January 2020

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Gò0dNews January 2020


Christian Magazine



Back row (L to R) Rick Smith, Pre-Need; Mason Holliday, funeral assistant; Perry Horner, funeral assistant; Joseph Bathe, funeral assistant; Jim Swafford, funeral assistant. Front row (L to R) Jim Hibbard, funeral assistant; Judy Cochran, administrative assistant; Marc Rush, licensed funeral director; Greg Rush, licensed funeral director; Darla Rush, administrative/community services; Frances Swafford, funeral assistant; Tom Grissom, funeral assistant. Not pictured: Tim Higgs, funeral assistant; Caleb Douglas, funeral assistant; Alex Rosario, funeral assistant.



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Hello Friends, We want to take a moment to tell you who we are and what we are about. Our names are Matt and Bethany Ruckman and we have five beautiful children, Brendon, Kailey, Andrew, Leah Jean, and Emma. We live in Cleveland, Tennessee, and love what this town has to offer! We have started GoodNews Christian Magazine because we feel that when God, family, and

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Contents JANUARY 2020

GoodNews from the Pastor’s Desk

6 Valuable Insights On

Absolutely “Nothing” by Mike Shreve

GoodNews for Kids

8 Good Enough by Ellie James

GoodNews on Money Matters

GoodNews for Everyone

30 A Christmas Reflection:

“It Happened Like This” by Dr. Rob Debelak

GoodNews for Couples

32 Love...Endures by John Garrod

GoodNews for Seniors

10 Don’t Just Save­—Remember 34 Legacy Village: Finding The to Invest

by Andrew Lee GoodNews for Men

12 The Good Guys

by Julius McCarter

GoodNews for Women

14 Redemption

by Shannon Wright

GoodNews for Parents

20 Teenagers—Without

Internet Or Smartphones?

by Darren and Kristi Schalk GoodNews for Life

22 Thoughts on Aging by Danette Reeves

GoodNews for Genuineness

24 Striving for Authenticity by Kelly McDonald, Jr.

GoodNews Cover Story

26 Anytime Fitness on 25th

& Ocoee is the number one coaching facility in Cleveland, TN.

GoodNews for the New Year

28 Remember The Needy In The New Year

by Carrie Rigdon

Right Fit

by Jason Gibson


GoodNews for Everyone

36 Leading Without Insecurity by Samuel Burger

GoodNews on Winterfest

38 Church of God Smoky

Mountain Winterfest Is A Gift From God

GoodNews from Lee University

40 The 100 Year Journey

from Correspondence to Online Learning at Lee University


GoodNews for Everyone

42 Messy Trust is Still Trust by Alicia Klepper

GoodNews for Everyone

44 Old-Timers

by James Hawkins

GoodNews Ministry Spotlight

46 Traveling Exhibit Billy

Graham: Pilgrim Preacher Now Open at Bradley Square Mall

GoodNews for Strength

50 I Know True Strength by Ashley McPhearson


Gò0dNews from the Pastor’s Desk Valuable Insights On Absolutely “Nothing”


by Mike Shreve

od recently impressed me with the importance

Asa got his answer. The enemy was conquered—

of NOTHING. Yes, I mean that. The concept of

miraculously. If we want a miracle of “biblical” proportion,

NOTHING, as drawn from Scripture, speaks

maybe we should pray in a similar way, saying, “God, it is

SOMETHING of great value for God’s people, especially as

nothing for You to help me.” Then, expect God to be God.

we envision the new year and its potential. Many powerful


Bible passages use this key concept. The following three

Job dared to declare that God, “stretches out the north over

examples are exceptional:

empty space: He hangs the earth on nothing.” (Job 26:7)

1. THE CREATION PRINCIPLE—In the beginning,

Think of that! God “hangs the earth on nothing.”

“The earth was without form, and void.” (Genesis 1:2). So,

Yet the earth weighs 6.6 sextillion pounds (that’s

nothing existed except a vacuum of absolute emptiness. Then

6,600,000,000,000,000,000,000 pounds—6.6 times a thousand,

God spoke. Out of nothing (ex nihilo), He brought forth a universe so vast it defies measurement and so beautiful it defies description. In like manner, at a certain time our lives were “without form and void.” Then, God spoke into the nothingness of the emptiness we felt, and He created an inheritance so immeasurable and a destiny so beautiful that both defy description (“eye has not seen, nor ear heard”). Strangely, we must recognize the former before the latter can become a reality. Consider Jesus’ statement to His disciples: "I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). Once we admit our “nothingness,” and make Jesus Lord of our lives, we switch from “nothing” working

times a million, times a million, times a million pounds). Yet

right to “everything” being possible—for Philippians

there are no supporting wires or invisible pillars. This huge

4:13 assures, “I can do all things through Christ who

ball of matter is just suspended in space. How? Hebrews 1:3

strengthens me.”

says God upholds “all things by the Word of His power.”

2. THE PRAYER PRINCIPLE—King Asa was faced with

So, when we feel weak, vulnerable or incapable, when

a dilemma. The million-man Ethiopian army was marching

there’s nothing visible or tangible holding us up, we can

on Jerusalem and they had only 300,000 men to resist. The

still hang our lives on the promises of God’s written Word

odds were over 3-to-1 in favor of Ethiopia winning, but

and the living words He speaks to our hearts. Though this

Judah’s righteous king turned his gaze upward. As he

supernatural ‘support system’ is invisible to the natural eye,

prayed, he did not magnify the bigness of the problem. He

“underneath are the everlasting arms” (Deuteronomy 33:27).

magnified the greatness of God, saying: or with those who have no power” (2 Chronicles 14:11).

6 // January 2020

About The Author

“Lord, it is nothing for You to help, whether with many Author, Mike Shreve, and his wife, Elizabeth, have worked in the ministry together over 35 years. They travel evangelistically, pastor a Cleveland church (The Sanctuary) and run a Christian publishing company (Deeper Revelation Books). He is the author of 15 books, including three #1 bestsellers on Amazon. www.shreveministries.org


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Gò0dNews for Kids

Good Enough


by Ellie James

o anyone struggling with feeling unwanted or not

do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing

good enough, you are not alone. It’s hard. This

that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the

feeling breaks us down, makes us want to give up,

inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.” Even though

and makes us question if God even gave us a talent at all,

it goes against every want of our flesh, we were put here

or if we’re just blinded to reality and we actually stink. I

on this earth to glorify our risen Savior, not ourselves.

know it has me. I used to be a part of a group where I felt

Sometimes, God gets more glory from what is not

these feelings constantly. I would come home wanting

seen, rather than what is. So, next time you are faced with

to break down and cry. “It’s not fair,” I would think to

the feeling of being unwanted or not being good enough,

myself, and maybe out loud to my mom too. “Why can’t they just choose me? Why can’t they just let me have that special thing I have worked hard for? Why not me?” Some of my favorite singers, The Judds, sing a song called “Why Not Me.” And even though it’s about a girl desperate for love from a man who pays her no attention, I found myself wanting to write a parody and sing it to the people in charge of this group. But it is in times like this that the Lord reminds me of Jeremiah 29:11: “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper and not harm you, plans for a future and a hope.” He has

remember these things and find joy in the fact that even

me in His hands, and though I may not ever understand

though in the moment we are hurt, we were just given

why, there is a reason He allows and does not allow

another opportunity to share Jesus without even saying a

certain things to happen to us in this life.

word: by just being content. My favorite quote, and I am

I feel as though experiences like this teach us patience, one of the fruits of the spirit (Galatians

not even sure of who said it, is this: “Only one life, will soon be past. Only what’s done for Christ will last.”

5:22-23). Also, someone has to be the one to lead in everyone—I’m including myself here—wants to be seen. But Colossians 3:23-24 says, “And whatever you do,

8 // January 2020

About The Author

the background. No one ever wants to be, because My name is Ellie James and I am a Junior at Bradley Central High School. I go to Samples Memorial Baptist Church, and I run a ministry there as well. I love the Lord and I hope to pursue a career in Christian writing upon my graduation.

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Don’t just Save— Remember to Invest MONEY MATTERS

WITH DR. ANDREW LEE Dr. Andrew Lee is professor of English at Lee University. He also serves as a coordinator for Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University. He and his wife Esmerelda have three children.


t seems that most financial advice boils down to this: “spend less, save more.” Very good, but don’t stop there. Once you have saved enough money in an “emergency fund” to cover three to six months of expenses, you really need to stop “saving” and start “investing.” There is a huge difference. For instance, if you keep saving money every month and letting the money languish in your checking account or savings account, you will actually lose money to inflation over time as the buying power of your monthly shrinks year after year. Instead, once your cash emergency fund is in place, you should begin investing your surplus money every month in order to make it grow and outpace inflation. Otherwise, you’re just treading water or even losing ground, financially speaking. So where and how to invest? For starters, if your employer offers a “match” for contributing to your 401k or 403b retirement plan at work, you should definitely invest enough money to get the match. Never turn down “free money” in these situations. Once you’ve maxed out your “match” with your employer retirement plan (or if they don’t offer a match), create your own Roth IRA account and contribute to that every month, usually 10%15% of your monthly salary is an excellent goal. I highly recommend using Vanguard your Roth IRA; they are the world’s largest and least expensive mutual fund company, and just a quick online application will set up your Roth IRA in no time. (FYI, I make no money for recommending Vanguard funds; I truly believe they are the best option for most investors, and my wife and I have accounts there, as well as all three of our children).

10 // January 2020

Here’s the next crucial detail—although you are now investing money each month into your employer retirement plan or your Roth IRA account, you still must choose where your money will be invested. Here’s a real “horror story” I heard recently. A man had been investing regularly every month in his 401k plan at work, putting away roughly $140,000 over twenty years. As he approached his target retirement date, he (finally) contacted his 401k company to see how much money he had in there. He figured he should have roughly $400,000 after twenty years of investing in the stock market using mutual funds inside his 401k plan. But to his horror, he found out that he never directed his retirement contributions to go into stock mutual funds. Instead, his money had languished in a money-market account for two decades, earning almost nothing. Now, at retirement, he had less than half the amount of money he was counting on. He had to postpone retirement for at least another decade, well into his seventies. Moral of the story— contributing to your retirement accounts isn’t enough by itself. You must select “where” you want your investments to be directed. Stock market funds? Bond funds? Real estate funds? Be sure you take one more crucial step by choosing where and how you want that retirement money invested. Otherwise, the retirement plan will simply “save” your money in a very low-interest account, and you’ll have less money than you could have if you had taken more risk by investing in stock mutual funds. So don’t just “save”— remember to “invest” for growth. Remember the Parable of the Talents in the Gospels? The master (God) was very upset with the man who merely “saved” his talent by burying it in the ground. The other two men invested their talents (money), and they were richly rewarded.

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Gò0dNews for Men

The Good Guys got a call from a friend who had some extra time on his hands while he was at the airport waiting for his wife. “Julius,” he asked me, “why is it that when I come home from a trip, I’m always taking Uber to my house. But when my wife comes home, it’s assumed I’ll be there to pick her up? If I told her to call Uber, it would be a declaration of war!” We laughed at the double standard and moved on. Most of my guy friends live with double standards like that. I am surrounded by men who heroically serve, honor, respect, support, and cherish their wives. But when I read Christian blogs and go on social media, I’m bombarded by how awful men are: how they are abusive, power-hungry, dismissive of those who prey on women, and misogynistic. I don’t doubt these stories; many women have been deeply hurt by men in all those categories. But today, I’d like to highlight and pay deference to the good guys. I get why so many women are so angry at so many men. They have a reason to be. I’m not defending misogyny, abuse of power, chauvinism, or other male ills. The challenge in celebrating the good guys is the simple fact that since every man has his compromises and conflicts, the question arises: how perfect does a man have to be to be celebrated? Samson comes off in the Bible as a man driven by his lusts—for foreign women (including a prostitute), for gambling, and for violence. Samson murders 30 men for their clothes just to pay off his gambling debts. When I preached on his life not so long ago, I couldn’t use him as a positive example because he’s not. Yet, when you read Hebrews 11, he’s listed among the heroes of faith. Socially, it is open season on men in general and evangelical men in particular. Sadly, men and evangelicals have given their enemies many easy (and justified) targets to shoot at. But my nature is to be an encourager, and I see many men and many churches trying really hard, harder than anyone could imagine, to be among the “good” ones: to serve with good motives and to bless and lift up, not to

12 // January 2020

exert power and authority for the sake of their egos. Yet, if there’s one sentence in a few decades’ worth of sermons that could be misconstrued or one decision in a thousand that may, in hindsight, have lacked discretion, they get pilloried and shamed. Guys, you know we’re in an open season on men—for some understandable reasons. We’re not going to get a lot of empathy from “the crowd” or on social media. But we can support each other. We can let down our guard with other men and encourage each other to become the kind

of men we aspire to be: men who won’t define us by our worst moments but who will affirm God’s grace, mercy, and forgiveness and inspire us in our aspirations to live, love, and serve like Christ. For the good (not perfect) guys: Thanks for your sacrifice. For those women who have been hurt deeply and traumatically by men: I’m not minimizing your pain. Your hurt is real and justified and needs to be taken seriously. You would have to be a robot not to feel angry and jaded. Just please, for this one article, don’t take offense when I tell some men, “Atta boy; keep it up, brother.”

About The Author


by Dr. Julius McCarter

Dr. Julius McCarter is a husband to Kendra, a friend to some, a teacher to many and a follower of Christ. Julius has been a pastor and teacher for over 20 years. A lover of good books and music most of his life. His most recent book is Pastoralia: Reflections after 20 Years in Ministry.




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Gò0dNews for Women

Redemption rowing up in childhood abuse has lasting effects on a person long into adulthood and, for some, for the rest of their lives. My entire life, up to the point of salvation, I always looked for immediate gratification to “take me away” to find happiness in the dark world I was living in. My path of destruction started when I was about 8 years old, and it only grew worse for the next 26 years! I have battled with every type of addiction—drugs, alcohol, exercise bulimia, anorexia, attention and approval from the opposite sex, approval and acceptance from people in general, and the list goes on. But each time the temptations grabbed me and promised me a happy ending, no matter the addiction, I never found the ending to be happy. It just made the addiction stronger and needing a higher dose of something harder. The end of my rope and the bottom of my pit came in October of 2014. I had found myself in the deepest pit of my life. I was receiving more attention from men than I had ever before. It was yet another addiction I could not shake. At this point, I had been married for 12 years with two beautiful children. Our marriage wasn’t picture perfect by any means, but it wasn’t terrible either. I was just trying to fill that Godshaped void in my heart that only God can fill. But instead, I continually looked to earthly things to fill it and found myself in three affairs in three months. At this point, I had guilt and shame covering me: not only from the affairs but also from everything else I had ever done in my life. I was tired of living the life that I was living; everything I was doing was leading me down a dead-end road. It was October 2, 2014 in Madisonville, Tennessee, where my life was about to change forever. I sat in the car with my mother-in-law who has been a preacher’s wife for over 30 years. I asked her what a person could do to ever be forgiven for all of the sins they had committed in their life. She said the most beautiful words I have ever heard spoken to me: “Shannon, you just have to surrender your life to the Lord.” And right there in that moment, I looked up to the sky and whispered to myself, “Surrender your

14 // January 2020

life to the Lord. Surrender your life to the Lord.” Right at that moment, Jesus entered my heart, and I have never been the same since. I gave my life up to Him, and I have never turned back. Life has never been as clear to me as what it has been these past five years. I no longer live in darkness, but instead, I live in complete freedom! The things of this world no longer matter to me: only Jesus and His saving grace and redemptive power.

About The Author


by Shannon Wright

Shannon Wright is the owner of Touch the Sky Events & Promotions, LLC and a resident of Cleveland, TN with her husband, Jason, and two daughters, Maleah and Finley. Shannon and her family are faithful members of North Cleveland Church of God; Shannon thanks The Lord every day for saving her life and her family October 2, 2014.

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Simply Chic Boutique • 3330 Keith Street • 423.458.1571

Cleveland Church Directory ACNA Emmanuel Fellowship Anglican Church (ACNA) 155 Inman Street East, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 400-3307


First Apostolic Church 4355 Holiday Inn Express Way Cleveland, TN 37312 (229) 343-6880

Assembly of God

Grace Assembly 1976 Westland Dr SW, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 472-7729 Triune Assembly 301 Sunset Drive Cleveland, TN 37312


Beacon Baptist Church 505 Corvin Rd NE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 472-7056 Bellefounte Baptist Church 132 Bellfounte Rd NE, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 336-2312 Bethel Baptist Tabernacle 3165 Buchanan Rd SE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 479-5820 Berean Baptist Church 2355 Bucks Pocket Rd SE, Old Fort, TN 37362 (423) 478-1697 Big Spring Baptist Church 1415 Hardwick St SE, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 472-1101 Blue Springs Baptist Church 699 Blue Springs Church Rd SW, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 472-0932 Candies Creek Church 294 Old Eureka Rd Charleston, TN 37310 (423) 479-3731 Cedar Springs Baptist Church 723 Cedar Springs Church Rd SE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 479-5506 Center Point Baptist Church 1205 Lower River Rd NW Charleston, TN 37310 (423) 336-2133 Cleveland Cowboy Church 3040 Blythe Rd. Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 476-7936 Cloverleaf Baptist Church 2290 Waterlevel Highway Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 339-3617 Clingan Ridge Baptist Church 2412 Georgetown Road, NW Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 472-3511 Church At Grace Point 2595 Old Freewill Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 728-5050 Covenant Baptist Church

16 // January 2020

249 Calhoun Rd SE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 559-2653 Dalton Pike Baptist Church 3055 Benton Pike NE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 472-7606 East Cleveland Baptist Church 1145 Arnold St NE, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 472-8728 Echos of Mercy Baptist Church 535 Durkee Rd SE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 715-9739 Elkmont Baptist Church 4030 Old Freewill Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 479-4600 Emmanuel Baptist Church 1227 Powerline Dr NE, Cleveland, TN 37323 Farmland Community Church 1675 Greendale Dr. SE Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 473-9891 First Baptist Church 1275 Stuart Road Cleveland, Tennessee 37312 (423) 709-9100 Galilee Baptist Church 665 Old Chattanooga Pike SW, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 496-2019 Henegar Baptist Church 7423 Mouse Creek Rd. Cleveland, TN 37312 Hopewell Baptist Church 188 Old Georgetown Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 479-3763 Lebanon Baptist Church 1411 Old Parksville Rd NE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 479-6700 Macedonia Baptist Church 3119 Spring Place Rd SE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 479-1713 Maple Street Baptist Church 1700 Maple St NE, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 478-3622 Maranatha Baptist Church 453 Blue Springs Ln SE, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 614-8991 Michigan Avenue Baptist Church 2741 Benton Pike NE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 472-8891 Mt Carmel Baptist Church 7619 Blue Springs Rd, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 479-1620 New Friendship Baptist Church 1344 Chatata Valley Rd NE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 476-6007 North Cleveland Baptist Church 2815 Ocoee St N, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 476-8524 Oak Grove Baptist Church 4452 Bates Pike SE,

Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 479-9125 Old Pathway Baptist Church 224 Rymer Rd NE, Cleveland, TN 37323 Parkway Baptist Church 185 Meadow Ln SE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 339-5522 Philadelphia Baptist Church 910 30th St SE, Cleveland, TN 37323 Philippi Baptist Church 2325 Old Harrison Pike NW, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 479-5385 Pleasant Grove Missionary Baptist Church 799 Inman Street East Cleveland, Tennessee 37311 (423) 476-4081 Public Church 850 17th St. NW Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 458-4405 Ridgeview Baptist Church 1501 S Ocoee St, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 472-5119 Samples Memorial Baptist Church 371 Samples Chapel Rd SE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 476-2329 Shenandoah Baptist Church 138 Osment Rd SE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 339-0103 Shiloh Baptist Church 3406 Blair Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 479-5755 Stuart Park Baptist Church 850 17th St NW, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 472-6741 Tasso Baptist Church 164 Old Charleston Rd NE, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 559-2114 Temple Baptist Church 3070 Harrison Pike, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 476-6813 Thompson Spring Baptist Church 5660 Bates Pike SE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 790-1823 Union Baptist Church 797 Hughes Lake Rd SE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 559-1720 Valley View Baptist Church 4657 Spring Place Rd SE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 472-7707 Washington Avenue Baptist Church 1720 Perry St SE, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 472-0489 Waterville Baptist Church 4555 Dalton Pike SE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 472-5582 West Cleveland Baptist Church 1959 Westland Dr SW, Cleveland, TN 37311

(423) 472-8927 Westwood Baptist Church 4001 Georgetown Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 472-1534 White Oak Baptist Church 2043 White Oak Valley Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 559-2359


St Therese Catholic Church 900 Clingan Ridge Dr NW, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 476-8123


Cleveland Christian Fellowship 695 S Ocoee St, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 476-2642

Church of God

Agape Place Church of God 2611 Blue Springs Road SE Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 476-8691 Community Chapel Church of God 807 Blythe Ave SE Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 479-2143 Cornerstone Church of God 2823 Lee Hwy, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 478-0006 Church of God Sanctified, Inc. 746 First Street N.E. Cleveland, TN. 37311 (423) 479-3895 East Cleveland Church of God 900 15th St NE Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 479-3389 Fellowship of Praise Church of God 931 Inman Street East Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 479-3121 Grace Community Church of God 4745 Mouse Creek Road NW, Cleveland, TN 37312. (423) 614-0708 Heritage Fellowship Church of God 4635 South Lee Hwy McDonald, TN 37353 (423) 476-6316 International Worship Center Centro Internacional de Adoraciรณn 533 Central Ave. NE, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 476-1977 Kinser Church of God 141 Kinser Road Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 476-7400 Lakeview Church of God 105 Pound Street SE Cleveland, TN 37323 (423)-790-5805 North Cleveland Church of God 335 11th St NE, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 476-5513 Michigan Avenue Church of God 515 Minnis Road NE (423) 284-7573 Mt Olive Church of God

3522 Harrison Pike, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 479-3381 Mt View Church of God 210 Roadway Dr SE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (706) 455-3528 Pine Hill Church of God 1484 Old Alabama Rd McDonald, TN 37353 (423) 488-0939 South Cleveland Church of God 1846 Volunteer Dr SW, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 476-6382 Westmore Church of God 2412 Wolfe Dr NW, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 479-3415

Church of God of Prophecy

Cleveland Spanish COGOP 2610 Grove Ave. Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 473-7199 Durkee Road COGOP 201 Durkee Rd. Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 472-4384 Keith Street Ministries COGOP 4000 Keith ST. NW Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 476-2448 Peerless Road COGOP 3301 Peerless Rd. NW Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 303-2680 Spring Place COGOP 2530 Spring Place Rd. Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 476-6414 Union Grove COGOP 533 Union Grove Rd Charleston, TN 37310 (423) 479-5357 Wildwood COGOP 140 Wildwood Ave Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 479-6584

The Church of God

The Church of God Jerusalem Acres 1826 Dalton Pike SE Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 472-1597

Disciples of Christ

First Christian Church 3625 N. Ocoee Street Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 472-6682


Saint Luke’s Episcopal Church 320 Broad St NW, Cleveland, TN 37311


First Lutheran Church 195 McIntire Ave NE, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 472-6811

Latter-day Saints

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 4200 Pryor Rd N.E. Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 503-6394


Big Spring United Methodist 1196 Hardwick St SE, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 476-5242 Black Fox United Methodist 1820 Old Chattanooga Pike SW, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 339-1908 Broad Street United Methodist 155 Central Ave NW, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 476-5586 First United Methodist Church 3425 Ocoee St N, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 476-4504 Pleasant Grove UMC 3043 Pleasant Grove Church Rd SW Cleveland, TN 37311 Red Hill United Methodist Church 527 Red Hill Valley Road SE Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 728-5413 South Cleveland United Methodist 1165 Church St SE, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 507-5760 Tasso United Methodist 1106 Tasso Ln NE, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 479-4457 Trinity United Methodist Church 731 1st St SE, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 614-7900 Valley Head Methodist Church 920 Mouse Creek Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 472-0575 Wesley Memorial Methodist 3405 Peerless Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 472-9578


Faith Memorial Church 910 17th St NW, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 476-6281 First United Pentecostal Church 4095 Peerless Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 476-9436 Full Gospel House of Prayer 1500 Wildwood Ave. Cleveland, TN Set Free Christian Fellowship 1175 King Edwards Ave. Cleveland, TN


Cleveland First Church Of The Nazarene 2712 Henderson Ave. Cleveland, TN 37312 423-472-7371 New Hope Church of the Nazarene 2018 Washington Ave Cleveland, TN 37364 (423) 479-7343

Non-Denominational Christian Fellowship Ctr 895 6th St NE, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 479-9591 Church Alive Ministries 6315 Mouse Creek Road NW, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 476-8133 Cleveland Community Chapel 1823 Forest Ridge Dr. Cleveland, TN 37311 Cleveland Cornerstone Church 533 Broad St NW, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 479-1775 Cornerstone Family Church 4997 N. Lee Highway Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 380-9160 Community Hall Church 1305 6th Street Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 472 2178 Dwelling Place Church International 523 Urbane Rd. NE Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 790-5200 Evening Light Gospel 200 20th St SE Cleveland, TN 37311 Fairhaven Ministry Center 1807 Blythe Ave. SE, Cleveland TN, 37311 Freedom Fellowship Church 3555 Blue Springs Rd, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 478-0654 God’s Family Fellowship 197 Neely Circle NE Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 790-7533 Graceway Chapel 221 14th St NW, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 728-2226 International House of Fire 1701 South Lee Hwy Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 790-0772 The Journey Church 3191 South Lee Hwy, McDonald, TN 37353 (423) 728-4100 Living By Faith Ministries 183 1st Street NW Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 457-9072 Living Word Church 930 25th Street, NW Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 339-3028 or The Net Church Bradley Square 12 200 Paul Huff Pkwy Cleveland, TN 37312 New Life Bible Church 155 S Ocoee St, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 472-3882 Restoration Fellowship 211 Trewhitt Dr SE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 479-4249 The Simple Gospel 850 Elrod St SE Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 650-9572 Shema Israel Ministry 850 Elrod St SE Cleveland, TN 37311

423-994-8553 The Sanctuary 1203 Smith Dr. Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 478-2843 Tasso Christian Church 1135 Tasso Lane, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 479-2705 The TRIBE 125 Inman St E Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 380-8802 United Christian Church 2200 Peerless Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 479-4277 Unity Christian Ministries 2419 Georgetown Rd NW Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 473-9338 Walker Valley Community 787 Lauderdale Memorial Hwy Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 336-9696


Charleston Cumberland Presbyterian Church 8267 N Lee Hwy, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 336-5004 First Cumberland Presbyterian 161 2nd St NE, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 476-6751 First Presbyterian Church 433 N Ocoee St, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 476-5584 Flint Springs Cumberland Presbyterian Church 515 Flint Springs Rd Cleveland TN. 37323 (423) 284-6397 Prospect United Cumberland Presbyterian Church 310 New Murraytown Rd. NW, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 476-6181 St James Cumberland Presbyterian 151 Short St NE, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 472-5762 Trinity Presbyterian PCA 1780 Stuart Rd. NE, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 559-9595

Seventh Day Adventist

Bowman Hills Adventist 300 Westview Dr NE Cleveland, TN 37312 Cleveland Fellowship Church 211 Trewhitt Drive Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 400-7054 East Cleveland Seventh-Day 801 Howard Circle SE Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 476-9299 Ladd Springs Seventh-Day 5860 Bates Pike SE Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 476-1889

Zion Assembly

Zion Assembly Church of God 5512 Waterlevel Hwy, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 476-3337

goodnewscm.com // 17

Athens Church Directory


Antioch Baptist Church 218 Canal St. Athens, TN 37303 423-745-3332 Central Baptist 13 Nash Dr. Athens, TN 37303 423-745-0400 Clearwater Baptist 964 County Rd. Athens, TN 37303 423-744-7147 Clear Springs Baptist Church 653 County Road 100 Athens, TN 37303 423-745-3128 Covenant Baptist 241 County Rd Athens, TN 37303 423-263-1569 East Athens Baptist 301 Central Ave Athens, TN 37303 423-745-1394 Fairview Baptist 251 County Rd. 128 Athens, TN 37303 423-649-0346 First Baptist 305 Ingleside Athens, TN 37303 423-745-5441 First Bible Baptist 1819 Old Niota Athens, TN 37303 423-745-0765 Freedom Baptist 2207 Velma Rd Athens, TN 37303 423-746-0193 Genesis Baptist Church 111 Elizabeth Street Athens, TN 37303 423-506-7240 Mount Pleasant Baptist 414 Chester St. Athens, TN 37303 423-745-6510 Idelwild Baptist 118 County Road Athens, TN 37303 423-746-0002 Lakeview Baptist 182 County Road 126 Athens, TN 37303 423-745-0451 Mount Pleasant Baptist 414 Chester St. Athens, TN 37303 423-745-6510 Mount Verd Baptist 251 County Rd 249 Athens, TN 37303 423-507-1286 New Hopewell Baptist 197 County Rd Athens, TN 37303 423-744-0940 New Zion Baptist 393 County Rd 616 Athens, TN 37303

18 // January 2020

423-263-9841 North Athens Baptist 402 Tellico Ave Athens, TN 37303 423-745-3813 Oak Grove Baptist 1212 County Rd. 100 Athens, TN 37303 423-744-9986 Parkway Baptist 1701 Velma Rd Athens, TN 37303 423-745-9709 Rocky Mount Baptist 1002 Rocky Mount Rd Athens, TN 37303 423-745-8758 Rogers Creek Baptist 510 County Rd 180 Athens, TN 37303 423-744-0295 Short Creek Baptist 892 County Rd. 50 Athens, TN 37303 423-336-5089 South Liberty Baptist 505 County Rd 655 Athens, TN 37303 423-745-5124 Union Hill Baptist 258 County Rd Athens, TN 37303 423-745-1241 Unity Baptist 162 County Rd 750 Athens, TN 37303 423-744-0420 Valley View Baptist 323 County Rd 370 Athens, TN 37303 423-745-5159 West End Baptist 803 Clark St. Athens, TN 37303 423-744-8274 West View Baptist 2707 Highway 39 Athens, TN 37303 423-745-2193


St. Mary Catholic Church 1291 E. Madison Ave. Athens, TN 37303 423-745-4277


Athens Christian Church 802 S Matlock Ave Athens, TN 37303 423-333-5085

Church of God

Aoh Church Of God 501 Ohio St Athens, TN 37303 423-745-1279 Boyd Memorial First Church of God 1130 N Congress Parkway Athens, TN 37303 423-453-3175 First Church of God 200 Fisher St. Athens, TN 37303

423-887-5855 Woodward Church of God 507 Woodward Ave Athens, TN 37303 423-745-1618

Church of God Of Prophecy

City Park Chapel COGOP 714 S Matlock Avenue Athens, TN 37303 423-716-8817


Christ Community Church 14 Congress Parkway S. Athens, TN 37303 423-745-8185

Latter-day Saints

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 508 Cedar Springs Rd Athens, TN 373 423-745-0102


Athens Church of the Nazarene 1908 W. Madison Ave. Athens, TN 37303 423-744-3017


St Paul Episcopal Church 123 S. Jackson St. Athens, TN 37303 423-745-2224


Athens Lutheran Church 710 Forrest Ave. Athens, TN 37303 423-745-9419


Allen Memorial UMC 800 Decatur Pike Athens, TN 37303 423-745-1560 Keith Memorial UMC 600 W Madison Ave. Athens, TN 37371 423-745-2612 Piney Grove UMC 767 County Rd. 750 Athens, TN 37303 423-462-2130 Riceville UMC 2519 Cindy St Athens, TN 37303 423-462-2130 St. Mark Ame Zion Methodist 707 N. Jackson St Athens, TN 37303 Tranquility UMC 135 County Rd. 177 Athens, TN 37303 423-334-3062 Trinity UMC 100 E. College St Athens, TN 37303 423-745-0452 Vine Grove UMC 517 County Rd. 778 Athens, TN 37303 423-507-5760


Ascension Life 935 Rocky Mount Rd Athens, TN 37303 423-829-5102 Athens Christian Church 802 S Matlock Avenue Athens, TN 37303 (423) 333-5085 Christian Freedom Worship Center 109 Cherry St Athens, TN 37303 423-745-8999 Calvary Tabernacle of God 2820 Hwy 11 Athens, TN 37303 423-744-7159 Christian Community Church 190 Congress Parkway Athens, TN 37303 423-453-7111 Family Worship Center 250 County Rd 378 Athens, TN 37303 423-744-0774 Redemption To The Nations Church 2329 Clearwater Rd Athens, TN 37303 423-745-7575 Liberty Church 3328 Hwy 11 Athens, TN 37303 423-745-9248 Overcoming Faith Christian 14 Carter Rd Athens, TN 37303 423-745-3105 Restoration Church 3115 Hwy 39 Athens, TN 37303 423-745-7777 Sanctuary 9 S. Kilgore St. Athens, TN 37303 423-745-8900


Apostolic Lighthouse 725 Leveck Street Athens, TN 37303 Miracle Deliverance Tabernacle 245 County Rd 677, Riceville, TN 37370 423-745-3787


First United Presbyterian Church 321 N. Jackson St. Athens, TN 37303 423-744-9073 Freedman Chapel C.P.C.A. 415 Cleveland Ave. Athens, TN 37303 423-252-0159 Mars Hill Presbyterian 205 N. Jackson St Athens, TN 37303 423-745-1403

Seventh-Day Adventist

Seventh-Day Adventist 230 New Englewood Rd Athens, TN 37303 423-745-2335


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Gò0dNews Christian Magazine

Gò0dNews for Parents Teenagers—Without Internet Or Smartphones?


by Darren and Kristi Schalk

es. It’s possible. We have 3 teenagers in our home. Our son is 14, and our identical twin girls are 13. They don’t have computers or smartphones, and we don’t intend to change that anytime soon. We realized earlier than most, we think, that these personal tech devices were dangerous. Our kids were all under 7, and they each received a Nintendo DS for Christmas one year. Later that afternoon, our house suddenly went silent, so we went searching for our three youngsters. We found them sitting in separate rooms snickering. When they saw us, each of them had the “Oops, I just got caught” look. They had realized that their handheld devices could connect to and text a nearby device, and they immediately began to use words we didn’t allow as they wrote back and forth to one another. They were innocent words, mind you, but words we didn’t use in our home. These devices offered a private playground, and at the first opportunity, our children used them for evil (albeit ever so mild). This early experience caused us to proceed with technology very cautiously. Here are a few tips we’ve tried to implement.

3) Make your home face-to-face-friendly. We can keep our children from having personal Internet connections, but we can’t do the same with all their friends. So we came up with one simple rule: when friends are over, all technology must be placed on the kitchen counter. They are free to use their phones and/or tablets whenever they choose, but it must be done in the kitchen and then left on the counter when they are done. To our surprise, not one friend has moaned at this rule. And guess what happens when they put their phones down? They talk. They communicate (GASP—face-to-face!). They play basketball.

1) Give your kids the same childhood

2) Say yes to more things so you can say no to some things. Our children have no personal or private Internet connections, no browsing capabilities, and no access to YouTube or social media. They have phones that can text and call but have no data capabilities. Because of this, we try to say yes to as much as we possibly can, even if it’s inconvenient. “Can our friends come over after school?” Yes. “Can we go out with friends after church?” Yes. We want them to know that we will do everything in our power to connect them to their friends in real social situations since they can’t connect with social media.

20 // January 2020

They create clever scavenger hunts. They become KIDS again! And it’s a beautiful thing to behold. After years of torturing young people with unlimited Internet access, studies are finally coming to light confirming the dangers. Depression, lack of self-esteem, lack of social development, constant bullying…the list goes on and on. Why do they need these things? The bottom line is—they don’t. Be open and honest with your young people. Our kids know exactly why we don’t give them smartphones and Internet access. They know the dangers of pornography and social media. They see friends glued to their phones and understand the addictions. So they don’t even fight us. We’re sure the day will come, but when it does, we’ll be ready.

About The Author

experiences you had. This was the first realization we came to when thinking through all the technology that has come about in just the past 10 years. We grew up outside. Cartoons weren’t available all day, every day. We only had them for an hour or so after school and on Saturday mornings! So we set boundaries that would match these experiences. TV time was limited. Video game time was limited. We encouraged them to meet the neighborhood kids. They live the life around them rather than on a screen in front of them.

Darren and Kristi Schalk have been married for 19 years and have three children. Darren is an editor and published author and holds a master’s degree in church leadership. Kristi was a classroom teacher for a decade. She recently left the classroom to work for Curriculum Associates and holds a master’s degree in classroom teaching.

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We’re your Shield. We’re your Shelter.

Gò0dNews for Life

Thoughts on Aging


by Danette Reeves

rowing old isn’t for sissies!” Our bodies

grandchildren, and brothers and sisters in our churches. We

remind us throughout the aging process

have walked further down the road than those younger,

that this is not our home. As we slow down

so we need to use our testimonies to help others walk with

and have more aches and pains, worn-out parts, and more

God. Deuteronomy 32:7 says, “Remember the days of old;

losses, it’s easy to become discouraged and disheartened.

consider the years of many generations; ask your father,

I always said I wanted to grow old gracefully, but after yet

and he will show you, your elders, and they will tell you.”

another fall, I am afraid I will grow old rolling around on

We need to be ready to tell others of God’s faithfulness

the floor.

throughout our journey: how He has strengthened us, led us, and never forsaken us. He will do the same for them. As we age, may we be encouragers to those around us. May our lives shine brightly, pointing others to God’s love, even as our eyes grow dimmer. May our hearts be strengthened, even as our bodies grow weaker. May our love for others grow wider and deeper, even as our hair grows thinner. May our testimonies be loud and strong, even as our voices grow hoarse. May we rejoice in the life God gives us, faithfully serve Him wholeheartedly, and love Him with every fiber of our being, whatever our aging years hold for us.

We will all age differently, but as long as God leaves

Some of us may keep our minds, and some of us may

us on this earth, aging is inevitable. We should not waste

remember nothing, but God knows us intimately, and He

our aging years. “So teach us to number our days that we

will rejoice over us with singing (Zephaniah 3:17). Some of

may get a heart of wisdom” (Psalm 90:12). We need to be

us may be running 5Ks, and others may join me in rolling

intentional about our days: that we will use them to know

on the floor, but God will never leave us alone. “So even to

God deeper than ever before.

old age and gray hairs, O God, do not forsake me, until I

2 Corinthians 4:16 says, “So we do not lose heart. Though

proclaim Your might to another generation, Your power to

our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed

all those to come. Your righteousness, O God, reaches the

day by day.” This is the time to be spending more time on our

high heavens. You who have done great things, O God, who

relationship with the Lord. He is the source of our strength,

is like You?” (Psalm 71:18-19). Amen!

This is the time for us to pass on our knowledge and wisdom to those following behind us: our children,

22 // January 2020

About The Author

and only He can renew us day by day. Danette Reeves teaches a Ladies’ Discipleship Class and is the Ladies Fellowship Director at First Baptist Church, Calhoun, Tennessee, as well as being active in the church music ministries. She lives in Cleveland, Tennessee, with her husband, Charlie, and is a mom to three grown children and Oma to four grandchildren.

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Gò0dNews on Genuineness

Striving for Authenticity


by Kelly McDonald, Jr.

will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully

We will all make mistakes. In this article, I am referring

made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul

to the general course of our lives rather than specific

knows very well” (Psalm 139:14).

instances where we may fall short. Becoming authentic is a

The term authenticity refers to the measure of one’s

process; it will take time for us to examine ourselves in this

genuineness. In a spiritual sense, it has to do with a person’s

process. Regardless of the opinion of others, we must hold

pursuing God’s will for their lives with a genuine conviction

God’s Word and will for our lives in the highest esteem.

to obey Him. On the other hand, some people copy their mode of life (religious or not) from the pattern they see in others. Some questions we must ask ourselves as we determine

In Christ’s ministry, we can find several instances where people tried to divert Him from His destiny. It would often come in the form of questions: “Which is the greatest

our authenticity are, “Do we genuinely seek God’s purpose

commandment of the law?” or, “Was John’s baptism from

for our lives because we want it?” “Are we practicing certain

heaven or not?” The goal was the same—to cause Him to

spiritual principles only because someone else tells us to do so?” “Are we conducting our lives a certain way because most people we know are doing it?” Said another way, are you walking in God’s purpose for your life on purpose?

stumble and move out of the Father’s purposes for His life and thus disrupt His authenticity. Christ was 100% dedicated to the Father’s will for His life: completely authentic and genuine in every way. He never deviated.

The questions I am putting forward bring us to an important word in the Bible—steadfastness (found in the KJV). The Greek word translated as “steadfast” is stereos. It means strong, firm, and immovable. We display this trait when we

We should all consider our lives for a moment and think about ways we could be more authentic. How has the opinion of others or the broader culture influenced your thinking? Do you find yourself swayed by all the latest cultural and world trends? Do these things influence your relationship with God?

decide that we will

God made each of us unique. We are

stay in God’s purpose

fearfully and wonderfully made. Let us

for our lives despite

strive to be who God made us to be

other influences. This

and fulfill the very purpose for which

includes outside

we were created. Pray and seek God;

influences such

ask Him to help you become more

as other people,

authentic. He will help you.

inside influences such as our own thoughts, and even Satan’s snares. When our outward environment does we abandon God’s purpose for our lives?

24 // January 2020

About The Author

not look favorable to us, do

Kelly McDonald, Jr. is an international evangelist with Hungry Hearts Ministries and pastors a church in Cleveland. He has written a combined total of 40 books and booklets on pursuing a deeper relationship with Jesus. www.hungryheartsministry.com.




Behind Dunkin Donuts Off 25th Street

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Anytime Fitness on 25th & Ocoee is the number one coaching facility in Cleveland, TN.


his results oriented 24/7

Son and Holy Spirit so is the Human

to body building, increasing sports

Fitness Complex’s mission

creation Spirit, Soul (mind) and body.

performance to prayer for healing or

is to provide the latest in

Having a healthy/healed (saved) spirit

overcoming spiritual strongholds.

training, technology, education,

creates transformation of the mind

tools, nutritional guidance and

resulting in a healthy lifestyle thus

This testimony driven staff consists of;

prepped meals complimented with

creating discipline that ultimately builds

customer service second to none in

or restores the body (temple) so that it

order to positively influence anyone

performs at the optimal levels that our

regardless of their current condition.

creator intended them to function.

Much emphasis placed on uplifting

“This is not a place where you just

the environment, arrangement of

pay dues to use the equipment but a

equipment and spacious functional

member-centric atmosphere where

areas so no one feels uncomfortable.

resources are available to

With its advanced security system,

achieve your goals or get

illuminated/monitored parking lot

the help you need,” stated

and member only scanning process

the owner Jim Lemieux.

everyone feels safe and secure 24 hours a day. It’s hard to describe how this

With over 100 years of fitness experience available for whatever your needs

competent staff of active Christians

may be from weight loss,

believe and apply the “TRINITY” of

diabetes prevention,

Health. Just as our Lord is the Father,

proven fitness routine

26 // January 2020

Jim and Amy Lemieux (Owners) have over 50 years’ experience in the fitness industry. They both have been CPT’s, trained many successful body building competitors, athletes and power lifters. Amy has even competed at pro-international levels throughout the US. They are devout Christians

with an 11-year-old daughter Kaylee

with over 30 years in health clubs and

while developing a ministry to help

serving at Dwelling Place. They also

personal training experiences.

kids with (ADHD).

steward an overcoming ministry by the name MENDED MINISTRY.

Brandon Pass (Personal Trainer)

Antoinette Myers (Sports Trainer)

is a “transformation specialist.” He

is a senior at Lee University majoring

was injured at the age of four, losing

in Exercise Science, while preparing

has over 10 years’ experience as a

his foot in an accident while suffering

for a career as an athletic trainer for

certified personal trainer with a degree

from (ADHD). In 2015, he suffered

professional sports. As a recognized

in Exercise Physiology and clients

with obesity from depression due

tri-athlete in high school, she fell in

throughout the Cleveland/Chattanooga

to substance abuse. He gave his life

love with helping others perform at

area. Ryan and Ashley Douglas were

to Christ and since then he has been

their highest potential. Reach out to

born and raised in Cleveland and have

able to overcome obesity, anxiety,

Coach Myers if you are looking to excel

a one-year old boy named Mason.

and addiction. With the support of

in the sport you are passionate about!

Ashley teaches math at Ocoee Middle

his loving wife, Crystal, they have a

School and is the head track coach.

passion for fitness and love motivating

Ryan Douglas (GM/Head Coach)

Maurice Saliba (Heath Consultant) is a CDC certified Pre-Diabetic coach

others with their challenges. They currently serve at Dwelling Place

goodnewscm.com // 27

Gò0dNews for the New Year

Remember The Needy In The New Year


by Carrie Rigdon

he holiday season is a wonderful time to reflect on our blessings and pour out generosity to others. People feel moved to give coats, food, and Christmas gifts to those in need during the “most wonderful time of the year.” From Thanksgiving to Christmas, giving is encouraged and is part of the magic of the season. So often, it seems that as soon as the holidays are over, the giving spirit is packed away with the Christmas decorations. The holidays are not the only time that people need help.

we enter a new year, I am making a commitment to help others in ways that I can. This year, I am personally committing to seek out opportunities to serve others. I’m getting my family involved, too. I want my children to learn the importance of doing good to others while showing Christ’s love. It’s more important than ever in a society that is self-seeking. There is a story told of a statue of Jesus. During World War II, the city where the statue was located was bombed.

Give Resources

Give Time

Many do not have the financial resources to give, but they have time. The gift of time is very valuable. Can you volunteer? Can you pray? Can you write a letter of encouragement? Can you cook a meal? What are things you can do right now to help or encourage someone? Think of those things and act on them. Hebrews 13:16 tells us to not forget to do good and to share with others, for such sacrifice is pleasing to God. As

28 // January 2020

The large statue of Jesus was very badly damaged. For the most part, the statue was able to be repaired, but Christ’s hands could not be repaired. Some wanted to hire a sculptor to create new hands, while others wanted to leave the statue as it was to remind others of the tragedy of war. Ultimately, the statue remained without hands. A signed was placed on the base of the statue with these words: “You are my hands.” We are the hands and feet of Jesus. We bring the Good News. Carry your generosity into 2020, and love others as Jesus did. About The Author

According to poverty statistics, 11.8 percent, or 38.1 million, of the nation’s population lives in poverty. One in five children struggle with hunger or food scarcity in the United States. What can you and I do today to make a difference? It can be as simple as donating gently used items you no longer wear to those in need or buying canned goods and non-perishable food items for your local food bank. People need food and clothing year-round. Can you give financially? Non-profit organizations typically have a decrease in giving during the month of January. Yearend gifts, as well as holiday gifts, have been made. Non-profits can use your resources to continue their great work in the new year. Does your church have a benevolence fund? Consider giving to help further the work of the Kingdom.

Carrie Rigdon lives in North Georgia with her husband Matthew and two small children. They attend Crane Eater Community Church. Carrie enjoys spending time with her family, marketing and communication, reading, and participating in her church’s women’s ministry.

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Gò0dNews for Everyone A Christmas Reflection: “It Happened Like This”


by Dr. Rob Debelak

ow the birth of Jesus Christ was this way…” (Matthew 1:18).

Matthew makes a case for Jesus’ lineage from the royal tribe of Judah (Matthew 1:3). When blessing his children, Jacob foresaw kings

Did you receive surprises for Christmas? Did

stem from this son (“scepter”; Genesis 49:8-10). Spotlighting David’s

they come in extraordinary ways? Did colored paper catch your eye,

family within this tribe again fuses people and promise; God pledged

and did you smile at something wrapped just for you? God’s gift of love

a perpetual throne for David’s descendants (2 Samuel 7). This heritage

is like that: surprising, unique, special—Christ’s coming into the world

and promise posed Jesus as son of David and King (of all kings in the

to rescue fallen humanity is amazing!

list)! His birth “was this way” by divine design.

Did you ever notice biblical stories of deliverance often include

Listing historical patriarchs and kings (Matthew 1:2-17) points to

birth narratives? Exodus records Moses’ birth (2:1-3) and subsequent

imperfect representatives of a nation; these leaders had faults, as much

exaltation; Samuel’s birth and ministry herald a new day in Israel (1

as those they led: king and country both stood in need. Addressing

Samuel 1-3); and virgin birth and naming a son (Immanuel—“God

human need, the Gospel reveals Messiah without sin: the One Who

with us”) set the tenor of Isaiah’s prophecy (7:14). Similarly, Matthew’s

doesn’t shrink back from any calling on Him. Narrating His birth “this way” underscores purpose for Jesus’ Name: “…he shall save his people from their sins” (1:21). The four women in Matthew’s list are unexpected surprises: Tamar (v. 3), Rahab (v. 5a), Ruth (v. 5b), and indirectly, Bathsheba (“Uriah’s wife”; v. 6). Tamar was accused of immorality (Genesis 38) though spared a death sentence. Rahab was a harlot (Joshua 6:25), yet she and her family escape Jericho’s demise. While no impropriety is recorded, Boaz recognized public scandal would malign Ruth’s reputation (Ruth 3); shielded from harm, she becomes the wife of an honorable man. Regardless of how blame is placed, the Bathsheba affair sharpens the consequences of a blemished character in an account laden with birth, death, prophecy, humility, and hope (2 Samuel 11). From society’s perspective, these were outcasts, but God throws

Gospel retells the Savior’s birth and ministry, though only after a

no one away! Matthew’s introduction, “this way,” put Mary in good

detailed listing of names (Matthew 1:1-17).

company; though of the Spirit (Matthew 1:18), being with child

Much like opening presents, excited readers want to get to the

before marriage would incur societal stigma, scorn—or worse. Joseph

good stuff (v. 18), so it’s easy to think of skipping the names. Doing

recognized public disgrace and punishment awaited the unwed girl,

so misses important details, as this remarkable introduction was not

and he tried to quietly distance himself (Matthew 1:19). Yet, as select

accidental. Messiah’s birth, Matthew says, was “this way.”

women in biblical history are, Mary is rescued by divine intervention

In good Old Testament fashion, Matthew cites a family tree!

(Matthew 1:20b) and (like Ruth) becomes wife to a righteous man;

Reminiscent of Genesis, genealogies frame God’s work of creating place

together, they care for the Christ-child: Immanuel has come! He has

(land) and people (2:4; 5:1; 6:9; 10:1; 11:10; 11:27; 25:12, 19; 36:1, 9;

come to those fractured by sin, to those stained and marred by the

37:2), and Genesis anticipates fulfillment of covenant promises (Genesis

past. He is the promised gift of hope for the future!

12:1-5). Exodus continues with, “And these are the names…” (1:1)—

This new year, look for God’s gift in the small details! Just like

names of Abraham’s family inheriting those promises. Remembering

those first 17 verses of Matthew, don’t skip anything; the Gospel insists

Israel’s ancestors occurs prior to telling the story of deliverance.

it was not by chance. “The birth of Jesus Christ was this way…”

Matthew’s appreciation for what God had done (past) set a stage for and promises in front because “the birth of Jesus…was this way…”

30 // January 2020

About The Author

what God was about to do (as told in the Gospel); his list keeps people Dr. Rob Debelak is associate professor of Bible in Lee University’s Online Program. He has taught at Lee University for 25 years, and is a veteran of the U.S. Air Force. He and his family reside in Cleveland, TN.

Gò0dNews for Couples

Love…Endures ove…endures. It’s not like the Energizer Bunny, which anyone who has bought battery-operated toys for their kids knows is nothing less than the lure of the pusher to the addict. Yeah, it keeps going and going—until December 26, when you find yourself running to Dollar Tree for replacements. No, that’s not how love is. Love…endures. It’s not like my friends who run marathons (hi, Pastor!) because even they run out of gas. And somewhere, their endurance will fail them. It may be long past the point of MY capability, but eventually, they have to stop. But love…endures. It endures suffering. It endures changes in fortune. It endures expanding waistlines, shrinking bank accounts, receding hairlines, and advancing years. It endures offense, it endures failures, it endures betrayal, and it even endures natural disasters and manmade messes. It endures sickness, it endures wrinkles, it endures arthritis, and it endures scary MRIs, lumps, masses, tumors, warts, and bad reports from doctors. It even endures beyond death: in the widow’s tears, the mother’s sobs, and the grandchild’s gnawing hurt. It wouldn’t hurt so much if love weren’t there. Love…endures. “But wait!” you say. “I’ve seen love die. I’ve seen relationships fail. I’ve had people walk away. I’ve seen hurt. I’ve seen families destroyed by anger, hate, and violence. Love does fail, John.” No, my friend. Love…endures. People fail. You see, love is of God. God is Love. Love does not fail; it does not walk away; it does not abandon; and it does not exalt itself. It waits through every storm, and it survives doctors’ reports and graveyard tears. True love, the love God models, never, ever fails. “For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present

32 // January 2020

nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:3839). Where we see hurt overcome people, it is not that love is not enough; it is that somewhere, there has been a perversion of the pure, holy, enduring institution of love that is God. Do not lay that failure at the feet of love; it is the fault of the person. “So how do we experience this enduring love?” you ask. You experience this enduring love by living this

enduring love. You give and forgive as He does; you lose memory of hurt and injustice and remember always that you love people even when they do you wrong. You embrace them not because they are worthy but because you are oozing, pouring, spreading love and because that’s the way you are loved. You cannot make others love you with that same enduring love. It is not within your power. But you can live that enduring love: to your spouse, to your children, to mankind, and above all, to God. About The Author


by John Garrod

John Garrod is a father of six, husband of one. He is a recent graduate of Lee University (c/o ’19), a discipleship teacher at South Cleveland Church of God, and a U.S. Army veteran.


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Gò0dNews for Seniors

Legacy Village: Finding The Right Fit


by Jason Gibson

ssisted living communities provide just the right balance between support and independence. Maintaining independence can become more challenging with age. While seniors frequently associate moving to an assisted living community with a loss of freedom, the opposite is often true. Assisted living residents have their own private apartment, with caregivers nearby to provide a helping hand as needed. Assisted living communities create an individualized care plan for each resident. It acts as a guide for delivering just the right amount of care and support to enable an older adult to remain both

• Maintenance-free living. Seniors who have a house to maintain might continue to tackle repairs and household chores that may put them at risk for a fall. Tasks as seemingly simple as climbing a ladder to change a light bulb become more dangerous as you grow older. In an assisted living community, the burdens of homeownership are left behind. Household chores, maintenance, and repairs are taken care of for you.

safe and independent.

34 // January 2020

• Stay-well programs. A quality assisted living community such as Legacy Village of Cleveland places great emphasis on health and wellness. They offer programs designed to help residents live their best quality of life. You’ll find stretching classes, chair yoga, raised beds for gardening, and meditation. • Other necessities and conveniences. Assisted living communities also offer a host of other amenities. For example, on-site beauty and barbershops give residents easy access to haircuts, manicures, and other services. Other popular amenities range from aides to assist with pet care to concierge services to sign for packages. Visit Legacy Village of Cleveland or call (423) 472-4700 to learn more about the advantages of moving to an assisted living community! About The Author

The Benefits of an Assisted Living Community For some seniors, having a helping hand to stay on track with medications can prevent a mistake that results in a trip to the emergency room. Others find they can take advantage of an assisted living community’s transportation services to see the doctor on a regular basis. A well-balanced diet helps to nourish the body. It is essential for maintaining muscle mass, which is vital for avoiding a debilitating fall. That’s another way assisted living promotes senior independence. From opportunities to stay active and engaged to wellbalanced meals, assisted living also offers myriad benefits to older adults: • Care that changes with needs. While a senior might move to an assisted living community when they are still relatively independent, a good community will offer additional care solutions as an elder’s needs change. That lowers stress associated with future care and provides peace of mind to older adults and their loved ones. • Events and activities. From art classes to movie nights, assisted living communities give residents a variety of ways to meet new friends and pursue engaging activities. Both are essential for preventing some of the health conditions associated with isolation and loneliness, such as diabetes and depression.

Jason Gibson is the Interim Executive Director at Legacy Village of Cleveland in Cleveland, Tennessee.



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Gò0dNews for Everyone

Leading Without Insecurity by Samuel Burger


f we are going to lead with excellence, we cannot be

when you are gone. Our vision statement tells the reason for

insecure. Insecurity causes leaders to have unhealthy

our existence. We exist to reach the lost and teach the saved.

control. Unhealthy control leads to isolation and

Everything we do has its basis in this vision statement.

burnout. If we are thinking long term, we must think about

This statement is on the wall of our church. Every time we

succession. There can be no success without succession.

meet, the church will read the purpose of our existence. I

In order to have a healthy environment, we must give up

know that I can’t accomplish this vision by myself. I must

control to train, educate, and empower others. A church,

equip others to reach the lost and teach the saved. I must be

business, or organization cannot sustain itself long

willing to hear their ideas and let them have a voice in our

term if it revolves around only the leader. The leader doesn’t exist to be the way but to show

journey together. They have different gifts and know different methods to evangelize and disciple others.

the way. The leader is to take people from

They can do things that I am not called to do. We

point A to point B. A leader takes people

can accomplish the vision by empowering others

where they would never go on their own. A

and not controlling them in an unhealthy way. The

leader must understand that leadership isn’t

vision will die out if you don’t delegate and coach

about him/her but about the people they serve.

others into what God wants them to do. That’s why

A leader should ask questions such as:

you have to build trust in your relationships: so

• What system or plan is in place when I am not there anymore? • Have I communicated

there can be a healthy succession of leadership. We cannot pretend as if we will be the leader forever.

with my staff about

Jesus Christ is the greatest

creating a foundation

leader. He wasn’t insecure.

for the next leader?

He invested in 12 men who

• Am I okay if people

would impact other people

on my team are more

through the eons of time

skilled than me in

to carry on His ministry.

certain areas?

Today, the leadership

• Do the people I lead

of one man, Jesus, is

know our values

still saving those who

and vision so well

will call on His name.

they could carry on

We can be secure in

without me?

leadership because it’s

As a pastor, I know

really about Jesus Christ

vision is important if we

and serving others.

are going to last long term. You have to give people a

36 // January 2020

About The Author

picture of the future, even Samuel Burger is the pastor at Chestuee Worship Center in Calhoun, TN. Feel free to contact him at samuelbrgr@yahoo.com for prayer requests and praise reports.

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Gò0dNews on Winterfest

Church of God Smoky Mountain Winterfest Is A Gift From God


rguably, Smoky Mountain Winterfest does more for evangelism, spiritual growth, genuine encounters with God, and callings to ministry than almost anything else. This ministry brings revival, friendship, renewal, and connection to students from throughout the USA. The fuel, energy, excitement, and relationship connections experienced at Winterfest change young people; their hearts, their hopes, their hurts, and their homes. Smoky Mountain Winterfest has come a long way since 1982, when 279 students and five youth leaders gathered for a winter youth retreat in Gatlinburg, TN. The story of Winterfest and the ensuing years of growth is an amazing one. By 1986, Winterfest attendance was 2,300. The new movement found favor and alignment with the International Department of Youth and Discipleship and became a flagship ministry. Instead of seeking to “take it over” with a top-down leadership management style, leaders embraced the concept and were eager to find new ways to maximize the success of this ministry. By 1995, it took two jam-packed services each night at the new Gatlinburg Convention Center to provide the almost 13,000 students a chance to worship, pray, and seek the face of God. The first session would begin at 6:00 pm with doors opening at 4:30 pm, and the second session would begin at 9:30 pm. For five years this was the process. It was awesome to watch 6,500 leave through one set of doors and 6,500 march in through another with the same excitement (or more) as the first group. The final session never concluded until about midnight, and it was usually 2:00 am before any of the Winterfest steering committee could get to bed! In the year 2000, Winterfest made the courageous decision to move to Thompson Boling Arena in Knoxville... and the rest is history. For 20 years, the arena used for Tennessee Volunteer Basketball has become an enormous sanctuary. Now Winterfest reaches around the country and around the world to four continents, (Europe, Africa, Asia, & North America) giving hope, peace, and passion for Christ to 40,000-50,000 students annually!

38 // January 2020

Almost three generations have experienced the wonder of Winterfest. Jesus and Relationships are the two elements that stand strong and at the center. Undoubtedly, participants will find a generous supply of BOTH again this year as Kari Jobe, People & Songs, Travis Green, Brian Bullock, Chris Durso, Reggie Dabbs, Bernard Harris, Jason Crabb, and Preston Centuolo minister. That weekend thousands of students and youth leaders will worship and pray together at Smoky Mountain Winterfest in Knoxville!

What happens at Winterfest? Students get healed of deep scars and wounds. Students are filled with the power of the Holy Spirit with initial evidence of that experience! Teenagers are called into ministry, and in ensuing years, those callings fulfilled as they become youth and children’s pastors, missionaries, and lead pastors. Students are reunited with friends from other churches near home, as well as making new friends from other states. Youth leaders, sleep deprived and weary, drive church vans toward home with renewed passion and deep love for their students and ministry! You can’t bottle up Winterfest and pass it out. You can’t, with words, adequately describe what it is and does. You can’t calculate how many were eternally changed or how many ministries that were launched. Do you know why? Because Winterfest belongs to God; He only loans it to us. What a gracious gift God has given to us through Smoky Mountain Winterfest for nearing 40 years. To learn more about this ministry visit mywinterfest.com

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Gò0dNews from Lee University The 100 Year Journey from Correspondence to Online Learning at Lee University


ora Chambers’ mission one hundred years ago was

the Lee mission from its earliest days... to use the Bible as the

simple: use the Bible as the basis upon which to create

basis upon creating better educated teachers, preachers and

better educated teachers, preachers and missionaries,

missionaries to spread the Gospel far and wide.

who would then spread the Gospel far and wide. Within a

“We wanted to engage people in learning at all stages of

year, Chambers’ classroom was supplemented by a set of

life, and that’s been an important part of who we are from the

correspondence courses which served students who couldn’t

beginning,” he says. “We wanted to provide an opportunity to

come to Cleveland, TN.

experience Lee, even when they can’t come to campus, and it’s

With all of the modern advances of technology and transportation, the challenges related to continuing education

worked as we hoped it would.” Courses are discussion-based, and students watch

have persisted: time, money, and geography. That’s why Lee

lectures or read assigned texts before coming together

University’s Division of Adult Learning (DAL) was launched

online to engage in professor-led explorations of the

in 2012.

concepts, engaging with each other in the process. Peer

“Even when I was a student at Lee, when you felt called to the ministry it was as a preacher, and that has changed,” says Dr. Jayson VanHook, vice president for information and marketing at Lee and a key player in the DAL. “Now we have nurses, musicians, journalists and graphic designers who are seeking education that allow their lives and careers to become their own ministry.” The DAL was designed to address that

review and group work creates a dynamic that is unique from a traditional classroom, in that everyone has to be equally engaged. In just a few years, enrollment has grown from about 250 students to nearly a thousand, and a new masters of music education was launched in the fall of 2018. Most of the faculty are the same professors who teach every day on the Lee campus, and new instructors are thoughtfully immersed in

overarching need to meet people where they

the university’s culture through professional

are with opportunities for higher education:

and curricular development training.

practicing ministers who never earned a

VanHook’s information services team

degree, career professionals with an interest

ensures that both the administrative and

in ministerial education, and emphases that focus on faith education and outreach. With bachelor’s and master’s degrees ranging from criminal justice, music, and business, new opportunities are readily available through the programs offered with Lee University Online. Whether a student is interested in Christian studies –

experiential components work as designed in a virtual environment. “These are the same programs we offer on campus, from an academic standpoint, offered to students who otherwise might not have had the opportunity as a traditional college-aged student,” he says.

theology, children’s and youth ministry, counseling, music

“Whether it’s a police officer on a tight budget who

and worship, among other focus areas – or liberal studies,

works long hours or a minister who never finished

behavioral and social sciences, or music education, Lee Online

a degree or a lifelong learner in a successful career,

provides distance education geared toward adults with a will

we believe this is an important component of our mission, to meet

to learn who are refocusing later in life, transitioning careers, or

people where they are.

seeking to complete a degree they may have started years ago. Master’s degrees are offered in ministry studies, business

“I’m a product of Lee, and initially I was worried that this could somehow impact the traditional Lee experience. But I soon

administration, marriage and family studies, and music

realized that more and more people from around the country

education. VanHook says our programs are a service that mirror

now have a chance to feel what we have. That’s what Lee was

40 // January 2020

designed to do a century ago, and what our focus will continue to be for another century to come.”

Gò0dNews for Everyone

Messy Trust is Still Trust


by Alicia Klepper

just want to trust Him really well,” I said to my friends roughly two years into a long and difficult season that included struggles with depression and anxiety, financial stress, an unexpected job loss, and a devastating family accident, to name just a few. They responded with a statement that lifted

the burden of perfection off of my weary heart: “Oh, no one does it really well.” Trusting God is hard. It’s messy.

Other translations say it this way: “Then I believe. Help me with my doubts!” “I do have faith, but not enough. Help me have more!” The cries of a father desperate for his son’s healing revealed a heart mixed with faith and doubt. Those are cloudy waters I wade through often. And in response to this shaky faith, Jesus did not turn him away. He didn’t tell him to go muster more faith and come back and try again later. Instead, in spite of his bold confession, Jesus healed his son. Friends, shaky faith is still faith. Messy trust is still trust. When we cry, “Help!” a good father responds, and God is a good Father, the best Father, a perfect Father. He doesn’t require that we present Him a polished heart when He actually invites our broken, trembling, weary heart that is in much need of help. There is no more beautiful proclamation that God is God than from a heart that cries out in desperate need of Him. I need a big God who can handle all of the shadows of

perfected trusting God in difficult times. Read that paragraph as many times as you need to because I need to hear it, and I imagine you do as well. I really did believe that if I wasn’t good at trusting God, I wasn’t actually trusting Him. I believed that if it was a challenge, if I asked too many questions, or if I struggled with doubt and unbelief, I wasn’t trusting. I believed that my cries of anguish and neediness reflected a heart of doubt that disappointed Him. But I was so wrong. These deceptions of satan I received in my mind were completely contrary to the word of God. “‘If you can?’ said Jesus. ‘Everything is possible for one who believes.’ Immediately the boys father exclaimed, ‘I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!’” (Mark 9:23-24).

42 // January 2020

my soul, the bruises on my heart, the wailing in my spirit, and the chaos of my mind. And our Abba Father is plenty big enough for all of that, and more. Don’t limit the One True Living God to only your polished, pristine moments of strength. Besides, He knows when you’re fooling everyone anyway, including yourself. Raise your face to Heaven and cry out your honest prayer: “I believe; rescue me from my doubt!” He’s faithful to give generously. “Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow” (James 1:17). About The Author

It’s three steps forward and two steps back. No one has

Alicia Klepper and her husband, Mark, have been married for 18 years. They have three children and are active members of Peerless Road Church.

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Gò0dNews for Everyone

Old-Timers merica needs its old-timers, those who toiled in the summer heat and winter ice to work hardscrabble farms to feed this country. America needs its old-timers, those who sweated long hours in her factories and salesrooms to build this nation. America’s future is jeopardized without the history of those who made her great in the first place. The Church also needs its oldtimers, those whose calloused knees spend endless hours in fervent prayer. The Church needs its old-timers who fought spiritual battle after spiritual battle to guarantee freedom in the lives of countless believers. The Church’s future is in jeopardy without the history of those who made her great over time. And, if the Church is to expect revival, the Church needs its old-timers as well. This seasoned generation of saints has seen and done and experienced things that the present generation has only read about. This “ancient” generation has seen the fire of God fall on entire congregations with burning results. This “ancient” generation has seen crooked legs straightened, vision restored to the blind, hearing restored to the deaf, and deliverance when demons were cast out. Old-timers have experienced what the present generation prays to see. Why, then, would this present generation not want to consult their

44 // January 2020

predecessors in revival? Much can be learned from those who have passed through the fire. But the Church’s old-timers do not hold the patent on revival. Previous revival swept through entire communities and families, encompassing those of all ages, ethnicities, races, and social and economic status. Revival will come to this nation when the

Church decides to include all ages by closing the generational gap that has developed. America, and the Church, need to move their old-timers from rooms of obscurity to seats of honor and let the present generation see that their future is built on the past accomplishments of their old-timers.

About The Author


by James Hawkins

Dr. James Hawkins is a thirty-six year veteran of full time ministry. He lives in Cleveland with wife, Jennie. They are the proud parents of three adult children and seven grandchildren.

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Gò0dNews Ministry Spotlight Traveling Exhibit Billy Graham: Pilgrim Preacher Now Open at Bradley Square Mall


resented by Trek Thru Truth, the Museum of the Bible’s traveling exhibit titled Billy Graham: Pilgrim Preacher is now open at the Bradley Square Mall

through March 2020. The exhibit provides a historical examination of the life, work and cultural significance of evangelist Billy Graham (1918-2018), focusing on his use of the Bible in his ministry from the late-1940s until his public preaching ministry concluded in 2005. In more than 70 years of ministry, Billy Graham preached the Gospel to more than 215 million people in live audiences across 185 countries and territories. Hundreds of millions more have been reached through television, video, film and webcasts in various meetings,

Key features of the exhibit include: • Original pulpit used during one of Graham’s first major crusades in Modesto, California, 1948 • Original pulpit and sermon notes used during Graham’s final crusade in New York City, 2005 • A silver-tone medal, etched with "1982 Billy Graham" presented to Billy Graham on May 18, 1982, by Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, at Buckingham Palace, London, England, on behalf of Dr. John M. Templeton. Billy Graham received the Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion in 1982. • One of Mr. Graham’s suits

including massive satellite outreaches called Mission World and Global Mission. The evangelist’s ties to Cleveland began decades ago. Billy Graham’s path to becoming a preacher started in 1936, when Graham attended Bob Jones College whose campus was located in the city (now the site of Lee University). Though he left the small campus after only one semester, Bob Jones College conferred an honorary doctorate to Graham in 1948. Decades later the Cleveland City Council voted unanimously in 2008 on the naming of Billy Graham Avenue—one of five roads named after Graham in the U.S.—with the road’s official dedication coming in a ceremony in 2012. Shortly before his passing in 2018, Graham was named an honorary citizen of the State of Tennessee and the City of Cleveland. “Perhaps no individual in modern history has done more to invite people to engage with the Bible than Billy Graham,” said Anthony Schmidt, Museum of the Bible’s associate curator of Bible and religion in America. “We are honored to help tell the story of the arc of his life and work and the impact the Bible had on them.”

46 // January 2020

Hours: Sunday: 1-5 p.m.; Monday: Closed, Wednesday and Friday: 12-2 p.m. and 5-8 p.m.; Tuesday and Thursday: 10 a.m.-1 p.m. and 5-8 p.m.; Saturday: 12-8 p.m. Location: Bradley Square Mall (near Belk Department Store) 200 Paul Huff Parkway, Cleveland, TN 37312 Additional information can be found at: https://www. trekthrutruth.com/billy-graham-pilgrim-preacher-exhibitcleveland-tn.


here’s nowhere else quite like the Billy Graham Library. The interactive Journey of Faith tour is a virtual trip through history for the whole family. See how God’s love changed millions as you experience inspiring videos, photo galleries, and memorabilia. Explore Billy Graham’s childhood home, stroll the peaceful Memorial Prayer Garden, relax over lunch and specialty coffees, or shop the Christian bookstore. An extraordinary journey starts here.



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reach out to people through words of encouragement. What: We believe that it is important to laugh together, praise each other, encourage one another, and to offer biblical advice. Articles can be directed toward everyone, or from woman to woman, or man to man. We love to share recipes and family traditions as well. We ask that articles be kept to a 500 word maximum. We’d love to hear from you! Where: Please send submissions to articles.goodnews@gmail.com Why: Because God has not intended for us to just survive. We believe that we are intended to reach out to love and encourage each other. God has brought each of us through tough times, blessed us, and made the “impossible” possible. Let’s, together, share the love of Jesus Christ.



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Gò0dNews for Strength

I Know True Strength ecember 14, 2006. A week after my younger daughter was born, my world was turned upside down: very bleak and filled with hopelessness. I was secured to a hospital bed and in a coma. I later learned that I had a hemorrhagic stroke that changed my life. What I thought then was for the worst. I had no use of my right side and could not speak or do the little movements that I once took for granted. My emotions were even adnominal. I would laugh at things that were not meant to be laughed at. All I wanted to do was lie in that hospital bed and cry, but tears would never roll down my face and my eyes never got water: only laughter. I wanted to die! The whole time I was in the hospital, my pastors would come visit with me, pray over me, and inform me of how things were going with my children. While they were doing this, I was screaming in my head and talking back with them, but words would not come out. One day, I stopped fighting the hospital staff; they felt it was safe enough for me not to be restrained to the bed. My pastors came to pray over me, and that day, I was not yelling at them in my head; I actually agreed with them when they prayed over me with so much peace. Hours later, my first words were “kids” and “help”; the next thing I know, all the yelling I was doing in my mind was coming out my mouth. Tears were flowing like a river down my face, and with a lot of prayer and every type of therapy, it was time for me to go home. The rehabilitation clinic was giving me all the medical equipment needed for someone who could not walk or keep steady balance. I turned it all down and only had the wheelchair I was wheeled out in. Once I got home, that wheelchair stayed outside. Everyone around me thought I was crazy. Three days after being home, at night, my baby started crying. Not thinking about my right side and the fact that I couldn’t really walk, I jumped up and attempted to go to her, but of course, I fell. I sat on the floor of my hallway crying, “Why me! Lord, just kill me now.” My daughter let out what seemed to be a cry but as if she was choking at the

50 // January 2020

same time. I stopped saying, “Lord just kill me now,” and started saying, “Jesus! Jesus! You said I can do all things through you who strengthens me.” The next thing I knew, I felt someone on my right and left sides helping me up and off the floor: walking me to where my daughter was. 1. Psalm 46:1: “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”

2. Psalm 84:7: “They go from strength to strength: each one appears before God in Zion.” 3. Isaiah 40:29: “He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases strength.” Last but not least, “‘My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore, most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me” (2 Corinthians 12:9). I am no longer feeling deserted, discouraged, aggravated, and annoyed. Every day is still a battle, but it is a battle I fight with joy, driving my children here and there plus working two jobs, all while helping my son in college. The worst experience in my life became the best experience; my success is others’ normal. About The Author


by Ashley McPhearson

Ashley McPhearson and her family have been in Cleveland for three years since moving from Chicago. She writes stories, plays, and blogs about Jesus Christ.

Thank You Cleveland! We are grateful to the friends, family members and residents who voted Legacy Village as Cleveland’s best retirement community. We won! Thank you for your support.


2255 Candies Lane NW Cleveland, TN 37312 legacycleveland.net

Life. Love. Legacy.

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