Hawaiian Magic - Clark Wilkerson

Page 86



In using the knowledge and wisdom you have been given, it is essential to use a strong command and desire that if the invaders should become unruly, you will burn them with the rays of LEE, and they must do what you say. They have to do what you say, for you are dealing with unenlightened minds. Sometimes the only thing they understand is force; therefore, if they do not obey your command, MAKE THEM! In some cases, they do not understand love and affection. They are of a negative nature, or else they would not be harming another individual. They are like a mad dog—you must use force in this case. You use mental power applied with LEE, which is all powerful, and which will bring great pain and a burning sensation to them when applied. Do not limit yourself with your own thinking. Mind is all powerful. When applied in the right direction, miracles can be accomplished! If you have mastered the previous chapters of this book on positive speaking, sin complex removal, negative fixation removal and negative ego correction, you can master these undesirable spirits. If you have not mastered that which we have taught here, it is suggested that you do not try to master these undesirable spirits, for you would not have sufficient power to control them.

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