550-10 (Nord Stern 12-02)

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It s That Time!

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He Said: Porsche did a great job with the interior. It fits big and small alike. And for the first time they’ve added cup holders and a glove box -- gotta have space for your stuff. It’s the perfect car for a spin with your girl, but riding with another guy is a little close for comfort. Final Thoughts He Said: Porsche did right by not messing up a good thing—the car still looks fantastic. However, it would’ve been great if they’d given it some more of the ‘zoom’ that the Porsche shield is known for. Regardless, now that this Road Test is over, women are no longer attracted to me. She Said: They had to pry the keys out of my tightly fisted hand. I enjoyed my stint in the Porsche Boxster. It handled well and proved to be quite a smooth ride for a sports car. When I find my millionaire husband, or win the lottery, the Boxster will definitely show up in my driveway. Editor’s Note: Hmmm, I think they needed to demo the “S” version! NORD STERN

Hmmmm, we all certainly know this is possible! Or someone with Photoshop has too much time on their hands!


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