2 minute read

Be A Good Citizen

Gò0dNews for Everyone

Be A Good Citizen


by Leslie Bennett

As I get older, I am becoming more of a people watcher. While attending a recent sporting event at one of our local high schools, I caught myself watching people in the crowd more than I was watching the players on the field. And let me tell you, there was a lot to watch… kids running up and down the steps, parents cheering for their high schoolers, groups of friends talking and laughing, people eating hot dogs, hamburgers, pizza, kettle corn, funnel cakes, and popcorn, and couples showing public displays of affection. There were people of all ages, from 3 weeks old to 80+ years old, in attendance. With the pandemic keeping us all in the safety of our own homes for so long, it was great to see so many people at the game supporting their favorite team.

As the game came to an end, I watched a young dad stand up, look around for the nearest trash can, gather up all the trash his family had created, take it to the trash can and throw it away. I then watched many others stand up, leave their trash behind, and walk away. Then I began to think about the people who would have to clean up the stadium after the game. If only everyone had been like the young dad, their job would be so much easier. I wonder who taught that young dad to be a good citizen? His mom? His dad? His grandparents? A teacher? Someone obviously taught him to consider others. His actions showed respect for those coming behind him to clean up the stadium.

This story may not mean much to most of you, but it spoke volumes to me. When my kids were little, I had a job cleaning the church we attended. Every week, I would find church bulletins, chewing gum wrappers, candy wrappers and tissues in the

racks on the backs of the pews. I often wondered why people didn’t take them to the trash can before leaving the service. Although cleaning up your area may seem like a small, insignificant task, it means much to the person coming behind you. Part of being a good citizen has to do with showing courtesy and respect to others. Do your part. Be a good citizen. It doesn’t take much. Be an example for the little ones who are watching.

About The Author Leslie Bennett is a kindergarten assistant at Michigan Avenue School. She is a member of First Baptist Church and sings in the adult choir. She manages a blog at ohyesshedid.org.

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