Americas TFWA WE Oct 2017

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TFWA WE 2017


AN OUT OF THIS WORLD EXPERIENCE IN CANNES Come visit our Mazaya stand from October 1st to October 6th at the TFWA world exhibition centre Palais des Festivals - Stand number H53, and chill on our Yacht, exceptionally waiting for you at the marina, for a flavourful experience!

Monalisa celebrates 45th anniversary p. 42  Lima Airport Partners implements rebuild p. 48 Spotlight on Nicaragua p. 62

Matilda Lutz & James Jagger



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The phoenix

will rise As

we go to print, two hurricanes have just greatly affected the Americas region. First, Hurricane Harvey devastated Houston, Texas, and then Hurricane Irma violently attacked the northern Caribbean in particular, leaving devastation and tragedy in her wake. Irma also heavily impacted the state of Florida, as well as Georgia to a lesser degree. It remains to be seen how this will affect the travel retail channel in the region, although some of the worst-hit areas are strong tourist destinations, hit with no time to rebuild before the 2017-2018 season begins and therefore affecting their economic outcome for the entire year if not beyond. While the industry will rebuild, more important are the lives lost and the impact on those horribly affected through loss. We at Americas Duty Free offer our thoughts and prayers to all those touched by tragedy, both there and elsewhere. We are lucky to be part of a strong and resilient community that is continuously working to help those in need, and will undoubtedly step up in the face of these events. The travel retail industry is well versed in making the most of challenging situations, whether caused by weather, illness or socio-economic and political instability. One thing heard again and again said by the most successful companies – retailers and brands – is that challenging times make them take a good look at what’s working and what isn’t, and take measures that make them stronger in the long run. That long run has begun in South America in 2017, with companies reporting surges in their southern sales. And through it all, development continues to occur. At Americas Duty Free we’ve recently spoken about new initiatives all over the western hemisphere, from airports throughout Argentina all the way up to LaGuardia in New York City. In this issue, you’ll read about major airport rebuilds in Lima, Peru, and Salt Lake City, Utah. But airports aren’t the only spaces that are being renovated and upgraded; stores are too. Top Brands is increasing its presence in El Salvador and expanding its reach to Paraguay; also in Paraguay, Monalisa has an increasing number of irons in the fire. There are also other upcoming changes, and that has to do with the event that takes place in Orlando every spring. The IAADFS Duty Free Show of the Americas will no longer exist. Starting next year, the Summit of the Americas will be held as a single event replacing the individual conferences that had been held by IAADFS and ASUTIL. Of course, no sales can happen without products to sell, and in this issue we look at not just how brands have weathered the storm but also how they are planning to take the world by storm in the coming year. And that will begin in Cannes. We at Americas Duty Free hope you enjoy this TFWA WE edition, giving you the Americas perspective on travel retail at this global event. We wish you a very successful show. Kindest Regards,

Hibah Noor Editor-in-Chief 6


OCTOBER 2017 · TFWA WE· VOL 27 · NO 3

The Americas Duty Free & Travel Retailing magazine (ISSN 0962-0699) is published four times a year April, June, October and November by Global Marketing Company Ltd. 26 Pearl Street, Mississauga, Ontario L5M 1X2 Canada. It is distributed throughout Central America, South America, the United States, Canada, U.S. Virgin Islands, U.S. Pacific islands, and the islands in the Caribbean. The views expressed in this magazine do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher or the editor. October 2017, Vol 27. No. 3. Printed in Canada. All rights reserved. Nothing may be reprinted in whole or in part without written permission from the publisher. © 2017 Global Marketing Company Ltd. .

THE AMERICAS DUTY FREE & TRAVEL RETAILING 26 Pearl Street Mississauga, Ontario L5M 1X2 Canada Tel: 1 905 821 3344; Fax: 1 905 821 2777 PUBLISHER Aijaz Khan EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Hibah Noor SENIOR EDITOR Wendy Morley ASSOCIATE EDITOR Jas Ryat SOCIAL MEDIA COORDINATOR Eman Khan ART DIRECTOR Jessica Hearn CONTRIBUTORS Ronnie Lovler



El Fénix

subirá A

medida que nos preparamos para imprimir la revista, dos huracanes han afectado enormemente a la región de las Américas. Primero, el huracán Harvey devastó a Houston, Texas, y luego el huracán Irma atacó violentamente el norte del Caribe en particular, dejando devastación y tragedia a su paso. El estado de Florida fue impactado fuertemente también, y después, aunque al menor grado, el estado de Georgia. Queda por ver cómo esto afectará la industria minorista de viajes en la región, aunque algunas de las zonas más afectadas son destinos turísticos fuertes, golpeados sin tiempo suficiente para reconstruirse antes de que comience la temporada 20172018, y por lo tanto pueden afectar sus resultados económicos para el año entero si no más allá de eso. Mientras que la industria se reconstruirá, más importantes son las vidas perdidas y aquellos que son horriblemente afectados por las pérdidas. Nosotros en Americas Duty Free ofrecemos nuestros pensamientos y oraciones a todos los afectados por la tragedia, tanto allí como en otros lugares. Somos afortunados de ser parte de una comunidad fuerte y resiliente que está trabajando continuamente para ayudar a los necesitados, y sin duda se intensificará sus esfuerzos como resultado de estos eventos. La industria minorista de viajes está bien capacitada para superar las situaciones difíciles, ya sean causadas por el clima, la enfermedad o la inestabilidad socioeconómica y política. Pero una cosa escuchada una y otra vez por las empresas más exitosas — minoristas y marcas — es que los tiempos difíciles hacen que echen un vistazo a lo que está funcionando y lo que no funciona, y tomar medidas de hacerlos más fuertes a largo plazo. Ese largo plazo ha comenzado ya en América del Sur en 2017, con las empresas informando aumentos en sus ventas del sur. Y a través de todo, el desarrollo continúa. En Américas Duty Free hemos hablado recientemente de nuevas iniciativas en todo



el hemisferio occidental, desde aeropuertos en toda Argentina hasta La Guardia en la ciudad de Nueva York. En este número, usted leerá sobre las reconstrucciones del aeropuertos en Lima, Perú, y en Salt Lake City, Utah. Pero los aeropuertos no son los únicos espacios que están siendo renovados y mejorados; las tiendas también son enfoques de atención. Top Brands está aumentando su presencia en El Salvador y extendiendo su alcance a Paraguay; también en Paraguay, Monalisa tiene un número creciente de proyectos. También hay otros cambios futuros, y eso tiene que ver con el evento que tiene lugar en Orlando cada primavera. El IAADFS Duty Free Show de las Américas ya no existirá. A partir del próximo año, la Cumbre de las Américas se celebrará como un evento único que sustituirá a las conferencias individuales que se han celebrado por IAADFS y ASUTIL. Por supuesto, ninguna venta puede ocurrir sin productos para vender, y en este número miramos no sólo cómo las marcas han resistido las tormentas, sino también cómo están planeando mostrar al mundo su fuerza en el próximo año. Y eso comenzará en Cannes. En Américas Duty Free esperamos que disfrute de esta edición de TFWA WE, dándole la perspectiva de América de los viajes minoristas en este evento mundial. Y le deseamos un espectáculo muy exitoso. Saludos cordiales,

Hibah Noor Editora en Jefe


What’s inside LEAD STORIES 16 L’Oréal Travel Retail Americas/ Giorgio Armani Beauty RIDING ON A RED COUTURE WAVE

16 32

Giorgio Armani Beauty is going from strength to strength with its elegant wardrobe of products presented in eye-catching spaces


IAADFS and ASUTIL first joint event to be held in March 2018 in Orlando



El primer evento conjunto de IAADFS y ASUTIL se llevará a cabo en marzo del 2018 en Orlando

24 Dufry Cruise Services FULL STEAM AHEAD

Dufry introduces its new Miami-based cruise center of excellence as it launches retail operations onboard Norwegian Cruise Line’s Joy in China


Panamian operator Motta Internacional is rapidly scaling up its presence in the Caribbean region, thanks to a big concession win at Tocumen International Airport

44 Cuba Regulations HOLDING PATTERN

International opinion throughout tourism and travel retail industry still questions Trump move as going against the global tourism tide

FEATURES Brazil economy: moving ahead 28 Salt Lake City Airport rebuild in the works 32 Top Brands taking off in new directions 36 Monalisa: Ahead of the curve 42

Expansion in Tampa ASUTIL conference ends on high note Nicaragua comes into its own

56 60 62




With an annual passenger number that just keeps growing, Jorge Chávez International Airport in Lima is going through another reconstruction in order to keep up


El Aeropuerto Internacional Jorge Chávez de Lima, con una cifra anual de pasajeros en continuo crecimiento, está siendo objeto de otra reconstrucción para mantener actualizada su infraestructura

48 64


With the planning of the first Summit of the Americas starting in 2018, much focus has been placed on the FDFA in anticipation of the association’s decision whether to be a part of the new Summit and end the FDFA Convention or to take part in both events

66 Siñeriz Shopping DUTY FREE AND MUCH MORE

Immigration and customs services, gourmet dining and a world of fun for children are just some of the possibilities at Siñeriz Shopping’s Uruguay border location

74 Essence Corp. SCENTS OF SUCCESS

Luxury beauty distributor Essence Corp. supplies the best new fragrances to wear this year


Lancôme celebrates lips at Los Angeles International Airport through its L.A. Lip Art Academy – the beauty brand’s first ever popup shop in a duty free space in the Americas


Genie-S International, the company behind the Travalo refillable perfume atomizer brand, is set to double its turnover, thanks to new innovations

FEATURES What’s your Satori Moment? YSL rocks the Americas Interparfums USA catches the wave

70 72 80

Natural-born knowhow Editor’s picks

81 92



82 Maui Jim IN THE PINK

Metal and mirror finishes define the latest fashionable sunglass styles from leading supplier Maui Jim


Costa is committed to protecting and preserving the ocean they love


Belgian chocolate specialist Godiva is rapidly evolving with a raft of new products, bold new promotions and new ways of connecting with consumers


Perfetti Van Melle boasts a raft of new product innovations and promotions to boost sugar confectionery category sales


German sugar confectionery giant Haribo has beefed up its travel retail team as well as its product portfolio for the channel


Licor 43’s recognizable brand, together with its popularity, heritage and strong distribution network, is helping to create strong doubledigit growth in the Americas region

FEATURES Broad & deep with Brown Forman Edrington's potential Liquor News MONARQ refines portfolio Tito’s captures millennials

95 96 100 104 105

Ron Abuelo makes headway MBWS continued progression Villiger's path ahead Crystal Head Vodka offers brilliance All About Godiva’s Diane Buchanan

106 107 108 109 110


Since 2002, South African cream liqueur Amarula has consistently worked with conservationists to help save the African elephant population; recent efforts have intensified and the company has just launched an especially high-profile effort in the US


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Giorgio Armani Beauty introduces a new signature lip product called Ecstasy Shine

Riding on a

red couture wave Giorgio Armani Beauty is going from strength to strength with its elegant wardrobe of products presented in eye-catching spaces The new Emporio Armani fragrances, Because It’s You for her and Stronger With You for him, are designed to be equal in strength


iorgio Armani Beauty is continuing its transformation in Americas travel retail with several major strategic store developments. The company is stepping up its presence in the channel with an eye on high-traffic areas for Chinese, Latin American and Middle Eastern consumers. Between 2015 and 2016 Giorgio Armani Beauty tripled its footprint from five to 15 key travel retail doors in North and South America, and by 2017 the company is set to double it again with a total of 34 Armani beauty counters across the region. The expansion of the House of Armani is centered not only on the beauty business, but also on its solid fragrance business, strongly leveraging growth in travel retail Americas. “The prosperous beauty business has caught the consumers’ attention with its unique, revolutionary new products, such as Lip Magnet and Power Fabric, with an unprecedented success causing out-of-stock in favorite shades,” says Abdel Jahouh, Marketing Director Giorgio Armani & Designers Fragrances, L'Oréal Travel Retail. “Lip Magnet #506 has now become a must-have matte liquid lipstick.”

Inviting and playful The new beauty spaces enjoy high visibility, inviting design, and unique customer service, pushing forward the development of 16


In May, Armani’s space in New York JFK Airport Terminal 4 was fully restructured in the main entrance to the store, integrating cosmetics into the existing fragrance and Armani Privé/ Haute Couture Fragrances offer

the House of Armani in the Americas and the recruitment of an increasing number of clients who want to experience Armani’s elegance. A number of major openings have taken place. An impressive 16 square meter space opened at Los Angeles Tom Bradley International Terminal (TBIT) on December 25, 2016. The space integrates cosmetics, skincare, fragrances and Armani Privé/Haute Couture Fragrances in addition to the existing fragrance exposure. Since the space opened, results have exceeded expectations, and the counter is constantly packed with Asian passengers. During Chinese New Year the total Armani business tripled versus last year. “Thanks to the high quality customer experience and wide Armani offer, by far it has become the number one store in travel retail Americas,” enthuses Rosalina Peral, Area Manager Giorgio Armani & Designer Fragrances North Zone, L’Oréal Travel Retail Americas. In May 2017, Vancouver International Airport welcomed Giorgio Armani Beauty in a 12 square meter space located in the Beauty Shop’s main traffic area. The store, dressed in the brand’s new red look, welcomes a high number of Chinese passengers with its inviting and playful Lip Dress Code and Face Dress Code gondola, in addition to the fragrance and skincare category, for a complete three-category immersive experience.

An impressive 16 square meter Armani space opened at Los Angeles Tom Bradley International Terminal on Christmas day last year

and São Paulo Guarulhos airports with two new stores, among others.

Enticing products for a new generation

Vancouver International Airport welcomed Giorgio Armani Beauty in a 12 square meter space located in the Beauty Shop’s main traffic area

“The opening represents a big achievement to be present in one of the highest Chinese traffic stores in the region (number four) with very promising results to become Armani’s number three store for travel retail Americas,” says Edouard Mariotti, Area Manager Giorgio Armani & Designer Fragrances Dufry Zone, L’Oréal Travel Retail Americas. Also in May, Armani’s space in New York JFK Airport Terminal 4 was fully restructured in the main entrance to the store, integrating cosmetics into the existing fragrance and Armani Privé/Haute Couture Fragrances offer, becoming the first megabrand in the store, growing from 4 square meters to 20 square meters. “Minutes after opening the store, consumers were all over the Armani counters and products were flying off the shelves,” enthuses Peral. In June, as Boston Logan Airport increased its new non-stop international routes to Panama, Dubai and most importantly Beijing, a 5 square meter Armani Beauty space was installed in Terminal E, and since then the results have been very satisfactory versus other brands. “Consumers can’t avoid approaching and interacting with the attractive red lip bar,” says Peral. The red Armani wave will continue to cover the Americas in 2017 from east to west with exciting new counter openings coming up, such as: New York JFK T1, Dallas/Fort Worth and Toronto Pearson airports; and from north to south to Cancun

In 1998, Giorgio Armani created the first Emporio Armani fragrances embodying a modern approach with multicultural echoes, drawing inspiration from all corners of the world. Today, the Italian maestro has created two new Emporio Armani fragrances that express a contemporary, multicultural lifestyle for a new generation. At the heart of this story is love – unconditional love, joyful love. This love is reinvented and captured in a pair of fragrances and symbolized by two intertwined rings. The fragrances, Because It’s You for her and Stronger With You for him, are designed to be equal in strength. One is described as perfectly feminine, the other generously masculine. Together they were created to communicate, challenge, and seduce. For Him/Stronger With You is an oriental fougere composed of pink pepper, chestnut, sage and cedar wood. For Her/Because It’s You is a fruity oriental composed of rose absolute, neroli, vanilla and raspberry. The fragrances initiate a dialogue of love depicted in a series of three short films directed by Fabien Constant: “Together we can touch the sky”, “Together we can fly”, “Together we are unstoppable”, starring Matilda Lutz and James Jagger. At the heart of this story is unconditional love. Customers will be invited to show and share their love at the point of sale in a selfie station, with the stunning visual of New York in the background. They can take their own picture with the skyline behind them, just like the couple in the advertisement and can share it on their favorite social network. The new fragrances are being rolled out to travel retail Americas from August (Northern area) and October (Southern area). Bringing more makeup news, Giorgio Armani Beauty introduces a new signature lip product, Ecstasy Shine, an innovative lipcream that invites you to smile. Ecstasy Shine colors like a lipcream and moisturizes like a balm with the shine of a gloss. Described as youthful, energetic, vibrant and fun, it offers “funky jolts of bold saturated shiny shades with a weightless, soft texture”. Immediately melting and liquefying upon contact with lips, thanks to an innovative top-filling technique, Ecstasy Shine offers an entire wardrobe of Giorgio Armani Beauty shades in a single shiny lipcream. It is designed as a fun accessory, as well as a beauty indulgence. Giorgio Armani International Make-Up Artist Linda Cantello describes it as “much more than just a tinted balm: it’s the perfect everyday lipcream that gives a super-shiny effect without being at all sticky or greasy. It treats lips while giving a hint of color which can be intensified ‘sur-mesure’.” Ecstasy Shine will land in travel retail Americas counters from September (Northern area) and November 2017 (Southern area). Customers will be invited to choose their favorite shade and share their smile, taking a Polaroid picture with a fun lip mosaic wall, and sharing in their favorite social media with the hashtag #ShineOutLoud. AMERICAS DUTY FREE & TRAVEL RETAILING



Ribbon-cutting ceremony earlier this year at IAADFS in Orlando

Preparations begin for

Summit of the Americas The first Summit of the Americas, a joint event between IAADFS and ASUTIL, will be held March, 2018 in Orlando by





eaders of The International Association of Airport Duty Free Stores (IAADFS) and the Asociación Sudamericana de Tiendas Libres (ASUTIL) are making plans for their first joint conference to be held in Orlando in March 2018. The conference, billed as the Duty Free Travel Retail Summit of the Americas, is scheduled to take place as a singular mega-event with the aim of making things easier for operators, vendors and all those involved in the travel retail and duty free industry by holding one big event once a year under one roof, cutting unnecessary travel for those in the industry. IAADFS Executive Director Michael Payne reports that the planning activity is well underway for the Duty Free Travel Retail Summit of the Americas. "Working in close collaboration with ASUTIL we are making considerable progress in developing the executive education sessions and overall agenda for the upcoming Summit,” he says. “We have met several times in the past few months to identify ways to combine our strengths to ensure a unique and truly powerful experience.” Payne shares a few highlights of what the summit program might include, such as more in-depth executive learning ses-



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sions and greater opportunities for social networking and interaction among attendees. “Part of our goal is to ensure suppliers and buyers of all sizes, from Canada to South America, have the opportunity for meaningful business interactions," he says. In a separate conversation with Americas Duty Free, ASUTIL Secretary-General José Luis Donagaray indicates that accessibility for smaller companies has been a major concern throughout discussions. “The size of your company shouldn’t matter,” he says. “You are going to have an opportunity to network with principal operators.” Donagaray also emphasizes the learning opportunities being planned and says there would be “intense speaker panels during the three days of the summit.” Payne says the IAADFS and ASUTIL summit organizing team is working toward “expanding the market of participants and buyers from all facets of the duty free and travel retail market attending the show, including airports, cruise ships, border shops and everyone involved in the industry sector.“ He adds: “We are also trying to attract travel retail buyers. We are putting a different kind of energy into this event. Our main focus is to drive real energy, enthusiasm and value surrounding this Summit." Payne says a major reason for creating the Summit is to do away with the duplication of effort that has existed with the two separate IAADFS and ASUTIL events, with similar offerings for those involved in the duty free industry. “This joint summit will be welcomed as a more efficient approach and is designed to offer many new productive business opportunities.” Earlier this year, Donagaray said the time was right for both organizations to put together a combined annual meeting. “Buyers (will have to) travel less. Companies have to spend less money. We have a lot of synergies,” Donagaray said. Expectations are that as many as 2,500 representatives of the duty free and travel retail industry will attend. Because social activities are such an important part of these types of conferences, Payne says the Summit organizing team is also working on delivering unique and appealing evening entertainment. Canada’s Frontier Duty Free Association will not be a formal partner for the 2018 Summit, although both IAADFS and ASUTIL hope the Canadian group will join the effort in the future. Regardless, the Canadian organization is expected to be a strong Summit participant. The Summit will take place at the Marriott World Center in Orlando in March 2018, to fulfill the final year of the IAADFS multi-year contract. The final IAADFS show was held in March, ASUTIL conference was held in Rio de Janeiro in June.


Final ASUTIL conference held in June in Brazil

Comienzan los preparativos para la Cumbre de las Américas El primer evento conjunto de IAADFS y ASUTIL se llevará a cabo en marzo del 2018 en Orlando


os líderes de la Asociación Internacional de Tiendas Duty Free de Aeropuertos (International Association of Airport Duty Free Stores, IAADFS) y la Asociación Sudamericana de Tiendas Libres (ASUTIL) están llevando a cabo los preparativos para su primera conferencia conjunta, que se llevará a cabo en la ciudad de Orlando en marzo del 2018. La conferencia, denominada Duty Free Travel Retail Summit of the Americas (Cumbre de Tiendas Libres y Minoristas de Viajes de las Américas) se realizará como un singular mega evento con el propósito de facilitar las cosas para que los operadores, vendedores y demás participantes de la industria minorista de viajes y duty free puedan reunirse una vez al año en un solo evento y bajo el mismo techo. Michael Payne, Director Ejecutivo de IAADFS, habló recientemente con Americas Duty Free acerca de algunas de las actividades de planificación con vistas a la Cumbre de Tiendas Libres y Minoristas de Viajes de las Américas. “Gracias a la estrecha colaboración con ASUTIL, estamos logrando progresos considerables en la creación de las sesiones ejecutivas de información y la agenda general de la próxima cumbre”, afirmó Payne. “En los últimos meses nos hemos reunido en varias ocasiones para identificar maneras de combinar nuestros potenciales para garantizar una experiencia original y realmente poderosa”. El alto funcionario de IADDFS reveló algunos de los aspectos más notables de lo que podría incluir el programa, como sesiones de aprendizaje ejecutivo de mayor profundidad, y mayores oportunidades de contacto e interacción social entre los asistentes. “Parte de nuestro objetivo es garantizar que los proveedores y compradores de todo tipo, desde Canadá a Suramérica, tengan la oportunidad de beneficiarse con interacciones comerciales significativas”, agregó Payne. En una conversación por separado con Americas Duty Free, José Luis Donagaray, Secretario General de ASUTIL, indicó que la interacción es un factor prioritario. “No importa el tamaño de la compañía. Todos van a tener una oportunidad de contacto profesional con principales operadores”, aseguró. Donagaray también enfatizó en las oportunidades de aprendizaje planificadas, agregando que se realizarán “paneles 22


intensos con ponentes durante los tres días de la Cumbre”. Por su parte, Payne añadió que el equipo organizador de la Cumbre de IAADFS y ASUTIL está esforzándose “por ampliar el mercado de participantes y compradores de todas las facetas de las industrias duty free y minorista de viajes que asistirán a la conferencia, como aeropuertos, cruceros, tiendas de frontera y todo el que participa en el sector de la industria”, destacó. “Nuestro enfoque principal es impulsar energía, entusiasmo y valor verdaderos en torno a esta Cumbre”. “También estamos tratando de atraer compradores minoristas de viajes… Estamos incorporando un tipo de energía diferente en este evento”, añadió Payne. Payne destacó que una razón importante para la celebración de la Cumbre es eliminar la duplicación de esfuerzos que ha existido en la realización de dos eventos separados de IAADFS y ASUTIL, con ofertas similares para todos los participantes en la industria duty free. “Esta cumbre conjunta será bienvenida como un método más eficiente, y tiene el propósito de ofrecer muchas nuevas oportunidades de negocios productivos”, explicó. Previamente en este año, Donagaray afirmó que había llegado el momento adecuado para que ambas organizaciones realizaran una reunión anual combinada. “Los compradores (tendrán que) viajar menos. Las compañías gastarán menos dinero. Tenemos muchas sinergias”, dijo en esa ocasión Donagaray. Debido a que las actividades sociales son una parte muy importante en estos tipos de conferencias, Payne reveló que el equipo organizador de la Cumbre también está trabajando para proporcionar una noche de entretenimiento original y atractiva. Se espera que asistan a la Cumbre cerca de 2,500 representantes de las industrias duty free y minorista de viajes. A causa de obligaciones contractuales, la Asociación de Tiendas Duty Free de Frontera del Canadá (Canada’s Frontier Duty Free Association) no será un colaborador formal de la Cumbre 2018, aunque IAADFS y ASUTIL esperan que el grupo canadiense se incorpore a la iniciativa en el futuro. Sin embargo, se espera que la organización canadiense sea un sólido participante de la Cumbre. La próxima cumbre se llevará a cabo después de la última conferencia de IAADFS en marzo, en el mismo Marriott World Center de Orlando, que acogerá a ambos eventos. La conferencia final de ASUTIL se realizó en Rio de Janeiro en junio pasado.





According to the Cruise Lines International Association, ocean cruise passengers reached 24.7 million in 2016, and for 2017, CLIA projects another year of growth for the industry with a passenger forecast of 25.8 million

Full steam ahead Dufry introduces its new Miami-based cruise center of excellence as it launches retail operations onboard Norwegian Cruise Line’s Joy in China


eading travel retailer Dufry is embarking on an epic voyage with the creation of the Dufry Cruise Services center of excellence based in Miami, in line with its strategy to expand its cruise ship business. And in another exciting development, Dufry recently started retail operations onboard the Joy, a Norwegian Cruise Line vessel, especially built for and customized to the Chinese cruise market. The cruise line channel is a strategic growth area for Dufry as it is globally growing and offers new opportunities, the company said. Dufry Cruise Services combines the proven cruise ship expertise formerly known as Flagship Retail Services Inc with the global strengths and resources of the Swiss group. While Florida-based Flagship Retail Services has a knowhow that is second to none in the sector, Dufry offers the resources and support of a global company, such as centralized procurement and purchasing, store development, marketing and logistics as well as supply chain. Additionally, through its presence



in 63 countries, the group has a global support network for its growing cruise operations, while at the same time providing proximity to the markets, customers and business partners.

Entering the Asian cruise market From an operational perspective, Dufry’s cruise ship and seaport sales account for 2% of group revenue. Its cruise ship

operations cover routes from the US to Asia, the Caribbean, Alaska, and Europe. The company operates a total retail space of around 9,000 square meters, ranging from 140 square meters to almost 2,000 square meters per store on vessels operated by Norwegian Cruise Line, Carnival and Pullmantur Cruises. In total, Dufry is present on 17 cruise ships and offers a full range of traditional duty free products as well as brand boutiques similar to airports

Cruise Services


and specialist shops, such as Colombian Emeralds jewelry stores. Dufry recently started operations on the Norwegian Joy with nine shops covering a retail space of 1,950 square meters. The Joy is the first Norwegian cruise liner which has been built specially for Chinese travelers. The new Breakaway-Plus Class ship caters for up to 3,850 guests with luxurious suites in its exclusive ship-withina-ship complex. According to Dufry, this is an important strategic step to open the Asian cruise market and further expand this growing channel. According to the Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA), ocean cruise passengers reached 24.7 million in 2016, and for 2017, CLIA projects another year of growth for the industry with a passenger forecast of 25.8 million. Part of the



growth can be attributed to the ongoing development of the Asian market, whose ocean capacity was up by 9.2% in 2016, representing a 38% upswing when compared to 2015.

Asian passenger numbers increasing rapidly Americans constitute the majority of cruise passengers, with other nationalities, such as Canadian, British and other European passengers making up the remainder, and with Asian passengers increasing rapidly. To maximize its business potential, Dufry intends to maintain a commercial strategy that is flexible enough to account for varied customer types and nationalities. Rene Riedi, CEO of Division 4, Dufry, said: “The new operational offices will

complement the current operations and logistics-purchasing platform, in order to have our resources close to the main cruise ship itineraries. It allows a global footprint with specialized local knowledge and regional expertise. These offices and platforms will receive support from the Center of Excellence and other relevant teams across the Dufry business, while maintaining a close relationship with, and management of, the market, the customer and the operation itself. “We firmly believe that this is a remarkable step forward for this key strategic area of growth for the company and look forward to a continued success, hand-in-hand with our partners, and to expand our business even further as opportunities arise in this fastgrowing market.”


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BRAZIL ECONOMY moving ahead despite political turmoil South America’s largest economy reporting slow but steady economic growth even as a corruption scandal still rocks the country. by


lthough some might say high-level corruption scandals are replacing the musical genre of samba as the national icon of Brazil, the country’s economy has found its own beat this year — one of slow but steady growth. That’s the word from economic analysts, business leaders and social scientists who follow the trends in Brazil. And that’s good news for those involved in the duty free and travel retail industry in Latin America, particularly in the Southern Cone.

ASUTIL CEO, José Luis Donagaray




The Organization for Economic Development and Cooperation (OECD) in its most recent forecast summary, said, “The economy is finally emerging from a severe and protracted recession. Still, the recovery is projected to be weak and slow. Consumer and business confidence is rising ... (and) and inflation has decreased significantly.” And in July, for the first time in five years, Brazil’s central bank cut interest rates below 10%, with rates expected to reach as low as 8% by the end of the year. Murilo Portugal, President of FEBRA-

Gustavo Fagundes, COO of Dufry Region II, Brazil and Bolivia

BAN, the Brazilian Federation of Banks, said the country’s economy is expected to grow from 0.5% to 2.5%, with inflation holding steady at 4 to 4.5%. “Brazil is an open society with no religious or ethnic or cultural conflicts,” Portugal said. “We have a very active civil society. All these forces help to keep checks and balances working well. And it also a country with plentiful investment opportunities.” “I hope no one is discouraged by our current problems,” he added. However, the “current problems” that have characterized Brazil in recent years seem to be diminishing. In August, Brazil’s Congress voted against trying President Michel Temer on allegations of corruption. In Brazil, government is more like an epic political soap opera. Corruption scandals have led to the impeachment of one president, Dilma Rousseff, in 2016, and a 10-year prison sentence for her predecessor, Luiz Inácio “Lula” da Silva, in 2017. Da Silva is appealing his conviction. When the scandals first broke in 2015, Brazil’s economy plummeted with an impact that spilled over into the rest of Latin America, as economic instability kept Brazilians at home, hurting the duty free and travel retail industry in the southern cone countries close to the Brazilian border in particular.


Brazil has the largest economy in Latin America, and the second largest in the Americas. It is the fifth largest country in the world in terms of land mass and sixth in terms of population. So when Brazil hurts, others do, too. But the southern hemisphere's summer of 2017 saw hundreds of thousands of people back at the resorts and vacation hot spots with cash in hand. “We have to remember when we check Brazil and we put this into a South America environment, we see 50% of the geographic area and 50% of the population. It’s very difficult to understand the industry if we don’t understand Brazil,” says Gustavo Fagundes, COO of Dufry Region II, Brazil and Bolivia. Dufry, the largest duty free retailer in the region, is really trying to “understand” Brazil and is working to expand its business in Brazil with more stores, shopin-shop concepts like the Apple store at its airport in Rio de Janeiro, and new customer-oriented loyalty programs. But in terms of the Brazilian economy itself, Fagundes notes that one of the challenges is still attracting more international visitors to Brazil, so tourists spend at least as much money in Brazil when they come



to the country as Brazilians spend when they are abroad. “We have a big challenge of bringing tourists to Brazil. They have several options (of places to visit) closer to where they are. The outcome of that is that the tourist balance of Brazil has a deficit. Brazilians are spending more abroad than foreigners are spending in Brazil,” he says. And this is even after Brazil won big in the international arena by hosting the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympics. Some see compartmentalization of politics and economics as the key to success. “Politics is separate from economics,” said ASUTIL CEO José Luis Donagaray in an interview with Americas Duty Free. “I am optimistic about the future.” FEBRA-BAN President Murilo Portugal expressed confidence that economic improvements will prevail: “Despite all the challenges we have, having lived through a number of crises myself… I am confident that we are gong to overcome this political problem and that the structural factors are going to have a positive impact on economic outcome,” he says. Ernesto Talvi of the Center for the Study of Economic and Social Reality or CERES of Uruguay, who joined Portugal

at the ASUTIL conference, also expresses his belief that Brazil’s economic gains would hold. “(President) Temer is going to be successful in his legal challenges. … (any) new government would maintain current economic policies.” The Washington, DC-based Pew Research Center published a study on Brazil in July that showed despite overwhelming dissatisfaction with the corruption scandals and the tenuous political situation, the general public also believes the economy will only get better. “Nearly seven-in-ten Brazilians (69%) say the country’s economic situation will improve over the next 12 months, with roughly a third (34%) believing it will improve a lot,” according to the Pew report. That being said, the same study reports “95% of Brazilians say corrupt political leaders are a big problem in Brazil, with more than six-in-ten (63%) saying corruption is a very big problem.” But at least for now, corrupt politicians are not getting in the way of that slow but steady economic growth in Brazil.


Next generation Salt Lake City International is a busy hub, but the facilities at the 55+ year-old airport do not meet modern standards, so a complete rebuild is in the works

Roads in the vicinity of the airport will be rerouted during construction in order to impact travelers as little as possible

Salt Lake City International will now have up-to-date earthquake resistance; imperative in an area with potentially high seismic activity


he world has changed a bit since the Salt Lake City airport (SLC) was built over 55 years ago in 1961. Those were the early days of passenger jets, and air travel was uncommon. Luckily the airport was designed with growing passenger numbers in mind, but the 10 million PAX the airport was built to service has long been surpassed. In 2016, 23,155,527 passengers traveled through SLC. This airport is a hub for Delta and Delta Connection carrier Skywest, with over 70% of flights operated by those airlines. Southwest Airlines, American Airlines and Alaska Airlines make up almost all remaining flights.

Modern concerns Since the airport was built, security has become a much more important issue around the globe. Security requires space but also time, affecting passenger comfort



and stress levels. While airports were once seen as utilitarian structures, it’s safe to say that all major new terminals and airports being built currently address their passengers’ comfort levels, including how quickly they get through security, with the goal of keeping them comfortable and happy – and, incidentally, more likely to shop. Design team HOK has created a space “With an inspirational design that celebrates our region and provides an immediate sense of place. At the same time, developing a completely new terminal allows us to support the needs of our airport’s guests and the airlines as efficiently as possible,” according to the airport’s former Executive Director Maureen Riley. Passenger numbers and comfort are not the only issues being addressed by the new airport in Salt Lake City. For the past few years seismologists have been warning that the airport is not built to withstand a big earthquake, and that one is likely to occur. The city is sitting on a seismic zone that includes a number of faults. In particular the Wasatch fault has a major earthquake every 350 to 400 years, and it has been 350 years since the most recent event. Experts therefore suggest a major quake could occur without warning at any time, and the airport is not in any state to withstand such a catastrophe.

Brand new airport For all of these reasons and more, Salt Lake City, which owns and operates the airport, has decided on a completely new airport rather than renovating the current one. By rerouting traffic and people flow, passengers will be impacted as little as possible during the construction. The first phase will be completed in 2020, and will include a new parking garage, terminal and concourses. “Once these facilities open, we can begin demolishing some of the current facilities to begin building out the concourses,” says Salt Lake City Department of Airports acting Executive Director Russell Pack. “The current airport was constructed more than 50 years ago to accommodate half as many travelers. Also, security needs are vastly different and the buildings no longer meet earthquake safety standards. The new airport will have a flexible design that meets operational needs, user convenience and sustainability. The new terminal will eliminate airplane parking bottlenecks and the single terminal will eliminate redundant facilities for passenger check-in, security screening and baggage claim. The new building will have state-of-the-art functionality and ease of use. For example, most up and down movements via escalators and elevators will be eliminated, making the terminal easier and quicker to navigate.”

Capacity and expansion The new SLC will have a capacity that will meet current demands but not exceed them – a choice that may seem questionable given current growth rates of over 4.8%, but the airport will have flexibility to add gates in the North Concourse, so it has a built-in capacity to grow. By far the majority of passengers are domestic at this airport, with only a tiny 3.3% being international, so the duty free is not a huge factor in the airport’s nonaeronautical income, but retail in general contributes a great deal.

Non-aeronautical revenue “In 2016, the airport had a total of 60.2% of operating revenues related to nonaeronautical,” says Pack. “Following is a breakdown for further clarification: 11.8% in terminal concessions, 41.1% in landside concessions, 4.4% in lease revenue, and 2.9% in other operating revenues.” In total, 19.6% of the airport’s non-aeronautical revenues are related to restaurants, vending, retail and advertising. The trend these days in airport retail is toward having a strong mix of local and global stores and brands, and Salt Lake City is not bucking this trend. “We strive for the optimal blend of local, regional and national brands offered at SLC and continue to focus on speed of service and execution through the use of technology,” says Pack. He adds that one unique way the airport has used technology was to help passengers find optimal food choices: “SLC has developed and deployed a QR code that assists travelers in finding special dietary menu items like gluten free, low sodium or heart healthy offerings throughout the airport,” he says. The overall concession plan is still being refined, says Pack. The airport management expects to announce concession RFPs in early 2018.

At the building’s heart is a soaring interior space called the Canyon, which houses security screening areas, shopping and dining facilities. This open space is a visual anchor that organizes the terminal

Floor-to-ceiling glass provides expansive views to the airfield and iconic mountains and provides an uplifting, cheerful ambiance

The airport will be built as sustainably as possible, with the goal of a LEED Gold certification from the US Green Building Council

Highlights of the New SLC Replace Obsolete Facilities: Today’s facilities are not efficient for use as a modern hub airport and are not built to today’s earthquake standards. Flexible, Right-Sized Design for the Future: The new facility will be designated to meet Salt Lake City’s needs for decades and be adaptable to the constantly changing aviation industry. Easy to Use: The new building will have state-of-the-art functionality and ease-of-use. More Efficient: The new terminal will eliminate airplane parking bottlenecks and allow airlines to get planes back in the air more quickly, meaning fewer delays for passengers. Sustainable: The new building will be designed to high environmental standards. Designers are aiming for a LEED Gold certification from the U.S. Green Building Council. A “Roadmap to Net Zero” is in development, which gives designers a plan for how the facility can ultimately generate as much power as it uses. Remain Cost Competitive: SLC is one of the nation’s most cost-efficient airports for airline operations and replacing aging facilities will help keep costs low. The program is funded by federal grants, user fees, airport revenue bonds and airport reserves. No local tax dollars will be used for the airport redevelopment program. Maintain Partnership with Airlines: The SLC International Airport has a great partnership with the airlines that serve SLC. Delta Air Lines, the airport’s largest user, is supportive of the terminal redevelopment program, as are other airlines. Construction on the $3.1 billion program began in July of 2014 and will continue in phases through 2023/2024. The parking garage, terminal building, and west portions of the north and south concourses will be completed in 2020. AMERICAS DUTY FREE & TRAVEL RETAILING



Escentia is offering new choices in the Colombian market

Brands International is Top Brands taking Top expanding its operations with stores in the airports in off in new directions new El Salvador and Paraguay by



t’s shaping up to be a good year for Panama-based Top Brands International, as the company expands its operations in El Salvador and Paraguay. Company President Danny Yohoros recently spoke with Americas Duty Free, detailing Top Brands' new projects at the airports in El Salvador and in Paraguay. In El Salvador, Yohoros says Top Brands just signed a 10-year contract with the airport authorities there, increasing the number of stores the Panama-based company will have from two to 11. Meanwhile in Paraguay, Top Brands is making its debut in that country by taking over the retail operation from Bright Star at Silvio Pettirossi International Airport in Paraguay. “It is our first presence in Paraguay,” Yohoros said. But Top Brands is no stranger to El Salvador, where the company has had two stores at the airport operating under the El Dorado Duty Free name for ten years. “We have always had good relations with the airport authorities and having such a good partnership, we were invited to participate in this bid.” Yohoros says. “We will be the operator with the most stores at the airport. We will have over 700 square meters (of commercial space) and this will give us a strong position in airport retail in El Salvador,” Yohoros says, 34


A view of one of Top Brands’ under the Escentia brand in Colombia

adding that the existing stores have been “completely renovated and the other nine will be brand new.” Top Brands enhanced presence at El Salvador’s Monseñor Oscar Arnulfo Romero International Airport coincides with the airport’s own expansion, which began in 2014 and is to continue through 2032. Over the next five years, seven more passenger gatehouses and 20 new gates for aircraft are on track to handle the growing number of international flights coming and going from the Central American nation.

And all that is good news for Top Brands’ new and improved presence in the Salvadoran airport. Their stores will offer “all the different products we carry today… perfumes, cosmetics, liquor, tobacco, watches, sunglasses, confectionary and electronics.” Yohoros says, hinting that there may be more on the horizon. “We are negotiating with some partners to open some boutiques of fashion brands. “Marketing wise we are working together with the airport to have a strong marketing campaign, and start creating loyalty among customers that travel


This photo depicts another view of the Bright Star store now under Top Brands at Paraguay’s international airport

through Central America on a regular basis,” he says. But Yohoros is a multi-tasker, so even while working to grow his brand in El Salvador, he was able to do the same in South America. Top Brands was looking for ways to have more of a presence in South America and found it in Paraguay. “We have been looking for expansion and found this opportunity,” he says. Yohoros also notes that tourism from Argentina and Brazil to Paraguay is growing rapidly in this region because of improved economies and a more stabilized political situation in two of the region’s largest countries, another reason Top Brands wanted to get in on the action in Paraguay. For now, Top Brands is maintaining the Bright Star name in both Paraguayan airport stores, which occupy almost 400 square meters of space. Yohoros says the same staff that has been running the airport stores is being kept on the job. “The stores are very well presented and

Top Brands will soon have 11 stores at the international airport in El Salvador



Top Brands has taken over the retail operation that has been run by Bright Star at Silvio Pettirossi International Airport in Paraguay

we want to continue the high image they have.” Yohoros said. “But we want to take into account that they haven’t been strong in our categories, besides perfumes and cosmetics, so that will be a plus we are giving the company.” Yohoros says the Bright Star purchase “gives us a stronger position in South America,” where Top Brands already has a presence in Chile in Iquique with nine stores and in Uruguay, with a border store in Rivera. But Paraguay and El Salvador are not the only places where Top Brands is seeking new opportunities. Ever since it acquired Miami-based Image Duty Free last year, Top Brands has had an eye on the Caribbean. “We are looking at new opportunities in the Caribbean in terms of downtown duty free and airports,” Yohoros said, particularly in the Bahamas where in April the Baha Mar Resort, officially opened the first hotel in the complex as well as a massive casino. Yohoros said the US$4.2 billion project, which eventually will have 2,300 rooms available, would create a lot of opportunities for travel retailers, both on and off site as more tourists are expected to flow to the Bahamas. The Bahamas government announced on April 30 that it had signed an agreement with Chow Tai Fook Enterprises (CFTE), which acquired the mega-resort last year. Yohoros is looking at

Baha Mar as another location where Top Brands can get in on the action. “Today we are primarily in cosmetics and perfumes,” Yohoros says. “We are looking to open more stores and bigger stores and expand our categories (of products).” Through Image Duty Free, which maintains its identity as part of the deal, Top Brand already has a presence in the Bahamas, which it plans to grow. Yohoros describes the Top Brand acquisition of Image Duty Free as “a strategic purchase to expand into the Caribbean and the border between the United States and Mexico. We are really happy with this purchase and we are seeing results coming up. “The Caribbean is new with Image Duty Free,” he says. “Before we weren’t in the Caribbean. But of course our presence in Latin America is much stronger.” That’s evident in Colombia, where Top Brands is continuing to expand its new Escentia chain of stores. Two more stores are to open in Medellin, with another scheduled for a new Bogota mall, giving the company five stores in that South American nation. In an earlier interview, Yohoros said Top Brands expects to open between ten and 15 stores in Colombia in 2017 and projects to have 50 stores there in four years. More projects and more places are on the horizon, Yohoros says, but for now those endeavors are under wraps. But one thing does appear certain: neither Yohoros nor Top Brands are slowing down.

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A benchmark in the Caribbean Panamian operator Motta Internacional is rapidly scaling up its presence in the Caribbean region, thanks to a big concession win at Tocumen International Airport


ttenza Duty Free, the travel retail brand owned by Motta Internacional, is celebrating continued expansion following a major concession win in its home country of Panama. In late August, Motta Internacional was awarded Block C in the bid held for the duty free stores in Tocumen International Airport’s current terminal in Panama City. The bid was held on August 24, 2017. “We will be operating 725 square meters in various locations throughout this terminal in a new 10-year concession,” said Motta Internacional CEO Erasmo Orillac in an announcement to its partners.



Attenza aims to be a benchmark in terms of quality, customer service and satisfaction for every client that visits the stores, and the new one in Trinidad and Tobago will not be the exception, says Motta


New stores in Colombia Meanwhile, Attenza Duty Free is continuing to boost its presence elsewhere in the Caribbean with more duty free stores. Aiming to offer the best products for travelers, the Panamanian operator recently opened its first Attenza store at Piarco International Airport in Trinidad and Tobago, one the leading international airports in the region. Since June 16, the company has operated a 71 square meter store on the ground floor, and two 18 square meter kiosks, one in each side of boarding zone, offering a wide range of products from liquors, tobacco, chocolates, fragrances, and sunglasses to accessories from major brands. Attenza aims to be a benchmark in terms of quality, customer service and satisfaction for every client that visits the stores, and the new one in Trinidad and Tobago will not be the exception, said Motta. Currently, Motta Internacional has Attenza duty free stores at the main countries of the region such as Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Ecuador, and now Trinidad and Tobago. The company has been enlarging its presence in several airports around the region, including a new store in Cali, Colombia. Colombia’s economy is booming and the peace agreement between the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) has set the stage for even greater economic potential. In the case of Motta, its Colombia expansion is occurring at Alfonso Bonilla Aragón International Airport in Cali and El Dorado International Airport in Bogotá. The latter is ranked as one of the world’s 50 busiest airports. Motta already had a store at the Cali airport but now that the terminal itself is being remodeled, Orillac opted to revamp the store. The space inside is close to 300 square meters. Motta was awarded a 10-year contract in the brand-new terminal. Similar construction is under way at El Dorado. Motta is adding to its store in the new expansion of the terminal, having won a concession for 618 square meters. Those stores are due to open in the second half of this year. That contract has been renewed through 2027. In other news, Motta is also using the Internet to generate more business. Through its website,, passengers can pre-order merchandise online and pick it up and pay at the airport. Most of those shoppers are part of the millennial generation, aged under 35, the company reports.




An overview of the Monalisa store in Cuidad del Este, as seen from a distance

ENIGMATIC MONALISA sets the stage ahead of the curve in Monalisa for luxury shopping at new


mall in Asunción, while still looking ahead to construction of a border complex by RONNIE LOVLER

A view of the original Monalisa store when it opened its doors in Cuidad del Este in 1972

A view of the wine cellar in Monalisa’s Asunción store. Exquisite wines from around the world are available for purchase



The entrance into the wine cellar at Monalisa’s Asunción location at Paseo La Galeria Mall offers elegance and class to customers

The outside of the Monalisa store in Paseo La Galeria Mall in Asunción invites the shopper in for a closer look


look on Monalisa’s Facebook page lets you know that this is a very special year for the Paraguayan luxury retail outlet. Right underneath the logo is the year 1972, commemorating when Monalisa was founded as a very small retail store in Cuidad del Este. But that’s not all that Monalisa is celebrating. It’s been slightly more than a year since Monalisa opened its doors at Asunción’s new Paseo La Galería mall the first time that the luxury retail outlet has branched out to another location. And as far as Monalisa CEO Faisal Hammoud is concerned, the decision was absolutely the right way to go. Monalisa is one of the anchor stores in the new mall, which is the talk of Latin

America and is bringing in shoppers from Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil and Chile, as well as Paraguayan consumers. But while Monalisa may have done everything right in terms of building up its business, Hammoud says the company also owes its success to its friends and supporters, something he is noting, as Monalisa celebrates its 45th anniversary since its founding. “For example if Monalisa has a project, or wants to do an expansion or has a publicity campaign, our friends from the industry always support us and turn out for us,” Hammoud said in a recent conversation with Americas Duty Free. “And the proof is this new store in Asuncion.” Hammoud founded Monalisa in the border city of Cuidad del Este in 1972,

developing it into the well-known and well-respected luxury retail store it has become, but he had long thought about opening a store in the capital. But it wasn’t until recent years when Guatemalan entrepreneur Mario Lopez shopped his idea for La Galería mall in Asunción and pro-business President Horacio Cartes took notice that Hammoud felt the time was right. “Asunción is a historic city with much tradition. It has a center. And now it has changed for the better.” Hammoud said. But although tradition is important both for Monalisa and for Paraguay, so is the future, especially in terms of the younger generations. “Paraguay is one of the youngest countries in Latin America where 72% of the population is under 30 years of age,” he said. So through its social media campaigns, among other things, Monalisa is working to maintain its continuum with campaigns geared toward millenials. But still Monalisa sees itself as a brand with a multi-generational appeal, and focuses on marketing luxury, particularly for its wine and champagne cellar, La Cave. “We take great pride with around 500 labels that we import from all over the world. The Asunción winery “La Cave” has designated spaces by label. In addition, it has a private seating for tasting,” according to a recent company statement. Hammoud has plans for Monalisa which he won’t reveal, “because the time isn’t yet right,” except for one which has long been on his drawing board - the Paseo Tres Naciones or P3N, a shopping and entertainment complex that Hammoud would like to build near Cuidad del Este, where landlocked Paraguay borders Brazil and Argentina. Hammoud said the plan was approved years ago by the Paraguayan government and would include a mall, a hotel, a casino and more. “It has even been declared a PIN or project of national interest,” he said. But what’s still lacking are enough backers to make the Paseo Tres Naciones a reality, he said. “We have everything we need, but the money.” Given the success of Monalisa over the years and Paraguay’s expanding economy, it seems likely that sometime soon Hammound’s dream for a Paseo Tres Naciones may become a reality. AMERICAS DUTY FREE & TRAVEL RETAILING



Holding pattern International opinion throughout tourism and travel retail industry still questions Trump move as going against the global tourism tide by



lthough President Trump’s decision to re-impose sanctions on Cuba travel could negatively impact some US companies hoping to do business in or with Cuba, the rest of the travel business world is in a holding pattern. The exact way the new rules are to be implemented is still on the drawing board, but the US Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), has issued some explanations in its recently released response to “Frequently Asked Questions.” When Trump announced his Cuba rollback in June, he said only individual people-to-people trips would be barred to make sure no US citizens traveled to Cuba strictly for purposes of tourism, which is not allowed. But even though group educational travel will still be permitted, the US Treasury Department states in 44


its FAQ that “the predominant portion of the activities engaged in by individual travelers must not be with prohibited officials of the Government of Cuba or prohibited members of the Cuban Communist Party.” “I think the ban on individual travel is going to have an impact,” says Michael Payne, Executive Director of the International Association of Airport Duty Free Stores (IAADFS) in an interview with Americas Duty Free. “But we don’t know how to quantify it yet.” US companies are prohibited from doing business with individuals or business that are part of the Cuban government or military, once the new regulations are implemented. But those who began doing business in Cuba before Trump’s about-face on the openings advanced by former President Barack Obama will be able to move forward with what they have begun. “Although it’s complicated, people were starting to get used to dealing with the governmental structure in Cuba,” Payne says. “They try to arrive at an agreement, but for some companies resolution can be a moving target. The biggest challenge now is the ban on individuals traveling to

Cuba. Trade events and educational tours can still go forward, as a couple of examples.” Some US players in Cuba include Starwood Hotels and Resorts, now part of Marriott International, which has an agreement with Gaviota, the military-run tourism company, to manage a Cuban

Michael Payne, President and CEO of IAADFS


hotel. As of this writing, they are able to move forward with the undertaking, because business dealings already underway are grandfathered. Even so, Marriott CEO Arne Sorenson says it is "exceedingly disappointing" to reverse the progress made in US-Cuban relations in the last two years. Others have entered into agreements with the Grupo de Administración Empresarial, (GAESA), the Cuban military’s business development organization. The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) has lambasted Trump’s Cuba sanctions as hurting the people of Cuba much more than the government. But the WTTC says US citizens and US companies are the real losers. “There is plenty more scope to grow the travel sector in Cuba,” says David Scowsill, WTTC former president and CEO. “The country is not reliant on the US market for further tourism growth, but it is American busi-



nesses and leisure consumers that will suffer from this proposed move.” But the IAADFS’ Payne takes another view, saying that while the US restrictions could impact the development of new duty free and travel retail opportunities in Cuba for US companies, it will will not hurt the duty free market in the Caribbean overall, because if travelers from the US can’t go to Cuba, they will simply look for travel destinations elsewhere in the Caribbean or Latin America. “People (from the US) will still travel and still buy duty free goods,” Payne said. “They may not be flying to Cuba, but are they going to go somewhere else and hopefully spend money.” Cuba is the second most visited Caribbean tourist destination after the Dominican Republic. According to the WTTC, visitor exports, or money spent by foreign travelers in Cuba, a majority from Canada, Europe and other Latin American

countries, reached US $2.8 billion in 2016, or 19.2% of total exports — significantly above the global average of 6.6%. The duty free offerings at Jose Marti International Airport are minimal at present, as is the case at all of Cuba’s international airports, so there is plenty of opportunity there for those in the duty free and travel retail industry. Payne, however, is finding the silver lining in the Cuba cloud. In an earlier interview, Payne said what he found “more interesting” was what Trump didn’t do. “He didn’t severe diplomatic relations and (he) did not stop travel from authorized tourism entities, so people who have been approved for education trips can still travel.” And he noted that Trump did not place further restrictions on the types of goods that Americans can bring out of Cuba, like the country’s long-popular rum and cigars.


LIKE OUR ELEPHANTS, NO TWO AMARULA BOT TLES ARE THE SAME Several months ago Amarula fans from around the world took a s t a n d b e h i n d A f r i c a’s e l e p h a n t s , by naming and designing 400,000 virtual elephants. We h a v e n o w t a k e n t h e s e d e s i g n s and used them to create unique labels on our bottles, which are a v a i l a b l e g l o b a l l y. The message they convey is that ivory belongs on elephants, a n d i f w e d o n ’ t a c t n o w, a l l o f A f r i c a’s e l e p h a n t s w i l l h a v e disappeared by 2030. IVORY BELONGS ON ELEPHANTS. #DontLetThemDisappear JOIN THE MOVEMENT AND VISIT US AT

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The next phase With an annual passenger number that just keeps growing, Jorge Chávez International Airport in Lima is going through another reconstruction in order to keep up by


While Lima’s Jorge Chávez full series of reconstruction renderings have yet to be released, the design team chosen is Grimshaw, well known for their spectacular design of Istanbul’s new airport, shown here


he main airport for Lima was built and named for Peruvian aviator Jorge Chávez in 1965, but that is not the last time the airport’s infrastructure was improved. In 2001, the government of Peru placed the airport under the management of Lima Airport Partners (LAP), which currently comprises Fraport and two other minor partners, with a clear mandate for improvement. Under LAP, the airport was renovated and expanded, with completion of the first phase in 2005. In that year, however, passenger numbers were less than a third of those in 2016. The astonishing growth rate at the airport has averaged 11.88 percent per year since 2004, almost quadrupling the passenger numbers in that time from 5,100,000 to well over 19 million. Peru has become an ever more popular destination, and Lima has seen a PAX increase of nearly 400% in a little over a decade

Although more upgrades took place in 2009 and 2010, these still could not take into account the airport’s incredible PAX growth trajectory. And passenger numbers are not the only things being addressed by the current expansion and rebuild. Standards have also changed for passenger comfort, security, size of planes and many other concerns. “The new airport will have two runways, which will increase the operational capacity of the airport and serve more than 30 million passengers,” says Arturo Vera, LAP Commercial Manager. “We will have a new passenger terminal, a business complex with new logistics areas and warehouses, a new control tower, convention center and hotels. This will allow us to have the necessary infrastructure standards required by IATA at an international level to efficiently assume the constant increase in the flow of passengers, and in this way we can offer a gateway to the capital. This will leave us with nothing to envy from the best airports in the world.”

Commercial revenues At Lima’s Jorge Chávez Airport, which has a pretty even split between domestic and international travelers, at 54% vs 46% respectively, commercial interests make up a large portion of the non-aeronautical income. Commercial currently represents 82% of that total. “As the new terminal will be larger than the current infrastructure, the corresponding commercial space will also be bigger than today’s, says Vera. “Thus, in the new terminal, the benefits to passengers of larger space will be twofold, in terms of bigger and more convenient stores but also in a greater variety of concepts.” The actual area of the commercial space is not yet being released. The goal, according to Vera, is to offer a more compelling commercial offer to passengers over time in terms of variety, novelty and relevant concepts, so the airport’s share of non48


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in our F&B portfolio, where we have global brands such as McDonald’s as well as local concepts such as Tanta, a casual Peruvian dining restaurant.” The RFPs for all new commercial areas in the new terminal will be announced in 2019 – this will not be staggered. “We plan to launch as many RFPs as concepts or categories are represented in the terminal.”

Advertising Lima's duty free store, run by Dufry, has recently undergone a substantial redesign.

aeronautical revenues increases over time. “Also, technology and mobile commerce may play a bigger role than today in the retail experience of the new terminal – with pre-departure purchases, as one example.”

A new central concept A key component of the retail space in the new terminal is that it will be based on a single airside marketplace concept – something not generally seen in the Americas. “Most of the commercial areas will be located in one central location, prior to departure gates,” says Vera. “This will be coupled with a call-to-gate strategy, wherein passengers will hear within ample time when to direct to their gates.” Vera says this design will optimize passengers’ time and make their shopping easier and more convenient. The airport’s commercial area and its stores will have a modern style to reflect the active vibe of an airport in constant change with times, and will offer a strong mix of offerings. “The mix of local and global brands is important,” says Vera. “This is reflected

Advertising is another revenue generator for airports, and one that ties in with brands, retail and activations. “We recently did a global benchmarking of airport advertising,” says Vera. “We expect to have progressive and modern options for advertising elements in the future terminal, based on digital and interactivity. For example, we could have user experience centers, in which brands can place their products so that users can interact with them. Another example is to implement digital elements such as video walls in which brands can display interactive advertising.”

Passenger satisfaction from beginning to end “Lima Airport Partners is committed to the future of the new Peruvian airport and we are advancing with all that is needed to build the airport that Peru deserves,” says Vera. While an airport Peruvians can be proud of, and that services their needs as passengers, is the end game, as construction progresses passenger satisfaction is also an overriding concern for LAP. “A big challenge we will have until the new terminal begins operations, is how to accommodate an increasing number of passengers with the same infrastructure, while not deterioriating passenger satisfaction.”

The new airport, seen at dusk




La próxima fase El Aeropuerto Internacional Jorge Chávez de Lima, con una cifra anual de pasajeros en continuo crecimiento, está siendo objeto de otra reconstrucción para mantener actualizada su infraestructura

While the airport has been overhauled twice already, explosive passenger growth and changing expectations demand another rebuild


l principal aeropuerto de Lima fue construido y nombrado en honor al piloto peruano Jorge Chávez en 1965, pero esa no fue la última ocasión en que se modernizó su infraestructura. En el 2001, el gobierno de Perú lo ubicó bajo la administración de Lima Airport Partners (LAP), compuesta actualmente por Fraport y otros dos socios menores, con un claro mandato para su mejoramiento. Bajo la administración de LAP, la instalación fue renovada y ampliada, y la primera fase de las labores se concluyó en el 2005. Sin embargo, ese año, las cifras de pasajeros eran un 30 por ciento menos en comparación con las reportadas en el 2016. El sorprendente índice de crecimiento en el aeropuerto ha promediado un 11.88 por ciento anualmente desde el 2004, cuadruplicando casi la cantidad de pasajeros en ese tiempo, de 5,100,000 a más de 19,000,00. Aunque buena parte de las remodelaciones se llevaron a cabo en el 2009 y el 2010, no podrían tomarse en cuenta para la increíble trayectoria de crecimiento en cifra de pasajeros del aeropuerto. Sin embargo, esta última no es el único enfoque de la actual expansión y reconstrucción. También han cambiado las normativas con respecto a la comodidad de los pasajeros, la seguridad, tamaño de los aviones y muchos otros temas.



“El nuevo aeropuerto tendrá dos pistas, que incrementarán la capacidad operacional del mismo, y prestarán servicio a más de 30 millones de pasajeros”, afirma Arturo Vera, Gerente comercial de LAP. “Tendremos una nueva terminal de pasajeros, un complejo comercial con nuevas zonas de logística y almacenes, centro de convenciones y hoteles. Esto nos permitirá contar con las normas necesarias de infraestructura exigidas por la IATA a nivel internacional, para asumir con eficiencia el incremento constante del flujo de pasajeros, y de esta manera podemos ofrecer una vía de salida a la capital. Gracias a esto no tendremos nada que envidiarles a los mejores aeropuertos del mundo”.

Ingresos comerciales En el Aeropuerto Jorge Chávez de Lima, dividido uniformemente entre viajeros nacionales e internacionales, con cifras de 54% y 46% respectivamente, los intereses comerciales componen una gran porción de los ingresos no aeronáuticos. En la actualidad, el ingreso comercial representa el 82% de ese total. “Como la nueva terminal será más extensa que la infraestructura actual, el espacio comercial correspondiente también será mayor que el de ahora”, añade Vera. “Por tanto, en la nueva terminal, los beneficios de un espacio mayor para los pasajeros se duplicarán,

diseño optimizará el tiempo de los pasajeros, y propiciará que sus compras sean más fáciles y convenientes. El área comercial del aeropuerto y sus tiendas tendrán un estilo moderno para reflejar la vibración activa de un aeropuerto en constante cambio para adaptarse a los tiempos, y proporcionará una sólida combinación de ofertas. “La combinación de marcas locales y globales es importante”, asegura Vera. “Esto se refleja en nuestro portafolio de comidas y bebidas, donde contamos con marcas globales como McDonald, así como conceptos locales como Tanta, un restaurante informal peruano”. Las solicitudes de oferta en las nuevas áreas comerciales de la nueva terminal serán anunciadas en el 2019, y se escatimará en variedad. “Tenemos en proyecto inaugurar tantas solicitudes de oferta como conceptos o categorías están representadas en la terminal”, agrega Vera.

Publicidad La publicidad es otro generador de ingresos en los aeropuertos, que los vincula a marcas, comercio minorista y activaciones. “Recientemente realizamos una medición global de publicidad aeroportuaria”, revela Vera. “Esperamos contar con opciones progresistas y modernas para elementos publicitarios en la futura terminal, basadas en elementos digitales e interactividad. Por ejemplo, podríamos contar con centros de experiencia del usuario, en los cuales las marcas ubicarían sus productos para que los usuarios puedan interactuar con éstos. Otro ejemplo es la implementación de elementos digitales como paredes de video en las cuales las marcas ubican publicidad interactiva”.

Satisfacción del pasajero de principio a fin Passenger satisfaction is a major concern for LAP during the reconstruction

en términos de tiendas más grandes y convenientes, pero también en una amplia gama de conceptos”. Las dimensiones del área real del espacio comercial no se han dado a conocer aún. El objetivo, según Vera, es proporcionar con el tiempo una oferta comercial más convincente a los pasajeros en términos de variedad, actualidad y conceptos relevantes, para que la porción de ingresos no aeronáuticos del aeropuerto se incremente paso a paso. “Además, la tecnología y el comercio móvil pudieran desempeñar un papel más vital que el actual en la experiencia minorista de la nueva terminal, con compras previas a la partida, por ejemplo”.

“Lima Airport Partners tiene el compromiso con el futuro del nuevo aeropuerto peruano, y estamos poniéndonos en marcha con todo lo necesario para construir el aeropuerto que Perú merece”, asegura Vera. Si bien el propósito fundamental es crear un nuevo aeropuerto que enorgullezca a los peruanos y satisfaga sus necesidades como pasajeros, en la medida que la construcción avanza, la satisfacción del pasajero sigue siendo una preocupación prioritaria para LAP. “Un gran reto que enfrentaremos hasta que la nueva terminal inicie sus operaciones, es cómo prestar servicios a una cifra creciente de pasajeros con la misma infraestructura sin deteriorar la satisfacción de los mismos”, concluye Vera.

Un nuevo concepto central Un componente clave del espacio minorista de la nueva terminal es que estará enfocado en un solo concepto mercadotécnico en la zona de operaciones aeroportuarias, algo que no existe generalmente en las Américas. “La mayoría de las áreas comerciales tendrán una ubicación central, antes de las puertas de salida”, explica Vera. “Lo anterior irá aparejado con una estrategia de llamada a las puertas de salida, mediante la cual los pasajeros escucharán con tiempo suficiente cuando se dirijan a sus puertas respectivas”. El alto ejecutivo de LAP añade que este

In the new airport, shopping will be centralized instead of segmented, offering greater enjoyment and shopping opportunity for passengers AMERICAS DUTY FREE & TRAVEL RETAILING



This rendering shows what the 1.4 mile automated people mover at the Tampa International Airport will look like when it goes on line next year

Expansion in Tampa First phase of airport’s expansion including terminal renovation and concessions redevelopment set to be completed in 2018 by



ampa International Airport, Florida’s fourth largest airport, expects to inaugurate the first phase of its US$2.3 billion dollar expansion by early 2018, making more on-the-ground facilities and services available to the ever-growing customer base at the largest international airport on Florida’s Gulf Coast. The first phase includes the construction of a 240,000-square-meter consolidated rental car center, a 1.4-mile automated people

mover system and a terminal renovation/ concessions redevelopment at a cost of US$973 million. “This is part of a three-phase Master Plan expansion that will allow the airport to grow with the Tampa Bay community while remaining in its existing footprint,” says communications manager Danny Valentine. “We are expecting our passenger numbers to increase in the coming years and, as part of that, we are trying to make sure our facility can handle the growth.”

Shown here is an aerial overview of the Tampa International Airport taken in July 2017



The airport is “on pace to hit an alltime record” for 2017 with more than 19.4 million passengers. Since CEO Joe Lopano came on board in 2011, the airport has increased international service and “has more than doubled the number of international passengers,” Valentine adds. Once the expansion is complete, the airport will be able to handle roughly 34 million annual passengers. According to Valentine, the expansion is an outgrowth of a master plan that began with a survey done in 2013 that found a number of airport facilities including the terminal, roadways and curbside service were at capacity. The three-phase project is the largest major renovation done at the airport since the main terminal was built in 1971. But airport management has no intentions of sacrificing quality for quantity. In March 2017, Airports Council International–North America named Tampa International the Best Airport in the United States serving 15 to 25 Million Passengers. Last year, Condé Nast Traveler’s annual Readers’ Choice Awards ranked Tampa International as one of the top three airports in the United States. Airport officials unveiled the second phase of the development plan in spring 2017. It includes an express curbside drop-


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off for passengers and the development of a commercial park on 17 acres of airport property. Construction for the second phase of development is set to begin in 2019. The commercial redevelopment will branch out from the new rental car center, Valentine said. It will include a new office building, two hotels, a retail center, and a gas station/convenience store. “The express curbside check-in is for passengers who don’t have to check bags. They will be able to go directly to the transfer level and go right to their planes, “ said Valentine. “That’s a good innovation.” As part of the development, a number of new retail and F&B concessions will be added. “We are adding a football field of space to our main terminal,” says Valentine. “We are adding 69 new shops and restaurants post security.” As of this writing, 37 of the shops are already open. PF Chang and Hard Rock Café are the two anchor restaurants at the main termi-

nal. In the coming months both restaurants will open outdoor dining terraces, giving Tampa International a very unique offering, Valentine says. “This will be one of the few airports in the world where you can sit outside and enjoy a drink, and when the weather is good in Florida that is going to be spectacular,” Valentine says. But he notes that Tampa International Airport is also committed to emphasizing the Tampa Bay area’s local offerings. “The main point is to bring in the local, but we want to have a mix. We have Starbucks on every airside, but you can also get six or seven different cafés here, whereas two years ago you could only get one.” Local coffee offerings include Café con Leche Ybor City, Illy Expresamente, Buddy Brew Coffee, Bay Coffee and Tea and Kahwa Coffee. Local restaurants are also part of the airport mix, including Tampa Bay favorites such as the Columbia Restaurant, Bavaro’s Pizza, Fitlife Foods and Louis Pappas Fresh Greek.

The outdoor terrace will include a view of the automated people mover at the Tampa International Airport. Both are scheduled to go into service next year

Construction is in its final phase for the latest renovations, including a consolidated rental car center at the Tampa International Airport



Why local? Valentine says what Tampa International is doing is a reflection of a global trend, but something they are trying to take a step further. “Our goal is to represent our local community and to give people a really good sense of what Tampa is all about,” Valentine says. “It is really a snapshot of Tampa. So when you land, you get a sense of what the city is about and what we have to offer. We are trying to create a sense of place.” In other words, Tampa International officials are aware that first and last impressions are what really count. “As the airport, we are the first and last thing that guests and visitors see, so it is important to make a positive impact and leave on a positive note,” Valentine says. The final phase of development, tentatively slated for 2023, is the addition of a new airside with 16 gates for domestic and international flights.

Tampa International Airport will be one of the few airports in the United States, if not the world, to provide an outdoor dining facility for its customer base


ASUTIL CONFERENCE REVIEW Snapshots from this year’s ASUTIL conference in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Ending on a high note ASUTIL concluded its 21st and final solo conference in Rio de Janeiro with a nostalgic, back-to-the-future theme


he South American Duty Free Shops Association (ASUTIL) held its last solo conference in Brazil in June before joining forces with IAADFS for what’s being billed as “Summit of the Americas”, scheduled for March 2018 in Orlando. Reflecting on ASUTIL’s final event in Rio de Janeiro – the organization’s 21st annual conference – Hibah Noor, Editor-in-Chief of Americas Duty Free magazine, said: “ASUTIL has always done a great job for many years. Americas Duty Free congratulates the organization for its hard work putting on such a valuable conference. The conference has always taken us to very interesting countries, giving each retailer a chance to showcase what they have to offer. “We’re sad to see it go, but times change and we wish the team well in their future co-operation with IAADFS.”

Nostalgic and forwardlooking meeting ASUTIL kicked off its last conference in Rio de Janeiro with a nostalgic, yet forward-looking meeting from June 6 to 9 focused on “back to the future”. This theme was chosen because Rio was the site of ASUTIL’s first-ever conference – and the last. The topics covered on the agenda were of high interest to duty free and travel retailers, including a business review of Dufry Brasil, the country’s principal duty free operator, an update on ASUTIL 58


and the industry, and the global economic geography. Also on the program were looks at the transition of the traditional border duty free store to the all-in-one shopping experience, as well as an overview of Latin America in the digital age. The keynote address was from Murilo Portugal, President of the Brazilian Federation of Banks. His talk on economic projections for Brazil for the coming year was timely. Although the Brazilian economy looked good at the beginning of 2017, the economy was again a topic of industry concern because of the renewed political uncertainty in the country. Ernesto Talvi, Academic Director of the Center for the Study of Economic and Social Reality (CERES), of Uruguay, talked about the impact of global economic pressures on regional and national situations. He noted some disturbing worldwide trends, including what he called anemic global growth and rising unemployment rates, when one takes into account the number of people who have simply stopped looking for work, the fear of financial turbulence in China, and the political uncertainties in the US and Europe, among other things. He emphasized that Latin America was no different form the rest of the world in feeling the impact of these international developments, including the particular situations confronting regional giants Brazil and Argentina. And he reminded his audience, as London Supply’s Francisco Heredia did a day earlier, of the cyclical nature of Latin American political and economic life. “Maybe in 35 years, we will be able to say that in spite of the difficulties we found today, this was the moment we took

on the challenges to become prosperous countries,” Talvi said. Talvi said he was optimistic about Argentina and Brazil despite the uncertainties. But for the present, he emphasized there were myriad possibilities for an economic rebound. “If the political situations are resolved … the capacity to reboot these economies is huge … but we need the political capacity to do it.” Turning to the travel retail industry, Peter Mohn, owner and CEO of Swissbased research company m1nd-set, shared some insights based on his company’s studies of the market and air travel patterns, including travelers’ views on price perception in the travel retail channel versus the domestic market. Mohn also pointed out that today’s travelers are “local touch seekers” who are made up of three segments: authentic product seekers, browsers and those looking for products they cannot find anywhere else. “Travelers are looking for memorable and unique experiences,” he said. “More than 60% say sense of place is important part of the airport experience for them. Travelers want to feel more sense of place when they are traveling.” Other speakers included Gustavo Fagundes, ASUTIL President and COO of Dufry Brasil, and Martín Eurnekian, recently elected Chairman of the Airports Council International – Latin American & Caribbean. Rafael Parodi, of the Commercial Department of Siñerez Shopping, talked about his company’s transformation and the evolution of the border duty free stores into an all-in-one shopping experience. Olga San Jacinto, Director of Google Latin America, spoke about the digitalization of the region. AMERICAS DUTY FREE & TRAVEL RETAILING



ASUTIL award of the year The event ended with a recognition of industry leaders, a review of past and present and a look ahead. Enrique Urioste, CEO of Neutral Duty Free and immediate past President of ASUTIL, won the ASUTIL award of the year at the closing ceremony. ASUTIL Secretary-General José Luis Donagaray said Urioste, who ended his term as ASUTIL President in 2016, was recognized for his support of the industry throughout the years. Looking back at ASUTIL’s foundation, Urioste said: “To have success, we needed to create an association that unified our interests… and protect the duty free industry and expand our knowledge.” The award ceremony also paid tribute to ASUTIL pioneers and founders, including Samuel Kauffmann, Jonas Barcellos and Santos de Arejo Fagundes, the father of current ASUTIL President Gustavo Fagundes. And then, so that all could take part in the festivities, the day concluded with a gala dinner, sponsored by Dufry.



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Nicaragua comes into its own

The Masaya volcano is just miles from Managua and is a major tourist attraction as people come to see the smoke that boils up from its crater. In the evening, cars sometimes line up the highway, extending back as much as a mile as people wait for a chance to enter the park at night where the experience is even more intense. Photo courtesy Nicaragua Tourism Board.


he Central American nation of Nicaragua is coming into its own as a tourism destination, winning international recognition and global awards for its efforts. Once known as a place of war, violence and political strife – and a place international travelers shied away from – Nicaragua is now drawing crowds of visitors with its volcanoes, beaches and other natural delights, as well as its people. To make the country stand out from the pack, the Nicaragua Tourism Board (INTUR) is emphasizing the “unique and original,” in other words, it’s promoting exactly what makes Nicaragua, well, Nicaragua. The board also talks about what it means to be “Nica,” the shorthand phrase used to describe all things Nicaraguan, and the people from here as well.

The Cerro Negro volcano draws adventure travelers to a new experience, volcano boarding, for a different kind of thrill, sliding down the slope of this still active volcano. Photo courtesy Nicaragua Tourism Board



Nicaragua is overcoming a history of war and violence as it invites visitors to see what is unique, original and different about a country that is now being ranked as one of the top ten places to go for world travelers. by


“We are developing a tourism strategy focused on promoting what is ours,” says Nahiry Silwany González, who handles international relations for the marketing and promotion department of INTUR. In an interview in Managua with Americas Duty Free, Silwany González explained what this means. “We want to promote what is ours and identify what it is to be Nicaraguan. Our traditions. Our idiosyncrasies. We are working with this focus, although we are taking into account sustainability as well.“ The sustainability efforts are getting international recognition. The Latin American Travel Association (LATA) gave the Nicaragua Tourist Board its Responsible and Sustainable Tourism Award in June for being “a careful custodian of its ecology and environment.” In making the announcement, LATA praised Nicaragua for developing a strategy that is “in line with the country’s commitment to an environmentally and socially sustainable economy, with the tourist board promoting ecotourism and a model of sustainable development.” And there is much to work with here. According to LATA, Nicaragua is home to 7% of the world’s biodiversity with its volcanoes, rainforests, lakes, mountains, rivers and unspoiled Pacific and Caribbean coasts. “Nicaragua is on the Pacific volcano line, with more than 40 volcanic formations,” according to Mario Tapia, founder and editor of the Nicaraguan cultural magazine Gente de Gallos. Tapia, a long-time journalist and photographer, emphasized the uniqueness of the country’s volcanic chain “Half of them are active. The first inhabitants left their footprints behind in volcanic ash near Lake Managua,” he says. A museum now exists on the site, and according to the museum’s web page, the footprints were found by workers in 1874. The footprints, believed to be 6,000 years old, are considered to be the oldest human footprints in the Americas. But Tapia stresses something else that Nicaragua offers now that it formerly could not: it can make the tourist or traveler feel safe. “Nicaragua is (one of) the most secure countries in Central

Hundreds if not thousands of people flock to Catarina on the weekends to buy Nicaraguan-made crafts from local vendors like these two young women. Photo by Ronnie Lovler

Nicaragua’s SALA VIP offers travelers an easier way in and out of the country. For a minimal fee, on arriving and departing passengers can have SALA VIP employees take care of their travel paperwork while they relax. Photo courtesy Nicaragua Tourism Board.

America, and we are at peace now. Now that there is no war, many small towns and villages are resurging and developing their infrastructure and reaching out to tourists.” Although Nicaragua has always been as beautiful a country as it is today, in the past tourists were few and far between. Then Nicaragua was home to war, violence, natural disaster, revolution and counter-revolution from the mid 1930s until the early 2000s, starting with national hero Augusto Cesar Sandino’s fight against the Somoza family dictatorship. This fight was continued by the Sandinista National Liberation Front, which toppled Somoza in 1979. The Sandinistas were confronted by USbacked counter-revolutionaries throughout the 1980s and 1990s, and the fighting didn’t really come to an end until the early 2000s. Nor should the devastating earthquake that struck Managua in 1972 be forgotten. That earthquake killed at least 10,000 people and left hundreds of thousands of people homeless. But the Nicaragua worn down by disaster and violence is a thing of the past. Today development is constant, especially in tourism, with a real partnership between the public and private sectors. “We use a consensus model,” Silwany González says. There is a consensus between the public and private sector. We promote the country together. I can’t emphasize enough the importance of this.” Most of the businesses involved with tourism are locally owned and take precedence over global chains, according to LATA. The travel organization also made note of the country’s emphasis on Nicaraguan products such as its organic chocolates and world-renowned coffee, and the support provided to local artists and artisans. Luxury hotels and restaurants dot the Managua landscape, the beaches and the countryside, but the country’s offerings are not just for those with money, but also for those with curiosity and a sense of adventure. Travelers can look at the volcanoes, but these days they can

also board down the slope of one volcano, Cerro Negro, 37 miles northwest of Managua, which erupted in 1992. There are coffee plantations to visit in the north, beaches to visit on Nicaragua’s Atlantic and Pacific Coasts and the unique colonial city of Granada on Lake Nicaragua, with 365 isletas in the lake, formed eons ago when Momotombo volcano erupted. Nicaragua’s offerings are not going unnoticed. The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), which keeps track of the world’s fastest growing tourism destinations, has ranked Nicaragua as eighth on its list for 2017. UNWTO says the decision to shelve a Chinese plan to build a canal through to southern Nicaragua, a plan that had raised alarm about possible impact on wildlife habitats, has helped to boost tourism, with a 28.4% growth in tourist arrivals so far this year. For those looking for an easy and comfortable way in and out of the country, Nicaragua offers the traveler something very unique at its Augusto Cesar Sandino International Airport, with its Sala VIP. For a fee of US$30 on arrival, travelers can go to the Sala VIP and sit in the lounge, while Sala VIP personnel take care of immigration paperwork and pick up their luggage. On departure, the same service is offered in reverse, with Sala VIP employees handling airline check-in and the departure immigration paperwork. “We are always looking to give the tourist a feeling of satisfaction whether entering or leaving the country,” Silwany Gonzâlez says. “We provide personalized attention. We want people to feel comfortable and closer to us.” He adds that on average more than 4,000 people use the Sala VIP each month. In a way the airport itself, now proudly bearing the name of Sandino, symbolizes the new, improved Nicaragua, Thirtyfive years ago, there was only one gate and no jet bridges. Passengers simply walked outside and up a flight of stairs to board their plane. Now the airport has seven gates equipped with jetways and more on the way, with a small but thriving duty free offering. AMERICAS DUTY FREE & TRAVEL RETAILING



The 32nd annual FDFA Convention will take place in Montreal before returning to Toronto for three years

Still in


With the planning of the first Summit of the Americas starting in 2018, much focus has been placed on the FDFA in anticipation of the association’s decision whether to be a part of the new Summit and end the FDFA Convention or to take part in both events by



nce the IAADFS, ASUTIL and FDFA began discussing the upcoming Summit of the Americas, the FDFA set up a Strategic Convention Committee, tasked with the final recommendations for future conventions. As FDFA’s former Executive Director Laurie Karson said earlier this year, “While I don’t think we anticipate pleasing everyone, the Committee overseeing this mandate has a clear direction and will ensure that recommendations are made to ensure everyone has a bigger voice at the future shows and has a tremendous experience.” The end result of the Committee’s work was to continue with the FDFA Convention under a new format begin-

ning in 2018, as presented by Strategic Convention Committee Chair, Tania Lee, and unanimously agreed on as the right approach for the industry and FDFA membership. “This newly developed format will adhere to the Committee’s mandate to add more value to each and every member at our conventions with considerations of more cost savings, better quality convention meetings, increased time efficiencies, better operator/owner unity and increased quality networking opportunities,” the FDFA announced after the meeting. Under the new format, the November 2018 to 2020 FDFA Conventions will be held at the beautiful King Edward Hotel in the heart of Toronto, ON.

Close relationships

Strategic Convention Committee Chair Tania Lee presented the Committee’s recommendations at the FDFA Semi-Annual Meeting at the end of May



The continuation of the FDFA Convention does not imply a distancing from the other events and associations. As stated upon the announcement: “The FDFA will continue to support at every level our duty free partners of the Americas and look forward to identifying more common synergies with our global and North American duty free family.” The FDFA will be sending a detailed membership outline of the new convention format and hotel details this fall, and will offer more information at the upcoming 32nd Annual Canadian Duty

Free Convention at the Westin Hotel in Montreal, November 12th-15th, 2017.

The Convention “This year’s focus will be on operator unity and our theme of the convention will be Joie de Vivre – which essentially means enjoyment of life,” said Karson in a conversation earlier this year. “We will be celebrating Quebec and ensuring that this theme is carried out through the décor, food and overall brand. At the upcoming gala, the theme will be a refined French bistro feel and we are expanding the postgala hospitality lounge to create a ‘nightclub’ atmosphere with a DJ, food stations, etc. It should be very exciting.” The FDFA believes people are excited to be going back to Quebec, especially since as of 2018 the event will be in Toronto for three years. “Therefore, celebrating this in Quebec is important given how many stores reside in this province.”

New CBSA contact It was recently announced that the FDFA would be dealing with a new person at the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA). FDFA management has met Mr. Doug Band briefly as part of an introductory meeting.He has been invited to this year’s Convention to meet FDFA members and understand the industry more thoroughly.




Uruguay’s most exclusive restaurant now has a second facility at Siñeriz Shopping

Duty free

and much more

Immigration and customs services, gourmet dining and a world of fun for children are just some of the possibilities at Siñeriz Shopping’s Uruguay border location. by

Customers can now choose from among more than 200 different types of beer when making their purchases at Siñeriz Shopping



iñeriz Shopping is on a roll with its all-in-one concept at its duty free shopping center in Rivera on Uruguay’s border with Brazil. This is not just because of the myriad of duty free offerings available, but because the shopper is actually able to do much, much more than shop when making a stop at Siñeriz Shopping. The 10,000-square-meter complex has everything any mega duty free store has to offer, but at Siñeriz Shopping, the shopper can also take time out to see a movie, eat a gourmet meal at one of Uruguay’s finest restaurants, and take care of all the immigration and customs paperwork that accompanies a border crossing, all under one roof.

Under one roof

Products made in Uruguay are on display in a special corner at Siñeriz Shopping’s border store in Uruguay



“Three or four years ago when Brazil was confronting its currency crisis, there were two roads we could follow,” says Siñeriz New Projects Manager Rafael Parodi. “One was to expand our sales area. And the other was to work to provide more services to our clients. We took the second road and bet on options like entertainment, gastronomy and saving time


for the traveler,” he says. And that bet has more than paid off. La Perdiz, considered the top restaurant in Montevideo, now has a second restaurant at Siñeriz Shopping. It is probably the only restaurant in the Rivera border area where it makes sense to book a reservation. But high-end dining isn’t the only option. The shopper can get crêpes and coffee at Fragola Café, dabble in fast food dining at a Burger King or just take the kids for ice cream at another shop. Siñeriz also offers a movie theater and a very special children’s playground. “We went to Hong Kong and brought back a 400-square-meter play area that looks like a pirate ship to provide entertainment for the kids,” Parodi says. This offers options to parents, allowing them to split up so “one parent can do the shopping and the other stays to watch the kids.”

corners, the first one dedicated only to tea and coffee. It’s a place where you can buy everything related to tea and coffee, from the biscuit to the coffee maker,” says Siñeriz Shopping Commercial Manager Hilmi Abdullah Neto. “The second one is a Uruguayan product corner; as the name implies, in the corner we have only Uruguayan products, from wine to chocolates. And the third one is the beer corner. This is a 70-squaremeter corner that carries more than 200 different kinds and labels of beers, all separated by country and characteristics,” Abdullah Neto says. “We opened all three corners together and it was an immediately success, especially the beer.” But there’s still more. In a recent update on its Facebook page, Siñeriz Shopping announced that they are now offering specially designed shopping carts where people can place their pets and take them along with them while they shop.

Dedicated corners

Border control

Another indication that Siñeriz Shopping tries to think of everything are the new dedicated “corners” in the store for top drawer items to catch a consumer’s eye in unique displays that highlight featured merchandise. “We inaugurated three new

What has particularly drawn shoppers from Brazil was the opening this year of the new Integrated Border Control area within the Siñeriz complex, which means that shoppers never have to leave the Siñirez confines once they touch ground

Children have a 400-square-meter play area where they can amuse themselves at Siñeriz Shopping

in Rivera. The Uruguayan Ministry of Tourism also has an office there. “We thought we could have a big store or we could have a big store and services,” Parodi says. “We went more for the mall concept. The store had to have an anchor and other options that would bring people.” Abdullah Neto says the company has no customer loyalty programs. “We don’t have it formally. We are always working on behalf of our clients. We are on Facebook and Twitter and we are always chatting freely with clients,” he says What’s coming up in the future for Siñeriz Shopping? Neither Parodi nor Abdullah Neto are saying. “We have a very clear policy,” Abdullah Neto says. “Siñeriz never talks about projects. We talk about realities. It is very easy to have an idea. We only say something when it is a fact. Our projects for the next four years are under wraps.” What do customers think? A Trip Adviser reviewer summed it all up in a recent posting: “Siñeriz Shopping is the best option in town. Not only convenient because you can do your immigration papers there, but also because shopping is good. It is a nice place for a snack as well.”

Travelers can now take care of all their immigration paperwork at the Integrated Border Control facility at Siñeriz Shopping

All kinds of coffee and tea, and accessories for their preparation are now available in a special corner for those products







What’s your

Satori helps brands make the connection to enlighten the customers shopping experience


Moment? In this article by our guest writer, Jay Togawa of Satori Communications explains how brands can make a connection with customers – wherever they are from [SA•TO•RI] – A Japanese Buddhist word meaning moment of enlightenment was a natural fit in naming our company, says Satori Communications’ Jay Togawa. As marketers, we all seek that elusive “Aha” moment when a consumer makes a connection with our brand. Whether it be introducing a new product or opening a customer’s eyes to a familiar brand in an unfamiliar way, we call this the Satori Moment and it is the foundation of how we lead our clients’ travel retail consumer engagement strategies. Making your brand stand out and achieving that “Aha” moment when there is a barrage of choice, exclusive items, and promotions can be a challenge. Here are our top three ways to achieve your brand’s Satori Moment.

1. Product Demonstrations & Trial From sipping a fine whisky to savoring a decadent chocolate to exploring a new fragrance to stroking a luxurious leather bag, recent studies have shown that consumers are 53-72% more likely to purchase after touching, tasting or testing. However, we feel strongly that just trying a product isn’t enough; in order to truly create that moment of enlightenment, you need to invest the consumer into your brand. Consider the last time you sampled something, do you remember now what you tried? Beyond a sale price, what reason was given to you to put that item in your basket? To create that spark, that intent to purchase, that lasting impression, we need to educate a consumer on a brand, its differentiators, its heritage and even the overall category. Consider again that last sampling experience: what if, instead of just trying a sample, you were told about the handcrafted ingredients, the recipe being handed down from generation to generation, etc, would that 70


impact your intent to purchase? We feel that this brand knowledge is what truly breaks down barriers and opens consumers up to wanting to learn more (which ultimately leads to purchase).

2. Sales Support Scott David Cook of Intuit [US-based software company] said: “A brand is no longer what we tell consumers it is, it is what consumers tell each other it is.” At a retail level, consumers need to see themselves reflected in the brand and the salesperson. In travel retail more than any other retail market, our customers are global travelers with vastly different cultural backgrounds, purchase drivers, influences and barriers to buy. On a very basic level, they may not even speak the same language. That peer-topeer relationship is key in connecting and understanding consumer needs. For many brands, driving sales can be easily achieved by supporting their full-time brand champions with a support team who are part of a specific consumer

group. Providing Mandarin in-language sales support, for example, has proven to be an extremely effective way to support many of our clients in driving sales to that consumer demographic.

3. Associate Trainings Let’s face it, you can arm your full-time team to be your brand champions but having dedicated coverage in every store, in every market, all of the time is a near impossible task. What if a general floor staffer knew your brand had a new exclusive scent or a cashier knew your brand had a BOGO offer running, would that drive sales? A good training session means all associates, regardless of their role, walk away armed with 3-5 points that will help them sell your brand. There are new innovations, promotions and exclusives – the travel retail brand landscapes are constantly evolving. We support our clients by extending the reach and frequency of their associate trainings through our Train the Trainer program, ensuring their in-store partners across all airports and borders have the most up-todate knowledge and tools to drive sales. As the consumer path to purchase continues to evolve in the travel retail space, turning a customer’s head and finding that Satori Moment becomes more and more difficult. At Satori, our goal is to create rich personalized experiences that impact travelers in authentic ways – sharing that “Aha” moment with a customer is our true measure of success.


Patrick Nilson +1 845 981 7240 Roger Thompson + 1 203 322 9691


The new masculine fragrance Y Eau De Toilette has a sharp and minimalist bottle incorporating a geometric Y notch on the side as a unique creative signature

The rock star

of travel retail



Black Opium keeps captivating the travel retail Americas market, closing up +16% for the YTD July 2017



Yves Saint Laurent Beauty’s fragrances and cosmetics are outperforming the market in Americas travel retail stores, the French house reports

ves Saint Laurent (YSL) Beauty describes itself as the beauty signature of the most subversive Parisian couture brand – worldwide success that keeps beating the market and definitely does not go unnoticed. YSL Beauty Travel Retail Americas is part of this stellar performance, with a double-digit growth of +39% in the YTD July 2017, three times the market rate, driven not only by the impressive makeup phenomenon but also by the strong performance of the fragrances axe. “We can expect amazing results still ahead with the upcoming launches, in makeup and fragrances, especially in the men’s category,” the company declares. With a growth of +22% in the YTD July, the fragrance axe is keeping up its momentum. This year the YSL fragrance portfolio expands with the launch of a new masculine pillar: Y By Yves Saint Laurent. Why Y? “Because everything starts with a Why,” says the house. “Y Is You. Creative. Doer. Accomplished. Y, the new masculine fragrance from Yves Saint Laurent, is the embodiment of these values.” The new campaign continues: “Y is not the story of a man but of a generation: a creative generation of men who dare to

follow their passions and carve their own paths, from inspiration, through hard work and collaboration, to self-accomplishment and success.” The bottle is sharp and minimalist in its construction but the geometric Y notch on the side is a unique creative signature. The juice represents the multifaceted personality traits of the Y man: clear and bright at the top, yet strong and sensual at the heart and base. “A white and dark masculine fougère, Y is the scent of freedom. It’s a fragrance that dares you to strive, and to accomplish. #THATSY, WE ARE Y.” With this launch, the brand aims to conquer the masculine segment, and Y is the perfect complementary pillar to the iconic L’Homme franchise.

Women’s fragrances outperform The feminine fragrances category also keeps growing strong and accelerating its strength, outperforming the market by +22 points with +35% growth. Travel Retail Americas is “High on love with Mon Paris.” Here, the Parisian house describes the women’s scent: “Luminous, intoxicating, and carnal in its olfactory expression, Mon Paris Eau De Parfum rushed – freefall – into love, and sent you

Mon Paris Eau De Toilette is the natural evolution of the women’s fragrance Mon Paris Eau De Parfum, a new and successful olfactory exploration of vertiginous love

spinning. Like all the most intense love affairs, now’s the time to take it higher and lose your sense of gravity.” This year the brand introduced the heightened love of Mon Paris Eau De Toilette. The natural evolution of the Eau De Parfum is a departure, a new olfactory exploration of vertiginous love, yet from the same family, the same city of lovers – Paris. From Argentina to Canada via Hawaii, this love story has become a success in travel retail Americas. “Isn’t it time you get high on love?” asks the house. Continuing with the fragrances’ success, YSL’s modern classic for modern heroines, Black Opium, keeps captivating the travel retail Americas market, closing up +16% for the YTD July 2017. To complement the Black Opium wardrobe, the brand introduces this year the new Black Opium Floral Shock: “fresh and invigorating, it hits like a burst of fragrant flowers, cold as morning dew, hard-hitting like that first jolt of espresso when you first wake up. A final statement of the feminine strength of Yves Saint Laurent Beauty.” No stranger to trends, the makeup phenomenon is a revolution in YSL Beauty: outperforming the market by +65 points, it is definitely a force to be reckoned with. This amazing growth and success comes also from cosmetics expansion in the North zone, with the brand’s Asian corridor growing +56% versus last year. The YSL lips category “keeps exploding” in travel retail Americas in the YTD July at +154%, supported by its latest launch, Volupté Tint in Balm, which has left its hint of tint in travel retail Americas. “A YSL makeup addiction among travel retail consumers,” affirms the brand.

Yves Saint Laurent Beauty opened for business at San Francisco International Airport in August 2017 AMERICAS DUTY FREE & TRAVEL RETAILING



Scents of


Luxury beauty distributor Essence Corp. supplies the best new fragrances to wear this year

 Montblanc Emblem Absolu: Created for a man who is audacious, confident and influential, this Montblanc fragrance is a fruity-woody-oriental with a new striking gold bottle emblematic of a man who is the embodiment of success

 Moschino Pink Fresh Couture: Described as 100% fresh and 100% pink, this new fresh, floral fragrance for her comes in the signature cleaning spray bottle in an on-trend spring/summer color

 Montblanc Legend Night: The third Montblanc Legend fragrance reveals an equally charismatic, but more mysterious side to the Montblanc Legend gentleman. This new magnetic woody fragrance, in an amber colored bottle, emphasizes the nocturnal aspect of his personality

 Moschino Cheap & Chic So Real: Olive Oyl returns as the star of a lively, joyful essence, contained in the iconic Cheap & Chic bottle. So Real wears an exclusive Moschino style dress, designed by the maison’s Artistic Director, Jeremy Scott

 Coach For Men: Actor James Franco is the face of the new fragrance from the US fashion house. “James is the quintessential-cool Coach guy. He’s handsome, there’s a bit of danger and he’s thoughtful and challenging, energetic and prolific,” Creative Director Stuart Vevers says 74




















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On everyone’s lips Lancôme celebrates lips at Los Angeles International Airport through its L.A. Lip Art Academy – the beauty brand’s first ever pop-up shop in a duty free space in the Americas


oday’s travelers expect immersive experiences from brands that take them beyond simple interactions with products. To answer this need, Lancôme brought to Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) in August a new pop-up store which celebrates experiences in color, lips and art. The L.A. Lip Art Academy is located in LAX TBIT terminal for the entire month of August and September. This pop-up invites all travelers to experience the trendiest Lip Art looks using the brand’s iconic products. Participants attend Make-Up Master Classes with international make-up experts, and experience one-on-one make-up consultations right before their flight. Fans already describe the pop-up as a “beauty addict’s dream”. In the words of Gianguido Bianco – Lancôme General Manager for L’Oréal Travel Retail Americas: “Lancôme is leading the way by encouraging travelers to experiment and become creative with lips. We place the consumer at the center of our strategy. Immersive digital advertising, social media and bounce-back programs aim at increasing penetration to duty free, and invite travelers to discover expert tips on make-up and great value proposition. “Personalization and sense of place are the name of the game: we offer an engraving service on-site for our iconic L’Absolu Rouge and Génifique, and we make sure our travelers are reminded of their L.A. trip through our specific grab-and-go L.A. looks, and complementary gifts and mementos.”



A unique retail experience This pop-up’s 15 square feet modular space breaks out of Lancôme’s traditional codes, and invites travelers to an experimental concept space dedicated to Lip Art. The pop-up focuses on captivating all types of consumers, especially the younger generations that are always looking for new experiences. It was designed to attract customers looking for something unique: something that could only be found at the Lancôme L.A. Lip Art Academy. The experience begins in the first module with an audiovisual environment showcasing the pop-up’s star products: the iconic L’Absolu Rouge lipstick and the award-winning Génifique serum. The second module offers Lancôme L.A. Exclusives – the brand’s best-seller sets that can only be found at Lancôme duty free shops – along with tailor-made L.A.-inspired Lancôme looks designed exclusively for this pop-up. This truly unique retail experience continues with the next two modules, where Lancôme invites travelers to discover their ideal L’Absolu Rouge shade and finish (matte, cream or shine) with the option to personalize the packaging thanks to the onsite engraving service. Customers also have access to best-seller Génifique serum in its multiple formats, available only in duty free. Finally, customers can play with props and collaterals and they are invited to the designated selfie stations to share their moments on WeChat, Snapchat and Instagram.

Lancôme’s pop-up invited all travelers passing through Los Angeles International Airport to experience the trendiest Lip Art looks using the brand’s iconic products

The store design creates a lip art atelier with make-up expertise at the forefront. The space incorporates wooden floors to convey a high luxury feel and unique sharing table to allow the discovery of Lancôme’s most iconic products. It is filled with unforgettable offers designed exclusively for this pop-up shop and topped off with Lancôme’s signature experts who conduct make-up classes every day. “The Lancôme L.A. Lip Art Academy is ultimately much more than a pop-up store,” explained Bianco. “It is an invitation to discover the number one beauty brand… a playground where travelers can confidently experiment and share, and can rely on the brand’s experts to enhance their look. Eventually they will go back home with inerasable memories of a truly unique L.A. shopping experience, and they will share it online and with their relatives and friends.”

Lancôme’s golden rule: customer centricity The Lancôme L.A. Lip Art Academy Pop-Up experience aims to seamlessly tie together online and offline touch points to ensure the brand’s presence along the travelers’ journey. The initial step into the customer’s journey begins by attracting the travelers to the L.A. Lip Art Academy: making them aware of the presence of this event in an unexpected location. Lancôme boosts event awareness with offline campaigns such as a bounce-back program with China Southern Airlines and

online campaigns designed to use social media platforms to inform travelers of the event. Drive to store is also ensured by impactful digital screens at the entrance of the terminal. These large digital displays call out with color, happiness, and dynamism to every passenger and expose them to Lancôme’s “takeover” of the terminal. Interested travelers then encounter an inviting space full of color, music, and elements that evokes a strong sense of place. Lancôme sought to effortlessly connect travelers to the action and vibrancy of L.A. with its colorful and attractive merchandise and L.A.-inspired lip looks. The pop-up was a call out to travelers to embrace the latest trends, products and make-up techniques. As travelers evaluate the multiple shopping options inside the pop-up, all Lancôme customers are invited to participate in any of the 10-minute Make-Up Master Classes offered daily. If time became an issue, the brand offered personalized make-up consultations from Lancôme’s experienced experts and specialists. The service was enhanced as passengers were offered the opportunity to purchase ready-to-go L.A. look sets and to personalize any of their favorite Lancôme products with unique messages and emoticons via a first-in-class engraving machine that transformed any Lancôme product into the perfect gift within minutes. Turning to gifting, Lancôme is keen to make every purchase a memorable occasion, by servicing every transaction with pop-up signature, L.A.-inspired gifting elements: mini canvas tote bags decorated with Lancôme’s exclusive L.A. Lip Art Academy looks, tags, stickers, look cards, lollipops and lip masks – all under the colorful universe of Lancôme’s L.A. Lip Art Academy. After their immersive experience, enchanted consumers advocate their Lancôme L.A. experience through their favorite social media platform. Selfies are taken, uploaded, tagged and shared, as a unique way to capture exciting beauty moments even in the rush of an airport. AMERICAS DUTY FREE & TRAVEL RETAILING



Travalo has launched the Perphone in response to customer demand for multi-functional products for every aspect of their lives

Scent of


Genie-S International, the company behind the Travalo refillable perfume atomizer brand, is set to double its turnover, thanks to new innovations


ravalo, the patented refillable perfume atomizer brand, is gearing up for a busy 12 months ahead. This financial year, Travalo is set to open new markets, launch a brand new product called Perphone, and totally revamp its Travalo brand. “This should help us double our current business,” says Nick Ying, Vice President at Travalo’s Hong Kong-based creator, Genie-S International Ltd. With Travalo, users refill their spray directly from any standard perfume bottle through Genie-S patented technology. Described as ready-to-use, convenient and elegant, its 5ml bottle contains up to 65 sprays of fragrance. Totally free of glass, the perfume atomizer is leak-proof and aircraft-approved for carry-on baggage.

A game-changing product The company’s performance has been buoyed by the US market, which is always strong, says Ying, as Americans are frequent travelers who want to take their fragrance with them. Latin America is getting stronger as well, including growth in Mexico. In the US, the Travalo atomizer equipped with the U-Change system is growing, as the ability to have one master case and then interchange fragrances is popular. The PerfumePod, described by the firm as an easy-fill perfume spray, is selling strongly in Latin America due to its very affordable pricing. In the last six months, Ying says the company has implemented in Americas duty free some “beautiful” space-saving



display units at point of sale that feature video demonstrations of how to use its refillable atomizers. During the TFWA World Exhibition in Cannes, Travalo will highlight its innovative upcoming launch: Perphone, which the company describes as the world’s first perfume refillable mobile phone case and “a gamechanging product”. Ying says customers continue to demand multifunctional products for every aspect of their lives. “We have just launched the Perphone in response to this trend. Our Perphone is a phone case that includes a patented, refillable fragrance atomizer on the back. Although customers may leave home without their purse, they will never go anywhere without a phone, and now his/her favorite fragrance can travel too.” Millennials are “really important” to Travalo, notes Ying. For this consumer group, Genie-S has created the PerfumePod brand, which offers efficient, colorful and fun products. Perphone is a new mobile phone case that includes a patented, refillable fragrance atomizer on the back


Catching the wave Fragrance specialist Interparfums USA is introducing a raft of exhilarating new scents with top-name brands in the world of fashion and style


nterparfums USA is on a roll with a number of new star fragrances launching this year and next from the well-known brands Hollister, Dunhill, Anna Sui and Abercrombie & Fitch. The New York-based company recently launched the Hollister Wave 2 fragrance for boys and girls, the sequel to the already best-selling Hollister Wave. Described as more fun, vibrant and thrilling than ever, the fragrances “capture the warm energy of endless summers on the beach… to the power of 2”, the company said. Wave 2 for Her edp is a floral, fruity, exotic, sun-kissed creation with top notes of sunlit peach, refreshing coconut water and sparkling mandarin. Mid notes of exotic tiare flower, water lily and pink freesia combine with vanilla orchid. The packaging is inspired by an exciting interpretation of a magnificent sunset.

On display at the TFWA World Exhibition are the Abercrombie & Fitch First Instinct fragrances for him and her. And in 2018, Interparfums will be launching Abercrombie & Fitch First Instinct Blue for Men and Abercrombie & Fitch First Instinct Blue for Women



Wave 2 for Him edt is a fresh, woody fougere billed as boldly masculine and warm, yet exhilarating. An exuberant introduction of mandarin and white peppercorns wrapped in fresh California air accord unfolds into the herbaceous freshness of lavender water blended with sage and geranium, and warmed by sensual woods and musk. These contrasting ingredients are meant to capture the exciting spirit of Cali living, while the packaging is inspired by sparkling aqua waves reflecting off a bright blue sky. In 2018, the company will be launching Hollister Free Wave for Her and Him.

Fantasia is the name of Anna Sui’s blockbuster modern and playful fragrance

For stylish men on the move The latest addition to the Dunhill London Icon Collection is Icon Racing, launched at the end of September 2017, a fragrance of speed, masculinity and freedom. Described as a fresh aroma for stylish men on the move, the fragrance juice features Italian bergamot, grapefruit and cardamom enhancing authentic notes of black pepper and lavender. Guaiac wood, vetiver and musk deliver warm and masculine base notes. Fantasia is the name of Anna Sui’s blockbuster modern and playful fragrance. With her new scent, on-counter from September 2017, the American fashion designer is speaking to the young girl in every woman that inspires her to dream. Fantasia’s faceted glass bottle is feminine and elegant, yet playful. The bottle is topped with a precious gold unicorn that invites us into Anna Sui’s magical world. The leaves and flowers adorning the bottle represent the magical forest. The gold ring with the embossed Fantasia logo adds an element of luxury. The edt fragrance is a precious golden elixir that adds an ethereal touch to this glamorous creation.

The latest addition to the Dunhill London Icon Collection is Icon Racing

On the folding carton, the unicorn is surrounded by a magical rainbow of stars and flowers. A new olfactory signature for the brand, the woody, fruity floral scent promises mystery, blended with sensuality and femininity. Top notes are a pink pomelo potion and spicy pink pepper. The heart is a floral bouquet with a raspberry praline to contrast the sparkling top, while golden cypress and Himalayan cedar wood add woodsy freshness. Shot by Steven Meisel and featuring model Willow Hand, the Fantasia magic comes to life in a colorful and joyful ad campaign. Also on display at the TFWA World Exhibition are the Abercrombie & Fitch First Instinct fragrances for him and her. And in 2018, Interparfums will be launching Abercrombie & Fitch First Instinct Blue for Men and Abercrombie & Fitch First Instinct Blue for Women.


Natural-born know how Florida-based beauty brand KROMA® Makeup is targeting the travel retail industry with its range of customized products tailored to women’s needs


ROMA® Makeup is looking to expand into the duty free channel from its firm foundations as a natural brand in the professional makeup, wellbeing and spa sectors. Founded in 1999 by Greek-born entrepreneur Lee Cristou, the company specializes in high-grade, customized beauty products and has a Professional Makeup Studio, which has been catering to thousands of women with different needs since 2000. Cristou describes the brand as a natural line before natural hit its current prime in the beauty market. There are a number of best-sellers: Botanical Foundations, Mineral Pressed & Loose Powders, TELIA Face-Lifting Primer/Moisturizer, and 3-piece Mineral Eyeshadow Kit. Cristou describes the latter product as customized and refillable, and great for travelers.

Americas a key target As the Florida-based brand seeks its first listings in duty free, Cristou sees the Americas as a key target. “We are focusing on the United States and Canada at the

KROMA® Makeup’s Mineral Powder is among the US beauty brand’s best-selling lines

moment since we are new in the distribution sector,” she says. “We already do B2C business nationwide but aim to grow organically in the Latin America market next.” Cristou, who has attended two IAADFS trade shows so far, is clear about the future strategy of the company. “Our growth strategy is to be available in select locations to start with, since we keep exclusivity in mind, and be more visible through trade shows. Also, increasing our sales rep manpower to work closely with distribution.” Cristou acknowledges that the Americas duty free channel is more retail-driven versus the personalization and one-onone customer service that the company finds working with the spa, medical spa and hotel industry. This 3-piece Mineral Eyeshadow Kit is customized and refillable, and great for travelers

KROMA® sees and hears consumer needs from the day-to-day operations at its Professional Makeup Studio. Through this feedback, the brand has noticed the increasing need for better ingredients. “By listening and having manufactured natural for over a decade, we find it’s easier for us to improve or evolve our existing product line since we’re also not mass-marketed. We have the ability to address some needs and offer quality and performance simultaneously on a steadily consistent basis,” notes Cristou. Regarding the rise of the millennial generation, KROMA® has always catered more to the baby-boomers and sees an increasing need to address some of the millennial requirements. To this end, the company is approaching social media more proactively and adding some trendier colors and textures to the line without altering KROMA®’s brand philosophy. Cristou says it has become increasingly important for the company to pursue an active digital media and social media channel strategy and is currently seeking to improve those strategies, which she believes are essential to brand recognition. KROMA® is also active on the new product development front, with new boxes coming very soon, according to Cristou. AMERICAS DUTY FREE & TRAVEL RETAILING



In the

pink Metal and mirror finishes define the latest fashionable sunglass styles from leading supplier Maui Jim


aui Jim’s collection of fashionable metal frames continues to expand, most recently with the release of three styles that offer a colorful and oversized perspective on a few of its most popular shapes. All three styles – Sea House, Breezeway and Cook Pines – are available in a variety of colorful frame and lens combinations to give wearers sophisticated and versatile options to suit their preferences. As well as metals, a number of new models sport mirror lenses. Maui Sunrise is a brand new proprietary pink flash mirror coating applied to its PolarizedPlus2 Maui Rose lens. It is available in two of the brand’s most popular styles: Baby Beach and Mavericks.

Maui Jim’s stylish blue flash mirror continues to be popular across the globe and is introduced with new styles, including Wakea and Kaupo Gap. The company continues its foray into the world of women’s fashion with the addition of new styles, Canna, Plumeria

New Maui Sunrise pink flash mirror coating has been applied to popular styles Baby Beach (left) and Mavericks

and Starfish. These feature understated cat eye silhouettes designed to flatter a variety of face shapes. All these new styles will be on display at the Maui Jim stand M59 Green Village at the TFWA World Exhibition.

Maui Jim continues its foray into the world of women’s fashion with the addition of new styles, Canna, Plumeria (pictured) and Starfish

The new Breezeway style is available in a variety of colorful frame and lens combinations to give wearers sophisticated and versatile options to suit their preferences



32nd Annual 32e Congrès Convention annuelle Canada’s Exclusive Duty Free Convention

Congrès exclusive de l’association hors taxes du Canada


Costa’s bestsellers in the lifestyle segment include Half Moon in Tiger Shark with Green Mirror Lens (top left), Half Moon in Shiny Black and Matte Black with Blue Mirror Lens (top right)

A higher



osta, the performance sunglass brand for anglers and water lovers, is making waves in the travel retail market thanks to its distinctive brand proposition. For more than 30 years, Costa has demonstrated its commitment to protecting the ocean on which they call home. One example is the brand’s longrunning partnership with OCEARCH, a research organization that specializes in tracking apex predators such as the Great White shark. “Costa is uniquely positioned in the market,” says Monty Montan̄ez, Director – International Sales & Business Development, Costa. “First, we have a very youthful millennial consumer who appreciates the exploratory spirit of our brand and what we stand for. Second, we offer an all-polarized, range of performance sunglasses with best-in-class color-enhancing lens technology to optimize life’s experiences on and off the water. And third, we are driven by a higher calling – we’re committed to sustainability and protecting and preserving the water we love.” OCEARCH is a recognized world leader in generating critical data on great white and tiger sharks. They partner with scientists and researchers to share the data they collect in an effort to better understand the patterns and habits of sharks who are our ocean’s balance keepers. To date, they have completed 30 expeditions, worldwide, aboard the M/V Ocearch, which serves as an at-sea laboratory.

Miss Costa on Global Shark Tracker In 2016, OCEARCH open-sourced the data on the Global Shark Tracker to 2.3



Costa is committed to protecting and preserving the ocean they love

million users. They achieved more than 6 billion media impressions, globally as well as 70 million Facebook and 134 million Twitter impressions. Consumers can follow the OCEARCHtagged sharks by accessing the free online Global Shark Tracker app, or by following OCEARCH on social media platforms. Costa has its own shark, called Miss Costa. This female white shark was tagged on September 23, 2016 and, since that date, has traveled 3,463 miles. Her last known location was Nantucket, Massachusetts. “Miss Costa was named for our longtime friends and partner Costa. Costa has done so much to enable our work on the water and we have been waiting to name a female white shark in honor of our partnership with them,” says Chris Fischer, founding Chairman and Expedition Leader of OCEARCH.

Sunglasses inspired by sharks This summer, Costa and OCEARCH took their partnership to a new level with a

More best-sellers include Rincon in Shiny Black with Blue Mirror Lens (bottom left) and Rincon in Smoke Crystal with Green Mirror (bottom right)

marketing campaign designed to raise awareness for sharks called: Don’t Fear The Fin. Fear a World Without Them. The campaign features a special OCEARCH Collection of sunglasses, with new styles and shark inspired colors. Each purchase helps fund research expeditions aboard Ocearch and its mission to protect sharks. New Costa sunglass styles for 2017 include the Reefton, Tasman Sea, Shipmaster, Cook and Oyster Bay. Meanwhile, Rincon and Half Moon are best-sellers in the lifestyle space. The Shipmaster features corrosion-free titanium frames in an oversized aviator shape. The frames are flexible and lightweight, and Hydrolite technology on the nose and temple pads keeps them comfortably on your face. This summer, Costa and OCEARCH have generated over 100 million consumer impressions through this unique conservation driven campaign. It featured digital activations, PR events and in-store signage featuring three shark attack survivors and their plight to protect sharks and our oceans.


Godiva Expression Artistique showcased in Waikiki, Hawaii

Godiva continues to see more multi-buy promotions in the market and additional destination/souvenir products

A voyage of discovery Belgian chocolate specialist Godiva is rapidly evolving with a raft of new products, bold new promotions and new ways of connecting with consumers

G Godiva has implemented a number of unique activities including a Red Carpet Chef event including dipping, photo opportunities, chef education sessions and special shopper promotions



odiva’s global travel retail team has been busy this year on a number of important fronts in a bid to cater more effectively to its customers. Explaining how active the Belgian chocolatier has been in the Americas region, Thom Blincoe, Global Travel Retail Trade Marketing Manager Americas & Caribbean, Godiva, says: “Our Godiva Global Travel Retail team is working diligently to optimize our supply chain, which brings terrific benefits and advantages to our customers. We have recently introduced additional products from Godiva’s global portfolio, which allows a broader assortment, more price points and a longer shelf life. More shipments now originate from our US distribution center, which provides a shorter lead time and a more direct route to market.” Blincoe says the strong US dollar and resulting currency exchange in Canada and some Latin American countries continue to present challenges, adding: “However, we’re quite pleased that our Latin American region is now trending favorably to meet and exceed expectations.”

New products performing well across all markets Godiva’s new innovation and novelty products – Icones d’Or and Expression Artistique – are performing quite well this year, he notes. The introduction of Truffes Délices is already proving to show very encouraging results as well. “Shoppers gravitate to travel retail exclusives and continue to seek and experience true indulgence with Godiva’s super-luxury products,” he says. Godiva Expression Artistique is described as an eye-catching gift box in a riot of colours reminiscent of an artist’s palette, which not only stands out on the shelf but promises a taste experience like no other. Aiming to celebrate the creativity and craftsmanship of its chocolatiers, the collection comprises 18 chocolate pieces in three new flavors: Orange Brûlant, a subtle praliné in a white chocolate shell; Jaune Merveilleux, an intense ganache covered in a rich dark chocolate shell; and Joli Rose, a velvety cream of roasted almonds in a smooth milk chocolate shell. The Godiva Expression Artistique limited edition is designed to evoke joie de vivre and childhood memories, and the box can be kept as a memento. Meanwhile, Icones d’Or (Gold Icons) is a contemporary collection inspired by the food art trend, based on the Gold collection originally developed by Godiva’s Maître Chocolatier, Pierre Draps, in 1920s Belgium. Some of Godiva’s most iconic pieces – the Ecusson and Lady Noir – have been rejuvenated in both color and flavor. The gold packaging is a nod to the heritage of Godiva’s Gold boxes, while the black swirls are reminiscent of Lady Godiva’s famously long hair. Best-selling products continue to include the brand’s shoppers’ favorites: Gold ballotins and the Souvenir collection. In addition, several self-treat items have become best-sellers too. “The introduction of Godiva Napolitains has been a huge success as an addition to our casual gifting range. The product continues to perform well across all markets,” enthuses Blincoe.

More self-treat items and experimental flavors The company is getting set to exhibit at the TFWA World Exhibition in Cannes, where it is planning to emphasize Godiva Chocolatier’s evolving credentials, which are focused on bringing a much broader product offering and more self-treat items to consumers. The company is also highlighting its new Gold Discovery collection, which is positioned as a more contemporary platform with more experimental flavors alongside traditional flavors in a more stylish packaging design that exudes upscale Godiva elegance. “These chocolates represent our passion for Belgian artistry and craftsmanship and are a diversity and culinary journey of innovative creations and well-loved classics,” he says. Turning to company performance, Godiva is brimming with optimism about the coming year. “We are seeking double-digit growth,” states Blincoe. “Our innovation and novelties products help drive growth to keep Godiva in a leadership position… Multi-purchase promotions, special activations and other promotions will also be key contributors to our growth.” In terms of consumer and industry trends, Godiva continues to see more multi-buy promotions in the market and additional destination/souvenir products. The global travel retail team

continually monitors these activities and products and will adapt as needed to competitive threats. “We continue to focus on activations at store level to engage the consumer at all touch points,” he notes.

New products and services for millennials Shopper buying behavior and demographics vary tremendously in different markets. For example, its West Coast locations have a strong Asian shopper focus versus East Coast shoppers, which are heavily European. The travel retail team carefully evaluates these variables and tailors the product assortment to best suit its target shopper base. Godiva is making greater connections with the key millennial shopper group by creating new products and services that make Godiva more appealing to this target segment. Its Coeur Iconique limited-edition products have been very successful with this demographic due to design elements, pricing and promotions, observes Blincoe. Godiva is responding to new retail formats, new product development and new technologies that millennials are drawn to. For example, its new Gold Discovery product is creating a stronger connection with millennial consumers. And domestic market Godiva retail stores are now offering additional new products that have great appeal to the millennial target, including dessert items, coffee, and revamped beverage selections. Godiva is aiming to pursue an active digital media and social media channel strategy. The brand is evolving to have much greater appeal to shoppers through product offerings, social media opportunities and through use of hashtags on point of sale material and other display items to promote shopper engagement. Godiva has implemented a number of unique activities at point of sale in Americas duty free in the last 6-12 months. A Red Carpet Chef event included dipping, photo opportunities, chef education sessions and special shopper promotions. In addition, an exclusive artist event with Oli B, the awardwinning artist collaborator of the Godiva 90th Anniversary collection, included on-site airport painting of a mural wall, gift box signings, instant photo opportunities and numerous shopper promotions. And in further interesting developments, Godiva has held cross-promotions with other product categories, such as product pairings, sampling/tasting and GWP promotions. Exclusive artist event with Oli B, the award-winning artist collaborator of the Godiva 90th Anniversary collection, included on-site airport painting of a mural wall, gift box signings, instant photo opportunities and numerous shopper promotions AMERICAS DUTY FREE & TRAVEL RETAILING



Making connections

FUN Perfetti Van Melle boasts a raft of new product innovations and promotions to boost sugar confectionery category sales


his year’s TFWA World Exhibition sees Perfetti Van Melle continue its strategy to build sugar confectionery turnover in travel retail. The company is focusing on its “must-have assortment” and new product introductions to drive sales. “Besides having the right core assortment, it remains our ambition to continuously excite retailers and travelers with surprising and eye-catching products – perfect as a gift for somebody else or as a gift to share,” says Femke van Veen, Travel Retail Brand Manager, Perfetti Van Melle. Van Veen says the company has seen a strong performance this year, with Europe the fastest-growing region. “We have seen promising results in Asia, where there is still a considerable amount of potential for further growth. The Middle East is also doing very well for us at the moment; our brands are well known in the region and the sugar product we have is favorable within their confectionery selection. We are also back on track in the Americas following a slight slowdown in the region last year.”


New promotional tool for airports

New at the TFWA World Exhibition this year is the Mentos Connecting Tin, a travel retail exclusive containing 275g of fruit flavor dragees. The packaging and dragees are decorated with multilingual greetings and landmarks. It is designed to be a fun and educational tool for younger customers. Van Veen says: “Mentos is all about connecting, and saying hello is a common social gesture that is known worldwide; so, there is no better place to buy them than in travel retail.” The launch of the Mentos Connecting Tin is supported by the use of a HoloBox holographic box, which will be implemented in airport promotions. Visitors to Cannes can view the HoloBox and see its promotional potential. Also on the stand will be a Mentos-themed selfie wall, featuring a map of the world with detachable speech bubbles. Visitors can take away a memorable Femke van Veen, Travel Retail Polaroid photograph or Brand Manager, leave one behind on the Perfetti Van Melle Wall of Fame. Also new is the Chupa Chups Do You Love Me? concept, which uses popular emoticons on packaging and lollipops to create a higher brand awareness amongst teens. “The Do You Love me? concept is our way of increasing the millennials’ interest and enthusiasm in the brand by supplying them a product


Perfetti’s The Do You Love Me? range includes a hand-held resealable bag filled with 25 fruit flavor Chupa Chups lollipops

in line with their daily habit and way of communicating.” The Do You Love Me? range includes a hand-held resealable bag filled with 25 fruit flavor Chupa Chups lollipops. Every 3D lollipop answers the question Do You Love Me? with various emoticons printed on the lollipops. The portable packaging is designed especially for airports, ferries and cruise ships. Also available is a handy Do You Love Me? volume silo filled with 50 lollipops, especially for border stores. A new character – an elephant – joins the Chupa Chups Cool Friends Back Pack family. The soft toy contains a variety of 16 fruit flavor Chupa Chups lollipops and can be reused as a fun backpack, making it a gift for kids. Alongside its new product introductions, Cannes will see Perfetti Van Melle discuss two other important pillars to confectionery growth: a “must-have” instore assortment, which highlights the top 10 sugar and gum confectionery products to drive sales; and the importance of cash till point sales with an assortment that picks the top six items.


Pure fantasy

Haribo’s halal range of resealable stand-up pouches to complement the standard collection

German sugar confectionery giant Haribo has beefed up its travel retail team as well as its product portfolio for the channel


n August 2017, Haribo strengthened its travel retail team with the appointment of Gilles Hennericy as Head of Travel Retail, based in Luxembourg, following the departure of Juan Miguel Cabrera. Hennericy has spent the last 20 years mostly working for Ferrero in various domestic and travel retail roles. He joined Haribo in January this year as Head of Logistics for Travel Retail and Export Markets. He will be supported by the sales team, which remains unchanged with Manuel Coronilla leading as Sales Director,

Gilles Hennericy was appointed Haribo’s Head of Travel Retail, based in Luxembourg, effective August 2017



and the marketing team led by Elisa Fontana as Marketing Manager Travel Retail. Hennericy said: “I am excited to take on this challenging new role at Haribo. I look forward to putting the experience I have gained of the travel retail market over recent years to good effect as we continue the excellent progress which the company has made in this dynamic channel under Juan’s leadership. Juan will be very sadly missed by the whole team at Haribo and we wish him well in his future exploits.”

New travel-exclusive resealable pouches In product news, Haribo has extended its popular range of travel-exclusive pouches with the Phantasia and Tropifrutti 750g assortments. The Phantasia fantasy assortment of fruity jellies contains characters such as dinosaurs, reptiles and marine creatures in flavors such as cherry, strawberry and blackcurrant, and the latest additions, apple and blueberry. The second variant, Tropifrutti Pouch 750g, offers tropical flavors. Jellies in shapes such as toucans and palm trees make up this assortment in exotic flavors. These two new zip-lock pouches are designed to stand on their own for easy display and will be available as part of Haribo’s standard assortment in most markets. The range of travel-exclusive resealable pouches also includes best-sellers Haribo Air-Parade, Goldbears, Happy Cola and Starmix in 750g and 250g sizes. Elisa Fontana, Travel Retail Manager, Haribo, said: “Tropifrutti and Phantasia are colorful, fun additions to the Haribo

sharing pouch collection, which is proving really successful in travel retail.” Joining the pouches in the spotlight is the cute new Haribo Goldbear Candy Tin 120g, a premium collectible gift containing 10 mini Goldbear bags. Another recent arrival in the travel retail portfolio, the Haribo Travel Bag 800g contains best-sellers for sharing. Made from plastic with a zip fastening, the bag is packed with 100g bags of Goldbears, Happy Cola, Starmix and Tropifrutti. With its Goldbear motif and shoulder strap, it also makes a kids’ shoulder bag.

New halal pouches Also on display at the TFWA World Exhibition will be a halal range of resealable stand-up pouches to complement the standard collection. The pouches will be 300g in a choice of Goldbears, Happy Cola, Air Parade, Tropifrutti and Starmix. The 300g size was selected to suit markets where there are strict carriage/weight restrictions, such as Dubai and Abu Dhabi. They will be rolled out in Q1 2018. A new Peaches assortment in the 750g resealable pouches range will also be unveiled at Cannes. Turning to the firm’s performance over the past year, Fontana says Haribo had “a pretty good year” in 2016 with healthy growth in the biggest markets of Europe, Middle East and America. Now, the focus will turn to Asia. “Bright, jazzy fruit jelly confectionery is a welcome alternative to chocolate and pralines for many consumers and has an important role to play in the crowded travel retail arena,” she says.


Business and leisure

at its best The latest must-have travel products from the world’s leading suppliers for both work and play

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1. Supreme Snoozer: Go Travel extends its range of travel pillows by introducing the hybrid Supreme Snoozer pillow that offers supportiveness and luxurious foam padding with the added convenience of portability of an inflatable product

4. Multi-Mask Treatment: BioMiracle’s Multi-Mask Treatment allows you to address each skin concern individually. The three new masks include Detoxifying, Hydrating and Clarifying, with the option of creating a custom mask

2. eKids Headphones: One of America’s most popular children’s electronics brands – eKids – is targeting international travel retail with its range of licensed products including kid-friendly headphones, promising to help keep travels fun

5. Wild Tiger Spiced Rum: This premium spiced rum offers an exotic blend of Indian spices such as cardamom, nutmeg, cinnamon, liquorice, black pepper and ginger, plus a secret tea extract infused into the rum

3. Polaroid Sunglasses: These lightweight polycarbonate sunglasses from Polaroid are a take on the round retro shape. This PLD 6031 model comes in a trendy matte black with a metal double bridge and polarized mirrored lenses

6. White Chocolate with Fine Cacao Nibs: República del Cacao presents its first single origin white chocolate entirely produced with natural local ingredients, offering delicate Ecuadorian fine cacao aromatic notes combined with fresh cane sugar



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7. MosquitNo Family Spray: MosquitNo is known for their innovative family friendly solutions against mosquitoes. The Family Spray offers an option that is convenient for handbags and travel. This spray is paraben free, deet free and gives you and your family up to 10 hours of protection 8. Z-Zoom Reading Glasses: Stylish and available in a number of colors, these reading glasses allow for convenience and functionality. Each pair of glasses is accompanied with a cleaning cloth and stored in a luxury branded acrylic case with magnetic closing. Styles are available in a variety of shapes, sizes and frame designs intended for individual preferences 9. Lambretta Classico 36 Watch: The Classico 36, part of Lambretta’s Classico Collection, is thin and elegant with polished 3ATM case, Italian premium leather strap, and smart quick-release pins for easy switching of the straps to suit every style

10. Mazaya Candy Drop Molasses: Tobacco-molasses specialist Alzawrae continues to innovate with creative flavors like Candy Drops molasses. The extensive range of fruit-flavored shisha tobacco is available in various pack sizes for travel retail 11. Santenay Premier Cru 2015: This white wine from LabouréRoi offers a bouquet with mineral and delicate woody notes, and on the palate is a citrus flavor with hazelnut notes. This crowd-pleaser can be served with salmon or as an aperitif 12. Tiffany & Co Fragrance: The new fragrance from this premier jeweler is described as bold, provocative and completely unexpected. The bottle is reminiscent of the New York brand’s signature Tiffany blue AMERICAS DUTY FREE & TRAVEL RETAILING



BROAD ANDDEEP Brown-Forman has created a number of successful new expressions of its iconic Jack Daniel's Tennessee Whiskey; the newest will be introduced in Cannes

Brown-Forman’s whiskey portfolio has always been enviable; now with the addition of Slane Irish whisky along with BenRiach and Glendronach single malts, the pool is getting well rounded indeed by



t can sometimes be difficult to determine cause and effect – is Jack Daniel’s the global force that it is because BrownForman has done such a great job with the brand, or has Brown-Forman become such a major force itself because it was lucky enough to have Jack Daniel’s in its portfolio? The truth probably lies between those two, but whatever the reasons for the two intertwined successes, Brown-Forman has found itself in the enviable position of being clearly on-trend as the popularity of American whiskey has been expanding around the globe – not only with its best-known brand but also with its Woodford Reserve Bourbon. Two other strong trends that Brown-Forman’s portfolio is addressing, given the company’s recent acquisitions/partnerships are the trend toward Scotch whisky – single malts in particular – and toward Irish whiskey.

Economic challenges Despite its propitious additions, 2016 held some difficulties in the Americas region, led by currency devaluations. “Without question, 2016 was a challenging year for global travel retail in the Americas. In many ways it mirrored 2015 in that the US dollar remained frustratingly strong and economic and political uncertainties persisted in Brazil and other Latin American countries,” says Monte Wilson, Brown-Forman’ Director of Americas & Global Key Accounts. “Compounding the overall economic environment of the Americas, the Mexican Peso continued to weaken in 2016, which created financial difficulties in that important market and restricted the flow of Mexican outbound travelers.” Wilson feels that the challenges of 2016 helped bring about the positive economic rebound of 2017. “For one thing, there has been a general acceptance of the strength of the US dollar with suppliers and retailers collaborating to incorporate its position into the dynamics of marketing and sales strategies to ensure value to the consumer,” he explains, adding another reason for the strong 2017: “More importantly, the demand for American whiskies remains strong throughout the world, including the Americas.” Wilson says the Brown-Forman Global Travel Retail team remains very optimistic on the business environment for the remainder of 2017 and going into 2018 in both the travel retail



and domestic markets in the Americas. “Jack Daniel’s and Woodford Reserve continue to be industry leaders and still show an excellent opportunity for growth in emerging markets,” he says. “Old Forester Bourbon, our founding brand, and Coopers Craft Bourbon, a new innovation, are fantastic additions to our already category-leading American whiskey travel retail portfolio. Our new Scotch whiskies and Slane Irish Whiskey nicely round out our whisk(e)y collection, and along with Herradura Tequila are now enjoying double-digit growth in the Americas.” South America has been at the forefront of the region’s recent difficulties, and Wilson says the continent remains a challenging business environment due to currency fluctuations and uncertain regional economics. “However, we have turned the corner with many of these issues and have been collaborating with our retail partners to get ahead on our planning. Consequently, we are looking forward to continued strong results,” he says, explaining that Brown-Forman has learned how to weather such storms. “We have found that succeeding in emerging markets and in particular, South America, is best accomplished by meeting the immediate challenges head on and planning for the long-term opportunities through scenario planning in order to react with immediacy and conviction. Ironically, challenging times often force us to sharpen our planning and strategy. Over the long term, this results in stronger performance and brand equity.”

Slane Irish whiskey launched in Dublin in April; it’s now rolled out throughout the UK and to select other airports

Take to the seas Cruise lines are a major part of the travel retail business in the Caribbean, and this is certainly true for Brown-Forman. “We are very enthusiastic about the future growth of our brands aboard ship,” says Wilson. “The thirst for American whiskies and the strong interest in cocktails that is so prominent around the world carries over when passengers embark on a cruise.” Passengers are part of the equation, but working with the cruise providers is an important aspect of on-board success. “We have worked extra hard to build a mutually rewarding business partnership with cruise leaders such as Carnival Cruise Corp, Royal Caribbean, Celebrity, Norwegian and Disney Cruise lines. We work with the management teams of these cruise lines to help enhance the experience of their passengers and our efforts are paying off in the form of reinforcing consumer favorites such as Jack Daniel’s and Woodford Reserve as well as introducing them to our American Whiskey innovations including Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Honey, Jack Daniel’s Gold No. 27, Jack Daniel’s Sinatra Select and Woodford Double Oaked,” says Wilson. “We’re also giving premium exposure to our other brands such as Herradura and El Jimador tequilas, Finlandia vodka and Chambord liqueur.”

Whiskies outside of America Brown-Forman always offers innovations to bring excitement to the channel, but the company’s new Scotch and Irish whiskies are the biggest news this year. “For the 2018 cruise season, we’re very excited be listing our BenRiach and Glendronach single malts and Slane Irish whiskey on select cruise lines,” says Wilson. “We now have a very premium and dynamic portfolio to offer our cruise line partners who desire unique, authentic brands that deliver a fun and high quality experience. We’re excited about being the ‘go to’ supplier to deliver just that.” Brown-Forman launched Slane Irish whiskey in April in the Dublin Airport, and it’s currently rolling out across the remain-

der of Ireland and the United Kingdom. “We are pleased to report that Slane can now be purchased in the Sydney Airport in Australia as well as select international airports in the United States, with more airports scheduled to receive it over the next few months,” says Wilson. The company is also showcasing its Scotch whiskies. “We will be making a more formal introduction in Cannes of other members of our outstanding Scotch portfolio – The GlenDronach, as well as new releases from BenRiach collection,” says Wilson. “We feel the addition of these Scotches and Slane totally complement and enhance the strength of our whisk(e)y portfolio. Our retail partners have wanted Brown-Forman to enter into the Scotch and Irish category for years, and we’re very excited about our opportunities with them.” AMERICAS DUTY FREE & TRAVEL RETAILING


EDRINGTON The company’s shining star, The Macallan, offers endless opportunities to capture everyone from the burgeoning connoisseur to the serious collector



Edrington’s business has grown rapidly in the Americas, and Managing Director Igor Boyadjian sees incredible potential for this trend to continue by



drington continues to see strong performance in all regions, driven primarily by The Macallan, the company’s clear focus for travel retail. “Our focus on premiumization and storytelling is providing a level of resilience against the discounting trends affecting buoyancy in the category. Highland Park is also growing at a similar rate, with our investments in channel-exclusive product innovations resonating well with consumers,” says Igor Boyadjian, Managing Director, Global Travel Retail. Clearly some growth has been due to the recovery of a number of key markets and demographics.

Tremendous potential The company has found the Americas region to be “interesting.” Boyadjian says growth in the region has been rapid. Admittedly this is in part because business is growing from a smaller base, but also because the Americas team has been so strong. “We were very fortunate to welcome into Edrington a great team of people in the region who bring significant expertise and local knowledge. I’m very confident about the platform we have in place now that all of our distribution globally is fully owned.” Boyadjian says the region still has enormous potential. “The investments being made in duty free in this region – 96


upgraded facilities in North America and a number of new ones in South America – mean there is tremendous potential for growth in this region. Domestically The Macallan has seen plenty of investment and we will be looking to build on this momentum.” The cruise line business is also of particular interest for the company.

Caribbean favorite While Macallan is Edrington’s focus brand in travel retail globally, Boyadjian says Brugal rum has always enjoyed a very strong position in both the Caribbean, particularly in its “home” market the Dominican Republic, and in regional markets like Spain. “Over the last few years the brand has enjoyed positive developments around the world, in markets like the US for example. Our current opportunities lie in the support we can provide the domestic market development of the brand, as well as capturing opportunities where the travelers from these markets are. A great example of this is the cruise line channel, for example, where we have strongly supported our cruise line partners with on-premise activations and the development of Brugal cocktails for bar menus.”

Blends market While Edrington’s Cutty Sark is a strong brand, Boyadjian says the blends market

is extremely challenging due to price discounting and margin erosion. “If I look at the whisky category specifically, in blends it is such a hyper-competitive market that everyone is working on fine margins and struggling to drive growth. In single malts I think we have a resilient strategy, with a nice mix of revenue between entry-level and core expressions right through to ultra-premium bottlings, and across a number of regions. Boyadjian says travel retail offers an amazing platform to engage with consumers, many of whom are in a mindset to shop and have money to spend. “It’s up to us to show the innovation and creativity, allowing us to capitalize on this engagement opportunity that cannot be matched by competing sales channels, particularly online.”

Igor Boyadjian, Edrington’s Managing Director, Global Travel Retail, sees tremendous potential in the Americas region


PLEASE DRINK RESPONSIBLY. BAYOU™ Rum and BAYOU™ Spiced Spirit Drink. 40% Alc/Vol. BAYOU™ Satsuma Liqueur. 30% Alc/Vol. Louisiana Spirits, LLC, Lacassine, LA. © 2017. BAYOU and BAYOU RUM are trademarks of Louisiana Spirits, LLC as are the PLEASE DRINK RESPONSIBLY. BAYOU™ BAYOU™ Spiced Spirit Drink.40% 40% PLEASEand DRINK RESPONSIBLY. BAYOU™ RumRum and and BAYOU™ Spiced Spirit Drink. labels the visual properties relatingSelect thereto.

Alc/Vol.Louisiana BAYOU™ Spirits, Satsuma 30%LAAlc/Vol. Louisiana LLC,are Lacassine, LA. Alc/Vol. LLC,Liqueur. Lacassine, © 2017. BAYOU and Spirits, BAYOU RUM trademarks © Louisiana 2017. BAYOU andLLC BAYOU trademarks of Louisiana as are the of Spirits, as areRUM the are labels and the visual propertiesSpirits, relatingLLC thereto. labels and the visual properties relating thereto.


Spanish provenance by


Licor 43’s recognizable brand together with its popularity, heritage and strong distribution network, is helping to create strong double digit growth in the Americas region

Licor 43 Orochata, the brand’s first innovation in 70 years, has done exceptionally well and is still rolling out to new markets


n travel retail, Diego Zamora’s Licor 43 is the company’s focus. The Spanish liqueur is popular around the world but has shown great growth in the Americas recently, thanks in part to airport activations last year, and to an increased popularity of liqueurs as a whole. “Globally we are seeing a +3% growth in Liqueurs, though by the end of the calendar year I expect the number to be more like +6-7%,”says Antony Kime, Director, Global Duty Free for Zamora. In our Americas Duty Free “Liqueur Report” in 2016, Kime reported that sales were up in double digits for North America, with Mexico delivering the strongest growth outside the US. “The phenomenal growth in the Mexican domestic business is helping our border shop business,” he stated at the time, adding that the results from an airport activation in Mexico City managed by its distributor, now called WEBB Banks, was beyond all expectations at +80%. At this activation they did a tasting of Licor 43’s signature drink in the region – the L43 Carajillo – at the Rotunda in Terminal 1. Zamora and its distributor also held similar successful activations later in the year.

South America takes off Kime says South America has been responsible for strong regional growth this year after two years of difficult sales on the continent, despite the fact that Zamora did not lose ground during that challenging time when some companies were down well over -30%. “Overall the Americas region is up +30% vs 2016,” he says. “Although North America has grown inline with expectations, the real star is the South American business. From 2015 through 2016 were tough. We have had a strong bounce back this year and this is a credit to the team we now have in the region.” 98


Celebrating its Spanish heritage, the brand will launch special “Made in Spain” packaging in October with Dufry, coming available to other retailers as of January 2018

Proud history Diego Zamora is a proudly Spanish company, and of late this heritage is offering clear opportunity. At last year’s IAADFS show in Orlando, the company introduced the creamy liqueur Licor 43 Orochata, the first innovation for the brand in 70 years. Its taste and packaging was inspired by the traditional Horchata recipes of Valencia, made with tiger nuts and softly spiced with cinnamon. “Orochata is performing far beyond expectations, and is now 14% of total Licor 43 volume,” says Kime. “We expect this will taper as we get closer to full distribution but we are exceptionally happy with consumer take up.” Licor 43 Orochata is still rolling out to new countries. “We understand that Orochata introduction has been very

successful in other markets and will be launching the product in our region soon as well,” says Robert de Monchy, CEO of MONARQ, which distributes Licor 43 in Central America and Colombia. “The brand is growing in double digits, especially because of the famous “carajillo” drink with espresso,” he adds. Curaçao is also performing especially well, with +15% growth, according to WEBB Banks. Zamora’s Spanish heritage will soon be on display in a duty free exclusive. “Licor 43 ‘Made is Spain’ will be launched in early October through Dufry and then rolled out to our other partners in January 2018,” says Kime. “Also in January, Villa Massa ‘La Dolce Vita' packaging will launch. Both packs look really great and will stand out on shelf brilliantly vs our competitors.”


WGS introduces new expressions after record-breaking year William Grant & Sons (WGS), now the 6th largest brand owner in travel retail*, is bringing new expressions to Cannes following a record year in 2016 and continued growth in 2017. Continuing with its trend toward premiumization, WGS will introduce a number of new expressions to the travel retail sector for core brands Glenfiddich, The Balvenie and Tullamore D.E.W. in Cannes this year. Along with offering the new expressions in Cannes, WGS is reporting a great deal of good news. Glenfiddich, the flagship brand for WGS, has regained the number-one single malt position in value and volume sales last year, according to IWSR figures, enabling it to enter the top-10 spirit brands in the channel. Additionally, The Balvenie, growing +23.8%, is the 4th largest single malt in travel retail, Hendrick’s remains the strong leader in super premium gin with a 56% share, Monkey Shoulder grew value sales +95%, Drambuie value sales grew +18% in a flat category and Sailor Jerry spiced rum grew value sales +18% ahead of the category. WGS held a series of reveals leading up to TFWA WE, with its main Glenfiddich brand story theming its annual party on Tuesday October 2nd.

WGS flagship brand Glenfiddich has regained the number-one single malt position in value and volume sales

BACARDÍ celebrates heritage in San Juan This summer, Bacardí partnered with Dufry at San Juan Luis Munoz Marin International Airport in Puerto Rico, where Bacardí is mainly produced, for a four-month activation. Featuring the full range of aged Bacardí rums, all made and aged using lightly charred American white oak barrels in Puerto Rico, the activation celebrated the company’s heritage in classic rum cocktails. The pop-up cocktail bar, positioned prominently in the store from 1 June until 30 September 2017, invited shoppers to “Discover Classic Rum Cocktails With BACARDÍ” as a reminder of the

classic cocktails they would have come across during their stay on the island and a demonstration of how easy it is to conjure up an authentic taste of holiday once they are back home. Travelers were encouraged to get involved by mixing their very own classic rum cocktails in a fun bar, accompanied by an upbeat music playlist to add to the mood as retail brand ambassadors advised and guided them across the range of rums. While this event in Puerto Rico was the launch and longestlasting activation, the pop-up bar will be in other locations globally this summer as part of a category-driving initiative to engage and excite shoppers with rum, grow understanding of its versatility in cocktail-making and also to create easy learning about its heritage and craft. Throughout the campaign shoppers had the chance to enjoy classic cocktails including BACARDÍ Carta Blanca in a Mojito or a Rum Collins, the BACARDÍ Carta Ora Cuba Libre or to savour a BACARDÍ Ocho Anos Old Fashioned. They were then invited to take photographs with branded frames and share on social media. The Casa Bacardi Visitor Center is the second most visited tourism venue in metro San Juan, drawing more than 200,000 visitors a year to learn about the rich history of the Bacardi family and brand, as well as its unique production. At this summer’s four-month Bacardí activation at San Juan airport in Puerto Rico, travelers were invited to create classic cocktails and share photos on social media




World of Patria extends portfolio in time for Cannes In Cannes this year, World of Patria International (WOPI) will present a number of new additions, each one selected for its suitability in the travel retail channel. As the cocktail trend continues globally, WOPI is launching Pink Pepper Gin from French company Audemus and introducing the Regal Rogue range of vermouth, designed to “marry the art of merriment with a journey of sensory discovery.” This company’s range blends native Australian aromatics with wines sourced from the country’s most iconic wine region. This handcrafted range offers clear taste choices set to revolutionize the market:

Regal Rogue Daring Dry Vermouth: Sauvignon Blanc wine from South Australia is flavored with native anise myrtle, thyme and quandong, complemented with juniper, olive leaf, gentian, white pepper and the herbs sage, oregano and thyme. Regal Rogue Lively White Vermouth: A base of generous bodied Hunter Valley Semillon wine is blended with native lemon myrtle, desert lime and native thyme followed by grapefruit, chamomile, elderflower, lemongrass, basil, rosemary, sage, oregano and thyme. Regal Rogue Wild Rose Vermouth: Based on an Adelaide Hills Shiraz rosé wine blended with native illawara plums, rosella hibiscus fruit, strawberry gum and fruit spice together with rhubarb, fig and red currant.

Australian Regal Rogue Vermouth

Regal Rogue Bold Red: A blend of Hunter Valley Semillon and Barossa Valley Shiraz married with native pepper berry, wattleseed, native thyme and cacao nibs as well as cinnamon, star anise, clove, ginger and nutmeg. Also new to WOPI’s portfolio is Koniks Tail Vodka, distilled using spelt, golden rye and early winter wheat grown by farmers close to Poland’s Bialowieza Forest. This triple grain vodka takes its name from Poland’s famous wild ponies, historically significant small horses that still graze in the region today.

Chase International brings Stillhouse to the US and Caribbean The whiskey category in the US and Travel Retail is the second largest after vodka and growing rapidly. Award-winning American whiskey brand Stillhouse will now be represented by Chase International in the US Travel Retail and Caribbean markets. Cuttingedge and disruptive, Stillhouse has been experiencing double-digit growth in the US.

Stillhouse is a clear, crossover whiskey packaged in a daring red stainless steel can that goes where glass can’t. In addition to Stillhouse Original, the family of all-natural, gluten-free infused expressions further includes Apple Crisp, Peach Tea, Coconut, Mint Chip and Red Hot.

Stillhouse is a crossover clear whiskey packaged in a striking red can and disruptively boasting double-digit growth in the US AMERICAS DUTY FREE & TRAVEL RETAILING



Diageo Global Travel launches CÎROC French Vanilla Diageo’s CÎROC vodka, which recently strengthened its position in the super deluxe vodka category with a 5ppts share gain globally, has just announced a new flavor addition: CÎROC French Vanilla. To celebrate “arrival” moments in fashion and popular culture and playing with the “arrival” of passengers in airports, The launch of French Vanilla is the latest news from the CÎROC #ONARRIVAL campaign, pairing the rich and creamy taste of French Vanilla with the smooth texture of CÎROC. The celebration flavor is being launched with a hero CÎROCStar Martini serve – a combination of smooth vanilla vodka mixed with an array of vibrantly tangy ingredients, topped off with a dash of champagne. The vodka and martini will be rolled out in the on and off trade across global markets and will be available in Global Travel from October 2017. CÎROC-STAR MARTINI 35 ml CÎROC French Vanilla 25 ml White peach purée 15 ml Passionfruit syrup 5 ml Lemon juice 10 ml Rhubarb aperitif 50 ml Champagne (on the side) • Add all ingredients except the Champagne to a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake and strain into a large martini glass. Pour the Champagne into a shot glass, and serve alongside. • Garnish with a half-passionfruit floated in the drink.

Diageo’s CÎROC #ONARRIVAL campaign will celebrate with the launch of CÎROC French Vanilla and a hero CÎROC-Star Martini serve, from October 2017

Hiro Sake focuses on travel retail

After six years in the US market, multi-award-winning Hiro Sake moves into the travel retail market



Hiro Sake, the award-winning, handcrafted, premium sake brewed in the Niigata Prefecture, the premier sake-producing region of Japan, has been available in the US for six years but has just begun focusing on travel retail in the region. The company had a popular and busy stand at IAADFS in Orlando, and recently announced the appointment of Chase International for its US travel retail and Caribbean. In the US, the company’s sales have grown in double digits every year since entering the market in 2011, and it now looks to Chase to help continue this trend in the TR-Caribbean channel. According to Chase Donaldson, President of Chase International, sake is underrepresented in the channel, and he looks forward to increasing its visibility, especially in the cruise market. Hiro is a multi-award winning sake, with a Double Gold medal win for Hiro Gold at the San Francisco International Wine Competition, a Double Gold Medal for Hiro Blue and the “BEST OF NATION” award from Japan, the highest award bestowed. Hiro is handcrafted using only the finest ingredients at the Brewery Taiyo Shuzo, established in 1635 in the Niigata Prefecture. Hiro Red and Hiro Blue can be used in an infinite number of cocktails, standing in for vodka, rum or gin and with only half the alcohol of traditional spirits. Hiro is only 39 calories/ounce, additive- and preservative-free, gluten-free, histamine- and allergen-free and has 1/3 the acidity of wine.

The melting ice elephant was a visual way to bring attention to the rapid disappearance of the African elephant, and to launch Amarula’s fundraising initiative

Don’t let them

disappear by


Since 2002, South African cream liqueur Amarula has consistently worked with conservationists to help save the African elephant population; recent efforts have intensified and the company has just launched an especially high-profile campaign in the US


ince its inception over 30 years ago, Amarula, which is made using the fruit of the Marula tree, has been associated with the African elephant. In South Africa, where the cream-based liqueur is from, the Marula tree is also called the Elephant tree; once per year, elephants begin their journey to feast on the sun-ripened fruit of the Marula trees, which grow wild and free across the subequatorial plains of Africa. This signifies to local communities the fruit is ready to be hand-harvested and ultimately turned into Amarula.

ing elephants. The hope was that by giving names to individual elephants, people would care more about them. This year in Phase II of Name Them Save Them, launched at IAADFS in Orlando, the company produced 400,000 individualized bottles, each featuring a named elephant from Phase I.

A visual display The company’s newest campaign, “Don’t Let Them Disappear” was launched on World Elephant Day, August 12, with a large-scale event in New York City. For


this event, a life-sized ice sculpture of an African elephant was placed in the sweltering heat of New York City to illustrate the rapid loss of the African elephant population. The “Disappearing Elephant” was on display at Union Square North starting at 7am and remained onsite for the entire day. The life-size sculpture, carved by famed second-generation ice sculptor Shintaro Okamoto, consisted of roughly 85 blocks of ice, and weighed an estimated 18,000 pounds – a little more than an adult African Bush elephant. Over the course of the day, this massive ice sculpture gradually melted, symbolizing the alarming rate at which African elephants are disappearing at the hands of poachers. Dr. Paula Kahumbu, the foremost authority on African elephants and CEO of Amarula’s charitable partner, WildlifeDIRECT, was present to educate the public and help raise awareness.

Global conservation efforts “There are only approximately 400,000 African elephants left in the world, and one is lost every 15 minutes to poachers. We need help spreading the word about the plight of our elephants," says Dr. Kahumbu. “This campaign is a critical component to our global conservation efforts, and the funds raised through Amarula’s help will truly make a difference.” The cornerstone of the campaign is a fundraising initiative whereby $1 from every bottle of Amarula sold in the US between September 1, 2017 and December 31, 2017, will go directly to WildlifeDIRECT’s impactful global conservation efforts. For more information about Amarula and its “Don’t Let Them Disappear” Campaign, visit:

Conservation efforts Amarula has always used the elephant on its label, and since 2002 the brand, owned by Distell, has consistently worked closely with conservation organizations to protect the endangered animal so close to its company’s heart. About 30,000 African elephants are killed every year by poachers, mostly for their ivory. About 97% of the African elephant population has been wiped out in a little over a century. In 2016, in partnership with renowned conservation group WildlifeDIRECT, Amarula launched “Name Them Save Them,” wherein for a donation of $1 an individual could name one of the remain-

Famed second-generation ice sculptor Shintaro Okamoto created the 18,000-pound elephant, which disappeared over the course of the New York City summer day AMERICAS DUTY FREE & TRAVEL RETAILING


MONARQ Among other trends de Monchy sees in the region is an increased appetite for authentic single malts such as Tomatin

American evolution

Import, distribution and marketing company MONARQ’s portfolio is becoming more refined in order to stay current, strong and balanced by WENDY MORLEY


ONARQ Group import, regional distribution and marketing has carved a gilt-lined niche for itself. Headquartered in the Netherlands, the company’s territory stretches from the US through to Argentina, with commercial offices and bonded warehousing in Miami, Mexico City and Santiago, Chile. MONARQ’s portfolio is broad and premium, made up of brands that CEO Robert de Monchy feels bring strong elements to the table.

Strengthening south As is the generally the case this year, the company’s South American business has improved. “The Brazilian borders are picking up, particularly Paraguay and Argentina. Chile and Peru are also doing well,” says de Monchy. The Caribbean is inconsistent from country to country, however. “The Caribbean has some weaker spots,” he continues. “This is mostly due to economic downturns. But overall it is performing well, more or less in line with the rest of the region.”

Monchy, adding: “We have recently added Passoa to our portfolio, which performs well in the Caribbean. Compass Box is performing very well – a truly innovative whisky portfolio with blended Scotch, blended malts and blended grains.” The company is also in the process of picking up a few “exciting” new brands, although as of print date de Monchy declined to name them, saying it was premature.

Global trends Certain trends are evident globally that de Monchy is also seeing in his territory: the interest in authentic, craft brands and regional products, for example. He also notes a strong market for beer and gin in addition to both single and blended malts. One of the biggest news stories in recent years is the surge in demand for specialty

Evolving portfolio The company has picked up many brands in the past couple of years and will continue to do so, but recently has also let some brands go. “In order to have a premiumized, well-balanced and up-todate portfolio we have decided to let go a number of a number of brands,” says de



and new world whiskies. Japanese whisky in particular has seen a massive boom around the world, and de Monchy says the three independent Japanese whisky distilleries MONARQ represents “are doing very well.” He adds: “We represent brands such as IWAI, Mars, Komogatake, Togouchi and Akashi. We keep inventory in our bonded warehouse in Miami to guarantee constant supply for our customers in the Americas.” Success in this channel comes from a number of marketing strategies including promotions and exclusives. To this end, MONARQ has a big Formula 1 racing promotion coming up with Heineken in October, and the company is introducing a number of GTR exclusives with, among others, Heineken and Tomatin Highland single malt whisky.

Japanese whisky has taken the world by storm of late, and MONARQ represents three independent distilleries with brands such as IWAI, Mars and Komogatake



the elusive The struggle to seize the millennial traveler is real; Tito’s Handmade Vodka has managed to not only capture that generation, but also take a mighty strong hold by



he term “millennial” has become everything from a buzzword to a goal to an annoyance in the travel retail channel, but whichever term is used for the age group and whatever its relative importance to the channel, Tito’s Handmade Vodka has managed to charm it. Between Tito’s image as an authentic craft brand and its strong social media interaction, it has become both accepted and searched for, and this means growth.

American expansion The Americas is an especially strong market, and the brand continues to grow year on year in the region, according to John McDonnell, Tito’s International Managing Director. This is especially the case in North America and the Caribbean. “Many Americans travel to the Caribbean to escape the winter months,” he says. “We are experiencing very nice growth in this region and are activating the brand on every Caribbean Island through WEBB Banks.” Central America has also been growing, and the brand has been working hard to expand its reach in South America. “Honduras and Costa Rica are showing tremendous distribution gains. We have great partners in both countries and they are committed to making the brand available in all outlets,” says McDonnell. “We have recently secured distribution with London Supply in Argentina, and Dufry has approved Tito’s for listings in all of its LATAM locations.”

This year Tito’s Handmade Vodka began introducing successful GTR-exclusive gift bags. For the winter season, the company is playing on the popularity of the “ugly sweater” trend with an Ugly Sweater gift bag

We have recently launched in Jordan and Israel. The most recent feedback from both markets is extremely positive.” Airport activations will play a key role in brand expansion. Following a successful airport activation in Las Vegas’ McCarran International Airport, Tito’s is rolling out the Chicago-style pop-up bar to other US airports, including New York’s John F. Kennedy Airport in November. The bar’s brick warehouse façade plays on the brand’s craft image and allows visitors to sample America’s original craft spirit.

GTR exclusives This year Tito’s began offering gift bags. The company’s GTR-exclusive red, white and blue burlap bag created for US Independence Day was a great success. “Travelers really appreciated being able to take a piece of Americana home with them,” says McDonnell. “This was a fun and unique way to dress up Tito’s for one of America’s biggest holidays. We have

other GTR-exclusive packaging in the pipeline, including ‘The Ugly Sweater’ gift package for this holiday season.” Tito’s is also looking at different format sizes for the channel, adding 1.75L and 200ml bottles in many US airports.

Digital solution McDonnell says digital is the way to go for duty free. “Millennials are traveling more, but they aren’t shopping duty free. According to research, this age group looks up from their phone only four times after entering the airport before getting on a plane. This means we need to communicate with them through their mobiles. Retailers are creating their own platforms, but the consumer doesn’t differentiate one duty free retailer from another. "The solution is to create a single global platform to allow travelers to access the offering in all airports they travel through. In other words, we need to have an Airbnb-style app for global travel retail."

Global steps Globally, the Middle East is a region of note. “Tito’s Handmade Vodka is selling very well in the Middle East, specifically Dubai and Abu Dhabi,” says McDonnell. “The word is spreading around the globe about Tito’s Handmade Vodka’s quality.

Airport activations such as this one at Las Vegas’ McCarran International Airport will be important aspects of Tito’s expansion plans AMERICAS DUTY FREE & TRAVEL RETAILING




The Finish Collection sold out in just a few months; as the company awaits the batch that is currently maturing, it will release a three-pack of 200mL in Duty Free

first Ron Abuelo has made huge headway around the globe with its Finish Collection, and that’s just the beginning by



or Ron Abuelo, the first half of 2017 has been “amazing,” according to Ricardo March, Vice President, Varela Imports. “New markets have opened up. The aged rum category is really taking off in Europe.” But the real story is Asia, where the trend toward ultra-premium rum is evident, says March. This is especially

This fall, a new campaign is beginning for Ron Abuelo 12, with activations in New York City, Miami, Rome and Singapore

the case for Varela’s completely unique product called the Finish Collection. In fact, Asia is so strong that the company recently hired someone based in Singapore to look after the region – a substantial move for a smaller family-owned company. As yet, the US and Caribbean have not quite caught up with the aged rum movement, but March hopes this is on the horizon.

The Finish Collection Whereas it’s quite common for a whisky to be finished in casks that had contained any number of different liquids, this is generally not the case for rum. Varela turned that reality on its head with the Finish Collection, consisting of three rums aged 14 years and then finished in Oloroso sherry (Oloroso), port (Tawny) and Cognac (Napolean). It’s difficult to overstate the success of this collection. “Within the first few months we sold our entire inventory,” says March. Because this liquid must mature in its finishing cask, it cannot be immediately produced; this creates the enviable problem of having far greater demand than supply. The company is currently working hard to supply that demand, and will have new product available for 2018.



Sampling is paramount Tastings have been a big part of the Finish Collection’s success, and the company has offered samplings of these liquids in airports across the globe, including and Asia. “This collection works well for Asian consumers because they understand Cognac,” says March. The company has had activations with Dufry and DFS in Changi Airport in Singapore. The demand has been so great that a new three-pack of 200mL bottles will be released soon, as a duty free exclusive – a perfect gift or sampler for the traveler.

Further innovation Hot on the heels of the Finish Collection and its new three-pack, Ron Abuelo is introducing another innovation for rum. Ron Abuelo Double Oak is first aged in a refill cask and then placed in a brand new, medium toasted oak cask to finish for one year. This unique offering will launch in November, just in time for the busy gifting season. Along with the launch of the Ron Abuelo three-pack this September is coming a substantial campaign for Ron Abuelo 12. Activations will be taking place in Singapore, Rome, New York City and Miami.


The company’s “Are you Liqueurious’ activations introduced the renewed brand to travelers in airports in France. The campaign will roll out further in coming months

by no means a guarantee – nor are they affordable for many companies. “Innovations show no signs of slowing down. This is largely an effort to create more profitable products that are not restricted by benchmark domestic prices,” he says. “Retailers’ margin pressures also continue to bite into suppliers’ bottom line. Building a profitable new business in travel retail is extremely difficult,” says Baker.

Continued progression by


Despite “some of the most difficult trading circumstances” he’s experienced in GTR, MBWS Global Travel Retail Director Kevin Baker says new signings and increased sales bode well for the company


ravel retail tends to be more heavily affected by sociopolitical trends than other industries, and the past couple of years have had their share of difficulties. “Economic and political situations have affected Russian travelers, Chinese passengers’ spend levels and the economy in Latin America,” says Kevin Baker, Global Travel Retail Director at Marie Brizard Wine & Spirits (MBWS). “Add to that the increasing number of terrorist attacks in Europe, the decisions affecting Qatar, the knock-on effects of Brexit, and now the uncertainty in the US following the president’s travel ban – these have conspired to create some of the most difficult trading circumstances I’ve experienced in travel retail.” Against this demanding backdrop, MBWS managed a better start to 2017 than 2016. The company has recently achieved new listings in Europe, Americas and the Middle East. “The Middle East continues to be uncertain,” says Baker. “The situation regarding Qatar is destabilizing, and the

US travel ban will certainly have considerable effect. Despite this I believe sales in this region will continue to rise, driven by the tremendous infrastructure investments in airports around the world.”

Changing times Baker feels Brexit offers opportunity. “Although duty free sales for EU passengers will not return to those departing to/ from the UK next year, currency changes mean the UK has now become very good value for money for tourists. So we may see a positive knock-on effect to sales at UK airports.” He adds: “Although having said that, there may be a reduction in British passengers traveling abroad because Europe and the US are now much more expensive!”

Keys to success “Success in the crowded and competitive liquor category demands a combination of innovative and exclusive products supported by engaging activations that appeal to the savvy consumer,” he says. “These can be prohibitively expensive for smaller brands, but there are always opportunities for growth. Many smaller brands offer unique, niche, different and interesting products with real appeal to travelers seeking alternatives. It’s up to the retailers to make it financially possible for us to work within the channel.” MBWS will exhibit in Cannes, Blue Village D12, with a brand new stand featuring the “Are you Liqueurious” activation, supported by a cocktail bar on the stand and a great Marie Brizard sensory feature.

New look, new activations The company has been running a new promotion at French airports, called: Are you Liqueurious? Baker says: “During April and May, an eye-catching Marie Brizard wall-bay featured in Paris Charles de Gaulle Terminal 2E together with a ‘Marie Zest’ tasting event in Paris Orly South, supporting ‘BuY PARIS DUTY FREE’s French Riviera’ promotion, in partnership with Lagardère Travel Retail. This was followed in June by ‘Are you Liqueurious’ tastings in Bordeaux Airport. And we are seeking to roll these out further.” According to Baker, innovations and activations are the key to success in the crowded spirits market, though they are

MBWS recently executed a complete redesign of its packaging, ensuring all Marie Brizard items have a similar look and feel AMERICAS DUTY FREE & TRAVEL RETAILING



A clear path ahead Swiss family-owned cigar producer Villiger Söhne GmbH looks at beefing up its distribution in Latin America and the Caribbean

Simone Hees’ priority is to get Villiger an on-shelf presence throughout Latin America and the Caribbean


ravel retail has always been an important distribution channel for independent family-owned cigar producer Villiger Söhne GmbH. Today, the Swiss tobacco specialist is broadening its focus beyond its market strongholds of Europe and Asia and into Latin America and the Caribbean. Simone Hees, Export Director for Southern Europe and Latin America, is forecasting a 50% jump in Latin American sales for this financial year due to an increase in distribution. The company’s overall strategy is to continue boosting distribution and striving for continuous availability, combined with improved merchandising and positioning, as well as the listing of new, attractive skus. Hees explains that Villiger is currently focusing on Asian consumers with promotions and special editions for Chinese travelers at point of sale in travel retail.

Latin Americans back on the road Among the countries and regions performing well are China, South East


Asia and the Middle East due to the high numbers of Chinese travelers. But some locations are proving particularly challenging right now, Hees notes, including Turkey and Russia. Despite this, Hees has extremely high expectations for growth this financial year, citing a 10% uplift in sales for China, South East Asia and the Middle East. The company has a number of topperforming products. Currently, Villiger Mini Color Line in a tin box of 20 cigarillos is performing extremely well, followed by Villiger Minis in tins of 10 cigarillos. With regards to consumer trends, Hees is seeing growth in the number of cigar and cigarillo smokers in Asia; Latin Americans back on the road; and growing demand for cigars and cigarillos in general. These trends are shaping the firm’s strategic focus moving forward, in terms of designing the right products fitting consumers’ demands. One such consumer group are the millennials, who are important to Villiger. ”We have our small cigarillos in order to please their fast-living habits! For the


aficionados we offer an attractive selection of machine and handmade cigars,” she says. Targeting the millennials digitally is not really an option for the firm due to legal restrictions, Hees points out. Established in 1888, Villiger is now overseen by the fourth generation of the family, headed by Heinrich Villiger, an octogenarian who is still active in the firm. Always focused on quality, the company uses its manufacturing equipment in the production of its cigars in Switzerland and Germany and also produces premium handmade cigars in the Caribbean, Central and South America, with a facility in Brazil. The company purchases raw tobacco from almost every country in the world where tobacco is grown. All these tobaccos are purchased locally by reliable suppliers with many years’ experience, guaranteeing the excellent quality of the raw material. All this bodes well for the future of the company in Latin America and beyond.


Crystal brilliance

Crystal Head Vodka’s one-liter duty free exclusive size is proving popular among travel retailers, notably in Toronto, Brazil and Argentina

A new product and fresh packaging formats are keeping sales sparkling for the Canadian manufacturer of Crystal Head Vodka


anadian spirits manufacturer Globefill Inc has been making strong advancements in the travel retail arena thanks to its eye-catching Crystal Head Vodka brand. And there’s more to come, as Brian Meret, Vice President Travel Retail, reports. Over the past year the company has been expanding its market coverage through Dufry. In addition to a one-liter duty free exclusive size, it launched a new expression, Aurora, and a 4 x 50ml gift pack. Growth and market share gains have been very strong, notably in Toronto, Brazil and Argentina. During the TFWA World Exhibition, Globefill will display what it calls a “spectacular” new presentation of Crystal Head Vodka that will be made available first in duty free as a six-month exclusive, before rolling out in key domestic markets July 2018. Cannes will be the first public showing. The company will also be showcasing a new spirits product in a different category.

A broad crosssection of consumers Regarding its financial performance, the privately held company doesn’t report on results. However, it has seen continued momentum in mature markets and is con-

tinuing to pick up accounts in new markets. “Our strategy is quite simple – offer an award-winning, ultrapremium vodka in a highly collectible, unique package,” says Meret. “When we get listings and high visibility positioning, Crystal Head Vodka appeals to a broad cross-section of consumers who may not have intended on a liquor purchase.” In terms of industry and consumer trends, the company is working with forward-thinking retailers who see a changing wines and spirits offer as an opportunity for Crystal Head, says Meret. “As a brand, we are small and unique enough to be a demand item.” Meret agrees that millennials are a hot topic for the industry, but the Crystal Head brand has wide appeal beyond this age group. “Everyone is targeting millennials and they see this demographic as the silver bullet. Crystal Head is appealing to a very wide range in terms of age, focusing on those who understand fashion, design, the arts, and creative edge.” On the subject of social media, Meret has a number of interesting observations to make: “An aggressive digital and social media presence is relevant to brands

that are relevant to users of that media. More and more consumers are turning to social media for product information and validation by other consumers. Social media has become an everyday part of the millennial lifestyle, and therefore, as a brand, if you have a strong presence in their space, it reinforces the brand to this target demographic. “The social strategy doesn’t just end there. Continuing to engage with users through the various social platforms becomes just as important. You can make the consumer feel like they are part of the brand if the communication continues as a two-way conversation. We can also easily and effectively communicate all new product offerings and new market openings through these channels.” During the last year, Crystal Head has been active on the promotional front in Americas duty free, having created some window displays, tasting bars and valueadded packs. Crystal Head Vodka is exhibiting at TFWA World Exhibition in the Yellow Village at stand D37. Visitors are invited to be one of the first to see the company’s new product before it launches early in 2018.

Globefill launched a 4 x 50ml gift pack for Crystal Head Vodka during 2016, which has become a star performer AMERICAS DUTY FREE & TRAVEL RETAILING




Diane M. Buchanan, Manager GTR Americas & Caribbean, Godiva Where were you born and raised? I was born in the first state of Delaware. I grew up in Delaware and Stone Harbor. I spent my summers in New Jersey.

Your favourite drink? Iced Tea. I brew my own flavored with lemons and oranges from my trees.

If you attended post-secondary school, what did you study? I graduated with a BA in Sociology and a Minor in English. I have taken post Grad courses in Communications and Marketing.

Do you have a passion in your life (or more than one)? What? I love to travel and see new places. I also collect art.

Which historical figure do you most admire? Ann Morrow Lindbergh. She was an inspirational figure for American Women in the Mid 20Th century.

Do you have a pet (or more than one)? If so, what animal and name? Yes. I have a 120 lb German Shepherd, named Buddy.

Where and when were you happiest in your life? In College and working my summer job at the beach.

Do you prefer country or city? City.

What in the world would you most like to change? Eliminate hunger in under developed countries.

Are you married? Do you have children? I am happily married to my husband Bob and we have no children. I have four brothers and many nieces and nephews. What is your favorite movie? National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. I watch it every Holiday and still laugh as hard each time.

What is your favourite place to vacation? Our second Home in Phoenix/ Scottsdale Arizona Area.

What is the last book you read? Reading a suspense novel series about the Forgotten Coast of Florida by Dawn Lee McKenna and I just finished Low Tide first in the series.

What’s the first thing you do in a new place? Check local activities and events.

What would you choose as your last meal? Seafood, probably fish. I love everything from the sea.


If you could choose any place in the world to live, where would it be? Provence Area of France.


Which living person do you most admire? My mother.

What about yourself would you most like to change? Nothing.

What is the most important piece of advice anyone ever gave you? Treat others like you want to be treated. What is something about you that most people would find surprising? I have US Coast Guard Training and can navigate a boat. I also have a certificate in Ornamental Horticulture.

DUTY FREE & TRAVEL RETAIL SUMMIT OF THE AMERICAS March 18-21, 2018 Orlando World Center Marriott Orlando, Florida

ASUTIL and IAADFS are collaborating to present the Duty Free and Travel Retail Summit of the Americas The summit brings together the best from the former ASUTIL and IAADFS events. Join us to take advantage of the vast potential of this vibrant market: The region includes 40 countries with a total population of more than 950 million. In 2015, 2.29 billion passengers traveled through airports in the Americas and Caribbean, up 5.3% from 2014. Total 2016 duty free and travel retail sales in the Americas and Caribbean were USD $10.7 billion (17% of worldwide market sales). No matter the size of your business, suppliers and store operators will have opportunities to meet, network, learn at executive education sessions, and conduct business, all under one roof! Save the date for THE most important business-to-business event in duty free & travel retail.

Ecstasy Shine The lipcream that makes me smile #ShineOutLoud

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