GVGS Strategic plan towards 2030

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Strategic Plan 2030 TOWARDS

In the early 1980’s, it was the goal of a group of inspired community leaders to create a school in the independent grammar tradition for the region. With a focus on high quality learning and teaching, personal excellence and student wellbeing the School aimed to provide an education equivalent to the “best in Melbourne”. Today, Goulburn Valley Grammar School finds itself in a strong market position with an increasingly visible reputation for superior learning outcomes within an environment of care and opportunity.

Introduction Reflecting on the first forty years, as a Board and

review of school performance, student learning

Leadership Team we recognise the importance

outcomes and independently prepared survey

and role strategic planning has played in our

data representing the views of staff, students and

success. Our current position is a result of

parents. This process affirmed the importance of

our forward-looking approach inspired by

our mission, values and motto. It also highlighted

our motto “always further” and dedication to

the importance of managed growth, robust

the implementation of a disciplined plan for

curriculum, rigorous teaching practice, agile

educational leadership and excellence with

infrastructure and exceptional staff as essential

students at the centre.

ingredients for optimal student learning and wellbeing.

As we move into our fifth decade, we have invested time as a Board and Leadership Team

Accordingly, the plan is organised into four

to develop a plan toward 2030 that builds on the

strategic pillars to facilitate a balanced approach

strong foundations of our purpose (mission),

to development and investment. This will enable

values and educational philosophy. A detailed

us to achieve our stated goals, all of which are

review of a range of key external trends were

directed towards ensuring that Goulburn Valley

assessed to determine how education may

Grammar School provides the finest learning

be governed, designed and delivered in the

experience and opportunity for students in the

future. This was balanced with consideration


of the future growth of the region and a robust

Andrew Galbraith Board Chair

Mark Torriero Principal

Our Purpose and Mission In a world defined by change, our mission and motto remain evermore

Educational Philosophy

relevant and meaningful to our future and the work we do with our students. This strategy is dedicated to ensuring we create a learning environment and

experience that makes a positive change in the lives of young people and

Every student can grow in their learning every year

sets them on a path for personal success. •

Core Values

A culture of continuous improvement and evidence informed curriculum and teaching practice – consistently delivered, every day in every classroom

Caring - treating everyone with empathy and compassion

Learning - optimal learning, growth and achievement for every person

Respecting - individual identity, dignity and value

Accepting responsibility - for choices in life, seeking and accepting help

Seeking excellence - striving for and celebrating effort and progress

Supportive, collaborative, respectful community that values learning

Growth, “best efforts” and achievement must be worked for and celebrated

Our values are the “moral compass” that guide our every interaction. With care, learning, respect, personal responsibility and excellence at the heart, we ensure a strong and healthy culture in which all members of our community can thrive. Building on our values, is a very clear statement of our approach to education. This philosophy brings together the beliefs and mindsets that inform learning design, teaching practice, staff and student development. It also shapes the design of learning spaces and systems. It is this approach that distinguishes a GVGS education and underpins every student’s success.

Our Mission (Purpose)

Our Motto

To make positive change in the lives of young people through learning so that they can thrive and contribute ethically to a changing and globalised society

Semper Ulterius – “Always further”

Strategic Plan Towards 2030


Our Future Direction Strategic Pillars and Goals As we move towards 2030, our core goal is to maintain our position as the leading independent school in the region. To achieve this we have identified four strategic pillars and a series of objectives that will drive the achievement of this core goal and most importantly, our mission.

The four pillars are:

Inspired Learning and Care Ensures continuous improvement in learning outcomes for students through a guaranteed and viable curriculum with evidence informed teaching and a model of student care that results in powerful growth in personal and social capabilities .

Connected Community Maintains our strong focus on community, the shared role with parents/guardians in educating students and the broader role the School plays in building, supporting and contributing to the region. This also sustains the connection to our original reason for being.


Goulburn Valley Grammar School

Valued Staff Acknowledges the critical role of staff and their development, practice and engagement as the frontline of a high quality education. This will be reinforced by a focus on culture, diversity and a team approach.

Progressive Organisation The commercial, governance and operational dimensions act as the backbone of the School developing, enabling, securing and protecting it in the pursuit of its purpose, mission and objectives.

The strategic objectives encompass:

Inspired Learning and Care •

Educational offer - Expand and strengthen the educational offer so that the learning and wellbeing experience and outcomes for every student are maximised Child safety and wellbeing – Embed a culture that ensures every child feels physically and emotionally safe so they can thrive and achieve

Valued Staff •

Talent - Attract, retain and develop the best

Culture - Maintain a high performing professional and collaborative learning culture with all staff

Progressive Organisation

Connected Community •

Relationships - Sustain strong partnerships with parents/guardians and students, ensuring that together, every individual thrives

Philanthropy - Build a vibrant philanthropic and social outreach culture

Diversity - Increase student diversity and representation

Alumni - Build strong connections with Alumni

Community - Be recognised as a key contributor to the “fabric and strength of the region”

Resilience - Sustain a strong financial position to enable growth and investment

Stewardship – Sustain robust and rigorous governance, risk and compliance practices and mechanisms

Strategic Plan Towards 2030


Summary The work of this strategic review brings together a series of initiatives that will enable us to realise our mission, live by our values and educational philosophy and be true to our motto. This honours the legacy of our founders and will ensure that we remain a key contributor to the Goulburn Valley community and every student and their family – past, present and future.

Goulburn Valley Grammar School – Strategic Intent – Towards 2030 Our Mission To make positive change in the lives of young people through learning so that they can thrive and contribute ethically to a changing and globalised society

Core values

Strategic Platforms


Treating everyone with empathy and compassion


Optimal learning, growth and achievement for every person


Inspired learning and care Guaranteed and viable curriculum with evidence informed teaching Powerful growth in personal and social capabilities through care

for choices in life, seeking and accepting help

Seeking excellence

Striving for and celebrating effort and progress

Being a part of a culture of professional excellence, learning and care. One team – collaborative, diverse and committed A leader in the development of best- in-class educators

Students Students at the the centre centre

Individual identity, dignity and value

Accepting responsibility

Valued staff

Progressive organisation Optimising growth and our environment – infrastructure development and amenity Responsible management of all resources Marketing and brand development

Goulburn Valley Grammar School

Every student can grow in their learning every year A culture of continuous improvement and evidence informed curriculum and teaching practice Supportive, collaborative, respectful community that values learning

Connected community Support for parents – relationships and connection Service to others Engagement in the region and world Alumni connection

Our Motto Semper Ulterius – “Always further”


Educational Philosophy

Growth, best efforts and achievement must be worked for and celebrated

The work we will do The key projects and investments we shall make in this plan are:

Strategic Platforms


Inspired Learning and Care

• Sustain a guaranteed and viable curriculum utilising common protocols and High impact evidence informed instructional practice across every classroom, every day evidence informed learning

Valued Staff

Community Connection Progressive Organisation

Strategic Initiatives

Pastoral care and wellbeing

• Embed the strong organisational culture of Child Safety through ongoing education and training, communication, and the review and development of processes and systems • Strengthen and expand the pastoral care and wellbeing programs to meet the needs of students and enable optimal learning

Collective efficacy and professional learning

• Develop and implement a continuous program of professional learning, classroom implementation and review for instructional improvement in targeted learning focus areas


• Build strong partnerships with leading tertiary institutions to access new sources of talent

Parent engagement

• Develop new approaches to more deeply engage parents in student learning and the life of the School


• Build the philanthropic culture, programs and resources of the School to increase student diversity, access to education and contribution to community

Sustainable growth

• Develop a Junior School (P – Year 4) • Investigate opportunities and programs to support families in educating their children

Environment and Facilities

• Develop a Master Plan that enables the future delivery of the educational offer, experience and philosophy of the School • Design and implement an environmental strategy that minimises the carbon footprint, focuses on renewal resources, energy utilisation and asset development • Sustain a facilities investment and maintenance program that ensures high quality amenities across the entire campus


• Review and adapt the governance structure and practices to ensure effective stewardship of the School

Operational excellence

• Invest in systems and technology that ensure strong and efficient operation of the School and the delivery of high quality student learning and care

Strategic Plan Towards 2030


Verney Road, PO Box 757, Shepparton 3632, Victoria, Australia. Telephone: 03 5833 3300 Email: gvgs@gvgs.vic.edu.au

www.gvgs.vic.edu.au Printed on Australian made 100% recycled paper.

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