1 minute read

Judgement Day

by Leslie Bennett

Ilong for the day when justice and righteousness prevail. I long for the day when evil, hate, injustice, and unrighteousness will be swept away forever.


Sometimes, it feels like we are pushed into a corner with no way out. We often feel defeated, beat-down, helpless, weak, and weary from the struggle. However, as Believers, we know how the story ends and we are on the winning side. That day is coming…maybe sooner than we think. All things will be made right once and for all.

Hang in there, children of God. He has not forgotten us, nor has He thrown in the towel. He is fighting for us!

You may look around wondering who is going to be able to straighten out all the chaos happening in our world right now. The answer is found in Matthew. Judgement Day is coming when we all will be judged. The sheep will be separated from the goats.

“All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats. And He will set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left” (Matthew 25:32-33, NKJV).

We must be sure that we are ready to meet Him on that final judgement day when we will stand before Him and all things are made right.

About The Author Leslie Bennett is a kindergarten assistant at Michigan Avenue School. She is a member of First Baptist Church and sings in the adult choir. She manages a blog at ohyesshedid.org.