May 2012 Issue

Page 36

Photo Feature

P ra v ee n a S hi v ram

warm up to india

The Indian summer is relentless in her intensity and obstinate in her consistency. But there is something more powerful hidden in the everyday life of India THEY say the weather in heaven is always a pleasant summer’s day, but I bet the Indian summer doesn’t feature on heaven’s season’s list. There is something inexhaustible about summer in India, like a three-hour long movie still running in the theatres, the monsoons and winter making that occasional cameo appearance. The sun is the reigning star, always larger than life and demanding attention that can put any celebrity to shame. But this sun isn’t a megalomaniac, for he knows who he is competing against. You only need to see the images around you to see how the sun takes on various roles, greasepaint duly changed for every scene, in an attempt to win over the competition. So in the desert plains of Rajasthan, amidst a raging dust storm, the sun plays the role of that pesky friend, always following you around, while you go about your life, casually covering your face from the sun’s onslaught. A role reversal of sorts happens in the serene waters of Kashmir’s Dal Lake, as he waits patiently on the water’s surface, deep and non-intrusive, ever-ready if you need a shoulder to fall back on. During festive times, when the streets of India come alive, the sun is there, dancing and celebrating in style, abandoning all sense of decorum. Or in times of quieter, soulful revelry, he is there, gently caressing the lines on the faces of the old, reminding them that they are never alone. He is also there when young boys beat the heat with a dip in the water, playing hide and seek, laughter spilling out from his rays, as he jumps in and out, through hands, legs and happy faces. And he is there in the very heart of a musician’s soul, aiding in the deep communion with a higher power, lifting you up to realms where everything ceases to exist, the sun included. Through it all, the sun, sometimes harsh, sometimes kind, sometimes light, sometimes dark, bows down to the stronger power. Like those in the show business revere the audience, the sun too knows, deep in his fiery abyss, that when it comes to the warmth of the spirit of India, there is simply no contest.


culturama | may 2012

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