Creative Sacred Living Magazine August 2014

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Creative Sacred Living ISSUE 04 /August 2014

MAGAZINE Sacred Geometry Designs of Creation and the Symbols of Wholeness

Awakening To Your Divine Self Oracle Deck

Sacred Sex Body Freedom

The Power of Pushing Pause

Astrologic Insights: with Kelly Simas

And Much More!

Creative Seeds with Cindy Jones Lantier West Coast Rainforest - A Spiritual Ecology Relationships: A Mirrored Reflection of You

LETS GET TOGETHER... We love partnering with businesses whose products and services resonate with our creative, sacred message and add real value to the lives of our online community. Maybe your looking to help others live more deeper, meaningful lives, or perhaps you're after a creativefocused community to expand your existing reach. If you are coming from a space that is authentic and empowering we're happy to chat. All advertisements will serve as clickable links to the advertisers website. Space in each issue of Creative Sacred Living is limited, so reserve your spot today!

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Letter From The Editor

Pg. 6

Conscious Entertainment

Pg 14

Creative Living

Pg. 32 Sacred Living Pg 38

Personal Growth

Pg. 46 Spiritual Ecology Pg. 60 Health & Healing Pg 70

Astrological Insights

Pg. 74 Sacred Relationships


In My Shoes with Deborah Milton

Pg. 22 Crones Corner with Joanne Parker Pg 26

An Authentic Howl with Cynthia Lee

Pg. 42 Renee's Thoughts Worth Catching Pg. 67 Sacred Living with Theresa Brower

LETTER FROM THE EDITOR daily life, into the day to day routines... The ultimate goal of a spiritual practice revolves around having your whole day (week, month, year, life) feel like a spiritual practice or, at least, like an extension of your spiritual practice.

Have you ever wondered why those of us on a spiritual path are told to have a "practice"? Imagine if we all joined a spiritual team and got together every day for practice. What would we do? Would we run prayer sprints? Would we stretch our beliefs? Would we scrimmage different religions? Truth be told, practice is just as important to becoming a spiritual person as it is to becoming a great soccer player, swimmer or baseball player. A spiritual practice is much like an athletic practice except the focus lies on becoming more spiritual – more open to spiritual experiences, to connecting with our Higher Self or Deity, to tapping into the flow of Divine Energy – rather than on becoming a better athlete. Just as the physical athlete must stretch and strengthen his muscles, spiritual athletes must stretch and strengthen their ability to quiet their minds, open to their spiritual nature, sense the part of themselves that is connected to the Divine, and experience a unity with All That Is. While some people have a spiritual or mystical experience without trying, the vast majority of people must exert effort daily to get just a little bit closer to feeling even a vague sense of something that might be called "spiritual." I've struggled at times with having a spiritual practice. Sometimes too tired to get up early enough or to stay up late enough to spend time meditating. Somedays I simply don't have the time for journaling, or going inward, but I make the effort when I can. I try to get creative with incorporating my personal practices into

Our writers and contributors continually help us with implementing the sacred into our everyday lives, through creativity, authentic living, in our relationships, attuning with nature and source... To a great extent, spiritual practice involves remembering connection to all on a minute-byminute basis. When we remember this connection, and really feel it, we allow ourselves to be aware of Source. When we are aware of Source, we become one with it. Without a spiritual practice, we go through each day or each week without awareness of and the lack of awareness makes it almost impossible for us to experience anything other than our own physical reality let alone our own Spirit or the Spirit of the Universe.


reetings and a warm welcome to the August issue of Creative Sacred Living Magazine!

We couldn’t be more excited to have made it to this point. Please take some time to get to know the layout of our magazine. You will notice that this is more than just a magazine, it is also an interactive, multimedia presentation. Keep an eye out for clickable links! You can peruse the articles on the "In this Issue" page to choose which to read first (Just click them and you are taken directly to that page). Just as with a paper magazine, you may want to sit and read the whole thing at once, or come back to this issue several times to digest the articles more slowly. When we set out to create an on-line magazine that would promote Creative and Sacred living, one thing I was adamant about was to steer away from the glossy images of the too perfect, product-driven magazines that we all sometimes read. What you will find in the pages of Creative Sacred Living is a collection of inspired and authentic articles written by real, honest, down-to-earth folks who work hard to live deliberately, but who are not afraid to admit the struggles we sometimes face. All sponsor ads in the magazine are from authentic and empowering businesses that I personally recommend and have experienced. I am honored to share the work of so many committed and thoughtful people. Please feel free to send feedback on the articles, to share your thoughts or ask the author a question. Each author has their contact information listed in their bios. We appreciate your support and are so happy to have you as a reader! Creative Sacred Living With warmest thanks,



Entertaniment Expand Your Horizons

HEALING THE LUMINOUS BODY Alberto Villoldo, PhD., introduces and explains the luminous energy field that surrounds and informs our physical body like a blueprint of life. It is a secret of ancient shaman-healers that many of our physical and psychological problems stem from imprints within our luminous body. Dr. Villoldo unveils how to heal and recover from these destructive imprints and regain our physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Join us as we travel to the Andes Mountains to learn the secret of the ancient Shamans, a secret that can lead all of us to health, happiness and beauty. It was here, that he discovered the wisdom of the luminous body from the indigenous shamans. This ancient knowledge reveals the secret of true health and happiness.

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Life after death was never a concern for Dr. Andre Luiz. That is, until he wakes up feeling lost and confused in a darkened wasteland. What he has yet to realize, is that he has died and is now struggling with his afterlife. Lost in a dimension full of pain and suffering, he desperately yearns for redemption. His pleas are mercifully heard and he is rescued to an amazing city full of beauty and wonder. In the astral city, Our Home, Dr. Luiz begins a process of transformation that is full of surprising and enlightening experiences. It is this new life in the spiritual dimension where he can start over and bring true healing to himself and others. Spiritual medium Chico Xavier documented his visions of the afterlife in his best-selling book, Astral City. Xavier’s visions of life in an astral city that hovers in the upper layers of the Earth’s atmosphere are brought to life with an amazing score, by composer Phillip Glass, and brilliant special effects. Astral City: A Spiritual Journey - Official US Trailer

Rosemary Gladstar's Garden Wisdoms:

ROSEMARY GLADSTAR'S GARDEN WISDOMS: SAGE AND THYME Rosemary Gladstar joined us in the garden to share plant wisdoms as part of the Free Herbalism Project. Rosemary discusses the healing properties and uses for organically grown Sage and hyme. You can find at Mountain Rose Herbs

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“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in a time, this expression is unique. And if you block will never exist through any other medium and wi lost.� ~Martha Graham

In My Shoes with Deborah Jane Milton To Be an Imaginal Cell Imaginal cells – have you heard of them? I first learned about them 25 years ago from an evolutionary biologist, Elizabet Sahtouris. Their literal existence has inspired me ever since and I’ve often relied on their significance metaphorically for soul support. Recently, I keep hearing about them from other people as if it’s new, and revelatory, information. What I think is happening is that the dynamic of the 100th Monkey has brought us to a major evolutionary tipping point as Malcolm Gladwell describes in his book of the same name. I’m ready to declare my identity as an imaginal cell for the human. I hope you are too.

Copyright Deborah Jane Milton. All Rights Reserved

Sahtouris describes imaginal cells as the ones which carry the butterfly blueprint to the caterpillar. When the caterpillar first notices those butterfly cells gathering, s/he becomes a voracious eater. Consuming everything in sight the caterpillar eventually becomes so bloated s/he stiffens and starts weaving the cocoon around itself. Metaphorically, doesn’t this sound like our current need to deny the troubles happening all around us? This is the first time in human history when we have actually been aware that we can destroy our entire planetary home. No wonder we go shopping.

Copyright Deborah Jane Milton. All Rights Reserved

When those first imaginal cells appear, the caterpillar’s immune system immediately kills them. But as more imaginal cells show up, the immune system can no longer fight them off. When the cocoon is finally closed up, caterpillar soup begins bubbling inside. That little living being is neither here nor there…another fine metaphor to help us grasp why our contemporary culture seems amorphous and incoherent, the backlash more vicious to our calls for transformation. But we humans can transform ourselves. We’ve done it countless times before during our two legged history to achieve the fully functioning rational minds and scientific technological savvy we enjoy today. Along that evolutionary way, however, we have had to diminish our intuitive and spiritual capacities, forget our ability to dream while awake. We’ve adopted a set of modern assumptions about how life works that may be our undoing: the world is a soulless machine the planet’s resources are limitless non-human life has no feelings, no intelligence we humans stand alone separate from nature creativity belongs only to the gifted few human health has no connection to a healthy environment our brain lives only in our head and rationality is all that matters we have nothing to learn from our ancestors community celebrations are trivial, unnecessary we are in control and can invent a technological solution for every mess money equals happiness. . . . . .these assumptions have led to a perilous situation in which our life support system – the planet – has been brought to her proverbial knees. But these assumptions are simply that. My son says, “Mom, you know assumptions make asses of you and me, don’t you?” So rather than be an ass, we can make fewer assumptions, but assumptions, like stereotypes, are sometimes useful. We might need a few. The South American prophecy of the eagle and the condor sheds light on some new possibilities. This prophecy says that cultures run in 500 year cycles – or thereabout – and that around the time of Columbus, the paradigm of the eagle took precedence over that of the condor. The condor represents a spiritual, intuitive, heart centered and creatively connected way of living. The eagle represents an intellectual, rational, analytical, technological and scientific way of living which, though rich in many respects, also supports domination and disconnection from nature. The prophecy suggests that this is THE time when the eagle and the condor MUST FLY in the same sky for the human species to save itself.

Copyright Deborah Jane Milton. All Rights Reserved

I think of it as the eagle and condor flying as side-bys in the same sky of mind. Mind refers to a whole brain that communicates with the body as well as the invisible intelligence surrounding our bodies. This notion of a whole body/mind in touch with Creator shakes the foundations of both religion and psychology. What will be considered normal when ordinary folks routinely converse with both the world of matter and the world of spirit simultaneously? Can we learn to ASSUME it is normal to experience ravens giving us messages, trees talking, ancestors filling a room with their presence and synchronicities affirming our intentions?

Copyright Deborah Jane Milton. All Rights Reserved

I hear LIFE and LOVE calling us humans to get comfortable with these transformed assumptions about our true nature. This is not “woo-woo” but evolution revealing itself. We need to support each other’s knowing and ways of walking in the world because we are the imaginal cells of a profound evolutionary shift. The resistance to such profound change is monumental but if we support each other, inspire each other, and energize our community, we, here now, can contribute to the tipping point for humanity’s coming of age. Imagine that!

Deborah Jane Milton, PhD




Ahhh...This place...this time....this moment. I feel that in so many ways I am just like me ,the me I have always been, the tiny nugget of who I recognize as me. I am not the same. My life is so full of truly amazing experiences. I must say sometimes ,many times I am blown away by the fact that I am involved in so many extraordinary opportunities. One of them is this one,to be able to scribble my thoughts and share little moments that mean something to me...

A year ago I was just stepping forward in so many ways...Taking steps and learning to lean in to the goddess. Less than 14 months ago the most probable and the most improbable opportunity opened up to me. A dear ,now friend and sister ,part of a tribe of women who are known as Fearless Oracle Sisters now but then were part of a group called the Painting Tribe put a message out to me asking if I would be interested in a project inspired by a painting I had done earlier in the year. This project would call for me to paint and create for a deck of oracle cards..I jumped at the idea...I was in,so in. She suggested I had to be a part of this project because the painting she had seen earlier spoke to her about this kind of project. Women around the world were waiting for this kind of love ,inspiration and encouragement. Once I agreed she moved on and posted among the Painting Tribe that any artist who was interested in painting and creating for the deck was in. The only stipulation was that the painting had to be done for this deck and that each artist would do a reading for the card and add it to the booklet that was to go in with the deck. In less than a week we had 39 artists from around the world sign up and agree .. The project was under way. A lot of love and co operation and work went into this amazing deck of cards. Awakening to your Divine Self created by the Fearless Oracle sisters. Early December of 2013 we had in our hands the most extraordinary deck of cards .. One thousand decks of cards purchased and

to be distributed by the individual artists depending on how many they purchased. This experience has opened many doors for me. So much love has flown my way, so many brave , creative, women have entered my life and so many opportunities to expand my soul. The most exciting piece of love I want to share right now is this. We have just signed our second contract and we are in the process of ordering and publishing another 800 decks of cards. WOW My point is this when . I turned sixty nearly three years ago. I knew in my heart I was closing the door on a very difficult decade of my life. I also knew that night of my sixtieth birthday ,as I drummed under the full moon that the next decade of my life would be very different, filled with much love and wonderful experiences. Sixty was a time for New Awareness, Awakening to my Divine Self, if you please. Sixty one and two brought those changes into play with the deck of cards and the conscious decision to push beyond the boundaries I had created earlier in my life. Today preparing for sixty three is a celebration and a time of great anticipation of what this year will bring into my life. The time of the Crone is so woven into this beautiful deck of cards Awakening to your Divine Self . I am filled with the knowledge of being content with myself and the wisdom to accept all that I am...

Jotree's Heart & Soul Connections Lets Connect!

You Are Enough

Willowing Arts

Healing Art Series:

Healing Art Isn't Always Pretty Here I share some of the amazing healing art by women who were brave enough to share it. I am honored to showcase it and speak a little bit about healing art. Stephanie Gagos is a Healing Coach and Artist, who helps women who from all over the world, heal from childhood wounding through her incredibly intimate and powerful online healing courses. Over 200 women have taken her healing art classes, some of which include the Inner Child Healing Workshop and Healing the Mother Wound. As a survivor of childhood abuse and sexual abuse, she has dedicated her life to helping women heal and come back to the truth of who they are underneath their stories of childhood pain. She is a big believer in holding safe space for women to speak their truth, using creativity to heal, and incorporating the body in the healing process. She is the founder of the Healing Truth Sanctuary, a free online community for survivors and women on a healing path. She believes every woman can heal and find joy in their lives and her mission is to reach and help empower as many women as she can.





The Power of Pushing Pause

with Cynthia Lee Why is it that we only value forward motion and fast forward is worth even more? Racing to the top, filling up every moment of every day, we quantify and justify our busy lives with the thought that it is all necessary. Who would we be without the prestige of a busy life? We don't see the value of negative space. We don't understand the necessity of the rests. We don't measure the power of the pause. With no space between, without a moment to breathe, constant motion exhausts the body, mind, and spirit.

The up and down, the ebb and flow, the in and out create the intricate beauty of a life. It is the highlights and the shadows, the contrast, that bring depth and meaning. The high and the low, the loud and the quiet, the hard and the soft offer oppositional composition and It has been a year of motion. I've been harmony. dreaming and scheming and bringing life to But more often than not, we only value the dormant ideas. In the midst of it all, I have been push, the striving, the quest. We are told to live continually giving to the family that needs me. our lives out loud not in quiet. We are The roles of mother and grandmother exact a encouraged to dream big not small. We fear price. The role of caretaker and daughter of a being soft and vulnerable. We want to fill our dying mother is an even greater honor, resumes and our transcripts with more, more, responsibility, and toll. more. No one knows how to have downtime. In It has been a year of non-stop motion. I am sure the moment of nothing, we cry, "I'm bored." that even in my sleep, my body has been But there is power in the pause, in taking time moving. The tangled sheets prove it. I know to let life marinate, in putting things on the that my mind wakes up the moment my eyes back burner to simmer. Flavor takes time. open for there is much to decide, to plan, to Paying attention to what I see as the ultimate accomplish. end of this path I am on, I know that if I don't BUT slow down, I will crash. It is time to make time I am beginning to hit a wall. Like a super slow for the slow, to allow space for the mind to motion visual, I can see my body collapsing meander, for the body to rest. into the bricks. Skin makes contact first, muscle I think it begins with allowing blank space on folds in after and bones crunch to an end. With the calendar. I don't have to fill up every the crash, my forward projection will be halted, moment of every day. Saying no to one thing motion ceased, full throttle stopped. means saying yes to another and it is time to The trauma of the sudden arrest will bring me say yes to myself and my care. to my knees. Weeping in pain from injuries and However, I think it a deeper beginning may be loss of hope, I will spiral into backward motion, required. losing the ground I have gained. Back to near I am feeling drawn to slow, slow movement in the starting line, I will face beginning again. everything I am doing. Life is inviting me to Retracing the route, recovering the advantage, enter slow motion. Allow each movement to be restoring the possibility of dreams. thoughtful and deliberate. Even now as I am OR typing these words, I am not pushing myself to I could know that I see what is ahead of me and the limit of my 80 wpm typing ability. Instead, I could choose now to slow it down, bring it to my hands are in a slow waltz over the keyboard a halt with ease, push pause. Breathe.

It feels good and dare I say, even sensual to slow down. My morning coffee is a ritual of slow. I do not own a coffee maker. Instead, I make one cup of coffee at a time. Grinding the beans, heating the water, pouring over in slow circles. It takes time and it is worth it. Lessons here for all of my life. Instead of rushing out the door, I am taking time to walk slowly, turn around and observe those I am leaving behind as I meet another appointment or head off to work. I say the words that rushing does not allow me to say. I look into the eyes of those who mean so much to me. This changes my day. It changes me. When considering the demands and invitations upon my time and energy, I am taking the time to move slowly through consideration. I am learning that few things are truly urgent. I wonder if we grab onto the urgent only because it makes us feel important? Or because it distracts us from important work in our lives? I confess that at times I have created a flurry of activity around myself because it allowed a means of escape. It gave me an excuse. Too busy was a convenient answer to too difficult. Slow movement requires attention. When we pay attention, we are more aware of what is needed and not needed in our lives. It may require us to take action on things we have ignored for far too long. The relationship that needs mending. The relationship that needs ending. Slowing down means we have to listen to our own truth and wisdom. We have to trust that we know what is needed. No matter how we choose to live, we are creating our lives. We are choosing what to give to the small moments. Each moment deserves intention. Pause before saying yes. Pause before saying no. Pause before walking out. Pause before walking in. Savor life. Give to yourself and your life the power of the pause.


Cynthia Lee has released herself into the wild where she is recovering her natural instincts and her inner wisdom through the healing process of intuitive art. She lives her uncaged life as a wife, mother of many, mi-mi of two, artist, and lifelong learner. She rattles the cage, weaving words, asking deep questions, raising her voice to the moon, calling forth other spirited ones, the wild-hearted women who are seeking their own authentic howl at SPIRITUNCAGED.COM

Fierce Wildness. Soulful Energy. Uplifting Sisterhood. The Wild Sisterhood is an online community created especially for women who want to love themselves, follow their bliss + change the world. I created it to provide a safe + welcoming place where women can meet + support each other as they discover themselves + carve their own path in life. Why? Because when I decided to choose happiness + start designing my life, I felt completely overwhelmed, alone + had no idea where to begin. I wanted a place where I could go to explore this new side of myself, find resources to keep me inspired + motivated to go after my dreams, + connect with like-minded women. .

The Amazing Biz and Life Academy is a divinely-guided, wildly-affordable and deeply-powerful success library that’s just a fraction of the cost you see elsewehere. It’s one of the most generous, powerful, inspired, best-priced + transformational training resources you’ll find anywhere in the world. It’s a training library jampacked with programs, meditations + kits to transform your business + life to Level Amazing. And it’s access to an incredible mastermind of almost 3000 women (just like you) who can help you with much needed brainstorming, support + guidance. The Academy is a divinely guided, heart-centered success library to help you and your business reach the levels of joy, abundance, creativity + prosperity that you were born to have. One part business + marketing training field + one part inspirational mastermind + one part soulcentered wisdom to make every part of your life glow, the Academy is the premier resource for women wishing to create amazing lives and businesses. The Academy is more than just one single program – it gives you access to a huge range of Leonie Dawson’s proven and powerful products and programs to help you transform + shine in every single area of your life and business. As a member of the Academy, you’ll receive powerful business + marketing training to help you start + grow your dream business rapidly & happily. You’ll receive audio meditations to soothe your soul. Illustrated workbooks to create clarity & intention around difficult decisions. E-courses to supercharge your creativity, become a marketing maven & wrangle your fears. Tips to get your house decluttered & in your inner world order. Cleanses to bring your body into health & radiance. Everything you need to live, work, play & create like the amazing woman you were born to be.

Sacred Living The spiritual path is simply the journey of living our lives. The spiritual path does not remove us from the world but leads us deeper into it. You are born of spirit. Set your Inner spiritual being free.

Sacred Geometry

Designs of Creation and the Symbols of Wholeness

The Tree of Life is also one of the most familiar of the Sacred Geometry Symbols. The Tree of Life configuration forms the key to God's original creation. The Tree of Life is often used in the Kabbalah teachings as a sign of unity and love. Even though the structure of The Tree of Life is connected to the sacred teachings of the Artist Joma Sipe Jewish Kabbalah it can also be Sacred geometry symbols seen in other traditions such come from the patterns of as the ancient Egyptian. The nature, spirit, and various Tree of Life is explained in the mystical concepts. Behind all Sefer Yetzira or "Book of sacred geometric symbols is Creation." The book explained the knowledge that enables us the creation as a process to take complete control over involving the ten divine our lives, taking us out of numbers (sefirot) of God the chaos, fear and hatred which Creator and the twenty-two affect so many of us. letters of the Hebrew According to ancient wisdom, alphabet. The ten sefirot all is one! In truth, there is only together with the twenty-two a "Oneness" or a great letters constitute the "thirtywholeness at the foundation two paths of secret wisdom." of all creation and this "Oneness" can be illustrated by the symbols of sacred geometry. All peoples and all religions are from one and the same source (God) and we are all together in this vast quantum ocean (the Zero Point Field) of timeless love. The universal and timeless designs of sacred geometry have been created by artists for thousands of years to represent their ancient knowledge derived from thousands of years of mystical experience. A perfect example of a sacred geometry symbol is The Tree of Life which is considered the most sacred geometry symbol.

The Flower of Life is another outstanding example of sacred geometry. It is a beautiful circle containing thirteen spheres that hold many mathematical and geometrical laws. The overall effect creates nineteen flowers with six petals each. The Flower of Life can be found in all the major religions of the world and can be seen in many of the ancient temples of the world.

Quantum physics will someday be much more fully understood through the study of geometrics and higher dimensions. All of nature ultimately has the origin of its expression through sacred (eternal) geometry. All the laws of the universe are based on the quantum interaction of geometric energies of various dimensions. Math is a universal language, and geometry is a way of expressing that language. Geometry is the organization of space within which all objects happen. Every object is geometrical. Every natural object has geometry built into

its very structure. The electron clouds that make up the shapes of every atom, for instance must be in the form of three-dimensional patterns. And, of course, all solid objects are made up of these geometrically shaped atoms.

Amazing works of art have been mysteriously appearing throughout the world in cropland such as cornfields, etc. Whether they are just the result of ordinary human artists or not, crop circles have inspired millions with their beauty and elegance and possible otherworldly origin. Many UFO sightings, alien sightings, and other unusual phenomenon have been seen and felt around or near crop circles. The crop circles are a universal art form thriving on mystery and anonymity. Crop circles do sometimes appear to mimic atoms or the orbits of alien solar systems. If intelligent life from other worlds and dimensions is visiting the planet we live on, then most likely they are wisely remaining hidden and obscure until humankind is ready to evolve out of the darkness and conceitedness it

has struggled with for centuries. It has been said by Bashar (Channeled through Darryl Anka) that in 2012, an "extraterrestrial quarantine" will end and Earth will from then be considered "safe" for visitors from other worlds to land on. The universe is consciousness learning about itself. One can see in the beautiful and universal designs of sacred geometry the connectedness of all things. Sacred geometry embodies the notion that all of nature is organized geometrically. And all this geometry is not limited to the third dimension, but possibly extends into countless other dimensions and even the dimensions of the spirit or soul. What happens when one closes one's eyes in front of a strobe light?

One sees something quite remarkable: amazing geometric patterns and swirls very similar to some of the designs found in crop circles and in the Flower of Life that timeless geometric symbol often found on the floors and walls of of some of the most ancient temples ever discovered. The universe is

consciousness learning about itself!

Geometry is the ultimate basis of all reality. It is only through the dimensions of geometric space that all things interact in an orderly pattern just as a geodesic sphere, all life forms, and natural crystal structures for example reflect various universal laws such as those of mathematics and those of physics. What is energy? An object with energy is a threedimensional object in motion: either spinning, moving through space or both. In the real world, the fourth dimension (or fourth direction) of time is essential if any sort of motion is to exist. Energy is therefore nothing more than fourdimensional geometry! There really is no motion, only in the way a four-dimensional object is observed makes it appear that it is in motion. The real source of all energy

lies in the interaction of the higher dimensions of space with the lower ones. The real source of all intelligent design lies in the formation of geometric shapes (such as crystals) as they interpenetrate all the dimensions of space. Geometry becomes sacred when it is studied (observed) in the context of universal spiritual truth. The realm of three dimensional space seems to extend outward forever. However, the fourth dimension which is time also seems to go on forever, but it eventually must, by its sheer gravitational weight, spiral into itself back toward the past over a distance of billions of light years as each cycle of creation repeats itself perhaps in a slightly different way each time. However the fifth dimension, which is the abode of all possible motions, and having infinite potential energy, because it's so concentrated and so heavy, must by its own sheer weight immediately collapse and therefore curl back into itself within the distance of an atom's width. All space has the bizarre property of having an electromagnetic shimmering at subatomic distances creating a constant "white noise" sound that can be heard between stations on any FM radio. Zero point (or "free") energy is therefore not just a theory, but something that can actually be observed, measured, and oftentimes heard on any FM radio. There is almost unlimited energy

available within every cubic meter of space. The only things preventing its full utilization is skepticism, its extremely fine level of extension, and the right technology.

The realm of the atom is the gateway to higher dimensions beyond the four of space and time. At atomic scales all kinds of bizarre things happen: quantum particles reappear and disappear, waves become particles and particles turn back into waves, all causation melts into probability (either location or velocity is allowed but never both), and time often comes to a stop, is distorted, or even sometimes goes slightly in reverse. Subatomic particles are so minute that they easily fit in and exist well within the vibratory influence of the waves, twists and turns (multidimensional geometric curls) of space-time extending into the five dimensions of all probabilities and possibilities beyond time and space. Under the influence of zero point energy, subatomic particles jump around at an incredible speed giving them many times more mass and far more

solidity than they would if no five dimensions existed. The complex geometry of five dimensional space, where the uncertainty principle causes tremendous turbulence, is an everlasting source of energy that sustains all the building blocks (atoms) of creation. If this were not so, what would sustain electrons in their orbits? How or where would energy even exist or come about in the first place? The five-dimensional geometry of subatomic space is the ultimate source of all energy. Five-dimensional geometry is not only the source of all creation, but is also the sustainer of all creation which in turn is sustained from higher sources such as the sixth, seventh, eighth and even higher dimensions each being many times more tightly curled and concentrated as the number increases. Any particle of matter is where electromagnetic energy (light) has "lodged" into one of these multidimensional geometric curls.

The sequence of higher dimensions of sacred geometry may go on forever, however each one collapses

into much more concentrated and much tighter and finer vortices than the ones beneath them in a way similar to the fractal images created by mathematicians using modern computers. The three and four dimensions of space is the familiar reality of life and its history, however, the fifth dimension is the cosmic borderline where time, space and causation start breaking down into a universal oneness or wholeness. The gateway of the fifth dimension is an "event horizon" into eternity. Rather than being an eternity of chaos, it is an eternity of perfect order or perfect, transcendental (sacred) geometry. Beyond the four dimensions of time and space, lie the higher dimensions of reality where there is no more distance inverse to the square, no more cause and effect, only an eternal consciousness, perfect stillness, wonderful wholeness, and infinite knowledge where any part of creation can be explored and enjoyed from a single point of perfect love. The psychic phenomena of remote viewing and astral projection and the yogic powers of seeing and hearing at a distance are all evidence of the existence of this great truth.

subatomic energy structures to the forms often seen in crystals and even life itself such as the nautilus shell and the pattern on the shell of a tortoise.

All matter is electromagnetic energy (or light) trapped inside higher dimensions of space. The geometric organization of higher dimensions embedded in space is the source of all consciousness, intelligence and energy. The ancient and timeless symbols of sacred geometry intuitively mimics the great designs of creation from the higher dimensions of

There is no greater thing of beauty, value and joy as wholeness!

Russell Symonds (Shaktivirya) has dedicated his life to finding wholeness and is living the "wholeness" lifestyle. His website, Science of Wholenes is a spiritual and nutritional information and research center dedicated to helping you find your keys to wholeness (everlasting joy, love, bliss, rejuvenation, and much, much more). Wholeness can be many things and his website not only discusses all the different aspects of wholeness but also all the different ways toward wholeness.

Sacred Artwork used for this article by Joma Sipe w


Growth Perhaps the most important realizat ion that an individual can make in their quest for personal growth is that there is no single formula that defines the path to personal success.


Personal development legend Jim Rohn once said, “Your level of success will rarely exceed your level of personal development.” I’ve always thought we should strive to be the best we can be (although I confess up front that I don’t always know how to do that or what it should look like), but hearing that quote solidified it for me. If we want to experience the best life has to offer, we need to show up as our best selves. But that’s not the only reason we should continually work to develop ourselves. We are physical expressions of The Divine, and as such, perfection is our natural state. Not the kind of ego based perfection we often strive for that says we aren’t good enough as we are, or, conversely, that we are better than others. I’m talking about the kind of perfection that comes from being comfortable in our own skin and with our divine heritage. The kind of perfection that comes from knowing ourselves, being ourselves, and loving ourselves. The kind of perfection that comes from allowing The Divine within to express Itself. There’s another important reason to strive for being our best selves: Personal happiness. I, for one, am just happier when I’m being my best self. I have few – if any – regrets that stem from moments when I was being my authentic, divine self. The few regrets I do have in my life arise from moments when I was being petty, insecure, or judgmental – certainly not traits I associate with being my best self. I‘m just happiest when I’m being comfortable with myself and expressing myself – and The Divine within – freely; I suspect you are too. Regardless of why you’re seeking personal growth, it can seem like a daunting task. It’s easy to internalize the attitude that you’re improving yourself because you aren’t good enough as you are. Nothing could be further from the truth! Although we are each imperfect in so many interesting and delightful ways, we are divinely perfect in that imperfection. No improvement required! I actually don’t like the term ‘self improvement.’ I don’t even like the idea of ‘self help.’ I much prefer the idea of ‘personal growth and development.’ Think of the strong and mighty oak tree. It doesn’t ‘improve’ from being an acorn. It doesn’t even help itself into an oak tree. What the acorn does is grow and develop. That oak tree is inherent to the DNA of the acorn. It is its birthright. The oak tree is the destiny of that tiny acorn. And so it is with us. We don’t really need to change or improve. We need to grow and develop. To continue with the plant life metaphors, we blossom from a tightly closed bud into a gorgeous, fragrant rose. Again, the bud doesn’t ‘improve’ into a rose; it merely follows the path of its destiny. In order to be our best selves, we need to find the path of our own destiny and pursue it with all our heart. I don’t mean the destiny of a vocation or avocation. Rather, I mean the destiny of whom – not what – you are meant to be. For example, I know from years of soul searching that I’m meant to be connected and of service. I’m meant to share myself as wholeheartedly as I can. That’s where my happiness lies. While that specific combination of traits may be more in alignment with some career paths than others, as long as I am true to myself, I could probably be happy doing anything. And so I try to be connected. My husband says I can make a new best friend everywhere I go. I truly value the friendly relationships I have with the barista at Starbucks, the cashier at the grocery store, and the servers at our favorite restaurant. I look people in the eye and I try to call them by name. I try to be of service. I have almost always worked in customer service type positions, from DMV clerk to assistant manager of a specialty clothing store to the Executive Director of a battered women’s shelter where I worked daily with the residents. I try to go the extra mile. Not because I’m a harder worker than the person next to me, but because it truly makes me happy to contribute to the ease and happiness of another.

I try to share myself as wholeheartedly as I can with the people in my life. I’m very open about my life and my experiences – but not in that creepy, over-sharing, way! – not only with my friends and family, but on my blog and in my podcast. So, how do you find your best self – the self you were destined to be? I wish I could tell you that there were five easy steps, or six simple questions to answer. It’s not quite that easy. Mostly, for me, it was a matter of looking at when I’m happiest and digging deep to see what the touchstone in that moment was, what the common elements between those moments were. I spent a lot of time journaling about my happiness. I had bits and pieces of the puzzle, but it all came together for me when I worked through The Desire Map by Danielle LaPorte. Previously, I had been concentrating on my inhabiting my values, but that didn’t really resonate with me. I had a difficult time naming my values. It felt like an empty, academic exercise for me. In The Desire Map, LaPorte advocates getting down to what she calls your Core Desired Feelings, and then trying to bring those feelings into your daily life. Eureka! That made so much more sense to me than trying to live by my values. Abraham-Hicks teaches that everything we want to be, do, or have, we want for the feelings we think it will bring us. Emotions are how we actually experience our lives and the world around us, so it makes perfect sense

to zero in how I most want to feel and then to do whatever it takes to bring those feelings into my life as often as I can. If you’ve tried values clarification exercises and they didn’t appeal to you, or if you’re really in touch with your emotions, The Desire Map might be a good place to start this journey toward being your best self. Another place to start is to look at people you admire and what you admire about them. Chances are that those are traits just waiting to be developed within you. Think about the times that you are happiest or most at peace. What are you doing in those moments? Who are you with? There are probably clues to your best self in those moments. However you might choose to go about getting in touch with – and then developing – your best self, I encourage you to do the work. It might not always be easy, but it will always be worth the effort. ****


is a Personal Empowerment Coach who works with women to help them navigate the journey of developing meaning and purposeful lives. She blogs and hosts a weekly podcast, Your Amazing Life. She lives in Southern California with her supportive, encouraging and loving husband, and their three cats.


Authenticity On the Journey But most important, I now understandWORTH that if I do not express my authenticity, the RENEE' S THOUGHTS CATCHING Universe will be deprived of who I came here to be. -- Anita Moorjani When I hear the word 'authentic', I am filled with feelings of being totally real in the I will bore you with of words face of thenot unreal. I think devotion to a honest and pure life. I think about staying that are to reside the past in touch with who you are at your core with no questions because you are all you I'd rather bring the light forward have in the long run. to show you how Life changes fast Knowing that you are true to who you are is a very large step to pure authenticity. Therewhen is nothing beautiful than the one who is loyal and trustworthy to the you aremore on a ride of remorse individual whodown is true themselves. Once you are steadfast in remaining in your and going theto slide of guilt holding onto painthen fromitdivorce own authentic Self, is much easier to share that spark with others. In turn, you and feeling insides tilt will realize thatyour we are all connected in some way, and then the authentic connection takes off and brings many people together. you are cheating yourself Have of you been one of those being completely here people who thought that you could just go through Life without anyone (whether your determination can you tell feel you have been hurt or wronged, etc) and then finallyhow having to admit dofear need some people around you ? Me too. to move past allyou of the To open your heart and allow the circle to get larger means taking a leap of faith. You a long where story built fromrelationships creation mightlife notis know these will take us, you just know you have to try. there are twists, turns and setbacks And even though there are plenty of chances for failure and for disappointment, in forward movement and dedication the end, if you true yourself being spunremain around to the to better track and your inner voice, then no matter what happens, you know you will be okay. Therethrough is a gorgeous in absolute knowledge that you are doing all you can to the love freedom we feel deep inside we are able to see the world's reflection remain on the line of truth. To put your self-growth, self-love and self-awareness heart whispers anditlove we decide first isofso complex that is actually very simple. When you begin to accept that you and we realize it's all about perception carry that Star inside of you – the less you will search for it in each person, place or thing focusing you come across. on the creation of gorgeousness The Journey is taken is do notitsan easy one,thing but with faith in you and who you are and and allowing Life to remarkable trusting, allowing and of feeling all loveliness you need to, there is no where to go but up. You will brings us to a state immense are blessed dailycome by what Life does bring meet we people that will into Life that will change everything, and just as quick will vanish. You will meet others that seem to not change not much, but remain bring dreams to life and hold a high standard around. You will meet those that become so important to you, that time and space turn the wheel and inspire amazing moves will never break bond. we follow thisyour and then we can edge forward Even and if death separates you fromanything some of you realize you don't have to your proveconnections, know that Life as you know it would not be the same without those – yes – all of those connections. We all believe bestTo version who you cannot makeinitthe solo. quoteofLost, “Noare one does it alone. They all needed you as trust that your identity is not just your story much as you needed them.” (Christian to Jack; series finale, 2010). take a chance and wish upon a star “Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day. It's about the this Life is meant to take you to pure glory choice to show up Avard and be real. The choice to be honest. The choice to let our true ©2014. Renee selves be seen.” – Brene' Brown The best I can offer is me, the true, authentic me. The me that I am most proud to be. The me that does not conform to changing scenery or people. The me that is steadfast is pure and true love for Life. Without our authenticity, we would not make it too far in this world. After everything, I believe now, more than ever, that I am worth it, that I am authentic and that I am somebody to this Life.

As a Doctor of Metaphysics and ordained minister. Renee Avard is an eclectic Spiritualist with focus on Earth-Based Spirituality. Known as the “Unique-tivity Guide,� she assists others as they embark on their own journey of awakening and enlightenment. Renee also has many areas of unparalleled knowledge, and this business was created to be a customized Holistic and Spiritual endeavor assisting in bringing out the unique and creative side each person already has inside them. As a Guide, she is also a Crystal Therapist and an expert in Oracle and Angel card readings and intuitive guidance sessions. Forever learning, Renee is both a student and a Guide here to show all how to allow your Star inside to lighten Life outside through various modalities, she imparts the wisdom needed for everyone to know and accept that we are ALL worth catching.

Catch A Falling Star Worth Catching

Why is the ‘Red tent’ such a phenomenon?

Every cycling woman knows the deep yearning for quietude during her Flow time. Every ounce of our body and soul calls for rest, while our culture calls us to keep going, no matter what.

The ‘Red Tent,’ ‘Moon Hut,’ or ‘Moon Lodge,’

as they were known in indigenous cultures around the world, was a place of respite for women of old. We recognize that having a place to go to when we flow, monthly, will make our lives different in profound ways, as well as change the lives of those around us, and ultimately the world! Does your Soul remember the circles of Maidens, Mothers, Grandmothers, and Ancestors? This is a place where women are allowed to Be rather than continually Do… The time is Now, and the Red Tent Consciousness is spreading like sunrise all over the world! Be part of the New Paradigm It’s about You, it’s about Us,

Join US!

Together We Can Change The World!

Spiritual Ecology

“Mystical experience of nature can be of particular relevance to our troubled age, bringing deeper into our consciousness and emotions the logic that nature sustains humanity as humanity must, in turn, sustain nature. Rationality alone, however, cannot be our guide in the task of restoring our environment. A spiritual connection to nature must inspire the emotional commitment that is the yin, complementing the yang of intellectual understanding.� -Carl von Essen


Here on the West Coast, the salt of circumspect washes steadily against the sea of verdure. Greening and etheric expansion prevail, the sprouting, moiling flora thrives and reproduces, roots itself into a constant crescendo. Here, none can turn away, because all directions are exposed. And none can hold in check the wheeling force that rises, anymore than the tidal range of the ocean can cease its endless respiration. Ashore, as the eye and heart grow sated on outward effulgence, and turn within to look across the forest of soulhood, the seeker encounters a buffeting wind, ceaselessly wailing in sonic silence, blowing against all branching forces, delivering wind-in-bough-songs to a wild and vigilant audience. In this coastal dominion we find a range of dwellers-in-habitat, from the diminutive wren, mousebird, in its fern-frond forest, up to old growth tree giants, who, in this ocean-edge environ, have evolved powerful rooting forces to withstand the great winds that prevail from across the waters. In the morning light, the sea compels me to open my wings over the tide-flat of vision. By day, I will sing you a tree. I will dance you a stream. And when evening falls, I will orate for you a sunset, warmth and color twining into distant measures. A small melodic bird spreads its wings by the seaweed leavings of the tidal bore. Song sparrow serenade, dulcet phrasing in the salt air, rises as a green-leafing melody beneath usnea whiskers,

wildly bearded lichens draped on the lower reaches of conifer boughs. And I walk slowly, with deliberation, through the sea-edge forest, where the mouse-wren flits furtive, barely sensed, in an under-story of fern and salal, through a storyline, compelling and intricate. Here, Grandmother nature unfolds her genesis masterwork by the edge of the riffling, over the surface of the sea of allocation. Grandmother nature, in a spirit of prosperity and layers weaving, serves up an authorship penned in ink of confluence and deeply rooting provision.

to Lady Soul. Meanwhile, down by the base of a giant oldgrowth fir, where mindful patience lends passage through a subterranean portal, rooting takes place, a biting into the earthen counterpart of human will forces. Feeding into the soul’s need for holding firm in the face of expanse, the grand-parental tree hums its steadfast tone, never giving way to common worldly dissolution. In this setting, the milding of temperament proceeds at an even pace. Here is the true West. And in this westernmost place, earthen land (physicality) meets the vast arena of spirit’s metaphor (water). Because of this, The West presides as a Threshold. Interior eyes gaze, here, out over the end of incarnation’s journey. After arriving here, at this metaphysical meeting-ground of sea and shore, one can turn and explore either a Northern, or Southern path. Or one can turn fully round, Eastward, and wend a way backward, regress to a former time and circumstance. Or, more often, as spirit tends to have its way, one can linger here, centered Westerly - for a duration that can even last beyond a thousand heartbeats.What span can bracket a boundless destiny?

And late in the night, by the same rapturous sea, but further down-coast, well beyond sunset’s quiet portal into animal dreamtime, the howling of wolves pierces the veils of primordia arranged to keep human knowing at bay. For nine years they waited, spanning puppyhood to elder, down through countless alpha moons. And then, as the calendar of inspiration came to wheel in full circle, now through the rain of night, the creative, wolfborn force holds no longer in abeyance. Now the howling sings into the stirring of sleepers, into the spaces of wakening. Across the sea of freedom and imagination the wolf pack hurls its healing resonance, sound forming into a vessel that sails over the tumult heaving upon the surface of the feral and shoreless pond. This West Coast is rife with pattern, repeating gesture, repetition of form unending, layers of lamina radiating through the forest, striations The moon stimulates the waking of our animal interwoven, perpetuation of pattern, leaf by nature. This is why, so often at the time of full leaf, gesture by gesture, stem and limb and moon, insomnia is induced in those sensitive to trunk, reverberation of form, under a sky environmental influence. Within the psyche, weeping with bands of light and streaming the moon enhances those qualities peculiar to spatter, repetition of rain and light-beam, an this coastal landscape - rooting, sprawling, unending effulgence. . . . raining, seeping, dripping, climbing wave on If a choreographer were to devise a sequenced wave, rolling across the soul’s beachhead. . . . movement of, perhaps, a minute’s duration, I am driven (by self) to be functional and/or then have the dancer repeat the sequence creative. However, at this time I am more in almost identical to the first expression, but need of centering myself. That is, of asking my altered in some subtle way - then continue to deeper core for direction. What am I wanting alter, slightly, the minute long sequences, each to engage in, at this moment, from my center? time, for an hour’s duration, the dance could be Seeing myself, then, attuning to the pulse of built into a masterpiece that would inspire and heart at every turn, going by the Inner Voice, is elevate the audience (if it was done right) (and, the same as aspiring to fulfill my incarnation - one could even cycle back seamlessly, after the or, put another way, knighting myself in service sixty phases, to the original expression - or

A similar rarefied level of masterpiece endures in West Coast rainforest - only not in physical choreography, but on the breathing, pulsing level of plant/etheric life, as sensed by audience of the soul. Turning to yet another art form, a visual rendition of this West Coast phenomena of etheric richness can be viewed in the works of certain painters (Emily Carr, for example). And by virtue of its own creative arena, the rainforest is verging upon its neighbor ocean, the sea of endless heaving birth-song. And between the land and sea an intermediate zone presides. An inter-tidal realm, in which one can venture back and forth, between liquid and solid, loosening access across the threshold, and lingering in balance between ebb and flow. Twice daily the heaving of the sea has its way, rising and falling in rhythm unerring. And, alternating, now stepping back from the constant rhythm, now moving forward into its cadence, a bigger set of “waves” washes, a respiration of a wider span. Wash of wave can become a fascination, on a certain level of our being. When we open to it, the rhythm takes us into its mesmeric force, enfolds us in timeless embrace. Over time, the tempo of constancy, as though devised to mirror full breaths of the soul’s own pulse, spirals into an alignment of rarified synchronicity. Within this inter-tidal embrace dwell numerous beings of exceptional bearing. Mollusk, crustacean, sea star, anemone, kelp, red laver, sea lettuce, clam, oyster, moon-snail. Some possess staunch power of adherence - mussel, barnacle, limpet. And some, like the platearmored chiton, eluding the glare of sun, partake of night’s diatom nurture. The power of salmon gives of itself in exceptional measure, through both abundance and quality. By its sacrifice, life continues, many-fold - for bear, wolf, raccoon, seagull, eagle, otter, mink, and a host of others. Powers are enhanced in those who honor the spirit of salmon perception, steadfast bearing, will-power, and conveying the power of regeneration to the headwaters of the soul. Trickster raven, mythic and pre-mythic being, audacious, mischievous, discerning, endowed with creative force, unfolds its wings. Cedar impresses its contours into the grain of the soul’s character, a soft red carving of endurance and timeless wisdom. Totem beings watch over the land and waters. Mountains rise abruptly from the sea and hold fast with deep-running fiords forming terrain that resists the “progress” of humanity’s intrusive highways. Rugged, road-free, holding wild, keeping undue development at bay. In bygone days of prosperity and proximity to nature’s vault of knowledge - before the fall of Haida culture into the ways of warring and slavery - all manner of wisdom prevailed. The light of that time shines now from the future - although, this time, when humanity returns to the power and resplendence of nature-communion, it will be by means of one-on-one focus, well beyond the confinement of tribe and kin. A potlatch is given in honor of nature’s generous spirit. Red flesh of cedar is honored, as is red flesh of salmon, and red of Haida, Tlingit, and Salish. Poised on the edge of the vast amniotic birthing-sea, an ocean of genesis, the ritual of gratitude feeds back into the streaming flow of prosperity. And across the domain of soul, dark-winged mystery, embodied by a charismatic raven, twists against the wind, turning sideways to knife its way forward. High over white cap froth it plies its way until, at length, it arrives at the crown of a grandparent tree. There it pauses, to rest a while, on that tall spruce-wise projection of the heart’s questing, high above a creek in which the tireless salmon of the soul’s will-force makes its way. And now, raven, spruce, salmon, wave, wind, sunlight, and a thousand more - a broad range of diversity gathers. And the heartsongs of every member of the immense tableau converge in a subtle, yet powerful resonance. A harmony presides here that is, in some mysterious way, timeless by nature, symphonic in scope, and generous beyond measure.

Unlike most media, Earth Vision and Insight21 seek to present answers, not just focus on the problems of the world. . . . Dubbed “a modern Thoreau” by one reviewer, Josef Graf’s diverse background was bound to culminate in the Earth Vision and Insight21 projects. A split degree in Sociology/Ecology was followed by work as a trail guide, co-ordinator of a nature interpreting program, assistant to Native cultural enhancement, radio host, and Waldorf teacher. Add graduate study in the “university of wilderness” and two decades of anthroposophical research to penetrate to the heart of both human and wild natures, and spiritual ecology is born. The EV and Insight projects raise awareness of our deeper connection with nature and spirit through both books and articles that address current environmental and social issues. If the first two volumes of the Earth Vision series - The Earth Vision travelogue and A Calendar of Nature and Soul - may be referred to as intuitive theses in spiritual ecology, then Gaia Sojourn represents an even broader foray. As well, the EV Gallery (now a free PDF ebook) serves up a body of images that convey both eco-spirituality and color theory, while Hebert Returns to America is more of an art gallery hung off the wall. Insight21 was launched to provide coverage for some of the most promising answers to social and ecological issues.

A feature documentary about one man's quest to unify ancient mysticism and modern science through sound. In select theaters NOW! DVD release this FALL. Song of the New Earth: Tom Kenyon and the Power of Sound is a new documentary about one man's quest to integrate modern science and ancient mysticism through sound. The film premiered at the 40th Annual Seattle International Film Festival to two sellout audiences and is now screening in select US theaters as well as community screenings all over the country.

Song of The New Earth


Listen to the seeds for a future of peace Have you ever thought what seeds would say in 2014 if they could talk to human beings? “You did everything possible to bury me but your forgot that I am a seed”, said the greek poet Dinos Christianopoulos. When we were children teachers at school teach us that to make a table we need wood, to make wood we need trees, to make trees we need seeds but nobody taught us how to protect seeds from extinction. In the last one hundred years 94% of seeds varieties have been lost. Shamans, known as the Earthkeepers, say that we are dreaming the world into being through the act of witnessing it. Nowadays, there are debates about the ownership of the resources of the planet, such as water and seeds. Dr. Vandana Shiva (Physicist/Environmental activist - Right Livelihood Award) since she has started her campaign for “Seeds Freedom” has been a constant, dedicated, inspired and strong voice about food rights and the impact of globalisation. She is raising environmental awareness around the world and empowering women through the movement "Diverse women for diversity" focused on biodiversity, food and water.

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Have you ever thought what seeds would say in 2014 if they could talk to human beings? “You did everything possible to bury me but your forgot that I am a seed”, said the greek poet Dinos Christianopoulos. When we were children teachers at school teach us that to make a table we need wood, to make wood we need trees, to make trees we need seeds but nobody explained to us how to protect seeds from extinction. In the last one hundred years 94% of seeds varieties have been lost. Shamans, known as the Earthkeepers, say that we are dreaming the world into being through the act of witnessing it. Nowadays, there are debates about the ownership of the resources of the planet, such as water and seeds. Dr. Vandana Shiva (Physicist/Environmental activist - Right Livelihood Award) since she has started her campaign for “Seed Freedom” has been a constant, dedicated, inspired and strong voice about food rights and the impact of globalisation. She is raising environmental awareness around the world and empowering women through the movement "Diverse women for diversity" focused on biodiversity, food and water. Her call is a sensible response to Punjab Violence and the Bhopal tragedy occurred in 1984. Dr. Vandana has founded in New Delhi the organization Navdanya which means “nine seeds” and aims to the preservation of the variety of seeds in Agriculture in order to protect biodiversity, organic resources and small farmers. "There is no Democracy without Food Democracy." "Control over seed means control of our lives, our food and our freedom." "Seeds controlled by Monsanto, agribusiness trade controlled by Cargill, processing controlled by Pepsi and Philip Morris, retail controlled by Walmart is a recipe for food dictatorship." These are some of the meaningful and wise statements by Dr. Vandana Shiva who denounces the current situation on the market of seeds.


Navdanya has built a community seed bank which has so far successfully conserved more than 5000 crop varieties and has also set up Bija Vidyapeeth (School of the Seed / Earth UniversityNavdanya). On the 7th of November, 2013 Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, Visited Navdanya's Biodiversity Conservation Farm & Earth University. We hope that other Political Leaders will follow his example to build a future of peace based on Food sovereignty, Sustainable agriculture and Seeds Freedom. “Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.�(Robert Louis Stevenson) If you would like to know more, please visit the website:

CRISTINA RUSSO Bio Website Twitter Facebook Email

A Means to Achieve A Sustainable Growth Pat

Isn't it time that we rediscovered how to operate through a balance of both masculine and feminine principles? The Feminine is the crucial missing link in our derailing world, and this campaign is for Her. TreeSisters goes where no other campaign has gone before: into the exploration of how the negation of the feminine principle is a primary cause of climate change, and how its reinstatement is crucial for our survival. Women's wisdom, gifts, creativity and courage are needed now more than ever, and this campaign is an overt attempt to elicit and tap them on behalf of the natural world, and our children who are to inherit.



Health and Healing

"Our bodies are our gardens, our wills are our gardeners" -Shakespeare


STRIKINGBALANCEINTHEBODY Meditation is one of the best things you can do to bring a little relief to your mind, your spirit and even your physical body. It is a practice which has been with us for thousands of years; the ancient civilization of India was one society well aware of the benefits provided by meditation.

The Basics of Chakra Meditation Chakra Meditation is a means of striking a balance between the seven energy centers of the body, these are known as Chakras. Once these energy centers are properly balanced, proper energy flow through the body can be achieved. I will briefly explain these seven Chakras:

We in the West have come to an understanding of meditation as a tool for achieving better mental and spiritual health only recently.

1. The Crown Chakra - located at the top of the head, this is the Chakra which relates to our thought; wisdom, knowledge and our very consciousness.

One of the most effective and simple methods of meditation (and for precisely this reason, the most popular) is Chakra meditation.

2. The Brow (or Third Eye) Chakra this Chakra is located between the eyebrows and relates to the element of light; that is to say our powers of perception and visualization.

by Gloria Gypsy 3. The Throat Chakra - this Chakra is found at the base of the throat and is tied to the element of sound. This Chakra is related to our ability to communicate and our creative impulses.

Close your eyes and visualize a root or roots growing from your body and into the Earth beneath you. Let all the days energies flow down into the earth through this root system.

4. The Heart Chakra - found in the center of the chest close to the heart, this Chakra is responsible for your capacity to love and feel compassion, as well as governing your relationships. This Chakra is related to the element of air.

2. Centering Technique - Take a few deep breaths. Tighten and relax each part of your body, from bottom to top; visualize yourself relaxing as you do so. Finally, visualize a warm glow (like a sun or star) that warms and vitalizes, centered at your heart, radiating outward through you entire body.

5. The Solar Plexus (or Power) Chakra - situated just above the navel, this Chakra is related to our will power as well as our metabolism. This Chakra is related to the element of fire. 6. The Sacral Chakra - found just below the navel, this Chakra relates to physical love and our generative organs, as well as the creative impulse. 7. The Root (or base) Chakra - Found at the base of the spine, this Chakra is responsible for our general physical health, as well as security and prosperity. This Chakra is related to the element of Earth. To refresh yourself and bring things back into the proper balance, nothing works better than Chakra meditation. If all of these important energy centers are in proper alignment, then you will enjoy better health; physical, mental and spiritual. Chakra meditation can make a huge difference towards fostering better health and a better life for you.

3. Chakra meditation: Sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and try to shut out external stimuli, you want to have as few distractions as possible. Breathe naturally; your breath will naturally reach the proper state. Begin to concentrate on each Chakra point in your body from Sacral to Third Eye. Eyes still closed, feel the energy of each Chakra as you rest your consciousness with it, focusing on that Chakra's specific correlation. Don't hold your consciousness back; let it flow as it will through your body. You may find this difficult at first, but just let any distracting thoughts run through your mind, they will work themselves out and disappear with practice.

CHAKRA MEDITATION:- THE PROCESS Do this meditation for as long as needed. Chakra Meditation consists of three techniques: 1. Grounding - This technique aims to make you feel physically connected with the Earth.

I often find it helpful to write out, or journal any thoughts, feelings, visions, etc. that come up during mediation for future reference.

A SEASIDE RITUAL With the Spirit of My Father

by Melisa Potter

Saturday afternoon, a friend and I walked the Laudholm Beach Trail eastward toward the sea. Along the way, we stopped to tell stories, and in between memories of now, and then, we picked serviceberries from the bushes lining the path; jumped up on the bench to reach the high branches; pulled them down to our hearts, to gather the ripe, purple fruit. Once over the dunes, I was relieved to find the beach nearly deserted. Independence Day weekend on the coast of Wells, Maine, and a near-empty beach was the quiet blessing I needed. Walking, a pile of black and white otherworldly beach stones stopped me in a way I've grown accustomed to listening to. Here: a skull-shaped stone. It fits perfectly in the palm of my left hand. I was pulled down to kneel in the sand and make a mandala from nature's treasures. Circle of stones, circle of life, death of fathers, and grandmothers; birth of my child, my child growing away; cousin's children newly born and flying; nephews and niece and all the unknown descendants yet-to-be-born. All of our family's souls dancing in a great silent film

that can only be heard with all my senses opened wide. Skull stone placed facing east, toward the sea, into the waves of sea-love and freedom. Be free, Dad! I started crying. Asked my friend for some time alone. I cried so deeply - waves of grief in me, offered to the waves hitting the shore in front of me, and back out to the Great Mother. Tears, memories of my childhood: summer days, traveling to Wisconsin; fireworks off the highway over Chicago; truck stops and sips of Dad's coffee; six of us sleeping on the hood of the car, the roof of the car, the back of the van, the back window of the old cars, with our faces squished against hot glass, sleeping kneeling behind the passenger seat, our sister's leg for a pillow; broken promises, giant dreams, making me laugh when I was mad; read every sign you ever see and you'll never get lost! Barstools in the morning, Pepsi and chips for breakfast, Chinese food at midnight; old men giving us quarters for the jukebox - Love Will Keep Us Together; Undercover Angel.

He was the most funny, heartbreaking, handsome, and strong man in the world; my original Father God. I cried until I was relaxed, breathing deeply, and the sea had taken all the day's grief from me. I climbed onto my knees, blind from tears, and long strands of wild, windblown, hair, like mermaid seaweed, wrapped around my head. I wiped my eyes and arched my back; offered my heart to the sea, a path for the wind to carry it all away. Ready to move forward, I straightened myself up, got grounded, and looked down the beach to find my friend. Catching sight of her I extended my leg to take the first step forward, but my eyes were drawn to the hot sand below. At the foot of me was a deep, blue-black, heartshaped-stone, more perfect than any heartshaped-stone I've ever discovered. Thank you, Dad. Journeyed alone down the beach, found another heart stone and handed it to my friend. Gratitude for her support. Keep going, I'll find one for each of my three sisters. And I did - one, then another, then another, discovered along the shore. No pockets on the beach that day! My arms overflowed with heart stones, my tank top filled with heart stones for each of my sisters. Beside crashing waves and salty breeze, dune grasses dancing in wind, birds darting, hot stones under my feet, sea creatures, and invisible hands of love energy guiding my feet, supporting my whole family, I traveled on a healing quest in an enchanted, seaside story.

was being born from her. Reaching her, she handed me a beautiful cross she made of driftwood and dune grasses. In the center, woven solidly into place, was the heart stone I gave her, returned, as a gift, to me. On the way off the beach, I stopped at the memorial mandala I had created for my father. I placed the cross, with its heart, at the head of it. Inside the loving arms of the circle of stones, I placed the four heart-shaped stones I'd found along the way - one for each of my father's daughters - Melissa, Kim, Kristen, Kelly. We are forever connected by spirit to our Father, and to all our ancestors, and to all of the children of our children of our children, known and unknown, our spirits dancing freely together where time and distance carry no weight. From my Mother I learned to trust my intuition. From my father I learned to read every sign I saw so I would never get lost. Because of these two, truly remarkable instructions from my parents, trusting my sense of direction is carved into the bones of my deepest soul. To the outside world my choices may not always make sense, but inside me is a powerful navigator whom I trust without fail. Dad, because of you, I've read every sign along the roadsides I travel. Because of Mom, and you, I've read every sign that life, and spirit, have given me, and even in the darkest times, I have never, truly, been lost. I love you, Missie

Connect With Melissa at


At the end of the long journey, I spotted my friend far away from me. Energy of creation surrounded her. She was walking here and there, bending to pick things up. Something My life has been about learning to dance with both the sacred, and the profane; a sacred journey of weaving dark strands of down-and-dirty, with glowing rays of golden hope. Integrating astrological counseling, bodywork, ritual, earth-centered spirituality, and creativity into my current training as a Social Worker, I hope to be a Woman Bridge that spans across the boundaries between Us and Them.

By nurturing your face with pure botanical products, you will enjoy the effective potency of plants. Our facial care products are crafted with natural, botanical, and renewable ingredients.


The Magic Teaspoon The Magic Teaspoon by Victoria Zak is simply amazing. If you are interested in natural healing through herbs and spices then this book is for you! Zak offers a run down of all the herbs and spices and their magic. She states, “At home in a coastal Mediterranean Cottage, a young mother keeps her child’s fever at bay with a simple spoonful of thyme.” She offers over 100 recipes for health-boosting meals and snacks, the sugar lover’s survival guide, the top-notch teas for healing, the all-naturals chart revealing the best herbs and spices to choose from for specific health issues and much more. Did you know that Basil is the King of Herbs; it helps to fight off infections and disease. It helps oxygen to the brain and strengthens the nervous system to fight headaches and depression. Cinnamon is an Earthy Treasure, it helps fight bacterial infections, viral and yeast infections: it also helps to reduce high blood pressure.

With all herbs and spices at our fingertips, we can make magic in our very own kitchen. As Zak reminds us, “Some Enchanted Evening in Your Kitchen.” She continues, “Take a minute to feel the texture of a fresh or dried herb or spice in your fingers. Inhale its fragrance, taste a bit on your tongue, and think of the journey the herb or spice has taken to come to your table. Each herb or spice represents the bounty of nature in lands far and near, the care it took to grow and harvest them in season, and the global cooperation it takes to bring each special taste, color and fragrance to your table-to make a little magic in your kitchen.” My all-time favorite recipe is Basil Bliss; I have made this for many friends, co-workers and customers at work. It’s a sweet, rich, green puree that lifts your spirit and gives you greater immune system strength.

**I used cream cheese and served with c rackers and pretzel crackers. This book sits in my kitchen and one I cherish and use often. If you are ready to dive into an herbal, magical adventure-The Magic Teaspoon is truly an Herbal Magic Carpet Ride. "I use creativity and healing as coaching tools towards helping others lead a creative abundant life in body, mind and spirit.I love to inspire others to turn their everyday lives into a personal playground filled with love, joy, happiness and creative play"

Teresa Brouwer Facebook @moondreamcatch Basil Bliss

2 cups fresh parsley, stems removed 1 cup fresh basil leaves, chopped 4 small cloves garlic, chopped ½ cup green pepper, chopped 1/3 cup olive oil Preparation. Chop all ingredients in a food processor, chopper, or blender, and blend to an even consistency. Once or twice, turn the machine off and scrape the sides of the bowl to resettle the ingredients on the bottom. Refrigerate half of the puree plain, and blend the rest into cottage cheese, sour cream, or yogurt. Chill it for one hour to have an instant high-energy dip or spread ready for snacking. (page 132)


Let the Power of Nature Nourish Your Skin, Restore Your Youthful Glow and Help You Save a Fortune at the Cosmetic Counter! Discover why your "beauty care" products may not be so pretty after all!

From: Tera Warner, founder of Body Enlightenment Montreal, Quebec, Canada Greetings, Gorgeous! Have you ever noticed that the women wearing the most foundation and make-up also tend to have the worst skin? This is not a coincidence!!! All those powder puffs, perfumed potions, carcinogenic creams and so called "beauty" products contain a toxic soup of chemicals, waxes and petroleum products that block pores, suck moisture and cause premature aging! Here's Something You may Find Surprising: "89 percent of the ingredients used in personal care products have not been evaluated for safety!" -Environmental Working Group (EWG)

Astrological "Astrology is a language. If you understand this language, the sky speaks to you." -Dane Rudhyar

Insights Full Moon Focus for August 2014

This Full Moon is very much about receptivity and right understanding between Freedom and Responsibility and how they work together (both sides of the same coin). Kelly Simas is an aspiring Holistic Psychotherapist, Counselor & Coach. She is completing her studies in Spiritual Psychotherapy at Transformational Arts College in Toronto, Ontario. Kelly has always had a thirst for knowledge and self discovery which has lead her in self studying Astrology and Numerology since 2007. Kelly has received a scholarship at RASA School of Astrology and is pursuing her official degree in Astrology. These tools have helped her bring much insight, understanding and acceptance in her life her which in turn, has inspired her to share her greatest passion in providing guidance for others on their journey of healing and self discovery. Kelly has found true purpose and meaning in her life to inspire others do the same. Connect more with Kelly at

Sacred Relationships The alchemy of two souls, united in divine love, is a vessel of love, an alchemical crucible for our souls’ greatest unfolding. Sacred sexual relationship offers the possibility to remember the majesty of our souls, igniting the holy fires of eros, burning through lifetimes of karma and all the old wounds that cause the drama, melting them in the embrace of our love. When a man and a woman come together in love and they both have a direct relationship to the divine, miracles can happen. In sacred relationship, we acknowledge it as the primary container for soul growth and realize that our tantric sexual exploration will bring up our deepest wounds and that healing is in learning to hold each other in love even when the shadow is arising to be seen, to be felt, to be freed. We are required to be like an eagle flying above the relationship sometimes, seeing the wider perspective of the soul’s journey and not taking the small stuff personally. Leyolah Antara © excerpt from the book Kundalini Dance, Sacred


You have a lot of personal and professional relationships in life. Some relationships are loving, satisfying, uplifting, supportive and enrich your life experience. Other relationships are tense, adversarial, problematic, strained, and exhausting. You don't like, or avoid, spending time with the people who drain your life energy. The funny thing is that all of your relationships, good and bad, are a reflection of you! "Each relationship you have with another person reflects the relationship you have with yourself." - Alice Deville. You have a lot of personal and professional relationships in your life. Some relationships are loving, satisfying, uplifting, supportive and enrich your life experience. You love spending time with these people. They motivate and inspire you. Other relationships are tense, adversarial, problematic, strained, and exhausting. You don't feel good around, and may even avoid, people who drain the life energy right out of you. The funny thing is that all of your relationships, good and bad, are a reflection of you! How can that be? It's very simple, really. You love the good relationships that you have because these people reflect what you like about yourself. They're kind, giving, nice, loyal, fun to be with, and all of the other attributes that you enjoy

when you're involved in a good relationship. You dislike the people you have difficulty with because they reflect the parts of you that you don't like. You see something in these people, however tiny or large, that you don't like about yourself. If they're needy, they remind you of the times when you have been needy. If they're rude, they're a reminder of the pain you caused others by your own rudeness. If they're annoying they bring out the annoyer in you. If they are liars, they remind you of the time you lied, how that felt and the damage that lie may have caused you or others. Pay particular attention to the people who bother you, get under your skin, for no apparent reason. These people reflect something within you that you have been unwilling to see. I'll give you an example. Several years ago I had a business associate, Naomi, who irritated the heck out of me. Naomi was a nice enough person, never hurt me, but every time I saw her my skin crawled. If she said, "Hi. How are you?" I wanted to run in the other direction. Any time she called with a business related question or invitation I couldn't get off the phone fast enough. Naomi frequently invited me to networking events and I always found some excuse to decline. For some unexplained reason I just didn't want to be around this woman.

Yes, I Found Excuses And Reasons (F.E.A.R.) not to like her. To me, Naomi was a pushy, needy, wishy-washy person who just wanted to cling onto me to advance her career. What I didn't realize at the time was that I had been a pushy, needy, wishy-washy person who clung onto other people to advance my early career. I'd grown up a lot since then and was no longer that person, yet I definitely once was that girl. And now Naomi was reflecting that behavior back to me. And it bothered me to even think of her. I did not want to be reminded that I, too, was once at that very same place in my personal journey of self-awareness and development.

others! Yet they are still doing the best they can. No one deliberately decides to exhibit unwanted behavior. Learn the lesson to add a few more volts to that flashlight of yours. Every relationship, good and bad, brings gifts in the lessons and the light they offer to you. Cherish the gift. It will empower you as you continue to move forward in the direction of living your rich delicious life.

"Life is a succession of lessonst, which must be lived to be understood." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

You love what is reflected back to you that you love within you. You dislike what is reflected back to you that you dislike within you. You are neutral to what is presented to you that is not a reflection of you.

From the Founder of the International Association for Inner Wizards. Reaffirm the integrity of your own being. Within you lies all the knowledge about who you are, including your challenges and Examine your relationships with the people in desires. Our ultimate mission is to your life. Identify the attributes you love and reconnect you with the power that is like in the people you have a good relationship already within you and to encourage you with. You hold these attributes too. to recognize it, use it and rely upon it in Acknowledge and own them. Love that part of you. Identify the attributes you don't like in the your life. people you have a bad, or troubled, relationship with. You hold these attributes too. Acknowledge and own them. Have compassion and forgiveness for that part of yourself and of the other person for each of you are only doing the best you can given the light you have to see. Granted, some people have fewer batteries in their flashlight than

Connect with us at YOUR INNER WIZARD

“Underneath the color of our skin, all women bleed the same, red, deep, ancient flow of life for It is this power what makes the blood that naturally flows through a woman during her cycle seem taboo.� ~ Marjory Meijia

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Sacred Sex, Body Freedom In sacred sex, you honor your body as a temple for your spirit and offer it as a gift to your lover. As a couple, you can extend the passion and satisfaction of your sexual life by evolving your regular sex into sacred sex. Although most couples want a really good sex life, many are afraid that it’s unattainable because they personally don’t know how to create it. They bury their sexual dreams under the weight of misinformation that says “sex is something you should just naturally know how to do because you’re in a body.” However, even though your body desires and has the potential for sublime sex, it doesn’t automatically know the artistry of lovemaking. You must teach the body. Like any great art, the art of sexual ecstasy must be learned. Sexual knowledge and skill develop over a lifetime. If you travel through your sexual life in a learning mode, then your sexual experience will continue to improve over the years. It will grow with you as you grow. Sexual knowledge and skill develop over a lifetime Transforming Your Sexuality As a couple, you can extend the passion and satisfaction of your sexual life by evolving your regular sex into sacred sex. For thousands of years, and in a variety of cultures, sacred sex practices have affirmed the core message that sex is good, namely, an integral part of life connecting you to yourself, to your partner, and to the divine. Sacred sex shifts sex’s focus from achieving orgasm to union and pleasure. Lovemaking is expanded beyond the common understanding of sex as intercourse to include all manner of intimate contact. Sacred sex is a practical way to balance the purely physiological differences between men and women.

Women gain the time their bodies need to be thoroughly aroused and totally satisfied in addition to receiving the affection and emotional connection they want. Men receive lots of explicit sexual activity, but, because intercourse is interspersed with other forms of sensual play, they are able to last long enough for their lovers’ gratification. Both partners experience greater pleasure and intimacy. Experience all your senses, Always. In sacred sex, you honor your body as a temple for your spirit and offer it as a gift to your lover. This approach sanctifies your body, asserting its beauty and magnificence. Shame and guilt disappear as you move beyond repression and give yourself permission to experience all your senses every moment. Excerpt from the book, Sensual Love Secrects (For Couoples) Click Image For More >>>>

Artist, Laurie Blank

To love someone as much as you love the world is mind blowing and that is an ultimate blessing. “Wildfire a love story" is a very personal piece. It’s about the kind of love I always knew was possible, yet was hard to believe when it found me. It’s the love that can be met in a teacher, mentor, or lover. In my case, it is met in someone who is all of these to me. It’s the love that clears all fear that somehow we are unloved and unlovable because of something that happened. It’s pure love, like wildfire, that burns doubt to reveal the truth of an all-benevolent presence of which we are born and to which we die. We are lovable. We are loved. We are love. ~megan hollingsworth

VIRGIN 7:20 ~minute film by ex•tinc•tion wit•ness VIRGIN documents healing ceremonies in redwood forests of California, using poetry and song to convey a message of compassion for the perpetrator and victim in all of us. To virgin is to proclaim the greatest human traits. For this film, virgin is used in the original sense: “Virgin was a label of strength and independence by being used to describe the goddesses who were immune to the temptations of Dionysus, Greek god of seduction and wine. Virginity was once a term of power.” ~Palo Alto Medical Foundation I chose the title VIRGIN during my own healing process from early childhood incest, as I discovered physical, spiritual, and emotional boundaries I had not known were my to claim just as I reconsidered how we use virgin as a term for intact, old growth forest.

Sexual energy is creative energy ~ ecstasy ~ in its pure form. Early childhood sexual abuse and deforestation are violations of this energy that wound individuals and compromise whole communities. Those who speak for the protection of forests are rarely disconnected enough from living to suggest that trees are never to be cut. We simply request an ethos of respect grounded in an intuitive practice of discernment that accounts for the life of every tree and the whole forest community. Footage from VIRGIN will be included in a feature length film that documents healing dances for wounded communities around the globe. Please see DANCE TO HEAL THE WORLD for a brief on this dance expedition and film project. Please help protect forest and people with: Survival International Pachamama Alliance Heartwood Please help plant trees to help forest regenerate with: TreeSisters: women seeding change Earth Reforestation Project Friends of the Children's Eternal Rainforest

What is the Womb Blessing? “The Womb Blessing returns our female nature back to its sacredness and awakens and restores our female energies� The Womb Blessing energy grows with every woman taking part, bringing greater healing to women worldwide. The Blessing is available to all women whether they currently have a womb or not, or have a cycle or not. The Divine Feminine energy is for all of us. The only condition for the Blessing is that young girls must have had their first Moontime to receive the energy. If we have a meditation practice, or a yoga or exercise practice, we do it regularly to benefit from the effect it has on us and to help us to maintain its positive effects throughout our lives. It is exactly the same with the Womb Blessing. Each Worldwide Womb Blessing is a step on a continuing journey of healing and transformation. A Free distant Womb Blessing Attunement from Miranda Gray Find out more at

The Womb Blessing

Women and Spirituality (The Goddess Trilogy)

Women and Spirituality is Donna Read’s definitive series that explores the power of the sacred feminine in mythological, historical and cultural contexts. This trilogy investigates the relationship between women and spirituality from ancient times to the present.


For Reading Creative Sacred Living Magazine We hope you will join us again for our June issue and continue on this journey with us in living creatively sacred lives!

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