Lake Viking News January 2021

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VVA Board of Directors Meeting Call to Order Susan Zalenski, lot 364, called the meeting to order, via Zoom, at 6:30 p.m. Board members present were Mark Leggett, lot 72; Tony Gronniger, lot 2281; Celeste Armanees, lot 62; Troy Lesan, lot 576; Marvin McNabb, lot 28; and Mike Booth, lot 1259. Mark Leggett led in prayer.

In other business for year-end 2020, $63,700 was transferred from the Silt Basin Expense line item to the Special Lake Fund line item. This was money spent at the temporary basin at Garney and not the engineered structure for which this fund was intended. $7,500 remains Committee Reports in the fund for Silt Basin expense because No Report this amount was actually spent at the site of the engineered structure. This adjustment was Handbook Committee agreed upon by Lake Manager Shad Mort and No Report Dredge Committee Chair Shawn Hepinstall, and it will bring the Special Lake Fund into Finance Committee Finance Committee met via Zoom on Thursday alignment with the Special Lake Assessment Jan. 7, eight members present, chaired by for 2020. John Kmetz. The first order of business was to correct erroneous reporting of last month’s [Continued on Page 3]

Face masks are now required by all, prior to entering the association office, safety office or maintenance area.


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Please include your lot # with your request

Next VVA Board Meeting:

Sun, Feb 14, 2021 6:30PM at lower level of the clubhouse.

All members in good standing are welcome and encouraged to attend. If you want on the agenda, you must notify the office on or before the Monday prior to the board meeting.

Volume 33, No. 9

January 10, 2021

meeting. The committee wants to move, with the exception three CD’s still earning decent interest, all association funds to bucket #2 of the Morgan Stanley Fund with no more than $500,000 going to bucket #3. Sally and Shad are going to make it a priority at the beginning of next week to move this money to Morgan Stanley.

Approval of Minutes Troy Lesan moved to approve the minutes of the December 13, 2020 board meeting. Mark Leggett seconded; motion passed.

*COVID-19 Precaution*

January 2021

Winter Hazard: Beware of Thin Ice


MARCH 7, 2021

Please email to be added to the zoom link distribution list If you would like to read the minutes of the 2020 Viking Valley Association Annual Meeting, view the April 2020 issue of Lake Viking News: OR, you may go directly to Under the tab “FAQ & Messages,” go to “Lake Viking News” Scroll to bottom for Digital Archive for April 2020 edition

By Troy Lesan

Boo is a gorgeous female golden retriever. She, along with her brother Buster, is owned by Eric and Jody Odette who live at Lake Viking. Boo and Buster are well-known at the lake, because Eric and Jody always take them along when they go on frequent boat-rides. Like many playful and fun-loving golden retrievers, Boo loves to play “fetch.” All Eric Odette has to do is mention the word and Boo becomes excited over her favorite game with the familiar red ball. On Thursday, December 31, however, that game almost became deadly as a result of a freak set of circumstances involving “thin ice.” only recently frozen. Some large areas are still open water with thin ice at the perimeters of Eric had been throwing the red ball to Boo those spots. As Boo chased the red ball, she in his front yard, but after the ball rolled on suddenly found herself breaking through the the slick icy ground, out into the road, he thin ice and in the cold water! became concerned about Boo being exposed Pandemonium followed. Boo tried to get out of to oncoming traffic. He moved the game to the the water and back onto the ice, but she couldn’t. back yard and Boo eagerly followed. Eric gave the ball a playful toss, but the problem was that Eric’s good friend and neighbor, Robert Walton, the back yard was also very slick with a coating grabbed a shovel to start breaking ice, but he of recently fallen snow on top of a glaze of ice. immediately fell on a slick spot, on land. This As a result, the ball rolled and slid and rolled, was going badly, but Robert had the presence of skimming across the icy terrain, down the hill, mind to call 911 and report a “situation” about over the seawall, and it rolled a considerable to occur on thin ice. Then, Eric remembered a small plastic paddle boat that had been left distance onto the ice of Lake Viking. at his place by a friend. He frantically dashed Boo, of course, chased the ball. As she to the shoreline and put the paddle boat in the followed it out onto the ice, disaster occurred. water – but there was still ice between him and [Continued on Page 3] Because of the mild winter, Lake Viking has



Lake Viking News


Lot 3024 Lot 1053 Lot 593 Lot 495 Lot 118 Lot 915 Lot 2270 Lot 2025

Jennifer Kiely Devin McCray 1686 Lake Viking, LLC A&E Builders Sean & Sarah Hoffman Jacob & Kim Rizek Jefferey & Ronda Speed Grant & Katerina Jenkins

Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154

NOTICE The Daviess County Public Water Supply District #3 Board of Directors voted to increase the minimum charge from $25.00 to $37.00 for metered water customers during the January 2021 meeting. Water rates have not been raised since March 2017. This increase is necessary to help finance the cost of the upcoming water plant upgrade. Information regarding the necessary improvements can be found in the December issue of the Lake Viking News. The new rates will go into effect on 1/31/2021. Daviess County Public Water Supply District #3 Board of Directors


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Lake Viking News

VVA December Board Meeting The committee agreed to approach Jimmy McKinley of Cameron Accounting to file our 2021 tax return. Cameron Accounting has done work for us in the past and we have a good relationship with them. It was agreed that John would speak with Mr. McKinley and emphasize the need for tax planning. Also discussed was the fact that Special Road Assessment has been consistently less than special road expense. We will be looking at this in the upcoming year. The committee discussed a town hall on Zoom with a joint presentation from Finance Committee and Dredge Committee sometime after February 15. Strategic Planning Committee Kenny Southwick gave an update on strategic planning. Kenny and Susan Zalenski were notified that Missy Leggett would be stepping down from this committee due to other obligations. Kenny thanked her for all her work with the committee. The strategic committee had made some recommendations to the board and is happy to see that the board has taken action on the GFI on docks issue and also on septic system (referring to minimum-sized septic systems to protect the lake water). Kenny

(continued from page 1)

thanked the board for the ongoing attention to soil erosion and dredging. The committee will be making a recommendation on fertilizer and chemicals used around the lake. The committee will continue to monitor the entire strategic plan. Activities Committee No Report


Winter Hazard: Beware of Thin Ice (continued from page 1)

Boo. After breaking ice with Robert’s shovel, he advanced the boat forward. Then, he broke more ice, literally progressing foot by foot. By the time Eric reached Boo, she was terribly weak and about to go under. Amazingly, by this time, three emergency response ambulances had arrived as Eric made it back to shore with his weak and nearly frozen dog. He rushed Boo into the house, dried her off and covered her with blankets, and she survived.

Building Committee Eric is thankful that a friend had left the paddle Marvin McNabb reported there were three boat at his place. Otherwise, the result would permits approved in December. have been disastrous. He was also amazed at the quick response by local emergency response Fire Department departments. This incident is a reminder. The Tony Gronniger reported discussion from their type of weather we’ve been having makes last meeting on cold water rescue and their slips and falls on ice a very real hazard. I know preparedness to do that. Tony said he would be several people who have been seriously injured. working with the office to get some small gear Worse yet, this type of weather also makes falls through the ice a danger. Over the years, I upgrades. have personally known of two people who have fallen through the ice on lakes and ponds and Campground Committee drowned – and another young man who barely Mike Booth commented on the Campground survived falling through ice. In 2020, Joyce Study Town Hall Meeting that took place. Dooley also of Lake Viking, found that her dog Mike thought it was a successful meeting. The (ironically his name was “Mr. Boo”) was frozen in the lake water. Need I say: WATCH OUT for [Continued on Page 6] ice and STAY OFF the ice on bodies of water.




Lake Viking News 2021 PROPOSED BUDGET

INCOME Membership Dues



2021 PROPOSED DUES & ASSESSMENTS Gross Wages-Admin $







Special Assessments



Special Lake Assessments



Special Assessments Gross Wages-Dredge/Spec. Lake





Dredge Assessment


Special Lake Assessments Gross Wages-Security





Additional Dredge Employee



Special Road Assessments Gross Wages-Housekeeping





Special Lake Accrual



Gross Wages-Pool Capital Project Assessment





Ramp Gate Assessment



Credit Card Merchant 2021 Total * OneFees lot





Special Road Assessments



Employer FICA Tax $ Lake 34,000.00 4% increase onExpense Special Assmt, Special Assmt, Special Road Assmt

Deferred Maint./Capital Projects Assmts.



Collections on Delinquent Accts

Employee Retirement and Capital Project Assessment.



Administrative Expense



Service Charge



Employee Insurance



Credit Card Convenience Fees



Insurance & Bonds



Campground income



Taxes. Licenses & Permits



Mowing receipts



Legal & Professional



Building Permit Fee



Promotional & Advertisement



Clubhouse Income



Office Expense



Sales Income



Postage Expense



Community Area Sales



Maintenance Expense



Cemetery Income



Mowing Contract Expense



Special Rd Dist 1






Fire Department Income



**Dredge Assmt drops off for 2021 Roads (DCSRD #1) $


Activities Income



Ramp Gate Expense


Interest Earned



Security Expense

Contract Income- PWSD # 3



Fire Dept Expense






Gross Wages-Admin




Gross Wages-Maint




Gross Wages-Dredge/Spec. Lake



Gross Wages-Security




Gross Wages-Housekeeping




Gross Wages-Pool




Credit Card Merchant Fees Net Income from Operations Employer FICA Tax Expense Less capital expenses



5,000.00 (78,434.00)



34,000.00 (249,270.00)

$ 1,789,066.00 2021 Proposed


EmployeeMaint./Capital Retirement Project Expense $ $ Deferred Administrative Expense $ $ Employee Insurance $


Insurance & Bonds




Taxes. Licenses & Permits




Legal & Professional




Promotional & Advertisement




Office Expense




Postage Expense




Maintenance Expense





9,500.00 (50,000.00) 6,000.00 (377,704.00) 38,000.00

Mowing Contract Expense








Roads (DCSRD #1)




Ramp Gate Expense




Security Expense




2021 Proposed 2021 Proposed Dues & Assesments

2021 Proposed

Total Income EXPENSES



Dues Gross Wages-Maint



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2020 Dues & Assessments


Special Assessments

Special Lake Assessments

Special Road Assessments Capital Project Assessment **Dredge Assessment

2020 Total * One Lot




MARCH 7, 2021 $














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Viking Valley Association INCOME VS. BUDGET $ 10,000.00 for the months ending Dec.VS31, 2020 INCOME BUDGET $ twelve7,500.00 Viking Valley Association

For the Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2020

Special Lake Expense



Silt Basin Construction








Interest(400... Expense

$ Membership Dues 4100 Special Assessments Electricity $ 56,000.00 4200 Special Lake Assessments 4201 Dredge Assessment Phone $ 7,000.00 4202 Additional Dredge Employee 4203 Special Lake Accrual Water $ 10,000.00 4150 Ramp Gate Assessment Heat 4300 5,000.00 Special Road Assessments$ 4350 Deferred Maint./Capital Projects Assmts. Fuel 4250 $ 25,000.00 Collections-Delinquent Accts. Service Charge Dredge4400 Fuel $ 20,000.00 4401 Credit Card Convenience Fee (450... Campground Income Trash Expense $ 19,000.00 4550 Mowing Receipts 4600 Building Permit Fee Campground Expense $ 8,000.00 4650 Clubhouse Income Deed / 4700 Lien ExpenseSales Income $ 1,000.00 4701 Community Area Sales Cemetery $ 500.00 4800Expense Cemetery Income {Reimb} 4850 Special Road Dist. #1 Activities 8,000.00 4860Expense Fire Department Income $ 4870 Activities Income Misc Expense $ 5,000.00 4900 Interest Earned 4910 Contract Income-P.W.S.D. #3 Fish Stocking $ 2,000.00 4950 Misc. Income

Total Operating Expense Total Income


Operating Expenses 6000 Gross Wages-Administrative 6001 Gross Wages-Maintenance 6002 Gross Wages-Dredge {Sp. Lake} 6003 Gross Wages-Safety 6004 Gross Wages-Housekeeping 6005 Gross Wages - Lifeguard 6006 Credit Card Merchant Fees 6010 Employer FICA Tax Expense 6049 Employee Retirement 6050 Administrative Expense 6051 Employee Insurance 6052 Insurance & Bonds 6053 Taxes, Licenses & Permits 6054 Legal & Professional 6056 Promotional & Advertisement 6100 Office Expense 6103 Postage 6200 Maintenance Expense 6210 Mowing-Contract Expense 6250 Roads 6251 Roads {Special Rd. District} 6300 Ramp Gate Expense 6400 Safety Expense 6450 Fire Department Expense 6500 Special Lake Expense 6501 Silt Basin Construction 6550 Interest Expense 6600 Electricity 6700 Phones 6750 Water 6800 Heat {Propane} 6900 Fuel {Gas/Diesel} 6901 Dredge Fuel 7000 Trash Expense 7100 Campground Expense 7300 Deed / Lien Expense 7600 Cemetery Expense {Reimb} 7795 Activities Expense 7800 Misc. Expense 7900 Fish Stocking


Fire Dept Expense




Special Lake Expense




Silt Basin Construction



Interest Expense














Fuel Dredge Fuel






Trash Expense




Campground Expense




Deed / Lien Expense




Cemetery Expense



Activities Expense



Misc Expense



Total Operating Expenses

Fish Stocking



Net Income (Loss) before Taxes



Net Income from Operations Less Captial Expenses Deferred Maint./Capital Project Expense

$ (78,434.00) $ (249,270.00) $ (50,000.00) $ (377,704.00)

Total Operating Expense




Capital Expenditures

Net Income (Loss) after Taxes


$92,905.27 $88,000.00 $4,905.27 858,160.45 800,384.00 57,776.45 162,195.30 153,587.00 8,608.30 243,072.00 238,650.00 4,422.00 32,333.40 31,820.00 513.40 48,520.00 47,730.00 790.00 5,632.00 3,000.00 2,632.00 54,110.70 50,835.00 3,275.70 48,216.75 49,000.00 (783.25) 14,615.84 30,000.00 (15,384.16) 25,153.28 7,500.00 17,653.28 4,379.11 3,000.00 1,379.11 80,961.62 75,000.00 5,961.62 8,434.84 12,000.00 (3,565.16) 74,175.00 40,000.00 34,175.00 4,475.00 5,000.00 (525.00) 5,500.00 4,000.00 1,500.00 307,565.00 335,650.00 (28,085.00) 4,158.00 500.00 3,658.00 6,933.34 7,000.00 (66.66) 100.00 1,000.00 (900.00) 11,959.57 10,000.00 1,959.57 23,734.44 8,000.00 15,734.44 2,430.00 3,000.00 (570.00) 45,306.22 15,000.00 30,306.22 ------------------- ------------------- ------------------2,165,027.13 2,019,656.00 145,371.13 ------------------- ------------------- -------------------



105.57% 107.22% 105.60% 101.85% 101.61% 101.66% 187.73% 106.44% 98.40% 48.72% 335.38% 145.97% 107.95% 70.29% 185.44% 89.50% 137.50% 91.63% 831.60% 99.05% 10.00% 119.60% 296.68% 81.00% 302.04% ------------107.20% -------------

143,913.04 143,000.00 913.04 100.64% 148,382.79 140,000.00 8,382.79 105.99% 23,302.60 40,000.00 (16,697.40) 58.26% 108,073.84 114,000.00 (5,926.16) 94.80% 3,195.07 6,000.00 (2,804.93) 53.25% 4,822.92 1,500.00 3,322.92 321.53% 6,358.48 4,500.00 1,858.48 141.30% 34,877.14 34,000.00 877.14 102.58% 8,756.24 8,500.00 256.24 103.01% 10,387.85 7,000.00 3,387.85 148.40% 28,437.63 36,000.00 (7,562.37) 78.99% 83,904.20 80,000.00 3,904.20 104.88% 33,506.65 30,000.00 3,506.65 111.69% 11,433.43 6,000.00 5,433.43 190.56% 9,690.00 10,000.00 (310.00) 96.90% 10,575.76 9,500.00 1,075.76 111.32% 4,622.32 5,000.00 (377.68) 92.45% 44,469.45 40,000.00 4,469.45 111.17% 1,400.00 1,500.00 (100.00) 93.33% 137,303.60 120,000.00 17,303.60 114.42% 62.12 1,000.00 (937.88) 6.21% 7,891.05 1,500.00 6,391.05 526.07% 11,413.15 8,000.00 3,413.15 142.66% 5,233.22 7,500.00 (2,266.78) 69.78% 146,658.78 95,000.00 51,658.78 154.38% 7,540.00 600,000.00 (592,460.00) 1.26% 1,768.20 3,000.00 (1,231.80) 58.94% 52,802.19 52,000.00 802.19 101.54% 7,057.53 6,500.00 557.53 108.58% 10,094.11 9,000.00 1,094.11 112.16% 3,220.72 5,000.00 (1,779.28) 64.41% 22,250.79 25,000.00 (2,749.21) 89.00% 1,965.63 15,000.00 (13,034.37) 13.10% 17,253.51 13,500.00 3,753.51 127.80% 13,576.40 7,500.00 6,076.40 181.02% 734.75 1,000.00 (265.25) 73.48% 123.99 500.00 (376.01) 24.80% 11,355.05 8,000.00 3,355.05 141.94% 7,741.56 4,000.00 3,741.56 193.54% 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 100.00% ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------1,188,155.76 1,701,500.00 (513,344.24) 69.83% ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------$976,871.37 $318,156.00 $658,715.37 307.04% 53,974.60




------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------$922,896.77 $318,156.00 $604,740.77 290.08% =========== =========== =========== =======




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Lake Viking News





Furnace/AC for Office



Track skid loader



Road tubes



Doors @ Maintenance



MARCH 7, 2021

Dock & Lift



Fire Department SCBA cylinders



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Dump Truck



Mini Excavator trade



Safety Boat





Viking Valley Association VikingCOMPARATIVE Valley Association BALANCE SHEET COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET December 31, 2020

Dec. 31, 2020




Assets Current Assets 1052 1056 1057 1058 1059 1061 1062 1066 1063 1064 1067 1065 1113 1500.00

BTC Bank Gen Checking BTC Bank CD #2 BTC ICS Edward Jones CD#1 BTC Bank CD State Farm Bank MM Ed Jones CD#2 Capital Projects Ed Jones Capital Projects (Cash) Edward Jones CD Interest Edward Jones CD#4 Edward Jones Money Market Edward Jones CD#5 Farmers Bank Cemetery Petty Cash

Total Current Assets

Fixed Assets 1590 1600 1605 1610 1615 1620

Current Year Cap Expenditures Equipment Buildings & Fixtures Accumulated Depr.-Equipment Lots Held For Resale Land (Lots) Total Fixed Assets

Other Assets 1900 1910

State Inc. Tax Prepaid Federal Inc. Tax Prepaid Total Other Assets Total Assets

Liabilities & Equity Current Liabilities 2000 SIT Payables 2010 FIT Payables 2020 FICA Payables 2030 FUTA Payables 2040 SUTA Payables 2085 Insurance Witholding 2086 Garnishment / Support 2089 Simple IRA 2097 PPP Loan 2098 Commerce Bank (dredge)

Total Current Liabilities

Owners' Equity 3000 Investment in Fixed Assets 3560... Retained Earnings (400... Current Income Total Owners' Equity Total Liabilities & Equity

$35,145.41 31,876.73 1,309,237.58 225,000.00 0.00 29,492.70 67,000.00 50,000.00 16,646.22 110,000.00 127,000.00 0.00 19,896.63 500.00

$159,322.71 31,876.73 182,257.42 225,000.00 0.00 29,465.24 67,000.00 0.00 121,960.24 110,000.00 0.00 225,000.00 16,806.79 500.00

($124,177.30) 0.00 1,126,980.16 0.00 0.00 27.46 0.00 50,000.00 (105,314.02) 0.00 127,000.00 (225,000.00) 3,089.84 0.00

------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------2,021,795.27 1,169,189.13 852,606.14 ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------

53,974.60 73,287.70 (19,313.10) 2,429,323.84 2,403,863.34 25,460.50 821,098.81 773,271.61 47,827.20 (2,119,822.35) (2,119,822.35) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 26,935.33 26,935.33 0.00 ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------1,211,510.23 1,157,535.63 53,974.60 ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------


0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------------------- ------------------------0.00 0.00 ------------------------- ------------------------2,326,724.76 906,580.74 ============== ==============

0.00 1 Page

------------------------0.00 ------------------------3,233,305.50 ==============

1,472.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,290.76 0.00 0.00

1,352.95 0.00 0.00 10.67 34.03 0.00 0.00 3,292.60 0.00 72,720.28

119.99 0.00 0.00 (10.67) (34.03) 0.00 0.00 (1.84) 0.00 (72,720.28)

------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------4,763.70 77,410.53 (72,646.83) ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------

599,143.73 599,143.73 0.00 1,651,361.70 1,307,079.28 344,282.42 976,871.37 343,091.22 633,780.15 ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------3,227,376.80 2,249,314.23 978,062.57 ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------3,232,140.50 2,326,724.76 905,415.74 ============== ============== ==============


Annual Meeting…During A Pandemic It’s time again to start thinking about our VVA 2021 Annual Meeting. Due to the pandemic, this annual meeting will be online. This isn’t our preferred way to conduct our 2021 annual meeting. However, we are in a pandemic and now is not the time to have large gatherings. Because of that, we have decided to conduct the annual meeting online using Zoom. Some of you may have not used Zoom before. We will need to have your email address to send you the Zoom link information to join the meeting. Please call Ellen at the office or send her an email at to get added to the email distribution list. We will also send instructions through our email distribution list on how to join the Zoom meeting. The goal of this meeting will be to focus on the business that we must complete at our annual meeting in a safe manner (Zoom). It will be done online and conducted in three segments: 1. 2:00 pm – 3:30 – This block will cover the business presentation traditionally at our annual meeting. We will have the Finance Committee presentation of the 5-year plan and the 2021 budget. The Finance Committee has also scheduled a Zoom townhall meeting on February 20, 2021, to discuss and familiarize members with the 5-year plan and the proposed 2021 budget prior to the annual meeting. We will introduce candidates for board of directors and take nominations from the floor for board members. Board candidates will deliver their presentation during this segment. We will also conduct any other business to come before the annual meeting. 2. 3:30-5:30 (Vote at clubhouse) – We will suspend the meeting to allow in-person voting at the clubhouse for board of directors, 2021 budget, and 5-year financial plan. We will encourage people with last names starting with A-M to vote from 3:30-4:30 and with last names starting from M-Z to vote from 4:30-5:30 to help manage the gathering of members. However, voting will be open from 3:30-5:30 for anyone wanting to vote. As you come to the clubhouse, we will confirm you are a member in good standing and give you a ballot. Voting stations will be socially distanced at the clubhouse and disinfected between voters. Masks will be required. We will have masks at the door for members who may forget their mask. If you are health 1/19/2021 compromised and prefer to vote from your car in the parking lot of the clubhouse, we will bring your ballot to you in your car. Voting will stop at 5:30 pm. Members in line will be allowed to vote. We will have election judges who are not Lake Viking members count the votes. 3. 6:00 pm (Zoom) – We will reconvene the Zoom session to announce the results of the board of director elections and the results of the 2021 budget, and 5-year plan. We will adjourn our annual meeting and the new board of directors will meet in executive session to determine officers and committees. We understand this is different than any annual meeting ever done in the history of VVA. By voting at the clubhouse, we are meeting the by-law requirements to vote in person. There may be some learning curves with an annual online meeting, and we ask your patience and understanding during the meeting. We are trying to conduct our annual meeting safely for our members and as required by the bylaws. The board and staff are committed to doing their best based on the situation in which we find ourselves. We are optimistic that these changes will ensure the health and safety of all Lake Viking members.



Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154

Lake Viking News

VVA December Board Meeting

(continued from page 3)

committee is looking into wireless internet dock very close to where the dredge is parked. for the campground and hopes to have more Shad spoke with the owner of the dock about information next month. plugging the ice eater in. The dock owner gave his permission to use his electric and we will Lake Committee pay him for the use. No Report Lake Manager Report (Shad Mort) Infraction Committee / Safety 1. Cares Act: The association received $7,767.23 in Cares Act money from Daviess County. Two No Report employees contracted COVID and the entire maintenance department had to quarantine. The Dredge Committee Shawn Hepinstall reported the dredge is shut county awarded us the total mentioned to cover down for winter, but was left in the water this the cost of wages. year. We have an ice eater in the water to keep it 2. Dam Permit: Shad has spoken to DNR in the from freezing. There will still be some dredging last couple of weeks to see why we have not to do at Garney when weather permits. Shawn received our permit for the dam. It has been said they had learned a lot at the south end. inspected, but have never received the actual Steve Warger is still working on the plan for the permit in writing. south end and will be ready for a presentation 3. Snow Removal: We have gone through about to the board at the February board meeting. half of our sand and salt that was on hand. We Tony Gronniger asked where we were getting will try to get another 100 tons of sand and salt the electricity to run the ice eater. There is a to carry us through the rest of the winter.

4. Employee Evaluations: Evaluations were completed in the last week. 5. Trash RFP: The board was sent a copy of an RFP to send out for bid this year. Our current trash contract expires in May of this year. Shad asked the board to look it over and let us know of any changes that need to be made. Susan would like the number of houses, part-time and fulltime be put in the RFP. Shad said a company in St. Joseph had reached out and wanted to bid on this. Tony Gronniger asked if we had a list compiled to send RFP’s to. Shad thought we would have at least 4 bidders. Financials Mark Leggett asked about a check to TrueIT. Sally Zerbe explained that was the year end update for her financial software. Tony Gronniger moved to approve the financial reports. Mike Booth seconded; motion passed. Guest Time No guest time Board Discussions 1. Troy Lesan commented about having a town hall meeting to discuss financials before the annual meeting. He commented the assessments will go down this year. The one-time dredge assessment from last year, for $150, will not be voted on again this year. It will be the 4th year of our 5-year plan. A decision will be made this week on a date for the town hall and we will post it as soon as we know. 2. Morgan Stanley Policy: Susan Zalenski introduced the following policy for our new Morgan Stanley investments: The Finance Committee will recommend to the board movement of funds from bucket two (reserves for operating funds) to bucket three (long term investments) and from bucket three (long term investments) back to bucket two (reserves for operating funds) if there is a need to cover major capital expenditures and/ or repairs. The board will consider the Finance Committee recommendations for movement of funds and approve, modify, or reject the Finance Committee recommendations The Key Controller will then move funds after board approval. Roles: The Key Controller will administer the movement of funds with board approval. The office administrator will have this responsibility. The office administrator will also be responsible for tracking/monitoring funds. The four Authorized Monitors/Trusted Contacts will have the authority to monitor the Morgan Stanley account and will be notified when funds are transferred. The Authorized Monitors/ Trusted Contacts will receive notice from Morgan Stanley of any suspicious activity and/ or when there is a lock-out of the account. The Authorized Monitors/Trusted should be the LV Treasurer, Finance Committee Chair, and board members on the Finance Committee. Morgan Stanley indicated that other interested people could be added as viewers only. The Lake Manager will be given viewing authority. Susan Zalenski moved to accept the Morgan Stanley Policy. Mark Leggett seconded; motion passed.

[Continued on Page 13]


Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154 VIKING VALLEY ASSOCIATION, INC. ANNUAL MEETING OF MEMBERS MARCH 7, 2021 AGENDA

Call to Order at 2:00 p.m.: Susan Zalenski Prayer: Troy Lesan Moment of Silence for members we have lost Introduction of Board Members President: Susan Zalenski Asst. Secretary: Celeste Armanees 1st Vice President: Mark Leggett Treasurer: Troy Lesan 2nd Vice President: Mike Booth Asst. Treasurer: Marvin McNabb Secretary: Tony Gronniger President Report Ask for motion to accept the orders of the day Approval of Minutes: March 1, 2020 Annual Meeting

Lake Viking News


PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY DISTRICT NO. 3 OF DAVIESS COUNTY OPEN MEETING Jan. 19, 2021 CALL TO ORDER Kyle Parkhurst, President (2023), called the meeting to order at 4:10 p.m. which was held at the Viking Valley Association Clubhouse to allow for social distancing. Members in attendance were Troy Lesan (2021), Harlan Horst (2023), Jeffrey Speaker (2022), and Mark White (2021). Also in attendance were Charlie Zitnik with D.A. Davidson, Mark Baltzer with Bartlett & West, Roger Barker, Water Superintendent, Gary King, Operator, and Diane Hulett, Clerk. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Troy Lesan moved to approve the minutes of the Dec. 15, 2020, Board of Directors Meeting. Jeffrey Speaker seconded. All members were in favor; motion carried.

Recognition of Committees - Committee reports available for review and submitted in writing

PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment.

Recognize Award Winners • Loa Parkhurst Volunteer of the Year • Nevin Burns Safety Awareness Award

OLD BUSINESS Bartlett & West’s engineer, Mark Baltzer, gave a progress report and timeline for the water plant upgrade. He reported that a site surveyor and electrician had been on site this week to assess the project, and indicated the next step was for soil samples to be taken. A motion was made by Mark White and seconded by Jeffrey Speaker to contract with PSI/ Intech at a cost of $4,495 for bore testing. All voted in favor; motion approved. Charlie Zitnik with D.A. Davidson provided information on current interest rates and answered questions regarding the financing of the water plant upgrade. A motion was made by Jeffrey Speaker to finance $2,350,000 with a 20-year lease purchase agreement through D.A. Davidson for both the water plant upgrade and remaining balance on the 2018 lease purchase agreement, with the option to pay back excess funds upon project completion and restructure the note. Harlan Horst seconded. All voted to approve; motion carried. Amendments to the 2021 budget were discussed with changes to be made at the next meeting.

Shawn Hepinstall – Dredge report Lake Managers Report – Written report Presentation on By-Law changes -Celeste Armanees Finance Committee (John Kmetz) motions and discussion – 2-minute discussion periods •Five-year plan - 2021 Budget - Capital Needs Budget – Assessments Vote on Assessments (includes the 5-year plan 4 % increase) • Special Assessments = $527.00 • Special Lake Assessments = $151.00 • Special Road Assessments = $33.00 • Capital Project Assessment = $41.00 Total Assessments for 1 lot, including $75.00 Dues = $827.00 (a$123 decrease from last year) Vote for new board of directors; 2 positions. Introduction of Candidates: Nominations from the floor. If none, ask that nominations be accepted as read. Each candidate will have 5 minutes to introduce + Q & A Voting Instructions: Polls at clubhouse open from 3:30-5:30. Recommend last names A-M vote in clubhouse from 3:30-4:30; M-Z vote in clubhouse from 4:30-5:30. Polls close at 5:30. Those in line will be allowed to vote. Voting from vehicle in clubhouse parking lot for anyone health compromised. Masks and social distancing required. Introduce voting officers: Sally Black, Rhonda Lambert, and Nan Burge (ballot counters) Suspend meeting to cast ballots: Ballots will include voting on the 5-year plan, 2021 budget, by-law changes, and new board members. Recommendation: A-M vote from 3:30-4:30; M-Z vote from 4:30-5:30. Polls close at 5:30. Masks and social distancing required for voting at clubhouse. 6:00 – Reconvene meeting to announce election results Announcements: After adjournment, 2021 Board Members will meet for committee assignments. Adjourn

NEW BUSINESS Financial Report: The financial reports and bills were reviewed and discussed. Troy Lesan moved to approve the December financial reports as submitted and approve the bills. Jeffrey Speaker seconded. All members voted to approve; motion carried. The adoption of a reimbursement resolution was discussed with no action being taken at this time. The 2021 Viking Valley Association Equipment Lease Agreement was submitted for review. A motion was made by Harlan Horst and seconded by Mark White to approve. All voted to in favor; motion carried. The need to increase water rates was discussed. After review, a motion was made by Troy Lesan and seconded by Mark White to raise the minimum monthly water charge for 0-1000 gallons from $25 to $37 effective 1/31/2021. All voted in favor; motion carried. The Rules & Regulations, Water User’s Agreement, and Tap Fee Agreement were reviewed. A motion was made by Troy Lesan and seconded by Harlan Horst to approve the changes to each as submitted. DISCUSSION Superintendent Report: Roger reported that the meter in the water plant which records the amount of gallons used for backwashing is beginning to fail due to age. Since this would be a costly replacement for an outdated plant, he plans to calculate the usage manually until a new meter can be installed during the upgrade. Kyle Parkhurst, president, announced the next meeting would be Feb. 16, 2021 at 4 p.m. with the location to be determined later. The meeting was adjourned at 6:15 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Jeffrey Speaker


Wyatt Huntley Estes Wyatt Huntley Estes, beloved infant son of Garret and Sadie Estes, became one of God’s angels early morning of Jan. 12, 2021. In his four months and one day of life, he brought joy, happiness, and most certainly love to everyone who met him. He was such a happy, handsome, cuddly and loving little boy. He was an amazing little boy who was full of smiles. In addition to his parents, survivors include his big brother, Bentley Estes, 3, and big sister, Harlynne Estes, 2; grandparents, Shawn and

Galen E. Haddock 1943 - 2021

Galen E. Haddock, age 77 of Gallatin, MO passed away Wednesday night, January 6, 2021, at Liberty Hospital in Liberty, MO. Galen was born on March 22, 1943, the son of Vaden and Louise (Staub) Haddock in Pierce City, MO. He was a graduate of Pierce City High School. Galen served in the United States Air Force. In April 1989, he was united in marriage to Judy Taylor. Galen worked for Missouri Telephone Company.

Diane Estes, Michael and Trinity Hibler, and Lindsey and Aaron Morrow; great-grandparents, Mary and Flint Hibler, Kathy and David Stump, and David Cline; aunts and uncles, Shelby Hibler, Austin Estes, Jesse and Brittany Estes, and Kyara Morrow; cousins, Princeton Adkins, Oliver Estes, Olivia Estes and Timber Estes; and many more aunts, uncles, cousins and family. Wyatt was preceded in death by great-grandparents, Landon and Patricia Estes. A visitation was held Jan. 16 at Bram Funeral Home in Hamilton. Memorials may be made in Wyatt’s memory to a savings account that has been established at BTC Bank in Gallatin.

He enjoyed railroads and trains and had a model train set. Galen also loved spending time with his grandchildren. He served as President of the Daviess County Country Club. Galen will be dearly missed. Galen was preceded in death by his parents. Survivors include wife, Judy of the home; son, Jeff (Jenny) Donovan of Gallatin; grandchildren, Jordan and Jack.; brother, Lowell (Janice) Haddock of Pierce City; nieces, nephews and other extended family also survive. Memorial Service: 2 PM, Tuesday, January 12, 2021, Stith Funeral Home, Gallatin. Visitation: 1 hr. prior to the service (1 PM) at the funeral home. Friends were invited to call after 9 AM Tuesday at the funeral home. Burial followed the services at Hillcrest Cemetery, Gallatin. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions are suggested to the Daviess County Country Club in care of the funeral home. Arrangements entrusted to the care and direction of Stith Funeral Home, Gallatin. (660) 663-2117. Online guestbook at



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Lake Viking News

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MEMBERS The Viking Valley Fire Dept. will be mee�ng the 2nd Saturday of every month at 9AM at the Fire Sta�on. The sirens will be tested at this �me.

Next VVA Board Meeting:

Sunday, Feb 14, 2021 @ 6:30PM at lower level of the clubhouse.

All members in good standing are welcome and encouraged to attend. If you want on the agenda, you must notify the office on or before the Monday prior to the board meeting.



Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154

Lake Viking News

Stay Safe …

| Nadine Parmenter | 816-390-7938 | 816-233-5200 Glenda Ide, Broker

3827 Beck Rd, Saint Joseph MO

Lot 27 -- Gallatin: Located in the 1st cove past the marina. Just tucked away behind the no wake zone. This property provides 108 feet of shoreline, covered boat dock with Ecno boat lift, benches on the dock which provide a great hangout entertaining area. The view from this property looks into the 1st cove that is located close to the main water just a short distance to the clubhouse, pool, and marina. 8x10 shed for storing your boating essentials. Make your call today and see for yourself. Close to main entrance of the lake. #2234703 $130,000 117 Whitecap Drive: Wow this ranch style home is close to the marina & clubhouse, pool many amenities, 3 BRs, 1 1/2 baths open kitchen concept, with newer epoxy countertops. Countertop cook-top & built in oven. The kitchen also boosts dishwasher & gray swan-stone double sink. Eat in breakfast nook & open dinning area with a large LR. Laundry is located just off the kitchen. Located next to the half bath. Nice sized BRs full bath located close to all BRs. #2241060 $218,500

February was declared American Heart Month in an effort to bring attention to the fact heart attacks are one of the leading causes of death in the U.S. Please remember every minute counts … don’t ignore the symptoms!


✓ CHEST PAIN … This may feel like a burning or pinching sensation or a heavy weight sitting on your chest. ✓ ANXIETY … An increased heart rate leads to feelings of anxiety and stress. ✓ DIZZINESS … If the heart is not circulating blood in sufficient volumes, your brain will not get enough oxygen which results in feeling lightheaded. ✓ STOMACH PAIN … You may feel nauseous or vomit. Don’t assume it is indigestion. ✓ SHORTNESS OF BREATH … During the onset of a heart attack, you will find it hard to breathe and experience intense shortness of breath. ✓ PERSISTENT COUGH … A persistent cough may be caused by congestive heart failure which causes blood to back up into the lungs. ✓ PAIN RADIATING INTO ARM … This may be the most common symptom. Pain may radiate out to the left arm after starting in the chest area. In some cases, the pain in your arm may be worse than in your chest. It may also spread to the shoulders, back, neck, jaw and teeth. ✓ TIRING EASILY … This is caused by lack of oxygenated blood, which makes you feel tired. ✓ IRREGULAR HEARTBEAT … If your heart is missing a beat for an unusually long time get checked out. ✓ EXCESSIVE SWEATING … This may not alert you to a heart attack on its own, but if it is associated with other symptoms it may be a sign that something is wrong. ✓ SWOLLEN ANKLES … If your heart is not strong enough to return blood to the lungs it will begin to pool in your feet and ankles. ✓ NUMBNESS … As blood flow is restricted, you may notice numbness in the arms and hands. ✓ SKIN DISCOLORATION … If your skin starts to go pale or grey, especially around the eyes, this suggests blood is not making its way around your body efficiently.


✓ First, DIAL 911 or call an AMBULANCE. ✓ If you are in public and conscious … — tell someone to find the closest defibrillator; and — take a normal dose of aspirin (325 mg). ✓ If you are alone … — take a normal dose of aspirin (325 mg); and — unlock your front door and lie down near it so EMS workers can find you.

t n o r f e k La Lot!

Lot 599 Lake Viking Terrace This lakefront lot comes with a single well boat dock, shed, water and electricity. This lot would make a good build site. Close to the West entrance.



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Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154

Lake Viking News

208 E. Putnam, King City, MO 64463

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Garages Shops Storage Animal Rules & Regulations

Allowing dogs to roam/animal bite: Dogs are not allowed off the member’s property and shall be contained by a fenced enclosure or controlled by a leash. Guests’ dogs are included. Any animal whether leashed or unleashed that attacks or bites a person, and after capingreview of the circumstances, is deemed to be a help youvicious animal and must be removed from the lake. The owner of the animal is subject to a minimum $500.00 infraction ticket.

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Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154

Lake Viking News

VVA December Board Meeting 3. Annual Meeting: Susan Zalenski presented a plan for this year’s annual meeting. Because of the pandemic, the meeting will be through Zoom and will be held in three segments. The first segment will be the sharing of information and discussion. The second segment, the meeting will be suspended to allow for voting and then the third will be to reconvene to present the results of voting on new board members and assessments. Susan explained this would not be an easy meeting. It will be new to all of us to deal with. Susan went over the plan for voting, which will be posted on our website, in the newspaper, and will be emailed to you. *Suspend meeting to Cast Ballots: Ballots will include voting on the 5-year plan, 2021 budget, by-law changes, and new board members. Recommendation: A-M vote from 3:30-4:30; M-Z vote from 4:30-5:30. Polls close at 5:30. Masks and social distancing required for voting at clubhouse. If we do not have your email, please contact the office. 4. Nominating Committee: Mark Leggett reported there are three candidates running for the board at the annual meeting. Those candidates are Allan Slavin, Shay Edwards, and Troy Lesan. There bios will be in the January Lake Viking News. 5. Safety First Presentation: Mark Leggett thanked Jason McTheeney and John Oaks of the Lake Viking Safety Department for joining this meeting. Mark commented that it was a tough year, not knowing about staff being called to reserves and trying to staff the hours for Safety. Mark went on to say the board and the community itself appreciates their time in this tough year. The second thing Mark wanted to thank them for, was taking the responsibility to put together a 1-, 3- and 5-year strategic plan for the needs of the Safety Department. That plan was helpful in making the decision to purchase the new safety boat. One other consideration about the new boat was where we would dock this boat. We have worked out a deal with the Marina to dock the boat back where the build docks, in calm water. With that being said, Mark asked Jason about the envelope John brought with him. Mark explained there were about fourteen people wanting to send them a thank you card. When they got the envelope and opened it, it revealed a brochure of new jet skis with one circled. Fourteen association members donated monies to buy the Safety Department a 2021 jet ski, which will have lights and sirens, to help them keep our lake safe. Mark said there were three lead donors that challenged eleven other members to help make this purchase. Jason stated safety at the lake is very important and thanked everyone for this unexpected gift. The new boat and now this jet ski makes this department viable for many years and will help keep our lake a more safe place to live or visit. 6. Campground Study follow up: Susan Zalenski reported there was a Zoom meeting yesterday for members, board members, and the Campground Study Group to discuss the groups findings and recommendations concerning the campgrounds. Susan felt like it was a good discussion and members had a chance to ask questions about the recommendations and findings of the study. Susan’s question to the board is where do we go from here with this information. Celeste Armanees said there are primarily three prominent recommendations


(continued from page 6)

that were made and most accepted that would be a good place to start. Those recommendations are as follows: • Software program • All-inclusive line item on our budget for campgrounds • Hiring a Campground Manager Susan Zalenski agreed the above recommendations would be a good place to start. Mark Leggett commented if everyone agrees on this, the sooner we make a decision the better. As a board, Mark feels it makes no sense to bring on a new software for the campground unless we overhaul our entire system. Mark discussed our options, as far as when would be a good time to implement a new system and what system would be best for us, with John Kmetz, (Finance Committee Chair). John’s response was to implement during your slowest operational time and for Lake Viking that time is probably now, before April or May. The next response was what program would be best for us. John said there are many programs out there, but QuickBooks is probably the most widely used. John feels a new QuickBooks program could be implemented in about 6 weeks. John suggested we research the software for HOA’s to make sure we get the right program. There were many positive comments about moving forward with these recommendations and to have the Finance Committee, Campground Committee and board all involved in researching for software programs to fit our needs. Celeste Armanees made the following motions on the above recommendations: • Celeste Armanees moved to purchase and utilize a Campground Management software program ASAP to manage “all things campground.” This software would have two components: a Management component (which includes managing and assigning campground spots, Wait List) and an Accounting component (which includes all revenues and expenses of the campground). The campground software program will be used starting in the 2021 camping season (March 1). Mark Leggett seconded. After a brief discussion, the vote was 5 yes and 1 nay. Motion passed. • Celeste Armanees moved to make the campground an all-inclusive, separate line item, so it is a self-sustaining profit and loss budget within the overall VVA Budget. It should be a financial stand-alone entity that reflects all P&L for the campground. All campground expenses and fees, except annual VVA Dues and Assessments, would fund the account. These funds would be used at the discretion of the Campground Manager and Finance Committee. Any excess funds or deficit in the campground budget/ledger will remain in the account and roll over to the following year. This change would be effective starting 2021. Tony Gronniger seconded; motion passed. • Celeste Armanees moved to hire a Campground Manager to manage all things campground. The Lake Manager, Campground Committee, and the board will develop the Campground Manager’s roles and responsibilities. Compensation will be per the CG Study report, when funds become available. Mike Booth seconded; motion passed. 7. Other Business: • Susan Zalenski moved to add Anthony Dirks to the Strategic Planning Committee. Tony Gronniger seconded; motion passed.

• Mark Leggett updated the board on the new phone process for the office. Cody Creel will be in the office Wednesday to take this live. • Mike Booth asked the board to assign a committee to further research the GFI recommendations. Susan • Zalenski felt the Building Committee and the Lake Committee should both be involved with this issue. Tony Gronniger asked Mike to send him the information he is proposing, and he would take a look at it and discuss with the board. • Susan Zalenski let the board know that the office is getting calls to rent the clubhouse. Susan suggested to Ellen that we pencil in anyone that wanted to rent it, but for now not to take any money until we change our guidelines due to COVID. When the county and state give guidelines for safe use of the clubhouse, we can firm up those reservations. We will just have to wait and see what happens with the pandemic. Shad Mort reiterated we have been getting calls and we are taking their information, but no money. Adjourn Tony Gronniger moved to adjourn into executive session to discuss personnel and board organizational matters at 8:10 p.m. Marvin McNabb seconded; motion passed. Attendance Chuck & Becky Weldon, Robert Hayes, Bob Johnson, Mary & Flint Hibler, Kathy Price, Shawn Hepinstall, Cheryl Cooper, Ryan Dowis, Tom Beeler, Doug & Resa Wiltse, Paula Roberts, Sue Wolfe, Margie Albertson, James Funk, John Kmetz, Kevin Trimble, Sean & Alix Kumer, Missy Leggett, Kenny Southwick, Mark & Stephanie Closterman, Allan Slavin, Kelly Mathenia, Alicia Saunders, Jason McTheeney / Safety, John Oaks / Safety, Shad Mort / Lake Manager and Sally Zerbe / Office. Let the record show that these minutes are a record of the business transacted at this meeting and a sampling of the discussions. Comments and discussions are not reflected in whole or as actual quotations in the minutes, nor do they reflect all comments by members. Respectfully Submitted, Tony Gronniger - Secretary Board of Directors Viking Valley Association


MARCH 7, 2021

Please email to be added to the zoom link distribution list If you would like to read the minutes of the 2020 Viking Valley Association Annual Meeting, view the April 2020 issue of Lake Viking News: OR, you may go directly to Under the tab “FAQ & Messages,” go to “Lake Viking News” Scroll to bottom for Digital Archive for April 2020 edition



Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154

Lake Viking News Lake Viking Board Candidates Allan Slavin

My name is Allan Slavin, and I am pursuing an opportunity to serve on the Viking Valley Association Board of Directors. I have been happily married to my lovely wife, Cindy, for 30 years and we have five wonderful grown children and seven beautiful grandchildren. We are members of Mary Immaculate Catholic Church in Gallatin. My wife and I saw the beauty in Lake Viking in the early nineties and purchased our first property in 1993. We built our home in 2004, sold it last year and are currently building a new home on lot 181. I served in the United States Air Force for 30 years until my retirement in 2018. After receiving an Officer’s Commission in 1990, I was an Executive Officer, a Logistics Officer and was given the opportunity to serve as a Commander in the 442d Fighter Wing at Whiteman Air Force Base, Missouri for the last 8 years of my career. While in the military, I deployed to the Middle East and also performed military duty in many other parts of the world. It was such an honor to have a career that allowed me to serve the greatest country in the world. Since 2005, I’ve volunteered as an American Red Cross “Disaster Service” Representative. I’ve had the opportunity to deploy on six different major disaster (hurricanes/floods) across the United States, driving Emergency Response Vehicles and feeding and sheltering thousands of families affected by natural disaster. Also, Cindy and I enjoy volunteering at the Cameron Veteran’s Home, taking veterans on outings throughout the year. I would like to invest more of my time and effort to ensure the future success of Lake Viking. The biggest on-going challenges that I see will continue to be the costs associated with dredging and the maintenance of our infrastructure, i.e., campgrounds, roads, water quality; but these will be overcome by sound decision making. I support total transparency between the association and the members and also the right of all members to be informed. I believe our members deserve first class amenities and first-class customer service. Although rules are necessary, I support the minimum rules and enforcement necessary to ensure the maximum safety and enjoyment of our lake community by all lake members equally. I would love the opportunity to serve the members of Lake Viking by providing sound decision making in a teamwork atmosphere. Our family life at Lake Viking has been the center of our recreational fun for 28 years. Not only our immediate family, but it has also been the popular hub for extended family and friends. I couldn’t be prouder to be a member of this community. We have such a beautiful lake with amenities and activities, and it is all made possible by the members who have chosen to be a part of this lovely community. Thank You!

Troy Lesan

Shay Edwards

Lot number 576, 116 Lighthouse Point

My name is Shay Edwards I am retired from Union and own lot 218 at Lake Pacific, after 36 years as a Viking. My current career railroad employee. is the owner of Shay My wife Shirley and I have Edwards Interiors, LLC. I been residents of Lake have been an association member for four years and Viking since July 2001, have volunteered with the Activities Committee. and we are members of Additional personal or family data the Lake Viking Church. Collectively, we have I was born and raised in Atchison, KS, going to four children residing in four different states, four Catholic schools my entire life. I now live in Parkville, grandchildren, and a great grandchild. MO and absolutely love it. My favorite place to be is at home with my husband and two young childrten. I have been on VVA Board of Directors since 2015 I believe that a home should be a reflection of and have also served on the Association Finance everything you love…a reflection of your life and all Committee since 2015. I have been on the Association of the beautiful things and sentiments that make it Lake Committee since 2011, and Public Water Supply truly yours. District #3 since 2007. I have put together 40th and 50th Annual Histories of Lake Viking, and received What qualities of Lake Viking led you to Volunteer of the Year recognition twice. I have also become a property owner? written features for the Lake Viking News since 2004, I grew up going to my grandparents’ house at the and assisted with Lake Viking Polar Bear Plunges Lake of the Ozarks. It’s a dream come true to own a property at Lake Viking. My best memories as a during their 11 years of existence. child were at the lake and I wanted my children to I feel that my previous board experience is a valuable experience the same thing. It’s all about the fishing, asset. I am aware of both mistakes that have been skiing, boating, and having family and friends over to made in the past and, more importantly, the many create special memories. positive factors that have contributed to the growth of the lake. Being on the board of directors has been Describe aspects of your background an ongoing learning experience, and being open that uniquely prepare you for board service: minded is always a valuable tool in going forward. I have been a business owner since 2005 when I started Shay Edwards Interiors, LLC. I have worked The greatest challenge to board members is the with multiple builders and personal clients. I currently continued stewardship of the growth of Lake contract with Rodrock Homes as one of their two Viking while managing assets in manner that will designers. Rodrock Homes is one of the largest provide fairness and a proper balance in benefits to builder/developers in Kansas City. I work with the membership. Most importantly, the board of directors design from the ground up and help decide material needs to continue to build a solid foundation of selections, floor plan changes and unique aspects of financial sustainability that will help secure our future. each project. I have received multiple awards from In the future, two more important challenges are the KC Home Builders Assoc., such as Pick of the enhancing demand and desirability of our properties Parade, Gold Award in Design, etc. Two years ago, I while monitoring and directing the safety of watercraft was the builder for our own home in Parkville. on the lake. What do you feel is the greatest challenge Our future is unlimited if managed properly. facing our association? 2020 has been a difficult year, yet it is a year that The anticipated growth in the number of homes and has demonstrated a capacity for growth and the the demand this will place on our amenities. resiliency of Lake Viking. A good model for a vision for Lake Viking is our Strategic Plan which has been What are the top two issues you want compiled by membership and approved by the board the board to focus on? of which I was a member. This plan calls for a wide- Short term and long-term plan for anticipated range of long term goals including but not limited to growth. Enforcing rules that are fair for everyone and a comprehensive and ongoing review of our rules, enforced equally. restrictions, and covenants as well as addressing the Describe your vision for Lake Viking: possibilities for greater energy efficiency. A safe, beautiful, family environment to live and play.


MARCH 7, 2021

Due to the pandemic, this meeting will be online, via Zoom,


VOTING INSTRUCTIONS Polls at clubhouse open from 3:30-5:30

Recommend last names A-M vote in clubhouse from 3:30-4:30 M-Z vote in clubhouse from 4:30-5:30 Polls close at 5:30. Those in line will be allowed to vote. Voting from vehicle in clubhouse parking lot for anyone health compromised. Masks and social distancing required.

Financial Advisor


The meeting will reconvene, via Zoom, at 6:00 p.m. to announce results of the new board members and vote on assessments.

Kim Spidle

117 East Third Street Cameron, MO 64429 816-632-2165

Member SIPC


Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154

Almost everything...

Lake Viking News

you need to know about Lake Viking

Lake Viking 2020 Boards & Committees Activities Committee Ramona Miller, Mary Hibler (Chairperson), Dustin Hibler, David Hibler, Eric and Jody Odette, Gail Bush, Resa Wiltse, Janet Hillman, Leanne Lee, Vikki Walton, Janet Yuratovich, Celeste Armanees (Board Contact), Dan & Connie Weidmaier

Board of Directors

President, Susan Zalenski; 1st Vice President, Mark Leggett; 2nd Vice President, Mike Booth; Secretary, Tony Gronniger; Assistant Secretary, Celeste Armanees; Treasurer, Troy Lesan; Assistant Treasurer, Marvin McNabb.

Building Committee Meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month at the Association office. Building permits are required to be approved by the Building Committee prior to the start of any construction as stated in the Covenants, Restrictions, By-Laws, Rules and Regulations of the Viking Valley Association.

Crappie: Keep all crappie caught, within the state limit, which is 30 per day.

Kenny Southwick (Chairman), Tony Gronniger, Missy Leggett, Shawn Hepinstall, Paula Hepinstall, Dennis Schlaiss, Lana Southwick, Kim Spidle, Carolyn Leeper, Terry Nibarger, Sue Wolf, Brad Trenkle, Don Leeper, Susan Zalenski (Board Contact), Anthony Dirks

Dredge Committee

Paula Hepinstall, Robert Hayes, Brett Bush, Shad Mort, Rick Roberts, Shawn Hepinstall (chairman), Mark Leggett (Board Contact)

Employee Board Contact Tony Gronniger

Finance Committee Mike Krehbiel (Chairman), Donna Archibald, Shad Mort, Sally Zerbe, Len Zalenski, John Kmetz, Lyle Alexander, Missy Leggett, Flint Hibler, Marvin McNabb, Celeste Armanees, Troy Lesan (Board Contact)

Handbook Committee

Fishery Guidelines

Walleye: Fisherman can keep Walleye at least 21” in length, release all catches under 21”.

Mowing Regulations You are required to have your lot mowed by May 1st, June 1st and September 1st of each year. If you do not keep your lot mowed, or hire a contract mower, the Association will mow it, and bill you $90.00 for each mowing.

The Association does not want to be in the mowing business. Please self-mow your lot or hire a contract mower to do it for you. All contract mowers are required to submit a customer list to the Association office. If you are not on their initial list, you may be accidentally billed by the Association, so please contact your mower early. The below listed mowers have registered with the Association office and can usually be reached in the evening. There may be other mowers who advertise in the Lake Viking News.

Contract Mowers Can Save You Money Jason Burns......................................... 660-605-2151 Mike Cline............................................. 816-465-0092 Eric Critten.......................................... 660-663-9122

Donna Archibald (Chair), Mary Miller, Kyle Parkhurst, Kim Spidle, Terri Schlaiss, Celeste Armanees (Board Contact)

Randy Gatton....................................... 660-663-9348

James Funk (Chairman), Carl Butcher, Bob Clemens, Jim Gibbany, Kyle Loehnig, Mark Leggett (Board Contact), Ed White, Bob Shinogle

Jeff Johnson........................................ 660-334-0604


Lake Committee

Shirley Leakey, Don Leeper, Carolyn Leeper, Bo Steed, Mike Krehbiel, Sherry Krehbiel, Eric Odette, Robert Walton, Troy Lesan (Board Contact)

Special Road District

Mark Leggett, Ron Spidle, Troy Knight

Volunteer Fire Department

Rusty Hendricks, Gary King, Tony Gronniger, Dennis Schlaiss, Riley Blades, Luke Threlkeld, Len Zalenski, Mark White, Mark Closterman, Anthony Dirks. Mike Booth (Board Contact). Fire Department meetings are held the 2nd Saturday of each month at 9 a.m. at the firehouse in the association main parking lot. If you have the interest and the time to serve your community, be sure to attend the next meeting.

Public Water Supply Dist. #3 Kyle W. Parkhurst, President, term expires 4/2023 - Sub-District #3; Troy Lesan, Vice President, term expires 4/2021 - Sub-District #2; Jeffrey Speaker, secretary, term expires 4/2022 - Sub-District #4; Mark White term expires 4/2021 - Sub-District #1; Harlan Horst, term expires 4/2023 - Sub-District #5; Roger Barker, Superintendent; Gary King, Water Operator; Diane Hulett, Clerk. Board meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 4 pm at PWSD No 3 office. Office Hours: 8am-4pm • Monday thru Friday. All payments for metered water bills are to be made payable to Public Water Supply District No. 3 of Daviess County, Missouri. You may abbreviate as PWSD #3. If you have any questions, contact the PWSD No. 3 office, 116 Waterworks Dr., Gallatin, Mo. 64640 (located at the water plant). Phone 660-663-2771. Online payments can be made at For the convenience of customers of Public Water Supply District No. 3, a drop box is available at the front door of the office located at the water plant for the payment of water bills. Payments received after 4 p.m. in the drop box will post the following day.

For the convenience of Association members, a drop box is available in the front door of the association office for the payment of association bills.

* Fire - Lake Viking Fire Dept. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 911

* Association Office. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660-663-2131

Bass: Release all bass 12” to 19”. Fishermen can keep one bass per day of 19” or longer.

Community Strategic Planning

Ambulance - Fire - Rescue

Property Owners

Marvin McNabb (Board Contact), Doug Wiltse, Jim Miller, Flint Hibler.

Mary Hibler (Chairperson), Mike Wolfe, Charles Sudduth, James Funk, Mike Booth (Board Contact)

* DAVIESS COUNTY EMERGENCY . . . . . . . . . . . . 911

Important Phone Numbers

Viking Valley Association Board of Directors Meetings are held the second Sunday of each month, at 6:30 p.m. in the lower level of the clubhouse. All members in good standing are welcome to attend.

Campground Committee

Emergency Phone Numbers

Viking Valley Association Office Address: 144 E. Main, Gallatin, MO 64640 Office Hours: April 1 - Labor Day Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday: 8 a.m.-12 p.m. Day after Labor Day - March 31 Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-4 p.m. You are responsible for your guests and their actions. It is your responsibility to educate them on the rules and regulations of Lake Viking. Lake Viking is private property, but all lots are owned by some other individual. Please do not drive or ride ATV vehicles or bicycles on neighboring lots, or walk across lots to fish or use others’ property without first getting the property owner’s permission.

Building Committee


Mark Hoig................. 816-716-1896 or 660-663-4244 Ron Huston..............660-663-3234 or 816-390-5161 Jim Miller..............................................816-520-3280 Gary Salmon........................................660-663-9363 Lyle Hoover..........................................816-244-0752

Please Keep Control of Your Dogs Dogs are not allowed off the member’s property and shall be contained by a fenced enclosure or controlled by a leash. Guests’ dogs are included. Violation of this rule may be subject to an Infraction Ticket issued to the property owner.

Building Permit Notice Building Permits are required, but not limited to the following projects: fences, storage shed, shelters, decks, boat docks, boat houses, room additions, porches and any alteration of the roof line; and any other construction that requires large earth moving equipment, concrete trucks and other equipment that requires multiple axle trailers. Failure to comply with building regulations could result in a minimum fine of $500 and loss of lake privileges. Any construction not in compliance with these regulations could result in forced relocation of the structure.



30 MPH

Watch When & Where You Burn! Anytime you are burning brush, etc., on your lot, make certain you are burning on your lot and not someone else’s property. Unattended burning is prohibited and burning is not allowed when winds are in excess of 15 mph and shall be subject to an Infraction Ticket and fine.

Member Reminders • Helmets are required to be worn when operating a motorcycle within the Lake Viking Subdivision. • Goose population control is hard to manage... The first step in this process is DO NOT FEED THE GEESE!

To Report Fire Only * Lake Viking Safety Patrol. . . . . . . . . . 660-663-2204 * Sheriff, Daviess Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660-663-2031 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . or 663-2149 * Highway Patrol (Emergencies) . . . . 1-800-525-5555 *****************

* Maintenance Barn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660-663-2777 * Public Water Supply District #3 of Daviess County (Water Plant). . . . 660-663-2771 Roger Barker (Emergency after hours). 660-334-0100 * Lake Viking Marine, Inc., Lot #1000. . 660-663-3722 * Lake Viking Sales Office, Lot #Z-9. . . 660-663-2134 * Farmers Electric Co-op., Inc. During business hours . . . . . . . . . . 1-800-279-0496 After Hours. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-800-927-5334 * Advanced Disposal Services, Inc . . 1-800-346-6844 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . or 1-800-778-7652 * Windstream Telephone Company Customer Service (Residential) . . . 1-800-347-1991 Repair Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-800-782-6206

Lake Viking 50th Anniversary Book on Click “About Us”. Click “Lake History” Then click Lake Viking 1967-2017 (in green print) and read the book in its entirety.



Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154

Lake Viking News




NEW LISTING! New build on .77 acres! #102428 & #102429 $345,000




#1741.................................................$3,000 #2673..........................................$7,500 #1631.......................................$7,500 New! #2405 & 2406..................................$9,500



NEW LISTING! Lakers Dream can come true on this Lot. #10350 $350,000 UN


NEW LISTING! 2 beds, 2 bath covered boat dock, 117 ft of shoreline #10425 $449,000

Tier Lots For Sale








NEW LISTING! 5 beds, 3 bath home on 2 lots! #102323 & #102324 $329,000




SOLD! Waterfront lot, 1/2 acre, flat 119’ of shoreline #1038 $79,000

#2411 & 2412.................................$10,000 #1073....................................$12,500 New! #1578...............................................$12,500 #2417...............................................$12,500

#2419 & 2420................................$12,500 #2440..............................................$12,500 #2689............................................$12,500 #2385...........................................$12,500


NEW LISTING! Waterfront home with adjoining lake lot on main channel. #10688 & 689 $1,200,000


NEW LISTING! 2 bed, 2 full bath. Excellent location close to dam. #10690 $550,000


SOLD! Waterfront lot with 82 ft of shoreline! #10442 $45,000

#2438........................................$12,500 #1708........................................$12,500 #1843............................................$22,500 #1844............................................$22,500 #2258 & 2259..............................$25,000

Gallatin Active Aging Resource Center • February Menu

Serving 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Monday-Friday • 109 S Main, PO Box 272, Gallatin, MO 660-663-2828



Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154

Lake Viking News

Jet Ski Donation Lake Viking is fortunate to have many generous people…. generous with both their time and treasures. Last summer we had solar powered lights for VVA buoys donated by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walton to help make our lake safer at night or when there is low visibility. At the January Board meeting, Mark Leggett

presented a new jet ski to VVA Safety as a gift from 14 anonymous donors. Three of the donors provided matching funds to help reach the funding goal. The jet ski will be equipped with enforcement tools and docked at the marina. This donation will help our Safety team keep our members safe on the lake. Incorporating

use of a jet ski was part of the “Safety First” plan developed by the Safety team. The Board would like to thank the donors who provided this generous gift to VVA. We appreciate the great generosity of our VVA members…. of both your time and treasures.


Serving the Lake Viking area CLASSIFIEDS


For Sale OM MADE TARPS BASE ROCK, BLACK DIRT AND fill dirt. CRP onditioners, Wagons, Trampolines, Semi Rollovers, nd Box Covers, Upholstery, Disc Mowers & More! clean-up, brush removal, & have a bucket truck . Hwy 190 Jamesport, MO for trimming trees (insured). Huston Trucking & es south of Jamesport Construction, 660-663-3234 or 660-334-0997 on Hwy 190

Your Tarp Needs Services

SEAMLESS GUTTERING, A-1 Leaf Guard, CHI Overhead Door, LiftMaster-Chamberlain Operator Sales, Installation & Service. Call for free estimate. Serving you since 2006! Miller Construction, Jamesport, MO 660-684-6950. KELLY B’S Trees, prompt professional pruning, reasonably priced removals, complicated/ technical removal done regularly. Please call 816632-7077 or 816-288-2002.

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660•973•4872 CUSTOM MADE TARPS Boats, Trucks, Grills, Air Conditioners, Wagons, Trampolines, Semi Rollovers, Travel Trailer Skirting. Sand Box Covers, Upholstery, Disc Mowers & More!

24968 St. Hwy 190 Jamesport, MO 4 miles south of Jamesport on Hwy 190

For All Your Tarp Needs


If you want to sell your Car, Van, SUV or Truck Call or Stop By...

Kemper Motors

204 S. Walnut St. • Cameron, MO 816-632-6424


Bake Roberson Funeral Homes King City (660)535-4321 Bethany (660)425-3315 Eagleville (660)867-3112 Pattonsburg (660)367-2117 De Princeton (660)748-3325 Stanberry (660)783-2869 li Jamesport (660)684-6999 Lineville, IA. (641)876-5171

Dallas Lockridge Insurance LLC Dallas Lockridge, Agent • 660-663-5414

Open: 7:30 - 5:30 Mon - Fri 7:30 - 12:30 Sat AUTO PARTS

FROST AUTOMOTIVE, INC. Owners: Johnnie & Sally Black

660-663-2152 or 660-663-2455 110 West Grand • Gallatin, MO 64640

A Monthly Newsletter for Lake Viking lot owners produced by Gallatin Publishing Company If you would like to advertise in the next edition, email

Next advertising deadline is Monday, February 15th, 2021

Sunday, Feb 14, 2021 @ 6:30PM at lower level of the clubhouse.

for all your storage needs Units 7'x7' up to 30'x20' Fenced trailer and recreational vehicle storage Open Year-round

Call Larry Tague at 660-663-3722 or 816-868-2835.

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ty Special Coffee BULK FOODS 5 miles EAST of Maysville on Hwy 6 • 816-449-2285

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Next VVA Board Meeting:

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We Stock: Complete line of CARQUEST batteries

(including Marine) at competitive prices. PARTS • SALES • SERVICE Overnight delivery on most parts not in stock.

Rob & Tricia Bozarth, Sales

#1 Polaris Drive Pattonsburg, MO 64670

Lake Viking News

All members in good standing are welcome and encouraged to attend. If you want on the agenda, you must notify the office on or before the Monday prior to the board meeting.



Lake Viking News Proposed Changes to BY-LAWS in VVA Handbook @ Annual Meeting ‘21

Note: Most of these are merely logistical changes—e.g. “U.S. mail” change to “e-mail”. Vs. The only real change in meaning is: Finance Committee members should have Finance or business background. Handbook pg. 5: PREAMBLE TO BY-LAWS Section 2. Definitions: b) Any and all “Notice” hereunder shall be good and sufficient if personally delivered, (insert “or if e-mailed”), or if mailed by certified, register or regular U.S. Mail, postage prepaid, to the Members …. Handbook pg. 8: ARTICLE IV – ANNUAL CHARGES, ASSESSMENTS AND OTHER FEES Section 8: Non-Payment Penalties and Interest: Any payment of dues, assessments, or other charges received more than ten (10) days after the due date may will be deemed a late payment and a penalty may will be assessed against the member responsible for payment in the amount of Twenty Dollars ($20.00) If payment of dues, assessments or other charges are received more than ten (10) days after the due date , (insert “AND”) lake and community privileges are immediately suspended and member’s guest passes become null and void. Handbook pg. 9: ARTICLE VI - ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ASSOCIATION Section 1: Annual Meetings: (last sentence) “A copy of the above reports shall be mailed to each Active Member at least ten (10) days prior to the Annual Meeting.” Change to: “At least ten (10) days prior to the Annual Meeting, a copy of the above reports shall be sent to each Active Member via e-mail, posted on-line to LV website/Facebook, or published in LV Newspaper.” Handbook pg. 10: ARTICLE VII - BOARD OF DIRECTORS Section 4. Notice: Notice of any special meeting …. Notice to Directors may be given personally, by mail, or telefax at an address or telefax numbers designated by the respective Director, or by telephone. Change to: Notice to Directors may be given personally, by e-mail, or by telephone. Handbook pg. 11: ARTICLE VIII - COMMITTEES Section 1. Finance Committee: Add: “Committee members should have Finance, Accounting, or similar business background such as banking, investing, operating a small business, etc. ”Handbook pg. 15: ARTICLE XIV - ENFORCEMENT Section 4. Infraction: (“Violation Notice”) change to (“infraction ticket”) 3rd paragraph: The actions taken by the Infraction Committee may, by notice given to the Board of Directors within thirty (30) days ten (10) days of the date final action is taken by the Infraction Committee, by appealed to the Board of Directors …. (Reason: So agrees with timeline for loss of lake privileges. E.g. Member’s 3rd ticket occurring in May might not go to Infraction Committee until June, and then continued, thus avoiding loss of privileges for most of the lake season.)

Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154

SAVE LIVES … maybe at YOUR Dock: New GFI Protection Requirement on Docks/Floating Platforms We have seen headlines like, “Dock Dangers: Experts Warn of Electrocution Risk” and “Dock Shock: Swimmers Narrowly Escape Electrocution in Lake of the Ozarks Coves.” Unfortunately, we have also seen the headlines where swimmers weren’t so fortunate to only be “shocked,” but where death resulted from electrocution, usually when swimmer touches the metal ladder on a boat dock without properly grounded wiring. As part of the process of updating VVA rules (last done cover-to-cover ten years ago!), the Board updated the rule on electricity at boat docks and floating platforms. The Board adopted the following changes: When electrical power is supplied to boat docks, all electrical installations must comply with Article 553 (residential docks) or Article 555 (commercial docks) of the 2011 National Electrical Code, which mandates a ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI or GFI) on all docks. A GFI is a major safety device to protect swimmers around your dock. (rev 12/2020) The Board’s goal is to continue to promote safety for all our members and guests, specifically as it relates to electrical safety on all docks. A local electrician stated, “VVA is lucky. It’s only a matter of time until something tragic happens.” The Board decided to act instead of relying on “luck.” This change is effective immediately. Docks will be checked while Safety stickers boats starting May 1, 2021. All floating structures and docks that fail to comply will be issued an infraction notice stating the owner has 30 days to comply with the GFI dock protection. Failure to comply will result in an Infraction Ticket and fine. If you have a dock and/or floating platform, please be aware of this rule change and assure that you are in compliance with this rule change. Protect your loved ones enjoying the water around your dock, as we do not want your dock at Lake Viking to be the next headline!!!

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Gallatin Publishing Co. 609B South Main

660.663.2154 Open Weekdays 8-5


Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154

Lake Viking News

Notes from a World Traveler... Association Member Sue Wolfe says “I have been to 59 different countries ... not too bad for a farm girl from Missouri.” Sue’s travels are documented @ where-2-next. com. If you log on, be prepared to spend time looking at hundreds of spectacular pictures. Here are two of Sue’s great pictures with her narratives.


living in Kenya. The lion population has decreased by approximately 100 each year. So if you do the math, lions would disappear from Kenya in just 20 years. Poaching, loss of space, increasing development pressures and climate change are all factors that have had a negative impact on wildlife. A delicate balance between man and wildlife exists all over the globe. Organizations such as the African Wildlife Foundation, Kenya Wildlife Service and several conservancies are tirelessly working to find solutions and create community-owned parks, which if managed properly, could be a win-win for Valentine Gnomes Lake Viking’s resident all concerned.” artiste, Marj Locker has once again come up with a unique seasonal spin. Taken from facebook post. Otherwise, you saw it first in the Lake Viking News!

“Third time’s a charm” they say. It took three separate trips to Kenya to finally experience the Great Wildebeest Migration. In all, over 1.5 million wildebeest make the journey every year between the Serengeti and Masai Mara in search of greener grass and water. Many visitors travel to Kenya during peak months and go home without ever seeing the big event. While they might not get a chance to see a wildebeest/ crocodile encounter, safari-goers will witness the massive herd’s ability to turn the tall grasses of the savanna into a manicured gold course.”


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Crop Art Marvel This picture, taken from the air by Sherry Krehbiel, is of a scene that has been widely circulated. It is 27 acre portrait of KC Chiefs coach Andy Reid made by crop art specialist Rob Stouffer. The image, created by tilling the ground, so impressed Mike and Sherry Krehbiel that they decided to get in their Piper Cherokee and fly to the Orrick, Missouri area to see it for themselves. The edge of their airplane wing is the white in lower right of picture.


“These 2 small lion cubs are part of the Topi Pride. There are approximately 20 cats in that pride. The Masai Mara, at Kenya, features all three big cat species—lion, cheetah and leopard. This may not always be so. In 2014, there were 2000 lions



We are the closest storage units to the lake with managers that live on site and 24 hour surveillance.


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The Association provides dumpsters for the Beaches, Campgrounds and some Community Areas, for the purpose of accumulated trash in these areas, not day to day household trash. Please DO NOT dump building materials of ANY kind, such as lumber, sheetrock, shingles, etc. in these dumpsters.





Lake Viking News

Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154

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