All you need to know about a cam model

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Many aspects will be considered when you become a cam model but before that happen you must be 18 years and above. What you need are; computer or any gadgets that you are comfortable using or what the website require, webcam, clear audio device, fast internet connection and a room (it should be clean and quiet enough for the viewers convenient). Once you are hired by the website you applied, they will give you instructions and guidelines to be a better cam girl/guy. To become more convincing, the tone of your voice is what the clients want to hear. The look is not necessary as long as you handle yourself confidently and money will be yours in no time.

Different kind of cam girl/guy; Bubbly –his/her personality is the friendly one. They are the models who got most of the clients. •

Money-thinker –more focus on how he/she can make money on that day. • Shy –his/her personality is not very approaching although he/she does his/her job accordingly, most of the time they will not talk unless the clients are waiting for an answer. • Entertainer –this type of personality is good in association with other and knows how to get fun. Only a few people have this and like the bubbly, they also get much attention from clients. • Performer –it’s like entertainer but the difference is that they are good in whatever it is needed to perform a job, mostly what is only require.

Doer –it is the most in demand in clients since they are willing to do whatever the clients wants them. •

Confident –this kind of traits is also good to have a cam girl/guy but sometimes to over confidence is not good.

Flirt (action) –although your action is like your flirting, you can use it to have a client, but is not a good suggestion. Your customer may misinterpret what you are implying to tell.

Different types of cam girl/guy are same with our clients. They also have their own view of attitude; some clients want to meet their totally exact opposite. Why? Simply because they find it challenging, aside from that make sure to keep your clients curious about you. The more curious or challenging you are, the possibility of them coming back to know more about you; just use highfalutin words so you don’t really need to tell them who really you are.


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