Session 3 robert kurtter

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Puerto Rico Bob Kurtter, Managing Director Global Interdependence Center New York City January 15, 2014

Puerto Rico Rating History




August 2010

Change outlook to Negative


May 2011

Put on Review for Downgrade

A3/RUR down

August 2011

Downgrade and negative outlook


December 2012

Downgrade and negative outlook


December 2013

Review for downgrade



Puerto Rico Rating Rationale General Obligation Rating



Review for downgrade

»  Rating is based on the government’s weakening liquidity, increasing reliance on external short-term debt, constrained market access, and uncertain prospects for growth in a persistently sluggish economy »  These risk factors are exacerbating the longstanding financial strain caused by the commonwealth's very high debt load and pension obligations, as well as its chronic budget deficits


Economy is still weak »  The economy is more developed than many Caribbean islands, but still narrow –  Large reliance on government employment (29% of employment)

1% 1%

Manufacturing = $46.1B Service = $43.8B


–  Pharmaceuticals remain a key sector (40% of GDP) but unlikely to return to prior levels –  Tourism approximately 7% - 10% of the economy and continues to be a good performer

2012 GDP By Category

46% 44%

Government = $8.3B Agriculture = $.8B Total = $100.5B

–  Nascent development of medical devices and “under the flag” sectors

Source: GDB


Economy is still weak »  Trends still negative

3,800 In Thousands

–  Population declined 3% since 2005; continued decline of -0.2% to 0.3% projected annually

Puerto Rico Population


3,750 3,700 3,650

–  Weak growth projected for FY14 of 0.2%, could be further revised downward

3,600 3,550

»  PR economy still correlated to US economy







Population has declined 4% since 2000.

–  Any near-term growth likely to be modest

2012 Q1

PR Real GNP v. US Real GDP YOY Change 4

–  High level of US government transfer payments creates some stability

3 2


1 0

-­‐1 -­‐2 -­‐3 -­‐4 -­‐5 2001






United States % Real GDP Change







Puerto Rico % Real GNP Change


Finances still weak despite extraordinary measures »  Structural imbalance has declined, but is still significant and will increase again –  Structural gap is 8% of adopted FY14 budget

PR 30y GO Spread & Trading Volume 700


»  Deficit financing continues

–  $575 million in planned debt service restructuring for FY14 –  FY14 revenues are slightly above expectations, but too early to tell for full year

»  Recent market volatility has narrowed financial flexibility


Basis Points

–  Budgetary gaps addressed with deficit bonds and “scoop and toss” debt restructurings to eliminate paying debt service


July EAI released




Detroit Bankruptcy Filing


Negative Press







0 6/3


6/17 6/24




Bloomberg BBB GO 30y Benchmark Spread (left)





PR GO 30y Spread (left)

8/19 8/26





Volume-­‐ PR GOs maturing 2033 and later (right)

–  GDB continues to seek liquidity sources –  Private sector lending continues 6

in Thousands

–  Underpinning economic growth estimate is 0.2% and likely to drop


Debt and pension metrics very high

Debt Per Capita

Adjusted Net Pension Liability as a Percent of Total Revenues

$16,000 $14,053












$4,000 $2,000




50% 0%


US Median


US Median

Source: Moody’s 2013 State Debt Medians Report, 2011 Pension Medians Report


2006 credit comparison »  Since 2006, population and employment have declined, while debt and pension liabilities have increased significantly »  The structural deficit in FY13 was about the same as FY06 »  Legislative measures indicate a significant increase in FY14 general fund revenues Puerto Rico Credit Comparison




3.8 M

3.7 M



Manufacturing Employment



Government Employment



General Fund Recurring Revenues

$8.4 B

$7.8 B

GF Structural Deficit

$2.0 B

$2.0 B

Net Tax Supported Debt

$32.6 B

$52.9 B


$58 B

$69 B




$14.7 B (FY05)

$32.8 B (FY11)



Total Employment

Unfunded Pension Liability Per capita income as a % of US


Credit positives support the rating »  Strong political and economic links to the US; benefits from US legal and regulatory systems »  Broad legal powers to raise revenues and adjust spending »  Constitutional first priority lien on revenues of the commonwealth for general obligation and commonwealth-guaranteed debt »  US financial support in the form of transfer payments (social security, nutrition assistance, veterans’ benefits) transportation aid and stimulus funds »  FEMA support for natural disasters »  Residents not subject to US federal income or gas taxes »  Commonwealth has acted to prevent more serious credit deterioration during the extended economic recession –  Created new revenues –  Pension reform –  Maintained positive liquidity position at GDB


Bondholder legal framework »  Bond financings governed by Puerto Rico law and US Constitution –  Precedents exist for hearing contractual & constitutional disputes in Federal Court –  Puerto Rico Supreme Court decisions can be appealed directly to US Supreme Court

»  PR Constitution provides first priority lien on “available resources” of the Treasury for the benefit of General Obligation debt service –  Known as “GO claw-back” from perspective of non-GO bonds –  COFINA sales tax property not part of available resources, per opinions of Secretary of Justice and bond counsel

»  PR constitutional amendments (none since 1970) require approval by 2/3 of House and Senate plus a special referendum to the electorate –  Contracts clauses of both PR and US constitutions protect bondholders

»  Puerto Rico, like US states, is prohibited from filing under US bankruptcy law –  PR municipalities and public corporations also prohibited from filing under Chapter 9

»  Payment obligations could still be disrupted by government’s ability to invoke “police powers”, subject to same high bar standard applicable to all US states


What are we watching? What are we watching?

What are we seeing/ expecting?

Private sector employment and other trends

Private sector job loss in 2013 of 2-3%; continued decline in pharmaceutical operations; continued population decline

Prospects for widening structural budget gap and greater need for deficit financing

Possible decline in base revenues (vs. modest growth in budget) and shortfalls against new tax estimates, which will widen deficit financing need from budgeted $820 million

GDB net liquidity position (net of restricted funds and short term external debt of GDB, Commonwealth, and Authorities)

GDB net liquidity position has narrowed; GDB pursuing other sources of liquidity

Pension Liabilities

TRS Reforms


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