Just Like You Script

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Just Like You


Based on the mind of a child-like teenager, viewer discretion advised.


KITCHEN. ALICE'S HOUSE Alice is washing the blood off her knife and her hands. A new teddy is placed on the shelf. Lauren looks directly at Alice after she has asked her to the party. Lauren's face was apathetic/not bothered. Lauren: I know I never replied to your invite but I can't come to your party anyway, Josh has a party the same day and I am sooooooo going cos he is just soooo hot. soz yeah. Alice then goes and sits down on her own. Teacher: Jason, Freddy, Clarice, Lily, Alice... Where is everyone today?

Alice looks up too but doesn't seem to care and then goes back to doodling in her book, you can see her bruises and scratches on her arm. Lauren talks to her friends while Alice sees the opportunity and steals Lauren's USB off the table. END OF COLLEGE SCENE BACK TO ALICE'S BEDROOM Alice checks the dates off the calendar to countdown to her birthday. She also checks off girls on her "birthday list" which is also the name of the teddy bears. Mum talks to daughter for the first time. Mother: I'm going out now, there's some food on the table for you. Alice these boxes are still here? I told to get rid weeks ago. we've been here 7 months.oh yeah and how many people are coming to your party?


Alice stays quiet Mother: Alice, I've been working day and night to make this party happen for you the least you can do is invite people. Alice: (under her breath) I did make friends mother Mother: Ok make sure they know what time to come over, I have to go now. Mother then closes the door and leaves the house, Alice begins to talk to her teddies. Alice: Mummy doesn't understand me. She thinks she knows what's best for me. Don't worry guys, your gonna have a new friend soon, she's gonna be just like you. So be nice.

THURSDAY AFTERNOON Alice is sitting on the window sill playing with her teddies, she is home before Lauren due to finishing earlier. She sees Lauren walking home from college and runs down and opens the door. Alice: USB at picked up and

Hey Lauren, you left your college yesterday and i it up. Do you want to come get it?

Lauren: Oh ok thanks Alice. Lauren follows Alice upstairs and enters Alice's room. Alice runs off and Lauren calls out for her. The door slams and Alice jumps out at Lauren and suffocates her with chloroform. Lauren struggles to get out of Alice's grip but becomes unconscious.


Lauren slowly wakes up and sees Alice with a needle and knife. Lauren panics and tries to move but is tied down. Alice cuts into Lauren and blood splatters over her face.Lauren tries to scream but they were muffled. Lauren then black-outs. Noise of ripping organs. Close-up of Alice's manic face then cuts back to washing knife and hands then placing the new teddy (Lauren) on the shelf. FRIDAY MORNING: ALICE'S BIRTHDAY Alice is getting ready for school and can hear her mum downstairs on the phone. Mother: She really needs to grow up, she's 17 today and she has been playing with those teddies all day. She needs to make some friends.

Alice walks out and slams the door to make her mum know she's annoyed at her. AT COLLEGE Teacher: Oh Lauren's not in today, Has anyone seen her?

Alice is doodling the layout of the classroom with everyone being teddies and then crosses off Lauren. END OF COLLEGE SCENE Alice is back at home and her mum is upstairs cleaning Alice's room. Alice walks into her room and sees her mum putting teddies into a bag. Mother: Alice you're home, so early? Alice: WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY TEDDIES? Mother: I'm getting rid of those teddies. You're 17 start acting (MORE)

4 (CONT'D) your age! Alice: NO LEAVE THEM ALONE. YOU'LL PAY! Alice walks up to the her mother and the door slowly closes as fades to black. Alice places a new teddy on the shelf.


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