Meetings March/April 2016

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An effective portfolio of evidence is a collection of documents that is compiled to show competence against a set of outcomes

• valid (related to what is being assessed) • current (as recent as possible) • s ufficient (enough evidence to prove the competence) • a uthentic (conducted by the candidate him/ herself, in an acceptable environment). A POE is not a scrapbook. Therefore, to cram the portfolio full of unrelated or unnecessary material is counterproductive. Ensure that the documentation is of good quality and relevant to the requirements of your ability and expertise.

Do not fill it with material; make it easy to turn pages and access content. Be selective with what you include and ensure that it is of a good quality and relevant.

A PROFESSIONAL POE MUST CONTAIN: • a brief background of your knowledge and experience •u p-to-date information on new ideas and trends in the form of infographics, articles, workshops, videos and such, in which one can be tested with a series of questions and multiple choice answers • a uthored or co-authored articles that are validated for being of benefit to the reader/viewer •p resentations that have been compiled by the individual and validated as being of benefit to the attendee/participant •p roof of qualifications, which must ensure that: – the testing methods are in keeping with the international acceptance of assessing the gaining of knowledge from the supplied material – tests are aligned to the NQF domains,

sectors and subsectors with the credit determinants being a minimum of 66 and two-thirds as correct answer – the certification must have the correct identity of the individual, the name of the test, identified occupational code/s, domain, sector and subsector alignment and date of test – the ability for management to verify the individual’s credit attainment via an authentic validation process. Only in this way will a planner be able to substantiate their professional ability and, hence, truly stand out from the crowd of questionable ‘professionals’.

HELEN BREWER is a director of the MICE Academy. She has been involved in the MICE industry for over 35 years and has immense knowledge and experience to assist with best practice.

Take the online Q&A test and start gaining credits.



Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.