Response to Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services 15-01-2010

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Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services

Ministere de la Securite communautaire et des Services correctionnels

Communications Branch

Direction des communications

25 Grosve.norStreet 10th Floor Toronto ON M7A 1Y6

25, rue Grosvenor 10路 etage Toronto ON M7A 1Y6

Tel: 416-314-3369 Fax: 416-326-0498

TeL: 416-314-3369 Telec. : 416-326-0498




l/F Ontario CU09-04500

DEe 02 2009 Mr. :Donald-Mark:Westover: RR 1 Kemble ON Dear Mr. :Donald-Mark:Westover:: I acknowledge receipt of your letter of November 2, 2009, to the Honourable Rick Bartolucci, Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services. As you may be aware, the responsibilities of the Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services include general authority over the delivery of police services in Ontario. Ministry staff members monitor the activities of all police services in Ontario and, where appropriate, recommend improvements to relevant legislation, policies and procedures. The ministry is also responsible for maintaining and operating provincial correctional institutions for adult offenders, 18 years and over, who are serving a sentence of up to two years less a day or who are awaiting criminal proceedings. The document enclosed in your correspondence does not appear to have been issued by or filed in a court of law. As this document is not a properly issued claim or application, the ministry will take no further action in response to it.

Luigia Aprile AlManager Correspondence c:


The Honourable Rick Bartolucci Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services

:Donald-Mark:Westover: c/o RRl Kemble, Ontario

The Honourable Rick Bartolucci: Minister Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services 25 Grosvenor Street 10th Floor Toronto, ON M7 A 1Y6 January 15, 2010 Dear Mr. Bartolucci, I have enclosed a letter from your ministry for informational purposes. correspondence as this was the earliest I could find time to write you.

Forgive my tardy response to your office's

It was stated that your ministry is under the impression that my documents were not filed properly by or in a court of law. I have renounced contracts with the very entity your ministry feels I need permission from. I do not need permission. Your courts and laws are for my protection and welfare, not to hinder and obstruct me. I am a Man and not a corporation under your jurisdiction. I have noticed the Attorney General of Ontario, the MTO, all levels of police, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, the Governor General of Canada, the Registrar General of Ontario as well as your ministry. I have a fee schedule which has been accepted and is in effect for those who would wish to pay me for my services. The terms of contract are found in my documents posted online in the public at For the sake of clarity, however, let me elaborate on why it matters to you that you have been Noticed as it would appear that you have not been noticed by your superiors of this arrangement. If we are not free men, we are slaves. If we are slaves and you or your organization are our masters, say as much and show how this came to be so that I may serve in peace. If you do not respond with information confirming this power then you are agreeing that we are free men. If we are free men, then your ministry must derive its power from the people. This power is borrowed by agreement and so free men yield some of their liberties so that your ministry may operate. In this fashion, free men subordinate themselves by contract to legal fictions. Thus, all law is contract law. Even in the Old Testament when the Almighty became a God to Israel, it was under contract. Israel agreed to God's terms. So if any would argue that I have entered into contract with a lifeless corporation which provided no consideration


am so responsible to fulfill the contract, I would point out that the other party did deceive with malice aforethought and did not give full disclosure to me. Under contract law, this act of omission does void the contract. I have revoked consent to be represented or governed and have revoked all signatures. I am not singling out your ministry alone. I have revoked power of attorney with the corporation of Canada as a whole. I am a Man and not a beast to be controlled and farmed by those who would fashion themselves as self-appointed global caretakers. Ones such as these suppose they know best how to handle my affairs: they do not. They are FIRED of any position of governance over me. The function of law in a free society is to protect each other's rights, freedoms, liberties and properties from those who would not love their brothers as themselves. While I don't require your agreement I am certain you would freely admit that corporations, officials and other bloodless entities have left their proper station of protecting the people for abuse, power and plunder. This is far from what our forefathers had intended for us. Under the self-governing system the people have the power; not the government. Government derives its power from the people to serve the people and not to their detriment. This differs from the old system in that Man was not designed to serve an earthly king; corporations were, however, designed to serve Man. The Constitution Acts

(Schedule B, Part 1) of your government declares that it recognizes the Supremacy of God and the rule of law and that Canada was founded on this. As God created Man first and Law secondly it follows that the order of authority is as such: 1. God 2.


3. 4.

Family Rule of Law

5. Community 6. Corporations The corporation of Canada and all its subsidiaries are pulling up the rear. You will need to show me how if God created all men equal that another man (or more stunning still, a fiction like a corporation) gained jurisdiction and power over me. As I refuse to contract with any party which would remove my liberty from my power I must assume that your ministry has received some form of written permission from the Almighty Himself. I should like to see that. Please. Until then, any Act of Parliament which violates my freedoms and liberties is of no effect and void. The Constitution Acts Section 32 (l)(a-b) limits the Acts to Parliament and government of Canada. Govern yourself accordingly. The rights of the individual are protected from majority rule. The collective can never be greater than its components, however else we may be commonly taught. I am sure the banks will stand behind me on that. Even you would cringe at the idea of having your assets, wealth or life voted from your possession. This self-governing hierarchy makes me the monarch and your ministry the servant. Rogue, obstructive corporations who have left their estate must return to their designed function or have their power revoked. I am doing such a thing and will not re-instate power until a time in which I have regained faith in its intentions and purpose. Let me illustrate with an example. Coca Cola is a corporation with rules and regulations. All people who are employed by Coca Cola are bound to its rules and codes by contract. Yet the rules are only binding to those in contract with Coca Cola. Anyone outside of contract is free to govern themselves as they see fit. Even other corporations are free to do as they decide. Pepsi, for example, is not bound by Coke's codes. Coke has no right to impose its rules on any other party who does not wish to enter into contract with it. Coca Cola is like the Corporation of Canada, Ontario, all incorporated towns and cities and organizations such as the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services. I am without contract. I live privately and as such am beyond the reach of your ministry's Acts and regulations. I do not belong to any organization that would exert force or power over its constituents or members. I have noticed everyone who would be affected with misunderstanding. If there is anyone who needs to be apprised of this situation, the onus lies with you and your organization. on. Once again I would direct you to my online documents well.

Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal and vice versa. Pass it mentioned earlier. I will be posting our correspondence as

To be clear: I am not wanting conflict with any organization and do desire peace. Please observe this by not interfering with my affairs. I am content to live quietly and allow others to discover their own freedoms and liberties at their own pace. If you do not observe the peace and protect my freedoms and liberties I will take my issue to the highest court in the land with as much attention as possible. I will use international courts if needed. I will broadcast this case far and wide. I prefer to live in peace, however. You govern those who would be governed while I will govern my own affairs. I remind you that my fee schedule is in effect and I will use it. If your ministry interferes/contracts with me according to my documents then you will also be billed for my services. In no wise do I yield authority or power to anyone or thing except the Most High God. I trust this information expJains the ministry's position with respect to me. I thank you for your letter. Sincerely,

xc3r ~ WithouV Prejudice.


By : Donald-Mark:Westover


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