E Rehmus - The Magician's Dictionary

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the last of the titans) and the serpent-woman, Echidna, Anubis is the son of Osiris and Nephthys (sister of Isis), who assisted in the putting back together of the parts of Osiris and his resurrection. As Gods descend from one people to another, they usually degenerate into monsters. We see this readily in the transformation of pagan deities into Xtian demons. Anubis is god of the three processes of death, resurrection and reintegration, who leads the soul to the underworld under his protection, but Cerberus is merely a monster who guards the pathway. Mention should also be made of the three ultraexistential "beyond" Gods: Ain Soph, Tao and Abraxas. -----------------------------------------------------------------------CETOGENIC Of cetacean origin (as psi force, mass hallucination), according to Swigart, UFO's are cetogenic, the last desperate cry of the whales to man. -----------------------------------------------------------------------CHALDEAN A synonym for "astrologer", since it was the Chaldaeans who were most advanced in this art. The following alphabet is one of 20 or 30 different Chaldean alphabets in Edmund Fry's Pantographia (1799); it is called "celestial" because it was believed to have been designed by ancient astrologers "from the figures of certain stars" (i.e. constellations): -----------------------------------------------------------------------CHANNELING Very popular practice of the 1980's. To channel is to act as an amanuensis or vox for an "etheric world intelligence". If one acts as such a channel, one allows one's own voice to speak in a relaxed and non-interfering way. The channeler is often not aware of the meaning of the message until it has been completely written down or recorded. The knowledge so transmitted is generally of an intellect much beyond the channeler's. Automatic writing and ouija contact were formerly rather rare talents, but almost anyone can learn how to channel. We spend most of our time, in fact, forcing the conscious mind to close (and lock) doors to the unconscious, to deny intuitions, to ignore telepathic intrusions, to block out all inner and outer "voices". -----------------------------------------------------------------------CHAOS The first step away from the Unknown Absolute. HPB says it is "the impenetrable veil between the incognizable and the Logos." Apart from its ordinary meaning, Grant calls it "the ultimate substance of anti-matter." Its number is 156 (same as Babalon). Mostly what we call "order" is but an arbitrary arrangement of chaotic elements, as when we give an arbitrary frame of stars the name of a constellation. Chaos is an endless fount of original realities in which anything is possible at random. Who hath in himself no chaos hath no power to create a star! However, since all things are but a repetition of the one, all things have the same creative handle on them. That is, our worlds are unpredictable as to form, but not to content - or vice-versa, depending on the morphogenetic rules. Science says of chaos, "Highs are followed by lows. Lows are followed by unpredictability." (Which, or course, is to say nothing). -----------------------------------------------------------------------CHAOS MAGICK Basically, it is that aspect of magic that deals with entering the "Abyss" or, on the common level of understanding, facing the unknown Chaos being simply "The Unknown" as apparently devoid of meaning. Chaos Magic was largely the invention of artist Austin Osman Spare in his Zos Kia Cultus. Later, a form of Chaos Magick was developed by a few others in the 1980's as a form of the magic of solipsism. It was best expounded in the 1980s by Pete Carroll in his Liber Null & Psychonaut and comprised the magic of the "Illuminates of Thanateros", and in the 1990s is best exemplified by such groups as AutonomatriX and Z-Cluster, and moreover by myriad individual (or rogue) practitioners such as Andrew Chumbley and Stephen Mace. The very mystery of being itself, said Carroll, is fundamentally connected to how we deal with chaos. We react to chaos by earthing it to its opposite. Once an action or result enters consciousness, then the chao-energy or "cause" has to be carried all the way through to its end "effect" and hence is already implicitly manifest in the thought, even as it rises. If the impulse, however, is thwarted for any reason or scattered by ignorance, it falls back and disappears into its opposite

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