Golf News December 2016/January 2017

Page 44


[44] DEC/JAN 2017 | WATCHES

ETIQUS GOLF TIMEPIECES With so many people using their mobile

With Christmas coming up, a lot of people

phones to tell the time these days, what made

will be buying watches for their partners.

you think that a traditional wristwatch could

What is the turnaround from ordering

make an impact?

online to delivery?

If we only bought watches to tell the time there

Over 80% are delivered in the UK the next

wouldn’t be a watch industry! Timepieces can

working day. We’ll be taking orders for

say a lot about the wearer and, as one of the few

Christmas delivery in the UK right up to

jewellery items a man will own, are often bought

December 21st – that is, of course, assuming

to celebrate a special occasion: birthdays,

we’ve got some left!

anniversaries, a year as a captain, and of course, Christmas. To make an impact and to stand out

Etiqus has already raised £15,000 for the

from the crowd you need a unique proposition.

Golf Foundation after donating £5 from

Etiqus has granted patents as a golf timepiece, so

every purchase. It’s a very magnanimous

if you see a stranger wearing an Etiqus you might

gesture, but do you have any say in how

not know much about them, but unlike any other

that money is spent?

watch, you do know they’re a golfer.

No, but I do understand the difference that can be made from our donations. The Golf

What was your background before you got

Foundation appreciates our support, and

into the watch business?

is increasingly aware of the need to work

I worked in the IT and communications sector

with new funders and be more innovative in

and have run businesses involved in the

fundraising. I was only able to take up golf as

technology that supports e-commerce solutions,

a youngster through a charitable gesture, so

hence my commitment to launch Etiqus as an

raising money to get more kids into golf is very

online brand. I believe it enables me to offer

important to me.

the golfer a good quality product at a very competitive online price, and to ship them direct

On your sport models, the most distinctive

to the customer almost anywhere in the world.

feature is the now iconic Butler Golf Bezel.

The future of retail is online, so in most respects

Why is that so important to your design?

the market is moving in my direction.

The pocket book ‘Rules of Golf’ extends to over 200 pages, whereas the spirit of

With most of the top professional golfers

the game founded in the principles of golf

sporting Rolexes, Omegas and Audermar Piguet

etiquette are written in just a few words, ‘show

watches, how hard has it been to break through

consideration for others, take care of the

into a market dominated by big brands?

course and play at a good pace’, which I think

We don’t compete with the luxury brands, we

captures the most important aspects of being

differentiate from them. Other watch companies

a ‘good golfer’. The bezel algorithm of the

use golf and famous golfers to market their

hole numbers one to 18, which was originally

brand in order to sell watches at prices beyond

inspired by pace-of-play guidelines published

the reach of many golfers, which bizarrely

by the R&A, is the distinctive feature that

actually promote sports other than golf. We

unmistakably identifies the wearer as someone

use our brand to exclusively promote golf and

with a love of golf.

its core values, and sell affordable timepieces specifically created for golfers. Etiqus is unique in

How much time do you get to play golf, and

that it’s our watch for our game – golf!

where are your favourite places to play? Unfortunately a severe spinal injury has

You’ve brought out a number of different

restricted my time on the golf course this year,

models themed around the colours in golf.

and I need to learn a new technique in order

Which has been your best seller?

to play competently. So I’m looking forward

The best sellers in each collection have been the

to playing regularly again, and especially links

Summer White dial models.

golf, which I absolutely love.

Which Etiqus watch do you wear? Or do you

If you had the power of time travel, which

switch models according to the occasion?

era would you move back to and why?

Each morning I choose one watch to wear from

I wouldn’t – I’d only want to travel forward in

my 50 or so men’s models, depending on what

time. It would be interesting to travel 100 years

I’m doing or wearing that day. The silicone strap

into the future to see if people are still playing

models are great for casual wear, leather straps

golf, out on the course, preferably with ‘lark

are good as a smart/casual option and I wear the

song and sea sounds in the air, and splendour,

steel bracelet ones for a more formal business

splendour everywhere’, or will golf become a

look. On the golf course, like most golfers, I rarely

virtual reality only sport you can play from the

wear a proper watch, but as soon as I leave the

comfort and isolation of your solar-powered

course an Etiqus is back on my wrist.

life support pod?

Golf News was in conversation with Etiqus founder Gary Butler. To see the latest Etiqus range, visit

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