Global Bersih Annual Report 2019

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ʝThough we may be far apart, Malaysians remain close to our hearts.’ Jauh di mata, dekat di hati.

2019 ANNUAL REPORT Malaysians Across Borders | Connecting and Enfranchising Malaysians Everywhere


Introduction President’s Message


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Highlights • Organisational


• Secretariat


Activities conducted by Global Bersih • Proposals


• Press releases


General Activities For 2019


Global Bersih Chapters’ Activities


Financial Report








Contact Information & Steering Committee



Global Bersih is an international movement by overseas Malaysians to support Malaysian civil society’s work and strengthen Malaysia’s maturing democracy, using peaceful and legal means of action. Global Bersih’s base in Geneva provides a stronger international platform to advocate for change, taking advantage of the presence of international human rights organisations in the city.


We envision a democratic and just Malaysian society in which the rights and dignity of all persons are respected, protected, and upheld in law and in practice.


Our mission is to encourage and empower Malaysians abroad to exercise their right to bring about positive transformation in the country. Our main focus is the electoral reform of overseas voting.

OUR OBJECTIVES The full and effective fulfilment of Malaysia’s right to free and fair elections, which includes • due reform of electoral processes and procedures, • ensuring transparency at all levels of the electoral processes, • enhancing participation of international observers and media to monitor the polls, as well as, • strengthening public institutions and civil processes. An independent and competent Election Commission of Malaysia, especially in monitoring and addressing electoral discrepancies. The advancement of human rights, the rule of law and democracy in Malaysia.

HOW DO WE ACHIEVE OUR OBJECTIVES • We provide a global platform for the voices and stories of ordinary Malaysians and civil society, to reach out to the international community — in particular, international human rights bodies, diplomatic missions, foreign media and civil society. • We build on and enrich local and international discourses on Malaysian issues, to achieve electoral and democratic reform. • We galvanise support from Malaysians across the globe to create a stronger international momentum for electoral and democratic reform in Malaysia. • We carry out training and capacity building to encourage overseas Malaysians to organise and participate in civil society and electoral processes. • We engage with all stakeholders that are connected to electoral reform.




Since Global Bersih (GB) started campaigning for free and fair elections in 2014, each year has been challenging and stressful because of very limited response from the previous Electoral Commission (EC). However, since the electoral victory of Pakatan Harapan in May 2018, we have had positive responses from the EC and government officials. Two main challenges for GB in 2019 were how to respond to the newly appointed EC who were open to meet and discuss overseas Malaysians’ electoral needs in GE15 and how to make the Pakatan Harapan government aware of the position of overseas Malaysians on institutional changes, educational reform, human rights, and social issues. Happily we can report that GB rose to the electoral challenge and spent the first 6 months of the year assembling a virtual global team from 248 cities to help organize they survey and analyse it’s data on overseas voters’ needs. We had about 50 volunteers worldwide who helped to prepare a comprehensive overseas voting proposal for GE15 which we presented to the Election Reform Committee and EC during the week of 24 June in Putrajaya. The EC responded positively to our comprehensive overseas voting proposal and assured us that they will make all efforts to incorporate GB’s recommendations. More importantly, they indicated that their goal is to make sure that all Malaysians, regardless of where they reside, will be provided access to vote in GE15.


Following on from the positive stance of the EC, in August 2019, GB started to address overseas voters training and educational needs and will finalise a comprehensive package during the course of 2020. With regard to institutional and other reforms, GB has reached out to the Foreign Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister, the Home Minister, the Labour Minister, and Education Minister to inform them of overseas Malaysians’ needs and expectations. In addition, during 2019, GB worked with local Malaysian CSOs by participating in their joint meetings and also with International NGOs such as the Kofi Annan Foundation and IDEA. At the same time, the GB Steering Committee has evolved from a team of veteran activists to a new team of young vibrant volunteers who are just as committed to GB’s goal for free and fair elections and institutional reforms in Malaysia. Finally, I would like to end my report with a quote, which applies to all Malaysians and GB supporters: ‘To live is to choose. But to choose well, you must know who you are and what you stand for, where you want to go and why you want to get there.’ Kofi Annan Salam Global Bersih, Bala Chellliah


HIGHLIGHTS | Organisation

HIGHLIGHTS | Secretariat

Global Bersih 2019 Steering Committee

1. Reached out, engaged with, and supported many City Coordinators, resulting in higher awareness and increased Global Bersih Cities’ activities.

The Steering Committee 2018 members were, of from the elected Executive comprised: President Bala Chelliah, Secretary Nirmala Devi Windgätter and Treasurer Cindy Woon; and its the ordinary members, consisting of were Yolanda Augustin, Daphne d’Herve, Kean Wong, Lydia Chai, Pam Wong, Sanjiv Gnaneswaren, Kevin Bathman, Hwa Shi Hsia, Hema Preya Selvanathan, Andrew Loh, and Sharmala Rajoo. Lydia Chai, Kean Wong, and Kevin Bathman are currently on sabbatical till further notice.

Meetings The Global Bersih’s S Steering Committee holds regular meetings to collectively direct the priorities and focus of theGB’s activities to empower Malaysians by lobbying for change through research, advocacy, and dialogue with stakeholders, i.e. international organisations and engagement with political parties. During these meetings, the members of the Steering Committee Steering Committee (Q: is this the Steering Committee?) assess thees progress and plans relevant activities for the year. The Steering Committee (Q: which committee?) prepares an agenda with input from the Steering Committee and makes decisions by way of a simple majority.

The Bersih Connection Global Bersih started as individual movements of solidarity with Bersih 2.0 in countries across the globe. Most of our work is based on our mission to bring about positive transformation in Malaysia, with emphasis on clean, ethical and transparent electoral policies and processes, broader institutional reform, and respect for fundamental human civil rights.

2. Organised and coordinated Global Bersih Committee Meetings 3. Carried out proactive communication on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter 4. Carried out a global survey and produced the Electoral Reform Proposal. 5. Held press conferences in Malaysia 6. Lobbying the Election Reform Committee and Election’s Commission to bring forward the overseas voting agenda 7. Updating and maintaining important news and information on the website: 8. Reached out and engaged with stakeholders such as politicians, NGO’s and human rights defenders travelling to Global Bersih cities. 9. Efforts to restructure the Global Bersih frame in order to get more commitment from the City coordinators. Participated in the Roundtable Discussion on Out of Country Voting in Bangkok which was organised by International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA) on 27th and 28th November 2019 to discuss out of country voting experiences from different countries and learn from each other .

Along these lines, Global Bersih has issued joint statements and held joint media conferences with Bersih 2.0 on issues involving reforms ofon the voting process especially the overseas voting process.

Swiss Civil Code Fulfilling its obligation as an association established in Switzerland, Global Bersih maintains relevant records which are available for inspection and it the publication of publishes an annual report highlighting the work we do.





Global Bersih actively conducts advocacy and outreach events and projects across our many chapters in efforts to achievepropel our objectives. In the case of Global Bersih, stakeholders are people with an interest or concern in supporting Global Bersih’s vision and mission, and this includes ordinary citizens, governments, politicians, the Election Commission, international institutions, human rights defenders and organisations, the media and so on.



2. Global Bersih Makes Recommendations for Overseas Voting Reform

Overseas Voting Reforms Proposal Global Bersih submitted a comprehensive proposal to reform the voting system for overseas Malaysians to the Election Commission (EC) and Electoral Reform Committee (ERC). The proposal was motivated by the need to overcome the numerous obstacles faced by overseas voters during the 14th General Elections (GE14), and it suggested innovations to the overseas voting process for the future.

GB was very vocal in expressing the views and concerns of overseas Malaysians. Here are some of the media statements made: 1. Launch of the Electoral Reform Roundtable Report

3. Building a Stronger Malaysia

The proposal is based on feedback from a survey of overseas Malaysians living in 248 cities worldwide, which was carried out by Global Bersih in January and February 2019, as well as on discussions with the EC, ERC and Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Volume One sets out urgent reforms to the existing overseas postal voting system for GE 15, while Volume Two proposes innovative ideas for longer-term reforms, beyond GE15. The main recommendations highlighted in the proposal were: • Extending the campaign period to 25 days to accommodate the overseas postal voting system. • Establishing a uniform overseas voting process to ensure continuity and to avoid confusion. • Redefining the legal status of overseas Malaysian voters to ensure that their right to vote from their country of residence is enshrined in the Election Regulations and no longer subject to the discretion of the EC. • Including Malaysians residing in Singapore, Brunei, Kalimantan and Southern Thailand in the overseas postal voting system. The report also proposes that the EC should consider extending postal voting to Sabahans and Sarawakians living in West Malaysia, as well as to West Malaysians living in Sabah and Sarawak. • Tasking a centralized Overseas Voting Office at the EC to handle all matters and queries relating to overseas voting, as well as to communicate with overseas Malaysians on the voting process in collaboration with Akademi Pilihanraya, Malaysian Foreign Missions, and Malaysian diaspora civil society groups, such as Global Bersih.





Global Bersih actively conducts advocacy and outreach events and projects across our many chapters in efforts to achieve propel our objectives. In the case of Global Bersih, stakeholders are people with an interest or concern in supporting Global Bersih’s vision and mission, and this includes ordinary citizens, governments, politicians, the Election Commission, international institutions, human rights defenders and organisations, the media and so on.




Bala Chelliah, President of Global Bersih, was invited by Jerald Joseph, the Commissioner of Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM), to participate in various meetings relating to Malaysia’s UPR (Universal Periodic Review) during the 40th session that took place in Geneva from 25 February to 22 March.

Global Bersih joined Bersih 2.0 as an observer during the Nomination Day for the Cameron Highlands by-election. The by-election was the end result of a petition to nullify the BN’s win in GE14, due to the misconduct of the candidate in GE14.

In the 40th Session, the Minister of Foreign Affairs YB Dato’ Saifuddin Abdullah outlined the government’s approach to human rights-based policies and priorities. The government’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Datuk Amran Mohamed Zin gave a presentation on the government’s acceptance of the UPR, which was followed by SUHAKAM and COMANGO amongst other stakeholders who provided their feedback.

iii. Members of civil society groups and SUHAKAM expressed their concerns about: • lack of progress in repealing the draconian laws and the continued use of the Sedition Act. • lack of progress in treaty ratifications that were already promised • lack of progress on child marriage, women, and LGBT issues • maltreatment of migrants and migrant workers and their children

Global Bersih carried out a volunteer drive at the beginning of the year to create a pool of volunteers to help with the activities in 2019. More than 70 volunteers signed up.

The mid-term review which will take place in October 2021 is the next deadline for the government to update the HRC on the progress made.

There were also 2 side events that took place: 1. A briefing session organised by SUHAKAM where the Minister of Foreign Affairs YB Dato’ Saifuddin Abdullah met with international CSOs to brief them and to take their questions on the implementation of human rights and the challenges facing the new government; and 2. A forum organised by the American Bar Council and EMPOWER (a women’srights NGO based in Malaysia) on the UPR implementation in Malaysia with panelists from the Bar Council, SUHAKAM, EMPOWER, and Wisma Putra.

OVERSEAS VOTING REFORM SURVEY Global Bersih carried out a survey in January and February 2019 with the purpose of obtaining the opinions of the Malaysian diaspora on the current overseas voting process as well as exploring potential new voting methods. The questions for the Overseas Voting Reform survey were formulated based on the insights gained from the following sources:

Several takeaways from the presentation and discussion sessions were: i. That the government’s position is to embrace CHANGE in the New Malaysia and that it is committed to the UPR processes and has and will continue to set up the appropriate mechanisms to ensure progress in the implementation of the many UPR recommendations. ii. The Minister acknowledged that the new government lacks governing experience and that it has also inherited a civil service which has yet to undergo a major cultural shift to embrace the new government’s policy of transparency, openness, and embracing best international human rights practices.

i. Global Bersih GE13 Overseas Voting Results ii. Global Bersih Data Collection on Malaysia’s 14th General Election Overseas Voting Process iii. The 2018 Electoral Reform Roundtable discussions held in Parliament Altogether, 749 Malaysians from 248 cities around the world participated in the survey. The survey analysis was compiled in the Overseas Voting Reforms Survey Report whose findings were included in the Overseas Voting Reforms Proposal launched on 1 August 2019.

GB President with Dato’ Dr Ahmad Faisal Muhamad, Malaysia’s Permanent Representative to the UN.







As a gesture of support to local Malaysian NGOs, GB attended the historic court hearing of a tribunal that looked into the allegations of misconduct of 6 former EC commissioners in the run-up to and on the day of the 14th General Election. The tribunal concluded in May 2019 that it would not continue with the proceedings, arguing that it would be academic since the six former commissioners had already resigned from their positions .

Global Bersih together with Bersih 2.0 and with the support of the Speaker of the House of Representatives of Malaysia, the Election Commission, the Kofi Annan Foundation, International IDEA and IFES and UNDP launched the Report of the Electoral Reform Roundtable (ERR) on 30 November-1 December 2018. The ERR Follow-Up report contains the discussions of local and international experts on 9 areas of electoral reform. Global Bersih also accompanied other co-organisers in handing over the report to related stakeholders such as the Election Commission, Electoral Reform Committee, and political parties.

CROWDFUNDING Global Bersih carried out an online crowdfunding campaign from 28 January to 13 April 2019 and managed to collect CHF 2065.00. The contribution was used to project manage the Overseas Voting Project and to secure a full-time staff in Malaysia as liaison and representative of Global Bersih for effective and lobbying efforts among lawmakers and institutions.

GB’s Secretary General with other participants of the roundtable event.

ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION ON OUT-OF-COUNTRY VOTING Global Bersih was invited to take part in the Roundtable Discussion on Out-of-Country Voting in Bangkok between 27 and 28 November 2019. The Roundtable Discussion was organised by the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA) to discuss out of country voting experiences of Malaysians living in different countries and to learn from each other. There were representatives from election management bodies from all over the world, NGOs, and political parties. Global Bersih took part in a panel discussion ‘Voter Information and Campaigning Challenges from a Voter’s Perspective’.

GB’s Secretary General (standing in the middle of the back row) with other participants of the conference.






iii. Ministry of Foreign Affairs

i. Election Commission

Global Bersih met Foreign Minister YB Dato’ Saifuddin Abdullah to discuss Global Bersih’s proposal to strengthen the relationship between overseas Malaysians and diplomatic missions overseas. GB urges diplomatic missions to play a more proactive role in overseas voting process.

Global Bersih has been actively engaging the EC in our quest for a better overseas voting system. Prior to coming up with the overseas voting reform proposal, GB met up with the EC to discuss the needs and limitations of the related stakeholders. Global Bersih also presented and discussed the overseas reform voting proposal and has been in discussion with the EC to push forward the reform of overseas voting process.

GB’s representatives presenting the 3-volume Overseas Voting Reform Proposal to members of the Election Commission.

ii. Election Reform Committee Global Bersih developed a comprehensive two-way communication with the Electoral Reform Committee (ERC) to discuss overseas voting reforms. Global Bersih has communicated to ERC the importance of ensuring that the voting rights of the Malaysian diaspora are protected. GB’s representatives with YB Dato’ Saifuddin Abdullah.

iv. Parliamentary Causus Global Bersih together with Bersih 2.0 met the Parliamentary Caucus on Reform and Good Governance at Parliament to present the Overseas Voting Reforms Proposal.

GB’s representatives presenting the 3-volume Overseas Voting Reform Proposal to Tan Sri Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman, Chairman of the Electoral Reform Commission.







The Netherlands

Bersih France hosted a Global Bersih Forum on 5 October on ‘Malaysia Baharu?’ to discuss the way forward for the country. A distinguished panel of speakers – Zunar, Professor Bridget Welsh, Dr Wong Chin Huat, and Clare Rewcastle-Brown shared thought-provoking insights on the state of Malaysia Baharu one and a half years after GE14, and on how they saw the situation evolving. Attendees from France, the Netherlands, Germany and Switzerland – together with online participants from Malaysia, the UK, and the US – engaged in a lively exchange on issues ranging from education reform to race-based politics. The discussion was followed by an opportunity for participants to learn about Global Bersih’s activities and plans, and developments in Bersih chapters in Germany, France, Switzerland and the Netherlands. A highlight of the afternoon was a fascinating live cartoon drawing session by Zunar. The result – a powerful depiction of Malaysia Baharu as a tender flowering plant whose extensively developed root system revealed the enormous grip and reality of race- and religion-based politics – was donated by Zunar. The cartoon was auctioned off to the highest bidder, and the proceeds of the auction went to Global Bersih’s funds to further its cause.

As part of the wish to stay connected to the diaspora in the Netherlands, Bersih NL organized a BBQ before the summer holidays. The turnout was very encouraging, more Malaysians were welcomed into the group, and the BBQ was a resounding success.

Skype session with the GB’s President and Secretary General.

Bersih NL sent 5 representatives to attend the Malaysia Baharu forum in Paris, France, on 5 October 2019. It was organized by Global Bersih and Bersih France. Bersih NL connected with other representatives from Bersih France, Switzerland and Germany and took part in a lively and fruitful discussion on the future of Malaysia Baharu. It was a good opportunity to meet fellow Malaysians and friends of Malaysia and to discuss issues of mutual concern about challenges facing the new government.

Attendees of the ‘Malaysia Baharu?’ forum.

The high quality of the interventions and discussion gave Global Bersih the impetus and a valuable basis for developing a statement calling on the Malaysian government to act on priority reforms, and on planning its own way forward.

Bersih Netherlands representatives with Zunar.

Attendees of the forum with Zunar and members of GB.






Dato’ Seri spoke passionately about the one-year progress of Pakatan Harapan in office. She also congratulated Malaysians for choosing to change the government on May 9. A Global Bersih representative delivered a message for Dato’Seri to consider the plight of Malaysians living overseas and the difficulties they faced if they return home, such as citizenship and residency status for their family. This is in line with Global Bersih’s lobby for dual citizenship and citizenship for children born to Malaysian mothers overseas.

Because of a significant Malaysian diaspora living across the world, it is the policy of Cabinet Ministers to meet with the local diaspora when they are on a business/official trip. We were fortunate to have four Ministers on separate business trips to Geneva, and they took the time to meet with Malaysians including GB supporters. These sessions were organised by the Malaysian Permanent Mission to the UN in Geneva. The first event was a luncheon event with the Minister of Foreign Affairs YB Dato’ Saifuddin bin Abdullah that took place on 26 February 2019. GB President Bala Chelliah and several GB Geneva supporters were invited to the gathering organised for the Geneva’s Malaysian community. In this luncheon event, YB Dato’ Saifuddin talked about the challenges faced by the government and the actions it is taking to improve the economic situation. He also touched on other issues that the Pakatan Harapan government has inherited. He requested the audience to be patient as regards the implementation of the reforms promised in the PH manifesto. During the Q & A session, Bala highlighted the lack of response from Pakatan Harapan to several ministerial policy documents that GB had submitted to support the new government in the implementation of its reform programme. YB Dato’ Saifuddin promised to follow up with the ministries concerned.

GB’s President with YAB Dato’ Seri Dr Wan Azizah and Datuk Amran Mohamed Zin, Deputy Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The third event was a dialogue session with the Honourable Minister of Human Resources YB Tuan M. Kulasegaran on 20 June 2019. Accompanied by YB Sivanesan Achalingam, the Perak State Government Exco member for Human Resources, YB Tuan Kulasegaran hosted a dialogue-cum-dinner session at Hotel President Wilson, Geneva, with several GB supporters and other Malaysians residing in Geneva. The Hon. Minister’s visit to Geneva coincided with the 108th Centenary Session of the International Labour Organization in Geneva. There were 2 presentations made before the dialogue session commenced. The first presentation was on balancing the Human Resources Ministry’s policy decisions that benefit both the employees and employers; the second presentation was made by TalentCorp on the Returning Expert Programme.

Gathering with Geneva Malaysians and YB Dato’ Saifuddin Abdullah.

The second event was a dinner with the Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia YAB Dato’ Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail on 14 May 2019. Dato’ Seri Wan Azizah led the Malaysian delegation to the 6th Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction Conference (GPDRR 2019) in Geneva, Switzerland, from 14 to 16 May 2019. Because it was in the month of Ramadan, Dato’ Seri Wan Azizah together with H.E. Ambassador Dato’ Amran Mohamed Zin, Permanent Representative of Malaysia, invited the Malaysian community in and around Geneva to a Dinner Iftar on 14 May 2019. The dinner was well attended by Malaysians working in Geneva including Global Bersih supporters.


Dialogue session between Minister of Human Resources, YB Tuan M.Kulasegaran and attendees.




The fourth event was a luncheon event with the Minister of Home Affairs YB Tan Sri Dato’ Haji Muhyiddin Yasin and a meeting with the Permanent Representative to the UN Dato’ Dr Ahmad Faisal Muhamad. In this event, the Minister introduced Dato’ Dr Faisal to the attendees and updated them on the political and economic situation in Malaysia. Among the issues discussed were the slow pace of institutional reform, increase in divisive and racial politics, and restoring confidence among Malaysians by acting swiftly on implementing the promised reform agendas. During the Q & A session, Bala pointed out that the lack of a clear transition plan to hand over the leadership from Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir to Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim was causing concern and uncertainty, and he urged the Pakatan Harapan Presidential Council to step up and take responsibility to set a clear date for the transition.

As the first anniversary of Malaysia Baru coincided with the Muslim fasting month, we took the opportunity to celebrate our unity as a Malaysian community away from home, by hosting the event as a buka puasa function for those who were fasting.

Poster for Malaysia Baru Anniversary Celebration and Buka Puasa Event with SABM.

Forum Discussion on Bersih 2.0 Updates on Electoral Reform in Malaysia On 29 September 2019, Global Bersih along with Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia (SABM) hosted Thomas Fann, Chairperson of Bersih, at a discussion forum to update concerned YB Tan Sri Dato’ Haji Muhyiddin Yassin with the attendees of the luncheon event.

AUSTRALIA – MELBOURNE Malaysia Baru Anniversary & Buka Puasa Bersama Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia (SABM) On 11 May 2019, Malaysians in Melbourne held a get-together to celebrate the wave that enabled Malaysia Baru which offered us hope at a time when change seemed impossible. On that night, as the attendees recounted the efforts of many in Melbourne and elsewhere, it gave us goosebumps reflecting back to the day Malaysia was reborn. What remained unchanged was our strong bond as a Malaysian community, a bond which we hope will always stay. Thomas Fann, Chairperson of Bersih 2.0 in the forum discussion.





Malaysians in Melbourne about the state of affairs at home. In the lead-up to GE14, Malaysians in Melbourne, like Malaysians everywhere else were striving for a change in government, without much regard for what the then opposition had to offer. The only way to correct the trajectory which Malaysia was on and to secure the nation’s future was through better governance.


Since then, despite the historic change in government, Malaysians have witnessed improvements in some areas, while the deterioration in some areas appear to have accelerated. With reforms in some areas taking far longer than expected, and in some cases near impossible to achieve, Malaysians in Melbourne sought Thomas’s insights on the reform agenda and views and perspectives from the grass roots.

On 30 May, the documentary M for Malaysia premiered at the 14th Doc Edge International Documentary Film Festival 2019 in New Zealand. Directed by Ineza Roussille and Dian Lee, and together with Marina Mahathir and Oscar winner Ruby Yang, it documented PM Tun Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad’s GE14 Election journey and his final political battle. The documentary was screened in Auckland and Wellington.

In the forum discussion, Thomas updated the forum participants on what was happening in the country, especially on the opportunities and challenges in Malaysia Baru, and shared with the diaspora what Bersih had been working on since the general election.

Bersih Auckland NZ together with Malaysians in New Zealand (MINZ) helped the directors publicize the event to Malaysian networks in Auckland and Wellington and also to interview a sampling of attendees to garner their thoughts and feedback about the documentary. At the end of the screening in Auckland, Bersih Auckland organised a lunch for friends of Bersih to meet and greet Inezza and Dian.

On 19 February 2019, Bersih Auckland helped to spread the word around NZ via social media about Global Bersih’s crowdfunding campaign. Bersih Auckland raised CHF 135.74 towards enabling GB’s efforts

NEW ZEALAND – AUCKLAND On 19 February 2019, Bersih Auckland helped to spread the word around NZ via social media about Global Bersih’s crowdfunding campaign. Bersih Auckland raised CHF 135.74 towards enabling GB’s efforts. On 30 May, the documentary M for Malaysia premiered at the 14th Doc Edge International Documentary Film Festival 2019 in New Zealand. Directed by Ineza Roussille and Dian Lee, and together with Marina Mahathir and Oscar winner Ruby Yang, it documented PM Tun Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad’s GE14 Election journey and his final political battle. The documentary was screened in Auckland and Wellington. Bersih Auckland NZ together with Malaysians in New Zealand (MINZ) helped the directors publicize the event to Malaysian networks in Auckland and Wellington and also to interview a sampling of attendees to garner their thoughts and feedback about the documentary. At the end of the screening in Auckland, Bersih Auckland organised a lunch for friends of Bersih to meet and greet Inezza and Dian.

Members of GB Hong Kong at the discussion session with Thomas Fann.

Meet-and-Greet Session with Inezza Roussille and Dian Lee.





Financial Statement (Cash Basis)

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change

Year Ending 31st December 2019

the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” ~ Margaret Mead

INCOME STATEMENT Income Donations Paris Event - Zunar Book Sales

CHF 2556.70

EXPENSES STATEMENT Administration Service Fees IT Cost Bank Charges Claims

0.00 0.00 132.00 2850.99

Total Expenses


Income Over Expenses


Global Bersih is an independent, non-profit volunteer-run organisation. All members at various levels of the organisation contribute their valuable time, effort and items (monetary or in-kind) to support Global Bersih’s vision, mission and work. The organisation relies on the generous donations of supporters and fellow Malaysians to assist and support our activities. This financial independence gives us the freedom to campaign with objectivity and impartiality, and to lobby for institutional and electoral reforms and for free and fair elections. To maintain and safeguard this independence, Global Bersih does not accept donations or funding from governments or political organisations.

Support our work Your kind donation will assist the Global Bersih team in growing our resources and expanding our activities, in line with our vision of a democratic and just society Malaysia. We accept donations via online transaction as well as bank transfers.


BALANCE SHEET AT 31.12.2019 2018 Reserves brought forward 2019 Expenses over income Reserves available at 31.12.2019

9613.00 701.26 10314.26 To donate ONLINE, do visit the following pages:

REPRESENTED BY: Cash at bank

Notes: SFRS - Swiss Francs MYR - Malaysian Ringgit (exchange rate of 1 SFRS = 4.25MYR)

24 10314.26 To donate via BANK TRANSFER, please refer to the details listed below: Account Name


Main Account

0251 - 1527723 - 81

(CHF Swiss Account)

IBAN CH13 0483 5152 7723 8100 0

Swift Code


Bank Address

CREDIT SUISSE SA Rue de Lausanne 11-19, 1211 Geneva 70 (Tel: +41 31 358 6490)




Global Bersih thanks you all for your kind donations in 2019 and looks forward to your continued support.

Terms and abbreviations used throughout this report COMANGO

Coalition of Malaysian NGOs in the UPR Process

A coalition of 54 NGOs in Malaysia that participates in the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) process conducted by the United Nations Human Rights Council.


Election Commission

A commission set up for the purpose of ensuring fair and equitable operations in undertaking the Malaysian General Elections


Global Bersih

Global Bersih is an international movement by overseas Malaysians to support Malaysian civil society's work and strengthen Malaysia's maturing democracy, using peaceful and legal means of action. We are proud to be part of the vibrant Swiss civil society. Its Geneva base provides a stronger international platform to advocate for change, taking advantage of the presence of international human rights organisations in the city.

Cash per Bank Transfer: Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia

Anthea Kwan

Bersih Germany

Sophie Jaya

Siew Lin Schwass

Erica Loh

Bersih Auckland NZ

Amy Knowland

Malini Kanagalingam

Philip A Rozario

Vijaya Sankar

Regina Rozario

Prakash Navaratnam

Llewyn Ding


14th General Elections Malaysia’s 14th General Election took place on the 9th May 2018

Chun Fan Goh

Anonymous Donors


UN Human Rights Council

A United Nations inter-governmental body responsible for promoting and protecting human rights around the world. Its 47 seats are filled by member states elected for three-year terms.

International IDEA

International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance

An intergovernmental organisation that works to support and strengthen democratic institutions and processes around the world to develop sustainable, effective, and legitimate democracies.


International Foundation for Electoral Systems

An international non-profit organisation that helps develop and provides assistance and support for elections in new and emerging democracies.


Suruhanjaya Hak Asasi Manusia Malaysia (Human Rights Commission of Malaysia)

A national human rights institution (NHRI) of Malaysia established by the Malaysian Parliament to promote human rights education, advise on legislation and policy, and conduct investigations.


United Nations This is the UN’s global development network that provides expert advice, Development Program training and support to developing countries, with increasing emphasis on assistance to the least developed countries

GLOBAL BERSIH NEAR YOU Interested in joining us? 1. Write to and we will link you with your city coordinator. 2. Subscribe to our monthly newsletter and join our supporters mailing list. ** No Global Bersih chapter near you? Set up one! Contact us at contact@globalbersih. org to discuss further.

Terms in the Malay language


Jauh di mata, dekat di hati

A Malay proverb that literally means ‘Far from sight, close at heart’.


It translates into the word ‘clean’, but it is also the name of an organisation, movement and rally in Malaysia, working towards free and fair elections.

Buka Puasa

A Malay term meaning to open a fast.


It is an Arabic word that literally means ‘peace’, but is also used as a general greeting in most Muslim countries, or by Muslims.



XXX | Organisation

Global Bersih 10, Rue Dr. Alfred Vincent 1201 Geneva, Switzerland


Tel.: Email Website


+41 79 248 2123


SANJIV GNANESWAREN Steering Committee Member


HEMA PREYA SELVANATHAN Steering Committee Member


SHARMALA RAJOO Steering Committee Member

KEAN WONG Steering Committee Member

ANDREW LOH ZHU AN Steering Committee Member

KEVIN BATHMAN Steering Committee Member

HWA SHI HSIA Steering Committee Member

DAPHNE d’HERVE Steering Committee Member

PAMELA WONG Steering Committee Member


10, Rue Dr. Alfred Vincent, 1201 Geneva Switzerland +41 79 248 2123 GlobalBersih GlobalBersih


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