The Global Fund for Children annual report 20 13 –Â2 0 14
201 3– 201 4 annual report
local is lasting When a community is strong, its children thrive. That’s why The Global Fund for Children partners with grassroots organizations to transform the lives of vulnerable children. Whether working in a city slum, a refugee camp, or an isolated village, our grantee partners care because it is their home. They care because these are their children. Locally led, innovative, and resourceful, they understand the unique needs and obstacles that surround them. Our role is to make sure they have what they need to succeed. With your support, we are building a legacy— for children, for communities, and for the world.
our vision AtTheGlobalFundforChildren,weenvisionaworld whereallchildrengrowuptobeproductive,caring citizensofaglobalsociety. our mission Weworktoadvancethedignityofchildren worldwide.Wepursuethismissionbymakingsmall grantstoinnovativecommunity-basedorganizations workingwithmanyoftheworld’smostvulnerable childrenandyouth.
year in review
What a year it’s been—thank you for making it all possible. Together in 2013–2014, we ...
WElCOMED our new CEO, Susan goodell. With more than 25 years of experience in the nonprofit sector, Susan is fiercely committed to transforming children’s lives by maximizing your donations and strengthening gFC. aDDED 40 new grantee partners—and the 21,877 children they serve—to the gFC family. For 71 percent of these organizations, we are the first US-based funder to offer support.
CONNECTED with gFC supporters like you at events in london and Dallas, and at our gala in New York, where you raised nearly $600,000 in one night. Thank you!
MUlTIPlIED your support to make every dollar go further. This year, by leveraging your donations, we helped our grantees secure an additional $1.9 million from other funders, for a total of more than $9 million since 1997.
CHallENgED business students through the global Fund for Children/ Financial Times Mba Challenge. Seven global teams achieved finalist status and developed sustainability plans to help our partners strategize for the future.
91 %
EvalUaTED our model with our biennial grantee-partner survey. a full 91 percent of respondents agreed that gFC is different from other funders because we offer more than money: we help their organizations become more sustainable.
aWaRDED a total of $300,000 in Maya ajmera Sustainability awards to eight outstanding organizations. This special grant is designed to ensure our partners’ long-term stability—and to keep your investments impacting generations of children to come. TRavElED to Haiti on a gFC donor trip, where gFC supporters like you saw our work in action and—best of all—met the children whose lives have been transformed by their support.
201 3– 201 4 annual report
the global fund for children
201 3– 201 4 annual report
welcome letter Dear Friend, At The Global Fund for Children, we believe that local is lasting. We believe in improving children’s lives for good, and we believe the best way to do that is at the grassroots level. We believe in giving social entrepreneurs the tools they need to make their communities stronger— for children, and for everyone. Every two years, we survey our grantee partners to find out how we are doing. Soliciting feedback from grantees is not standard practice among development organizations, but we believe it’s vital to understanding our impact. It is also central to ensuring the good stewardship of your donations. This year, our grantee partners once again confirmed that GFC is different from other funders. A full 91 percent of respondents agreed that we are unique because we do more than just give money—we help our partners build their capacity and become more sustainable. The survey shows that GFC’s model—a combination of program support and capacity-building services— provides significant value to grassroots organizations around the world. but what does that mean for children?
It means children have the opportunity to succeed—not only today, but also tomorrow, and for years to come. It means children can count on their own communities to provide them with safe places to learn, to play, and to grow up healthy and strong. It means that even during crises—
the global fund for children
in times of political turmoil, epidemics, and war—children have what they need to thrive. and what does that mean for you, as a gfc supporter?
It means you contribute to long-term results for children— not temporary fixes or one-size-fits-all solutions. You make sure children receive critical care on a daily basis, but you also do more than that. You invest in some of the most innovative grassroots organizations that are making this world a better place for all children. Because, like us, you believe children deserve nothing less. We hope this report reveals to you the important work made possible through your generosity. We also want to thank our outgoing board members, Sarah Perot and Sanjiv Khattri, for their many years of leadership, hard work, and commitment to GFC and to the children we serve around the globe. On behalf of the thousands of children who have been helped through their leadership, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude. We believe our task is more important today than ever before, with unrest and uncertainty impacting children’s lives throughout the world. Together, we can help build a safer, more productive civil society—not just for today’s children, but for future generations. Thank you for making our vital work possible. With our deepest appreciation,
mark mcgoldrick
Chair, Board of Directors
susan goodell
Chief Executive Officer
201 3– 201 4 annual report
the global fund for children
how it works Investing in grassroots organizations has endless dividends—for children, for communities, for the world. Since 1997, The Global Fund for Children has invested $33.2 million in more than 600 grassroots organizations in 78 countries, touching the lives of more than 9 million children.
3 The children gain the skills they need to prepare for a brighter future.
2 Small but powerful, the organization intervenes, providing critical programs and services.
1 Without support, children growing up on the margins of society may struggle to survive, let alone dream about the future.
Child Inspired by children in the community, a local leader starts a grassroots organization— and dedicates his or her life to improving children’s lives.
Child Child Organization gfc Looking for the most innovative and promising organizations to fund, GFC’s regional experts scout the organization and vet its work within the community.
Organization gfc GFC provides the organization with small amounts of capital, proportional to the grantee’s budget size and capacity.
201 3– 201 4 annual report
5 4
Excitement and impact grow as the organization matures. More children and community members get involved.
Child Organization Organization
The children in the community grow up into independent, productive, caring adults—and can give their own children a better life.
Now bigger and stronger, the organization can deepen its impact— reaching more children, replicating its model, and increasing its sustainability.
gfc GFC strengthens the organization with capacitybuilding services, management expertise, and increased visibility. By leveraging its reputation to gain new funders for the grantee, GFC multiplies its impact.
GFC forges new partnerships with other emerging organizations, continuing to grow its grassroots network.
the global fund for children
where we work
With your support, The Global Fund for Children invested more than $3.7 million in 251 grassroots organizations in 55 countries this year.
global distribution of investments
East & Southeast Asia 13%
United States 4%
Latin America & the Caribbean 21%
United States
Latin America & the Caribbean
Number of grants: 14
Number of grants: 64
Value of grants: $180,522
Value of grants: $755,500
United States 8
Argentina 2, Bolivia 3, Brazil 4, Colombia 3, Dominican Republic 4, Ecuador 3, Guatemala 7, Haiti 8, Jamaica 1, Mexico 3, Nicaragua 4, Panama 2, Peru 3
Number of grantee partners: 8
Europe & Eurasia 16%
South Asia 21%
Africa & the Middle East 25%
Number of grantee partners: 47
201 3– 201 4 annual report
Europe & Eurasia
Africa & the Middle East
South Asia
East & Southeast Asia
Number of grants: 55
Number of grants: 92
Number of grants: 74
Number of grants: 39
Value of grants: $624,681
Value of grants: $961,662
Value of grants: $833,351
Value of grants: $442,808
Hungary 1, Kazakhstan 3, Kyrgyzstan 7, Moldova 4, Russia 2, Serbia 5, Tajikistan 4, Turkey 9, Ukraine 4, United Kingdom 6
Burkina Faso 2, Burundi 2, Democratic Republic of the Congo 1, Egypt 3, Ethiopia 2, Ghana 3, Kenya 9, Lebanon 3, Liberia 3, Nigeria 3, Rwanda 5, Senegal 1, Sierra Leone 1, South Africa 5, Swaziland 3, Tanzania 6, Uganda 11, Zambia 4
Bangladesh 4, Bhutan 1, India 32, Nepal 5, Pakistan 4, Sri Lanka 4
Cambodia 10, China 9, Indonesia 3, Laos 1, Mongolia 2, Philippines 3, Thailand 5, Vietnam 1
Number of grantee partners: 45
Number of grantee partners: 67
Number of grantee partners: 50
Number of grantee partners: 34
the global fund for children
Pisac, Peru 1 3 . 42 42째 S / 7 1 . 8 57 8 째 W
201 3– 201 4 annual report
areas of focus
Saint-Louis, Senegal
16.a 0 3child’s 3 3°n / 1 6 . 5 0 0 0° w It is no surprise that poverty severely limits access to education, and additional factors compound this disadvantage—ethnicity, language, ability level, gender, and location all impact a child’s likelihood of attending school. This year, we invested more than $2.3 million in 180 grassroots organizations that provide learning opportunities for children who might otherwise miss out on an education.
GFC Grantee Since 2013
DespitePeru’slargeindigenouspopulation,thecountry’spublic educationsystemdoesnotaddresstheuniqueneedsofindigenous children,whoarefrequentlyfromlow-incomefamiliesandarelikely toleaveschoolatanearlyage.KusiKawsay,foundedbylocalparents, isanindependentschoolthatcombinesWaldorfmethodologywith traditionalAndeanculture.Inadditiontocoveringsubjectsrequiredby thePeruviangovernment,KusiKawsayencourageschildrentobeproud oftheircultureandteachesclassesinweaving,Quechualanguage, music,dance,nutrition,andagriculture.Arelativelynewgrantee, KusiKawsayisstrengtheningitscurriculumandcreatingastrategic planwiththehelpofaGFCorganizationaldevelopmentaward.
the global fund for children
areas of focus
traFFicKing & slaverY More people are enslaved today than at any other time in human history—and millions of them are children. Forced to be soldiers, servants, miners, and sex workers, these children live in danger and fear. That’s why our partners work courageously to prevent trafficking, to rescue enslaved children, and to help survivors heal from trauma and regain their rights. This year, we invested more than $650,000 in 41 grassroots organizations working with children who are victims of trafficking or at risk of being trafficked. MAISON DE LA GARE (MDG)
GFC Grantee Since 2011
InSenegal,youngboysknownastalibésaresentbytheirfamiliestourban areastostudyundertheguidanceandcareofreligiousleaders.Oncea respectedanddignifiedtradition,thepracticehasinrecentyearsbecome asystemofexploitation.Forcedbytheirteacherstobegformoneyon thestreets,manytalibésendurealifeofmodernslavery.MDGnegotiates withtheteacherstoimprovelivingconditionsfortalibésandalsodirectly intervenestoremoveandprotecttheboysfromunsafeenvironments. MDGprovidestalibéswithbasiceducation,psychosocialcare,healthcare, andvocationaltraining,inadditiontogivingthemaccesstoalibraryand playground.Thisyear,MDGserved400children,andwithsupportfrom GFC,MDGfounderanddirectorIssaKouyatéwasawardedaFordMotor 1 3 . 42 42° S / 7 1 . 8 57 8 ° W CompanyInternationalFellowshipof92ndStreetY.
Pisac, Peru
201 3– 201 4 annual report
Saint-Louis, Senegal 1 6 . 0 3 3 3°n / 1 6 . 5 0 0 0° w
the global fund for children
Beirut, Lebanon 3 3 . 8 8 6 9 째n / 3 5. 51 3 1째 e
201 3– 201 4 annual report
areas of focus
war & conFlict Children in war zones watch their communities burn, witness relatives being killed, and are forced to flee their homes. Many children are separated from their families; some are abducted by combatants and forced to be soldiers or sex slaves. In countries with long-standing wars, this is the only reality the children have ever known. This year, we invested more than $875,000 in 62 grassroots organizations working in conflict-affected areas, where they create local solutions to protect children and help them heal. TAHADDI
GFC Grantee Since 2009
Imaginefleeingyourhomeforsafety,onlytosettleinanunfamiliarcity whereviolenceanduncertaintypersist.InHayal-Gharbeh,ashantytown inBeirut,thisistherealityforSyrianrefugeechildren.Ourpartner Tahaddiprovidesrefugeeandothervulnerablechildrenwitheducation andhealthcare,workingtorestorenormalcytotheirlives.Forchildren whohavebeentraumatizedbywar,Tahaddialsoofferscounselingand family-tracingservices.Asmoreconflict-affectedchildrenarrivefrom Syria,Tahaddicontinuestoexpand—sincereceivingitsfirstGFCgrant in2009,Tahaddihasgrownthenumberofchildrenitservesfrom 68tonearly300.
Bhubaneswar, India 2 0. 2 7 0 0° n / 8 5. 8 40 0° e
the global fund for children
Beirut, Lebanon 3 3 . 8 8 6 9 °n / 3 5. 51 3 1° e
areas of focus
enterPrise & YoUtH eMPowerMent From Rio de Janeiro to Cairo to Mumbai, youth around the globe are struggling to gain traction as leaders and economic contributors, with the most disadvantaged youth facing the greatest challenges. Our local partners are well positioned to reach young people who are affected by profound inequality and to help them build skills and become productive community citizens. This year, we invested more than $1.2 million in 84 grassroots organizations that provide children and youth with economic opportunities, life skills training, and leadership development. CENTRE FOR CHILD AND WOMEN DEVELOPMENT (CCWD)
GFC Grantee Since 2008
InBhubaneswar’sslumsandDalitcommunities,childrenfrequentlywork tosupportthemselvesandtheirfamiliesinsteadofgoingtoschool— butwithoutaneducationorjobskills,theyhavelittlechanceofbreakingout ofdeeppoverty.CCWDbelievesthateducationisoneofthemosteffective waystoreducechildlaborandensuretheoverallgrowthofachild.Operating ineightslumareas,CCWDprovidesworkingchildrenwithacombination ofbasiceducationandvocationaltrainingtopromotebetterworkandlife opportunities.Servingchildlaborerswhohaveneverattendedschool,CCWD alsooffersnutritionalsupplements,counseling,healthcare,andtrainingin leadershipandchildrights.SincebecomingaGFCgranteein2008,CCWDhas grownitsannualbudgetbynearly350percent,from$32,000to$144,000, andthisyear,theorganizationreachedmorethan650children.
201 3– 201 4 annual report
Bhubaneswar, India 2 0. 2 7 0 0° n / 8 5. 8 40 0° e
the global fund for children
Battambang, Cambodia 1 3 . 0 2 8 6 째n / 1 0 2 . 9 8 9 4째e
201 3– 201 4 annual report
areas of focus
aDolescent girls When a girl in the developing world reaches adolescence, she is faced with divergent paths: will she stay in school, or be a child bride? Can she even afford school, and will she be safe there? Can she protect her body and her health? These are just a few of the problematic realities that girls experience in their everyday lives—so our grantees work hard to give them the opportunity to succeed. This year, we invested more than $1.3 million in 81 organizations whose programs specifically address the needs of adolescent girls. SPORTS AND LEADERSHIP TRAINING ACADEMY (SALT)
GFC Grantee Since 2013
ForanuneducatedgirllivinginpovertyinCambodia,thefuturecan seemanythingbutbright.Recognizingthatgirlsareparticularlyatrisk forexploitation,SALTdevelopedMightyGirls,asportsempowerment programaimedatpreventingchildtrafficking.Theprogramprovides 5 0. 0 0 4 5 ° n / 36 . 231 4° e high-riskgirlswithalternativestounsafemigration,includingasafe spacetolive,educationalscholarships,tutoring,andleadership training.SALT’scommunity-basedsoccerprogram—whichrequires communitiestoformatleastonegirls’teaminordertojointhe league—reachesmorethan2,000childreneachyear.
Kharkiv, Ukraine
the global fund for children
Battambang, Cambodia 1 3 . 0 2 8 6 °n / 1 0 2 . 9 8 9 4°e
areas of focus
eMergencY resPonse & Disaster recoverY Many of our grantees are already working under dangerous and unstable conditions—so when disaster strikes, we provide both rapid-response grants and longterm aid. After meeting children’s immediate needs, we support our grantee partners for the long haul, helping to restore normalcy to children’s lives and rebuild their communities. Since 2005, we have provided direct support totaling $1.09 million to 108 organizations in the aftermath of emergencies both large and small. PRAVO VIBORA
GFC Grantee Since 2011 WhentheRussia-Ukrainecrisisescalatedinspring2014,resulting inskyrocketinggaspricesanddelaysingovernmentsubsidies, wereachedouttoourUkrainepartnerstoofferextrasupport.Pravo Viboraoperatesarehabilitationcenterforchildrenwithextreme disabilitiesandcomplexneurologicalconditions,providingthemwith physicaltherapyandpsychosocialservices.GFC’semergencygrant helpedensurethatPravoViboracouldpayrent,utilities,andstaff salaries—and,mostimportantly,continuetocareforthe350children whocountontheorganizationforsupport.
201 3– 201 4 annual report
Kharkiv, Ukraine 5 0. 0 0 4 5 ° n / 36 . 231 4° e
the global fund for children
201 3– 201 4 annual report
our donors This year, you helped protect children from becoming slaves. You sent girls to school for the first time. You provided healing care to children who have been to war and back. Simply put—you transformed lives. We are inspired by your commitment and humbled by your generosity. On behalf of vulnerable children worldwide—thank you.
Anonymous (25)
Sarah Abraham & Tarun Patel Jonathan Abrams Tamar Abrams Joachim Ackermann Audry Ai & Thomas Morrow Maya Ajmera & David H. Hollander Jr. Shirley Akpulonu Yvette Alberdingk-Thijm Merry Alexander Mohammad Alfalah Deepak Alimchandani Carolyn Alsup Dwight Anderson Melody Anderson Farah Anwar Nitzan Arad Ana Maria Argudo-Lord & David Lord Lucy & James Armstrong Barbara & William Ascher Stephanie Ascher Melissa Ashabranner Andrew Axelrod Natalie Ayvazian
Sancha Bainton Patricia Baker Rebecca Baker-Munton Denise Baldwin Marion Ballard Nandakumar Balwally Jessie Bandy Charles Bank Krista Barry Jacqueline Barsh Jagdish K. & Guriqbal S. Basi Leila Bassi Paul W. Beach Jr. Thomas Beagley Delores Belhumeur Ju-Lie & Alex Bell Cristina Teel Bellew Robin Bell-Stevens Margaret Benford Deborah Benson Patricia Wu Benson Marianne Bentley Ken Bergman Margaret M. & Will B. Betchart Sarita Bhat & Rajesh Nayak Danielle Bidos Lucy & Henry Billingsley Michael Bingle Donald Bishop
Marie Bouvet Roberta Bowman & Steven Denning Elizabeth & Alex Boyle Martha Brady & Howard Roberts Jane Bransgrove Karen Brantley Tracey Breeden Devon & Peter L. Briger Jr. Mary Brisson & Robert Redmayne Paul G. Broder Tobias Broer Dale Brooksbank Billy Brown Everett Brown Theodora & Anthony Brown Fares Bugshan Sharon & Rick L. Burdick Debra Burke Jennifer E. Burkhard & Michael Esposito Mary & Bradford Burnham Emily & Christopher Burns India & Michael Bush Esther B. Buss Ian Butcher Verena Butt
the global fund for children
Veronica Cajigas & Brian Stolz Paul Campbell Rebekah Cannard Brian Carrier Susannah Carrier Lucinda Case Carrie Chan & Robin Newman Woon Yew William Chan Katherine A. Chang & Thomas Einstein Vishal & Mansha Channa James Channo Laure Choi Serena Choy & Tai-Loy Kong Jo Christie Paul J. Chung & Annie Y. Suh Helen Chung-Halpern Charlie Clarence-Smith Kristina K. Cohen Samara & Adam Cohen Deborah Cole Mary Collins Serena Simmons Connelly Julia C. Corliss David Cosper David Creaser Lorraine Cross Suzanne & Carl Cross Katherine & Harlan Crow Paula & James Crown Beatriz & Paul Cunningham James Czarnowski Brian Dabulawicus Blake & Michael Daffey Myra Darwish Ajay Daryanani
Guillaume d’Assier de Boisredon Barbara Davidson Peter Davies Christian & Pierre Daviron Jack Dayan Dina de Angelo Allison & Andrew De Camara Kirsten & Michael De Lathauwer Nicolette de Louche Paul A. Denham Diane DeRousseau Elise & Adam Derstine Gina DeStefano & Steve Tiller Jodi & Mike Detjen Ladan & Karman Djabbari Cheryl & James Dodwell Barbara & Thomas Donnelley Carl Dooley Ami P. Doshi & Ravi Patel Michael Dougherty Laurie Dulson Stephen C. Dunn Benetta & Mark Dunning Victoria Dunning Kylie Dunster
Graham Ellis Sarah Ellison Jennifer & James Esposito George Evans Omar P. Evans William G. Faris Peta-Lyn Farwagi Eric Feldstein Sarah Feldstein & Edward Korenman Andreas Feller Lisa Fiala & Joshua Hollo Martin Fichtner Brooke Fine
Jeanne Donovan Fisher Jill Fisher Jayne Fitzgerald Denise Flachbart Abigail Flores Mark Flynn Linda Fowells & Lu Kunene Tamara C. Fox & Bill Wood Stephanie Frask Stuart D. Freedman Michael Freeman Lyre C. Fribourg Leah & Jerry Fullinwider
Sarah & Michael Gale Juan Gallego Kristin & Noyan J. Garemani Dorothy Garcia & Andrew M. Barnes Stefanie Garry Isabelle Georgeaux & Patrick Healy Jennifer V. & Jamshid Ghaboussi Eleanor Hewlett Gimon Stephen Girsky Richard Gnodde John Goodell Susan & Warren Goodell Tracey & Nick Grace Andrew Grand Pierre Grand Chandra & Paul W. Graves Connie & Douglas Greig Sukhwinder Grewal Katie & James Griffin Christiaan N. Grootaert Brenda & Robert Grosbard Anjali & Gaurav Grover Paul Gruenwald Jayme Gualtier Sylvia Guitierrez
201 3– 201 4 annual report
Agnes Gund Anu Gupta & Arnab Ghatak Vineeta Gupta & John Graybill Susan Gutchess Frank Guziewicz Teresa Weathington GuzmĂĄn
Erick Hamdja Richard Handel Kelly Hannaford Arlene & Robert Harder Betty & Bud Harlan Jocelyn & Dan Harmon Susan Carter Harrington & Thomas Harrington Heidi Bichler Harris & Landon Harris Daniel C. Hartnett Carolyn Haseney Jeanie & Tim Hatch Graeme Hawinkels Cris Hazzard Julie & Neil Hedlund Sarah & Bradford J. Helgeson Hermine & David B. Heller Maureen Frydman Henderson LaRue Howell Henry Jane & John K. Hepburn Patricia Hernandez Esther B. Hewlett Mary Hewlett Sally & William Hewlett Charlotte Himeles Mindy Hochgesang Helen Holcomb Hope S. Hollander Shirley T. Hollander The Hoskin Family Kathy Hosseini Amanda Hsiung
Leticia Huerta Chia Wei Hung Erica Hunt Jennifer Hunt Mark Hurwitz Wende & Tom Hutton
Sanjay Khemlani Jung S. Kim & One Danny Yoon Karen & Gregory King Graham Kipping Susan & Jim Klein Tovah Klein & Kenneth Boockvar Sarah E. Knup Albert Ko Tyhoa Kobler & Zaheer Sitabkhan Carlo Koelzer Mary & Nic Korte Joan Kosove Sarah & David Kowitz Judith H. Kramer Stacy Kramer Jill Krebs Krishna Kumar Paulette Kurzer
Helen Ingalls Elisa Jagerson Gunjan & Anurag Jain Latika & Rajiv Jain Christopher James Evan Jaroff Kimberly & Alfred Jean Eva Jedruch Meredith & Benjamin Jenkins Julie Jensen Ashish Jindal Jenny Johnson Dana Johnston Fred Johnston Emily Jones Ralph Jones Sara Jones Susan Rosenberg Jones Lisa & Michael Josephson Neel Joshi Jennifer Kamal Nancy Kaplan Zsuzsanna Karasz & John P. Lipsky Anessa Lee Karney & Stuart Goldstein Mike Karpik Steve Kaseta Marina P. & Stephen E. Kaufman Michelle Kaufman Raji Kaur Stacey Keare & John Hodge Neelam Khattri Sanjiv Khattri
Tina Labruzzo Alison Lambie Laura K. Lambrecht Paul A. Lane James C. Langdon Jr. Elaine & Kenneth Langone Jamila Larson Laura & Gary Lauder Tamar & Jonathan Lechter Mui Lee Valeria Lee Anna Lennblad Benjamin Lerman The estate of Carol H. LeTendre Roz & Victor Leviatin Crystal Lew Philip Lewis Jonathan Lieber Michael Linahan Martin & Isabele Loat
the global fund for children
Jane Logan Marcena W. & Norris Love Teresa Luchsinger Anna Barber Luhnow Michael Lustik
Sandra Macías del Villar & Rafael Rodriguez Amir Mahmood Leslie Mandell Anna & Toby Mansel-Pleydell Kenneth Mantey Daniel Marcus Julie Maresca Lani Marsden Dominic Martello Jimena Martinez & Michael Hirschhorn Davina & Edward Massey Sandra Masur & Victor Schuster Richard Mathieson Jennifer Maxwell Elizabeth & Tadeusz Mazurek Madgalena & Mariusz Mazurek Stanislawa & Richard Mazurek Lisha McCormick Elizabeth McCray Jim & Kathy McDermott Diana McDonough Suzanne & Patrick McGee Debbie & Mark McGoldrick Michael E. McGoldrick Amy McKinstry Dugald McNee Mary Patterson McPherson Shweta Siraj Mehta & Amish Mehta Siddharth Dinesh Mehta Lindsay Melnick
Lara & Rajesh Melwani Susanne Menden-Deuer & Tatiana Rynearson Norm Merritt Emily & Hilton Meyer Nancy Meyer & Richie Lindblom Anna Mikulak Eva Miller Rod Miller Fatima Schoemaker Minardi Ann Modica Sarah & Robb Modica Meena & Kshitij Mohan Khaleelur Mohideen Rafi Mohideen Chitra Mojtabai & Clayton Townsend Shevawn Molina Mr. & Mrs. Mooney Cristina Moore Christine Moretti Tashia & John Morgridge Michelle L. Morrow & Jeffrey S. Goldsmith Susan & Marcus Motroni Natasha Braginsky Mounier Donald P. Mullen Bernadette Murphy Ken Murphy Mark Murray Susan & Gib Myers
Merlene Nembhard Virginia M. Newton Jacquelynn Nguyen Bjorn Nielsen E. MacArthur M. Noyes Kelli O’Brien & Michael Kolotylo Allyn O’Byrne Jane & Daniel Och Lori Odierno
Vida Omana-Schwarz & Dennis Schwarz Jennifer & Jonathan Oppenheimer Cornelia & Dirk Ormoneit Jim Ornstein Guadalupe Ortiz Emmanuel Otoo
R. Michael Paige James Pallotta Kavita Parkyn Matthew Partridge Tony Pasquariello I. & K. C. Patel Mayur Patel Niva & L. D. Patel Elizabeth Patterson Leslie Ann Pereira & Eugene Volokh Margot & Ross Perot Sarah & Ross Perot Jr. Amanda Perrin & Adrian Chraplyvy E. & Brian Peters Philip Petri Pierre Phay Carol Phethean & Peter Yawitz Jean Phinney Mitchell Pieracci Joan R. Platt Curtis Plyler Julie Poore Karen Porter Beth Posner & Jonathan Hess Frederick Potter Michal & Loyd Powell Richard Powell Rajitha Prakruthi Pamela Pratt Tony Psarinaos
201 3– 201 4 annual report
Peng Qin Kumar Radhakrishnan Neesha & Hasan Rahim Ilknur & Robert Ralston Neha J. Raval Palacharla Ravindranath Leigh Rawdon & David Rolf Michael Rawdon Sarah Reed Katherine & Eric Reeves Jim Reilly John Rennels Sarah & Andrew Rennie Hannah Rice Hendrik Riehmer Jenny Riffe Peggy & Leonard Riggs Anna Sophia Roberts Brian Robinson Derek Robinson Joanne & Rick P. Rome Mary & Timothy Rooney Jon Rosen Nicholas Rosen Patricia Rosenfield Bill Rouda Valerie Rubsamen & Cedomir Crnkovic Torsten Rueter Hillevi & Christophe Rust Hardeo Sahai Rory Sandilands Alison Sands Jesse & Keith Sanford Analisa Schaaf Nancy & Ralph Segall
Sanjeev Shah Margaret Sheaff Michael J. Shehab Angela & Eddie C. Shek Palmer B. Shepherd Catherine & Robert Sheridan Chantal & James Sheridan Joshua Sigmon Heather & Adam Silver Anne Silverman Melanie Silverman Tina & Barry Silverman Natalie Silverstein Patricia J. S. Simpson Dana M. Sinclair-Yariv & Amir Yariv Chitra Singh & Hari Singh Lunayach Edward Skinner Kenneth Slotnick Andrew Smith Andrew Smith Mary & David Solomon Anne Sorensen Sir Martin Sorrell Anne & Robert Spar Audrey & Jeffrey Spiegel Karl Spilhaus Ann Stark Deborah L. Stark & Brian D. Ledahl Randy Stern Sarah Stevenson Margaret & Robert Stillman Lauren Stone Kate & John Storey Seshadri Subbanna Aparna Sule Dana Sullivan & Kevin Bird Hing Man Sum Ram K. Sundaram Dan Susman Pradeep Swamy Christopher Swann Geoff Symonds
Steve Taklalsingh Gabriel Tam Edwin Tan Kathryn Tanis Shantal Tapia Bob Tappin Karen Taylor Houman Tehrani Oscar Teunissen Aanchal K. Thadani Natasha & Neh Thaker A. G. Thompson Rosalind Thompson Paola Tinta Crystal Titus Alexis D. Tjian Jennifer & Trevor Tomkins Arlena Toruno Barry Townsley Bonnie & Stephen Traiman Tram Tran & Oren Zaidel Trisha Tran Stanley Trybulski Jason Tsadilas Chris Tuohy Vishnuprakash UB Jeff Valdez Cookie Valente Christophe Van den Bulte Sebastian Varga Von Kibed Liselotte & Robin A. Vince
Anne Wade & Gil Hagan Peter Walker Brian E. Watanabe Barbara & Steven T. Watson Cynthia G. Watts
the global fund for children
Susan R. & Norman Wellen Ashley Wells The Welna-Station Family Cristy West Lisa & Lance West Kerry & David Whitcher Josephinea F. Wilber LaDonna Willems Judy & Don Williams Lenore D. Williams Judy Wilson Mark Wilson Steve Windsor Jeanette & Roger Winter Laura & Blair Woodall Jessica Wooding & Mitchell Reardon Martha Wooding-Young Kristen Woolf
Olya Yakimakho & Joe Bednarek Charles A. Yamarone Raya & Meir Yariv Tuppett Yates Tim Yeates Albert Young Robert Yuan Roselin Yuen Nike Zachmanoglou & John Tirman Charlotte Zanders & Alan Waxman Diane Stewart Zezza & David Zezza Jenny Zhen
in honor of
The staff of GFC from Tamar Abrams
Ana Maria Argudo-Lord from Stephanie Frask Neesha & Hasan Rahim Regina Baratta from the Posner-Hess & Sholomon Families Charlie Campbell from Sarah Reed Graham Cosper from David Cosper Olivia Curry from Kristen Woolf Ami Doshi from Neesha & Hasan Rahim Victoria Dunning from Joanne & Richard Rome Our donors from Embertone LLC The birthday of Kathleen Grealish from Nitzan Arad Jack Dayan Emily Jones Jonathan Lieber Natalie Mitchell Natalie Silverstein The 75th birthday of Joanne Hayes from Mary Collins The birthday of Kasey LaFlam from Stefanie Garry Iara Lee from Agnes Gund Napur Khattri from Neelam Khattri Sanjiv Khattri Karen A. Porter Seshadri Subbanna Sanjiv Khattri from Eric Feldstein Silver Lane Advisors of New York City The wedding of Vivian Lau & Jason Ma from Samara & Adam Cohen Julian Lessard from Sarah Reed
The birthday of Chance Peets Leviatin from Roz & Victor Leviatin The birthday of Cole Peets Leviatin from Roz & Victor Leviatin The birthday of Neve Peets Leviatin from Roz & Victor Leviatin The birthday of Samuel J. Leviatin from Roz & Victor Leviatin Mark McGoldrick from Joshua Sigmon The birthday of Lara & Raj Melwani from Deepak Alimchandani Woon Yew William Chan Vishal & Mansha Channa Laure Choi Ajay Daryanani Paul A. Denham Sanjay Khemlani Myron Kwong Anisha Sakhrani Laungani Khaleelur Mohideen Rafi Mohideen Tony Psarinaos Hing Man Sum Pradeep Swamy Gabriel Tam Trisha Tran Roselin Yuen The birthday of Elena M. Menden from Susanne Menden-Deuer & Tatiana Rynearson The birthday of Kate Oliver from Dan Susman The Perot Family from Peggy & Leonard Riggs Sarah Perot from Michal & Loyd Powell
201 3– 201 4 annual report
Sandra M. Pinnavaia from Tovah Klein & Kenneth Boockvar Joan Platt from Marina P. & Stephen E. Kaufman Dan Prochazka from Julie Poore Kristin Roberts from Karen Taylor James Sheridan from Lisa & Michael Josephson The wedding of Priya & Kumar Sruti from Kumar Radhakrishnan The birthday of David Szadic from Anna Lennblad The marriage of Valerie Thomas & Henry Reisch from Paul Campbell Jim Cramer Gabrielle Glasner & Stephen Engelberg Mark Hurwitz Stacy Kramer Lori Odierno Jim Ornstein Jon Rosen Kenneth Slotnick The marriage of Jenny Tolan & Catesby Perrin from Robin Bell-Stevens Holly Van Hart from Dominic Martello The birthday of Mahiya & Aaryan Vira from Sara Jones Leslie Mandell Nancy Meyer & Richie Lindblom Christine Moretti Ragini Sejpal Tina & Barry Silverman
Janet M. Wooding & her lifelong service to children from Martha WoodingYoung The birthday of Soo Young from Crystal Lew Edwin Tan Nicole Yuan from Robert Yuan in memory of
Paul & Emma Beach from Paul W. Beach Jr. My parents & brother from Marie Bouvet Karen Chandler from Christiaan N. Grootaert Mila Delameter from Laurie Dulson Le Dinh Hoang from Albert Ko Ida Augusta Meade from Abbe Rosenbaum My mother from Merlene Nembhard Evelyn Nowak from John Rennels Babu Rao Palacharla from Palacharla Ravindranath The lifetime of work done by Naomi Sugar from Alison Sands Dominic Taklalsingh from Steve Taklalsingh
Access Healthcare Services Adobe Foundation Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP Amazon Services Bank of America Merrill Lynch Bregal Capital LLP Capital Group
Charlesbridge Publishing Cognita Schools Cognolink CrĂŠdit Agricole CIB Dabbous Restaurant Danya International, Inc. Embertone LLC FedEx Corporation Feizy Rugs GE Foundation International Grants Fund Hillwood Hilton Worldwide Holland & Knight LLP Indus Capital Advisors LLP Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP Morgan Creek Foundation Morgan Stanley Mount Kellett Capital Management LP Nike Foundation PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Quintiles Transnational Corporation Silver Lane Advisors of New York City Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP Tea Collection Temenos venture | dairy William Morris Endeavor Entertainment Writers House LLC foundations
Anonymous (2) Comic Relief Echidna Giving
the global fund for children
Marc Haas Foundation Conrad N. Hilton Foundation The Libra Foundation MacArthur Foundation NoVo Foundation Oak Foundation Open Society Foundations Randa Foundation Harold Simmons Foundation Stars Foundation The Summit Foundation gift funds & trusts
Anonymous (3) Maya Ajmera & David H. Hollander Jr. Fund The Derrill Allatt Foundation Billingsley Fund at Dallas Women’s Foundation Elizabeth Roberts Boyle Fund Bridgemill Foundation The Brimstone Fund The Broder Family Foundation Inc. Burdick Family Fund The Burnham Family Charitable Fund Cavali Foundation Commonweal Foundation Inc. Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan Community Foundation of Greater Memphis The Donnelley Foundation Stephen Engelberg and Gabrielle Glasner Charitable Fund Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Fortress Charity Fund Gianturco Family Foundation Girls Rights Project Harrington Family Foundation
Dr. Daniel C. Hartnett Family Foundation Hawk Rock Foundation The Martin S. Himeles, Sr. Foundation Hurlbut-Johnson Charitable Trusts G. Thompson & Wende Hutton Fund The Isibindi Trust James Family Foundation Josephson Family Fund at Fidelity Charitable Giving Marina P. & Stephen E. Kaufman Foundation Laura and Gary Lauder Philanthropic Fund Teresa Luchsinger Giving Fund The Lulla Foundation M. E. McGoldrick Charitable Fund The Donald R. Mullen Family Foundation Gib & Susan Myers Donor Advised Fund Newton Family Fund Daniel & Jane Och Charitable Trust The Oregon Community Foundation Elizabeth Patterson Living Trust Perot Foundation Sarah & Ross Perot Jr. Foundation Joan & Lewis Platt Foundation The Grace Jones Richardson Trust Riggs Family Foundation The Sage Foundation Sahai Family Charitable Foundation Schwab Charitable Fund
James & Chantal Sheridan Foundation James M. Sheridan Investment Trust Silicon Valley Community Foundation Silver Lane Cares Fund The JMMRJ Sorrell Foundation Stillman Foundation, Inc. Roger & Susan Stone Family Foundation Three Graces Foundation, Inc. Tomkins Family Foundation TOSA Foundation Walsh Family Trust Alan & Charlotte Waxman Schwab Charitable Giving Account matching gifts & workplace giving
Aetna Agilent Technologies American Express Company America’s Charities Bank of America Charitable Foundation Benevity Community Impact Fund The Big Give Capital Group Flora Family Foundation Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation GE Foundation Global Impact Goldman Sachs & Company Google, Inc. The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation
201 3– 201 4 annual report
The William & Flora Hewlett Foundation IBM Employee Services Center JPMorgan Chase & Co. JPMorgan Chase Foundation Microsoft The Pew Charitable Trusts The Prudential Foundation Silver Lake Kraftwerk Management Co. Tea Collection Thomson Reuters Truist UnitedHealth Group United Way of New York City United Way of the National Capital Area Verizon Foundation World Bank Community Connections Fund online giving sites
Cards for Causes Charities Aid Foundation America Charities Aid Foundation UK Charity Gift Certificates Important Gifts, Inc. JustGive JustGiving
Catapult Christ Episcopal Church Roanoke, VA Cognita Schools Covina High School Covina, CA Irvington High School Fremont, CA Mirman School Los Angeles, CA
New Global Citizens Student Peace Awards of Fairfax County Utica Community Schools Sterling Heights, MI Joan R. Platt Tea Collection WME
2014 gala platinum
Devon & Peter L. Briger Jr. Jennifer & James Esposito Hillwood Hilton Worldwide Mount Kellett Capital Management LP James & Chantal Sheridan Foundation
Feizy Rugs The Donald R. Mullen Family Foundation Joan R. Platt Tea Collection
Anonymous Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP Stuart D. Freedman Gunjan & Anurag Jain Sanjiv Khattri
Maya Ajmera & David H. Hollander Jr. Sarah & Bradford J. Helgeson Holland & Knight LLP Karen & Gregory King Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP
Richard Powell PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP venture | dairy patron
Andrew Axelrod Crédit Agricole CIB Susan & Warren Goodell Jenny Johnson Morgan Stanley Stillman Foundation, Inc.
special thanks
Bank of America Merrill Lynch Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies NoVo Foundation Alex Wagner WME
the global fund for children
Statement of activities June 30, 2013 and 2014
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position As of June 30, 2014
assets ASSETS Cash
2014 $ 2,384,100 2,223,900
$ 6,395,500
Grants Payable
Other Liabilities Total Liabilities Net Assets
Temporarily Restricted
Permanently Restricted
Liabilities & Net Assets Accounts Payable & Accrued Expenses
Other Assets
Endowment Total Assets
Other Assets
285,600 619,900 218,800
$ 1,124,300
liabilities Other Liabilities
$ 1,490,500
Accounts Payable & Accrued Expenses
Total Net Assets
$ 5,271,200
Total Liabilities & Net Assets
$ 6,395,500 Grants Payable
financial position (in 000’s) Total Net Assets
net assets Permanently Restricted
Total Assets
Total Liabilities
Temporarily Restricted
201 3– 201 4 annual report
Statement of cash flows June 30, 2012 and 2011 The Global Fund for Children is proud to have Charity Navigator’s coveted 4-star rating—the highest rating achievable—for sound fiscal management and commitment to accountability and transparency.
Statement of Activities For the Year Ended June 30, 2014
revenue 2014
$ 3,728,100
Individual Contributions
Corporations & Foundations
Gala & Other Events
Investment Earnings
Investment Earnings
Individual Contributions
Gala & Other Events
Total Revenue
$ 6,840,600 Corporations & Foundations
Program Expenses
$ 3,756,300
Capacity Building
Total Program Expenses
$ 5,851,900 $
Management & General Development Total Expenses
program expenses Communications
$ 7,774,100
Capacity Building
number of grants
United States
Latin America & the Caribbean
total expenses
East & Southeast Asia
Total Program Expenses
Europe & Eurasia
South Asia
Africa & the Middle East
Management & General
the global fund for children
impact Five ways to make an impact in 2015
1. Donate
4. Partner
We maximize your funds to help local organizations grow bigger, better, and stronger. Your donations are about much more than money: you are building a lasting legacy for children.
Become a corporate partner and include us in your corporate social responsibility strategy. Partnering with GFC showcases your values and can enhance employee experiences and deepen customer relationships— all while improving the lives of children in need.
2. Advocate Invite your loved ones and colleagues to discover the meaningful experience of helping vulnerable children by introducing them to GFC. Challenging them to join you is a powerful act of advocacy.
3. Lead Take your impact to the next level by joining a GFC leadership council or giving circle. Among our most influential supporters, our leadership council members engage with GFC grantees and spread the word about their important work.
5. witness Travel with us on our next donor trip to witness the results of your donations firsthand. Nothing will inspire you more than meeting the incredible children who have been touched by your generosity. to take action today, visit:
leadership board of directors
uk trust board of trustees
MountKellettCapitalManagementLP NewYork,NY
JamesSheridan,Vice Chair London,UnitedKingdom
SarahPerot,Vice Chair* Dallas,TX
DinadeAngelo,Treasurer Pictet
AkinGumpStraussHauer &FeldLLP Washington,DC
CovantaEnergy NewYork,NY
TheJoan&LewisPlattFoundation PortolaValley,CA
GoldmanSachs London,UnitedKingdom
LeonaM.&HarryB.Helmsley CharitableTrust NewYork,NY
ArnabGhatak McKinsey&Co. Summit,NJ
TheGlobalFundforChildren Washington,DC
TeneoStrategy NewYork,NY
* Term ended in May 2014
the global fund for children
impact Five ways to make an impact in 2015
dallas leadership couNcil
MargotPerot,Chair LucyBillingsley SerenaSimmonsConnelly KathyCrow AmiDoshi LeahFeizy JeniferFlynn NancyHalbreich StephanieHunt GunjanJain JaneJenevein SuzannePerotMcGee NancyPerotMulford AmishaPatel PatriciaPatterson SarahPerot CarolynPerotRathjen JennieReeves KatherinePerotReeves hoNg koNg leadership couNcil
TyhoaKobler&ZaheerSitabkhan, Co-Chairs AudryAi&ThomasMorrow TzoTzeAng&EashwarKrishnan ChristopheLee MorganSze
silicoN Valley leadership couNcil
PeterL.BrigerJr. SusanCarterHarrington &TomHarrington Wende&TomHutton StaceyKeare&JohnHodge Karen&GregoryKing TeresaLuchsinger ShwetaSirajMehta&AmishMehta JoanR.Platt LeighRawdon&DavidRolf CharlotteZanders&AlanWaxman the global fuNd for childreN maNagemeNt team
editorial team: Ana Maria Argudo-Lord (Project Manager), Andrew Barnes, Danielle Bidos, Debra Burke, Elise Hofer Derstine (Senior Writer & Managing Editor), Victoria Dunning, Susan Goodell, Josette Haddad (Copy Editor), Jim Klein, Neha Raval, Palmer Shepherd photo credits: Cover: © Jesse Newman; Page 1: © Matt Dayka Photography /; Page 2: © Jesse Newman; Page 4: © Jesse Newman; Page 6: © Charlie Bibby / Financial Times; Page 8: © Matt Dayka Photography /; Page 9: © Holly Pickett / Financial Times; Page 10: © Tahaddi; Page 11: © The Global Fund for Children; Page 12: © Sports and Leadership Training Academy; Page 13: © Pravo Vibora; Page 14: © Charlotte Oestervang; Page 16: © Jesse Newman; Page 18: © Charlie Bibby / Financial Times; Page 20: © Jesse Newman; Page 22: © Jesse Newman; Page 24: © Jesse Newman; Page 20: © Charlie Bibby / Financial Times; Back Cover: © Tiana Markova-Gold design: Polygraph printer: Mosaic
The Global Fund for Children 1101 Fourteenth Street, NW Suite 420 Washington, DC 20005 202 331 9003
The Global Fund for Children UK Trust c/o Mount Kellett Capital Berger House 36-38 Berkeley Square London W1J 5AE +44 (0)20 7647 2067