GottaGoGolf July 2011: The online magazine for women who love the game

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fitness I Women’s opens I a yummy wedge I rules

How to beat the heat Long sleeves in July? Yes! A cool getaway to the Poconos July I 2011

contents ∑ BEAT THE SUMMER HEAT: 10 ways to wilt-proof your game 16 5 Styles to on-course cool 22 5 tips for blocking UV rays 20 July poll: Your stay-cool outfit? 9 Cover digital illustration by Gregory Meredith, from a Dreamstime image.

GUIDANCE: An easy six-step route to cart path relief could save you strokes 14

and MORE: FITNESS: Hoop it up 12 Glossary: Beware the slice 13 FEEDBACK: From far and wide 4 STAR WATCH: Golf horoscope 34

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The adult getaway to the Poconos 24 Tahoe’s lakeside gem, reviewed 30

GottaGoGolf The online magazine for women who love the game


Susan Fornoff

Publisher and Editorial Director

Nanette Bisher

Creative Director

Cheryl Stotler

Web Director and 19th Hole Editor

Anne-Marie Praetzel Art Director

Emily Kay, Gail Rogers Staff Writers

Jenn Gress

Technical Consultant photography

Getty Images, Dreamstime Digital Illustration

Gregory Meredith Contact Online home: Email: Phone: 510.507.3249 For information about advertising partnerships and rates, contact Susan Fornoff at 510 507.3249 or email

Maybe it’s not too late A note from the publisher

As a teen, I didn’t get my sun exposure from playing golf. I got it from the sport of “laying out,” which had the object of browning as much of the body as possibly to as dark a shade as possible. Now I know better and apply sunscreen every morning of the sunshine months, but still can be careless about overexposure. The threat of cancer seems too remote to deter us from vices, it seems, and a little bit of sun glow looks healthy, not harmful. Vanity, however, talks to women. Even a survey of teens concluded they worried more about aging and wrinkles than cancer. So perhaps you and I can try to remember a little story from Mark Wishner, founder of the Sun SafeTee

program. Wishner tells of a study of two twins in their middle-to-late 40s, one who was a sun worshipper and one who either slathered up or holed up on sunny days. “It’s very obvious which one was the sun worshipper,” Wishner said. “She looks a good 10-12 years older than the other.” Now, that’s a fear factor. Enjoy your summer golf in the early morning or late afternoon, remembering to slather up before your round and again at the turn. Then spend the hot part of the day with this issue of GottaGoGolf. — Susan Fornoff

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feedback Teeing it up in Canada, California and Carolina Showing restraint on enforcing the rules

I really enjoyed the June issue. Gail Rogers’ articles are always informative. I admit I enjoy the rules, but am trying hard to not become a “Rules Nazi”....sometimes in sweeps play (still need a level playing field) I have to bite my tongue. I like your choice of equipment/clothes/ accessories as they are not necessarily the

$1,000 level. Keep up the good work. Penny Wright Sausalito, CA (Oakmont Country Club)

Rookie team captain needs info—and fast

I just read your magazine for the first time and I must tell you I got more information out of your June issue than any golf

magazine I have ever read. It was fun, easy to understand and full of great golf tips. I live at Seven Lakes Country Club, N.C., on the second fairway. I moved here last year and decided to take up golf, so this is only my first year and I am still learning and taking lessons. I play at least four times a week if not more with friends, in tournaments and in team play, and am currently the team captain. So, I jumped

Our print issue OK, so right now GottaGoGolf is green as can be – no paper, no ink, all digital. We keep all of our archives online, so you can’t accidentally toss one into the recycling or the bird cage. And we’re working on upgrading the technol4 I july 2011 I GottaGoGolf

ogy so that it contains Facebook links for easy feedback and discussion, and a more iPad friendly format. We don’t rule out a print issue if readers continue to welcome us as they have. But in the meantime, try this: Pub-

lish the magazine yourself by printing out first the odd pages, then flipping them over in correct alignment to print the even pages on the other side. Then put it on a clipboard or fasten it together for easy bathroom reading.

Please visit GottaGoGolf on Facebook, and feel free to tweet us @GottaGoGolf. Email “Letters to the Editor” to: feedback@GottaGoGolf, and please include your hometown for publication.

in with both feet and really need to learn as much as possible. Thanks for making your magazine so available. If you have a hard copy of the magazine, I would be more than happy to subscribe. Terri Westby West End, NC

Etiquette for the bulletin board

How timely! I am a member at the Whitewater Golf Club, in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. I just got home from our members’ committee meeting, where we discussed golf etiquette, checked my email and found such great information in GottaGoGolf’s June issue. I will post the etiquette article on the board in the ladies’ locker room, along with the web address for others to check out. I’m looking forward to seeing your magazine in print sometime soon, so that I can take GottaGoGolf with me when I gotta-go-anywhere! Gloria Sherban Thunder Bay, ON Canada

And the winner is… We got a little nervous when we didn’t hear back right away from the winner we drew from our May subscriber list for the Sweet Spot Golf putter. It turns out Darlene Patch was where any GottaGoGolfer would want to be: in Hawaii on a golf vacation. Darlene, who lives in Orinda, California, is looking forward to dropping some putts with her new tool. Thanks to Sweet Spot for setting up Darlene.

Our June giveaway is guaranteed to fit you, so be sure to re-register for a chance to win 200 Cutter Bucks, redeemable on any Cutter & Buck apparel (including the popular Annika designs).

Be a style maker and advertise with us GottaGoGolf’s August “Golf in Style” issue explores fashion as every woman sees it – which is, of course, her way! Topics include why courses still tell grown women what to wear and how clever golf clubs settle the supercharged team uniform debate – plus, a whirlwind travel story, an LPGA stylemaker, and the usual advice, gear, and chitchat. Don’t miss the chance to place your ad in our gorgeous printlike magazine, or position your products in the rotator at the top of the home page. Deadline to advertise: July 17 Early Bird Special: July 10 (half-price repeat of ad in September issue) Contact us by email or call 510.507.3249. Susan Fornoff, Publisher

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short game notes about the game's characters, quirks and gadgets Compiled by Susan Fornoff

New to you Posting Major odds The LPGA’s zany 2011 schedule adds a new twist this month, with the U.S. Women’s Open and Ricoh British Women’s Open capping a six-week stretch of three majors. It all started when Yani Tseng blew away the field to win the LPGA Championship at New York’s Locust Hill Country Club June 26. On July 10 (or, if there’s a playoff, July 11), the U.S. Women’s Open hands over a trophy, and the major season ends on the last day of this month at Carnoustie. With Stacy Lewis having won the Kraft Nabisco, GottaGoGolf is betting 6 I july 2011 I GottaGoGolf

there won’t be a major championship repeater this year taking more than one of the big purses. And, out on a limb, here are our picks for the two upcoming biggies: Cristie Kerr already has won one U.S. Open, so she’ll be able to breathe more easily than most in the altitude at Colorado Springs’ Broadmoor. With three second-place finishes this year and seven top 10s but no firsts, she’s primed for her most coveted championship of the year. And for the British,

we’re liking a longshot, Germany’s Sandra Gal. Gal won early in the season in blustery conditions and had a strong two-month stretch before hitting a rough patch and heading home to Germany for a couple of weeks. She finished seventh there in the German Open and then rejoined the LPGA Tour June 3 for the ShopRite, finishing 26th and missing the cut the following week. Though she wears very short skirts, she seems to like cooler weather and is overdue to return to form.

Cristie Kerr, with three second-place finishes this year, is GGG’s pick to win her second Open.

Have a pick of your own? Weigh in on our Facebook page.

photo/ Getty images

She’s a one and only The PGA Tour’s only woman tournament director used to be a bogey golfer, when she had time to play, yet Reno-Tahoe Open Executive Director Jana Smoley has commanded the attention of golf’s powers. The slender blonde is no shrinking violet. In only her second year, she has put the nines of the private, beautiful and much praised Montreux layout back in their proper order, after years of reversing them for the TV cameras. “The 18th has been the ninth because nine has a natural amphitheatre that

Germany’s Sandra Gal already has one coldweather victory this year.

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“The leading women’s fashion golf glove and accessory line!”



8 I july 2011 I GottaGoGolf

GGG Readers! Use code: GGG on our website and get

10% off

makes it an easy television hole,” she said. “I said, this is ridiculous: Look at this finish. Look at this camera angle. We had a seven-stroke differential on the 18th hole last year – everything from a 2 to a 9.” Smoley made her points and won over the Golf Channel folks. “I don’t have a lot of pride, I’m like, ‘Can we?’ ” she said. “It’s a man’s world and I try to build a collaboration.

The hardest thing for me is recruiting players. It’s intimidating for me to be on the range talking to these guys.” Smoley can draw only so strong a field, with the PGA Tour’s top 100 qualifying for that weekend’s World Golf Championships’ Bridgestone Invitational. But she’ll be handing out a $540,000 check August 7 — on that 18th green.

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Jana Smoley congratulates 2010 champion Matt Bettencourt.

Gotta Ask

What’s your style when the going gets hot? For the extreme GottaGoGolfer, it’s never too hot to step up to the tee. But what do you WANT to wear on the golf course on the hottest July day?

A. The shortest skort and barest tank top my course will allow. B. Long sleeves and capris, for extra sun protection. C. Style’s out the Vote NOW window – it’s baggy and loose all the way. D. My summer uni: long shorts or skort and a collared short-sleeve shirt. E. A smile and a really big hat.


Last month’s results When it comes to rules, we’re flexible. Along with last month’s rules issue, we wondered if GGG readers considered themselves rules observant, ignorant, lax or rebel. The answer defied those labels. At right are the results:

Are you rules observant, rules ignorant, rules lax or rules rebel?


Rules serve as fine guidelines in both life and in golf, but sometimes it’s appropriate to, er, customize them.


I would play by the rules in life and in golf, if only I could understand them.


I play strictly by the rules in golf. In life, not so much.


I play strictly by the rules in life. In golf, not so much.


I play strictly by the rules, in life and in golf.


Call me a rebel: I don’t follow any rules.

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short game

Gotta REad by David Wogahn

The Golf Letters: Tee Tales Author: Annie Loughlin

You might say that golf runs in Annie Loughlin’s blood. She had uncles who were captains of the Notre Dame and Georgetown golf teams and began her golf career as a tournament official for the Women’s Professional Golf Tour. She was the fifth woman in Cali- Annie Loughlin fornia to obtain her PGA Class A status, which is held today by only 500 women out of 22,000 PGA professionals. A teacher for more than 22 years, Loughlin has compiled a number of humorous and thoughtful stories and anecdotes into “The Golf 10 I july 2011 I GottaGoGolf

teaching. I find that stories are the true teachers. In a way, these are parables. They bring forth a point without hitting the reader/ golfer/audience member over the head with it. Humor seems to alHumor teaches: I find that low the sensory system a chance the student needs to have levity to not “try” so hard. After all, golf brought to the lesson as this en- is a difficult game! hances the learning. Sometimes Recovery is the goal: This they tell me an anecdote, and book is about both golf and life… I say, “Oh, that little story will Both four letters to start off with, be in my next book.” They like and then, you add in a defined that idea. The student is my best playing field that has a start and source for everything I learn while an end, and yes, life comes to Letters.” It’s available on Amazon in print as well as the Kindle ebook format. Here, she shares a few of her thoughts about teaching and golf, and two anecdotes from the book.

mind. As does golf. And, in the end, the day by day of golf and life boils down to one word: RECOVERY. We are always recovering in some form from our last Would you like an autographed copy of The Golf Letters? EMAIL us a funny or thoughtful golf anecdote about learning or enjoying the game or POST one on our Facebook page, and we’ll send an autographed copy to our staff’s favoritie.

swing, our last encounter, etc. This is true whether it is a positive outcome or a not-so-good outcome. The ideal student plays: The student that is the easiest to work with is one that has truly defined their golf goals and wants to have FUN in the process of meeting these goals. They know, inherently, that golf is a GAME and that there are many parts to it, aside from the scoring alone! The game needs some TLC: The concern is that more people are leaving the game of golf and we, as an industry, need to do better to retain them. What we are discovering is that we need to make golf fun, allow it to take less time, and become more welcoming to the non-traditional golfer, as well as get more creative in our programming… My take on this is also that not everyone should really play the game. It is a hard game. We can’t force people to play. They need to have a passion for it. We need to keep the players we have and invite more women and juniors into the game. We need to make the game more family friendly. ... Let’s encourage people to have fun and the passion will follow. Courtesy of Discover the new, exceptional and overlooked in golf media: Interviews, books, DVDs, Kindle Ebooks, Games, Apps, Music and More...

Anecdotes from The Golf Letters Golf and the Pyramids

The elusive secret

The pro shop, the driving range, the clubs, the bags, the balls and many things about golf can be intimidating to someone who hasn’t been educated on its procedures. I have a good friend who recounted her first foray to the driving range at a very nice resort. All the range balls were piled pyramid style, as they sometimes are for presentation and appearances only. My friend told me she thought the pyramids were very nice and she began to hit. She figured it was going to take forever to hit all those balls. Yes, she thought she had to hit every last ball in the pyramid. No one told her otherwise. So, she proceeded to do just that. She had to hit fast, though, because it was a warm-up for her game. She was to tee off in 15 minutes. She did manage to hit the whole pyramid, but obviously, was worn out for her round of golf!

I was teaching a group class on using the woods. The driving range was full of other golfers practicing. I purposely said a bit loudly, “Now I am going to tell you the secret of golf.” I wanted all the golfers on the range to hear, because it was like that Smith Barney commercial where everyone stops what they are doing and cups their hand to their ear so they can hear the secret. As soon as I saw the other golfers who were not in the group perk up to listen, I whispered to each student in the group very quietly so it appeared that they were, indeed, receiving the secret to golf! What I whispered was, “There is no secret!” I wish I had a camera to record some of the looks I received. They were forlorn looks. No secret for them, at least not that day!

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fitness Just the toy for the well rounded golfer’s swing tempo


aye Anderson’s Hoop Power classes draw exercisers of all ages and fitness levels because they’re fun, low impact and accessible to all. Here she shares a few ideas for golfers who can’t make it to her Berkeley, Calif., studio. “I’ve taught all ages and sizes, and this is accessible even to the person with a knee injury or a bad back,” Anderson said. “The most important thing is to have the right size hoop. A larger, heavier person needs a bigger hoop. And the one thing I would not recommend are the cheap plastic hoops kids use.”

For more information about Anderson’s classes, visit To find programs elsewhere in the U.S., go to 12 I july 2011 I GottaGoGolf

The traditional hoop exercise is the hula move, where one keeps the hoop moving circularly around one’s waist. “It gets people transferring their weight,” Anderson said. “You can get a difference in weight distribution by doing it with one foot in front of the other or by doing it side to side. And once you get comfortable, you can come up on one foot for even more balance challenge.”

Another good move for golfers: the weave, where one or both hands move the hoop in a figure eight pattern in front of the body. “This works the shoulders, arms and upper back,” Anderson said. “And golfers say it’s very much a swinging motion that’s good for swing tempo.” A third move opens the chest with a stretch. Holding the hoop behind you with hands inside the hoop pressing out, let the hoop drop down, stretching the chest and also the biceps. “Many people can’t drop the hoop down very far to start with,” she said. “So this is one where you see progress as you practice it.”


short game

“Slice” without a knife When your playing partner has the annoying habit of critiquing every shot off the tee, slice probably appears frequently in her commentary. And that’s probably not in a “good shot” sort of context, or an order off the menu at the turn. The slice, a shot that starts straight and bends to the right for a righthanded golfer or to the left for a southpaw, may also be referenced as a “banana ball” (an extreme slice) or a “cut” (an intentional slice). The word slice has ancient origins, but according to one etymology source dates back to 1886 as a golf

and tennis term, one that describes the result of a swing that resembles a person cutting weeds with a scythe. One might want to make this sort of swing to bend a shot around some trees. Otherwise the most common swing flaw is at fault: a right-to-left (or left-to-right for lefties) swing arc combined with an open face at impact. Cures range from grip adjustment to stance to swing fundamentals. They do not include aiming more left – with a slice, that’s the equivalent of trying to offset the calories in one slice of cheesecake by eating a second. GottaGoGolf I july 2011 I 13


By Gail Rogers

Obstruction relief: It’s as easy as 1,2…6

Gail Rogers recently retired as a USGA rules official. She now serves on the Northern California Golf Association Board of Directors.

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Immovable Obstructions are cart paths, irrigation control boxes, yardage markers and tee signs. Since these are fixed, the player has the options of playing the ball as it lies or taking relief without penalty. The player must determine the point on the course where if the ball lay at this point there would be no interference from the obstruction for the lie of the ball, the player’s stance or the area of her intended swing. This point may not be nearer the hole than the spot where the ball lies, or in a bunker or water hazard. Important: Remember that boundary fences and out of bounds stakes are themselves out of bounds by definition – so are not obstructions. No free relief there. Play the ball as it lies or declare it unplayable and proceed under Rule 28. How do you determine the nearest point of relief accurately from a cart path or other obstruction? Where you are to drop your ball? Follow these six simple steps:

When golf first began, players walked and carried their clubs. There were no cart paths. Water came from Mother Nature, not irrigation systems. Yardages were measured by the eye and experience of player and caddie, not by Kirby markers. On-course restrooms and snack bars had not yet appeared on the golf landscape. Today, however, an understanding of Rule 24 Obstructions can help every golfer. The rule contains two parts: Movable Obstructions and Immovable Obstructions. Obstructions are manmade objects on the golf course. If they can be easily be removed – examples include water hazard stakes, an abandoned water bottle, a directional sign or bunker rake – then the player removes the movable obstruction and plays Select the club you would have used to make your the ball as it lies. If the ball accidentally moves in this next shot if the cart path were not there. Normally process the ball is placed back in its original position this is just based on yardage, but the direction of play with no penalty to the player. and low hanging branches of a tree might be deter-



“I have been told many things about taking a proper drop from a cart path. How am I really supposed to do it?”

mining factors in club selection if you had to play the ball as it now lies on the path.


DO NOT PICK UP YOUR BALL until you know where you will be dropping. Playing from the cart path is a lot better than playing from an area of very high grass and rocks which might just be where you are required to drop.


Find the nearest point of relief by addressing an imaginary ball on both sides of the cart path. On one side it will be the point where you can swing the club naturally without striking the path. Put a tee in the ground at that point. On the other side of the cart path you need to get your feet off the path first, then address the imaginary ball, and where the club now touches the ground is the nearest point of relief on the second side. Place a second tee at that point.


Measure the distance from your golf ball as it lies on the path to each tee. Which one is nearest the ball and not nearer the hole than where the ball lies? This is the nearest point of relief.

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With any club in your bag – yes, even your driver or long putter if you have one – you measure one club length not nearer the hole from the nearest point of relief. This one club length area is where you are required to drop your ball.


If you like the area where you are required to drop, now is the time to lift your ball and drop it within that area. Since golf courses are not flat, the Rules do not require the ball remain within that one club length when dropped. The ball may roll up to two club-lengths from where it first strikes the

course within that area as long as it is not nearer the hole. See Rule 20-2c for the other times when you are required to re-drop the ball. Hint: Since the area where the ball is to be dropped is like a wedge of pie or even as much as a half circle, think about the best spot within the area to drop the ball, hoping for the best lie possible. Practice finding the nearest point of relief and measuring your club length. This procedure will become an automatic part of your game and allow you to proceed with confidence when you need it.

Ernie Els weighed his drop options carefully at the 2004 PGA Championship at Whistling Straits in Wisconsin – then chose the concrete over the long grasses and hit off the cart path.

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cover Hot tips Here’s our 10 cents for all who’ve gotta go golf even when it’s 110 out By Emily Kay


ou don’t have to live in the sweat-soaked states of Texas and Florida to know that playing golf in the summer heat can be hazardous to your health. Even Northeast golfers are known to complain about the relatively high humidity they experience this time of year. Instead of whining about the weather, though, why not learn to stop worrying and love summer golf? Just follow these “Summer Golf for Dummies” tips for a safe and happy hotGottaGoGolf I June 2011 I 16

weather golf season. Avoid mad dogs and Englishwomen. After all, only they would venture onto the fairways and greens at high noon, when the heat and humidity are at their fiercest. Early tee times make the most sense for so many reasons, but If golf you must — no matter the time of day — keep reading for ways to combat the sizzling temperatures. Put down the Heineken. “Water, water, gimme more water” should

be every golfer’s mantra, no matter the time of year. It may seem obvious that you have to hydrate yourself to battle summer scorchers, but many golfers seem unaware of the dehydrating effects of soda, beer and other alcohol, and even coffee. Let the grass grow. Health experts suggest that you cut down on nonessential outdoor undertakings like mowing the lawn. Since golf obviously does not fit the “nonessential” category, save your energy for the truly

SunGrubbies doubles up the bills for face and neck protection.

photo / Getty images

indispensable chores, such as smacking a little white ball with an oversized club head. Step away from the table. You may want to carbo-load for the Boston Marathon, but scarfing down a stack of pancakes before taking to the links is a no-no that will weigh you down and may cause more than your golf cart to boil over. Instead, maintain your enerA golf umbrella offers enough coverage for 6-footer Sandra Gal. GottaGoGolf I july 2011 I 17


gy throughout your round by nibbling and overheating. on lighter fare such as fruits, veggies Lather up. Don’t skimp on the sunand nuts. screen and lip balm. Experts suggest Cover up those six-packs (and you apply water-resistant 30 SPF sunwe don’t mean hide the beer). We screen at least an hour before exposing know you worked hard all winter to your skin to the sun and reapply evget in shape but you’ll want to swap ery hour or so thereafter. Golf experts that close-fitting spandex designed mandate that you at least “don’t burn, to showcase your washboard abs for more breathable attire made of cotton or moisture-wicking fabrics. Lightcolored clothing is also better at reflecting heat and light than dark colors. And, really, who hasn’t dreamed of teeing it up in the altogether when it’s so hot? OK, that may be more like everyone’s nightmare, but when Splurge on you’re ready to thumb your nose at the cart air dress code, lighter-than-light Better conditioning, Than Naked shorts from North Face above, or settle for an promise to fling off sweat, chafing, Jennifer Rosales starts the final round in a wrap, at the super-hot 2008 LPGA Championship in Maryland. 18 I july 2011 I GottaGoGolf


reapply at the turn.” Accessorize. Hats and sunglasses are must-wears in the summer sun. Wide-brimmed hats provide the most protection, a baseball cap with a visor will offer some shade, or you could go all in with a dual-billed SunGrubbies ( sport cap to block your face and neck. The chapeaux will also keep some of the sweat (or “glow,” if you’re a fair maiden) from dripping into your eyes. Glare-reducing polarized eyewear is probably the most effective at shielding your baby blues from damaging rays. 3-wood, 5-iron, or tall cold one? What do you do when you’re out on the eighth fairway, facing that long approach shot over water, no beverage cart in sight, and your brain’s on fire? Reach into your golf bag’s cooler for an icy cold blast of soul-quenching liquid refreshment, of course. Many bags come with built-in cooler liners,

or you may go all undercover with the shoe bag-sized Covert Cooler ( that will fit into your sack’s standard zippered pocket. A note of caution, however: You might want to rent a cart or hire a caddy because you’ll be lugging a little extra weight, what with the ice pack and water bottles nestled inside.

February in Singapore: Brittany Lincicome makes her own shade.

soak the schmata at each watering hole or tuck it into your golf bag’s ice chest for renewal. Better yet, make a refreshing fashion statement by using an Icy-Cools ( neoprene and terry cloth neck bandana. Bonus: your collar stays dry and you can easily Refreshing fashion state- swing your club with the trendy neck ment. Nothing makes a summer accessory firmly affixed. golfer sigh, “Ah!” more than a cold, Turn up the A/C! Okay, so you fiwet towel to the back of the neck. Re- nally wilted and strapped your bag to GottaGoGolf I july 2011 I 19

Gotta Know

Put a lid on the alphabet soup, but keep the sunscreen flowing

a buggy. Don’t stop there; trick out your ride with an S&S Manufacturing ( air-conditioning unit. The Swampy 12-volt cooling system pumps water (or ice for a real cooldown) through an evaporator at more than 300 gallons per hour. It’s $897 and you provide the ice chest and installation. OK, so maybe that last one is a little bit over the top, but for those to whom golf is definitely not nonessential, it might have a place on the wish list. 20 I july 2011 I GottaGoGolf


“IMHO, sun protection ratings are in need of some serious TLC. Between SPF, UPF, UVA and UVB, I want to say WTF. LOL!”

Many thanks to cell phones, email and texting for putting a few of the above abbreviations into common usage. But if you don’t know them all, make sure you decipher this one: SPF. That’s Sun Protection Factor, a rating applied to products so that you know which products to apply to yourself as a shield for UVB – ultraviolet burning – rays. Mark Wishner, founder

of the Sun SafeTee Program aimed at golfers, gave GGG the 411 on all of the abbreviations, and he said that though UVA (ultra-violet aging) rays also are dangerous, ratings don’t yet apply. We want protection from both rays, so Sun SafeTee recommends looking for the words broad spectrum coverage in the advertising or on the label of an SPF-rated product. Five other points worth remembering:


SPF measures how many more times a product will allow you to stay in the sun without you burning versus not using it. In other words if you were to go out in the sun without any protection and it would take 10 minutes before you start to burn, an SPF of 15 will give you approximately 15 times more protection than your body’s natural protection, or 150 minutes.

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Better Than Naked shorts won’t make the dress code most months.

Nice to have an umbrella caddie, as Na Yeon Choi did last year in Alabama.

2 3

Stuff wears off so reapply at the turn.

UPF ratings do apply for clothes and refer to both types of rays. Again, the higher the number, the better – a solid white T shirt might be a 5, meaning one-fifth of all of the rays penetrate. The most sun-screening clothes (see Garb, page 22) top 50, meaning only one-50th, or 2 percent, of the rays get in.


Some products boost the UPF of clothes. Rit’s Sun Guard laundry treatment – online for about $20 per six-pack – dispenses a 30 UPF.


For more information or to contribute to the Sun SafeTee Program, visit — Susan Fornoff GottaGoGolf I july 2011 I 21

Garb Put a sock in that conventional wisdom By emily kay


sizzling, soupy day on the course can make heat stroke feel like it’s just a putt away. Believe it or not, that’s when it’s time to trade in your sleeveless polos and wrap your guns up in arm stockings. Yup, you read that right: Long sleeves for hot weather. Maybe you’re working on your summer tan, but wouldn’t you rather preserve your energy for the full round and, by the way, stave off skin cancer? There’s a reason several tour golfers don full-length sleeveage as they stalk the greens. With golfers so susceptible to sun damage, the wonder is that more women don’t cover up before teeing off. Before you get all, “But, GottaGoGolf, long-sleeve shirts are so uncomfortable and, you know, unhip” — check out some of the protective attire from com22 I july 2011 I GottaGoGolf

panies including Nike, Iconic Sport, SanSoleil, SunGrubbies and Coolibar. Nike was one of the first companies to market arm warmers, wrist-to-biceps sleeves that found favor with runners but also make sense as a golf bag staple for those days when the weather transforms over the course of four hours from short-sleeve suitable to bundle-up time. Now the company also offers the lightweight SolarSleeve, made of its moisture-wicking Dri-FIT fabric, available for around $25 per pair. Iconic, a sponsor of the nonprofit Sun SafeTee program, lists seven-time LPGA winner Michelle McGann and golf guru David Leadbetter among its en-

• White is

the standard shade for sun sleeves, but Nike’s SolarSleeve comes in pink.

• Cooli-

bar’s tropical weight long-sleeve polo comes in 12 colors, all with 50+ UPF rating.

• Here’s

a look at Iconic’s Sun Sleeves in action (below).

dorsers. Leadbetter lost his father to skin cancer and often wears Iconic sun sleeves. Its unisex Sun Sleeves also go for around $25 and feature 50+ UV protection. (See GottaKnow, page 20, for an alphabet soup glossary.) SanSoleil, marketing Sun Care You Can Wear, makes soft, colorful Egyptian cotton shirts that screen 98 percent of the sun’s rays. Designed specifically for golf and tennis, the shirts sport mesh inserts to enhance cooling. SunGrubbies also makes shirts with sunscreening properties that eliminate the need to glop up with sunblock, and Coolibar offers long-sleeve polos made from its patented, breathable Suntect fabric. While Sun SafeTee founder Mark Wishner estimates that most summer shirts provide less protection than sunscreen with SPF 8, SunGrubbies and Coolibar, among other retailers, offer stylish, golf-appropriate duds that measure 50. And if it’s still hard to wrap your arms around the idea of covering up from fingertips to shoulder, keep in mind that all of these products are made of fabrics that wick away perspiration, a process that, trust us, actually keeps you cooler than short sleeves. Finally, if preventing skin cancer and wrinkles isn’t enough to persuade you to cover your arms, how about this: It might help your score. Anecdotal evidence suggests golfers who wear such protection experience less arm fatigue than those who don’t. —Emily Kay


• SanSoleil mixes sun protection with style, offering its Egyptian cotton polo in seven color choices.

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travel The Poconos

Here’s to the good new days of an old family vacation destination Sitting on the Pennsylvania Turnpike in an inexplicable, agonizing midday backup brought back memories of interminable drives with my three little brothers that were known in my family as “cartrips.” A particularly memorable one got derailed at the New Jersey Turnpike because a tolltaker noticed our camper’s taillights weren’t working. We finally rolled into our campsite around midnight to set up in the dark. “What possessed you to take four little kids on a camping trip to the Poconos?” I asked the 70-something-year-olds now in my car 24 I july 2011 I GottaGoGolf

(who asked not to be identified in this story). “We thought it would be good for you to broaden your experiences, make you a more well-rounded person,” The Woman said. I flashed back to a well-worn copy of a Dr. Spock paperback that made its way around our house in Baltimore, and I nodded. Now we were heading back to the Poconos for

reverse-generational rounding, on a little spring golf getaway to discover how the classic family-with-kids destination measured on the grownup-with-parents scale. The answer: Off the charts and beyond expectations. Even in marginal weather, Poconos resorts pull out all the activity stops for families. And for golfers – who can choose from more than 35 courses ranging from rustic to world-class – the scenery and history blur bogeys and build bliss. This adventure really begins at Petey’s

photo /pocono mountains vistors bureau

By Susan Fornoff

At the 100-yearold Shawnee Inn, 24 of the 27 holes are set on a flat island surrounded by mountains.

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Dogwoods in spring provide a beautiful backdrop even on a rainy day at Fernwood.

Eateys in Belfast, Penn., where we exit the highway because we’re hungry and game to try a local spot. This gas station has a kitchen attached where you order at the window then sit at a table on the covered patio and devour delicious sandwiches. With the best grilled cheese I have ever had comes word via cell phone from Fernwood, where we hope to play some golf on arrival, that it’s pouring there. Bummer. As we ascend into the southern area of the fourcounty region, the temperature drops, and when we arrive at our Fernwood villa, shorts are replaced with pants. We marvel at the accommodations, big enough for extended family and just a trolley stop or two away from the central hotel that houses restaurants (a nod here to Mama Bella’s for pasta), pools, the “game zone,” a food court and a fitness center. The villas, situated around the 18-hole course, also have pools, mini-golf and paintball fields. Rain, shmain – there’s surely a craft class, bingo game or human tic-tac-toe on the day’s schedule. But we head for the tee of a winter-worn

photo /Mike Kemme (this page); Susan Fornoff (Facing page)

but lovely course that starts with three flat holes then climbs into the hills and winds through the villas. Just 4,588 yards (6,174 from the blues), the red tees suit us perfectly, what with a light drizzle and with The Man having recently sustained some injuries. After nine holes we tour the back, and, wow, what elevation changes. Head pro Rich Millford is absolutely right – no two holes look the same at Fernwood, which gets harder as you go and finishes with a scenic, narrow par-4. We agree that with afternoon rounds less than $35 including cart, it’s also a fine bargain – as are stay-and-play packages as low as $138 for an overnight stay with golf for two. Just a few minutes away, the Shawnee Inn was offering a $153 spring package in celebration of the 100th birthday of one of A.W. Tillinghast’s earliest courses. My companions don’t usually play two days in a row, so I don my rain gear for a solo visit the next morning. A portrait of one of my childhood heroes greets me: The great comedian Jackie Gleason learned the game at Shawnee. Head

pro Joe Manley says Gleason shot 128 in his first round and by the end of the summer was in the 80s. By the time we finish chatting, the rain has tapered off, and I have an unforgettable round of golf alone on the nearly empty course. Shawnee is a Poconos anomaly – flat and very walkable, with 24 of the 27 holes on its private island, accessible by an old wooden bridge. The Blue course seventh hole – a par-3 with tee on one side of the Delaware River and green on the other – would appear on a postcard of this beautiful resort, which is covered in larch, white birch and spruce trees. On the White course, dogwoods are

Curvy Woodloch Springs challenges golfers from every tee set.

blooming in the appropriate color, and I swear I smell oregano at one of the tees. When I compliment the grounds crew and note that it must be breathtaking in autumn, they sigh: From Oct. 15 until about Thanksgiving, leaf collection exhausts them. The firm fairways help a short hitter despite the recent rain, and I regret that my companions missed this round. But when we sit down for a late lunch at the property’s Gem and Keystone Brewpub, it’s clear they’ve enjoyed the time to tour the property and learn of its history alongside GottaGoGolf I july 2011 I 27

Shawnee’s old bridge takes golfers out to the island.

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The golf course, added in 1992 along with homes and a luxury spa (The Lodge, which offers a Golf Goddess Getaway), isn’t included with the regular lodging, but with afternoon rates under $50 is a must-try. Beautifully maintained, Woodloch Springs’ hallmark is curvature: Where others have doglegs, Woodloch holes tend to bend right or left, with the green not visible from the tees of the par 5s and some par 4s. Unlike Fernwood and Shawnee, Woodloch ascends to offer expansive mountain views, and we caught whiffs of sandalwood. But, after 11 holes, we surrender to rain and return to the resort in time for a festive evening. I think I might have loved Woodloch as a kid. A daily flyer lists activities from cooking classes to a popular Family Feud game to arts and crafts. There are movies, bocce, bikes, batting cages, horseshoes,

Poconos for grownups Spring and fall are the seasons for adult golf getaways in the Poconos; kids have gone back to school and golf package rates drop. The fall foliage offers stunning scenery but does present a challenge for golfers as the leaves fall. Other notable courses in the region include two Donald Ross designs, 1901 Buck Hill and, dating to 1912, Inn at Pocono Manor. The newest 18 is Jack Frost

National, 2010. Visit and for more information. Fernwood (Bushkill, Penn.):, 888.337.6966. Shawnee Inn (Shawnee on Delaware, Penn.):, 800.742.9633. Woodloch Resort (Hawley, Penn.): woodloch. com, 800.966.3562

photo /Crhis john; facing page: don sack

the temperamental Delaware. The beers crafted at the golf course brewery wet our whistle – the Pumpkin Saison Cuvee putting a fine exclamation point on my round. The next day, we have one more destination to explore, and what’s any family trip without getting lost. But so glad we are that we found Woodloch. This four-season, 1,200-acre property lining lovely Lake Teedyuskung came into being the same year I did (you’ll have to look it up) and has drawn three generations now for a long list of activities, all included – along with three meals a day, at your regular table and at designated times. On a peak weekend the kitchen will serve 600 at a time, yet our food is far beyond the typical catered meal for a crowd. “Like a cruise, but you don’t have to get on a boat,” my motion-averse companions observed gratefully.

hayrides and an inviting lakeside lounge area covered with chaises. But as an adult, the midweek Theme Night rocks. Prime rib and salmon are on the dinner menu, after which we make our way to the night club for a talented ensemble’s dizzying musical tribute to the British Empire. Our table in the front row gets The Man in on the action when one of the cast singles him

out for her Annie Lennox tribute. Later he pops into the restroom and is tickled to notice that her lipstick kiss is still on his forehead. For all of the outdoorsy options and family fun that makes parents want to take their kids camping in the Poconos, it’s nice to know that comfortable beds, delicious food, fun golf courses and a good show await for when the tables turn.

Fernwood’s back nine winds up and down hills and around rental villas.

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Course review: Fab, fine or fizzling for women?

Edgewood Tahoe Golf Course Edgewood has hosted several USGA championships, but today it is best known for providing stunning views for TV and entertaining shots by stars in the annual American Century Celebrity Golf Championship. (Tune in

A lakeside putt finishes off Edgewood’s renowned 16th hole. 30 I july 2011 I GottaGoGolf

this year July 12-17.) Situated on the Nevada side of the South Lake Tahoe border with California, it finishes with three unforgettable holes on the lake’s edge. Any of the high-rolling celebrities who enter will tell you Edgewood Tahoe is the biggest star of their tournament. > Course: Everyone loves the par-3 17th that runs alongside the lake, 107 yards to carry the bunker in front of the green. But Edgewood has long intimidated the average woman player, measuring 5,567 yards from the forward pine cones with a whopping 136 slope. Two par 5s in particular frustrate the short hitter – the 469-yard third hole, capped by an approach to an elevated green, and the gorgeous 451-yard 16th, which is downhill but often plays into the prevailing wind off the

lake. Ouch! Even with pristine playing conditions that seem almost miraculous considering the course gets snow as late as June, long still feels long. But, 2011 brings some forward thinking at old Edgewood, which has moved many of the forward tees up, on the par 5s, yes, but even some par 3s (each of which is unique and memorable). A good estimate for the length now: 5,100 yards. And the altitude helps. > Ambiance: From the arrival at the bag drop to a lakeside parking lot where you might want to linger after the 19th hole, Edgewood offers everything a woman golfer could want:friendly staff, a pro shop that seems to have nearly as many women’s clothes as men’s, a wonderful 19th hole on the deck, generally beautiful weather and always beautiful

photo / Susan Fornoff; facing page: 2009 World Golf Tour

1968, George Fazio

Edgewood’s 17th and 18th holes crown the final stroll to the lakeside clubhouse. scenery — and, what a concept, two stalls in the on-course rest rooms! The course is very walkable – you could even call ahead for a caddie – and then you’d be justified in ordering the signature milk shake at the turn.

> Value: Edgewood’s rates range from $140 on an early season weekday to $240 peak season weekend, but twilight rates drop $50-70. These include range balls, GPS-loaded carts, great service and an obviously carefully maintained course, and seem fair for a destination course. The way to go, however, is to click on the course “stay

and play” button at for a package that includes a night at one of the South Shore hotels and a round of golf; these were starting at $235 a person in June. > Woman Appeal: Plans are in the works for lodging on an adjacent property the developers have purchased, and that

will just take Edgewood over the moon in its overall golfer appeal. It’s already got GottaGoGolf’s Fab for Women rating. — Susan Fornoff Email us for information on how to

have your golf course certified by the Women Welcome golf course consultation, evaluation and certification service.

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19th hole Finally, the can’t-miss Women’s British Open wedge By Cheryl Stotler


t 19th Hole there’s always something to celebrate, and this month it’s the rare opportunity to watch the top women golfers in the world on live television over breakfast. July 28-31, ESPN broadcasts the Ricoh Women’s British Open from Carnoustie, seven-time site for “The” British Open but first-time venue for the women’s British, with weekend air times starting at 9 a.m. Eastern or 6 a.m. Pacific. Tennis players live for their annual breakfast at Wimbledon, so this year we’re having scones at Carnoustie. (And you can catch the men at Royal St. Georges July 14-17.) Scones have been associated with England, Scotland and Ireland for even longer than 32 I july 2011 I GottaGoGolf

Laura Davies has been teeing up at the British. They date back to the earliest cookbooks, with oats the main ingredient in a round of dough that was baked over an open fire or stovetop and then cut into wedges. Today, there are a million variations on the proper British scone recipe. But of course you’re expecting a little something beyond


Cheryl’s Scones

photos / cheyrl stotler, Getty images

Padraig Harrington pours bubbly into the Claret Jug in 2007. proper British scones –blah! – here at GottaGoGolf. I love cream scones but cream is about the only ingredient in my scones that can classify them as “proper” as far as a Brit is concerned. I make a cool, contemporary, happening scone. I adore the toasty flavor and texture of oats and the tang from zested fruit rind. I like currants, and love that crunchy crust you get from sprinkling sugar on the cream-brushed tops before baking. I don’t cut my scones into rounds – what a waste, and anyway the wedge seems more appropriate for the Open. Serve

these warm with clotted cream if you can find it. Otherwise, butter and a homemade jam will do nicely. (Today we had Meyer lemon marmalade in the pantry. Because my scones are loaded with butter and flavor, jams really aren’t necessary, but we indulge because we’re, well, American!) I must confess to one final scone cardinal sin: I don’t pair them with Earl Grey tea. My brunch beverage of choice is bubbly, which tastes all the more divine with scones and often finds its way into that most famous of trophies, the Claret Jug.

1 1/2 cups rolled oats 1/2 cup half ‘n’ half 1 large egg 1 1/2 cup all-purpose or unbleached flour 1/3 cup sugar 2 tsp. baking powder 1/2 tsp. salt 10 tbsp. cold sweet or unsalted butter, cut into small cubes 2/3 cup currants zest of one large orange zest of one lemon Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Toast oats until lightly browned and let them cool. Whisk together half ‘n’ half and egg in a small bowl and set aside. (Save about a tablespoon of liquid to brush tops of scones.) Combine flour, sugar, baking powder and salt in mixer or bowl. Use paddle attachment on mixer (or cut in cold butter by hand) and mix on low until small pea-size pieces form. Add lemon and orange zest, barely combine. Add oats, barely combine.

Add currants, barely combine. Add half ‘n’ half/egg mixture in a slow stream with mixer running until dough just comes together (or mix with hands). Dump onto floured board and form a round about an inch thick. Do not overwork dough. Cut into 8 wedges and place on baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Brush tops with reserved liquid and sprinkle granulated or raw sugar on tops if desired. Place in the oven and check after 20 minute. If bottoms are getting too dark brown before the tops are light brown, double pan by placing another sheet pan underneath. (GottaGoGolf understands that not all ovens are created equal—it’s worth the effort to take care when baking like a champ.) You can bake at 400 or 425 for a better rise, but only with a double pan, and be sure to check after 10 minutes.

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By The Golf Goddess

July Cancer (June 22—July 22) With the full moon on the first and Independence Day on the 4th, there’s no cause for crabbiness for Cancer this month. All is light, liberty and the pursuit of birdies. Watch out, though, for the return of an old swing flaw — or, maybe, an old flame? Here at GottaGoGolf, the latter is most assuredly preferred. Leo (July 23—Aug. 23) OK, so you’re finding good reason to stay awake into the wee hours this month, Lioness, but, remember, your golf game needs your sleep. Of course, there’s always the alternative Jimmy Buffet endorses — Cajun martinis and afternoon golf. In fact, a little conflict in the office might best be solved by taking the culprit out for a bit of both.

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Virgo (Aug. 24—Sept. 22) Your household partner is starting to get prickly about your golfing partner, so cancel the 54-hole weekend you’d planned with the latter and whisk the former off to... well, how about the Poconos? The old honeymoon favorite has renewed charm, and you can surely hide your clubs at the back of the trunk for a stealth round with a stranger. Libra (Sept. 23—Oct. 22) Your team does not want another word from you about the ideal uniform color, perfect putting stroke or, oh not again, never-say-die spirit. Being a know-it-all never got anyone — even a man — invited to guest day at Pine Valley, and you know what they call the overconfident woman. Zip it! Until August!

Scorpio (Oct. 23—Nov. 21) Feeeelllll that effortless swing and hold that thought. In fact, just take it on a little vacation — it’s a beautiful summer on the shores of Lake Tahoe, especially the last three holes at Edgewood, and you can leave the icy neck wrap, cart air conditioner and Better Than Naked shorts at home. Sunscreen? Reapply at the turn. Sagittarius (Nov. 22—Dec. 21) Turn the cell phone off before you get to the first tee — nobody wants to hear your “Don’t Stop Believin’ ” ringtone, and you might be better off not knowing who’s on the line when you simply must tee off on such a hot summer day. The experts say anyone with brain and without golf jones would stay indoors.


Capricorn (Dec. 22—Jan. 20) Good thing you planned vacation for August (right?), because July is all about work work work, and unless you’ve landed a spot on the Futures Tour, that means nothing good for your golf game. Bat your eyelashes at your clubs now and then to keep them warm, but exert most of your charms on your boss.

Pisces (Feb. 20—March 20) The heights of your persuasive abilities this month may sway your club to install winter rules in July! But, is that really the best use? How about persuading your little silver? golf ball to hold its line a bit more decisively? It’s much less likely than your club to punish you for your admonishments.

Taurus (April 21—May 21) What’s with the grin on your face? And, what’s that you say, you’ll have two scones with your British Women’s Open breakfast? That is, if you decide to spurn the three scramble invitations for a Sunday at Carnoustie? Oh whatever. Enjoy your month of good cheer, Taur. Your tee teammates will too.

Aquarius (Jan. 21—Feb. 19) As if the solar eclipse and national holiday weren’t energizing enough, you’ve got Mars chipping in to your energy basket. Follow this month’s fitness advice and burn it off with some hooping! And try a bit of false humility on the course — your playmates interpret your peace with your game as arrogance.

aries (march 21—april 20) What do you mean you’re confused about the cart-path rule? Check out Guidance for a simple explanation of your options, slip an aphrodisiac into your opponent’s energy water, and play on happily. Confused about...oh, just a little “airy,” Aries? Might be a good month to let a caddy make the decisions.

Gemini (May 22—June 21) Now Gem, stop that negative selftalk. You well know that those 40 putts on Saturday afternoon do not prove you to be a hopeless putter. But a change may be called for — is it the instrument, or the musician? Look within first, then go shopping. Who knows, you might need new lenses more than new putter.

GottaGoGolf I july 2011 I 35

Follow the U.S. Women’s Open on the blog Next month, our “Golf in Style” fashion issue. This month, we’re giving away style from Cutter & Buck, so register at the home page!

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