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Finding The Call

Gò0dNews for Everyone

Finding The Call


by Chase Holtzclaw

Have you felt the calling from God on your life? If so, what did you do when you knew what God wanted you to do? Did you listen to what the Holy Spirit was telling you, or did you turn the other way and keep going your way? Many times, we find ourselves at a crossroad looking down both paths, not knowing what these paths will intel. It can be easy to look at the path we want and say it will be simple if I do it my way, after all, I know what I want to do and how to do it. When we look down the path that God has for us, we must understand the fact that we will have to let go of our own will and give that to God. Yes, we can continue to have hopes and dreams, but we also must pray that our hopes and dreams will line up with God’s plan and calling on our lives.

Yes, I can see it is not that simple. We can’t just flip a switch and say we will jump up and follow just like that. This process will take time to let the Holy Spirit change how we look at things. This is the renewing of the mind to the ways of the Lord. This is when we learn to trust God the Father in a much more intimate way. Looking into our calling is, for some of us, so easy and for others, it can be very hard to find our calling. In the case where we cannot quite find our calling, it can be for many different reasons. One of the reasons could be that we have already heard the Holy Spirit tell us, but we fear what we are called to or know it will keep us from doing things we want to do. Another reason for not hearing our calling could be that it is not time for us to work in the specific calling we are made for. God could be working on you to build you up in faith to be ready for your calling. God has a way of preparing us for our future and for the job He has for us.

Listening to the Holy Spirit is going to be the only way for us to fully walk in our calling. We must always keep an eye on the Kingdom in order for us to walk the way God has called us to walk. It is so easy to lose sight of what we are doing and get caught up trying to please everyone else but the Lord. When we are unsure and waiting on the Lord to confirm our calling or our assignment, we can always look to the word of God for instructions. You will never go wrong in studying the word of God with the help of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was sent by Jesus to show us the way and teach us. Allow Him to move in your everyday life and

you will be shocked at how you will interact with people around you. Next thing you know, you will be glorifying God and telling people about the good news of Jesus.

A Calling/Kingdom Assignment does not have to be scary; it can be wonderful. The calling on your life will start a journey like no other for you. It will feel like the thing you were meant to do. It is like a void was filled with the call of God inside you. When we have found our assignment from God, our lives do not always get better, but it does become more meaningful. God bless, and I pray you learn to walk in your calling from God.

About The Author Chase Holtzclaw has three wonderful kids. God saved Chase’s life by showing him He has a better way. Chase prays that he can show his children how to love God above everything and to love their neighbor as themselves.

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