WHAT IS THE GREATER NEW ORLEANS YOUTH ORCHESTRA? The Greater New Orleans Youth Orchestra (GNOYO) is the proud recipient of the 2006 Coming Up Taller Award and the 2006 Governor’s Arts Award in Arts Education. Now in its 21st season, GNOYO provides young musicians the opportunity to participate in a high-quality full orchestra program. Participants significantly improve individual performance and ensemble skills, while developing the attitudes and discipline that help them take initiative in their schools and community. GNOYO’s concerts have included a performance at Carnegie Hall and music ranging from Stravinsky’s Firebird Suite and Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture to pops such as John Williams’ Harry Potter movie themes. More than 200 young people aged seven to eighteen currently participate in this growing, independent non-profit organization. Although most participants live within the greater New Orleans area, musicians are drawn from as far away as Ponchatoula, Houma, and Cut Off, Louisiana. The Greater New Orleans Youth Orchestra is open to all musically qualified school-age children, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, or socioeconomic status, and is committed to making its program accessible to all youth regardless of their families’ financial capabilities.
REQUIREMENTS FOR SCHOLARSHIP ELIGIBILITY • Maximum age to enter program: 15 (No minimum age requirement). • Continued participation in their school program. • Participation in GNOYO when sufficiently proficient on instrument. • Private lessons must be with a GNOYO-approved teacher (information available upon request). • Scholarships will only be awarded for oboe, bassoon, french horn, trombone, viola, cello, or string bass. Students currently playing other instruments who are willing to switch and have access to instruments offered are eligible. • Proven financial need.
Program Dates Fall Session - Late September to Mid-December Spring Session - Mid January to early May
• Two scales of their choice, as many octaves as ability allows. • A selection of their choice, representative of their level of play. • Students wishing to change instruments should audition on their current instrument. • All candidates must agree to accept the decision of GNOYO’s selection committee. (A copy of GNOYO’s policies and procedures for scholarships is available upon request). Auditions will be held periodically as scholarships become available, and at the discretion of GNOYO. All recommended candidates will be offered the opportunity to audition, and will be notified as to their audition place, date and time.
Young Artist Academy (YAA)
What Is TheYoung Artist Academy? The Young Artist Academy (YAA) is a program for talented and motivated young musicians. The YAA’s primary focus is dedicated to nurturing the full development of young musicians in the Greater New Orleans area. YAA is a comprehensive program where young artists from 1st to 8th grade are selected through an audition process. Once accepted, students will receive 12 private lessons per semester aiming at enhancing their full musical development through a special curriculum. Once students are accepted in the program they can attend until Grade 12.
What Instruments Will Be Taught? Strings: Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass Woodwind: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon Brass: Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Tuba Percussion: Mallet instruments (Xylophone, Marimba), Snare, Bass drum & Timpani
How Can I Join The YAA? All interested students must submit a complete application. Applications must include the application form, a written personal statement that succinctly explains (one half to one page) why the applicant is interested and should be considered for this program and two letters of recommendation from a school/private teacher and another adult (non-relative) who has had interaction with the applicant. After the completed application is received, applicants will be contacted with the time and place of the audition. Special consideration will be given to promising young students with financial hardships.
Why Should I Audition? You should audition to have the opportunity to take part in this one-of-a-kind program. Enrollment is limited.
What do I Play For the Audition? Remember this is an informative 10-minute audition. You may sing, play an instrument or present anything that displays your talent. We might ask you to sing and clap a particular rhythm which we will provide to you. We may also ask you some questions such as: “Why would you like to be considered for this program?�
Why Should I Consider YAA? Being designated as a young artist entitles you to instruction with amazing teachers who use various teaching methods such as the Suzuki method and traditional methods. It will allow you to develop and solidify your skills as a young musician. You will participate in a final performance and receive a certificate of achievement at the end of the session. The Greater New Orleans Youth Orchestras’ program inspires its members to achieve their highest potential while working together in an atmosphere of mutual respect, support, and teamwork.
Schedule The GNOYO Young Artist Academy is a serious commitment to yourself, your peers, your teacher and your coach. ALL members are expected to attend ALL lessons, coaching, and performances. Mark rehearsals and performances on your calendar NOW and be in touch regularly with your teacher.
Lessons/Rehearsals Lesson times will be set by the teachers and their students. Lessons and coaching sessions will take place either at Loyola University’s College of Music and Fine Arts building or GNOYO’s office on Saturday mornings from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
Readmission Requirements Following successful completion of the Fall and Spring sessions, students will be evaluated by a jury, their teachers and coaches and recommended for future sessions of the program. All returning students must reapply to renew their membership. No audition is necessary for returning YAA students.
Program Dates Fall Semester Aug. : Auditions Sept. - Dec. : Lessons & Coaching Sessions Dec. : Final Lessons & Dress Rehearsal Dec. : Final Performance 11:00 AM
Spring Semester Jan. - May : Lessons & Coaching Sessions April : Final Lessons & Dress Rehearsal April : Final Performance 11:00 AM
Young Artist Academy Application
Please Print: Name:_______________________________________________________ Last First Instrument:___________________Yrs of Study:________Grade:_______ Home Address: _____________________________________________________________ No. & Street Apt. City State Zip Phone:_______________________ Email:__________________________ Parent/Guardian Full Name(s):___________________________________ Email:________________________________________________________ Orchestra/Band Director________________________________________ Email & Phone:________________________________________________ School:_______________________________________________________ Name City Chair Position in Your School Orchestra/Band:_____________________ Private Teachers:______________Email & Phone:___________________ Gender:_______Male ________Female Ethnic Origin (optional for reporting purposes only, check all that apply): _____American Indian or Alaskan Native
_____Black or African American Latino
_____Hispanic or
_____Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander _____White/Caucasian Check here:________(indicates that you have included a written personal statement and 2 letters of recommendation with this form. See Letter of Agreement on back) ______________________________________________________________ Signature Date Mail this form and a $10 audition fee to the address below by the end of July to be eligible (space is limited!) To GNOYO 7100 St. Charles Ave., Suite 207 New Orleans, LA 70118
Letter of Agreement Young Artist Academy Please read the following policy statements carefully before entering the committing to the enrollment process. I. Participation New students through 8th grade are eligible to be admitted into the program, provided that they complete a successful audition and are accepted in the program. Each Young Artist will receive 12 lessons for the session and will be expected to perform in the fall and spring recital. II. Attendance Policy ALL members are expected to attend ALL lessons, coaching and ALL performances. This is a full year commitment. If you cannot commit to the scheduled private lessons, coaching and recital date, please do not sign up. GNOYO reserves the right to dismiss a member from the program due to lack of commitment as demonstrated by poor attendance or lack of preparation. III. Instrument Care/Material Policy All Young Artists are responsible for taking very good care of their instruments and all borrowed materials. All instruments and borrowed materials should be returned in good shape at the end of the session. If accepted into the program, please sign and return by the first week of September. I, ______________________________ (print student name), have read the above statements and agree to accept them as a condition of being a member of the GNOYO Young Artist Academy. I realize that if I fail to meet any of the above policies, I may be dismissed from the program. ___________________________________________________ Student Signature Date ___________________________________________________ Parent Signature Date
Endangered Instruments Program What Is The Endangered Instruments Program? In order to provide our participants an optimal level of performance and the opportunity to play the widest variety of outstanding symphonic repertoire, balanced instrumentation throughout all the sections of the orchestra is essential. Towards this goal, GNOYO developed their Endangered Instruments Program for aspiring young musicians of need in our community who play viola, cello, string bass, bassoon, oboe, or french horn. The program provides highly motivated students of exceptional promise scholarships, based on financial and orchestral need, private lessons with an excellent studio teacher. If you are interested in the Endangered Instruments Program, please submit a recommendation from your teacher.
Recommendation for Endangered Instruments Program(to be filled out by music teacher) Please Print Student’s Name Name:______________________________________ Last First Home Address:______________________________ ___________________________________________ No. & Street Apt. City State Zip Parent/Guardian Full Name(s): _______________________________ Parent Phone: ______________________________ Parent Email: _______________________________ Place of Employment: _______________________ Name City Grade (in Fall ): _______Age: ____________ Instrument ____________Yrs of Study: _________ School Music Teacher’s Name: ___________________________ Phone: ___________________________________ Email: ____________________________________ Private Lesson Teacher’s Name: ____________________________ Phone: ____________________________________ Email: _____________________________________ Teacher’s Signature: _________________________
Mail to: GNOYO 7100 St. Charles Ave., Suite 207 New Orleans, LA 70118 504.861.1801 gnoyo@gnoyo.org
Chamber Music Program
WHAT IS CHAMBER MUSIC? A chamber music ensemble is a small group of musicians who perform on their instruments together, generally without a conductor. Each musician in the group is the only one on a part. Examples of chamber music ensembles: • String quartets (two violins, viola, cello) • Woodwind quintets (flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, horn) • Brass quintets (horn, two trumpets, trombone, tuba) • Piano trios (violin, cello, piano) • Percussion ensembles • Jazz combo
WHY SHOULD I SIGN UP? This experience will: • Help you develop and solidify your skills as a musician. • Challenge you as a soloist on your part. • Expose you to some wonderful repertoire. • Group you with several other dedicated young musicians from your orchestra. • Enhance your GNOYO experience!
CURRICULUM Chamber Music Conservatory Ensembles are expected to rehearse every week. GNOYO provides a professional teacher to coach each ensemble in a private group lesson setting eight to ten times per semester. Coaches and group members are responsible for planning out their rehearsal and coaching schedule each semester. Many ensembles meet on Saturday mornings between 12 to 2 PM before Symphony rehearsal. All ensembles are required to perform in the Fall and Spring Recitals.
Chamber Music Academy Open to Philharmonia & Sinfonia members. GNOYO provides a professional teacher to coach each ensemble in a private group lesson setting eight to ten times per semester. Every member is expected to attend every coaching. Rehearsals are scheduled on Thursday afternoons or Saturday mornings before rehearsals. All ensembles are required to perform in the Fall and Spring Recitals.
The GNOYO Chamber Music Program is a serious commitment to yourself, your peers, your coach, and the repertoire you learn together. ALL members are expected to attend ALL rehearsals and ALL performances. Mark rehearsals and performances on your calendar NOW and be in touch regularly with your coach and other group members. If you need to miss a rehearsal, you should inform your coach at least one week in advance so the rehearsal can be rescheduled.
Rehearsals Rehearsal dates should be set by ensemble members. Coaching dates should be set by the coach and all ensemble members. Rehearsal space is available at Mandeville High School on Thursdays during and
after orchestra rehearsal and at Loyola University’s College of Music and Fine Arts building on Saturday mornings from 10 AM to 2 PM. Ensembles are expected to rehearse every week. GNOYO provides a professional teacher to coach each ensemble in a private group lesson setting eight to ten times per semester. Coaches and group members are responsible for planning out their rehearsal and coaching schedule each semester. Many ensembles meet on Saturday mornings between 12 to 2 PM before Symphony rehearsal. All ensembles are required to perform in the Fall and Spring Recitals. Note: Additional performance opportunities will be awarded to qualified ensembles to represent the organization. Selected ensembles will learn an additional standard book of light string quartet repertoire and perform as background musicians at community events during the GNOYO season. Special reading sessions will be scheduled at the beginning of each semester where participants will receive and become familiar with the repertoire. Please note that additional rehearsals may be called if a group is to be prominently featured.
Suggested Rehearsal Times for Fall & Spring Semester Thursdays Before or after Orchestra rehearsals
Saturdays Before or after Orchestra rehearsals
Total Tuition For The Year: $100. (Scholarships are available-see Letter of Agreement for details.) $100 due in September (with application) Chamber Music coaches may request additional fees from ensemble members depending on the rehearsal/coaching schedule to which they agree. Members and parents must negotiate the payment of any extra coaching fees directly with the coach. Note: No member will be required to pay additional fees as a condition of participating in more than one ensemble in the Chamber Music Program.
Letter of Agreement GNOYO Chamber Music Program Please read the following policy statements carefully before joining. I. Participation Members of all five orchestras are eligible to participate in the program, provided that they can be placed in an ensemble for which there is appropriate music available to study and perform. Each ensemble will receive at least eight coachings per semester and will be expected to perform in the Chamber Music Recitals. III. Attendance Policy Chamber Music Conservatory: (Symphony members) GNOYO expects Conservatory members to set a schedule for their ensemble to rehearse once each week with or without a coach present. Ensemble members must contact their coach to set a coaching schedule at the beginning of each semester. All ensemble members are expected to abide by the set schedules. GNOYO reserves the right to dismiss a member from the Chamber Music Program due to lack of commitment as demonstrated by poor attendance and preparation. Chamber Music Academy: (Sinfonia and Philharmonia members) Academy members are expected to practice their music at home and arrive on time to all scheduled coachings. Coachings are held only eight to ten times per semester, so it is very important to have each player present to play his or her part. If you cannot commit to the scheduled coaching and recital dates, please do not sign up. GNOYO reserves the right to dismiss a member from the Chamber Music Program due to lack of commitment as demonstrated by poor attendance and preparation. III. Performance Policy All participants in the Academy and Conservatory are expected to perform in all scheduled performances, including the Fall and Spring Recitals. Chamber Music Recitals The Fall Recital is scheduled for Mid-November. The Spring Recital is scheduled for Mid-April. If you know that you are unavailable on these dates, please do not sign up for this program. Occasionally, GNOYO chamber groups may agree to perform at special functions outside of the established schedule. These performances will be coordinated by the group members, coach, and program director. Students may be asked, but never required, to miss part of a school day for local outside engagements. IV. Scholarships Scholarships are available and will be awarded according to need and merit. Interested applicants should write a 100-word essay explaining the reasons for his or her interest in participating in the chamber music program and why he or she should be considered for a scholarship. The applicant should also submit 2 letters of recommendation — one from the private instructor and one from the school orchestra or band teacher. The Registration Deadline is by first Fall meeting and enrollment is limited. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sign and return with the required fee by the following week. I, ______________________________ (print student name), have read the above statements and agree to accept them as a condition of being a member of the GNOYO Chamber Music Program. I realize that if I fail to meet any of the above policies, I may be dismissed from the program and I am further aware that my tuition is non-refundable. Student Signature
Parent Signature
Chamber Music Program Application Application and $100 due first meeting in September. Please Print: Applying for (check all that apply): _____Conservatory (Symphony) _____Academy (S.S. Philharmonia) _____Academy (N.S. Philharmonia) _____Academy (S.S. Sinfonia) _____Academy (N.S. Sinfonia) _____Please assign me to a chamber music group. _____My friends and I would like to form our own chamber music group. Everyone must agree to the group and register for the program. If signing up as a group, please list all member below: Name Instrument Orchestra Grade 1. 2. 3. 4. It is helpful for each group to have a group leader. This person serves as the primary contact with the coach and the program director regarding the group’s rehearsal schedule and any details relating specifically to that group. Are you interested in being a group leader? YES____ NO____ MAYBE___ Commitment level to the Chamber Music Program: (check one) _____ Interested, but not sure if I want to make a multi-year commitment. _____ Interested in establishing a long-term (multi-year) group of seriously committed musicians. Name:_________________________________________________________ Email:____________________________ GNOYO Orchestra_____________ Instrument:___________________Yrs of Study:________Grade:________ Gender:_______Male ________Female School Orchestra Director________________________________________ School Orchestra Email & Phone:________________________________________________ School:_______________________________________________________ Name City Chair Position in Your School Orchestra/Band:_____________________ Private Teacher:_______________Email & Phone:___________________ Ethnic Origin (optional for reporting purposes only, check all that apply): _____American Indian or Alaskan Native
_____Black or African American
_____Hispanic or Latino
_____Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander _____White/Caucasian List current solo repertoire and the last 2 pieces, etudes and scales learned. (A separate piece of paper may be attached.) ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______ Check here for scholarship consideration. (Indicates that you have included a personal essay and 2 letters of recommendation with this form. See Letter of Agreement, on reverse side.) I have included my $50 non-refundable Tuition deposit as: _____ Check payable to “GNOYO” OR ______Cash Mail to the GNOYO office to drop off to by first meeting in September.
New Orleans Boys’ Choir (NOBC) The Greater New Orleans Youth Orchestras (GNOYO) offers boys, from ages 6-19, the opportunity to participate in the New Orleans Boys’ Choir (NOBC). The NOBC aims to enrich boys’ lives through vocal training, a vital component in the development of well-rounded musicians. Many of the world’s great composers and musicians participated in boys’ choirs. The NOBC fills this vital role for the greater New Orleans community by combining vocal and instrumental education for its students. NOBC participants meet on Saturday afternoons from 4:30-5:30pm at Loyola School of Music for weekly choir rehearsals to prepare for at least three concerts each season in partnership with the GNOYO instrumental ensembles. Those participants not already playing an instrument will be matched with an instrument and will take private lessons through the Endangered Instruments Program.
All placement is through audition. If you are interested in auditioning for the NOBC, please fill out the form on the next page. Once your application form is submitted, you will receive your audition time via email. Tuition = $300
Mail to: GNOYO 7100 St. Charles Ave., Suite 207 New Orleans, LA 70118
New Orleans Boys’ Choir Application Student Information: First Name
Last Name
Email Address Home Phone Number Cell Phone Number Permanent Address (Street, City, State, Zip, Country) Date of Birth School Information: School Name School Mailing Address City
Parental/Guardian Information:
Name(s) Relationship to Student Day Phone
Cell Phone
Evening Phone Fax
Mailing Address City
Tuition and Fees: $300 per student-includes tuition for the program all fees and tuition Select payment method:____ Check Enclosed payable to GNOYO ; ____ Credit Card Card Type: (please circle one) Visa MasterCard American Express Discover Card Number Expiration Date 3-Digit Security Code Name as it appears on credit card Street Address City State Zip Signature of Cardholder