with a closeable / sealable lid. (This was adopted, by motion, at the Board of Directors meeting on August 10, 2008.)

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PWSD #3 Open Meetings March 19, 2019 CALL TO ORDER Kyle Parkhurst, president (2020), called the meeting to order at 4:10 p.m. Members in attendance were Troy Lesan (2021) and Arlo Aschbrenner (2020). Jeffrey Speaker (2019) and Randy Tague (2021) were unable to attend. Also in attendance were Roger Barker, water superintendent, and Diane Hulett, clerk. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Troy Lesan moved to approve the minutes of the Feb. 19, 2019. Board of Directors meeting. Arlo Aschbrenner seconded. All members were in favor; motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENT There were no visitors in attendance for public comment. OLD BUSINESS Troy Lesan moved to rescind the motion made at the Feb. 19, 2019, meeting to reinvest money from the four CD accounts at BTC Bank with Edward Jones. Arlo Aschbrenner seconded. All members were in favor; motion carried. A motion was made by Troy Lesan to reinvest the CDs currently held at BTC Bank with Putnam County State Bank with amounts and terms as follows: $40,000 – 3-yr., $40,000 – 4-yr., $160,000 – 5-yr. Arlo Aschbrenner seconded. All voted in favor; motion carried. NEW BUSINESS Financial Report: The financial reports and bills were reviewed and discussed. Troy Lesan moved to approve the February financial reports as submitted and approve the bills. Arlo Aschbrenner seconded. All members voted to approve; motion carried. Roger provided information about available funding from DNR to help with an engineering study to evaluate the distribution and treatment facilities. A motion was made by Troy Lesan and seconded by Arlo Aschbrenner to proceed with the grant application to aid in this study. All members were in favor; motion carried. DISCUSSION Superintendent Report: Roger reported on the MRWA Conference that he recently attended where he was re-elected for another three-year term as the District #1 Director representing Northwest Missouri. Kyle Parkhurst, president, announced the next meeting would be April 16, 2019, at 4 p.m. at the water plant. Troy Lesan moved to adjourn at 5:45 p.m. Arlo Aschbrenner seconded. All members were in favor; motion carried. Respectfully Submitted, Troy Lesan

April 16, 2019 CALL TO ORDER Kyle Parkhurst, president (2020), called the meeting to order at 4:15 p.m. Members in attendance were Troy Lesan (2021), Jeffrey Speaker (2022) and Arlo Aschbrenner (2020). Randy Tague (2021) was unable to attend. Also in attendance were Roger Barker, water superintendent, and Diane Hulett, clerk. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Troy Lesan moved to approve the minutes of the March 19, 2019, Board of Directors meeting. Arlo Aschbrenner seconded. All members were in favor; motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENT There were no visitors in attendance for public comment. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business. NEW BUSINESS Financial Report: The financial reports and bills were reviewed and discussed. Arlo Aschbrenner moved to approve the March financial reports as submitted and approve the bills. Troy Lesan seconded. All members voted to approve; motion carried. The board reviewed a letter from Commercial Bank of Oak Grove regarding tap fees, and information was provided on the process of turning unclaimed property over to the state. DISCUSSION Superintendent Report: Roger gave a status update on the DNR Engineering Grant application and reported that a new backflow preventer was installed in the water plant. Roger also informed the board that the Source Water Committee met recently with Wayne Burris being appointed as chairman. Roger will be attending the water rally in Jefferson City on April 23-25. Kyle Parkhurst, president, announced the next meeting would be May 21, 2019, at 4 p.m. at the water plant. Arlo Aschbrenner moved to adjourn at 5:20 p.m. Jeffrey Speaker seconded. All members were in favor; motion carried. Respectfully Submitted, Jeffrey Speaker

Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154

2019 Fee Structure Dues & Assessments

APRIL 2019

Lake Viking News



Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154

APRIL 2019

Lake Viking News

Deaths Jonathan Kane 1997-2019

Graveside services for Jonathan Kane are scheduled for 4 p.m. Tuesday, April 9, 2019 at Lake Viking Cemetery. Arrangements are entrusted to Stith Funeral Home in Gallatin. In lieu of flowers memorial contributions are suggested to Sheri Coates to help with final expenses. Jonathan “Jamie” Kane, 21, Gallatin, died Wednesday morning, April 3, 2019 at his home. Jonathan was born on Sept. 9, 1997 in Austin, TX, the son of Timothy Kane II and Rebeca Colton. Jamie attended school in Grain Valley and had worked as a cook. He currently lived at Lake Viking. Jamie was loving, funny and a kid at heart. He was crazy about his two daughters and anxious about the one on the way. Jamie enjoyed producing music. He was a member of the Gnubz Crew, Obleisk and Sad Gang music groups. Jonathan was preceded in death by his father, Timothy Kane II; paternal grandfather, Timothy Kane Sr.; and maternal great-grandfather, Larry Salyers. Survivors include mother, Rebeca Colton; stepfather, Nate Sousley; stepmother, Danielle Kane; girlfriend, Kaylee; daughters, Carmene, Candence and one on the way; maternal grandmother, Sheri Coates; maternal grandfather, Martin Koelzer; paternal grandmother, Cheri Frendle; maternal great-grandmother, Barbara Salyers; sister, Skylar Wood; brother, Colton Trowbridge; brother, Chase Trowbridge; brother, Kaleb Sousley; sister, Kaitlyn, Sousley; brother, Timothy Kane III; sister, Elizabeth Kane; several aunts, uncles and other extended family.

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Revised 2-4-15 Danielle

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water after the tick is removed. Apply an antiseptic to

listing # 1154 and Jansite. the bite Johnson’s If bit by a mosquito, wash the site with soap and One picture only? cream or an ice pack can alleviate pain Thank you and water. haveAnti-itch a PhoneEaster! Call or itching. Happy Everyone should be aware of the signs and sympEsbeck IF Tina Does LASS IEDS

21020 Hwy 6 Gallatin, MO 64640 660.663.3294 Belinda Cameron, Sales 660.334.0512

For Sale

James Everett Davis, Jr., 53, passed away on BASE ROCK, BLACK DIRT March 29, 2019, at his residence. AND fill dirt. Huston Trucking James was born the & Construction, 660-663-3234 son of James Everett, or 660-334-0997. Sr. and Janey Faye (Constant) Davis on Jan. 17, Services 1966, in Chillicothe. He KELLY B’S Trees, prompt attended Chillicothe professional pruning, reasonHigh School. He graduably priced removals, compliated from Liberty High cated/ technical removal done regularly. Please call 816-632School in 2002. 7077. James was united in marriage to Shanell Blades (Hibler) Davis on Feb. SEAMLESS GUTTERING, A-1 14, 2012, in Gallatin. She survives of the home. Leaf Guard, CHI Overhead LiftMaster-Chamberlain James worked as a security guard and first re- Door, Operator Sales, Installation & sponder for Lake Viking Security for 14 years. He was a hard worker, always helping whoever needed him. James had various odd jobs. He worked as a (continued from page 16) security guard in Henrietta prison. trash and debris from yards. After becoming disabled, he helped family, • Reduce mosquitoes around your home by cleanfriends, and neighbors as best as he could. He was ing out gutters and remove anything in the yard that also a member of the Masonic Lodge 224 in Hamil- could hold standing water. ton. He spent most of his time caring for his sons, • Those with pets should talk with their veterinarwho were his world. James was overjoyed in pre- ian about use of tick prevention treatments. Regularly paring their home for the arrival of their baby girl. check pets for ticks. • Check for ticks while outdoors and again after Survivors include his wife, Shanell Davis, of the returning from the outdoors. If possible you should home; four sons, James Everett Davis III of Hamchange clothes and shower soon after spending time ilton, Emery Eli Davis of Hamilton, Easton Wayne outdoors. Davis of Hamilton,Save and Mason Hibler of Hamilton; to current week folder before altering this ad. Preventing bites is the best way to avoid getting two brothers, Rick and wife Vicki Davis of Hamsick from any number of diseases that ticks and mosilton, Steve and wife Martha Davis of Carrollton; quitoes can carry. Just one bite can lead to serious illand one sister April and husband James Nauman. ness. If you find an attached tick, do not panic. The He was preceded in death by his parents and one tick should be removed promptly. The longer it is atsister, Teanya Davis. tached, the greater the risk of infection. To remove A private family memorial service will be held at ticks: a later date. Memorial contributions may be made • Using tweezers, grasp tick near its mouth and as to the American Heart Association and may left at close to your skin as possible. or mailed to Lindley Funeral Home, P.O. Box 47, • Pull tick firmly, straight out, away from skin. Do Chillicothe, Missouri 64601. Online condolences not jerk or twist the tick. • Do NOT use alcohol, matches, liquid soap or pemay be made at troleum jelly to remove a tick. Arrangements are under the direction Liz, of Lind• Wash ley Funeral Home, Chillicothe, Missouri. Can you pull our last adyour withhands and the bite site with soap and

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Classified Ads

James Everett Davis 1966-2019

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toms of tick- and mosquito-borne diseases, which can vary among individuals and differ according to the • The Green Hills disease. In general, a sudden high fever, severe headShopper (over 12,000 ache, muscle or joint aches, nausea, vomiting or diarcopies in 3 counties) rhea can be signs of these types of diseases. Addition• Ad Zone (over 17,000 ally, a possible sign of tick-borne disease is a pus-filled copies in Caldwell, Daviess & Livingston Co.) wound that appears at the site of a tick bite, or a rash • Gallatin North that follows a tick bite. You should consult your health Missourian care provider if experiencing these symptoms. If these • Jamesport ! y da Tri-County News Call To symptoms occur following a bite, or even after exposureWeidner to a tick habitat, be sure to tell your health care Janet Only provider. For more information about tick-borne dis(25 words or less) 660-663-9541 Prepayment required; ease and insect Repellents Friday noon deadline. Janet Weidner you may contact the Daviess County Health Department 660-663-2414. 816-679-2958 About the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services: The department seeks to be the leader in protecting health and keeping people safe. More inChillicothe, 660.707.1820 formation about DHSS can be found at or find us on Facebook and Twitter @HealthyLivingHamilton/Gallatin 660.663.2154 Mo. Save to current week folder before C

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