Sep. 2012 Kassette

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Die Porsche

September 2012


Ballot Inside

Newsletter of the Gold Coast Region - Porsche Club of America Newsletter of the Gold Coast Region - Porsche Club of America

On The Cover

Die Porsche


A monthly publication of the Gold Coast Region Porsche Club of America

Porsche 918 Spyder hydrid prototype in vintage Martini Racing Design.

September 2012 Editor

Roger Fabel 648 NW 100 Lane Coral Springs, FL 33071 (954) 752-2501 E-mail:


Concours Corner......................................................... 8 GCR Proposed Bylaw Changes................................ 12 2013 Election Bios..................................................... 14 From the Members.................................................... 20 918 Spyder Prototype................................................ 24 Fancy Feasts............................................................. 33

Graphic Artist

Kirk Giannola 954 551-1300


Dan Smithyman Joyce Minnich Roger Fabel Michael Grant Pedro Bonilla Rodger Hawley

Upcoming Events GCR Events Calendar................................................. 5 Compassionate Friends Car Show.............................. 9 2013 48 Hours Club Race......................................... 22 Collier Museum Tour.................................................. 29

Proofreaders Sherry Fabel Dottie Kidd Joyce Minnich Dan Smithyman



Roger Fabel Cynthia Fluhart

Officers & Board Members.......................................... 5 GCR Coordinators....................................................... 6 President’s Corner....................................................... 7 Editor’s Notes............................................................ 10 New Members........................................................... 11 GCR Classified.......................................................... 23 Tech Corner............................................................... 30 Advertiser Index........................................................ 34


Roger Fabel Stan Pearlman


The deadline for submission of materials is the 1st of the month of publication. Please E-mail to: with “Kassette Material” as the subject line.

Die Porsche Kassette is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Gold Coast Region, Inc. and is published monthly. Any statement appearing in the Kassette is that of the author, and does not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, the Gold Coast Region, Inc., its Board of Directors, the Kassette editors or its staff. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Permission is given to chartered regions of PCA to reprint articles in their newsletter if credit is given to the author and the Kassette. Publication office: 648 NW 100 Lane, Coral Springs, FL 33071. Bulk Rate class postage paid, West Palm Beach, FL


Die Porsche Kassette


September 2012

Upcoming Events

Officers President Steve Kidd 954 946-3196

September 2012 1-3 Rennfest (Georgia) 6 Board Meeting 7pm 15-16 Sebring DE 30 Autocross BAC

Vice President / DE Chair Michael Grant 954 540-1169

October 2012 4 Board Meeting 7pm 19 Compassionate Friends Car Show 27 Collier Museum Tour 28 Autocross BAC

Treasurer Dottie Kidd 954 946-3196

November 2012 1 Board Meeting 7pm 10-11 Sebring DE 11 Mandarin Concours Social December 2012 6 BOD Meeting 7pm 8 GCR Holiday Party

Secretary Cynthia Fluhart 305 829-8502

Board Members Board Member Stan Pearlman 561 451-3427

Board Member / Chief of Tech Bob Varela 954 746-0488

Board Member Ed Kohly 954 292-6238

1st Alternate Richard Diaz 305 829-8502

Board Member Pedro Bonilla 954 385-0330

2nd Alternate Dan Doyle 954 439-4610

Club Race Co-Chair / Past Pres Dan Smithyman 954 344-8857 September 2012


Die Porsche Kassette


Gold Coast Region Coordinators Chairman and Registrar Positions Event Coordinator Sherry Fabel 954 752-5363

Autocross Chairman Alex Ortega, Jr 561 847-1876

DE Registrar Autocross Registrar Laz Ortega Sasha Ortega 305 215-5337 561 398-1274

Membership Chairman Ed Kohly 954 292-6238 Chief Instructor/Saftey Chairman Mike Tarter 561 752-1672

Social Committee Palm Beach

Broward Beena Kohly 954 682-7838

Miami-Dade Cynthia Fluhart 305 829-8502

WWWebmeister Laz Ortega 305 215-5337

Zone Representative David O’Neal 407 808-6461

Kassette Editor Roger Fabel 954 752-2501

48 Hours Volunteers Jerry Daily 561 747-4959

Historian Mike Joffee 786 236-6180

Concourse Chairman Fred Kokly 305-926-8767


Vivian Ortega 561 719-0707

Die Porsche Kassette


September 2012

President’s Corner

Steve Kidd - President

Welcome again to another President’s corner. As many of you know, this will be one of the last articles I write as GCR President. The last 2 years and 9 months have been filled with challenges, opportunities and a chance to make some lasting positive contributions to our Region and PCA. Our bylaws allow a President to serve up to three one year terms and due to term limits I’ll be passing the Presidential torch on to Michael Grant who is well qualified to assume the role as President. While on the topic of bylaws, this issue of the Kassette has the proposed bylaw changes that the Board has been diligently working on for the past six months. In addition, this issue contains a ballot where members are requested to make a simple YES or NO choice on whether the membership wants to go forward with the proposed amendments. GCR last made a change to the bylaws in 1999 and this document has served us well over the past thirteen years. Since 1999 there has been a powerful move toward the use of the internet and other technological advances. The main revision in the proposed bylaw changes is to provide an option for web based voting in the future. As many of you are aware, this trend to utilize web based voting products is taking place in many clubs and organizations and is already in place in some PCA regions. I again stress that we are not eliminating traditional paper and pen ballots….just making it easier for many of our members to vote by using a secure web based product. Another change is to revise the way votes are tallied. The nominating committee, made up of members who are not running for office, will now do the tallying. Currently a tally committee does this and often times; such as last year, the tally committee is composed of members who are running for office. Please know that every vote counts and we need at least 5% of the membership to vote yes or no for the proposed amendment. Both members and associate members will be allowed to vote. Assuming we get at least 5% of the membership voting, a simple majority will determine if the proposed amendment passes. Please make sure you vote and that your ballot is received by GCR no later than September 29th. A ballot has been included in this month’s Kassette for your use. Another exciting event on the horizon is the election of new Directors and Officers for 2013. In this Kassette is the actual election notice with the bios and pictures of the candidates. Please understand that these are volunteer positions and can at times be both rewarding, time consuming, and stressful. I would ask everyone to put yourselves in the shoes of these dedicated members and try to imagine the work that goes

into planning events, running activities, follow up after a function, and everything associated with what a volunteer must do in order to have their activity run smoothly, be well attended, and enjoyed by all. THE FOLLOWING IS THE FINAL SLATE OF CANDIDATES FOR 2013

President Michael Grant Vice President Ed Kohly Treasurer Dottie Kidd Secretary Cynthia Fluhart Director Pedro Bonilla Director Sergio de Araujo Director Richard Diaz Director Dan Doyle Director Alex Ortega Director Bob Varela At this juncture we do not know if these election ballots will be electronic and paper or simply paper as used in past years. That will be determined shortly after September 29th when the bylaw amendment ballots are tallied. Future e-mail blasts, our website and Kassette will keep you up to date on the process we will use. I would ask you to review the candidate’s bios, think back on your experiences with each candidate and vote for those you feel best represent the future of Gold Coast Region. I wish to thank all those who have served in the past and those who currently have expressed their willingness to serve in coming years. The above final slate includes names that were suggested by the nominating committee as well as members that were nominated from the floor at our last Board meeting. While the 4 officers are uncontested, the Director positions need to be voted on. With Directors, the 2 highest vote getters become Board members/directors for the next 2 years, while the 3rd and 4th highest vote getters become the Alternate Director and Alternate Director in Reserve, respectively. After the voting and tallying, the newly elected Officers /Directors will be announced at the December Holiday party and in the January issue of the Kassette. On a final note, thanks are in order to GCR member Jeff Marcus for preparing our Region’s tax returns this year. Jeff is a CPA and has his practice in Sunrise Florida. Jeff and his wife Beverly drive a 2003 Boxster; be sure to thank them for this service when you meet them at future events. Also…. get well wishes to Jerry Daily, Richard Diaz and Pedro Bonilla who are on the road to recovery. We hope to see them back on track in the near future. Drive safe and cheers till next month.


September 2012


Die Porsche Kassette


Concours Corner: Don’t Hate Cleaning Windows

Fred Kohly, Concours Chair

Perhaps no other area of cleaning the car is more tendentious than cleaning the windows of your fine car. Everyone seems to have a technique and an opinion as to which is the best way to do it. You can research it on Google, or watch endless hours of YouTube videos showing expert detailers telling us the best way. The fact is, there are lots of ways and most are pretty good, with the exception of a few kooky ways, of course. If the method you are using is working and your windows are streak free, bright and glimmering, keep using that method. In this article I’ll share some ideas I have learned from others, or discovered on my own. As a Concours Judge I take a very close look at windows. As a matter of fact, you can’t help notice them because they are at eye level and are such a major part of the car. If a participant can’t get it right on the windows, chances are fairly good there are a lot of other mistakes elsewhere. Whatever you do, getting the windows right will go a long way. Two things I hate loosing points on are the windows and the wheels. (The wheels are a subject for another day, so let’s focus on the windows for now.) Cleaning the windows to perfection is a little more complicated than one might think. I say this, not because we can’t get the windows perfect with a lot of time and right solutions, but we have to deal with the rubber weather-stripping trim around the windows, which needs to be perfect as well. If we clean the windows and then dress the rubber, we get dressing on the windows - which we just cleaned! If we dress the stripping first, then clean the windows, we could wipe off or interfere with the perfectly dressed window stripping we just dressed. It can be frustrating, so before we get into the window cleaning techniques, here is an idea. 8

Die Porsche Kassette


I typically dress the window weatherstripping first and do it way before I do the windows, like a day or two, or even longer. This time period allows the dressing on the rubber to dry and settle, making it harder to interfere with the window cleaning, in case I accidently touch it while carefully cleaning around the edges. I no longer use ammonia window cleaners because I notice that it seems to have an effect on the rubber, even if it’s dry. I don’t like it on the paint and I don’t like it on the wax surface. There are plenty of products without ammonia that do a great job. Another thought: if you need to do the window detailing on the same day (meaning you can’t wait for the dressing to dry), I still do the dressing first, and then do the windows. Wipe the window with a dry cloth to get the excess dressing off the glass, and then proceed to clean the windows gingerly around the edges. Avoid over spraying window cleaner on the rubber as well. You can use a piece of cardboard as shield if you like. The same thing goes for inside the car, if you are going to do the interior rubber around the windows. Actually, these don’t need to be done very often, as they stay fresh for a long time. But if you do, do these first. As for the rest of the trim, including dash and rear top panel, it doesn’t matter if you do the trim first or the windows first. I usually do the entire interior first, including the dash. To clean the front windshield inside, I usually lay newspaper over the dash if I spray the window, or sometimes just spray the rag first. To get around the lower part of the windshield I use a paint stirrer or similar object to clean where it’s tight and my fingers can’t reach. To clean the rear window, I bribe my wife (haha!). Okay, so we are ready to work on the windows. I have been using newspaper with an ammonia-free window cleaner, and it’s amazing how well it works. I spray cleaner on the window (avoiding overspray), wad up a page or two of newspaper, and start cleaning. This

September 2012

method has worked great, but there are some limitations on the interior of the car. Since the paper begins to deteriorate, it leaves little droppings inside the car, which creates more work. I usually may start off with fresh paper but finish with a lint free rag or high quality paper towel. You can use the paint stirrer or even chop sticks to get the tight window corners (PF Chang has the best chop sticks in the world). You will probably have to touch up the rear top panel after cleaning the rear window, but you will figure it out. Another technique is using distilled water in a spray bottle. This simple formula works extraordinarily well. It’s cheap, highly effective, and really cuts into the smudge that builds inside the windows if you ride often with them open. This could be one of the best ways overall, since overspray does practically nothing to any of the other areas. Some people like to add a little white vinegar to the water, to create a 50-50 mix, or less. Use a lint free rag for best results. Another idea I learned from long time Concours veteran Lou Gonzalez, is to use a moist natural chamois for the oily, greasy areas of the windows, particularly corners. All the above works well assuming you regularly wash your car and clean the windows on an ongoing basis. Glass is composed of microscopic grooves, which over time begin to accumulate and trap debris. Things like grease, road oils, bird droppings, industrial fall out, and other pollutants, combined with the sun and rain, will wreak havoc on your exterior window surfaces. If you drive in Florida during the “Love Bug” season, you undoubtedly are familiar with the expression “kills bugs fast”, and know what this does to your windshield if you don’t get them off as soon as possible. Over time, all of these contaminants begin to dull and make the glass lose some of its clarity, even after cleaning. In addition to all the problems above, we may also have to deal with water spots.

Water spots are droplets, which have dried, and left mineral deposits etched into the glass, thanks in large part to that great ball of fire in the sky, the SUN. If you have ever tried to wash your car or your windows on a sunny day with direct exposure, you know what I mean. The minerals left in the glass can accumulate more and more over time, and will take a lot of work to get out. In case you didn’t pick up on it, always clean your windows in the shade. Fortunately, there are many products on the market today to help regain the original clarity and brilliance your car deserves. Actually, too many to mention. But if you

go to the various web sites you will find everything from sprays, soaps, cleaners, compounds, polishers - and the list go on. I usually try to keep it simple, but always experiment with different products. The simplest thing to do is to use the clay bar we used for the paint, and try clay barring the window. This works; and if not, use a window cleaner or polisher similar to a wax compound and apply accordingly. I have also seen people use dry fine steel wool, without wetting it, and gently go over the entire window surface. In either case, regardless of what you use, clean, clear and brilliant glass will go a long way towards helping you score high points.


Help Wanted Autocross chair/registrar Individual or family to be the point person for GCR's autocross program. You will get great training and lots of assistance at each event! Ideal candidates would be husband and wife, or father and son/daughter team to run a 7 event per year series. Should be very computer literate and willing to learn timing/scoring programs as well as have the ability to see that equipment/trailer gets to from the site. There is lots of help available from experienced autocrossers and this is a great way to contribute. For more information contact Alex Jr. (561)8471876 or Steve/Dottie 954 946-3196.

September 2012


Die Porsche Kassette


Editor’s Notes Roger Fabel - Editor

I hope you all had a wonderful summer and that your Porsche got plenty of exercise. As the vacations come to an end and the students go back to school, the club has been working on many activities that will take us thru the fourth quarter and get Gold Coast ready for next year. The 2013 Officers and Board of Directors slate has been selected. To help educate you with the candidates, we have provided their bios. Please review each so that you will be informed when the voting begins. Speaking of voting, we are also presenting a ballot in this issue for a member vote on “Proposed Bylaw Changes”. Please read the bylaws and review the proposed changes. Your vote is very important so please vote and return the ballot before the deadline. Thank you for your help. You may notice several changes to the format of our newsletter in this issue. Each year the newsletters are reviewed by other editors and improvement ideas are provided. We recived high marks for our “Tech and Concours Corner” sections; thank you Pedro and Fred. From that feedback we have changed our Officers and Board of Directors page to include their photographs. We are changing

our “New Member” page with more changes to come. Our “Events Calendar” has been replaced with a window of “Upcoming Events”. Please let us know what you think and any other ideas that would help improve our newsletter. For your reading pleasure, Rodger Hawley is providing articles on the “Early 911’s”. He would like your feedback and ideas for this series. Check out his article in the “From the Members” section. The club has been working on several special events for the year 2013. The first event is the 20th Anniversary of the 48 Hours of Sebring Club Race. Please mark down the dates found on page 22 and look for more information in future issues on how you can volunteer to be part of this historic event. Another big event for next year is the hosting of Zonefest in our region. This event will also require the help of many volunteers. More details to follow. Gold Coast will be celebrating our 50th Anniversary at the end of 2013, planning is underway and this should be a fantastic event. Hope to see you at the next event,


rock solid. rock solid people.

rock solid solutions.

rock solid results.



CONTACT ED KOHLY Office: 954.736.2716 | Cell: 954.292.6238



We would like to welcome the following new PCA members to Gold Coast Region.

Pb Barresi Palm Beach 2012 911 Turbo

Alfredo & Sonia Gil Broward 2000 Boxster

Astrid Rodriguez Miami-dade 2009 Carrera

John & Kathy Taylor Palm Beach 2011 Cayman

Rita Battistoni Palm Beach 2003 911 Cab

Roy Hinson Palm Beach 2003 Porsche

Carlos & Stefan Singer Miami-dade 1991 911

Mark Weinstock Broward 2008 911 4S

Jerry Blum Broward 1991 928

John Hylton Broward Associate

Igor Snoj Palm Beach 2002 911

Gregory Woods Miami-dade 2006 Cayman S

Patricia Coronel Miami-dade Associate

Manuel & Stephany Jaramillo Broward 2003 Carrera

Elvis Svoboda Miami-dade 1985 944

Todd Fisch Broward 2009 Cayenne

Ernie Renzetti Miami-dade 911 Turbo

Guillermo Tablada Miami-dade 2007 911


EmilyÿSantiago HasÿjoinedÿtheÿBramanÿPorscheÿTeam 8ÿYearsÿPorscheÿExperience UnmatchedÿCustomerÿService HighÿCustomerÿSatisfactionÿRatings Genuine,ÿWelcomingÿandÿExperienced MultipleÿSalespersonÿofÿtheÿYearÿAwards

BramanÿPorscheÿPalmÿBeach 2801ÿOkeechobeeÿBlvd. Directÿ561-615-4804ÿ Cellularÿ(305)ÿ796-5436

Proposed GCR Bylaw Changes PLEASE REVIEW CAREFULLY AND VOTE YES OR NO using the ballot enclosed in this Kassette. Ballots must be received by September 29th ….Steve Listed below in red are the proposed bylaw changes. The Blue represents sections being removed. While this may look like a lot, the substance is to provide for electronic voting using a secure format such as Simply Voting and provide for increased use of electronic media. Please review these proposed revisions and next month each member will be asked to vote yes or no on the entire proposal. The Board of Directors is sponsoring this change and the intended purpose is to better use available technology to offer easier and less costly methods to traditional voting. In addition, the proposal will more clearly define the roll of the nominating committee, while making the vote counting process easier and more in keeping with best practice models. In reviewing this proposal some of the questions the Board addressed were: • Are there products out there that will meet our strict security standards? • Will this electronic process be easy to use and encourage more members to vote? • Are we ready to move into this arena of modern technology? The answer to these questions was yes, however for more details please feel free to contact Pedro Bonilla or Steve Kidd for more information regarding this proposal. In addition you may wish to visit our website for the current bylaws. SECTION 3: DUTIES OF THE SECRETARY
 The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the members and the Board of Directors and shall keep full and complete minutes of the proceedings and of all votes cast thereat. The Secretary shall cause to be published in the Club’s official publication and through its electronic media, notices of all meetings of the members, proposed and adopted amendments of these Bylaws and other matters relating to the proper conduct of the Club. The Secretary shall have custody of the Club’s records. SECTION 1: STANDING COMMITTEES There shall be seven eight standing committees of the Gold Coast Region as follows: Newsletter (die Porsche Kassette) Nominating (nomination of Club Officers and Directors) Driver’s Education Autocross Club Race Safety Social Website and Electronic Media ELECTION OF OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS SECTION 1: NOMINATING COMMITTEE
 The Nominating Committee will be appointed by the President on or before the date of the May Board meeting. The Nominating Committee shall consist of three members including the immediate Past President who shall chair the Committee. A member running for election in the current year may not be part of the Nominating Committee. The Committee shall submit its proposed Slate of Officers to the Board of Directors at the July Board meeting. No person may be nominated without his or her permission. The Secretary shall verify that the person has given permission for the nomination if that person is not present at the time of the nomination. The Nominating Committee, in conjunction with the Secretary, will verify that each nominated member conforms to the standards of these Bylaws in order to be considered a candidate. SECTION 2: NOMINATION BY THE MEMBERS
 Any Gold Coast Region member in good standing may nominate any one or more persons who are eligible as candidates for an elected office from the floor at the August or September Board meeting and general membership meeting. No person may be nominated without his or her permission. The Secretary shall verify that the person has given permission for the nomination if that person is not present at the time of nomination. SECTION 3: NOTICE OF ELECTION
 The Secretary shall cause to be published in the September issue of the Newsletter and in Gold Coast Region’s Website a Notice of Election of the Nominating Committee’s Slate of Officers. The Notice of Election shall set forth the election procedure as described in SECTION 4: BALLOTS, below. Each candidate will be requested to submit a statement for candidacy and/or biographical profile to be published in the September issue of the Newsletter for the benefit of the membership. 12

Die Porsche Kassette


September 2012

GCR Board of Directors

 All voting shall be by write-in ballot. Only one ballot will be mailed to each pair of active, family-active, associate and familyassociate members in good standing who hold and present a current valid PCA membership card. Ballots will be distributed through the U.S. Postal Service mail. The ballot will contain a place for the qualified voter to sign and list his or her PCA membership number. Preferably, all voting shall be done by secure, electronic form although traditional, non-electronic paper ballots may be used as well to supplement when needed. Each pair of active, family-active, associate and family-associate members, in good standing at the time of the elections, may log into the designated web address between October 15 and November 15 and after accessing the site using the necessary and individually specific security keys, he/she shall proceed to fill in the different choices in the electronic ballot. There will also be a space for a write-in vote. Electronic voting will only allow each pair of active, family-active, associate and family-associate members to vote once. In the case that an active, family-active, associate or family associate member requests it, the Secretary will send one non-electronic, write-in ballot to that member by the U.S. Postal Service. The Secretary shall prepare a written ballot listing the names of all the nominees for each of the offices for which there will be a vote taken and that ballot will be replicated in electronic form at the voting website. If only one nominee is submitted for any office, then that nominee is deemed to be elected. The name of any such unopposed nominees will appear on the ballot but no voting will be required for their election. Ballots will be produced in a form that cannot be copied, that is, using colored paper, colored ink, initialed, numbered, etc., at the Secretary’s discretion. Ballots shall be sent through the U.S. Postal Service mail to the general membership. Ballots must be mailed by the Secretary on or before October 15th. Completed Non electronic, write-in ballots must be returned to the U.S. Postal Service Box number address indicated on the ballot and postmarked no later than November 15th. Ballots shall remain sealed until opened all together at the same time by the Nominating Committee for tabulation. The Secretary with a two member tally committee consisting of the Membership Chairperson and Treasurer Nominating Committee shall tabulate the votes cast received, add them to the electronic tally and report the results of the election. The nominee who receives the greatest number of votes cast for the office for which he or she is a candidate will be declared to be elected. For the election results to be official, they must comply with ARTICLE X , SECTION 4: QUORUM. If a quorum is not achieved, a re-election shall immediately be conducted using the same ballot format and nominees and with an explanation of why the re-election is necessary. During the time of the re-balloting the current officers and directors will remain in office. Upon receipt of the results of the re-election, the newly elected slate of officers and directors will immediately take office. The Secretary shall inform the newsletter editor and the webmaster of the results of the election in time for their publication in the January issue of the Club newsletter and as soon as possible in Gold Coast Region’s website. A formal announcement of the election results will be made to the membership at the December dinner/social meeting and an e-mail blast to the membership shall be generated with the official results as well. SECTION 5: NOTICE OF MEETING
 A notice, stating the time, date, place and purpose of any meeting of the members shall be published by the Secretary in the Club’s official publication and/or announced through electronic media to the membership not less than three (3) thirty (30) days prior to such meeting. SECTION 1: AMENDMENT OF BYLAWS
 These Bylaws may be amended by a majority of the votes cast in a referendum of the membership, which shall be conducted by mail in the same fashion as the yearly elections. Proposed amendments may be adopted only in the manner set forth in the ARTICLES of this Corporation. SECTION 2: NOTICE OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS
 Proposed bylaws amendments must be presented and approved at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors. The Secretary shall cause to be published in the Club’s official publication, on the Club’s Website and/or special mailing, any proposed amendment submitted to him/her by the Board of Directors within thirty (30) days thereafter, together with an explanation of the amendment and the need therefore by its sponsor. The Secretary shall give written notice to the members not less than thirty (30) days before the date which such amendment is to be voted upon. SECTION 3: NOTICE OF RESULTS
 The Secretary shall have the results of a vote on bylaws amendments published in the Club’s official publication no later than the second issue after the tabulation of ballots and as soon as possible on the website.

September 2012


Die Porsche Kassette


Gunnar Racing Museum Tour

GCR 2013 Election Officers and Directors Slate The following candidates have been nominated to run for officer and board for 2013. Officer positions: President........................................... Michael Grant Vice President.................................. Ed Kohly Secretary.......................................... Cynthia Fluhart Treasurer ......................................... Dottie Kidd

The following members are running for the open board positions: Pedro Bonilla, Sergio de Araujo, Richard Diaz, Dan Doyle, Alex Ortega and Bob Varela. Please note that election candidate bios are published below for your review. You will be receiving your voting information in October so please vote in a timely fashion as indicated in the instructions.

Bios Michael Grant I was born in Mobile, Alabama, grew up in Slidell, Louisiana went to school at LSU and graduated with an engineering degree in 1985. I now live in south Florida and have worked in the pleasure boat marine industry since 1985 in construction management, service and repairs, marine surveying and consulting. I have been self employed in that industry for the last 20 years. Michael became involved with Porsche Club Gold Coast Region almost 20 years ago with the purchase of a 1981 911 SC Targa. At that time he became involved with the Gold Coast Region’s socials, autocross and driver’s Ed programs. I am currently the Gold Coast Region Vice President and the Driver’s Ed Chairman. I have been the Driver’s Ed Chairman since 2007 and have seen the implementation of night driving events, combined events with other clubs, and have focused on financial efficiency in the DE program, helped to promote expanded passing rules allowing passing in the corners for advanced drivers. I have served Gold Coast as Vice President for three years.

Ed Kohly

I have been a member of PCA Gold Coast Region since 2009, but have been involved with Porsches for a very long time. I am currently on the Board of Directors for Gold Coast Region, hold the Membership Chair position, and I am also on the 2013 Zonefest committee. In 2010, my wife and I won the GCR Rookie of the Year award. I have found many ways to get more involved with the club helping wherever I am needed. I help my wife Beena (Broward Social Chair) with all of her events such as Collier Museum, Key Largo Brunch and the annual picnic. I also volunteered the last few years at the 48 Hours of Sebring Club Race. This year, I initiated the idea to make and distribute new GCR name badges for all of our members. Our first batch of badges at this year’s spring fling annual picnic was a huge success. Last year, I launched the Gold Coast Region Facebook page and helped our Webmaster improve our website. In addition my 14

Die Porsche Kassette


September 2012

company, Peak 10, provides the server so our website can continue to grow and improve. My interests are all Porsche activities and I love playing in poker tournaments. Being part of this organization has been very rewarding and I have made great friends along the way. In my new role as Vice President I promise to continue to make our club even better!

Cynthia Fluhart - Incumbent Secretary

I have been an active PCA member since 2006, awarded Rookie of the Year in 2007 and Family of the Year in 2008. Club Secretary for two years and Miami Social Chair for five years. Planned many Ft. Lauderdale events including the 2007-2009 Holiday Parties. Most noted Socials responsible for planning: Annual Mandarin Oriental Lunch & Concours or “Porsches by The Bay,” Sunday Brunches at La Palma & Galuppi’s, Schnelby Winery Events and 2010 Spring Fling. It is all about bring members together to enjoy new & old friends, having a passion for Porsches, while having a lot of fun along the way! As a professional photographer & event planner, since 1999, love to capture a lot of social events and Porsches screaming down various racetracks, such as: Homestead, Sebring, PBIR, VIR and Daytona. Find it exhilarating as a passenger, while hubby drives “Porschetta,” during the DE events. Believe every Porsche should have a name—it is part of your family! Enjoy attending: 24 hours of Daytona and 12 Hours of Sebring, capturing the events to share in the Kassette. Volunteer at 24 Hours of Daytona in PCA Hospitality tent. A new goal is raising money for Cancer Research at Cleveland Clinic with an auction at Mandarin Oriental event. Over 15 years, have held dual positions as Secretary & Treasurer on my Homeowners Association Board, representing 552 homes with $1 million annual budget. Attended culinary school & enjoy cooking. Have hosted many Board Meetings.  Attended MDCC, UM & FIU, receiving: AA Business, AS in Accounting, BA in Business, and BS in Psychology with a minor in Marketing & Advertising.

Dottie Kidd - Incumbent Treasurer Many of our members know me as the GCR Autocross Registrar from 2003 to 2011, as a Board Member 2010 and 2011, and most recently as GCR Treasurer for 2012. In the past my husband Steve and I were honored to receive GCR’s Family of the Year and Enthusiasts awards. I have been actively involved with Gold Coast Region over the past nine years and am always willing to jump in and help wherever needed. I recently retired from the US Postal Service as a letter carrier for fifteen years, and prior to that was Bookkeeper/Office Manager for several private employers and a single mom with two kids. That background has been an asset to my duties as Treasurer which I take very seriously. I have also been actively involved as a volunteer and member of Compassionate Friends, a grief support group for parents whose children have passed. You can find me at most events driving my blue 944S2 (unless I can sneak out with Steve’s GT3). I love participating in local events, as well as National and Regional events such as Parade and Zonefest. Besides everything Porsche, I enjoy our Tennessee mountain cabin, retirement, and my granddaughter Riley.

Pedro P. Bonilla - Incumbent Director

I have been involved in motor sports for most of my life. As a young child I started accompanying my father to Club and Semi-Pro Races. That got me into Karting, Off Road Bikes, Rally and Race Cars of all types, eventually winning multiple National Championships in Karts (’73 & ’74) and Enduro (’82 & ’84) in my native Dominican Republic. I’ve been very involved with my passion: Porsche automobiles for the past 30+ years and I have been Author, Developer and Innovator of multiple modifications and upgrades for Porsche models such as the 986, 987, 996, 997, C7 and more. I now own a 986, which is my daily driver and track car, which I maintain and modify myself. It just finished the break-in period, as it turned 220,000 miles. In the past I’ve also owned various other Porsche vehicles, such as a 912, 914, 914/6 and a 932. Aside from participating regularly in PCA DEs and AXs, I get invited to many National Porsche Gatherings, such as the Blue Ridge Boxster Summit (BRBS), held every year in the Blue Ridge Mountains to participate as a Trainer, Guest Speaker and Presenter, as well as Instructing Tech Sessions. I’ve also done the same at the BoxstoberFest Event in the Texas Hill Country, at the West Coast BoxsterFest (WCBF) held in Lake Tahoe and for other groups such as Tri-County Boxster Lovers (TCBL), etc. My undergraduate studies were in Mechanical and Civil Engineering and later I received a Master’s Degree in Business Management. After leaving the corporate world, I founded in 2004, a firm dedicated to the Porsche marque and it’s owners. I’ve been a member of PCA since 1998 first joining the Club in St.

Louis, MO where I lived at the time and then moving to Florida in 1999 and joining Gold Coast Region. I’ve been very involved with GCR for the past five years, not only actively participating in the AX Championship, where I was fortunate enough to win Class Championships in 2008, 2009 and 2010, but also in the DE program, where I am proud to serve as a Nationally Certified Instructor. For the last three years I have also been the Tech Article writer for our Newsletter: “Die Porsche Kassette”, as well as for three dozen more PCA Regional Newsletters. I was also elected to serve as an Alternate Member of the GCR Board of Directors in 2010 and as GCR Board Member in 2011 and 2012. I live in Weston with my wife Mary. We have two sons, one daughter and two grandkids (both of whom are already Porsche fanatics). Happy Porscheing, Pedro

Sergio I. de Araujo

On August 1, 2011 with my son and partner Andrew we launched AnSer Latin American Opportunities Fund, LP., a new venture. I retired in July 2008 after 20 years from the US Trust Co. as Managing Director and the Senior Investment Officer for the country’s SE region.I oversaw the region’s investment activities. I was responsible for implementing various client relationship initiatives. In addition, I was a portfolio manager responsible for investing individual client assets. EXPERIENCE Prior to joining U.S. Trust, I was in New York as Managing Director and Head of International Private Banking for First National Bank of Chicago. Over the years I held other senior management positions in both international and domestic private client asset management including working for the Rothschild family. I spent thirteen years with Citigroup in Asia, Europe and New York where I was one of the founders (in 1971) of the International Private Banking Division and was associated with its growth and development until 1981. PERSONAL I am a former member of the Chartered Financial Analysts Society and the Financial Analysts Society of South Florida. Also a member of the Palm Beach Civic Association and The Preservation Foundation of Palm Beach, as well as a former Chairman of the Rosarian Academy Charitable Trust Board where I continue as an active member, and also a member of Rosarian Financial Aid Committee. I recently left as a trustee of the Town of Palm Beach Firefighter Board of Trustee. I have resided for 23 years in the town Palm Beach. ( Continued on page 16 )

September 2012


Die Porsche Kassette


Gunnar Racing Museum Tour

GCR 2013 Election Bios (continued) Richard Diaz - Incumbent Alternate Director

My love affair for Porsches started 28 years ago with a Red 911. I currently drive a yellow Boxster S that I ordered from the factory. In 2006, I joined GCR and began driving at the Autocross events, which led to driving at DE events, where the “Hook” was set! My participation at DE events became almost an addiction and made many good friends amongst the drivers. The natural development of a driver led to becoming a PCA National Driving Instructor, which I found to be very rewarding. Passing on what I have learned from others is more enjoyable than simply participating. My wife, Cynthia is the Miami Social Chair and Secretary of GCR, in which I help her with the social events. If you have been to the Mandarin Luncheon & Concours, you will have seen me coordinating the placement of the cars. I have led the caravans to the 12 Hours of Sebring, helped at the PCA hospitality tent at the 24 hours of Daytona. Awarded Family of the year in 2008. Have submitted articles and photos for the Kassette, a few photos have become cover shots. A new challenge is to help in the charity drive to raise money for the Cleveland Clinic Cancer Research in Weston. I have been in the automotive industry for 25 years and currently the Parts manager at Audi Coral Springs and Lighthouse Point. I am an avid motorsport fan and Porsche Nut. I have been active on the board for about five years. I would like to see the club continue to grow and offer members quality events that are rivaled by none! Remember, Porsche, there is no substitute!

Dan Doyle - Incumbent Alternate Director

I purchased my first Porsche (Carrera) in 2007. I immediately joined Porsche Club of America and have been a member of the Gold Coast Region (Zone 12) for the past five years. I initially became involved in the Autocross Program and later the Driver’s Education Program. I then became a PCA Instructor. Teaching beginning drivers is fun, a challenge and is also immensely gratifying. I enjoy giving back to the Porsche community as an instructor and have also been able to do so as a 2nd Alternate Board Member. Being a Board Member has given me an opportunity to interact in a different way with all of the great people I’ve met in GCR. I would like to continue my service as a Board Member in the upcoming year and would greatly appreciate your vote. Thank you for your consideration and, as always, I look forward to seeing everyone at upcoming PCA GCR events.


Die Porsche Kassette


September 2012

Alex Ortega

I have been a PCA member since the late 80's. It all started in New Jersey (NNJR) and now I am part of GCR. I have been actively involved with GCR especially in the Autocrosses and Driver's Education Program. I am a PCA Instructor and also just recently my family and I were honored with the award "Family of the Year." I am currently involved in the 2013 Zonefest committee. I have been involved in regional and multi- regional events. I am truly a Porsche enthusiast. Ever since I can remember I have been in love with Porsches. I am running for a directors position in the upcoming election and I feel that by serving as a board director, it would be a way for me to give back to our members and our club.

Bob Varela - Incumbent Director

I was born in New York, my parents moved to South Florida when I was nine years old. First joined Gold Coast Region in 1975 but only stayed as a member for 2 years, then rejoined in 1985. I graduated from North Miami Senior High, Miami Dade Jr. College (AA) and the University of Miami (BA). Attended first multi region Sonnenfest event in 1991.

Got my first car at 14 (illegal driving age) cars were definitely in my future, I paid my way thru college Drag Racing a 1969 Pontiac Ram Air GTO Judge for money at Miami Hollywood Speedway and Moroso Motorsports park. Purchased my first street Porsche at the age of 22 and have owned 34 Porsches since including 911S, 911SC, 930 Turbo, 911 Carrera, 944 Turbo, 944S, 964, 964 RS America, Boxster, Boxster S, Cayenne S, Cayman, Cayman S, 996C4S and I’m not done. I have owed Several Factory Porsche Racecars - 911 Carrera, 944 Turbo, 944S, 911 RS America, 993 Supercup, 996 GT3 Cup, Cayman S (Work in progress). I have been the Autocrosses D and Modified Class Champion, Twice Porsche Owners Club 996 GT3 Cup Race Champion and raced over 95 PCA Races. I have held these Gold Coast Region Positions: Chief of Tech 1994 to present, President 95-96, Vice President 94, Board member 91,92,93,97 Family of the year and twice Enthusiasts of the year, PCA Club Race Committee 15 Years. I am a Porsche Factory Trained Master Technician, ASE Master Technician, 1 of 6 members of Porsche Cars North America After Market Council, received Broward County’s Emerald Award for Environmental Excellence and owner of Foreign Affairs Motorsports serving South Florida for over 30 Years. Foreign Affairs is the longest continuous sponsor of Gold Coast Region PCA.

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7705 NW 29 ST UNIT 104 DORAL, FL 33122 (305) 592-9883 September 2012


Die Porsche Kassette


September 2012


Die Porsche Kassette


PORSCHE 911 1963-1973 From The Members: Achtung! Autobahn! My First Impressions

by Rodger Hawley

By Felicitas Oefelein

The beginning for me was an Aubergine 911 Targa that a neighbor who lived across the street kept in his garage on top of a small hill. For one reason or another this particular Porsche had starting problems, normally the owner would coast down the hill, pop the clutch and bump start the engine but every once in a while this did not work and he would recruit the neighborhood kids to give him a push. On a few occasions he would actually give us a ride around the block and that is how I got hooked. The year was sometime around 1980 and I was in my early teens. At that point I was determined that my first car was going to be a Porsche 911. My first car was not a Porsche 911 because a kid with a paper route did not drive a Porsche – Porsche owners were doctors, professionals, and celebrities who could afford such things. I seem to remember my first car as a Mazda, then a VW Bug, and finally a Porsche - but not the 911 but rather a Sand Beige Porsche 912. At the time I was around 16, had very little mechanical experience, and had just paid $900 for a rust-free 912 with the engine taken apart and neatly stored in cardboard boxes all through-out the car. I remember borrowing some money from my mom, my grand-mother, and putting every dime I had into the purchase of a non-running car. Needless to say when I got it home my father was less than impressed with my purchase, he being the owner of a Chrysler New Yorker and a Jeep Wagoneer. More concerning was the fact that the engine was completely apart and I did not have the money to put it together, so I came up with the plan that I would find a Porsche repair garage and offer to work for free if they would teach me how to put my car back together. I found an independent Porsche garage owned by a man named Bobby Wallace and he liked the salary I was asking for (free!) and hired me on the spot. I was actually in a sort of heaven, it was a 10,000 square foot building, in the front a friend of Wallace was a Suzuki motorcycle dealer and in the back was about 5000 square feet where we worked on Porsches. After a year of cleaning parts, washing cars, and sweeping floors they finally decided it 20

Die Porsche Kassette


was time to see if I could learn how to put together my 912 engine. What they had not counted on was that for months I had been reading the factory workshop manual for 912 engine repair and I could almost recite the book by the time I actually began to work on my engine. The engine went together fine and I learned a lot by putting the engine back together with my own hands. I liked the 912, but it only had four cylinders and around 90 horsepower, what I really wanted was a six-cylinder 911 so I painted the car red, cleaned it up and sold it. Actually making money on the deal, my eyes were opened to a whole new idea, what if I could buy Porsches, fix them up, and sell them? That is another story so I will get back on track with this one. Why am I, and many others so fond of the 911 from 1963-1973? It is simple, it is the car we saw, and desired, and could not afford at the time. When you are young and dreaming of your favorite car you imagine that all your problems will be solved if somehow you could just buy that car. When I was in that state of mind I was dreaming of the Porsche 911 and the beautiful shape of the bodylines. There was nothing else like it on the road, and often these cars were in exciting colors like Guards Red, Viper Green, or Blood Orange. In the beginning most of us were not concerned about all the technical specifications of the car, it was a reaction that was felt inside from experiencing a Porsche pass you on the highway and then disappearing into the horizon, low and sleek, with a growl wailing from the exhaust pipe. Of course there are many ways that people develop an obsession for specific cars and this is only my experience, I hope that other readers will share their “first-date” with a Porsche. I feel very lucky to have actually been able to surround myself with 911’s from a very young age, even though I did not own one until I was around 20 I was working on them, got to drive them and learned many things about the cars. For me the 911 was built for a driver, a driver who wants to get from point A to point B and share the driving experience with an incredible machine. Long straights, negotiating a sudden curve, having to

September 2012

hit the brakes to avoid a hazard, rain – whatever the situation the Porsche is your loyal companion ready to turn your impulse into four wheeled motion. Yes, there is a passenger seat but that only means extra weight and possibly even the distraction of conversation which takes away from the penetrating sound of air breathing into the flat six and being combined with fuel and flame to produce those most wonderfully controlled explosions which drive this German sportcars to three times the legal

speed limit. Reliving those experiences are why I still enjoy driving a Porsche and spending time with others who feel the same way is always a good time. Now that I have given you a little background to my Porsche “sickness” I would very much like to continue in the next issue some general and specific details of my favorite Porsches, the Porsche produced prior to 1974 – I call this group of 911’s from 1963-1973 “ Early 911’s”.

Rodger preps a historic 911 at the 2011 Mandarin Concourse

September 2012


Die Porsche Kassette


Fisher Bendeck Ad Porsche Club Mag 2/12:FBA


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The simple solution for your complex divorce. Jeffrey D. Fisher, Esq. Odette M. Bendeck, Esq.

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Die Porsche Kassette


September 2012

Porsche Classified 1987 Porsche 911 Carrera Targa

1992 Porsche 968 Cabriolet

An appreciating 911 classic. Black exterior and black leather interior, 87,000 miles, totally stock, G50 transmission, Porsche Certificate of Authenticity, original options as presented on certificate: limited slip differential, central locking system, light metal wheels-forged, automatic heating control, rear wiper, cruise control, front and rear spoiler, sport shocks, alarm system, standard radio. Original MRSP $49,942.00 Asking $ 24, 900. 772-545-3877 or email

Black with tan interior. 6 speed. Just under 60,000 miles. 2ND owner. Original owner had car serviced from new at Porsche dealer in NJ. I have put less than 1,000 miles since I bought it. I just had the timing belt, etc. done at Gulf Performance in Pompano Bch. They also rebuilt the top mechanism a few months ago. The car has everything it came new with, including the white gloves. Everything works except the drivers side electric mirror. Asking $21,500. Call Mark 561-445-2230 cell 305 283-6661

1991 911 C2 Coupe Track Car Professional built PCA, NASA, PBOC track car. Midnight Blue , cage, seat , Harness, custom fuel cell, Big Red brake upgrade, Cams, Headers. A great low budget race or DE car. $38,500 or B.O. Ken , West Palm Beach, Fl 954 931 0501, krfengler@aol. com. Photos on pw:kenscar

2005 Porsche Carrera 997 Exterior Black, Interior Black, Non Smoker car, 34,000 miles, 19in BBS style 3 piece rims / Black center & Polished lip, Lowered on H&R sport springs, Xenon headlights, Headlight washers, Porsche Crest headrests, Rain sensing wipers, Theft security system, Factory garage door opener, Sunroof, Bose Sound package, 6 CD changer, Center console / Galvano Silver option, Instrument surround / Galvano Silver option, Porsche short shifter, Carbon Fiber steering wheel, Carbon Fiber shifter, Carbon Fiber handbrake, Carbon Fiber dash trim, Fabspeed exhaust, Fabspeed cold air kit. Asking $47,000, Contact Dan at 954439-4610.

Pano Collection I have a deep collection of Pano, Excellence and Cavallino magazines some dating back to the '90's. Free to the first taker. Bring your own boxes.

Estate Sale

2009 C2S Cabriolet

Located in Vero Beach in excellent condition, garage-kept, no accidents, no stories, $77,500, obo. 21,450 miles. Order date December 2008, Porsche of Melbourne. Equipped with a1 jet black exterior, v9 black convertible top, at black full leather interior, p 15 power comfort seats, 250 pdk, 267 self dimming mirrors, 342 heated front seats, 446 19� turbo look wheels with colored crest, 603 dynamic cornering lights, 672 navigation module, 680 bose high end sound package, 870 universal audio interface, cxb illuminated door entry guards, 619 bluetooth interface, 541 seat ventilation. Contact: Tom Babcock, representative for seller’s estate 772-979-6552 tbabcock@

Ads are free to GCR-PCA members. Non-member ads: $25 for each 25 words. E-mail ads to: with subject line of PCA-Classified. Deadline for ads is the same as articles, the 1st of the month. Ads will also be posted on our web site.

September 2012


Die Porsche Kassette


918 Spyder prototype in vintage Martini Racing design Atlanta. Driving trials of the Porsche 918 Spyder have entered the next phase. A permanent fixture of the test program for the 918 Spyder – and in the tuning process for all Porsche vehicles – is the 12.92 mile (20.8 km) long Nordschleife of the Nürburgring race course with its many bends and selective passages. A lap time of less than seven minutes and 22 seconds is one of the development goals of the innovative plug-in hybrid drive super sports car. The 918 Spyder, which is hardly an everyday vehicle, yet is well equipped for everyday tasks, combines a highperformance internal combustion engine with electric drives at the front and rear axles to achieve extraordinary driving performance and excellent efficiency. The system power of all three drives together is greater than 770 hp. The car’s fuel consumption is forecast to be around three liters per 100 km when tested on the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC), which is equivalent to CO2 emissions of about 70 g/km. The monocoque, consisting of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP), reduces the car’s weight and delivers remarkable rigidity and precision. Other highlights are the car’s variable aerodynamics; adaptive rear axle steering and “top pipes” exhaust system, which routes the pipes upwards. All of this makes the Porsche 918 Spyder a super sports car for the future, even though the styling of the prototype is reminiscent of historical models. The latest test vehicle is now turning laps in the legendary Martini® Racing look of many historic Porsche racecars, particularly from the 1970s. More than nearly any other racecar design, the Martini® Racing livery quickly attained cult status and is still in vogue today. Martini® was the official partner of the Porsche factory team between 1973 and 1978. Back then, the attractively designed “Martini® Porsche” racecars with their numerous victories were a topic of conversation. These victories included finishing first overall at the Targa-Florio in 1973, winning the Sports Car World Championship in 1976 and overall victories at the 24 hours of Le Mans in 1976 and 1977. As early as 1971, a Porsche 917 finished first in the legendary endurance race in Le Mans with the support of Martini®. Whether a Porsche 908, 917, 935 24

Die Porsche Kassette


September 2012

Porsche Cars North America

or 936 or one of various 911 RS or RSR models, common to all of these race cars was the memorable Martini® Racing livery implemented in a wide variety of designs. Porsche AG and the Martini® brand, represented by Bacardi & Company Limited of Switzerland, have signed a new partnership agreement to create a modern Martini® Racing design to be exclusively available on the innovative 918 Spyder. Specifications of the Porsche 918 Spyder* Body: Two-seater Spyder; carbon fibre reinforced plastics (CFRP) monocoque interlocked with CFRP unit carrier; two-piece Targa roof; fixed roll-over protection system. Drivetrain: Parallel full hybrid; 4.6litre V8 mid-engine with dry-sump lubrication; hybrid module with electric motor and decoupler; electric motor with decoupler and gear unit on front axle; electrical system recuperation; four cooling circuits for motors, transmission and battery; thermal management. Engine Power: > 570 hp (V8 engine) ~ 90 kW (hybrid module on rear axle) ~ 80 kW (electric motor on front axle) > 770 hp (combined) Suspension: Double-wishbone front axle; electro-mechanical power steering; multi-link rear axle with adaptive electro-mechanical system for individual rear wheel steering; optional electro-pneumatic lift system on front axle.

Brake system:

High-performance hybrid brake system with adaptive recuperation; ceramic brake discs (PCCB).

Energy supply: Lithium-ion battery with 6.8 kWh capacity (BOL nominal), 202 kW maximum power and mains-compatible plug-in charger. Performance:

Top speed 325 purely electric > 150 km/h >


Acceleration: 0 – 100 km/h < 3.0 s Consumption (NEDC): Total ~ 3.0 l/100 km

CO2 emissions: ~ 70 g/km Range:

Total Purely electric > 25 km

September 2012


Die Porsche Kassette



Die Porsche Kassette


September 2012

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September 2012


Die Porsche Kassette


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GOLD COAST REGION has been invited back for an exclusive tour of the world-renowned private automobile collection of the Collier Museum. This is a “must-see” for any true car enthusiast. There are over 100 historic cars including the finest collection of Porsches outside of the Porsche Factory Museum.

The Collier Museum Tour will be: Saturday, October 27th from 10:00 – 12:00pm. The cost for the museum is $20.00 per person. Attendance is limited (first 100) and open to current GCR members and their guests only.

Reservations and prepayment are necessary to attend.

If you do not RSVP, you WILL NOT be able to join us.

Please RSVP on to reserve your space. Questions at (Beena) We do expect to sell out this event as we did last year, so reserve early. Arrangements will be made to have lunch at Spanky’s restaurant but you will be responsible for your own bill. All reservations will be confirmed by e-mail upon receipt of payment. **No Cameras are permitted inside the museum.

Tech Corner: Go Drive in the Rain Article by Pedro P. Bonilla, Tech Editor

“I want more HP to be faster!”.

That’s what you generally hear from new students that have done a few DE events. They are under the impression that more horsepower will help them go around the track faster. While in some cases this might be true, such as with very experienced drivers with underpowered cars, generally gobs of horsepower will make them go slower because high power-to-weight ratio cars are much more difficult to drive. The general advice for becoming a better and faster track driver is the same as when someone asks: “How do I get to Carnegie Hall?” The answer in both cases is PRACTICE!

My very first session after I qualified as a solo driver was under rain, at Homestead-Miami. I remember I felt very anxious at first, but as I did some laps it became fun, until I forgot to be smooth with my right foot and... I lost it at turn 13! Fortunately I was able to maintain the car on the track and there weren’t any other cars immediately behind, so I was fine. After that incident I’ve learned to be much smoother and my speed has gradually increased even though I haven’t increased my horsepower (too much). I try to picture myself while I’m tracking my car that I’m on wet pavement and that helps me be a lot smoother ... and faster.

Practice certainly makes perfect, and at the track it will make for a smoother, safer and faster driver. Once a student masters the art of braking, apexing, heel/ toeing and accelerating with delicacy he/she will be more consistent and faster. When we are new at DEs, we tend to be very aggressive with the way we turn the steering wheel, the way we press the brake pedal and the accelerator, thinking that this will make us faster. In fact, until we can tone down our urge to the violent with the car’s controls, we won’t be as fast as we could be. Probably the best platform to help you be a smoother driver is by doing it in the rain, or better yet, on ice! The best DE sessions I’ve ever had, when I’ve learned the most, are under pouring rain. When it’s slick you HAVE to be smooth in the way you drive, or your tires (especially track tires) will be sliding all over the track and the car will not be on it for long.

In one of the best books I’ve read, The Art of Racing in The Rain, by Garth Stein, Enzo, the narrator of the book says it perfectly: “I know this much about racing in the rain. I know it is about balance. It is about anticipation and patience. I know all of the driving skills that are necessary for one to be successful in the rain. But racing in the rain is also about the mind! It is about owning one’s own body. About believing that one’s car is merely an extension of one’s body. About believing that the track is an extension of the car, and the rain is an extension of the track, and the sky is an extension of the rain. It is about believing that you are not you; you are everything. And everything is you”. To learn more about High Performance Driving, watch some track videos and more, please visit my website at: Happy Porsche-ing, Pedro Ⓒ2012 Technolab /


Die Porsche Kassette


September 2012

Sponsors For our 50th anniversary events....Zonefest in May and the "Birthday party " in December... To discuss opportunities, contact Steve/Dottie 954 9463196.

Now Open for Business Quality repair and Paint work Featuring Glasurit Water Based Paints Owned and operated by long time PCA members

September 2012


Die Porsche Kassette


Florida Fancy Feasts Cook rice in the 1 1/3 cups unsalted water, according to package directions; drain. In large saucepan, cook onion in oil till tender and crisp; add soy sauce and ¼ cup sugar. Bring mixture to boil, stir in the chicken, cooked rice, vegetables, carrots, ginger and dry mustard. Cool quickly and turn mixture into baking dish. Cover tightly. Seal and label for freezer. Or bake 45 minutes to 1 hour to serve. Serves 6.

Cheryl Owen, Suncoast Region

Lemon Tree Chicken 4 whole chicken breasts (12 0z. each) split, skinned and boned 1 tsp. salt 1/8 tsp. pepper ¼ c. all-purpose flour ¼ c. butter

Recipes from “Florida Fancy Feasts Zone 12, PCA”

Selected recipes are reproduced from the above cook book. A few copies of this vintage (1986) cookbook are available from the Goodie Store. Contact Mike Joffee at 954-476-6006. Joyce F. Minnich Chicken Fricassee 6 chicken breasts/legs, skinned 4 turns fresh, ground ½ c. water pepper 1 stalk celery, coarsely chopped 1 tsp. salt 1 onion, coarsely chopped Place ingredients in a covered, heavy pan and simmer 3 to 4 hours. Broth may be served with chicken or used for making minute rice or soup. This is simple, but very flavorful. Good for a low fat diet.

P. Rousseau, Big Cypress Region

Hong Kong Chicken Casserole 2/3 c, long grain rice 1 1/3 c. water ½ c. chopped onion 2 Tbsp. cooking oil 1 can cream of chicken soup 1 tsp. sugar ¼ c. soy sauce 1 tsp. ground ginger

3 c. cubed chicken, cooked (or turkey) 1 (16 oz.) can fancy mixed vegetables (Chinese) drained 1 c. thinly sliced carrots, cooked ½ tsp. dry mustard

1 tsp. grated lemon rind 2 Tbsp. lemon juice 2 Tbsp. dry white wine ½ c. heavy cream 1 c. Swiss cheese, shredded

Rub chicken breasts thoroughly with salt and pepper. Spread flour on wax paper; turn chicken in flour to coat on both sides. Heat butter in large skillet; brown chicken breasts, four at a time, about 2 minutes on each side; remove to a plate. Add lemon rind, lemon juice and wine to skillet; bring to boiling, stirring and scraping up browned bits. Return chicken breasts to skillet. Cover, lower heat; simmer five minutes. Arrange chicken breasts in a single layer, overlapping slightly, in a 13x9x2 inch baking dish. Stir cream into wine mixture in skillet; cook until bubbly, about 1 minute. Pour over chicken breasts; sprinkle with Swiss cheese. Broil in preheated broiler, 4 inches from heat, until bubbly and cheese begins to brown, about 5 minutes. Serves 8. This is a delicious and elegant dish that can be made ahead and popped under the broiler just before serving. Lew Moorman,National Secretary Porsche Club of America Chicken with Lime Butter 6 broiler fryer chicken breast halves, boned and skinned ½ tsp. salt ½ tsp. pepper 1/3 c. cooking oil

1 lime, juiced 8 Tbsp. butter ½ tsp. minced chives ½ tsp. dill weed

Saute chicken about 4 minutes or until lightly brown. Turn chicken; cover and reduce heat to low. Cook 10 minutes or until tender. Remove chicken from pan and keep warm. Discard oil in pan. In same pan, add lime juice and cook over low heat until juice begins to bubble. Add butter, stirring till butter becomes opaque and foams and sauce thickens. Stir in chives and dill weed. Spoon sauce over chicken. Fritz Creswell, North Florida Region

September 2012


Die Porsche Kassette


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September 2012

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