The Goochland Gazette – 07/29/2021

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INSIDE State wildlife experts offer new guidance on feeding birds > page 2

Volume 66 Number 29 • July 29, 2021

BOS defers decision on Songbird to September Residents living near the site are concerned about development’s density By Roslyn Ryan Editor

A planned development project in Goochland’s eastern end remains on hold after county supervisors voted to defer a decision on whether to approve a rezoning request for the property. Approval of the request, made by Towne & Country Realty Partners, LLC and Joy-Scott, LLC, would pave the way for a 130-lot subdivision at the southwest corner of Hockett Rd and Songbird Lane. The project was approved with a 5-0 vote by the county Planning Commission in June, and developers have proposed cash proffers of $9,810 per lot to offset the impact of the development on local infrastructure. But while developers have noted that they have the support of many nearby property owners — some of whom spoke during the July 6 Board of Supervisors meeting or submitted letters of support prior to the meeting — several other residents living near the site of the planned development said they saw it as a poor fit for the area. Citing the county’s current Comprehensive Plan, which designates the property be used for see Songbird > 2

Photo: Josh Kondakor

HAULING HISTORY: It took a team of 30 people — not to mention the efforts of the Goochland County Sheriff’s Office, VDOT and numerous other organizations — to transport the historic Short Pump Grocery and Short Pump Garage 28 miles from the former Field Day of the Past site in Rockville to their new home at Rassawek in Columbia, where they will remain part of the property’s collection of historic structures. The buildings will be on full display during Rassawek’s planned Autumn Festival on Oct. 23 and 24, 2021. For more on Field Day’s new home, see page 5.

School division earns honors for Heavy Equipment Operator program

Contributed report

With construction booming in our community, the demand for skilled workers created an opportunity for Goochland County Public Schools (GCPS) to develop a program that met a need and opened doors for students. And now those efforts are receiving statewide recognition. The Virginia School Boards Association

(VSBA) recently recognized the school division’s efforts in their annual Awards for Excellence in Workforce Readiness awards program. Goochland’s entry, Utility and Heavy Equipment Operators: Building the Foundation for a Career, was one of only nine programs throughout the Commonwealth to be honored by VSBA, see Schools > 2



July 29, 2021

Schools continued from >1 earning second place in the Under 5,000 Students category. “From our lab to our twoacre dig site, GCPS students learn the skills they need to go from our high school directly into well-paying jobs,” said Bruce Watson, director of Career and Technical Education (CTE). “This would not be possible without the support, tools, equipment and opportunities we receive from our School Board and our business partners.” To prepare GCPS graduates to be college and career ready, the division’s CTE courses merge academic knowledge and technical skills in realworld applications. GCPS is one of only two school divisions in Virginia to offer Utility/Heavy Construction courses that provide students

with both the knowledge and the hands-on skills needed to secure a job as a construction equipment operator. Students learn about site grading and development, excavation, concrete structures, pipe laying, road building, and other topics. In a second course, students also study soil, learn to read blueprints, and have the opportunity to gain experience in operating bulldozers, backhoes, front-end loaders, excavators, and motor graders. Completion of these courses prepares students for the certification exam for medium/ heavy truck technician or parts specialist. The VSBA awards program was created by the organization’s Task Force on Workforce Readiness to highlight exemplary programs in Virginia’s public schools focused on preparing the state’s future workforce.

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Have an idea for a community news story? Send news tips to Roslyn Ryan at or call (804) 339-7956.

NEWS: What’s Going on in Goochland County

Serving Goochland County

State agency provides further direction on bird feeding issue Editor’s Note: In our July 15 edition, the Goochland Gazette published a report provided by the Virginia Tech Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation concerning a recent uptick in unexplained bird deaths. While that report urged residents across the state to avoid feeding birds, more recent guidance from the state Department of Wildlife Resources suggests that those living in our area may not have to forgo feeding birds. Contributed report

Although the US National Wildlife Health Center has not modified their original recommended guidance on what homeowners, especially those who feed birds, should be doing to combat the problem, a number of state wildlife programs within the area affected by this event have modified their own guidance statements on this outbreak. Included among these states is Virginia, where the Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR) recently amended its previous request that everyone stop all feeding activity. Because of the apparent reduction in the number of new cases

Songbird continued from >1 low density residential development, over half a dozen speakers told supervisors that the proposed density of 1.99 units per acre was simply too high and would exacerbate traffic problems and other issues negatively impacting the area. “We’re not saying ‘no’ growth,” insisted Goochland

being reported and fewer specimens displaying symptoms of physical impairment or death are being detected, personnel with DWR believe this event may be abating or, for many parts of the Commonwealth, may never have impacted areas of the state. As a result, the agency has modified its ban on feeding to now exclude areas outside what is believed to be the zone of affected impact. In essence, for people who live outside the greater Washington DC and Northern Virginia region, regular feeding can resume provided that all feeders used for that purpose are taken down, emptied (and unused seed thrown away), washed/cleaned, and disinfected with a 10 percent bleach solution every 3-4 days. Because the definitive agent(s) responsible for causing the bird illness has not yet be identified or isolated, some disagreement obviously exists among experts about whether safeguards should be relaxed or if doing so may be premature. This “difference of opinion” has led to some confusion within the public

as to what advice should be followed. The recent statement of DWR represents the official position of authorities here in Virginia, so it is the most pertinent standard to follow in this state. At this time, there is no evidence to suggest that hummingbirds are among the list of species commonly impacted (blue jays, starlings, grackles, robins, etc.) by whatever the suspect agent may be. Those outside the zone would be unaffected, but are urged to embrace good hygiene with any hummingbird feeders — as a normal routine, all hummingbird food dispensers should be taken down, emptied, cleaned and disinfected a minimum of once every 2 weeks, regardless of whether the liquid has been finished or not. Given the high sugar content of the liquids, they are notoriously vulnerable to bacterial contamination and black molds, especially in higher temperatures and higher humidity conditions; thus, the contents routinely should be discarded and the feeders cleansed thoroughly to prevent making the birds ill.

resident Jonathan Lyle, who spoke on behalf of several other attendees. “We are just saying let’s do what the Comprehensive Plan suggests.” Lyle called the current proposal “a great plan in the wrong location,” adding that it will be difficult for the county to reach its previously stated goal of having a 30 percent business base if it continues to keep adding high density residential development.

After over an hour of back and forth discussion, supervisors ultimately decided that they wanted developers to come back with a revised proposal that would address the density issue and several other outstanding questions. District 2 Supervisor Neil Spoonhower was the sole vote of opposition to the ultimately successful motion to defer the matter to the board’s September meeting.

Since 1955


Lachniet wins Phoenix Bass Fishing League PAGE 7 Calendar ................................ 4 Classifieds ......................12-14 Letters .................................... 6 Obituaries .............................. 4 Opinion .................................. 6 Sports .................................7-8 TV Listings ........................9-11

CONTACT US Toll Free - (877) 888-0449 Office - (804) 746-1235 Joy Monopoli Publisher (804) 775-4614 Fax: (804) 819-5529 Denine D’Angelo Production Manager (804) 775-4624 Roslyn Ryan Editor (804) 339-7956 Nick Vandeloecht Sports Editor (540) 728-0549 Cindy Adams Classifieds (804) 775-4616 Fax: (804) 344-8746


NEWS: What’s Going on in Goochland County

July 29, 2021

Serving Goochland County Since 1955


Library Calendar Tuesday, August 10

MetroCreative photo

Through texts, program offers parents advice on preparing kids for school Contributed report It’s never too early to begin getting children ready for school, and now parents and caregivers in the Richmond region can sign up to receive two free texts each week with parenting facts and fun activities to help boost their young child’s brain development and learning capabilities. Insights is a free text messaging program designed to support a child’s development in the early years and strengthen the relationship between parents and their children. Each week until the child turns three, Basics Insights sends two text messages which are personalized and age-appropriate based on information provided on the signup form. Signing up is fast, easy and free. Go to, choose English or Spanish, and then click the link or scan the QR Code. The texts align with sciencebased parenting and caregiv-

ing principles of The Basics, a program developed at Harvard University that was brought to the Richmond region in 2018. The core principles of The Basics are simple, powerful things that parents and caregivers can do with children ages 0-5 to help them thrive and reach their full potential “On Mondays, parents will receive an evidence-based fact about their child’s development. On Wednesdays, they’ll receive a suggestion for a fun activity that they can do with their child to boost learning,” said Meg Pienkowski, Vice President of Community Partnerships & Programs at Smart Beginnings Greater Richmond. “The messages serve as great reminders and sources of new ideas for connecting with their little one.” To learn more about The Basics, visit The website contains tip sheets on each of the five principles along with other helpful resources, all available in English and Spanish.

Retirement by Design: Justin Williams with Edward Jones Financial discusses the need to define retirement goals and determine the savings needed to reach those goals from 6 - 7 p.m. Registration is required at https://pamunkeylibrary. This virtual program is hosted through Zoom and the meeting link will be sent to the email registered one day before the event occurs. If you don’t receive your reminder email on Monday, Aug. 9, please contact the Cochrane Rockville Branch Library at (804) 749-3146. This program is for those ages 18 & up. For more information or if you have a special physical or communication need, please contact

nication need, please contact is required at https://pamunk e y l i b r a r y. l i b c a l . c o m / Hanover Safe Place: This event/7822662. This virtual interactive virtual workshop, program is hosted through Friday, August 20 which will be held from 6 p.m. Zoom and the meeting link – 7 p.m., explores the dynamKids’ Lego Club: Meet will be sent to the email regics of sexual assault, who is and talk with other kids most vulnerable to experience about your current creations, istered one day before the it, perpetrator accountability, ask questions, and show off event occurs. If you don’t importance of consent, and your amazing Lego builds! receive your reminder email false reporting. We’ll also dis- This program, held from on Monday, Aug. 23, please cuss how to help someone 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. is for kids contact the library. For more after trauma and what com- in grades K-5. Registration information or if you have a munity resources are available. required - sign up online or special physical or commuRegistration is required at see a staff member to reg- nication need, please contact https://pamunkeylibrary.lib- ister. Registration is required or If you at https://pamunkeylibrary. call the Atlee Branch Library don’t receive your reminder at 804-559-0654. email on Wednesday, Aug. 11, This virtual program is hostTuesday, August 24 please contact the library. For ed through Zoom and the more information or if you meeting link will be sent to Honey Heist: Those in have a special physical or com- the email registered one day grades 6-12 are invited to join munication need, please con- before the event occurs. If you in and play Honey Heist, a onetact ask@pamunkeylibrary. don’t receive your reminder shot style D&D game, from 4 org or call the Mechanicsville email on Thursday, Aug.19, 5 p.m.! Registration is required Branch Library at 804-746- please contact the Atlee at https://pamunkeylibrary. 9615. Branch Library at (804) 559- Thursday, August 12

0654. For more information This virtual program is hosted or if you have a special physi- through Zoom and the meetHerb Garden Planning cal or communication need, ing link will be sent to the and Planting: Linda Toler, please contact ask@pamun- email registered 1 day before the event occurs. If you don’t Master Gardener with the receive your reminder email Goochland Powhatan Master Become a Citizen Scientist: on Monday, August 23, please Gardener Association, shares Learn how you can make real contact the library. For more how herbs add beauty, flavor, contributions to scientific information or if you have a and fragrances to our lives. research in your spare time. special physical or commuWith foresight, planning, and This program is being held preparation, you can have a see Calendar > 4 truly wonderful herb garden from 2 - 3 p.m. Registration that will keep on giving with minimal care. This program will be held from 11 a.m. – noon. Registration is required at https://pamunkeylibrary. This virtual program is hosted through Zoom and the meeting link will be sent to the email registered one day before the event occurs. This program is for those ages 18 ON SUNDAYS from 11:30 - 8:00! & up. If you don’t receive your Please join us. reminder email on Friday, Aug. 13, please contact the Featuring Brunch items Goochland Branch Library at (804) 556-4774. For more from 11:30 - 2:30 information or if you have a special physical or commuSaturday, August 14

Wednesday, August 11 Join the Atlee Virtual Book Club from 11 a.m. noon for a lively book discussion on Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine by Lisa See. Place a hold on your copy today or check it out on hoopla or OverDrive. Registration is required at https://pamunkeylibrary. This virtual program is hosted through Zoom and the meeting link will be sent to the email registered one day before the event occurs. If you don’t receive your reminder email on Tuesday, August 10, please contact the Atlee Branch Library at 804559-0654. This program is for those ages 18 & up. For more information or if you have a special physical or communication need, please contact


1601 Hockett Rd. Manakin Sabot, VA



July 29, 2021

NEWS: What’s Going on in Goochland County

Serving Goochland County Since 1955

Obituaries BLANCHE V. GLOVER Mrs. Blanche Virginia Glover, 87, of Goochland, Va., departed this life Wednesday, July 14, 2021. She was preceded in death by her husband of 67 years, Stanley Lee Glover (Mutt); three sons, Stanley (Pupie), James and Jerome Glover; and her parents, Edward GLOVER Evans and Gracie Tyler Evans. She is survived by her loving and devot-

ed children, Blanche Payne, Bettie Woodson (MacArthur), Robert, Brenda, Stevie Glover and Quintine Wert; eight grandchildren, 10 great-grandchildren, two great-greatgrandchildren; daughter-inlaw, Kathy Glover; two sisters, Gracie Branham and Christine Jasper; sister-in-law, Marie Timberlake; nieces, nephews, cousins and other relatives and friends. Her remains rest at the Robert Mealy Funeral Home, 2530 Dogtown Road, Goochland, Va., where a walk-through viewing was held on Wednesday, July 21. Funeral services were held

Local Events The Purple Hearts Relay team will be hosting a Stamp Card Bingo on Saturday, August 14 at 7 p.m. at Mt. Gilead Baptist Church Fellowship Hall, located at 4768 Shannon Hill Road, in Columbia. The cost is $20 for 6 faces, and food and drinks will be sold. This is a benefit for the American Cancer Society. Trail Life Troop VA-2019 will be holding an Open House from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Aug. 17, at Ragland Memorial Baptist Church (2838 Sandy Hook Rd. in Goochland). All are invited to come and enjoy a hotdog dinner while learning more about Trail Life. Troop members will be on hand to answer questions and assist those who would like to sign up.

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on Thursday, July 22, 2021 at years, Gilda J. Jones; a daughFauquier Baptist Church in ter, Patricia Vaughan Jones Goochland, Va. (Jaime) of El Cerrito, Calif.; a son, Robert Craig Jones JOHN R. JONES JR. (Anne) and granddaughJohn Robert “Bob” Jones ter, Hannah Buckley Jones Jr., of Goochland, Va., passed of Goochland; two brothers, away on July 14, 2021. Born M. Lee Jones and C. William June 19, 1929, he was the son of (Billy) Jones (Joyce); as well as John Robert several nieces and nephews. He Jones Sr. was predeceased by a brother, and Mary T. Earl Jones. Bob graduated L. Weaver from Sunnyside-McKenney Jones of High School and served in the McKenney, U.S. Army in Bavaria during Va. Bob is the Korean War. Upon being s u r v i v e d discharged, he worked for by his three years for the Bank of JONES wife of 68 Southside Virginia. Using the

Calendar continued from >3 nication need, please contact or call the Mechanicsville Branch Library at 804-746-9615. Saturday, August 28 CoderDojo: Those in Grades 3 – 12 will learn how to develop logic-based coding skills and use creative problem-solving with Scratch. Registration required- sign up online or see a staff member to register. Go to https:// event/7687562 to sign up. This program is hosted from 2- 4 p.m. on Discord. For more information or if you have a special physical or communication need, please contact

On Demand Videos Storytime for Grownups Premieres Wednesday, August 11. Ages 18 & up. Storytime is not just for kids! If you like to be read to, join us for a monthly short story for adults. Starting August 11, go to our YouTube channel

GI Bill, he graduated in 1959 with a degree in Bus Admin from Virginia Tech. He was employed by Southern States for two years before spending 26 years with Farm Credit Assoc. in the Richmond office. He successfully pushed to get a branch office in Louisa. He was known by his associates for his keen ability to sense a client’s ability to repay the loans he made and for his great PR manner. After early retirement, he continued to enjoy raising beef cattle on Hideaway Farm. He was a board member of Southern States Coop and Farm Bureau

for many years. He was a member of the Goochland Chamber of Commerce, receiving Volunteer of the Year in 2001. He was also a member of the Lions Club, Veterans of Foreign Wars and the American Legion. He was an avid quail hunter and golfer, as well as a volunteer for Meals on Wheels. He loved to use the tractor on the farm and many winters cleared the neighbors’ driveways. He had the natural ability for smooth dancing. Condolences may be sent to Gilda Jones at 13500 N. Gayton Rd., Apt. 222, Henrico, Va. 23233.

strawberry snack. Starting August 18 go to our YouTube channel (, our Children’s page (, or Facebook page ( PamunkeyLibrary) to see the video. For more information, DIY Pet Toys contact ask@pamunkeyliPremieres Tuesday, August 17. Make some fun for your fur babies! Join us during the Poetry Break dog days of summer as we Premieres Wednesday, create pet toys from repur- August 18. Ages 18 & up. posed materials. This video Take a break and join us for premieres on August 17 on monthly poems to uplift and our website (https://tinyurl. inspire you! August’s theme is com/prladults), YouTube “Travel.” Starting August 18, channel ( go to our YouTube channel ( library), and Facebook page user/pamunkeylibrary), our ( Adults page (https://tinyurl. PamunkeyLibrary/). For more com/prladults), or Facebook information, contact ask@ page (https://www.facebook. or call com/PamunkeyLibrary) to see the West Point Branch Library the video. For more informaat 804-843-3244. tion or if you have a special physical or communication Kitchen Close Ups: need, please contact ask@ Strawberry Tacos Premieres Wednesday, August 18. Grades K-5. Want Global Feast: Tales and a different way to enjoy juicy Tails strawberries? Follow along Premieres Thursday, to make this cool, refreshing August 19. Grades 6-12. Our

Global Feast series continues with Japanese & Chinese folktales about turtles. Learn how to make steamed buns turtle shaped & colored w/ matcha green tea & filled w/ red beans. Starting August 19, go to our YouTube channel ( user/pamunkeylibrary), our Teens page (https://tinyurl. com/prlteens), or Facebook page (https://www.facebook. com/PamunkeyLibrary) to see the video.

( user/pamunkeylibrary), our Adults page (https://tinyurl. com/prladults), or Facebook page (https://www.facebook. com/PamunkeyLibrary) to see the video. For more information, contact

Animal Tales with The Story Lady Premieres Monday, August 23. Grades Pre K-5. Join The Story Lady, Ali Pfautz, as she entertains with animal tales, songs, and imaginative play. You might even see library staff acting silly! Starting August 23, go to our YouTube channel (, our Children’s page (, or Facebook page ( PamunkeyLibrary) to see the video. For more information, contact or call (804) 7984072.


July 29, 2021

NEWS: What’s Going on in Goochland County

Serving Goochland County Since 1955


Field Day finds new home in Amelia County Contributed report

Field Day of the Past, one of Virginia’s best loved events, is moving to Redfield Farm in Amelia County, and will host its 29th annual event September 17-19. The move comes after a search which lasted more than a year to find a new site for the show. In 2019, the RockvilleCenterville Steam & Gas Historical Association, host of the annual Field Day of the Past, lost its lease on the property in Goochland County where the event took place for almost three decades. The loss left organizers scrambling to find a new home for its myriad collections of artifacts, antique buildings and equipment, and varied attractions. Last year, COVID-19 all but halted the search, which resumed early this year. The Amelia site was located in the spring and negotiations have been ongoing since that time, with an agreement reached only recently. Field Day of the Past grew from a one-day community event in 1992 to a three-day extravaganza which drew more than 40,000 people in its last years in Goochland, with visitors coming from up and down the East Coast to experience or participate in this yearly event. Visitors from foreign countries have frequently come through the gates. The show also appeals to a wide range of interests and to people of all ages. Its program includes music, historic presentations, antique machinery--much of which is operational--and a plethora of other attractions designed to entertain families. Volunteers and exhibitors also come from far and wide to show off their talents, skills, and antique treasures. One volunteer from Texas takes a yearly vacation to run an exhibit at Field Day. With its agricultural and educational roots, Field Day has

featured traditional lifestyles of America’s past through sorghum molasses making, ham smoking, sawmilling, blacksmithing and similar trade demonstrations. The display of large diesel engines and small “putt putt” engines emphasizes the Industrial Era in America. Over the years historic presentations were added to the program mixed with typical county fair activities such as a carnival, arts and crafts, commercial and corporate vendors and truck, tractor and lawn mower pulls. Children’s activities, music and historic buildings provided Field Day of the Past with a flavor of country homecomings and the historic buildings added yet another dimension to the event’s persona. Volunteers and organizers are now faced with a challenging opportunity to reimagine both the event’s image and its dual purposes of providing educational family entertainment and agriculturally-based exhibits and demonstrations and establish a new site. Preliminary planning in anticipation of finding a new home has been ongoing since 2019. Collections have been re-evaluated and inventoried, exhibits dismantled, and buildings have been emptied with the hopes of finding a new home. Although it will be another year before the move is complete, with the finalization of the agreement with Redfield Farm in Amelia to use the property as the organization’s new home base, plans will begin in earnest, and frantically, to prepare the grounds and complete programming for the 2021 show in September. “The agreement on the land was only recently put in ink,” said Terry McNeely, association president. “Now we have two months to produce an event which usually takes

Contributed photo

Field Day of the Past grew from a one-day community event in 1992 to a three-day extravaganza which drew more than 40,000 people in its last years in Goochland. It’s new home will be at Redfield Farm in Amelia County.

13 months to put in place. It’s a tight deadline and we have lots of work ahead of us” In addition to planning show events and strategies and trying to prepare for all the problems which go hand in hand with event coordination, organizers and volunteers must undertake the physical relocation of structures, equipment and supplies essential to operate the event. The move will begin this month. “Because of the limited time frame, we are working in, only the essentials will be moved,” McNeely said. Those essentials include ticket booths, a registration trailers, souvenir shop, information booth, some small structures to be used for displays and exhibits and materials/tools and machines needed to set up the show. The gold mining equipment which was originally

used in the Bertha and Edith gold mines in Goochland will also be relocated before the September event. According to McNeely, some of the structures will not be moved. Some were on loan to the association and others were not structurally strong enough to survive a move. The Short Pump and Garage were donated to another organization as they were not intrinsic to Amelia County. The show must go on, however. “We are committed to putting on the best event possible in 2021,” McNeely said. “It will be on a smaller scale than the show we hosted in Goochland in the past decade, but our focus remains on agriculture and education.” Several historic presentations have also been scheduled. Attractions which have already committed to 2021 include Tom Tucker

from North Carolina who will set up a Native American tipi with a large number of artifacts; From Greenville, South Carolina, Randy and Sara Lyn demonstrating the craft of Shaker broom making using a foot-operated winder; Jim Bordwine, a “salt maker” from, Saltville; Arthur Jenkins’ antique photographic display from Powhatan; Chesterfield based Richmond Discoveries’ American Civil War encampment; Jim Callear’s World War II Naval Recruiting Display from Powhatan, and Goochland resident Jim Lavender’s Storytelling program. The schedule also includes sawmilling, construction equipment demonstrations, pony rides, a mechanical bull, arts and crafts and commercial and corporate vendors and Cole Show Amusements providing car-

nival games, rides, and food. The pulls, favorites for many Field Day of the Past attendees will be operating on a yetto-be constructed track. Lawn mower and tractors will pull during the day on Saturday and Sunday and trucks will be showing their stuff on the track on Friday and Saturday nights. Show organizers are working on securing additional attractions and activities. “This is a major step for us,” McNeely said. “We are looking for volunteers to help us in the move and during the show. We are also seeking financial supporters to help offset some of the costs of moving this production.” For more information on Field Day of the Past, visit the website at, email or call the office at (804) 741-8468.



July 29, 2021

Serving Goochland County

OPINION: Editorial, Letters to the Editor

Since 1955

Letter to the Editor Sunflower festival offers visitors chance to enjoy fields of fun

MetroCreative photo

When it comes to developing passion for history, teachers deserve plenty of credit By Roslyn Ryan Editor


s we continue to debate the way in which we present the past to students,

I think we may occasionally miss the opportunity to acknowledge those educators who have dedicated their lives to the teaching of history. I recently had one of those “kick yourself” moments, the kind

Editorial & Business Office and Mailing Address: 8460 Times-Dispatch Blvd. Mechanicsville, VA 23116 Phone – (804) 746-1235 Toll free – (877) 888-0449 Fax – (804) 344-8746 Online:

Publisher Editor Production Manager Sports Editor Sales Representative Classifieds

Joy Monopoli

Roslyn Ryan

Denine D’Angelo Nick Vandeloecht Tom Haynie

Cindy Adams

where you realize after the fact that you handled a situation in exactly the wrong way. I had been chatting with the college-age son of a friend, and it suddenly became apparent that he didn’t know the approximate dates of the United

States’ involvement in World War II — in fact, even his best guess was off by several years. As someone who has always held a fascination with the 1940s, I see History > 11

WE WANT TO PUBLISH YOUR ISSUE-DRIVEN LETTERS The Local welcomes your signed letters to the editor on topics of interest to Goochland residents. Letters must include your address and a daytime telephone number. We reserve the right to edit letters. We do not guarantee that every letter received will be published. Letters reflect the opinions and positions of the writers and not The Goochland Gazette. Send letters to: The Goochland Gazette 8460 Times-Dispatch Blvd. Mechanicsville, Va. 23116 Fax: 344-8746 E-mail: © 2021 by Richmond Suburban Newspapers. All advertising and editorial matter is fully protected and may not be reproduced in any manner without the permission of the publisher. CAC Audited Circulation: 8,014.

Dear Editor, Everybody is ready to get out and enjoy some fresh air — the Sunflower Festival at Alvis Farms is just the place for picturesque views! Join us for the biggest spread of sunflowers in Central Virginia, spanning 50 acres of rolling hills and endless views! There will be fun for the whole family with plenty of photo opportunities, a twisty curvy sunflower maze, yummy food, vendors for great gifts, and even a massive Pick Your Own Patch! And don’t worry, there are also sunflowers pre-cut to purchase and bring home with you! We are thankful for the community’s support and are so excited to offer this opportunity for families to enjoy our sunflowers! Come ready to see tractors, cows, and learn more about our agricultural roots! A portion of the proceeds will be donated back to various Goochland community groups just as we’ve done since the festival began in 2019! We are thrilled to announce our newest addition to the festival and an opportunity for us to support our next generation in the community, the Reva Alvis memorial scholarship. Reva was an integral part of the start of our family’s dairy in 1965 and a supporter of the community as a founding member of the Centerville company 3 fire & rescue squad. Any donations will be used to start a fund for scholarships to support young agriculturists pursuing further education to support Virginia’s number one economic sector that feeds, clothes, and provides shelter for all across the Commonwealth and the world. The sunflowers are popping and ready for pictures! We are excited to offer multiple days and various hours to accommodate most anyone’s schedule. We hope you’ll join

see Letters > page 11


July 29, 2021

SPORTS: Youth, High School, College, Recreational, Professional

Serving Goochland County Since 1955


Goochland swimmers victorious in Day 1 of CHAMPS Staff Reports

In the Goochland Manta Rays’ final 12-and-under event of the Greater Richmond Aquatic League CHAMPS meet, which began Monday at Swim RVA, the four-swimmer team of Lucas Le, Jude Chapman, Andrea Rogerson and Ryan Johnson charged from eighth to first to win the mixed 11-12 200-yard freestyle varsity relay in 2:00.6. While all seven opposing teams surged ahead in the opening half of the relay, Le and Chapman both kept their competitors within reach, enabling Rogerson to pull even with the lead pack on a blistering swim of 28.47 seconds. Johnson, who jumped up to second place after diving into the pool, tracked down and overtook the leader within the final 30 yards of the race and maintained the lead to complete his team’s rally to take the top spot. Johnson delivered a fiery time of 26.69 in the final leg. The Manta Rays also won the mixed 8 and under 100yard medley JV relay when Caroline McCory (backstroke), Wesley Cheatham (breaststroke), Cora Chapman (butterfly) and Caroline Darden (freestyle) collectively swam their way to a first-place time of 1:35.58. Many swimmers represented the Manta Rays in the first day of the GRAL Champs meet on Monday. The 9-10 200-yard freestyle JV relay team of Nathaniel Carter, Lane Ways, Audrey Darden and Kendra Cheatham took fourth in the division with a time of 2:30.1, and the 8 and under 100-yard freestyle JV relay team of Cora Chapman, Caroline McCory, Wesley Cheatham and Caroline

Photos by Nick Vandeloecht/Goochland Gazette

From left: Ryan Johnson swims the boys 11-12 50-yard freestyle, and Andrea Rogerson swims the girls 11-12 100-yard individual medley on Monday.

From left: Jude Chapman and Lucas Le both swim the breaststroke, and Caroline McCory pushes off the block to begin her mixed medley relay event.

From left: Caroline Darden swims the freestyle, Wesley Cheatham swims the mixed medley relay and Cora Chapman swims the butterfly.

Darden swam a 1:31.61. In the mixed 11-12 200-yard freestyle JV relay event, Afton Carter, William Ways, Skyler Mann and Alex Horst swam a 2:18.98, and Mattie Brooks,

Camden Wilson, Sylvia Wirsing and Luca Gardner took second in their heat in 2:27.45. In the 11-12 age group of the mixed 200-yard medley relays, the senior varsity team of

Alex Horst, Jude Chapman, Rogerson and Johnson swam a 2:13.42 for sixth in the division, and the junior varsity team of Gardner, Wilson, Le and Mann were third in their heat and

fourth in JV in 2:32.39. Individually, Kendra Cheatham (girls 9-10) placed third overall and in the senior varsity division of the 50-yard freestyle (32.26), won her heat

and took third in the JV division of the 100-yard individual medley (1:31.55), took second in her heat of the 50 butterfly (44.57) and swam seventh

see CHAMPS > 8



July 29, 2021

CHAMPS continued from >7 overall and second in the varsity division of the 100 free (1:17.22). Audrey Darden (girls 9-10) placed third both overall and in the senior varsity division of the 50-yard backstroke (38.33), took second in the JV division of the 50 free (34.79) and added times of 40 seconds flat in the 50 fly and 1:31.83 in the 100 IM. Cora Chapman (girls 8 and under) took second in her heat in both the 50 free (44.09) and the 100 IM (1:55.3) and placed third in her heat, sixth in the senior varsity division and eighth overall in the 25-yard fly (21.39). She also swam a 21.99 in the 25 back. Jude Chapman (boys 11-12) swam a 1:12.06 in the 100 free, a 42.22 in the 50 breaststroke, a 38.5 in the 50 fly and a 1:22.43 in the 100 IM. Wesley Cheatham (boys 8 and

SPORTS: Youth, High School, College, Recreational, Professional

under) took third in his heat of the 25 breast (27.6) and also swam a 47.05 in the 50 free. Caroline Darden (girls 8 and under) placed third in varsity in the 25 back (20.86) and swam an 18.99 in the 25 free, a 44.82 in the 50 free and a 1:52.55 in the 100 IM. Luca Gardner (boys 11-12) took second in the JV division of the 50 back (35.93) and swam a 1:12.13 in the 100 free, a 39.79 in the 50 fly and a 1:22.8 in the 100 IM. Alex Horst (boys 11-12) took third in his heat of the 50 back in 34.6 and swam a 35.08 in the 50 fly, a 43.61 in the 50 breast and a 1:18.13 in the 100 IM. Ryan Johnson (boys 11-12) took second in his heat of the 50 back (33.95), placed third in his heat of the 100 IM (1:11.64), swam a 31.38 in the 50 fly and placed fifth both overall and in the senior varsity division of the

Serving Goochland County Since 1955

50 free (28.05). Lucas Le (boys 11-12) took second in his heat of the 100 IM (1:20.91), placed third in the JV division of the 50 back (36.82) and swam a 37.66 in the 50 fly as well as a 41.71 in the 50 breast. Andrea Rogerson (girls 11-12) took third in her heat of the 100 IM (1:10.45) and swam a 1:03.34 in the 100 free, a 31.16 in the 50 fly and placed seventh in the senior varsity division and eighth overall in the 50 free (28.94). William Ways (boys 11-12) took third in his heat of the 50 fly (37.69). The GRAL CHAMPS meet continued this past Tuesday with competition in the 13-14 and 15-18 age groups. For results from Tuesday’s GRAL Champs events featuring Goochland’s swimmers, visit

Photos by Nick Vandeloecht/Goochland Gazette

Audrey Darden (left) and Kendra Cheatham swim the freestyle at Monday’s CHAMPS swim meet.

Contributed Photo

Gum Spring native Ryan Lachniet stands with two of his winning bass from his victory in the Phoenix Bass Fishing League this past weekend on the James River.

Afton Carter (from left, clockwise) overtakes her opponent (above) in a relay, Alex Horst swims the breaststroke, Mattie Brooks swims the backstroke, William Ways swims the butterfly, Luca Gardner swims the freestyle and Sylvia Wirsing swims the breaststroke in a medley relay.

Lachniet wins Phoenix Bass Fishing League Staff Reports

Boater Ryan Lachniet has continued to excel on the water this summer as he added a victory in the 2021 Phoenix Bass Fishing League Presented by T-H Marine at James River in Henrico this past weekend. A native of Gum Spring, Lachniet took

first in the group with four bass and a winning weight of 21 pounds, 15 ounces. Lachniet earned $4,127 for his victory at the event. Lachniet plans on going to fish at Campbellsville University in Kentucky in 2022. He is sponsored by Green Top Sporting Goods.




C NFL Live (N) Å



E (2:00) Trackside Live! (N) (Live)



( Dr. Phil ’ Å



& CBS6 News at 4:00p (N)


(11) . The Steve Wilkos Show


(12) , 2020 Tokyo Olympics


(13) 4 Hot Bench







Serving Goochland County

TV LISTINGS: Find Local TV Shows and Movie Schedules

July 29, 2021

Since 1955

© Zap2it


6 PM


7 PM

Interruption SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å Football 106.7 The Fan’s Sports Junkies ’


8 News 8 News CBS6 News News

News ABC News CBS6 News CBS News

Judge Judy Judge Judy FamFeud News News News

FamFeud NBC News


8 PM


9 PM

Draft 2021 NBA Draft (N) (Live) NBA2K League


10 PM





JULY 29, 2021 11 PM 11:30 12 AM

2021 NBA Draft (N) (Live) American Ninja Warrior American Ninja Warrior

Wheel Jeopardy! CBS6 News Hollywood

2021 NBA Draft (N) ’ (Live) Å Big Brother (N) Å (:01) Love Island (N) ’

Big Bang ET

Beat Shazam ’ MasterChef ’ Å Fox News at Ten (N) 2020 Tokyo Olympics: Gymnastics, Swimming, Track and Field. (N) ’ (Live) Å

DailyMailTV Mod Fam News

Mod Fam Olympics

Roswell, New Mexico ’ On Balance

Creek Seinfeld ’ Banfield (N) Å

Goldbergs black-ish The Donlon Report

Mike On Balance

Amanpour and Company Old House PBS NewsHour (N) ’ Unforgotten

Big Bang Olympic

News Jimmy Kimmel Live! ’ CBS6 News Late Show-Colbert

Bull ’ Å

Hot Bench Blue Bloods Past Tense

Judge Mathis ’ Å Blue Bloods Two-Faced

The People’s Court ’ NewsNation: Rush Hour

Science Curious NOVA Creatures of Light

SciGirls ’ Biz Kid$ ’ Beyond Your Backyard

News BBC News PBS NewsHour (N) ’ Amanpour and Company Untamed How She

Jackie Robinson Baseball player Jackie Robinson. The National Parks: America’s Best Idea ’

Halifax: Retribution Walk in Park

2020 Tokyo Olympics Bones ’ Å

2020 Tokyo Olympics: Men’s Basketball Bones ’ Å Bones ’ Å

2020 Tokyo Olympics: Track and Field. (N) Å

››‡ The Equalizer (2014) Denzel Washington. Å (DVS)

2020 Tokyo Olympics Olympics Olympics (:45) ››‡ The Equalizer (2014) Å (DVS)

Amer. Dad

Family Guy Family Guy Big Bang

News black-ish The Donlon Report (N)


(33) < 2020 Tokyo Olympics


(34) H Bones ’ Å


(35) B Amer. Dad


(37) = The First 48 ’ Å


(39) I Two Men


(44) O Homestead Rescue Mississippi Mayhem ’ Å


(49) M Loud





(50) K Big City

Big City

Jessie ’


(53) J (3:30) The Breakfast Club (1985) Å

Jessie ’ Raven Raven Big City Big City ›› The Other Woman (2014) Cameron Diaz, Kate Upton. Å

Amer. Dad Two Men

Amer. Dad

The First 48 ’ Å Two Men Two Men


(60) > Major Crimes Å


(56) W (2:30) ››› Men of Honor (2000)

Rizzoli & Isles Å

Big Bang

(301) 5 (3:20) ›› Battleship (2012) ‘PG-13’


(320) (270) Despertly.


C Baseball



E (2:00) Trackside Live! (N) (Live)

(:03) Homestead Rescue Friends ’ Friends ’

Homestead Friends ’

Ladybug Ladybug The 700 Club ’ Å

Ladybug Simpsons

Homestead Rescue Tropic Thunder The Raneys help a family in Kauai. (N) Friends ’ Friends ’

››› Rio (2011) Voices of Anne Hathaway. ’

Rizzoli & Isles Å



( Dr. Phil ’ Å

8 News



& CBS6 News at 4:00p (N)

CBS6 News News

(11) . The Steve Wilkos Show (12) , 2020 Tokyo Olympics


(13) 4 Hot Bench







6 PM


Interruption SportsCenter (N) Å

Get Up (N) (Live)

››‡ The Proposal (2009) Sandra Bullock.

(0) - Adelphia Communications

7 PM

SportsCenter Special

CBS6 News CBS News

Judge Judy Judge Judy FamFeud News News News


FamFeud NBC News

Dynasty (N) ’ Å NewsNation Prime (N)

Creek Seinfeld ’ Banfield (N) Å

Goldbergs black-ish The Donlon Report

Mike On Balance

Wash Hoover Antiques Roadshow ’

Icon: Music Through In Their Own Words (N)

Classic Albums (N) ’ 10 Modern Marvels

Amanpour and Company Wash PBS NewsHour (N) ’ Icon: Music

(35) B Amer. Dad


(37) = The First 48 ’ Å

Amer. Dad Amer. Dad The First 48 ’ Å

Family Guy Family Guy Burgers Burgers The First 48 ’ Å The First 48 ’ Å


(39) I Two Men

Two Men

Two Men


(44) O Gold Rush: Gold Fever


(49) M SpongeBob Loud

Olympics 2020 Tokyo Olympics 2020 Tokyo Olympics: Triathlon. (N) Bones ’ Å Bones ’ Å Bones ’ Å

(60) > Grey’s Anatomy Å


(56) W (3:00) ››‡ Crocodile Dundee II (301) 5 Mummy


(320) (270) (:12) ››‡ American Reunion (2012) ‘R’ Å

(:25) 100-Foot Wave ’


Olympics 2020 Tokyo Olympics Batman v Superman: Dawn

(:10) ››› Pacific Rim (2013) Charlie Hunnam. Å (DVS) (:01) The First 48 Å (:04) The First 48 Å First 48

The First 48 ’ Å

››› Die Hard With a Vengeance (1995) Bruce Willis. ’ Å

(:01) Expedition Unknown The Lost Avenger Å Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’

© Zap2it



C The Basketball Tournament: First Quarterfinal



E Trackside Live! (N) (Live)



( Paid Prog.


30 for 30 ’ (Part 1 of 2)



& Hope-Wild

Rod. Great Sports Legends

2 PM


The Basketball Tournament

Lucas Oil Pro Paid Prog. Paid Prog.



C The Basketball Tournament



E Trackside Live! (N) (Live)



( Paid Prog.

BIG3 Basketball Paid Prog. Paid Prog.



& Celebration of Service

(11) . Organic


(12) , Olympics

2020 Tokyo Olympics: Archery, Water Polo, Volleyball, Basketball, Tennis. ’ Å


(13) 4 ››‡ Shirley Valentine (1989), Tom Conti




Never Fear Smile



Last Man

Last Man

Last Man

Legacy List With Matt Splash Cyberchas



Mack Curious

Inside-Out Tiger

Va. Current Untamed Donkey Elinor


Last Man

Last Man

How She Tiger

Hubert Donkey

Belton Elinor

Best of Joy Paint This Sesame St. Pink


2020 Tokyo Olympics (34) H (11:00) Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice


(35) B ››› Ready Player One (2018) Tye Sheridan, Olivia Cooke. Å (DVS)


(37) = ››‡ The Wolverine (2013) Hugh Jackman. ’ Å

2020 Tokyo Olympics (:15) ›› Suicide Squad (2016) Will Smith. Friends ’

Friends ’

››‡ X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Last Man


(34) H (10:45) Suicide Squad


(35) B ›‡ Rush Hour 3 (2007, Action) Jackie Chan.


(37) = Kids Behind Bars

Kids Behind Bars

MLB Baseball: Indians at White Sox Kids Behind Bars Kids Behind Bars

Bar Rescue ’ Å Naked-Afraid

Bar Rescue ’ Å Naked-Afraid

Bar Rescue ’ Å Naked-Afraid

Loud Bluey ’

Loud Ladybug

SpongeBob SpongeBob Big City Big City

2020 Tokyo Olympics 2020 Tokyo Olympics (:15) ›››‡ Shazam! (2019) Zachary Levi. Å (DVS)

››› Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story (2004)


(39) I Bar Rescue ’ Å

Homestead Rescue ’


(44) O Naked-Afraid


(49) M ››‡ Bee Movie (2007, Children’s) ’ Å

SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob


(49) M Loud


(50) K Bunk’d ’

Sydney Sydney Bunk’d ’ Bunk’d ’ (1:50) ›››‡ Wreck-It Ralph (2012) Å


(50) K Gabby


(53) J ›› Can’t Hardly Wait


(60) > Her Deadly Sugar Daddy (2020) Lorynn York.


(320) (270) Just Mercy (:23) ››› Stand and Deliver ‘PG’

Two Men

(0) - Comcast

Real Time, Bill Maher Save the Last Dance (:08) ››› The Invisible Man (2020) ’ ‘R’ Å

(0) - Adelphia Communications

Last Man

Father Brown ’ Å Splash Cyberchas


(39) I ›› Bad Teacher (2011) Cameron Diaz. ’ Å

(56) W Two Men

Last Man

(33) < Olympics

(44) O Homestead Rescue ’

Girl in the Basement (2021) Stefanie Scott. Å (:15) ›› Kindergarten Cop (1990) Arnold Schwarzenegger. Tommy

Last Man

Secrets of the Dead ’ Sesame St. Pink



Homestead Rescue ’

Last Man



(301) 5 (:15) ›› Gone (2012) Amanda Seyfried. ‘PG-13’

World of X Games (N)

(:45) 2020 Tokyo Olympics: Volleyball, BMX, Weightlifting, Fencing, Tennis, Gymnastics. Relief ThisMinute Game Time Detroit Engine Tummy Rising

Kitchen Curious


Paid Prog.

(12) , Olympics



Paid Prog.

Bull Riding CrossFit Games From Madison, Wis. (N) Å (11) . Ring of Honor Wrestling Ring of Honor Wrestling Nightwatch Freak Show Paid Prog. Fight Camp (13) 4 Relief


(60) > Trapped Model (2019) Lucy Loken. Å

The Basketball Tournament








2 PM

American Ninja Warrior Last Man Last Man


Gabby Jessie ’ Jessie ’ (53) J (11:45) ››› Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011) Å

AUGUST 1, 2021 2:30 3 PM 3:30

© Zap2it

Paid Prog. Last Man

Relief Last Man

Homestead Rescue ’

Gabby Simpsons

The Shop Real Time, Bill Maher Back on the Record Real Time (:43) ››‡ Event Horizon (1997) ’ ‘R’ Å (:20) ›› Fled (1996) ’

30 for 30


Gold Rush Friends

(0) - Adelphia Communications

JULY 31, 2021 3 PM 3:30

Pet Vet Blade

Die Hard 2

Simone Biles Story: Courage to Soar: Enhanced (:03) ››‡ The Gabby Douglas Story (2014) Biles ›››› Forrest Gump (1994) Tom Hanks, Robin Wright, Gary Sinise. Å ›››› Forrest Gump (1994) Å

REAL Sports Gumbel (:25) ››› Tenet (2020) John David Washington. ‘PG-13’ Å The Shop (:07) ››› Wonder Boys (2000) Michael Douglas. ››› Trance (2013) James McAvoy.



The First 48 ’ Å

››› Die Hard 2 (1990) Bruce Willis, Bonnie Bedelia. ’ Å

(0) - Comcast

(33) < Olympics

2020 Tokyo Olympics: Track and Field. (N) (Live) Å ››‡ Rampage (2018) Dwayne Johnson.

Jimmy Kimmel Live! ’

CBS6 News Late Show-Colbert

›››‡ Wonder Woman (2017, Action) Gal Gadot, Chris Pine. Å (DVS)

Gold Rush: Gold Fever Gold Rush: Gold Fever Gold Rush (N) ’ Å Dino Hunters ’ Å Loud Patrick Star Patrick Star Middlemost SpongeBob SpongeBob Friends ’ Friends ’

Grey’s Anatomy Å Toni Braxton: Unbreak My Heart (2016) Å ››› O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000) George Clooney.



Blue Bloods ’

Big City Jessie ’ (:25) Bluey (5:55) Bluey (:25) ››› The Secret Life of Pets Bunk’d (N) Gabby Owl Hse. (:40) Bluey (:05) Bluey Big City Bunk’d ’ Gabby Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy The 700 Club ’ Å



Burden of Truth ’ On Balance

News black-ish The Donlon Report (N)



NBA2K League News

Mod Fam Olympics

(33) < Olympics

(50) K Big City

MLS Soccer: Portland Timbers at LA Galaxy. (N)

WWE Friday Night SmackDown (N) ’ (Live) News First Sports DailyMailTV Mod Fam 2020 Tokyo Olympics: Track and Field, Beach Volleyball, Swimming. (N) ’ (Live) Å

Big Bang Olympic

(34) H Bones ’ Å

(53) J Family Guy

JULY 30, 2021 11 PM 11:30 12 AM

Big Bang ET



MLS Soccer: Atlanta United FC at Orlando City SC.


(:01) 20/20 ’ Å



10 PM

Love Island (N) Å

News BBC World PBS NewsHour (N) ’ Amanpour and Company Curious Unwine’d

Two Men


Celebrity Renovation

SciGirls ’ Biz Kid$ ’ Homes That Changed

Two Men

9 PM

Shark Tank ’


Creative Curious Forces of Nature Å

Gold Rush: Gold Fever Loud Loud


CBS6 News Hollywood

The People’s Court ’ NewsNation: Rush Hour

Two Men

8 PM


Judge Mathis ’ Å Blue Bloods ’

Amer. Dad

(:03) ›‡ Bride Wars (2009) Kate Hudson. Å Proposal ››› Crocodile Dundee (1986) Paul Hogan. Å

Tig Notaro: Drawn Å ››› The 40-Year-Old Virgin (2005) Steve Carell. The White Lotus Å Catch ›› The Peacemaker (1997) George Clooney. ‘R’ (:05) ›››‡ Hacksaw Ridge (2016) Andrew Garfield. ’ ‘R’

Hot Bench Blue Bloods ’


Big City Jessie ’ Jessie ’ Big City Big City ›› Step Up 3 (2010) Rick Malambri, Adam G. Sevani. Å

Big City grown-ish

››› O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000) George Clooney.

106.7 The Fan’s Sports Junkies ’ News ABC News Wheel

Football 8 News

Full Frontal

Homestead Rescue SpongeBob

Rizzoli & Isles Å


The Cube Å (DVS)

Homestead Rescue Loud Loud

© Zap2it

5 PM



The Cube Å (DVS)

First 48

(0) - Comcast


The Cube Å (DVS)

The First 48 ’ Å The First 48 The Grudge The First 48 Truly Lost The First 48 (:04) The First 48 Å ››‡ The Day After Tomorrow (2004) Dennis Quaid. ’ ›› Bad Boys II (2003, Action) Martin Lawrence, Will Smith. ’ Å

Catch (:05) ›‡ Identity Thief (2013) Jason Bateman. (:21) ››‡ In the Heart of the Sea (2015) Å (:25) ›› The 15:17 to Paris (2018)


Big Bang

The First 48 ’ Å Two Men Two Men

›››‡ Hell or High Water (2016) Jeff Bridges. Å


Big Bang

The Outpost (N) Å NewsNation Prime (N)

Loud TBA

Loud Bluey ’

Loud Ladybug

(:05) ›‡ John Tucker Must Die (2006) Å


(56) W (10:30) ››› Erin Brockovich Å


(301) 5 David Byrne’s Utopia


(320) (270) ›› The Four Feathers

2020 Tokyo Olympics Justice

10 Things I Hate

Unwanted Guest (2016) Kate Mansi. Å ››‡ Sixteen Candles (1984, Comedy) Å Grown Ups

(:01) ›‡ The Spirit (2008) Gabriel Macht. King Arthur: Legend (:10) ››‡ The Prophecy II ‘R’ (:35) ›››‡ Up in the Air ‘R’

(0) - Comcast

(0) - Adelphia Communications




C NFL Live Å



E (12:00) Trackside Live! (N) (Live)



( (3:00) 30 for 30



& (3:00) BIG3 Basketball: Week 4. (N) ’ (Live) Å

SportsCenter (N) Å Paid Prog.

6 PM


7 PM


8 PM


9 PM


10 PM


JULY 31, 2021 11 PM 11:30 12 AM

UFC Fight Night: Hall vs. Strickland - Prelims (N) (Live) UFC Fight Night: Hall vs. Strickland (N) (Live) Pregame MLS Soccer: D.C. United at FC Cincinnati. (N) American Ninja Warrior American Ninja Warrior News ABC News CBS6 News CBS News

Wheel Bensinger

Jeopardy! Carbonaro


(11) . Sports Gone Wild


(12) , 2020 Tokyo Olympics


(13) 4 American Ninja Warrior

Never Fear

Paid Prog.





Last Man Last Man Antiques Roadshow ’

Last Man Curious

Last Man Last Man Va. Current Weekend



Old House


(33) < 2020 Tokyo Olympics

Va. Grown MotorWeek Amanpour and Company Expedition With Steve 2020 Tokyo Olympics 2020 Tokyo Olympics


(34) H Suicide


(35) B Friends ’

Old House

Since 1955

© Zap2it



Paid Prog.

Serving Goochland County

TV LISTINGS: Find Local TV Shows and Movie Schedules

July 29, 2021

Judge Judy Judge Judy FamFeud

FamFeud NBC News Major Crimes Å Last Man Untamed

Funniest Home Videos Magnum P.I. ’ Å

Shark Tank ’ 48 Hours ’ Å

The Good Doctor ’ 48 Hours ’ Å

SportCtr American Ninja Warrior

News (:35) NCIS Third Wheel CBS6 News (:35) Storm of Suspicion

Big Bang Big Bang 12 News Olympic Major Crimes Å

Boxing News Mod Fam Game of Talents Å 2020 Tokyo Olympics: Beach Volleyball, Track and Field, Swimming. (N) ’ (Live) Å News Camp Meeting Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ Mike Mike

NewsNation Prime (N) Lawrence Welk

NewsNation Prime (N) Father Brown ’ Å

(:45) ›››‡ Wonder Woman (2017) Gal Gadot, Chris Pine. Å (DVS) Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang

Banfield Å Trouble-Maggie

Banfield Å Unforgotten

Nature Å (DVS) Magic Numbers 2020 Tokyo Olympics: Track and Field. (N) (Live) Å

(:45) ›››‡ Shazam! (2019) Zachary Levi, Mark Strong. Å (DVS) Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang

NewsNation Prime Song of the Mountains

POV Mayor (N) ’ Å (DVS) 2020 Tokyo Olympics Big Bang

Paid Prog. Olympics Opry NewsNtn. Bluegrass

The Good Road Å 2020 Tokyo Olympics

›› Justice League (2017, Action) Ben Affleck. Big Bang Miracle The Cube Å (DVS)


(37) = X-Men Origins


(39) I ››‡ Old School (2003) Luke Wilson. ’ Å

››› Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story (2004)

››‡ Old School (2003) Luke Wilson. ’ Å

(:01) The First 48 Å (:04) The First 48 Å ››‡ Old School (2003) Luke Wilson. ’ Å

John Wick Bad Teach


(44) O Homestead Rescue ’

Homestead Rescue ’


(49) M SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Patrick Star Henry

Homestead Rescue Paradise in Peril ’ Å Danger Dylan Side Hustle Friends ’ Big City Big City Big City Big City

Homestead Rescue Tropic Thunder ’ Å Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Big City Big City Owl Hse. Owl Hse.

Homestead Friends ’ Jessie ’

››‡ Den of Thieves (2018) Gerard Butler, Pablo Schreiber. ’ Å

Homestead Rescue ’

Homestead Rescue ’ Henry Henry ››› The Secret Life of Pets (2016) Big City


(50) K Bluey ’


(53) J (3:55) ››› Ralph Breaks the Internet (2018, Children’s) Å


(60) > Kept Woman (2015, Drama) Courtney Ford. Å

Bluey ’

Big City

Big City


(56) W (3:45) ›› Tommy Boy (1995) Chris Farley. Å


(301) 5 Save Last


(320) (270) (:14) ››‡ The Good Liar (2019) Helen Mirren.

›››‡ Frozen (2013) Voices of Kristen Bell. Å ››› Cinderella (2015) Cate Blanchett, Lily James. Å (:35) The Princess Bride Sleepwalking in Suburbia (2017) Lucie Guest. Å You’re Not Safe Here (2021) Haskiri Velazquez. (:03) Dying for Motherhood (2020, Suspense) Å Not Safe

›› The Great Outdoors (1988) Dan Aykroyd. REAL Sports Gumbel (:17) ››› Spies in Disguise (2019)

Catch and Kill

(:05) ›› Hostage (2005) Bruce Willis. ’ ‘R’ Å (0) - Comcast


››› John Wick (2014) Keanu Reeves. ’ Å

Eden: Untamed Planet (N) Å ›‡ Tom & Jerry (2021) ‘PG’ Å

(:16) ›› The Great Outdoors (1988) Å (:45) The Personal History of David Copperfield ’

›› Cry Wolf (2005) Lindy Booth. ’

(:31) ›› Underwater (2020) ‘PG-13’







E (12:00) Trackside Live! (N) (Live)



( World of X Games (N)



& Major League Rugby: Championship: Teams TBA.

ESPN Original Documentaries Paid Prog.


6 PM


8 PM

NBC News Copper

LEGO Masters ’ Simpsons Great North Burgers Family Guy News 2020 Tokyo Olympics: Diving, Beach Volleyball, Gymnastics, Track and Field. (N) ’ (Live) Å black-ish black-ish DC’s Legends Wellington Dead Goldbergs

Last Man Weekend

Last Man History

NewsNation Prime (N) In Their Own Words ’

(13) 4 Murdoch Mysteries ’ (15)



Celebrity Family Feud Big Brother (N) Å

NewsNation Prime (N) Secrets of Royal Travel




(33) < Olympics


(34) H (3:45) ›› Justice League (2017) Ben Affleck.

››‡ Aquaman (2018, Action) Jason Momoa, Amber Heard. Å (DVS)


(35) B MLB Baseball

Seinfeld ’

Big Bang


(37) = Kids Behind Bars


(39) I Bar Rescue ’ Å

Accused: Guilty Bar Rescue ’ Å

Accused: Guilty Bar Rescue ’ Å

Accused: Guilty Bar Rescue ’ Å


(44) O Naked-Afraid





(49) M SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Danger (50) K Big City

(53) J 10 Things I Hate


Unwine’d Austin City Limits Å Icon: Music Through 2020 Tokyo Olympics: Tennis. (N Same-day Tape) Å Big Bang

Big Bang

Big Bang

(56) W (3:30) ›‡ Grown Ups (2010) Å (301) 5 King Arthur: Legend


(320) (270) Up in Air



C NFL Live (N) Å



E American Ninja Warrior



( Dr. Phil ’ Å



& CBS6 News at 4:00p (N)


(11) . The Steve Wilkos Show


(12) , 2020 Tokyo Olympics


(13) 4 Hot Bench




Big Bang


6 PM


7 PM

News ABC News CBS6 News CBS News

Judge Judy Judge Judy FamFeud News News News

FamFeud NBC News



Banfield Å Professor T Mother Love

NewsNation Prime Austin City Limits Å

Bad Deal

My Grandparents’ War Unforgotten 2020 Tokyo Olympics: Canoe Sprint.


Accused: Guilty Bar Rescue ’ Å

Accused: Guilty Bar Rescue (N) Å

Accused: Guilty Bar Rescue ’ Å

Accused Bar Rescue

Friends ’

(:01) Naked and Afraid Friends ’ Friends ’

Afraid Friends ’

Friends ’

Kevin Can F... Himself The White Lotus (N)

››‡ Stop-Loss (2008) Ryan Phillippe. ‘R’

A Discovery of Witches 100-Foot Wave (N) ’

(9:53) ›››‡ Hacksaw Ridge (2016) ‘R’ Å


8 PM


9 PM


(34) H Justice (35) B Burgers

The Rite ’

SportsCenter (N) Å SportsCenter (N) Å SportCtr Football American Ninja Warrior American Ninja Warrior

Hell’s Kitchen ’ House Duncanville Fox News at Ten (N) DailyMailTV Mod Fam 2020 Tokyo Olympics: Beach Volleyball, Track and Field, Gymnastics. (N) ’ (Live) Å News

Big Bang Olympic

Jackie Robinson Baseball player Jackie Robinson. WWE Monday Night RAW (N) ’ (Live) Å


Grown 2 White

AUGUST 2, 2021 11 PM 11:30 12 AM

Big Bang ET





The Bachelorette (N) ’ Å (DVS) Neighbor Bob Heart Sheldon

Generatn Finding 2020 Tokyo Olympics

Outback ’ Å

10 PM

Wheel Jeopardy! CBS6 News Hollywood

Nazi Mega Weapons ’


(33) < 2020 Tokyo Olympics: Women’s Basketball

Kevin Can F... Himself Last Week The Shop

(0) - Adelphia Communications

Roswell, New Mexico ’ On Balance Antiques Roadshow ’


(:02) ››› Rush Hour (1998, Action)

Big City ›› UglyDolls (2019) ’ ‘PG’ Å Big City Big City Ladybug Ladybug Big City (7:50) ››› The Parent Trap (1998) Lindsay Lohan, Dennis Quaid. Å ››› Mrs. Doubtfire (1993) Å Waking Up to Danger (2021) Donna Benedicto. (:03) A Murder to Remember (2020) Å Waking Up

News black-ish The Donlon Report (N) PBS NewsHour (N) ’


NewsNtn. Secrets

›› Need for Speed (2014, Action)

The People’s Court ’ NewsNation: Rush Hour News BBC News


Ring of Honor Wrestling News Olympics Tummy Pawn Stars

Animal Kingdom Power (:01) Wipeout ’

Judge Mathis ’ Å Blue Bloods ’ SciGirls ’ Biz Kid$ ’

Hot Bench Blue Bloods ’ NASA Curious

News (:35) NCIS ’ CBS6 News The Race Extra (N)

Animal Kingdom Power Wipeout (N) ’

Around Interruption SportsCenter (N) Å MLB Baseball: Philadelphia Phillies at Washington Nationals. (N) (Live) Poker Night Football 106.7 The Fan’s Sports Junkies ’ 8 News 8 News CBS6 News News

SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å American Ninja Warrior Ninja


© Zap2it

5 PM

AUGUST 1, 2021 11 PM 11:30 12 AM


Naked and Afraid (Season Premiere) (N) ’ Å

(:01) ›› American Gigolo (1980) Richard Gere. (0) - Comcast


Big Bang

(:45) › Grown Ups 2 (2013) Adam Sandler. Premiere. Å A Discovery of Witches Real Time, Bill Maher 100-Foot Wave Å ››‡ A Walk Among the Tombstones (2014)

(:25) Cake (2005) Heather Graham. ‘R’

Banfield Å Unforgotten

›› Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel


Jessie ’ Jessie ’ Bunk’d ’ Gabby Big City Big City (:15) ››› Cinderella (2015, Children’s) Cate Blanchett, Lily James. Å (60) > Nobody Will Believe You (2021) Jenna Rosenow. You’re Not Safe Here (2021) Haskiri Velazquez.


The Chase ’ To Tell the Truth ’ (:01) Love Island (N) ’ Å

The War Newsreels of troops killed. Å (DVS) 2020 Tokyo Olympics: Track and Field. (N) (Live) Å

Accused: Guilty Bar Rescue ’ Å

Jessie ’



12 News Prostate



10 PM

Funniest Home Videos 60 Minutes (N) ’ Å




ABC News News

(11) . NHRA Drag Racing: Lucas Oil Winternationals. (N) ’ (Live)

Seinfeld ’

9 PM

News CBS News

(12) , 2020 Tokyo Olympics

To Contrary British Baking 2020 Tokyo Olympics


MLB Baseball: Boston Red Sox at Tampa Bay Rays. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) Å Triton Poker MLS Soccer: D.C. United at FC Cincinnati.


Dateline Indiscretion ’

7 PM

Baseball Tonight


Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man The National Parks: America’s Best Idea ’


(:08) › The Devil Inside (2012) ‘R’

(0) - Adelphia Communications © Zap2it

5 PM

(:16) ›› Tommy Boy Back on the Record


The Republic of Sarah NewsNation Prime (N) Antiques Antiques

Celeb-Dating NCIS: Los Angeles ’

News Jimmy Kimmel Live! ’ CBS6 News Late Show-Colbert Mod Fam Olympics

Creek Seinfeld ’ Goldbergs black-ish Mike Banfield (N) Å The Donlon Report On Balance POV Pier Kids (N) ’ Å (DVS) Amanpour and Company 400 Years-Knee

PBS NewsHour (N) ’ Antiques 2020 Tokyo Olympics: Diving. Å

››‡ Aquaman (2018, Action) Jason Momoa, Amber Heard. Å (DVS) ›› Justice League (2017, Action) Ben Affleck. Å (DVS) Titans Doom Patrol (N) (10:57) ›› Kick-Ass 2 (2013, Action) Burgers Burgers Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Amer. Dad Rick, Morty Tuca-Bert Go-Big Show


(37) = The First 48 ’ Å


(39) I Two Men


(44) O Street Outlaws ’ Å


Hoarders Dick & Karen Two Men Two Men

Hoarders Sandi & Vivian Two Men Two Men

›››‡ The Matrix (1999) Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne. ’ Å

Dirty Rotten Cleaners (:04) Hoarders ’ Å Hoarders ››› The Matrix Reloaded (2003) Keanu Reeves. ’ Å

(49) M Middlemost Loud

Street Outlaws ’ Å Loud Loud

Street-Memphis Loud Loud

Street-Memphis Street-Memphis Getaway Driver (N) ’ SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Friends ’ Friends ’

(:01) Getaway Driver ’ Friends ’ Friends ’

(:01) Getaway Driver ’ Friends ’ Friends ’

Street Out. Friends ’


(50) K Big City

Jessie ’


Big City

Big City


(53) J (3:30) ›››‡ Big (1988) Tom Hanks. Å

››› Matilda (1996) Mara Wilson. Å


(60) > Major Crimes Å

Rizzoli & Isles Å

Ladybug Ladybug The 700 Club ’ Å (:03) Rizzoli & Isles

Ladybug Simpsons Rizzoli


(56) W Grown 2

›››‡ A Few Good Men (1992) Tom Cruise, Jack Nicholson. Å


(301) 5 Sports

(:25) ›››‡ Judas and the Black Messiah


(320) (270) (3:50) ››› Emma (1996) Gwyneth Paltrow. ‘PG’

Two Men

Big City

Jessie ’

Rizzoli & Isles Å


Hoarders Ron; Carol ’

Big City

Hoarders: Coming Clean Carol (N) ’ Å

›› UglyDolls (2019) ’ ‘PG’ Å

Rizzoli & Isles Å

Rizzoli & Isles Å

Rizzoli & Isles Å

››› Gran Torino (2008, Drama) Clint Eastwood. Å

Last Week

(:11) ››› Freaky (2020) Vince Vaughn. ‘R’ Å

Big City

(:03) Rizzoli & Isles

The Beast Must Die (N) Small Town Small Town The White Lotus Å

››› Doubt (2008, Drama) Meryl Streep, Philip Seymour Hoffman. ’ ‘PG-13’ Å

(0) - Comcast

Big City

››› Mrs. Doubtfire (1993, Children’s) Robin Williams, Sally Field. Å

(0) - Adelphia Communications

(:04) ››‡ Outbreak (1995) Å Small Town Small Town Foot Wave

(:45) ››› Misery (1990) James Caan. ‘R’ Å

Never Rarely Sometimes


History continued from >6 found this unbelievable. How could someone who seemed so intelligent and knowledgeable in so many other areas, who had graduated from an American high school and gone on to college, not know this? I don’t remember what I said, but I’m sure that I laughed, and possibly even unknowingly embarrassed him by doing so. In any event, I realized later that day looking back on the interaction just how woefully inappropriate

and block-headed my reaction had been. I had missed an opportunity to share information that I certainly had not been born knowing—I only knew it because someone cared enough, and was patient enough, to share it with me. And that person was more than likely a history teacher. Most of us know any history at all for one of two reasons: either we were forced to memorize it as a series of facts and corresponding dates, or we have a genuine interest in it. And, in the latter case, that interest is often sparked


by the enthusiasm and passion of a history teacher. I don’t have any hard evidence to back this up, but I would guess that most history teachers enter the profession because of a desire to share their own fascination with the past with students. Not all students will be drawn in, but those who are will almost certainly carry that interest with them for the rest of their lives. Teachers, of course, are found outside of the classroom as well. Anyone who has ever taken the time to answer a child’s question about what the world was like “back then”


6 PM



C NFL Live (N) Å


Interruption SportsCenter (N) Å



E American Ninja Warrior



( Dr. Phil Å



& CBS6 News at 4:00p (N)

Outdoor 8 News CBS6 News Judge Judy

Football 8 News News Judge Judy

(11) . The Steve Wilkos Show


(12) , 2020 Tokyo Olympics


(13) 4 Hot Bench





Hot Bench

Blue Bloods ’

or helped a young person to find the answer to a query about a historical event has contributed to the teaching of history. If there are two important things to remember about our history, perhaps they are these: You can’t change it, and you better know it. No matter how we teach our children about the past, none of it will matter if they don’t care. To those who spend their lives working to educate young minds about the power, relevance and critical importance of history, we owe you a debt of gratitude.

Since 1955

Letter continued from >6 us at the Sunflower Festival at Alvis Farms Thursday, July 29 through Sunday, August 8. Weekday hours are 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Weekend hours are from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Please check our website ( for directions and more information. Please dress appropriately. Closed toe shoes are strongly encouraged; this is an outside festival on a farm. No outside food or drinks are permitted, (with the

© Zap2it

5 PM



Serving Goochland County

TV LISTINGS: Find Local TV Shows and Movie Schedules

July 29, 2021

News News Judge Mathis ’ Å Blue Bloods ’

7 PM


8 PM


ESPN Original Documentaries

9 PM


10 PM


The Basketball Tournament: Final: Teams TBA. (N)

exception of two unopened water bottles). While dogs are allowed (on leashes), please use your best judgement due to the excessive heat. Don’t forget to tag us in your pictures and follow us on Facebook and Instagram, we love seeing all the smiles while making lasting memories at the festival! We hope to see you at the Sunflower Festival at Alvis Farms!

Sincerely, The Women of Alvis Farms (Erin Henley, Betsy Alvis, Cindy Alvis, Phyllis Henley and Rachel Henley) AUGUST 3, 2021 11 PM 11:30 12 AM

SportsCenter (N) Å

106.7 The Fan’s Sports Junkies ’ News ABC News Wheel Jeopardy! CBS6 News CBS News CBS6 News Hollywood FamFeud FamFeud Big Bang Big Bang

Goldbergs Home E. Conners black-ish NCIS The First Day ’ Love Island (N) Å LEGO Masters The teams create wearable hats. ’

News NBC News The People’s Court ’ NewsNation: Rush Hour

2020 Tokyo Olympics: Men’s Diving, Track and Field, Gymnastics. (N) ’ (Live) Å News Penn & Teller: Fool Us Superman & Lois Å Creek Seinfeld ’ Goldbergs black-ish On Balance NewsNation Prime (N) Banfield (N) Å The Donlon Report

ET Olympic News black-ish The Donlon Report (N)

Football Premiership To Tell the Truth ’ FBI: Most Wanted Å Fox News at Ten (N)



Rugby News Jimmy Kimmel Live! ’ CBS6 News Late Show-Colbert DailyMailTV Mod Fam Mod Fam Olympics Mike On Balance


Science Curious Food -- Delicious (33) < 2020 Tokyo Olympics (34) H Two Weeks Notice Å

SciGirls ’ Biz Kid$ ’ News BBC News PBS NewsHour (N) ’ Finding Your Roots Jesse Owens: American American Experience ’ Amanpour and Company Roots Latino Americans ’ Amanpour and Company Darley Keep Up Father Brown ’ Å All Creatures Great and Small Untamed PBS NewsHour (N) ’ Owens 2020 Tokyo Olympics 2020 Tokyo Olympics 2020 Tokyo Olympics: Track and Field. (N) (Live) Å 2020 Tokyo Olympics ››› Mean Girls (2004) Lindsay Lohan. Å ›››‡ Crazy Rich Asians (2018) Constance Wu. ›››‡ A Star Is Born (2018) Bradley Cooper, Lady Gaga. Å (DVS)


(35) B Amer. Dad


(37) = (3:00) Unstoppable Å

Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Family Guy Family Guy Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang ››‡ Den of Thieves (2018) Gerard Butler, Pablo Schreiber. ’ Å America’s Top Dog (N) Storage Storage Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men ››‡ Fast & Furious 6 (2013, Action) Vin Diesel, Paul Walker. ’ Å Deadliest Catch Å Deadliest Catch Å Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Run Silent Run Deep (N) Å



Amer. Dad


(39) I Two Men


(44) O Deadliest Catch


(49) M Loud


Two Men

Casagran Loud Loud Patrick Star Loud SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Friends ’ Friends ’ Big City Back of the Net ’ Å Big City Big City Big City Big City Big City Sydney Sydney (53) J (3:30) ››› The Croods (2013) Å ››› Hercules (1997) Voices of Tate Donovan. ›››‡ The Incredibles (2004) Voices of Craig T. Nelson. (60) > Major Crimes Å Rizzoli & Isles Å Rizzoli & Isles Å Rizzoli & Isles Å Rizzoli & Isles Å Rizzoli & Isles 5:26 (50) K Big City


(56) W (2:30) ›››‡ A Few Good Men


(301) 5 (3:10) The Photograph


(320) (270) Surrogates



C NFL Live (N) Å



E (2:00) Trackside Live! (N) (Live)



( Dr. Phil Å



& CBS6 News at 4:00p (N)


(11) . The Steve Wilkos Show


(12) , 2020 Tokyo Olympics


(13) 4 Hot Bench



Hot Bench


Interruption Football 8 News 8 News CBS6 News News


(34) H Jack Reacher


(35) B Amer. Dad

Amer. Dad Court Cam Two Men


(37) = Court Cam


(39) I Two Men


(44) O Expedition Unknown ’


(49) M Loud


Loud (50) K Big City Big City (53) J (2:30) ››‡ Cocktail

6 PM


SportsCenter (N) Å Sports Junkies News ABC News CBS6 News CBS News

Judge Judy Judge Judy FamFeud FamFeud News News News NBC News Judge Mathis ’ Å The People’s Court ’



Friends Friends Ladybug Ladybug The 700 Club ’ Å (:03) Rizzoli & Isles

Friends ’ Ladybug Simpsons Rizzoli

(0) - Adelphia Communications © Zap2it


Blue Bloods ’ Blue Bloods ’ (23) NASA at Curious SciGirls ’ Biz Kid$ ’ (24) Breakthrough: The Ideas 20 Miles a Glass Å (33) < 2020 Tokyo Olympics


Friends ’ Friends ’ Big City Big City Motherland: Fort Salem (:03) Rizzoli & Isles

››› Gran Torino (2008, Drama) Clint Eastwood. Å ›››› Forrest Gump (1994) Tom Hanks, Robin Wright, Gary Sinise. Å ››› Fury (2014) Brad Pitt. Å Real Time, Bill Maher Small Town ›››‡ War Horse (2011) Emily Watson. ’ ‘PG-13’ Å Obama: In Pursuit of a More Perfect (:45) The White Lotus Small Town Music Box (:20) ›› El cantante (2006) ‘R’ Å (:15) ›› Kin (2018) Myles Truitt. ’ ‘PG-13’ Å ››‡ Wendy (2020) Devin France. ‘PG-13’ (9:55) ››‡ A Very Brady Sequel (:25) ››› Talk to Me

(0) - Comcast


Big Bang Miracle Miracle Wipeout ’ Å Storage Storage Storage Storage Top Dog ›› Walking Tall (2004) The Rock. ’ Å Fast 6 Deadliest Catch (:01) Hunting Atlantis ’ Catch

7 PM


8 PM


9 PM


10 PM


SportsCenter Å MLB Baseball: Atlanta Braves at St. Louis Cardinals. (N) (Live) Pregame MLS Soccer: D.C. United at Columbus Crew SC. Football Football Premiership Wheel Jeopardy! Press Your Luck ’ The $100,000 Pyramid Match Game ’ CBS6 News Hollywood Big Brother (N) Å (:01) Love Island (N) ’ S.W.A.T. Next of Kin ’ Big Bang ET News

Big Bang Olympic black-ish

NewsNation: Rush Hour The Donlon Report (N) News BBC News PBS NewsHour (N) ’ Amanpour and Company Inside-Out As Time ... 2020 Tokyo Olympics

MasterChef ’ Å Fox News at Ten (N) 2020 Tokyo Olympics: Beach Volleyball, Track and Field, Women’s Diving. (N) Å World’s Funniest Whose Line Whose Line Creek Seinfeld ’ On Balance NewsNation Prime (N) Nature Å (DVS) Extinction: The Facts ’ Secrets of Royal Travel Unforgotten 2020 Tokyo Olympics: Track and Field. (N) (Live) Å

Banfield (N) Å Secrets of the Dead ’ Professor T Mother Love

AUGUST 4, 2021 11 PM 11:30 12 AM SportsCenter (N) Å SportCtr Rugby News Jimmy Kimmel Live! ’ CBS6 News Late Show-Colbert DailyMailTV Mod Fam News Goldbergs black-ish

Mod Fam Olympics Mike

The Donlon Report On Balance Amanpour and Company Nature PBS NewsHour (N) ’ Extinction

(:15) ››‡ The Equalizer (2014, Action) Denzel Washington. Å (DVS) All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite (N) (Live) Å ››‡ The Equalizer (2014) Denzel Washington. Å (DVS) Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Family Guy Family Guy Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Full Frontal Full Frontal George George Court Cam Court Cam Court Cam Court Cam Court Cam Court Cam Court Cam Court Cam Court Cam Court Cam Seatbelt Seatbelt Hustle Hustle Court Cam Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men ›› Walking Tall (2004) The Rock. ’ Å ››‡ Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005, Action) Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie. ’ Å Red 2 ’ Expedition Unknown ’ Expedition Unknown ’ Loud Loud Loud Loud Jessie ’ To Be Announced ››‡ Mamma Mia! (2008) Meryl Streep, Colin Firth. Å

Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown (N) (:07) Hunting Atlantis (N) (:09) Expedition Unknown Finding Fenn’s Fortune Patrick Star Patrick Star SpongeBob SpongeBob Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Ladybug Ladybug ››› Pretty Woman (1990) Richard Gere, Julia Roberts. Å Good Trouble (N) Å The 700 Club ’ Å

(60) > Major Crimes Å

Expedition Friends ’ Ladybug Simpsons

Rizzoli & Isles Å Rizzoli & Isles Å Rizzoli & Isles Å Married at First Sight Their First Rodeo (N) Å Married at First Sight (N) Married at First Sight (N) Married ›››› Forrest Gump (1994) Tom Hanks, Robin Wright, Gary Sinise. Å ››› Tombstone (1993, Western) Kurt Russell, Val Kilmer. Å ›››‡ Hell or High Water (2016) Back on the Record Small Town (:05) ››› Let Him Go (2020) Diane Lane. ’ ‘R’ Obama: In Pursuit of a More Perfect The Shop (:10) 100-Foot Wave ’ White (301) 5 King Arthur: Legend of the Sword ’ (320) (270) (3:56) ›‡ Stigmata (1999) ’ ‘R’ (:40) ›››‡ Hacksaw Ridge (2016) Andrew Garfield. ’ ‘R’ ›› The Four Feathers (2002) Heath Ledger. Å (:11) ››‡ Stop-Loss (2008) Ryan Phillippe. Plnet Ape (56) W (2:00) ››› Fury (2014)

(0) - Comcast

(0) - Adelphia Communications



July 29, 2021

CLASSIFIEDS: Call (804) 746-1235 x 3 to place an ad.

Serving Goochland County Since 1955


Business & Service Directory CARPENTRY WORK Carpentry Repair, Painting, Staining, Powerwashing & MORE! Call or Text, Bernal at 804-988-9866 or 804-874-9184

CONCRETE WORK Bernard’s Concrete Services Concrete, Retaining Walls, Pavers, Brick, Sidewalks. Install & repair. Free Estimates. Licensed & Insured. References. Please call 804-874-9184

LAWN SERVICES A &C Lawn Care - Leaf Removal, Mulching, Aerating, Pruning, Grass Cutting, Hedge Trimming, Storm Removal & More! Free Est. Licensed/Insured. Call 804-514-2459 or 804-398-9122

POWER WASHING Affordable Quality Wash Houses, Decks & More! Lic & Ins. Call 804-550-2345 /873-5125. Serving Goochland for over 22 years. Angie’s List Highest Rating!

ROOFING & RELATED Davidson Roofing Co. Residential Roofing & Repair Specialists. Lic/Insured GAF Master Elite Contractor BBB /Free Estimates 804-672-0540

TREE SERVICE Bernard’s Tree Service Tree Removal, Stump Grinding, Landscaping, Cleanout, Mulching, Planting & More! Free Est. Licensed & Insured References. Please Call 804-874-9184

WINDOW TREATMENT Alexander & Company Draperies, Curtains, Pillows & Bedding. Custom Sewing.


Recruitment ADMIN. & OFFICE WORK ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES ASSISTANT - Full Time to provide clerical services for Goochland Powhatan Community Services. Experience with standard office software, electronic health record and knowledge in insurance billing is preferred. Salary range starts at $27,518, based on experience. For a complete job description and application, please visit our website at: www.g or call 804-556-5400. Closing date: 8/6/21. EOE.

COMPUTERS SOFTWARE DEVELOPER VII (Glen Allen, VA) Define, design and deliver high quality scalable code to support software systems and databases, using architecture standards. The developer also works to integrate software components into a fully functional software system. Bachelor’s Degree or foreign equivalent in Computer Engineering, Computer Science or closely related field. 2 years of related work experience. Required Skills: Datastage, SSIS, Azure Cloud, Azure Data Factory, Oracle, SQL Server, TFS, Querysurge, Reporting. Mail resume to Texplorers Inc., 4805 Hughes Cir, Flower Mound, TX, 75022.


Dump Truck Drivers Class "A" or "B" Requires clean driving record. Top pay for qualified applicants. Call: Southern Paving Corp. (804)794-4100. Or apply in persot 1711 Anderson Hwy. Suite G, Powhatan, Va. 23139

GENERAL Goochland Social Services-Fiscal Manager $35,452-$55,452 (salary based on experience) Full time-salaried; Apply July 30-August 13, 2021 To apply, log onto https://jobs.agencie Applications must be completed online. EEO/AA

Need more financial stimulus? Become an independent contractor, delivery carrier. QUALIFY FOR A $1,000. SIGNING BONUS Benefits of this part-time, contract opportunity with the Richmond Times Dispatch team: •Manage your own schedule and free up most of your day; work only 3–4 hours between 1-6 a.m. daily •Excellent supplemental income – Earn up to $1,400 per month All you need is a dependable vehicle and a valid Virginia driver’s license for consideration. Signing bonus is for a limited time, so don’t miss out. Contact us NOW at or (804) 649-6872 to learn more. NEWSPAPER CARRIER WANTED for the western Powhatan/eastern Cumberland area. Good supplemental income. Carriers are independent contractors and must have: dependable vehicle, valid driver’s license, and Virginia insurance. Hours of availability are 1:00 AM – 6:00 AM, seven days a week. For more information, call Kara Eagle 804-337-7574 or email keagle@

ADVERTISE Advertise with The Goochland Gazette Call us at 746-1235 or Toll Free (877) 888-0449 to find out more!

GENERAL The Richmond Times-Dispatch is seeking a Full-Time Distribution Supervisor in the Henrico, South Boston, and Farmville / Blackstone areas. Job Responsibilities: To recruit, motivate and train carrier force to provide good service while increasing/ maintaining circulation volumes and meeting service goals. Assist in maintaining overall distribution center operations. All Distribution Supervisors are responsible for achieving consistent, proper and on-time delivery to subscribers. Handle customer’s problems and service requests to the customer’s satisfaction. Work with carriers to meet retail collection goals and resolve problems with retail outlets. Collect all open routes and collect payments from carriers. As a Distribution Supervisor, you are responsible for the successful overall performance of your assigned area within the distribution center. Starting salary is $40,000 plus commission. Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities: Valid Drivers’ License and proof of insurance required, the ability to work well with others in a team environment and the ability to follow all Company policies and procedures including but not limited to attendance standards. Education and Experience: High School diploma or equivalent. Must successfully pass Criminal Background Investigation and Drug Screen. Please contact Teresa Brandon 804-801-7653 or tbrandon@tim

HEALTHCARE CLINIC NURSE - Goochland Powhatan Community Services is looking for an LPN with 1 year of experience for 30 hours/week. GPCS application needs to be completed. Please see www.gpcs, for details and application, or call 804-556-5400. Open until filled. EOE. DIRECT SUPPORT PROFESSIONAL (DSP) - GPCS is seeking to fill their PRN and part time DSP positions working with individuals with Developmental Disabilities. Part Time DSPs are needed for in home support programs and PRN DSPs are needed in day support programs. Visit for application & job descriptions, or call (804) 598-2200. Open until filled. EOE Needed in-home caregiver, Powhatan. Hemiplegic stroke patient. Requires lifting, assisting w/daily living activities, meal prep, light household chores. Night/weekend availability. CNA license & CPR preferred but not required. Email resumes w/references to


Visit us today!



PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Goochland County Board of Supervisors Tuesday, August 3, 2021, 6:00 PM Goochland County Administration Building 1800 Sandy Hook Rd., P. O. Box 10, Goochland, VA 23063 Board Meeting Room Suite 250 View county meeting: IF YOU HAVE COMMENTS ON THESE PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS, PLEASE SEND COMMENTS TO BOSCOMMENT@ GOOCHLANDVA.US OR CONTACT 804-556-5811. PLEASE CHECK WWW.GOOCHLANDVA.US FOR ANY UPDATES REGARDING THIS MEETING. Ordinance amending County Code Section 14-251 (Tuckahoe Creek Service District) to include within the service district a parcel located at the intersection of Johnson Road and Ashland Road identified as Tax Map No. 48-5-0-1-A Meeting accommodations including interpreters are provided upon request. Telephone: 556-5811 (TDD 711 (Virginia Relay)) E-mail: Website: NOTICE OF ACTION NOTICE OF TAKING OF DEBTS AND DEMANDS Having been requested by the Executor of the estate of Faye H. Kilpatrick to appoint a time and place for receiving proof of debts and demands against said decedent, or her estate, therefore all persons interested are hereby notified that I have fixed August 18, 2021 at 10:00 A.M. as the time, and my office, at 3063 River Road West Goochland, Virginia, as the place for taking proof of such debts and demands. Given under my hand this 26th day of July, 2021. John M Williamson Commissioner of Accounts Goochland County Circuit Court

Advertise with The Goochland Gazette Call us at 746-1235 or Toll Free (877) 888-0449 to find out more!


July 29, 2021

CLASSIFIEDS: Call (804) 746-1235 x 3 to place an ad.

Serving Goochland County Since 1955




DATE: AUGUST 3, 2021 12:30 P.M. Board of Supervisors Audit & Finance Committee Meeting, County Administration Building, Conference Room 270, 1800 Sandy Hook Rd., meeting is open to the public. 2:00 P.M. Call to Order • INVOCATION • PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 1. Chair’s Comments ■ Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Award for FY2020 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report 2. Requests to Postpone Agenda Items and Additions, Deletions or Changes in the Order of Presentation 3. Citizen Comment 4. Approval of Action Minutes: June 7 and July 6, 2021 5. Reports: a. VDOT b. Fire Rescue Report c. New County Staff d. Planning & Development Activity e. Accounts Payable f. Board Reports 6. Consent Items: a. Resolution authorizing the County Administrator to execute the Virginia Opioid Abatement Fund and Settlement Allocation Memorandum of Understanding b. Authorization for County Administrator to execute an agreement for construction of the Hickory Haven & Samary Forest sanitary sewer system c. Authorization for County Administrator to execute a lease amendment with Goochland Family Practice, Inc. for early termination of lease d. Approval of the Goochland/Powhatan Community Services Performance Contract Renewal and Revision with the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services for FY2022-FY2023 e. Human Resources Policy Amendment – Overtime & Compensatory Leave 7. New Business: a. FY2021 Year End Fund Balance Projection and Fund Balance Assignments b. Referendum Presentation Overview c. Presentation by PlanRVA on 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan d. Agency Presentations: General Services and Parks and Recreation e. Closed Meeting & Certification: Motion to enter a Closed Meeting for the purpose of discussion regarding recruitment for the Interim and County Administrator positions, as permitted by Virginia Code § 2.2-3711(A)(1). Certification at the conclusion of the Closed Meeting. 8. Dinner Break/Recess 9. 6:00 p.m. - Chair Calls Meeting to Order 10. Citizen Comment 11. Public Hearings: a. Budget Amendment: Virginia Code Section 15.2-2507 requires that if a locality intends to amend its budget by an amount that exceeds one percent of the total expenditures shown in the currently adopted budget, then a public hearing on the budget amendment must first be held. The current amended FY22 Goochland County budget is $141,274,251. Budget amendments will be presented for both the County General Fund, the County Capital Improvement Fund, the Schools Capital Improvement Fund, and the School’s Grant Funds. Those combined budget amendments will total approximately $3,000,000, which is greater than 1% of the FY22 budget.

BOARD MEETING ROOM b. Resolution Abandoning 0.197± Mile of Three Chopt Road (State Route 622) located north of Broad Street Road (U.S. Route 250), east of State Route 288, and west of Four Rings Drive (State Route 1057) in Goochland County. c. District 4 - CU-2011-00002A - Application by JNE Enterprises, LLC t/a Carnet requesting renewal of Conditional Use Permit CU-2011-00002 for automobile and motor vehicle sales on 1.973 acres at 12642 Broad Street Road on Tax Map No. 59-1-0-10-0. The property is zoned Business, General (B-1). The Conditional Use Permit is required by Goochland County Zoning Ordinance Section 15-242. The Comprehensive Plan designates this area as Commercial. d. District 3 - CU-2021-00004 Application by Goochland County School Board requesting a Conditional Use Permit for an electronic message board sign on 104.35 acres at the Goochland County Middle and High School complex located at 3250 River Road West on Tax Map No. 42-11-0-3-T. The applicant seeks four special exceptions to the electronic message board sign standards in Zoning Ordinance Sec. 15-416: to allow videos and movement on the screen, to change messages more frequently, to allow a two-sided sign with different displays, and to allow the sign to turn on at 7:00 a.m. The property is zoned Agricultural, Limited (A-2). The Conditional Use Permit is required by Goochland County Zoning Ordinance Section 15-416 and the special exceptions are requested under 15.416.B of the Goochland County Zoning Ordinance. The Comprehensive Plan designates this area as Public / County Owned / Institutional. e. District 4 - CU-2021-00003 Goochland County School Board requesting a Conditional Use Permit for an electronic message board sign on 31.535 acres at Randolph Elementary School located at 1552 Sheppard Town Road on Tax Map No. 44-1-0-46-0. The applicant seeks three special exceptions to the electronic message board sign standards in Zoning Ordinance Sec. 15-416: to allow videos and movement on the screen, to change messages more frequently and to allow the sign to turn on at 7:00 a.m. The property is zoned Agricultural, Limited (A-2). The Conditional Use Permit is required by Goochland County Zoning Ordinance Section 15-416 and the special exceptions are requested under 15.416.B of the Goochland County Zoning Ordinance. The Comprehensive Plan designates this area as Public / County Owned / Institutional. f. Decision on District 4 - RZ-2021-00004 ME PV4 LLC, public comment will be accepted. Applicant is requesting a rezoning of 41.334 acres from Agricultural, Limited (A-2) and Residential Planned Unit Development (RPUD) with proffered conditions, to Residential Planned Unit Development (RPUD) 20.185 acres; Business, General (B-1) 5.96 acres; and Industrial, General (M-2) 15.189 acres, with proffered conditions, on Ashland Road, Johnson Road, and Aldeby Street, on Tax Map Nos. 48-1-0-55-A, and portions of 48-5-0-1-0, 48-17-4-F-0, and 48-17-4-G-0. The Comprehensive Plan designates this area as Flexible. g. Ordinance amending County Code Section 14-251 (Tuckahoe Creek Service District) to include within the service district a parcel located at the intersection of Johnson Road and Ashland Road identified as Tax Map No. 48-5-0-1-A h. District 3 - RZ-2021-00006 Application by Yellowstone Communities, LLC requesting a rezoning of 265.612 acres from Agricultural, Limited (A-2) to Residential, General (R-3), with proffered conditions, at Scott Road, Rural Hill Lane, Cedar Point Road, and Gathright Drive on Tax Map Nos. 42-1-0-14-0, 42-7-0-B-1, 42-7-0-B-0, 42-7-0-E-0, 42-7-0-D-0, 42-7-0-A-0, 42-7-0-B-2, and 42-1-0-59-A2. The Comprehensive Plan designates this area as Single Family Residential, Low Density. 12. Adjournment: The Board of Supervisors will adjourn as follows:

BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Susan F. Lascolette, District 1 Neil Spoonhower., District 2 John Lumpkins, Chair, District 3 Don Sharpe, District 4 Ken C. Peterson, Vice-Chair, District 5

TIME: 2:00 P.M. i. Tuesday, September 7, 2:00 PM, Board of Supervisors 2:00 PM Regular Meeting, 6:00 PM Public Hearings, County Administration Building, 1800 Sandy Hook Road, Goochland; meetings are open to the public. ii. Tuesday, September 14, Time 9:00 AM, Legislative Discussion, The Residence Inn at The Notch INFORMATION ONLY: The Planning Commission will hear the following items at its meeting on August 5, 2021. These items could be scheduled for public hearing by the Board on Tuesday, September 7, 2021. District 1 CU-2021-00006 Application by Big Dawg Resources, LLC requesting a Conditional Use Permit for mining operation on approximately one acre out of 638.2 acres off Shannon Hill Road on Tax Map Nos. 3-1-0-4-0, 3-1-0-6-0, 4-1-0-18-0, and 3-4-0-A-0. The properties are zoned Agricultural, General (A-1). The Conditional Use Permit is required by Goochland County Zoning Ordinance Section 15-102, in accordance with Section 15-283.F. The Comprehensive Plan designates this area as Rural Enhancement. District 4 CU-2021-00005 Application by Kimberly C. Nuckols requesting a Conditional Use Permit for short term rental, unhosted, on 2.15 acres at 849 Broad Street Road on Tax Map No. 46-1-0-25-0. The property is zoned Agricultural, Limited (A-2). The Conditional Use Permit is required by Goochland County Zoning Ordinance Section 15-112, in accordance with Section 15-285.G. The Comprehensive Plan designates this area as Rural Enhancement. District 4 RZ-1996-00006A Application by Allan Myers VA, Inc. requesting a proffer amendment to rezoning case RZ-1996-00006 to allow changes to the buffer in accordance with an approved conditional use permit and conceptual plan on 20.276 acres at 2187 Ashland Road on Tax Map Nos. 48-1-0-48-0 and 48-1-0-48-B1. The property is zoned Industrial, General (M-2). The Comprehensive Plan designates this as Industrial. District 4 CU-2013-000004A Application by Allan Myers VA, Inc. requesting amendment to Conditional Use Permit CU-2013-00004 for asphalt mixing plant to increase the permit activity area to include the adjacent parcel and to remove the 30’ buffer between the two parcels on 20.276 acres at 2187 Ashland Road on Tax Map Nos. 48-1-0-48-0 and 48-1-0-48-B1. The property is zoned Industrial, General (M-2). The Conditional Use Permit is required by Goochland County Zoning Ordinance Section 15-272. The Comprehensive Plan designates this as Industrial. District 5 CU-2016-00009A Application by Barbara D. Hughes and J. David Hughes requesting renewal of Conditional Use Permit CU-2016-00009 for accessory family housing unit, detached, on 10.66 acres at 1018 Manakin Road on Tax Map No. 57-1-0-41-D. The property is zoned Agricultural, Limited (A-2). The Conditional Use Permit is required by Goochland County Zoning Ordinance Section 15-112, in accordance with Section 15 285.A. The Comprehensive Plan designates this area as Rural Enhancement. Countywide Ordinance Amendment ZOA-2021-00001 - Proposed amendment to Zoning Ordinance Sections 15-262 and 15-272 (Uses and structures permitted by right or by conditional use permit (CUP)) to allow distribution centers with a road access category based on Section 15-344 (Classified roads) of 5 or 6 as a by-right use and all other road access categories with a conditional use permit in the Industrial, Limited (M-1) District, and as a by-right use in the Industrial, General (M-2) District. This is a draft agenda only and is subject to change



July 29, 2021

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Serving Goochland County Since 1955


PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Planning Commission Thursday, August 5, 2021, 6:45 p.m. (note below start times) 1800 Sandy Hook Rd., Board Meeting Room Suite 250, Goochland, VA Meeting is Open to the Public View county meeting: IF YOU HAVE COMMENTS ON THESE PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS, PLEASE SEND COMMENTS TO PCCOMMENT@GOOCHLANDVA.US OR CONTACT 804-556-5863. PLEASE CHECK WWW.GOOCHLANDVA.US FOR ANY UPDATES REGARDING THIS MEETING.

remove the 30’ buffer between the two parcels on 20.276 acres at 2187 Ashland Road on Tax Map Nos. 48-1-048-0 and 48-1-0-48-B1. The property is zoned Industrial, General (M-2). The Conditional Use Permit is required by Goochland County Zoning Ordinance Section 15-272. The Comprehensive Plan designates this as Industrial.

6:45 p.m. – Board Follow Up 7:00 p.m. - Public Hearings

District 5 CU-2016-00009A Application by Barbara D. Hughes and J. David Hughes requesting renewal of Conditional Use Permit CU-2016-00009 for accessory family housing unit, detached, on 10.66 acres at 1018 Manakin Road on Tax Map No. 57-1-0-41-D. The property is zoned Agricultural, Limited (A-2). The Conditional Use Permit is required by Goochland County Zoning Ordinance Section 15-112, in accordance with Section 15-285.A. The Comprehensive Plan designates this area as Rural Enhancement.

District 1 CU-2021-00006 Application by Big Dawg Resources, LLC requesting a Conditional Use Permit for mining operation on approximately one acre out of 638.2 acres off Shannon Hill Road on Tax Map Nos. 3-1-0-4-0, 3-1-0-6-0, 4-1-0-18-0, and 3-4-0-A-0. The properties are zoned Agricultural, General (A-1). The Conditional Use Permit is required by Goochland County Zoning Ordinance Section 15-102, in accordance with Section 15-283.F. The Comprehensive Plan designates this area as Rural Enhancement. District 4 CU-2021-00005 Application by Kimberly C. Nuckols requesting a Conditional Use Permit for short term rental, unhosted, on 2.15 acres at 849 Broad Street Road on Tax Map No. 46-1-0-25-0. The property is zoned Agricultural, Limited (A-2). The Conditional Use Permit is required by Goochland County Zoning Ordinance Section 15-112, in accordance with Section 15-285.G. The Comprehensive Plan designates this area as Rural Enhancement. District 4 RZ-1996-00006A Application by Allan Myers VA, Inc. requesting a proffer amendment to rezoning case RZ1996-00006 to allow changes to the buffer in accordance with an approved conditional use permit and conceptual plan on 20.276 acres at 2187 Ashland Road on Tax Map Nos. 48-1-0-48-0 and 48-1-0-48-B1. The property is zoned Industrial, General (M-2). The Comprehensive Plan designates this as Industrial. District 4 CU-2013-000004A Application by Allan Myers VA, Inc. requesting amendment to Conditional Use Permit CU2013-00004 for asphalt mixing plant to increase the permit activity area to include the adjacent parcel and to

Countywide Ordinance Amendment ZOA-2021-00001 - Proposed amendment to Zoning Ordinance Sections 15-262 and 15-272 (Uses and structures permitted by right or by conditional use permit (CUP)) to allow distribution centers with a road access category based on Section 15-344 (Classified roads) of 5 or 6 as a by-right use and all other road access categories with a conditional use permit in the Industrial, Limited (M-1) District, and as a by-right use in the Industrial, General (M-2) District. Anyone may attend to express opinions on the above. Full text of the above information is available in the Planning Office, 1800 Sandy Hook Road, Suite 280 Goochland, VA 23063 Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Meeting accommodations including interpreters are provided upon request. Telephone: 556-5860 (TDD 711 (Virginia Relay)) E-mail: Website:

TRUSTEE’S SALE 575 Lee Rd Crozier, VA 23039 In execution of the Deed of Trust dated February 24, 2015 and recorded on February 27, 2015 in Instrument # 150000503 of Goochland County land records, Trustee Services of Virginia, LLC, the appointed Substitute Trustee, will offer for sale at public auction at the front of the Courthouse of the Circuit Court for Goochland County, Goochland, Virginia on August 11, 2021 at 11:00 AM the property more particularly described in the aforementioned Deed of Trust, located at the property address listed below and briefly identified as follows: All that certain tract or parcel of land, lying and being in the Dover District, Goochland County, Virginia, more particularly described as follows: Parcel A containing 12.551 acres and Parcel B containing 8.691 acres, as shown on a plat of survey prepared by Michael L. Parrish & Associates, Inc., Certified Land Surveyors, dated January 21, 2005, entitled "Plat of Survey of Two Parcels Totaling 21.242 Acres South of State Route 628, Dover District, Goochland County, Virginia" a copy of which is filed in Plat Cabinet #E-11; and being the same property conveyed to Chapman’s LLC, a Virginia limited liability company, by deed from Robert Allen Bloch and Lynda Chapman Bloch, dated November 29, 2012, recorded in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court of Goochland County, Virginia as Instrument No. 120003700. Tax No.: 60-1-0-5-0 and 60-1-0-6-0 Property address: 575 Lee Rd, Crozier, VA 23039 The property will be sold "AS IS," WITHOUT REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND AND SUBJECT TO conditions, covenants, restrictions, reservations, easements, rights of way, and all other matters of record taking priority over the Deed of Trust, if any, as might be listed in this notice or may be announced at the sale. TERMS OF SALE: A non-refundable bidder’s deposit of $66,000.00 or 10% of the sale price, whichever is less, by cashier’s or certified check required at time of sale, except for the party secured by the Deed of Trust. Risk of loss is on the purchaser from date and time of auction. Balance of the purchase price must be paid by cashier’s check within 14 days from sale date. Except for Virginia Grantor tax, all settlement costs and expenses are purchaser’s responsibility. Taxes are pro-rated to the date of sale. Purchaser is responsible for obtaining possession of the property. If purchaser defaults, deposit may be forfeited and property resold at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser who shall be liable for any deficiency in the purchase price and all costs, expenses, and attorney’s fees of both sales. If Trustee does not convey title for any reason, purchaser’s sole remedy is return of deposit without interest. This sale is subject to post-sale audit of the status of the loan secured by the Deed of Trust including but not limited to determining whether prior to sale a forbearance, repayment, or other agreement was entered into, the loan was reinstated or paid off, or whether the property became subject to an automatic stay under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code prior to the sale; in any such event this sale shall be null and void and purchaser’s sole remedy shall be return of deposit without interest. Pursuant to the Federal Fair Debt Collections Practices Act, this law firm is a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. (21-02425) FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: BROCK & SCOTT, PLLC (Attorney for TRUSTEE SERVICES OF VIRGINIA, LLC) 484 Viking Drive, Suite 203 Virginia Beach, VA 23452 (757)213-2959

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Serving Goochland County


July 29, 2021

Since 1955







CLUES ACROSS 1. Language group with Iranian influence 5. No seats available 8. Health insurance organization 11. Having a strong sharp smell or taste 13. Defunct European economic organization 14. Dutch word for ‘language’ 15. Hard to penetrate 16. When you’ll get there 17. Iranian city 18. Small fishes 20. Dry white wine drink 21. Turkish city 22. U.S.-born people 25. Synthetic resin 30. Major nerve in human body 31. Type of recording 32. Small drum 33. Alters 38. General’s assistant (abbr.) 41. Venezuelan capital 43. Free of deceit 45. Member of Ancient Hebrew nation 48. Competition 49. Launch an attack on

50. Cavalry sword 55. Spiritual leader 56. One point east of due south 57. Afflicted 59. Database management system 60. Snakelike fish 61. Spiritual leader of a Jewish congregation 62. Small drink 63. Not wet 64. Impudence CLUES DOWN 1. Father 2. Performed perfectly 3. Ribosomal ribonucleic acid 4. Thin, compact object 5. One attempting to find something 6. No longer working 7. Egg-shaped wind instrument 8. Book of Genesis character 9. Volcanic craters 10. Brand of American automobile (slang) 12. Hip hop icon Kool Moe __ 14. Bangladeshi monetary

unit 19. Self-immolation by fire ritual 23. Family of genes 24. Et __: indicates further 25. Pacific Standard Time 26. S. American wood sorrel 27. Women’s __ movement 28. Chinese hoopster Ming 29. Layers of rock 34. Patriotic women’s group 35. Solid water 36. Shade of brown 37. Very fast airplane 39. Put clothes on 40. Quality of one’s character 41. Time zone 42. Primates 44. Pleasantly 45. Metrical feet 46. Rogue 47. German river 48. Relieves from 51. Swiss river 52. Prejudice 53. Actor Idris 54. Those who resist authority 58. Criticize

5"6364 t "QS .BZ Taurus, it can be difficult to know when to stop talking and start listening. It is a fine line to walk, but be patient and feel out the room before offering your input. (&.*/* t .BZ +VO Things that appear to be confusing or intimidating may not be as complicated as they seem, Gemini. Keep doing your research and don’t be scared away.

$"/$&3 t +VO +VM Cancer, remember to treat others how you want them to treat you. This simple approach is a great way to build lasting friendships and strong relationships.

-*#3" t 4FQU 0DU Devote some time to figuring out the details of your spending habits. A little financial discipline now may pay big dividends down the road.

-&0 t +VM "VH Get as much work done around the house as possible this week, Leo. You may soon be pressed for time, so now is the time to tackle projects.

4$031*0 t 0DU /PW Scorpio, seek others’ input when faced with a tricky situation. Sometimes a fresh perspective is all that’s needed to make sense of a perplexing problem.

7*3(0 t "VH 4FQU Have fun with family and friends in the days to come, Virgo. Make the most of this precious time to relax with those you love. It will provide the kickstart you’ve been seeking.

4"(*55"3*64 t /PW %FD Sagittarius, expect to make some progress on financial situations that may have seemed daunting in the past. A financial professional can help you navigate some confusing waters.

$"13*$03/ t %FD +BO Connecting with friends has been a priority for you lately, Capricorn. In the days ahead, pend as much time as possible with those you hold near and dear. "26"3*64 t +BO 'FC Hidden strengths come to the surface when you are thrust into an unfamiliar situation, Aquarius. When forced to think on your feet, you realize you can adapt on the fly. 1*4$&4 t 'FC .BS Connect with your community in any way you can this week, Pisces. Give back by volunteering or by offering financial support.


"3*&4 t .BS "QS Aries, you may have to tend to family matters this week. Seek input from trusted family members and work together to come to a solution that everyone can embrace.



Serving Goochland County

July 29, 2021

Since 1955

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