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Collaborate for the Future with New Allies Video Activities Discussion Guide:

HEALTH CHICAGO BICYCLE FEDERATION (Now known as the Active Transportation Alliance) Improving quality of life by creating an urban oasis for walkers and bicyclers

LAKE COUNTY FOREST PRESERVE DISTRICT AND HIKE LAKE COUNTY Inspiring healthy lifestyles in an outdoor environment

ST. LEONARD’S HOUSE Creating sanctuary with an urban garden of hope

Watch these video segments to find out how Chicago-area organizations are creating a more sustainable region that values its natural heritage and prioritizes a better quality of life for all. Then, use the discussion questions to compare the examples you’ve seen, and learn more about five common concerns that link social and environmental issues in these organizations’ work: climate change, youth development, arts/creative practices, health and food, and economic development. Discover how these innovative approaches to sustainability can inspire your own work, organizational partnerships and visions for the future!

Discussion Questions 1. Identify the common concerns shared by the Chicago Bicycle Federations, Hike Lake County, and St, Leonard’s House. Which particular social and environmental issues are linked through these concerns? 2. Compare solutions that each group created to address the challenges identified in the video segments. How do they overcome the hurdles to achieving the results they’re looking for? What connections were created in achieving the results? 3. In what ways can fostering personal connections with the environment lead to sustainable urban communities? How do the Chicago Bicycle Federation, Hike Lake County, and St. Leonard’s House support this connection? 4. What about St. Leonard’s House? What role does nature play in supporting the transition of residents back into mainstream society? 5. A sustainable region is one where both people and nature thrive. How has your understanding of sustainability changes after watching these videos? Brainstorm three ways to implement what you’ve learned about sustainability to your own work, school, or community.

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