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Neuropathy Can Be Healed

Alleviate Your Burning, Numbness, Tingling, Pain & Balance Problems with Our 98% Success Program at Chattanooga Wellness Centers in Cleveland and Chattanooga, TN!


Chattanooga Wellness Centers serve Southeast Tennessee with two locations, providing the latest Holistic Wellness Services and Cold Laser Therapy advancements to reduce pain, heal Neuropathy and soft tissue injuries from auto accidents and so much more! Dr. Shawn R. Jones graduated Cum Laude in 1986 from Palmer College of Chiropractic—the best school in the world where Chiropractic was founded. Dr. Shawn is a licensed Chiropractic Physician who has been helping clients back to health for over thirty-seven years. He began expanding into Neuropathy treatment over five years ago because so many patients were complaining of pain and symptoms in their feet, and sometimes in their hands as well, that kept progressing to the point where people were falling from balance issues from not being able to “feel” where their feet were. These issues were made worse by immobility and sleep deprivation caused by pain in their feet at night! By sharing knowledge and experience with other doctors around the country, Dr. Shawn has developed the best Neuropathy Treatment Programs available anywhere. Plus, they use no medications, no surgery, and no pain—just results!

When asked why his program is superior to any other program out there, Dr. Shawn responded, “The key is to identify exactly how much sensory loss and proprioception (Spatial Awareness, where your body is) has been lost. Knowing how severe the Neuropathy Degeneration is will dictate the level of treatment program you require to reverse and heal your Neuropathy pain.”

“Additionally, anytime we learn new techniques that improve results or superior home equipment, we adapt and improve our programs of care that we offer! For example, the home equipment we send with you is the same in-office treatment other doctors offer. My belief is, I should do in-office what you cannot do at home, like our $30,000 20-watt K-Lasers that super-heal tissues and decrease pain,” said Dr. Shawn.

Not only does Dr. Shawn evaluate your sensory loss, he digs in much deeper by evaluating the muscle strength and tone of the entire muscle chain from the hips all the way down to the toes, to identify and then “Reset Muscles Weaknesses” using his own Cold Laser technique. He has proven that this technique can take

as little as three seconds to make almost any weak muscle strong again—so your hips, knees, ankles, and feet can be stabilized and support your body properly so you can move around again safely, have pain-fee avoidance of falls, and most importantly, get your life back!

Are you ready to travel with your spouse and enjoy your Golden Years? Are you ready to feel good again and get back to work? Are you tired of feeling like a burden on your family? Studies show that patients who are bed-ridden too often give up on life and end up dying within a few months. That is not acceptable—we can help you! Remember God made you, He doesn’t make junk!

We must remove the barriers to healing, give proper nutritional support, reset all muscle weakness, remove nerve impingements in the spine and extremities (hips, knees, ankles, feet, shoulders, wrists, and hands), restore proper nerve function gently, stimulate proprioception with Vibration Therapy, and use our 20-watt Class IV Cold Lasers to “super-heal” your damaged soft tissues—maybe a combination of treatments depending on your severity of sensory loss!

“Generally, if a patients’ sensory loss is under 50%, they will only require in-office treatments plus some nutritional support. If you suffer from over 50% sensory loss, the patient will need some or all of our home treatment program equipment to use daily along with our in-office care program. The good news is you will own your home equipment, so once you are feeling great and your program is completed, you should still use your equipment every week for the rest of your life. Once you go through the time and effort to heal, it takes little effort to keep feeling good the rest of your life. We want you to enjoy a pain-free, fully functional life,” said Dr. Shawn.

Patient Testimonials:

“I could barely walk even using my walker due to the severe pain and numbness, and I moved so slow I was embarrassed to get out in public. In just the first four office treatments and using my home equipment, I can now walk relatively pain-free and at a normal speed!” —Sarah E.

“I am feeling positive changes already in the first week, but more importantly, I feel like I am part of a family that cares every time I come into Chattanooga Wellness Centers!” —Diane P.

Neuropathy Special Offer:

Come in for your Complete Sensory Evaluation, Consultation, Exam, 1st Complete Neuropathy Treatment, and follow up Report of Findings visit to review results all for only $49!

Dr. Shawn offers you the best Non-Invasive Chiropractic and Regenerative Health Services possible, with the latest techniques and equipment for highly successful treatment for Auto Accident Injuries, Neuropathy, and Joint Pain with K-Laser Class 4 Therapy Treatments, while also being the only facility offering the ChiroThin Weight Loss Success Program where you can lose 20-40 pounds in just six weeks!

Call Chattanooga Wellness Centers now!

2245 Chambliss Ave NW, Cleveland, TN 37311 Call 423-790-5000 Also at 6016 E. Brainerd Rd Chattanooga, TN 37421 Call 423-643-2277

Dr. Shawn R. Jones has been in Chiropractic Practice for 37 years and expanded to Cleveland 5 years ago. He has acquired many additional degrees and certifications, including a B.S. in Physical Therapy, ACT Graduate Nutrition Response Testing, Certified in Cold Laser Therapy (He has numerous lasers in both clinics), certified in Holistic Wellness, Applied Kinesiology, NLP, and was awarded the TN Colonel Award in 1994 by Gov. Ned McWhorter for outstanding community service. He and Carrie Doyle were married May 1st of this year and he is relocating his residence to beautiful Cleveland, TN.