Global Bersih 2018 Annual Report

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“Though we may be far apart, Malaysia remains close at heart� Jauh di mata, dekat di hati.

2018 ANNUAL REPORT Malaysians Across Borders | Connecting and Enfranchising Malaysians Everywhere

CONTENTS 1. Content page I. Introduction


II. President’s Message


III. Patron’s Message


IV. Highlights • Organisational


• Secretariat


V. Activities


• Proposals


• Press


• Malaysia’s 14th General Election • Campaigns


• Activities


• United Nations Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR) on Malaysia’s Human Rights Records


• Electoral Reform Roundtable


VI. Global Chapters


VII. Financial Summary


VIII. Fundraising


IX. Glossary


X. Contact Information


The Bersih artwork is from an artist who documented the Bersih4 rally in KL, and the work can be purchased from




Global Bersih is an international movement of overseas Malaysians, to support Malaysian civil society’s work and strengthen Malaysia’s maturing democracy, using peaceful and legal means of action. Its Geneva base enables a stronger international platform to advocate for change, taking advantage of the dynamic international human rights movement in the city.

The full and effective fulfilment of Malaysia’s right to free and fair elections, which includes:


The advancement of human rights, the rule of law and democracy in Malaysia.

We envision a democratic and just Malaysian society in which the rights and dignity of all persons are respected, protected and upheld in law, and practice.

OUR MISSION Our mission is to encourage and empower Malaysians abroad in exercising their right to bring about positive transformation in the country.

1. due reform of electoral processes and procedures, 2. ensuring transparency of all levels of the electoral processes 3. enhancing participation of international observers and media to monitor the polls, as well as, 4. strengthening public institutions and civil processes. An independent and competent Election Commission of Malaysia, especially in monitoring and addressing electoral discrepancies.

HOW DO WE ACHIEVE OUR OBJECTIVES • We provide a global platform for the voices and stories of ordinary Malaysians and civil society, to reach out to the international community — in particular, international human rights bodies, diplomatic missions, foreign media and civil society • We build on and enrich local and international discourses on Malaysian issues, to achieve electoral and democratic reform. • We galvanise support from Malaysians across the globe towards creating a stronger international momentum for electoral and democratic reform in Malaysia. • We carry out training and capacity building to encourage overseas Malaysians to organise and participate in civil society and electoral processes. • We engage with all stakeholders that are connected to electoral reform.

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PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE How we work for REFORMS in Malaysia and how you can support us The year 2018, and May 9th especially, marked a historic moment for Malaysia. While it seems there is a global retreat from democracy, Malaysia beat the trend and voted in a new government after 61 years. Global Bersih, since it was established as an NGO in 2014 has worked consistently to campaign for free and fair elections through institutional reforms, and therefore we should all be proud of our contribution in bringing CHANGE to Malaysia. This report outlines the many activities that Global Bersih carried out during the year, but the events which stand out are: • The campaign to demand from the Election Commission, a reliable Overseas Voting process for GE14 before the elections. • The post-election review of the Overseas Voting process and the positive engagement with the newly installed EC to address the issues encountered by overseas voters during GE14. • Engaging with Kofi Annan Foundation to instigate an electoral reform roundtable discussion in collaboration with Bersih 2.0, IDEAS, IFES and UNDP at the Malaysian Parliament in the presence of the EC, members of parliament and other stakeholders. Global Bersih will continue its outreach and advocacy work, but the immediate priority is to engage with the Electoral Commission to help design and implement an overseas voting process that addresses the weaknesses identified in the previous GE13/GE14 process. We will continue to engage with International NGOs and reach out and engage with Civil Society Organisations in Malaysia to get their support and to ensure Global Bersih’s work, where appropriate, complements and supports their work. Finally, as Global Bersih’s primary role is to address issues and undertake projects that will benefit the Malaysian diaspora, we look to you to continue to support our activities and encourage you to actively engage with Global Bersih to help identify the diaspora’s needs and to support the priorities of Malaysia Baharu.

Bala Chellliah President of Global Bersih


PATRON’S MESSAGE Dear fellow Malaysians, This time, last year, we were on the eve of the nation’s 14th General Election (GE14), and we were still talking about change. Today I speak to you in the era of Malaysia Baharu. We owe this change to every single Malaysian, who overcame all obstacles to deliver hope in GE14. Global Bersih has been one of a significant outcomes of the Bersih 2.0 movement. It has been championing Bersih 2.0’s cause at the international level. Global Bersih has played a substantial role in providing a platform for Malaysians overseas to transform their passion for the nation into action. It has reached out to Malaysians all over the world with overwhelming results. Malaysia’s 14th General Election was a pivotal moment for Malaysia, especially for overseas voters. I was impressed by the passion of overseas Malaysians in not letting a faulty system take their rights away. Global Bersih mobilised overseas Malaysians through campaigns, petitions and demonstrations all over the world to lobby for the rights of overseas voters. These events show that the Malaysian diaspora is aware of the importance of this moment in time for Malaysia and that they care for the nation. We have to remember that the change of government is not the end of the journey; in fact, it is just the beginning of the reform work that is needed. We have to continue to be vigilant that the new government delivers the needed reform including a new overseas voting system. Therefore, Global Bersih will have to continue to play its role by speaking out for Malaysians overseas. I congratulate Global Bersih for the work that they do and thank the supporters, the city coordinators and the Steering Committee, for their support, encouragement and contribution to the Global Bersih mission. We have come so far but we must continue to fight for the changes that will make Malaysia a shining example of democracy in the region. Terima kasih.

Ambiga Sreenevasan Patron of Global Bersih


HIGHLIGHTS | ORGANISATION Global Bersih 2018 Executive Committee The Steering Committee 2018 members were, of the elected Executive: President Bala Chelliah, Secretary Nirmala Devi Windgätter and Treasurer Linda Yeoh; and the ordinary members, consisting of Yolanda Augustin, Charis Quay, Daphne Yong-d’Herve, Kean Wong, Lydia Chai, Pam Wong, Putri Bunk, Sanjiv Gnaneswaren and Kevin Bathman. Patron Former Malaysian Bar Council President, Ambiga Sreenevasan continued to support our organisation as our patron. Meetings The Global Bersih Steering Committee holds regular meetings to collectively direct the priorities and focus of the activities to empower Malaysians by lobbying for change through research, advocacy and dialogue with stakeholders, and engagement with political parties. During these meetings, the Committee assesses progress and plans relevant activities. The committee prepares an agenda with input from the Steering Committee, and makes decisions by way of a simple majority. The Bersih 2.0 Connection Global Bersih started as individual movements of solidarity with Bersih 2.0 in countries across the globe. Most of our work is based on our mission to bring about positive transformation in Malaysia, with emphasis on clean, ethical and transparent electoral policies and processes, broader institutional reform and respect for fundamental human civil rights. Global Bersih has issued joint statements and held joint media conferences with Bersih 2.0 on issues involving reforms on the voting process especially the overseas voting process. Swiss Civil Code Fulfilling its obligation as an association established in Switzerland, Global Bersih maintains relevant records available for inspection and publishes of an annual report highlighting the work we do.


HIGHLIGHTS | SECRETARIAT 1. R eached out, engaged with, and supported many City Coordinators, resulting in higher awareness and increased Global Bersih Cities’ activities. Bersih

8. Updated and maintained important news and information on the website:

3. Carried out proactive communication on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.

9. Reached out and engaged with stakeholders such as politicians, NGO’s and human rights defenders travelling to Global Bersih cities.

2. O rganised and coordinated Committee Meetings.


4. Carried out data collection exercise and produced a short proposal based on the results.


7. Lobbied the Election Reform Committee and Election Commission to bring forward the overseas voting agenda.

5. Held press conference in Malaysia to publish the Data Collection results.

10. Co-organised the Electoral Reform Roundtable at the Malaysian Parliament, attended by more than 200 Members of Parliament, civil rights organisations, international and local experts and other stakeholders.

6. Presented overseas voters story at the Monash University TED talk and the inaugural Malaysian Summit at the University of Auckland.

11. Initiated review of Global Bersih structure in order to get more commitment from the City coordinators.


ACTIVITIES | PROPOSALS Global Bersih actively conducts advocacy and outreaach events and projects across our many national chapters in efforts to propel our objectives. Global Bersih stakeholders are people and institutions with an interest or concern in supporting Global Bersih’s vision and mission, including ordinary citizens, governments, representatives, the Election Commission, international institutions, human rights defenders and organisations, and the media. In the wake of the government change, Global Bersih submitted the following proposals for reform:

INSTITUTIONAL REFORMS We submitted to the Institutional Reform Committee a wide-ranging proposal with inputs from Malaysians from around the world, covering essential issues that were deemed important by the Malaysian diaspora across the world. Click on the link to read the `Institutional Reforms for Consideration by the Malaysian Government´ document.

EDUCATIONAL REFORMS Global Bersih submitted two proposals: “Revamping Vocational Training and Education in Malaysia” and “Proposal for Education Reform in Malaysia” to Education Minister Dr Maszlee Malik. The latter proposal was also submitted to Dr Dzahar, from the education review group selected by the Ministry of Education. Click on the links to read the GB proposals for vocational training reform document and the education reform proposal.

CONSULATE REFORM PROPOSALS Global Bersih also prepared a proposal with recommendations to improve the consular services of Wisma Putra’s many embassies and high commissions. This proposal was submitted to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, YB Saifuddin Abdullah, who is following up with his staff. Click on the link to read the document on“Rebuilding Confidence in Malaysia’s Diplomatic Missions”. Global Bersih is continuing the effort by trying to meet up with the stakeholders to follow up with the proposals.


PRESS RELEASES Global Bersih was very vocal in expressing the views and concerns of overseas Malaysians. Below are some of its media statements.

Global Bersih: Overseas Voting Process Unclear and Problematic – Malaysians Abroad Not Consulted Overseas Postal Voting Needs To Be Fair, says Global Bersih Rakyat Malaysia di Singapura dan seluruh dunia bersiap sedia untuk mengundi di PRU14 Response to Statement by the Singapore Police Force on Global Bersih Election Commission obstacles stop many overseas Malaysians from voting Election Commission sabotaging the overseas postal voting system Global Bersih welcomes UK Government Call for External Election Observers ahead of Malaysia’s General Election on May 9th Change of gov’t necessary but insufficient for a more democratic Malaysia, electoral and institutional reforms urgently needed Global Bersih condemns police harassment of human rights lawyer Fadiah Nadwa Fikri The flawed Overseas Voting Process of GE14 must be reformed in new Malaysia Reject political corruption, uphold reform commitments


MALAYSIA’S 14TH GENERAL ELECTION Campaigns Jom Daftar Undi Global Bersih continued its ‘Jom Daftar Undi´ campaign to encourage overseas Malaysians to register to vote. This campaign was focused on overseas Malaysians who were not registered in the electoral roll yet, in other words, first -time voters. When the overseas postal voting was opened in January 2018, Global Bersih extended this campaign and included the focus on the registration of overseas Malaysians as overseas postal voters. Global Bersih also connected with the Election Commission and Malaysian foreign missions to provide updated information to overseas Malaysians. Jom Balik Undi Parallel to the `Jom Daftar Undi´campaign, GB also continued with the `Jom Balik Undi´ campaign. This campaign was to encourage Malaysians who were not registered as an overseas postal voter, to still take part in the elections by flying back home to vote. Petition: SPR TIPU Global Bersih and MyOverseasVote launched a petition to bring to light to the fact that the Election Commission had sabotaged its overseas voting system by limiting the campaigning period to 11 days, making it nearly impossible for overseas Malaysians to return their ballots on time. Global Bersih called upon the Election Commission chairman to urgently explain how overseas postal votes would be dispatched in time for them to be returned the voting deadline. The petition received nearly 86000 signatures Mana Undi Saya? During the GE14, overseas voters faced the challenge of receiving their ballots and returning the ballots within nine working days. As the voting day approached and many overseas voters were still waiting for their ballots, Global Bersih ran the ‘Mana Undi Saya?’ campaign worldwide. Global Bersih mobilised overseas Malaysians all over the world to demand an explanation on why their ballots had not yet arrived, and to share a photo of their demands on social media.


MALAYSIA’S 14TH GENERAL ELECTION Activities Information Exchange Global Bersih played a role as one of the significant information hubs for overseas Malaysians during GE14. It disseminated information on the processes and also worked together with Bersih 2.0 to help overseas Malaysians with their enquiries and problems in the overseas voting and registration process. Global Bersih also directed overseas Malaysians on how to handle their problems such as connecting them to ‘Aduan Pemantau’ or helping them through the problems. GB also kept overseas voters up to date on latest developments in the overseas voting process through constant contact with the Election Commission and Malaysian diplomatic missions. Helping to bring ballots home During GE14, as time started running out, and there was no way to return the ballots by post, many overseas Malaysian mobilised themselves to fly back to Malaysia, not only to vote but also to bring back the ballots of fellow Malaysians. Global Bersih assisted chapters all over the world in their efforts to organise runners to take the ballots back to Malaysia. Data Collection GB carried out a data collection exercise worldwide to gather information on the problems and limitations faced by the overseas voters during GE14. The results of the data collection were used as the framework for a short proposal on how to improve the overseas voting process. Both the proposal and results were launched at a media conference. TED Talk in Malaysia Global Bersih was invited to speak at a Ted Talk event organised by Monash University in Kuala Lumpur. GB talked about the overseas voters’ ordeal during GE14 and also shared their stories on how they overcame many obstacles to send their ballots home. 1st Malaysian SUMMIT in New Zealand Global Bersih was invited to this inaugural event at The University of Auckland to share on the role of Global Bersih in mobilising overseas Malaysians during GE14.



Malaysia’s human rights (HR) record came under scrutiny during the Universal Periodic Review, held from November 8th to 13th at the UN HRC in Geneva. This review was an opportunity for the new Pakatan Harapan government to set out its National Human Rights Plan for the next five years. In addition to Global Bersih, represented by its President, Bala Chelliah, NGOs Suaram, Komas, Empower, SUHAKAM and the Bar Council attended. The list of recommendations that the government addressed can be found at

ELECTORAL REFORM ROUNDTABLE Global Bersih, in collaboration with Bersih 2.0 and Kofi Annan Foundation organised an Electoral Reform Roundtable in the Malaysian Parliament with international and local electoral reform experts focusing on Electoral Reform. GB also presented a paper on absentee voting during this roundtable.


GLOBAL BERSIH CHAPTERS | ACTIVITIES EUROPE Netherlands Bersih NL held the Borneo Case film screening and live forum with YB Maria Chin Abdullah (former Bersih 2.0 chairman) and Clare Rewcastle-Brown (editor of Sarawak Report) in March 2018 at the International Institute of Social Studies in The Hague, Netherlands. The event was attended by about 50 researchers, students and activists and featured a good discussion with Maria and Clare on topical issues such as the abuse of power by the current Malaysian government. Bersih NL joined in the “Balik Undi” campaign and raised funds to sponsor five students (first-time voters) from Sabah and Sarawak to fly from their universities in West Malaysia back to their home to vote. Together with Bersih Germany and Bersih Belgium, Bersih NL runners successfully couriered by air, 27 ballots to KLIA, which were subsequently transported back to respective polling agents all over the country just one day before polling day. In July 2018, Bersih NL also initiated a meeting between H.E. Karin Mössenlechner, the Dutch ambassador to Malaysia, Shahrul Aman Mohd Saari (former Bersih 2.0 acting chairman) and Swee Seng Yap (former Bersih 2.0 executive director). The discussion touched on the current political climate and how to further the Bersih agenda. In September 2018, Bersih NL joined 15 other NGOs and held a dialogue with Sarawak Members of Parliament. Organised by Bersih Sarawak, it aimed to create a platform for civil society organisations to introduce their areas of work as well as to lobby their issues and agenda for reform with the parliamentarians. More details on the event can be found here: http://www.theborneopost. com/2018/09/20/ngos-hold-dialogue-with-sarawakmps/?fbclid=IwAR2rkkz9OgspzvsylwNk0uY-vzE4ucP5 y1AQjLcFAP2RCen9GTKsCx2CPIw Bersih NL organised a forum about Malaysia Baharu in November. YB Maria Chin (via Skype), Prof. Bridget Welsh and Dr Greg Lopez (via Skype) were the panelists and Prof. Welsh provided a sharp and insightful analysis on the dynamics and significant

events leading up to and during the 14th Malaysian General Election.The forum was also attended by NGOs like BothENDS (, as well as Global Bersih chapters (Bersih Scotland and Bersih Germany).


GLOBAL BERSIH CHAPTERS | ACTIVITIES France Bersih France was formally declared as a French association in April with elected office bearers. A successful showing of “Borneo Case” in March, attended by nearly 70 people, was followed by a debate with Debbie Stothard, Secretary General of the Federation Internationale des Droits de l’Homme, Baptiste Laville from Bruno Manser Fonds, and Bersih France committee members. Bersih France brought together Malaysians in France to follow the vote-count during GE14 for an exciting evening with much discussion. In October, Honey Tan, co-chair of the Bar Council’s Family Law Committee shared over a dinner her perspective on developments in family law and the respective jurisdictions of civil and Syariah law in family matters. Germany Bersih Germany worked with other European Global Bersih chapters to bring light to the limitations of the GE14 overseas voting system. Global Bersih Germany initiated two joint European chapters press releases with, Bersih Scotland, Bersih Netherlands, Bersih Ireland, Bersih France, Bersih Geneva, Bersih London and Bersih Milan, condemning the EC for ignoring the problems of the overseas postal voting system. Bersih Germany also sent a representatives to events organised by other Bersih chapters in Europe. During the GE14, Bersih Germany helped the Malaysian diaspora in Germany to get their ballots back by mobilising and supporting the ballot runners all over from Germany, by providing information and financial support. These efforts were featured in an article by Deutsche Welle, a public international broadcaster in Germany. frustrated-malaysian-expats-hasten-to-get-voteshome/a-43702177 After GE14, Bersih Germany organized ‘buka puasa’ events and picnics in Dresden, Berlin, Munich and


Düsseldorf, to encourage the Malaysian diaspora to continue their efforts on the needed reforms for Malaysia. Bersih Germany also met with the Ambassador of Malaysia to Germany, HE Datin Sarah Al Bakri Devadason, to introduce Global Bersih activities. Bersih Germany is looking forward to building a working relationship with the foreign mission. Bersih Germany celebrated Malaysia Day with a Malaysian human right films screening in Berlin. It showcased two short films namely: 1) Saving a Nation (Sheridan Mahavera, 2017) 2) Diary for Prasana (Norhayati Kaprawi, 2017) It was attended by more than 30 participants and there was a lively and emotional Skype session with the director, Norhayati Karpawi. Bersih Germany is also in the process of legalising the organisation as an official CSO under the German law.

GLOBAL BERSIH CHAPTERS | ACTIVITIES Australia There are several Global Bersih groups and individuals active in their city or space in Australia. Below are initiatives carried out by Bersih Australia, Bersih Sydney and Bersih Melbourne and MPOZ in Melbourne. Leading up to GE14, Bersih in Australia alerted academics and journalists to the election in Malaysia and possible repercussions on the BN-Najib regime by sending out media releases and briefing papers. Post GE14, Bersih in Australia worked with Greens Senator to raise questions on Australia’s linkages in the 1MDB scandal. Bersih Chapters in Australia followed up on several high profile money laundering properties purchases in Australia by senior Malaysian

officials under the Najib regime and submissions were sent to the Australian Royal Commission on Inquiry into Misconduct in the banking and financial services sector linking ANZ Bank with AmBank and 1 MDB. They are still tracking these issues and are in communication with Clare Rewcastle Brown of Sarawak Report, when and where relevant and appropriate. Work has been done also with MPs and Stop Lynas groups in Kuantan — to provide technical and policy input to the Executive Review Committee on Lynas based on Lynas’ licence violations, malpractices and irregularities of relevant regulators. Work is still being carried out in tracking progress as Lynas has been defiant and has refused to adhere to regulations.

Auckland Bersih Auckland donated $120 NZD to Bersih Headquarters in Kuala Lumpur on 14 February 2018 to show support to the cause. As part of the Global Bersih Jom Balik Undi campaign, Bersih NZ collected 110 ballots from New Zealand,

flew them over to Malaysia, where they picked up another 200 ballots from 18 other countries. The team then proceeded to deliver each ballot into their ballot boxes at the respective returning offices throughout whole of Malaysia. This was all achieved in 24 hours with a team of more than 50 volunteers.



San Francisco Bay Area, USA A group of Malaysians residing in Northern California (including Sacramento, San Francisco and San Jose) coordinated with volunteers to hand-carry and cast their ballots in Malaysia -- a worldwide effort which is fondly known as “GE14: The Amazing Race”. The ballots were safely transferred and cast in constituencies covering states as far north as Kedah to the southern state of Johor, and the East Malaysian state of Sarawak. Bersih SF held a GE14 viewing potluck party and discussion. Around 25 people participated in watching the electoral results, and the ensuing drama as it unfolded. Discussions were carried out on political changes and next steps for the


emerging New Malaysia, how to ensure the election results would be upheld by the Agong, what kind of transition would take place, and above all how Bersih can support. SF held a large GE14 celebratory potluck picnic. Over 200 people from around the Northern California region attended. The group sang Negaraku, heard first-hand accounts about “The Amazing Race” from ballot “runners”, and discussed upcoming political possibilities and how the diaspora can contribute. There was widespread enthusiasm for the New Malaysia, and a sense of achievement after many years of collective organising and struggle.

FINANCIAL SUMMARY Financial Statement (Cash Basis) Year Ending 31st December 2018 INCOME STATEMENT Income




Total Income




Admin service fees


IT cost


Bank charges




Total Expenses


Income Over Expenses


Balance Sheet at 31 December 2018 Reserves 2017 Reserves brought forward


2018 Expenses over income


Reserves available at 31st December 2018


Represented by: Cash at bank


Notes: SFRS - Swiss Francs MYR - Malaysian Ringgit (exchange rate of 1 SFRS = 4.25MYR)


FUNDRAISING “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” ~ Margaret Mead Global Bersih is an independent, non-profit volunteer-run organisation. All members at various levels of the organisation contribute their valuable time, effort and items (monetary or inkind), to support the Global Bersih’s vision, mission and work. As such, the organisation relies on the generous donations of supporters and fellow Malaysians to assist and support our activities. This financial independence awards us the freedom to campaign with objectivity and impartiality, and to lobby for institutional and electoral reforms, and free and fair elections. To maintain and safeguard this independence, Global Bersih does not accept donations or funding from governments or political organisations. Support our work Your kind donation will assist the Global Bersih team in growing our resources and expanding our activities, in line with our vision of a democratic and just society Malaysia. We accept donations via online transaction as well as bank transfers.


To donate ONLINE, do visit the following pages: To donate via BANK TRANSFER, please refer to the details listed below: Account Name GLOBAL BERSIH Main Account 0251 - 1527723 - 81 (CHF Swiss Account) IBAN CH13 0483 5152 7723 8100 0 Swift Code CRESCHZZ12A Bank Address CREDIT SUISSE SA Rue de Lausanne 11-19, 1211 Geneva 70 (Tel: +41 31 358 6490)


DONATIONS Global Bersih thanks you all for your kind donations in 2018 and look forward to your continued support.

Cash per bank transfer/Pay pal Khoo Teng Jian Nik Azmi Nik Fathil Daphne Yong Han Xin Vivien Voon Hung Lai Jinnie Ooi Joanne Mei Kai Yin Low Kean Lim Khoon Yu Tan

Kuan Fong Koh Kwang Whee lee Ling Pei lin Malini Kanagalingam Ngeh Koo Ham Norman Khoo Oi Yan Hee Lydia Chai Seng Beng Koay Shuk Yin Lieu

Sook Kuan Loh Soon Sen Ten Tad Song Kho Tzou Hann Law Wee Leng Lee Wee Shian Lin Ying Zhu Chin Fionna Tan

In-kind donations - Steering Committee Total estimated value of all the time voluntarily contributed by GB Steering Committee calculated on the basis of Switzerland’s minimum wage at 20 CHF per hour. It must however be kept in mind that the professional hourly rate of many of the volunteers is worth considerably more.

Hours per week


Total in CHF for 2018


GLOBAL BERSIH NEAR YOU Interested in joining us? 1. Write to and we will link you with your city coordinator. 2. Subscribe to our monthly newsletter and join our supporters mailing list.

**No Global Bersih chapter near you? Set up one! Contact us at to discuss further.


GLOSSARY Terms and abbreviations used throughout this report EC

Election Commission


Freedom of assembly, sometimes used interchangeably with the freedom Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and Association of association, is the individual right or ability of people to come together and collectively express, promote, pursue, and defend their ideas; and is recognized as a human right, a political right and a civil liberty.


Freedom of Expression

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.


Global Bersih

Kindly refer to the ‘Introduction’ section.


14th General Elections

Malaysia’s 14th General Election took place on the 9th May 2018


Human Rights

Human rights are moral principles or norms, which describe certain standards of human behaviour that applies universally to all human beings. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 sets out the most basic human rights.


UN Human Rights Council It is a United Nations System inter-governmental body responsible for promoting and protecting human rights around the world. Its 47 seats are filled by member states elected for three-year terms.


Human Rights Defender

A term used to describe people who, individually or with others, act to promote or protect human rights.


Kofi Annan Foundation

The Kofi Annan Foundation mobilises political will to overcome threats to peace, development and human right, by mobilises those who are in a position to influence and bring leadership to the world’s most pressing problems.


Parti Keadilan Rakyat

PKR or People’s Justice Party is an opposition party in Malaysia.

The Election Commission of Malaysia.

SOSMA Security Offences (Special An Act to provide for special measures relating to security offences for the purpose of maintaining public order and security and for connected matters. Measures) Act 2012 SR

Special Rapporteur

Special Rapporteurs are engaged under the Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights to conduct fact-finding missions to countries to investigate allegations of human rights violations.

Terms in the Malay language ‘Sapu-man’

Sapu is the Malay word for a broom, or ‘to sweep’. Sapu-man here is a pun on the suffix used to refer to (usually male) heroes, “-man’; a man ‘sweeping’/saving the city.

Malaysia Baharu

It means ‘to set free’, or freedom.

Jauh di mata, dekat di hati

A Malay proverb that literally means ‘Far from sight, close at heart’.


It translates into the word ‘clean’, but it is also the name of an organisation, movement and rally in Malaysia, working towards free and fair elections.


It is an Arabic word that literally means "peace", but is also used as a general greeting in most Muslim countries, or by Muslims.

Terima Kasih

It is a word that literally translated means ‘to receive love’. The term is used to express thanks and gratitude.


CONTACT INFORMATION & STEERING COMMITTEE MEMBERS 2018 Global Bersih 10, Rue Dr. Alfred Vincent 1201 Geneva, Switzerland Tel.: +41 79 248 2123 Email Website

GlobalBersih GlobalBersih


KEVIN BATHMAN Steering Committee Member

DAPHNE d’HERVE Steering Committee Member


YOLANDA AUGUSTIN Steering Committee Member

PAMELA WONG Steering Committee Member

LINDA YEOH Treasurer

LYDIA CHAI Steering Committee Member

SANJIV GNANESWAREN Steering Committee Member sanjiv.gnaneswaran@

KEAN WONG Steering Committee Member

PUTRI BUNK Steering Committee Member


10, Rue Dr. Alfred Vincent, 1201 Geneva Switzerland +41.7924.82123 GlobalBersih GlobalBersih

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