Lake Viking News_November 2019

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Lake Viking News

VVA Board of Directors November 10, 2019 Call to Order Troy Lesan, Lot 576, called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. in the lower level of the clubhouse. Members in attendance were Eric Odette, Lot 220; Mike Booth, Lot 1259; Flint Hibler, Lot 183; Tony Gronniger, Lot 2281; and Susan Zalenski, Lot 364. Shad Mort led the Pledge of Allegiance. Susan Zalenski led in prayer. Mark Leggett was unable to attend. Approval of Minutes Susan Zalenski moved to approve the minutes of the Oct. 13, 2019, board meeting. Eric Odette seconded; motion passed. Committee Reports Handbook Committee – No report. Finance Committee — Eric Odette reported income is up and expenses are down, but there are some large expenses yet to come by year end. We still have road work bills to pay, personal property and real estate taxes. There is a CD coming due on Nov. 18 that the committee has decided to split and put half back in a CD and half in a money market account. We will be pulling the dredge out soon which will be a large expense. The office is in need of new computers. They have had the existing computers for eight years. The committee also reviewed the 2020 budget, which was increased by 4% and Capital Expenditures. Strategic Planning Committee — The last meeting of the long range committee was held Oct. 26 and the next meeting will be Nov. 23. The committee plans on presenting their ideas in early 2020. Susan Zalenski discussed the latest on the clubhouse reno project. Susan moved to purchase sound proofing panels for the upper level with the money that is left over from donations. Mike Booth seconded; motion passed. Activities Committee — Mary Hibler reported approximately 30 people attended the “Pour Bus Tour” on Saturday. A great time was had by all. Mary wanted to thank Jeff and Janet Yuratovich, Ramona Miller, Gail Bush and anyone else that helped make this a great event. Mary commented a commercial popcorn machine has been purchased by the Activities Committee to be used in the clubhouse. The committee would like donations of canned goods between now and Christmas to donate to the food pantry. A Christmas tree has been donated to the clubhouse by Joe and Nancy Serrone, Lot 583. There will be holiday cookie decorating in the upper level of the clubhouse on Dec. 14 at 2 p.m., adults and children welcome. The “Spooktacular” was a great success at Halloween. There were lots of kids attending for the trunk or treat and pumpkin carving. Building Committee — Flint Hibler reported eight new permits were issued in October. The committee will have some proposed rule changes for the board to review next month. Fire Department — The Fire Department had their annual chili cookoff on Nov. 2, and Tony Gronniger reported donations of over $1,200. Two board members won the dessert contest. The sirens were tested at the fire meeting held on Nov. 9. Campground — Mary Hibler reported there were 21 campers paid for winter camping, 18 in Campground 1 and three in Campground 2. Several volunteers from the campground are working on adding some additional spaces in Campground 1. They will be ordering the electrical and plumbing supplies soon. Lake Committee — Troy Lesan showed a plaque that was made to honor the sponsors of our 50th Anniversary, two years ago. All sponsor names are engraved on the plaque and it will be hung in the upper level of the clubhouse. Eric Odette made a motion to add Robert Walton to the Lake Committee. Susan Zalenski seconded; motion passed. Infraction Committee — No report. Dredge Committee — Shawn Hepinstall gave the dredge report. He stated three (3) tubes cove is complete. It was a long process in three tubes as we learned the dredge does not run as well in confined areas. It is made to run in open waters. The weir in the Garney area has been repaired and one has been built in three tubes. These weirs are working. Right now we have $38,000 left in this year’s budget for Special Lake. We plan on using that for repairs to the

Proposal for Community Areas By Troy Lesan, President VVA Board of Directors For the first few years that we lived on the lake, I never paid much attention to Community Areas. I was aware that there were some waterfront CAs – like the one next to the dam, or those adjoining our three beaches, or the one by the walking trail. Each of those experienced a lot of use by membership. Some of the Community Areas had picnic tables and the old masonry grills built by the Wood Brothers during the lake’s construction. They were and are a great amenity for membership. Later in 2010, when I became a member of the Lake Committee, I began to realize that there were numerous Community Areas both in tier lot areas and on the waterfront. It can never be said that Lake Viking suffers from lack of “green space.” As far as Community Areas on the waterfront, there are twenty-three of them. Twelve Community Areas are used often by membership and are important foundation components in the network of assets and amenities that exist at Lake Viking. In an analysis by Lake Manager and Board Members, it has been determined that these are not to be considered for sale. Of the remaining eleven community areas which may be offered for sale, it has been noted that some have never been used as Community Areas. On some of the CAs, road access doesn’t exist, and in some cases there are waterfront community areas separated by only a few lots. In the case of these waterfront Community Areas that are unused by Association Members, the Board of Directors has approved a plan by the Dredge Committee to try and sell some of them. Mention of this plan was officially brought to the attention of membership at the Annual Meeting in March of this year. Why sell a Community Area? The question immediately arises. The answer is that some of these Community Areas are what I will call dormant resources that can be used to strengthen and protect a much larger and important resource – our lake! It has been stated many times that years of dredging has filled our existing silt basin. This has been discussed and reiterated time and again at monthly Board Meetings and repeated in the published minutes of those meetings. In order to continue the vital operation, we need to expand . . . and expansion will be costly. A combination of an engineering study and construction will be AT LEAST half a million dollars! At present, I am relieved and thankful that we have the option of selling some of these unused Community Areas. Without this option, the prospect of a request for a huge raise in assessments is imminent. Please give attention to the accompanying documents that appear in this newspaper. Information will also be appearing on the lakevikingmo. com website and at an anticipated Town Hall Meeting in February. The Viking Valley Association Bylaws require final approval for this plan by the majority in a vote at a Special or Annual Meeting. At present, the plan is to present this proposal at our next Annual Meeting in March 2020.

Proposal 10-29-19 Approved by Board of Directors 11-10-19

Sale of Lake Viking Association Waterfront Community Areas

This is a working document to develop a program for the sale of selected waterfront lots owned by the Lake Viking Association. The lots are currently designated as “community areas.” The sale of such lots and the use of the proceeds must be approved by the members under Article XII Section 5 of our Bylaws. Article XII Section 5 “Sale of any and all association owned waterfront lots or property” “Association owned waterfront lots or waterfront properties shall not

[Continued on Page 4]

Next VVA Board Meeting:



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6:30 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 8, 2019 Lower level of the clubhouse

[Continued on Page 5]

All members in good standing are welcome and encouraged to attend. If you want on the agenda, you must notify the office on or before the Monday prior to the board meeting.



Lake Viking News

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Lake Viking News



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Lake Viking News

VVA Board Minutes

(continued from page 1)

long reach and the pump on the dredge. When the long reach repairs are done, we will dip as much as we can from the south end structure so we can dredge in the spring, but long term we need more room. Of the 27 RFPs sent out for our engineering study, we received three responses. One of those bids started in the $30,000 range and is now up to $90,000; another company will be here this week to look at our existing structure and possible site for a new one. One other company is still working on their bid, but should have it soon. Shawn has had many questions as to why we need an engineering study. The dredge committee believes it is very important to get this right. The last thing we want is to work on the structures ourselves and cause a breach and all that material be washed back into the lake. The plan that was sent to the board this week included financing options. For the $500,000-$600,000 needed we could raise assessments, which would be $200-$300 per member. Another option could be selling some of community areas. It is written in our bylaws that the membership would have to approve the sale of any lots. We have 23 community areas with 12 of those being used on a regular basis by members, so we have no intention of doing anything with those lots. Of the remaining 11 community areas, some are marketable. We have five preliminary lots that realtors are getting us appraisals on. Our proposal for the sale of these lots would be a private closed bid auction to members only because the members own those lots. If the lots are approved by the members for sale and they do not sell through the closed auction, then they would be marketed for anyone to buy. A question from the floor asked to see a list of these lots. Shawn continued by saying the committee’s proposal includes publishing the proposal, in its entirety in the paper and on our website with board approval. Troy Lesan reiterated Shawn’s comments about publishing this proposal on the LakeVikingMo website and in the paper. There will be a Town Hall meeting in January or February for open discussion on this proposal. Then it will have to be voted on by the members at the Annual Meeting in March. Troy asked for a motion from the board to move forward with this proposal. Tony Gronniger moved to move forward with publishing the proposal by the Dredge Committee. Eric Odette seconded. Troy Lesan asked for any discussion. There was discussion about restating the motion to include the appraisals. Troy Lesan explained the appraisals were part of the proposal and publishing the entire proposal would cover the appraisals. Tony Gronniger retracted his original motion. Eric Odette made a motion to move forward with the dredge plan as presented by the committee. Mike Booth seconded; motion passed. Shad Mort read the list of Community Areas that he

believed could be sold with member approval. That list includes Community Area numbers: 2, 4, 5, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 21 and 22. There are five Community Areas that have been picked to pursue the sale of first. Those community area lots are: 21, 15, 4, 22 and 14. The proposal will be published in the Lake Viking News, on our website and sent out in an email. Lake Manager Report (Shad Mort) 1. Dredge: Shad reported the dredge would be pulled from the water Nov. 19. The pump will be pulled and sent to Kansas City for potential repairs. 2. Roads: Road work is complete for this year. We shot two loads of oil and were very heavy on the patch material. We used 675 tons of patch material. 3. Tree trimming: Maintenance will be doing a lot of tree trimming on the terrace to help with some sight issues from a driving standpoint. 4. Snow removal process: Shad explained the process for snow removal. We depend on the weather forecast a lot. If they are calling for snow by 3 a.m. our crews will be called out at 1 a.m. in preparation. Shad has been asked what is priority for snow removal. The terrace is priority and when that is cleared we work on the cul-de-sacs. If someone has an emergency, call the office and we will see if we can help. If there is less than an inch of snow we normally do not put down treatment material. 5. Our 3-year dam inspection is due this spring. The Missouri Department of Natural Resources will be coming in the next 1-2 months for the inspection. They look at erosion issues, vegetation, and ground hog issues among other things. Most people don’t realize that our dam has to For the record. This plaque will be displayed on a be permitted to have it. clubhouse wall. It recognizes the corporate sponsors who helped make our 2017 Fiftieth AnniverMike Booth commented sary Celebration a resounding success. Several of that in every county in the sponsors listed on this plaque also contributed the state, DNR inspects to the 40th anniversary celebration in 2007. every dam in the county and it is listed in the County Emergency Plan. Financials: The board was presented with a draft of the 2020 Budget and Capital Expenditures. Flint Hibler moved to accept the financial statements. Eric Odette seconded; motion passed. Guest Time No guest time. Board Action 1. Donna Redden presented Handbook changes to the board for approval. The following are the changes proposed: A) Watercraft Identification (pg. 25) Add: It is the responsibility of the member to see that their watercraft have current year stickers. B) Improper Towing (pg. 28) Following personal watercraft must carry an onboard observer, therefore, only one person may be towed. The PWC must be at least a three seater to allow room for driver, observer, and person being towed. C) Campground Rules (pg. 30) Add to paragraph on the camping fee for tents: Members may have one tent at their campsite at no charge. Members are responsible for guest when tenting or camping. D) Trash Disposal (pg. 38-39) Paragraph 2 add sentence: Household items or “giveaways” that are too large for containers may be put out on weekends only and must be removed by trash pickup days. Susan Zalenski moved to approve three of the four proposed changes, which are A, B and C from the above. Eric Odette seconded; motion passed. Troy Lesan asked Donna to revisit the rule change on Trash Disposal. Discussion: Susan Zalenski asked that we look at meeting dates in 2020. The April board meeting falls on Easter Sunday and May board meeting is Mother’s Day. We have had to change these board meeting dates in the past and Susan just wanted to make sure the members were informed in plenty of time. Adjourn: Tony Gronniger moved to adjourn into Executive Session to discuss personnel and board organizational matters at 7:50 p.m. Flint Hibler seconded; motion passed. Attendance: Vern & Ruth Harnapp, Lot 165; Mike & Sherry Krehbiel, Lot 559; Don Leeper, Lot 22; Janet & Jeff Yuratovick, Lot 563/564; Jim & Ramona Miller, Lot 455; Robert Walton, Lot 217; Scott & Mary Miller, Lot 3012-3015; Denny & Wendy Peterson, Lot 3020; Tim Michener, Lot 503; Dennis Schlaiss, Lot 1080; Kim Spidle, Lot 341; Doug & Resa Wiltse, Lot 494; Len Zalenski, Lot 364/365; Donna Redden, Lot 1279-1281; Missy Leggett, Lot 72; Mary Hibler, Lot 183; Shawn Hepinstall, Lot 543; Robert Hayes, Lot 389; Shad Mort, Lake Manager; Sally Zerbe, Lot 2528/Office. Let the record show that these Minutes are a record of the business transacted at this meeting and a sampling of the discussions. Comments and discussions are not reflected in whole or as actual quotations in the minutes, nor do they reflect all comments by members. Respectfully Submitted, Mark Leggett - Secretary Board of Directors, Viking Valley Association

Lake Viking News

Proposal for Community Areas be sold unless approved by a majority vote of the members in good standing at a Special or Annual meeting. A motion to gain approval for the sale of association owned waterfront lots or property must include a detailed plan on the intention of the sale, include three independent real estate appraisals to determine the market value and specify how the proceeds from the sale shall be used by the association.”

Proposed Detailed Plan on Selling Waterfront Community Areas. 1. Goal Identify and sell 4-5 Community Area Waterfront lots with the proceeds to be used to engineer, recondition and expand the silt retaining structure on the south end of the lake. Target goal is to generate approximately $500,000 to be used for this project. 2. Review of Covenants Reviewed by Gunn Shank Stover to determine legality. OK to move forward per the approved Bylaw Article XII Section 5. Review letter give to BOD. 3. Identify Lots to Sell Committee reviewed and discussed all 23 CA lots. Prevailing Logic: If a CA is well used by membership or needed for lake maintenance, we do not want to sell it. Below is a listing of all CA lots. Eleven of 23 are potential candidates for sale. The specific potential lots that could be sold are marked with an asterisk* 4. Recommended Lots Agreed upon in final analysis by Dredge Committee • CA 21 (#7088) On Seagull between #661 & #662. Off the beaten path for a CA. Several other CAs in vicinity. Large property; shoreline has trees but would make a good waterfront lot. • CA 15 (lot #450) Good build site, good water. In close proximity to three other CAs. • CA 22 (#7093) Between #669 & # 670, only 7 lots away from CA 21. Access on Seagull and Schooner • CA 14 (Lot #431) A little steep but a good lot. Not much use. • CA 4. Is right next to lot #59 which is an Association lot previously for sale. Put together as a package with #59 (Lake access may be blocked by existing docks) 5. Deed & Title Status. Sally is to research each lot to verify how they are recorded and the title status. 6. Determine Market Value – Article XII Section 5 – Must include three independent real estate appraisals. Troy to pursue appraisals. 7. Marketing The Lots Options recommended by the Dredge Committee. a. Offer CA Lots to LV Members first. This would be done through a “Sealed Bid Sale.” BOD would establish a minimum bid for each lot. All members will have the opportunity to offer a sealed bid to buy the lot. The highest bid that is above the minimum will buy the lot. If there are two or more identical high bids then those members will be asked to submit another round of bids until a high bid is established. If any lots are not sold to members in the Sealed Bid they will be offered to the general public for sale. b. General Public Sale. The Association will market any unsold lots via Zillow or other internet site. The Association will offer any Realtor a split commission with a signed sales agreement. 8. Member Approval – a. Publish the proposed plan in the Lake Viking News and web page for member review. b. Present proposed plan to members at a town hall meeting and discussion in January or February. c. Present proposed plan to members for approval at the March 2020 annual meeting.

(continued from page 1)

CA #18 – Wooded and rough, but I think we should keep. CA #19 – CA this is on water side of X lots. Keep. CA #20 – Same as CA #19. *CA #21 – Not used, decent lot. *CA #22 – Not used much, another decent lot. CA #23 – On west side of dam with shelters on it. Very strategic in addition to high usage. Do Not Sell. ADDITIONAL NOTES: • We mow almost all of these on a weekly basis during mowing season. • Some of them are steep water access lots. • Any of them that are used frequently by the membership (to my knowledge) I would not sell. • Any lot that we use from a maintenance standpoint I held back on. Several of those lots are flat or have easy water access for dredging or special lake operations. • In my estimation, 11 out of the 23 CAs are potentially sellable. Any sale of Community Areas will also cut Association Expense in mowing and maintenance. In addition, those lots sold would have additional dues & assessment income yearly. Dated 5/16/2019

Welcome New Members! October 2019 Lot 64. . . . . . . . . . . . . Wild Hawks 2019, LLC Lot 593 . . . . . . . . . . Roger & Diana Foreman Lot 650 & 651 . . . . . . . . . Toby & Abigail Silva Lot Z-8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PD Holdings, LLC Lot 1849. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jerad Vandiver Lot 1917 & 1918 . . . . . . . . . . . Douglas Klindt Lot 385. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joel & Lisa Nelson Lot 226. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Betty Harryman Lot 514. . . . . . . . . . . . . David & Erica Pivinski Lot 2524. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Shane Boss Lot 237. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kenan & Susan Kidd Lot 550 & 551 . . . . . . . William & Susan Huss Lot MH-18. . . . . . . . . . . . . James Cranmer III Lot 1088. . . . . . -. Do . . .Not . . .Change . . . . . This .Andrew DEFAULT File. Giles Save to current week folder before altering this ad.

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COMMUNITY AREA ANALYSIS Provided by Shad Mort *Potential lots (11) considered for sale in preliminary analysis. CA #1 – Not much use by the Association or Maintenance Dept., but I would lean towards keeping this one. *CA #2 – Rarely used – good build site, but not much shoreline. CA #3 – Across from maintenance area – keep this one. *CA #4 – Next to lot 59, which was part of the first waterfront lots we put up for sale, but it did not sell. Put both of them together. *CA #5 – Not much use, no benefit to us that I see. CA #6 – Used quite a bit by Association members – keep this one. CA #7 – Across the road from Camp #1, used by members. *CA #8 – Rough CA, access not real good. CA #9 – Known as “Shipyard,” members and maintenance use this one. Keep. CA #10 – Yacht Club access point for us – maintenance uses this one. Keep. CA #11 – Ditch, keep because we already sold 324 & 325 next to it. *CA #12 – Rough, undeveloped CA that is never used, but with some clearing could be decent. *CA #13 – Not much use, steep bank. *CA #14 – A little steep, but a good lot, not much use, would bring good money. *CA #15 – Not much use here either – would be a good build site. CA # 16 – Old security dock lot, maintenance dock there. Keep. *CA #17 – Known as “Hayfield,” big CA, access isn’t great, but good build site.



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Lake Viking News

! r a l u c a t k o o p S Saturday, Dec. 14 • 2 p.m. Cookie Decorating

Next VVA Board Meeting

With all of the great events provided by the Activities Committee, we can’t forget this event held on Oct. 26 at the clubhouse. A good turnout with participation from children and adults helped make this a Halloween success.

Dec. 8, 2019 6:30 p.m. in the lower level of the clubhouse All members in good standing are welcome and encouraged to attend. If you want on the agenda, you must notify the office on or before the Monday prior to the board meeting.

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Lake Viking News

Tax credit for home accessibility Have you made changes to your home to make it more accessible for yourself or a person with a disability? You may be eligible to receive a $2,500 tax credit to help cover the costs, according to Jessica Adkins, Marketing and Development Director at Access II Independent Living Center in Gallatin. Missouri’s Residential Dwelling Accessibility Tax Credit is a $2,500 refundable tax credit to be applied towards making a home accessible for someone living with disability. A refundable tax credit can reduce your tax liability below zero. There is a statewide $100,000 cap per fiscal year, and the tax credits are is-

sued first-come, firstserve. The current version is in place until at least 2027. More information about this program is available from Access II Independent Living Center at 888-6632423, or you can ask your tax professional for more information about the Residential Dwelling Accessibility Tax Credit. HOW TO CLAIM IT: Claimants must attach Forms MO-DAT and MO-TC to their tax return and file their return by April 15 of the applicable fiscal year. A taxpayer cannot receive the tax credit two years in a row. WHO IS ELIGIBLE? • If you make less than $30,000, you can receive a tax credit at 100% of the cost up to $2,500.

Notice of Filing Dates for April Election In compliance with RSMO 115.127.5, notice is given that PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY DISTRICT NO. 3 OF DAVIESS COUNTY, MISSOURI will be accepting declarations of candidacy for the April 7, 2020 Election. Vacancies to be filled are for the office of Director of Sub-district No. 3 and Sub-district No. 5. Candidates may file at the office of the District at Lake Viking from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, beginning at 8:00 a.m., December 17, 2019, and closing 4:00 p.m., January 21, 2020. The District office will be closed December 25, 2019, December 26, 2019, January 1, 2020, and January 2, 2020.

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Lake Viking News

MDC confirms invasive Emerald Ash Borer in 16 new counties Consider ash tree removal options now, or consider insecticide treatments The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) reports the presence of Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) in 16 new counties across Missouri. Through collaborative efforts by MDC staff, Missouri Department of Agriculture inspectors, and USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service officers, EAB has been detected in Benton, Boone, Cooper, Douglas, Holt, Howard, Howell, Linn, Montgomery, Morgan, Nodaway, Osage, Ozark, Pettis, Putnam, and Randolph counties this year. Since EAB was first detected in Missouri in July 2008, this tree-killing pest has spread to a total of 75 Missouri counties and the City of St. Louis. EAB is a small, metallic green beetle native to Asia that attacks all species of ash trees, including Missouri’s native green ash and white ash. In its larval stage, the insect kills ash trees by feeding on the vascular tissues just under the bark, slowly cutting off the trees’ flow of water and nutrients. Unfortunately, EAB kills more than 99 percent of the ash trees it attacks. EAB will likely be found statewide within the next few years, prompting MDC Forest Entomologist Robbie Doerhoff to urge Missourians with ash trees in their yard to make a plan now to either remove those trees or treat them with an insecticide. “EAB-killed ash trees quickly become brittle and dangerous, so it’s time to consider your options when it comes to ash trees, especially those located near buildings and driveways,” said Doerhoff. Ash trees typically show a pattern of declining health for 2-4 years before being killed by EAB. Woodpecker damage, sprouts growing from the main trunk, and major branch loss can all suggest EAB is present. “Trees with more than 30% crown damage often aren’t good candidates for insecticide treatments, making it critical to start treatment on ash trees before they look bad,” said Doerhoff. If you have an ash tree in your yard that mostly appeared healthy this growing season, it may be a good candidate for treatment next spring or early summer. “Make sure you know what insecticide you or

Unexpected Sight! When Jim and Mary Aschbrenner embarked on their Caribbean Cruise earlier in the month, they were scheduled for ports of call in Belize, Honduras, and Mexico where they would view the local sights. A sight they didn’t expect to see was from the window of their hotel room on Canal Street in New Orleans. As the picture shows, a building nearby collapsed sending dust and debris raining down into the street below. The building under construction was a Hard Rock Café in an existing 18 story structure. Unfortunately the collapse resulted in three deaths and a dozen injuries. Recently it was announced that the entire building will now be completely imploded. your arborist is using. Not all insecticides are effective or recommended, and treatment options vary by tree size,” said Doerhoff. Find more information on recommended insecticides in MDC’s EAB Management Guide for Missouri Homeowners: Ash trees that are removed should be disposed of locally to prevent the accidental spread of EAB to new locations. EAB can emerge from ash firewood and logs for up to two years after harvest, so don’t give EAB a free ride to your favorite camping locations. Buy firewood near where you plan to burn it! “Emerald ash borer was likely introduced into Missouri by infested firewood,” said State Ento-

mologist for the Missouri Department of Agriculture Collin Wamsley. “Many other invasive forest pests such as the Asian longhorned beetle or gypsy moth are capable of hitchhiking long distances on firewood, and in turn, causing harm to Missouri’s 15-million acres of forestland. Whether you heat your home with firewood, or like to go camping, we recommend not moving firewood farther than 50 miles from where it was harvested.” MDC encourages Missourians to report possible EAB infestations in counties where the pest has not yet been confirmed. Reports can be made by using the online form at or by calling MDC’s Forest Pest Hotline at 866-7169974.



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Lake Viking News

‘Pour Choices’ Tour Once again, the Activities Committee has come up with yet another social event. This time it’s the Annual Fall Bus Tour which is a reprise of last year’s highly successful event. But unlike last year, this year’s version was not a costume party. Instead members of the tour wore Chiefs Red. The group of 30 that embarked on the “Pour Choices Wine & Brewery Tour” met at the clubhouse and boarded the bus at eleven and embarked on a full day of activity. In the process they enjoyed free samples at the Tipple Hill Winery of Easton River, the Grindstone Winery of Osborn, the River Bluff Brewery at Saint Joseph, and free tacos and live music at the Windy Winery of Easton. And, oh yes, there was a free food buffet at Adams Bar & Grill in Saint Joseph. It was a full day which included games and trivia throughout the tour, free prizes, AND a view of the autumn scenery of the area. As the photos verify, it was a good day of fellowship and camaraderie for all concerned.

NOTICE TO LANDLORDS If you have a rental property at Lake Viking, please read the following. ARTICLE XI - DWELLING RENTALS Section 1. A member can only rent one house at a time. Only a house is an eligible rental property. Garages, unimproved lots, shelters, private docks, private shorelines, beaches and campground spaces are not eligible for renting to non-members. Individual rooms in a house cannot be rented separately. Rental is for the entire property. Section 2. Non-member renters will pay Viking Valley Association a Renter’s fee for every whole or part of every 12 month period equal to the current year dues and Assessments. This Fee does not constitute any kind of membership. This Renter’s Fee is due on or before first day of occupancy. Member is responsible for ensuring Renter’s Fee is paid on or before first day of occupancy and upon any extension or renewal of lease. This fee is not refundable or subject to proration under any circumstances. We are grandfathering in the 10 current renters as of March 6, 2016 for the term of the current lessee. Section 3. Non-member Renters must show the Member’s guest pass for access to the pool, clubhouse facilities, beaches and community areas. If a Member is not in good standing, the Member’s guest passes are invalid. Section 4. No non-member renters are allowed to have watercraft titled in their name on the lake. All watercraft must be titled to a property owner. Renters with a valid guest pass may only use watercraft of a member in good standing. All watercraft are stickered according to the lot number of the Member. No guest and/or non-member watercraft allowed. Section 5. It is the Member’s responsibility to deliver a copy of their lease in its entirety to the Association office prior to the start of renter occupancy. Member shall have 10 days to notify the Association office of any changes or amendments to that lease pertaining to occupancy extensions or renewals. Section 6. Every non-member renter must attend a Zebra Mussel information session at the Association office within 10 days of the first day of occupancy. Section 7. All non-member renters must abide by the By-Laws, Covenants and Restrictions. Members shall be responsible for compliance of such Rules and Regulations by renters.

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Garages Shops Storage Garage, shops, and storage buildings available in wood frame and all steel structures

Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154 : lets try to crop these and change the 911 Addresses headers to Garages and and Shops Lot and Storage Numbers to be displayed Doug Waugh

a) All King Citydwelling Lumberowners (houses, mobile homes and dwellings of a similar construc208 E. Putnam tion) will have their lot number prominentKing City, MO 64463 ly 660-535-4337 displayed so that it is clearly visible from theCurrent roadway. Notes: July 2016: Four New Pix b) Lettering and numbering needs to3716, located h/customers/king city lumber/ be0174, at least 3 inches high and sign colors 3808, 4466 need to be contrasting colors so the sign is easily read. c) Owners having multiple adjoining lots may include on the sign at the principle residence. d) Lots with structures (shelters, sheds, boat or swimming docks, decks, etc.) will have their lot number(s) prominently displayed so that it is clearly visible from the water (on lake front lots) and from the road way. e) As of August 1, 2014, all docks must have their lot numbers displayed on the lower right side of the dock, facing the water. All lake front dwellings will have lot numbers clearly visible from the water. This rule is in place for your safety in case of an emergency! Safety, Fire Department, First Responders and Ambulance personnel need to be able to see your address and lot numbers to respond!!

Lake Viking News


1/4 mile west of Jamesport 31301 State Hwy. 6 Jamesport MO 64648 660-684-6650 Monday-Saturday 9AM-5PM




Y herita TR


Lake Viking News • November 2019 • Page 11 NOVEMBER 2019


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Lake Viking News

Join MDC for Eagle Days events or watch eagles on your own From December through February, Missouri’s winter eagle watching is spectacular. Discover nature with the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) through Eagle Days events around the state or enjoy watching bald eagles on your own. Because of Missouri’s big rivers, many lakes, and abundant wetlands, the Show-Me state is one of the leading lower 48 states for bald eagle viewing. Each fall, thousands of these great birds migrate south from their nesting range in Canada and the Great Lakes states to hunt in Missouri. Eagles take up residence wherever they find open water and plentiful food. More than 2,000 bald eagles are typically reported in Missouri during winter.

MDC Eagle Days Events MDC Eagle Days events are listed below. They include live captive-eagle programs, exhibits, activities, videos, and guides with spotting scopes. Watch for eagles perched in large trees along the water’s edge. View them early in the morning to see eagles flying and fishing. Be sure to dress for winter weather and don’t forget cameras and binoculars. • Mound City: Dec. 7 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Dec. 8 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Loess Bluffs National Wildlife Refuge near Mound City. Call 816271-3111, ext. 1431, or 816-271-3100 for more information. • Smithville: Jan. 4 from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

629-3423 for more information. • Jefferson City: Feb 1 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the MDC Runge Nature Center, 330 Commerce Drive. Call 573-526-5544, ext. 3407, for more information.

Eagle Watching on Your Own

Can’t make an Eagle Days event? Other hot spots for winter eagle viewing include:

and Jan. 5 from 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Smithville Lake Paradise Pointe Golf Course Clubhouse north of Kansas City, 18212 Golf Course Road. Call 816-532-0174 for more information. • St. Louis: Jan. 18 and 19 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Old Chain of Rocks Bridge south of I-270 off Riverview Drive in St. Louis. Call 314-877-6014 for more information. • Springfield: Jan. 18 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Jan. 19 from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. at the MDC Springfield Nature Center, 4601 S Nature Center Way. Call 417-888-4237, ext. 1708, for more information. • Clarksville: Jan. 25 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Jan. 26 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Lock and Dam 24 and Apple Shed Theater in Clarksville, 702 S. 2nd St. Call 660-785-2424, ext. 6506, or 660-785-2420 for more information. • Stella: Jan.25 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Stella Veterans Memorial Park, 774 Ozark St. Call 417-

• Eagle Bluffs Conservation Area on Route K southwest of Columbia, • Lake of the Ozarks at Bagnell Dam Access east of Bagnell, • Lock & Dam 20 in Canton, • Lock & Dam 24 at Clarksville, • Lock & Dam 25 east of Winfield, • Loess Bluffs National Wildlife Refuge south of Mound City, • Mingo National Wildlife Refuge northwest of Puxico, • Moses Eagle Park in Stella, • Old Chain of Rocks Bridge south of I-270 off of Riverview Drive in St. Louis, • Riverlands Environmental Demonstration Area east of West Alton, • Schell-Osage Conservation Area north of El Dorado Springs, • Smithville Lake north of Kansas City, • Stockton Lake near Stockton, • Swan Lake National Wildlife Refuge south of Sumner, • Table Rock Lake and Shepherd of the Hills Fish Hatchery southwest of Branson, and • Truman Reservoir west of Warsaw.

For more information on bald eagles, visit the MDC online Field Guide at discover-nature/field-guide/bald-eagle. For more information on Eagle Days, visit



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Lake Viking News


AKE Page 2 Page 6





Published monthly by the Gallatin Publishing Company, 609B S. Main, Gallatin MO 64640 All rights reserved. For Advertising information, call 660-663-2154 or FAX 660-663-2498

Recognizing veterans: At the Lake Viking Church, Pastor Robert Nelson always makes time to recognize Veterans Day. Pictured here are the congregation’s armed services members, past and present.

Former secretary/treasurer recently indicted for stealing from Plattsburg Road District The former secretary/treasurer of the Plattsburg Special Road District was indicted by a federal grand jury on Nov. 12 for stealing from the agency. Ava Lea Langner, 58, Lathrop, was charged with theft from an agency receiving federal funds in an indictment returned by a federal grand jury in Kansas City. According to a public report issued by the Missouri State Auditor, at least $286,615 was misappropriated from the district from 2011 to 2018. The indictment alleges that Langner stole more than $5,000 from the road district from May 1, 2016, to April 30, 2017. Langner allegedly made unauthorized payments to her personal business, Langner Enterprises, LLC, to her personal credit card, and to other vendors for personal expenses. Langner was able to write checks, electronically transfer funds, and otherwise make payments using funds from a checking account owned by the road district. The charge contained in this indictment is simply an accusation, and not evidence of guilt. Evidence supporting the charge must be presented to a federal trial jury, whose duty is to determine guilt or innocence. This case is being prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorneys Leigh Farmakidis and Thomas M. Larson. It was investigated by the FBI, the Missouri State Highway Patrol, and the Missouri State Auditor.

Opinions expressed in letters to the editor and submitted columns published in the Lake Viking News do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publishers. Letters are welcome from any association member; letters are subject to editor ’s discretion.

FOR SALE COBALT ML4 Fiberglass Tritoon, 2016; 24’; with Yamaha 250 HP Outboard. Wonderful All-Purpose boat; Cobalt world class quality.

•List price new: $100,000+

•Sale price: $69,500. Call Tom at 913.209.2777

Gallatin Active Aging Resource Center • December Menu Serving 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Monday-Friday • 109 S Main, PO Box 272, Gallatin, MO 660-663-2828


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Lake Viking News


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Lake Viking News

Almost everything...

Emergency Phone Numbers

you need to know about Lake Viking

* DAVIESS COUNTY EMERGENCY ....................911

Lake Viking 2019 Boards & Committees

* Fire - Lake Viking Fire Dept...............................911

Activities Committee Ramona Miller, Mary Hibler (Chairperson), Dustin Hibler, David Hibler, Eric and Jody Odette, Gail Bush, Resa Wiltse, Janet Hillman, Vicky Walton, Janet Yuratovich, Eric Odette (Board Contact) Board of Directors Board of Directors: President, Troy Lesan; 1st Vice President, Susan Zalenski; 2nd Vice President, Mike Booth; Secretary, Mark Leggett; Assistant Secretary, Tony Gronniger; Treasurer, Flint Hibler; Assistant Treasurer, Eric Odette. Viking Valley Association Board of Directors Meetings are held the second Sunday of each month, at 6:30 p.m. in the lower level of the clubhouse. All members in good standing are welcome to attend. Building Committee Flint Hibler (Board Contact), Doug Wiltse, Jim Miller and Tom Johanson. Building Committee Meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month at the Association office. Building permits are required to be approved by the Building Committee prior to the start of any construction as stated in the Covenants, Restrictions, By-Laws, Rules and Regulations of the Viking Valley Association. Campground Committee Mary Hibler (Chairperson), Flint Hibler, Marion Crawford, Mike Wolfe, Charles Sudduth, James Funk, Mike Booth (Board Contact). Community Strategic Planning Tony Gronniger, Missy Leggett, Shawn Hepinstall, Paula Hepinstall, Dennis Schlaiss, Lana Southwick, Kim Spidle, Carolyn Leeper, Don Leeper, Kenny Southwick, Randy Tague, Susan Zalenski (Chair/Board Contact) Dredge Committee Shawn Hepinstall (chairman), Paula Hepinstall, Robert Hayes, Brett Bush, Shad Mort, Mark Leggett (Board Contact) Employee Board Contact Flint Hibler Finance Committee Mike Kemna (Chairman), Donna Archibald, Shad Mort, Sally Zerbe, Glenn Miller, Len Zalenski, Missy Leggett, Troy Lesan, Flint Hibler, Tom Johanson, Eric Odette (Board Contact) Handbook Committee Donna Archibald (Chair), Mary Miller, Kyle Parkhurst, Kim Spidle, Terri Schlaiss, Tony Gronniger (Board Contact). Infraction Committee Roger Lankford (Chairman), Carl Butcher, Bob Clemens, Jim Gibbany, James Funk, Mark Leggett (Board Contact) Infraction Committee meetings are held on the second Saturday of each month, 9 a.m., Lower Level Clubhouse. Lake Committee Shirley Leakey, Don Leeper, Carolyn Leeper, Bo Steed, Sherry Krehbiel, Mike Krehbiel, Ramona Miller, Tom Johanson, Robert Walton, Troy Lesan (Board Contact) Special Road District Mark Leggett, Ron Spidle, Troy Knight Volunteer Fire Department Rusty Hendricks, Gary King, Tony Gronniger, Dennis Schlaiss, Riley Blades, Luke Threlkeld, Len Zalenski, Mark White, Mark Closterman, Anthony Dirks. Mike Booth (Board Contact). Fire Department meetings are held the 2nd Saturday of each month at 9 a.m. at the firehouse in the association main parking lot. If you have the interest and the time to serve your community, be sure to attend the next meeting.

Public Water Supply Dist. #3

Kyle W. Parkhurst, President, term expires 4/2020 - SubDistrict #3; Troy Lesan, Vice President, term expires 4/2021 - Sub-District #2; Jeffrey Speaker, secretary, term expires 4/2022 - Sub-District #4; Randy Tague term expires 4/2021 - Sub-District #1; Harlan Horst, term expires 4/2020 - SubDistrict #5; Roger Barker, Superintendent; Gary King, Water Operator; Diane Hulett, Clerk. Board meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at 4 p.m. at the PWSD No. 3 office. Office Hours: 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday thru Friday. All payments for metered water bills are to be made payable to Public Water Supply District No. 3 of Daviess County, Missouri. You may abbreviate as PWSD #3. If you have any questions, contact the PWSD No. 3 office, 116 Waterworks Dr., Gallatin, Mo. 64640 (located at the water plant). Phone 660-663-2771. For the convenience of customers of Public Water Supply District No. 3, a drop box is available at the front door of the office located at the water plant for the payment of water bills. Payments received after 4 p.m. in the drop box will post the following day. For the convenience of Association members, a drop box is available in the front door of the association office for the payment of association bills.

Viking Valley Association Office Address: 144 E. Main, Gallatin, MO 64640 Office Hours: April 1 - Labor Day Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday: 8 a.m.-12 p.m. Day after Labor Day - March 31 Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-4 p.m.

Property Owners

Ambulance - Fire - Rescue To Report Fire Only * Lake Viking Safety Patrol.................660-663-2204 * Sheriff, Daviess Co...........................660-663-2031 or 663-2149 * Highway Patrol (Emergencies) ....1-800-525-5555

***************** Important Phone Numbers * Association Office.............................660-663-2131

You are responsible for your guests and their actions. It is your responsibility to educate them on the rules and regulations of Lake Viking. Lake Viking is private property, but all lots are owned by some other individual. Please do not drive or ride ATV vehicles or bicycles on neighboring lots, or walk across lots to fish or use others’ property without first getting the property owner’s permission.

* Maintenance Barn.............................660-663-2777

Fishery Guidelines

* Lake Viking Sales Office, Lot #Z-9...660-663-2134

Bass: Release all bass 12” to 19”. Fishermen can keep one bass per day of 19” or longer. Crappie: Keep all crappie caught, within the state limit, which is 30 per day. Walleye: Fisherman can keep Walleye at least 21” in length, release all catches under 21”.

Mowing Regulations

You are required to have your lot mowed by May 1st, June 1st and September 1st of each year. If you do not keep your lot mowed, or hire a contract mower, the Association will mow it, and bill you $80.00 for each mowing.

The Association does not want to be in the mowing business.

Please self-mow your lot or hire a contract mower to do it for you. All contract mowers are required to submit a customer list to the Association office. If you are not on their initial list, you may be accidentally billed by the Association, so please contact your mower early. The below listed mowers have registered with the Association office and can usually be reached in the evening. There may be other mowers who advertise in the Lake Viking News.

Contract Mowers Can Save You Money

Jason Burns......................................... 660-605-2151 Mike Cline............................................. 816-465-0092 Eric Critten.......................................... 660-663-9122 Randy Gatton....................................... 660-663-9348 Mark Hoig................. 816-716-1896 or 660-663-4244 Ron Huston..............660-663-3234 or 816-390-5161 Jeff Johnson........................................ 660-334-0604 Jim Miller..............................................816-520-3280

Please Keep Control of Your Dogs

Dogs are not allowed off the member’s property and shall be contained by a fenced enclosure or controlled by a leash. Guests’ dogs are included. Violation of this rule may be subject to an Infraction Ticket issued to the property owner.

Building Permit Notice

Building Permits are required, but not limited to the following projects: fences, storage shed, shelters, decks, boat docks, boat houses, room additions, porches and any alteration of the roof line; and any other construction that requires large earth moving equipment, concrete trucks and other equipment that requires multiple axle trailers. Failure to comply with building regulations could result in a minimum fine of $500 and loss of lake privileges. Any construction not in compliance with these regulations could result in forced relocation of the structure.



30 MPH

Watch When & Where You Burn!

Anytime you are burning brush, etc., on your lot, make certain you are burning on your lot and not someone else’s property. Unattended burning is prohibited and burning is not allowed when winds are in excess of 15 mph and shall be subject to an Infraction Ticket and fine.

Member Reminders

• Helmets are required to be worn when operating a motorcycle within the Lake Viking Subdivision. • Goose population control is hard to manage... The first step in this process is DO NOT FEED THE GEESE!

* Public Water Supply District #3 of Daviess County (Water Plant).....660-663-2771 Roger Barker - (Emergency after hours)....660-334-0100

* Lake Viking Marine, Inc., Lot #1000.660-663-3722 * Farmers Electric Co-op., Inc. * During business hours............1-800-279-0496 * After Hours...............................1-800-927-5334 * Advanced Disposal Services, Inc.1-800-346-6844 or 1-800-778-7652 * Windstream Telephone Company * Customer Service (Residential).1-800-347-1991 * Repair Service.............................1-800-782-6206

Lake Viking 50th Anniversary Book on Click the large green print announcement on the homepage directly below the picture. Then click Lake Viking 2017 (in green print) and read the book in its entirety.


Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154


Lake Viking News

MDC reports 708 deer harvested in Daviess County during firearms opening weekend Preliminary data from the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) shows that deer hunters in Daviess County harvested 708 deer during the opening weekend of the November portion of the fall firearms deer season Nov. 16 and 17. Of the 708 deer harvested, 429 were antlered bucks, 54 were button bucks, and 225 were does. Missouri harvested 88,843 deer during the opening weekend of the November portion of the fall firearms deer season. Of the 88,843 deer harvested, 51,086 were antlered bucks, 8,115 were button bucks, and 29,642 were does. Top harvest counties for the opening weekend were Franklin with 2,078 deer checked, Texas with 1,931, and Callaway with 1,735. Last year, hunters checked 99,470 deer during the opening weekend of the 2018 November portion of firearms deer season. The November portion of fall firearms deer seasons continues through Nov. 26. Archery deer season opens again Nov. 27 through Jan. 15, 2020. The late youth portion runs Nov. 29 through Dec. 1. The antlerless portion runs Dec. 6-8. The alternative methods portion runs Dec. 28 through Jan. 7, 2020. Young hunters in Daviess harvested a total of 145 deer, 96 antlered bucks; eight button bucks; and 41 does during Missouri’s early youth portion of the 2019 deer hunting season on Nov. 2 and 3. Shown above is Kylie Spencer, age 9, with her 12-pointer.

Classified Ads For Sale BASE ROCK, BLACK DIRT AND fill dirt. CRP clean-up, brush removal, & have a bucket truck for trimming trees (insured). Huston Trucking & Construction, 660-663-3234 or 660-334-0997.

Services KELLY B’S Trees, prompt professional pruning, rea-

sonably priced removals, complicated/ technical removal done regularly. Please call 816-632-7077. SEAMLESS GUTTERING, A-1 Leaf Guard, CHI Overhead Door, LiftMaster-Chamberlain Operator Sales, Installation & Service. Call for free estimate. Serving you since 2006! Miller Construction, Jamesport, MO 660-6846950.

PWSD #3 Sign up for eBill! PWSD#3 now offers eBill for anyone that wishes to receive statements electronically. Sign up for eBill by accessing your account at:

or by calling the office at 660-663-2771. Online Bill Pay & Automatic Bank Draft are also services we offer. Sign up via the web portal or call today to get more info!


Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154

Lake Viking News



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Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154


Lake Viking News

Rule Changes February 2018 Dumpsters (Building Regulations) - page 19 of handbook: Dumpsters and/or a portable receptacle capable of containing construction debris will be required for onsite construction, at the property owner’s expense, but is not limited to: New home construction, garages, hangers and home additions. Other projects that may require the use of a dumpster or receptacle will be determined at the time a permit is approved. Both the permit and the job site placard will identify the container requirement. A dumpster or receptacle on new home, garage, hanger or home addition construction is not required until the foundation is completed. Only scrap lumber may be piled outside of the container and burned on the job site in accordance with burning rules and guidelines. Material waste where no permit or dumpster/ receptacle was required may be placed in the appropriate receptacle in the maintenance yard in accordance with refuse disposal restrictions and yard disposal rules. Failure to secure and maintain a debris receptacle will result in a minimum $250.00 fine. (2/2018) Smoking in Clubhouse - page 38 of handbook: Smoking in the Clubhouse is prohibited at any time. (2/2018)

Attention Members

The Viking Valley Fire Department will be meeting the 2nd Saturday of every month @ 9 a.m. at the Fire Station. The Sirens will be tested at this time.

REMINDERS!! 6 Exceed Maximum

Posted Speed Limit: The maximum speed limit for the operation of any vehicle or conveyance upon the roads, ways, streets, and thoroughfares of the subdivision shall be thirty (30) miles per hour except in those areas where additionally restricted speed limits may be posted, whether temporary or permanent.

6 Improper Parking:

The parking of motor vehicles on the traveled portion of any street, road, or way within the subdivision is prohibited except for an emergency which does not allow immediate removal.

Lake Viking 50th Anniversary Book on Click the large green print announcement on the homepage directly below the picture. Then click Lake Viking 2017 (in green print) and read the book in its entirety.



The Association provides dumpsters for the Beaches, Campgrounds and some Community Areas, for the purpose of accumulated trash in these areas, not day to day household trash. Please DO NOT dump building materials of ANY kind, such as lumber, sheetrock, shingles, etc. in these dumpsters.

Runway for Aircraft Only

Private Ramp Recommendation The Board of Directors would like to recommend that all private ramps be chained and locked when not in use by property owner.


for Committees and Their Members The Board of Directors may appoint Special Committees as they feel necessary. All members must be active members current in dues, assessments and other fees. The board of directors will appoint the following standing committees: finance, building, cemetery, infraction, lake, nominating, handbook, strategic, and campground. ~ All committees shall have a minimum of three active members and include at least one board member. ~ No committee or subcommittee may be formed without board approval. ~ All recommendations from committees shall be presented to the board prior to any actions taken by said committees. ~ No action may be taken by any committee member that has not been approved by the chairperson, board contact and the board. ~ New committee members shall be presented to the board for approval.

About your trash service Just a reminder to all members with dwellings or commercial buildings, you must pay for trash service to the trash removal company providing the service. Full time residents will pay for 12 months of trash service and weekend or part-time residents will pay for 6 months of trash service (April 1 thru Sept. 30.) If you need the phone number for our trash service, please contact the association office, Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.–4 p.m. for more information @ 660-663-2131. Anyone setting trash out prior to pickup day must have trash in a container with a closeable / sealable lid. (This was adopted, by motion, at the Board of Directors meeting on Aug. 10, 2008.)

Now that spring is here, not only is there an increase in boat traffic, but also more aircraft using the LV airport. While we do not have a great deal of air traffic, remember that our runway is for aircraft use only. For your protection, and that of others, please keep all vehicles and pedestrians clear of the airport runway at all times.

JUST A REMINDER SPEED CREATING EXCESSIVE WAKE: Trolling speed will be used when approaching within seventy-five (75) feet of boat docks, marina, and coves marked with Association buoys, or other areas marked with permanent or temporary Association buoys.

Animal Rules & Regulations Allowing dogs to roam/animal bite: Dogs are not allowed off the member’s property and shall be contained by a fenced enclosure or controlled by a leash. Guests’ dogs are included. Any animal whether leashed or unleashed that attacks or bites a person, and after review of the circumstances, is deemed to be a vicious animal and must be removed from the lake. The owner of the animal is subject to a minimum $500.00 infraction ticket.

Cemetery Decorum

Flower bouquets are permitted any time of the year. For the spring and summer seasons beginning March 1st and extending to December 1st of each year, no wreaths or sprays, or other decorative materials shall be used on any lot, except such decorative materials as can be contained in vases mounted to the marker base. Exceptions will be made for a period of one week following an interment service, Easter Sunday, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Independence Day, Memorial Day and Veterans Day. Wreaths, flowers, and other materials left on graves, which have withered or become unsightly, will be removed by the cemetery without notice. Wreaths and other decorative materials must be removed from shipping boxes and containers before placing said materials on any grave.

ATTENTION CAMPERS Just a reminder, camp spaces are NOT transferrable with the sale of your lot or camper. The campground agreement that each of you have signed states: Section Eight: Privilege Not Assignable Licensee’s privileges under this Agreement shall not be assignable by Licensee in whole or in part.

Attention Dock Owners!! Boat dock wiring must be protected by a ground fault interrupter (GFI). If your dock wiring is not GFI protected an electric accident can occur. You can purchase a GFI electrical tester at any hardware store to see if you are already protected or contact a qualified electrician to install a GFI to protect your dock.




Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154

Lake Viking News

Tony Gronniger recognizes those who contributed the best chilis — 1st place: Brian Masters, 2nd John Thompson 3rd Eric Odette.

Best Desserts: 2nd Place Michael Booth. Winner: Susan Zalenski with her pumpkin pie.

Longtime VVA Volunteer firemen Tony Gronniger and Dennis Schlaiss

Count ‘em! Thirteen different kinds of chili!

Chili Cook-Off raises over $1,200 for Fire Department

On Nov. 2, the Lake Viking Clubhouse was the scene of another successful event. On that evening, the VVA Volunteer Fire Department provided a venue for Association Members to once again display their incomparable culinary skills. The event was well attended by around 90 people and raised over $1,200 for the Fire Department. Getting with the program.


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Lake Viking News

Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154

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