3 minute read

Courageous Women of Scripture

Gò0dNews for Mothers

Courageous Women of Scripture


by Kelly Gonzalez

Following the birth of my son six months ago, I could not shake the story of a courageous, yet little talked about woman from Scripture. You’ll find her story in Exodus 2:1-10. Yep, it is Moses’ mother.

You probably know the story—the Israelites were becoming so numerous in their captivity that Pharaoh, as well as the Egyptian people, were in dread of them. So, Pharaoh ordered the Hebrew midwives to kill the sons once they were born, but out of their fear of the Lord they did not obey. So, he ordered the people to kill them by throwing them in the Nile River.

What did his mama do? She hid him as long as she could. When she could no longer keep Moses safely a secret, she made him a basket of papyrus reeds, tar and pitch, laid him inside, and set him amongst the reeds of the Nile River. He was just three months old and she put him on the very surface meant to kill him.

This was only her first act of courage and bravery. In an attempt to save his life, she did something that seemed crazy. She had no idea how long he would float, if he would survive, if he would be found and by whom, no idea if placing her sweet babe in that basket would truly save his life. She just knew that she wasn’t just going to sit by while her son was taken from her.

Her second, very courageous act is found in verses 7-10 of this chapter. We know that Pharaoh’s daughter found him, had compassion on him, and that Miriam, Moses’ sister, offered to take him to someone to nurse him. His own mama of course. She nursed him until he grew and then brought him to Pharaoh to become her son.

How bitterly sweet and heartbreaking to be able to hold your son in your arms again, probably for a couple of years, have that sweet bond, but knowing the entire time you have to let him go. Truthfully, this story has been heartbreaking to think about as of late because of the birth of my son. Even now I cry reading it.

These are the questions that rise up in me…

What kind of prayers did she pray over Moses while she had him in her arms?

Did she know he would bring their people to freedom?

Why didn’t other mamas rise up? Or fathers, for that matter, to protect their children?

What if other mamas DID have the courage to do ANYTHING to save their children?

I know we can easily say, “Well, Moses was chosen by the Lord to bring the Israelites out of Egypt and slavery.” Yet, again I ask, what if more mamas stood up?

We are women, and we have a unique ability and destiny to carry and birth something that only we can. Are we hiding in fear, which allows the enemy to win, or are we rising up, daring to do something that looks ridiculous, because in it we become world changers? Are we willing to fight for the dreams and things God has entrusted to us, even if that fight looks like letting go into the unknown? Will we be courageous enough to stand right smack in the threat of the enemy and do the opposite of what he is taunting us with? Rise up sisters and friends. You were born to be courageous; you were born to stand bravely in faith and to change the world.

About The Author My name is Kelly Gonzalez. I’ve been married to my amazing husband, Jay, for almost 4 years and we have 2 beautiful kids. We attend Living Word in Cleveland, TN. We both have a heart to see cities transformed through prayer and evangelism.