June 2022

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Gò0dNews June 2022


Christian Magazine



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Dr. Alan Hix Andrew Lee Brian Branam Carl W. Corser Chad Hess Chad Van De Griek Chase Holtzclaw Danny Hesterly Jade Morgan Jodi Varnado Jonathon Wright Judy Hood Karla Smedley Katie Loveless Kristen West Shelley Knick Tim Marcum Zebbie Brewster


Matthew Ruckman 423-503-1410 Email: goodnewstn@gmail.com


Caleb Prytherch Email: art.goodnews@gmail.com

PHOTOGRAPHER Melanie Abney 706-844-3818

Hello Friends, We want to take a moment to tell you who we are and what we are about. Our names are Matt and Bethany Ruckman and we have six beautiful children, Brendon, Kailey, Andrew, Leah Jean, Emma, and Cooper. We live in Cleveland, Tennessee, and love what this town has to offer! We have started GoodNews Christian Magazine because we feel that when God, family, and community are combined, lives will be changed. GoodNews Christian Magazine is a complimentary,


Christian lifestyle publication. You can find us


churches, restaurants, and more. Our magazine opens

GoodNews Rome 5500 Monthly

EDITOR/ARTICLE COORDINATOR Jodi Varnado Email: articles.goodnews@gmail.com


Matthew and Bethany Ruckman Cell: 423-503-1410 E-mail: goodnewstn@gmail.com


throughout the community in retail establishments, the door for Christians to work together to grow and strengthen our community through relevant editorial and effective advertising. GoodNews Christian Magazine is written by men and women in the community who love and serve the Lord. Our hearts are open and willing to be used by God to reach out to the community to spread the GoodNews!



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Contents JUNE 2022

GoodNews from the Pastor’s Desk

6 How To Cry (Part 1) by Brian Branam

GoodNews for Kids

8 A Cheerful Heart by Danny Hesterly

GoodNews Money Matters

10 Let’s Get Real (Estate) by Andrew Lee

GoodNews for Men

12 Be A Man of Faith by Chad Hess

GoodNews for Women

14 Fighting the Unseen Opponent

by Karla Smedley GoodNews for Couples

18 The Two Stones of Marriage by Carl W. Corser

GoodNews for Everyone

GoodNews for Life

26 David And Nabal

by Jonathon Wright

GoodNews Poetry

28 Our New Home by Judy Hood

GoodNews for Father’s Day

30 What Kind of Father Should You Be?

by Dr. Alan Hix GoodNews for Everyone

32 Being Made in God’s Image by Chase Holtzclaw

GoodNews for Teachers

34 Give Our Hurts to God by Chad Van De Griek

GoodNews for Everyone

36 Living Water

by Katie Loveless

GoodNews for Everyone

20 Scoring For the Wrong Team 38 Walking With Molly—Part 2 by Kristen West

GoodNews Cover Story

22 Good Shepherd Funeral Home

by Jodi Varnado GoodNews for Everyone

24 Too Wet to Plow

by Zebbie Brewster


by Shelley Knick

GoodNews for Everyone


40 Praying Offensively by Jade Morgan

GoodNews for your Taste Buds

42 Peach Surprise by Tim Marcum


Gò0dNews for Everyone

How To Cry (Part 1)


by Brian Branam

here is a book of the Bible that teaches us how to

regret and remorse. He’s not getting through it as much

cry. Lamentations is the Scripture’s record of the

as he is thinking it through. He works at what the Lord

mournful reflections of the grief-stricken prophet

has brought him to. Jeremiah has worked at preaching;

Jeremiah following Jerusalem’s destruction. Here are

now, he will work at weeping. Your time in the Word

some takeaways from the Bible’s book of tears.

is essential, and so is your weeping. Take time in it and

Embrace It, Don’t Avoid It

work at it.

In a hedonistic culture, we put a premium on pleasure and the avoidance of pain. When there is a loss, we want to rush through it and get back to life. Jeremiah doesn’t rush through his sorrow; he records it. He shares

Devotional Challenge Read Lamentations 1-3 • Write down some of the emotions Jeremiah shares in these passages.

the sights, sounds, and emotions of the moment. He

• What do these passages teach you about the Lord?

reflects on what brought him to this place and sees the

• What do these passages teach you about some of

Lord’s purpose in it.

the actions we should take during times of lament?

“Is it nothing to you, all you who pass by? Look and see if there is any sorrow like my sorrow, which was brought upon me, which the Lord inflicted on the day of his fierce anger” (Lamentations 1:12). When it comes to sorrow, don’t rush it. Embrace it. Pause. Look around. Listen. Write it down. Answer the question, “Why am I here?” Work At It, Don’t Get Over It When it comes to Christian disciplines, we tend to think of actions like serving, witnessing, giving, worshipping, praying, and journaling. What about weeping? Should we not work at weeping as well? Lamentations is an action-packed book of the Bible. Jeremiah weeps. He grinds his teeth. He

If you are not in a time of lament, think back to your

remembers. He cries out. He groans. In Lamentations,

last time of great loss. Did you use that time to deepen

the Lord is at work. He crushes. He cuts down. He lays

your relationship with God, take corrective action, or

waste. He scorns.

did you rush through it? If you are currently in a time of

“He has filled me with bitterness; he has sated me

lament, use Lamentations to guide you through a time

with wormwood. He has made my teeth grind on gravel

of mourning that will help you deepen your relationship

and made me cower in ashes” (Lamentations 3:16-17).

with God and make some needed course corrections.

He is in a painful conversation with God that involves

6 // June 2022

About The Author

Instead of getting over it, Jeremiah is getting into it. Brian Branam is the Pastor of Liberty Baptist Church, a multi-site church in NW Georgia. For more of his material visit www.FeelMyFaith.com.

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Gò0dNews for Kids

A Cheerful Heart


by Danny Hesterly

t’s summer! That’s something to be excited about.

Now to me, the kitchen held different importance

Let’s shout it out loud together. It’s S-U-M-M-E-R!

because it had the only TV connected to the Nintendo. Also,

That felt pretty good, right? I treasure this time of

nearly equal in importance as the TV was our only window

year because the days are long, and it brings back many

air conditioning unit in the house. Summertime in Southern

wonderful memories.

Illinois can be blistering hot, and sleeping in my bedroom

Growing up, on the last day of school, I would have

with only a box fan pushing hot air around was not my idea

this jittery excitement because I knew what awaited the

of a cool summer. So, my siblings and I would sort of take

next 2 ½ months for me and my siblings. Summer brought

over the kitchen each summer, enjoying countless hours

this special privilege of getting to stay up late each night

with one another while enjoying the cool breeze from the

playing the newest Nintendo video games with my sister

good old AC (short for air-conditioning). Proverbs 15:13 says, “A cheerful heart brings a smile to your face; a sad heart makes it hard to get through the day.” Summer is a great time to have fun and make wonderful memories with your family and friends. Did you notice what this proverb or piece of wisdom said? It said, “a cheerful heart brings a smile to your face.” A cheerful heart is a heart full of gratitude. Another way you could say that is a cheerful heart is a thankful heart. When you’re thankful, you’re showing an appreciation for something or that you treasure something special. I treasured my summers growing up as a kid because I knew there were things

and brother. Now, I’m talking about the old-school Nintendo

I got to do that I normally didn’t do while school was

Entertainment System (NES), also known as the best gaming

happening. I was thankful that my mom shared the kitchen

console ever made (at least in my opinion).

with us each summer.

It was only in summer that my brother and sister and

Take a moment and write down or tell a parent, sibling,

I were allowed to sleep in the kitchen. The kitchen was a

or friend some of the things you’d like to do this summer

special place in our home. The kitchen was where my mom

that will bring a smile to your face. I bet some of those

would cook some of the tastiest food I’ve ever eaten. It was

things will also bring a smile to a parent, sibling, or friend’s

also a place that introduced me to the flavors of Korean

face too. Here’s to a fantastic, fun, and memorable summer!

Every dish she served was full of dedication and love for her family.

8 // June 2022

About The Author

cuisine. This was my mom’s favorite room in the home. Danny Hesterly lives in Chattanooga, TN where he spends most of his days in coffee shops helping others discover their part in God’s amazing story. Danny has two children (12, 10) and has been married to his lovely bride for 17 years.

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Let’s Get Real (Estate) MONEY MATTERS

WITH DR. ANDREW LEE Dr. Andrew Lee is professor of English at Lee University. He also serves as a coordinator for Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University. He and his wife Esmerelda have three children.


ince the start of the pandemic, the real estate market

two roommates who are each paying $500 per month (not

has been on an upward trajectory. Home prices and

including utilities), you’re basically living for “free” while

rental rates are soaring, and home buyers are offering

owning your own home.

well over “asking price” to win the bidding war. With a

If you’re wondering how an eighteen-year-old and

national shortage of available homes for sale, there are too

a twenty-year-old (my sons) were able to obtain FHA

many buyers competing for too few homes. At the same time,

mortgages, my wife and I allowed them to be “authorized

countless informercials and podcasts promote real estate

users” on a credit card when they were seventeen years old.

investing as a sure path to wealth. But with interest rates

They used the credit card only for gas in their cars, and they

now rising, some may believe they have missed their chance

paid off their balances in full every month. Within a year,

to realize the dream of home ownership. What to do now?

they both had credit scores over 760 and were able to qualify

One way of entering this expensive housing market is

for FHA mortgages on their “house hacks.”

by “house hacking.” House hacking means that you buy

If you’re wondering where my sons got their money for

a home to live in, and get roommates or tenants to share

their down payments, they saved it from working part-time

the home with you to help cover the mortgage, taxes, and

jobs from age 16-18. (Encourage your teens to get jobs. It

insurance. Many young people are currently doing this

won’t kill them!). Meanwhile, my wife and I own several

with great success. If you buy a house with a bedroom

rental properties, and I regularly talk to successful real estate

and bathroom in the basement, for instance, that might be

investors locally (many of them are my friends) to learn

ideal for a roommate or tenant (especially if you can add a

more. I’ve never paid some real estate “guru” for a course in

kitchen in the basement). In a single-family home, you can

real estate investing. I just read a lot of books and listen to

rent out extra bedrooms, or if you’re able to buy a multi-

podcasts. It’s hard work, but if I can do it, you can do it.

family property (duplex, triplex, or 4plex), you can live in

But is real estate currently too pricey? Should you sit

one unit for “free” while the rents from the other units cover

on the sidelines hoping for a drop in home prices? (I do not

the mortgage and expenses. Both of my sons are currently

offer professional or legal advice, just one man’s opinion).

“house hacking” single-family homes by sharing with

To me, the real question is, “Do you think this property will

roommates, and the rents nearly cover the entire mortgage

be more valuable or less valuable in ten or twenty years?” If

and expenses every month. Here’s an example using real

the answer is “more valuable” (and history has proven this

numbers. By using an FHA loan with a low 3.5% down

over time), then perhaps waiting on the sidelines may cost

payment of $7,000 a $200,000 house, the monthly payment,

you more in the future. “Those who work their land will

insurance, and taxes on a 30-year mortgage is approximately

have abundant food, but those who chase fantasies will have

$1,070 per month. Assuming you share the house with

their fill of poverty” (Proverbs 28:19).

10 // June 2022









Dr. Terri L. Mayes, Pastor Elder John Mayes

Gò0dNews for Men

Be A Man of Faith


by Chad Hess

n Matthew’s Gospel, beginning in Chapter 8

How much simpler would it be to be like the

Verse 5, we are told the story of the Roman

Centurion and pray his prayer? Lord, this is what I

Centurion and his servant. The Roman officer

am facing: illness, marital difficulties, problems at

approaches Jesus begging Him and telling Him

work or with the kids, issues with an elderly parent

that his servant is ill and lying paralyzed at the

(fill in your own blank). I am not worthy, but only

Centurion’s home. Jesus responds, “I will come and

say the word and my soul will be healed. To believe

heal him.” The Centurion replies with words that are repeated every day by Christians around the world: “Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my servant will be healed.” This is known as the Centurion’s prayer and is a wonderful example of simple faith. The Centurion was a man of power and authority in the Roman government, commanding 100 soldiers. He understood well the power of command, and he recognized the power and authority of Jesus. He had faith that Jesus could heal the servant simply by saying the word. In Verse

this, truly believe this, would change everything.

13, Jesus rewards the man’s faith by saying, “Go, let

Keeping in mind that God’s will be done, not

it be done for you as you have believed.”

the fulfillment of all our wishes and desires, is a

As a man, father, brother, or friend, do you have faith in Jesus’ power and authority? Do you trust that

powerful thing. Knowing, really knowing, that Jesus has the

all you have to do is ask for His will to be done, and

authority in heaven and on earth to do His will

then have faith that it will be done? In our roles as

(that is what faith is, by the way) is a wondrous and

men in today’s society, we are inundated with trails

liberating thing for all believers. When the trials

and difficulties. Our faith can be put to the test on

and difficulties come, and they will, be like the

a daily basis. As men, we too are given power and

Centurion—be a man of faith.

to the authority of Jesus. How often do we make decisions without submitting them to Jesus’ will?

12 // June 2022

About The Author

authority, but like the Centurion, we must submit Chad Hess is a husband, father and Army Veteran. He is a parishioner at Saint Andrews Anglican Church in Rome, where he is involved in lay ministries.






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Gò0dNews for Women

Fighting the Unseen Opponent pponents are everywhere! On the court and on the screen, they have the potential to make a good sports game and an interesting movie, but real-life rivals are not so fun. We have faced adversaries for years. They came in many forms. Some as people we did not know, like a rude customer service representative or a flippant driver. However, the people who we consider opponents at times are our co-workers, the ones we live with, or extended family. Think about it. One minute we are sailing along smoothly with a friend or family member when the wave of a disrespectful action occurs and rocks our boat. Learning to recognize these moments and having the wisdom to overcome them is a must in the world in which we live. Perhaps a loved-one does not respond in a way we expected. His reply is too quick, too short, or down-right wrong in our eyes. Maybe the adverse situation is with a teenager who has huffed one too many times. Whatever the situation that causes us to be on the defense, we often result in negative reactions. We must prepare our minds for a better way. While we will encounter rivals that we do not know personally and those that we are close with, our unseen adversary is our most

14 // June 2022

dangerous one. He sneaks up on us; he slams us. He creates uncertainty and doubt. He is Satan, and I don’t like him. Though I do not believe the saying, “The devil made me do it,” I do perceive the statement, “The devil tempted me to do it,” is an absolute truth—as God is not the author of confusion, Satan is (1 Cor. 14:33). In addition, we find that John 10:10a states, “The thief [Satan] comes only to steal and kill and destroy.” That is just what he wants. He wants to take us down and all those around us as well. I want to recognize my ultimate opponent and have a plan that promotes peace, not added hostility, which will only aid Satan in his wicked ways. I must defend myself because when I allow Satan to take hold, my actions affect my families’ lives. Thus, I am opening the door wider for Satan to come into my home. The armor of God is what I need…what we need. By putting on the armor of God, I can take my stand against the devil’s schemes (Ephesians 6:10-18). My mom used to say, “We make it together or crumble together.” I think a paperchain is a wonderful visual for families. When each link is secured, it can be stretched, even under pressure, but it will stay strong. However, when one little link is not secured, the whole chain will weaken. Families should connect like those chains, unify by learning God’s word and applying His principals. As women, we should help each other and the children in our families to learn about the armor of God. One of our best teaching tools is that of example. Our families need to see us putting on the armor of God when we must combat our battles. Our families need to see us act and react to our opponents, those visible or unseen (Satan), so that they too can learn to defend themselves using the word of God— for it is sharper than a doubleedged sword.

About The Author


by Karla Smedley

Karla Smedley lives in Dalton, Georgia, where she has taught 5th through 8th grade for the past twenty-four years. She is a member of Emmaus Baptist Church and has two grown children. She enjoys singing with the praise team at church, and she writes a Christian blog, Smorgasbord of Sisterhood, with her cousin Donna.

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Rome Church Directory

African Methodist Episcopal Bethel AME Church 22 Nichols Rd Rome, Ga 30161 706-295-0019 St. James AME Zion Church 3 Maxwell Lane Rome, GA 30165 404-307-7396 Summer Hill AME Church 1981 Kingston Hwy NE Rome, Ga 30161 706-235-7113


St. Andrew’s Anglican Church 42 Ash Street Rome, Ga 30161 706-235-5892


First Apostolic Church of Rome 3213 Cave Spring Rd Rome, Ga 30161 706-235-9551

Assembly of God

Redemption Church 105 Broadus Road NE Rome, Ga 30161 706-232-0277


Antioch Baptist Church 4526 Big Texas Valley Rome, Ga 30165 706-232-7248 Armuchee Baptist Church 6648 Big Texas Valley Rd NW Rome, Ga 30165 706-235-3169 Berean Baptist Church 8 Skyline Dr Rome, Ga 30161 706-295-9832 Blue Pond Baptist Church 1291 Morrison Campground Rome, Ga 30161 706-235-3296 Bryant Chapel Baptist Church 24 Shady Lane Rome, Ga 30161 706-235-9768 Bush Arbor Baptist Church 3290 Black Bluff Rd Rome, Ga. 30161 770-885-0779 Calhoun Avenue Baptist Church 1021 Calhoun Ave Rome, Ga 30161 706-234-4431 Calvary Baptist Church 101 Broadus Rd NE Rome, Ga 30161 706-291-1461 Cedar Valley Baptist Church 3024 Cedartown Hwy SW Rome, Ga 30161 706-295-0978 Community Chapel Baptist Church 3733 Black Bluff Rd Rome, Ga 30161 706-232-4070 Desoto Park Baptist Church 1107 Cave Spring Rd. Rome, Ga 30161 706-232-6207 Dykes Creek Baptist Church 3181 Kingston Hwy NE Rome Ga, 30161 706-291-7790

16 // June 2022

East Rome Baptist Church 601 Cedar Ave Rome, Ga 30161 706-234-8553 East View Baptist Church 901 Kingston Ave Rome, Ga 30161 706-291-8250 Emmanuel Baptist Church 1414 Old Dalton Rd Rome, Ga 30165 706-232-3939 Enon Baptist Church 3105 Turkey Mountain Rome, Ga 30161 706-295-5052 Fairview Baptist Church 2348 Old Cedartown Hwy SE Lindale, Ga 30147 Fellowship Rome Baptist Church 314 Burnett Ferry Rd Rome, Ga 30165 706-234-9416 First Baptist Church 100 E 4th Ave Rome, Ga 30161 706-291-6850 Flatrock Baptist Church 848 Cunningham Rd SW Rome, Ga 30161 706-234-9976 Flint Hill Baptist Church 3578 Wax Rd SE, Aragon, GA 30104 706-232-8121 Friendship Baptist Church 2283 Calhoun Rd NE Rome, Ga 30161 706-295-4803 Garden Lakes Baptist Church 2200 Redmond Cir Rome, Ga 30165 706-234-6615 Greater Mount Calvary Baptist 445 East 14th St Rome, Ga 30161 706-234-5047 Hill Crest Baptist Church 2202 N Broad St Rome, Ga 30161 706-291-8806 Hollywood Baptist Church 112 Lombardy Way Rome, Ga 30161 706-234-6642 In Focus Baptist Church 12 N Hughes Rome, Ga 30165 706-234-8963 Lakeview Baptist Church 80 Salem Dr Rome, Ga 30165 706-235-2149 Lovejoy Baptist Church 436 Branham Ave Rome, Ga 30171 706-232-1917 McFall Baptist Church 3011 Rockmart Rd SE Rome, Ga 30161 706-235-5673 Mount Alto Church 1915 Huffaker Rd NW Rome, Ga 30165 706-232-6222 Mount Carmel Baptist Church E 20th St Rome, Ga 30161 706-232-8777 Mount Olive Baptist Church 17 E Pennington Rome, Ga 30161

706-234-6413 New Antioch Baptist Church 4553 Calhoun Rd NE Rome, Ga 30161 706-295-2248 New Bethel Baptist Church Weathington Dr Rome, Ga 30161 706, 291-8939 New Canaan Baptist Church 3 Excelsior St Rome, Ga 30165 706-291-1984 New Hope Baptist Church Hwy 156 Rome, Ga 706-235-0250 New Hope Baptist Church 399 Moran Lake Rd Rome, Ga 30161 706-290-0507 North Broad Baptist Church 1309 N Broad St Rome, Ga 30161 706-295-2100 Northwood Missionary Baptist 4076 Calhoun Rd NE Rome, Ga 30161 Park Ave Baptist Church 531 Park Ave SE Lindale, GA 30147 Parkview Baptist Church 4 Wesley Drive Rome, Ga 30165 706-232-4431 PisGah Baptist Church Alabama Rd Rome, Ga 30161 706-232-4431 Pleasant Hope Baptist Church 5935 Rockmart Road SE Silver Creek, Ga 706-235-2800 Pleasant Grove Baptist Church 500 N Division St Rome, Ga 30165 706-235-0731 Pleasant Valley North Baptist 735 Old Summerville Road NW Rome, GA 30165 706-232-6426 Pleasant Valley South Baptist 702 Pleasant Valley Rd SE Silver Creek, Ga 30173 706-234-1841 Providence Baptist Church 17 Burnett Ferry Road SW Rome, Ga 30165 706-291-0689 Riverside Baptist Church 48 Ash Street Rome, Ga 30161 706-291-8114 State Line Baptist Church 8536 Black Bluff Road Cave Spring, Ga 30124 678-988-0339 Saint Paul Baptist Church Pleasant Valley Rd Rome, Ga 30161 706-235-5037 Second Avenue Baptist 823 E 2nd Ave Rome, Ga 30161 706-232-3663 Shannon First Baptist Church 400 Fourth Street, PO Box 997, Shannon, GA 30172 Sherwood Forest Baptist Church 1 Goodman Rd Rome, Ga 30161

706-291-6174 Shorter Avenue Baptist Church 1410 Shorter Ave Rome, Ga 30165 706-234-8266 South Broad Baptist Church 508 South Broad St Rome, Ga 30161 Spring Creek Baptist Church 2636 Chulio Rd SE Rome, Ga 30161 706-234-1220 Springfield Baptist Church 113 Smith St Rome, Ga 30161 706-295-7217 Thankful Baptist Church 935 Spider Webb Dr Rome, Ga 30161 706-291-8132 Three Rivers Church 2960 New Calhoun Highway NE Rome, Ga 706-766-0942 Trinity Baptist Church 1728 Calhoun Rd NE Rome, Ga 30161 706-295-3368 Turner Chapel Baptist Church 756 Turner Chapel Rd Rome, Ga 30161 706-235-8682 Unity Baptist Church 2261 Pleasant Valley Rd Rome, Ga 30161 706-232-2184 West End Baptist Church 107 Mississippi Dr Rome, Ga 30165 706-235-1971 West Rome Baptist Church 914 Shorter Ave Rome, Ga 30165 706-232-9722 Wilkerson Road Baptist Church Wilkerson Rd Rome, Ga 30161 Woodlawn Baptist Church 1649 Cartersville Hwy SE Rome, Ga 30161 706-232-4171 Word & Way Baptist Church New Rocketmart Rd Rome, Ga 30161 706-234-8729


Saint Mary Catholic Church 911 N Broad St Rome, Ga 30161 706-295-7014

Christian & Missionary Alliance

Missionary Alliance 306 Coker Dr Rome, Ga 20165 706-235-9190

Church of Christ

Church of Christ 108 E Callahan St Rome, Ga 30161 706-291-0675 Lindale Church of Christ 3035 Maple Road Lindale, Ga 30147 706-234-3027 Oak Hill Church of Christ 1500 Martha Berry Hwy Rome, Ga 20165 706-291-0351

Rome Church of Christ 121 Primrose Road Rome, Ga 30161 706-234-4444

Church of God

Armuchee Church of God 4974 Martha Berry Hwy Rome, Ga 30165 706-232-4414 Church of God of Prophecy 94 Huffaker Rd. Rome, GA 30165 706-528-4225 Lindale Church of God 585 Park Ave Lindale, Ga 30147 706-232-5676 New Life Church of God 210 E 18th St Rome, Ga 30161 706-232-0704 New Hope Overcoming Church of God 200 Nixon Ave Rome, Ga 30161 706-234-4695 North Rome Church of God 1929 N Broad St Rome, Ga 30161 706-291-6687 Rome AOH Church of God 504 Decatur St Rome, Ga 30165 706-295-2999 West Rome Church of God UA 2827 Alabama Hwy Rome, Ga 30165 706-880-6895

706-234-4923 Renovation Church 13 Redmond Ct. Rome GA 30165 706-314-9084

Latter-day Saints

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 3300 Garden Lakes Pkwy Rome, Ga 30165 706-235-2281


Holy Trinity Lutheran Church 3000 Garden Lakes Blvd Rome, Ga 30165 706-232-7257


Cornerstone Church 324 Mathis Dr Rome, Ga 30165

Beech Creek UMC 2972 Alabama Hwy, Rome, Ga 30165 706-235-4973 Chapel Hill UMC 1818 Kingston Rd Rome, Ga 30161 706-232-9177 Holsey Sinai CME Church 1233 Martin L King Rome, Ga 30161 706-295-7265 Lindsay Chapel UMC 9 College Park Dr SW Rome, Ga 30161 Livingston UMC 21 E Lakeshore Dr SE Rome, Ga 30161 Metropolitan UMC 700 Broad St Rome, Ga 30161 706-291-8660 Mt Pleasant UMC 4782 Alabama Hwy Rome, Ga 30165 706-232-4350 New Bethel Methodist Church Reeceburg Rd Rome, Ga 30161 706-235-9700 North Rome UMC 706-291-6704 Oostanaula UMC 74 Battey Farm Rd Rome, Ga 30161 706-292-0084 Rome First UMC 202 E 3rd Ave Rome, Ga 30161 706-291-8590 Rush Chapel UMC 1225 Rush Chapel Rd Rome, Ga 30161 706-291-7986 Scott Chapel UMC 3 Chambers St NE Rome, Ga 30161 Second Avenue UMC 801 E Second Ave SW Rome, GA 30161 Shannon UMC 600 First Street Shannon, GA 30172

Cave Spring Church of God 19 Mill Street Cave Spring, GA 30124 706-777-8348 Cedar Creek Baptist Church 5440 Black Buff Rd Rome, Ga 30161 706-777-8360

Live Oak Baptist Church 5506 GA-100 Cave Spring, GA 30124 706-777-8566 The Empty Tomb 5630 Fosters Mill Rd SW Cave Spring, GA 30124 Rehoboth Missionary Baptist

Disciples of Christ

First Christian Church 209 E. Second Ave, Rome, Ga 30161


Church of the Transfiguration 304 Coker Dr Rome, Ga 30165 706-234-0197 Saint Peter’s Episcopal Church 101 E 4th Ave Rome, Ga 30161 706-291-9111


Rome Foursquare Church 308 Reservoir St NE Rome, Ga 30161

Full Gospel

Christ Gospel Church 619 Chulio Rd SE Rome, Ga 30161 706-234-7744

Independent Bible

Grace Bible Church 614 Dalton Rd NE Rome, Ga 30165


706-491-7112 Silver Creek UMC 36 Reeceburg Rd SE Silver Creek, GA 30173 706-234-2518 South Broad UMC 546 S Broad St Rome, Ga 30161 706-232-5230 Trinity UMC 606 Turner McCall Blvd SW Rome, Ga 30165 706-291-0033 Wesley Chapel UMC 9 College Park Dr SW Rome, Ga 30161 West Rome UMC 1003 Shorter Ave PO Box 2247 Rome, GA 30164 706-234-6214

Rome, Ga 30165 706-235-8561 Solid Holy Rock Deliverance Tabernacle 700 Kingston Ave Rome, Ga 30161 706-291-8948 The Church at Rome 246 North 5th Avenue Rome, Ga 30165 706-346-2733 Trinity United Christian Church 6 Deer Run Trail Rome, Ga 30165 706-204-8270 We The Church 810 East 2nd Ave Rome, Ga 30161 Words of Faith Tabernacle 3134 Rockmart Rd Rome, Ga 30161 706-314-9158

Rome First Church of the Nazarene 20 Glenda Dr Rome, Ga 30165 706-234-5023

All Saints Church 615 Cleveland Ave Rome, Ga 30165 706-378-4474

Access Church 1905 Calhoun Rd Rome, Ga 30161 705-584-7497 Christian Church at Rome 2417 Shorter Ave Rome, GA 30165 706-235-0501 Glorious New Jerusalem Church 537 W 12th St Rome, Ga 30165 706-295-2045 Glory Tabernacle Church 300 Watson St Rome, Ga 30165 706-235-0888 Gospel Harvester Church 1246 Cartersville Hwy SE Rome, Ga 30161 706-290-9858 Greater Refuge Ministries 1604 North Broad St Rome, GA 30161 706-622-2448 Legacy Church 524 Avenue A SW Rome, GA 30165 LIFE Church of Rome 19 John Davenport Drive Rome GA 30165 706-728-3166 Lighthouse Church of Rome Lighthouse Dr SE Rome, Ga 30161 706-291-0864 New and Living Way Bible Church 59 Dykes Creek Rd Rome, Ga 30161 706-233-9200 Northside Church 75 N. Floyd Park Rd. Rome, Ga 30165 706-233-9896 Rally Up International Ministries 2460 Shorter Avenue

Cannon Temple Holiness Church 308 Porter St Rome, Ga 20161 706-233-9001 Christ Temple Holiness Church 1321 Martin L King Rome, Ga 30161 706-235-3787 Victory Temple Of Joy 118 Williamson St. Rome, Ga 30165 706-766-3865

6 Rehoboth Rd SW Cave Spring, GA 30124 706-777-3313 First Baptist Church 4 Old Cedartown Rd. Cave Spring, GA 30124 706-777-3566 Cave Spring UMC

30 Alabama Street Cave Spring, GA 30124 706-777-8624 Jackson Chapel UMC 301 Jackson Chapel Rd Cave Spring, GA 30125 706-777-3750






Covenant Presbyterian Church EPC 1645 Cartersville Hwy. Rome, GA 30161 706-767-8373 First Presbyterian Church EPC 101 E 3rd Ave Rome, Ga 30161 706-291-6033 Seven Hills Fellowship 530 Broad Street Rome, GA 30161 706-530-1630 Silver Creek Presbyterian Church 6 Old Rockmart Road Silver Creek, Ga 30173 706-234-6862 Westminster Presbyterian Church 1941 Shorter Ave Rome, Ga 30165 706-235-8561

Seventh-Day Adventist

Rome Bethany Seventh-Day Adventist Church 307 E 14th St SW Rome, Ga 30161 706-292-0067 Seventh-Day Adventist Church 2526 Cedartown Hwy SW Rome, Ga 30161 706-234-4117

Cave Spring Church Directory goodnewscm.com // 17

Gò0dNews for Couples

The Two Stones of Marriage


by Carl W. Corser

arriage milestones or millstones? Can both

so slowly, and so fine that we fail to recognize it’s affects upon

become part of a marriage? Which one is most

our marriage. We need to take inventory of our marriage

commonly discussed while marriage is the topic

relationship to identify the millstones that have begun

of the discussion? Doesn’t God intend for us to celebrate

grinding away at its integrity. Destruction of our marriage

milestones in our marriage? How about millstones? Hum?

will sneak up on us if we do not change our behavior.

There’s only one letter that is different in the spelling of these words, but there is a vast difference in the meaning or

If we return to the proper respect and love for our marriage, then the millstone will not have the opportunity

circumstance surrounding each one. It is a wonderful privilege to have the opportunity to celebrate a milestone that becomes a reality in our marriage. “We met on this day, ten, twenty, or even fifty years ago” or “We’ve been married for one year today or some other length of time.” How about a new home, children, or another good memory in our past? Why is a millstone so different? Why is its meaning so tragic? How many marriages do millstones destroy? What does it feel like to become saddled with a millstone within your marriage? Isn’t a common term used in application of this word slow grinding? How can this philosophy be applied to our marriage? Do marriages dissolve overnight? How long does it take for something that occurs within your marriage to

to destroy what God has put together. The celebration

become so terrible that it causes the marriage to split?

of milestones within a marriage will continue to be a

Love can cause us to make some foolish decisions. Sometimes, we are living in the name of love, not

wonderful time. God, help us all to be very protective of our marriage

recognizing that the millstone issue is still slowly grinding

relationship. The family will definitely benefit from the

on our marriage relationship. Then when the split occurs,

celebrations. Our world will become a much better place to

we are in wonder of what and when this all happened.

live. Our society will become healthier and more conducive

Wouldn’t it be so much better if we did not allow the

to the survival of successful marriage relationships. God’s

millstone the opportunity to start its grinding process?

institution of marriage will be re-established as He intended.

Wouldn’t it be so much less pain and suffering if we would

Blessings to you all as you become better custodians of your

ask for forgiveness instead of the millstone of bitterness

marriage, family, and life.

There are many issues that we can allow to become a millstone within our marriage. They become so heavy, grind

18 // June 2022

About The Author

grinding away so slowing at our marriage? Carl Corser is an ordained bishop, business owner, farmer, and is the author of the devotion website, www. sundaymorningdevotion.wordpress.com/living.

Church Activities & Events Hollywood Baptist Church

Greater Refuge Ministries

Monday, June 13 112 Lombardy Way SE, Rome, GA

Saturday, June 18 | 7PM - 10PM 1604 N Broad St, Rome, GA 30161

Dykes Creek Baptist Church

Shorter University

Saturday, June 18 | 5PM 46 Dykes Creek Church Rd NE, Rome, GA

Monday, June 20 315 Shorter Ave, Rome, GA

Spark Studios Vacation Bible School

Appointed Quartet

Movie on the Lawn

Surge 150



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Gò0dNews for Everyone

Scoring For the Wrong Team


by Kristen West

y teammates were bewildered. My coach was

vulnerable to our old ways or one hot-button decision away

dismayed. The crowd was confused. My eighth-

from making a lay-up for our former team. The truth is, we

grade basketball team was pitted against a rival

all stumble in many things (James 3:2), are prone to sin, and

team on that very cold night in 1982. It was one of those

tend to get easily derailed in our faith journey. So, what do

small-town, everyone-gets-hot-under-the-collar kinds of

we do if we find we just scored for our old team? Get back in

games. The kind where, when you’re fourteen years old, it

the game!

feels like a life-or-death match. At one point in the game, I had stolen the ball from the opposing team’s point guard and dribbled to the basket as fast as I could. Most of the other players were behind me. The court ahead was clear. I went in for a lay-up and scored! An easy two points! I was thrilled… until I noticed my team wasn’t cheering and the other team was laughing. That was the mortifying moment when I realized I had just scored for the opposite team! I had succumbed to a moment of familiarity. You see, just one year before this embarrassing flub, I had been a player on the other team! Between my seventh and eighthgrade years, my family had moved. As a result, I changed

1 John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, He [God] is

schools. This game was the first time I had been on the court

faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and cleanse us

with my new team, facing my old team. For just a moment,

from all unrighteousness.”

I had a lapse in judgment and thought I was, once again, playing for my old team. Have you ever done that? Perhaps not in basketball,

God knows our weaknesses and is forever faithful and kind to help get us on our feet, brush us off, give us some great coaching encouragement, and send us back on the

but your Christian walk? In the spiritual scope of things,

court! And, the wonderful reality is that the longer you play

there are only two teams—God’s team and “the opposing”

for God’s team, the less likely you’ll be inclined to score for

team. According to Romans 3:23, we have all been a part of

your former team. It proved true for me in basketball, as

that opposing team at one point or another. As a result, we

well. I went on to play with the same girls from my eighth-

became familiar with it—the rhythms of a self-centered life;

grade ball team for the next five years. I didn’t make the

the habits of selfishness; the team support of the world and

mistake of scoring for my old team again.

all its trappings.

Lesson learned.

ultimately, the best decision we’ll ever make for ourselves and our neighbor; however, that doesn’t mean we’re not

20 // June 2022

About The Author

Joining God’s team is essential for eternal life and, Kristen West works at Rock Bridge Community Church with a heart for staff leadership, development, and care. She is a communicator with a passion to inspire, encourage, and challenge others in their daily walk with Christ. She writes and publishes weekly content on her blog at kristen-west.com.

Parnick Jennings SR, Memorial Chapel


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by Jodi Varnado

here is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant

and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal…” (Ecclesiastes 3:1-3). Parnick Jennings Sr.’s Good Shepherd Funeral Home has served the Rome community for more than thirteen years, providing families with support during the most challenging seasons of life. Parnick Jennings Sr. and his wife, Margaret Eads Jennings, opened Good Shepherd Funeral Home in West Rome in 2008. Jennings was rooted in the funeral business, as his father, James William Jennings, opened Jennings Funeral Home in the 1930s. Together, the

Today, Good Shepherd Funeral Home continues

Jennings became a foundational name in the community

the Jennings way. Andy McGuire, a longtime friend and

known for their compassionate Christian care.

employee of the Jennings family, purchased Good Shepherd

Parnick Jennings Sr. passed away on June 27, 2021 at the

Funeral Home in January of 2022. Now, with the support

age of ninety-one. Jennings faithfully ministered to Rome

of Margaret Jennings and other Jennings family members,

and Floyd County families for nearly seventy years in the

McGuire is upholding the same principles that have guided

family-owned funeral home business. His legacy pervades

the business for over a decade. Along with McGuire,

the business still, perfectly described by its founding

Bobby Don Rogers, Manager, Cameron O’Neal, Licensed

mission statement: Striving to serve you best in this sacred

Apprentice Funeral Director and Embalmer, and the rest of

responsibility, with a staff trained to render a service equaled by

the Good Shepherd Funeral Home employees take care of

few and surpassed by none, at the lowest cost in the community.

day-to-day operations.

22 // June 2022

after the services conclude. Good Shepherd Funeral Home offers Veterans Burial Benefits for families who are honoring the loss of their loved ones, including cremation services, a funeral or memorial ceremony, and an online interactive memorial website. Good Shepherd Funeral Home encourages the process of pre-planning arrangements, and will work with individuals to fill out paperwork and coordinate with third-party entities. As a member of the Rome Chamber of Commerce, McGuire and his staff sponsor local schools and churches in the community. In May of 2022, McGuire had the honor Although Good Shepherd Funeral Home is under new leadership, McGuire assures the Rome community that the business will stay the same. “Our principles have stayed the same; we are here to serve families according to their budget,” said McGuire. “We are thankful for the families who trust us. This is more than just a job for us; it’s more of a ministry.” The often overlooked and unseen realities of the funeral home business, from around the clock business hours to comforting families in the midst of grief, reveal the hearts of McGuire and the complete Good Shepherd Funeral Home staff. “We offer many service options for all individuals with varying budgets—it’s not all about the money for us. A lot of families cannot afford to spend 10,000 dollars on

of performing the National Anthem at the Annual Peace Officers Memorial Service of Floyd County. “We love being involved in our community,” said McGuire. Whether you are looking to begin the pre-planning process or searching for people to guide you through a difficult time, the staff at Good Shepherd Funeral Home is here to help you! Good Shepherd Funeral Home and Memorial Chapel is located at 2750 Shorter Ave, Rome, GA. You can contact Andy McGuire and the Good Shepherd Funeral Home staff at (706)-234-9622 or visit their website for more information and resources: www.goodshepherdfh.net. You can also connect with Good Shepherd Funeral Home on their Facebook page: @parnickjenningssrgoodshepherdfuneralhome.

a funeral. We can work with families and their insurance companies to discuss and plan for more affordable options,” said McGuire. Good Shepherd Funeral Home offers a variety of options for funeral and memorial services, including Jennings SR, Memorial Chapel both burial and cremation Parnick services, to offer families a


personalized experience. After Care grief counseling is also

offered to individuals withFUNERAL on-staff ministersHOME and chaplains


Parnick Parnick Jennings Jennings SR, Memorial SR, Memorial Chapel Chapel


706-234-9622 706-234-9622 goodnewscm.com // 23

Gò0dNews for Everyone

Too Wet to Plow


by Zebbie Brewster

here is an old saying, “Too wet to plow, too windy to

And He sat down and taught the people from the boat.

stack rocks.” My husband will tell me this sometimes

Now when He was through speaking, He said unto Simon,

when I ask him if he wants to do something. With no

‘Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draft.’

good excuse not to go, it seems like a good day to go fishing.

And Simon answering said unto Him, ‘Master, we have

To go fishing on a windy day could be quite challenging if

toiled all the night and have taken nothing. Nevertheless, at

you are float fishing, as your float could be blowing around

Thy word I will let down the net.’ And when they had done

on top of the water. It would make it difficult to see if you

this, they enclosed a great multitude of fishes, and their

were really getting a bite or not. A true fisherman or woman

net began to break. And they beckoned unto their partners,

would know how to work around the problem, especially if

who were in the other boat, that they should come and help

the fish were biting. It is just a joy to be out fishing.

them. And they came and filled both the boats, so that they began to sink. When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, ‘Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord.’ For he was astonished, and all those who were with him, at the draft of the fishes which they had taken; and so also were James and John, the sons of Zebedee, who were partners with Simon. And Jesus said unto Simon, ‘Fear not. From henceforth thou shalt catch men.’ And when they had brought their boats to land, they forsook all and followed Him.” Normally, it would not be good to have broken nets and sunken ships. This time, it was the blessing of catching an overabundance of fish for these fishermen. God’s blessing upon them had

where I had written in the margin, “Broken Nets and Sunken Ships.” This was in Luke 5:1-11 and the call of the first disciples. The date was September 3, 2006, and the preacher was Bobby Stamey. Luke 5:1-11: “And it came to pass that, as the people pressed upon Him to hear the Word of God, He stood by the Lake of Gennesaret and saw two boats standing by the lake, but the fishermen were gone out of them and were washing their nets. And He entered into one of the boats, which was Simon’s, and asked him to put out a little from the land.

24 // June 2022

just begun. Look again at Verse 10, where Jesus told Simon, Fear not. From henceforth thou shalt catch men. They were answering Jesus’ call upon their life to forsake all and follow Him. Missionaries often leave all to follow the call God has put on their lives. They—like the first disciples—are going forward to tell others about the saving grace of a loving Savior. They need our prayers and support as they serve Jesus in the ministry. God has work for all to do. Do it all with a loving heart unto the Lord, for it is a work that is not in vain. About The Author

While reading my Bible this morning, I noticed

Zebbie Brewster resides in Summerville, Georgia. She is an active member at Perennial Springs Baptist Church.

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Gò0dNews for Life

David And Nabal 1 Samuel 25


by Jonathon Wright

avid was well known throughout Israel and Judah. He defeated the great Goliath and his popularity soared. But there were some like

Nabal who were not impressed by David’s ability to take on a giant. Some did not appreciate David in their territory and were faithful to King Saul. This would describe Nabal, who was not only rich but influential, coming from the family of Caleb. When Joshua gave Caleb the land of Judah, he and his family drove out the giant Canaanites. This may explain why Nabal was not impressed by David. As the story continues, David and his men come all, taken care of Nabal’s sheep, and there was a celebration throughout the land. Yet, Nabal was harsh, offensive, and insulted David’s men. Of course, it is true in life that harsh, mean words often lead to violence and problems. When David heard these words, he was furious. He told his men to put on their swords because they were going to wipe these guys out. David was taking matters into his own hands and let anger get the best of him. This is never a good thing. But God had other plans. Abigail, Nabal’s wife, had not seen David’s men or heard of his request, so she went and secretly prepared a feast. Notice verses 18-19. “Then Abigail made haste and took two hundred loaves of bread, two skins of wine, five sheep already dressed, five seahs of roasted grain, one hundred clusters of raisins, and two hundred cakes of figs, and loaded them on donkeys. And she said to her servants,

26 // June 2022

“Go on before me; see, I am coming after you.” But she did not tell her husband Nabal” (NKJV). When she got there, she talked some sense into David. In the end, God took care of these potentially disastrous problems. David thanked and blessed God for her wisdom and gift. Abigail wisely waited until her husband was sober to tell him all she had done. He became like a stone, and ten days later, scripture records his death. David recognized God’s sovereign hand in his life and these events. He eventually would marry this kind and wise woman. In the same way, God stands sovereignly over our lives to prevent major problems. Yet, we still need to walk in kindness, listen to God, and the wise advice of others to see His best.

About The Author

to Nabal expecting some hospitality. They had, after

Jonathon Wright currently lives in Cleveland, Tennessee, and has been a member of the Church of God for about twenty years. He is a graduate of Lee University and Beacon University where he earned a BA and MA in Biblical Studies. He loves studying the Bible and has done so for over thirty years, but only now has God given him a desire and the opportunity to be a writer. He is currently beginning the process of writing a book on Genesis entitled, God’s Good Prophetic Plan: From Beginning to End.

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Gò0dNews Poetry

Our New Home by Judy Hood

We’ll fly like an eagle when Jesus calls us home

We’ll be such a happy bunch—just you wait and see

We’ll dance in the clouds never more to roam

As we worship our Lord, He will be so pleased

It will be such a party; don’t you want to go?

You can’t get to heaven by paying a fee

He’ll take us to that land called our new home

All you need to do is bow on your knee

We’ll watch the angels singing in the choir

God loves everyone, He says in His word

What a sound we will hear like the Holy Ghost fire

He wants you to come and be a part of His herd

It will be brighter than the sunshine we all know

He painted heaven with splendor; we’ll be so amazed

We’ll bathe in His beauty as He calls the roll

We’ll spend eternity with Jesus all of our days

28 // June 2022

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Gò0dNews for Father’s Day

What Kind of Father Should You Be? hat is the most important thing a father can do for his children? You might respond by saying he should provide for his family; make sure that they have a roof over their heads, food to eat, clothes to wear, and some sense of security. So many children in our troubled world don’t have those things, so that is the best thing a father can do for his children. If we look to the Bible for models to follow for passing on our faith, we might think of several prominent individuals. David had a great passion for God. We can see that passion in his Psalms. Although he is seen as Israel’s greatest king and was called “A Man After God’s Own Heart,” he was a disaster as a parent. His oldest son Amon raped his half-sister and was later murdered by their brother Absalom. David banishes Absalom, then relents, and in return, Absalom leads a rebellion against David until he is finally killed in battle. And although David’s heir Solomon starts well, he falls to worshipping the false gods of his many wives, thus leading Israel to do so as well. Hezekiah is considered Israel’s second greatest king, and he purified the practice of the Temple worship of God more than any other king. We are told that God loved Hezekiah so much that he spared his life and gave him an additional 15 years. And yet Hezekiah’s son, Manasseh (who reigned for 50+ years), is considered the evilest king in Israel’s history. Here we have children who were provided for better than anyone else in the land, and yet their father’s faith did not seem to translate to them. What are we to make of that? What kind of faith did they seek to pass on to their children? We can see the evidence of what happens when that faith is not effectively passed on. When we consider King David, we know from the Psalms that he had a great passion for God. When we study Hezekiah’s reign, we find that he practiced his faith better than any king before him. When we think about what type of faith we should pass on to our children, which is more important? Practice without passion is empty action. Practice without passion cannot answer the question of “Why?” On

30 // June 2022

the other hand, passion without the practical expression of faith leaves us vulnerable to being led astray by every whim of doctrine or action that touches us emotionally. It is the practice of faith driven by the passion of our relationship to Christ that communicates effectively and powerfully the full message of the gospel. Passion gives us the “why,” while practice gives us the “what” and the “how.”

Jesus summed that up in one simple statement in John 14:15. On the night before his crucifixion, Jesus told his disciples, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” The answer to the question of what kind of faith should we pass on to our children is BOTH. God calls us to be fathers whose experience of faith is central to and guides every area of our lives. It is a faith that is PROFESSED though one’s lips and is PRACTICED through one’s life. This Father’s Day, I encourage you to commit to being the father, the grandfather, the greatgrandfather that God has called you to be. As fathers, let us fulfill the role as the priest of our homes and commit to teaching and living Christ before our families.

About The Author


by Dr. Alan Hix

Dr. Alan Hix is an Associate Professor of Christian Studies at Shorter University. In addition to being and educator, he has served churches as a pastor, been involved in mission trips to Africa, Canada, and Alaska, and participated in archaeological excavations in Israel for several years.

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Gò0dNews for Everyone

Being Made in God’s Image


by Chase Holtzclaw

ook up and tell me what you see. If you are a believer,

should look at ourselves. How wonderful it is to think

you might see something besides clouds and the sky.

about His love for us. God knew how we would be when

You might see the heavens and look up and say Abba

He chose us. He knew how we would betray Him and sin

or Father God. When I look up, it reminds me of how small

against Him, and yet He still chose us before the foundation

I truly am compared to the existence of the things God has

of the earth. How beautiful is His perfect love for us that He

created. I like to look up at the sky and talk to my Father

would put Himself through death to give us life—a life for

God who is in heaven. God said, “Let us make man in our image according to Our likeness…” (Genesis 1:26). God created man in His own image to remind us of Him. What do you think God sees when He looks at us? This question has so many answers from so many well-educated scholars, and these scholars have much to say about this topic. When I ask myself this question, I must look back to the work of God and think, God said that He made us in His own image. In this image is a perfect plan for our lives and the future we are created for. When we are born, our parents looked at us and compared us to them. How we have the same nose or the same color eyes. We often look at our children and see ourselves in them or parts

a life, after all, is the cost of sin. Sin will cause death, and

of our loved ones. When our kids act a certain way, we can

through our sinfulness, Jesus chose death of His body for us.

see where they may get it from. Father God knows where

The enemy does not want us to see ourselves the way

we get our likeness from. He knows all things about us from

God sees us. He wants us to see the same disappointment

the inside to the outside.

that he sees when he looks at himself. Imagine the jealously

When we look at ourselves in the mirror, do we see

that the enemy has for us because of the love God has for

the love of the Father on us, or do we see the weight of the

you and I. We can overcome the enemy when we truly

sins that we have committed? Sin will not allow us to look

look at ourselves and can see the love of our Heavenly

at ourselves as the image of God. It only lets us look at

Father resting on us. The peace that comes with that is

ourselves with guilt and shame. We are children of the God

overwhelming and is contagious to others. When we are

Almighty, and when we look at ourselves, we should see

walking with the image we were created to walk in, people

Him through us.

can immediately see the light of the Lord through us.

Bearing the image of God is nothing to take lightly us in His image. Our God, the creator of all things, chose to make us His own, which completely changes how we

32 // June 2022

About The Author

considering He loved us so much that He chose to make

Chase Holtzclaw has three wonderful kids. God saved Chase’s life by showing him He has a better way. Chase prays that he can show his children how to love God above everything and to love their neighbor as themselves.

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Gò0dNews for Everyone

Give Our Hurts to God


by Chad Van De Griek

remember back to when I was around nine years old or so, I was getting out of the minivan and working to make my way into the house with the rest of the

family. At that point in my life, I was still learning how to accomplish physical tasks (like getting out of the car) by myself. As a result, it would often take a little bit of time for me to do. On this particular night, a former family member was growing impatient as I slowly made my way from the van to my awaiting reverse walker. He quickly and assertively picks me up and begins to carry me into the house. As we made our way into the house, he began to tell me that “people would get tired of carrying me around,” that I needed to learn to do things on my own, and to quit being, as he put it, “babied.” It’s interesting how little moments like the one I just described can often bring the most damage to one’s heart and mind. Even after fifteen plus years have passed, these painful words can still very much impact the way I think, speak, and act on a daily basis. I often find myself trying to get things done quickly when I know that people are waiting on me, and I am very apologetic if I feel like I am taking too much time to complete a particular task. I don’t want to feel like a burden or hindrance, so I try to shoulder everything on my own. And most of those habits stem from those words spoken on a quiet evening all those years ago. For so long, I took those words to heart, and I let them

my job to make sure they understand how much they hurt

control me in a lot of ways. But as I think back on things,

me or for me to prove them wrong. I can’t let the pain that

I realize that I can’t let someone else’s unhealthy choices

they caused control me. I have to give it to God and trust

become the loudest voice in my head. Of course, those

that I am never alone in that battle. No, it’s not easy. Yes,

words hurt, and I won’t deny that or pretend like they

there will be plenty of days where the pain comes flooding

didn’t impact me. But I can’t let the words of broken and

back or days where we have to wrestle with that pain and

hurting people be the ones that carry the most weight in my

forgiveness over and over. That doesn’t mean that anything

heart and mind.

is wrong with you or me. It shows that we’re human. We

Life is hard. People are going to say and do things that hurt. But I am realizing that forgiving those people is much

must continuously give our hurts to God and lean on those around us that we trust.

It’s about me trusting God enough to let them go. It’s not

34 // June 2022

About The Author

more about me and less about the person who hurt me. Chad Van De Griek lives in Nashville, TN! He loves Jesus, hockey (Go Preds), and is a big Bible nerd. Chad was born with Cerebral Palsy and is very passionate about using his writing as a way to show God’s love to everyone! You can find more of his writing at chadvandegriek.wordpress.com.

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Gò0dNews for Everyone

Living Water by Katie Loveless


recently marveled at how casually a significant relationship

searching. Jesus came to make a way as He says:

seems to wax and wane in my life. The most tender spot

“But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him

stems from how casually they enter and exit when what I

really long for is continuity—a stay. As I prayed about it, God used this concern as a teachable moment to correct me. Isn’t that often what I do? Isn’t that sometimes how I worship? I come into His courts with praise, and then I leave. I enter His gates with thanksgiving, and then I go on about my day murmuring. I casually stroll into the presence of God, and then I exit when what God is longing for from me is

shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life” (John 4:14, KJV). Later Jesus says again: “If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. He that believeth of me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water” (John 7:37b-38, KJV).

continuity—a stay. I want my relationship to be one in which there is no punctuation. There is no beginning and no ending—always with Him and Him always with me. I want to lock eyes with Jesus. I don’t want to go where He is not. I don’t want to be where He is not. And where He is on the move, that is where I want to be moving too. I began to think about water and how many of us get thirsty and visit wells for our supply. Wells of entertainment. Wells of knowledge. Wells of wishful thinking. Wells of nostalgia. Wells of judgement. Wells of superstition. Wells of tradition. In the natural sense, satisfying our thirst with well water has limitations. We must be in proximity to the supply. We also need a clean Finally, we need a reliable way to access the water. Friend, let’s remember that Jesus is our most significant relationship. We can stay tapped in to our source at all times. He came to revitalize our drinking habits. He came so that we wouldn’t have to go in search of people, places, and things outside of us but rather that we could draw from a fountain of life that springs forth from the inside of the life dedicated to Jesus. The story about Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well explains it all. He used a conversation with an outsider to reveal to us that we, too, are an outsider in need of a Savior and in need of a divine supply (see John 4:9-18). So many of us don’t have access to clean drinking water in the spiritual sense. We may feel lost and undone—thirsty and

36 // June 2022

Maybe you’re like me and going through drought in meaningful relationships. Maybe, you are dry and dusty from being cut off from the source of things or people previously significant to you. Maybe, you don’t feel worthy to drink anything at all to free your tongue from the roof of your mouth. Beloved, it’s not all about what is going on all around you. It is about the stirring that takes place from the inside. If you are willing, invite God into the dusty places of your soul. Ask Him to come and fill you as only He can. Ask Him to cause water to come that springs up into everlasting life. Ask him to stir up a well of water that will never run dry. About The Author

supply of water free of sediment and harmful pollutants.

Katie Loveless is a social worker, wife, and mother of five boys. She is a student of grace who enjoys writing, gardening, and empowering others to pursue stability.


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Gò0dNews for Everyone

Walking With Molly—Part 2


by Shelley Knick

raining sessions with Molly continued to grow deeper,

impulse would be to kneel down to her, hold her sweet face

offering more insights. One day, in particular, still

in my hands to remind her, “We are two different species my

stands out. In the world of Washington state weather,

dear. You are missing the point here.”

the days seem to vacillate between romantic summers,

Tears filled my eyes when I thought about God seeing

painfully harsh winters, and chronic in-betweens of blah.

all my trying and failing and holding me close nonetheless.

Routine walks would often take on the temperament of

He likely saw effort, fight, and perseverance—qualities He

the weather. Which is to say, Washington weather and

respected, perhaps admired. Likewise, he saw my impatience

Washington moods are not that far apart.

and demanding responses to failed expectations. It hit me

Molly, however, became a constant for me. Her mood was steady when mine was not. It was humbling how she looked at me with admiration and reverence. She lived for our time together. Molly had a past that was unknown to me. When she came into my life, I knew nothing about how she might have been abandoned. I knew only that she looked like she had recently nursed a litter of puppies and was now discarded. She had lived some years and accumulated some experiences. Her path had refined her, and this intrigued me. Like Molly, at that time, I was a mother without her children and geographically far from my family. Unlike Molly, I had not been used and abandoned along a country road. My story wasn’t overtly tragic. But I had accumulated

that I was ambitious to be awesome like God rather than

enough years and experiences to leave my soul familiar

awesome with God. When we walk with God, we become

with being dislocated in life, detached from purpose, and

a unit. Ultimately, we share in God-Likeness because of

seeking to resolve an ache that consumed me. When Molly

our harmony. He offers transcendent qualities beyond our

arrived, she came with her breeding mate. He was strong and

species. We offer him a vessel, a character, and a reach that

relentless in his will. When they were together, she was his.

is uniquely human. Absent of Him, our striving is in ego. In

After we found him a new home, she and I walked together

truth, He teaches us that relationship is transformative and

like two women in their thirties trying to figure out our

transaction is religious.

purposes together. Something about her poise and elegance made me

Inevitably, Molly gets distracted and defaults to her animal instincts. In response, I apply training techniques

proud of her, though I wasn’t responsible for these qualities.

on the walk to bring her mind back to calm submission.

It was admiration. I wondered what it would be like if she

Restoring our peace becomes my primary objective, as it is

knew how I thought of her. If I felt this way towards her, I

with God. “Like water spilled on the ground, which cannot be

considered how similarly God thought of me as we walked.

recovered, so we must die. But that is not what God desires;

Then I imagined her growing insecure and anxious because she had big ambitions that she wouldn’t have if not

rather he devises ways so that a banished person does not remain banished from him” (2 Sam. 14:14).

up on two legs, to walk and talk with me? Would she grow guilty and wrecked with self-defeat because she couldn’t do more human things? This seemed ridiculous to me. My

38 // June 2022

About The Author

for knowing me. What if she began pressuring herself to stand Shelley is an aspiring writer. She is also a nurse, a wife to her high school sweetheart of 22 years, a brand-new mama to their miracle baby, and a new resident of Rome after moving from Washington state.

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Gò0dNews for Everyone

Praying Offensively


by Jade Morgan

o you ever watch a movie or TV show with

of Esther in such a way God’s power and deity cannot be

someone and they start predicting what will

denied. When it seems we do not see, hear, or feel God, He

happen? It can be so annoying when this happens,

is there, and His promises and Word are being fulfilled.

especially when what they are predicting turns out to

With anxiety and depression more commonly spoken

actually happen. Unfortunately, I am totally this person. My

about than ever before, it seems it is easier for our minds

close friends have learned this about me, and at first, they

to be bent more towards the negative. No wonder it has

were impressed. Now, I am not so sure!

become accepted and commonplace to assume the enemy

Just last week, I was watching a movie with a group of friends, and the uncontrollable urge to audibly say what I

is lurking, or thwarting plans, before we choose to see what God is doing in our midst.

could see coming overtook me. I gave in and verbalized my prediction. My close friend said, “She always does that.” My response was, “They give you every clue about what is going to happen!” A few days later, I was watching a suspenseful TV show and I felt that feeling creep in again. I knew what was about to happen. It was so clear to me. Then, about five minutes later, it did indeed occur. In that moment, I began to realize how this concept parallels our spiritual lives. At first, my thought was that, more often than not, there seem to be clues indicating forthcoming danger or sorrow. I can look back and see this clearly in my own life. Indicators and signs that seemed so hidden at the time but now seem abundantly clear. I had

My pastor said something to me last year that I did

an adversary clearly fighting against me. Having been

not understand at the time, but that has become more

born and bred in the south, I have often been the recipient

and more clear the last several months. He said, “Pray

of the phrases, “The enemy is lurking about,” and “God

offensive prayers, not defensive ones.” I see now how

must be up to something for the enemy to be fighting you

vital it is to not wait until we are in conflict, or tension, or

so hard.” These expressions are said in abundance, and

something stressful happens to pray—this would be praying

often without thought of the power we are giving the

defensively. Creating the habit of praying offensively,

enemy when we say these words and just believe them as

praying to be “Alert and sober minded,” as 1 Peter 5:8 says,

truth. There are often clues about what the enemy is up

and putting on the full armor of God in Ephesians 6 shifts

to, sure. Yet, there are always indications of what God is

our brains and spiritual lives to be on the offense before the

doing and how He is working.

trials even come. Intentional practice will not make perfect,

The story of Esther is so intriguing to me because of

but it will make purpose.

no direct mention of Jesus, nor any of the names people call God. However, it is evident He was there working the entire time. The gospel story is woven throughout the entirely

40 // June 2022

About The Author

how it lacks the mention of the Lord in any way. There is Jade Morgan taught special education for thirteen years before God called her to ministry. She is currently the Connect & Serve Director at Public Church in Cleveland, Tennessee, where she also leads a ladies Community Group.


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Gò0dNews for your Taste Buds

Peach Surprise by Tim Marcum



• ½ cup of milk

1. Combine the first five ingredients until smooth.

• ¾ cup of self-rising flour

2. Then, spread into pan to form crust.

• 1 large box of vanilla instant pudding mix

3. Arrange drained peaches on top of the crust mixture.

• 3 tbsp of butter • 1 egg • Large can of sliced peaches (drain and reserve juice) • 8 oz of cream cheese, softened • ½ cup of sugar • 4-5 tbsp of peach juice • 1 more tbsp of sugar (for sprinkle) • ½ tsp cinnamon (for sprinkle)

42 // June 2022

4. Combine cream cheese, ½ cup of sugar, and peach juice. Mix with mixer on medium for 2-3 minutes until smooth. Pour over crust. 5. Mix cinnamon and 1 tbsp of sugar and sprinkle on top. 6. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. To double the recipe, use a 9x13 disposable pan at 350 degrees for 40 minutes (do not cook longer).

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